DR. ramphltt T amount reeeired tat rmphlet ' Balanc do (he county, 0 514 . DR. llauhers To segregate amount of licenses for IMI, DIL To amount of outstanding fin pre iocs to 1940, Aggregate amount of fine asses 4 for l4t and '47 SO 947 1,036 i l.l. I ...... vuuiuuiuwwiiu oi xennsyivania in To balance due county ('tax on real and personal estate") ' Balance du county on tavern licenses, 1847, . Retailer ' Pamphlet law 766 07i 19 67 67 2i 833 06 Jesse M. Si.mp.ox, latb Treasurer or Nurthvmbeblmo Cou.mt, in Accomr with the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania. fli.. -Jar on To amount ree'd of tax assessed previous to 1845, ggregate amount of tix asscs- eii for 184, 1 ' ' for 1849, weM from unseat ed lands, 1849 and '49, 1 Collateral inheritance tax, 355 58 13.170 11 13,104 45 532 69 39 75 S2fi,892 58 DR. Tavern To aggregate amount of laid licenses granted by the Court of Quarter Sessions in 1848. 5488 80 DR. Tavern To aggregate amount of said licenies granted by the Court of Quarter Sessions in 1849, 468 80 DR. To aggregate amount of said Retailers licenses for the year 1848, S748 DR. To aggregate amount of said licenses for the year 1849, Balance due the County, Retailers .., $857 41 $899 DR. To amount received for Pam phlet Laws, 1849, Pamphlet DR.. To aggregate amount of outstand ing fines previous to 1848, fines $540 1,389 assessed for the years . 1848 and '49, 1,929 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DR. To balance due the County 011 Retailers' licenses 1849, $41 HAB..aR V.nkfiyi. l - "fa" i all a 1 DR. Tax, To amount received of the tax as sessed previous to 1845 $7149 To aggregate amount of tax asses- ed for 1850 13,639 ' 1851 14,031 To tat received! from unseated lands for 1 850-5 i 406 from Ann Tigl- man's land 1151 33 $28,181 CR. By Stat Tressurer's Receipt, Janu- 60 UTJ V, I BIT, Treasurer' commission, S per ct. $0 62 and Tedlers, 1847. CR. J Tres"re', commission at S p. c. 4 00 Stat Treasurer'! receipt, January 81,184a, r 3 Law$, 1847. I so 33 S4 Militia Fints. CR. I Bjr Commissions and Exonerations SO 00 allowed to Collectors for fine previous to 1846, Exonerations allowed to collector In 1846 and '47, Commiiaion to collector in 1846 and '47, at 5 per cent., Outstanding fines, 1846 & '47, Treasurer' commission, ' Stale Treasurer's receipt, January , SO, 1847, .Hi Jan. SI, 1848, lialanc due the commonwealth. 57 140 18 50 540 00 3 80 13.1 55 00 89 63 61 ... .... 1,086 50 Account with Northumberland County. By balance due the commonwealth on Retailers' lisenses, 1846. 84 15 ' Balance du commonwealth on militia fines, 1846 and '47, 53 61 136 76 697 20 Balance due the countv, 833 06 (B) J),l j p. i CR. a 600 oo 646 39 640 22 224 12 5 32 By Exonerations allowed in 1848 arm -4, 1 Commission allowed Collector in 1848. . 1849, Treasurer's commission on im'l p.ud on tax in 1848 ami '49, unseated laml. 1 tax paid for previous year. 56 1 49 1 ' Collateral inheritance tax Mate Treasurer' receipt for money paid July 29, 1848, ' ' Jan. 22, 1849, ' 1 1 April 28, ' ' ' July 28. ' April 28, 10.526 31 1 916 43 245 59 10,789 47 28 26 $25,624 16 Balance due the Commonwealth, 1,268 42 S26 892 58 CR. 5461 36 24 44 Licenses, 1848, By State Treasurer's Receipt, January vn, 184!', ' Tieasurer's Commission, 5 per cent., ; 8488 80 Licenses, 1849, CR. By Slate Treasurer's Receipt January 30, 1850, ' Treasurer's Commission 5 S435 36 S3 44 per cent-, 458 80 Balance due Ihe Commonwealth, 10 00 $468 80 CR. $615 35 36 71 Licenses, 1848. By State Treasurer's Receipt, January 22, 1849., ' Treasurer's Commission, 1 Exonerations. 23 14 00 ' Amount paid Mercantile appraiser, 5 22 Amount paid fur advertising. 10 00 Balance due the Commonwealth, 36 95 $748 23 CR. $694 78 41 61 Licenses, 184P. ' BJr 5,a,e Treasurer's Receipt, 25, January 30, 1850, 9l ' Treasurer's Commission, 5 per cent , Exonerations to E. Kaufman, and Dr. Eodie, 1 Amount allowed to Mercantile appraisers for mileage, ' Amouut paid for advertising, ' State Treasuier'a Receipt, November, 1850, 17 25 00 4 98 47 50 85 30 $899 17 CR. 95 5 Lanes, 1849. By Slate Treasurer's Rocein'. 1 00 1 January 32, 1840. ' Treasurers Commission, tl 00 CR. $34 00 240 00 32 40 127 50 23 40 978 35 4 91 50 00 10 75 Militia Fines. By outstanding flues previous to 1848, 1 Exonerations on fines previous to 1848, ' Commission allowed Collectors on fines previous to 1848, 1 Exonerations allowed Collec tors 1848 and '49, 1 Commissions allowed Collec tors 1848 and '49, 1 Outstanding fines in the year 1848 and '49, 1 Treasurer's Commission, 1 Cash paid William. H. Kase, Brigade Inspector, Cash paid Edward A. Kutzuer, Brigade Inspector, ' Cash paid , for asssessing 00 00 00 $1,501 31 militia, 5 50 Cash paid State Treasurer, January, ms, . gi9 38 ' Cash paid Stale Tieasurer, January 30, 1850, 154 23 D 1 1 ,.n0 2 Balance due the Commonwealth, 28 58 $1,929 00 in Account with Northumberland Countv CR. By balance due the Commonwealth, Tax on Real and Personal. 92 1848 and '49, SI 261 Balance, tavern licenses 1849, ' 10 1 Balance, retail, licenses '48, 36 ' Balance, militia flues 48 f '49 28 $1,343 Deduct balance due countr on Ketailers' licenses for 1844 41 1 Balance due the Commonwealth, $1,302 (C) n NniTuiryirn inn fVnu-w .u . ! '9, . $1.26142 " " I ' acco.KT WITH Rial and Ptnonal. CJl. By exonerations in 1850-61 geoo 00 4 Commissions to collector to 1850 666 06 1 - ,85 69 Treasurer s Commission on amount paid on Tax 1850-51 223 30 unseated lands 17 84 54 10 1850-91 ' tax previous to 4 07 Ci.i.T. ....... 1. :. j... j 14 July 23,' I860,' 3,815 00 5,995 SUKBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. 50 80 00 45 50 70 DR. Titvttn Toaggregat amount of said licenses eranted by the Court of Quarter Sessions in 1850 $182 80 DR. Tavern To aggregate amount ef said licenses (framed by Ihe Cooit of Quarter Sessions in 1851 $510 00 DR. Retailers To agrregate amount of said license for the year 1850 $770 25 DR. Retailers To aggregate amount of said licenses fur the year 1851 $825 25 DR. Oyster Shops, Beer Houses, &c. 1850. To aggregate amount of said licenses for 1850, 580 00 DR. Oyster Shops, To asgrejate amount of raid licenses for 1851 $54 00 DR. To amount of outstanding fines pre vious to 1848, 1 ' 1849, To aggregate amount of fines asses sed for 1850 & 'M, 534 00 978 35 1,726 50 2,738 85 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in William Gulitk, late Treasurer, in DR. To amouat of countr tax received for the years 1846 it 47; $14,594 08 ' from unseated land, 124 78 Road tax Jan. 5, 1846, 162 IS 9 25 113 37 67 00 30 00 10 44 31 00 30 00 31 86 16 94 10 65 10 14 1,953 36 5 52, 6 10 7 00 3 50 To cash received from John I.ohr, To rash ree'd from J. Bloom's iudgm't April 17, 29, Tocah ree d from Prot'y Jordan, jury .'.i r. lumla, dec, 44 J. Karnsworth, late Treasurei, " To cash ree'd from J. Uloom on jugdm. " To cash rec d fioin C. W. Hegins, re demption money, " . Tj cash ree'd from P. Hilgert.tai, '43 '46 To cash ree'd for holding inquest on July 22, A ug. 6, Sept. 15, Nov. 3, Nov. 3, E. A Me, u u 'f0 redemption mo ney, J. llelburn, U " " " do J. Myer tract, " do D. Bratigarn t Cash received from J, Farnsworlh, late 1 ressurer. March 19, 1847 Cash ree'd from Wm. Silvis, rs demDtion money. Sept 31, do from J. B. Jvones, red. my Nov. 1, - do I), Marls for bridge Umber, do Dsniel Hosts, tax, do fur redemption of 'Esther Bcotl' tract and other tracts. 00 95 166 31 41 00 16 33 49 44 14 47 18 66 33 15 $30 6J 53 Dec 1, " do from J. farns- worth, Prothony, Court fines, iic, - - do for red. of Wan. Adams tract, " - - do for red of JUed and Kriegbaum X. - - - do for red. ef Peter Petry tract, 25, do from I. T. Clem ent for timber and stone 39, do from C. Klck nor for Iran, '31 " do from C. Bower for plank, "do from Peter Bixler for uocurrsni money 95 92 03 $17,653 Jan. 8. 184I, T (mount rac'd from "I J. M. Simpson, Treasurer, as per County Auditor's report. 390 63, $17,853 5,999 63 1 3,558 01 1,151 18 890 00 1,099 50 1,250 00 6,086 29 707 79 3,777 45 686 89 July 36, July 26, Sept. 7, Jan. 21, April 23, July 17, July 23, July 25, Jan. 15, 185 $25,198 70 Balance due Ihe Commonwealth 2,982 43 1 $28,181 14 Licenses, 1850. CR. $23 64 10 00 449 16 $482 80 CR. $25 50 484 50 By Treasurer's Commission Exonerations, ' State Treasurer's Receipt, Jan uary 21, 1851 Licenses, 1851. By Treasurer's Commission 1 Slate Treasurer's Receipt, Jan uar) 15, 1852. $510 00 CR. $29 00 37 06 704 19 Licenses, 1850 By exoneration 1 Treasurer's Commission 1 Siate Treasurer' Receipt, Jan uary 21, 1850 $770 25 CR. $21 00 Licenses, 1851. By exonerations Mileage paid to mercantile ' appraiser 1 Amount paid for advertising 1 Treasurer's Commision 1 Slate Treasurer's Receipt January 5 19 12 00 40 21 746 85 $825 25 CR. By exonerations, $10 00 1 Treasurer's Commission, 3 50 ' Amount paid Appraiser for mileage, 4 35 ' ' for Advertising, 36 00 ' ' June 1851, 24 00 State Treasurer's Receipt, January 21. 1851 2 15 $80 00 CR. Beer Houses, kc. 1851 By Treasurer's commission, $2 70 ' Slate Treasurer's receipt, Jsnuary 15, 1852, 51 30 $54 00 Brought ever .Vilitia Fines. CR. By outstanding flues previous to 1848, $34 00 1848 k '49. 245 95 Exonerations allowed in '48 & '49 264 00 Commission allowed Collectors in 1848 k '49, 39 34 Outstanding fines for 1850 & '51, 1238 59 - 60 00 Exonerations allowed collectors in 1850 & '51, 88 33 Commission allowed collectors in 1850 & '51, 19 01 Treasurer's commission 7 49 Amount paid Assessors, 13 40 ' W. II. Kase, Brig In. 100 95 1 E. A. Kutzner. ' 46 75 Am't pd. E. A. Kutzner for Ring gold Guards, 39 35 ' Capt Enterline for Wash ington Greys, 50 00 ' Capt. Frymire for Scott Infantry, 50 00 ' Capt. Hoffman for Rush Grevs. 7 00 E. A. Kulzncr, Brig. lnsp. 67 29 J. II. Zimmerman, do 11 88 Assessor 16 69 Northumberland Troop, 75 00 Shamokin Guards, 75 00 Cadwa'.lader Infantry, 87 67 Farmers & Mechanics Ai- tillery, 50 00 1 Dewarl Guilds, 50 00 $2738 19 Balance due the Commonwealth, 66 $2738 85 Account with Northumberland Countv. By balance due the Commonwealth on Tax, real and personal, 2982 431 ' Militia fines 66 $2983 091 (D) Account with Northumberland County. CR. $6,909 16$ 6,3.13 62J 3 35 394 35 45 80 64 00 100 00 By sm'tof orders psid in 1846, " 1847, " Redeeming county shinplasters, " Percentage, commission, dec, on county matters, Interest paid Bank of Northum berland, " Depricated money, ' Note gixen Commissioners to orrect error $15,870 194; Amount of Debts, - Credits, 17,853 751 16, 870 9 1,983 56 Amount over paid th Bute, Amount du by Willaa Uit lick to to County. 1,598 IS 88 63) 33 75) William Gulick, lato Treasurer of the Commonwealth of l'cnnsylvama DR. ' . To amount Of Slate tax ree'd for the years 1846 and '47, To am't of tax ree'd on unseat ed land. Nov. 1, 1847, To fash ree'd from Danl Hosts, Slate lax, To amount ree'd from licensee (tavern) for the year 1846, all commissions and crcdi's deducted, To amount rec'J from 'Tavern licenses for 1847, all com mission itcrediis deducted, To arnount ree'd from Retail er lirenses for the yrsr 1846, all commissions snd credits rledr.cled, To amount ree'd from Retailers for the year 1847, all com missions k crediisilednctpil, To amount ree'd for Pamphlet laws, To am't ree'd for Hawkers and Pedlrr's licenses, all -commissions te credits deducted, To am't ree'd from militia fines for the years 1840 and '47, commissions and credit de ducted, $26,140 77 i 141 98 4 00 427 31 436 81 592 12 674 98 47) 22 80 277 03 28,718 30 Balance due the County from State, 1,598 18 30,316 48 Jesse M. Simpson, late Treasurer, in To amount of ronitty tax received in 1848 : 'Stf, " from unseated bmls A '10, " Rnd tax " " " rVliool lax " " 1 RedeuHion mmtey reccieed on John Smith trart, 1 Interest on rnlempiimi money of the Solomon M yer tract, Jnn. 7, 184P, To depreciated tn-mey, ' S, " To cuh receirrd of Edward Kisley, ' 13, " " on A, M.wrs tract " finm Hetei Fetter man (taxes) ' " " " Charlrs C'arr, (taxes) " " " V. Irus, (gruund rem) July 55, " Cah ree'd from Rank of Northuinljerland Dec, 19, ' ' J. FarnaworUi, pithy Jury f, Ac. Maieh , 1PIO, To cash ree'd for rent April!, " for h.'ktins: inquest on J l.enr, Jan. 9, " Treasurer's order per Gso. Hileman, April 4S, ' Cnh ree'd fnnn Wm. Gu lled on note given to Cotn niissii tilers MavS, fr rent of Court h. July 7, " " f, rent f Slate h. Sept. 13, ' Taxes ree'd fnini Christian Miller, Oct. 0, Taxes ree'd from Willism lepnv, " 11, " Cosh ree'd frnn Alexander Klric-kkinil. Dee SO, Pr.ity Faniaw irth Jury funds Ac. 11 " Snle of Cotnimtsionets' lands, fti,t.rtn 277 90 4"9lM 3 tl 1 00 1 3D lit 00 100 I t 7 05 300 S 7S s.tcofo .17 00 1 00 137J too now I 00 too 110 18 33 SI 46 70 00 937 54 To cash received of fer B. Ynins;nisn; l reaattrer, (the amouut repnrteo hy County Audibwsas duo J. M. impsni, late Tieaauterr) 1H0 63 Hj.su 4!1 1,IHI B'.lJ Mai nice due the County, 17,094 30 Jews M. SiMPfOJi, latb Tbeisircr or NoaTHt?Mstti.iND County, in Account with thu UOMMONWrSLTH DR. To amount of State tax ree'd in 148 ft. '4 tJt,3.M I0J do no ao irom uiieeaien lanus ore ov 1 Ree'd from Tavern lisenses, IMR, com- mississt uis It ereoits dettucteti, sni ;m do for 1HI9. di 415 39 ' Ree'd from Retailers. IS19, commissions A credits drducled, 30 do for 1649, do 738 16, Ree' from pamphlet laws, 1618, eonunis- sims A crodits deduetcd. OS do Militia Giles, lr4H A '40, commis sion A credits deducted, 491 19 April 4, '411, To eollsteral inheritance tax per it. ueiias, G:0. B. Yol'ST.MAN, LATC TstASfRTS, DR. To amount of county tax received In the years lOU A '31, aio.HFV Road tax on anseated lainls d 333 Comity tax do do 140 School lax do do SOI Redemption ree'd for the Andrew Shu- heit tract, 55 Ree'd from sale of Commissioners' land I do from due bill of David Chichester, 6 do Taxes re' 'd from Judge Oaxe, 33 do from Northiitn'laud Bridge Stuck, CO do from James lluov. S April IS, 18JI , Cash ree'd f. rent of Court House, 1 May 17, do do from Ann Tiekl- man tor isxrs, so do Dividend on Noithumbcrland Undse Stock, SO do Moner rcluiuted br James 30 Nov. l-Vkuiaii, IS " " J. M Sonnmi, 1 Dee do Con it fiues, Jury funds, A a. ree'd from Prnh'y Farns worlh, 73 00 SI7.174 &7 Ualauce due from Comity, 17,761 M Recapitulation, State,) Amount of Debit on Slats matters, FS 1,558 37 J do Credits' do li,U7 l Amount due dnnmoiiweallh, SMI l- Oil 1 Gect. B. Younoman, lATit Ttiasuscr, or Commonwealth DR. To amount nfSute tax reeeiveil ia ths years . 1K.I A 'si x-'.i i from unseated laiala, 400 S4 Caah received for taxes on Ann Tight man's lend, 31 10 AmoaMt rac'd from Tavern liecnses, 1KSO, credits dedaeted, 440 IS u IKS I do 4K4 SU " Retailers, I') do 704 IS " IHSI do 716 SS Oyster shops, Ac. INO do 1 IS .4 u 6 do SI 30 4 fiora militia knee lSIS-'S-'iO-'SI, coNimisaioa of 1 per ct. deduetcd, 741 64 M,S 37 i STAGE OFFICK. W.18IIINUTON HOUSE, STJITBTJUT, FA. JAMES C0VEET, Proprietor. WOl I.D respectfully announce that h has taken this well known stsiul, wher lis will be gratified to see and entertain his friends snd llie travelling public generally. This hous w now replete with every convenience, comforts ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventiletej, rendering it in every respect Jcsirable stopping place. asi Tio eiperuse Iu been (pared in fitting up this hous. Tb f hsmbers are well furnished and .l . ..ii. . ... ... .. . . .. uis uns ana nsr provuiea wita tns oet trie market can afford. Tba stable aceommodstions ar itenaiva and well calculated lor travalers. STAGE OFFICE. Th stage running front Natthumberland rottssiila, atop at this house, where through nd way tickets to rbilaaelphia can M ettsmtd. Eunbury, Msicb SO, list. tf. Northumberland County, in Account with CR. By. Slate Treasurei' receipt, dated, Feb I 1840, July 15, " S! Treasurer's percentage on money p'd State Treasurer, " State Treasurers rernipt, dated Jan. 20, 1847, " July 27, ,' it 11 11 11 n " TreasBrei's peicentage oil money p'd Slate Treaur -r, " Cash p'il John Farnsworth, being t lie amount he ad vanced to pav the State tax of 145, " Slate Treasurer's receipt, dated Jan 21, 1848, 450 00 11,063 74 122 13 2 004 88 1M60 49 2U3 18 133 34 3,585 67 1,293 15 30,316 48 Account with Northumberland County. CR. fa,lM nj By amount of orders psid in 1UI 4 do do lno Treasurer's coniiniision on onlers paid In ' Depreciated money, ' ' 1 Amount paid Win. Giilk-V hy direction of County Auditors, Amount paid John Pifer 1 du 1'etai Vandling, ' Discount on drpreriated nioiier, ' Amount paid Dank of Northunilicrlaitd ' l do Interest d ' do no Amount paid . do protest on note ' do do int. alter pn. ' do do ' Premium paid on money to pay State Tax, ' Amount paid Nenl Caul, errot in dupli cate 7,Otl 73 rwi 7n 75 00 M3 . I OS S3I 33 S3 1 33 a SO S3 SO is;, 3 SIS 07 87 SO h si 1 7,004 39 RECAPITULATION, (COt'NTY,) Amount of credirs on County matters, $I7,94 39 I.VSI4 49J Balance due the e wnty, RECAPITULATION, (STATU.) .',lsl W) Amount of Dehits on State matters, " CreiliU Balance due the Commonwealth Balance due the comity, Amount due by J . M. Simpson, fiT.sro 9S '.19,104 Oil t-i.-m 87 l.iai twj e!IS7J (G) OF 1'KN.NSVI.V ANIA. CR. By State Treasurers receipts, July 19, '4B $1000 00 do d i do Apl VH, '40 oil 59 do do on collateral inheritance tax 9tt 2 1 Trens com. on starve tax, 5 pel ct. 1 40 By Slate Treasurers receipt, Jan. iM, tM. I, inoue) paiu oil nil, I, la Ultra, uceilics. etc. f,W 47 Bv I reas. receipt, July IS, 4, lu lM 00 1 Percenuige on amount paid Suite Trea surer on tax, Ac. lo 11 d i do on nnseated lands s 34 ' PcreenUjre on tux previous to 1"I8 A '49 M 1 Am unit refunded Isaac Sober ou State tax, ll 1161 ' State Treasurer's receipt, dated, Jsn.'30, 1HSO, for money paid on T.tveru licenses, 36 Rrtnilris do 0H 7S Militia fines, (lel) 13.1 75 Militia Unea, lelV, IS 48 1,'XI 37 So 30 ' State Treasurer's receipt (Nov. V, I8JO) H.tiileis' licenses, ltfltf S'iS.lol 00 a.iss 87 e.'T.dTO 14 Amount due Comm m wealth from e-untr, (H) in Account with Nortuu.mberi.ani County. CR. By r amount of orders paid iu lSO, 6,771 OS d.t di 1ji, Trearjrer's percentage on the above. Cafh and cxpeiises laid in renewing note in Bank of NorthmubeiUud Chsrge to giug to Norlhuintierlaud to ay draft and leceive divideml, Baljiice paid to J. AI. Simpson, Cash pan! Futern Pendent iary, Coininiasion on 917H.II paid klaalern Pcueteiitlary and Hank, Cash paid ou note iu B uik of Nortk'land, Interest d do Chirge coiug to Northumtierlaud aix times to receive Bridge atock, pay m aieydue Kuteru Peiietcnliaiy,and re lew note in Bunk, Perceiilage on m atey paid J. M. Simp son (S-W i) Cash iuid Fistrrn reneteutiary, Percentage on Ihe aUnre, Perenitage on S731 16 paid Bank of Northuudiailaml, 1 Depreciated m uey, S,3I 17 401 7d 71 St 3 00 Ml 0.1 107 10 4 4(1 7 00 39 It) 5 SI IS 90 40 IS 17 63 OU $17,761 Si 1 i.i ti ,in. Am wnl of Creilila on cuuuty matters t I7.7l (H d Debus do 17,171 77 ; Balance due fnnu County, Bala K-e due by Geo. II. Yomignian, 7 1 7 IS .TII 03) (I) Nobthumbicrland Countt, in Account with tiii ....... or i tni.nn.i CR. By State Treimrer's receipt, July 13, IPSO, d. 26, " do " " " 4 Sept 7 " do Jan'y 21, l"Sl do April 23, " do July 17, " . do ' 23. do " ", " Ammmt paid Brigade Inspectors, Csptiins ol' i'onitaniiee, Assesstvs tif fines, Ac. Tressurer's eonimisMon on -.'7,'iJ 61 at 1 per rent do on unseated lands, IKJO A 'St ( d on taS aevio.ia t i 115 SUI Treasuier'a receipt, Jan. IS, ISjl, 4V1.H3 OD 3. IMI 36 1,151 h eoo oo 1.231 00 I .SAi 00 6,OHI 19 707 7S 3,359 01 710 97 M 30 4 07 71 1.K.9 SI tvjjm is; Balaiie due the CominoMWealth, S'J6,o58 37 1 Wm. McCiirty. llouksullcr. E8PECTFl'M.Y informs his ftic.ul and the public, that he has removed his Doik Store, to Market street. M lh h by J. SaUle, Esj., AtUrncy at Law, nearly on- .w..;.. ,i r. . , . . ., ., . -.w ioc i.onn iiouac, on me norm side, where keens for sale constantly n,i aaaortment of book and stationary. r or dale A large new siding waggon fit for S, 3 or 4 horses. Bunbury, July 54, 1855. tf. CMITH'8 ESSENCE OK JAMAICA KIN- GER, fresh supply just received, and for sal hy 14. B. MAS8EK. Sunbury, Jan. 14), ISM. 7V)R sal at 4hia erUca, Superior lilaek Ink, Cattle Medicine at 15 eta, fore Essence ef Oujfrer.15 cent te SILVER WATCH EH. A few tioubr ease EngUsh 8il.es Watches, for sale at rsjr low prices by H. B MASStR. 8uabory, April 11, lOOa! Oifts." It will bt nolioed tl at Iho time for distribtiting lite prsstmts lo lhJ hoMers of ticket has been extended lo a-' rommo.lale nil who wish to see this beaotifu f Panoramit. The committee will gie due notice of the time. (Read Advertisement in Another column.) Ar engomenls are h pro gress to piratly reduce ihe far on H lh Ilailrnads si ihe lima of distribution. Fwcurtf your tlukets at once. HE Motto of sll good business roeit is small profits snd fsfc snles. To this Rockhill dr,- WiNoti add (roojiorre and prompt delissry. By sctinj up to the principle tlify htrte Acquired1 an envialile reputation a cVolhiors, end every body in wnnt of handsomer cbitap atrt) food clotliinn, goes at once lr the elieSp stors of 'Rockhill V Wilson's Clolhiim Store, o. 111 Chesuut street, corner of Franklin Place, 1'bilsdel phis. riiiladclphia, Not. C, IS52. ly. cw EMPOISONING. CO Thousands of parents who use Vermifugdf composed of Castor oil, Calomel, fcc, are not awn re, thai whilu they appear lo benefit ths patient, they ere ncttmily sjin;r the founda tions (or a scries of di'senges, such as saliva, linn, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, Ac. In another column will bit found Ihe adver tisement of Ilnbeiisack's Medicines, to which1 we ask the nlienlion of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health'. In Liver Complaints and all disorder arising from those of a bilious type, should mnkti use of ihe only genuine medicine, Hubeo sack's Liver Pills. "lie not deceived," but n.lc for HobeiY sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, snd ob' serve llutt each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSACK, as nons; else are cenuine. D I K D. In Upper Auuusla.on the 22i! ult., PKTE1V OBERDOUF, Sen., aged about 84 years. Near Belinsgrove, April 29. Mr. GEORGE GUN DRUM, aged about 4f yerr MrGundrum was interred on Sunday, with the honors of Odd Fellowship, of which pros perous order he has long been a worthy ants respected member. At Northumberland, on Saturday lasf, Mrsv ANN, wife of Joseph Wallis, aged about G years. . I)C iHavf.ct0. Philadelphia Market. May 5, 1853. -Flour isn Mm Tho, K,.i linl inntiiry for Flour. Small Salesnf rnroi! for export at-Sl,87; extra is held at 3,25 a 5,50, isarsi 'a. . rtVE ri.oi'R Last sale at 53,8 1 J. CoRN Men. I'enna. is fi,m .1 JO 75 nate bbl. GRAIN. There Is a terv limited amnnnf of w heat oflerintr. Sale of whiia at I ITf a 118c, and of Pe.nna. red at 112c. Kvk bells at 83 els per bit. Corn Is steady at 63u for rellotr. n float'..' and 58c for white. Oats. Sales of prime Penna. at 43 ct WlltssrcY. Sales in bbls. are snakinn al 23 o., and hhds at 22iut. Baltunore Market May 2, 1853. GRAIN. We quote good to prime tJ Wheats at 1 10 a 1 He. On Satnrriuv a rime of Pennsylvania red was sold at H4c, and a cargo ol wiHto ai fiio- 1 0-day another caruo of Penra. white was sold at 121 cents. We note sales of Corn at 53a54 cts. for white, ai.d 58.1.VJ cts. for yellow. We qiiote Maryland Oats at 38 a 40 cts. Peuna. nre worth 43a4l cents. WHISKEY. Sales of bbls., to-day at 23i a 23 cts. We quote hhds. at 22 22 4 cts. SUNRUHY TRICE CURRENT Wiisst. - 100 Ris. - 7 Cues. M 0ts. - 44 I'orrATor.s, 37 BUTTX. lt Erics. ... 10 Posh. 8 Kliisssii. - 125 '1'jtLOW. -10 Deeswai 35 Hkckleu Cm. It Dnrtn Arri.xs. -80 Do. I'm ii is. - - 300 Kiss. ... New Advertisement. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN EXJNStJliY. GF.L8BERC1 & CO., respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Northumberland county snd the public in general, that they have conn menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury 1'a., opposite the Tost OMise, adjoining Mr. Stroll's sadd er shop in Market Street. They are just opening a splendid ensoriinent of fasbionablu Spring and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Vlaths, Cufsimcrs, Satinett, Linens, Clucked add Fancy Ctuth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of fill;, Satin and other Veils. ALSO A LARUE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Unps, .Shirts and Collar and Uenllcinen's furnishing Goods iu general. AH of which will be sold cbcsi er than cheep at the lowest cesh prices. The public may rest assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm is a practical tailor and our whole tStoch of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importer of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and Wee i No charge for looting at our Good. Our Assortment is always kept up as w ar constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury. May 7, IHdJ. List of Jurors, f Northumberland County, lor May T., " 1853. Special Court. TRAVERSE JURORS. SirNjiCnt John Lyons, Thomas Robins, Bei.j. F. Diehl, P. H Masier. .Milton John Deivel, William Heinen, linioihy Miller, Abrain. Siraub. DtaAM AHSDuvid Aungst, Amos S. An. dei son. TuaafT Joseph Di-shler, Robert Mark. Cllii.isQt'Aqt'K Peter Voras, John Freder ick, John Bt-cklcr, sen., Andrew Killer. PoisiT Henry 'Morgan, Adam Vandlinff, Ri'sii Jarne Eckman, Jesse Wearer, Jo. Kenady. Shamokin David Kelly, James Yocuifl. I'l'pea Aigusta Henry Burns, Isaao Fithtr. Lowca Afctst Wallet Speeee, Dennia Wolrerlon, Jaixib Shipinan, Solomon Mil' ' ler. litres Mahonot Jacob Strasser, sen. Littlc Mahonot Israel Dunkslbergsf. Coal Alexander Caldwell, Joseph Suye Jer. Jos pah Samuel Wiest. CAMcaoir Benj T. Klcek. 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers