SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. rr ra Poetry . CIcon and I. BT cntM HACRAT. Cleon halh a million acres , Ne'er one have I $ Clflon tlwelletli in a palace In a collnee I ; Cleon hath a doxen fortunes Not a penny 1 ) But I lie poorer of t the twain is CIcon and not I. Cleon, true, possesses acres But the landscape 1 ; Half the charms to me it yie Ideth Money cannot huy ; Cleon harbors sloih and dullness Freshing vigor I ; He in velvet, I in fustain Richer man am I. Cleon is a slave Is grandeur Free as thought ii m I ; Cleon feeds a score of doctors Need of none have I ; Wealth surrounded, care environed, Cleon fears to die ; Death may come, he'll find mo ready, Happier man am I. Cleon sees no charms in Nature In a daisy I ; Cleon hears no anthems ringing In the sea and sky ; Nature nines to me forever Earnest listener I ; State for state, with all alien limits, Who would change 1 not I. A ST1UNG OF ITJ'MS. Briciiam You no, the Mormon, it is said, has married his twenty-fourth wife A State Agricultural Society for North Carolina was formed at Raleigh, last week The majority for Pieice in Ohio, will be about 17,000 "Good bye my sweet Henrietta Matilda Suky Jonsiug ! I'se gwine 1" Nearly all the omnibus lines in Philadel phia are now running fur three cents Eldred, a township in Monroe co., gives 153 votes for Pierce, and 0000 for Scott ! Wiiat maintains one vice, would bring up two children Character, based on goodness and truth is a source of eternal happiness. There are two things which cannot bo too short, pie crust and communications for a newspaper. Everv State in the Union has now sent on its block -of stone or marble for the monu ment to the memory of Washington. Wild ducks fly ninety miles an hour, wallows fly faster, and the swift two hun dred miles an hour. A gentleman yesterday inquired who this Scott was that had received so many scatter ing voles. Boston Times. The annual value of porcelain imported this country, exceeds the enormous sum of 0 - A - I Tub most effectual cure for moths, so common in stores of Roods, is said to be a moderate dose of newspaper advertisements Easton is ' rapidly improving in size, beautv of its building, and number of its inhabitants. All the effects of railroad com munication. In consequences of the heavy rains west of the mountains the Pennsylvania Railroad will not be opened lo Pittsburgh until the 1st of December. Wm. C. Buyaxt, the poet,' and editor of the N. Y. Evening Post, has sailed for Eu rope, and will visit Spain, Portugal, Greece, Egypt and the Holy Laud, returning home about next May. What it Costs It is computed that a Presidential election, including all expendi tures, legitimate and illegitimate, fiom the nomination to the inaguiation, cost not less than 5500,000 per State. Chester County Lead. The operations or the Chester County (Pa.) Mining Compa ny continue to go on with great success. During the last week they turned out seven hundred and fifty pigs of pure lead. A Frenchman thinks the English lan guage is very tough "Dare is look out," he says, "which is to put out your head nnd see ; and look out, which is to haul in your head and not for to see just coutraiie." A bed of coal six feet Ihk-k, lying five feel beluw the surface, has been discovered in Kendall county, Illinois. The (piality of the coal is said to bo that of the Pennsylvania mines. The Largest Tunnel in the world is in Hungary. It extends from the shore of the river Gran, near Zarnowilz, to the Schem- nitzer Hill roiues, nd is ten English miles in length Two children are now on exhibition at In dianapolis, raised in Randolph county, liicl . They are brother and sister, are nine and five years old, and weigh 187 and 131 pound, respectively. A young lady a sensible girl gives the following catalogue of difleieut kinds of love: "The sweetest a mother's love; tho longest a brother's love ; the strongest a woman's love ; the dearest a man's love and the sweetest, longest, strongest, and dearest love 'a love of a bonnet.' " Am Old Gentleman by the name of Gould, . married a girl of nineteen. He wrote a let ter to a ftiend, informing him of the event, with this couplet : "So you see, ray dear friend, though eighty yenrs old, A girl of utiieteen fulls in love with old Gould." He received a reply in these words : 'A girl of niueteeu may love Could, it is true, But, bclicvs oi, dear sir, it is Gould without V " The word "dan" was first used during the reign of Henry VII. It owes it birth to Joe Duun, ao English bailiff, wbo was so inde fatigable and skilful in collecting debts, that it became a proverb, when person did not pay his debts, 'why dou't you Dunn him V that is, 'why don'l you send Dunn after hint V Henoe originated the word which is in so general use. SOWER $ 1IA11NES, Publishers nml Booksellers, No. 84 North Third Strut, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. TUIiles. Prnvets. ttvmnt. Foeticol and Historical Works. Travels, Novels, Ac, ic. SCHOOL BOOKS Kvery kiwi in use from n primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. - An elrctint numrtinrnt fmm 1ht push liook tinwnrtls, inudc ol super it r pp'rt niid l"'st "f ."inling. W1UTINU FA PUS. Cms Post , and Note Papers, eVtrimt nnd quality. ami very cucnp. Foiicr. rinin nml Adhesive Kiivrlonrtt. Ink. Pmirl. Vn- fera, Hted IViia, Mutes, Prnrila, Port e-M ".wit, Wrap- ping 1'itperi ot all fciiKlrt, cuniiiii I'njwrB, c. Our atnek la all fresh, lrmht rhwip nml nolrt (imrnmt:ijr Pnrticiilnf uUrtHii'ii rwiiil to Hook-Hers, Country Mrr clinuta iumI Tenchurs. however little they truiy buy. g .wer & Tiurura lire Publishers of PKI.TON'S aeiiea of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Kuril inan la hmrly 8KVKN FKKT tHil'AHK, tun. kiiu'i llm .iiiiniiiMiiivr mix niiri IvlfltlVfl noSlllOII OI fVCTV cut i try m the fi loins. 'Alley are intended to I mini untied in every rc-inui Hi .in, ihhi not oniy nitine iciiinu hi- prtiTjince, iut nre iiiinermiiiv ncKnovvii nirm o lirsr miiiik in? TK.wiHM) (;K( HiKAPIl Y ever bmtifr lit out. They ore keys to I used ly the eliobtra, containing a complete epitome of Geogniphy, nitd .... U-mm limn Imlf the nriee ot a (.ieoffriinhy nml Alio. The nyKtrin i in iiiiivcrnil line in Pruniu mid Uennnny. nnd nns nlremiy iee tiiTronuceii ui uirnrn voiirjir, i imm. .L.L.i.iM. tin- mililie. in'htu ils of llostoii. New York. Phili drlphin, t:i!liuiore, Vnpliiiirh)ii, nitd throughout New I-.N'TfllHl. At'W 1 one, Al'. C. U iHimn HTU nwitu wiih rtir.imiiHmliitini8 from the nnwt t.ttentril mid aeien- lifie tenchem in every qnnrter, nnd wIhtcvit the aymem Iiiib leeii used pureiila, tuiehers uml at-liolura uuitc in pruia- It. 1 . M;ip of the WeMern Hemisphere. 2. IMnp of the l'.nFtcm I letni sphere. 3. Mnp of North America. 4. Mitp of the I'niteU JUilca. h. M:ip of Kurors. 6. Mp of Afin. 7. Mnn of South Anirrim and Afrirn. Kverv nttip in hrilli:inlly cok)rvd. variiinhc-d. and mount ed on iniislin nnd rollers. We rentier! full v invite the enrnest nttention of Tcnehera, Pnreiita, and School Directors to this fnscintiliiKr mode of teaching UeoCTimhy. gOWMH & lUltNKH, fc North Third fcHrcet, Philadt-lphin, Aug. 2, lJ. tf. FALL MILLINEEY GOODS JOHN STONE SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, No. 45 South Second Street, PHZX.iVBSX.PHZA. AVING completed the improvements to tlii'ir Store, are now opening a large and beautiful aHsnrtmcnt of Pnria Fancy Feathers, French and American Flowcru, Fancy Bonnet and Cup Ribbons, Fancy lionnot Stufl'a, Corded and Plain Velvets, Satins, Gro. d'Alrimics. Laces, &.c. Ac. To which tliey invito the attention of Mer chants and Milliners visiting the ciry. i'liilndi'ljilim, September 25, 1852. Sin. LEATHER. Fritz, "Williams Hendry, fore, r o. 29 JS oi-f A 3d btm'.t., rnii.AnKi.riiiA. 1 TOTCnPr'O Afnntirnnlitmrc Pnrrinra Tmnnrt. crs, Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Krtuil. Ij?" Manufactory 15 Margarctta Street. Aug. 28, 1K52. ly. Cheap Watches 6j Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philodcl nliia Watch anil Jewrtrv Rtnrr." Nn. Bfi North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jeweled, IS carat cases, $2?,00 pnvcr t.. full jeweled, i4. Silver lpilic, jewel?, 111. Gild PpecUleles, 7, (HI ! ine Oliver mi, Oiild Unirelpts. I mlies' Gold IVneils, Silver Ten srKXns, set, l.So do tin do. 3.1 HI 1.IKI S.iKI Siipininr tiunrtiers, imitnlinii an. Gold Pens, Willi Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold l'inccr Kincs, 37 J cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, Lunct, S5 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to he what thry are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, somo Gold and Silver Levers and Lepincs, slill lower than the above prices. August as, issa ly. JOHN A7TAi?LbR, juanuiaciurer 01 Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Maiiule. At his Old Stand io Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made end executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852. ly. NEW COUNTRY STORE, At Ihe Forks of tht Plum Creek and Tulpe. hocken lioad, (near Krciyibaum s Black Smith Shop. JACOB AVEIMER, r) ESPECTFULLY informs tho public that he has opened a new Store at the above place and has jut received a splendid stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Huttinets, DRILLINGS und all kinds of linen cotton and worsted summer ware. ALSO: Callicocs, Muslin de laiues, lawns, Ginghams, And all kinds of Dress Goods for Ladies. Tea, Coffee, hi-oAR, Molasses, &c. GIMHXRIXS, of all kinds. BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds uf Liquors. Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, It., QTJEENSWARE. Shoes, Boots, Caps, Pulm leaf and other Hats, Fish, Salt, &c, All of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. Aluy H, 18o3 -tf. WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTORY. (1. L. Miller $ Co., Sotitfc irrjf cor. of Second If Arch Streets, FHIIADELPHIS. ryUIE rROl'RIETOfiS, having increased their 1 facilities during the past season, now feel able to supply all who have or may be disposed to iiiuuibu inciii. i ucir isiocK comprises every .diinr pmni oi (LUWEJIS, LAM). (SCAPE, GOTHIC, &e., unsurpassed in duality nn.l uil.i..!. - Ml 1.. ...1.1 r . 1 ' ...u -i.i.LM ...ii w wiu at our USUal LOW PRICES. TASSELS, COHUS, liltASSES. ie.. .. great variety. Shades made to order, at short noiir f... C' , . f M... I I ..l r . ' VllUHUL-1, A.OOe 1VOOII1S, CC. G. U MILLER rV nn Depot, 8. W. comer of Second and Arch sts. rni.auelplua, Aug. 21, 1852. 3m. SUNBURY FERRY. ENRY W. BLCHER informs the public that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and suffi cient traits he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtness and despatch. April tu, ISO. it. BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment paper, sold at tha lowsst prices at litis ollice, 17 wholesale ana retail NEW STOKE. BENJAMIN IIEFFNKR RESPECFFUI.I.V Informs ths citixens of Sunhury and vicinity, that he hss opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite' Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting In part of : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. SUMMER WARE of nil kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO I , Cultcoca, Ginghams, Lawns, DIouMscllne De Ladies and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also ari assortment of II OO r & SHOES. Palm Leaf and other H ts and Caps. Suit, Fish, tc. Also a variety of IJQUORS such as BRANDY, GIN, WINE, &c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. lV Country produce taken in exchange at the highest Sunbury, May 1, 1852 1y. za.c faints; Manufactured by the New Jersey Zinc Company, Newark, N. J. rpilK Subscribers are now prejmrej to execute orders 1 to ntiy extent for their Ik'imuiiuI while and colored Zinc I'uinls, at the reduced prices, viz : wnirnntcd No. 1, White, ground in oil, 0 centt per Hi., pure, No. 12, do. flo. 8 do. do No. 3, do. do. 7 do. do Drown nnd lltiick, do. SI do. do One hundred rounds will cover enunllv well as innch suifuee as 100 Ilia, of White Laud ; they are 23 per cent clleupcr li me consumer. The .inc WniTK is rupidly suiierpediiis; White lnd over which it poaaemes tunny mlviuitnees It is whiter. nnd more beautiful than the White i,end d'-M not turn yellow, even when exposed to sulphurous viiior- tins no smell is nut injurious to health, and is fur moic du rable. Zinc Brows and Ulack Paints are both Wmmnn AND Firs Pnool, The best eoveriua; for outside work ever iutioduced, adapted to buildings of wood, brick or stone to fences, en rriue bodies, bridges, and machinery to Hie nulls ol vessels, uncnors, cliuins, and nil otlier Iron. work on lioard ship to slentn loilers, smoke tucks nntl wutcr tanks to iron, tin, and other roofiintr, irou shunter doors ami ruilines. wue fences, bridues, Ac. For Iron Surfaces tins Faint is especially valuable as it forms n gulvouic connection, and entirely pieveuts rust. These Ziue Paints having a pure Mclntic Base, are war ranted not 1 1 turn yellow, anil will reUiin their original briliiuney much longer than While I .end, or any of the earthy pigments now in use. The certificates from who tinve used these Paints, are such as tosutisty the pub lic tlnit they nro Invaluable. The ablest cliemikts of France and litis country have testified to the sticriority of Zinc over Lend Paints, as to durttbilitv, hciilllilulneiu and iK-'uuly. They huve lieell nilopted by tbc French G ivctn Ineut, by the corpomttnn of New York, nnd are now ex tensively used by the L'nilcd Sbttes Government at luuny of the largest Military and .Murine Depots. Philadelphia Gas Woitxs, Mav lo, IPo1. Messrs. F. C. Jones St Co Gentleman li.-iviug ni'nle sevenil trials of your llrown Zinc Paint in various meth ods calculated to test its nrot"Clive quiilities tl rli W'KmI and tnelal. I have the satisfaction to st'ite that the results have Iteen httrhlv favoiable. The paint coverimr well. drying (piieMy, and pofsesiing grenti-r tenacity, eopeeially upon lion, tiiau vny oilier mutt Willi wiuen J uui ta miliar. Yours, truly, John C. CnEov. Tho undersigned, having used ihe Zinc Paints rclctrwl to concur in the foregoing opinion. Morris, Tnsker & Morris Hennet, Ncilie tt Co., Peiltl Works. Merrick Sin. James T. t?utfon Ar Co., Fmuklin Irou Works. J.T. Dean, V. 8. Dry Diwk. IV Dealers supplied on reus liable tortus by the Agents of the Coiuituny. F.C.J ONUS ft Co.. No. 17 South Wharves, Plnla. July 17, IMS. Am. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, 11 KOW N STREET, above Fourth, PBII.A&EIFHIA. THE nnilcrHigned respectfully inform the pu'i lic that they ore in full operation at their new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their lurge assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, ftar Air Tight, .Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, lire King Kamntors, Salamanders, Can nons, bases, Dare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, rurnaces, Gas Ovens, vc., owe AliUOTT V LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited lo call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1832. ly. JUST RECEIVED AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. AW ST It Oil, Market Street, Smiburij, A new assortment of silver, Ilrass ami Jupnnncu Mounting, Which ho will either make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices us low if not lower than can he had unywliere else. - SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks. ViillccM, &c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or dcr. CARRIAGE TRIMMING clone on the shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine foi lieniRrl vos. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. tf. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 SourA. Water Street, below Chestnut, IMPORERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, Vc, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, ('ream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Pig". Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds, Liiuorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira wine, Claret v inc, Sherry Muscat " Sweet Malaga" Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. JAMES BA3.EF.'3 Wholesale mid ICcfail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. WHERE may be found, one of the largest and beat assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in tha United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of slvle and manufacture, suitable, for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parluis, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Kuil Road Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Happ's lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsew here. JAMES BARBER, 8. E. Cur. Ches tuut St 2nd Sis., PhUa. April 10, 1852 ly' Cmith'TTessen ceofTamaica G 1 N ' GER, a, fresh supply just received, and for aie uy ii. U, tlAeSKH. Sunbury, Jan. 16, 1853. TTJEE BILL8 Justice and Constables Fee I my UN's handsomely printed on cat V psper for I una onica, Tremendous Excitement!! Cash, Steam, Electricity ! ! Tht Aerial and aft other lines out-done by the I.lgutnlnK Line of IIIA T. CLEMENT. WHO, having great faith in rapid sales and small profits, has just received anu opened a large assortment of . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, 4 At his Store in MarSct Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment ot Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, . Muslins, Ltnens, Laltcocs, Jiltisltn its Lains, Lawns, Ginghams. Beraget. Silk & Palm Leap Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for i Men, Women and Children. Groceries, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese Spi ces, i ish bait, Plaster. HARDWARE, Vis t Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c QUEENS WARE, Tea Sells, Plates, Dishes, Cvpi, Saueers, tyc LIQUORS, Wine, Brandy, Gin, Rom, Whiskey, &e- tj7 Country produco of oil kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. may o, IBDK. ly. fFS500 CHALLENGE. "tlMIATKVKll onccrns the lu-allh and hflppinetw of a 1 T iirtiple imt nil linit m of the vnlunMe import mice. 1 lake it lor (rrmihtl tlmt every t?rwm will At alt in tlicir jHiwcr, to n:ive ihe livca of their children, and that every person will eiiiliiivor to nmm tel lie r own health nt ull Nicnlict'8. 1 ftvl it M he my ilnly to ouuro you llutt WUltAIS, nrcordniff to the oitiiiitiii of the imwt uelehrtilcit IMivstrmiia, are Ihe priitinry rnuBca nf a Ittrire mnjority (tf rimraitri to whicli chihtren nnd adult are I i li bit i it von have mi annelite coniiituiiiiy ctinnceiiiie inm one kind of food to another, Hnd Hrcnilt, Ptmi in the Wo- ninrli, I 'it king lit the .ic, lltinineM ami Mtiuie ot tne Helly, Dry Cmuli. W w Kcver, l'lilaclrrenrnlar remcmlier that nit thrae (U-iMte WOUMr. uml y-u ulioatdat once ap ply the remedy HOBENSACK S WOHM SVRUP. An nrticle founded upon PcientificPrlnciplcii.e'Hnpoijud . with purely vt-pirluhlc Biilirtuiwea, iH-itifj perl'rrily Kife when itikrn, nnd etui ho pivcu to the mont Under inl'tint with iK'i'idtl hciieficiiil r1tct, where llowrl C'fnpl:iinla m it! I Diurrluni Imvc niude them wnik unit dehiliudeil tlie -Tonic propertit-a of my Worm tyrup arc surh, thnt it ftnmla without an eqiml in the catnloenc (f inediciuea, in g vinjr t'nc nnd Blrenpih to I he W'-miich, which tnnkca it 1111 liii'tiltilile remedy fur lhoi iitllictid with Dynpcpain, Ihe nut- uicliiuir cure prrfrined hy 1 his Syrup alter l'hyni cinna Imvc fnih-d, is titc best evidence of ita superior ctli eucy ovu all others. THE TAPE WORM! This if Ihe tn nt liiTi riilf Worm to destny of all Hint in frst tho htininn aVKletn, it fnws to mi almost Itidulinite Itfiipth tree iiiinir ao ettited und (unlctied in the Intestiiui mid tt ; 'itairli elh etittfr (lie lirnlth ao Kidly as to muse St. Vitus Dunce, Kit. Ve., that those ntilicted Beldm if ever BiiRpect that it is Tape Worm h iftlening them to nn curly prnve. In order lo destroy thia Worm, a very energetic Ireiitmrut must he purdiiitl. it would ihcrefore he proper to tuke U lo 8 of my l.ivcr ilis aiiia to remove nil ohm ruc tions, (hat the WnnSyriipm:iyact direr! tiou1hc Wniin, which musi ne uikcu in tt.wes 01 a i .iiiiepiKimuim a tunes u day these duvet i nn loll wrd have never leeii known to full in curing the moi ollinate cac of Tape Worm. IIOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part of the system is more liiihle to (liwnse tliHii the T.I VliH, it serving an a Ulleri-r to puril'v Ihe LIimmI. or riv ing the proper secret inn l the bile ; so Unit any wrong nc timi of the l.ivcr etrv-ets ihe other intortuiit'Mirta of the syxtt-tn, nnd resulli v.irii'iiklv, in I jver Complaint, Jnuu dire, )jfiH'iia, Ac We slum Id, Iherefore, wntch every avmplmi that miifht indicate a wrong action nf the I aver. These .'ills being composed o( liUl)'ls? He I'l.ANTr fur nished hy n:iture to hc-il the aick t Namely, 1st, An EX PKCTOKANT, whii-h aiimenta the secretion from the Puhn mary mucus nienibraiie, or promotes th" discharge of secreted matter. 2ml, Alt At.TKIt ATIYK, which clmieji's in axue itM'Xplic.ihle and inst'iisihle lunnner ihe certain m ilnd action of th system. .Ird, A TUNIC which gives tone mi l strength to the nervous system, re ncwing heidth atul vigor t nil parts of Ihe IkmIv. 4ih. A CATll.VUTlC, whi'h :eis in perfect h:irmouy with the other ingredients, nnd operating on the Itowels, imd expel- liuir the wh m matu ol orrnpt und v ll Kited mutter, and pu riiying the BUhuI, whicli destroys disease and restores neuiui. TO FEMALES. Yon will find these PiPsau invaluable medicine hiinnnv e-mipluiuts to which von are subject, hi obstnicli'riis ei ther total oi tartial, tliey have been found of iiMKtimnhle t'cnelil, restiirins their luiiiioiml irrniisrmeiits to n hcril. thy action, purifying Ihe 1I khI ami other thuds s iTfctu ally to put to tliQitt ull eoiiiplaiuls which muy arise from female irregularities, us hcuduehe, giddiuctts, diuiucss of siiu, puui in ine sine, uick, etc. 017 Price. 25 cents each. None genuine unless signed J. N. Iloucnsnck. ull others iH'ing Imse Imitutiou. Agents wiMimg new supplies, and Store Keepers IcMrons of iM'cnmiiiti Aleuts muM uddreas the Proprietor. I. N. IlnU-,.s:tek, I'hilmlelphm. Pu. Sdd ly J. W. Prilimr, Snnhurv : Mary McCnv. Nor thumberland: Ileisel, 'J'uibutville ; It :ner, .Milton '; J 1 1 1 v A lenker, Ue.irgctnwu ; l.cin' nrmg A Wdveiton, Paxi tins; Yirst, Hickory; nil dealers in Medicine in tho Count v amt r!ate. August 14, lS ly. & LANDELL, 4th and Jlrch Street, PHILADELPHIA. TTTAVE established a Store where the best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French fancy Hoods, Dress ISilks and rShawls, Hosiery, Cloves oud Milts, Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting. Muslins and Linens by the piece, Damask Tublu Linens and Napkins, Patent Ulack ISilks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning floods. E. & L. are constantly receiving llargains from the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nelt Cash. Kdwaiiu E. Evbe, Washington I. I.andkll, Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. Van Loan DiigueiTcan (iiillcry, 159 Chestnut Street, VT this eelehrntiil esliiiiliitlinirut you can always pro cure the newest und inosl iiaproved styles .if DAGl F.KHF.OTYPF. A TALHOTYFK PORTRAITS tit from SO to inn per ct, less cost thsn socb pictuies cuu ue nan lor eiscwnere. Now that yoa can serine each perfect portraits of your loved ones at u were uomiiuU cost, don't delay lest you lose them. F'very vanety of fnney cases, frames, Ae, on hniul or fiirniHlied to order, nnd every picture ninde autietory und wniranted to lie in the best style of the ait or wo caABOS Cull and see us at loll Chestnut st. I.. II. rl RNELL Philaddlphia July 17, IKS. ly. TUG CHE IT rniZG MEDAL An il IT' EI) HICKET & TUZiL, No. 148 Che stnul St., above Sixth, Front of JONES' HOTEL. " T'l AVE just received their Priws VtTfTTjl Mcdul, awarded to tliem for I'lT I I their best Travellina- T rliuka oi. hibited at the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! ' TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &o. To be found in this City, and at very low prices Call and see. HICKEV & TL'LL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St, April 10, 1852. tf. The Johns ton Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, 10U $ Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form PaiaTsas generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturins' Prttit. ing luk formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oners his article to the trade, without any Purrs, but with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiacter it bas borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him wilh a call. Tsaas Cash. CHAKLtH IEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852. tf. JUSTICES' FEE BILLS, For sale by H. B MASSER. Vwnbory, 1IS1. NEW STORE. PETEll AY. GHAY RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and icinitv, that he has commen ced a new store in Whortlelwrry street, in the house formerly occupied hy Mrs. (iray, and has just received and opened a well selected assort ment ot Dry Goods, Consisting in part of " CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, SATTINETTS, And a general assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS . of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowost prices. Country produco taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1832. Cm. 600 BOOK AGENTS WANTED? good, active ami intelligent mnn, with a small cnpital of from S30 lo $100', can mnke lnifje profits hy engaging in the sale ol tho tallowing FOPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. CHAMUF.RSV INFORMATION FOU THH PI'.On.K or ronntiir l-'ncycloncilin nf Vscfiil Kunwleilue. Two Inrirc iinncrinl iK'tnvo voliimcs. cuiitniiiiiiff I7IKI iwiecs. PHTKKSO.V! IHiSTOIlY OF THH A.MKHU'AN IIKVOl.t'TlON. W1I litrgc uclavu ugcs, with i0 line Kiiirrnvinirs. I'KTKKSON'H HISTORY OF T1IK t". (. XAVV. OIKI liitirp iwtiivo nnin-s. nml l.'ill line I'jiuriiviiii;. FHOST'8 ltK..IAHKAl)l.lM: l.N lf I.N TMKI1ISTO. RY OF AMI'lltlOA. Twn hirse is'tiivo volnnws. O'll' tHiiiiiiir ltltHI iwircs anrl 7IMI Kiiutuvinss. Tim best tlis- lury 'f Amrrir:i plll.lilird. FROST S I'ICTO RIAL I.IFF. OF WASI1INOTON rnleii'liil H.xtk. ctiiitdiuhiK OIKI ictnv tiir'S hih! l.'jtl rli ptiut l-'npmvinps, Tho chciit-st l.lle ol' Wuliiiigtuu -ivf ntililifdictl. .MOOIIK.X HISTORY OF THE INDIAN WARS. Fine niul Plniti Plntrs. Till-. TKl'K RK.I'I'III.ICAN. riintniniiKi Hie limuimol A.ltlrcssci. nntl tlie First Anmt.-il AiUitwi nml .Mewciees nfnll Ihe l'reniilrnts of the UnlU'il Stnti s. the CouMltu lions of Ihe iinn)rt:tiit Slnti'S in llie I ni:m. Ac., Ac Kniliellinlieil with Portrnits of nil tlie Prrl-;!cnls, enirrn. Veil nn steel, uml a view uf llie Cililul ol llitt t inted Mutes, fttal ("'(res, tun. FOX'S HOOK OF .MARTYR'?. A Fr!in.!il Family llilili ll, liriic (ll:irt'i, with u- l'.li(:'ll ilie.s, tieliutiuilly It innil in ni'ir'eo, uilt. in-: coh.ii:.i."s history of tiii; puriA wo l.-iryp net ivn I'mie. Willi illil1r:il i"lis. JCISI'.PIirf WORKS. Fine I'lililimi, one fctrrc v liime. si'i rm s ui;fu:ctions on thu works of (Ol). ST. I'lF.MUF.'S PTI'DII'.SOF N'ATFItK. WIIITF. S HISTORY OF Till-: (.RI.P. A VnlunMe fieneml Hirton-. One large oetavit volume, with Itnml- S'tme I'.in.'rnvitil'S. MVKs of iiti:.T and ri:t.i:i!R.Ti'.i) char at- TF.RS : of s I Aires nml Countries Ouo large volume of MSI prices, with nuiuerolis Kngruvillgs. Togt'ther with a ntimlx-r of o'lirr Works particularly niliiplcil foi Popular Uisuling. C7 The most liberal discounts fie pit-en to Agents who mm engage in the sulc of the above Valuable Books. For furlht-'r particulars, nihlrpss (postage paid,) J. ci J. L. tillloN, PublihliPis, so. !s CA(iitit street, riiiKKtcijiitia. June 20, 1S52. HAimiSLURG BOOi: EIIJEESY. V. I,. IlUTTlil. & CO., SuccpBsors lit W. O. Hiekok, und Hickok A Cuntiits. BOOK IUNDEKS, STATIONERS AND BLANK BOOK MANL'KACTLKEK.S. The subscribers respectfully iiioirni their friends , and the public, thai tliey are now carrying on the above bustnet-s at the 1)1. U SI A.MI uccu)neil ly llickok oi. Co. They flatter themselves that by careful altenlion lo business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old linns. Particular altenlion will be paid I.) the rulini; and binding of every desciiptiou of blank books for banks, county olliccs, incrchanls and private individuals, uml every variety uf full and half bound blank books. Old books, peiiooi. nU, lw books, n.utio, newspapers, cVc, bound p any pattern nnd in any !vlc reipdrcd. In addition I j tho above, they have, and will nt ull limes keep, a (icncra! assortment of bTA TIONEKY, coiml-tiiig of Letter Paper, Knrees, Cup " Outlls, Diuwiiig " liikainuil', SI iles nml Pencils. Lend lVm-ils, Letter Siiuitps, Imliu lluliher, Wafers, Hid Tape, illiitik Curtis. runsler " .Motto ulers. Copving Hlot'ting " Weel Pens, lllnek Ink, healing Yux, Blue Ink. Cuniime Ink, ipynifr Ink Fol,lrs, Atiiold's Wriltnst Fluid, Krasures, Ac. Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war- ranted mid done very cbenplv. F. L. HU'lTER & CO. March 13, i?.V3. if. ST.U.E OFFICE. W A S 1 1 1 X ( 1 T ( ) X II OUST., STJNBUEY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, Y "VTOI'Ll) respectfully announce that he has ' taken this well known land, where he will he uratilit'd tu see and entertain his Irieuds and the travelling public generally. 'Phis house is now replete, with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. IS'o expense bus been spared in fitting up this house. The chambers ure well furnished and the table and bar provided with the best the market can all'orj. The stable uccoinmndalions arc extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to Pollsville, stop at this house, wheic through und wuy tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. funhiiry, March 2(1, I85C tl. J. I. DITTS21ICH, Xa 78 Xorth l St., h tii-ern Arch and Hare St., FIIILAEELPIIIA. OF-HEDV iufoims the public that he imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new store, No. 78 North "d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures $' Paints, w hich ho will sell at the lowest prices. Ills stock, in part, consists ot, Aecorilcons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melodious, Seraphiues, Mathematical In struments,' Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds, Snulf and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also Gilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Healers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December '.HI, ISol. tt. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKItCIIANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac., Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, t'ranlierries, Unions, Mercer Po tatoes. Sweet Potutoes, Shelbarks,- Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, fcggs, 11 utter, Lliecse. And all kinds of Foreign and Doinestio Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. THE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citixens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the beat quality, at No. 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia. Tliey respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with him for articles in their line. E. DUFFY & SON, 44 Filbert slxtve 0th. December SO, 181 tf. GLASS, DRUG S, PAINTS, &c, WHOLESALE AM IltTAlI.. THE riiiladeljihia Window Class are house, and Drug, Taiiit, Varnish, ' il and Color Stores, A'os. 33 nnof 35 North Fourth Street. East side, has the largest assortment of Windowi Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-llouse, and otner G LASS, in the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent, ranging from llie smallest size, up io 38 by TO inches of Sheet, and as large ns 5 by 7 feet of Tlato Class, including Englinh Crown, French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a larire assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Kky-Ltjihts, Bulk Windows, Ac. Tho Subscriber having a heavy slock on Tlnnd is prepared to fill orders ot the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead Taint, Varniih, of cv. cry description ; Turpentine ; Linwcd Oil, boil ed nnd raw; Paif.t Mills; Putty ; Brushes; Dye Woods, oVc, cVc, Ac. And also, a largo supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. TKACl"E. Nos. 33 ck 33 Ninth 4th t., E. Kide. April 10, 1R52. ly. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own .1Icth:uiu. GEOltGE 1USNX. MANI'FACTi nlCR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE subscriber respectfully culls the attention J- of the public to his large inul rplciidiil assort ment of every ituiility nnd (nice of C A III 7i F.T-W a e: b:. which cannot fail to rcunnnicml itself toe very one vvhn will examine il, on account of its diirnble workmanship and udid finish, made up of tlie bent stock tube bail in the city. No rllort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, ami Ibci subscriber is iVlcriiiiiied to keep tip wilh tbc many improvi'mcuU which me const:itii!y bcirg iiKule. llis stuck consists of Mahogany Jit.r.t!, I$ivnN timl E.ii3;crrs, Bureaus, Secretaries, Eiileboards, SOFA, BRIiAIiFAST XU D1MNC TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, e-juul lo I'hila- t!cl:liin niaiiul'aclurc. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOAlUiS. WOUK AND CANDI.K STANDS, TOll.KT TAULKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business, 11c also inamifu turcs all kinds and ipialilics of CIIA111S, iiicludiiifr vaticlics nevt r before lo be had il Sunhury, such bMi nt, l!;.t K AMI ( 't'lll.l.II M 1IM.I; ti It li( n ; AMI V.'lMiS'lll t.'IlAlUS, ami iiMi Pi a mi Siooi.s, which arc nf tbc latiMt stvles, and warranted t.) be c. i lied by none inanuliicluii J in the Cities or t'Dcwhere. The subscriber is determined there shall be no excuse lor persons In purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can bo entertained abou' the quality and l'mi.-;!i of his wnro and Chairs. His articles will 1c di iposed of on as pood terms as can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce la!:e:i in nawm ut for work. I?" i:Nl)i:iTAKIN. ILivins provided! himself wilh a l.ami .ouie IIkiusi:, be is now prepared for I t.di ilaUin, and attendim; fuller- uls, ill this vicinity, or al any convenient dis- tanee from this place. I I V The Ware K- -m is in Market Plreei, j below 1 liuiiiisi.ri ti .tore ninl ieavers I nvern. (;eoi:oe i;i;nn. Suuburv, Jan. 10, l.r-: tf. T1 " fi W i" "3 -"'w s. W v .!.rt 4 i'-.: S I rv s or the I POCKiOTr.Sf TLA- ! I'll S, or Eu-.y one his j own i'-hysiciuu ! 'I'm h i r- sirn coition, with up up ,;,. wurds ot a hundred en B .. I 'JIMnss, shaming private dis- j , V"'5:tJ '.'rase in every shape and j ;';.j' fi.ri.i, i.nd inalforinalious of v""": "'u !-''l"'i"'vf system, V:i'.v, If y Vc Win, You -r. --j "--'' 'i ll" time lias now ani- sinss, sltoninir private dis- i ved, that persons f om secret di.-ejscs, need no more become ll.c victim or iil aikkhy, as by the prc-3crj1ions contained in Ibis book, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knuwli due of the most intimate friend, and wilh one-tenili the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, il fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not be projier to enumerate in tbc public prints. IV Any person 'sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will recchc one copy of this book, l y mail, or five copies will be sent for one d illar. Address, Hit. W. YOl'.NO, No. I.VJ SPRL'CE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. LCr" Dr. YOVNG can be consulted on ony ot the Di-'cascs ilesci ibed in his dilVt-rciit publica tions, at his OlJ'tce, l.V Spruoe Street, every day between II and o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, l.'iM. ly. Ear. "icts, Hats and 31 ill ine ry (a o oils! ERCHANTlS and Milliners when in Phil adclphia to purchase their goods, will find it to l.icir interest to examine our large and fash ionable stuck of STIS 4.1V GO KS. We manufacture largely and iMroirr the Newkst Sritts or Fcreit.a Fabrics in our line ; which touelhcr with other advanta ges enable us to oiler liberal inducements to lit R. A. CROOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 4'J Chestnut Street, and No. 60 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851 VTJSZ. G. B2ASON, Kngravcr and l'rinler, No. 48 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared to do ENGUAYINli and PRINT ING, in all their brunches, Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas, Seals and Stumps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, ckc. All tho above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. JOHN A. II ARK IS, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic- .Sogars, Also, a generul assortment of Lcaf& Manufactured Tobacco, "CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar. ket prices. Comer of Chestnut St,, aud Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, 1661 ly. "TrNOLD'S WRITING F LL'I D "and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, nfa 10, 1852 TXTRACT OF COFFEE. An excellent -"-s' article more wholesome and much cheaper than Coll'je itself. For sale at this office. April IT 15 m r-ji'j . ism BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. rr.XNSYI.VANIA. riTr nr miiLAnKLNiu MASSACAtlSETTH. All solvent Isinks I dis C. . Hnnk notes lAdts RIIODR ISLAND. All Solvent Imnks pal mrxTsv. All solvent Imnks I dis CONNKCTICUT. nmik of Otinmtirrnliurg 1 dis Hnnk of (.'hester Co. pnrl H ink of Del. Co. Chester pnr Hunk off lertnnntovvil par All solvent Isinks I dis NEW YORK. CITV. All solvent hunks I dis Hunk of OrltyslvnrK 1 ilif IW Bk notes ursler f5 J dis ll:mk of lwislowa couhtht. All Solvents Imnks 1 dis NKW JERSEY. Itelvidere Honk I dis Conitnteinl Hank J dis Fur. Hnnk Mom Holly nsr Hnttk nf Mitlilletowa 1 Monlffnmery Co Hnnk par isfiiiK oi fNorummiHMTun. pnt Hnnk of PittFliurg 1 ilis Bunk of Dnnville pnr Cntlitle ' I (lis Columbia H'k A H'ge Co par P.iyelstowil Hnnk par F,itston Hnnk ir F.rie Hunk B ilia lxeluitifc IVkFittnttnrff t dis F. A M.. Mitklletmvn Pt. psr Mnelisuies' Ilk, Newark par Meeh. Bk of Hnrlincton iar Meeh. A Msn. Bk Trsnt liar Morris Co Hnnk I di Newark Hk'g A las. Co I die .'.ehninre H'k. Branch 1 ilis'omuffft Hnnk uist di Fnriners' H'k, Bucks Cn pnrl'eople's Hk Psltersun I'nnni.'rs' Hk, ltucnster pnr Princeton Hunk par Fanners' Hk, HcmliiaT purlSnlera Bnnkmc Co, par Farm. Hk fv linvlkill Co pnrlScmerret Co Bunk J di F ft D. Hk AVn'vnesli'g I Jilis'ftnte Hnnk St Cnmilea par Franklin Hk. Wnsli'u lJilis.Slste Ilk F.linuVlhtoii I dis HnrriHlinrg Brink 1 dis Stale Hunk Newark dis llotiesilnle Hunk 1 dis State Hk, N. Brunswick psr Ijinraster Hunk par,!nssex bnnK. mewlmi nur- l.eltnnon Hnnk imr Treuton llnnkmg Co psr Mereh. A Man. Hnnk 1 riia Mineis H'k, Pollsville per Mouowrnhpln Hnnk t dis I'nioii Hnnk. Hover f nia Ynnlleyv'lf ADclDrCf. 15dis ty Hk notes under f5 dii DKI.AAVARU. Hnnk of Ilelnwsre psr Tnylorsv'eDel H'gCo IS disj v est llrnnert JfuiiK pnr A'voming Hk, Wilkesli'e pnr York Hunk, 1 tin WHelief notes dis MAINR. Hnnk of Smyrna psr Delaware City Bank psr Hk Wilmg'n A Hrsmlyw. par Fnriners' Hk St Delaware par' I'tiioti Hnnk, Wilmington tiar Hunk of Whelloek S clis Mereuutile Ilk. Ilnngor Hiilis All s ilvent Imnks I di.ii rr L'ntler AVs 1 dis onio. NI'.W HAMPSIIini-!. All soli-ent Isinks 1 dis All solvent Imnks 1 dis IV Hk notes under S's 4 dia Vt:l!MliT. NORTH CAROLINA. Hnnk of st Allms 2 ills All solvent luiks Sdfs All solvent hanks J disr7t'iNlerS's, Did' A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llie Cabinet Ware lloom of SE1VN 1IOUPT & CO. Market Square, Aho at the corner nf Fwn street !e the Railroad Sl'NBUUY, PA. Thankful for the patronaro of his friends and customers tltirinir, the 17 years he has lieen in busi t!i in Ibis place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance or their favors. During this period h luii endeavored In keep up wilh the improvements of the day, and has occordinsly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are) therefore invited lo the attention of tho prcseat Mock of CAUIXKT AND CHAIRS, Manvfactpreo BY SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Snin, Where in addition to their former stock of tips establishment they now manufacture Ilfihcg-any, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain. Ltirr& Spring Seed Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaux, Centre Tables, Jfurble Top Wash Stands, und a variety of other new style und I '.'! 5 i i y is, : h I c V 1 1 r: a i 1 u re. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary nrratiiri'iiieiitH for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinily or at any convenient distance. Ye tii-iids nn. itiis'.reases, niul Imsbuixls too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From aide hunts down to kitchen tables, From roekini- eliairs to locking eruilles PlioaM you not have tlie icady Joirs to pay, We'll unit awhile for a brighter better dr, Or take potato.-, oats, ecru, wheat und rye ; ll:irk, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or ony tiling; Inn yokes nitd threshing flails, Fr.'in I'iv mid Un ities down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Ker;i trade n movinir, so "goes on the bull." Hr Orders from ft distance promptly attended mid work of all kinds delivered with dispatch, Sunbury, March 9, 1S50. tf t.) T Uv KENCE HOUSE. GUIIBURY, PA. f UIE subscrila-r respectfully informs her friends I and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stntul nenrlv nntwtelta ih. .. . V. 11- - - ourt J louse, lately occupied by Mr. J. U. Per. Kins. She trusts that her experience in business. und her efforts to make her guests comfortable, will givo entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, ISM if. J. H. ZI1IMERMAN, Jl'STSC'E or THB l'EACK, Sunbury, Pa. Oll'icc in Deer Street, immediately opjiosile Ike Public School House. t7 M-oni's collected uml ml buiiness rioiait!y aud sara fuliv iittciuli tl to. April SO, 1S30 VtiltiuUSc CTuuIis), T IKE or CmtisT, handsomely hound, D'As- IlliSt'l lllSTOIIT UK THK R Kriin M STIOS, Dit-iiuoKS sn Lkiic.ehs, full bounded. For sale ut the publishers prices by 11. B. MASSF.B. Sunbury, July 14, 18-19 INTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, P uncs and Cream Nuts, l'laues of ull kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. f'uuburv, Dec. 21, 184'J. m 0.E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this fcl excellent article for Tetter, A e., just received and lor sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849 OLD PENS wilh and without eases, af a 4,5? very superior ipiulity, just received. Also a Ircsli supply uf Writing Fluid, for sals l'.V H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851. IXTRACT CF GINGER A fresh supply just received and for sale at this office. Piico 25 cents. Sunbury, Ju.'y 12, 1851. QMLYER WATCHES. A few double esse ' Eitfiliah Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by II. B. MASSER. . Sunbury, April 12, 1851. TTBATENT BK1TTAN1A STOPPERS fer iL bar bottles for sals by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES An excellent article, for sale st half the usual price by J- W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1S49- LANK NOTES, waiving the ciemntion I? law of $300, fur sale by April 20, 1851 H. B. MASSER. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sulo by HENRY MASMKR. Sunbury, Jan. 27lh. 1813 WJJTILEY'S COL'G CAXDY. An excel- ' V lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this ollice lOR sale at this oluce, Superior Black Ink, CatUe Medicine at 25 eta, Pure Essence of GiiiRer.25 cents BLANKS. KLANKS of every description can be had try applying at the office of the American. WRITING FLUID and self sealing Enve lopes, just roceived end for sale by April 19. 1851 . H. B. MASSER. f jSISSl'E PAPER Yellow Tissue paper (ot I covering glasses, etc., tor salt at the office tHs America.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers