TCRaiOLK ACCIDENT AT WE,T TROY. it VhIPwb,f ",ami,y "ccnrrea this morning, SL n,,uTr0jrf0nm,rJr-Me""- Cho!l.r pa&Donhnm proprieKm-shnate on the a. of Ihe canal i lhat portion of West " known as Port Schuyler, near the bri,lSe W the canal on ihe Troy ad Albany road. Thrr beinj tome difficulty with the bio r, the engine was atnpped to it. and he eng.neer, Henry Paul, and his. brother "mumtii, a machinist, were enjjnged in thhwork, some 15 feel in the rear of the boiler, ami some 12 feet above grcund, when Ihe large flue of the boiler collapsed, tearing terything before it at each end-cast and vet-forcing the two brolhfra Paul from neir position on the platform above, and carrying one of ihem some 30 leel into a vat while the other one, D.ivid, was thrown some 15 feet atainst a ladle of liquid hot iron. Theso men were awfully scalded hud can not recover. Tney were both in a dying condition when we left the place at 12 o' clock. The engine was broken to pieces, and eve rything within fifteen feet of either end of the boiler was demolished, including the large tank elevated some twelve or fourteen feel above ground, that supplied the estab lishment with water. Messrs. Chollar, Sage & Dunham will sus tain a loss, from the breakiim nf machinery. &c, of between $2000 and S3000, and snmo thousands more from Ihe interruption of bu siness I. S. The Paul brothers nre (lend. They b-ith died abimt the same time 1 o'clock. Troy Daily Times, Aug. 11. A UKXit.r.MAN from Cincinnati, the other day, crossed over to one of the Kentucky towns and seeing a lady lake passage for Ohio, was f.isinativl, and concluded to go back. The l.idy had in her hand a daguer reotype, and the young Cinciuna'.ian had the audacity to ask to look nt it, lhat he might jml-Tf of ils artistic beauty. The likeness was ha.uled htm, and in a momer I his assu rance had so grown with his enthusiasm, that he bensed to keep the cour.te. feit pr FiMtttnenl The ladv (old him -hat 'li- p c turo went only with th:' bright nriui'iti!, mil he then plead for both, ami was iicci pu-d The h ippy pair left the boat in company. PiiKvr.NTivE ok Sun Strokes An old 'fisherman" correspondent of tho New York Pust states that he has avoided ill-efTt'cls of exp is.iie to the sun when fishine, by placing wet sea weed in the crown of his hat, and recommends to laborers and others the use of a wet haukerchief for the same purpose. Washington, Aug 13. Major Thos. F. Rryant, editor of the Western Chronicle pub lished at Lexington, Missouri, a violent ami liontoii pap.-r, was to day appointed Marshal of I he: Stale of Missouri. JOHN SKITII has returned from Cape May. leaving Mrs. Smith there, as he intends to return as soon as he goes to Philadelphia and get a new suit of clothes, lie says all the best dressed gentlemen there have had their supplies from Rockhill and Wilson's famous cheap and elegant clothing store, No. Ill Chestnut street, and Mrs. Smith won't rest satisfied until her hus band gets a suit of the same kind that will enable him to appear among the best of them. Philadelphia, Nov. G. 1852. ly. cw. (C7-POISONING. J) Thousands of parents who nse Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c, are not a wan, i hut while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually layiii-; the founda tions for a series of desPtises, such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, Jtc. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as thuir Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hoben sack's Liver Pills. (7" '-lit not deceived," but ask for floben sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob seive that each has the siL'uaturn of the Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSACK, as none else are genuine. I)C iHrtlliCtS. Philadelphia Market. August 17, 1853 Fi.ortt and Meal. Market quiet; sales nf fresh ground Flour at 53 ; old slock 51 ; Sales for city consumption at S5 25 a 5 75. Rye Flour and Com Meal are dull; last sales of the former at S3.58J; Inst sales of freh ground Pennsylvania Coin Meal atS3, and Iliiitiilvwine at GbaiX. There is less inquiry for Wheat. Sties of new Southern red at SI, 16 ; last sale of white at $1 26 Tor new. Rye ranjes from 73 to 83e.. Corn is dull nt 70o for yellow alliat. Oiis-oits of new hoiilherii at 40o, and Pennsylvania at 44 a 45o- Whiskey.- Sale of hbls and hhds. at 2Sc, and Drudges at 26c. Baltimore Market. August 15, 1R53. GRAIN A very large quantity of grain was at market this morning, some 20.000 Imsheli of Wheat and 25.000 bushels of Corn beiii" oir. red at the Com and Flour F.x change. A considerate portion of the wheat offered was in bad condition, and many sales were made at prices considerably below our nuotat.ons We quote for fair to pnme reds 105 109 cents, and for fair to prime whites 109 a 113 cents. No strictly prirre parce.s for family Hour offered. Sales of Corn were made at 'SB a 57 cents for mixed parcels ; 68..60 cents for white ; and 65 cents for j el- low uf nevv I',"ny'wn" K8 Bl 82 Lnts Maryland and Virginia sold at 68 a 70 cents. Sales of Maryland and Virginia Oils at 36 a 39 cents. . WHISKEY There is a belter nipp y in m.rke and prices have deejined it Imle -X l 2 to day of 250 hbls at 26 c.s. Somi .mall l of bbl. have also been lade at 261 cents, and some parties are Md?" """" N,,.h,,,, '" n,a'kC,i i.. : l ere made at 26 cents. SUNDUKY "PRICE CURRENT 1 06 Wuiat. .75 Ri- ' ' . . 6i Coa. m . 44 Oats. ,25 Potato", m . 6 lU'TTia- io Eees. ' ' 8 r- . .ns riAsD- .10 Tsitow. . s5 Bsiswa . t Hirair.n ri- . . 80 ndHArn"' m ioo llO. PSACHIS. . ,7 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ELECTION IN pursuance of a resolution of the last Demo. erotic Convention, the democratic electors of iiiii county are rospectlully requested to meet at the usual time and place of holding their primary election, on Saturday, the 37th day of August next, to vote lor one person to bo nominated for Assembly, one person lor Commissioner, one person for Prosecuting Attorney, one person for a reasurcr and one person for County tumor, and the judges of tho election in the diOorent boroughs and townships arc requested to meet at the courthouse, In Sunhurv, on Monday, um mm oay m August, at II o'clock, A. M. to count the votes cast for the different candidate lur the above named offices and to declare the candidate having tho highest numlmr of votes, tha nominee to be supported by the party at the next election, and at the same time and place, select two persons to represent this county in the nil oi Alarcli Unnvcntinn. WM. U. KlPr, Chairman. J. ROU81T, J. KAUFMAN. MICHAEL TKHOX, 1). P. CAl. L, J. G. FIMCK. J. S. H AS. VALANTIXE KLASR, J A 8. ECK.MAN. (Standing Committee. July 23, 18.13. DR. T. O. SAGOS. IV'OI'LI) respectfully inform the citizens of Stinhiiry and vicinity, that lie has opencJ rooms at Thompson's hotel, where he will remain a lew days, and will be happy to wail on nil who may need his services. lie will administer Ether to those who would linve their teeth extracted without pnin. An experience of several years ill its administration, without any injurious results, warrants biin in inserting that it is not attended with nny danycr. Kcfcrences of the highest order given. Oliice in Philadelphia, No. ii)'J, arch street, above eleventh. August 13, 1K53. "c i E a i WINDOW SHADE Depot and Ilanufactcry UK G. L. I&T.LLS?,. CO., S. W . corner Anh ami Srcumt Ktrcrts, PUIX.ADE:X.FiZIA. KVE15Y VAKIKTV OK SHADES, Whole K:,ln nml Pr.t..;t n w..,.,.n T.i - ... lull) "in ii un iMiuji, j umi'ii (iothic, Vignette. Oil and Dry Landscapes, nre to lie had at the lowest prices loi pi ihty of work. Orders lor tiiit. Plain Mo u. Lettered and oilier Shades executed at short notice. licrchiinls nn I others are iuvit. d to :'ivc us a trial, lie vill try m vhnt. ' Dresses 'JiiimiiiiiL's. .Vc. nhvavs on linml. I Lcmciiilier S. V. comer SliCO-Xl) & .-I liCH Streets, Philadelphia August IM, ,s;,:j.- fiin, E 5 W ARD D TJ F F ' Y 0 if." Soap cj Candle JUunuiacturcrs AND DKA'.EBS IN Soda, Slarca, C'uMile Koapn, &.c. B SAVING increased facilities for manufactu ring, thev are now prepared to olj'er induce ments to purchasers and dealers in the above named articles, Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment ol" select goods. Goods sold ex clusively on the cash principle, and at the lowest wholesale prices Call and satisfy yourselves. Our motto is 'Quick Sales and Small Proifs." No. 4 I Filbert street, above !Mh, Philadelphia. August 13, 1H53. Urn. To Jiailroad Contractors. (SEALED proposals will be received at the ollico of the Coal Run Improvement and Railroad Company, until noon of Friday, August -"'th. for the (lading and masonry of the Coal Run Railroad. ! Drawings and specifications mav bo seen at the Company's office, No Hci South fourth sticcl, Philadelphia. C. A. WALBORN, President. JOHN ('. TRACT WIN E, Engineer. August 13, 1853. St. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I he subscriber offers himself to the electors of said county, as a candidate for the oliice of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, at the ensuing election. Should he be elected, ho promises to discharge the duties of the ollicc with fidelity. II. .1. WOLVERTON. Sunbury, August 0, 1S53. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby offers himself to the vo ters of Northumberland county, as a candidate at the next election for the otlice of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the oliice faithfully and with impartiiililv. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. NOT1CIC. JIiE stockholders of Ihe Shamokin Steam Fcr ry and Tow Boat Company, will meet at the office of the Philadelphia and Hunhury Railroad Comjiany, Suiibuiy, Pennsylvania, on Friday the 20ih day uf August, for the purpose oforga liizitiji said Company. IK A 1 . CLEMENT, J. . MAS.SER, HENRY DONNEL, Sunbury, Aug. C, 1853. 3t. Notice TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. fjHE subscriber respectfully informs the cili- xeus ol runhiirv, und the public generally, that be him on hand for sale, a large lot of yellow pins FLOORING BOARDS. He has also on bauds quantity of excellent broad chestnut rails and posts. . lie is also prepared to gei oui limner io unicr, with promptness and despatch. Farmers an 1 others, in 1'iiion county can bo supplied with any of the above articles oil the shortest notice, cither on the river bank at Nunbury, or a mile below. For further pailim- lars addicss the subscriber or Samuel tiusslcr .Sunbury. CHARLES COSSLGR. Lower Augusta, August 0, lst.lj. tf. liiitlnnia Ware A N I) C A N D . i: .MOULDS. rBllK subscrilicrs wish to call the attention of -"- dealers to their superior quality of liritisiiiu Lamps, lea retls, Candle Moulds, ol the finest finish. All goods warranted. CALYERLEY Jk HOLMES, 109 Race Btrect, Philadelphia. Phila., August 0, 1853 St. SUNBl'IlY AND PHILADELPHIA Telegraph. "ITJR0P08ALS will be received at the "A me ricau" oliice for the -delivery of 400 chestnut or while oak Telegraph posts, at some point along the buubury and Philadelphia Railroad between Sunbury and KUainukin. Paul posts to lx 25 feet high and five inches thick at the small end, and to lie delivered as soon as possible. WOODS, MASSER & UALDWIN. Sunhurv, Aug. 0. 1853 if. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that application will le made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a company, with discounting privileges, to be located in tne boiouh of Sunbury, in the county of Northum berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollurs, to bo called the "Susquehanna Rat ings' jHstiliilt." Sunhurv, June So, J?.'i3. Hui. SUiMJllRY AMEK1CAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. 2,500 Acres Timber Land FOP. SALE. SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF TIMBER LAND, comprising about 8,000 acres, part of which is situated on Tobyhanna Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three mill's of Lehigh River, in Pens, forest township, Carbon County, one of tho great Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, can bo had at bargain, if ap plication, ha mndj soon. These lands are thickly covered with the best timlier of that region. While it is believed that V5.UU0 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from a large portion of the land, the balance will aver age not much less thnn this figure. The kinds of timber found on tho land are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. Tho Tobyhanna nnd Muddy Creeks arc lavce and rapid streams, yielding a vast nm uint of water power, and aro capable of driving a large nunilier of sawmills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with the Lehiuh Canal aflbids an outict to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of Xcw York and Philadelphia which runs within one mile and three quarters of the lanil. 1 brougli these avenues lumber enn bo delivered in cither of Ihe cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus ennhliug persons en gaged in Ihe trade to derive greiter profits than attend investments generally. In ad iition to the tnn' er, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that ship-huilders have been obliged to purchase in .Maine, or nt other distant points. Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this properly. It stands undisturbed by the wood man's avo. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried on In such nn extent for years past, thai a scarcity of good timber is beginning to lie felt. Every season necessarily increases this dilfn uliy. The consequence niu-t lc an enelmiucnieiit of the value of timber lands. Those un-culled tracts with the advantage of avenues to p.nrket, such as the lauds offered for sale, passers, cannot fail to be the sources of supply liereaficr. Hut the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber il contains-. It is nf good quality for firming. nearly cerv a'-re wni su.'cepl.:.e ol a hj.jli slate of cultivation. ('ajiitalisisdecirjiijrto nn'ic investments, wenld do well I i lurn t'n'ir uitetitioii to these lauds. For furtliT information npplv to CD AS. M. HALL. Of.'ce in -Mauri'; Register" building, Potts ville. Pa. August fi, lSo.i tf. Tracliers Wanled. I'PLICATIOXS will bo received by the -I'- srmi n ..i ilm ni S.I.....I (lin.inrc Sunbury District, lor two .Male and two Female teachers, until Thumuav, the IM of September, lti."i3, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at which lime an ex amination of the applicants will tal.e place, and the schnuls allotted as fuliows: J In room No. 1, one male teacher at SiX'i 00 per month, ; " No 3, " " " at -5 00 j " No 2, one female " oll4l0 " No 1, " " " at ijili 00 D- V. SIIINDEL, Scc'y. Sunbury, August G, lt53. It. Estate of IIEKRY MASSER, dea'd. TV"OTICE is hereby given, that letters te.sta- i ' mentarv have been grantcil to the subscribers : on the estate of Henry Masser, Esq., late of the j Uoioiili of t-unbury, dec d. All persons having latins said estate are reriucsted to present them, did authenticated, for settlement ; and. those knowing themselves indebted to make pay- I uicnt without del. iv. H. 13. MASSER, 1 iP!!!"' J- Ex'tors. I . Ii. .Vl.ViCIV, I FRANCIS HUCIIER, J Sunbury, July 30, 1853 (it. A VALUABLE HOUSE nd TIutc Acres of (iron nil FOR SALS. THE subscriber offers at private sale, his house i and three acres of ground, on the river Hank .,. , ,. . - Is ., , , . , Wllhin Ihe limits of the Uoroutrn oi iunliury, now in the occupancy of John Shisslcr and orig- : inally owned by C.ias. Gusslcr while engaged in j boat building. I he improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, iVitk a IVell of Ood Water, J n ' nd a good frame stable. There arc a number of : excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop. erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a reasonable p ice and possession given in April next. Apply to tieo- C. w elfcrr, bsip, ol Smiu bury, or to the subscriber at Kelinsgrovc. PETER KERLIN. July s:t, is. tf. TV ll,Vtm , TT- vtlinniVnvlon Pnlllltir '. a iub t mm u iiuiwAALuuuviiu. wv j. The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow cill.enn, that lie is a eaiiuuiaie lor me omce oi COUNTY TREASUKElt, and promises, if elected, to discharge thcdutien of the ollicc faithfully and impartially. FRANCIS HUCIIER' Sunbury, July 10, 185:5. To the Voters of Ncrthumlerland County. I announce mvscT to your consideration as a candid. ite for the oliice of CO UN TV C( ).MM I SSIONER, at the aproaehiie; election. Should I be elected, I proiuUc to the duties of the (illiio t'aitlil'ully and to the best interests of tho county. SIMON SN iUi-K. Upper Augusta, July 10, 1853, To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fi'.i.low Citizens: Having la-en induced to oiler myself lo you as a candidate lor COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the coining election, should I be so fortunate as to receive a noiiiiualioii and obtain an elec tion, 1 1 1 y undivided and constant endeavor would be lo perform the duties of the ollicc with fidelity and impartiality. MARTIN GA.SS. Shamukin, July 0, 185.'), To tho Voters of Northumberland County. Fkli.iiw t'rnzr.x. At the solicitations of many ol my friends, I aain announce nivsi If to your consideration as a candidate for the oliice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuing election. Should I be so fortu nate as to be elected, I will endeavor to discharge the duties thereof with impartiality. CHRISTIAN UAL'SCHLAG. Shamokiu, June S5, 1S53. - - NOTICE. lyrOTICE is hereby given that an application will lie made, at the nost regular session of the Legislature, to charter a company for bank ing and discounting purposes, wilh a capital of two hundred thousand dollurs, with the privi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to be located In the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., and to b culled "The Mi Mas' Uask ur Scxti at." July 2, 18o3 Gin. ENTISTHV. Dr. Vallrrchamp annoim- to the ritizcus of euusgrove and vi tality, that he will remain at that place for a short time. Oliice, Main atreet, next door to Dr. 6til!weMs office Hvliuasrove. July 23. lfi.13. 6t. "Lt'IL) Lamps. Choice UasUets, Flower Va -I- sos and Ornament ; Qurcneware and O taw- war". iut received and tor fiule by Sjiibuiv, May Ji, TECK CO. GEORGE W VEN1TIAN BLIND No. Gl Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Which for styla of finish and workmanship cannot be surpassed. H'ho!riile nad at tho lowest prices. Alio TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND KEED YHOI.E8.U.F., AT MANt'FACTUnKlir PRICES. LIT MERCHANTS and others are invited to rail and examine. Philadelphia, August SI, 1852. ly. Improved Lightning Hods. riilE subscriber has constructed a Liphtnin? - Rod on true Philosophical pruicipleii, by which buildings suppliod with them are rendered perfectly socuro against destruction by Light ning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well as the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more perfect con ductor than any heretofore in use. Persons desirous of securing their lives nnd property from destruction by lightning, can lisve conductors put up to their hiiiidiiigs in the nust substantial maimer by applying cither personally or by Idler to the undcrtaicd, at the following prices: 1'or 40 feet J inch Copper rods, Gold pla ted points, with solid Platiua tip, $- 00 Forty cents will be charged for every ad ditional foot over forty. For 40 feet J inch Tubular rods. Gold plated points, with solid Plalina tip, $13 SO For 40 feet i inch solid rod, Gold plated point, with solid Platiim tip, $12 HO For 40 feet Silver plated point, $ 10 0(1 And 'JO cents for each additional foot over 40, of the tiirea last named. All nt aix month's credit, or 10 per cent off fir cash. CHEAP LIGHTNING RODS. The subscriber will also put up Lightning Rods similar ill every respect for they shall bo i exactly the same ns those erected last summer by ; the Lewistuwn or Lrwishitrg company, in size, i point, glass, connection, fee, nt liij cents per ....... : n. ... ..... 11,111, (111 SIA 1IIUIIU1S Cilllll UI , 1U 1111b. VII IUI cash. N. D.-No warrantee given for this description of rods. T. S. M At. KEY. Milton, July 30, 1853. 2m. CHERRY PECTORAL: For tlio Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, liOAnSEUESS, BROIJ OHITIS, CROUP, ASTK. JMA, WHOOPIIJO COUOH AMD CONSUMPTION1. Til CURE A COM), with HEiriACin xn okixiis of ttiB limly, take tlm t'UKRKr IVctorai. nn gning lo lied, anil wrap up warm, to iwcnt ihlring tlic iiiglil. t'on a Gold and Cough, take it iiiorning, iiooaanrl eve ning, orcniitinir to (lilixllons on tlie ls1t!e. mill the tlltlicul ty will Usui be removed, niic will I- ijff snlb-r fr ln tliiR tionlite wIk-ii Itiey (iuil it enn lieo readily earnl. Peru ins tilttietf,d Willi a ftrMett couli, wilieh lireaks ttielil of llirir rest at niirtil, will bait, by taking the Ctieny Peetorat on Ipiing t i lied, ttiey amy bp mire of sound, unlnokeii steep, unit c niReqnciitly r. freshinp rest. Grent rebel from snrtur ini(, uml an itltiiiiiite eure, is ufl'aditl t thousands who arc ' ttius uttlicled, by litis invaluable remedy. I from ils uirreeiibln cilri'ts in these eases, ninny find j tlieuiitt'lves no willing to f regu its use when lllu nceeasity i f i il has reused. 1' I'roia l wo tiiunent Physieinns in I'ACTiKv'il.i.K, Tena . April 10. fsll. Sir : We hive given ymr Cheiry Ptelonil nil extensive I trial in our piee'ii:,-, ami Hud it to surptis everv otlna rc ! im-'ly wc luive f-r caiing ulferlinus of the respinitorv or i gsiis. DUrt I)li:.MKIt II WIPTOX. TliSINiif.US AND l'l 1II.IC fl'KAKKKS this remedy is iuviiluiihle. ns by ils aettouoti thetliniat mid lungs, when taken in siii:ill ipiuiituies, it removesull h aisivH-s in a lew Ii iiirs, und w.iu.U'rfully iuereusus the fKver ifc s flexibility of Ihe viee. ASTU.M A is generally iiiueh relievetl, and often wholly cureil by c'herry Pectoral. Itul ttiere are some eases so ob s!Mi:itt! us to vield entirelv Lo no mejicine. Chcriv Pceto-' rut will eure ihem, if they eaa tic er rd. Hit' 'NCI'lTIS, or irritation , the throat and upper porli'in ol ttie lunns, mav lie cured liv taking clierrv re liv- rati in airuill and irrqueut doses. Tho uuc nnloriable op- presi..n is soon relieved. l,'1 FS? Asi hum oud Hroueliitis as leads me lo believe il can rarely lllV'oVt'lCl!iLV.'Tiven emetic nf antimony, to lie followed by laige en. t freipieul dose:i of tlie Cherry PceUi- nil, until i suUlues lliu diseiise. It taken in season, it will in .t tail to rare. " 01 ,J V,o " UP "" CU' Tilt'. I.VI-'I.L'KN.A is speedily removed bv tins reme- dv. Numerous inslunees have been noticed where whole fiunihi'S wele proteeted frniu Buy serious eonsiiiiienees, while their neiehl rs, wiltioul the Cherry l'eeloral, wtre Siho-i i'e; ironi (he diseuse. Dr. J. C. Aver: St.rM.Ohio, lllh .lune. IkII. 1 wiile to iniorin vm of the trelv reniiirkutile ellM-lg of your I'lll'.KHV l'KU TiUt Al. in this place, nail la my own fannlv. One '! niv ifinyliters whs eoineietelv cured three iluvs of a dreadful, by Inking II ,,r Mt.n,. e , ., , ,r VL.,V ir ,, ,.,. fn-ely snile. '".' """."'rr". V"1" IT"! .l"ul!"'"o)i il llriii nnv oilier niiiliriiie lis rvtr ariimnittte ril lur rlt'ifiyititii nt I lie Hupiutt Church mri that durinR the it 1 11 .it lNFi.t'EV?; her pcnoti. lie has wfii rurt-s 1 1 nn ynur iiaUit 'iie liec.iuftl icurcciy have believed villi- t 'lit Bt I'll l(. Yours respectfully, J. P. PIVCI.AIR, DepLly PiH!t!n;iler. From the tliatiiixvithcd Professor of Chemis try and Mctcria Medtrc. llovdoin Cotlftre. 1 lmve f.ii Ihe Ciikuby Pkctobal, hi ili inirrpflifnts sli'iw, u oveilui runietly f.r colds, and ciiit);hi, mid pul ui'iiiuiy dueusca. PaPKKB CLEVELAXH. M P. nRrx'wirK, Me., Ft:l. ., IHI7. J)lt. V A M'NTI.N K MOTT. The vidclh erlrhratcd Pruts$or of Surseru in the Medical Cottecc, New York Cihj says "Il civt'g ihr plcfimire to certify the r;ilue nnd elTiney nf 1AVEH' LllUKKY I El TORAL, WllllMI 1 COIltl?r pCCMll ttrv d to cilff (lifu iiBin nf tlm 'J'lirntil und Luni;8." OiiTfi of d-vete di upon the luiit!i have Imeii ef filled hy Cukhky I'r.cTnRAL in such extrruift chm'S nt w;tri:inl the Mivt thai u rLtiifilv h:n at huitli In en found thiit run Imj dciirii'lfd ou t pure llie Ci'ii-hi. inul ConiiiinM!iiiii whirli carrv fioui our itiitM ihomnnd every yeiir. It is iiidd n tni-dirine l wliu-li Ihe iifilirtt-d euii l'k with c mi ft li'urc .r Miei, and they simuld un full to uvuil thcint-rlvrs "I it. Prepared und mid bl JAMES C. AVER, Praelicid Chemist, Lowell, Muss. Sold in Sunbury by 11 MASSER, and by Prnugists pptierully throughout Ihe Stntp. July 30, 1S."3. wow lv.Nov. 13. "53. ANOTHER KEVOLUTI0N In the Prv tioods lhisincss. J. F. & I. P. KLINE, rl'.SPr.('TI'TI.I.Y auiiounec to their friends 'A i i nl tl uiblin in general, that they have tiikrn tho Old SlatiJ. in I i)it Auqusla town bhip, IVorlliuiiiberbind county. Pa., formerly nc ctiiiicd bv Ininc CitmilH'li; & Co., and have just ' iii -i. 1. 1, i.: I . fCturueo noiu I iiii:ineniii;i, uuu ujieueii A JYew und Sjtlcndii jlssoilmnd of h'rniNc; axi Si'mmcu (loons, Cotisihtinu in pari of Cloth", Cassiiners, Sat tiut'tts, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Siiiiiiner Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, lierjgc do Lainrs, Alpaeaiauu Mi a wis. AUo a fresh supply of CiroCCrlCS of all kimls. Hardware and Qufenswaro, Drugs and Medicines. Also a large assortment of Boots and Klines, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hals and Caps, auch as Panama, Straw, Palm leaf nd other Hats. Hall, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market priee. I fper Angu-la, Apid 30, 1803, ly ZIMEKMAN, MANUFACTURE! ft ? fistnit BLINDS Live and Help Live!! ! Orn Motto. S. N. THOItIPSON jP ESPF.CTFLLLY inform, hi. friends and J 7 the public generally, that he ha. just ro- eeived at his store, in Sunbury, Ulow Weaver! Hotel, a largo, handsome and cheap assortment of STRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry tioods, viz : Cloths. Cnsfimers Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling Muslins, Vestinps, Limns, jj'c. LADIES DI5ES3 AND FANCY GOODS, Cut hoes, Muslin tic Lrins, Lnirns, Ginghams, IJcrngcs, A'ofV.i, ivc caiocicuit:, Siiar, Teas, (,'efl'co, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spicos, Fish, Salt, Ac, &c, &c. EEnrdivnrc, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, ecc. Quecns-jrare, of various styles and patterns, SOOTS AII3 SIIOB3, A largo assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, for . men, women and children. Hits Cirs, Ac, of various sizes and styles. Resides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Cull and examine for vour- selvcs. GT Country produce of all Kinds taken in e.i hinge at the highest market prices. uuuury,4 mo. U0, iSoX A Farm for Sale. 4 Valuable. Farm situated in Upper Augusta township. Northumberland county, laving along the Khamokiii creek, tilaiut four miles and a hall from the borough of Sunbury, CONTAINING HO ACRES, ill be sold on the S:3d day of August, bv the iciis of Samuel Colp, sen., deceased, at private sale. About ICO acres of this land are cleared and in a good state ol cultivation, the whole having been litncj ones over. The improvements are a two storv DWELLING HOUSE, a barn, a waggon house, and two orchards of choice fruit. The Philadelphia and Sunhurv Railroad onuses directly through the centre of it, likewise the public road leading from Sunbury to Petersburg. Any persons desiring to purchase a good Farm, void of hills and stone, with good water, and well in with clover, will find this to comport with their wishes. 'or full particulars, applv either personally or by letter to the subscriber at the farm. JEREMIAH COLP. Upper Augusta twsp., Juno 18, 1853 Is. Miillinlmr Academy. 32tcuiii1tii g, l uioii C'uuuty, l'vnna, REV. J. G. ANSPACU, ) , REV. E.KEIFFEU, , Curalor8' A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH. Priaeival of Female Department. EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. CJIESSELDEX FISHER. M. D Lecturer on Chemistry, rhytiologifj tyc. The Suiuinrr Term of this flour isliiu Insti tute will commence on Monday, July .:, 1S53. 1 he course of instructiui) will ho thoiouli und practical. Miithemativfi and tl.o Ancient Inn Sunges, &h well as other branched, will he tnuRlit, na fur un ructirahle. on tho analytic method, JJiiily use will ho made of the hlackhoaid. Orlhoraphv, Heading, Eimlish t'onuiobition. and Declamation will receive their full haro of attention. Draughting, Construction of Map. Vse of LoinpaM, eve., will ho taught to students in !ur veving and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Pititit inir. Water Colon, &c. Oniiunentul Needle Work. French and Hot any will he given hy tho Piecep treisa, who in a graduate of Cuslleton Female Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended hy tho Fiiucipal of that Institution, as "a youni lady of agrccah!u manners and high literary at tainments" Young lathes and gentlemen who design to heenmo teacher, will liuil tins Institution an effi cient school for preparation, since there will he connected with it, during the great part of the year, a Tkaciu.hi' Ixhtitutc, the members of winch will have the opportunity of attending an Lvrning (muse of Lectures on School i eachimr and acquiring a practical knowledge uf the art, under I he supervision of toe J'rmcipa.s. J lie government of the school is ha sod upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rules will he mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents ami guardians may rest assured, that the morals, habits of studv, and general deportment of the students will be carclutlv attended to. Tho building ii now undergoing ft complete reuovalioi). U will ho painted, turninhed with new desks, a hi-ll, convenient recitation rooms, tVc, Millliuburg is a' thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabit, uits are moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets have been recently graded and paved. It is, in everv respect, a pleasant and desiruble retreat (or students. We, therefore, trust that the friemU of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. tV" 'Flie price of board, in tho best of private families, does not exceed $1,50 per week. N. II. iStudenti nny enter the Academy at any time during the term ; yet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, on th first day Milllinburg, July Hi, 1853. 6m. TONE WKE Milk pans. Uuttcr crocks Hutter jars, Jugs, F reserve iars. A c.. A c., inst received and fur sale by ... I s I- 1 . ' ' Sunbury, June 18, 1853. TENER& CO. fcJLMMEK Shawls, Ready made Mantillas, 13 luck Silk and feilk Lace, just roeeived and for sale by I. W, TEN EH & CO, . Sunbury, May 14, 1853. BUR XING Fluid, Camphine, (Sperm and Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and for sale by Huitbury, May 14, '53. TEN E it & CO. HAND HILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Kutiburv. Feb. 14, 1852. IOR RENT, ft small office or shop near Tener & Engls's store, Market Street, Kunhury. Apply to n. tf. M ASSEK, Hunbury, July 9, 1853. MflAXN'S LETTER -TRESSES, with if B books, ink, mj alt complete, junt rrceivtd, aim lor me hy Ji. jj, MASSER Suumuy, June 4, H53,. CELEBRATED Family Medicines. IN ollerim ti Ihe public f fie nluvs inmliiiMo prini. J. Hon., the iltiM-ril.Dr -cmKl ntn lhat III n l"li jvilh Ini lilrniH ami wnm nf the Hum roi im die MmtIimmI .... . . 1 in,;,niy, warn nwinm lri.-llilt! .' iittirr l'l 111 Public. II ten-tiri.nnrnt nf bi...,v.. mi..i..i... iu... ..m. pnrril mil, tli urcutiiM rnre, ml. I on Um ii..t wirlLilic prnicipipii, milmiitutr. fur thr mniB-Mn w ullilim or lirln thm nre fl.liii)r the roiintnr hi Ihe f irm 'H rmuar.nii mid euro slln, I'lmn-il hy tho tn M Ipn ii:ml ami iiicnima. ry ptraons, UUtiiUrd In cm all thnwiwa nml it I if nono. Head and Reflect. Tlmt tlis Mrdirino. M.inufadnrcil bv W. M. Bkcilst, lnetiirlnir his Ukik rcrlftriit fur i'mii,Ih. Citom m Cmmii-Ii ii. f.,f niituiMsli-m Worin fyrtip fir Worm.. Toiith, fur iloont'n trcth. K:im. Familjr Pi I Is, ir hlnnj I'urilyer, Im'r l-n iiMrr etniv. ly ukiI, and l.nvo piveu m .re itifHi li,.n, linn any oilier Mer.eiiiia M to the piil.lic, l i,,r pri puri rl with tmnrd tnthvir ns-iiiiie.a are ritlljrwoithr lira triulof thenniiet- en. nv. tli-m a trial. A ffW ,invr-i munni whv the nburr MMi'-ine. are rlriervins; of tinuhrsiil patioti'n(rr. (In ihe lii.l plaee. hey are prepuml hy n r.'if.ihr lli ah. inn, n lriiimleiMiiiiiia IMe sppiirilmn nt .M('.irii.,ni rtu.eii.i-., nml emiaerinentl i lire n.-rn-itly anla In Like. (S-.-ouilly.) thev hliva l..-n lianl wuh imivrrwl nii.t huve irivni more mli.lae- !'r!' Mnbeines oll,.r,,l before the public ( rhii.lly ) they are the only nml.einea huve k er Ihe p-ilimnne ,. I'hvairi:,,,,, where they have been u.e.l : and (I i.nithly.) they arc put up In Inrirer quantities for the smne priee. than nny oilier Merliemea of!ere,l 10 the piilihc o ihe sime kiml. At the sulweriber lm a nf rertifientea 1,1 his reimfssniii of tl,., ,iKl,..Kr nulhorite where they hive been u-,l wilh Ihe m ml uti.i'neiorv re. anlt.He will n lew of Ihem, feeliii? siui-ried thm s. tlinl will injure their ree"iiHleii.l,,ti,,n. 'i vlheiii mill satisfy jrutira-lf of their mperiority over nil 01I1, Rend and bo Convinced. We the nniler. iueil hnvine been neiiiiiintert willi the incre-lieut. eiiteiinn into the ronipfmiula known as nickley'a Pmnily Mcheine. also limine; and Known tliem tn Iw ii.f(, willi in 1.1 ntiMm torv reanli. bike plenmire in rivmi that we In lirve they fully nini the ib.ngii f, r whieli thny nre re tnniemb rl. ' J.s. f-TUAWi;iiii)t;i;. m d. C II. liilfK. M I). WM. MeM.MK.N, M. 11. Wi;si,i;y II i.i; UllllURT, M D. W.W. II. M M'.li.l,, M. ). 11 11. im:aiuii:aht, m. n. Crir ol jam in th sirc nml cnns;h from prole! r lb driver Luiuf'liiihl. Mrs. rtoliert Afttiu., I.ilt-irii: itielT Clir-uiic l.iver Cmn- Plnillt. nceoliirameil wilh a .bort ,lrv e.iul. i,i ii. 11,. si'le and breast, frenernl (h-bilitj-. bis. ,. nppetite. alter try insr all the U5;i:il remeilies n-e mmen.le.i r.. e .i, n...l of the ehe.t, who wi"ll n ibcnefir. Iie w:i. reeoin. inenileil tony the U-o I'wtonil. fr .III Wl.ieli. .1 e i:i1 nnlv derived iliiiue,li:ite but per iriniient relief. A John Adiiius. a. 11 of Mis. H.jberi A.fcirrs. -, n(T!;,.;e,l ' with n verv Si'vein e.ueih. naiu in (be .i.le. ni..l nr.,..., I pr.xlnml by inoi'saant coii.rlinui: he was ituluecil to try I the ll l'eeloral. To use his own 1im.,-h- ihe first I d.isc ennlibd hiia to uni y a ciiml nisln's re.:'t. In Ihe ! morninjr ho espeetoruteil nh nil hull pint of matter, lie eonfiniied to improve until l.ia eouvh en:ir-!y I, ft him. :l also had the ellcct of slroiiL-lienimr hie bien.t. which was I iiuiiirniiy wean . lie nisi aaya tlmt be l,: iceoriuiieniU-il it to a number of hi. fneieis fir .miliar c miphuns, and I in every case it has eiven s-i'iTtjeti' n. 1 lie nv.y. person., residents of the town of ITinville, fee hue ,hnt Ihev luive , . tot I nril l.e.,..r.i. rM... 11. n I f the It nse Puffin.!: niith,triz. ilm n-i r ?l t f,, , ' ' .. ,i- ..... i-c . the be ncii i of thnwt who mnv hf nflli.-t:d in a uiuniur man cr. UK RAT CITKE. Loss of Voice restored with one Lottie of Host Pec toral. Misfi'Sunn Wliitlvk. of HtiaTi twvn1itn. N'.iHlmmliPr. hurt civ.fnr a numlrrrof yearn nn h vntiif. in the lull of t30, Idhi the um hf voic ln'tn n fvcre ci!d ihe con tracted; olUT iryinp a iinmU-r of ri'iiiedics, with m !ene fifs plte win entire!.' rc-st-trul ly tiikinir oj.e Inttte itf Uowj IV'toial, alirr wliich, aim loft her voice niriiiii. from a fresh eoM n)ti coutrncied, mid vn 115:1111 rt-ctorw) hy the usu of un .tlifli Imttle ; Ue iln-n took i mr Ii tt !-! utoie to tretipllio.i licrbrcjist, from which sh dotivrd the nvvt decided lio'telit, nnd has Ik'cji 111 the I'nioviiiciil of excellent herdih from tlutt linie to tho prei;'.nt. Thenlnie ptntt-nient is nL;:iiiird fn tn Pr Puthp!!, tho Phvitifian win aitrndrd !i't: rsi." lirr nr-lhcr who thinks th:tt kIic would u .t U: living nt this tini'1 if it hml n-t been ir the Uogf! Pi-ctoral. il;ni lilc. J.111. 'Jj. Si another IIarlr.l Vice I'Jlrrtrt. Mis Snmnfl Scchlcr, bfiinr nf a nutur-'l i :ok mid di-Ii- rate enmtitntion, very iifH'i'ptildu 1 1 c l. xv:n nlflicted I'ttn a very severe cout(ti. jviin ni s-irt-nenH 01 me ri-i?t, m of annul it c : niter usiiiff a iiiunher nf tlm tmtud rcmr- dus from which, !ic drrivrd ni benefit, ulic w;i cured ly tnkinjr one ImKIc of Itosu Pf.'torHl mid is in the cnj ynicnt of Iwiier health than for years previous. uanviiie, lH'C. 1 inxi. 1b. Hickluy : Purmit me to inform yon tin! tnv wife. who ii a UHtfHte nnd wenkly w 'in;in, l.tb Tinn tuider a very severe Coup!, wilh p-tin und soreneM of, v;i more quick U- and cireetuully Mit-yed with nue l-itt!e of your Koie Pectoral limn any other nirdieinr nhe hud ever taken. AIJNiat AriiKf lK. Juii. 13-V2. Stinnirl R. Woo-1' l-'urnuee. Itt-d P.-int. Stronu kvidc.ncs m favor ok tub lioas I'utoual anu J- AMlLY Vll.U. John Pnlncr tnkm between Chrirtmis nn.l Nav Yenr ilh n very bmi cold, wliich ended in n dry Inrd iucensnnt iJUL'h.caufinL' n creut deal of iwui wheneViM he rouithod. wn relieved wry inuch; by ihe time he bad tnku one third of a bottle nnd by ihe-time it whs litmhed, v;m en tirely curei. He also kivs tleit tie linn t iken m -vera I dfit oftlie Health UeFtnrative or KamiU' ViiU. in id ihiit ihv arc tho milJest and most ttKvtu:d puiy itiveo he I.Hf taken. l-anvillr, ,1 m 1 tf.VJ. int. 1.1' : Dunne a viit to mv lr itW, in I"an- ille, I to"k avoiv severe Cold, wliicti eii-ll in a tisrht !i;itd f'oin:h. wilh oreni!is anil pain 01 the brentf, f.r which I iifcf.l y ur lo-i Peetr:il. nnd l-'aunlv Pill!, find ike pleasure in ife uiinu'inhnvr them. s tins und m sl eli' c:u;d remedy 1 Inve used. Votr, rcspectniliy. .1 .111 UOHUAA, Jail. 30, 1-.V2. Vlte fliiven, lMerue ro. lciir Sit : As a rervtnnieud.ttiwi f t ynn lmv. I Vet 1- d. netinit me I nv, H: it 1 w: n flf'-etunilv enrrd of n very seviT ctich wilh kuh in the hi east, with If-M lhari h;ili n h itM', nnd i!i-i 1 dtnsiiU'i it inv.iitiih.e. Vou uiu at liberty to nuke th; rul.!ir if y pl':t.-e. .M.UI I'l.UIil i. (Mr T( r.) :!. , 1M. My son W'iiiiain lalvirm iindr a f -VT't e ti It nnd pnin in his sile, liuiti nn mjurv reei-ived y 11 fall, w m e'ttiieiy relieved hy n t tic of It -'su Pcetorai .V Cretin ( Cnin- Ji-ii. I h ei-e iiIm listed vmr Piond1.- I'illj', mid n!t Cfther cjiisider them the beat mtdoi'ines I have e -er e.j. JUAN ov.-nti'oitr, Jnn. teo. Ilutlt T;'., NtiIi'iI eo. Dr. (Jn-klev Sir: As inv wif who was tmubted wilh drv, haid C Mi!i. als 1 ur ft 'inaeli. drneti;ltiit UP'-U i delnlUv. fimilir to t'..;M'iti:i. wot ealircl',' relieved lv niia- two ti tttl'-1" ol your IVi- -lal. llie t ,ra) tlial I r-'iinidei il un t iifUent leiri.-lv. Yourt, reSiie-'ituliy, liev Mr. WII.t.ARD, Past -r l.ii'!u ran l loiri-li Ihinrilit. P:i. IT'iviii? tetn eure.! ir':;'; malinn) wiiieli tle'invt'ii me -t t!ieireeo.e four in inibi. liv n-iuir nnn b ttle nf C.eain of Canii.h"r would Klate t'it 1 v UPider tt Ihe bt'-l remedy nf th kind I liave i", et iMr-d in my f enily, iiml 1 would freely rieniimend il to miters with biuular nfVeeiiot'n. Yours, rcfpec-liuily, .luN AS Old-. Huh ti.. N- itlfd vft, Mv wife I..'! 11.7 t-Hlieted willi n verv wvne tnui in h r arm ami vhouider (Ihe iileets ! e 'li) u hieh dis.hled hr fr ni aiu,' tt. was cured with riMim m Cieainoi C am- hor. .Mrs. liiim, my sister-mdaw, hm-h'o en red of n neve re paiu 111 t'ie had and fire bv us'it; ihe t'rexm o( Camphor TlluMA C. KI.I.1S, .mnvdle. Jan. ail, WJ. My wife liaviu-j Kheuin iiiKin o the .in it f.r 11 numlKT of, which 1 revealed her from uhii: a in ( .juc j,rr wotk ; ofter havuit: spent a anvil deal of m mev in trvinsr tiifereut reuielirs with no beiietit, wtif eatin-ly rurtti by usiui; oitiv one imttle vonr l ream 01 1 ninnli r. W ild. 1AM KVlAr, Minor, f-u j. It. Wil, It. Point. Dr. Ittekl'-y : U:iviiii; reeeived 11 verv -erf iniurv in my side !y falling ml' 11 i md f hay, from whteh I w;i una ble to foil v my work, was reeoinineuil:-1 to try 11 b -tile of Creiua of I'aiiiiih r. wliieh nil' r.kd imiuetiritv relief. Mill- .Till CAHIt. Hush t,. Nortli'd ro. Mv wife, iiiferiui! fr-ni in nt vrnu tnUr' imhi. tliroiiuhnut he general fyolein, wlueh (-rev-'nlitl her imm slfepini; iieiiijr t-ciai.Muil by h 1 un tin t prwlniehtl pj cll 4l neneci;) fir whteh she uett U imm.rr of relil''(ileN Wl'hiilll b'-ut lit, w.J t-lltlie.S relieved bv the tine l Cteuill f Ciuuphor. i;i:n. n. iii;ov.. Sinreou l)eii'i-l. Danville. Pn. Child cured of Howel Cotnplaun. mid Afjue two years st'iudii:,) by WoruiSyjup. Mv rljild Iteine ntineted' f f Ibf hu l two venn, wilh It W"4 C -in;'! lint and A'jne ualil il w.ts rnlnee.l to :i mere nkelelon, 1 tii'tl it 111 1 mi. to' of veiii'-iiieii ui'h u prrinriiidit Iteuefit, until I p;ivtt it a li 'tiht of your V. nn Srii, since whteh lime il has been w-ll, nnd l (j'lile li -i-iiy. , 1 itlno have ret mnuended it t a intinVr ol my friends, and in every tysu il liasfiveu K:iic:neiioii. 1,. t.KVl. At 1,-nns 1uuiH' .lerfi:int.) IJarvnle. sidtT il 11 t oti!v eiierlua!, bM I lie iiitt pieaaant urtiele 1 1 11 ivu iif-ti "itr . 1 it ;u iiiji 111 in 1 (mil v. iniii ro). um iteipi-iinted wilh. JAi'Uii I.S11KI, limville. Ilavm used vonr Woim Syrup in niv lainilv. it he!' s mv rhildieu m .re i)ian any piepuruii. ji of thr kind, and is more dimaiil to Utkc. DA MOUliA.N. 'in lit iiw, iiaiivme. I have Ind oernsi mi tit ne vo'ir Worm S run in mv family, und pi-(Vr tl lo nny Veriniftii'e I have nrd. riii-.n. 1.1 it. i-pwy uiit y, aI "iiUir e. Dr. Tlirklt-v: Having used ynr w um !,riiii, 101. 1 Cream tf Camplicr mid Family Pol in my fauiilv, thry eavu siLouuA'tinii. Mttd f rtMisiOer tiieiuthe newt f foctual, UtA jik-.iMtnl rmi'iUe. we luve had in our faiuilv. JUMMl 111 A K. KISIIKI.. Danville. Hrnr Htr : 'e the undersigned luring in Iho employ of Mesms. (imvits tt Cmnly, ut whose store, yon lmve an AKCney for the rile of your Fnmily Medieiues, slate lliut wo have had un oMorlimit v of knowing tho opmi i of miuieriis individuals who have tts-d them, tout tiuit i)M-y 6Tle treiierul Mlilarii n. tiave s !d 11 trienl inniiy of your Pills, whieli ate uuivcrsullv lik'tl. beinu vrrv iniM 111 Lin ir operation. ' V. I.KISi A II I ti Danville, Attest, W M.l.KPKKU. Iluvinjr Spiirvy t f my mouth verv Md, I was iudared to try a b 'tile of your T -'H Wash, wlueh a.;i. t hVe a cliaun, lisirdeuiug my gums, mid r' in viu'i nil iliveiixe. JONATHAN It. PIH !::., lAr-nvillo Birkley: Haviii'; wliat wis eallel ulerr:td p-trr, mouth, for whieli. 1 tried a nnuiber of retneliet wilh 110 benefit : I was at las) fined by iifeiua one h it tie of your Tooth wash. My wiic aU 'hiin her r 'iiliiiement, was threatened with s A'ttf tsis, hit up huvinjr u'r-nly foniul. fir wlik'Vi stir uv-a ,.te Cieam "I Cmiinh r, whleh seat let et ihem, thereby pruveutin !"r bre:iiw i. -m r:M henna CKtt A. imoYYN, Nenr Tillierna Ch in h, Dunville, Pn. J)r. Hiekley. llavinff an o;v.irtauity of stfinc your Anti-irbutic To ah Wn.h usi-d in s khh vt ry k-wu' ra tes of teurvrv of the gums. 1 ronbiilei 0 mi rxe. thnt rnnt dy Yours, restfallv, iil'ti H HHOWN. Tho Rltove meitieines nre lot irdr Whoksat and ilo tail hy W M IUCKI.KY. M. D , Propth-101. Dtoiville Als-v For wile by !i fotl-.witiif Acquis m Nortliimilx'r. kind coo ul v. FriiitiK 4c (irattt, iSnnrmrv Y A- Knth, Auiis'lh; t. Farrow, Suydertowii Tayj.-irt, Funiuni 4. Barton, paxiuo ; .'.instiiie & Sirotikc, lkuos, John VaiiaVuit, Pkaiii'; Hnli Vastm. lxin ; Anu.eimn, Rossci k C , 11.101 -km ; Mn Jas Thour, Hkon 'km ; Wm. Fagely, Hhtiu -km ; Cstnpbe!! h Kline. Autfiisiu; Souuel A. Irr!ar sver, Pftrrsixup ; Jsotb Lis-Miuir. Hear Gap; Court mk, NorthtimlwrliOHl ; Je'cmiali CnmM. Helin-wr'vo; J''h Msker, Isewubarg ; J4im F Culowaad Joiialh V-ellers. Millou Call on the Aenl. ami get a rirrular routsinin? n full deeriptiou ot' th mitufums i-ur ei f uuied by the diHYr ent Medicine. Jims 11, lew - ly IIEKE 13 YOUR REMEDY! II o 1 1 o w a jr's O i n t ru c n t . A MOST MlRACf LOt'fl CLRK OP PAD I.I-C, AF'IT.R 43 YEAIIS Brt'FF.RI.NO. Extract of a letter from Mr. ff'm. Golpin, nj 70, St. Mury's Street, Weymouth, dattd May IVi, 1851. T.i IWesiir Ilrt.r.otrAT, iin. ai the aeof Is my wire (who is new r,t) enirhl S Violent e.,H. Wlueh eellb.fl in her h f. ami rvrr Sin, tltflt time ther huvo been rmoe or less sore, end ereallV Inflnmed. Her fir uiies were di.lrnctinr. sil lis months b teiher she wn. deprived enlirerr of reef asd sleep f.verv irincdy thnl mrdi.-nl men itilvnert sa Irlerl. tint wnh. nt clfeei 1 her he,ith weroly, shrl the slats "I her lets wes teniWe. I had often rend v"f ATer. tisemente, and dvi.ed her I Irv y nl fills auS f lirrtireni aiid. ns a In.i resource, aUrr every otln r runiwly knd pT' red ineless, she e .ie,,l,d to do ao. f,e cmi:linreel .is, week, niro, und, strange t relnte, 1. now In rood henhk , M-r lec. ere pninle.., wilhout venm or srnr. en l her rleey, sound nnd unilisiurbed. l.imld vo have lbs aiin. rnie. ..f mY witej duriur the' last 43 veer., and or. Irn.l tliem with her present enlovmwil if tienbli. von w.uiM inrinil fc.1 lii huvi'iig been the menna nf so en-etlv all. riming tl.e snU'eiiur. "i n fetlow ereainr, ( '"") Wil.l.lAM RAI.m. a person 7n yi:.w op Ann rt:ni:n op a BAD M'.O, or 3n YKAKP-' PTANIUNO Copy of a Letter from Mr. Wm. Alhs, Ruild' tr of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffc, near Hud dsrsfitld, da'ed .1-ii3ljf, IS5I. T 1 Pr.ifeiior Tfoi.i.oWAV. l.'o 1 "","r,l f"r n l'r! .1 of il,i,tv v-irr from s t,rt WorkT'"' M lW, " "ir"! "'" "is eo, """"rinie.l by s,. rbune s, ,pt 1 h.( , course ton vauetyof meibenl a.lviee, Vilhont deriving A.. . J "pr"' " ''' Ttulon. u-ir Puis anil I'"'" .-ted a e m plel. . re In so ,Lt , ,,1. that le-.r v. hn hl n,-i, , w" .'ii'iV. f' (fijuer') Wll.MtM ARUM 7 ii- trnih nt i,, stelement can 1 reused bv Mr W P 1... .land, I he,,,:,., 11, .Murk,., !?,,, ,1()der,nf;,,; ' (iiieit i-loot, H'id Hreiials, rhill.l.-iMis, 'urns,,! lm,i T'i.lulns, fioill. tilaiidul'ir Swt l.mnlHieii Pile. Kheuinntism lllii'll.. (-..r.ik .Hlmi lUng, ......i j,,,.Fr.,e- 1 nneeia no. ..r , - ' ' toes Sc M:ini.J lies, Conlmeleil nml ;., , ' ' .'"tilt.. K.e.lilniiiinsis, l ,r M,.pca, S'tin-illTOiscs, S"irvy, Tillll'iurs, fleers, V.r. rVnkls,, t Te-hcnds, Wounds, uui-.Aurii, bad imn,T crnrn IN' ONB .Illl.M II. Extract of a Letter from Mr rJ,.;.t t cr, of Pcnhttrs', htut, dated December 13A, 1Sj(). T., Profcas-r II.ii.iMvvr. slT-y we '" snlT. -red from Do.! Brsasts ft more t Inn six nionlb... and 1 ,k. .i...i ' : jY , .ie tiesl inwlical iitteiidunee. Inn all to no use. flavins be torc he:! e( nn awfi.t , i - ."V,"S "se rivjilled medicine. 1 determin-d C:,i to use ',.,' P , nn.l f 1 .nil,..,. i .1 . ... . .. . lour I ma . ,. . ' own ler. ,v Vlrttr nn. - v.... lino inereiore ir.ive iriem a irn. . nnd fortunnie it win" 1 did so, fur, I in her cose. .r , n-r m iew man a month a EJiSS a'' efl,:rtlJi n"d e henefa thnt rnrhms oth- . '"' "nve rfurivrd Imm their use ia m."? 1!ini,,1"S' J n,,w "Wgly reeommend them tit all my friends (Signed) FKKD'K TUKNEll. S-'ld at the Tlr.Mis;imeiit nf Profess.Tr IToT.r.owsT 4 iraitd, (neftr Temple itar, I.MMdon,) nnd lr all resprrUibl DiugmMi nnd Dealers in Meilk inos ihroucliout the Brit isli l"r-'. th wof the I'niied PtHtes, in Boxes at 37.c. . ourl 5(r. eneh WhoVrjIe by the priuctivil Jjroif Nv-"'mk Lui ,,,'Qud Messrs. A.Jj! A. 1. 8axm , TUcr ' c'1n,iJural',e ing by taking the larger ' 7 riroc,i!n,B.ror !!,p P"i'l'ic of patients in every 11 r- u!ei nre nQixefl to eaeh u.-x. ' Ottftber 23, ISJ.VJ, lv. "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUJfD IT AT 1A8T. TV'OW for ihe little onr. Why will parents waste hours ami dnj in fruilleBi eudeavori to (jet jicrfcrt iiirturrs of their children and aftsr nil get nothing hut a poor, iniserulile Caricature 1 Wc would any, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee to make you a pern-el picture, hy our C'himicil process, that works in from J to 2 second. We defy any llajrucrrean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as we ars the iiivctitois, and the proccua ia used only in our dif ferent estahliihmpiit8 in IS'ew England and the Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver medals we have received fioin the American Institute, New York and Kranklin, Philadelphia, together with Iho numerous premiums from County Fairs, is siill'icieiit proof that they are the Xe Plus Ultra of perfection. Wo would chII particular ntteiitii.n to our Talbotvpcs DuKiirrreotyncp i" Oil. 1). K'. it (vii 100 C'iientii'i S'.:,-ct Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site 11 imp den House. prin-flclJ and Collins' Cuildinir, Westficld. Maas. N.H. Our estuliiishnirnt is illuminated ly the brilliancy of our J'ictures hv Jay, and hy Pmfcssnr llorstfortCn Safety letups l,j iW,. "Come and 6ee." l'iiila., Mav 25, 18..1. ly. Merc Si'W Goods!! WILLTA5I A. KXOBB, OESPKCTn.I.LY informs his friends and the l'lihlic iri iic.ullv. that he has iust receivnl and opened a huge and splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, His stock consists ol every variety of Dry (looils, viz : Cluths, Cassimers, Sattiuetts, Vesting!, Flan nels, Muslin, lie. A splendid stock of LADIES OP. ESS AND FANCY GOODS, Sue us Siilcs, lleravs, De Laincs, Hhrinoest Isturns, Ginghams, Calicoe lc. 303TS AtD SHOES, ' A fine assortment for Men, Women tt Children. A large assortment of CJUOC'UUICS, SUCH AS Sujrar, CoflVp, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &.c. Hardware and Queenswaro. tnltnnil LHiuors. t ru ab Cin. Bramly, Rum and Wliiskry, Tli'siiles the lart'est and most jreneral assort, nii'iit of all kind of (ioods to he hud in the country. All the ahove mentioned goods will he sold at such reduced prices as they ran not ho got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Augusta twsp.. July 2, IHJ1. Cm. Lumher Yard. 'jpill'. Huhserilx'T would respectfully inform the -- citi.ens of Huuhury. and .Nortliuml erlautl and uilj lining counties, that he lias opened a Ltutidcr Vard in the lot fronting on Cranhrrry St., a short ilia, tam e T.ast of tho Ktcam Saw .Mill, where lie has now a larpe amount of .sr touril l'auxrl I'lnnl, n..o I'ainirl Board, and all other Hoards anil B i ii.iu mi M itkuial, such as will I wanted for huihliut; purposes. Also a laif; amount of tthiinrlcs on hand, which .ili he sold from fG up to J8, according to quality and siy.e. Please give us a cull and exiiniino our price and mislity. .. It. KurmiTS who aro in want of Shingles) will please call a we will sell to vou low, J. K. I.EIU, Sup. Siiuhury. May CS, 153. ly. ' COME AND SEE The New and Sleiidid assfirtment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale hv Sunlmry Ai I 30, '50. I. W. TENER & CC Tl'ST KKl'EIVl'D a Splendid asssrti lent Ijidics' Dress Goods, consisting; ol Sil ,, M lin do llirauo. Canton Crape. rSilk Poplin, Uil tod frviss I. an n Holies, Ac, and tor .le hv Kui.hury, May 14, 'S3. TK.N f.U c CO INDIAN ClIOLACOtlL'E An e(eellenl re. mcdy fur the cure of 1-Yvcr and Aeus, just rs. c ivej ai.d for sals hy I. W. TENEK it CO. Suuhury, M)- I I, 1H 3. C1HMX PI MP.S A smsll numls-r of thess. en-elleiit pumps has lut'n received and arsj offered for sale hy II. B. M.S.SE.U, - Puii'iiiiv, .Tune I, IS.'iJ.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers