OF KOETHTJlffBEElAUD. THE Storkholiier tre hereby notified that ai. election fot . thirteen directors, to nerve for the ensuing yrtr, bill be held at the Bank ing house, on the 8J Monday In November (19ih,) ai 10 o'clock, A. M. In accordance Willi the charter, the tnnunl reeling of the tlockholdert will be held on the first Tuesday in November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ' , .. J. 11. PRIESTLY, Cashier. Nortli'd , Kept. 13, 1805 te. NOTICE. I hereby notify the public, notte trust Matilda nimmnml mi ... a. - .. f Ml . uii w; nuuiu, mm i win not pay any debt she may or will contract, ei we have mutually agreed to part with each other, and have aifjiied an agreement drawn up to that effect, by Etquiro Lake, ofShamokin. JOHN D1MMOND. Mount Cartnel, Sep. 13 1855. 3t. 3STEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I. W. TUX Kit & Co., Siiubury, I'a., jrESPECTFULLY announce that they have just received a large anJ varied atock of icuiiiJ fcoo.ls suited to the season ; an inspec Loll ol which they snhcil Ircin their friends und the public they will be sold at low prices, as they still adhere to the r old motto : "Small preits ami quick Sales." This in the end pays best, while it beat serves their cuttouieis. 1 heir clock now consist of Clutha, Cassimeres, esuiigs, Ladies' Dress Goods, ill great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Casiimcrcs, Coburgs, ull wool de laiiis, Calicoes, Scc, with a large assortment of tlrcst triiuimngs.-U rochc, Thibet, Cush- tnere, and wollen shawls, worked collars, cuffs, tleeves. chemisette, Jy-c. A new stock ol Heady made Couts, Vests, and Pantaloons, of superior M le and workmanship. Also, ilats, Cups, Um.ts am) Shoes together with a general assortment of Hardw are, (Jueeiis- ware, Uroecrics, Provisions, l.'edarnuie, Drupe, i amis, una alio .u;;. Ci.m ei.J ieo, no charjo ia made for show ing gooiis. Country produce taken in esohenge foi goodc. ei ine iiigneis'i market prices Huiibury, October 13, 1855. NOTICE. riliL annual election for Directors of the JL Mahanny and fliamokin Improvement vompnny, wm oc Held at 1 levorton, Nonbuin tier land county, on Monday, the V.M inst., at the oiuce oi me company. Hy order, 1". T,. JOHNSON, Sec'rj. Trevorton, .Sept. 13, IB.'iS tJ. S- E. Cur. 7t!i h Chisniit Sis, This Institution, which first esiauna'ted m .-M-ptcnitiLT, lbit, Ukl! iiiiml;i's nm in, im graduates hun dreds ol' tuc hukiiiess nn-u m this. IS f3 i.iiiiiiu-i t-inesj w;.s mi IruS) 4M IS g ac iw.E ! mmw - f- ! Cm) J - 5 rCr C Collaie, in a.'corannco villi Act of I.firiniuture. (fj7 ' CotnsK i,r Ix narcTioy is of a t thoroiijlily pmcliiMl rl.iiMicioi n:ul Pll fiiiiuint all tti.ise limm-lit nevnmrv "-J for me in I , b..ai(n unrl iht pupili li.ivc Hie iriviirj! of nti.-n-"1 i!.liif upon n c .urse of I.KCTt'HKS UPON COMMKUCUL LAW, tl. IJJ liverst for ihfir ;irrial uw, by eu;i- tf.' Tor trie prturiit nu n, Ihs Hot Jtdgk Smr.v.'x:i's r ir ara ni. (nffcit in Ihn t!pfwrlinprr. s. It CillTrKNDIIV.pMn-il. rr- Cntaloptift will bf. nil to any lilrtu-, on ainilipiitioii hv itur Als-, CRlTTKNDENf HOOK KF.KPIN'r;, on receipt per nir,l of the price, Sl.'.u. Key lo suins 40 e:t Fhilsitaipliis, Oct. t3, 1S55 J:n. SHERIFF'S SALE. inY virtue of a Vun. I'xp. '.o me directed, will -"- le exposed to public si!e, at the Ceurf J'o'.se in riiihbury. on MONDAY, tho t;h o' November the following real estate : A CEKTA1N' LOT OF CKOUXli, situated in McEwensville. in No: tliuniber! uul County, bounded north by lot of H. J. Ke id. r. east by Front i'.ieet, sonlb by lot vi P. ILigen berg, and weft by the same, eontnidiiiii 4- of :mi acre, more or Um. whereon are vecled a two story frame dwelling house, a frame stable, and blher out btii'oiiiis. t-'eiicd, Ij'kcii in eieci:tinn, and to le eold as he property "f J.ihn H. Cliier. IIENRV wni.-E,rtherifr. REGISTE11S' N0JICE. ."JVOTICE is hereby given to ail Legatees Creditor and other pciscns interested in il.e estates ot the louoniiii; n imcd persons, that the Eie.'Utors, Administrators, a!id Giuidians of a.tid Ettates huvo tiled their accounts vi'J the l:-c,'st"r cf Ni'thuiiiberbiiid County, ar.il that the sin!,' wi'd he presented lo the Orph,ui' (,'ourt of said t,'oui:tv, on TucJav, the 8:U d.ii of N .ienilur, A. D., b?,i, in the f.irtocou of ! t said diy, fjr confiirriatijn ami a low.itice. Cn:l Join, dee'd., bellied by his AJm'r Henry Pielar. Lpler t!eo. dee'd., sttli'd by bis Adm'r Aaron Ki i!v. IJverelt Jos. Jr., dcc'J , settled by bis Adm'r Wm. Everett Eckeil George, Jcc'd., settled by bis adm'r William Nice. Tenter Barbara, dee'd., settled by her El'r Daniel Reitz. Kline J. m. U., (final.) dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r Dennis f'.nd. I'ersing William, dee'd , settled by one of bis Ex'rs Peter Perfing. Porter John, dee'd., settled bv his Ei'ts D. Brautigam, and W. 11. Wapli s Firkins J. (;., (final,) dte'd., settled by his Adm'r Peter U. Masser. Renu Adam, dee'd., settled by bis Ad.n'r D B-N., Win. V. Silverwood Rubeuda!!, Catbirine, Sarah, and Wil'.iam, settled ly their Guardian John Daniel. Taylor Benjamiu, dee'd., kctllcd by his Adm'r Samuel Furmau. JOHN P. Pl'RSL. Registe r. Register's OIHce, ) Puiibury, Oct. t3. 1855 5 i PROCLAMATION. m . 'T " I- ' 1 .. tl.n .. n. ... I i 1 lj la ,irici'jr lii.fi. o" .'" "-'r'i i Cof.rl.i of Common Pleas. General Quarter Sessions il tlie peace, end Opiums' (mrl. Court j of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail lMhery, ! in alio nil mo i"iii: ..... ...u,,... . ........ . r.o.v.mcucent the Court Il'.use, in the 1 rough ol Sunbuiy, i,t lOo'cloek, A. M. n Monday, the Gtli dnv p( November next, and will continue TWO WEE ICS. Tlie coroner, Justices of the Pcare a:ul cousta bltt in and for the count) of Northumberland, are W!ts;ed lo be then and there in ihcir jirniicr per sons, villi tluir rolls, records iii'inii-iUoiis, and oilier rcm"nihrunces, to do those things to their several ollb-i s iii pclahiln;; to bo done. And ail wiUieHCS jirosiculin? ai beb.ilf of the Common viei.lth aguini.t any p.irontrure also reiHeled and cnnitnaiiilid to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute auninst him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their atu-ndunce, ut the time appoiutcd eareeable lo their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbnrv, the 13th diy ol Oct, in Ilia year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-fivc and the Inde- pendetice of the Uuited 'fclutes of America the Vdib. Cod aav the Commonwealth. I1F.NKY W'EISB. SheriiT. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. 1000 bushels FlaisseJ wanted immedistely at the Cheap Store -t E. Y. Bright, for which lbs bighest markut price will be rsid. 8unl ur, October 6, 18S5. If DANVILLE HOTEL, . " JO HIST DEElJ, JR., Jfarkel Street, DanMlle, Pa, Is one of tbe largest and most commo dious hotels in ths iuierior of Pennsylvaois. Jt baa ba recently fitted op, iu eiellu fty'.e, with ail tb toodenj convaoieness). pirrCa, Bp. . ZTOTICQ IN the natter of the account ef Wm. W. Ran kin, Assignee of Emanuel D. Cockly, of She. rnnkln, Coal Township, Northumberland County. Notice ia hereby given thBt the account of the said Wm. W. Rankin, Assignee of the aaid E. D. Cockley bat been filed in the Court of Com in on Pleat of Northumberland Coun'.y, togethci with the vouchera thereof, and that the first Tueaday of the next Term (November) ia ap pointed by the rule of Court, for the bearing and confirmation thereof. JAME3 BEARD, Prot'y. J'rotlionotary UHice, I 8unbury, Oct. 1855. J tc. FOR SALE. TH E subscriber offers for sale hi targe and valuable KAUM, situate in Shmnokiii town ship. Nnrthumbeilaiid County, between Kunbury and Siiamokin, two miles from tlie Koalroad and five from Trevorton, containing upwards of 5(10 ACRES, almost 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the other well timlicrcd with Oak and Cheanut. The improvements are two dwelling Houses and two Hums, wilh good Siirinu Water. It is well calculated for three or more farms, with Meadows. Oieharjs, ice. Persons desiring level farms easily tilled, Chfl'.ild ciainineil the above. He will sell on reasonable terms either the whole, or parts of 60; 100 or 5(1(1 acres. Knot aold by the first of January it will be rented. DAVID MILLER. Octolier 0, 1855.- tj0'66 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cour' of Northumberland County, will be exposed to public sale on Monday the 2'Jth day of Octo ber next upon the premises, at the late residence nf Simon Snyder, dee'd., the following described Reul Estate to wit: A certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Upper Augusta township, County of Northumberland, adjoining lands of Samuel Rutland, Uenj. lieiidticks, heirs of Ebe neczer lirecnotigh, I'cc'd., and lands of John Cooper, containing about "8 acres more or less, nearly all of which is cleared and in a good state of Cultivation, whereon are erected a TWO STORY FRAME MANSION HOUSE (wra-tiler-hoarded) a small one atory LOO H0I'5E. A two storv weather hoarded LOO HOUSE with KITCHEN. A largo fiamc Hank Hum wilh draw-sheds attached. Waggon shod. Car riage House and other out-buildings. Alan at the nine time and place a certain other Tract of Land, eituale in the township and County aforesaid, enjoining lands of Reuben Uaringer, Peter Malick, Oeorge Weier and the hrira of Rev. J. P. Shindcl, dee'd., containing about twenty Acres, more oi less. Late (he estate of the said Simon, dee'd. Pale to com mence at 10 o'clock A. M-, nf said day where the terms of s ilo will be made known hv J A COU SEASHOLTZ, AJm'r. Hy order of the Court, 1 J. P." PUKSF.L, C'lk O. C. Hunbury. Oct. . 1 S.'fl. -t J ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN piirsimiit'P cf an order of 1 l.'otiit rd' NurtliuiiibtThiinl C tho Orplmns on tit v. will I io oxpofct! to niblic taiif on Aluiuiitj tno ;itn cJny ol Novon-ilicr itfxt. ut the Coitft House in Suiibiirv. The IVillowinp; described Kcal Lstitto to' wit : A certain lot or piecu of ground, bituaie in tlie Dorouu'i cf Northum lierluml, Norttouiberliitid t'onnty, bounded north-eiiat, l.y West Wny, iiorrh-wckt by Lot Into the estatu of llev. Jits. Kay, dee'd., noutli west by the 'ef.t iiraiu-li of the riiisijuelmmni und eo'utb-ent t by a road leading to tho ltivor, Coiitaiiiitip live ucres inure or le?F, whereon is erected a laipo Two htory Drick buihlir.u commonly known us the "Cnllese Property." Lute thu "e-tale of Charles 11. Kuy. ilec'd., to b fold i.n t!;e property ol' tin; minor Children oi' said ii"c'd., sitbjcft to a lifo estate in the one half of the tame of the widows of said ileeuitscd. Side to eommeiioe ut ot.e o'clock. 1. M ., if tai l 'bty. when the terms cf Fule Will be mado known bv CJi.SS. N cCATF.S Guaruiar. Rv rri'n r ol th. Co'irt, .l.'l. I'L'iLSKL.CUi. O. O. Siiabm-v, Oct. C. 1n"i5. ts TUP. rOMMONUTAI.TH OF r H X X S Y I V A N ! A . T. J 'In Eirii!, H"itv L-ir'ni. S.imnel DirM. S'irMhPh! Vi:i,.i!n JirM. (if.Tpc Piihl, Mi.ry ! inleiin.1T .tl t.t llr.irv K'n!n5.' I. rati llnlil intri nuirni'H In JitcnS Nf )'. I" J'nrtli Iiit'UI ni't'rm irri'.l Willi J'V vi Ni Survis, hrirt n;i i I-tr-il ffprfSfiit iiivr Jwim lic!.l, ilcceasnl, uil t.i uil oiUcr pet on luteit'SU'tl. Xorthuwbrrluiirl Count, finEKTlNi. : Vtii ore hTchy iiilifil. ilt it in piirpnniir n" n writ nf psrti'.i u or it!u:.ti -li nut "f rpia:' C .uit f rti:l C nut , i-H'1 li liiret'ictl npii tlif pfiiiinii of II 11 M;itl, iiieiiff tif Win. Uu-tii. imp"! Ibc titir unit trc::' T.,rrciti -itif nf 8.'iki J.'lin Iif!:i. t'i'r '.i . rrtiirnnUlf ti .Nnvrinltr-r Ttr:ii ir.x, a;i liiftir?t I liritl up n a cr : ,hi Nnut YatTat X- . i. I'-'l l"'r fony n, r.- nf l:iiu), ir(tii-! ( i the bin. I J hn Ui 'nl f i I'rivnl m rt.pinm Sny-dtr'aC'-tnpony. I't'iMinylviiniTi Milum in tin W t r f 1- Id.) tk'-c 'riiu p n hip ir.n initi rifi'iiriMHn i t r.nA writ, ul lh Crt M u-r, in the H mutrli nf gunlmry in li.e Cmti- Ht rrtrml. hi -'.vi Suiirti.ty Itif 3-1 dnv ol nvniln'T iifit. m U' oVi-K-k A. kce 1 1 per. M , wiirti ar.tl tirre yu may ttfnd l UI.NKY WEifE, W.oriS. PhfriiT1! Offer?. 1 S'liit h:, Oct WA. S c Immense Attraction at Elflbergs Store As Washington trait first iii war, ptore, sft H."lerts Cifthimt Store is Jtrst in receipt oni:w ooous. THE friiltrU'ribcr having rernt!y rcturn?il from ilia city h ju"t hreu reorivit.fr an.) tii fi'it! to-day a splendid iissorlmvnt of nil kinds of Goods ii. bis line. HavinE selected with care, and from bis being early in the market, puicbasinii cheap be (ldlt-rs li'msell in lieinc; ahle to olItT lo bis patrons and the puMic in general, such goods ss mil suit all in st)les. quality make ami prices. In addition to Coats, l'aiits and Vests of tweed jeans and other s mil's mil able for full near, may tie found all kinds of w inter wear, such as Over coats, Durincta Coats, Dress Coals pants and Vests, made of nil imagiiiuhlr stuffs of di.l'erent colors, from light to heavy grades, cheap lo good qualities. In fact such an extensive aesorlinenl of Clothing as will not fail lo suit everybody. Also a laigo quautiiy of boy's Clothing and ali sorts of l.'iidcr-clothintr. HATS and Cops of all binds and styles; the Ksnsas-Nebrasku Hat, latest style. A good assortment of HOOTS and S110U.S, among which are good calf-sin shoes mads to nrder; Also Ladies' Gums of different kinds. As usual he has on baud a good aiaurtinent nf Jewelry, accordeons, revolvers, various Winds of ii.o!s, flue cutlery, shuts, collars, hosiery, g'o t, port muimuid, besides a great many other articles too numerous) to mention, all of which will he sold at reasonabl ratrs. Call and see and judge for yourselves. ALBERT PLSBERG. The r'lore is in Market Qijuare, opposite, lb former Post Office, a fvtt doors below Master's printing olTce.. Suubury Sept. 52, 1855. Notice to Settlo Up. ,4 I.I, persons indebted to the subscriber sre respectfully requested to call and pay up without lurther notice, between this and the 10th day of October uciU Please give it your immk- ni.TS attention. EDWARD V. BUIGHT. Sunbury, Pept. !, 1S55 3t. Fruits & Confectionery. TfaEMOVAI.. The subscriber lias removed fife, to No 'iii M.HS.IT St st rr, above Front, (Three doors above the old stand,) PHILADELPHIA. Where be keeps constantly on hand, a general stock of all articles in bis line ; consisting of Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit in sea son; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, plain and roastei : Pickles and preserves of all kinds ; to wbicb be invite tbe attention of Dealers and others visi ing the city. Goods packed at this establishment warranted to carry afe. 8. L. HERRING, No. SS Market Si., above Front, South aide. Phila., Sept. 32, 1855 3m c3. HL'SBiND'B Mffnesls f.raale by May i. VUm ae WTONTJR rHILITS, 6TETHEE & iHUMUQS, WTiot.aiti eutast m BRITISn, FltUNCIl & AMERICAN 3D3& '))I0)S, SOTOBt BXCtVSIVSLT f AtTOTION, Vb. 1 fl- 3 Dank Street, below Market, Between Second and Third, PHILADELPHIA. (7 Taeash er short time borers we will sell at a verjr small advance en Anclloa rates rhila.,8ept. S3, 1855- Smclj. FALL MILLINERY GOODS t 1855. JOSIX STONE en SONB, A'o. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. VUE now prepared to offer to their cus lomcrs, and to tho trade, (of their own im portation,) the largest and handsomest assort ment of Millineiy Ooorls. in this city consist ing in part of IJ on net Silks, Itibbons, Velvets, Fancy Feathers, Flowers, Laces, Aic. 4c. Which will be sold st the lowest prices, and on tho most favorahlo terins. Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1855 2m p2. A ME to the premises of the subscriber, resid--ing in Lower Augusta township, Northumber land county, about 3 months since a Stray Dull over two years old. Color briudle, white back, rcdish briudle head, 4 weighs about 1511 pounds. The owner ia requested to come forward prove property pay damages and take him awny. OVVENBOWEN. Lower Augusta, Pept. 1, 1855. Sm. "1 vJVif, Sv FALL STOCKof NEW Goods. fi -lit il a Reasonable Shawls. Fnshionnble Sdks. Full stock flack Silks. Dress Goods, all kinds. Blankets and Flannels. Linen and Cotton Sheetinfrs. Pt.iplc Housekeeping (inods. Cloths, ('assiinens and Vestings. EYRE A LANUELL. FOURTH A AKCH Sts., PHILAD'A. P. S. Stiirekvepera and other nH cn ii huytm snpplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods at low rate. BARGAINS from Philadelphia ami New York Auctions dnily. N. 11. - K cases French Mcrinoes, til colors, wholesale from 65 to $l,2. Philadelphia, Sept. 22, IS55. 3in wtl. FANCY 1-UKS FOIl l.ADIKS AND ClULDKKN. JOIIlsr PAHEIRA, Importer, Manufact'irer and Dealer in all kinds cf I'ancy Fnrs Ko. 28-1 Mttrlrrt Street, (iibove Uiyhth,) riiii.AUi:i.i'iiiA Havinir now completed my very larjrn and hcauutifol assortment of ail the different kinds of Fancy Furs, and fashioned in in all the different j styles and fashions that will be worn during the ' "present season hy Ladies and Children, and liein-j ; determined to sell my Roods at small profits it i will be to the advantage of Ladies and others to I give me a call hefore purchasing. N. I!. fcTOHEIiniil'Ky.S and the trade will do well to cull, as they will find one ol die largest and best variety of stork to select from the city. JOHN FAKE1RA. Sept. 22, 1 KS5 4 mos. NOTICE. Tho Invitation is to all t . LL those knowing themselves indebted lo the subscribers on note or book account are respectfully invited lo call and pay the same on or before the 10th dav of Octoher next, as we must have money to buy our Pall and Winter supply of goods. I. F. &J. F.KLINE. Klinr.grove. .Sept. 22, IH55 tf. CHEAP WATCH ANi) JKWELRY STORE No 7? S'urth Second Sheet, apposite th iiloui't Fern on Home) Philadelphia. COLD Lever Watches, full jeweled. 19 K, ra- r.es, i tsiUcr Lever do,, do.. I2; Nil ver Lepine, do., Qtmrtier. i5 lo i? : Gold ! Speel ucles .flfit) to 10 ; Silver do., $ I .10 ; silver Talde Spoons per sett, $14 to I8j Silver Hesert do., do., !j!l to $ I I ; Mlvcr Tea do. ; do., !:';4 7S to 7 fill ; Gold Pens and Gold fn ' si's, &: 25 to Jji5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. , $ I ; j together with a variety of fine Gold Jewihv, Gold Curb , Guard and Pol Chains. All goods warranted to he as represented. Watches and Jcwe lev, repaired in the hest manner. Also, Ma sonic .Minks, Puis, cVc, inudc to order. N. 15. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, wiil he punelui.llv attended to. Phila., Sept. 22, 1855. lyw. NOTICE. The underpinned hereby fives rnlirs that be will mske application to the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, lo he hohlcn in slid for tho County of Northumbeiland, on Monday the 6lh day of Novemher next, for a licence to sell Vlilions, Spirituous, Mall sod I! revved Liquora in the township of Jackson, in the County of Northumberland. WILLIAM DEPPIN. Jackson township, Oct. C. 1o5. tc NOTICE. 'IM1E stocbholdirs of tho Zi rbu Kuo and rihuiiitiUin JmproTviiiciit Cotnjvmy, nro hereby uot,fied ibut an Flection for Fivu Directors, will bo held at tiie oflii-o ot the C( inrmny, No. 47, Y ull street. New York, on Monday, tho 22J inst., from 12 o'clock, A.M., to 2. F. M. FJIWARD M. DODGE, Sec'ry. New York, Oct. 3, lt55. 3t. Land Warrants Bought. HIGHEST cstb price paid, and money remit ted by first mail. The best relercnce can l e given. A pplv or address HAML'EL 11ECHTOLD, jr. No. 80 North Cih street, Philadelphia. rSTIiounty Lands and Pensions procured snd Warrants located as usual. October fi, 1805.- 3m'i Cheap Watches fjJcweln VTHOLESALE and Retail, at ths "Phil JN ' pliia Watch and Jewelry fctore," No. 80 North Crecuud Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADEirHIA. OuM l.sier Wct-hes, full jcwtlil, 1M carnt osses, i3 (l li 'id 1 1'tiuis It-k. Idil Kine Silver Stlaclos. .W Vil ix l.ip. full lew lint, f'J t .1.1 Hnifelrts, 3 IS) Silver l.e'sr. lull )rvri'd 19 t ndiea' tii'ld 1'xnciUr, 00 f-itrtetl'T CfUHitivis, 7 '.Silver Tts spious, svt, 6,UU O-ild Spretat-lrs, 7,0o! Guid i'nis. wuli Feiicit sua Silver liulctrr, . 1.00 Gold Finder Ring's. 37 J cents to $83 ; '.Vetch G'nsscs, plain, 12cer,ts; Patent, Is; I.itnet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what Ihev are sold for. HTAl FFER A HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices, fiept. 0, 1835. ' CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY. PERV Ai ERETY, ihviie tho attention of merchants snd others lo their large slock of elegantly bound liibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Docks. Alhums, and Preaeutatioii Hooks in all styles of binding Standard Tbeoloiiicas, Medical, Miscellaneous snd School books, which they hsve received from Trade Kales and are selling st extremely low prices. Also direct from the manufacturers snd Im porters, everr kind of Plain anJ Fanes. Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Euvelope, liold and bteel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, 4c, cvC, at the lowest cash prices. PERRY & ERETY, 8. W. Corner, tb and Rsce fits. Philadelphia. 6epUmter 32, 1855. if " BLACK Putsr good article for saU by Mv I wpi(f R 4, VKVflWH OENTTTNU H0NET B'JAP. A A. mild emollient sr'JfS.,t properties of this Soap, renders it especially de serving a place on every toilet. For chapped hands, V. and various diseases of the 'kiti, it is unequaled. Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, 168 South Sccend street, Philadelphia. No other la Genuine. Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt water. This soap has powerful cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, cVc., from every description of goods without injury to them. For all domestic purposes It is superior to any other sosp in use, ami SO per rent, cheaper than the common rosin snap. Each bar is stamped. WILLIAM CONWAY. 168 Southecond street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps sperm, atcarine and tallow candles, importer and dealer in sal soda, todi ash, rosin, 6ie, : Orders hv mail promptly attended to. Phila. A'ugust S5, 1855 tf. ASTEAY. A WHITE 80W about two years old. camo to the premise of the subscriber, residing near the Northumberland Bridge, during the month of May. The owner ia requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. FIMNCM EGLEMAN. Sunbury, Sept. 22, 1855. BURTON & FENT0N, S. W. comer Sixth and Arch ttrettf, rmi.ADixi'HiA. TEAS! Teas!! an uncommonly full nnd choice assortment of black nnd preen Teas of all grades, from the extremely low price of 30 cts 35 40 fiO 00 7(1 l, '75cts. per lb., warranted to he superior to any to tie had else where at the same prices. Wo know and confi dently recommend them to be 20 percent cheap er tlmn any for sale in the city. We have also a very superior assortment of Coffee, Old Gov't, Java, Laguayrn, Muracrtriho, Kioand Cap" Lay lien Coffee. New No. 1 Mackerel and Shad in J and 1 Mil. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pine Apple, 8ap oago. New York ('ream Che.isc al ways on hand. Soup brown and white ; also if. L. Kendell & Co's Chemical Olive Soap, one Ih. of which will CO as far as 2 of ordinary brown Soap. Also Starch of different qualities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an- ehoveys. Ac, with a full assortment of Fancy Goods, to which we invito the a teution of the public locall and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Giocerie" forsnlc hy UI,-RTO. A FENTON, Wholesale nnd Retail Family Grocers and I Tea Dealers, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. N. H. Good delivered to all partt of the cily I lrce. of charge. Phila., Sept. 22, IS5.r. a pi 8y Witios DieiT. 'J'iiomas Direr. J. S. llKl'UY i SONS, JVb. 223 .Vor.'i Second Street, heloir Calloirlill, and S. IF. Comer J'.iiilth and Sprint; Garden ttreeta. PIIILADia.PHIA, VrOULD lespectfully inform their former ' customers ami others, that they have just laid in a splendid assortment of 'nrpelM, Oil Clot In, Mattings, Window Shades, Door Mats, Vc, Ac., at very reduced prices Wholesale & Retail. TAKE NOTICE. Wo will sell our goods as cheap as any other hcuse of the kind in the citv, Pmh., Sept. 22, 1S55. wilm PAUL COETSTrisr, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUN BURY, PA., Aided by some right years experience in the practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all nutter nppeitainitig lour will in the line of his profefrioti. Olfico with Charles J. Bruner, Li-q , Market street M'.nl.ury, Sept. 15, It55. tf " xjrz- up. A LL perrons indehtcj to the firm of Friling & Grant, on Note, Book account or other wise arc respectfully requested to come forward and i.iy up between this and the first of October as lliey wish to go to the city to Uy in their fall supliis. FRILING A GRANT. Sunhury, Mept. 15, 1N5.V if. $10 RE WAlil) l TIIIE above rewarj will le mul by liie Com--A- nuKsiditcri of .XorthumU'rlatiJ county, tor tin itiMCOvcry ami conviction of Iho miscrcanU who itiut U't. in tha Stuto House entry ncvpral co wi, on TusJav niUl lutt, ii'J uthrwut ii. juris the jti'Dlic buiMingf Iu the matter of the estate of Daniel Hoch, deceased. The CiWimoMrralth cf I'VmnsyUcm-ia. T ) An iM Mmi, nniil to William K.vulwer, Jacob nrh, J ,m li ich. SuiMiot.li Il'M.'li. ii.arrir.l t (iuur;c Welz.!, ,n. hum ll:ti, .Michael Hick, tlecniMtl, Imvni4 u it:iutttrr ii!iu.U ?imIi ru.ivir, uiwkr the nm? of ftiutirtui art wli 'e iuortl:uii ib , Lyb4 II.ti, dt."ceMtl, wti- wm muneii t'ti.rK! Loittnc louvuig ur innnv cliil dieii, Aunt and K:wmii1, whi liavo i,,r thuir liunnfian , .M.-iruHrei, ni tincd t JiumIj leiiliii(f, 4 'hi itri;itum, iiLiria- V Wm. Wnlf, Aiina iniirritxl i Pavid IIpm, I'hilip II ch, am. Y.Ua IV Kb. linoal dficrii1niila tl liuuicl 11. tell, docuafcd, ui.tl lo alJ clher nortuui tntrrm'M. XorthumlerlanJ County, ss. Yna r lW?!v cited lo ba, ami appmr tefor (he J-iMrrs ,h Uia Or.ltnii Cmrt, at mi UfjthAiu' Cuirt.t t t heM ut iimUirr. in an-J Ur tho ititl c uii, on tnc fust M" mlay of Nvriiilf r nnt, llirii anl thtra t - aenvpt or refuse t tfike lit- tnl riute of .ml l)uiel (trMT.tfttHt, i'U'itvl tn Upper -M-iSmn ty townttnp, oiiioming Imtii of Joliti Slier iv. J.ic tti II-rt, Duiui-I Hciiz, SsiiMirl Retti, and otliert. o mHioic aUiut Wiu res, Ac , fat t!ie vnltiuti.iu 1hmetf. tif ilmw wuw whv the iain aiiouii HA la ajtd accuiditig t'J law. And hetot. fail not. ) CTt'fiad frum th roand nf oar wid Or ntkU. piauna C.nirt nt H anbury, inia 7. fa J.y of JNO P. rPRSEL, Clk.O.C. Suitbury, Sopt. W, 16. A i SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a Fs, Exp. to me directed, will be exposed lo puhlic snle. at tbe Court House in Sunburv. on MONDAY the fth of November the following real estate; All the (b'femb'iits intereiit, being tbe uudivUcd seventh pail of a CERTAIN' TRACT OF LAND, situate in Lower Augusta township NoMhusu nerlainl county, ad.ioining lands of Abraham Wolf, the heirs of William C. Gearhnrt di'd., John Kline and others, cwitainini; sixty acres more or less, ahout thirty of which are cleared wbrreun are erected a two atory log bause and ham, Kei7ed, taken iri execution, snd to be s.iid as the property of George Conrad (son of John.) ALSO, at tha same time and place, all drfemlents inter est, being; the equal undivided one ninth part of a CERTAIN TRACT Ob' LAND, situate in Lower Augusta township, cour.ty aforesuid. aJioining lauds of John Foy, Joel Yordy, Jicub Uaker, Henry Keiser and others, containing 110 acres more or less, about 75 of which are cleared whereon are eroded 3 Two Story Dwelling Houses, two barns aud other outbuildings. ... Belted, .taken. in execution, and lo be sold as tbe property of Jacob Haupt. HENRY WniSE. 8heriff. TniCOPHEBOUS doi. for sale by Msy 19. WEISER4 RR"NER. JplROCERlKS 8egars. Coffee. Molasses Spices, Oils. Brandy. Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herrinf tnd bait, just received and for sale by T.'M. A. KNABB. Lower Augusts. May 8, 1M4. WALL PAPER A Urge snd splendcd assortment of Wtll Psper, Window f a per, tnd Oil fchtdes, jusx receiveO tnrl for ttle by I. W. TEMER A O, tzirbmTj, Mrr 7t, lls. warm- v; FltBSAND BABP3. NEW STREET FILE W0KKS, Philadelphia, TITE subscriber is constantly Manufactur ing Files end Rasps of superior quality and at the lowest prices, equal to the best Im ported goods, and much cheaper. MANUFACTURERS & MECHANICS can have their OLD FILES RE-CUT end made equal to new, at sbnut half tha original cost. Flat 13 inches $2,00 per Dot.i Flat, 14 Inches per Dot. saw-hlee, nan itounu, miusaw and other Files in proportion. Single Files and fractional parts of unions charged at the same ratel, and wirranted satisfactory. J. 13. SMITH. NO. CI NEW BTREET between Raca and Yina cV Second A Third Sts. Philadelphia. 1 lillada. ilugust 18, 1855. 3m. FOR SALE 1 jTtJ k'TEAM ENGINES 80 Horse power each, 4lfy wun uouers. tr ouio maKO excellent pump ing engines, together with S large blowing cylin ders, euitahln for a blast furnace. Apply to HENRY LOMGBNECKER A CO. Hhamokin Iron Works, Shsmakin, Pa. Sbemalln, July tl, U55, J. B. DOBBINS, ' No. 22 South Wtarven, ADOTB CIIKSTNUT STRUET, PniLADEUPHIA. DtAtKB I!l IMPROVED Super Phosphate of Lime, Ppu drette, and Land Plaster. Having every facility for supplying all articles in the above line of tho best quality, at the vejy lowest mar ket prices, would most respectfully solicit a call. Also, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Spices, Ac. Sunbury, July 21, 1855. c3m. SPE CTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Frames, T&YATHEMATICAL Instruments separate x nnd in cases. Thermometers of various sites. Spy Glasses of every description, Platina p.iiius for Lightning Rods, Magic Lanterns with seriptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscopes nnd Microscopic objects, Galvninc Batteries, Electrical Machines, Sufvcyct'a Cora passes, Surveying Chains &C. cVft McAllister brother. (Established in 1798.) 101 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Triced and Illustrated Catalogue (8 pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, ami sent by mail free of charge. Phila. Sept. S, 1850. IIENIIV 33- JTTjreSELX,, MANUFACTURER OF UmliPCilns and Parasols. i.n r.vr.nv vauikty, at tiik old stand, No. 2 North Fourth Street, rillLADI LflllA. Vf Constnntly ni limul s laree assortment, to whioh the nllpiilioii of llenlers i. rqufsleil. l'lnlsiirlpliia, sii. b, l55 line. OF every description, suitn' le for Railroads, S c., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore and Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, ev ery scale is Guaranteed correct, and if, after trial not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. VS Factory at Old Stand, established for more than twenty years, corner of ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. AUBOTT A Co.. Successors to Elliot dr. AbboR. Phila. Sept. I, 1855. 3mC. GREAT TOY & FANCY STORE. JOHN DOLL. No. 90 North Second St. between Archi- Hact Philadelphia, HAS received a largo assortment of Toys of Wornl, Tin, China, Gum, Vc, ul.-o l.nicy Uaskcts, Work boxes, Porte Mouaies, Pocket Hooks, iSrgiir Cases, SuutT und Tobacco boxes, t'ipr.,. (':;' !, i;.iu::.'iiii-iils, A crnriloons, Violins onj SiriiiHs, Muriiles, U;ui, liins, ::J nn ci.J less variety of other artieles !oi ni'Mierous lo mention, for sale Wholesale A Retail, at ie;iilur prices. 1'hila. Sept. H, :85.r 3m. "TOVES! STOVES We rrffpcMi'iitly s -ln-ii the attention of the pukit to our usDnrtiiit'iii ul M i. t.UI'.liOn lil'.ATIMi stovi:s, for Sti'rrs, H.nln. tlturch's. I'arl.us Kc. MMirnuted to ir.ve more heat Willi i.iie lluid 1 lie llifl, I)kiii liny oilier llmtiuir St.ive in use. The lime uiiiulK-r wiiK-ii Un'm Ih'cii sii'l in th.H unit other cities uml the c 'intrant sutl i.icre-iMnir drtnuiid l" tr l!iem, is su.iirienl ia.-iriiiilce ul Itieir snpeiionlv "ver oil other lleutinir Stove, and ws clieerl'nly iiivite liie slriL-fi-at I -ivt-nl .p:il .. n ol' uur tuuus to the most M'ile."t article of tin- kuiil In like. We toso hitve u superior CAt l-lltt.l., l'r firming and elteirilf:ll ,tll post's. Inil.'.e oil I lie KHU'. Mildplr, or Wit, li vi! riiniii only ti Iriutto li-iippre'iiire.t. We k,ep eou:iiiil! mi l.nl"t iin iisxortmrnt of the leadi.ur l (K und l''ltl.OIv SI'uVI.S; and ars so.e Airenl in It.:- S'uie for " iji i:i;n s iiuit.miix forgks. HtTK'-i PATKNT ruriKIMi STtlTr.S. nnd ltAHSTOW'S IMtlXMI I KO rutin tc "Aiit.on Slw'vi-.'v 1,":i..tt j'i!e L .'ii o. . he Suoi.coMl llis l iwtsl luaudry iirn-es. M-'.MA.M 4. WAKMCK, W'lr .!..:, (,.t;,i Sl..vrlif.l 'S, N. K. Cr. of SIX'ONU It ACI.Sis. Philad'a IV For Kile hv II. IJ .M.vSSKH. of this pace. riilladt'!ilna, AilK'isl 'i-'i, .Iru. " S-Au-VITC3- FTjiriD" OF TUB UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. S. L carrier 'third and Chestnut Sis., I'ltll.ADKl.t'lllA CAl'l TAL. SJSO.iJj;). MONEY ,s received on depont dailj. Ths an unl deposited is entered iii s Lleposit It .ok and S'Vfn to Ihs Depositor, or, if pn-lerreil. a cerhlinite will he given. A 11 sums, lure h id siu.i.1, sie received, snd lire aiiiuuut psld hses on deiiiimd. wilho'il iiolire. luieicsi is pnid nt the rule ..f rivs pea rKST , cim. nirnrniF tri m the dav ol drp.sn. mid eessu j fourteen das plrVMiut lo ine withdrawal of 1 1- mom y. On thq first day of J.munrv. oi eucli yi sr. t interest "f e.etl devisit is paid lo thedeM-sitor, or added w the prinei sil. hs he iiiav prefr. 'I'hs Cornpiiny lines now upwards of 3,V0 depositors in me Cuv of IMniHilfipiim slouu Anvsdiiti'uml iiifoiiiiMtn.u will be gtvso bf addressing ths Tassiouka. MKKCTCiK) Stephen It. Crswford, l'rrs'l, Wilhsm M. O.-lnrta, 1,-iwrence J' ru s in. Vies 1'ias'l, luul H ti ittdsid, lipToe W. 'l'holn;rSfii, Geira riit ttriirr, HeiOaniin W. Tmelcr, Juinc L'.-veieus, Jacob L- Floreucs, Gaslsvus Knsl.sr,. Hieretuiy mirl Treoserrr, n.lV lltlt Tsi.Lsn and Inisasas-rsa, i. C. OL.tll.SCHLA0h,n I'a.ladelphis, tfeid. I, laiir-l; P rTim Highway Bridge of the Trevorton ami biisiiuchanua Hailroad (.'ompuny, crossing the Susquehanna finer, eleven mi!o helow Xor thumlierlaml, at Tort Ticvortini (formerly Chep man) iu Union court v, to Trcvortan station" in Nortliurr.herlari J county l.eui(j rouipliteil, the puhlic are tiow itifori.ied ia open fur travel. Drovers snd ethers will find Una I lie shortest and easiest route Wtween the Susquehanna, fliver an I l'oitsi!li as it avoids til the mountains except Uroi.l Moon tin, which is cxjsieJ at the lowest elevation. Port Tievotlon, Sept. 8, 1855. Im. CIEUAKTLHS, lloise lluckeu. Painted ll uck 1 ets, Meal Tenderers, Coin llrooma, lit-. lets, Children's U spoils, and Yankee (locks ual received and fur sale hy May 26, 1855. I. W. TEIS'TR" i 1 At. Ovvrtliue, pocket llookt IjJ Portmnnies, bilk Pockel-hondkerchiels, Meck-lies, Kpring-stocks, buspenders, Ac, st, .Nov. 5. '84. VULNti'S IS TO HE. vl US. Hack. Children's Long. Hide tnd fine combs j Hair 11 rustics, Tooth Brushes, dec, for sale tt fcSunbury, .Nov. 18, VOU-NG li STOIIE. 1854. SHA1.LENRERGER'8 PIM.S.-A certain cure for Fever end Ague, for tale by WEIsKK A BKl'NER. Sunhorr. ulf 4 i8S4. FAMILY MEDICINES-Brown's Fever tnd A cue Pewdert. Ftbnestock't Vermifuge, Dr. Jr-ns s eelebvtlad twJ'lrlnee, ate, for stle HrV. fm.'U. Ijrjay oON-aTjKJ'TT&tTAJlY. WHOLES AXE AXD RETAIL, M. C. GEAIttlART, BarBrUM annonnca to the cnis of Northumlierland and the adjoitiiu-i coun ties that they have opened a Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET SQUARE, Suuburr, where they manufacture ard keep on lisud, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, sc. Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among their atack of Coiileclionarica, may be found i French Wr, Owe Dm. eHWsrfessB, Panisd Almond lift Vrn . . . Croein Whita, Mint Drops, rsd sssl wlnss, Imi iHr Csk, .Ross. Frsit Dmi, Vsnilla, ttles rsndlss, I el essays, Common BMsa Meek Csretr, Lit,uurics Almoesl Casstr, ITRUIT. lm-rrm. Praise, Datsa. fm, Cnrras's eM, Cittoi Aboosids, lUlesw, Nuts er mm Wmmm. LKMON SYKUP of a superior quality, by the eifigle or irmn. A sunnririr nna lit of Sessrs and Tobacco, and a Tsrirty of Confectioneries, fruit, die. all of which is offered chesD at wholesale ot retail. Come and are we, will trv to please, OrJsrs from a distance promptly attended to. bunbury, Au,.4, 1855. ly. CARD. JOHN O. MARKEL, ii. D., T1ERPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunburv and vicinity that he baa commen ced the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to tlie calls of ell who may desire his professional services. His office is at tho residence of his mother, Mary Mtrkel. Sunhury. July 14. 1855 3mpd. To Iron Maatcra and Dealers. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, No. 21 Arch Street, above Front, Philadelphia. CJIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS. WOVEN WIRES, of nil meshes and widths, with all kind of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Wire, all kinds. Cylinders and Dandy Roils covered in the best manner in or out of the city. A very superior article of Heavy Fonndet's Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and Sieves for Sped, Grain, Sand, Starch, Snuff, Brickdust, Ac, Ae. BATLIS.S DARBY A LINN. August, , 1855. C3m niRLOH'SnDrf.O ULIU. BARLOW'S 1NDIOO BLUE, is now well established ss tho best article ever cllcred fur Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to tho finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it his brought out several inn tatioiis. Storekeepers and consumers will bs careful to Ret Bkkjami Bjniow's, put up st Alfre d Wiltbergcr's Drug Sto-o, No. 1G3, N. Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can Bet their supplies from the Grocers and Druusists they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit. Drugs, Chemicalt. Paints, Varnishes, Dyt Stt'JTs, 4-c, with a first-rule assortment of every thing in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFRED WILTBERliER. DrutrgisU 1C9 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. IMPROVED SUPER PftOSPHATE OF LIME. THE subscriber informs Dealers snd Farmers that he hss greatly iinproincd the quality of his Super Phosphat of Lime, And now confidently recommends the article manufactured by him, ns si pm ion lo any in ths market. You arc invited to call, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, Caudles, Soap, Ac, at the lowest uiPrke rates. JoNO. L. POMif'lliY, Successor tt) Thos. V. Mortran, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. tV Farmers can load on two private alleya, and avoid tho crowded wharf, riiila., July 81, 180.V cGiii. WONDERS OF NATURE. r"JHE present Proprietor of the newly disrov- 1 ered W1NFIFLD CAVE (Umc-tor.e) in ! l)rv Valley, Union county, hereby gives notire that the cave will not be open on Sundays fur i Visitors. It may be vhtiicd by Ladies and (Jen- th'incn, n Saturdays of every week, when es- ( pecial preparations will bs mads to accommodate ; with lights. ! Ci? All persons are forbidden to break olT. i injure, or take away anv specimens fiOin the Cave, under penalty of prosecution. The pajincnt of lij cents only is lequired of everv person hcibte entering I NOAH WALTER. Dry Vnllev, Aug. 1 1, 1S5&. 3ra. j Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATf30N As COX, I SlETE, RlDDLP, St'KKKM AND WlKS OlOVB MAXt'FACTl'Bf.ItS, No. 40 North Front Sired. Corner of Cooads Alley, between Marks! and slalWrr (Arch) Streets, Philadelpaia, f-ONTINt'E to mnnilfarfllr of KiiriA-lie lly, Urass and Iron V ire Sieves of a I kinds: - - ... r. , brass uml Copper Wire Cloth for 1'aiier Makers xc. .yiiiiucra ami uanoy nulls rovrrcd in Il.e I lest manner. ! Uxtra Heavy Daster Wire of Superior finality ' Heavy Twilled Wire for e'l ark Catchers. t?ieve i tor uras aim iron roumlen, fvreen Wire, Witiilnw W ire, Sufcs, Traps, Liish Covers, Coal and Naml Screens, Scc. puncy Wiie W'oik of ev ery description. "Plulidelphia, Pept. 1, lfctS. - 3iuC. TO LA I) IKS sslTFEitlNul PHYSICIAN'S. Mrs Itetts' Ceo'liiulrd t'upiiorters have hren iisrd with uuliitLTiiiptcil iiicM'fus for ti.e hiet twenty ve.irs, l.y in.n.y llioiisund ladles. 'I'lteVHie w.'lil wrrli e.isc lord iin.i. il, being itiiout any .Metallic Springs waalc'er, uiM hive given immediate I tltei in a Ittif'c i,atiiler of rj.s wiie.-e ottier IrsK s.ireeMiul applunu'es have foled. li.tos c an, diM'it,l otithd in.'St prompt uliiittl. n. t.v f'linv t'U .Vlrs. Hells. 3it Muluul ftlreet, Hllillld-lp.lta. 'J Sanporters can t-e seal SKts by mad. Prices, g3, gd, ml $M. I'lmule'pl.ui, Se;itenil er ltt, 1 Si 1m. Trusars! TrusBes!! Truatc-i ! 1 1 . C. II. XEEDLEti, Truss or d Eraw IXablishmetit, Ccr. of 't'a-ei:hand Jluce l:reeit, 5. V, rhiladelrhia. SMPflRTBR ol fine Preach Trusses, f.-aibi. riiiB rxtreme lijlitne, easa aiij durtj-.ililv with correct cotistruoli n llcrnisl or ruitird fatiii.ts ran le s-iit?. loTcmiiting tuioilnts, as lieluw : Smiling iminUr of iiuiics round uie hips, snd slatiiifr side alU cli J. i'.... nrvi...i.. 'i' mn t. o - . . v oei, i i HIM, ,-, f.l, ft, C-O, il.'Ut-te I 5, iC, Ij'S and $ 10. liistr .ctiuus ts In near and Imw to ellcct t cure, when posil.'.e, t,.nt j with the Truss. Also for sale, iu jjrcal aiu-Iv, i Dr. Eaimiiig'i Improved Patrnt Body lirart,' For the cure of Prolapsus. L'leii; Spinal Props j snd Supporw, Patent r-'iioulder Itraeea, Chest j Expamlera and Erector Urates, adtntrd to til with Stoop eHvouli'ets and Weak lungs; English Mastic Abttoiutral lieits, suspensories, byringes male snd female. . , tV Ladies' (looms, with Lady tttemlants. Philt.. Aug. 4, 1855. ly P 8. AtllES' Dress Goods, fpring and riummt J thtwlt, Uliu ksilk, tilk poplins, De Ltine. liLighams, De hags, Lawns tnd rtlico, just re ceived tnd for stle by WM. A. iCNABB. Iwer Augusti, Msy 8, 1854. GLOVES Uuckskiu Uloves tnd Muu, .Ja Gloves wool lined, Ltdirt Gloves, Cl,i dren's do., Mitts, Ac, at Nov 18, '68. VC'CXG'8 STORE. A Fine lot of Wall ft per just received and for etlf be WM. McCAETV, Market Uritisli Pei ibdicalA EARLY tCf.vitXKO. fcrrremiunt to yew Eubsinbm 1 1 1 IJEOOArtD SCOTT A CO, Nw Tor, ermtlntis o r publish UiS lul owing urn . - TH D LONDON Q0 APT KRLY (ConserTUive) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whij.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fri (t'l ) THE WKSTMINSTF-tt REVIEW (Librt.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURQ. MAGAZINE (Tory). Tt.s prsse'it erlttrnl sojie of Karonrem stTsirs will rwi'l Oisan pulihosiiot.s uu'istsl'f intsri-sliue during ths loriB ooirm t ywr. Ths will .t-i,i rr.idJIs ground b"t? llis hssiiiv wrtt-ii iies-ilf -es. cn: lo siuulatious uirt fl li s ismoisof thsd.idr Jiur;isl, and ll.s pondermis run .Hide fjt.i' biar,i-..i, v.rnton af'er the lirir Inl-re aa-t sai'iistiimt n Ins s.rst .litil events "f "' time ahslt h..e psssed ns'iiv. It is to Uibss Perlodiosls lns rsadsrs ransi l.; f-.r tha only rssHy intraligihls simI "lis hie h.slory i.fcu'renl events, and ss such, in additl'Si U llieir wali-eautirrs'iwl liletsry seisntifle. and tneol tl ehiirnctei, wsaigstlisru spoil ths OJimderaUoii ol Ite tsur!'"ir nhlio. , . Arrs 'S nwriU ara now permanently mis ror nt rYneiptm'Ksrlr Sheets from lh Hiiilsli Pnbbshera, by wlifii we srs eneb.ed lo place H 'or Iteprints in lbs hands nf siitiiuiriturs. ablates so hi astl eyean bs fpraisliss with the foreijn c .pies. Although tins invr.lvee s very lures outlny rm our rt, wa shsli on'tinas to furnish id Pe:iodiMLI st tis snnm low mtsa s heretofore, SugMjse, wili lbs following PrsimuniS t" new f uliseribsrs. TEIIMSAND FHEMIUMS. S list of Premium Volumtt btloro. 1 "ersns". Ffir sny one of as four Rsrewsand ons rrem v d tl For any two " ' " '.' For aiir three , " " 2.- For nil four f the Reviews " two JJ For ftlnckworid'a Mss-itin " ' For Blackwood and three Uevlews three " VJ For Dlackwrnd 4 Ihe four Rsvie-s three " 10 Wf 'aliments U be mude in alt cases in advante. Mmty current in the State where issued wtii be received at par. Thv Premiaros cumit of ths fol!owl:ijr works, bat Volumes cf which will lie g:v.ni lo new Saosenbers aeoor ding t.i the lumber uf periodicals ordered, .as sbeve e- '!l"d: PREMIUM VOLUMES. Forsio dcsr.Tt3i.ar Ravitw (one year J llLsr two o's Maia2I.-:v rsit u ill lis) . l.oxa Qi:tiiRi,r Rbviiv one yeai). i;ui.vsiiij Hevif.iv (one ye-ir). .MsTp.or.iLlT" MaasaiNC (sit months) tVusTMisTtR Hkvisw (rnie year). ConsLC-utive rreminni vnlnines eai.n 't in all eases be furninlKl. except nf tha Foreren Uuarterlv Review. Te prevent disapjioiiiimerit. theief.ire, where that wmk is not alone wanted, Suhsi rilier will please onier as many diflei etit works for premiums as there ars volcmet to whisk they may be entitled. ciuBBirro. A dinfovirt r.f tvf:itv-ii.- per vnt. frum the rb0V6 prl crm w.:: i;t ii!inve 1 to Ciuto oi Ildi b fmr or mo(c of , v O'tf nr m re r vr xrorki. Thui: Four c'jitM nf B'Tir-kw-NMl. ur tif one Ite..vw. will t seat td nue ndttrM f r : t-mi r pnp.fi of the four Rc iitti and Pf 1ST AGE. Iii stUhe ririn'ipal Cities and Towns, thett works will h rWiverpil. inmirrh Aecnls, FltKK OF l'DSTAfiK. Vhell fi-ii- hv mud, the FcBtjice i inny pirt of the I'liitad. ?t-.tes will I lint 'I'vveniy-I onr t ents a year for "111 i. k worst," dud bat Twelve Cents a year for each of Ihe Ftt- lewl. neiri!isar?s and corr.rr.nnirslinnt should aivays ae addiessorl, post-paid, t-i trie l'tdrlrsiiers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., fit OOt.D STREET, NEW VOR. N.B 1.. ft Co. h.ive re-entK- .nl)!ihed. nnd have o-.v tor rile, the "FAK.MF.lt S GLIDE," lv Henry Ste phtas. rf F.dinliureh. and Prof. Nnrton. of Vale College, N'v Haven, complete in two vols. rn-. Moctuvo, c(nsiiimg liVio paces, u steel and 00 wood engravings. Price io, mu-ini iMiioing, o. fir" Tiiis work is sot the old "Root, of the Farm," lately ttKrrcrrTEtniid thrown upon tha Market. New Ynik, Deceinlier in, If it. AYER'S PIILS. rOB ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY. pnYsic; TesRi has Inn;; existed a public demand for an erTective purgative pill which cuuld be relied on ts sure and perfectly safe in its operation. '1'hie ii been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose desio"-' It ia easy to make a phvsical pill, but not easy r make the best of all piiti or.e which should have none of the objections, but all the advantag( ef, every other. This has been attempted bcre, ,ji wilh what success we would respectfully submit l the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative, medicine is acrimonious imd irritating to tho bow els, 't his is not. Many of them produce so much (rriping pr.in nnd revulsion in the svstem as to more than coMntcrbaTance tho Rood toW derived from then. The.": fills produce no irritation or pain, Unless it arise fVrrm a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement iu the bowels. Beina: purely vegetable, r.o harm can arise from their use in any quantity j but it ia better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which thv ere cp plicable are Riven on the box.' Aiiwriif Oie com plaints tvliich have been speedily cr.red by them, we may mention Liver Uoi.ipla.int, in its vuicue firms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Lnnfiuor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlearness, Iiritaliilily, liitir as Headache, Liliiuis I'ever, Fever and Apue, l'ain in ihe Sids and Loins ; for, in truth, all these ar but the con sequence of diseased action in tha liver. As an apvrient, tbav stlord prompt and sv.rc relief in Uot tiveness, Tiles, Co'.i.', Itvtentcrv, Humors, Scrot als and icurvv, Lotus vim soienets oi ma nc ,, Ulcers and inipurity of tlie blood; in short, a"y and everv case where a purgative is ieuired. 'ihey have alw prod tr-e t eft.ie siinularly tt-5-eessful cures in Kheumatisin, Omit, Piotisy, Clrnvtl, Ervsipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, TVr.s iri th liaik, Stomach, and Side. They alinuld bcf:fc'.v taken in the spi.utr, of the year, to purify the blood a 'd prepare tlie system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomHc.i ana bowels into healthy action, and restores tl. a;ipe- tit. .nd ioe. Tiiev nnrifv the IdonJ. and. bv their ttimultut action on the circulatory sytttm, veno- vale the strength ot lite ui.uv, ana rcsiore ins wasted cr diseased et:er:es of the whole iirDan'sr". lieiice an o.disiimal dose is advntiu.cous. even thcujrh no seiicus deninjtcment exists; tut un necessary dosing; should never be earned to far. ! as even- puru-alite muon-ine reduces uic siieuni'i, , when taken to excess. 'Ihe thousand case in wh-'ch I t phvsic is required cannot he em.inrutc.l here, but I thev' sussest thciusdves to the reison of corv i bod'v; aiid it is confidently believed this pill will i answer a better purpose than any thins which has I hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are om-e known, the public will no loneer I doubt what remedy to cmplov when in need ot t 1 esthartic medicine. lleinK sugar-wrapped they are ! pleasant to take, and bcinir purely vegetable, no ; tsrm can arise from their use in any quantilv. for minute uirecuoue sec wrapper on Ul liol.- Pi'.UVAKtD BV JAMES C.-AYEE, Prtxcticnl oiu Analytical CbcuiWt, ' LOWELL, MASS. TA U CU ptr Box. rive Boxes, far $1 AYEH'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For tlie rapid Cute of COrGHS, (01.1'S, 0AKSKESS, BUOM HITIS, M HOOPIVv.-! 01GU, IKOir, AS'I'II !. A.VU xO.si.Mnio.. THIt remedy ha wr.u for itself saeh rotorisry tVom its eures of every variety ff p uimonarv disease, that it is entile ly ui,nei.esta:y to recouiit the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it hss been employed, tso wide is tlie held of its iits fllncs, tnd so numerous the cases i f its cures, thut almost every section of tlie country abonv.uS in persona, publicly known, who have been risii" 'C tiuni alarming aud even dopcrate U:.ea.ei "f the lungs by iu use. When onre tri.-a ii( iuinority ever every other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, and vr'icre ita virtues axe known, the public no lunger fcesitate what antidote to employ for the distmsing and daiifterous affeo bona of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. . And not oulv in formidable at . Uckt upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties cf Colds, Colqhs, lloAkatxeas, is.; tad for Chilohes it U the pleatantest and safest msdieUe that can be obtained. . . At It bat long been in constant use throughout (hit teetion, wa need not do more than assure the Kple iu quality is kapt up to ths best that it ever been, tnd that ths genuiae article it told by JVtaei Burner, e:-bar) ; Bird John, Sliain 'km i W. Wieroer. Nortlmuineiwnd ; J. K. rnw, Al . IUm. J tud bv alt Priurl'iia iu Nviisiu I'cuua) Ivsuav isus S3, liii If. L'aKD W AR RA!r TtwFhJjlghest priee will 1st than for Ltud WarranU by the eeb tniees. . H. B. MA8R- 1,DELU0L8 INK m 'mmrw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers