Auditor's Notice. Estate of IIENR Y E1LENBER GER, deceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make aisinuutiuu m mu iuuus 1a me Lands of the Administrator of said Estate, to and among those entitled thereto, will attend to tlic duties ot his appointment on Friday, the 21sfc day of April next, at 10 0 clock A. Alv at the office of Samuel S Drchcr, Esq., in the Borough of Strouds THE DRAFT. copy. EXECUTIVE MANSION, ) Washington, February 8, 1865. His Excellency Governor Smith : Complaint is made tome, by Vermont, thai the assignment ot hcrquata for the Draft on tne impenaing call is intrinsically uniust. anu aiso m uau faith to the Government'; OF PHILADELPHIA. promise to fairly allow credits for men nre- viousfy furnished. To illustrate, a sitpposedWnf thnr jv-ww 0ui,.v.-u, us JUllUWS; Btion. As thrnn vnnrs nmlin.rrvl lintli thn ntl. Vermont nnfl (Vniv TTnmncli'rn miiot lmJB- 1 . . .. ... . -..wv ,.......iw.a.. v iimcii uw-nnr nnrinnc ir mn -ne tlin rtn l.t ntiAii .nni-n itwuua mem. iurnisn o.uuu men. on tne nnni-in,.,!., .i . mi i. u Tu..- ...i i .i ii r : H: ii ... . : x buh u iu auu a luui. xue same re&uu wouiu uuig, uuu auu wiiureau panics m iuiui-inff can, ana, ueuiff equals, eacii must fum-lim nrrivo-i t u :,, .,J . 1i ir I . EM w Uf, UV UUU U LlUi Will Wl L t'l .uu V1 uuul;uall,u.w..-vU.u.ut,.... ..o "y Uu.i i.. "iuiuuy lun.Byearg ns tlie )ae,s i,ut .Iie process of calcu- m for their distributive shares of saidlUut the Government finds that, on former! iat inn wnn,l i, mr Mmi;to,i fund, scans, vermoni lurnisneu a surplus or ouUi S. IIOLMES. Jr., Auditor. and ew Hampshire a surplus of 1,500- Stroudsburg, March 23, 1SG5. 1 rV"! afterwards substracted from its quota. Thusl PROSPECTUS OF TEE the number ot men called for, is neither m-l.-. . rtlTri ..T a mr7 I creasednordiminishebutequalityproducedlJACKSON OIL COMPANY, uiwiuuhiij; iiuitiuci ui uiuii, uiiu liiu pe riods of their service. Localities which have heretofore furnished a greater amount of service have m proportion to their enrol ment, a less amount to furnish under tin" and e converso. , Men ha vinr heretofore enlisted for one. twofi and three years it was necessary to take one II S. 7-30 Loan. By authority of the Secretary of ihe TreasJ iiry, the undersigned has assumed the Gen-' CAPITAL, 400,000. craI Subscription Agency for thesale of TJ. Divided into 80,000 Shares at $5 per sharelnited States Treasury Notes, bearing seven 7 land three tenths per cent, interest, per an- SUBSCRIPTION TRICE 5 PER SIIAUE. With a reserved Working- capital of 50,000 Delaware, Lacfeairanna & Wester RAIL ROADi 9 Running Time Oct. k I?Dger TraiM snum, Known as the LEAVE NOllTHWAUD. j LCAVE SOOTinvARD.' E. L. W. DAVIS, Prcsidejit. W. BRODIIEAD, Sec. & Treas. iplicated. Such we find to be the rule adopted bythef T " T oTT' Provost Marshal General. The rule is iiiii; i 7 " ' S conformity with the requirements of the law of" ClnilfrrncQ nnl its inct nr? onititnMn In ihC Orphans' COUrt 0l illOiiroe 0,I's,.iea -vr ' ta cs or 'uuu cac,11' ,ess,bi'l We have carelully examined and proved - j- .-. i .. hiuh kiwiiw. J.HCU suuiuu L-Jliniiiu Sbur IIU.- in u-nrt ilnno tinlni- thio ruin lr Ihn PrArnct SB YUJV- TJUR TY L OAK. These Notes arc issued under date of Au gust 15th, 18G4, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are conver tible at the option of the holder into U. 8. Six per cent Gold-Bearing Bonds. inese bonus are now worm a premium This Company owns in fee simple seven-Iwhich increases the actual profit on the 7-30! Accorii Pa'jskn- moda- ' ccr. lion. ; r. M. . P. M. STATIONS. Passcn- Accom ger. nioda- ! lion. I V. M. - DIRECTORS. W. Davis, Thos. M. McIliia'ey.I Geo. E. Painter, A. Reeves Jackson, 2 10, i.-io ; 1.05 1'..25 II 50 L. W. BltODHEAD. N n,i5' a 10.45 10.30' y 10.00 T tl ,.! nf f,r -irmunt nf I'1 ttK c -7m r 7 , HU Mine worK done under tins rule by the l'rovosH, V7."' 7. 7t .H . In the malic, of the Account of L. JIM0f o00 from her 4,000, leaves 3,500 as lioriMarehal General, and find that it has becn,?:sev?n and three-tenths acres on the Eas Ioan antl its exemption from state and Gnnsaulcs. Administrator of Samuc Gimsaiues, dec a. I quota on the pending call ; and likewise subtract New Hampshire's surplus of 1,500 Aud now March 2, 1865,. by a5rcemcnliIrom eM,UUU, leaves 2,500 as her quota on of parties, Charlton Burnett is appoinfcdu,e VeminS -call. These J.0U0 and 2,5UU Auditor to make distribution of the fuudl'T " ' ..7 i .7. w." luvum l,i :i i i v.asu ituuia-a num uiu wo oiaies: anu ii is: in the hands of said Administrator. , 4- tr ui'nnn i-7 uiv, vuuu. i?iow than New Ilamuslurc. because New 1 he undersigned will discharge the dutieflHampshirc has heretofore furnished a 1,000! of his appoiutmcut ou Thursday, thc-lthmorc than Vermont, which equalizes the bur- dav of 31av next, at 10 o'clock a. m.. alliens of the two in the lonff run. And thisi Jus office ill Stroudsburg, when and whcrcl!u!5.ul! b ,ar ,rom uemg oau iaun io vermoni, all parties iu interest are required to at-$ ,? 10 KePulfi S?ou Iaun, wu" .... l,t k-xw niuiiufeiiiri;. jjv no ouier rcsuii can. ii.ii ii .inn in i'ri:iiL iiil.ii i.i.ii iii. in iirr in n . . . . barred from coming in for a share of said fund. CIIAltLTON 13UKNETT, March 30, 1SG5. Auditor. Auditor's Notice,, Etlotc of Sttmvcl Rccs, Sr., deceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed byjbpen deducted ; s Orphans' Court of Monroe County tuCC(3c u'hat Vern th nuKc uistrioution ot the luna m the hands of the Administrator of the Estate lit Samuel Ilees, Sr., dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday the 12th d.vy of May next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., at the Prothonotary's Office, in Strou'isburj-, ai which time and place alls persons h.iv:np; any claims or demand.-. unonsaiJ fund will nrcseut them or be for- VI ever debarred from coming in for a -h:;rog 01 the, same. M. McIIilTAXKY, Auditor, 1SG5. the G000 men be obtained from the two States, ana, at me same time, deal justly and Keep IjiUi with both: and we do but confuse our selves in questioning the process by which the right result was reached. The supposed case is perfect as an illus tration. The pending call is not for 300, 000 men subject to fair credits, but is for. 300,000 remaining after all fair credits have and it is impossible to con- ermontasks without cominar out short of the 300,000 men, or making other lo calities pay for the partiality shown her. done with fairness, We file in the Provost Marshal General's Office our calculations of the quolo of each! and every district endorsed by us as correct. JAMES SPEED, Attorney General of the United States. RICHARD DELAFIELD, Brig. Gen'l, and Chief Eng, U. S. A. C. W. FOSTER, Colonel, and Asst. Adjutant General Approved February 17, 1805. A. LINCOLN. By oudeu of the Secretary op War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistaiit Adjutant General. OvnciAit : SAMUEL YOIIE Capt. and Prorost Marshal, March 2, 1S65. 11th District Penna. Auditor's Notice. side of the Allegheny River, in Rockland township, Venango County, Pennsylvania It is situated five miles below the town on Sandy Creek, and has a frontage of 110 rods on the river. It is but a short distance be low the celebrated Hoover well which isj yielding 200 barrels of oil daily. Other yielding wells surround it in every direction,! and within the past few weeks two new wells have been struck in the immediate neighborhood, one of which is producing dai Iy 30 barrels of heavy lubricating oil worth at the well 30 per barrel A fine vien of Bituminous coal, easily ac cessiblc, is on part of the land, and in view of the enormously high price of coal in that region, is an important consideration, and will enable the company not only to supply its own wants in that respect, but to derive an income from its sale to others, The adjoining properties are in the hands ot good and prosperous companies, all m suc cessful cDeration. and it is believed that no Estate of '3IICIIAEL MIXSELL,dc'd.m0i. commnv has started odt with better The undersigucd Auditor appointed bylprospects for paying large and regular month the Ornhaus' Court of Monroe County, toH'y "ivwcnas. Franklin, opposite the mouth of the Westllevied oi; other property. The' interest is pay 'municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more, according to the rate able semi-annually by coupons attached to each notc.wliich may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. (Signed) Yours truty, A. LINCOLN. frieiierae vracrs, fo. WAR DEPARTMENT. Adjutant General's Office, lVsjig-oH, Feb. 17, 1805. m. - !! : 4 r t .i m , . .1 . i 1 p. ns luuuwnig i upon 01 uiu uuuiu, ujjjjuiii-wironi counnffiu ior tncir aistriDuuvesnares S. HOLMES, Jr., Auditor make distribution of the fund in the hand? of the Administrator of said Estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Monday, the 24th day of April next. at 10 o clock, A. M., at the office of Sam 1 IS. Drehcr, Esq., iu the orourh ol T. Stroudsbii!" April btroudsburg, wheu and where all parties in interest may attcud or be debarred VALUABLE FARM FOE SALE, The subscriber offers at private sale hi.s valuable Farm on which he now re hide!, situated in Hamilton township. Monroe County, ra., miles west from Stroudsburg, and near Lossardsville, con taining iYjHiify Acre, more or less, witu all the improvements thereon ALSO ; for sale a one Acre Lot, with nv.iminp :mu! iirrpt t!ir nnntns nf the several ci i T-:.r. l n c TT..1 joiuii'H aim jjisiritis, uiiuur nit; uuii iui vui- juistecrs of December 9, 1SG4, is published for Uhc information of all concerned: Washington, D. C. February 10, 1805. ihs Exccllenc', Abraham Lincoln, President of the united Slates, Washington, D. C. Sir : The Board, convened by the follow-! iii!'r order EXECUTIVE MANSION 'Washington City "February 0, 1865. 'Whereas, complaints arc made in some 'localities, respecting thcassignmentsof quo- IStroudsburg, March 23, 1SG5. This Company intend developing their land without the least delay, and for this purpose have arranged for the necessary engines, tools, tubing, &c, all of which will be put upon the ground and in operation as soon as the season will permit. In audition to their own wells, the Com pany also propose to lease to responsible par ties portions of their land divided into lots of 10 souare rods each, at a rent of one half the oil, the Company to be at no expense whatever. They will have at least fifty Bstich lots to lease, all of which can be leased The interest amounts to One cent per day on a Two cents " " " Ten u n tc 20 " 81 " $50 note. it $100 $500 1000 $5000 a i G.-10 6.21 6.00 5.38 5 16 4.50 4 40 4.K 4.10 3.40 ; :i.27 a is 2.-i2 , 2.33 r 2.i8 2.00 1.41 1-TI 12!S 12.40 J2.31 12.10 12.01 11.51 ll.4:2 11.25 . M. '. Great Bend, Neiv Alilford, Blontrnse. ; Hopbottom, Nicholson. Factoryville. J Abinston. ' Clark's Summit, I Scrantor. . Dunning, Moso . ' Couhlsboro' ; Tubyhanna. I Porks. t Oakland. ; Hcnryvillc. Spragucvlllc, (Stroudsburg. Water Gap. 'Moun: Bethel. (Delaware. j-.Maiiunita Chunk., Bridgcvlllc, Oxford. Waslungton. iftew ilainnton. 2.47 l Change for TInl. P. M. A. M 7.30. ( 2 JO 7.40 I 3.00 5 5-.10. 3.35 8J53 ! 4.15 . S.t 5 16 9.14-- I 5.50 - 9.3a 6.I5S ' 0.33 j 6.35SI- 5 10.15 L 7.0553 ! 10.35 f M..B- , 10.47 i S 10.57 J ,-, ; 11.20 J J1.3I zl 11.53 ! 5 j 12.27 : 12.37 I 7X i 12 43 ? i-02 :; I 1.17 I 1.42 i 1.50 150 2.07 2.10 Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of sub-i scriptions, and the notes forwarded at once. The interest to 15th June next will be paid in advance. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MAEKET now oiierea by tlie uovemment, ana it iy confidently expected thai its superior advan tages will make it the Great Popular Loan of the People Less than 8300,000,000 of the Loan au- imarkct. This amount, at the rate at which The PassciigcrTraiu Atari Iiwarcf Leaves New Hampton on -the arrival of th& Mail Train which leaves New York at 8.00" A. M., and Manunka Chunk on the arrival 'of the Tram which leaves Philadelphia,' (Kensington Depot) at 7.15 A. M. At. Scran ton this Train makes close connections with Trafns on the Lackawanna & Blooms-, burg and Delaware & Hudson Railroads, and at Great Bend with the Mail Train on tbo Erie Railway going WesL Tlic Passenger Train Southward Leaves Great Bend after the arrival of the' Cincinnati Express from the VVest, connec ting at ts'cranton with Trains on the Lacka wanna and Bloomsburg and Delaware and' Hudson Railroads; at Manunka Chunk with' f r l-tt I: T " I - . . ieV - TT " wie irain ior. Jt'oiiaueipuia, anaaii'iew namp- thorized by the lost Congress arc now on thclton with trains for New York", the Lehigh Valley, Ilarrisburg, &c. Passengers by th!3 New livery Stable. The undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Stroudsburg, and the public gencally, that he now occupies the Stables attached to the Iudian Queen Ho tel, where he is prepared, with a superi or stock of SsorseSj Carriages, Bug gies, Sleighs, &Ci, it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed!" arrjv Ncw, Yorkat f f0' in P'a ,. ... - r , , ...f delpbia at 0.30, and in Harnsburg at 8.20 1U1 IV1I.1JJ11 JUlll IllUIllJiO, VVUUIt HUtCO Will undoubtedly command a premium, as has u- iniformly been the case on closing the sub scriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and at once if deemed expedient, with covcnantssecti5n 0f the country may be afforded fa T'S "r,T . h p a V i 1 ! Icilitics for taking the loan, the National hie desnateh to the dentil of five hunuretl or ' mom fnt "Ret mm tin r nnlv nnr wnll tnlBanks, State Banks, and Private Bankers each lot, fifty wells, at the very modcratcHthroughoutthe country have generally agreed average ot ten barrels each, would make at0 receive subscriptions at par. Subscri uaiiy prouuci ot ouu uarruw. una uiug. j , t - aonte. in whom agents, in they Jiave confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia I to accommodate all whose business, oi 11 the improvements, and adjoining theOtas and credits allowed for the pending calll pleasure, requires the occasional use ol Farm. Persons desirinsr to view thegof troops to fill up the armies, now, m order! these articles. His horses were selected j.iii d j so by calli;i- on the un p1" determine ull controversies m propcrfj'. c.i dcrsiuned rcsidins thereon. .JO UN BOSSA1ID. April I3th, -2t respectwit1 a vjcw t0 (iQ Livery business, audi thereto, amUo avoid any delay in filling uplcau be reConnncuded as kiud and gentle Ui,,e "m,es' " xsraea: Ana' A"or:lyct willing and free. His vehicles, with Company's share would be 250 barrels. Value of daily yield to the Company at; I 830 per Barrel, $7,500. Allowing 250 working days to the year, the iCompany's annual net receipts from leases alone would be 1,875.000. The Company also intend sinking on tlieirlSubscriptiong w5U bo rcccivcd by ti,e own uuuuuui, at jl.isi, ii vu wuus. kjiiumu they be successful with only one, it would produce, estimating as above, a yearly in come ot 7O.0UU From which deduct for expenses (a large estimate) l,00U. P. M. The Accomodation Train Northward, connects at Great Bend with the Day Express going VVest, by. which passei, gers arrive at fthaca anil Syracuse the saras day. r : . j? ..j . ., , , Southwar.d, 7.reavCs Great Bend, after the arrival of the New York Express going East,i 07" All Passenger jrairison the Erie Railway stop at GreatiBenil. . WATTS COOKE, Superintendent., R. A. HENRY, General "Ticket Agent.' First National Bank of Scranton Pa. February 23, 1865. Wisfar's Balsam . . OF. WILT) CHE1UIY. United States Hotel . n , , .-, . , , . ''Sea II of December 10, 1864, Ccr. 31 aiul tspring Garaoa stS: glhatf Hany errors be found FA STON. P.-i. lf-nc!i corrections as the law The u;rJ.Ti-!:c.l1 formerly nropr: ai 3 j!,in.v require, and report their determination of While's Hotel, respectfully inf.rmj1'1 the Provost Marshal General. The de- the citizens of Northampton and arljoi ing t'ouutics, that ou and after ih-i Deiafield and Colonel C. W. Foster, be, andfl l,ui" -fT -"'"" U1,T" "U4".'HAnu it leaves an annual ncL income. -"ICAPSTAL, .H.uiu xiio putus ou luciuuuuii; ia iu OUJISj 10 WniCIl aUU lUCOIUC IfOllI JUliaus l,oio,uui; fTOlAT Af lliov -im liornhi- n nncf it n t m I n Hnnnl tr ov.i'"lu 11,0 f ... t 1 . .Htlirk nnnl-oic Ctf oil 'amine into tne proper ouoias anu cieuus oih""1- i-" L'arclul anu accom thn r,-5iiprfivf St.itesnnH Histriets under tlipBmodatinjr Drivers and Ostlers will alwaysSAIaking a yearly income of l,03u,000 w.w , - . .... . , - s . . .... with dircctionsloc ready to attenu to the wishes ot cus-B Tins is thought by those who arc acquaint- therein, to makcBtomcrs. and he feels confident that he canged with this locality, to be a moderate esti !i corrections as the laws and the facts THE NINTH RATIONAL BANK, OF T1IL CITY OF NEW YORK. 1,000,000, PAID SIS.S FISCAL AGENT of the TJ. STATES, MOST ONE OF THE OLDEST AND . 1 . RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE t70RLD FOR IAnd Sp'eoial Agent for Jay Cooke. scription Agent, Will deliver 7-30 Notes, u.i ui ,-uiii. iou-.i, tn: uu.i uu iuuiiu it 111 ihe house f ..Mn inn Inn rC coid TJrvi rA tr liofinnl n rifl nn! and the draft to be matte in conform- "2, The Provost iMarshal General is or dered to make the draft in the respective Di Coughs; Colds, -. Whooping Cotigh, Bron- emus, xiimctiiw oi iire2xniar .astnma. oub-h Hoarseness. Sore Tnroat. Cront) and every affection of a, Free of chargeMrilV. TJJV.Ci T T.TTYOR A m HTfRRT v...- j 7 - . ..jli-"-" -i""V -I ViJiJUi. .. n .. II i r i -.1 E4 .1 4. Zt. Z- !,.rt3IlV I '.X IirUSL-. Ill .111 11,11 l.1 Ill L11U C!IlIIIILrV. lilliln rm-n ciMit-iPfmn tno u-nn t-ivnr imn!. nun vi:l il is uiitv iu bcu nidi uvuii i ? i - m . ... . .. Vi . r- 1.1 i. .1 ...Krnnpiun in raTmnnt : ChnrkK nn Nrw VnrL-J TNf!r,TjT)TNfJ "F.VKV tlioir nntrnnnfTO o invifnq til nnh u-KamOUni Ol SUCCCSS WOU1U IIiaKO UIU uiuuui t-VM" . " ' " - . ij --"'M Jminp ? Btopk hnfnve mL-in- rnJof tho Company in value, almost surpass be-lP, and .Jioston current bills, ano. GOrVSUJHPTIOnr.' film 1 1T1 1 -r-i rT" f'll 11 1 ill 1 lirilL-T nninp uriria Tl J ri w Mnf UUI1 IJV Jll OiJl. lllllJU UUbC tV 1111 llltVil'H Vr . . n m-mrm V Thedurabilitvof this immediate oil sectioniest to uate or subsenpuon. uraers sent Dy o ui i. u vuuijc is illustrated by the fact that wells above andlmail will be promptly hiled. to0 Scnral has the. use of this remedy be-, to examine his stock before making en gagements elsewhere. J. E. W. MILLER, Proprietor, Stroudsburg, Jan. 2G, 18G5. above named popular Hotel has been thoroughly cleansed, re fittcdtricts, as speedily as the same can 'be donc. btniiUSttQiO OtlCC. aua pmme'i. ui.u uov pretcuui, in puiui oigallcr llic lom 01 mis moniu. -oigneu comfoit cud elegance, the finest appeal - "ABRAHAM LINCOLN." ancc of any hotel iu the Eastern part olphavc respectfully to report, as follows: Pennsylvania. The tables will ha snp- Tj,e c;l for 300,000 men, made by the plied at all times with the choicest themresident, on the 19th of December, 1SG1, market ai!-rls nnd the liquors will be olKrcquircs that that number shall be raised, the Gnr-:.boih l': e:gu and domestic. But the law requires that the number of ()muibusCfi run to and from the hotcl.mnn previously furnished by different local i mafcing connections with all the tri:i.. k1' ;,ntJ tIle periods of their service, shall be S W W r II 'V vi ," wns dered so as to equalize the draft, luston. Pa . MarcY0ihlS65. . Tf number of mon liable to Hitap; duty gis to be determined by the enrollment fists. )A ie) finished by the various localities, and theii HDcnous oi service, were ascenameu, uuu pre- vious accounts having been atijusica, me ex ibtroudsDurg, I'eo. l, iodo. cesses, were the' existed, where carried For ward under the last draft. The amount of service furnished is deter mined by multiplying the number of men raised by the number ot years for which they enlisted. Having thus ascertained the number o JSILENBERGER'S GREAT CLOTHING DEPOT. 65 ftoHhampto!! SUcc4, EASTOX, PA., Estate of'XELSOX COOKE, late oj the Jioroufjli of Stroudsburg, deceased. 2oticc is hereby given that letters of administration upon the above named Es tate have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Monrce County, in due form of law ; therefore, all persons iudcbt-1 ed to said Instate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having any just claims are also requested to present them legally authenticated for settlement to DATIS D. WALTON, Administrator. Gt. below this property have been pumpmg over four years, with a steady yield, and witnoui any diminution. A Few Plain Words to Subscribers. Subscribers to the stock of this Company cannot expect to receive immediately large monthly dividends; if they were able to do! so they could not purchase it for ten times the amount at which it is offered. JLsut the basis on which the Company rests, will, it is believed, make the investment entirely saje, and, prospectively, of enormous value. .ti i ii -i . i ti it? r c . 1 .. xne rresment, yjoi. rj. v . jjavjs, iunm..ij of Franklin Venanrro County, is well knownS j o v 9 as one of the most successful arid energetic business men who have engaged in the pc troleum interest, and the respectability aud This Bank receives the accounts of BanksHcome and so popular is it everywhere, that and Bankers on favorable terms; also of m-Rit is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its dividuals keening Ncw York accountsr I. U. ORVIS, President J. T. HILL. Cashier. March 2, 18G5.-3m. YaluaMe Real Estate AT ATE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale. the following described property, viz: A Farm situated in Stroud township, Monroe countv. Pa., adioininjr laud of low- works speak for it, and fine utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony of the ma ny who from long suffering and settled dis-. ease have by its use been restored to pristine S vigor and health. We can present a mass1 of evidence in proof of our assertions that CONNOT BE DISCREDITED. roleum interest, anu tne respec aouny au..j , Eansbc . Gcorgc Houck-, A integrity of the other officers and Directors!. , , . . irt,A of the Company, furnish a sufficient guaranJK nd othcrs containing about PI ATHI V' Ii P RCTTRR iwmen enrolled on the 31st day of December, IBiOU-I, Uiu iiu:iiui;i ui muu tuimsiiuu uu iu . . . ttn i tnn l fm ' ... ... . AAV ttE&AK'hiii Sthat date; the localities from which they come, and the periods of their service, it l proposed to distribute the call for 300,0001 AK OLD STAND AT THE THAIf ANY OTHER PLACE BK EASTOX ! ! I'udcr the supervision of a NEW YORK CUTTER. Who Never Fails to Please. P. V. EILENI3E11GER. March 9, 18G5. 6nl. men among the several districts, and parts ofj districts, according to the number of men en rolled in each, and the number ot men turn ised, and the periods of service previously rendered by each. The rule by which tbis is accomplished i as follows : Take the whole number of years oC service Manhood: how Lost, llOlV HcStored. jfurni6hed by the districts of the United State Just published, a new edition o Dr. Ciiiverwoil'ii Celebra ted Esay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Si'ermator- RiiiEA., or Seminal sveakness, involuntary Seminal Lossee. Impolcncy, Alental and Phwca! Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage, etc.; also Cox-sumition, ii.i'iLKisv and Fits; induced by self-indulgence or sex ual extravagance. from the commencement of the rebellion to. the 31st of December, 1864. From thatsumj deduct the whole number of men furnished from all. the districts of the United States uri to. that date. The remainder will be tne ex cess of service furnished by all the districts, Multiply the call of December 10th, lb04, by three, to have the number oi years oi ser vice uDon that call, and to this add the ex r.PKs. n nsr.nrfained above. Then, as the! The undersigned respectfully inform the public, that he has taken the old stand formerly occupied by Jacob Goetz. and latterly by Wm. M. Loder, aud hav ing thoroughly cleansed and refitted it. and secured the services of a first class Baker, is fully prepared, at all timc3 t0 fill orders lor Bread, Twist, Cakes, &c. The Confectionery department will be fill ed with Candies. JNUTSand knurrs in their season, which, together with every thing kept at this establishment, will prove to be of the firstquality and be sold at reasonable prices. An eating saloon will also be connected with the establishment ifi which the best about 75 acres cleared, enclosed with aood fence, and in a high state of culti vation, of which 20 acres are Meadow, the balance is well timbered with (yak, Ghes nut and Ilickory. There are about 20 acres of excellent meadow bottonf yet to be cleared. The farm is well adapted to tv that their conduct ot tne business of the Comnanv will be entitled, to the! confidence and approval of all who may invest in the enterprise. The Directors have determined to self on-; llv a limited amount of the Capital Stock a the subscription price of $2 per share, par! value $5, the same being full paid up stock.l not liable to any further assessment, in which respects the original .subscribers, and thosci ,who may now subscribe, stand on precisely the same footing. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the Comnanv. 224 South Fourth st., Phil adelphia, or at the office of the undersigned.jjonc and a half stories highl 22 . t- nnirnc TPT.'flM Hi n i i . x r r s n i. ivtiJ v .tio jyxvvi.-. Dy ijij. icet j a two story juvut ouoscripLiuii iyuin Stroudsburg, Feb. 16, 1865. Tlic Rev. Jacob Scclilcr, Well known and much respected amontrllie German population in this country," makes, the following statement far tlie benefit of the afilictedt Hanover, Pa. Feb. 16, 1859. Dear Sirs: Having realized in my fami ly important henefits from the use of your valuable preparation Wistclr's Balsam of Wild Cherry it affords me pleasure, to. re commend it to the public, borne eight years ago oho of my daughters seemed to be in a. decline, and little hopes of lier recovery were entertained, I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken ihe whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement ji. her health. I. irrazine:, 1 VJ Incw Frame House, Qbrninisirator's Notice. Estate of GEO. O. RANSBERR Y late of Stroud township, deceased. . ." J n 1 . 1.. ftr- Price in a sealed envelope, only sixlnumber of men enrolled from the whole Uni- Ti.o,1 nnilior in this admiable es-lis to the period of service, as above asccrtam- eay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years'ied, so is the number of men enrolled in a successful nractice. that the alarming con-Igivcn district, to the number of years of ser-j ;nllveuredavice it is required to furnish, including its intnrnnl mcdi lTJro rata snare of the excess., .nniitinn ni i i.n Lnifn uoiiit-B From this sum deduct the actual excess. .,t f n..r t nr B?mnle. cer-It be district furnished : the remainder is the tain nn pflpot.ini. 11V mP:,nK of ove-Iiiumbcr ot years of service which the district r cfTnror. nn mnitfir liia ntniKiinn mnv bo.lis required to furnish under the call of De- may cure himself cheaply, privately, andlcember 19, 1864, which, divided by three i- ii io linmlinr nf men rr.ninrpil frnnv the raaicauv. IK"" " - i iEpThis Lecture should be in the handi-Idistrict of ovnrir vonih nud everv man in the land. 1 As this call is for 300,000 men, that num K0f. ..n,W KPfil. in a nlain envelonc. toiher cannot be reduced by men going in for anv niMrPE. nast-naid. on receipt of sixla period lontrer than one year. Inequalities! -j , i - .i . . . . " ' .irf 4i,;c.,ii eents, or two post stamps. Address ine puo-produccd by men going m wi.onun 1 intters of administration in the above oi estate, late of tho township of Stroud. Monroe Countv, deceased, hav mo- lipo.n ranted to the undersigned, all quality of oysters will always be found! Desons indebted to said estate will make and wncre lauios aim siuuiiuuiuu ",, ;:ite navmcut. ana tnosc navanc T C , 1 11. 1 L. H Fl . - - be assured oi quiet anu oi ine oeso uiiuu- dnnee while cniovine the delicacies oi - j the season. The public arc invited to drop m. JUL. C. JjJli V AiN WAX Stroudsburg, Jan. 19, 1865. lishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 12T itvrv. Nv York, Post of fice box 4586. June 16, 1864. ly.- longer periods than one year, must be equal; lized ou future calls. It will be nerceived that though the ag r.irnJaheil is added to ithe whole call, the excess ot each districi it.. MADISON HOUSE. M. & T. P. WATSON, (livery stable attached) HI & 39 North 2d st,, between1 iuarKci and Arch, PHILADELPHIA. PA February 26, 1863. ly, LEWIS D. VAIL. GEORGE D. TOOUH Iclaims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. (j. Jii. uvnxrji'i. i Stroud tap., Dcc; T, 1864. 6t. CAUTION Thn public are" hereby cautioned a I gainst purchasing a duo bill for Twenty Dollars, "iven bv me to Jacob J. Frey. i j . .. n t m Having received no value therefore, x an bt d township' Bee. 1, 186L-tf. by law. JU11JN W.XUiuit. Stroudsburg) Dec. 24, 1864 bave, in my individual case, madc frequent use of vour valuable medicine, and have al- Thc improvements thereon consist of always been benefitted by it. . JAUUU brJUllLElu . From lion. John E. Smith, a distinguished' Lawyer in Westminster, Md. I have on several occasions used Dr. WiV" tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for sevore coldt,- and always with decided benefit. 1 know of. no, preparation, that, is ,more efficacious or more deserving of general' use. The Ualsani has" also been used wun ex? ccllent effqet by J. B. EiIliott, Merchant,' Hairs Cross Roads, Bid. Wistur's Balsam of Wigd Cherry.", None genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," on the wrapper. ror sale by J. P. Dinsmore, No. 491Brodway, N. Vork. S. W. Fowle &. Co., Proprietary, Boston." And- by all Drggists." HOUSE, 20 by 28 feet weathorboarded aud plastered, a frame Barn 32 by 46 feet with cellar stabling underneath, a frame Wagon House 18 by 24 leet, Corn! Crib, Granary and other outbuildings, with a spring of never failing water near the house. There is also a thriving APPLE OJRCnAllD of select grafted fruit and a variety' off other fruit trees of "different kinds on "the premises. This property is three miles north of Sti'oudsbrrvgand'one mile southwest of the line of the Delaware, Lackawana and Western Bailroad, and COnVCniCUt ty ouuuuia uuu uww Inrrp' PnrRons w'Miins? to view the aDove prop erty will please call upon" Silas L. Drake J or atrthe J ellersonian omcc, oirouusuuig. Pn iihm. the fiubsenber residing on - . i the premises. KcMiim' llussia Salvc nOR'AGE- PECK. TAIL and STROUD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OYSTERS, Families and Hotels supplied with Oys-j to Have removed their Office s'om Street, Match 17, 1864 ;1 Pllilaaeipmsi No. 703 San-tcrs, fresh from the City, every day, at STEPHEN HOLMES, JR., ATTORNEY AT L&W SURVEYOR" AND CONVEYANCER, STROUDSBURG, PENNA. FORTY YEARS5 EXPERIENCE" lias fully established the superiority of" KedtSang-'s Russia S.ilvc Over all other healing preparations' - -Jt eyres all kjnds of Sores, Cuts Ulcers f SaU Rhenm, Erysipelas, Sties, Piles, Corns,' Sore Lips, Sore Lyes, &c.,.&c, . , ; (,j Removing the pain at once, anil reducing the most angry looking Swellings and Ih,6a-.? lion, as if by magic Onjy 25 cents a box:' ror emu ujr . jreasdnable prices WIIITE'& SCIIOCII. Office wilh S. . JDrelicr, Esa K B; Special attention paid to the filinglS. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 BrodwayN. Y. of Pension papers, and the collection ot uacnij. v. Jb'UVVJLii cc Co., imo. la Tremont-at.. ' a am T 1 I .11 II . nav, and bounties ot soldiers. Buosion, aim oy an lruggigi Stroudsburg, Uct. u, iao-'. May 12, 1304. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers