SUNBUitY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOUKNAL. TilE TVZZIXH'3 COiMEK. Tor th Banbury American. MISCFLI.ANEOIS ESMMA. . Ittm tompoied of 14 lettert. sly 1 14 8 T a it a emmty in Penntylvani. Mr S I 4 3 8 0 ( river in N. Amend. My 3 7 6 it handy article. , , , My 4 14 ii town in h stnilhien part of N. America. My It 4 i noble Ire. M y 8 7 it member of th body. My 7 8 ( it numeral. M y 9 1 1 it the nirfilcst of fJod't work. Mr 6 I 14 it for the comfort of men. Mt III 7 11 4 it plenty i Pennsylvania. My II 4 l whulctome drink. My 14 4 I i t mure of mmjnuilna in Oceanic, My IS 4 S 9 14 it t kike lit Kuropa. II. 14 I 6 wiH toon be tip. hotel, My whole hut ranted mrs coolneat betwcm i Hi e United tales and Grunt Brtlain, limn did the war of lHia. Answer nt week. JSmbury, Aug., 153. " A STRING OF IT J MS WIGHT ASD DAY. Married, at St. MariinViii-ihe FieUln, Loudon, Valenlit.e Knight, Esq., of Buntinck Terrace, Berfenl'a rarkj to Mis Julia Day, known in literary circles, and" lo all leader of fashionable noveli. "Extremes will meet," the poctt my, And dtikneti it abtorncd hy li?ht, Bnt now the young ond eiuiling Day Jt swalkiwed up by endlet Knight." An association of colored people ha been foimed in Western Pennsylvania, toemigrulo to Liberia, in November next. The Si. Louis Conncils havo rrsolved to ...k.omIu, itsnonOO in each of the North Missouri and Iron Mountain Railmad. Mr. Win McCaslin killed in one day last week, on the l'arm'of Wm. Bull, near Wise burp, Buliimore county, fotty-scven snakes. Rev. A. Hewllt. late of Milton, Pa , has become pastor of the Baptist Church in Whitewater, Walwoilh county, Wisconsin. Two men were conversing about the ill humor of their wives. "Ah !" said one, wiih a sorrowful expression, "mine is a Tartar !" "Well," replied the other, "mine is worse than all that mine is the Cream of Tartar !" Charles H. Mason, Esq., Secretary of the new Washington Territory, and John S. Clendeiinin, District Attorney of the same, sailed from New York on Friday in the steamship Georgia. A Spanish needle woikeil hamlkcrchiuf, the handiwork of a lady of St. Atieustine, Fla., drew the highest prize in the World's Fair at London, of any article of the kind exhibited their. Butter should always be churned in a toom or apartment, the temperature of which is between thirty and sixty degrees. At sixty degrees, butter is obtained in the great est quantity. Nails Growinq in the Flesh. A late writer of the Ohio Cultivator uives the fol lowing remedy : ,!Cut a notch in the middle of the nail ev cry time the nail is pared. The disposition to close the notch draws the nail from the ei.les. It cured mine after I had suffered weeks with its festerings." A mathematician being asked by a stout felluw, "If 2 pigs weigh 20 pounds, how much will a large hog weigh?" he replied, t:Jutnp into the scales, and I will tell you iui mediately. A Man Nine Fket High. A giant, nearly nine feet in height, is shortly expected to ar rivo in Madrid. lie is a native of Lachar in the province of Grenada, and is only twenty throe years of age. He eats as much as five men, walks with extreme rapidity, and has boon twice married, but both his wives are dead. Ilia object in visiting MailuJ. is to demand the hand of a female of gieat beau ly, who keeps a coffee house. He is descri bed as so great a coward, that he will allow a child to ill treat him. A Singular Case. The Exeter News Let ter states, that a gentleman residing in that town, owns a cow which ho dare not let out to pasture oi into the street, such is her ma licious disposition and perfect hatred of the human species and especially of women and children. The owner of the cow also has a cat upon his premises, and although the gen tlest treatment and all the blandishments of the dairy have been proffered it, no person has been able to lay hands upon it or even to lure it into the house. Strange as it may seem, these two wild animals have the best understanding between themselves, and ap pear to be perfectly happy in each other's company. While few persons dare approach the head of the cow, the cat sleeps in her manger, or upon the cow's back, eating wiih the cow from one pail, and receiving the kindest treatment from her. Animalcules in Water The idea enter tained by most persons, thut all water, whether found in springs, wells, brooks ponds or cisterns, or even that fresh rain wa ter, is filled with living creatures, is, as far as the microscope enables us to ascertain) without foundation. Water is a compound of two gasisei hydrogen and oxygen and the existence of animalcules iu it is altogeth er dependant on ceilain causes, principally on its contact wiih vegetable matter ; thus, if you take a bowl ot water, and place a handful of hay or other vegetable matter in it, in a few days the top will be covered with a scum, w hich, by pulling a small quan tity under Iho Microscope, will be found to be a mass of animalcule), but still only of the lower order, most of in em being l lie inunuds : tha simille.t of this cIum being so minute 80,000,000 can swim about in one drop. Deep Well. The deepest artesian well in Ameiica is now in progress at the sugar refinery wo:k of Belcher 4i Brother, at Si. Louis, w here ii has reached the extraordinary depth of 1750 feet, far below the level of a grttut purl ion of the bottom of the Mexican Gulf. The boring it to be continued until g od waler is reached, which is expected to b al the depth of about 2000 feet, and llii. w.:, lm the deepest well in the world. The ti ii,,;, f.,, h,(4 ,.,( f jo noo, and the only rvsnli hut buen streams of salt and sulphur . water. Tim hole, v. huh in 3i inches in di atno'er, is burud wiih an auyur driven by a V'-uii eri'ii.e, ifni instrument penetrating yj mi fon feel daily. The rods measure 331 I in Ion ii, aud are put together wiih c. 1 111 p r o t e in e u t A h e a d ! ELIAS BROCZOUS f 1EREDY informt hit friend and the public generally, thnt ha his jutt received at hit old atand, in Market aired, opposite Weaver's Jn excellent assortment of MOROCCO, FRENCH CALF SKINS, French Lastings, And all kinds of linings and Shot findings, which lie offer to the trade at reasonable prices, lie also informs hit customer ane others, that he still continue the Shocmakmrf business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable atvle, and on reasonable terms. Siinburv, Juno 11, 1853. ly. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned cilir.cus of llie Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, that npplirntinn will be made to the next T.CKiMiiitiiie of said Commonwealth fur the erec tion of a body corporate to tie styled "J hi Suftncnr 8avios' I.istitvtk," to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, with discounting privileges, and with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young, Adam Shisslcr. Tboma Robins, Daniel Drurk- miller, Fredk. Lazarus, Geo. M. Yoitngmnn, Vo ter B Matter, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement Beiij. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal, Stmburv, June 23, 1853. 6in. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN SUNBURY. ELSBERG & CO., respectfully announce In the inbnbitnnta of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa., opposite the Post Office, oJjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street. They arc just opening a splendid assortment ot lasmonamo Spring and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cussimers, Satinelt, Linens, Checked and fancy ctofft rams ana lows. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other est. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of nil Kinds of Hats and Cops, Shirt and Collars and Gentlemen's furnitdiing Goods in general. All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public mav rest assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store is mado up well, as one of the linn is a practical tailor and our whole Mock of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and Sec ; No charge for looking nt our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury. Alay 7, 1853. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, Sunbury, l'a. The American TLEADERS" ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the Lnitcd btates. By Collinson Reed, Esq., Jpsae legis viva vox With notes and additions, together with a short system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiudcl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has lieen received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg : Hinnisui Ro, June 30, 1853. Gsjtlemex : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection end composition of the precedents thus oflcrcd to the public The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstcm of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, end the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of avembly, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great rcRpect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindcl, Esquires. Sunbury, July 9 1853. Emporium of Fashion And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods JOHN V. 3IA11TIN, 1 1 AS RECEIVED at his establishment, on Deer street, one door north of C. J. Bruncr'i law-oflicc, in Sunbury, the most Splendid and Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been oflcred in this pluce. His slock consists in a great variety of CLOTHS, lmong which are superior Black, Brown, Green, Olive Claret, Belgium Cloth, French Cloths, Russiun black, &f. BLACK AND BROWN CASHMERETS, Black plain doe-sbn Cassiincres, Summer and Winter Cassiincres, jfc. VESTINGS, Black Satins, (a rich article,) excellent Matseilcs Buff, White, (Figured and Plain.) Figured Grenadine, superb Waleied Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Tweeds, Linens, Cravats, Hoseiry, Plain and Fancy Trimmings, Gentlemen's Collars, Suspenders, &c.,&., &c. Call and see his assort men t of goods. He challenges inspection, and politely invites the public to test their quality by procuring the best and neatest coals, pants, vests, &c, in the coun- I v A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate silualiona at thia establishment. Sunbury, .May SI, 1853 3in. DISGOLTJTIOIT. TM1E partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Jume Taggart & Son, was, on the 13th day of June, 1853, dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the linn will be settled by James Taggart, who holds the books. Those iuJebicd to the firm are requested to call and make settlement of their account also all persons having claim against the linn are requested to send in their bills for puyiuent. JAMES TAGGART. GRANTHAM I. TAGGART. North'd., June 18, lrlftj. If. 85 11EWAIM) ! riHE above reward will be paid for the diseov X ery and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any of the properly of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad Company. BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, 1853 If. 1R. II. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for cough, -cold. and pulmonary disease. A unply of ibis valuable mediciu just received and lor tale y IL B. MA8SER. Sunbury, June I, IB;-. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of Patent Letter Copying Prcisen, Patent METALLIC DAMPENER9, Brushes, Oil Paper, Blotting Board, Copying Ink, &c l atent rarchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all other, and each pago printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keening; in a DooK-iiKe lorm, Letter received, Original Invoi ces, cite. Puila, April 9, 1853. ly. TIIE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND TIIE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, BLAYLOCK'S Model Spring Style Hats, IN EQUALLED by any others in all that can render satixfnetion In the Wearer. iMve them a trinl. The Very Finest Moleskin Hats for 3,50 Second quality, very fine, 3,00 J nird quality, a capital article, 2,50, All these are warranted. Model Hat Store, No. 46 North 8th Street 1 lulnilclpliia, Phils., April 0, 1853 Cm. NEW STORE. TIIE undersigned take this method bf thank- mg Ins friends lor their liberal patronage and informs them lie has taken the old stand lntoly occupied by James Taggart fc Son, where he will be prepared at all timet with a large sup- yj guuuo, troiieiHiuig oi CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VEST1NGS, &c. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every description. (roccrles, itieeiiKwnrc, Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Finh, 4c, flc. Which he will dipoe of on reasonable terms, and hopes by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their putronage. G. I. TACiGART. North'd., June 18, 1853 if. ltopu 3Ianulactory. THE subscriber respectfully informs the people of Northumberland and Sunbury, and the public generally, that lie has constantly on hand and manufactures to order, all kindsof Boat ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and lines of all kinds, at his establishment in Northum berland. RICHARD MARSHALL. North'd., June II, 1S53. 3m. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customera and the public, that they have just rccciv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Thoir stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimercs, Sattincts, Vestings, Flannels, Wollens, Ife., And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoct, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Lain-s, Berages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also nn extensive assortment of Hats and Cai's for Men and Boys. Also a large assortment of GItOl CllIKS, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, ColTee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE. Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of DHt'G9 AND MEDICINES. Besides Ihe largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 30, 1853. J. X3. GOULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) A'o. 161 Chcs'nut Street, Sitaim's Building. PHILADELPHIA. INTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, and - Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the tale of Hallet, Davis &. Co' (Boston) PATKST SlSI'E.NSION II 111 1)0 K vEoliait and other PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's fiiiilars, Harps, Violins, Shkf.t Music, Music Books, Ac, Ac. Resident of the country will bo supplied by mail or otherwise with any music they may wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of tha largest stocks in the United States, I feel conlidcnt of satisfying all who may fwor me wiih a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly. NORTHUMBERLAND Select School for Girls. Under the Care of Miss E. Calvin. INSTRUCTION will be given in the ordinary English Branches, Physical, Sciences, Alge bra, ficoinetry and Languages. A Session will consist of twenty two weeks, Second quarter to commence on the 13thof June. Tebms. Orthography, Reading, Writing Com position, Urography, English Grammar and Arithmetic per quarter. 83,00 With any additional English study, $4,00 Algebra, Geometry, or Languages, 5,00 Music, Painting, and Drawing, each seporate and at the customary rate. References. Dr. it. B. MCay, Northumberland. D. Taggart, Esq., Hon.. Joseph Casey, New Berlin. Rev. Dr. M 'Kinney, Ed. Pre. Banner Phila. II. G. M'Guire, A, M., Principal of Central Institute, Philadelphia. Northumberland, May SI, 1853. Sin. UTl V ElTwATC H ES. A few double case Euglish Silver Watchea, for vale at very low price by It. B. MASSER, Sunbury, April 13, 1851 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgage, Bonds, Execution. Summon Ac, fur sale hy II. B. MASSEIl. Sunbury Auri 86. 1851. ULANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had by applying at the office of the American. CMITII'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GER, a fresh supply just received, and fox sale hy U. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jau- 10, 1831. NEW STORE. BENJAMIN I1EFFNKR T ESPECFFULLY inform the citixens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he his opened a new store in the mom lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. Ha has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i fJnllcoen, Ginghams, Lawns, MouNselinc Do I.alncs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various siyles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS tk SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, isc. And a great variety of other articles such a are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. W Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ly. Drugs, Paints, Oil, "Window Glass, fyc. 5 Toxs French zinc white. 10 tons Pure White Lead. 5000 Boxes Window lilast.all sizes. Superior Totrifh, Copal, Coach, 1. eith er d- Iron varnish, white Dcmar varnish for China Gloss, with a general assortment of trcsh and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enamlcd (jlass, fee, cVc, forsale very low at ALf Ktu niMDMi'iun Dm? and Paint Stoie, No. 109 N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge. Phila., May 28, 1853 ly. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SII.VKR WAKK, Whnlenlc and Hetail nt No. Ti N. BKCOND St., opnotite the Mt. Vernon House, Gold Lever Watehet, full jeweled. 18 k. ensea, 8-ie.liU ; Silver Levers, full jeweled, 813,00 ; Silver Lepinea, jeweled, $),- (KJ all warranted to keep good time. Uold Pent and Sil ver Cnie, U,Ull; Gold IVncili. ei.00; Quid I'eneilt and Pen C'anei with pood Gold Pent at lw nt ta,'l Ice. Alto, alwnva on hand a aood assortment of fine gold Jewelry, Gold Curl). Guatd and Fob Chaina, Gold Vest Chaint, Ladiei' Gold Knh Chains and licit Pins. Silver Table Hponna from 814 to 818. Dessert, 89 to 821, and Tea, 84,7.7 to 6,50 per aet, warranted equal to coin. All gnout wnrrnutcd to be what thev are told tor. 7 Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. 17" All ordera sent by mail or otherwise, will be punc tually attended to. M. A VISE, A pent, No. 7i North SECOND Street, opposite the Mt. Vernon llmi pe. Phila., April 33, 1853. ty. PAIPsBAlTKS' riatibrm Scales, Long Inoitmfrveretf ttsted Always right Tht Aclnoulcd- --V-v-A. ffC" Standard. G. jtauronu, nnv, uai, anu rar SEj?' c-- a r vi . : .. ...... - ""-I VAUi)l.' Kl III BOJ fo of the countrv, at short notice. jiGEN'y.V HEO. W. COLBY, 340 Market St., Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbury. yhilo., pril 23, 1853. Hohhy Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by BTJ3H1TELL & TTJLL, No. 61 DUCK Street, Philadelphia. Orders through the mail promptly executed Phila., April 9, 1853. lv. "Notice To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United Stales, Alexander L. Ilickey 05 Co., THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE M F.DAL TRUNK MANUFACTORY, No. 118 CAcsnuf Street, (Front of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchants and Traveller one of the largest and most improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever oll'cred for sale in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags, Hand Coaches, Gigs, Ac, ic, all of which we are prepared lo sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. 1I1CKEY & CO., No. 148 Chesnut Street. Phils., April 9, 1853 Cm. WILLIAM PERKINS' Gentlemens Fashionable CLOTHING HOUSE, jVo. 231 Chesnut, Third door Mow Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on hand a full stock of French and English Piece fioods, which will he made to order at tho Shortest Notice, ill the Latest Style, KOK CASH. Phila., April 9, 1853. Cm. Important to Coal Dealers. rTlIIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kate, Reed ic Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and telling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on tho most reasonable terms. Order received at Shamokin hy KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. Laborers Wanted. THE subscriber want Immediately on the Railroad and Bain, at Chapman, Union county, seven mile below Selinagrove, from 60 TO 100 LABORERS, to whjm ona dollar per day will pe paid. 8AVIDGE. WJLVE2JTON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1853 it. VRN OLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe ive and legal envelope, for sale by H. B. MA8SER. Sunbury. Jan 10. 1853. LANK NOTES, waiving tha exemption law of $300, for sale by jiill, 1851. H. B. MAPSER. f1 VAT . - .M-i C3-S500 CHALLENGE. WHATEVER concerns the tirolta "nd hnpnlnett of a people it at all timet of the moil ynliiabla Imp;'" tnce. mil. il for mnte.1 Ihtt every pe"" a" their power, to tave tht livot of their children, and that every person will enflinvor 10 pronvHcwicii all tuerifieet. I fool it to be my duty to mlemnly attnre you that WORMS, accordinn to the opinion oi in. mm oelebraled Phyticiant, art tha primary catiael cil a ni. mnjorilyol diientct in wnien cnnnrcn . .......... bla j if too have an appetite continually elmnBcolile from nnaViiHl of food to another, Und Krealh, Pain in the fl'o- m,.r.l. Piiri... th n,mu. Iliinltirat nnd l untieta oi tfiv that all then, denote WORMS, and you thonkl al once ap ply Hit remedy i He v. iirv cr.uirii. r nw r ever,, HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An article founded npon Scientific rrlnclplct, eompound- nri with m,rlv BwlnM hiImIaiiccI. beitlff Derfeetlv BHft when lalten, ami enn h iven lo the mnrt tender iiifnnt with decided heneflclnl effect, where Bowel Compliiinla nd Diiirrhnt lmv made them weak and debilitated tnt Tonic, properties of my Worm Hyrup are aueh, that U tutnda without an equul In the entnlogu of medieinet, in vinff tone nnd tlreiipth to the Stnmneh, which mnkei it n Infallible remedy for thote alllieteil with llyieiia, tht antoniihiiia; euret performed hv tail 8yrnp after I'liyti eiant hav. failed, it tht belt avidenee of itt tupcrior effi cacy over all olhera. THE TAPS WORM! This la tl,a mat ,l,ffli..ilt Worm to destrnv of all that In feit the human tystem, it (mm to an aluiott Indehnite length becomine: to coiled and fattened in tha lutcaliixtt and Stomach elfeelinK the henllh to Bndly at to cause St. Vitut Dance. Kilt, Ac., thnt those afflicted teHlom ir ever unmeet that it it Tnne Worm haMenint- them to an early grave. In order to destroy thil Worm, a very energetic treatment must lie pnraned, it would therefore ! proper to takeS to 8 of my I.iver Pills tost to remove all olntruc tions, that the WormSvriipmnyaet direct n)Hinlhe Wolin, which mart lie taken in d.itet of 8 Tnhleipoourullt 3 timet a day these direetinui followed have never liei n known to fail in curing the most obttiuute case of 1 ape YV orm. K7- HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part of the ivtlem is more liable lo ditente llinn the LI V Kit, it serving na a filterer to puriiy the Mood, or giv ing the proper secretion to Ihe hile j to thul any wrong ac tion of the Liver effects the other nnportnnt ports ul the tvstem, and retuitt vari'iuily, iu Liver Complaint, Juun d'iee, Dytpeptin, Ac. We should, therefore, walch every svmpt'im that miaht indicate a wrong anion of tht Liver. These Pills being composed of KOO'l'S ft. PLANTS fur nished hv nnture to ;ca I e sick : rVumelv. 1st, Ail PKCTOHANT, which augments the secretion from Ihe Pulmonary mucus memhriinc, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd, An ATI VK, which ehnnges iu some inexplicable and insensible nrmner tho certain in lbid action of the syslcni. 3rd, A TONIC which gives tone nisi strenclh to the nervous svttem, re newing henllh and vigor to all purls of the body. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which acts iu perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on the Bowels, nnd expel ling the whole muss of corrupt nnd vilialert matter, anil pu rilying the Blood, which destroy disease and restores heulth. TO FEMALES. You will find these Pills nn invaluable medicine In mnuy eompliiiuts to which von are subject. In obstruction, ci ther total oi piirli:il, lliey tinve been found of mcstunnhle benefit, restoring their t'uiicliounl urnuigeinrnls to a heal thy action, purifying the blood and oilier ll'iiils so effi-ctu ally lo put to flieht all eompliiiuts which m;iy arise I'nan leinale irreguiurilies, ns hcaimcrie, guiltiness, dimness ol tight, pain in the aide, Imck, Ac. 7 rrire, 2a ei'iila ench. None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobensaek, all others being Uise Ituitalion. ry Agents wishing new supplies, nn-t Store Keepers desirous of becoming Ageuls uni.t nd.lresa the Proprietor, N. Ilolrtiiisnek. Philiiilclpbiii. l'a. Sold by J. W. Friling. Snuburv : Mnrv McCnv. Nor- thuinlierlnnd : Heisel, Turbntville; Itiivr, . Milton : Ililtv A Lenker, Georgetown ; Leiscnring A Wolverton. Puxi lios; Wiest, Hiekory: all dealers in Medicine iu the County and State. August 14, 1S52 ty. CARS, OIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Coinniision Merchants, 23 and 25 Spears Wharf, BALTIMOUI- REFERENCES. John Clark, Esq., Picsideut Citizens' Bank, Bait. A. P. lilies, fcsq., I ashler franklin Bank, " John Hcrlzler, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Sitiuickson & Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port Do- posilo. J. Wnllowcr & Son Harrisburg. Col. H. C. Eyer, Sclinsgrove. J. H. App &Co., ' Nagle, Wingate & Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Munry. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " Georcc li inline, Hughsville. W. Weaver & Co., Montoursville. Gen. William P. Packer, W iliiamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, " Jumps H. Hiding, " Lewis (i. Hulinpr. " M'Hcr.y & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, Esq., Lock Haven. CV Carr, Giese & Co. have the largest wharf room of any commision house in Baltimore, al- waysgiving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes, March 12, 1853. IMNMoliiiO" of Partnership. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the name of Juincs II. & Wm. B. Hart, is this day dissolved hy the withdrawcl of William R. Hart. The business of the late firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 229, North 3d street. JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM B. HART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have this day fortucd a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of James 11. & Thomas Hurt. Thank ful for past tavors. they respectfully ask the at tention of Iheir friends and the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, and which they will sell at tha lowest market rate. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1S53 J8. If. 1,000 Men Wanted. ON :he line of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har risburg) and Sunbury, in the State ol Pennsylva nia. This road is filly four miles in length- run through a highly improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months. A lurge portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and lila-ml wages. DOUGHERTY. LALMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, IF 53. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams 05 Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., PHILADELPHIA. OROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import-i-'S- ers, Commission and (icnerul Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. IV Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. 28, 1852. ly. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, N. 113 Norllt Third St. belew Race, rHIX.ADEX.FHXA. HHHE attention of Dealer is requested to an -- examination of their dock, which will be found to be at leibt equal to any in thi city. FOREIGN FRUITS ol all kind in season. N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, 1853. 6m. :C. S. WEISEH, 1. D. YYAVING located himself permanently in Sunbury, oiler hi professional service to tha Town and Countrv, oilice, comer of Deer and Market atreet (formerly telegraph olfice,) where ht may be found unlet professionally engaged. Sunbury, April 30, 1853. flui. IO R sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 cU, Pur Essence of Gingr. 25 cent 1V8TICES' FEE BILLS For sale by H. B MASSER. Buubury, lltl S BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. I citt or rnii.ADu.rMi. MASSAC AU9ETTS. All tolvenl hauki 1 dit U. B. Bink notct A dit All aolrtnt bankt pai RIIODK IMI.AIND. All ml vent bnnkl dit CONVHCI'ICCT. cotmTav. Bank of Chamlertburg 1 (tit All solvent bank! i dit nnna oi uneater uo. pur KEW YOUR riTT. Hank of Del. Co. Vhetter pnr Bnuk of Germnntown Bank of (iettrlburg nr A to vent mntt I 1 dit tT'Bk notet under 90 i Hank oi lifwuujwn ronaTST. Bank of M iddletnw n 1 eft All solvent! Imnki Idit Montgomery Co Bunk par NEW J HUSKY. . Ilelviilere Bnnk I Hank oi norihumberrnn. pai Hank of Pitubnrg 1 die Bank of Danville par Commereial Bunk 1 dit I Ear. Bnnk Mont Holly pa canine Hnnic 1 dit V. A: M., Middlctown Pt. pa' Columbia B'k k B'ge Co par Doyelttown Hank jmr Eatton Bank pnr Erie Hank 9 dit Exchange B'kPitttbnrg I dit! Exehnnge Bk, Branch 1 dit Merhaniet' Hk. Newark pnr Mecb. Bk of Burlington Pr M-b Mun. Ilk Trent par Morria Co Bank 1 mt Nmvnrk Bk'g A Im.Co 1 dit Hunk 1 dit e armert' Farmera' , Ri, it,.k.rn n... i,n e't Bk Patterson 1 an i' Bk. Iaiicnttcr nnr'Princeton Bnnk p"' Fannert' Bk, Bending pnr.Sulein Bnnking CO, nnr tnrm. iik evnnyiKill CO pnrrHuirriT-i v... ........ dis i.i.-'Qi..t iintaic nt ( Dtnoen mil Franklin Ilk. Wnsh'u Lli.'State Kk Ktiznlietbton 1 dis Ilamsburg Bnnk Hmiesdule Hank ljnncaRler Hnuk 1 dis State Hunk Newark dis 1 dis Stnte Hk, N. Ilrimswlck pnr nnrirussex anus, rwin j 1 l.n ..... ,J-..I,I.. r-rt naf Letwnon Hnuk pai I ri iiu 'ii ,""i"' " .1 Mrreh. & Man. flank 1 ilis I'nion Hunk. Dover on Ynrdli vv'leADi lDrCo l.ldi aimers' Il k, Pottsville per Monongnheln Bnnk 1 din rt""Hk notes nnil.T 85 J dis Tnv orsv'e )e H'f Co 15 d s DIM.A Alt c. West llmueh Bnnk pnr nnnk of Delaware pa' Wyoming Hk, Wilkesb'e pnr York llnnk, 1 dis Hnuk of Smyrna pnr Delaware City Hnuk pnr ty Relief notes 1 dis Hk Wllnig'n A Hramlyw. pa MA INF. Farmers- Hk St Delnwnre par Hunk. Wilmington nnr Bnnk of Whetloek Sili. Mercantile Ilk, Mungor 10 dis ty tinier 8's dis All solvent nniiKs Nf.W IIAMI'SHIRF. dis '" All solvent hanks Sal All solvent brinks 1 dis ITT Hk notes iniiler .Vs 4 di VKIIMONT. NCMITII CAROLINA Rntik of St Album 8 ilisl A II flvent Milks dis,re-L-ni-er5-t, 9 dis All lolveut Imnkt 2) di "AID AND COMFORT," 'o Your Own .TlccliaiiiCM. GEOHGK 11 ENN. MAtVUFACTPREH OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionahle Style. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of tli Tinlitie In liis t:ir,rn ntnl milpliiliil assort. ment of every quality and price of 5Aii;t-vah. which cannot fail to reionimcnd itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and pplcndid linUli, made up of the best stock to he had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ilis stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, Hit mi's and I.otiiips, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AXD DIX1.G TABLES, and also VENE TIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia maiiuluctiire. ULiisiL.iiw, ot every jiaitcrn and price, CUPBOARDS. WOllK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of bis business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CIIAIliS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as MiiioiiiM, Buck Walnut ash Ci-ulkii Maflk Gukciax; axu Winson CHAIRS, Axn taxct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence con ho entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms us they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment for work. ri UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome IIkausk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, nnd attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. 13" The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weater' Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. Tn km l no us Excitf-mtnt .' .' Cash, Steam, Electricity!! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by the LlXhiiiliio; l ine or UXA T. CLEMENT. T"l,niO, having groat faith in rapid sales and ' small profits, bus just received anu opened a large assortment of SPRING A.ND SUMMER GOODS. At his Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o l)vy Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Jiliislius, Linens. Culicocs, Muslin de Lains, Latrns, Oinehams, Berages. Sii.k Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, CoiTee, Molasses, Cheest", Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, ic. QUEENS WA RE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes. Cups, Saucers, Ifc LIQUORS, Whir. BriiniJy, Gin, I! inn. Whiskey, Ar- tfT Country produco of all kinds liken in ex change at the liihct muikcl prices. Jan. 15, 1853. ly. DOfl'OIt YtI';ii;i.F! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVKIIY ONE 1119 OWN PHYSICIAN. rpilE EORTIETH Edi lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and M'lllormalions of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Discuses of Female, being ol the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. "S lr Win. Young' sr.-.- t yn-ik f Let no father lie ashamed to present a copy of llie .t;ULl.Aril S lo his child. It may save him from an early crave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life without reading the POCKET .tSCU LA PI US. Let no one sull'ering from haekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .ESCULAPIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. lir Any person sending TWEN I k-rlVi, CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of tlii book, by mail, or five copie will be sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. VOUNO, No. 154 SPKUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1853. ly. WEE I3ILL8 Justice and CoiitUMe Fee Bill handsomely priuled on care paper for sale at this ortice. MARRIAGE CETIF1CATES haudsomely executed for tale at thi office, single 01 by tha dozau. TNK Boureau' celebrated ink, and also Con I are ink for ale, wbol-iaal and retail by December 38, IS SO. H U MASSER. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Ihe Cabinet Ware lloom of SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at tht torner of Fawn street tt tht Railroal ituixDuui, rA, Thankful for the patronage ol hi fri.r.J. ...i cuatomers during the 17 year he ha been In bust nes in thi place, he solicits from the public aeon, tinuance of their favors. During this period he im cnui-iTuicu scri up wun me improvement of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. Th public ar men-one in. neu ui aiienuon ol the Dreseivl lock of 1 CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS Manufactured ay SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former tock of tlya establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairi. Large Spring Sent Rocking Chairs Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, ' Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fasl. lonablc Furniture. Having ccured a Hearse and made th nece. ary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and haslnndt too, Here's furniture of every ttyle and hue, From tide boarda down to kitchen tablet, From rocking chain to toekiinr enidlet Should you not have the ready Jons to pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter hettcr day, Or lake potatoes, oatt, corn, wheat and ryt j Bark, hoop polet, ttavet, or Inmher wet and dry, Or any thing bat yokes ami threshing flails, Fiom pit; and turkiea down to little quails. Coma on then friends, coma one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goeton tht hall." F Orders from a distance promptly attended to anu worn ol all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf SOWER 5j HAHNES, Publishers and booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Hihles, Prayers, Hymns, Poetical aud Historical Workt. 1 ravels, Novels, Ac, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in use from a primar upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An elifrsnt assortment from the pass Look upwards, liinile ol supetiur paper, and best of biisling. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Post, and Note Tapers, elegant styles and quality, and very cheap. ' ' STATIONERY. Fancy, Plain and Adhesive F.nvelopes, Ink, Ssnd, Wa fers, Steel pent, Watet, l'eneils, Porte-Mnnaiea, Wraa- lilne Putters of nil Li.l. c. 1, .. - t ' e T - -, . ... - ,(.,u,u, ..irrs, ac-, c, iir stoelj is all fresh, I. melil ehi np nml sold uccordinrly. Particular attention cliuuts and Teuehers, am to U'Siksellert. Oonntrv Mmr. lowcver little thev mav bur. Sower A Ilarnes are Publishers of PELTON'8 series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS. Kacli i imp it nearly PKVKX FKET SQUARK, mni lliows the eonipiirutive size unil relative position ,f araer ni'ever'v ' I'" Fn- T"7 " e.defto lie tuspended in every Seh.sil Risim, and not only ,nnk. a iplendid a p. KrTC Hil'i i?7. J".',V""i'll- - kno lleed lo b. th. II1-.SI ' IOOh OF TKACI1ING fil-Odlt Al'HY var broupht out. They are key. intended to bo used I by tb. teholari, contaimn): a coinpl. lc epitome of Genirranhy. in eostiiiK I, than half ihe price ol a (i.erapl,y aid Ailis 1 lie system is ,,, universal um iu Prussia and Oerintny, anil has already bm, introduced in Oirard College, Philil de phia, tlie pubbc Boston, New Vk 1'hila telphiu, JJiiltnnore, W usliiup,,,, , thro,,..!,,,,,, Now Kiigland, New Vk. Ae. Our desks are Idc4 with recoinniendationt Irom tlic most talented u,d teien tifie teachers ui every quarter, and wharever the n ttera ing if" Pari-,",i leacbert and scholar! unite in'praut. 1. Map of the Western Hemisphere. !!. Map of Ihe KhUtii Hi mispbere. 3. Map of North America. 4. Map of the United glutei. 5. Map of Kurop-. 6. Map of Asia. 7. Map of Knith Americanist Afrie. I.very map is brilliantly colored, varnished, and n.aat ed "ii muslin and rollers. ' ' We ri spei'liully invite the earnest attention of Teachtrtf Pnrenl., and Sehool Uirector. to thit lai.-iu.lin, ".al, o. teaclosg Ueogruphy. gDWKIt A II.MIVKS P delpl,ia,AnK.!?a, IMa."nh T''ird 8,r'r' Cheap b atches 05 Jewelry, myilOLESALE end Retail, at the "Phihulel- pnia atcn and Jcue hv Store." N. n North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold lver Watches, full jeweled, 19 carat eases, ttt.oO Silver do. full jeweled, !I3 l.olil Spei-la. lrs, 7 Of Silver Lepilie, jewels, III Fine Silver llo. Sn do do ,0. 0. Gold Bracelet. 1,00 ftiipeimrtjuartleis, 7. I adies' Gold Pencils, 1.00 mitation do S. Milver Tea .kxii, tet, S.0 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, ,( Gold Finger Kings, 37 j cents to $S0 ; Watch Olasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, Sj ; Lonei, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All good war ranted to be w hat they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARI.ET, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, mine Gold and Silver Lever and Lepines, still lower than tho above price. August 28, 1652 ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES 1$. F IDLER, No. 12 South Second Stree; PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepiue do " tjuurticr do Gold eus and pencil and silver halder Silver Tea and Table Spoons Dracelcts, Breast pin Eur rinca &.e.. All warranted and old at price a low a sy in the city November 27, 1852. tf. C II E A P WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactury G. L. MILLER be CO., S. If . corner Arch and Second Streets PHILADELPHIA. VERY VARIETY OF SHADE8, Whole sale and Retail, such a Scroll, Flowtr, liotlnc, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscape, are to be had at the lowest price for quality of work. Order for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shade executed at short notice. Merchants and others aro invited to give u a trial. WE WILL THY TO PLEASE. Urusses, Trimmings, Ac, always nn haniL Remember f. W. corner SUl t.'ND sad ARCH Street, 1'hilaJclpli:. February 12, 1853. (Jin. ltosendalc Hj draulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cistern, Vaults, Spring house and Cellar, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed wall. Fur tale by EVI SMITH & SON, N. E. Comer of Front and Willow (treat Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853 j. GOLD PENS with and without, of a very uerior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale y H. 11. MASSES. Sunbury, Dec. 87, 1851. WJATENT DRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottle for sal by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 13, 1851 WILEY'S COVOII CANDY. An excel, lent remedy for coach, cold. Far mitt at thi oilice. December 4, 1851
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers