old fla ast, was a "most brilliant affair, and, in val)c 3cffcvsouicm, TRTTESDAY. APRIL 20, 1865. In Heinoriuni. a n-tion mourns. Abraham Lincoln, President, is dead. It was lit- UUi fc1"" ' tic thought on Friday night, while all was flint; n traercdv was joj auu .4.w-o , i B.ifmncf RnlnninUv DT nn-.nforl nt. W.-lsllinetOn , W11ICI1U ' nti. a "nlnhrftHnn ' r- -m -J 1 t: 1 M llili uwnw-' The muraeroi rreaaeni .uiuuuiu. a inn p n, ftS,ntnrHHf Pc . . ,i m i- p r W '-no cciiiuiiuuu - r Tlierastorsortncv.nurcneBuiuuru , - -Rinhmonn, thR surrcn- rough, having on consultation with so-J ?. - ' . . i -i j zl nrnnp.r iiiaiHuui. wi jjww - pt their mourners, aecmcu r- - - Samt Qa FrM ni ht 1 flflTTHTl 111 I III" M". - I Ian expression shouiu a Mmnnt of the Christian puuiiu uu u.u Stal a"d cowardly assassination ot the Fchief Magistrate of this Nation, public notice was given froi a very large nieetin and Methodist cor citizens, was h Church on Sunday building was dt The Great Sfagedyfcn' ifZ Q, I A Nation Mourns its Honored Dead DIED. lv undeceived when it was! At his residence, in M. Smithfield. on th announced from the stage by the niana-flUth inst., Mr. Jonas Hanna, aged 75 years, . . -n n 11. I I A I lam I I mnntho nnrl ft nror thnt. t ho I'mairiMir. Or LlltJ UUILUUK" "wn.no imu w uuic. o States had been shot. - 9 lev bor nr pulpits, aud Jresbytenau e respect, highly creditable to ouri J0y CfeaiigCCl t0 MOWlUBg lt Te s rough The procession, on it3 march,! . not be described. was marked by a continuous blaze of lgnt;iDni?ailWrr I IV A&Jed for the doors, cryin and every thin- connected with it showedi IuMIWEMI JjIUMMiLI & (vengeance on the mur. SASSIMTED! . . .... ... 1 t : i-A d otherithat the patriotic spirit which auimuiuu hodistithe fathers of the Republic had, at least The shock fell upon the audienco like i i -ii i i i a tnunacrDou, ana loua cries were im- made to canture or kill the scene which ensued can' Men and women rush 0 muu OIIVULIULI AVi- urderer. The murderous emissary of the Slave Power escaped easily and rapidly from the theater, and mounted a horse and fled. Ayrc's Agne Cine. helm the Union loving North, descended in a nTTPTEI) ASSASSINATION OF SEOlThc President, insensible, was carried out bein itold full measure upiftii the ts, bannersfl tnc coi would nil a nation's heart witli un grief: that while we were celebrating the Morbus deeds, achieved unucr tne en lightened wisdom which marked his no ble administration, the bullet of a dastard- lv assassin, had cut the life cord which bound him to earth, and severed the links which personally held him enchained to the hearts of the American people. V ictory . how glorious : Death ! how appaling ! The public mind is horrified at the enormity of the crime j the public hoart is bowed down with sorrow at the loss it has sus tained. introduced th 'There is rest in the Rev Mr. Everitt, of the Prcsbytcrianlthe pc A dm Jfit.li Psrlm vli5f1i wnelVCntS WlllCll Ca followed by prayer by Rev, Mr. Janies. land the earn e fi,n "R-infisk flhurch. A hvmn wasluonorabl yjL. cnw - L - then sung, and Rev. Mr. Everitt made a brief address, showing the necessity of a correct public ojrinion, to condemn and prevent such fea rful crimes, closing .with .i fervent prayer. The hymn, "God moves in a mvsterious way," was suu" v " children. Torch fireworks and the thousands all at rhich animated jning or the c ie celebration, fesires for that RETARY SEWARD ! The Conspiracy Intended to In clude Vice President John son, and Every Memb er of the Cabinet ! peace. which the! with much feeling, after which Rev. Mr. IPasson, of the M. E. Church, submitted . --nnry, nnA vrtcnln tinnq n: nil fTVrf? At,U T.innnl,, U dead, and the land! i'- " 31UU Ul U1V CUUfcluJVuu v nllnnt nfmrts of the Union armies have; o brought within the scope of human mtu-j . . .... n ; J ition. Tnerc was cause ior rejyiuiug uvui the events; and happy indeed was the manner in which our citizens acquitted themselves of a patriotic duty iu celebra ting them. The procession tfas formed at about 8 o'clock p. ia., under POPULAR OPINION AS TO THE MUR DERER. OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. War Department, Washington, ") April 151:30 a. m. J Mai. Gen. Dix: Last evening at a- TOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF fntcrmktent Fever, or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fever, Cliill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache or Billious Headache, and Billions Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases origina ting in hiliury derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic countries. I Fever and Ague is not the only conse- and taken to a house right opposite thelquence of the miasmetic poison. A great theater. variety of disorders arise Irom its irritation, Mrs. Lincoln fainted in the box and lln malarious districts, among wnicn arc ieu- was borme out after her husband. The AV,UU at,B' -""-"7""-"-. - mass of the evidence tonight is that J .flp , .... ,ff ':ftnnr ti, : Wilkes Booth committed the crime. Invster;CR. Pn;n in ihn T?mvnis rnur r' Whoever it is, there are reasons ioiJVsiSt and DcnfTmpnf nf ... Stnm.ci, thinking that the same bold and bloodyQf whicli, when originating in this cause put hand attempted the life of Secretary Sc-Ion the intermittent type, or become periodi Ward. BcaI- Tms "Cttre" expels the poison from His wounds were made by a knife aslthe blood, and thus cures them all alike. It biff as that waved on the stage to the Yir-I's not only the most effectual remedy ever -inia motto of "sic senmer tyrannis." Iscovered for this class of complaints, but War Department, Washington, April 15, 1865. To Mai or General Dix : Abraham Lin- 5. . 1 is shrouded in gloom. The greatest ana best beloved of America's statesmen is gathered to his fathers, and shall be known of earth no moro forever. It is not as though he had died in the fulness of time, and departed as the Patriarch de meeting. 1 101,; nfBWl"1 JJ'"V.uu, i-x.. " iiiu muiBuuH...! Tft1,l,m woe olint. 'nv nil ncqnsain - m , 1 n I n HIUI XlUbii UUIU. II MfcJ v w J " Uapt. iu. 13. i-osieub, ataiaiuu uj v. , suddenlv entered the box and ap . . H-rv 11 .1 7 1 l-l lli-oL-A Ml tt V 1. r .1 11. which were unanimously adopted, by a n-U. uroancau, auu kj. aproaencu oeuiuu uu l iwiuduu .. In- i nnmn o ni i?fi 1 on A ft fifB Tlift nq5:tfit;In t.lip.n leaned u i M r. I'ifta rt fllft Itft.DtUrSL 1U IUU imu luuju ' M ' i -rx . i m i. ii n" i .,liTrtrcfiiinn. Inllowincr these came an torinca uutcn Lnurcu, uieu uuuiuu a narnest nraver. Another hvmn was sung.Hopcn umuiuua M .u. l j , - b , , i 4 : and after some remarks by Rev. Messrs.IThe omnibus was uecoratcu wuu Aiuen- James and Paxson, the latter ofFcrcdlcan flags, and containing a nuinher 01 bout 9:30, p. m., at Ford's Theatre, thecoin died this morning at twenty-two min president, wmie sitting in ins private oosutcs after 7 o clock. Edwin M. Stantox, Sec. of War. pon the stage, brandishing a large dagger or knife lAssociated Press Account of the Assassi nation. Washington, April 15, 1865. The assassin of President Lincolu left .i i lighted to depart, with his leetgatnerea up. m ladicS d d iu colors omblamat ompusn-H - , . rtftlift TTninn. Lit un as this part of - i & l 1 1 .1 nil 1PK iu Deu ana ms guuu huh cd a n MAnn....ni on.-l tlm lorrrn iccoiii Bin nf the Union. . . V II 111 1 I I I III I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 .1 .1 1 . .11111 Llll. 1111 . V. fc. 1 V 1H - -I.-' i. ,innth TPmid imvfi hcenu " . . , . i.i:i. i,.. T . ; : fln!tnw .1 quietly separated. Itne procession was uy -"--l About the same hour an assassin, who- juonai caiauiitj uum v a . rn11(.win are lllG rcsokcs adoptcd.Ia continuous display or nre-won,3 oujHtll thc samc or not is not known enter. and made his escape in the rear of theBLa h;m hlg hafc and bis LllCaiCr. Tim linf. itr-io Tviol-orl iin in flin I'rftQl. The pistol-ball entered the back of the, , nnri S,,, tom; :fionf:fi0,i i. President's head, and penetrated nearly! .. . h ;fc h ben h t, through the head. The wound is mortal.!' inn:nrr in iin cCnn0fn,i m,n n,, The wound is mortal The President has been insensible ever since it was inflicted, and is now dying terthe calamity when, iu the midsfcfl copy of wilicbigned by the clcrgymenlthe wagon which came next in the line, ed Mr. Seward's apartments, and, under health, in the midst of triumph, and witha ' , , , .dmJ:t nrcsented the most beautiful picturelprctencc of h'aving a prescription, was ih nrrmiisftof Ion- VCarS Ot USClUlUCSSMl" it dshowed to the Seerctarv s sick chamber " r. , .1 1.1. ".f President liiucoin. owe ever ueuum iu waa a ivtu 4l.iUft- - and honor before him, he is rutnies- rpu .. , p rAnrMnnfnt:on of the beautiful of whichg.1 n, J. "m the victim of a trai ! xui; wuliaLia" -"'""""'o-Qr-"- ioea ana inuicteu iwu ur tura 1 ' lassembled for reli'rious conference audHwritars on enchantment occasionally makciti10 thmnt. nml two on the face. snatched irom me, u.e wcuui lassembled for religious conference tor's revenge and a bravo s bullet. I prayer to God, on the mournful occasion In the nobleness of his soul, loyal heartsSLf the death, by a murderer's hand, of .1m.i,i, T. npn n tho mart olHthe President ot tne united states, uo jvLiiauaui ww - t - - saw in i ed to the representation or tnc acauuiui 01 wmuu-. , , inflictcd tw0 0r three stabs-on writers on enchantment occasionally makctic throat and two on the face. r.nn cL-ofrlvj Fnllowiucr the omuibusg It is honed the wounds may not be r ... - U . 1 -m 1 : nrl iho Tpnwm contain ujt the lire works.wmortai. xuy appiuueii&iuu u tuat tj is that Thc nurcc alarmed Jir. Bi i iy . MCaniG IIIU XU1V1UU1U Jjauu, nuiniuisuumu h , . , 1 1 . . .i-; nnii-5 iinnfi ;,, iic choino-of a Eervant toBnereoy iwsviw. - . - . fHivrcdencK cewara, wno was in an aujuui- Uod s hand in the choan0 01 a se v J j That we lament with inexpressible Bed sweet music to the enhvenment ofl. Qon nd lias'tencd to thc door of his Htmrr nfimiT i un r'iiiiv.11 ill 1 11111 ui tM 4 m i ! . i -1 1 i 1 ra w Ul I li U, UUvUV 4. VMJV. " O A sovereign him and glorious purpose. sorrow the great loss which our country has suffered, iu the death by assassination 11 1' 1.1 11 ii.i -.i. i.i HWiu prove jauu in run T in vwicri" iv 1111:11 uisuuig ex UlUUU LW l w w j " thc occasion. We must be permitted toHfather s room, when he met the assassin. self, and elevated from the humbler walks0f Abraham Lincoln, President of thc J ' &c are weU enou,rh in theirierous wouuds. The recovery of Fred- of sovereignty, recognised m this land oig United states, at a time wncn ,n S ' genek Seward is doubttul .v. 1... : v,p i.;. ri i-inii-fM-iexpenence, anauuquesuoneuiniegriLyyB""j; - ' it is not proDaDJc tnat tnc rresiuent , -j n,ihornpfnr nro cn rrr.m t.lv rtOPIiod in tllfi .11 BOnenSlOnS. 10 Serve US lllilU IU LU liiui v"'1"""-' 3 a' J M " more inspiring style of music embraced abhor and execrate tnea. rT;1 ni,v;n sfnr "Rtinnnr ble will, he was peculiarly ullcu "-lfa;rs 0f state. come the highest servant m the govern- jj. That we tt- 1.1. :o m ii ji l.l,.ril" i moot of a tree people, ms wuoie iwcacourse oi n-.acowara.jr '".f " T'Vatikce Doodle. Red White and Blue i:r p nrA irnrl-c fnr fhft nnTiresscdBstrucic at tne very lounuations oi our iret-K . . ' , i :is : i i i 1 1' tii uuu 1 j a w . wv i ' f " . , . ynn f" iiA,lBinstitutions. a crime against llumanity.gu. n ' i"',UH'tt ,,,uuu every rtiiuic , u " 7 Jour Country, and our God ; and we moreimirably performed, but, and we say it in up with L-munces ior ms icuus, u -Hthan evcr jetest the infamous rebeliion.3no snirit 0f fault-finding, the "play in sires were desire ior peace, pruspuu "uwnicn, based on oppression ana injustice, happiness to all men : his love was lovelhas now produced this great for his God, his country and the wholeK'lf r1.1 . JiU": will live through the night. All the members of the Cabinet, except Mr. Seward, are now in attendance upon the Presideut. I have seen Mr. Seward, but he and Frederick were both uuconscious. 3 a. m. The 1'rcsidcnt still breathes, but is by other parties not allowed to see it be fore describing it. The spur was dropped upon the stage, and that also has been identified as thc one procured at a stable where the samc man hired a horse in the evening. Two gentlemen, who went to thc Sec retary of War to apprise him of the at tack on Mr. Lincoln, met at the residence of thc -former a man muffled in a cloak. fjwho, when accosted by them hastened a- way. It had been Mr. Stanton's intcution to accompany iir. .Lincoln to tnc tneateri end occupy thc same box, but the press! of business prevented. It therefore seems evident that the aim of thc parties was to paralyze the country by at once striking down the head, the heart and the arm of the country. As soon as the dreadful events were announced in the streets, Superintendent llichards and his assistants were at work- to discover thc assassin. In a few moments thc telegraph had a- roused thc whole police force of thc city. Maj'or n allach aud several members of the city government were soon on thc tvt I : i . r. saie. io imrui uuh unau iruin. na use, ana the patient when cured is left as healthy as if lie had never had the disease. Can thi be said of any other cure for Chills and Fe Iverl It is true of this, and its importance to those afflicted with the complaint cannot be over estimated. So sure is it to cure the ''ever and Ague, that it may be truthfully Isaid to be a certain remedy. One Dealer ! complains that it is not a good medicine to sell, because one bottle cures a whole neigh- Jberhood. Prepared by J. C- Ayrc & co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by Wm. Ilollinshcad, Dreher I T .1 Ot 1..1 I 1 1. 1 jo& Jiroiner, in oiruuusourir, mm ny ueaiers in medicine everywhere. August 4, lS64.-lyce2m. THE FHCENIX PECTO RAL WILL CURE YOUR COl.YIH. The Phoenix P ecloral, OR. i?SWwouldhavo been more satisfactory, hadjnuito insensible as he has been i over sinceB t andJccry precaution was taken to wickcdbcssJ oU tuucg njentioned abovehcwas shot He evidently did not see! 8ervc ordorJaid quiefc in thc city. . . . I&l.lli: III. I I . I 1 II 11U OllUU AklSU wuu ii iv - 1 TTT. That we w nrav that God. iu been allowed a part. JLiie repartoire oim. - . , .nni,i hnh;A human race. It IS not tOO mUCh, tnen.Hp,-. nnrr,,; nmv 5.:;.! ntnlS. l,..r, ?e fnll fl,ntflno nnl. nnnhin tii ft m Mr r. j i u:'.l 1 1 :., 1. J to say that his death, which bod nas pe'-acomfort those stricken hearts into which 3i?rtiiftW;n ilm hnA pn n h.vrrr, Tinmberg,0 IK-n I K. ...... ..... . m " 4 a- - it' "'"j 1 mitted to fall upon us so suddenly auu sogtbe cruel builet has most deeply pierccd-;g f u:7nn nn rnat hTn tnrches.H Frederick Seward's . i a to draw us.Iwhilc we will further implore His bless i as cn.iaren w 8 loccupy the Chief Magistracy of this great gdeviccs. We observed too, wl ot them all, to a closer ami more cnnctiuu like performance of duty. appropriate fcritical. The attendant, wiio was pros nw1 wnr ct-ililinrl tlirniKrh fhft lunT5 Jinnl - -. . . . .. n... mi - t i . l li i. :i i j t : I occupy the duet Magistracy ol tins great gueviccs. v. c ouservea too, wnne ou megj fc CSDCcted to live. Thc wounds 0f nt.inn. that the mantle Or Lilnah Uiav iallHmrrr1i tlmt miitn n niimhor nf our oiti-fi..: e ..,i . , j j - ja "-"j "i " Ej.iiiijur Qcnaiu uiu uuii suuuua, OJitLui iuuuuni.ftn u.o chmilderis. and that he mav netd i.-.i a j u: -ii : j. a i l: iz t i.. :,i:t T I - --.5Zens nau iiieir uwu;iiii"is uiiuui m iraii. vim iuvcsiiiiatiuu siiuuiiiv luuiuura preserve order and quiet in the city. Lvery street in Washington was pa frnlfHi ?it. thf rfniinst. nt Mr I? ilm n s Gen. Augur sent horses to mount the police. Jvery road leading out of Washington was strongly picketed, and every possible; avenue ot escape was thoroughly guarded, COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHER RY AND SENEKA SNAKE HOOT, Will cure the Diseases of the Such as Colds, Coughs, C roup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, S'ore Throat, llourseness, Whooping Cough, &c. Its timely usi: will puevknt LiQORARY CONSU.13 PT504. en where this fearful disease has ta- lt will afford greater relief than r medicine. Kate Yanderslice of Pottaville, says: s benehttcd more by using the rVitr- nix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberbolizcr, of Lionville, Cacetcr icounty, was cured of a cough of many yearn' ilandi'ig by using the Phumix Pectoral. John Royer, editor ot the Independent Pkcenix, having used it, has no hesitation in 1 . a pronouncing it a complete remedy ior cough, hoarseness and irritation in the throat. Dr. Oberholtzer is a member oflho Alum- mi of the Medical Department of thc Univer- is the cud which our bereavement forceffenabled to conduct the affairs of the gov-i. . , ... . . , . - , . i5 un, Ujinuau Wl w I , 5 , Bin whole illuminated. After marching to our lips thrice bitter the dre they are reluctantly drained : but may we not hope that the Divine contcmpla tion has, in our sorrows, much that is de signed to make us blessed much to con Etitute us a still more worthy esample for thc other nations of earth. The nation mourns. In its vast length and breadth the voice of lamentation is heard. And why should we not mourn ? Just as peace begins to dawn upon the Wilkes 13ooth as the assassin of the Pre-j sident. Whether it was the same or a! liffcreut nerson that attempted to mur-f r. Seward remains m doubt. V here everything was done so well,! Chief Justice Garter is engaged in ta- jand everything was so appropriate, weseeSking the evidence. frnTTrnt tr thn pnmnlfifp. nvnrthrnw of the Rebellion, and the establishment oiithrough our principal streets, the eclebra universal Liberty and Order, to the high-fjtion broke up at-about 11 o'clock, p. m.i i Ar iest welfare ot all the people, and the, glo jry of Almighty God. jJfpThrough thc land, yesterday was one vast funeral da-, and our people one vast band of mourners, met to coramemo-j Brate the many virtues of our deceased President, and to lament his sudden and horiblc death. In our own beautiful bo- horizon of our war ridden and bleedinggrough the people joined in a Union ser- country ; just as rebels begin to recoveilvice, at thc Methodist Episcopal Church. their reason the treacherous uo reason for particularization. We feel ?more like joining our opinion with the o f pinions of a number of gentlemen with whom we conversed, who had witnessed the celebrations at other places, and who were unanimous in tire expression that the celebration in Stroudsburg exceeded .'hem all whether viewed as to the num-Ragonies of Every exertion has been made to pre vent the cscane of thc murderer. His horse has been found on the road Washington. Edwin M. Stanton, Sec. of War. Washington, April 15 1 :30 a. m. Washington, Saturday, April 15, lSG5,ij -, ! e,"?sV.y??,sl' al umcn inslUut,on hc ' . Myfraduated in lf3.-4. At an early hour this morning, thew Mrs. Mary Jlutler, mother of Hon. Wm. Hon. Edwin M.Stanton, Secretary of Butler, President Judge of the Chester and War, sent an oflicial communication to gDcl.iwarc Di.-trict, snys that she cannot do the Hon. Andrew Johnson, Vice-Prei-vvi,Il0Ut the Phnix lVctoral. dent of the United States,- stating that iu gj Thc ProPetor of this medicine Ins to consequence of the sudden aud unexnec- B " u,s curaine powers, irom ted death of the Uhiet Magistrate, i s in k V. J , , , M" " ' ' ... o ' IitlintthR mniinv will hi n.iiir luirilr in nnv rmr. chaser who is not satisfied with its et'Fects. laujiuration should take place as soou at;f ii i i i . . . .1 nMt??i run irwi rannnTTiirv iit.it r.i cr... .1.. . . .... neaiHt'"oolu"- '"""o "U1 L" It is so pleasant to take that children cry piaee auu nuur at winca tnc ccrcuionygfor it. should be performed. It costs only 2o cents, larg- bottles 1. Mr. Johnson immediately replied that U It is intended for onlv one class of discai- it would be agreeable to him to have thens, namely, those of the throat and lung, prepared only ny LEVI ODERtlOL TZER, M. D.. x i z i. - -1 .1 xi. i. ca i i v i . i x uaye just vieiieu tue uyiug uuuuu uiaprocecuiugs taKe place at Jus rooms lUfl Abraham Lincoln, lie is now in thenthe Kirkwood House, as soou as the ar- death, and his physicians say : iust as traitors begin to d is-lappropriate to the occasion, where theH , e' reacherous character of thelpastor, the Eev. Mr. Paxson, deliveredi ' Jm . ... B i t i.i . I lo all bers engaged or as to thc brilliancy of the cover ground upon which they stand; just as the political friends of Abraham Lincoln begin to see, in its full measure, the wis dom of his election to the Chief Magis tracy of the Union j just as his political opponents begin to confess the wrong of their denunciation and to acknowledge the full worth of the man j just then the assassins bullet snaps the cord of life, and the President's soul wings its flight to heaven. Not in anger would we ask that the assassin may have meeted out to him his just doom, for it appears to have needed this to secure a just appreciation of Abraham Lincoln's many and exalted virtues, and to give us a startling evi. dence of the great truth "in the midst of life we are in death j" not in anger, but in sorrow such as nation never before experienced, would we pray that that Irovidence which so ruleth in inyste-i ry may bring consolation to an afflicted people, and meet out to the instrument of our sorrows such punishment as to Him Ecemeth best. God's ways aro not man's ways. les, Abraham Lincoln is dead; but all that was of him is not dead. His no bleness of soul, his exalted virtues, his great deeds, aud his glorious memory will live in the hearts of a grateful people so long a wisdom continues to be rever enccd and history to be written. concerned, whether those most active in getting it up, or those who par ticipated in the celebration, it was in the highest degree, creditable. j Religious Notice. j I am requested by llev. Joseph Mason, IP. E., to notify the members of the M. E. Church on Cherry Valley and Tan nersville circuits, that their Quarterly Meetings will be held as follows : nil "M,'CU' ,in Sntnrdjiv. Anril Will it 2 P M mi . . i .. . . ... H J I - - f j. .-a . xne man wno auempiea me assassination" preachiDg on Sunday 30th at 10x A,M lannersville, Quarterly Conference, on Monday, May 1, ot 3 P. M, Preaching an aDie, impressive and truly eloquent! discourse from 2nd Samuel, iii : 38. In the ceremonies the Eev. Mr. Pitt and the! Rev. Mr. James assisted. The church was tastily dressed in mourning. The stores and places of business, in town.s were all closed during the day, and al t .3 oaage oi mourning upon nearly every door attested the deep sense of the be reavement entertained by our citizens. he cannot live more than an hour. He is surrounded by the members of his Cabinet, all of whom are bathed iu tears. Senator Sumner is seated on thc right of the couch on which he is lying, the tears streaming down his cheeks and sob- Chief-Justice Cliase was informed of the fact, and immediately repairod to the appointed place iu company with Secre- tary ocward, ot the Treasury Depart ment, Attorney-ueucral fcpeed, h. P. Blair, jr., Hon Montgomery Blair, Sen; was fliiiJnictoror? v rlin IKInP TioCnn .Pl. r . J . . . " UsgikI nt nnno. in nun nt m ntrnnts fnr it Phcenixville, Pa. Sold by all Druggists and Storelcocpcr?. JOHNSTON, IIOLLOWAY &COWDE.V, No. 'S3, North Sixtli ft., Philadelphia, and F. C. WELLS, & CO., No. 115 Franklin st.t New York, wholcsslo Agents. Sold by Win. Ilollinshead, and Drchcr & Brother, Stroudsburg, anil by nearly every Storekeeper in Monroe County. N. B. If your nearest storekeeper or druggist docs not keep this medicine do not let him put you off with some othwr medicine, because he makes more money on it, but The War. The news from the seat of war received since our last is of the most cheering character. Mobile has fallen into Union hands, and the Stars and Stripes now float over it. Prom Sherman we have of flcial information thatKaleigh and Sallis bury, N. C. are occupied by Union forces, and that Vance, the Itebel Governor of tihat State is a prieoncr iu our bauds. of Secretary Seward was arrested, at Wash ! a. 1 a f i t mt t 1 uigioa on uie nigui oi tne iui anu is now Jon board a gunboat He was immediately and unequivocally recognized by Mr. Sew ard's colored doorkeeper as the man that cut Mr. S. He was also recognized by Major Seward and his sister. Booth, the assassin of the President, has not yet been arrested. It is said, however. that he with some thirty other conspirators' are surrounded by our cavalry, in St. Ma rys County, Maryland, endeavoring to make their way across the Potomac. They are heavily armed, but it is thought they will be captured. the same evening. Rev. M. Mason will preach, Providence' permitting, in Stroudsburg M. E. Church. on &uuaay evening, April 6). W. J. Paxson. QUESTIONS. As old winter's hastening on, And may in a short time be gono, An important question will Soon the minds of many fill. Think ye, 'tis when will war cease, And our land enjoy sweet peace 1 Will Old England bravo thc whip The Phosnix Pectoral. I(She in foretimes vainly strove to slip) This Cough remedy is now extensivelylBy interfering 'gainst thc powers used, and is of thc highest value to the com-Of "Might and Right," which still are ours? bmg like a child. All around lnm areltors hoot of Vermont, Tiamsay of Min his physicians, burg.-Uen. Barnes direct-Bucsota, Yates of Illinois, Stewart ofNe ing affairs. Ivada, Hale ot New-Hampshire, and Gen The President is unconscious, and thclu'amsworth of Illinois. only sign ot file he exhibits is by thc At 11 o'clock thc oath of office movement ot his right hand, which he raises feebly. Mrs. Lincoln and her twoiUuited States, in his usual solemn and sons arc in an adjoiniug room, into whichgimnrcssive manner. Secretary Stanton has just gone to informH Mr. Johnson received the kind cxprcs iTllP liplwii Wil them that the President's physicians havelsions of the gentlemen by whom he was! MLAUfcil pronounced his case hopless. Isurrounded, .in a manner whicli showed As I pass through the passage to thejhis earnest senso of the great rcsponsi front door I hear shrieks and cries pro-bilities so suddeuly devolved upon him ceedmgfrom the room in which the gricf-jand made a brief speech, in which he stricken wife and children arc seated. Iid ; "The duties of thc office aro mine obtain from Quartermastcr-Generallt will perform them. The consequences mwigo iviivniug mv.vuuuv vi uoaa arQ WUH UOd. Uentlemen, 1 shall lean un- siuuiiuu . Inn vnn. I frnl that. I shnll nov uniii enn ii . -ini iii , J " w "v.uJV,u, iiDOUD luj o C10CK, a man dressed in alnorfc. T am dennlv imnrnQ5oil wir.h tliol ., i , . ... ... r r-j Hint v..- aarK suit ana nat entered thc private boxlso eninitv of the oceassinn nnrl in which Mr. Lincoln and his party Jponsibility of the duties of the office I am uousisuu" oi .airs, jjincoin, miss Harris. ndcr, munity, its curative qualities having been tested by thousands with the most gratifyingi results. It is very pleasant to take and does not sicken the stomach, but it is a stim-l ulating expectorant, its action being especi ally directed to the Lungs. Its cheapness brings it within the reach of all. It is pre pared by Dr. Levi Oberholtzer, of Phcenix ville, Pa., and is sold by nearly every Drug- gisi una oioreKeepcr in Monroe Uounty. Will wily Nap--of hoodwinked France, lgumsi justice dare to hurl a lance i Will oil stock remain at pari Or, will some freak of future mar The greaseful projects of the many, Counting largely, on the golden penny 1 Questions somewhat important those Second howe'er to, where clothes Suited to Springtime be procured, yji wuicn men may ue well assured, They're neatly fitting and of latest style Wc reply to this of R. C. Pyle. vsw i .. . i . . JSSTThe remains of President Lineolnl., f ,aWinler are to be taken to Illinois over the routclalso on hand a snhmdid stock of r.lnih J i... i, r. t t ij i nr i . . . . ' uj wuiyii iiu uioi, wayeicu 10 asiuogtonsimeres and vestings, just purchased which to be inaugurated. lour friends will do well to take a lnnlr nt daughter of Senator Harris, were seated and Capt. Kathbonc of Albany. Immediately upon opening the door he advanced toward Mr. Lincoln with a six- barrel revolver in his right hand aud a bowic-kuife in his left. Tho President. who was iutenfc notice his intrusion, and the pentlpmnii who was seated beside him arose to in- quire tne reason ot Ins entrv. a - j - Before he had time to ask the assassin what he wanted he fired one charge from his revolver which took effect iu the back of the President's head. The ball passed through aud came out at the right tem ple. Capt. Ratliboue, who was in the box with M. Lincoln, attempted to arrest the murderer, and in trying to do so, received a stab in his arm. The assassin then leap ed from the box on to the stauc. Pefore (assuming. Mr. Johnson appeared to be in remark able good health, and has a high and realizing sense of the hope3 that arc cen tered upon him. His manner was solemn and dignified, aud his whole bearing pro duccd a upon the play, did notlthosc who participated in tho ceremonies. Lt is probable that during the day President Johnson will issuo his first proclamation to thc American people It is expected, though nothing has been determined upon, that tho funeral of tho late President Lincolu will take place on or about Thursday next. It is supposed that his remains will be tem porarily deposited in tho Congressional Cemetery. Notice; All nfirsnn.tJ in. tlin-HUi Tltwiainn nP fl,n tar?i?PPnTwifi ? Ur;a h;Illlh Coliou District of Pennsylvania, turned, aud with a tragic flourish andl,i , i. . , , . ' who have been furnished with income tone, waved his knife "and slimi foil ,. ' . c 11 1 ..... semper tyranms" BuianKs, ara requested to havc them made So sudden was the affair that some mo-Ioufcj and delivered to J. Stokes, Assis. -pi.aiL xw. uuuuuee tue audicuceitant Assessor, by the 1st day of May next. AT THE OLD STAND. The undersigned, would respectfully inform his customers and thc public ceni erally, that in additiou to his former stock he will now keep for sale a general assort ment of seasonable DRY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &C which he will offer as low as the market can possibly afford. His goods will ahvajs be selected with a view to give his custom ers their money's worth, and will compnzo Ladies' and Gkntivkman's dress gooik, in great variety, Shirtings, Shcciings, icc-i &c. Persons desiring to purchase DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 'FROYISIOXS, HARDWARE, BOOTSkSUOKS or, indeed, anything purchasable in country Store, will best study their inter ests by calling and examinitig my stock before purchasing elsewhere. It is not tho intention of thc under signed to make a blow about low Pnce:' but bohovine that "the nroof of the Fa ding is tho eating of it." ho cordially in- vites a call Irom the publtc. uw" cheerfully exhibited. lTf GEOKGhi 1. lUM- Stroudsburg, April 13, 1SC5. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this OHiec
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers