jv -TV.,,,,.,.,.. NBUKY ERICAN H. B. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. ft jTamfla iiciuspapri'-Dciiotcli to DoUtfcs, flfteraturr, moralttff. Jfovclrjn nnH Qomrsuc ilctos, Science aim the aits, siar.cuUutr, XUJuucts, amusements, c MSW SKiUKS VOL. G, NO. S. SUM1UKY, NOIUIIUMIIKIILANI) COUNTY. PA., SATURDAY, MAY 14. 18.13.- OU) SK II IKS VOL. 13, NO. C4- AM fioo S3 31 Kl SJ FIKI 31 10 10 00 TERMS OF THE AMERICAN. ivl?iFV,A,M.KR,CAN ' Pl'lil'l every Pnlurtliiy nt BlMjI.AlIS per umiuin In lie paid half yenrly in alync. Ho paHrt di.coutimird until ALL nrrwirnitv. ore palil . 11 A" eomn",'ieUoiii nr letter, on business relating to Hie office, lu insure attention, must be post' PAID. TO CIA'BS. Tsree copies to one address, S3 00 D Do 10 00 sMfteen l) d sooo Five dollar, in nilvnnce will pay fur three yeni'i .uu cription to the American. On. Satiate of 18 linpi, 0 limes, I.very .uloequeul insertion, On. Square, 3 month., fix month., One year, limine.. Card, of Five line., per annum, Merchant, and other., ntlvertisitur by the year, with the privilege of inserting different advertisement, weekly. Inrgei Advertisement., a. per agreement. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUITBURY, PA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. Itefer lot P. A A. liovomll, Lower & Uarron. Sinners & Snndcrras, rhitati. Ucynolds, Mi Tnrland V Co., Ppcring, Good A: Co., HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ujjice opposite the Court House, Snnbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt allctition lo business in adjoining Counties. 7 " wmT "m7 rockefeller, ATTORNEY AT LAW M IU ItV, PA. Dec. 13. 1851. tf. M. L. SHINDEL, ATTOP.1TE7 AT LAV", SUNBURY, PA. December 4, 1852. tf. CLINTON WELCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEWISDIHG, TENXA. WILL practice in the several Courts of Union and Northumberland counties. Ifritit to Hon. Jnmes Bnrnside, Bcllcfotite. " Jntnea T. Hale, do. K. C. Humes Sc Co., do. Hon. A. S. Wilson, Lcwislown. " A. Jordan, Sunbury. " Saml. Calvin, Hollidaysburg Lewisburg, vlpr'1 30, 1853. tf. GEOllGE AV- ZIMEKMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gl Arch Street, four doors nhovc Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ? LINDS, Which for stvlc of finish nnd worV.ninn.hip cannot be surpassed. Wholesale and Retail nt the lowest price's. Also TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AND REED BLINDS WHOI.r.SAI.E, AT MAM FACTritr.ns' I'lllt.KS. VHT MRRCHANTS nnd others arc invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August 21, 1852. ly. Live - r 1 ill ill Ul J loll) line ! ! ! OfR MoTTt). S. N. THOMPSON ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the JJrv Goods Husiness. J. F. Sc. I. F. KLINE, 95 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends the public generally, thai lie has just re-' and tie public in general, that lliev have ccive.l nt Ins store, in Sunbury, I clow Weaver Hotel, a large, h-mdsomc and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, taken the Old Stand. In Unncr Anmista town, ship, Northumberland county, Pu., formerly oc cupicd by Isaac Campbell, &' Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened A JVetr nnd Splendid Assortment of Sl'IMNfi AM) Su.MMF.ll GOODS, Consisting in part nf Cloths, Cassimers, Sat tinctts, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lnwus, lb-rage de Luines, Alpacas and S.nwls. Also a fresh stingily of .l'OCCI lo of nil kinds, Hardw art oik! Qucrnswore, Drue and Medicines. Also a lurtre nssortiiieut of Hoots and (Shoes, suitable for Men, Women nnd Children. Hats nnd Caps, such n Pnnnina, Straw, Fnlm-leaf and other Huts. Hull, Cheese, ere. Call nud Sec. , Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market LAAVlvENCE HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and the public, generally, that he has opened the "Lawrence. House" and will do his best en deavors to please the public. SAMIUL THOMPSON. Runbury Feb. 2fi, 1853 if. Dilworth, Uriuison 5 Co. Importku of Peaixrs is Foreign an(1 l)omct(ic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C No. 59 Market St., I door below 2d St, PHILADELPHIA. Whera they always ecn on hand n large sloe of every variety of Hardware, Cutlery,-&c. Win. Dilworth, Henry 1). Landis, Samuel Brnnscn, James M. Vance. October 10, 1852. ly. R ConXKlTrH. I. F. IIAKKR. AV.CllAKK.lt. Cornelius. Uaker t$ Co., MAXCFATCUKHS OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STORE NO. 170 CHEST UT ST.. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. tf. BUP.TOIT h. L AIT I IT G j MANUKACTCRERS AND IMPORTER?, No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Suth PHILADELPHIA. "YVHERE may be found the largest and bed. selected slock in the City. COUNTRY PURCHASERS moy hero be accommodated without theiiicoifX enicnce of look ing further, and may be assured that they will re ceivo the advantage of their money. IJL'RTON A LA NINO, 124 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. March, 12, 1853 3 m. WM. m'caktyT"" BOOKS KLLKD, .Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. JUST received and for aalc, a fresh supply of F. V A X G E L I C .4 1. . M K S I C or Singing Schools. He is also opening at this time, a large assortment of Uouks, ill every traucli of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School nnd Children's Books, Bibles; School, Pocket and Family, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of llinding. Prayer Rooks, of ull kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purdons Di gest of the luwsof Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only SO,00. Judge Reads edition of Bluckstones Common. Wm-, iu 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 910,00, and now ottered (in freU binding) at the low price of $6,00. A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. uenlon, price only l,ou. Travels, Voyage and Adventures, all ol huh will be aold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. February, tl, !85. tl. C. C. VEISEP., 1C D. HAVING located himself permananlly in l'"""'.' 1,9 Sunburv, nders his professional services to ,w0 , f ,' V , the Town and Country, ollice, comer of Deer and "'r"t ,. M...I... r i.. .-i u -: -.l ! I ravelling Snlcl J.lilin. V "tllUS IIJI lllt'MV ICH'liipil IIIIK-L', WllCrC may be louiul unless prolessic Sunbury, April 30, 1853. Cm For Sale. OF POTATOES by the 500 BUSHELS subscriber. CHARLES CAWLEY. Drv Vnllev, March 16, 1853. consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cussimcrs Ctissinctr, .Trans, D rilling!', Muslins, t'esUnfrs, Linens, Vc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes. Muslin ilc L'tins, Lawns, Oinsihams, Ilcrars, litlirs, i'c.' ;iioci;iiii:s, Sugar, Tens, ColhVc, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c, &c, &c IBnrdtvarc, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, etc. Queeiisware, of various styles and pnllerns, BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, for men, women and children. II its Crs, &., of various sizes nnd styles. Besides n large nnd general assortment of fashionable goods; Cull nnd examine for your- MI-IVPS. IT?" Connlrv produce ol nil Kinds taken in '".T" . .,., ,. exhange at the'hi.ihest market prices. 1 I'l'T Augusta, April 30, 1S-.3. Sunbury, 4 mo. 33, 1853. J C1 Hr I I OX. On account of the great num-' I cr of counterfeit now selling, and the injury sustained by buyers of these deceptions, which have the very worst eliect on sntl'crers, J!HS. lih US repcctliil y cnuticms nysicians ami , , fl , , professionally engaged I ...i: l l . V" I' ll I ; 7,J.'.1 ....ittrtt.l it l..ia . .... 1 t3 3 the luilcd states Copyright Label on each Box, and her Signature on each Supporter. A 11 others ore spurious. The great reputation and success of this appa ratus, its ease, comfort, and (he support it nll'ords by Weal ing it. have combined to give it a most extensive sale in nil parts of the States. Ladies i will apply onlv to Mli.. HI: 1 lb, nnd Merclinnts to JA.VKS BUTTS, Wholesale Agent, 321 Wa'nut Street, I'hiladclphiu, or to her Agents, i'hila., Jpril 30, 1853. 1 in. llook Agents Wanted, In every County in the United Slates, lo -canvass for the following wotks, lo whom the largest commissions will be jiaid. 1'ifTor.iAL HisTimv of tiik Wo:.Ln, from tlm earliest list's to l lie presi'iil time 1 low voiuiiu-i III one, comprising Pari 1. Anrleut History. I'art , 1 1 i.l ny ol the ,M tou Al'ik. Tart S. .MihIitii Histurv. He John Frofl, I,. 1. I). Aulli r of Pielonal llislory ol the l iiileil Slnirs, 1'ieto rial l.ile of Vasliiii:hin. ., .Vf. New l-lilitlon, with nil ililious nnil C'lrreelioii. liy the AiiiIht. Iliiilraleil willi over live, luiailreit enuravlilL'S. from drawings hv I'roome, Uevereiix, uml oilier ilnauiguitlicd Arli.ls. 'J'Iiib work contain, over 1 11H, ruer Koyal iKtnvo pagej, nnil over .MM liner illiHlration than have ever la-ell enuraveil fur any llmtory in this coimiry ; it if li:unU-ii'ety n imI iili.-t-iii. tiaiiy IiouiiiI in emli '.sell mor.iceo, giit luek. Price, :1.75. fillFAI KvF.XT. IX MoliKRX lll'ToHT. 1!' J-'h" I'rost. Coniprirlllg the lll'M rem ,rklil le llmcoveri. s, (Yhipli'Sts, lleV"tlllioin. lileat Halites, mill other Tin illillir liieiilents, chieily in lairope anil America, fh-ill the t. n neemeiil of IheVixleeiitll Ceiillliy lotlie jirfjeiil't lanU'llmlieit Willi over iVtl eiiiriai iiiv'. hy . t'l ane uml olher emineiil uilisla. ll eoiilains over Hill IEoal oelnvo papef, uml ali a I ir-e roloreil map of the V..rlil '21 ' Willi siile limp, of California. llii'K -It. Iluiiyoy. Ausluan lloiaiiiion., Ac. H mini ineuilioiiKeil inoroee.i. gill kick. Price, $3.WI. Tllttll.l.INO AnVENTI'RE AMOsH lllE ImiUNH. Il J illll Fr 'Bt. 1.. 1.. 1. Cuiiipnsiiii; llie mosl reinaikahle Pertomnl Narrative, of i-vent. in the early liuliill Will., u. well 11. f Ineiilenl. ill tile reeenl Initiail I loiitilit ie. ill Mexieo un.l Tex is. llliiHlrati-cl with over ::i." l-aijrruviiifis, I roin, lesion, hy V, Croine, null olher !inliii!iilhhet1 iirtiHl.. ll eoiituin. over flu pnges Octavo, b mini in morn-ci, gi.t luek.- ITiee SI. 7 j. HuF.Tciir.. ok I.ifk ANnrnncTrn. lly T. S. Arllmr. An oelnyo volume of over IIMpniies iKmtllifiiUv ilhi.tratetl, nail h uliiil ill the hct laiLilush numhii, gill hack. Price, ioht xn PitAnove vv kel i.irK. Hv r. 1. Arthm Willi un tiiilohioeraiiliv iind portrait f the uullior. Over titM) iMieea octavo, with fine tuiteil emiravintl.. Hound ill the oust l-.ni.'iihli imiHim, ut iiaek. i"nee, ira nu. ffOI.Dl-X (iHMNS FROM I.ifk' IIaiivft FlKl.n. Hy T. Arthur. Vi mo. of 'Jttl tviife.. It anwl in miniliii, with a lieaiitilnl me.-, itmt ciiiiravtni,'. Price, 7-j IViiU. The Way to Pbosi-kb. iuI other Tale.. Ity T. ! Ar thur 12 m . over 2HU pages. Willi u ine.Z'itiul ciigruvuig. I'liee, Till Ceill.. Toe Homk Miiox. ItvT. f. Arthur, li mo. of over 2tri pages, with un fliirruviojx. Price, Ati Cent.. Tura IliciiE., or Wealth without. Wiii!. Ity T. S. Arthur. Over -Joo pa;e. 12 m vvith a fine inez tiill eu t;iavunr. Priee, flu Cents. Tiik Fiiiimiiik Anoki.. Hy T. f. Aithnr. (II pa?e.. 3-J in . with un etlrnviiig. JJ-mitt ill Mu.hu, gill tdgeii. Price, y-i eenta. CoxiivRsT. ov tub TliBl.E. Hy Vincent W. Milner. Comprising linpoitaul F.venl. in the lli.tory of I'lirialian ily. from the time of our Savi'-ui to the present day. tfsi .i!e., VI mo. Illusuuted with uuiuerou. eugiuviligs. Priee, SI mi. All of the nltove b ok. are lieautifully and .iibiilniillally li iiind, printed on linn white iapcr, and the Pillill.her would esHiitillv call attention to lli. fact tliat they are Hid exchu-ively by Asenln, thus uivuiK Iheiu nil ndvulitnpe wliieli cannot he had on most liookf, n eaeli Apent lia. llie sole mid exeln.ive culrol of thu Kile lu any .eelionof eonnlry lie may iifiee lo uiuvuM. Foi particular., iiddreu po.l uml, J. V. HltAl)l.l:Y, No. t North Fouilh Street, Plutadelphin. rhiln., April :m, lf-ia tit. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN French 31illinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. 1 A VINO received by late arrivals a large and well selecti'd assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to oiler their customers, at the lowest market prices - (lace Silks for Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, till colors. Fancy Nets and Laces, Tntrelher with cverv article appertaining to the . Millinery trade. MMrch 12, 1853. 2m. Wood 15 Willow "Ware. 20,000 Fancy Corn Brooma, 1,500 !. Uuckets, Assorted Colois, 000 Nestu Cedar Wash Tubs, 800 Cedar Churns. 500 Doz. Willow Baskets, 80(1 Doz. Wall nnd Scrub Brushes, &e., &e. The largest Stock ever offered in Philadel phia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly filled. M. & J. M. ROWE. No. 1 1 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 12, 1S53. 3m. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. riULING & GRANT. J ESPECTFULLY inform their customers and Iho public, thnl they huvo just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market sipinre, Sunbtiry. Their stock consists of every vorie'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassiinercs, Saltinels, Vesting, Flannels, ll'oltcns, tyc, Anil all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also n Fplemliil variety nf LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Culicoes, (iinnhams, Chintzes, De Laincs, Jlcrngcs, And every variety uf goods siiiltiblo for Ln ilieij wear. Also nn extensive nssorltnent tif Hats and Cats ton Mes and Roys. Also a large assortment of ;KOL'EltI tS, Sl l ll AS Sugar, Teas, Cofi'ee, Molasses, Sjiices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of . HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of PIMV.S AND MF.1MCIM-.P. Besides, the largest niul most pctiernl nssort ineul of all kinds of goods to bo had in this place. tV Country produce of oil kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 30. 1853. .. To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Alexander L. Hickcy Co., TIIF.r.rtF.AT WOULD-? F A I It PIII7.K M F.DAI TRUNK MANUFACTORY, iVo. 1 18 Chcsmtt Strerr, ( Fnmt of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. VRE now prepared to exhibit to tlieMerchant , nnd Travellers one of the largest nnd most i improved solid Sole. Leather Spring Trunks ever oll'crcd for sale in this city, together with a gen i crnl assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly ha imagined, ranging in price from ll.ii-s. Also, a splendid assort Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, hels, Valise Trunks, Carpet nnd Leather Bugs, Hand Coaches, Gins, cVc, ece., all of which we arc prepared to sell nt reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. IIICKEV & CO., No. 14;) Chesnut Street. Phila., April 0, 1853. run. COME AND SEE 7Vic .Vetr and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale by Sunbury A pi 30, '53. I. W. TEN Eli & CO. SKLECT TOETRY. GENTIE SMILES. HUMANITY OF IlOlll.lt T Ull III fc. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Su.vr.it unco: W VIM-. WlunWde and It.'.iil at No. 72 X ONI1 M . opi""te the Ml. Vernon 11 'Use, l,nd Lever Watch, lull lew eleil. ll k. cases, e-vll; Silver i Levers, lull jeweled, KlJ.un ; Silver Lcpiuvs. jeweled, f ! , HI nil Warraiueo lo seep hi nine, ii.mu i ru ...... .7..- verl'nse. if l.i 11; i"ld Peaei's. l.l;li; oM lVneil. and I..... i'.,.. with e ml ll.il.l e.-iias 1 V as :l.'2-l. Ac. A!", nlwavson hand a i!l assolllileiilt.f line pdd ,,, ,, I .l.welrv. (iold l-inl.. llund and Foil Chain., Hold Vest ManU lip., I Chains, Ladies- Hold Foli Cham, nud ll. lt I'm.. Silver Table Spool., fr. .111 is I I to 81. Desfeil. !l to -.'l . mid Tea, fl.75 to mi.flll per set, warranted ecpuil to , coin. All (roods warinnted to he wlnit they lire 'ld for. IV' Watelii'. nnil Ji-welrv repaired and wnriaiileil. I t"" AH orders sent hy mail or otherwise, will lie pane. j tuutly titti-nded l-i. Tim sweet yonnj (lowers of early piing, Aro beautiful "lo me, Ami biighl the many stars that shine Upon thu calm blue sea ; But penile smiles nnil loving hearts Ami hands to clasp my own, Are beller than Iho brightest flow'rs, Or dais ihat ever shone. The sun may warm ihe grass to life Tim dews the tlroopinc llnw'r, Ami eyes grow bright, mid walch Iho light Of nuloinn's opening hour : But senile, smiles nf tenderness, Ami smiles we know nre Ime, Are warmer than Ihe summer lime, And brighter than the ile.iv. A GAME AT CARDS. BY CIIARt.ES HANI). The following narrative a true one describes a scene thai actually took place not many years since, in a country town in the State of Maine. One evening in the month of December, 183-1, a number of townsmen hart assem bled in the store of a Mr. Thomas Putnam, lo talk over 'matters anil things' smoke drink and in short do anything 16 ''kill time.' Three hours had thus passed away. They had laughed, and talked, and drank, and chatted, and had a good time, generally, so that about the usual hour of shutting up shop, each of the party felt particularly first-rate. Come,' said Charles Hatch one oC the company 'let's all liquor, and then have a game of high, low Jack !' So I say,' exclaimed another, 'who's got the cards V 'Fetch on your keprds,' drawled out a third, his eyes half closed through Ihe el ffcls of the liquor he had drank. After drinking all around, an old pine table was drawn up belore Ihe fire-place, where burned brightly a large fire of hem lock logs, which would snap and crack throwing large live coals out upon Ihe hearth. All drew up round the table, sealing themselves on whatever came handiest. Four of lliein had rolled up to the table some kegs, which from their weight were supposed to contain nails. 'Now,' said Hatch, 'how shall we play every one for himself V No have partners,' growled one man. 'No, hang'd if I'll play so,' shouted the former, bringing his fist down upon the ta ble, knocking one candle oul of the stick, and another upon the floor. 'Come, come,' said Hatch, 'no quarrel ling all who say for having partners stand up.' Three arose. 'Now, all who say each one for himself No. 7: 11 !!.'. Pliila. M. AVISF.. Aceiit. North Sl'.COND. Street, uprnuite the Ml. Vernon April 3:1, Is.W. ly. riatlbrni Scales, 7xo- iiioirn Fevtrehi tislrtl Mini g rifilrt The Aclioivlal- ftl tt(tinlllll(. Railroad, Hav, Coal, and Far mers' SCALJiS, set ill any part of the countrv, at short notice. AV.HSTS. CAM. W. COLBY, 210 Market St., i'hiladclphia, E. Y. Bright, iSunhury. J'hila., .Ipril 23, 1853. ', THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE BEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, Model Spring Style Hat3, NElH'ALLED by any others in all that can render satisfaction to the Wearer. Ciie them a trial. The Very finest Molkskix Gas Fixtures 05 Lamps. HENDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North 2nd st. above Vine, I'll 1 1. a ii i:i.rn 1 a. AVINd'had many years practical Kxrcm i;m k in the business and as all work sold hv us is manufactured under our iimiiciltule suuer- vision we are enabled to idler to purchasers suiicri- i Hits for 3,50 ; Second Quality, very line, 3,00 i l. r i. 1 'ri.:..i iim.i;i a ..,.;t,.l arii.., !2 Ml. AM these or iiiiicies iu every liraucu ol uur irauu upon mo most favorable terms. At our store may be found in every vuriety and style of finish Gas and Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Side Brackets for Halls, Churches, &e.. The iMrnovF.n Pi Ml Oil Lamp, Also, Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Seriundolfg, Boquer holders, Parlor, Night and Reading Lamps on hand. Lamp Clusscs, li lobes, Wick Shades, &c All woil ivarratitftl or no tale. Factory No. 80 Noble street near 4th. Remember Store 2ilst 2nd street, next door to J. Stewart Dcpuy'a Carpet store. Phila., April 2, 1R53. 3iu. Centre Turnpike JJoad. HE Stockholders arc hereby notified that an Election for ollicera to serve for the ensuing year, will lie Held at tlie House ot v imihiii Strecter in Northuinlierland, tin Wednesday, the Gib dav of June, between Ihe hours of 10 A. M., and 3 P.M. J. R. PRIESTLEY, .'resident. ytiril 30, 1K53. Ct. Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company. DR. J. B. MASSER ia the local agent for the above Insurance Company, in Northumber land county, and ia at all timea ready to (fleet Insurances against nre on teal or personal pro perty, or renewing policies for the same. Sunburv, April S6, 1851. tf. CHAIN PUMPS A small number of these excellent pumps have bcea received and are offered for sale by II. B. MASSER- Sunburv. Nov. C. 1858. ITIMERBON'S A KITH EMETIC No. l.S 3( Li and Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just receiv ed and for sale by WM. McCAKTY. funbuiy, Msy I, 1851.- 0RDER OF DISTRIBUTION. rMIE Judgment creditor! are hereby notified that Ihn moiiifa .n,;.... .1.. ...I. r . . .. . i-.ii UIIUII .lie uio v. Heal r.stute or Henry Wilhclin will be distribu ted according to priority of Liens, on MosiiiT, Ihe 23d day of May, 1853 JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. Prothonotary'a Oll'ica, ) Sunbury, April 30, 1U53 31. C .Mann's Kstublishmcnt 25 SotifA Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For Ihe Manufacture and sale of 1'ntcnt Inciter Copying Pro mes, Patent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, ic. J atent J'archmcnt 1 a per, LETTER COPYING HOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page priiiled. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a book-like form, Litters received, Originul Invoi ces, &c Phila., April 0, 1853. ly. Third Quality, a cupttal article, 2,50. All tliesc are wurrttnlcd. Model Hut Store, No. 40 North 8th Street. Philadelphia, Phila., April U, 1853. Cm. DENTISTRY. DR. A. VALI.ERCH.UMP, Dentist, would rcspectCullv announce to the inhabitants of Sunbury ond the surrounding country, that he has taken rooms at the Lowrence House, kept by Mr. Samuel Thompson, where he will be hap py to attend to all calls in Ihe line of his profes sion. AW operations or Mechanical work war ranted to answer ull the useful and ornuincnUl purposes of the art. Sunbury, pril 33, 1853.3t. TUST RECEIVED a Splendid assortment of Hals, Caps, Hoots and Shoes, for sale by Sunbury A pi 30, '53. I. V. TEN Eli cV CO, 1ARPETS, Oil Cloth, Malting, Door Mats, and CariM-t ( bain for sale by Sunbury, A pi 30, '53. I. W. TENEK & CO. VARIED BEEF, Hums and Shoulders, just received and for aalc by Sunbury Apl 30, '53. J. W. TENER & CO. The remaining four immediately got up, Y ou see, Barclay ,' said Hatch, 'the ma jority are against you. Come will you play ?' 'Well, as I don't want to be on the op posite side, I'll play, answered Harclay somewhat cooled down. Mr. Putnam was not in the store that evening, and the clerk, who was busy be hind the counter, had taken very little notice of the proceeding. About half past ten, Mr. Putnam thought he would step j over to his store and see that everything was safe. As he went in he walked to wards the fire. When wilhin a few steps of where the men were sitting, he started back in horror, Before him sat seven men, half crazy with drink and the excitement of playing cards. There they were, within a lew feet of the fire just described and four of them seated on kegs ol powder! liarclay who was a very heavy man liail pressed in the head ol the kes on which he sat, bursting Ihe top hoop, am nressinj the powder out throogh the chinks, By the continued motion of their feet III navvder had become spread about the floor. and now covered a space of two feet all around them Mr. Putnam's first movement was to wards the door, but recovering himself, he walked up towards the fire. Should eith ol them attempt to rise he thought and scatter a few grains a little further into the fire-place, win-re lay a large quantity of live coals! At that moment Hatch looked up, and seeing Mr. Putnam with his face deadly pale, gazing into the fire, exclaimed ; H.ood, tioil, Putnam, what ails von,' and at the same time made a motion to rise. For Heaven's sake, gentlemen do Robert Bruce was universally celebrated as a wise and good prince; a circumstance which happened during his retreat from reland,'shows that he was likewise a kind and humane man. One morning, when the English with their Irish auxiliaries pressed hard upon firuce, he gave orders to conlinue a hasty retreat; for a battle with a much more numerous army, ami in the midst of a country which favored his enemies, would have been extremely im prudent. On a sudden, just as King Rob ert was about lo mount his horse, he heard a woman shrieking in despair. "What ia the matter?' said the king ;. and he was informed by his attendants, that a poor washer-woman, mother of a new-born in fant, was about to be led behind to Ihe enemy, as being too weak to travel. The mother was shrieking for fear of falling into the hands of the Irish, who were ac counted very cruel ; and as there were no carriages or means of sending her and her infant on in safety, they must needs be abandoned, if the army retreated. King Robert was silent for a moment, when he heard this story, being divided be tween compassion for the poor woman's distress, and the consideration of the dan ger to w hich a hall would expose his ar my. Al last he looked round to his offi cers, with ryes that kindled like fire : "Ah, gentlemen!" he exclaimed, "never let it be said that a man who was born of a wo man, and nurtured bv a woman's tender ness, led a mother and her infant to the mercy ol barbarians. In the name ol'God, t the odds and the risk be what they will, will fight ralher than have thesu poor creatures left behind me. Let the army, therelore, draw up in a line ol battle, in stead of retreating." The story had a singular conclusion; for the English general seeing that Robert Bruce halted and offered him battle, and knowing the Scottish king to be one of the best generals then living, supposed that he must nave received some large supply of forces, and was afraid to attack him. Thus llruce had an opportunity to send off the poor woman and her child, and to re treat at his leisure, without suffering any inconvenience from the halt. Sir Walter Scott. MAY JlOllMMi. Now ihe linpht morniuir slur, i.iy's harliingrr, Comes laueni; from the I-jist, ami tent, wiih her The rlow'ry .May, fioin her preen hip throw. The yellow cowslips anil the pole priinerose. Hail, In, unt, mus May! thou ilo.t inspire .Mi Ih ami youth, anil fond ik-jsire. Wik-I ami groves nre of thy tlressii g, Hill und d ilc doth l 'unl tiiy Messing Tims we tulute thee with our early s rg. And welcome thee, nud wi.h thee long. Milton. THE Ml Illll It I II or KINK. On Friday las;, ihe Grand Jury presenled to lilts court of Over and Terminer, of Pliila- elphi.i, "A True Hill," charging Ailltur pring with tho murder of Rink, in J.muarv last. Ai-t'Oiiipaiiyjn-' llm hill u. n .... la ment ol Hie reasons that had induced them lo believe Spiing to be the murderer. As in all human piobability ho can never bu tried for this olfenee, the Grand Jury felt il to be their duly to give this sluloment lo 1 lie pub lic. It is a carefully prepared and eouclu. sive condensation of tho evidence sumilted to Ihnm, and must convince Ihe community that Ihe assassin of the unfinluiiate Rink has at liisl been discovered. Tho umbrella found in me siore, ino evidence ol Ihe witnesses who were in ihe viciui'y when the deed was committed. And Ihe slaleineiils nf Spiing himself, can leave no doubt of the fuel lhal it was he who committed Ihe deed. The Jury ulso - iynoril iho bill against Jerome Feckert, who has been cot-fined mmii time on suspicion of havino committed ihe mur der. 'GO ROT I THE WAY OF SISNEKS.' The following beauliful allegory is trans lated from Ihe yerninn : Sophronius, n wise teacher, would not suffer even his own grown up son and daughter lo associate wilh those whose con duct was not pure and upright. 'Djar Falher said the gentle Eulalia ft him, one day, when ho foibade her, in com pany with her brother, lo visit the gentla Lucinda, 'dear falher yoa must think us very childish if yoa imagine lhal wo should bt. exposed to danger by it.' The falher took in silence- a dead coal from Ihe hearth, nnd reached to his daugh ter. 'It will nol burn yon my child lake it.' Eulalia did so, nnd behold her beauliful while hand was soiled and blackened nnd as it chanced her while dress also. 'We cntinol be loo careful in handling coal?, said F.ulalia in vexation. Yes truly said her falher, you see my child, that coals, even if they do not burn, blacken; soil is wiih the company of th vicious.' BARREL CHURNS, Cedar and painted Buckets and Water Cans, Willow Baskets and children' Willow Coaches, just received and for sale by I. W. TEN Ell & CO. Sunbury, April 30, 1853. SPORTSMEN A lot of double and single barreled gun for sale, by tunbury Apl 30, '53. I. W. TENER Si, CO. MACKEREL, CODFISH, SALViOiN, I'UUK. HAMS & SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD ti CHEKSK, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PaiMta & Co., Matkel Street Wharf Philadelphia. Phila-, April S3, 1553. 3m (V LW IN DO W SHADES, Leather Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, jual received and i " uy . w- TENER 4 CO, bunbiuy, April 30, 1853 ACKEREL, Salmon and Herring-, just received and for sal bf Sunbury Apl 30, '53. I. W. TENER, & CO, IITKITING FLUID and self sealing Enve loiies, just received and for sale by April 19, 1S5I II. U. MASKER. ni.ANK NOTES, waiving tha exemption J j) law of 3U0, Jor aalc by April 261851. JLD. MASSER " ll LAN KS. m.AXK.l f everv description can be had by IS tPl-fyini attha office of tha American. -nrv'nu fa l.iira and Constables Fee Bill bandsouiely piiutid oucarrf paper for sale at thu office. Painitl but LAi'iiiiABLB. In Notes of an Army Surgeon, wo find the following: '1 lemember one day, making my hospilal rounds, a patient, just arrived, ptesented mo an amputated fore-urm, and in doing so, could scarcely refrain a broad laugh; the titter was constantly on hip face ' 'What is ihe mailer Tthis does not strike me as the subject of laughter.' 'It is not, doctor, but excuse me, I lost my arm in so funy a way, lhat I still laugh whenever 1 look at it.' 'Our fust saigeant wanted shaving, and got me to attend lo it, as 1 am a corporal. We went together in front of his lent; I had lathered him, took him by the nose, and was just about applying the razor, when a cannon oaii came, and lh.it was Ihe last 1 saw of his head and my arm. Kvcuso mc, doctor, for laughing so, but 1 never saw such a thine be- fore.' This Eric. ocenrted duting the siege of Fort The number uf horses in the cilv of New Yotk is estimated al 2! 5-10, and their value at $2,-1 !!.". 000. The number of men diieclly dependent upon the labor of their horses fur subsistence is staled n. 12,710, while many thousand ie!y more ot less upon them in Ihe transaction uf ihuir'daily business. In 1825, Ihe piopoition of horses was one lo every thiity inhabitant ; now it is out) to every I went y-lliice. thus show ing Itmt Iho appli cation of steam to machinery, and thu dilfor etit mechanical inventions which have since been made, have not had the rlTect either of liiiiiiiishing ihe value of huise labor, or re ducing the ii n ii i be r . not rise,' said Mr. Putnam. 'Four of you sit on kegs of powder it is scattered alt around one movement might send you all to eternity. There are two buckets of water behind the bar. But keep your seats lor one minute, and you are saved move, and you are dead men!' In an instant every man was perfectly sobered not a limb moved each teemed paralysed In less time than we have laken to de scribe (his thrilling scene, Mr. Putnam had poured the water, and completely satura ted the powder on the floor, and exlin- mii.-hcd the fire, to that an explosion was impossible. Then, and not (ill then, was there a word spoken. True ting. Philip Allen has been fleeted by the legislature of Rhode I.lund aa the successor of John 11. Clarke in the Uniled states sen ale. Mast Dclany, charged wilh ihe murder of Jacob Shaw, at Pitlsbutg, has been con vkted of manslaughter. Official Ai;ks. The respective nries of the British Cabinet Ministers nre as follow: Lord Lansilow ne, 73 ; Loid Aberdeen and Lord P.ilinerstdti. ti'.l ; Lord Cianworih. C3 ; Loid John Russell und Sir J.itnes Giuliani, G 1 ; Sir C. Wood, 53; Mr. Gladstone, 41 ; Sir W. MuleswOFlh and Mr. Sidney lleibeit, 43; Duke of Newcastle, 42; Loid Gianville, 39 ; Duke of Argyll, 30. The Ci.min.nati Noni-ahae i. tells the fol lowing. On our upward liip to Dayton on Saturday we noticed in the cars a genlleman and lady seated in close juxtaposition and judging from Iheir conduct, one would ima gine that they were exceedingly intimate. In fionl of the comfortable pair sal two gen tlemen, Editors of two German papers in this city. When near Daylon Ihe train passed through a long dark biidge. Amid Ihe thun dering and rattling iioi.-se of the cars could be heard a noise, thai sounded fur all the world like the concussion of lips Such hearty smacks staitled all the party. As we emer ged into daylight, one of 'lie German Edilore slowly drew down his spectacles over his nose, and exclaimed : "Vel, I thinks dat ish a tarn bad bridge. Acurj him crack, one, two, three, four times." The lady drew down her veil, nnd for the remainder of ihe l rip iho pair looked mute and quiet. THE SERENADE. TRANSLATED FROM II1LAND. How soflly beautiful those tones Thai roue me fiom my sleep! Oh, mother, see ! Who pours sweet strain Into Ihe night so deep No sound I hear, nor see I ought ; Then slumber on in peoco ! All serenatles for ihee henceforth, Poor sickly child, must cease ! The musie springs not fiom the eailh. That makes my heart so light ; Anrjels nre summoning me with song Oh, mother, dear, good night! A FoitTi'NR for Sumebqdv. Ry the de cease, without issue, of a certain Absolorn Shaip, lute of Mississippi, a very large for tune, has fallen lo his brothers and sister, or their heirs, who uro supposed lo reside in Western Pennsylvania. Resides property in Mississippi, l tie deceased left an estate in Louisiana, appraised nt tho sum of 870,000. Ilia brothers were John, Henry and Lev Sharp. Everett, late Secretary of State, compute that the use of alcoholic beverages costs the United Slates directly, in ten years, 820 ,000 000 ; has burned or otherwise destroyed, $5 000.000 ititiro of properly j has destroyed 3,000.000 lives; sent .50,000 to our prisonsi and 100,000 children to ihe poor-house; caused 1,500 murders; 5,000 suicides; and has bequeathed to the cuuntry 1,0'JO,000 or phan cliildien. Tin: Fau.mkrs of Reiks county, at a lata meeting of ihe Agricultural Society, have 18 sulved to contribute a block or native stone, u iih suitable inscriptions, lo the Washington Monument. Thk Mauri ack Cebf.monv. An anecdote is related bv Mr. Hale, of New ll.unpshiie, in one of hi Free Soil speeches, lo this ellecl : "A couide came tome one night, uml win ed mo to join them in wedlock. I consented to perfoim Iho ceiemuuy, and said lo Ihe man Po you lake this woman lo be your wed ded wife?" Cerlainly," he replied. "Do you tukti I tiid man to bo your law ful husband?" 'Yea, I do," "Then you are man and wife that's all." Both looked at me with great astonishment, and the ludy asked "It that all I" "Yet, that's all." "Well," she rematked, "taint such a migh ty affair after all." A ruiNTEH was rubbed in Bojlon last week, of implements he uses in hit biuineaa. What heaillesa depravity, Witts isa candle like a tombstone! When it is set up for a lato husband What ihroal it beat for a sincer to reach high note wiih 1 A $oar throat. There are eighty prisoner in the Teni lentiary of the District of Columbia, In struggling with misfoituuet lies the true pioof of vii iuo. Learn to practice telf denial when il will promote the happinet of other. The first steamboat from St. Paul, Minn, ola this seaawn, an ived at Si. Louis last week . It it said tho U'. S. frigate Conpret bat b-en oideicd lo ihe Philadelphia Navy V(J. 4-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers