I : .TUB JAPANESE EXPEDITO. The following statement Is said to exhibit the effective force of the squadron w hich is to. sail next month for Japan, under the com mand of Com. Terry : The Vermont, with 96 guns and 800 men ; Mississippi, 375 men; Susquehanna, 350 men; Princeton, 190 men J Alleghany, 190 Saratoga, 22 guns and 190 men ; St. Mary's 22 guns and 190 men; Vincennes, 22 guns and 190 men ; Macedonian, 22 guns and 450 men; Porpoiso, lOgmis and 120 men ; South ampton, 4 guns; Lexington, 4 guns; ami Talbot, already sailed, 4 guns. Total, 206 guns and 3,845 mm. The three last named Vessels ate sloreships. There aro to be ad ded to ship's companies seven hundred maii nes, which, with tha complement of the tprefhips, officcl, scientific corps, and others attached to thr expedition, will make an ef fective force of 4000 men nnd 330 guns, most ly heavy ordnance. The steamers are each V mount a couple of Puixhan shell-suns of liiiaeut calibre, and placed on revolving trucks, so as to sweep the horizon. These nirs are intended to be used for the (lis. eharge of shells 90 and 120 pounds each, and lotto; 42'g, making 22 guns to each steamer' Each ship is provided wi:h two brass 24 lpaund field pieces, to bo used for shells or eaiiisler shot. A Profitable Meadow. A furrnor in Caniort, Mum, has a cranberry meadow of 12 acres in extent, lying near Fmikuporijr J'oiidj from which ho has inked, tho present season, upwards of 1000 bushels of fine co iiiberi les, S3000 cash for which he has realized Thr Cholera is disnppruiing at Quebec an occasional case is reported. IJZr" We would call your attention to the advertisement of Swaiui's Panacea, for llio Cure of Scrofula in another column, POISONING, Thnnsands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Custer oil, Calomel, &o.. aro not aware, that while they apnea r to benefit tho patient, ihey are actually laying the founda tions lor a series of desens.es. snch as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Hnbensack's Medicines, to which we ask the allenlion of all directly inteiested in their.nwi: as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make tiso of ihfl only genuine medicine, Hnben sack's Liver Piils. (XT3- "He vol deceived," but s' for N iben sacU's Worm Syrup arid Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has th sinntuio of the Proprietor, J N. HOBENSACK, us none else are genuine. m i It It I i: I . In Shamokin, mi the 21st int , by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. Henry V. Simpson, of Siinbuiy, to Miss Sarah Haas, of the foi iner place. On the 21st ins!., by the Rev. P. Horn, Mr. John Siiipr. to Miss IIettie Gauinckh, lioth of Lower Augusta By the same, on the 23 ! inst., Mr. Petkk F.ckman, to Miss Ancf.i.ine Shipk, both of Upper Augusta. In Cliili'quanne, on the lSih inst., by John Mil'er, Eq.. Mr. C'imu.Ks llolPT. to Miss Masv Maria U.m.tmam, both of Chi'isquu rpie. IKUH i i i: i. 1 n rhiliitriiianii41 on ihe 1 5i h inst.. Mrs. d about 35 1RYIN, wile of Samuel liviu, a years. In I.pwia toHT.phip, nn the same dav, Mr. ANDREW KARICHNF.R, aged abu'ut 80 years. In Milion, on lh" 10 h insl , ELIZA BETH, daughter of B. Byers, iig.ul about 2 years. " At Noi:humn'ilaiid, on the 5th inst.. MARY, rlauahlPT of J.irrifs and Sally C.Tag gn rt , aged. 1 year and 17 days. Lovely in life! lovely in death! Her miff eyes closed foiover upon pnin nnd tears nnd iniguiiili, to open befuru the ludiunt faces , nfibo rH,leMiriid Fair Dei fumed buds f hall ; lilimm over her lit I lo yiavp, tut lu'r baliy feet ' Die wandering; among the beautiful (lower nf E len, fadulos a the siari y ciown upon 'her angel brow. Commi'Mcatw). , Philadelphia Market. Nov. 24, IS52. Flour, and Mr.At.. The market is firm ; rales uf fresh, (jfound for export ut S5. and good brunda (or city cnueumpticui, at SlJ a S5. Kxtra Flour is held at S I 87 L a 51. liVB Fl.oi'R. Last falesut Cork Mk&l. Iast sales ot Pitina. at $34 ,: Whkat Sales of prime red at 5.114 ; and a lot of Penn. white was ;rmde tit 118 cm Rve U in demand ; sales nt 90e.ts. Corn lit scares and held hiulier; sales of new Southern yellow at 65 a Ti. Oats. Sales of prime Southern at 47 and Penna. at 50 ct Whiskby. al 27 cts. -Sales of bbls at 28c, and bhds Baltimore Market. Nov. 23, 1852. GRAIN. Sales of good to prime reds to day at 10S a 110 els. ; and whites as in quality, Ht 110 a 120 cts. Corn has improved a little. Sales to-day of white at 70 a 72 cts , and of yellow at 70 a 7l cts. Salea of Pennsylvania yellow at 75i 76 cts., and some parcels as high as 78 cts. We quote new Corn, in shipping order, at 65 a 67 cl., for both white and yellow, and damp parcels at 55 a 63 cts., as in condition. Sale of Maryland Rye to day at 82 els. and Penna. at 86 cts. Oats are higher, sales of Maryland at 44 46 cts WHISKEY. The demand continues very active, and sales are making as fast as re ceipts come in at 26 cts, for bids., some holders refusing that price. Sales of lilids. at 23 cents. SUNBURY, PRICE CURRENT Whiat. Rt. , Cobs. Oats. ., , . Potatoes, Butts. Eas. . i Pobk. FlAlSklS. ' Tallow. Bkkswax ' HtCKLIB Flai. Pbiib Amu. J)o. PtAtati. 100 70 60 37 37 18 IS 126 10 25 17 100 S50 New Advertisements. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. TVTITICK is hereby given tlinl the undersipned appointed liy the Orphnns' Court of JVor tcuiiilirrluml County as Auditor In the mutter of tlio exceptions to the arcouut of John Pfouts ad miniBtrator of Leonard rfouts dee'd., will attend to tho duties rf his appointment, at his office in Sutlbury, on Monday, the SOlh day of December next at 10 o'clock A. M. Wit M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1852 lt. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the nudcrsiiied Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County, to make distribution of the asscUof tho estate of (icorgo Miller dee'd., to and among the creditors of said dee'd., will at tend to the duties of his appointment on Wednes day the 22J day of December next, at his olllcc in Sunbury ot 10 o'clock A. M. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. CO, 1S5S. 4t. EstattTof ELIZABETH HARTZ, Dee'd. "jJOTICE is hereby given that letters tr.stamrn - tnry bare been granted to the subscriber on the estntc of Elizalicth Martz, dee'd., lute of fjlia mokin township, Northumlierlaiid county. All persons indebted to said Cfctoto or having claims against tlio same, are requested to call on the subscriber for settlement. DAVID MARTZ. Executor. Sliainol.in tp., Nov. 13, 1S.'2. Gt. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TOY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, of November Tmm. 1S52. ;yr.'.iled Vmmi ' im ."-ilion nf a - i -1 . -I r Henry (,'. Ever, cdminis'rah.r hk iiosis nos of the estate, nf John Snyi'cr, dee'd-, will lie Sold by public vendue or out cry, on WEDNESDAY, the 8fA of Deccmhtr next, ut 10 o'clock A. M., at the house of Henry liackhiuse, in Union county, the following real estate to wit : a cert tin ISLAM), situate in t'ac Susquehanna ricr at or uru.i Mc- I Ivcc's halfFa'is, containing about two and one I li slf acres, r.iorc or Jcs.i, and known as the Sny. dcr Island. Terms made known on the d iv of sale. 11EXKY C. EVER.. Adm'Mr. November 13, 1S32. Is. Estate of JAMES THOMAS, Dee'd. iVjOIICb is hereby given that letters of J- luinislratiiin have deeu granted to llie pu!i- serilior on tl c estate of .Tunics Thomas, dee'd., t e.-lHle of .Tunics Thomas, dee'd.. of Shamokin, Norlliumhcrland i .er.sons indclled to .aid cslale cr i !. .. . . . . ! late ot llie tow eouhtv. All I linxing claims uuaint-t the same, are reijuiXcd to ! call on the siihferilior for setllcment. JACOIJ MOl'RER, K.han.okin, Nov. G, le.'j'. Ct, ATTENTION, FiBJlERV iB 51F.CH. I MCS1' Ali'lII.LKIUSrS!! " OU ore eommaiuli d to meet in Maikit Kijiiare, .Sunlmry, u" SATURDAY, 27, li of Nov., ot 10 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped for drill. A couit of nj peals will uo he held. I'y ouh r of the Captain, t-OJ.OMON STROH, O. S. Sunhury, Nov. :i, ISO'J ORPHANS'1 COURT I SALE. i B N pursuance of on order of the Orphans' Court 3 of Northumberland eounly, vill he cspocd to puMie sale, on TUESDAY, the ih day nf Decemler next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the prcini-.es, the fo! lowiu.; Triicls of IiUiid, Situate in Foint township, County afuresuid, the first whereof is liouiided ly the North liianch of the liver Susquehanna, lands late of Thomas Lemon, Wm. Demon nnd othcr.-s; containing 123 Acres and more or less, with the allowances. The second U hounded hy the ahove tract, lands of John Nix on and the North Dranch of the river frusque hnnua, containing forty-one, ucres und a quarter, ; more or less, strict measure, whereon aro erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE. MIL a wacou house, &c. Ahout one-half of Kiid laud is cleared. The following; desciihed property will W exposed to puhlic sale on Thursday, the Slh day nf Decemler next at the house of Win. M. Weaver, in iShamukin t iwn, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, to wilt All that certain Tract of Lund, J.yinsrin Coal township, Northumberland county, adjoining lauds of the heirs of .Martin Unss, ( has. '. S. Cox and t.liruUiau lioatx, containing forty acres, more or less, all uf which is Woodland and unimproved Also, two certain Lots of (5 round, In the town of Shamokin, Northumberland ccun tv, numbered in the general plan of said town, I Iv'os. & 4 1, bounded on the ninth by Com I merce street, on ihe south by lot No. 45, on the j east by Franklin street and on the west by .Sha mokin street, each containing in front US and n half feet and in depth ubout 00 fret, botU of which lire vacant. Also, all lliuce certain LOTS OF GROUND, Situate in the town of .Shamokin aforesaid, mark ed und numbered in the general j,!UI 0( tJj, town, ns follows, h : Nos. 'Mi & 37, bounded on the north by Sunbury street, on the Booth by Commerce ttrcct, on the cast hy lot No. "H, nnd on the west hv Fianklin street. Also, TIMIKK OTUEK LOTS, Nos. 2iH, 20, iyO, bounded on the north by Dewart street, on the south by Sun bury street, on the east hy Shamokin street, nnd on tho west by lot No. 227, euch containing in front twenty eiaht nnd a half feet, und in depth ubout two hundred feet. Lots r.O & t)7 are va cant. Jio, 28 hai a Sehoulboiisn unit s Inrffe Spring upon it. Nos. 22!) & 230 arc both va cant. Also all that certain LOT OF GROUND, Situate in Shamokin aforesaid, numbered in tho general plan ot said town Jo. 30, bounded on the north by Sunbury street, on the south by Coin incrco street, on tho cast by lot No. 40, and on llie west by lot SSu. J8, containing in front twen ty fight aud a half feet nnd in depth ubout two hundred feet, on which is erecli-J a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. Also, the one undivided half oi two cer- tuin LOTS Adjoining each other in the town of Shamokin nforesaid, called tho Foundry Lots, on which are ereotcd a one story frame Finishing Shop with futures. Lute the estate of Zil a bird, deed. Sale to commence ut 10 o'clock , A. M. of said days, when the terms of sale will be uiade known by ju.srjrn ijiku, P , SAMUEL READER, J JjXr ' N.D. The Executors of the Estata of Ziha Bird, dee'd, will attend at the late residents of the deceased, in Point township, on the sixth and at the house of Wm. M. Weaver iu the town of Shamokin on the 10th of December next, when all persons indebted or having claims against the estate will present them for settlement. JOSEPH BIRD. ) P. Cilw.'nT 11 Ll 1 11ID t JXIS 8 oaiiiubu nimii. of the Court, ) 9EL, Clk, O. C. 3, 1853. U. ) By order of the Court, J. I PURSEL Nov. 13, MARRIAGE CETIFICATE8 handsomely executed for sals at this office, single or hy the. dozen. ryui'fin.inwi SUNBUJlY AME1U0AN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. CHERRY PECTORAL: For llie Cure of COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, SHOOT . OHITI3, OIIOUP, ASM. MA, WHOOPIJTO-COUOH AND OOM"SUIPTIOW. Mnny yrnra nf trial, histrml f impairing tli piililic Cli fi'lt nce in this iiirdiciiie, x won fur it tin nppreciati-'ii tmil iiitlricfy by fur PxiM.lin Hie int :tntiiiiiu c-xp'hi-lioiii of its fi K'iuH. fS hiiifjr but its inliiiic virtueu nn J the imiiJiatiikutbltilvfiirfit ctitHerrcil (iii.tUuiiKiiiili vi mitilf-t-rtt ctitild uriuiiuiic imd iiiiiintitin Iho rqtut:ilijn it nj ') ' li,L" nmny micri -r n:iU';ilti-B ilinift upon tin! roininnitify, novo liiited and hum disunnlod, tliis h.m gniuml trieml l"y every triid, ctuilVrred ln'iU'lits tui the itllltcifd thi-y vmi nev er furptjt, nnd prtiduci'd cures too numerous unU ronmrka W' tt lie ior(r-iini Wlnlt! it is a Innid mi llie public ft pretend tlmt uny one uipdiciuo will infullily curcsiill tunc in uliuitduiit pro H' t int Iho ihkrhv i'l.i roKAL (I '( nut oidy us n utucrul Jimp, lmt Mini sl invuriahly cure the iiialudiM for hieh it is ciiijdoyed. Ah lime unkeg thrw fuels vii!cr nutl IwtUT known, ihir nicdicinu litis pr:iftitHlly lircortm the best reliniice of the iiiilurtcd, fioin Hit; I -g cabin of Mm Ainchefin I'etiftunt, to the pidaces uf Kunhu und Kin$s. Tlirniiithout thift entire eouinry, in pvt-ry Hnle. cily, mid iuduH olm.mt rvtry liMTidt i it ctii'iiinii, Citi-nnv Jttoral is known ns the best remedy extant i-r dis.-iws of the Thronl and Lungs, nnit in many formim counlricf, it is inning to ho exten sively H.-cd by t'nt ir tn .! inlelligrnt Pliysiciniis. In tireut lirilnin, I'ram'e mid (jt rimniy, where (lie medicid wiiniccs have reached their iiifThcft pcrieeii.-n, I'iirr it v I'ectoiial is iiitriMliiced, und in c-. instant uu in the Annies, litis, ii tids, Alms Hoiihcs. Piiblit I iikI miIiohr. und in d aneslic practice, as tho surest remedy luir uttending riivsieiims can empl -y f.-r (. m ru tlanpenMis iim etimis "if the inugF. A.'sti In milder ctinrg, und fx chiMreii ilisstife, plncnit and eflVctual t cure, hi fart, s mc uf the most l!alterin rt'sliur nials ve receive have been fnm parents who have fumd it elfic tet us in caef patliculmly incideii- If) eluii'h The TitFTinv rnrTorur. ik maimr.clnred by n piacheal Clietnifil. nnd ev-ry mnice of it under his own eve, with invariable neennniy and care. It is muYd mid protected by law from cnnterfrits, nt'tjiii iiily can be relied un us genuine with ait n'hiHeration. Wu have end -adored here (o furnish 1h ecmmunily w ith a tin dieiue tif such intrinsic superi rity and wi'rihas should cotninet'd iifi !f to their em lidrnr.i n reme!y n! once safe, spee.lj mid ifl'i-etintl. wl.it h Hoc h.-.f bj n- raltd tin.! v atntl. sK iri'i'lfi pmved iisi-K in be ; anil ttimi by great care in (Feparii t'it willi eta u.ical acem-;tcy, "f .naif Tin Mrenirtti liii'fi' rd Ph Nieiitix n ie w i (;ent on wbieli tln-y p. m n ly for the !-! n ?ul(p, ami ;be a(!etetl with u lemedy that li f r ;ht hi al! (hat m-dii iiiC can do. Prepared and fold ) JJMES C. AYER9 Practical C7 '. LnvcU Mass t SuM In ftunl.ury U U JIAPER, and by J T)mgi,riU EClicnrily tlirousf.u: tllic S'tatc. 1 t.H!,r n; ISO".-1 veo'mo ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE. .. r , ,, , ,., B !"'ni,ce of un order of ihe Orphans ( our ol No.lhuinl.crland county, v.ill he exposed t.l llllii'i. I . I n tJ 1"'" TUESDAY, the Mlh da:i of November . I next at the House of Christian Albert in Jackson I township. The following real estate to wit; All j Ihe iiiIl rest oi the i'.;!!ov. in named heirs of l'eter ' I!, ubiiki".-, late of Lancaster county, dee'd., to wit: Henry l'rubuker's inleiv. I -14 parts; Anna Es ' liraiid Mary IMlinnor. ehilihen of Mary Hol ! liuaer nnd fiiaiol c'.ibb'cn of Ah.ahaiii Rruliaker, 'of lane aster county, dee'd., their interest, the ; uuilividcil one fourteenth pari ; Andrew Uruhaker, minor child of Jaeoli Rndiaker, dee'd., and u I Kr.iiiil-chiid of .tbr.ihani liruhaker, dee'd., the un divided one fc.uiteenth part of Iho upper part of ; the Island feinerly known as "Whites Island," fituulc in Ihe 'urpu"hanna in Jackson township, ' l ite Mahonoy townsl-.ip, N orthumherland county, about 12 miles below Sunbury, containing 131 VCFCS, 71 , l,i or tliereidmul :, adjoiniiifr lands of uicl.br, with ibe iippurtcnenccs Late the estate uf Abraham Drubal.er, dee'd. fSalc lo commence at 10 o'clock A. 51., of said day when llie terms of sale will be made known .y' JOHN STRICKLER,"! OCO. i;UO!) V, ! Ouar- OA lillil'.I. LEAH, diuns. John nt k-;:v, j N. 11. The interest uf all the other heirs will be olVercd f ir tale at the name time and place. SAMUEL EliUU AK Eli, Aj'cut for the other heirs. For further information iniiulrc. ot FREDEA'ICK LAZAUL't. Esq. r'unbury l'a. I'y Order of the Court. J. 1'. PURSEL, Clk, O. V. Nov. (I, lis.Vi. 4t ) "A Peiuiy saved is u Penny Ea lied." MA J5PLK S BLANK HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market ulorc Centre Street, PoUsvillc, Fa.. 1P73 LANK Books bound nnd ruled in any nnd every style, in the most durable and suh- s l : . 1 1 1 : a 1 manner, with or without printed Heads, l'erson in want of Ledgers. Dockets, Day Bonks, Minute Books, Journals Letter Hooks, Uluttera, Receipt Books, Coal Ledgers. sc., &e., or uny kind of libiiik Books, would do well to give me a cull a I jilcdje myself to give satisfac tion, l'sncr r'llcd lo anv iialtern dcsiied. I'ar- t it- ii Boo ir ullciiliou paM to UitKting all kinds ot old Bibl.S. (.iiidey's Lady Books, Graham's Musay.ine, Sartaiit's ?,l.mn,iiie, liar4'.r' M.i ja'.ine, Joset,!uii's works, Jlyuiii Hooks, Gleason's l'ictorial, Sbcct Music, Hhakspeare's works, Life of Christ, Law Books, cVe,, AVc. Any of tl. c ubuo or oilier books bound in full gilt, plain or fancy 1 1 suit the wishes of customers. I would nguin cad the attention of niy fiends and customers, to the fact that I have been a Practical Book Binder for the last 13 years, nnd they can depend on h iving their work done in Ihe very best manner, and do tho work myself; I use the lu st paper et material ; jtlruxt give vie a cull my chnrges are reasonable and fair, but there is no dillicully ubout prices uhe.o worU is douo satis factorily. , N. B. Persons having Boca's they want Bound can send t'.iem by stae directed to mo staling, the thu ttyle they, wish them bound iu I I will do llieiu us low us they can bo done any where, care fully pack them up and return them ; Also per sons can scud orders for Blank Books by mail, which will be punctually ultendud to. All work done at short notice. R. L. MARBLE. Practical Book Binder. rottsville, Nov. G, 1833 Cm. BRXTTANNXA WARE MANUFACTURERS. rTMlE SUBSCRIBERS having just entered into the ubnvu business in all its branches, tuke this mode of calling tho attention of Coun try Merchants, and others to their NEW bliLi. and PATTERNS, also the duality of uuiiur ourselves not to lie liest III workmanship or material. The following, in part, consist uf our assortment; I Uiiv.,..u u . ..,i, a . . . : . . - '"""u..,iiiiiorri,wij AaAliM-;!; l.'ns- tnr Ironies; BED PANS; TUMBLERS' PITCIIERS w, lidst COFFEE Ptfl's ,a I EA l'OISs Slop Bowls j SUtiAH BOW1 M CREAM OUlMt 11EHR MEAStlHl-.s, -..r! fee Hoppers j CANDLESTICH j SPOONS, of Ull SlcS , IXC, (XC. We will he happy to receive orders for S pies, by mail, at our place of business, No. 100 RACK ST., or QUARRY 8T above Second t., PHILADELPHIA. N. D. The subscriber still continues to man ufucture Candle Moulds, Syringes, Surgical In struments, Ac, at his old place of business, No. 109 Race Street, Philadelphia, to which I would call the special attention of Caudle Manufactu rers. JOHN CALVERLEY. Philadelphia, Nov. fi, 1852. 3ino. ; HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! Hol 1 o iv ay's " Ointment. a most m I n a c it lo l8 c rn i? tip bad lkg?, Extract of a Lt Iter from Mr. Win. Gal pin, of ; 70, SI, Mary'i Street, Weymouth, . ' dated May nth, 1851., Tn Professor Hollow ay, Sir, -Al the age nf 18 my wife (who is tmw fll) "auplit violent pold, wliieh settled in her leg, mid ever since tlmt lime ihey huve Ihtii m ire or less sore, find greatly iti(l imcd, 11 ur ngmiics Were dislrnet lig, nml for months together she whs deprived entirely of resl and sleep IS very lempdy that medical men advised was tried, but without elTcet ( her health Mtflered severely, l'd Ihe state 4 her legs wnp terrible, T had oftrn rrnrt -your Advcr licuicnts, und advised her to try yrut Tills und Ointment; slid, ns n last resource, after every other remedy hud pro red useless, she consented lo do so. tlie roimneii ccd six weeks ngo, und. strange to relate, is now in gfod health. Her legs are painless, without kc tun or scar, and her sleep sound and ninn'slnrbed. Could yon have witnessed tho sufferings of my wife durintf tho last 43 years, nnd eon- irn.1 tli..nl .ith l.nr nn.amil n,i 1 . n-ti,il t ,f honltli t-.in would itifleed fed deKahtful in liuving been the means of so great I v hlU'Viitting Ihe m.flVruiB's ot a fell iwerenture. (Signed,) XVILMAM (iALIM. A rKION 70 VKARl OF A OF. CVRKP OF A BAD M2G, OK 30 VKATtft BTAVDIXa. Copy of a Letter front Mf. U'm. AUn HuitiU er of Gas Ovens, of llttshdiffc. near Ilutt dcrsfivhl, dated May 3 st, 185 1 . To Professor IIollowat, Sitt. I suuVrcd for n period of thirty years from a bad teir, Ihe result of two or three; dilfertnt nceidciits at (las Works; accompanied by sc irbnlie syinpt'ans. I had re course ton variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, nnd was even t old that Ihe teg must be ampu tated, yt, in opposition M (hat opinion, iour Tills and Ointment have effected o complefe cure in so short n time, that few win l.ud n it witnessed il would credit the ("net. (Signed) WILLI Ar AHItS. The irmh of Ibis statement can be verified by Mr. V. P. Ln;laiid, Chemist, Market Sdeel Iluddersiield. A Dlt KADFUL had nnrAST 1MON1H. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick 7'io n- cr, oj.rcnhurst, Kent, dated December MI, , i ,"JU" I Tj rrnfuM r IIixiowat, ! ) S.H,My vvi elMtlifiVrot fr. !i nii1Ulm,!.!i. f,,r j ni'ire I hail mi mi ml hs. mill tluruiu Ihe eht t ere i! IimI tlio best medical utleiidunca, but all t i no use. Iliivinif be b re liraled nn tiwl'ttl w mud m my nwii lejr, by your un- rivtdlcd iiiediciue, I dclermiti-d iiiiiu t ime vnur Pills imd ( mnuuent, Imd tliT lre K;iX'e tbetu n trinl in ber ense, uihI f rtuu:iip il w:-s I Hid s f'-r rt ls tbntt a tu uilli a pel leet euro wu efleclvd. flid lbn lu-uelif I hut vtiriius olb- . er biiiiifln-i t( niy titniily have derived from tbelr use i rr ;i!ly nsli-iiisliiiii; I n w Ftrcnylv rcc tnniend Ibeui to oil my trieiiils . (Siiiiied) lTii.lJ'K Tl'ltMlK. I Tl PiMssbcuM be used p.uij fintly hi tho Ointment j in '! of llie following ease? : Hwl T-cys. Che ? -f.int, Fisliilus, . jHid liieusts, ' C'lii:bl;iins, fbiut. Hums, Clui-cd bauds, (!l:iml;ilir Swelbnp, llmutin. C'Tiis (Soil) KiimUid I jtite of Mosebr- Cunceis J'Mt S tycs & Sund-Fiies, CiMitruMed nnd IMteunmtitm 1 Oieo-Uiv", SlilT .foin'i, S-tiltls. j Klrphnntiusis, firtf ISiop!is, Sore-tlironis, Skiu-diseusc, Scurvy, rr-he!it, Tluuoiiis, Cleers, Wouii.Is, Yaws P ran j.. C - ,. Id nt the Kstiiblifdihienl f Prof cm ir IIoM.nwAV, 911, uid. (ue:r Temple Ksir. h'Uid.tu.) und by till reapt-cttdi'.e. dihtsuud D.'iib rs in .Medicine.'" ihroiif-linut the Urilih iniure. .V llcbc i f the I mti-il Mules, in JiojcesHt ;j(je., r'Tc.nudSl 00c. cut li. U liol s;i!e bv tlie ni iiu-uwl Dun; I h 'tises in the Uni"U, nnd by .Messrs. A. Jl. JJ. Ia.mw, , New V'ik, ! I Thcie. is a connidei.nb! savinjr by Inking; llie lurgcr si N X, r.irecti.nis for llm eiiiduuctf of pulientB inevcry tlis uler tire iiilixed lo eu-b b.-x, i October K-a-J, ly. CUK.VT. EXCITKMKNT. WILLIAM A. KXOJ1K, OESPECTFUI.I.Y iiiiorv.s the public eeiier ally that ho lias jut received and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall rvA Winter Goods, tl in t lias ever been brought to tho county. His stock consists of every variety of Dry (oods, A IZ Cloths, Cassimcrs. Snltinelts, Vestines, Dril lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and alt kinds of Winter Goods. Also a splendid varietii of Ladies Dress and Fancy goiuls, Calicecs, Ginghams, De Laines, Shawls, und every varicey rf Goods sitilabli fir Ladies treiir. Also, an extensire assort wiit of Silk, Jtcnrcr3 Fur f Slouch Hit's A lae-jc und well selected Assortment of lioois and Shoes of ev ery ilescrin nm and size. Also, a lame assortment of Groceries. Such as Sif'ar, Coffee, ice?, Molasses, Spires oj all kinds. Also a larje assortment of Hardware and Queensvvarc, Fish, Suit and Liquors such as Gin Brandy, Hum and Whiskey, besides the largest and most general assortment of all kind of Coods to be had in the count). All the above mentioned goods will le sold nt such reduced prices as the can nut bo got for elsewhere, . ; ., Country pniduce of all kindi taken in exchange ut the highest market prices. Also, For sale a two horse spring wagon and a huggv. . . - Augusta twsp., October 20, 185-. Cm. The only Ti no Poilrait of Washington. JUST PUBLISHED, T. 11. WK1.CI1V MAUMI-'ICKNT FCETRAIT OF WASHINGTON, Engraved (hy permission) from Stuart's only iniinnl puilrnii, in lite AlliHiienin, Boslutt. f I Ml IS stij:erli picture, Minivrit ui.ilcr thu suieriuteiiLl enee of 'I'lI'lMAS Ml'l.l.V, tlio ciuimnt und liulity ffil'ttni tirlibt, is the only eurreel likenrss of Vrn ti- liitnu ev'ttr iutili.lteij. tt bus liuen cliurutUcriseit us tUe ini-:,t,'H , i .m ever ,rmUi,',il in Uiiscouutiy. As lo f 1 Its uael.lv, WO relel t'l llie teller I'l llie Uilulllell Wtlll;lt.iM, tiHOKliK 1VANII.M'UH I'AltH I II- 1 1, wu s ivs. il is a lull hi ill rupreseiitaii d s ivs, il l. a 11111 al rupreseiitiili in iri the eel- ebralixt i lir.i.iiil," nml to (ilil-:l Jt'STICK TAMIV of the Sapreiim I'nnrt 'l the I 'nileit rll .-leii, who ay, "Ai u w, tik 1,1 urt itK fxeelUiitu and Utility mutt strike- eveiy one !i i fnen it ; nml it ia l!i tern h.ippy 111 It. tlkenef. ti tlio l-'alhel i,f lini country 11 wu. my gmnt foitiine lo li:iee Heen hiiu ia the itay. i,t' my lx Ii,hiI, unci la. wii 'tu appe.ii a. .ee i. yel .trnuly imprttiMgt tin rny meiu.iry.. 'l'lie p .unlit y.'U have iMiaeil uj, ear. lo me to lie uti exuet tiia'iieiai, rwiri seal in" rerleeilv Ihe expresnion n. vvll as. ihe t.'i in nn.l feature, ol' Ihe laee.' Auit Kiy. SKN A'l'l lit CAhr, il ih tutvliko reprenenUitiou i.i the great original. Pl.l.riilHi.ST l U,I.Mi.itii: wiys, "the work apiMiara lo me to IrH'e been nilinbiibly exeeuleil nnd eiiiiueulle wr- Ihv of ihe piitroiiunc of the nublie.'1 r.iv. MAKl.'HANT the eiuiiieiit i),,rtr..it iminter, nutl (be pupil of &iunl, v,,ur nriiil to in v inin, I is ut re reiuerUuble ttinii nnv oilier I hnve seen, for prefceulintr Ihe w liole intiiviiluulily of IIiq oi'i,riuat portrnit, l,retliel wilti the II ble ului dignified ro ll so uf air uuit manner, w bieh ull who ever caw liiui con aiitered u uiarUeil eliuraeleiiijtie of Llm illu.Uiuus linui it U iiiuueiiljrule.." For ihe jirent nierils or tin. picture we would refer era. lover ol Wabhino jl to the pi.rlinit ll.elf, to be .ecu ut the i-llu'e ol tin. paper, una lo the leller. ol the loll. , wine Arli.l., t'ati taleu, Jurinl. unit Jth'j,i rp mvoinpimyiut; it, AltTlSTrl Maieliuuluud lilliol, nl New York ; .ra trlts, Uolhermel, nnd I .iililbilitt, of I'biliulelpliiu ; C liekler tlarilinii. of It Ntltui? Cli.iils t'rutier, ol' Chufle.ti,i, H. C; na,t to 11m? ailiiiti-it s.u of Wart'iiuebm, l.,ii. tjein P. I.'umw. biuifi !!' nn nrlii-l. h'l'ATK.MDN. III. liicel. leney Milliard l-'ittui-'re, Mnjor Ueu Winfi.-ld Keott, linn, tie'irtre ,M. Dull:'., itou. William It. Kinfr, linn, Pnuiel Webster, lion. I.iuu U uH. lion. I.ewi. CtiMi, Ibui Wm. A. Uruliaiu. lion. Jnlui P. Keiiucde, It"ii. H. 0. XViiithron. I.I,. II. Jt "JilSTrV It .u II, nn- li Tamy, Jl.ui. John liner. JI"ll. John McLean, Hon. ltufu. (.'Iioutnr H0I1O1. AUtf. t'hnrles Fo!. an, V. ., the well known labrariua of Ihe li i.l ui Atheuelliu, wiu Biya, l,l welikl mther own It lliau nny nriinl:d c,l'y 1 have ever .ecu j'1 K. P. Whip ple, ttiehnnl llililrelh, II on. l',dw. I'.veritl, I.I,. O.. Jun.il Hparks. I.I.. U . Williuin II. I'reicolt. 1,1,. U., Wsvliiiigiim j livinr,itnlpli W. Kmcicm, K.i., Prof. T. C. I'pliaui, J. T llilllllev, FltZ CJreen HiiUeek, II. V 1 joiglt ll w, Will, liihnore Simms; und FHOM l-'.ltROI'K, I'rd Tiiliourd, T. II. Murauley, Sir Arel ibil.l Alison. Lord .Mayor of laidoii, ic 4c. Ac. TIlC I'llMSS, tliro'inli uit Ihe fa tire I'nion, have Willi one voico pioclunucd Iho lm-iil. of tin. miK-ib entruviiix. . . ,, To enable all to i .wens tin. vutaabU treasuic, II la sold ut tlie low plice ol ,' per copv. l'ubli.lu'd bv (iF.OHfiV. W. rlllt.IIS, N. W. corner of Fii'ih sod An h .Heel., l'iiiluilvlpiua. 1). 1). I1YF.KI.V, S..lo agent, for tins Stales tif Ivn era rciuwylvnnio and llelmviiro. This rnrlroil cs niily U obt lined from Mil. BYliU I.Y, or fr un hi. duly authorized agent.. Arriiuiteiuauui tMve beiM iiuido wilti tlie Post Oincr Je Murtinent, by wliieh copies of Ibe I', an alt can be bull to anv TMitnt, per mail, III pef feet order. IV I'm son. hr rennlllnn Fivs Dni.Ltsa to D. n. HV 1'liJ.Y, PlnUuleJi4ii, will have s copy of Uk 1'oruait sent to them free of 1'o.ii.yM. 11T Magnificent (lilt Frame., gt up enprewty for thc-M I'urtiaiu, f urni.bwl at tlie low ric of lro,IU each. JUST ISSUED, A MAOXIFICIiNT POHTHAIT OF OENEBAL JACKSON, Engraved fcy T. Jl. WELCH, ESQ . after 1h ongiiial pqrtrail painted by T SULLY, ESQ. Thi. Portrait will be a match fur Ilia Waahiuutoa, aud iS in ovary reapoet wrU g nt up. Prira A.nn per ropy. AiMroaa at abovs. Fhuadalphia, Oet. 30 !, GEORGE W ZIMEKMAN, VEN1TIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 0 1 Ai'eh Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY1 ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BUNDS, Wlitch for style of finish nml worfcmnnriifp nt the Woet pi iocs. Also '1 RANSPAKEMT ' WIIOI.ES.U.H, AT MAXl tiT MERCHANTS and ollirrs urn invited 1'liiladrlpliio, Aufjurt 31, t8r)S.-1y. FANCY FUR ST0HE. PTVII G aulrrilicr invilcn tlu pnMie in prnrml to rail mid examine liislarse tok of KAN' CY Fl'R, consisting of I'itrli, Stone, Martin, I.)UT, I'renrli fealrlo and 8iuirrel Mull's, lioas, Victorias, &c. Al, lllack and While Wad dini bv tlie l'nle. taT The Iii-liPt price paid for SHirriNO Fl. ltS, sucli ns Red and Grey Fox, Mink, Ruc coon. Muskrat, fire. E0(1 lialci. RUFFAI.O ROBES, wliicli will .c sold cheap, hy the. Imlo or aiimle Rolie. GEOhGi: F. WOMKATII, Iinporler eV. Fur Denier. No. 13 8. 4th bU Fhiludcl hiii, Nov. 0, ISiS 3mo. Fresh end Spiced Oysters ! IIAVING stilled nt Norllinnibcrlnnil, I nm now "prepare J to ft) r !i Freeh Hiid fpi ecil Oyslris (Inriny the hole seujun nt n ,l,,,.n.l V .... I I 1 1 1 1 1 in i.ina j',.,!, s l s,all receive ihen. d.iilv, (Sundays exeepled) nnd w lu-n landed tienr, Ihcv aru only Iti luxtrs out of llm nersoiis at a distance, xvlio aril in want . 1 . . . ' tif llie above art ir It, can hnve I hem sent per fluzett or simile can hy mlilu'ssin W. II. VICKERV, nt Bun's Hotel. Norihumhrrl.in.l. Oct. 16, 152. ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL OF CIIKAP GOODS. . FRILXNG Si GRANT. RESl'EG'J'FU'I.I.V inform their customers nnd the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best und cheapest stuck of Fall and Winter Goods that has ever been hi ought to SunbuTy. Their slock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, viz : . Cloths, Casfimeres. Sattincls, Vcstings, Flannels, Widlins, Sfc., And nil kinds uf Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Heritors, ,nd every variety of goods sellable lor un dies wear. Also nn extensive assortment ot Caps rou Mks and Buxs. Alo a largo assortment of CI.OC'KllII-Sj sren A Sugar, Teas, CofTee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Flaster. Also a tresh supply of Dlll.litf AND MlUHCIM'.f. Besides Ihe hiijii'st aud most ceneral assort ment of ull kinds of fcjouds to be, hud in this place. W Country produce of ull kinds taken in ex change nt the, highest market price. Sutlbury, Nov. 13, 153. HTMIF. iindcrsitiued i thankful for past fa vois and hopes to cuiiliiiui! in tin' confi dence, of his old eoslotneis nml fiiends and Ilia public geiieially. Hit is now iu daily re ceipt nl thn host of Baliimore Oysters, put up bv A. Field, Esq., who i- eelibialed lor put linu tip a good urlicle. His oyslers arc open ed tho siii'uo nioruiiiir, tliey leave fur this place and are consequently only about 16 hours on llie way. He can send oysters all directions by blades, bout nnd oilier convey, amies. Price cans 3 1,25, half cans 624 cenls. N. R. --Apply at the residence of the sub set iber or at Leu's, or Haas's Hotel. ; . PHILIP SHAY. Norlhunibormnd, Oct 16, 1832. -if. NE v"T Tobacco, . Snufl", Scgar rflllE suhseriliers respeelfully inform Country J- Merchants tlmt we have now ou hund a general assortment of the best VIRGINIA BRAND TOCACCO, &C, which we will sell at the lowest prices. , 8. VOOUWAKD & CO., 23 North ThirJ !ilrcct,.l'liilaJclpUia. Rcplcmlicr 4, 1R32. 3m. LADIES' DEESS TRIMMINGS. .7. C. OPKUTi:iJFFEIi, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sts above llate, rniLADEi.rsi&. INVITES the Ladies of the City ami Country to call end examine liis splendid Stock oj Trimmings, which has been selected with tha ut most care. ..... Mr. O. being enaliloJ, from Ins experience in Cavcinllsll 5h. l.umn PS. l.Ullip lis. 1'lUg, vVC, j fuse., Ilunkeis' tuse. Hunk 11,hiK llolilers, llill Hooks, at the Manufacturers lowest AUo u Hue assortment of I orci-n ami Domestic hegarj, , p u BMTU . ( fiivii hy Snull, SnioliHIJ loliSCCO, J ipcs, Jipo Heads, ,;, nl wjl, u ,0t-rmimit i. 1, sell the best ( pi'alily of lllC business, tu take uilviiiit.in of thu w holenate j pr.icmcil lion tbe in-al eelcUaicii .Maauiuctumii tn Uun maikct, is al.lc l sell us low as any other e.tah- j ci.y. , ,. it 1xii;iv ,,, lisliinent. Mr. I), was lorincrly principal col t Hi tlrmul iu-t..iM. SL MinlKia 1 j-iulina I'bi i s . i ' Auun.. dnctor of the exlclii-ive huincs of Mr. J. VV. ! meni, Fu-;ii, ,tniblH Thorounliiuie. and I'ublie Sqimre., it Ilurslinan.No. 804 Chestnut Street, nnd his e- i nalureiiienta i .ll.o Merchant viJiinjj lb.- city on 11 viiaunao, ..o. ' e .. ! buaiuew. the Traveller nx-kniy pleu.ure I " lamilie. tensive ipc-rie-uce Will lie a gUarailU'O Ol I1 ) ali iV,,,:,! vixitin ti. fllr. .Terv fm-ility will lf ..(l.-r.-.l. ahilitv to do justice to his cuslcuiers. liis Stock j und every c, unl, irt reg.uded ui uiiiiio ibeir mil ujjreeable comprises tho following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, tSilk und Worsted Blind i!o. bilk, Woollen, anil I'ottoii lloisery, Gloves, CoiiiIm, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, Ac. Woollen aiid C.ollon Knitliim and Darning Yarn, Parte Monmiicf, Furnished Work Boxes, 11 race- lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. . . Philadelphia, September a, sb'i. tim. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION M KKCI1 ANT 2 for Tin; hai.i: tit-' Fish, Provisions, .M. 9 VorM Wharves, PIIILADBLiymA. April 10, 1853. ly. i ' ' 600" AGEN TSW ANTED. . 81000 ii vciuv , WANTED in every County of tbo Uuiud SUtcs, octi.e nnd enterprising men to en-Ba-e. in the sa'.e of some of the lst Books pub lishol in Ue untry. To men of Rood address, posessiiig a sma'.l capital or from 1 45 lo $100. auch inducemei.U will 1 ollerej as o enable them to make from 63 to If 10 a day profit. X1T The Books published by us are all userul in their character, entreniely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are ollercd. For further particulars, address, (potae paid,) . DANIELS &GETZ. Successors to W. A. Leary dtCo No. 188 North Second 8tit, rhilsdelphit. Philadelphia, Oct. 8, 18.-i2.-tf. rnnnut t f t iiTpnowil. Vlin!r,nlr nnd Krtnil WINDOW Hll A DK8 A A V KEKI) D1.INDS TACTfliKfiS' I'lllCKH. to cull nnd rxumine. Uihvortli, Uniiison tS Co. I vU'lPRTUR OK & DeaLKKS IN Frtii and I)hiscn( tc IIARDWAHE, CXJTLEH Y, &C. A'o. 59 Market St., door bdow 2d St MIILADELPHIA. Whcro tliey nhvayscci on huiid a larjrc utocf of every vaiicly of llaidwnrc, Cutlery, A-e. Wm. Dihvorth, Hcry j). l,al,jiS) Soniuel Urunsrn, James M. Vonce. Octolier 10, 1835. 1y. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. Notice to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing, 1JKXXKT Sc CO. rennent nil wliu purrhnse rc-.uly nnulu t ( I'lhlnir 11 tIH, t.i cull in T(lVI:ll IIAI.I. Cl.lllll.l.i UA.AAII, n.! Fie tho ,,.. mlvaiiliiB.-s lli.-y will luive hy iniichiisiuir ,,r ciiKh nt iliin exteiisive cs al tchtiH'nt. , ,hi, V) , )e ril(. k, on H indi u.y ctenl Willi nil their iiiiiiii-riuiB l UBkniiom, who lim e rcaliz.'.l thai nt this Ic ii'ij thtv n, nrc no ill, it in r. -Incmj ihr CI.ITIII.(i. mi tho low.st n..reil.!u prices, nml l li . I the ir !s in;,,le tit ih,n Iiiiiikc lire tha he inailn, ni..st ffl,i,.:il,l(.. nml much rlnnpcr Muni i.uv nllur lu.um- (till llllunl In .. Ihe ,,,,. n.iuli,.! 1. Irnin Iheir lnr.;p mnnnraeluriiiK mid ii'u,.iti,i!r lieiliii.J'. I Hll,l ll.eirileternmntl.iii t,i,naiiluiii Ihe priiieinlu of Ijree 1 c,,nni",e T .''n-lrnVaiT Z,r 'i"",l,: ""'! 1 l un pieic. i ne i,:irlieai-ir nileuth'ii nl tuerehaiils nml i ,,.,,.,. m inviuii, wlei me reiiieleil to cult ami im!, l,.r lemnelvo, as we nre ,ll,l thut Ihev cniii.Mt i t ,ee Hie mlrmit-'irts ,ty will hnve in nmi.L r... ....i. ... fim'KIt ItAl.t I'H .MAKKirr siren, l.etween Fifth and ijitli. ,,,,. , BHNNRTTft CO., Proprietor.. riiilii.lel,,l,ia. October 16, 1WJ Sin. SW AIM'S CELEBRATED FANACEA, ' FOR THE CURE OF Iitrlplont C Oiisutmtllui, Scrofula, General Dvhililii. While Swelling, Jiheuiiialism, Diseases of the Liver un l' Skin, and i ll Diseases arising from Impurities of the lilood, and the Effects of Mercury. SWAI.M'S 1WXACRA has been fur us.r lliaa ll.irly years ccleLrutecl in this cnnlrv ni.it in l:iin,. f.,r its extra r,llnarv cures fur Ihe eeilillvntrsi.f wliieh relL-reiiee In n nn le t.i llie itireitions unit liioks (wlin II limy liu Imd grain.) neeeniimiiyiiiir the Paiiiieoa. Smiio nf wfiirh pive tlie pai lieal.-ns ef cases too iVi'lilful I' ,r general piil.tieaiinii, where. Ihe natlcnls luiil liecn nllimst e:,, iinp will, Serut'ula, nnit were ifei-ineil Ineuralile t,y J'tiysieiniiB. Ill lias been lined ill h"Spit:ils nml private pr.-ietice, ninl has lent Ihe siliirnlar liirtune m'beili rec.'liinieiiJ.Hl by llie most eelehiattil physicians lout ether cininel tiers u. Airioii others l,v W . liil,3,,ii. M. D.. I'r.,' Valentine Mi tt. M. 1)., sitv. 'f Snrpcry, Va. T'nivcrity. Vroi. ((' Surg , N. V. I'nivcr- W. P. Duwecs, M. P . t'rnf. nf Mid Tu. fniveisily. N. rhapin.iii. At. IV, I'm!', of Phi sie. Pa l.'niverpity. T. Pink.'. I) , Pres't College of I'll j sicinus, I'lnia. llr. Del Vail i, Irot. of MiJicint, Havana. J ,se Ivinieiiee tie l.nz. Pr,"l'. ol' tnryt ry, l.ifb,in. .1. Chipmjtn. .Member li-iyul Celleire Nirgc-ns, liml,,:). li. W . HrviiiL'. lute Mniisiei toS,iin, hir Tti'iiiLis pears'in, !Mnj, Gen. Hrilisli Atniy. l.lilbert liubiTls .ii, llntish Cmsiil. Ae., Ac. And nls-i, llie w'Minlei rnl euro I'fiiM'icd dy Swaini'n Pun occ4i Inve many yitucs muilu it an iuviiJnuMe remedy.' The I'liiiH-ra il 'cfl imt conlniu mrciiry in any Tot in. and Itemp mi hunx-ciit rcp;maton, it m:iy be given t the Itl'ir-t it;itut l llll.'HH tftiiil price h:if been rcducinl I.) SI ."A) rn buttli. uuniuiniii mrcc iiHr?j or Mlice l.ouicn inr el. H!-:WARJ5 "OF 1MPOSITIO.V. Pwaim's P cca ia in muiul btillkn, ilutcd I nigilndi- nully. with the MLtwiiiK Uitcm lihwii in llie Binifs;" BW'AIM'lS PANAC:A PIllIsAlVA." nnd having tin inrne of J.kh Pwaim st.i?iici on tlic pciiI iw v:ix, Hurt written t:n Uie lulit- fviverimr the c u k. nnd a Hjilciidid nifrntvinir Ur the huN. i( ihe Imtile. c .!iv;scd rf pcnnctrlc Inthe W"rk, r tiuprisiiii nine djiTcrmt dicp, wli it'll Imve been turned fur ihe exclusive nuw-i' tf pro-prit-tcir, by Drnjicr A l, bank units enirnivern, t-( l'tiila tlelpliiii. tn lite ccnlic is n iMirlrait ol the late Wm. Wwaiin uojiyi i ght iL-cnred. j AJ-?0, 8VAIM' VKHMirrt-K. A vuluublo rninily Mfdifinv, ben iff n hihl-.- nppMrcd remedy all tlisfUMC aiiring irnni dVhilny of the dii;c- i live nivalin, taicli ;is Worirw, (.'lnli-ru Alortiu. Uvsciitcry Fever and Aane. Hlecdin Pi Ion, Sick lleinl;ichef Are., . Sc ihe Paiiijiblet (which nmy bu had grati) ucoinpuny I up the Vermifuge. Prepared only nl AIM'S T.ARORATOUV. T7IK OLD M'AND, Sevcnlli Btreet, Ih.-I.iw Clieiitinit, Philudel phia, and a Jd by ull the resectable, UiuugiMtM in ihe L'ui ted Slates. CAUTION TO TIU2 rt'ULIC. Periong winliinp obtain thr pennin'r SW AIM'S PAN ACKA nml SWAIM'S VKU.MI1' L'GK, should be careful to otiscive that the name SWAIM is spelled enfTerlly on (be lnttlej nnd bibcU. or they may be imposed on by nirdicitirs nnide in imitation of tbeut by a KiNin bearing a iouiewhut tiniilur name, well cuknibited to deceive. Philadelpbin, October 2, 2mo, REMOVAL. rpttR oM es!iit,!ll,cl POPKKT llflOK nn.t MOROCCO J. CA!r. .MANLl-'ACTOItY, I icated ut 6'.i Cliestiiat Street lur the post TV EN TV-ONE YEARS, has been removed to No. 00.1 ARCH ST!?i:T.T, first timr hcl"v (fill sircet, where om lie fouiul the lurgekt und best utKortuieiit ol the f illowiup nrlu'lef viz : iiinim, j'ort 1-IK, JJree5im ( uses, riling; jr,nl. at the lowest pner., to receive a .bare of imtroitfifre. The Trade aie requested to call aud examine before pur clKi.iui; eliievvnere. N. li. ltcnuiriiur d.aie with nintne.. und d'uprilrh, v. li. smith, 411.5 Areli rMroet, Pluladelpbia. Pepleiiilnrrl, lfM.-3m. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. ri III-l SiibucrilMT having b'tietl tlie PuMie JIoubc, for 1 mcrly kicwu us tbe Afiieiicni) IIhhbc, o. In rv Sixth lirtK.-lt between .M.irlwet und Lliesuml MrcetB, b.u. chtniyt'l tbe iiume ol' tbe wane to THE COM.MEnClAI. HOTKL, llces Iciiva to iNfnrin-bii fvieiiila and Ihe i-nblif, tbut thtS hiute liiu umk-iX'tiie i iliioiittb retnoilelliu, rcoHiiiawt, re i piiintnii; und repiipertiitr. from ntlie to btiUL-ment. An en i tir in-.v niillit 114' I'liriii! ure. lwlli ii. Are.. sVr.. h:iH liecn A nh'ire of lite nublie imlrouae re.peclfullv iliciled. J.VCOli U. I.F.HD, JAitt:u IllVIX, 1 Kiperiutenib'iii. Piopriebir. l'ltila.lelpliui, S'pt. 4. Ij-J. fini. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, ,Yo. li) I rood S7 , between id if M Sts., and No. 17 iYorA ti,' Street, l'HlI.Abl'.U'lllA. John liiincroi't Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY iufui m Store-keepers, Mcr. chants, &c, that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Brown iSoaps, Mould and Hipped Candles, ull of good quality and at reasonable prices. IV Cush paid for Tallow and louh Fut. April 10 ISj-J ly. AVin. McCnrtY, Bookseller. lJKSPECTFrl.J.Y informs his fiiends and the puhlic, that he has removeJ his B k Store, to Market street, to the house occupied hy J. Naillc, Euu,., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Couit House, on the ninth side, whcro keeps fur sale eon.-lanlly on hand a good assoilmrntof hooks and stationary. ' For Sale- A large new spiinj wsjtgon fit for , 3 or 4 horses, ciuiihury, July 84, I83'4.r-lf. I" NK Bouresu's celebrated ink, and also Con gres ink for sale, whobsale and retail ly Weccmliei 2H, 1 SAO. H. ti- MASTER. , IUESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality, . iust received and for sale by Julv 81. lS5i. H. B. MASSER. KOBE IrttW GOODS ! T IJ I H D Fro si i Arrival of (loodi AT THR HtW UTORK OF I. AW TKNKU&CO., (Afoi-ij orrsite If'ruwr'i Hotel, Market St ) Sunlury, Northumberland County, Pa. l.'H: K hove jiift Tcrciveil f,l, npply of V V C.ood ndnptml Tor tli FU nj Winter tu w liicli w e pnrticu!nrly call the attention of our friendu nnd llie public. Our rjratclul thank ore due for the Rcnerou Mippnrt wo have received from a dcucrviug puu lie, nnd w e hope lo eonlimie to earn that auppnrt ly Kelliin; nil our jjnods lit the smallest froi'iU. Out stock consiils of )rv floods, ' : Cr.-u v:trc, Qiicrnswnre, GHOCKIUr.S, WINKS AND LIQUOUS, 8iN(;i.t: A) I)oi-bi.f.d Harrei.i.ed Gvus, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, t.'mhrclla nnd l'aritaola, Oools nnd Sboea, Hats und Cups. Looking tilaxRes, Wall I'uper fur tiooni nnd Window lllinds, I.enioiia, Auts and t'andv, Salt, afackcrcl, 'Dried Beef. Plain and Fancy Han s nnd tsl.ouldert, Nail, Window Cilnss, l'aiiit StnlV, Oils nnd Putty, Car pet Chain, ( 'niton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of ether article. H. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at t lie hijjhct market prices. I. W. TEX Ell Sc CO. Sunbury, Sept. 2.1, 1832. ly.c SIIKLDIIAKE'S 4 LT.ntJHl'.AY liOLSE, No, S80 MARKET Street, ahovc fill, Philadclpliin. Under the uew arrangement the cars winch arrive from Pittsburir, H arrisblirir, tif., w ill run to the New Depot, corner nf fclruylkill 5th and Market, ,' ' , ., , , .,, , In order to ncconiiiioil.itc l lie public wc will slways have our Coach nl the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to enrrv Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, nnd all who, wish to patronise a House with a Moot) Tahle, Clean Buds, nnd accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. 7'ti m., One Dollar per Day August 21, 1852. Gnu Vnl liable Property. late the Estate of E,P. SHANNON, Esq,, Gf'Aoi-tliiiiiibcrlaiKl AT PP.XTATE GALE. npilK siibsciibers, Executors of the Estata -" of Eiiliraim P. Shannon, lute of thu I!or- nnyh of Northumberland, offer nt private sul, the fullowiiio valuable Ileal Estate, y'iz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is t; reeled it two story Brick lltiihlinij, fortnetly occupied by Ihe deceased as a Store ninl Dwelling, nnd now occupied as such. There are also on the lot two frame ilwellinns. &c. Lot No.' 52, silnaleil in Market Slreet, on which is elected a two story while Frnmo Divellini. kc, rnljoiiiii;!,' John Taggarl, Esq., occupied by Chas. Knons. Lots Nos. 6!, 70, 7 I & 72, si'nato in Mar ket Street, a two story white Frame Dwel line, occupied by .lames Donty, and a slablu is erecleil on lots No. 09 &. 70. The undivided half of Lol No. 120, situate on the corner of Duke nnd 4th Street, on which is eri'ctud a two story dwelling, occu pied by Jofcpli McCallister. Lot No. 188, situate iu Queen Street on which is erected u two story white Frame) Duililiiifr, occupied by Juliu Burkeit Lot No. fiO, nitnate ut Northway and Wa ter Streets, on which arc erected two Frame Dwellings and Stublm, occupied by widow Vanillin tinii John Vanillin:;. Also thn undivided fourth part of lot 160, on which is erected a twoi-tniy Fiume Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also len r.cres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Deslia y, on the East sido of the Siistiueliiuiii:!, about' three miles below Dan ville. AUo two adjoining vacant town lols, situ ated on the corner of Second and Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Boi ongh. Nos. 215 & 210. Also four vacant lots on Third and Oiange Streets, numbered in tha general plan ol said I Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 &. 212. Also four vacant lot fronting on Market and Sixth Streets, miming East to an Alley, 1 numbered in the general plan of said Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 7'J & 8.0. Also four vacant lots Ironting on Orange Street, nnd numbered in the ceneral plan of : said Borough, Nos. 18 186, 187 & 188. The above property w ill be sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to John Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, -or lo iba subscribers. ALFRED KNEASS, F.. THOMAS STRAWHUtDGE, , M Northumberland, May 42, 1852. if. TAILC3.I1TG. JOHN V. MAIiTIN, BEfiS leave to inform his friends and the pub lic iu general, that he is prepared in every respect to uiako clothing after the most Fashionable Styles, and in the most duruhle manner, and his prices will he as reasuual'le as can he had in Sunbury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to liis acknowl edged skill in cutting, he will ho assisted by the direction of the most scientific, publications rela ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in tho .United Klatc. An endeavor will ho made always to have work completed w hen recpiiaed. ' His establishment is. :tuatcd in Market Square, Siiulnirv, nearly opposite the Post Ollice, in tlie building formerly occupied hy Jacob Painter as a halter shop, where it will bo a pleasure to ruin to see his friends, and muko such work for them as is within the line of his business. S-'uiihury, August 11, 1853. tf. II "uKN'r'.l.irS. I K. P.AKKR. V. C. 1UKKK. Cornelius, linker 65 Co., MAM l-'ATl lUUlM or . lamps, Chandeliero, Gas Fixtures, &o. HTORti NO. 1'tli CHESTNUT ST Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., rmi-AEEiiriHA. April 10, lei52, If. Bounty Land Warrants. f COHOSH having bountv land warrants in their 1 possession and wishing to dispose of them can (hid a ready sale by applying at the residence of Ihe subscriber near Hi.iiiuikiu Dam, Union county Pa. He will aho attend to the obtaining of I ooi.lv land warrants from the Department at a reasonable recompense. L. R. HUMMEL. miliary, August 11, 1S52 8iu. 7M. EI. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Doe. 13, 1831 If. . ' ' . . (IIAIN PUMPS A small number of lhea J excellent pumps have Ueea received and are offered for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunburv, Nov. 6, 18S2 TiLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and ldank; -s Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Bummnns, Ac, for kale by H. B. MASTER. Sunbury Ajcil 5, 18M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers