SITRAOT BUCHU; HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. The Only ESwowti Reisietly for DIABETES, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, In- Jlamalion of the Kidneys, Catarrh oj the Bladder, Stranguary or pain ful Urinating. For those diseases it is truly a sovcrcigi rcmedv. and too much cannot be said in it praise." A single dose Jias been known to relieve the most unrein symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the tups! A teaspoonlull a uay ot Ucim hold's Buchu will relieve you. FKYSICIAKS A WD TTSIERS PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. Ilclm- bold's Extract Buchu is composed of Buchu, Cubcbs, and Jumper Berries, selected with great care, prepared in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMIST11Y. These innrrcdidnts aro known as the most valuable Diuretics afforded. ft! 1C Is that which acts upon the kidneys. HELKBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCOU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious properties, and immediate m its ac tion. FOR THE SATISFACTION" OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dis pensatory of the U. S., of which the follow injr is a correct copy : "BurJui. Its odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It is given chief y in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation oflhe Bladder aim Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Inrontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the pirts concerned in its evacuation, It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Butancous Affections, and Drop?)'." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Professor De-wees' valuable works on the Practice of Physic. Sec Remarks made by the celebrated Dr, Physic, of Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medi cine. Fltcai THE LARGEST M 5? 113 tft ft 1? PI i! 0" CliCMlSt Pi IX THE WORLD. I am acquainted with II. T. Helmbold ; he occupied the drug Etore opposite my resi dence, and was sucressful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before hitnl I have been favorable im pressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WEIGHTSI AN, (Firm of Powers & Weighlman,) Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. From the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, March 10lh, We are gratified lohcar of the continued success, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold, Druggist His fclore, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 23 feet front, 230 feel deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. ITn retains his Office and Laboratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertistcd, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS. And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quack ery, or the Patent Medicine order most of which are prepared by self-styled Doctors, who, are too ignorant to read a physician's Eimpiest prescription, much less competent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. These Parties Eesort vnnnnc mennq nf fifinc.tincr sales. SUCll 1 Ul iwuo - - CJ as copying parts of advertisements of popular I J IT I .1. in r t.tifVi fart 1 I rc remeuies, a.uu iiiiiMnu mm The Science of Medicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, MAJESTIC, having- Fact for its TJasis, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTTO Health is most important ; and the afflicted should not use an advertised medicine, or any remedy, unless its contents or ingredients are known to other besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied ofthe qualifications of the party so offering. HELMBOLD'S hemline Preparation. FLUID EYTRACT BUCHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Established upwards of 16 years. " Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMI CAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broad way, Arcw York. Ani HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DE POT, 104 South Tenth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. " . 1 . - : ..SOLI? .BY AE.-IL DKU.GiSYS. 'lober 10,1365. iter's A compound remedy, in -which wo have lalorcd to produce the most effectual akorative that can jjc made. It w a concentrated extract of Para Snrsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still "renter alterative i'0vcr as to afford an effective antidote for the uiscascs barsapanlia is reputed to cure. 1 1 is believed that each a rcm edv is wanted by those who suffer from Sum mons complaint?, and that one which will ac complish their cure must prove of immense ser vice to this largo class of our afflicted fullow- citizens. I low comVietelv thw compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to bc'found of the following complaints : ScnorcLV axij Scnorcxors Compi.aixts, Eritiioxs axj Enui'Tiv:: .Diseases, Ur ci:p.s, Puir-Lus, Ei.orci:ns, "Tujiors, Salt lxiiKUir, Sca:.i IIi:a:, Syimiilis and Svrrn litic Affections, Ikkclt.iai. Disease, Dkoi'SY, Nnua.u.oi.v on Tic Doulocheaux, Dekility, Dyspepsia and 1:-igestiox, Er.Y3irnr.AS. Kose. ok St. Anthony's 1'iee, nnd indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IiipuitiTY oi the Blood. This compound will be found a-prcat pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to cx- el the foul humors which tester in the blood at that season of t!iJ year. By the timely expul sion of them many rankling disorders arc nipped in the bud.. Multitudes Win, by the aid of this remedy, spare thv.m?elvcs from the endurance cf foul eruptions an 1 ulccrou ; r ores, through which the system will strive to rid itc!f of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body bran nHi-rativc medicine. Clcanso out the vi;iatcd blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in pimples, eruptions, or 6oicj ; clear.po it when you find it is obstructed and shurgish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something miiot go wrong, and the grct machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Snrsaparilla ha, and deserves much, the repu tation of accomplishing thcr-c ends. But the world has been crcgiously deceived by prepara tions of it, partly because the drag alone has not all the virtue tint i.4 claimed for it. but more be cause many preparations, pretending to bo con centrated extracts f;f it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsapnrilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been misled by large bottle;, pretending to give a quart of Extract of S-irsaparilla for one dollar. Most cf these have been frauds upon die sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Snrsaparilla, but often n"o curative properties whatever. Hence, Utter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the vsriouH extracts of Saisaparilla which fioml the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with" imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sartapari'.Ia, and intend to supp'.y such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have'g-.'Ound for ifclieving it has vir tues which are irresistible by the ordinary run cf the disease-- it is intended to cure. Tn order to seenre tlseir complete eradication from the sys tem, the remedy should lc judiciously taken, ac cording to directions on the bottle. rUEPAUED nx DB.7. C. A1TEI2 & CO. j L O'YT E L L, 11 A S S. Xr:cc, SI per Eottlc ; G5:c Sotitso for G3. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral lias v.-onAr itself such a renown for the cure of ' even- variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, ttiat" it is entirely unnecessary for ns to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it lias long iven ni constant use fc.anghont this ri;on, we iiecxl not do more iian asssarc the people iJfi qnalin is kept up to the lc,t it ever In- tK-cn, and tlmt it may l)3 re- lied on to do for their relief ail it has ewr been found to do. Aycr's Cathartic Jrilh, ron the cunn of Cosfivsaess:, Jaundice, Vyaprpna, Indigestion, I!,se.Ury, Ftd tSio-ixirh, Jr'v:pelns, Iifailcche, JPties, JiheuiiHiliua, Erjptimsaisd Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tutmjrs and Sail Bhann, llorws, Go-it, Xettrahjirz, as a Din ner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They arc sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can rake" them pleasantly, and they arc tho best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Pries 25 cents per Bos ; Five Boxes for $1.00. . Great nuraocrs of C.crrymcn. Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent pcr.-onagc:, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled useful ness of those remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish graiis our Amkuican Al kakac in which they are given; with also full jdescriptions of the aixvc complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put otr by uaprincipalcd dealers with other preparations "they make more profit on. Demand Ayeii's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by - William Ilolllnsliead, Drchcr & Bro. Stroudsburg, Pa., also, by Druggists and dealers in Medicine everywhere. At whole sale by J. M. Moris, & Co., Philadelphia. September 23, 18C5.-ly. aianhoods how Losi3 hor Resioredi Just published, a new edition of Dr. CesS vet wciil's De!oSra- tct Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spkiimatou- uiicea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Pliysical Incapacity', Impediments to Mar riage, etc.; also Coxsumptio:., Epilepsy, and Fits; induced by self-indulgence or sex ual extravagance. QT" Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author in this admirable es say clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years1 successful practice, that the alarming con sequence of solf-abusc may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medi cine or the application of the knife point ing out a mode of cure at once simple, cer tain , and effectual, by means of which eve ry sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. ID3 This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, -post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the pub lishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Elttxvery, New YorK, Post of fice box 4586. March 22,.1SGG. ly. SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! Itch ! Itch S Itch ! Try Ilollinshead's Itch Ointment, a sure cure for that troublesome disease. War ranted to cure, or the money refunded. Not injurious. Prepared and sold at W. JIOLLLNSHEAD'S Drug-Store. Stroudsburg, Jan. 11th, 1866. BLANK LJ3ASJS.S For Sale at this Office. By buying of CHARLES H. KELLER, tlin following named superior articles cheap for Cash. I have the finest assortment of for Men, Women and Ciiii.duen's wear that has ever been offered in town, consisting ot 3Tcn's, Boys, and Childrcns Boots, Women's Glove Kid Polish Boots. Misses' do dp. do, do Children's do do do do Women's Moroco Polish do Misses' do do do Children's do do do These arc a new and beautiful style of Ladies Boots of the finest quality, and just suited for cold weather. Also, a fine assort ment of Common Shoes, for" Women, Misses and Children. - Also, a splendid assortment of Gums and Sandals for Men, Women and children. I have also a fine assortment of Linen and Woolen Shirts, of a superior quality, together with Stock TXfis. Neck-Ties. Collars, &c. Also, a quantity of the best quality of Heavy and Light SULU-JjUATUUU ; to gether with a lot of the best Men's and French Morocco Also, Lining, Bindings, Lasts, Boot-Trees of all sizes, Thread, Wax, Nails, Pincers, Punches, Eyelet-set, and Eye letts, Peg Cutters and Shoemakcrslrik, &c, &c. Store opposite Marsh's Hotel. CHARLES B. KELLER. Stroudsburg, Nov. 30, 1865. bo me mm: PURE BOHB BUST! The Rest and Cheapest Manure. FINELY ground Bones, expressly fix WHEAT, RYE, CORN, BUCK WHEAT, OATS, POTATOES. GRASS, FRUIT TREES, GRAPE VINES, VEGE TABLES, &c. As most Bone Dust and Fertilizers are largely adulterated, to satisfy consumer: that this article is strictly pure, each bill of sale is accompanied with a certified state ment that each package of Bone Dust is en tirely free from adulteration. To this fact our freight agents, car men and workmen, can at all times testify Farmers will do well to send for our cir cular, giving full particulars of this valua ble fertilizer. As our stock is hmjtcd, we advise our customers to order early. Packet! in Siiks :ml EJfisSs. .'t Liberal Discount Allowed to Dealers A. J. BREINIG, Allcntown, Pa. N. B. Persons reading this advortiscmenl will do bone-gatherers a favor by bringing us to their notice, as we pay the' highest price for Bone?. JUarch lo, 18GG. 3m ARE YOU AFFLICTED WITH A UCtH or GOLD Arc You Predisposed (o Consump tion ? Are the lives of your children in jeopardy from sudden and repealed attacks of Croup 3 f so purchase a box of BLADES' EUPHONIAL LTJBBICATi The People's most sure and effectual Rem edy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Ca tarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dip lheria'm and all Pulmonary Diseases. The Lubricator is a medicinal prepara tion in Ilia form of a Lozenge, which of al modes is the most pleasant and convenient. They contain no deleterious ingredient, and are warranted to be always safe even for the weakest and most- sensitive stomach. In Croup they give immediate relief. For Cough and Colds they are invaluable. For Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis they have no equal in the market, (vide Certifi cates accompanying each box.) Dipthcria, that dreaded and desolating disease, they control wonderfully and almost immediately. No Public Speaker, Singer or Teacher, should be without them, as they remove hoaiscness and strengthen and clear the voice. j (7Ahvays use them in time, and if the Symptoms are severe upc very freely. J. II. BLADES & Co., Prop's, El mini, N. Y. F. C. Wells & Co., 115 and 117 Franklin St., Agents for N. Y. City. DREI1ER & BRO. Agents, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 15, 18GG. ly. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Stroudsburg. and surroun ding country, that he has commenced the above business in Fowler's building, on THizabcth street, and is fully prepared to furnish any article in his line of business, at short notice. On hand at all times, a large stock of Harness, Whips, Trunks, Vulices, Car pct Bags, Jlorsc-Blankcts, Bells, Skates, Oil Cloths, Ac. Carriage Trimming promptly attended to. JOHN 0. SAYLOlt. Stroudsburg, Dec. 14, 18G5. STEPHEN HOLfvlES, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STROUDSBTTItG, PENNA. Office with . S. E reiser, Esq. N. B. Special attention paid to the filing of Pension papers, and the collection of back pay, and bounties of sr iers, JLEY-rIS D. VAIL. GEORGE D. STIIOUD TAIL and STJBOVD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Have removed their Oillce lo No. 703 San sorn Struct, ifcfrch 17, 1SG4. Philii4lc!ilia 1 1 0UkWfti ATBB. The astonishing success which has atten ded this invaluable medicine proves it to be the most perfect remedy ever discovered. No language can convey an'adeqtiatc idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change which it occasions to the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it stands xn- rivalled as a remedy for the permanent cure of DIABETES, IMPOTENCY, LOSS OF MUSCULAR ENERGY, PHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDIGES TION, NON-RETENTION, or INCONTINENCE OF URINE, IRRITATION, INFLAMATION or ULCER ATION OF THE BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, DIS EASES OF THE PROSTRATE" GLAND, STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCVLUS, GRAVEL, or BRICK- DUST deposit, and all Diseases or Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, Women, or Chil dren. JFor (Iiosc Diseases Peculiar to Females, CotiKliistlaon Wa ter is a Sovereign Itcns cdy. These Irregularities are the cause of fre quently recurring disease, and through ne- . . . 1 L. .1 A gleet tlic seeus oi more grave unu uunyui ous maladies are the result : and as month alter month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the difficulty becomes chronic, the patient gradually loses her ap petite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, ana consumption nnany ends her career. For sale by all Druggists. , Price, 1. W. H. GREGG & CO., proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN, General Affonts, No. 46 Cliff street, N. Y Win. Hollinshcad, Drehcr & Brother, Stroudsburg, Pa. February 1, 18GG.-Gm. Important to Everybody. The subscribers would inform the public very respectfully, that they arc carrying on the Moot & Shoe 2SsaszBses ' feat their old stand, one door above the Express Office, on Elizabeth St.. fetrouds burg, Pa., where they will be happy to wait on their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to call. They have on hand a good arrortment of BOOTS & SHOES, for men. women, misses' and childrens' wear, Gum over Shoes and Sandals for men, youth and misses. A general assortment of Lasts and Boot-Trees, shoe jl bread, Wax, licel Nails. Pincers. Punches, Evciettsand Eye- lctt Setts, Pegs and Peg-Cutters, Shoe Ham mers. Crimninrr'Boards and Screws, also, li ning and binding skins, a good articic of Tampico Boot Morocco, French Morocco and French Calfskins, Lasting and all kinds of Shoemaker tools. Ink Powder and Shoe Blacking, and Frank Miller's water-proof oil blacking. All ot which they oner lor sale at small advance upon cost. Uivc us a call, no chartrns for showing coods. j . o or P. S. Boots and Shoes made to order and warranted. CHARLES WATERS &, SON. Stroudsburg, Jan. IS, 1SG6. ouatt9s - YegclaMs Condition Poivdersi Prepared from Youalt's originalrccipc, by WM. EOLLLNSHEAD, DRUGGIST. The manufacturer of the above Pow der, takes pleasure in recommending it to the owners or Ilorscs, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, as being the best thing of the kind eVcr offered to the public. In the spring of the year when a horse is about shedding his coat, nothing will do nun better service than a teaspoonful of the Powder every morning, well mixed with his feed. This Poicder is a preventive of disease as ivcll as a cure. Distemper. It has cured hundreds of horses of this troublesome disease. caws. This Powder given in the same man ner, for the same disease, will procure safe and speedy cures. HOGS. Jlogs and young Pigs during the sum mer, after overheating themselves, get swelled necks, coughs, ulcers in the lungs and liver, which causes them to die sud denly. These affections may be entirely prevented by putting a pound of " You att's Poicder" into a barrel of swill. It will hasten the fatening process. Price 80 cts. 4 Packages SI. Try it and be convinced. " W. HOLLINSHEAD. Sold by S. a. Peters, Dushkill, W. N. Peters, Marshall's C'k. A. Frease, Shawnee. March 22, 1806. 3m. Ctotbie Bali Brag Store. William IHtolSiEishcad, Wholesale and Retail Bnigsfist. STROUDSBUllG, Pa. Constautlv on hand nnd for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish. Ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; also Sash, b2ai&fls asad loors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. 1 . S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 18G-1. TIN SHOP! The undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has now opened a TIN SHOP, on Main street, near the Stroudsburg Mills, onnosito Troch & Walton's, formerly R. S. Staples' Store, where ho is prepared to manufacture and sell at wholesale and retail all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iroii-Warci ALSO, Stovcg, Stove Pipe and Elbows. Old and second hand Stoves bought and sold, at cash rates. CASH paid for Old Lead, Copper and Brass. (r Roofing, Spouting and Repairing nromptly attended to and warranted tn irivn satisfaction. Cull and see for pourselves. WILLIAM KEISER. Stroudsburg, Dec. 8, 1SG5. ' y CONSTITUTION W lEf LIQUOR STORE. Important notice to Landlords and all others in want of PURE LIQUORS, at very low prices. The undersigned having recently open ed a LIQUOR STORE" in the room for merly occupied by Mr. Robt. R. Depuy, Stroudsburg, arc prepared to offer Li quors, Wines, &c, at prices ranging from 25 cts. to SI 00 per gallon less than the same quality can be purchased at in the cities. We also guarantee in every instance, our Liquors pure, and free from all Drugs and compounds, and cordially invite Land Lords and all others in want of anything in our line, to favor us with a call, or, if more convenient, their orders, which will always be met with prompt at tention, and in cither case pure Liquors guaranteed at a great saving of money. Wc also, especially call attention to our Raspberry and Strawberry Syrups, which for richness of flavor and taste, cannot be surpassed. J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co. Stroudsburg, July 13, 1SG5. kb er DEALERS in Clocks 3 Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Cooss, Stationery, Weill Paper, Notions, &c, &e. They have rccenllv Durchased "MEL ICJCS OLD STAND;'' and with increased facilities for business, and a determination lo please, feel justified in asking the con tinued patronage of the old customers of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and Piiii..v belpiiia, and in possession of peculiar ad vantages in this respect, they are prepared to sell CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEW ELRY, of superior make and finish as well also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rates. They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of Silver and Plated Ware, Tea Sjwons, Cas tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all lands, Childrcns Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Giins and Pistols, Lamps of all kinds and 1'ixtures; superior Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, School Books, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, eje, yc. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and l'ruil Cans of every de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clock?, Watches and Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Ware and filled with dispatch. Stroudsburg, May 19, 1SG4. tf AND The undersigned having completed his new i'oundry and .Machine Shop would re spectfully inform his old friends, and the public generally, that he i Mlly prepared to till all orders m lnslinc with promptness, and in a style superior even to what he was able to do in the old establishment destroyed by the flood. Having a full assortment of pat terns made of the best material, he is pre pared to supply all demands lor Mill Work, Bark KiiZg, Plotf Cast ings and Sasli weights, STEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WORK, tfcc, &c. Being an experienced workman nimscir, and employing none but the best hands and the best material, tho nnhliY. mar rest assured that all work coming from his shop will be fully equal, if not superior, to that produced -by any other establishment in the country. The new Foundry and Ma chine Shop is located on Walton street, near Elizabeth street, in the borough of burg, where the orders of old friends as well as new one arc solicited. Orders from a pistancc may be addressed, per mail, to Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. September 4th, 1862. Has nermanontlv loiviti'd him. ?ASen 111 btroudshurnr n, innv-pfl his office next dooi tn Dr. S. Walton, where ho is fnllv nrnnnrrwl tn trnnt he natural teeth, and also to insert incorrun-' i.wm arimciai icein on pivot and plate, m tqc latest and most improved mannnr. Mnii persons know the danger and folly of trust mg tneir worjc to the ignorant as well as the travel inir dentist. It matters not- hnw much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance it is frequently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav be, other wise the inconvenience and trouble of goin so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All work warranted. Stroudsburg, March 27, 18G2. HOWARD ASSOCIA'JCffOIV. PHILADELPHIA. Diseases of the Ncrvuos. SeminnJ. 7").; nary and Sexual Systems new and re liable treatment in reports of tho How ard Association sent bv niflil in cnnl ed letter envolopcs, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKLLLIN HOUGH TON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Nrath Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Juno 22, 18G5.-ly, MASON lagics1, niul Paper Jla'nsrcr, Will attend to, and promptly execute, all orders with which he may be favored. Prom his long experience in the various branches of his business, he feels confident of render ing entire satisfaction in his work. He may be found at hia shop, on Simpson street, Stroudsburg, Pa. I'atronage respectfully solicited. March 30,1802.. New Foundry MACHINE SHOP. MONROE COUNTY jtftitual Fire Insurance Company, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Properly Imurcd 1,050,000. The rale of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual loss by fire that may fall upon members of the Company. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and afford the fullest security, with the largest economy and convenience. This company will not issue Tanneries, Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be mado lo cither of the Managers, Surveyors or Sec retary. MANAGERS. J. Depuc Labar, Jacob Kncclit, Richard S. Staples, John Edinger, Silas L. Drake, Godlieb Auracher, Charles D. Brodhcad, Jacob Stouffer, Robert Boys, Theodore b'choch, Sm'l S. Dreher, Thomas W. Rhodes, Stogdcll Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B. Dreiier, Secretary and Treasurer. Silas L. Drake, Melchoir Spragle, Surveyors. F. A. Oppelt, ) The stated meeting of the board of Managers takes place at tho Secretary's of fice, on the firdt Tuesday of each month, at 1 o'olock P. M. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1S63. PIUS ST08E PIIEIIKI! & BROTHER, (Succebsors to Durhng &. Boys,) Respectfully notify the public, that hav ing purchased the above establishment, they will continue the Drug and Medicine busi ness, at the old stand. The room is commo dious, and is fitted up with every convenience for the dispatch of business and tho accommo dation of customers. Havingmadc large ad ditions to their already largestock of Drugs, fried ieiues, Perfumery, &ctJ purchased with a view to the ac tion of the new tax and tariff laws, they are prepared to offer rare bargains to purchasers. READER, If you want pure, fresh Drugs and Medi cines, call on Dreher &. Brother. If you wrant 'first quality Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs, call on Dreher & Brother. If you want Perfumery, m almost endless variety, call on Droher & Brother. If you want Lamps ant! pare, safe am cheap Burning Oils, call on Drehcr & Brother. If you want any of the most popular Pat ent Medicines, or those which are not quite so popular, call on Dreher &, Brother. "If you want the heft Cigars or a choice article of Chcicing Tobacco, call on Droher i- Brother. If you want Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, call on Dreher & Brother- If you want pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal, sacramental or other uses, call on Dreher & Brother. If you want the best of Hair, Tooth, Naij and Cloth Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Cosmet ics and Toilet Articles generally, call on Dreher & Brother. In short, If you want any thing usually kept i:; a well regulated Drug Store, you can only "ne sure to get a pure and genuine article by calling on Dreher &. Brothf-r. The undersigned hope, by strict attention to business, and a desfre to meet the wants of the public, to merit a continuance and in crease ofthe patronage heretofore extended to the Phormlx. GEO. IirDllEIJER. E. B. DRDIIER. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1S33. LIVERY BUSINESS. Vfm. Himtsniaji, Proprietor. H.-i ving purchased ihs stock i&lloly owupiI by Kautz nnd'Hh Huntsman, 1 lako this onnortniiiiv tn notify my friends ami tho public irenerally. ih .t I h.tve adued cuir-idurabitj new stuck in the same, and will contiirdc the business at llie ckt stand, on Franklin street, where I am prepared to hire horses and the lowest cash rates. My horses are safe, fast and gentle, and their vehicles consist of all kinds, to suit the taste of the fastidious. Attentive ostlers always on hand, and drivers mrnisncu wiien desired. Call and see for yourselves. Strancers taken to anv n.nt nf the country nt short notice. They will con- nunc 10 run ine new omnibus between this borough and the Railroad Denat. fntending to go on the railroad will be calleil tor at any part ot the borough, by leaving meir names at me omcc near the stuble. The omnibus will also be at tho ilnnnt arrival of trains to convey passengers into iuu ii. No pains will be snared to to all who may favor them with their patron age. WILLIAM HUNTSMAN. New Coafcelionery. Tho Subscriber informs his friends. and the public generally, that he has o pened au extensive Confectionery Store, in tho Borough of Stroudsburg, four doora below "ltustcr's Clothing Store" Everything in the lino of Confectione ry, French or Domestic; all kinds of arwirs, CANDIES, LJGilZONS, AisFL,E, Can bo had at CITY PRICES, either at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. UAlso A lot of Choice Flowers." Plcaso call and examing his Stock. JAMES B A LLENT YNE. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1S64. tf. ' BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Ofile
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers