monroe county Mutual Fire Insurance Company CHAR TER PER PE T UAL. Amount of Properly Insured 1,050,000 The rte of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for everv thousand dollars in sural, after which nuvmenlno further char ges will be made, except to cover actual loss bv fire that mav fall upon members of the ( omnanv The policies issued by this Company arc perpetual, and siiord ttic iuiiesi tecumy i,P0:t o"..nnmv and convenience. This commnv will not issue TannericsJ'Tliis is one of the best Dairy farms Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications fr Insurance may be made! 1.0 cither of the jIam.gcrs, surveyors or bee rctarv. MANAGERS. J. Depue Labor, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edingor, Silas L. Drake, Goillicb Aurachcr, Charles D. Brodhoad, Jacob Stouffor, Robert Bovs. Theodore Scbocb, Sml S. Drcber. Thomas V. Rbodcs, Stogdcll Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President E. B. Ditmintt, Secretary and Treasurer, Silas lu Drake, Melchoir Spragle, Surveijors. F. A. Oppclt, ) 0f- The stated meeting of the board ol LIannTcrs takes nlace at the tsccrclary s 01- fice. on the first Tuesday of each month, al 1 o'olock P. M. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1S03 Dissolution Notice. inn ki 11 ess her last. -All persons having claims a- "niit tlic firm of Kautz & Huutsmau arc! requested to present them for immcdiatcBis The copartnership existing between thclthe liver, and will send us disease-producing Jcrsmued, 111 the .Livery, nagou iua-iucms u,.r.ui. , in-, Blacksmithing, and Farming busi ry one w.i suuer ,u wnaicvcr rSuu u, fnivi.Bnredisnosed to disease. Was UISSOIVCU uu muivuii u"' 12 r,,. , r scttlemcut and those inacbted will comeical men. lhe dimcuiiy nas oeen 10 ouiam forward and pay up without delay. The-uch a preparation of it as will enter the cir booksofthefirmcanbcfoundatEsquircilation and assimilate at once with the Dni.its office for four weeks, to whom payments can be made in the absence oi the undcrsi-rncd, one or both of whom will be found there on Monday and Tues day of each Aveek. At the end of that time suit will be brought against all who fail to respond to this notice. VALENTINE KAUTZ, WM. HUNTSMAN. Stroudsburg, Nov. 24, 1SW. p. S. The Livery and Wagon Makinp business will be continued at the old stand by the undersigned, who will be fully prepared with superior Horses and Carriages, careful Drivers and excellcut workmen to answer all calls upon him. WM. HUNTSMAN. Nov. 24, 1S54. The Country Safe! The subscriber lakes this method of infor ming his many friends, and the public gene rallv. that he has returned from thr cities. w lib a large lot of Heady ilade Clothing, of lhe latest styles, consisting of COATS of all kinds and qualities, PANTS of various styles of goods, and VESTS of every grade. From his present stock he is satisfied tha he can meet the demand of every taste and "ri"- out", in a manner hitherto unapproach nil. ibe man with the single dollar, or thei possessor of thousands. He has also laid in, and will keep onTiandgcharacter of the testimonials. an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimcres, Vesting?, NTntinnc ITo.ifrv. &.c. &c. all of which he will sell very cheap. He has also a splendid lot of at prices varying from 50 cents to $0 each : lhe latest styles of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &.C., &.c, and all at prices surpri singly low. 1. S. Clothing made to order at short no tice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in ex change for Goods at cash prices. The public are invited to call as he is de termined to sell his goods cheaper than the! cheapest. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1659. tf. Gotltic Mail &im Store, William SEoEiinshcad, Wholesale and Retail Brusrffisf. STROCDSI3U11G, Pa. Constantly on hand and foi sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Jodicines, Paints. Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish. Ker- o.-cne Oil, Perfumery aud Fancy Goods : also Sash, l)Iinds Ioors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal j-urpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. .Stroudsburg, July 7, 18G4. Having changed my bas rations, m Sreef Victory. ;e 01 one being located in the New Brick store oppo-jry, French or Domestic: all kinds of nto lhc Post office, supplied with a now! .c eiock oi nais, caps, anu x' urs, l am now prepared to sell goods in my line, al prices to suit all. Jt you want u nice iaslnonable Hat or Cap, come to Pauli and vou will find it. btore on Elizabeth St., opposite-the Post vmice, fctruudaourg, l'a. JAMES A. PAULI. N. B; 'j'hc Jiigiiost oaali prices paid for an juuutf.oi jurf. DeoCuiber 24, 1803. BLANK MORTG'AGJSS, Valuable FARM FOE, SAI Xl,o subscriber offers aM,rivatosalc,tbcB avaiuauic J? arm on wmuu uu -- 1 1. 1 AnwIitrt at Mtuato in Middle Smithfield .township,! hTnnrn.-. Pminhv Pa... about UHIC nillCPL ifrom Stroudsburg, adjoining lands ot Jonu IV. Coolbaugh, Martin PJacc, and otners. Thc Farm contains aim EZnmircd and t'oriy '"-' !-.limif. IM) nnrns nf which IS lUiprOVCQ auui ... -i .ii lUkVUU . w w m. - . . iin a Rood state of cultivation, and tue 1 About 4U acre? 1 mi l o.imii nf vrnrnil i:s goou Aieaaow, anu u runs through, the premise. The ini- iprovemcnts are a Frame Dueling house, !.i New Barn and Wagon House, and other out-buildings, with a never failing bprin; lof water ntf the door of the dwelling. Int.. . i.nmluM' nf li'mll". Trnns nil llr inlace. LIMESTONE on the premises. 111 thc Country Persons desiring to view the Farm, can Ilo so by calling 011 the undersigned, ding thereon. CLIAKLES SHOEMAKER. October 27, 1SG4 IMPORTANT TO ALL INVALID IRON IN THE BLOOD. It is well known to the medical profession! Ithat IRON is the Vital Principle of Life hi iement of the blood. This is derived chiefly Ifrom the food c eat: but if the food is not gproperly digested, or if, from any cause leuer, the necessary quanuiy 01 iron 13 Hoi,np rav bo addressed bv letter (contidcn taken into the circulation, or becomes re 1 nc duced, the whole system suffers. The badl blood wili irritate the heart, will cleg up the! lungs, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct IROSf AS A MEDICISE well known and acknowledged by all'med- UIUUU. a lllb JIUllll, OJ)S Ul. liilJM, atjuocu.- chusetts State Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Svrun. bv combination in a way before unknown. 4 a ' XI IK PERUVIAN SYRUP is a PROTRACTED solution of the PRO TOXIDE OF IRON. ANEW DISCOV ERY IN MEDICINE, that Strikes at the Root of Disease by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Element Iron TilK PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Dropsy! Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirts. rriE PERUVIAN SYRUP rnfuses strength, vigor, and new life into the system, and builds up an "Iron Constitution.1 THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Diarrhoea. Scrofula, Boils.I Scurvy, Loss 01 Constitutional Vigor THE PERUVIAN SYRUP jCures Nervous Affections, Female Com plaints, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP lis a Specific for all diseases originating in a I BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accom- panied by Debility or a Low Stale of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cum ind recommendations from some of the most eminent Physicians, Clergymen, and others. ivill be sent free to any address. We select a few of the names to show the JOHN E. WILLIAMS, ESQ., President of the Metropolitan Bank, N. Y Rev. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Christian Advocate and Journal. Rev. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclu sively for J. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broad way New York. Sold by all Druggists. Redding's Russia Salve Heals Old Sores. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Wounds, Bruises. Sprains. a 1 ne creai Yaiue 01 Redding S RUSSia Salvelto Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancers, Redding's Russia Salve Lures bait Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas, leddiiig's Russia Salve Cures Kingworms, Corns, &c, &., NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Only 25 :enls a Box. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, No. 49 1 Brodway, N. Y. S. J. j-uwjlu oi Co., wo. 18 Tremont St., Boston. And by all Druggists and Country Store- ueepcrs. May 19, 16C1. ly. New Confectionery. Tbe Subscriber informs his friends, uu the public generally, that he has o- pened an extensive Confectionery Store, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, four doors below "Buster s Clothing Store." Everything in the line; of Confectione CANDIES,' OI4A1VCJ33S, tEilJOiS, Can be bad at CITY PRICES, cither at WHOLESALE OR RETML. CSAlso A lot of Choice Flowcrs.-TJSai11 tuis rc(l.ucst will be responded to, as Please call and examiug his Stock JAMES BALLENTYNE. Stroudsburg, 31ay 12, 1804. tf. BE. W. If. W1TM0R, Of Pliiladelpma. Where Im has been in successful Practicel !for a number of years, with the or . ?iJ" 111 ill 1 I IU w. w. - - r J I w,.t,v1 :.t. A ontrnvn. rOmceBr"S . r.J:.:.. ' i.. , 7 eU wlhc will loinf9?!5 TJZ strict attendance to all Professional calls, No I'alent Medicines useu or rccomraeiiu.g ...... . 1 eu. liiu ivuikuib uti.......c.-. "-B, .l Pt. nmnJinr. nrlmtmclnrnf TO I inPB jwnicn wi:i not oreaic oown "e '"V;ditionsto their already largcstock of ... -ii . , i :..;.... uui renovaie ine Byfcium uum an iujuum " has sustoined from' improper treatment, ndjQruvS MedicillCS, Perfumery, &C..put Up Vi25c. 50c. and 1,00 Boxes, Bot leave the system in a healthy and perfectly! ' ... . tn ihnnr ad Plasks. 03 and $5 sizes for Ho- cured condition. 1 1 : : m Melaiicholly Abberation, that state or ali enation and weakness or me minu which renders persons incapable of enjoying the pleasures or performing tue uuues 01 wic nvs ' ' PS A. l hai uisiressin" uituuav and fell destroyer of bealth and happiness undermining tbe constitution anu ycany car rying thousands to untimely graves, can most cmpnatically be curcu. RHEUMATISM in any lorm or nrrnl1r P.tiitpnsv. nr f'nlli HUM Wiiiiuniv-u -t. .-.., MChlltK, a . u " , - n i,rn;n , D(i, ,rn !.isn3 n 1.1 1 rn.linnllv rnmntPl . ISH ! Rheum, and every description of ulcerations;! If you want any of the most popular J f- PMnK nml Scrofulous diseases, which havelent Medicines, or those which are not quite. vcsi-jbanlcd previ0us medical skill, can be curedlso popular, call on by proper treatment; and I do say, (yes! If you want the bes Consumption) can be cured by wearing mylarticle ol Chewing lo M,i;nto.! Tnrtni whrh is n nrotoct on toH thn r.nnaRniminsi all chanpcs of weather inl ..11 i;..,r,c iin,. inn- Jnrnstio-ntpil fnr vpn .u n.,A ntrnntrnf Intormiiinnfc rFi.-l au-u IUIU uiiuiu" ? v or Acute cases of Ague and Nervous diseas es. in a few days. TAPE WORM. That dread to the Hu man Family, can be removed and pcrmanent Iv.cured. Consultation in my office in the English and German language, free of charge. Will make visits any distance. Wednesdays and '-HSaturdays set apart for patients from a (lis ilia!iv,)anu lucaicmcs sent wu piujiui . .. . 1 r 1 . 1. di Ircctions to any part of the country. Dr. W. 1-1. W1TMUK, Office in Eagle Hotel Building, AUcntown, Lehigh Co., Pa. September 1, lSGl-ly. igMy Important. JOHN C. DAUDT. respectfully notifies his old customers, ind all others who may desire clothing made in the latest styles, and in tbe best nossible manner, that he may be Ifound at the Store of Robert Boys, on TUES - ver and Acrue,) in all parts of the UnitedH It you want pure wines ana uujuun lorj States will cure permanently all Chronicgmedicinal, sacramental or other uses, callj DAY and SATURDAY of each week, wherelnotity my tnends and the public generally. 1,0 will Iip Imnnv tn fnL-P mpnRnrns and re - coivc the orders of his friends. His old cus - tomcrs can leave their goods and orders atthe old stand, on Franklin street, where 1 the Store at any time, merely noting such al-larn prepared to hire horses and carriages at tomtinne frnm f ip nrcspnt or nruvious Drc - vailing fashions as they may desire made Thankful (or past favors, he hopes to men and receive a. continuance of the same. JOHN C. DAUDT. Stroudsburg, April 24, 18.G2 JAMES II. WALTON. THOMAS W. YOST WALTON & YOST, BANKERS, BROKERS, AND General Collectors. No. 25 South Third Street, Philadelphia. REFERENCES. Jay Cooke & Co., E. P. Middleton, &.Bro. James, Kent, Santee &. Co., Hon. Win. Wil- kins, Esherich, Black & Co., Hon. James Pol lock, C. M'Kibbon & Son, Hon. II. D. Fos, ter, Hon. A. II. Rccder, Hon. Asa Packer, Hon. Warren J. Woodward, V. L. Bradford, Esq. July 17, 18G2. REAL ESTATE The subscribers offers at private sale thelclaims against the same, will present them! following two valuable properties viz No. 1. A three story Brick Buildimg, situate in the borough of Stroudsburg, adjoining the building of Jacob Singmaster. No. 5. One two Etory Frame Dwelling, with Kitchen attached, and Lot 01 Land be longing to the same situate near the Strouds burg Depot, in Stroud township. Persons desirious of buying, will call upongof partnership between Keller &. Waters, he Mr. Nicholas Ruster, in Stroudsburg, or up - on the subscribers who reside No. 145 Cham - I ber street, New York City.- HIRSCHKIND & ADLER. February 25, 18G4. Just Received, AT BROWN & KELLER'S, A large assortment of Extra PiiATEn SPnniVS FORK'S Arc nfcimnnnrnnnllfv take the place of Solid Silver Ware.- Having made a large purchase, they are cna, bled to supply houseeper ;Tt atahtarinten in person and can, , therefore , rec- oie ofoTd Slends low rates. Call anrl M Lin, gomend them to purchasers. To the craft hel?urj? V nc ou lr o "'ondss low rates. Call and examine. Stroudsburg, May 5th, 18G4 MASOW TOCK, Glazier, and Panel JHaBi2rer,lceived. he hones hv nminnt ntmntmn tn win . . i Will attend to, and promptly execute, allliness and to the wants of the community to orders with which he may be favored. Fromlmerit a continuance of the same. r,c iii iTiiJnoM i f . : e , v. u.ixuwui, ui iwiucin mg enure satistaction in his work. IlelStroudsburg, August 4th, 1864 ujajr uu iuuiiu ut HIS BHOp, On OimpSOIl street, oirouusuurg, i'a, 2Jatronagc respectfully solicited. March 2G.16G2. HOWARD ASSOCIATKOrV. PHILADELPHIA. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary! and Sexual Systems-riiew and reliable treat ment in Reports of the HOWARD ASSO CIATIONSent by mail in scaled letter onvelopes, tree of charge. Address. Dr. J SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard non, no. z ooutn iMntli Street, Philadcl phia, Pa. December 17, 18G3. ly. NOTICE. All persons indebted to Simeon Schoou- ovcr, cither by note, book account or otl ui mav, .uu ijl'uuuswu lu scllio tiieir ac- iwmlnn ...nJn. X A .. i J 1 I 1 . counts as soon as possible. He hone? nis jaie serious loss Dy nrc necessitates him to make this call. SI3IE0N SCnOONOVEll- Busbkill, Juue 9, 1804.. PHOENIX DRUG STORE. DREHER & BROTHER, (Successors to Durling & Boys,) "Rpsnectfullv notifv the public, that hav ing purchased the above establishment, they UUBl- commo- , .sfittni, ,1D with CVerv convenien dious, and is fitted up with every convenience! - , i ndthe accommn. 1 -. r i t . .1 " a a nt nn n ii5 nmnrs. riavin"-maue larfreau f wuivmuuv. - - - t nn nt the new tax and tannaieis, i-uonc iuhuuuuhs, laws, they are prepared to offer! rare bargains to purchasers. READER, If you want pure, fresh Drugs and Mcdi- icincs. call on Jjrencr os urouier If you want first quality Paints, Oils rtJirffftVSold by all Druggists and Retailers cv- TJte Shifts, call on Dreher & Brother.! I If you want Perfumery, in almost cndlcssBgmBeware!!! of all worthless imitations, variety, call on Dreher & Brother.QrSee that "CostarV name is on each If vou want Lamps and pure, safe and! Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. Qciican liurninir kjus. tun un . . --7 11 ,nhny Xr Urntlinr A"1"'1" K 1 I A 1 It'. II 4 1. best Cigars or a choice bortcco, call on jjrener ojiuuiui. TV1 Jt- T1 If you want Physicians Prescriptions r.vlcarcfullv compounded, call on Dreher & Brother m Tyr. t T X I T I V, T.fl. I If vou want the best of JIair, Tooth, Naiil and Cloth Brushes, Combs, soaps, uosmet ics and Toilet Articles generally, call on Dreher cc .brother. In short, If you want any thing usually kept 1:1 a well reculated Drug fetore, you can only ne sure to get a pure and genuine article by calling on" Dreher cc urotiier. The undersigned hope, by strict attention to business, and a desire to meet the wants! of the public, to merit a continuance and in crease of the patronage heretoiore extended to the Phoenix. GEO. II. DREHER. E. B. DRDIIER. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1863. LIVERY BUSINESS. Wm. Huntsman, Proprietor. f&. Having purchased he stock S8S$ lately owned by Kautz and I - Al2 Huntsman, I take this opportunity toj Bthat I have added considerable new stock to! Ilhe same, and will continue the business at t he lowest casii rales, niv norscs are saio. Bfast and gentle, and their vehicles consist o! all kinds, to suit the taste of the fastidious. Attentive ostlers always on hand, and dnver.- furnished when desired. Call and sec for iniif.Ttlttnn ytronrrorc f'i I n n t r nttxr nn rt nil the countrv at short notice. They will con tinue to run the new omnibus between thif borough and the Railroad Depot. Persons fntending to go on the railroad will be called tor at anv part of the borough, by leaving iheir names at the office near the stable. The omnibus will also be at the depot on thej arrival of trains to convey passengers intoi town. a No pains will be spared lo give satisfaction! Nto all who may favor them with their patron-g Rage. WILLIAM HUNTSMAN. Executor's Notic Estate of JOITArDOWmjSTG, late of M. Smithfield toicnsltij), dec d. Letters testamentary on the above named decedent, late of the township ol! M. Smithfield, Monroe County, Pa., hav-j ling been granted to the undersigned, alb persons indebted to said Es'tatc will makes immediate payment, and those having! duly authenticated for settlement. DEPFE S. MILLER, Executor. M. Smithfiel l tsp., Feb. 9, 1865. The subscriber would inform the public, very respectfully, that since the dissolution Shas been carrying on the B . . a - Jui Cfc- Millie jtiisifics lat his old stand, one door above the Express Office, on Elizabeth St.. where he will be happy to wait on his old customersJSTEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WORK and as many new ones as can make it conJL . . venient to cal 1. Besides being prepared at alii times to fill all orders for custom work, the! public will find on his shelves, for sale anj elegant assortment of ready made BOOTS & SHOES, for mens, womons, misses and childrens wcar,l the selection and purchase of winch he su- offers a general assortment of Shoo Findings, leasts, &c, &c, of the best quality, all of which he offers at Ismail advance upon cost Thankful for the! liberal patronage which he has already re-! A1U uuaie www goous. jjrop m. OllVltLil!,0 VVAl JliKH, Monroe Co. AgricuUural Society, NOTICE. All. persons arc cautioned against removing any manure from the grounds of the Society j and those persons wno nave already done so arc requested to call at the office of the Secretary aud make settlement for the same. iy order of the Board of Directors. A. HEEVES JACKSON. Secretary. Associa-SStroudsburg, Feb. 9, 1865 Take Notice is hereby given that the sub scriber intends moving his nlace of busi uess to JjrodiicadsvUlc, about the first of March next. All those indebdted to him are requested to- settle their accounts previous to that time. L. M. LTELLER. Eossardsville, Dec. 8, 18(51. BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Offioc. For Rals, Mice, Slouches AtilsJ Bed Bmrs, Mollis in Furs, Wool- cms, &c insects on Pliints, Fowls. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." !KTsld Wholesale in all large cities. ervwlicre. OAddress Sold by W. HOLLTNSIIEAD, Wholesale & Retail Agent, Stroudsburg, Pa March 24, 1SC4. Gm. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Tlic Ijiirgcsl ami G'heapes Stooli ever offered hi this City. CISAK&E W. JEAN Wholesale Dealer IN lirrnnJi and German ISashcls, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, UU Cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, tec fcc, uc. No. 223 Market-Street, below Second, oiortn s.uej imiLAimLi'm. ine UD?criuer nab jun upuuuu u. ly new and complete stock of goods o MEICCS STAiVi?,"'' and with increased best quality and description, to which heg, ..... , .intttss ' n ,,n1nr.-,- would respectfully call the attention of Wcr chants and Dealers, who wish to find a goodfe jm'jc(J patronaGJe lhc o!( M8tu - ers of thia .irlicle cheap for Las.i. Bnstablishincnt. In constant connnuninatinn These goods were bought for Nett Cash,gwitIl imporiers jn ftuw y0KK ani Pn,LY. at the greatly reduced prices consequent up-D1.Lri,I V5 an j in pnssession of peculiar ai noil the stringency of the times, and believinv..lIlta,res jn resn0Ctf tiiCV are prepared the "nimble sixpence" to be belter than theto se CLOCKS, WATCHES & JJ2W- 'slow shilling," they arc now ollercd to UwEpTjt v of slinerior make and finish as well public at prices that defy competition. The following area few of the articlesglow rates, always on hand: They also keep constantly on hand the Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualiliesbcst quality of Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar Boxes Half g r Bushel and Peck Measures, WcM UucK- els, Towel Rollers, Patent head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, Wooden Mop Handles, Grain Scoops, Toy Wheelbarrows, Coin Brooms, every variety of shoc,paint, scrub, and sweeping brushes, &c. clothes brushes, baskets, willow and ratan chairs, skirt ratans, bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirt cords, tie yarns, twine of all kinds, together with a large assortment oi notions and fancy goods. Hosiery, Gloves. Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c, cheap irom auction. These goods nre all new and carefully se lected, and are offered at prices that cannoj fail to attract attention. Buvcrs will invariably find it to their ownSand satisfactorily. Orders taken for Sihcr interest to call before purchasing elscwhore.RWare and filled with dispitch. (Particular attention given to packing Stroudsburg,May 19, ISG'i. tf goods for shipment, so as to prevent damngcg " 3" or excessive charges for freight SiH&SgSfcsii ftftSft BWiftl'V. 0"Orders by mail promntlv attended to. CHARLES "W. DEAN. 223 Market-st., north side, below 2nd, Pliila AND MACHINE SHOP 1 The undersigned having completed now Foundry and Machine Shop would rc pectfully iniorm his old fnon-Js, and public generally, that he .ally prepared 8 gfill all orders in hisline witli promptness, gin a style superior even to what he was ablcS Wnnl u-ili hn tnkminni! rrii.m iU iu uu in uiu um usLaunaumuiiL uusuuyuu uygiubscnber once in two week? to and from the the flood. Having a full assortment of pat-f0! lowing places, viz : at Peters' store, Mar terns made of the best material, he is prc-g.i,nis Creek. J. I). Lnhnr' n,? a. r Pr,.-, pared to supply all demands for Kill Work, Bark Kills, Plow Casl nigs and Sash Weights, kx.., vv.. ajuuiy au uApunuiiuuii worKioa jigi wool ine nigticsi casli price paid tor himself, and employing none but the bcstgwool. Four Carding machines in running hands and the best material, the public may lord cr, enables him to card woo! at all hour?, rest assured that all work coming from hiVi The subscriber has a quantity of Broad shop will be fully equal, if not superior, tofjclothe on hand, the purchase of which lie that produced by any other establishment ingsuperintended in person during his recent the country. The new Foundry and Ma-Slrin lo England, which he wil! pxr.hnncrc for chine Shop is located on Walton street, near! wool and allow the highest market price. km: i j. ii.. i , r. . , w .... . - . jii.uuihu BLroei, m uic oorougii oi airoiuis as new one arc solicited. Orders from piatflJlGQ may be addressed, per mail, to J?'. LANDERS, Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., September 4th, 18G2. Pa. iurocenes ami uaiwarc. 1 The Subscriber informs the public that lie nas opened the most extens vc G KOCE It Y STOSt E uawawEj in the County, consisting oi very hue amlSlatcst and most imnroved manner. Most common COFFEE, SUGARS, And a large assortment of TEAS, MOLASSES, Raisons, Salt Fish, and hundreds of other articles commonly kept in a Grocery Store. ALSO, A largo stock of HARDWARE, The subscriber has made arrangonienfi- it M flirt nf lict- nrltiL 1 in w vniv;ii uuuuics una to nro-a ! ! - . - A T. cure any article m ins lino of businoss on short notice. All persons arc kindly invited to call! and examine his stock before they pur-j cnasc ciscwncrc. xvu aiuus oi urain ana l'roauco rmr-8 All l.:...1 f,. -1 -r. -. chased by the subscriber for which the! highest Market price will be naid in ex change for goods. btorc next door to the Indian Queen I Hotel. BARN NT MANSFIELD. Stroudsburg, April 2, 1803. Time is Money : important to Everybody! The undersigned would inform tbe nnV.1;., ithat he has 0Denfd n now CA.nmc WATCH Store in Stroudsburg. where h designs keeping on hand a stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, zc, &c, of all qualities, and from the high est to the lowest prices. He will also keeo well supplied with YMSSE NOTIONS, m almost endless variety, which he will dispose of at prices that cannot fail to please" purcnaser3. SHYER & FUTED-WAB0 supplied to order at a small advance upon wholesale city prices Being a practical workman with much ex perience 111 ins business, he designs giving liis personal attention to the renainnir of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c, and feols assured that he can give satisfaction to all who entrust work to his care. 0CjAU work warranted. His Store is on Elizabeth Street, South side, between Ilime's Store and the Post Of fice, where the public are cordially invited to call and examine his stock. ALEXANDER RAUBENOLD. Stroudsburg, May 19, 1SG4. Cm. ir J SEALERS IN If focus, Matches, Jcwelrv, Silver Ware, Seated Ware, BOOKS, SiaJioucrj', Wall Paper, 1 Notions, &c, &c. Thev havo recentlv nnrnhasrd 1TF.T.. - . ' , . ; ., H..lso as of cheaper character, at remarkably Ej ... 0 . r. i ?..... Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all hinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of oil kinds and Fixtures', Superior Sewing Books, Miscellaneous and iJlank Books, Ledgers and Day Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pe?is, Ink, J-c, ij-c. Photograph Frames,-Wall Paper, Window Shades, and Fruit Cans of every de scription. S3 Lamp Burners altered. liepairin"- of Clock? Watches and Jeweirv attended to nroniDtlr v - V JM 1 Canliiig, Sphiiiiag", Weaving AND CI.OT33 Thc subscriler respectfully gives notice to the inhabitants of Monroe and Pike Counties, Pa. and the adjoining counties of New Jer sey, that he has rebuilt and refitted the old established Woolen Factory at Biishkill, Pa. 1 ml is now prepared to finish all work en trusted to him in a sunerior nmnncr. Ho i hisgor(.n:ircil with rroner machinery m muhr. - gture ai .jnjs an,i colors of broad and narrow thcgci0t, nromnllv and neatlv. ( toHmff attended to at six cents per pound cash. andg.,,wi cnn pnnt if pimnrei! stores, Shawnee, al cither of the Stores in Stroudsburg, Third's mill, Stroud township, Wallace's or Pincholfs stores in Milford, Ivill!irv' nr fntv,Q vtfirnc nf Ilinrrmi n' fti J J v " - -""ti " B .rr-' atiNyces to Peter s store, Lgypt KAiiil s, at JJcckccs Hotel in Lehman tsp. - H l'lianklul tor past favors, he hones to ro- - - 7 - M-.M ' W as wcllceive, as he is determined to merit, a liberal nBsharc of patronage MATTHEW PROCTOR. June 2, 1SG1. If iiaa permanently located him self in StrounshurV. a:'l moved his"" office no-t. ilnni to Dr. S. Walton, where he is fully prepared to treat 8 , 11,11 -V- , , " a? lo n,sm ,,1C - r T HtiMn rt i floi.i 1 .... :, flm .i. . i -i i . . m . . - -- --- oersons j;now the danger and folly of tnist- ng their work to the ignorant as well as. the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he it liable to have some failures out of a minibcs of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distancer it is frequently put oil" until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav bo. other wise the inconvenience and trouble of going ' so lar. Hence the necessity of obtaining tho services of a dentist near home. All work. warranted. Stroudsburg, March 27, 1SG2. Sontlicimer & Ilen'inaiiii,. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS AND YAMOili iVOTIOiVS, STROUDSBURG, August 11, PA. BLANK DEEDS For salo "at this'Oilicc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers