SUNBUKY. AMEBIC ANciAN P, SHAMOiaN vJ OU JIN AlT. THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. Knigmn Pnper, pen and nik. Ausvvrr In hut weeks Ml Hn the ttiUtrd. , . Key to l' Uegin nt the upper T, skip to the right hand comer If. up tn corner K, tlien In-gin nt the secontl . letter from lop T and pnvieed in the mine manner. Tito inner diimionu is worked in the snino iiimiiiei . , For the Pnnliuiy American. ' ' iMPuflTUik r. A. S K ' ' ' It S V .. K j. M d X : ,L ' O 5 SWAIM'S Answer tiQAl wet-'k. - AFPtfALS. inHE time and plarc 'frv hoMi'tr..' appeals by J- tho Commissioners in the several townships rmd boroughs in llm County of Northumberland for the year IH-i'J, to wit : ' ' " May 2, ot t lie House of F. Fi vcr, Low. Mnhnnny, May 3, " " '. Elia Klingcr, Jordan. May 4, " . " Goo. Smith, Jackson. ' May 4, , " Peter rj.-ie.l, Up. Mahauoy. May 0, " Peter Wcikol, Cameron. ' May 7, " ' - Will. Raker, May 9, "' " ' Henry Weaver, Zcrbc. May 10. " " Jacob Mowry, Coal. May ll, " -' C. LcUetiring, Shamokin. May 12, " School llou-c, in Knsli. May lit, " " -Ellas Emorich, I.. Augusta. May H " Commissioner.! oliicc Suiihury ami 1 "pptv A ttgttsla. May 10 " House of H. Haas for Noiitrd and Point. " 13. Fordsinttn, Cliili aiuarpic. Mr. Strieker, Milton. " All' ni.. Khmii.'ct, Tinbut. " Isaac Reader. Lewi. ' II. J. Render, Delaware. of aust-rv. Pa. T'niversitr. pint', ol Surg , N. Y. l invcr May 17 " May IS " Muy 19 " May 20 " Mnv 21 " ComWs. Ofiice, Sunbury, April 10, 1853, CHRIST. ALBERT, ) (.jiAS WEAVER, i JOS. NICELY. ) -I Com Hrp. 12,000 (lifts lor the People. v .".Extraordinary Inducements CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOll THE CURE OF Incipient t Onsuniption, ' Scorfnla, General Debility, While Smiling, Minimalism,' Diseases nf the Liver mil Skin, mid nil Disrates arising from . liupuilicK nf the I Hood, ami the - I'Jlceis u) Mercury. . SW.UM'S PWACttA li!in "li.ti ii fur more than lliirly veins ei-L-l.rntttl in this t -iiicrjf nntl in Knropr t'nr its exlrsortlinarv cures f a tile corti ilu-'itl'R tif which reference is mailt; In lln; directions inul Istoks (which may lie had lirnti) are nuimnv inir the l' rnine of wliu'h give ttie iai t icu Iiiin of caws too frightful I-ir ilna ral inhtii.'a(iiiti, when; Mie palnaittt had li'-iai ulniost ctiainl iviUi Srrofula, mat verc ilt'eintil iiuairalili.' fov llivsivitnts. In It i lim a n.itl iii liospitft'ls flint jirivatii praetti!', nnd tias h-.itt ilic jiiayuhir fortune of tipiwr ri.'iviiniiiend'l hy Itie ianl ei'h.lirnti-il yu sk-uuio nnJ 4ilhu eiiinu-nt tier Anions "tln."n fv " V. tiil.s ,n. M. 1).. Vrnf. Vilcntiiw .M.,tt, M. II., fii;v . W. I'. 11i n-.H-s. M. T . Vf.'f. of Mai , Ta. 1 uiveimly. K . I ll i 111111. M. II.. I'rof. (if l'lii sir. I'u t'liiversily. T. I'iiiIm', M. 11 , I'roh'l I'nllt'iri' ol' rhvJMCian, I'tu Im Hi. ilil til! i, Pr.rt.ul .Mi-iliii Havana. J"rc Ivinira..- ilr I.n, I'riif. of fiaraiTV, l.tiitM-n. .1. (.'Iiipiiinn. Mi ialna- It iyal 1'oIIiit uige.ais, loiidu:t. It. W. l:ii;i':, l:itt; Miui-'lrr to Spain. Sli 'I'll aais IVan mi, .lai. tint. Miilitih Army. liillnTl It.ilii.Ttt. Ilnllsli Consul. &r.. ir. Anil al ' 1. the vv It-rial cares rll'.'i ltd hy ri'Vailn's 1'an- at'i'a have f r many yrai's inaile it an inl alnalile naiu ity. Tlit? Panacea d as not eoata'a nitai nrv in nay folia, anil tieinit an j.reiiaiatuiii, it may he yiven t.t the 111 tfialiT infant . The mail iica lias lieen rcdai'fd to pt all per bottle, (eonlalailli: tlnre half pint?) or tlat'e liollh'S for 1. nr.w.uiK or lmpdsi tion. Hwaim's Panatva if ill round lnUl' S. Ilnlfd I n'i(ilnill nallv. Willi llu- foil nviia; letlerc hi urn on the cla : ' -SWAIM-. PA.NACl'.A I'll 1 1 .AHA .' anil liaviir.' the name of .1 is t'WAlM 'ani rd on Hie !"'id nnr wax. nail v.-.itteii i n lla- laht'l t- naa ir.t the e a k. an.t a splendid enjrmvinc lor Ihesiil" of the liolile. eanposi d ol lieoaietlie latliii w irk. e nnprtsinil nine ditlVlfllt tilts, winch have lai n Im nol f. it lao exclusive use ol lint pro prietor. I.v lhn, t r A. Co , hank Hole t iiirav 'rs. i I Pliila delnhia. In the centre is a portrait of the late Will. f'Waini e ao i ielil s.'cnrcil. " also, sw.uM'f" vi:i!MU'ri'n;. A valaal.le family :l nliciac, licintt a liiijlilv approved1 rcaicly fn all iliicn-:cn niihini; Iroili tl.hililyol liie des-1 lleeni-ms. siicli ns Wnrins. Cholera Murium, Dynentery fever and Aone. Illceiliiii. Pilc. Sick llcadaclitl, .Ve.. Ao. See the Pamphlet (which may be hail gratis) umanpany 111 the Vcrniifnee. ,.,,. 1're;v,red onlv at SWAIM'3 LABOl! ATOIM , THK l.l) M'AN'n. ' P. vcnlh street. Iirlow Claslnnl. Philadel phia, nnd s .Id i.y all the respectable iluiggisU in the I in terl Stales. , . caption to xiir. prm.To. T..rt.,... ...isliiii obtain the centime tVAIM" PAN- ACI'.A nnd SWAI.M'rt r.ll.M 1 1 I- u I , pluinUI be earcfnl Itui-i vi lli:il llie liiiiue SWAIM . is spelled eorrcetlv on Ihe b illies nnd labels, or Ihcy may t : ..a .... i.t-'toeitieiot s matte in iniitiition of tlieni by n poison bearinea Bomcwliat similar name, well calculated l" ''cSKMJKAI AOENT8 FOR THE U. . Schifflt'lin, Ikolliers 5t Co., 101 nnd toil Julio St.. XfW York. Philadeli hin, April fl, 1K-3 Onl 1 Flour anl Feed Store. rIIE Ftiliserilier , respeetfully informs liis friends and the pul'lic generally, that he has opened n FLOUR AND FEED STORE, ill Fawn street, in the Imiiliiiii formerly oeeiiiied by Kmj. Dower, ns his olliee, where ho will con siatitly keep on hand all kinds of (ititiN. Fi.m it ami Fi:i: n, at the lowest market prices, for Cash or produce. EMANUEL WII.VEKT. Sutibury, March 5, 1803. 3m Hotel For Ssilc. ""1TE nro Btilhoried to oiler for sale a superior second class Hotel, cenlerally located in it Husincss part of the city of Philadelphia, com manding, ut (his time, a large trade from lVnn syltania, Helawarc und New Jersey. Tho House contains One Hundred and ten Rooms, and is capable of accommodating, One Hundred and Fifty persons. The Gentlemen's Parlor, Reading rooms, ; 13ar rooms and Office, are on the first floor. lelluteo as to insnte n pcriecuy iinniMii.eiiiMiuu.e . , , , mass of envelopes 1 lie ti x saall llien lie presenten ny us intiiiaii tiiin inea n-teun ,.,.o.o.a...j ...... to Mr. JAMIvS II. I'AltLANH, who will n it have been present nt the eereniony. Mr. Farrnnd will thereupon opt n Ihe b ix, nnd iiutnedl tttelT cmnmenee indiscriminate delivery of the lii.OdU enve lapei one envelope, for every cheek surrendered As ion as the I'ii.Ulio liekels iiient ioacd in t!te atlvertisc ment are s dd. Ihe tuiliiic will lie notified when and where the lib ive project will lie executed 'O witness lite moving of the Pan irnma of lite ' oul;a. vui.iui. . to 1 CAJ.IPOltNIA. ' Now exliiliiled by .KlSlAU PlllllUM, the Proprietor bf the even Mile Mirror. Mr. PKKM AM bets leave to propose distributing to (ho eitizcusof Pluludelphiu, Ijaltiuiore, New Votk, and the adjoining places, a number of - ' VAU. ABl.M AM) COSTLY GIFT, i. ' ... iucliiflititr the MAGNIFICENT PANORAMA Now drawing ciovvtled Itouta-s at the - - AtMKMHI.Y IK MI.UINOf", - the exltibition of which has realisetl to n owners within the last three vears, a clear prolit of sf Irf.tHlO. Satisfactory proof of this Can be obtained at the olliee of the Assembly lluiltling. I ff The pi in upon winch it is propose.! to presciti suiuo S14,UU0 worlli of Allieles is. by the sale of I li WlU Tlt KKTS I at Ci.NK IMfl.l.AR. EACH I fnch ticket to admit KOCH Pi rs ins to the Panorama at miv exhibition when Hie house is not full, Ihus un ing each purchaser the Worth n? ms Moxbv, liesides alloitl ing him an opportunity to obtain one of the lollowing arti cles, viz: J'aunruina. - valued at - - 1(1.000 Piano, " fill Gold Wa,ch, 11 I"0 3 Oold Watches, " 150 . Ill sets Silver Ten Spoons, Wi SO (ioltl Pens at So each, - - 8 6110 Hold Penrils, nl $:i each. -' l.wm 11,3:M Sleel Kngravinffs. at ii- cents, U.Krj A CAUL). As stated In- Mr. Perliniu, the anilrisnaeil a-kn iwletlj-e that Ihev have eonseiitetl o net lis a Com- initlec to seal up li tiiiu oidcis for the li!,oerj gifts abivc named. , These orders, when folded, shall all present precisely the the same appcainncc ill shape, col .r and bulk. They shall then be secuiely sealed np in IS IW Inilf envelopes, ull of the most pirfect similarity, each of which, ns r ni as seal ed, shall be deposited in a secure box, withu simile open inff. laree en iul'Ii onlv loudmil letters The lux will then tie s) aeitated as to insane a perfectly unilistinunishable CHERRY PECTORAL: l Far ihe lWr"'' ' COUGHS, COIsBS, ' ' HOARSENESS, BHOU OHXTIS, CIIOUP, AST- IVTA, WHOOPING.OOUOH AITS . CONSUMPTION. ' Of nil llm iitimeroits medicines extcnf,' (and same of them valuable) fir HiKCurotf pultiiinmiy fompliiilt, rnv thing has ever been found which could u..mpare. in. lis el ftcts Willi this Prcperiilion. Otlie-s cine s atiLtitncs, but at nil times mid nf nil dtsenSM! f the linejs und Ihroal whore liletbcine can give relief, tine veil! Ilo it. - It is pi -asiint to take, nnd pctfeiitly sate in accordance wiih be tbrecli.ais. We'd i n it advertise for the information of those wh ihave tried it but tbosuvvlio have tvil. families tlait huve known us valuu w ill not be Willi ml it, mid by its llinely Ufa-, tla-y ure secure tr ail ihe consc qaencts of Coitifhs ami C this which iieglteteil, ripen into fatal e aisiunpti n. The Dcpl.aua ul tin- MassicliascUsInslilulc was award ed to llns prt jiaraiion by the IJ ard of .Italics in sfeplcnibef Ihl7 ; ills i, the Aliidals of the lliree ifreal Itisttlntee ol An, in llns eouutrv ; also the lieploma 1 1 the Ohio Inslitute ut Clucauiali, has been fiven In the CilEltKV PkcioilaU, ) their (i iverianerlt til e-Vnsitlerati n of its cxiraoldiaaiy excellence and ilsttfllhilns in cuiing nlfeetloi.s of the Lungs and Throat. Read Ihe foil wiirr opinion f .nailed on Ihe I ng experi ence of the eminent I'hvsiciau ol the Port and Citv t l lit J. C. Aver, SI'. JOHN'S, May f. &. five yians ttial of yoin CllllHi; Y PI'.i I'OK Al. in my prncliec', has proven what I foresaw Ir an ila coinp isilion, must he true. Ilmt it t ratlioall s l.i.d cures the e .his and cotl'.'hs to which we. in this rtetl ll, are pcf-Hlairly liable. 1 think its eipial has not yet fetal tlisc ivert-d, nor tl't 1 know how it belter iianedy- can be made for Ihe distem pers of the Throat and l,uti;'t. J. .1. Ill llTON', M. I) , F. H S. See what it hyp d inc on a w islcd eountuuti at, u 't only in the following cases, but a Ih a.saial in ire : Hemic, hy, Jan. 'Jit'i, IKil.i Dr. Aver: In the in 'nth of .lalv last 1 was utlueked by n vi il.-ai tlittrrlto a in miat t- of California. J returned lo San f ransise t in h ipe of receiving beuetit from a elmnge of climate, und tint. My ih.ilihieJ ceased, lull was I .1-low-ed bv'u severe c nl'i aial miiea s trencss. 1 linally started lor h ane. Imt received no b-iielit I'lom the vovuee. My eonidt c .ntineed to erow w rse, uial when I nriived in New oik. 1 was at once utaikeJ b my acipiaiatanees as a ictim of eonsumpl ion. I musl c aness that 1 saw no snlli'-jeiit reus at to tl nibt what my frieiulu all believtsi. At this lune I e nuinelietd taking your truly invaluable medicine with line expteialiou of dciivimr any b'netit front its use. Y .al would ll it receive these linm did I not regard it tin1 duly to slate tt the alilictcd. thr nc;h you, that nil- health, in the sluice of cicjtt m tilths, is fully re stored. I attribute it t i the toe ol vour CIIKUKY PIX' TOIIAL, Y-eiis truly. WILLI AM W. SMITH. YVAsitnioToN, Pa , April IS, Ir-1. Dear sir : Feelins that 1 have b-ea spared from a pre mature eiave, ihroueli yuut iiistiititiciilnlilv by Ihe provi dence of II al, I will take Ihe Illicit1 to exptess lo )oii my gratitude. A Cough and the alarming synippans of Connunption had reduced me too low to leave me anything like hope, Wln'n inv phviiciau. brought men b 'tlle of your "Pkcio,'' h seemed to alTad onnictbate icliel, and imw in n few' weeks lime has r-stored me to sound hcaltll. It il will tlo for others s hat il lias done for nie, yoa are cer tainly taie of Ihe h.-aclueters of mankind. Sincerely wishing )oU every blessing, J am Verv respeelfallv voars. .fOIIN'J. CLARK f.. Ilct'l irof SI. Peter's Cliinch. ' AY it It such assurance nnd Ir-au such men, H" stronger pi.i'-.f can be mltluectl unless it be fioia us elfect upon "jVf;,!ir,f and fold fci; J A HIES C. AY Ell, 1' radical Chemist, Loircll, Mass. . Sold in Stinlniry by H MASS Ell, nod by Drnttaists generallv tlrronhoiit the Stole. March 10, lS.VI. ccow ly.N'ov. 13, '.VJ. - . THE ROAD TO HEALTH i ) HOLLO WAY'S TILLS, i cihis br a D! mvj:b and bad - 1 DIOKSTIOX. i Cnpijlo'f a Letter- from;M. R. W. Kirhis, Chemist, 1, 1'rescot Street, Liverpool, dated ' WJune, 1851..', ' , , , To l'ryfcss tr IIot.toWAT, ,' 1 in. Vour Pills nnd ninlmilnt have stood Hie highest rm our sale list of I'roprietory Mgdieines for some yearn. A customer, to whom I can refer for any enquirlci, dosires me to lot vou know the particulars of her ease. no iiul t,,d,ll r,,. vents wilb a disirdeietl liver nnd Imd iligestion. On the last occasion, Imwevor, the virulence of Ihe attack wns so alarming, and the iiillaounntlon sei in sit leverelv. that doubts were entertained if her not Irelng Itble 10 hftll p liuiler it! forllinulelv she win intlueeu UJ ion. .....1 mUa tniorio. itiellinl nfler the lirsl, tllltl earh succeeding dose, she had great relief. She continued to take llu in. nnd although sho used only three (loxes, she is noW in the enj ovmenl of perfect health. I ennui nave lent you many cases, hut the above from the skviit ok n. attack, and Ihe srKKnt cure, I fliitdt, speidti much ift fnvnr iil your iistomshmg Pills. 1 (SametlLl .- .H. W. KIIIKLP. AN. f.XTHAOHfllNARY CI RU OF HI1I',!'.MATI0 f F.Vf.R, IN VAN 1)1 KM F.N '$ LAND. Copii of a Letter inserted in the JIubart Town Courier, of the ls( March, 1831, Inj Major J. Walcli. "A Penny saved is a Penny Earned". MAIU'LK S BLANK HOOK MANUFACTORY, i And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, l'otlsvillc, Pa. ' TI,ANK Hooks botind and ruled in any nnd DbI cverv elvle. in the most durable and iuls- Ftaiitlul manner, with or without printed HeudsJ. Person in want of Ledgers), Dockets, Hay Hooks, Minute Hooks, journals, Letter Hooks, Blotters, Receipt Books, Coal Ledgers, Ac., Ac, or any kind of lllank Honks, would do well to give uie call as I pledge myself to give alisfac tion. Paper ruled lo any pattern desired. Tar? tieulnr attention paid to Hinding all kinda of old ti...,i,B 4 . 1 Bibles? Mnnrniet M'Conuiimn. nineteen vfun of nge, resldiaj nl New Town, Itarl lieea auilermg from a violent rlieuustua fever for iiuwaids of two months, which hail entirety de prived her of the use ot her limbs; during this ndrlod she was under the care of the most eminent medical men ill Uolturt Town, and hv llieul her case was considered hope less. A trieud prevailed up on her to try Ilollowny's cele. bratcd Pills, which she consented to do, und ill an iuclodc hie shorl space of time they elle. tetl a perfect cuio. CUHH OF A PAIN AND TlflMTNF.SS IN TIIK . tllllST' AND STOAIACH OK A l'LRSON .CI Yf.AllS.Of Atil1.. From Messrs Thcw (f Soii, P.opn'ctorf of the. Linn Advertiser, v:lio can vuiich for the fulluwing statement. August 2nd, 1851, T.i Piofess ir lloi.r.ow.tY. Sin, 1 desire lo bear tcsliiu an- to the ptvsl ifi.cts of llolloway's Pills, for s line years I siitle.-etl s.-vi i.l troin a patu and tightness m the si auaeli which Was ala " ueeolii .aiih'd by a shortness of breath that prevented me from waluiic; nb -ut. 1 am ?t veins of hg.l.onrt rolwilhstniKling liiynovaneed stale of hie', these Pil s Ituvvin lelievnl me, ihiit 1 ant desirous tnat others should lie made netputinletl wiih their virtues. In.n now rnulcrrd, by (heir means, fotnpointivelv active, nntl etui toke cxeneise witltont ineou- veulenee or pam, wiucu i caisi Ji n uo tsism'd) iii'.Mtv con, X Ttli sheet, Lyna, Norf Ik. These celebrated Pills are u-nndei fully cjjka- Codey's I.ndy Hooks, Graham' Magazine, Snrtuin 'a Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Josephus's works, ci'ut's in the following complaints. Aeiiti A st tuna ' Itihoas C1 111-deli efc on the Skin llawcl Coinplaiiils Colics Ooiistipalioil of the II. 'Wols . ConMiniptiou Debility S tro Throats Pie Douloureux n.-cis Droi sy Dys.iilary aiiplainls la1) sipel I'remltim Kssencc of Cofiec fieorne W. Dewev. 21(1 Chestnut si . Pee. Art fnion. F. D. U Uiehaids, 17.) Chesluut st , Daguerreolvpisl. V. A. lloyt, Merchant Tailor, earlier Tenth and Chest nut streets. .Thomas A. Fitstgenlil. Proprietor City Item. William II. Siekels. Proprietor D;iily Register. James 9. Wallace. Proprietor Daily San. P. A.Cregar, Piineipal South fast firaumier Scli-ml Ortlen fir tlekels by mail, ad.llessed to J. PerhanisAs emUy Ituildimr, will he promplly attended In. Tickets for sale nt the Ass'aiiblv lluildiucs, front H A.M. to lOP. M. Alsi for sale at Ibe'liiiartl House. Washing ton House. Joins' Hotel, American House, flitted States Hotel, Franklin House, Mcichanls' Hotel, I nnai House, and other Hotels, nnd nt Hie principal Music Stores KXHIIIITIONS l; i:HY AFTLRNOON and F.VIv N1NH, nt :U and T.) o'clock. Single Tickets, us usual. -.' t cents Children half-price. rinla ., April S. IKW. II. fi'-' .mm. ism U.1IH ."Pl.-LiA fV..iTr 11 Hobby Horse3, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coache3, Barouclies, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by B'tfSxIlTEL-L & TTJLLj- JN'o. 61 yJUC'A f-treel, ' Philadelphia. i Orders through tho mail promplly ce.'u!ed j l'hila., Apiil , 1S53. ly. WILLIAM PERKINS' j Gen th mens Fashionable CLOTHING- HOUSE?, No. 231 Chesnutf Third door belric Eikth si Philadelphia. HAS on hand a full slock of French and English I'iece Hoods, which Vill be inado j lo order at llio Shortest Notice, in the La lot Stvle, FOR CASH, 'l'hila., April 9, 1853. flm. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. jOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ' ministration on the eslate of Isaac Minnirr, sen,, late of Lower Augusta township, 'orthuin berland couiily, dee'd, have beeu granted by lite Register of said county to the undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted lo said eslate will discharge the same, and ihosc having demands will present them lo YY.YI. V. sVIf.VF.RVVOOn, Adm'tnr. Lowtr Augusiti ttviiji., April 6, lejj'j. (it ; . . ... ' Estate of JOIIH KRAMER, dee'd- TV'OTK.'E is hereby given that Idlers of Ad- ' ministration have been granted lo the under signed upon the estate of John Kramer, late ( Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the said deceased, are leqursted to make the same known lo the tinder ioed without delay, and ull persons indebted will make, immediate payment. 1 1 WILLIAM KRAMER, Adtn'tor. Cpptr Augusta Iwjip., March SO, 1853 tit. vated, and in part newly furnished, mud is filled up in the most genteel manner. Tho furniture will be sold with tho I.kask, which has over two years to run, at a vbut low ihnt with the privilege of renew ing for five years longer at the same rent. The central location of this Hotel being in the itnincdiuto vicinity of Huaincss and nlaars of amusement, make it an opportunity 1 seldom to be met with. It will be Bold cheap, nnd on accomodating Terms. For further particu lars apply personally or by Lkttf.ii Post Faiii at the Ileal Estate anil (ieneral agency olliee, No. 8'Jsoulh fifth sheet, I'hiludeliihia. M l.MJERI.K Ii & AI.LMON1). Phila., March 2U, 1853. tf. Estate of DAVID THOMPSON, dee'd, NOTICE is hereby given that loiters of Ad ministration have been granted lo Use ini- dersigncd upon Ihe eslate of David Thomson, late I of Coal tow nship, Northumberland county dee'd. i All persons having claims or demand against . the eslate. nf said deceased, are requested to make : the samo known to the undersigned without le. ; lay, and all persons indebted will make immediate : payment. I : H.1.I AM FAOF.I.Y, . , . ' KIMllEIl CLEAVER, ( Adl" j Shaniokiutown, March '-6, 1853. Ct. i A lnkcsinith Wuntcd. t JOURNEYMAN Rlacksmilh is wanted immediately by the subsciil?r, to whom steady employment and good wages will be given, i " JOHN CLARK. ! Suuhiiry, March It), 1S53. If. A CARD. AVINti embarked in the Mcicanlile bitoi ncso on niv own account, 1 take this op- j porlunily lo thank the friends of the late linn, and IMC plililtc 111 general nil uie uneiai (i.titutije exleiulci! In nie heretofore, and would be most happy to see them at my new business stand, in the house formeilv occupied by John Leiscnring, opposite the Hank. MARKS II. PRIESTLEY. Noi tbuinbeiltind, March "(I, 1853. 3iu Mary! we'll pro-ni piiu,..,,.,,. long t.ur lives by ' V,J:! 1 " I! ' UStllg ll U' n Kssenee of Coffee rm JJ& li i hi 1.1 A', Iiitbintniili-ju J mniliro Liver Cum-. , ' il ii t if n I,lUt)ktg4 I'tll-H HlifMinintiMfi JIctenU"ll t" TriiHi Kcirl'uln. r Symptom 1-Yiii;ii(? liTfjrii- liiitit-a Frwie m ull kinds Fits (UIU Il'':iil-:i.ln: f lltifitreffi'MT -St m? nml Oravul ' Til 1 1 ion m 't-iii re:il AiVeclions Wttriiiant'nll Utmls VVnWuesj. from wlintp'. cr i':tnff. fltr.. Vi. Sil.l nt Un I'.HiJil'liwIiiiKMit of rrntvsfor Iloi.r.nwAY, 2H, Shiincl. (nrur 'Vuili' Mar. 1, 'hHihi.) nml lv sill rnpcrtnlile DruixtR :niti Dciiit'if im .Mmlictm Uiruiiiioiii Urn ifriiifiii Kmpiri:. A th w ( 1' llie I'liil' il St:ttrn, in ltx8iit h-mn itt the l iii-Mi, and hy MeMis. A.U. A li. Sanms, Nev- -.Hk, Th'.re is n e ittcreible kiviii ly titkiiip the Inrgor ."S. M DireL-lH'ins for tlie LMinluiieo nf patients in evury lis tiih-r are nlVixci tn t-vli liox. OcIuUt l-.V-1, 1y. C ARR, GIESE Cz CO., Hour, friain and Lumber Coniniision IMereliants. 23 and 25 Spear's Wharf, .BALTIMORE- John Chill A. P. Oilei 1THY will ninn use that which is injurious lo bis he illli, wl en he Is willing to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lost ! Strange ! that til least two thirds of Ihe human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Ki"Ui, E'.fM'iicc of f'oficc is, beyond doubt the 1 est anil most wholesome preparation of I 'oll'i e in the world. Every iiotise keeper should have il. Try il and be convinced it will save about lid pet cent, besitlesyour health. Warranted lo render entire satisfaction. Manufactused and for sale by EI. I KliITP, (ij'l Norlh .Id si reel Philadelphia. N. H. All the principal tiroters and Druggists have it for sale throughout the United Stales. For sale by the Aienl, II. H. Masscr, Sunbury. January 1, I 85'J. Iiul. r.i:rnr.F..NCKs. Esq., Piesident Citi.enii Rank, Hall. Esq., Cashier Franklin Hank, " John Herlz'.er.' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. lingers, rSinuicksou eV Co., " J. Tome, Esqt, President Cecil Hank, Port De- poBite, J. Wnllower eV Pon Harrisburg."" 1 Col. H. C. Ever, Svlinsgrove.. J. II. App 3c Co., " Na,rle, Wiiigatc iV Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq., Muliey. Simon Schuyler, .Esq., " (jeorgo Hotline, Hiighsville. W. Weaver & Co., Monloursville. (ien. William F. Packer, illiamspoi t. T. W, Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, James It. Hilling, " Lewis (i. Holing. " M'llenry & lJubli, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, Esq., Lock Haven. ftf ' Carr, (Siese A Co. have the largest wharf rnoin of any coniiniiaen house in Ilolluuore, ol waysgiving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 15, 18.13. (im. c ii i: a v V1NJ)()W HIIADK Depot aad Manufactory Hymn iJooks, (ilca6on's Pictorial, Sheet Music, Sbakspeare's works, Life of Christ, Law Hooks, tic, ti c. Any of Uie above or other hooks botind in full ailt. plain or funev to suit the wishes of customers. I would again call the attention of my fiends and customers, to tho fact that I have been a Practical Hook Hinder for the last 18 years, mid Ihcy can depend on having their work dune in Ihe very best maimer, and do the Work myself; I use tho best rnper &. material', )'euxf efrt me a enl my charges arc reasonable nnd fair, but there is no ililhcully iiliout prices where work is ilono satis factorily. N. R. Persons having Hoos they want Hound can scud them by stage directed to uie stating, the the style they wish them bound in: I will do them ns low ns they can be done anywhere, care fully pack them up and return llieui ; Also per sons caii send Hitlers for Blank Hooks by mail, which will be punctually nttendad lo. All work dune at short notice. R. L. MARPI.E. I'raclit al Hook Hinder. 1 Pottsville, Nov. 0, 1852 (im. SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER, &c. J Ells riltil SmimiH, ( '(1M!l TJ.F.s. m n' I rM fls irU'il pt-4.kiiiUlUOl. HtJOliS Mi'l STATIOXAItY t lw iDimil iu the Ci v, which th'-y urc uble lo ulicr ut liisl i prices. UJL.N I K l il IMiL 1 1 A A iTi Will :tl! tin- h-iiilinc Seln-ol II ink. f. AVulinff nml Wtnp piittt Papers, (.'tirtnin I'l-prri". Hlnstiitir Pnpcis. nmi nllnnti nnry Staiinnnry, Ithuili liu'.'lis, l't'iii", Ink, Kv.. tn the niot-t Tavwratle tf.-iin's. SCHOOL COM MITT F.F.S, Tkaiio:iis aii nTiirais rental vir. in ijcantitics for Schools, nrc iuvitctl to call and examine oui slock. We have had e itsidcrabtc c.Tnericnte in supiilv inir School Dis tricts, slid Iteine, Publishers of a number of extensively usctt S ihool Uof.ks, our facilities for gelling such slock uie unsurpassed. 1 ' Ainontisi our Publications will be found the following: Comly's S;.i lliier' II .ok, revised edition; Plainer ; Yotaip Orator : litiunnere's Surveyor-', the saindreil Tieatisc tat this Sei eitee j llonnvcastle's Alciisaratiou ; Anderson's Davenport's History ol the I'nlli-il Stntcs, used In the Pal lie Schools ol New oi k Slid Pllllliflelpata ; flnnnni ie's pr. "icssivc Spcllma ll.Hik: f'oliily'sMraimner ; ltlin Dielionary The II iok of Coinuieiee, fte , A-'1., V IHAI1 lll'N I' Sc SON. 4 North Fourlh Slicct, Philadelphia. February 00, liiao, :jiu. BUsxoUttioii of I'm luci sliip. TJlIE Copartnership heretofore existing under I the name of James H. oc Win. H. llart, is Ibis day dissolved by lite withdrawcl of William R. Hart. The business of the lale firm will be settled by cither of the undersigned, ut No. 82'J, Norlh od street. JAMES II. HART, WILLIAM li. HART, THOMAS II ART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 18.1'). r s5oo cjiallkncj k. f f HATKVr.It rnnrrrns the hwiltli nnd ImppincM of a H nennlt is nt nil tinipn of llm tmiat vnhmhln liiuwirt- nnce. 1 lake H for grmitml Ihttt everr pnrrvtn will all tn ineir pitwnr, in save nie live 01 iimr ennurun. riio wim every prrsmi will emh-nvor lo prmn t llieir own health il j nil iwrifirfs. I fvel it to he tnv ilnty to m.leninly BRsurc you tliat Wl iHMS, urcirilinsi to the opinion l" Ui moit (irletmttcd rhyniciniin. qrn tliR prinifiry c;iite nf a liirgo majority ftf ihiucn to which eliiUlreii ntni Briults are lia Mrj if yon havcim appetite routimmlly cliatiKeubl fr'in one kiinl of fiwul to finntlicr, Tlarl llrratn, rain in the ;to nincli, rirkyig nt thn Nf, Ilnnlni ss anJ Fnlhien of the Hclly, Dry Comli, Sluw Frvi-r, I'ttlselrremihir rtmeinlier that nil them denote WORMS, und you bhotiM ut once ap ply the reinrdy IIOBKNSACK S WORM SYRUP. ' ' All article f aim led upon Seiiililie Priiiclplos, pntnpmilKl cil with purely vefrelahlc Piihstniicen, hcinp perfectly if whrii taken, mid ran he (irrn to ihe iiiot Irmler infant wiih (lerhtetl lieneficiiil rtreet. whfro Hnvel ' Mnpl-nnts nml iJiarrhrru have iiiuile thuu wik hih) debilitutrtl Ihe Tnii! properties if niv Worm Syrup ure aivrli. Unit it ilanrls wiih mt an equal in the rntnlnune of iiHilirinen, in gviiiff t ne nnd tronpili to the St' "much, which makes it an Infallible remedy for those nliiictcd wltll l)yswpRi, Ilia nstnnifhiiiff cures performed hy this Syrup alter I'liyfi fianl linve In i led, ia the bent evidence of' its iipcrijr tili cacy uvvl nil others. j TIIK TAPE WORM! . This is the moat dilTienlt Worm loih-mroy of oil that in fest Ihe human bvhU'ih. it trows to an almost Indefinite lenpth becnniiiiK aicnih-d and lai-trnril in the lutentinea find St:Huic!i iHei'tittg the heaiih so roily an to riiuse St. Vitus Dimce. Fits, fte , thai those nlilicir d seld 'in if ever snspeet that it is Tape Worm hnFteaiitp thrill to nit early irravo. In ofilur to deslrnv lliia Worm, n viy euertjctic Irratnieut must be pursncif. it walil be pntper to itikH 6 to 8 of mv I.iver Fills s ins r- mnoveiill obslrue tions, lhat Ibn WinmSyrupinaynrt direct nion1he Worm, which must be taken in do."es of H Tnblespoonftdlw 3 limes n day Ihcse direeii'ins followed have never Iweii known to fail in earing the most obstinate pane of Tape Worm. K7" HORENSACK'S LI V Kit FILLS. No n:irt of the syFteni H more linbk 1" dipe.-ise tlum the lil VKH. it servim; n fillrrer to purify thr bl oil, or giv nii; thf proper pecietion t i the bib- ; a i llrtl any Wfiaijf ac tion of the Liver ellet In llie ni her important pails of the syet''!!!, tj i id p'ntilts variously, in I .iver ('omphint. .biuu dice, Uyspr-psia. iVc. We p'i uikl, th'Trf ire, wateh every svmpl-an that rruirhl indicate a wmii" aeiioii of the Liv.ef. These. Fills beiiiK uompotei of KOOTSA VhWTl fur nisheil bv nature, lo heal the sick: Numelv, 1st, An MX- Fl 'X'l'l lt A NT, which nuimeutH the Ferttitiit from llio l'ulmouarf mucus mcnibraitc, or promotes fie rli.'-cliarc of secreted mniur. nd, An AI.TF.H AT1VK, which ehanpes in s ane inexplicable nud iiir'cnsible manner tli" certain in .ibid action ()f the pvsfeiu. Hrd, A TONIC which jrives tine mid strenjlh to thr nervous system, re newiitff hcalih and vipir to all parts of l he body, -till, A CATIIAKTK'. which nets in perfcel harmony with the other inffrediciitr. snd opera! it'tr on the 11 iwels. and expel linc the wh"lr mars of c irrupt and vilintnl matter, nnd pu rifying the 11! 'o.lf which de-Hirnys disease nnd reipircs health. W Jr,r. TO FKMALKS. Yoti will find these Fills rm iuvahmblc uirdicmc in many Complaiias to which yon it rc subject. In nbstruc(i"iis ei ther total ot parlial, lliey have been ftuml of ineatiniaitle benefit, restoriu thcrr functional 'irramfeiuents to a heal thy arlion, puriiyiim thn blond and tMber fiiii.l s cTcctu ally lo put to lliijlit ull rnmplaints which may nrie from female irrculariiir', as liondachc, yidilinef!. dullness if ifflit, pain in the fide, back, Ac. Cr' Piifp, 2 cents ciicli. None centiiae uuloi signed J. . Ilobcnsacl;, nl! others liuiuff I Kim Iinita1in. I y Ai-cnts wi.hinir new supplies, nnd Store Keepers desirous of bee uuin Actil iiuut ad ircts Uie Froprietur, J. N, HoU-nsaek. Fhiladclphin. Fa. S.hl by J. W. Frilimr. Suubnrv : Murv Mp(':iv, Nr thuiiUicrlmid w Ib-isel. 'J'uibutville;' Ii;i.-i. Milton: liitly V l.rnker, tiroruetown ; I .eiscnriup Wolv ei 'ton, Fa.i ivs ; Wiest, Hickory; all dealers in .Mcitieme in the t;ountv and !ate. Aupt 14, 1-.VJ ly. Van Boaai l)niim(knii (JiiIIcM'y, 151) Chestnut Street. 4 T this ce! j V cure tiir m-wewt and most improve bra led establishment you can always pro- l st ICS ol DAtiFKKHKOTYPK At TAMKJTVFK FfIFni AFPS at from 511 1 Hl per ct. LCijs Cost than such pictures can be bad for elf : vherc. Now that ya: can serine such perfect portraits of your luvcd ones at a mere nominal cost, d 'irt delay lel you lone them. TCvery vaiiety of fancy i"iscj, frames. Ac, on hand or furnislaHl lo or.lcr. and every picture made salisiory nntl war ranted I i be in the Im si si vie of thoait or no ciiArciE Cull and see us nt IS: I'lit stnut st, II. FFRNFM. . riiiUddhia. July IT, I.VJ..y. ft, ..eliy MEAJNSOF THR ' one hi own I bysieinn ! . Tiiibti sixtii edition, with up. wards of a hundred engra vings, allowing jtrivate dis ease in every sliap and form, and malformations of the frenerntive system, ly lr Wnt. Toung'. J ho lime has no, ved, that persons guflWing from' aecret diseases, need no more bceomo the victi.m or auc.(tr, as by the prescriitions contaiped in .Uits bo, uny one may cure, himself without hindrance to businofs, or the knowledge of tho most intimate friend, nnd with one-tenth the usunl expense. Irt addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully 'explain the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besidra many other derangement which it would not b proper to enumerate in the public prints. tV Any person sending TWENTV-FIVB CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive on copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will ha sent for one dollar. . Address, 1 it. W. YOUiSO, No. 153 SPRUCE .Street, 1'HILADEI.PIHA." Post paid. LCr Dr. YOUNG can he roninilled on any of tho Diseases described in Ilia dili'erent publica tions, at his OHice, 15i Sprnoe Street, every day between 9 und 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) . Philadelphia, June S, 18.W iy. 'sir rs &lKWiixLii, Mk and Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. "B "AVE established a f?tore wlior Uia teat trnde now resort for Houseliold Dry floods, French Fancy Goods, , Hress frilks and 8hawjs, . . ., Hosiery, (iloves and Jlilts, , . . ' (Mollis, Cassjmcrs nnd Yestinj;s, 1 Muslins and Linens by the piece, Damask Te.Me Linens and Napkins, JVent IHiuk Silks for Dresses, . , Full Slock of Mourning Goods. , E. c L. ore constantly receiving Hargains from the New Votk und Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and rclail very cheap for Natt Cash. KmvAui) E. Ei nn, Washington I. Lamikli.. Philadelphia, July 3, 1S52. ly. 1 1 1 K U ll U I T I 11 1 7. E .11 E 6 1 1, A K -l(IVi:t! HICKEY 8c TULL, No. 1-18 Chcstnn'. St., above Siith, Front of JONES' HOTEL. CTfyT) 1 f AVB j"st received their Prize .-vvWli Medal, awarded O them for lirli 'heir lest Travelling Trunks ex hibited ut the World's Fair in London, 1851 being Ibn only exhibitors to whom any award was made. I heir competition was willi nil Ilia world, ami they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. M'o be found iu this City, ami at Tory low price Call and sec. 1IICKEV" cV TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 18o. If. The undersigned, have Ibis day formed n co partnership nnd will continue Ihe business under the name of James II. A Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past lavors, they respectfully ask the at tention of ibeir frietitlM and Ihe public lo their stuck of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, nntl which they will sell ut the lowest market rates. JAMES II. HART, THOMAS II ART, 1, 1S.V.I. JH, tt. Sprinj Hangings.' I'ROI'TV & II.iRHETT'S Jlgriuilliiriil Yiiriiiuk:vf nnd Stcd Stor?. No. I Uli Markcl Street, Ihiladclphia. JROl'TY A M EA RS' Patent Self-Sharpen- iny Ploughs of all si'es, i i l; lit and lelt band edSubsoil, hide Mill and Double-Mould, &c, with Steel Extending Points, liar-Share, Reach, and other kinds of Calins for repairing. The Emperor of Russia awarded lor tho above I'Iihi-Iih. u itiussivo Gold Medal, valued Ij-IUHI. Also lite GA'K.Vr MEDAL al the World's Fair was av.arJcd P. A M. Plough, No. ID. Culti vator with Double-Point Polished fcleel Teeth, which can li' reversed, thus gelling Double Wear Also, cultivator ol all l'a per ""BMIE unilersined have just opened a fresh - nod complete stock of WALL PAPERS, innoiig which are GOLD nnd VELVET, FINE SVI'LVand Ihe LOWEST PRICED UN GLA ZED " PAPERS t Also. DECORATIONS, IIORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS, ike, Ac. Which they offer al the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. The best wotkinnn eiiiiiloved lo haiii; naiier either in the city or coitn'rv. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, do. We have also our usual assortment of WRIT ING PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, and Seho il Hooks, Stationary, Ac. PARRIsil A HOUGH, No. Noi Ih Tilth St., M doom above Market, PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid ftir Coiiulrv raits. Phila., March 12, 1H.VI. Bin. G. T Notice. MIEaunuul merlin; of Ihe stockholders o Ibe Green Ridite Improvement Company will be held at tire Girartl limine, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, Ike tSth of May next, when an Election for Two Directors will be held. ... .,- WILLIAM WLSTFH, Secretary. Phila., March 20, H553.-tm. 1 Wanted lo Furcliase. OUN'l'Y LAND WARRANTS htttliesl h in ice; p.ti.l, iinniey ii'millcl liy mail or us iliioclcj of the 1 'oniinon 1 vein, kinds with Slisrl 'i'lilll. Spain's Atmospheric (. bums, ( urn Shcllcrs, in ki'ulf, Hay (il, J Stiay. (.'iiteia. Hand ( oui .inns, Coin and Cob L'rtisheits Gedd's Improved Har rows, S piarc and A HJrruws, Horse Rakes. Griudslones, ready hung, faille. Tic.s, Dirt Scrapers, mill l.mga. Agricultural Furnaces, Puteitt lron Snaihs, Ox Yokes and Hows, ' (irubliing Hoes, Forks for unloadititi hay, Transplanting Trowels, Corn Planters, Turnip Drills, I lo 50, nproved Grant's Patent Fan Mills, jGarJcii Engine. heal Drills, , Horse Powers and 1 ' Thrashers, ; - .Mowing and Reaping Machines, Chain Pumps, . Estate of WILLIAM PEB.SING. Sen. ' deo'd. JOTICK U hereby giveiii that Idler testa mentury on the above named estate, have County. U. the under.,g,d. All person. lmvin claim, against said estate, are reo.uc.ted to ' .cut them, duly autheuUcated (or settlement - and those kuoiving Ihemaelv. indebted to m.We',,, J. Ineiit, without delay to , 1 - PETEU PEItrilMJ, t tfUaiuokiu tw.ji., MmeU IB. 1853 it. . Man Hay Rakes, now I'ius, Apple Purer., Ox Jluwles, , , v , Molo Tlaps, i -, i ' Pruning lluok A Chi, act, Saw and Scissor, , 1 Iron Well Uurlw, uiul , Zinc tubing for Chain ' rump., . AUo, Horticultural TaoU (of every diMcrip-, I mm,) Oardeii and Graaa-aeed, for jwl. at (lie "'r lowest jirieTe, at Wholesale and Kclaiir- - ' -I Pbila. 18, l8tJ. ttm. , ;- Hay A Manure forks, Shovels und Spades, (im don A Field Hoe, Garden Rake iu variety Children Tools, Darling Scythe. .... 6'natha, with Patent . Faatauiuga, . . : . Potato Hooka, Apply or A bliess s. iwairruLD, Jr., No. SO Ninth O h Sited I'liihiilelphia riul.i , Apiil 23, 1SS3 - --It. -. - FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. liTIUNCAM AM) SKLLICUS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, So. I : Not Hi 1' li i i-cl SI hrlow Race, rHII.AlJEI.PHIA.-- rilHE attention or IWalrrs i requeaieit to an JS- examinaUoH of Uieir totk, which1 will be found to be t i f. st cijual to any in this city FOREIGN FRLII S of all kinds in season. N. 1). Older by mail or otherwise promplly at tended br. bill. for cash. H u.itis, y I Wttlmtls. The suhsciibcr wonts au apprentice t luarn J pruuck , the liusineas ol a lllacKsiniitl. A ooy ii or io vears old. of cuud moral character, would liuil tt goou situation uj it.'i;f ol George, .miuiciiiiaii. 1853. vr ; ,, ) N. W. corner Arch and Second Streets FHIL ADELPIIIil . MH VERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole li sale and 'Rclail, surh as Scroll, Flower, Gotitie, YigticUc.Oil and Dry Landscapes, tire lo be had at the lowest prices for tpialttv of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered aud other Shades executed al thort notice. Merchants and others ure invited to give us a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEA si:. ISrasses, Trimmings, Ac, always on hand. Remember f"-. " W. corner SECOND and ARCH Street. Philadelphia, . r ebrnary 1 2, 1 (jo3. bin. 'jo.tmo siiLNtiiiKS. VGOOP lot of 2(i inches white pine Shingle for sale at $10 per M. J. H. M ASSl. R. Sunbury, Jan l.'i lW.l tf 1.000 .Men Wanted. ON Ihe li"n of the SUSQUEHANNA RAH.. , ROAD between Dr'nlacpml (opposite Hnr- ' lisburg) and Sunbury, in the Slate of Pennsylva nia. This road is, (illy four miles in length' runs ' through u highly improved country, and will furnish emujiivnieut for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for Ibe next twelve months. A I largo portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, : laborers that arc familiar will therefore find ccr- i tain employment and liberal wages. DOIGHERT.Y, LAUMAN A CO., Ctmlraclors. February 1!), ll53. Fiidiorers AVanletl. 'Mil', subscribers war.) immediately on the ' Railroad and llnsin, at Chapman, Union Philadelphia, Jan. li KN .1 A M IN II I: F FN K ll B" F.Sl'EUFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vit inilv, that he has opened a new- store in the room lately occupied by George Plight, opposite lSiilton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of and Summer (loous Consisting iu part of Clotli3, "Cassimers, Cassinots. of all kintlM, of linen, cotton and worsted. Al.sO: ( alttors. tUiipiiniii, I.attiiN, ItloiisiNcUiic Ic I.iilncs ami all kind of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every vaiidy. Also an assortment of IliW'rttVill'C. Il'Otl it ml Steel, Kaih, &c. Also an excellent assortment of atJEENSWARE, of vuiiutis bijIus and pallet ns. ' Also an assortment of WHITS & MIOKS. ' II ATS k CA PS, n good selection. I Salt, Fish, i;e. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to tho trade, all of which w ill l c sold al the lowest prices. 1 5? Countvy produce taken iu exchange at the highest pri-es. Sunbury, May 1, 1853. ly. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED UKi I)- Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. rTHHE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in J- form Pinx-ri tis generally, that he has suc ceeded to the llusiness of manufacturing Pnul iiier 1k formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to tho trade, without any Pi ers, but with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiactcr il has borne, feeling confident nf its giving entire salUf.iction to all who may favor him with a call. Trims dsn. CHARLES F.NEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1S..2 tf. LEATHER. Frit, Williams .5$ Hendry. Store, No. 2!) North .id Sired., rilll.ADKI.l'IIIA. OROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import- ers, Con, mission and Genera! Leather Rus- mess. v Iiolesale ami ui-lail. - ITy Manufactory 15 Marg.uelta Street. Aug. 38, 1852. ly. EYRE & LANDELL, unii Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for spring sales A. Fine Stock of Drv (loads, Rlack aud Colored Silks, Fashionable Shawls, New designs of Dress Goods, lliilish, French and India Goods, Linen Damask anil Furnishing Goods, A Full stock of American Cutlou aud Woolen Goods, N. 15. Wholesale Ruyers supplied wiih scar:e aud desirable Dry Goods at low eiucts eta srr February 5, Ih.jJ Inn. - . -. v-- : -t . . y"- . ' ' An Aanrenliee Wanted. i iu i ilh. aara soon at the old sland county, seven miles tielow Sclinsgrove, Iroin 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wh im one dollar per day will pe paid. 8AYIDGE. WJLYEA'TON A CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1853 tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Wutcr Street, below Chestnut,' PHILADELPHIA. 1MPORERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, Ac, keep constantly on hand the following article, which they w ill sell at very low price Sunbury, lb. I'i A u ..Apprentice ."Wanted. -: , f 11HE Subscriber want on Apprentice to learn at tho Saddlery and Hartie htuiiies. An industriou boy between HI and 18 year of age, will Und a good situation hy applying aoan to . . . -'"''"A.' J. 8TKOII. ' I Suubuiy, April 16, l853.-iif., ' " FilUorU, Sweet Oil, Liquorice, Port Wine, Sherry Almond, Currants, Citron, Ground Nut, Cream Nuts, Dates, Figs, i - . , Vanilla bean, Preserved ginger, auiorind, . Lemon Syrup, . Fire Cracker, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 185U ly. SUNBURY FERRY. UENRV W. UUCHER infonna th public that ho has taken the Sunbury Ferry and aa He i now well prepared with good and aufli cient cralU lie will lie enabled to accommodate the public with prom lues, and despatch. April io, isaa.-tf. Tr.r.MiiNiiocs Exc,rrr...irNT Cash, Steam, Kleetricit ! ! The Aerial and nil other lines out done by the I.teliUilug 1 Inc of T"HO, having great faith in rapid sale and ' small profit, husjuist icccived anu opened t large assortment of SI'RINCi AND SUMMER flOODS. At his Store iu Marltet Street, Suiiburv, which he oilers to Ihe public al Ihe pine. His stock consists ol a general assortment n Dry Hoods, iz : Cloths, Cassimers, Ctissinels, Jeans, Drillings. Muslins, Linens, Culuocsr Muslin etc . . Lains, Lawns, Gingham, Dcragrs. . Silk Hats. A large assortment of Roots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. . CJiorrilos, Sugar, Tea, CoiTi'p, Mulussi's, Cheese, Spi ces, 1' ish bait,' Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : tron and Steel, Nail, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEEN SWA RE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tyc Wiile. Brandy,' Gin, Bum, Whiskey, &c. I Country prmluco of all kind taken in rx change at the lugheat maiket price. Jaii. f5, 1853 ly. , Hoeienthile Hydraulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cistern, Vault, 4. Spring house and Cellnrs, and for keejiing dainpnes from wet and xjioscd wall. ; For ale by"" ' " '' i- E VI SMITH A SON, ' ifN. H. Corner of Front audWillow Uect Railroad. ' ' , , j j i Philadelphia, FeK 19, 1R53. ly. , , SOWKIi 05 U All NFS, Fublishers sind Ijookrcllers, No. Si North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. M ISCELL A N EOL'S RUOKS. Ililjlcs, rravers, llvtnus, Poetical nntl HistoricalV.VurV.1, Tmiels. Novels, Ac. e. SCHOOL ROOKS. Kccrv kind iu use from u primer ujiwartls. BLANK BOOKS. All cle-rant asp'titment fr-uu the pnsn luxtk iipwardu, made m Bitpei i.r pujier, nnd hrl ot bindinj. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, F -nt, and Nute F.icr!, elegant stjlcs and .mahty, anil verv che.ip. STATIONERY. Fancy, Flain and Adln-pive I'uvelopeii. Ink, Sund, Wa fers , Siecl Feiif, MntcP, FencilK, I'mt e MiMiaie. Wnin- : I'lnix Fa pern of ail kiiide, Curtain Fiipers, Ac, Ac. 1 (Jar stuck it nil fresh, bnnlit cheap and nce-trdmclv. j Particular atteniiim paid t IhinkseUern, iV-nntry Me'r- j chantK aud 'I Vac In.-r.", however little they may buy. I S .-cr A Humes are Fnhfiiihers of FFLTOVS setits of j MAGMFICKNT OUTMNE MAI'S ! F.-teh map is nearly Sl' F FFF.T rt(FAliK, nnd 1 pli'iws the c uip!irni ive fi.c and relative potation nf tvery , ctMinlry on the ulobe. They ure intended to bp suspended in every S'h-d Itoom, ami nol only make n fplendtd np pe:iranec. but are imivera!tv ackn-Mvledeed lo be the lil.S T MoIM. OF TKACIIINU (iCOtiKAFIl V over br-'tivlit ciiK They are keys intended to Im; ue by the sell' dun, ci intaininji ncmplcte epiti'tnc of (."ieonipby. Had cuNtiiip' Iceh than half the price of a ficoarnphy and Atlas. The ny:lem is in universal use iu I'ruitsia anil (iermuay. and luis already been iiitr-'diieed in tiirard Colteie, Flnla drlpliia, the public Sehouls of HoSt"ll, New York, Fhlla- delphia, Jlidtim re, Wrifihmjun, nnd throughout New Filmland, New ork, Ac, v. Our dewks ure luded with reeommeiiJations lnm trie niofct talented mid scirn tliie teachers in every quarter, and wherever the stein b it, been used paiciitB, ttueherti nml sUiuluri unite in piAU inji it. I, M ipttf the Western Heuiinpnere. Q. Map of the Fast era Hemisphere. II. Map of North America. 4, Map of the Fnitcd State. 5. Map of Furores. G. Map of Asia. 7. Map of South America nnd Africa. F.very mup is brilliantly colored, varnishcd and mount ed on muslin aud rollers. We rcspeeti idly invite the earnest alttmtion of Teachers, Parents, und S-h-hd Directors to this i'nscittntuuir imale of leachiHg Cieoraphy. fSOWKlt HaUNKS, 4 Xoitli Third Street, Phiiiiileiiihiii. Aufj. 2, ISVJ. If. v , l A Sit. FcU'tiurv FOR s,, Norihi 12, IP.,:?. 3m. LIST OF C.U'SF.S eci al Court of Coninuili Pleas of held on Petcrr Rosipict vs mule, land County tn bo the 4th Monday of May, A. D., Ibol). Frederick Keener s Win. Avrej eter Pnrsel vs Jacob Ilihler 7ames Graham el al vs Hugh Hellas ot al Plait A Piatt vs Henrv Masscr Coiu'lh fur Win L Hciiicinati vsT A llillington Louis Alex. Napoleon Du pasquier et. al. same vs l'ii-ne Odier ot. ul. E John for W Camp v Wolverton I.-ienr'g Eyster for Weaver v EbVcr Greeuough ex'r Joanna Pendevillo vs A E Kupp Mabonoy and Shamokin Aliralmm Improvement Co Sarah I. Keen v Abraham Rrosious fame vs Samuel Savidge Com'weallh for S. D. v T, A. llillington A Jordan bail Henry Donnel rl al vs Hugh Delia Rubuit Philips Zerby Run end Shamokin Improvement Company JAMES HEARD, Proth'y. riothonotury's Olliee, ' Sijubury, March 6, Mft'i.- VIU) i) I A MAT I O N." IVTOTICE is lieifby p i von that a Special --' Court of Ctjinnicui I'U'a, in and lur ilia Cuunly of Noiibupiburluud, lo comnieuco itt ibu Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, al 10 o'clock, A. L, on Monday tho Sibl day of Muy ini.vt. and will continue ON E WEEK. Jurors nro rf)nPsU'(l to be punctual in their attendance, at the titiio appointed agreeuble to llieir nolieet. Given under my hand ot Sunbury, the S6lh day ol february, in tbe year ol out Lord one llioiismut figta tiuuureil ami tut v-th rea ' and the Imlepi'inlenca of the United Slates ' of America the 77th. . , i . . i. j M' 11.1 JAM U. KIPP, Sheriff, i - God save ilia Commonwealth. USTICES FEE DILLS For aale by 11. U MASSEK. 1 Suubuiy, Idol ' BOOKS ! BOOKS ! I . JUST RECEIVED aud for aule new edition of PIKES ARITHMETIC. 1 ALSO, large assortment of Blank Rooks. W.M. McCARTY, Dookellcr. Vuubury, Dec. i, 185J. If. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and Amkrican M.inoi.u. At his Old Siand in Northumberland, Pa. B J F.SPECTFULLY inform the public that all work in his line will be made up of the very best material nnd finished ill the latest style of the Eastern ciliea. Those in want of such article well made and xecuted in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852 ly. Cheap M atches t$ Jewelry, lyilOLEsALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 0B North SeeondSlreet, corner of tuarry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Wutt-lic, fall jeweled, 18 carat eases, f-JP.OO (Silver do. full jeweM, gHa.lHold Spectacles, T,i Mtver lrtuie, jewels, 10-. do tlo do. S Snin-iior Qanrtici., 7. Inulatiou no. a. Gold I'ciis, with Pencil and (Nit er LloWvr, Gold Finger Rings, 3?J cents lo W Glasses, plain, 12J eeuU ; Patent. I J; l.uneti 25 j other article in proportion. All j.totl war ranted to be what they are sold for. KTAUFFER A HAKI.EV, Succeswr to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers anil l.cpinca, still lower than tho above price. August 28, 1852. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JAM IS 8 JJ.F11) 1,1511, ., No. 12 SoKliScronri Street, PHILADELPHIA. , Gold I.ever Watches full j welled ; Silver Lever ' do , '. , Silver l.epine t do , ; " luartier dd ' , , Gold pens and pencil anil silver haldei ; Silver 'Pea and Table Spoon x , Uracclcts, Breast pins Ear (ings Ac. . All warranted and sold at prices a low a any io the city. ' Novemlier 27. 1852 tf. elite iilver no. l.r, I'ttilil llnicelelB, 3.IHI I ntltcs' Gold Pencil. 1.IMI Filvur Tsa k, ut, 6.11 . li lleli I1LAN1C Parchment Taper Deed and blank Mortgage, Bond, Execution. Summons, Ac, for aale by ll. B. MASTER. Sunbury Apiil 26, 1851.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers