- - "'H - - ( : , .. . t , !; ' ' ' CAN H. B. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. i""" OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. 21 jrnmllu sit'wspavn'De'oottts to ftoUtfcs, actevnturr, fttoralfiff, jrortdjn an Domwtrc tfictos, scfcnc atrt the Slvts, siarlculturr, iKiirfuts, Amusements, tfc NEW SE1UKS VOL. O, NO. 7. SUMIUKYNOKTIIUMDERLANI) COUNTY, PA., SATUHDAY. MAY. 7, I Still. OLD SEMES VOL. 13, NO. 3 MID ID V AMER II V ' 'TERMS OF THE AMERICAN. I'HK AMKR1CAN ia publiaherl every Saturday ot TWO DOLLAK3 per annum to be paid hnlf ) curly in (Wane. No paper UiscuaUmied mail all orrcamgns are All communications or letteri on busincsa relating to Hie Office, to insure nttentiuit, must lie POST PAID. TO CLUBS. TVee eoplea to one SiMress, 5 10 Seven. . D Do 1(1 (10 Fifteen Do Do SUOO PVe dollar! In advance will pay for three yeai'a aub ttription to Die American, tn Sauaie of 10 lines, 3 times, SI 00 Rvfy uaeqeill Insertion, 23 One Square, 3 month., 3(HI Six moiitaa, 500 One year, PUU Bn.iives. Cnrri of Five lines, per niiinun, 300 Merchanta mid others, advertising by the 1 year, with the privilege of inserting different arivcitisementa weekly. 1000 ' VW Larger Advertisements, as per agreement. H. B MASSEP., ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUIIBTJnV, PA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming; and Columbia. Kcfer to i r. &. a. KovouJt, Lower & Barron, Soincrs & Snodirrnss, Reynolds, MiTnrIatil iV Co., Spcring, Good & Co., S Vhllad. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa, Prompt attention to business in adjoining Counlics. WmTIi!.-ROCKEEELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW SUARMIV, PA. Dec. 13. 1851 tf. M. L. SHINDEL, ATTOR1TEY AT LAV" , SUNBURY, PA. : December 4, 1S52. tf. CLINTON WELCH, ATTORNEY A LAW, LEV1SBCRG, TENXA. WILL practice in the several Courts of t'nion and Northumberland comities. ' ' Rmcit to lion. James Burnside, " James T. Hale, ' K. C. Humes & Co., Hon. A. S. Wilson, ' A. Jordan, Bellefonte. do. do. LcwUtown. Sunhury. Rami. Calvin, Hollidaysliurg Lcwishurg. pril .TO, 1S53. tf. LA WHENCE I LO USE, SUNBURY, PA. THE siihscrihcr respectfully informs Iiib friends, and the public generally, that he has opened the "Lawrence House" and will do his best en deavor to please tho public. SAMPEL THOVfSON. . Sunbury Feb. 2B, 1853. tf. JMlwortli, Branson t$ Co. Importers of &. Dkai.eiis in Foreign ailJ Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C A'o. D9 Market St., 1 dW below 2d St, PHILADELPHIA. Whera they always ieoi on hand a large stoc of every variety ot Hardware, uuilcry, vc. Win. Dihvorth, Henry 1). Landis, Samuel Bransrn, James M. Vance. October 10, 1858. ly. ft CORNELIUS. I. F. UAKl'Il. W. C. UAKKR . Cornelius, linker 5 Co., MAXITATUKUIIS OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. S'J'ORB NO. 1T0 CHEs liNL'T ST.. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. tf. . .Vcic ltll l'tijtcr II Wfiewa?. BTJPwTOlT & LA1TI1TC-, MANUFACTUnURS AND IMPOHTURS, No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Si.rlh PHILADELPHIA. "niEI!E may le found the largest and hcjt sehcted stock in the City. COUNTRY l'CRCHASERS may here he accommodated without the inconvenience of look iirg further, und may be assured that they will re ceivo the advantogo of their money. lll-'liTON & I.ANINfi, 124 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. March, 12, 1853. '.Jm. AVM. M'OAHTY, UOOKSKLLLMt, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. 1 L'ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of or Singing. Schools. He is also opening at this time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Worka, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Book. Bibles ; School, Pocket and Family, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of oil kinds. Also just received and for sale, Vonlona Di gest of the lawa of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only 86,00. Judge' Keada edition of Blackstonea Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 o. lormeny aoiu si m,uu, and now offered (i" freah binding) at the low price of $6,00. A Treatise on the lawa of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thoma f. Gordon, price only $1,00. Travels, Voyagea and Adventures, all ol Kifli will be eold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. . February, 2 1, 1652. U. Lycoming: Mutual Insurance Company. DIL i. B. MASSER is the local agent for the above Inaurancs Coinimnv. in Northumber land county, and is at all limes ready to cll'cct Insurance against fire on real or personal pro perty, or r,cmewing policies for the aatne. -Sunbury, April 80, 1851 tf. ' 1 CHAIN PUMPS. A small number of these J excellent pump h been received and are O flared for ale t'jr , . , H. B. MAfiSBR. Punlmrv. Nov. 6. 185'J -r IMEKSON'8 A RITH EMETIC No. 1.3 8, t-J and Porter' Rhetorical Reader, just recciv 1 uul for vale by WM. McCARTY. fUJibury,' My 1, 1801.- GEOKGE V- ZIMERMAN, VENITf AN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gl Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for atylc of finish and workmanship cannot 1 surpassed. Wholesale iiml Retail at the lowest prices. Also TRANSPAKENT WINDOW SHADES AND HEED BLINDS WHOLESALE, AT MANirPACTUKKKS' TRICKS. Hr MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August s!, 1S52 ly. Live and Help Live ! ! ! Oi'tt Motto. S. N. THOMPSON 9 "J EsrECTFL'LLY infifhns his friends and flic public generally, that he has just ro- ccived at his stnro, in Sunburv, hclow 'Weaver's 1 Hotel, a huge, hindsouic and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CCODS, consisting in part of Dry (lootls, viz : Cloths, Cnssimers Cnssincls, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, f't'stiiigs, Linens, Ifc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin lc Lnins, Laiens, Ginghams, Ilcrages, llolns, c.' GKOCKItlKS, .Siijiur, Teas, Coffee, Kite, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, S:ilt, cVc., &c, Ac. EIn t'd ware, Nulls, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, etc. Queensware, of various styles and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. II its Ci's, etc., of various sizes and styles, tickles a large and reneral assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. tlT Country produce of nil Kinds taken in change at the highest market prices. Sunliury,4 mo. 30, 1 S.i3. C1 ilT'l IO.V. On account of the great nuin- l.er of counterfeits now scllilnr. ami the iniurv sustained by buyers of these, deceptions, which have the very worst effect on sull'crers, MH.S. JJliTJS rcspccirullv cautions .Physicians and Ladies tolmy no SfUrPOUTKR without it has the United .States Copyright Label on each Box, and her Signature on each Supporter. All others arc spurious. The great reputation and success of this appa ratus, its ease, comfort, and the support it affords bv wearing it. have combined to give it a most I extensive sale in all parts of the States. Ladies will apply only to NKR. 11VTTS, and Merchants to JAMJ-:S liKTTl, Wholesale Agent, 381 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, or to her Agents. J'hila., zlpril 30, 1853. lm. liook Agents Wanted, In every County in (he United Slates, to canvass for the following works, to whom the largest commissions will be paid. PirTolUAL HlfiToltY of the Vul.irt, from the earliest nirti toihc present time Thiee volume. in one, ri'mprisiiia: 1'art 1. Ancienl IJiitory. l'avt 2. History oi the ,M uldl? Ages. Part!!. .Modern Jlmlory. Ity John r rot, I.. L, l. Author of Pictorial History uY tliel'llited Stales, I'leto rial Life of Wustiinctoii, .V., .Vc. New J-Mition, with mt diti ns and e irreetiollii liy the Antli r. lliuftrulrd wilh ovi;r fiv; huaitred engravings, from drawing!! hv l.'roonie, tlevereax, and other tlLIMillii'tied Artists. Tin. work coiitiiias over 110(1 reaper Royal oitavo )a;zc, nail over jOO liia.T illustratioiis than hu e ever been engraved lor uny History in this cmulry ; it is hands ,i,ely and BuL.-t 111 tiaily hound in emh -ssctl mori:eco, gitt back. Price, i;i.7j. Gbpat F.vent ix Modern iIhtorv. My John Frost. Coinpriisinf; the m 'H ;cm.nV.ihle. iiiscoveries, C'oiK;neins, Uevoluiionf1, (jreal Haulm, nan ouier 1 nniling ineaieaiK, chiefle in Karope and America, fioiil (tie coiinneiieenienl of llte'rixleentli Ceulary tnlhe jires-iil lime. F.inhellihed with over 64)0 enpraviiif:8 Ly . Clonic and other eminent artiKlfl. It contains over Hlh Royal octavo paec, and also a large colored map of Ihe World Jov.i.'i, wilh side maps L)f California. Oiegon, Hunaiy, AiiFtnan Domnn hip, &c. Hound iitcuui'.wsed nioriK-eo, gilt lack. 1'riee, It-J.uo. TllUII-LISO ADVENTCKK AMONO T11F, lxlUAN. By John Fr mt, L. I.. 1). Compiling the iu it retn irkahle I'e.-wtn.il .Narratives of events ill the cnily Indian Waia. na well aa of Incidents in the recent Indian HtwliiitiLS in Mexico und Texas. Illustrated wilh over Will Kumviniis, Iroindetieiia hy W, Croine, mid (ah,r diutiiiirniKheil artists. It contains over 5W pages Octavo, kuuud in inorocc i, gilt hack. Price !1.7j. Pkf.tciirs of T.ifk xu Ciiab ciEn. liy T. S. Arthur. An octavo volume of over RSlpaes heaatifiilly illustrated, ami .mud in the beat laiglmh niuflin, gilt hick. Price, S'J.UU. Lioiits and Fiiinow of Rkil Lira. By T P. Arlhiu Wilh an iiutol'iouraphy and Mrlrail of the uutllor. Over Sim iwijres oelavo, wilh liueliiitol einrravinc". ll aind ill the hirst Kilgliall muslin, (,'ilt hack. Plice, jro.UO. Goluf.x Gbaivs fbom Lire" j IIahvf.t Fifi.d. I)y T. a. Arthur. 14 m i. of 'Jill pices. Hound in muslin, with a heoutillil Inez, itmt rngruvins;. Price, T.i C'euls. Tuk Way TO PnorrKH, and olher Talcs, liy T. S Ar thur ! m . over 'Jon pages, wilhu uiezzoliiil engraving. Pi ice. M) Cents. , Tut' Home . Mission. Hy T. S. Arthur. 1'J ino.oi over in I pages, with annicniving. Pi ice, oil Cents. Tare Riches, crWcallh without Wings. Hy T. S. Arthai. Over ;MI paye. i'i mo. with a line me2i! ilint ca giaving. Price, 50 Cents. Tint Fii.Ksiim Ac,ki.. Hy T . S. Arthur. 01 pagca, 32 mo. with an eingraviug. li aind in .Mui-iin, gi:t edges. Price, 'J cents. CnxQCESTs of Till HlF.l.E. Hy Vincent W. Mllner. Coinnrisiiiit Inipmlniil i:venl in the History of Clirnluin ily. trout lh time of our Savioiu to the present day. yO imy., 14 mo. Illusiiatcd with iiuuicroua eugiaviiigs. price, Sl.im. All of the alsivc bwka are iH-autiiully and auhstantlally bound, primed on line while paper, and the Puhliher would especially cult ntleuti.nl to the fact that they are add rxi:hunvly by Atreuta, thus (iruift them nil arlvnutaee vvliieh ejiimol i.e hud oil lliont li'M.kv, us each Audit lias the aide and exclusive control of the sale in any aecti.ni of country he may Ujiree lo canvass. F,u particulars, uddresa pint isiul, J. W. HltADI.KV, No. if Nor 111 Fouilh Street, Plillade!liia. Thila., April 30, 1KW 6t. Centre Turnpike lload. T IHE Stockholders arc hereby notified that an Election for ofliccra to servo for (lie enaning year, will bo livid at me iiouso oi imam 'trecter in Northumberland, on Wedncaday, (bo 6lh day of June, between the hour of 10 A. M., and 3 P. M. J. H. PRIESTLEY, .'resident. v4jiril 30, 1S53 lit. ORDER OF DISTRIBUTION. rTMIE Judgment creditor are hereby notified J" that the monies orisiiiR upon the aale of Real Estate of Henry Wilhelm will be distiibu ted according to priority of Liens, on Mu.vuif, the 23d daj of May, 1853. jameb UEAKiJ, rroin-y. Prothonotary'a Ollice. i Sunbury, April 30, 1853. 3t. . KARREL CHL'RNB, Cedar and painted Buckets and Water Can, Willow Baskets and children' V.'illow Coachea, jual received and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, April 30, 1853. SPORTSMEN A lot of double and (ingle barreled gum. for sale by tjunburj Apl 30, '53. I. TENER & CO. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In the Dry Goods Uusiness. J. P. &. I. P. KLINE, IJESPECTFl'LLY nnnounce to their friends and tl e public in general, that they have taken the Old Stand, in 1'pper Augusta town ship, Northumberland eoniilv, Pa., formerly oc cupied by Isaac. Campbell, fc Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened A Xtw an I Splendid Assortment of Si' HI N f i A X I) S C M M K U (i OO I) S , Consisting in part of Cloths, Cnssimers, S.a tinctts, Linens, Checks.'nnd all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladie3 Dres3 Goods, Calicoes, (Jinghams, Lawns, Beragc de Laines. A lpacas and Siawls. Also n fresh supply of (.rot'CrtC of all kinds, Hart ware and Quornswnre, Drugs nnd , Mcdirini's. Aho a huge assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, suitable for Men, Women ami Children. Hats mid Caps, such as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf . and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, Ac, Call and See. Cheaper tliiin tho Cheapest, All of which will bo sold for cash, or ill ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. I.'ppcr Augusta, April 30, 1853. c. s. 1. D. "ffTAVIXG located himself pcrmananlly in Sunburv, oilers his professional services to the Town and Country, office, comer of Deer and Market streets (formerly telegraph oll'ice,) where ho may be found unless professionally engaged. Sunbury, April 30, 1S53. Cm. For Side. xnfi BUSHELS OF TOTATOKS hy the 'JJyJ subscriber. CHARLES CAWLKV. Dry Valley, March 10, 1853., SPRING. MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN French 3lillinerv (ioods, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. TAVIXG received bv late arrivals a lar-jc and i AIL ,,... oUU,..l,..,,l !' I SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, arc now prepared to oiler their customer.", at the lowest market prices - Glace Silks for Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, ' French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, nil colors. Fancy Nets and Laces, Topcthcr with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 12, 1653 2m. Wood $ Willow Ware. '.0,000 Fancy Coin Brooma, 1,500 Dm. Buckets, Assorted Colois, GOO Nests Cedar Wash Tubs, c'UO Cedar Churns. 500 Doz. Willow Baskets, 300 J'oz. Wall and Scrub Brushes, Ac, &e. The largest Stock ever ollcrcd in Philadel phia, nnd the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly tilled. M. & J. M. 150 WE. No. 1 1 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 13, 1853. 3in. Gas Fixtures Lainjis. HENDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North indst. above Vine, PHIL AI1LLPIII1. AVING had many years practical netim. ever, in the business and as all work sold by us ia manufactured under our immediate super vision we are enabled to oiler to purchaser! superi or articles in every branch of our trade upon the most favorable terms. At our store may be found in every vuricly and stylo ol liuisli uss ana Lamp Chandeliers, Pendants, Sido Brackets for Halls, Churches, cVc., .The IveitnvKii Pine On. La yp, Also, Fluid, Lird and Oil Lamps, Seriandolcs, Boipier holders, Parlor, Night and Reading; Lamps on hand. Lump Classes, (i lobes, I Wick Shades, &c. ' All worl tvarrniited or no sale. Factory No. 60 Noble street near 4th. ! Remember Store 2 'J 11 2nd street, next door to J. Stewart Depuy'a Carpet atuie. 1'hlla., April it, 185J 3m. Mann's Kxtaltlislnnent - 05 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Fur the Manufacture and sale of l'nd'itt Letter Copying l'l enseN, Patent METALLIC DAMPEnERS, Brushc,' Oil Paper, Blotlinif Hoards, Copying Ink, ic. Patent Parchment Taper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to ull others, ami each page -printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A inott vuluable invention for keeping in a book-like foim, Letter rcceiv cd, Original Invoi ces, Ac. Philn., April 9, 1833. ly. MACK&IEL, CODFISH, SALMON, CousUnlly on hand and for eufu by J. Palmer & Co., Market Street Wharf POUK, , HAMS & St PES. . SHOULDERS, LARD it CUBES K, Philadelphia. Phita-, April 23, 1853. 3m. OIL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Truuk, Valise and Carpet Bags, just received and for aale by I. W. TENER .V CO. - Sunbury, April 30, 1853 LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Sum met Goods. FPa.ILI.Na & GRANT. f J ESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have, just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their stoic in Market fiiiiarp, Sunbuiy. Their slock consist of ccry vaiie'y of )rv (Joods, iz : Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Saltinets, Vesting, Flunmls, M ullens, tyc, Anil nil kinds of Spiinrr Snmmor Wear. Also n Fplendid variety of LADIES DIU--SS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, l)c Lcines, llcragrs, And every variety of goods suitable) for La dies enr. Also an extensive npsoitnicnt of Hats and Caps von Mkn and Rhys. Also a large assortment of ; HOC E 1111:$, St eil as Sugar, Teas, Cotlee, Molasses, Sjiices of all kinds. Also a large nSFortment of HAEDWAHE and dUEENSWAHE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a liesh supply of nt:G AND MF.MlCiNF.f. Besides the Intjiosl and most senernl n.ott inent of all kituU of floods to Lo lurd in 1 1 1 i 3 pliiee. rV Country produce of all kinds takrn in ex chnngre at the hiirhcst market price Sunbury, April 30, 185:3. To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throvchout the United Stutcs, Alexander L. llickey S' Co.. thk c;ni:.vr worli)-." fair vuiy.v. mi'.dal 'IRI : N K M A NU FACTO UY, No. US Chcsnut Street, ( Fnnl of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. A RE now prepared lo exhibit to the Merchants - and Travellers one of the largest mid most iinprovcd solid Sole Leather Spriup; Trunks ever ollcrcd for sale in this city, together with a gen eral ussortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly be imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bugs, Hand Coaches, Gijr, cVc, &e., nl! of which we are prepared to sell nt reduced juices. We respectfully invite a call from the Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive assortment before purc'.i isine; elsewhere. ALEX. L. HICKEY & CO., No. 118 Chesnut Street. Philn., April 0, 1S53. Gin. C0MEAND SEE The New and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale by Sunbuiy Ai l 30, 53. I. W. TENER & CO. CHEAP WATCHES JEWELRY AND OH.YI'.H WAKK, Wholesale nnd Retail at No. X' kj hKt'OM) St.. npiioslle tin, Ml. Vernon House, Hold d. 11 k. cares, -i9.W; Silver Lever Watches, fall i I.CVers. Illll jewelnl, !-l llll ; Silver l.ei.itiei'. jeweled, Sit,- 011 all warranted lo ki i p gnoil time. II ild Pens and Sil ver Case. (i.i(i! i Id Pencils. PI. I'll; tjolil pencils anil Pen Cafes with s 1 t;.,!il Peusas I iw as ir? I Ac. Al:i ', nlwavs on l,!iinl a uood accorlmt'iil of line trold Jewelry, Uolil Cilih, (liltnil und Foil Chains, Hold Vest Chains, Ladies' (iol.l F 'h Chains anil Hell Plus. Silver Table. Spooi s troiii 411 to IH. llewort, SO to SOI , and Tea, Sl.7.1 to frii.oll per set, warranted equal In coin. A II R id warranted to be what they are sold lor. I ff ' Watches and Jewelry repaired and warianled. All outers Sl-iU by m ail or otherwise, will he puiie. tually altcudeu t M. AVISF., A N ). 74 X irth SFCOXI) Street, opposite the Ml. llollRe. Philn., April iX 151 ly. Vernon jLIRBAITSS' Platform Scales, Lous; lnoini ferfrrli tested Alwiiyt right Tin AeinowleJ reil Stitntliiril. 7rt (f&S Railroad, Hay, C 5rtg)y? mers' SCALES, se Coal, and Far set in any part of the rountrv, at short notice, GEN7'.S.(iEO. W. COLBY, Market St., V'liiludclphia, E. Y. liright, .'"'iiiibiiry. J'hila., .-ljtril 23, 1853. THE CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE BEST. K.rci-Ilence nnd Beauty combined, Model Spring Style Hat3, H IN EQUALLED by any others in nil that aJJ con render satisfaction to the Wearer. (iive ihem n trial. The Very Finest Molhskix II ns for 3,50 ; Second (utility, very fine, 3,00 Third Quality, a capital article, 3,50. All these ' aro warranted Model Hal Slur j. 40 North' Mil Street Philadelphia, Phila., April 'J, 185').- Gm. dentistr.it. DR. A. YALLEKC1UMP, Dentist, would respectfully annotir.ee to the inhabitants of Sunbury and I lie surrounding country, that he has taken rooms at the Lawrence House, kept by Mr. Samuel Thompson, where he will be hap py lo attend to all calls in the line of his profes sion. AW operations or Mechanical work war ranted to answer all the iscful and ornamental purposes of the art. Sunbury, Ipril 23, 1853 3t. J L'S'P RECEIVED a Splendid assortment of Hats, Cap", Boots and Shoes, for sale bv Sunbury Apl 30, '53. I. W. TENER &. Ct). tIARPETS, Oil Cloth, Malting, Door Mala, ' and Carpet Chain for sale by Sunbury, Apl 30, '53. I. W. TENER A CO. DRIED BEEF, HamV and Vhoutdcrs,"just received and for sale bv Hunbury Apl 30, '53. I. W. TENER & CO. MACKEREL, Salmon aTid Herring "ju7t received and for sale b Hunbury Apl 30, 53. I. VV.' TENER, & CO. iTnUTlNG FLL'tD a"bd"elf "sealing tW v lope, just received and for (ale by April 19, 1851.- H.B. MASSER. R1ASK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of300, for sale hy April 26, 1851.-- . H. B. MASSER. v ; BLANKS.. ; KLANK.S of every description can be bad by PI b'"'B at the office of the American. IT1, EE B II. LB. Justices and Conatable Fee Bills handsomely printed on aril paper for -a-..i.:...ii'. sale at this utiic. sj:lect VOETllY. MILTON, ON HIS LOSS OF SIGHT. The sublimity nnd beauty of the) following planzn?, from tho Oxford edition of Milton's; vtoiks. nro in keeping wilh the spirit nnd charf elor of England' greatest jioel : I nm old nnd blind ! Men point nt mo ns smitten by God's frown, Alllieled and distressed of my kind, ' - Yel 1 am nut east down. I nm weak, yel olrona; 1 murmur not, that I do not humor pee ; Poor mid helpless, 1 the mine belniio, Fat her supreme ! to theu. A merciful one ! When men nro furthest, then thcu nil most near, When friend. pas by my weakness to shun, Thy chariot 1 lu-ar. Thy glorious face I leaning toward trie, and its holy liu'lit Shines in upon my lonely dwullinjr place And llieio is no mure uiijlil. On my bended knee, I recognize thy purpose, eleaily shown; My vision ihou hast ilimncd thai 1 may see Thj self, thyself alone. I have nniiglii to fear ; This darkties is the shadow of thy wing; lieuealli it I nm almost snored here, Cain count) no evil thing. O ! 1 seem to stand Tiemblinp, where foot of mortal ne'er halh been, Wrapped in the ladianco fiom the sinless hind Which eye hath never seen. Visions comu nnd go ; Shapes of lesplendant beauty round me tbrtuiff, From antd lips I seem to hear the How Of soft and holy stdi. It is nothing now' When heaven is opening on my nigliilcss eyes, When airs from paradise refresh mj brow, The earth in darkness lies. In a purer clime, M y bring fills with rapture waves of t houi Rull in upon my spii it strains sublime Break over me unsought. Give mo now my lyre ! I feel the slritifr of a gill ilivine, Within mv bosom glows unearthly fire, Lit by no skill of mine. lit Uf0crUnurou& jrHnttcr. THE BRIDAL WINE CUP. 'Pledge wilh wine pledge with wine,' cried the young and thoughtless Harvey Wood; 'pledge with wine,' ran tb rough the brilliant crowd. The beautiful lirid- grew pale the de cisive hour had come, hhe pressed her white liandstogetber, and the leaves of the bridal wreath trembled oil her brow ; her breath came quicker, her heart beat wilder. 'Yes, Marion, lay aside your scruples for this once,' said the Judge, in a low tone, going towards his daughter, 'the company expect. Do not infringe upon the rules of etiquette; in your own home do as you please ; but in mine, for this once please me.' Every eye was turned towards the bri dal pair. Marion's principles weie well known. Henry had been a convivialist, but ol late his friends noted the change in his manners, (lie diflerence in his habits and to-night they watched him to see, as Ihey sneeringly said, if lie was lied down to a woman's opinion so soon. Pouring a brimming beauer, they held it with tempting smiles towards Mai ion. She was still very pale, though more compo' sed ; nd her hands shook not, as she genb ly accepted the crystal tempter, and raised it lo her lips, Jiut sc arcely had she done so, when every hand was arrested iy her piercing exclamation of 'oh ! how terrible !' 'What is UP cried one and all, throng ing together; for she had slowly carried the glass at arm's length, and was fixedly regarding it as though it Were some hi deous olj-'ct. 'Wait,' she answered, while an inspired light shone from her dark eyes, 'wait, and I will tell you. I see,' she added, slowly pointing one jeweled finger at the park ling ruby liquid 'a sight Ihat beggars all description ; and yet listen I will paint it for you il I can. It is a lonely spot ; tall mountains crowned wilh Verdure rise in awiul suM i n il v around ; a liver runs through, and bright flowers grow lo Ih water's edge. There is a thick warm mist that tlie sun seeks vainly to pierce, irees lofty and beautiful, wave to the airy mo tion of bird ; but there-a group of Indians gather; they flit to and fro with something like sorrows upon their brow. And in thwr midst lies a manly form but his cheek how deathly, his eye wild wilh the fire of fever. One friend stands beside him nay, I should lay kr.eels; for see ue is pinowing mat poor head upon his G.'nius in ruins oh! the hi rf. hole looking brow why should death maik it ana he so young? Look how he throw back the damp curls ! iee him clasp his hand! hear hi thrilling shii. k (or life! mark how he clutches at the form of his companion, imploring to be saved. Oh! hear him eill piteously hij father' name see him twine bis fingers together as he shrieks for his sister his only sister 'he twin of his soul weeping for him in hi distant native land. 'See!' she exclaimed," while the bridal party shrank back, the untasted wine trem bling in their faltering grasp, and the Judge fell, overpowered, upon hi feat 'tee ! hi armi are lifted to heaven he pray, how wildly for mercy ! hot fever ru.he through bit veins. The friend beside him is weeping awe-stricken, the dark men move tilently away, and leave the living and the dying togethet.' There was a hush in that princely par lor, broken only by what seemed a smoth ered sob from some manly bosom. The bride stood upright, wilh quivering lip, and tears stealing to the outward edge of lier lashes. Her beautiful arm had lo"s( its tension, and the glass, with ils little trou bled red waves, came slowly toward the range ol her vision. She spoke again ; every lip was mute. Her voice Wnslow, faint, yet awfully distinct; she still fixed her sorrowful glance upon Ihe wine-cup. 'It is evening now ; the great white moon is coming up, and his bean s lay gen tly on his forehead. He moves not; his eyes are set in their sockets ; dim are Iheir piercing glances ; in vain his friends whispered Ihe name of father and sister death is there. Death and no soft hand, no gentle voice to bless nnd soothe him. His head sinks back ! he is dead '.' A groan through the assembly, so vivid was her description, so unearthly her look, inspired tier manner, that, what she de scribed seemed actually to have taken place then and there. Thcv noticed also that the hi idenroom hid his (ace in bis hands and was weeping. Dead:' she repeated anain. her li ns quivering faster and fasler, and her voice more and more broken ; and there Kiev scoop him a grave ; ami there without a shroud, they lay him down in that damp recuing cartii. I lie only son of a proud father, tho only idolized brother of a fond sister. And he sleeps to-dav in that dis tant country, with no stone lo mark the pot. I here he lies my father'1 son my own twin brother! a victim to this eadly poison. 'Father,' she exclaimed. turning suddenly while the tears rained down her beautiful cheeks, 'lather, shall I in nk it now V The lorm of the old Judse was convulsed wilh agony. He raised not his head, but in a smothered voice he faltered 'No, no, my child, in Uod's name no.' She lifted the glittering gobiet, and let ting it suddenly fall on the floor, it was dashed in a thousand nieces. Manv a tear lul eye watched her movement, and instan taneously ever' wine-glass was transferred to the marble table on which it had been prepared. Then as she booked at the fragments of crystal, she turned to the company, saying, 'let no friend hereafter, who lovea me, tempt me to peril my soul for wine. Not firmer, are the everlasting hills than my resolve,. God helping me, never to touch or taste that terrible poison. And he to whom I gave my hand who watched over my brother's dviner form in that last solemn hour, and buried the dear wanderer there by the river in that land of gold, will, 1 trust, sustain me in that re solve. Will vou not. inv hushan.l?' His glistening eyes, his sad. sweet smile. was her answer, The Jtidsre left the room and when an hour after he returned, and wilh a more subdued manner took part in the entertainment of the bridal guests, no one could fail to read that he loo had de termined to banish the enemy at once and forever Irom his princely home. lhose who were present at that wed ing can never forget the impression so solemnly made -manv from that hour foreswore the social glassi Comi'arativkSafrty of Railways in For eign Countries, A correspondent rtf one of our New Yoik exchanges, gives the following summery of railway accidents : The number of passengers transported on Ihe Piussian rail ways in IS51, was 9,901,681. Of this num ber, ono person was killed by jumping out of cars; four were wounded ; four were killed; and three wounded by being on tho track when Iho cars passed Of officer and wtuk men in employ of the different companies, eighteen were killed aiidlvCenty wounded. One person was killed by voluntarily throw ing himself under the wheels of the cars. In England, during tho same year, the num ber of passengers was 7 H. 9C!l,C23, of whom 30 were, killed and 375 woniied. Sixty onu persons, not passongeis, were killed, and four teen wounded on Iho Irack. Of odieeis and woiknien employed by thu companies, theie were 117 killed nnd 49 wounded. Pout per sons committed suicide by throwing them selves under th-J wheels of the cars. The Austrian government has ordered that when serious accident shall occur on any of the railways belonging lo thu Stale, a deguerien lypo shall be iininedialely taken of the train, in order to facilitate the investiiiatinn into the causes of tho necidents; for this purpose the daguerreotype apparatus is lo be sent lo nil the tatious. This system has already been adopted in Pmosia. wilh mntked advniiisge. Tiir on tvi: of c. tavlor. A correhpondent of tho "Observei" write ns follows, on n subject which ought to bo of nationul interest : ' To reach (ieu Ta) tin's grave, you must wind about through by-ways and Dually step before a small enclosure on lha top of a hill in nn open field, .ur.onnd.'d by a rude irteno wall , an I j'isl on lha other sideoflhal wall yn will sea a teiy plum vault, wilh a front of limestone ro.'k, loneli ly hewn, mi l on iron door, ami ilial Ju will ta lold is the lomb of the once famous Oen oral Zucha.y Taylor, President of the United Stales of Atneiica. No monument ha been erected lu his memory. His name has no' even been inecnbed on his vault. In the centre of the small grave-yard ihe e is a monument erected to the memory of hi fa. thor, Col. Richard Taylor, a revolutionary sol dier. Five year ago Gen. Taylor was the idol of the nation ! Mrs. Partington is going to the World' Fair. The good old lady labor a ider Ihe Impression thai Queen Victotia's last produc tion is to be exhibited there; and she want to tee a hytil therupt Poetry. SONG. BV ALBERT 1'tKEi Theic w as a wee nnd piclly maid, As sweet und winsome as a fairy( I wmlim ask wi' wealih lo wed, It 1 could wed wi' thee, Mary. I've wandered east I've wandered Wost- As wanton ns the winds that vary ; Rut ne'er Was I Rao truly blest As when 1 mel wi' thee, Mary. Liko n wee purple violet, Thai htuin, jig blushing head a-weary, Then wi' the dew its leaves ate wet, Sao modest sweet ail Ihou, Mary. Thy brow i white! ns tho mist That sleeps on Heaven' forehead atartr. Or mountain now by sunrise kissed Thy heni! is jvhiler still, Mary. Thine e'en is liko an enpler e'en, That siltelh proudly in his eyriu They glitier with a starry sheen Yet modest is thy heart, Mary. Upon thy ro?y cheek, she rotil Peems in Ihe gushing lhe fri vary; An' crimson currents in it roll, As tho' it wad break thro', Mary, If 1 could press thee ir. my arms, As my wee wife nnd bonnie fairy, I wndua gie for ihy sweet charms Tho wurld an' a' ils wealth, Mary. How sweetly wad the hours gas by( That now sae solemn are, and dreary If thou upon my breusl didst lie, . My ain, my lovely, dear Mary. From tlic ncriiiaiitowii Telegraph, Til 12 StfUASll. Editors Tho Snuash is Derhan. Mr. more sensitive to cold, or, in other words, more liable to bo injuriously affected by ex treme degrees of it, than almost any other vegetable of the same class. It is therefore advisable to plant il later, nnd nut until tho ground is fully seitled, and the weather tol erably warm. The hills fot sijuashcs thoukl bo large and deep, and fiom six !o eight feet apatt each way, according to Ihe kind or va riety cullivaled. Not more lhan threo plants should be allowed to a hill, and the leading vines on these should be pinched off, in or der (o induce the citily and vigorous devel opment of fi nil-producing latrals. The soil uround Iho hills should be kept perfectly clean nnd light, and a little fresh diit occa sionally drawn up around iho plants, ta dry weather, fiequeiit irrigation, lute In tho afternoon, with water saturated with the) feitilising salts of manure or soap-suds, urine, &c, will be found highly beneficial. I hava fotind that by digging in, occasionally, during the season, a small quantity of old, thorough ly decomposed, stable dung around the plants, and between the rows, paiticularly before storms or showers, n tery decided improve ment may bo made In the condition of bear ing vines. Ashes constitutes a very desira rablo stimulant for tho squash, rs well indeed as for mns of the cnlinferous Vege tables cultivated in the field and garden. A Gardener. Mn. VV:bter. ft is well known that Mr Webster was a keen spoitsmnn. tVhen out on a gunning expedition il was his frequent practice to wander considerable from hom in search of game. On one of these occa sions, as he was shooting on a piece of swampy land, with many creeks tanning thiough it, he was accosted by two dandy sportsmen 'Here old chap, wo can't get over lhi creek j if you'll carry us over on Jour baolt we'll give yon a qualer apioee. Done' nnd fourthwilh ho carried them across, one nfier the tuber. 'There's your money,' Faid one of therri, 'you seem to be a smart fellow ; what's your name V 'Daniel Wfbstei,' was tho reply. The youths commenced apologizing, 'Never mind,' remarked Daniel' 'you aid not Ihe first fools I've got out of difficulty, but I'll keep your quaiteis as a cutiosity. And it is said they loim a portion of ihe pri vate cabinet nf curiosities at Marshfleld. The tidiest unmarried young lady in Bos Ion, Miss Shiiiiiuin, is taxed for $320,000. Now, young gentlemen, smooth down your faultless Ry rons, and lay siege lo the tin tuatchuble (horrid uonl) tigure, Tiii'.ke are three kinds of men in I hi woild ihe ''iiill's," ihe "wont'" and ib "cnnl's." Tho forme.r effect everything, the othei oppose ever) thing, and the Jailer fail in every thing. "I will" build our railroads und steamboats ; I "wont" donl believe in experiments; w hile .1 "caul" (rows weed for wheal, and commonly end hi day in iho slow digestion of a con it of bankruptcy. The corner stone of iho Protestant Epi. copal Chuicb in Austin, Texas, was laid on Ihe I lib ult, Oiianuis, weighing 14 ounce, hate been sera fron Bermuda to Ihe New York Crystal Palace exhibition. A young lady dressed in liluomer costume if among the "promiscuous crowd" gathered in Cincinnati, by the Ami-Slavery Conven. lion. Mrs. Sehooley, ihe fal woman, fsooexbibi lion at Si. Louis. Tut Catholics are about la erect an fhfir mary at Wheeling, V. Tin Louisiana free Unking law ha f. sed lha Vl'ate,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers