i l)C 3cffcvsomnu, THUESDAY, JUHE7,1860. UiIOi STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, Major General JOHN W. GEAR?, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. The Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia adjourned without coming to a decis ion on the Constitutionality of the Law of Congress disfranchising deserters from the army. The bill passed by the State Legislature having been signed by the Governor is, therefore, a law of the State: at least until a decision adverse to its pro visions is had. Look to your Fastenings. The dwelling of 31 r. Robert Boys, in this borough, was entered by thieves ou Tuesday afternoon, during the absence of the family, and the cellar relieved of quite a quantity of provisions. "When the person in charge of the house, Mr. and Mrs. Boys being absent in the west, re turned, pics, cakes, &c, had disappeared, and the doors which had been carefully closed stood open. We would admon ish all to look well to their door fasten ings. fsf We observe that Levanway has his rooms very neatly Gtted up, and is now dispensing to his customers Ice Cream, cool, rich and luscious. Wc doubt whether the cities cau afford a place where so pure and excelleut ah article can be found. Reader, a word to the wise is said to be sufficient. Levanway still con tinues to supply bread, cakes, candies, nuts, fruits, ale, mead, &c, &c, to order, and everything of the best quality. We have sampled the ale, which is from Lauer's celebrated Brewery at Heading, and found it to be both delicious and re freshing. Sarsaparilla. This tropical root has a reputation wide as the world, for curing one class of dis orders that afflict mankind a reputation too which it deserves as the best antidote wc possess for scrofulous complaints. But to be brought iuto use, its virtues must he concentrated and combined with other medicines that increase its power. Some reliable compound of this character is much needed in the commuuity. Bead the advertisement of Dr. Ayer's Sarpa rilla in our columns, and wc know it ceds no encomium from us to give our citizens confidence in what he offers. Organ, Syracuse. X. Y. Egs S. B. Howes imnionsc Equestrian anu Zoological Exhibition will visit this place on Tuesday nest. This is said to be the largest establishment now travel ing in this country, and is on its first tour after an absence of seven years in Eu rope. Before visiting Europe, Howes' circus had earned lor itself an csalted reputation, both professionally and mor ally, and from the encomiums heapei upon it by the English, French and Ger- man Frets during its sojourn abroad, we judge that it has lost nothing in these respects during its absence. The Grand Entree into towns in which it exhibits is said to amply repay a journey of mile3 to hcc. Wc advise all who intend coming to town -to see the show to come early so as 10 tee the whole of it. A living Lion in the streets is one of the outside attrac tions, aud the performances of the most brilliant male and female artists, with the wonderful deeds of Mr. Pierce, in the den of Lions, form the attractions within the canvass. The 4th of July. TTe would remind our readers that while the glorious and ever to be remem bered 4th of July is rapidly approaching nothing is being done to provide for its proper observance in this section of coun try. If ever there was a time when the celebration of the day was due from the citizens of the country that time is now, when the enemiesof the Constitution have been threshed into submission and peace has again spread her wings over the land, after one of the bloodiest and mightiest wars of modern times. Now, if ever, wc should heed the suggestions of the elder Adams, and with thanksgivings to God, with feastings and rejoicings, with booming of cannon aud the rattling oi small arms, with the music of bands and of spirit stirring drums and fifes, with bonfires and illuminations and fireworks, and, in sho:t, with every possible demonstration of joy, should we attest our remembrance of the men of " the times which tried men's souls," and of those heroes of later date who marched forth to preseve the noble temple of liberty which the fathers had erected for us. We can have parade, and oration and reading of the Declaration, andjprayerand benediction without danger becoming a bit the worse for it; aud we should have them on the day of our na tion's birth. Men and brethren of Strouds- Jjurg and vicinity, shall we celebrate the f jjiorious 4th ? COURT PROCEEDINGS. The May Term of our Court commenced on Monday, May 28th., Present, Asso- ciatesLcvering and Mackey. J udge Bar rett, owing to the illness of his wife, was not present, and consequently uo cases were tried. The Grand Jury was organ ized by appointing llobcrt Dcpuy, Fore man. Com. vs. Frederick Bush, Hannah E. Gorr, Anna Maria Gorr and Catharine Bnsh, for Assault and Battery. Grand Jury returned a true bill. Com. vs. John H. Gorr, for cutting timber trees. Grand Jury returned a true bill. Com. vs. John Eustine. Grand Jury returned a true bill. Com. vs. W. II. Cortright. Indict ment for Larceny. Grand Jury returned a true bill. Com. vs. Samuel Frederick, for Forni cation and Bastardy. Grand Jury return cd a true bill. Com. vs. Phillip Rockafcllow. Indict ment for selling Liquor without license- Graud Jury returned a true bill. Little was done at this Court (except the granting of licenses) in consequeuce of the absence of the President Judge. The follawing Licences were granted Tavern Licenses. JJarrctt Township. Wilkinson Price, Chcsnuthill. Elizabeth Kresge, John Mcrwine, Linford Heller, Jerome Kresge, Joseph Butts, Jacob K. Shafer, Daniel Kresjre, Coolbaitgh. Michael R. Smith, Samuel Case, Andrew Scbring, Thomas Callaghan, Eldrcd. Joseph Hawk, Nelson Ilcfilcfinger, Thomas Mi.seH, Hamilton. Thomas E. Heller, Josiah Fenner, Charles Bossird, Valentine Ilonser,' Samuel Dennis, Charles Savior, Middle Smith field. James Place, Oliver E. Place, Paradise. Reuben Newhart, Abraham Gish, Pocono. Clnrlcs Brown, Manassah Miller, Lewis Heller, Polk Township, Joel Berlin, Aaron Ser'ass, Daniel Kerchncr, Jacob W. Kresge, Mary Dotter, Jones Snyder, Ross Township, Jacob II. Slocker, Reuben Ilartzcll, Sarah Lessig, Smithjicld. Thomas Brodhead, Luke W. Brodhcad, Isaac S. Labar, Stroud Township Delp & Det rick, Stroudsburg Borough, Barnet Mansfield, Linford Marsh, Jacob Kntcht, Peter &. James Bush, Tobyhannah, Isaac Stouffor, Henry Stoddart, Tunkhannock. Benjamin F. Schafer, Reuben Barrel!, Reuben B. Bonser, LIQUOR STORES. Drehcr &. Brother, Stroudsburg. Jerome S. Williams & Co., do Court adjourned on Thursday last. JGST" The Fire Engine purchashed by our citizens from the borough authorities of Easton, with Hose Carriage and nose, arrived here on Thursday afternoon last. On Saturday a company was extemporized to try the apparatus, when it was prov en to the satisfaction of all who witnessed the trial that a bargain had been secured such as is seldom met with. The ma chinery is in excellent repair, though pos sibly a little stiff for want of use. Should occasion require its use, (which wc hope sincerely may never be.) with the excel lent company now organizing, it will with out doubt prove a most valuable aid in the extinguishment of fires. It will not be long wc opine ere the "Phoenix" will become one of Stroudsburg's noted "insti tutions." The Editor of the Conficld, Ohio Jlcr aid soys : "Wheaton's Itch Ointment. It has been said that to 'get the itch is no disgrace, but it is disgraceful to keep it.' Xo one need have the itch forty-eight hours if they will use 'Wheaton's Oint ment,' for it is a sure care ! We saw it tried on the persons of several children and adults a few weeks since, and the itching at once ceased, in two days not an eruption was visible. It is effectual in removing pimples, blotches, and espe cially old sores. We used the Ointment on one of our own children, and the ef fects was magical. The itch, which has been so prevalent about here, has not yielded to the usual remedies for this com plaint, and we are glad that a remedy has been discovered that is so cffectural and yet so cheap. Head the advertisement. The result of the vote is West Virgin ia on the Constitutional Amendment de nying the right of suffrage to those who took part in the rebelliou, fully confirms the first reports that were published. The inajorityjn its favor will be over 10,- 000. Twenty-three counties voted for the amendment, and three against it. Such of the late rebels within that State as wish hereafter to enjoy the privilege of voting, will be obliged to emigrate o Pennsylvania or some other place where the Democratic ticket can be strengthened by their ballots. The shipment of wheat and flour from Lurope to this country isbei mon. The City of Cork brin ecoming coni- tru JOS nncl'c of French flour. JT" The following letter was received by us the other day, and although a strict ly private one, and we have been desired under no circumstances to publish it, yet as it contains sentiments so nearly accord ing with our own oft repeated sugges tions to-the people of this county, and such good common-sense views of things in general, we are induced to give the let ter to the public, even at the risk of be ing thought guilty of a breach of confi dence. Ed. WiLivESBARitE, Pa., Junclst, 18GG. Mr. Schoch : Dear Sir: Having visited Strouds burg the other day on business, and hav ing a few leisure hours on my hands, I emplo3'cd them in making a personal in spection of the new Woolen Factory erec ted in your borough. As I have had some years' experience in putting up and workiug of various kinds of machinery, I may without egotism, perhaps be allowed to claim some knowledge on the subject ; and when 1 say that I kuow of uo mill in this State or elsewhere better adopted to the business for which it is designed, or fitted with a better class of machinery, I say merely what every candid observer must acknowledge to be true. I consider the erection of this fine manufactory an event of great importance iu the history not only of your town, but of the sur rounding country. It shows that the conviction which has long pressed upon the minds of your business men has at last taken shape and action, a convic tion that the future prosperity of your couuty must depend upon manufacturers. The lumber interest of Mouroe is upon the wane, and not many years will elapse, before it must cease to be depended upon as a source of revenue. As an agricultu ral count' you can never prosper. Na turc has imposed insuperable obstacles to your success in the cultivation of the soil. Your hills once stripped of their forest growth, and your soil only mode rately productive in return for the most assiduous cultivation, your future certain ly does uot appear to be a brilliant one, in any pursuit save that for which Na turc, in her dispensations, has especially designed you, manufacturing. To thi you will eventually come, your streams will be dotted with numerous factories and workshops, and your valleys resound with the hum of countless wheels ; and the erection of the Stroudsburg Mill is the first step in the right direction. Although I was informed that your mill had been but a few weeks in opera tion. I was surprised at the fine quality of the work produced, which will certain ly compare favorably with any goods of the kind manufactured in this country or abroad. The wholesale prices, too, as given uie by the agent in charge, is sev eral per cent lower than the same quali t of goods cau be purchased for elsewhere The merchants of your county will, o course, appreciate the immense advan tage of being able to purchase their stocl of these" goods at home instead of havinir to go to the cities, and pay a higher price for an interior article. In addition to supplying -our home market, you will, of course, when you get fully into opera tion command a large trade abroad. At the time of my visit, I learned that the original shares of the capital stock, had been all taken, but I was informed that a meeting of the Stockholders would soon be held for the purpose of considering the propriety of increasing the capital stock from 533,000 to 40,000, for the purpose of furnishing an additional working capital. I was also informed that the subscribers to this additional stock would be upon an equality in all respects with the original subscribers. As you are my only acquaintance in Stroudsburg, I write to you to ask you as a special favor, to ascertain for me wheth er this increase of stock has been author ized, and if so, to secure for me ten shares (81,000) immediately, and I will send you my check for the amount. Lastly I desire to say that this letter, although I know you are an editor, is to be regarded as strictly private and confi dential, and under no circumstances to be published. Very truly your friend, Fred. W. Hathaway. The Tax on Bank Notes. So many incorrect statements in refer ence to the ten per cent, tax on the is sues of banks organized under State laws", are traversing the newspapers, that it may be "worth while to correct them. The law of Congress (March 3, 1865,) reads as follows : "Sec. G. And be it further enacted, That every National Banking Association, State Bank, State Bankintr Association, shall nnv a tax often per cent, on the amount of notes oi any totate Uanu or State Banking Asso ciation paid out by them, after the first dnv of July, 18GG." It will be noticed that the tax is impos ed only on Banks navinc out other notes " ? than those of National Banks, or United States leral tenders, and that in no ensp. u t can the tax be imposed on individuals, merchants, brokers, or agents (if individ uals) paying them out, or using them iu their business. Exchange. The New five-cent piece is to be of the same size as the three-dollars gold coin. Three of these coins will weigh a half ounce, and be convenient for a postage weigutt The Fenian War Begun. The war between the Fenians for the redemption of Ireland, and the British Government, was inaugurated by the landing of a body of the former in Cana da, on Saturday last. The point seized upon was in the vicinity of the town oi Fort Erie. This was held until Monday, when the Fenian force was attacked by the British forces, in numbers said to exceed the Fenians. The British soldiers were repulsed with several killed, and a laree number wounded. The Feuians also suffered considerably. After the- bat tle the Fenians fearing the arrival of strong reinforcements for their opponents, re em bark for the United S tates, when about400 of them, including Col. O'Neill the com mander of the force, were captured by the U. S. Gunboat Michigan. It is ar gued from this, by many, that the attempt to start the ball of war in Canada, by the Fenians, was a fizzle, and that the move ment is, for the present at least, dead. On the other hand it is argued in favor of the Fenians, that all that was designed to be accomplished was accomplished ; that Col. O'Neill's movement was but a blind to draw the attention of the Canadian au thorities from the real and more import ant points of attack, and that in this res pect it was eminently successful. The excitement both in Canada, and along our own frontier is intense. Large bodies of men are constantly arriving at Buffalo. Ogdcnsburg, and other points, with the avowed purpose of joiuiog the Fenian movement; and arms and 'ammunition are constautly being seized by the Union army, stationed along the border to pre vent a breach of the neutrality laws. Amid all the Fenians are holding meetings al over the country, and crowing lustly for what they call the success which has thus far attended their efforts. They claim that within less than two weeks they wil have at least a hundred thousand men in the field. While we are not a Fenian, wc do not hesitate to say that we would have no tears to shed over their complete success in their attempt to redeem Ireland from tliG rasp of the British Lion. i. Affairs in Europe. The news from Enrope by the steamers which arrived ou Sunday seemed toautho rize indulgence in the hope that it mighi be vet possible to preserve the peace be tween the nations confronting each other on the Continent. The efforts to assent ble a conference of all the European pow crs had progressed so far that Austria had agreed to be represented iu that body But the news received yesterday, which brings the rumor that France has re solved to put her ariny on a war footing shows, if it is true, that the. Emperor has but little hope of preventing a war. To put the French army on a war foot ing, at present means uotlung "more than the occupation of the frontiers. But it also places Napoleon in a position to in tervene whenever he thinks that a favora ble opportunity has arrived and that may be soon. Meanwhile, all the powers which have been arming continue their work. They have not thought that it is necessary for them to stop their preparations on ac count of the conference. They have no confidence iu its deliberations, and think that it is best to be fully prepared. From Roumania there come tidings which betoken the commencement of hostilities there or a speedy settlement of the question Who shall be Ilospodar ? Prince Charles, of Hohcuzollern. who was elected Ilospodar by the plebiscite, has determined to take advantage of the of fer, and he made his entry into Bucharest. Turkey protests against his assumption of that power, and declares her determina tion to prevent it by occupyiug Roumania with her own troops. It is now announc ed that a combined force of Turkish and Russian troops entered Moldavia on the 22d, the former under Omar Pasha, and the latter under General Rotzcbul. There were rumors of a battle with the Rou manians, not well authenticated, but it is probable that the latter, who claim a right to name their own ruler, will resist, aud there is every probability of war in that quarter before it commences in Austria, Prussia, or Italy. The cholera has again appeared at New York. The steamship Union, which left Liverpool on the 13th of May, arrived at New York on Tuesday afternoon, having the disease ou board. Of 434 passengers at the time of starting, 31 died during the passage. Two of the crew also fell victims to the disease, making 33 deaths in 1G days, out of less than 500 persons. There were several cases on board at the time of the arrival of the vessel. On the following day the Peruvian arrived from Liverpool, and reports 35 deaths during the voyage, and 25 cases ou board. Two deaths, supposed to be from the disease, are also reported to have taken place in the city. The quarantine arrangements there are very deficient. The accommo dations for the sick and the treatment of patients are of the poorest character. Hence the mortality is much greater than it would be under more favorable circum stances. Under the existing state of things it will be fortunate if the disease is kept out of the city when the weather becomes warm. George W. Schlecht, a city passenger railway conductor at Philadelphia, was m l l sentenced to three years in the Penitentia ry yesterday, by Judge Cadwalader. for passing couuteneit notes and coin. The court considered the responsible position held by the prisoner, which enabled him to pass the spurious money, and hence the severity .of the sentence. The Legislature of Pennsylvania, in 17Gi, passed the following : "Iicssohcd, That no member of the Legislature will bo allowed to come into the House barefooted." The Women's Central Branch of the Pennsylvania Freedmen's" Relief Associa- tion have sent to tne destitute eoiuieu people of the South, during the past six months, sunolies" of clothing valued at 827,530,52 : also three bales of blankets unvalued. They have packed and storea 21 boxes of articles to meet the demand during the summer and autumn, which are estimated at between 82000 and 83000 more. They have received in money dur ing the same period 87,131.01, making the whole amount in goods and money over 837,000. Important Decision on the Eevenue Law. Rochester. N. X., May iu, iqoo .Tnrl.rfi Smallev. in the United States District Court, in session here, nas oruer o i , 1 id nn indictment ouashed against a party r.. mni-;nr fiUf mfinnifi returns, xi e j w -Tr holds that the act of 1S62 does not make fUnfnhln offense. The act ol June 30, 18G5, does, however, make the offense indictable, but all who made laise returns prior to that date escape under this decision. The Swiftest Horse in the "World. Cincinnati, May 31. At the Buck eye race course, yesterday, the first race, mile heat, best three in five, three entries. was won by Underwood s four year old " Revolver," full weight. Time, second heat. l.'14V. This is considered the iast- cst time on record. Fourteen head of blooded horses be lonjnnjr to the estate of V. M. Flournoy, were sold at auction in Lexington, on Sat urday last, at prices ranging from $7G to $315, and nine head, belonging to Judge Ilunter, of Alabama, on Monday last, at prices ranging from 8155 to o0U. in Two car-loads of strawberries now ar rive dailv at Chicairo from Cobden, Anna and Villa Ridge, on the Illinois Centra Railroad. There is an area of over three hundred acres.of strawberries now ripen- . . . m ing in those three towns, and promising the heaviest that any season has afford ed. A sale of army clothing took place at Fortress Monroe recently. About three thousand dark blue pantaloons, regulation pattern, sold at an average of eighty cents per pair. Some of the purchasers were offered two dollars and a half a pair an hour after they were bought. There are uinc hundred and thirty-seven convicts In the Illinois penitentiary. A batch of fifteeu were sent from Spring- Geld last week, aud thirty are expected from Chicago soon. The redemption division of the United States Treasurer s office last week redeem cd and cancelled fractional currency a mounting to 8-150,700, besides other Gov ernment securities. In Boston, John Moran has been found guilty of the murder of 31ary Ellen Rea my, and has been sentenced to be hang cd, at such time as the Governor may ap point. A United btates soldier, while racini his bourse through the streets of Rich mond, Ya., struck his head against a tree breaking his neck. The Governor of California has a sa ary of 14,000 a year in gold. Special Notices. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF THE AMERICAN WATCHES, MADE AT WALTHAM, MASS. In consequence of the recent great decline in gold and silver am! all the materials, used in the manufac ture of our goods, and in Anticipation of a still fur ther decline, we have re Juned our prices to as low as as point as they can b placed WITH GOLD AT PAR, so that no one need hesitate to buy a watch now from the expectation that it will be cheaper ;it some future time. The test of ten years and the manufacture and sale of MORE THAN 200.000 WATCHES have given our productions the vciy highest rank a inong timekeepers. Commencing with ilie determina tion to make only thorouhly excellent watches, our business has steadily increased as the public became acquainted with their value, until for months together, w e have been unable to supply the demand. Wchavc repeatedly enlarged our factory buildings until they now cover over three acres of ground, and give ac commondation to mote than eight hundred workmen. Wc arc fully jqstified m stating that wc now make MORE THAN ONE-HALF OF ALL THE VTOHES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES. The different grades arc distinguished by the lollowing trade-marks engraved on the plate . 1 "American Watch Co," Waltham, Mass. 2. "Applcton, Tracy & Co " Waltham, Mass. 3 4. 'P. S. Bartleti," Wathmam, Mass. "Win Ellcry." OUR LADIES' WATCH of first quality is named "Applcton, Tracy & Co," Waltham, Ma-s -Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is named "1 C. S. Battlett," Waltham. Mass. These watches are furnished in a great variclty of sizes and styles of cases- The American Watch Co, of Walth un, Mass. authorize us to state that without distinction of trade niaiks or price. ALTi THE ntODUCTS OF THEIR FACTORY ARE FULLY WARRANTED to be the best lime keepers of theirclass ever made in thisoranv othercountry Buyers should rcmemberthat unlike the guarantee of a foreign maker who can ne ver be rcached.this warrantee is at all times ngainst the Company or their agents, nnd that ifalter the most through trial; any watch should prove defective iu any particular, it may always he exchanged fornnothcr As the American watch maucat Waltham, are for sale by dealers generally throughout the country, w e do not solicit orders for single watches. CAUTION. The public are cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. All persons sellinu counterfeits will be prosecuted. ROBB1NS & Al'l'LETON, AGENTS FOR TI1E AMERCAN, WATCH COM PANY. 182 Broadway, N. Y. EEtlSORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adverriser's experience, can do so. by ad dressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. January 4, 1866. ly. DEAD HEADS, or, in other words, heads whose once glori ous locks have WITHERED AND WHITENED, can in a iew momuius uu ic-uiuwwu nuu all their YOUTHFUL ATTRACTIONS, by a smgie upin.auuu i talisman CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, firi7.1pfl whiskers and moustaches, ladies curls into which the snow of age has prema turely drifted, and red, sandy, or whitcy brown hair, receive, as h Dy waiu, .m ici est shades,of black or brown irom wis nann los nnf.nninal hair darkencr. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, G Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. May 10, I860. Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Dysentery ! A CURE IS WARRANTED by DR. TOBIAS' CELE BRATED VENITlAN LIN1MEMT, if used when fust taken by persons of temperate habits. This medicine has been known in the United States oer 20 years. Thousands have used it. and found it never i.uieu to cure any complaint for which it was recommended.and all thoes who first tried it, are now never wimont it. In the Cholera of 1S49, Dr.Tobias attended 40 case ind lost 4, being called in late to do any good. DIRECTIONS. Take a tcaspoonful in a wine-glais of water every half hour for two tours, and rub the abdomen and extremities w ell with the Liniment. To allay the thirst, take a lump of ice in the mouth, about IhcMzcofa rnarblccvcry tenmmuies. yis-wnrrameu perfectly innocent to take internally. Sold by all drug gist, price -10 and to cents. Depot. 50 Courtlandt St. New York. l :iy ' '.-ira. -O' A SINGLE BOX OF BRANDRETH'S TILLS Con tains more vegetable extractive inauer wian mniij boxes of any pills in the world besides; fifty-five hund red physicians use them m their practice to the exclu sion of other purgatives. The first letter of thcit valuo is yet scarcely a prcialcd. When th-y arc better known, sudden dealh and continued sickness will Le of the past. Let those w ho know them spcaK right out in their favor. It is a duly w ich w ill sare life. Oui nice are subject to a red mdancy cf vitiated bile at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prevalent . but Brandreth's Tills afford an invaluable and efficient protection. Uy their occasional use we prevent the collection of those impuiiiies tvliieb, whin ii suffi cient quantities, cause so innch danger to the body' health." They scon eu:c Liver Complaint, Dysprpua, Loss of Appetite, Tain iu Uic Head, Heartburn, Tainni the Breast-bone. Sudden Taintuassand Coslivcncfs. Sold by all respectable Dca'crs in Medicines. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread di sease Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means oi cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption-, Asthma, Ero?cciiitis, Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lung Affec tions. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afllicted,and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please "address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York anuary 4, SG0.-ly. J , lmTJ ft PP.R VRATi Wnwnntnfront'j 3 XAft .5jJV? everywhere lo sell our im- proved 820 sewing Machine. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large conMnt sions paid. The only machines sold in the Unitrd States for less than $40, which are faTlij licensed by JIowc, Wheeler &. Wilson, Grorcr & Baker, Singer &. Co., and Bachclder. All other clieap machines are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, 3Iainc, or Chicago, III. January 4, 1866.-Jy. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while rrsitlmjj in South A mcrica as a missionary, discovered a .afe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nrrvous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the U rinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious hajnls. Great numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Promp ted by a desire to benefit the ntlhcted and on fortunate, I will send the recipe for prepar ing and using this medicine, in a sen ted -envelope, lo any one who needs it, .Free cf Charge. Please inclose a dressed lo yourself. post-paid envelope, ad- Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. Bible House, March 29, 1S6G.-Iy. New York City. The Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for S50 to 8600 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illus trated Catalogues free. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTH ERS, New York. September 7, 1865. ly. 4j?$A A MONTH ! Agents wanted for six entirely new articles, just oaK Address O. T. GAREY. Citv Building, Bid. deford, Maine. January 4, 1S6G.-Iy. IUAKEUUD. At Tannersville, on the 29th inst., by the Rev. B. S.-Eventt, Mr. Petur Rin'kkk, of Scranton, Pa., and Miss E. Anna Em NGEK. daughter of Jacob Edinger, of the former place. DIED. At Belvidere, on the 17th of May, I836v Rev. Jacob T. Field, aged about eighty years. Mr. Field lived in Stroudsburg and Stroud township for over thirty years, and was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Stroudsburg for many years- He was bu-. ried at Shawnee on the 19th ult. " BTCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! . Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure the Ilch iu 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM, CHILBLAINS: and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists.. By sending 50 cents to WEEKS &, POT TER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of' postage, to any part of the Upited States,. June 7, 1866,-lyrv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers