ctp kunv.. KPT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United Sbtaies can mu cvmuuimg much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge), by addressing me unaereigueu. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, T1I0S. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New York. January, 4, 18C6. ly. DR. A. REEVES JACKSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, - Begs leave to announce that, in order to nmonni Aia nnnintmcnt. he will hereafter de vote THURSDAY and SATURDAY of each week exclusively to consultations and Suroical Operations at his office. Parties from a distance who desire to con sult him, can do so, therefore, on those days, Stroudsburg, May 31, 1866.-tf. Dll, I). D SMITH, Surgeon Dentist. Dr. 1). D. Smith, would respectfully in form the inhabitants of Stroudsburg and viciuit', that he has permanently located himself here, where he will be happy to wait upon all who may stand in need of his prolcsstonal services. Dr. cm mi nas recently removed from the city, where he lias had a city and country practice of over tweuty years, which he thiuks will enable him to do the most diffiult work in his line of business. Teeth inserted from one to full sett, ou all kinds of met lab used iu the profession, and also most particularly hard rubber. Give him a call and sec his specimeus. Teeth ex tracted without pain. Juuc 7, 1SG6.' Office of (he Jackson Oil Company. Stkoudsbukg, .Tunc , 15GG. NOTICE is hereby given, that if the as- sessment of thuei: cents per share on the stock of the original Shareholders in .aid Company, ordered by a Resolution of said Company, on the 25th day of Nobembcr last shall remain unpaid up to 2 o'clock, P. M., m Friday, the 22d day of June inst., a suffi cient number of jraiJ shares, to p iy the as-fcOs-tinent due theieon as aforesaid, will be sold on that day, and at that time, at the Court-House in I lie Borough ol Stroudsburg. at public auction by the Treasurer of said Company. A meeting of the Stockholders of siid Company will be held at the same place at 3 o'clock, P. M., of the same day to consider measures for canying on the work, or leas ing the Weils f taid Com pan'. Proposals will be received at a meeting of the Director? ou the same day for sinkingone or more Weils on the property of the Com pany with the use of one or both Engines of the Company. Bv order of the Boird. LUKE W. BRODIIEAD, June 7, 1SGG. Secretary, j List of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the Post Office Stroudsburg, State of Pennsyhania, ' 1st day of Juuc 1SGG. Albert, Mrs. Sarah Lee, Amos Bush, George Lannin, John Melick, S B. Miller, Jacob G. Munu, Miis Marietta Milter, Mrs. Annie Nyce, Col. John Ovcrfield Washington Qwiuleii, James Quinlivan, James Smith,-Chas.T. Seiple, Jacob Smiley, Saml. Selberline, William Shuck, Thomas Stroud, Charles Strinbroughr, Marile Tot! en, Walter C. -Worman, Rev. S. N. Whe'cn, William Woolbach, Cias. Ruiz, G. II. IJufIi, Ovcrpcck Bush, J.nnes Beucr, Mrs; James Btissard, John Baldwin, Juhn Custard, Amos Cuppenger, Patrick 'li'!iveland, J.iinos Eilcnbcrger, I,. D. Gallagher, David lloasland, John Hid. Byron licit, Joseph Jason, Gcoige Johnson, Frank T. Kcneagy &, Co., C. Kcnney, Jos. King, Richard Knipe, Miss E, OCrTo obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must call for "Advertised Letters," give the date of this list, and pay one cent lor advertising. - QCj If not called for within one month, thev will lc sent to the Dead Letter Office. THEODORE SCIIOC1I, P. M. SPEAR'S PATENT Ftiiit-Preserviag Solirtioss Toil THi: JMtKSEKVATJOX OF ALL KIMS OF Fruits. Vegetables) J?!Hrs, Whu'Sj t id it, Eifc, ElEc, Ellir.. Without Sugar, and Yi'tthout Exjti-usice Siding or Air-Tight Jem. One Jiottle will prcserce 12S Founds o f Fruit, or 48 Gallons oj Wine or Cider. This Solution when properly used, effect ually prevents fermentation or decav of Fruit?, and, by the most simple and inex pensive process, every variety ma' be kept in a fresh and perfectly wholesome condi Hion the year round. It is no new and un certain experiment, but ha6 been in practi cal use for the past eight ears, yet has been, for the most part, kept from the public for the purDose of ascertaining the result of a series of experiments, all of which nave prov ed the validity of all that is now confi dently claimed for it. Fruits preserved by this Solution are as gojd as the best 'canned" fruits, while the use of the Solution avoids the trouble of seal ing, costly jars or cans, keeping from the air uud light, frequent examinations, and the many other troubles and annoyances well known to every houscujfo. L. II. SPEAR, Proprietor. Puice 81 p-jr bottle. From James R. Chilton & Co., the Cele brated analytical Chemists. New York Havin? made numerous experiments with Mr. Lewis II. Spear's Fruit-Preserving So lution, we are enabled to state that it will prevent the decomposition of fruits when used m the manner desi-rlbnd hv him. The prepared fruits upon which we experimented iiau ijuen mixeu with the Solution, and were juunu to resist all attempts to erenerate fer mentation. There lS nothing in the nature oi tins Solution which, when absorbed by Hie fruits, can act in a manner to render them unwholesome. JAS. R, CHILTON & CO., Analytical Chemists. Sold at "Wholesale and Retail by DREHER & BROTHER, Druggists, Stroudsbukg, Pa., SoZe Agents for Monroe County. OCT Merchants supplied at manufacturers' P"c.cs . A sample of fruit put up last fall tUll Solution, may be seen atour Store. June 7, 18GG.-G.nio NEW STORE -:and:- NEW GOODS REDUCED PRICES ! DARIUS DREHER, bees leave to an nouncc to his friends and and to the pub lie generally, that he has just received a .general assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Trimmings, AND MILLINERY GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Linens, French Chintzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Farasols, Zcphers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Vool Shawls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, x Insert in gs, Ladys and Children s Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men s Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, .Cc, tOc, Goods shown with pleasure. "Quick sales and small profits" at the old and well nown Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER, The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. :pril 26, 1SGG. THE TERI LATEST ! NO IMPOSITION ! "JVT OTWITHSTANDING THE BLOW Ll and blusters of new beginners, Fable at the old stand, on the corner is still main taining his reputation as the keeper of tbe cheapest store, decidedly, in this section ol country. There is no mistake in this as the following facts wi'I show : He is 'telling PRINTS at from 10 to 20 cts. per yard. DELATES 25 cents per yard, the price before the war. SILKS at from SI to &2 ycr yard. AH kinds of FINE ERESS GOODS at "really reduced prices. MUSLINS from 12 to 2o cents per vard. RE A D Y-MADE CL 0 THING, so far below war prices as to astonish pur chasers. ' HATS at a very low figure indeed. Faule also keeps an eye to the comfort of ihe inner man, and offers SUGARS at from 10 to 18 cents per pound. COFFEES 25 to 35 cents por pound. MOLASSES, 40 cents to 1 per gallon. A good assortment of CARPETS at near ly the old rates before the war. Fable has no desire to particularize, but if you vant anything in his line, of good quality and at less rales than can be pur chased at any other store, call at Fable's old stand corner of Elizabeth and trccts and you cannot fail to be suited. DjT JNo charge for showing roods. GEORGE FABLE. Stroudsburg, Pa., April 19, 1SGG. EW BOOK JJIXDEUY. The attention of Coal Operators and other Business men, and of the public generally, is called to the fact t fiat a very COMPLETE BOOK BINDERY, under the charge of a CITY WORKMAN of OVERTHIRT Y YEARS EXPERIENCE, has just been opened in connection with the nffice of the 8CRAM0IT SEPURLEAH, NO. 322 LACKAWANNA AVENUE (oVKR. GEO. BLAKE &. CO 'S ) CCRANTON, PA., which is now prepared to do Ruling, Binding, and Printing, of every variety, A'EATLY, CUBA PA. Y, and :t bovenll, PHOUPTLV. OCT Give tfiis " Home Institution" one trial before sending your work abroad. F. A. C RANDALL. Scranlon, May 10, 18GG. PURE WflSE OF WILD a CHEERY. (Extract of the Fruit and Tincture of the Bark.) WM. HQLLiraSHEAD, DRUGGIST STROUDSBURG, PA. This delicious Wine possesses all the val uable properties of the Wild Cherry, and is recommended as the most agreeable Ionic and Stimulant, especially adapted to Dys peptics and those predisposed to Pulmonary Complaint?, Consumption, &c. March 22, 1SG6. 3m. MOWER & REAPER' COMBINED. HE CAYUfiA CHIEF ! WHEELER'S PATENT, WITH DOUBLE DRIVING WHEJtSLB, iLJtiAl BLE FINGER BAR. THIS perfect Mower is superior to any hfJiYtnfnrf invontftfl Tt is built wholy of Iron and Steel. It took the Premium at the last Strouds burg Pair. Sold by LiNFOllD VAN JJUSKLttK. Stroudsburg, May 24, 'OG. Agent. CAUTION ! nrHE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAU JL tioned not to trust my wife, Lydia. A. II Anu v, on my account, as she lclt my bed and board without anv iust cause or provo- cation, I am determined not to pay any aeuis ot Her contracting. Chestnuthill tsp., ) EDWIN HARDY. May 24, 'GO.-tt. ) J. h. Mccarty TTAS just returned from New-York with II a splendid assortment of PARLOR and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Call at his Ware-Rooms. May 31, 18GG.-tf. TVTO EXTRA CHARGE for HEARSE in JL l attending Funerals within 5 miles of Stroudsburg. J. 11. McUAJiTY. May31, 18fJ6.-tf: Clfirk TON PLASTER for sale at &JJ Stokes' old Mill, by HUNTSMAN & HOPLER. April 19, I860. "OB PRINTINGi'OF ALL KINDS neat ly and promptly executed at this office. constitution; LIFE SYETJP. A positive and specific remedv for all dis eases originating from an impure state of the blood, anu lor all (Hereditary) diskas es transmitted from parent to child. SCROFFCHLA. STRUMA. GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, ULCERATION, KINGS EVIL, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM This taijjt (hereditary and acquired,) filling lite wan untold misery, is by all usual med ical remedies incurable. RHEUMATISM, If there is any disease in which the Con stitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alle viated enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or or thirty years standing have' been cured. I NERVOUSNESS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. SHATTERED NERVES. ST. VITUS DANCE, LOSS OF POWER, CONFUSION OF THOUGHTS, EPILEFSEY, Thousands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering wo men will this medicine prove an inestirna ble blessing directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfills more than in promises, MERCURIAL DISEASES SALIVATION, ROTTING OF BONES, BAD COMPLEXION. i olive TV nnvro FEELING OF WEARINESS. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. F Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of mercury, removing the Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums and secures the teeth as firm ly as ever. CONSTITUTION" LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, of the Skin like ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, ind all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. 'E CONSTITUTION LIFE SYKUP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS Either of the Face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected, thus preventing their breaking, and producing troublesome Discharging Sores, which disfigure so many ot the youn ger portion of the community, from six to wenty years of age. loung children are very subject to discharges from the Ears, which depends upon a Scrofulous constitu tion. These cases soon recover by taking a ew doccs of the Life Syrup. 8 All scrofulous persons suffering from gen eral Debility, Emaciation, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen and in tne fe male, Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gen erally accompanied with inflamation and Ul ceration of the Uterus, are permanently cur ed by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the jL.ife Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy should be taken for sometime, as the disease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort. Tumors of the ovaries Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the body, will be completely reduced without resorting to the knife, or operations of any kind. Y Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic diseases of the Heart, as palpitation, Disea ses of the Valves, producing a grating or fi ling sound, Dropsy of the Heart Case and all the affections of this important organ (per sons suffering from any acute pain in the re gion of Ihe heart), will be greatly relieved by Constitutional Life byrup. Broken down and delicate constitutions suffering from Indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back, Loss of Memory, forebodings, Horror of Calamitv, I'car of Disease, Dim ness of Vision, Dry, Hot Skin and Extreme tics, want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Hag gard Countenance, and Lassitude ot the Mus cular System, all require the aid of the Con stitution Life Syrup 11 FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES. Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue. Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has over proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the lemalc lace dc pending upon the diseased action of the liv ur are very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life Syup, will correct the secretion, and remove the deposit which is direcliy under the shin. In the diseases of the liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizziness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach or an ulcerated or cancerous condi tion of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the uscot Constitution Luc Syrup, 0TAs a general Blood Purifying Agent the Life byrup stands unrivaled by any preparation in the World. The rich and poor are liable to the same diseases. Nature and Science has made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. Pure Blood produces healthy men and wo men: and if the constitution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the result, Price, SI 55 per bottle; one half dozen $7. WM. II. GREGG, M. D., Sole Proprietor, New York. MonoAN & Allkn, Wholesale Druggists, Agents, No 4(1 Clifl-st., New-York. Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., Boston. J. II. Reed & Co., Chicago. Fuller, Finch & Fuller, Chicago. Colli hs Brothers, St Louis. J. D. Park, Cincinnati. Johnson, Holloway fcCo., Philadelphia Barnes, Ward & Co., New Orleans. Barnes, Henry & Co., Montreal, Cannda. Hostetter, Smith & Dean, San Francisco California. Wm. Hollinshead, Dreher & Brother, Stroudsburg February 8, 180G.-0m DRY GOODS. H. S. WAGNER, .(Successor to George P. LTeim,) STROUDSBURG, Pa., Would invite attention to his full and va ried assortment of Dry Goods. All (he usual Departments requisite to complete retail Dry Goods Store, Constantly receives, strict attention and will alwavs be found to contain iu il and de sirable assortments. His stock of Ladies Dress Goods is particularly worthy of examination, and he shall be constantly opening all desirable Novelties in that line as the season advan ces. If you want Prints, call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Bleached Sheeting- or Shirt ing call on 11. S. Wagner. If you want Unbleached Muslin or Sheet ing call on 11. S. Wagner. If you want Notions call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Gloves or Hosiery call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Cloths or Cassimeres call on H. S. Wagner. If you want Gents Furnishing Goods call T- - WW T on xi. b. wagner. If you want GROCERIES, Call on II. S. Wagner. You will find Sugars at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Cojfee at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Syrups at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Teas at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Spices at H. S. Wagner's You will find Fish at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Crockery at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Wooden-ware at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Brooms &. Brushes at II. S. Wagner's. You will, finally, be able to find what you want at 11. S. Wagner's. Between the Bank and the Post-Office. STROUDSBURG, PA. Feb. 22, 1866. Good News for the People! Cotten Goods have come down in price ! Large- decline in prices of ftUisIitis, Calicoes, Dc liaijcs, And Ginghams. I am now selling Calicoes and De Lanes at about 25 per cent, lower thau I sold them a week ago. ALL MEW and FRESH GOODS. I am selling some make of Muslins for less than they have been sold for tbe last two years. COTTEN GOODS Are low enough for any one to buy them now. Large reduction in the price of fine DRESS GOODS. And if you wish to buy good Cloths and fancy Cassimeres, call in. They are 50 cents a yard cheaper than in the fall. AND BLANKET SHAWLS, all wool, all sorts and sizes, very low. I can irive you a bargaiu in Shawls. Aud thcu 1 have a good assortment of Coffee, Sugars, baking Molas scs and Syrups, And lofs of other Goods cheap. fig?" Don't forget the place, it is at miormi'JAirs Cheap Store, in Stroudsburg. Jan. 11, 18GU. A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad- jaceut counties. Look to Your Interests ! ! ! "Ye are offering Liquors, AYines. &c., warranted pure, arid coutaiuing no Drugs, Otis, Essences, il-c, whatever, at the iol lowing very low prices : Brandies from 50c$l 00 per gallou less than Uity prices, Gins oOcQrjfOc. Bourbon Whiskcy,40c(rt)G5c." Monongahcla, 40cu)G5c. Old liyc, 40c()G5c. " Applo 50c(j$l 00 Common 1 5c25e. Wines (all kinds 50cl 00 Please uivc us a call, or send your or ders, aud satisfy yourselves that wo do do it, that wc will do it, aud the rcasous win we can do it. Also, please remember that we do not have amithinn to do with "Drugged" Li quors. Anything you buy from us wc Guarantee Fare, aud much below the pri- " II lf. jt- IT? ccs usually paiu xor itie uruggeu liquors. Very Respectfully, J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., Stroudsburg, Monroo Co.'IJa July 27,1805. 1 LiLJjliJM 1-JH a LM'W HJE3 1866 JUNE. 1 PILE'S EASTON HALL OF FASHION. OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON BANK, EASTON, PENNA. " The Largest Stock ! The Newest Goods! The Tastiest Styles! The Best Quality of Work! The Lowest Prices! The Best Cutter ! The Most Obliging1 Salesmen! Are to be found at this Establishment! R. C. PYLE, Proprietor. CnAS. W. BACIIMAN, ISAAC SNYDER. BLAZE Our Gun hits the Don't Yon see Do you want to buy a good If you do, go to Pauli's Hat where you will always find a good assortment ot HATS, CAPS AND FURS, at prices to suit all. Of these facts you can he convinced hy calling as directed. Remember the place, J. A. PAULI'S Hat Store, Opposite the Post Office, Stroudsburg, Pa N. 13. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of shipping Furs. Nov. 23. 1865. 18 CLOTHING! Of the latest styles and best qualities AT PAULI'S HAT STOEE. This being a branch of R. C. Pylc's Clothing establish mcnt of Kaston, the citizens of Monroe County can now pur- chase the same quality and they bought in kaston. All goods sold as low here asat Easton. All are invited to come and examine the latest styles. Don't forget the place, PAULI'S HAT STORE, Opposite the Post Office. Nov. 23, 1865. R. C. PYLK, MAKTIM WASHINGTON HAIR RESTORES A Hair Dresser and Hair Restorer, 1JOTH COMBINED IN ONE. 20,000 living witnesses are testifying to their neighbors, from day to day, of its wonderful effect. 1st. It is not a dye. 2nd. It will not col or the bkin. Ilrd. It will restore the Hair from a Gray to a beautiful Blnck, Brown, Auburn, or whatever might have been its original color, and cause it to assumo its former boauty. 4th. It will cure all Humors and Diseas es of the Scalp; keep the head cool and nice; remove Dandruff and Scurf from the head; keep the hair moist and silk-like in its appearance, as iu youthful days. TIio "Martha Washington Hair Restorer" is as much ahead of anything of the kind now in market, as tire sin outshines the moon in brightness and glory. The bust testimony Ihatcrtn be given will be found inside of each bottle. Warranted to do all we claim for it, or the money refunded, after using two bottles. Try it, ntul toe Convinced. DREfllER & BRO., Agents, STROUDSBUltG, PA. SIMONDS & CO., Proprietors, FITZYVILLIAM, N. II. Sroudsburg, April 12, 13G(J. lyr. BLANK MORTGAGES. For sale at this Office 1866. CUTTEli, JOHN BOWEN", Late of N.Y. City AWAY! Mark every time. the Fur Fly? HAT, CAP, or set of ' FURS, Store, opposite the Post Office, "CLOTHING! 66. at the same prices as though Good News for tlic Million. The subscriber hastens to lay the import- ant intelligence before the public, that her has added largely to his already large stock of fashionable and seasonable Cloths, Cassimeres, Vcslings, &c which he will make up to order on short no tice, in a manner satisfactory to all. JIi shelves, literally groan beneath the Really lailc Clofliiflg with which they arc loaded. Coats, Overcoats, Pants and Vests made of the best material, and in the most fashionable manner, at prices to suit all. Hats and Caps? Boots and Shoes, &'c. &c. &S and indeed every thing with which he has heretofore supplied the public, will be found ready for inspection and sale at prices which defy competition. ; Thankful for favors heretofore received ntf I hopes to merit a continuance of public favor at the old stand. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Stroudsburg, Dec. 8, 1805. Sontbciiucr & Menmauii, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 4 FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, STROUDSBURG, PA, , August 11, 1804. tf,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers