3&TATEME&T OF OF MOWROS COUNTY, For the Year 1864. REORGE FABLE. Treasurer of tho coun- tv ot Monroe, in account with said County, for Receipts and Expenditures for the year ending, January 2, lboo DR. To amount of Taxes received by said Treas urcr during said yeaT as follows : Rcc'd from Collectors on duplicates for year,lS60 11992 " 1861 12353 . " 1S62 1323 31 u ii 4Kfi:i 4634 04 ic t. 1864 6262 19-12,462 99 To redemption money re ceived -on Unsealed t 790 30 4i n Seated 24 71 -815 01 Road Tax rcc'd on unsca- r -nWa 2312 U it " Seated 33 782346 48 School Tux ree'd on un seated Lands 182 3i Seated 126 26 Poor 1093 57 6 22 County Tax ree'd on un seated Land I 4 Seated " Cash rcc'd. from Peter M. Eylenbcrger, late Treas. " Linford Marsh, Sheriff " Soldier Taxea Ciiunty ComuiiS" doners 1593 90 1U7 92-1791 62 8 10 113 00 1 30 87 $19,544 36 PR. iiy payments mado as follows: Administration of Justice i-.yand mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors 1147 7S 164 83 .netables pay and mileage Elections. f' .r holding General, Special mid Township Elections Assessors. i'Vid Assessors of several tspa. Bounties on Scalps. 1072 21 495 74 Paid for Bounties on ecalps Refunding P:tid Refunding over pay metiis on Duplicates " on unseated lands 53 1 6 120 33 59 36-179 Redemptions. Pdid redemption on seated and unseated lands 553 31 Boarding Prisoners, -,: T-mh R. Huiflitie for 3oa ruing Prisoners 80 48j Costs in Comnui wealth Cases. '- d costs in several Common wealth Cases. 193 95 Boarding Prisoners in Eitstern Penitentiary 203 13 ledical Attendance on Prisoners Paid Sydenham Walton 1100 " A. R. Jackson 9 00 20 00 Ryad Damages. l;ui Jtis-enh Fabel, Road Dam gt!s in H-niiilton, l57 l;isttict Attorney aij i3:?pcn Holmes, Dis. Atl'. Sheriff Fees. d pr.ford JiJar.-h, Sheriff 260 00 64 00 153 00 fnquisitiou on Dead Bodies ltd for boHiH" Inouiritior.s I),.J lii(Jies 55 65 Judgments vs. Cpunty. - ..d Judgment of Charles Dor ire vs. t!ie Couris o!" Won. roe iu Common Pleas Mon--roe County, debt & costs 249 03 Wood for Jail, Paid for wood for Jail 20 00 Court Crier. Paid C. U. Warnick, Court Crier 85 00 Prin ting. Jaid John DeYounir 294 25 Theodore Schoch. 241 54 5S5 79 Coal for County. iid Coal for Jail, Court House and Commissioners office 64 12 Bridge Views. . d ' iews at different Bridges 10 00 Stationery. i Vid Brt.wn & Keller 31 52 . Bmttii &, AUt-ar 15 50 H. Zoche 20 35 ff. Hmwinion 4 76 Fnuk 11m' tor 5 60 J. B.Swwi (Pur.Di?.)5 50 Maol Meflick 12 14 Win. Hoihrn-hHad 30 90 B S. Tm.uw8 1 50 rzt it Work r Public Buildings. P4t)3, Join, ( '.. Snyder 16 51 4 4tmh l-iuiier 1 50 foprprt I,. B'.uers 1 50 Auditors. 'v fitpfceifJolmes forAu - i$ut jj examine ac'ls Prn , ke;.audRcc'r 5 00 lac f. se 16 50 19 51 P. ter Giitcrt 6 00 27 50 J. Kxpressagc. ?aii iofan JNT. Stokes Expressaire 3 82 Bridges. Paid far Pencils Bridge 3 75 7 87 1 73 75 39 3 50 . Stofflet JiflUern.ilk Falls JWi's Bridge MMnbatrs Creek Dewblers 1 50 2 00 4 28 9 45 23 70 - 52 85 303 75 7 75 23n 79 136 45 83 35 30 97 8(1 01 1527 49 575 '00 9 46 '610 100 mom- rir 8mith 8ttbfieJd Sfcoeuwfck'er'a Lwit Pocono T,TXNSCfv;lle GmUo Garden fenMravtHe v iJnje's 43403 53 J T3onds and Interest. PiiidTrincipal and interest on bonds J4U4 4o Discount and Interest. Paid Discount on note in Bank, and Interest on Bonds County Scrip. County Scrip redeemed Road Orders. Paid Frederick Siglin, Supervisor, Ches nuthill 36 00 Daniel Callaghan Coolbaugh 487 00 Hiram Warner " 487 00 Samuel Buwman, Paradise, 52 31 Samuel Hay, Toby'a 250 00 John Stiger, " 100 00 -Jacob Blakeslce 25 00 J. J. Angle, M. Smithfield, 15 00 JVIilo OperSold, " 15 00 Philip Greenamoyer, Tunkhannock - 100 00 George Bonscr. " 100 00 Conrad Kintz Barrett 100 00 JacobPnce " 100 00 473 54 500 85 Simuel Postens.Price bO UO Emanuel Bittenben- der, Hamilton 14 00 Mcloir Hav. Jackson 25 00 Tho. Shivelv. Pocono 40 00 2026 31 School Orders. Paid Samuel Storm,Trcas. Pocono 35 00 Thos.Prantz Jackson 55 00 Fred. Sijjlin, Treas. Chcsnulhill 23 00 John PopR, Treas. Coolbaugh 530 00 A. L. Slorm, TreaB. Paradise 50 00 Abr. Butz, Treasurer Tunkhannock 185 00 Daniel Seager, Treas. Polk, 25 00 Harrrison Sebrig " Price 68 00 Jabez G. Kirkoff " Hamilton" 8 00 Charles Waters " Stroudsburg 21 00 Tobyhanna 545 52 Barrett 165 00 173G 52 CountV Commissioner's Ser- J v;OP uu Paid Reuben Kresnfe 163 24 James Smi'ey 124 01 . John T. Williams 193 50 Charles Price 13 95 494 70 Commissioner's Clerk. Paid John B. Stonn.'ISGS 53 25 1364 244 8S 293 13 Prothonotary and Clerk of Quarter Sessions. Paid T.M. Mcllhaney, Prot'y , and Clerk fees 211 19 Merchandise. Paid George Fable 6 74 Hurling & Boys 3 81 Win. Hollinshead 27 23 Robert Boys 13 70 Wm. Wallace 8 85 Robert Huston 6 52 Miscellaneous. Paid Susan Tutlle,. clean ing Comm's Office 5 25 J. B. Iliueline, white washing Jail 5 50 Melchoir Heller, plank 4 00 ' R. S. Staples, " 10 70 Jacob Price, adminis tering Otths 2 50 Morris Smiley, making' and lettering sign for Bell's bridge 40 00 J. B. Storm, for Reve 66 95 nue Stamps John E. Snyder, bell rope and-pulliiig on Charles Frankenfield 1 doz. chairs for C. 1 25 90 House 15 00 C. H. Haney repair ing Pump 75 Linford Mash, shackles and hand cuffs 7 00 Wm. Mosteller, frying Bridge sale, George Fable for ad vertising 54 pieces of land erroneous 1 00 ly assessed and re turned Jacob Price swearing in Assessors 27 00 75 Flory & Bro. hardware 7 05 " " stove &c. 23 12 John B Strm, assiet ingat Anditora' sett't 8 25 Reuben Kresge, reve nue stamps J. D. Frailey adm'r'g oaths to Township officers Jacob-Price " 79 1 50 3 00 170 31 Treasurer's Corns, on Re ceiving 819,544 36 at two per cent. 390 83 Treasurer, Corns, on pay out &1S.641 15 at two per cent. 372 82 Balance in hand of Treasurer, due the County 763 70 139 51 S 19,544 36 Examined, passed and allowed by us this ninth day of January, 1865. 13. V. 13USII, I k A f s wn.i.TAAic Aua titors. fj kj, II JL X- JL LJL .'X KJj J JAMES SMILEY, n JOHx T. WILLIAMS, Comm,ss Attest, J. 13. Storm, Clerk. Outstanding Notes, Bonds, Checks and Scrip. 7 per cent bonds 2500 00 G " " 4722 36 Outstanding Checks 638 05 Note in Stroudsburg Bank, 2500 00 Bounty Bonds 1775 00 Scrip 231 0512,366 46 Outstanding- tax due County 14,432 63 Balance in favor of County 2,065 16 Just Received, AT BROWiU & KELLER'S, A large assortment of Extra. Plate?) SPOONS, FORKS, &c. of superior quality, to take the place of Solid Silver Ware Having made a large purchase, they are ena bled to supply housekeepers at astonishingly ow raies. ua.11 anu examine. " StroudbuYg, May 5th, 164. Lln eM-W Exonerat.on.JT : 1 .lAmountTBkl. duel " I Exo-1 Com- - Collector's Nam Townships. of Du plicates rear $446 96 31 31 143 04 1346 80 223 3D 807 86 636 21 1713 11 283 92 308 86 688 88 1074 82 764 65 653 49 1078 46 79 03 255 70 567 93 526 74 1298 26 1164 51 161 35 101 58 1764 48 i RASiLcvi C. Sbupp, Polk, 1859iObarles Row, Paradise, Tobyhanna, Henry ivoeuer, Hamilton, Valentine Deck, Barrett, Stroudsburg 1SG1 1862 Charles Shafer, John "West, Eldred, Hamilton, George Larue, John Wilson, Jackson, Robert Labar, Paradise, Polk, Paul Bloss, 1863 John E. Snyder, Stroudsburg, Peter Hufsmith, Chestnuthill, Eldred, Thomas Christman George Brotzman, M. Smithfield John S. Snow, Price, Paradise, Polk, Ross, Stroud, Smithfield, O. D. Smith, Aaron Serfass, Daniel Frace, George Snyder, V m. T. Myers, William Adams, Henry Kecnhold, Joseph Trach, David Price, Daniel Callaghan, Lpvi C. Shnppr 'oseph Fable, villiam Ilancy, rhomas Franlz, Tobyhanna, Tunkhannock Stroudsburg, Barrett, 457 80 357 51 1436 75 915 78 2463 77 384 81 1771 65 Coolbaugh, Chestnuthill, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, firastus Eilenberger M. Smithfield Samuel Postens, Charles Henry, i'eter Warner, Price, Parndise, Pocono, Polk, Ross, Stroud, Smith field, Tobyhanna, 119 89 418 04 690 70 948 77 876 18 2103 59 1959 19 C. II. Bartholomew, Jacob Stucker, Wm. Mosteller, Wm. T. Myers, John Stiver, Henry Keenhold 263 03 171 00 Tunkhannock.1 Statement of Accounts of Reuben Krosge, To Cafih per Checks Irora .Jan. o, 24 1S64. to Jan. 2. 1SUO, io Balance dr.e on settlement, 2G 01 $1S9 25 DR. James Smiley, To Cash per Checks from Jan. 5, 1SG4, to Jan. 3, l&bO, 01 Jolm T. Williams, DR. To Checks from Jan. 5, 1S64, to January 2. '65, To balance due on settlement, T 50 50 $201 00 DR. $13 9 Charles Price, To bnlnr.ee clue on settlement, HUUUWM - 1 Rttk.mKnt showintr the State Tax,-Duplicate, Amount Collector's Name, Townships. of Du plicates. Tear Eldred, I $207 f8 231 31 194 12 55 93 133 59 102 73 m 34 87-00 2U 38 343 48 215 27 420 2G 311 90 222 11 556 12 29 05 91 95 207 06 509 G6 35 3G 501 89 125 96 235 49 365 14 637 42 96 22 447 22 30 78 104 63 173 63 240 29 223 50 53G 11 504 47 . 67 36 43 10 1S51 1S57 1858 1859 William Jones, Joseph Berlin, Levi C. Sbupp, Jacob Learn, Charles Row, Polk, Polk, Tobyhanna, Paraaise, Frederick Deubler, Price, Tobyhanna, Barrett, Polk, Stroudsburg , 1860 Jacob Learn, Valentine Dccic, ; ISC1 Peter S. Hawk, . Charles Shafer, Polk, Stroudsburg Chestnuthill 1862 Paul Bloss, John E. Snyder, Ptter Hufsmith, Thomas Ghristman, 1863 Eldred. Hamilton, Price, Paradise, Ross, Stroud, Charles J. Miller, John S. Snow, O. D.Smith, Daniel Frace, George Snyder, ELenry Keenhold, Joseph Troch, David Price, Joseph Frable LeviC. Sbupp, William Haney, Thomas Frantn, Tunkhannock Stroudsburg Barrett, Eldred, Chestnuthill Hamilton, Jackson, 1864 Erastus Eilenberger M. Smithfield S.imuel Postens, Charles nenry, Peter Warner, Price, Paradise, Pocono, Polk, Ross, C. H. Bartholomew, Jacob H. Stacker, Wm. Mosteller, Wm. T. Myers, Stroud. SmitbGeld, Tobyhanna, John Stiger, Henry Keenhold, Tunkhannock1 PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, TIic Largest ami CI:eapes Stoclt ever offered in this City. Wholesale Dealer IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, Oil Cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, &c, &c, &c. No. 223 Market-Street, belovr Second, (north side,) PHILADELPHIA.- The subscriber has just opened an entire ly new and complete stock of goods of the be6t quality and description, to which hs would respectfully call the attention of Mer chants and Dealers, who wish to find a good article cheap for Cash. These goods were bought for Nett Cash, at the greatly reduced prices consequent up pon the stringency of the times, and believing the "nimble sixpence" to be better than the 'alow shilling," they are now offered to the public at prices that defy competition. The following are a few of tho articles always on hand : Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar Boxes, Half Bushel and Peck Measures, Well Buck ets, Towel Rollers, Patent head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, Wooden Mop Handles, Grain Scoops, Toy Wheelbarrows, Coin Brooms, every variety of shoe, paint, scrub, and sweeping brushes, &c. clothes brushes, baskets, willow and ratan chairs, skirt ratans, bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirt cords, tie yarns, twine of all kinds, together with a 'large assortment ef notions arid fancy goods. Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c, cheap from auction. These goods nre all new and carefully se lected, and are offered at prices that cannoj fail to attract attention. Buyers will invariably find it to their own interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. 07Particular attention given to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent damage or excessive charges for freight. (KT-Orders by mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 223 Markot-st.,.north eide, below 2nd,.PhiIa. Pay nor mis U it l'"VW settlem't ment. t'nsH sions. 24 34 63 346 77 71 85 74 17 41 34 85 63 74 326 74 19 86 90 446 103 38 128 655 257 210 77 41 281 07 367 18 430 99 560 03 137 28 115 86 355 57 1074 82 440 45 249 84 640 99 79 03 217 70 291 43 317 74 1298 26 444 32 161 35 70 98 11 00 12 20 328 79 29 04 34 00 77 86 227 57 419 82 183 45 78 00 00 00 00 00 15 84 21 39 280 41 161 69 354 92 25 00 56 46 113 03 94 65 917 00 G 03 12 91 5 24 178 An 106 92 12 27 qol iu I 388 40 13 7 9 95 67 41 97 79 36 74 18 822 207 40 1056 32 43 00 67 31 942 37 11 250 00 80 81 316 70 399 81 94 351 00 78 ...I i; 1033 5 24 240 65 361 87 141 26 1409 119 418 378 78 89 04 12 312 5M 459 5T5 403 100 58 00 399 77 68 45 416 50 1528 14 1556 19 00 00 163 03 171 00 $14432 62 County Commissioners. OR. by yu-s aays aery", . , n i : siyii 1 h Rv ba unce duo on la3t settioment 00 au J 189 25 x c:i 1 :K Ijy 0d-5i U.iys service - By balance clue on last seu:eintuu o c;ountT 01 $124 CR $157 01 John T, Williams, By 105 dnys service, 59 due on last settle By ba'.nace merit, 40 w" 201 00 Nelson Hefilefinger, CR. By 26 days service $39 00 'il. . -.-nnlc Exoucrations, & Bal. yet due u i-j- Bal. due at last settlem't Exon era- tion?. Com Pay "taents. Balance yet due. 91 158 148 1C 73 78 89 98 12 30 59 IK 91 89 j 158 98 14S 12 16 SO 73 50 09 -5 05 I I I I 73 0C 57 34 56 91 193 44 44 78 75 27 26 57 28 I 56 91 65 00! 128 4i I 7 63 16 80! 20 45 75 27 I SS6 231 110 528 29 81 157 509 35 26 90 66 19 65 95 06 06 260 00 126 26 150 00 80 00 i 395 00 13 77 15 00 i 88 00 i 364 00 81 90 30 f.6 133 19 12 09 3 19 5 09 2 04 66 95 Go 07 145 06 . 09 400 75 110 200 400 50 200 00 i 00 i 00 i 00; 00 i 00! 1 01 89 50 96 125 49 165 14 237 42 46 22 00 247 22 30 78 104 63 100 200 126 300 200 00! 00! 01 i 00 i 00 ; I 3 63 40 29 n n f -a 304 47 67 36 IS 10 $2655 87 The Country Safe! ii The subscriber takes this method of infor ming his many friends, and the public gene rally, that he has returned trom thr cities with a large lot of Ready Made Clothing, of the latest styles, consisting of COATS of all kinds and qualities, PANTS of various styles of goods, and VESTS of every grade. From hs present stock he is satisfied that he can meet the demand of every taste and "rig out", in a manner hitherto unapproach ed, the man with the single dollar, or the possessor of thousands. He has also laid in, and will keep on hand an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, - consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Notions, Hosiery, &cn &.c, all of which he will sell very cheap. He has also a splendid lot of at prices varying from 50 cents to $6 each : the latest styles of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c, &c, and all at prices surpri singly low. P. S. Clothing mado to order at short no tice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in ex change for Goods at cash prices. The public are invited to call as he is de termined to sell his goods cheaper than the cheapest. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1859. tf. (iotliic Mall Drug Stoic. William Ilollinslicad, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, STEOUDSBURG,Pa. Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil. Glass, Putty, Varnish. Ker nt last osene Oil, Perfumery aud Fancy Goods; also Sash, blinds and Boors. Puro Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 1864 m Mgy ' XLUXV lO XU-VUJ . Important to Everybody The undersigned would inform the public . -- nTr i i (ipaicrns keeninc on hand a stock of , ' a UIOCKS, Watches, Jewelry, &.c, &c, of all Qualities, and from the high est to the lowest prices. He will also Keep well supplied witn - YANKEE NOTIONS, 3 . , . . .,, he will m a most enuress variety, wmtu dispose of at prices that cannot fail to please purcnubuia. silver & PIATEB-WA supplied to order at a small advance upon wholesale city prices Beincr a practical workman with mucn ex nenence in nis Business, 11c designs giving h; norsmml nttention to the renairinir ot "T Z V . 7 V , o 1 . .1 CJlocKs, Watclies, Jewciry, cv,c., anu ibji& assured that he can give satisfaction to an who entrust work to his care, (fcj All work warranted. His Store is on Elizabeth Street, South side, between Hime's Store and the Post Of- fice, where the public are cordially invited to call and examine his stock. ALEXANDER RAUBENOLl). Stroudsburg, May 19, 1864. Gm. DEALERS P1tnlre wol!..s. JpwpIpv, Silver viutnoj , S7 1) iVann Inn!;c tialt' 1 lillVU tiait) uvur.o) Stationery, Wall Paper, lVTrti anC A', A'. " ' - QLJ) STANDr and wilh increased facilities for business, and a determination tn nlease. feel iustified in oskinrr the con tinued patronage of the old customers of this establishment. In constant communication with Importers in New York and 1'ini.v- nELniiA. and in possession 01 peculiar iu- r 1: vantages in this respect, they are prepared 1 UUUJl,J' "'""' r.. , Tj T 7i T niinnpini rr o ?. t 1 n also as of cheaper character, at remarkably low rites They also keep constantly on hand the best quality of Silver and Plated Ware, Tea Spoons, Cas tors, Spectacles, Razors, Pen-knives, Scissors, and all sorts of Cutlery ; Toys of all kinds, Childrens Carriages, Bird cages, lushing TacUle, Baskets, Guns and Pistols, Lamps of all kiiids and Fixtures; Superior Sewing Machines, Clothes v ringers, School Books, Miscellaneous'and Blank Books, Ledgers and Day Books, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, tj:c, cj-c. Photograph Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and Fruit Cans of every de scription. Lamp Burners altered. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry attended to promptly and satisfactorily. Orders taken for Silver Wure and filled with dispatch. EStrouusDurgiUay iy, ico. ci U hi q Si in 1 5 W AO. 8 im ?Xti fit ft v v Carding, Spinning, Weaving AND CI.OT55 EiESSSKG. The subscriber respectfully gives notice to he inhabitants of Monroe and Pike Countie: pa an(j tne adjoining counties of New Jcr- tho Im hnc rolutilt n ni rpflltn1 ;itr n!il a I V 1, 1 1 II , I1U HUJ I W U I I V u If VI f VM)l Ml V WIVi eslaDiishcd Woolen Factory at Bushkill, Pa, an" IS nmv PrePiireu 10 nnisn an worn ea trusted to him in a superior manner, lie, jt prepared with proper machinery to manufac- ture all kinds and colors of broad and narrow 2 cloth, promptly and neatly. Country card' ing attended to at six cents per pound cash, and seven cents if charged. Wool will be taken and returned by the subscriber once in two weeks to and from she following places, viz : at Peters' store, Mar- snails Creek, J. D. Labar's and A. D. Freest stores, Shawnee, at either of the Stores iu Stroudsburg, Kurd's mill, Stroud township. Wallace s or Pinchotts stores in Milford Kinney's or McCarly's stores at Dingman's Ferry, at Nyce's &. Peter's store, Eijvnt Mill's, at Decker's Hotel in Lehman tsp. Wool the highest cash price paid for wool. Four Carding machines in running order, enables him to card wool at all hours. The subscriber has a quantity of Broad Cloths on hand, the purchase of which he superintended iu person during his recent trip to England, which he wil! exchange for wool and allow the highest market price. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to re ceive, as he is determined to merit, a liberal share of patronage. MATTHEW PROCTOR. June 2, 1864. B , Permanently jocuiuu mm TT ..1 a . 1 1 (TO scn in otrouusuurg, and moved w ,om?e "ext Clom to nr' b ....., .. tuny proparou 10 ireau 411 uu.iuiu.1 iui;ui, una iijso 10 insert incorrup tible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most persons know the danerer and follv of trust mg their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he it liable to have some failures out of a numbes of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distanccr it is frequently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it mav be, other wise the inconvenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist neas home. All work warranted. Stroudsburg, March 27, 1802. Soitthciiwcr & Herrmann WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, STROUDSBURG, PA. August IT, 1804. tf. BLANK MORTGAGES, For sale at this Office that he has opened anew olajuiv anu . - WATCH Store in Stroudsburg, where herttlniw,S Time of Passenger Trainfl, Brown k Iiliir, IN Delaware Lackawanna & Wester RAIL ROAD. Oct. 12, 1864. LEAVE NOUTIIWADD. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. Acconv ; Passcn- Ser. j i P. M. i Pnsscn- Accora -mod.v tton. moda- STATIONS. tion. P. M. P. . 2I0 1.40 ; I. 05: l'J.25 il so : II, 15 10.4. C.40 0.21 6.00 5.33 5 10- 4.50 4 40 4.32 4.10 3.40 I Great Rend, New Milford, J Montrose. J llopbottom, Nicholson, ! Factoryville. Abington. ; Clark's Summit, Scranton. Gjeenville, r Dunning, , Moicov . ' Couldsboro' Tobylianna. Forks.' f Oakland. j Itenryvillc. : Spragucvllle, Stroudsburg. Water Gap. Moun: Hethcl. , Delaware. J0.M 3.27 . 3 13 J 2 52 2.38 ; 2.18 2.C0 1.44 1.33 " 1.20 12.55 i 12.40 ' 12.31 12.10 12.01 ' 11.51 ; 11.42 11.23 (. M. P S Maminka Chunk., nridgevllle, ; ' Oxfonl. Washington. : New Hampton. 1 ' Ch.uige for Tlitl. 1 The Passenger Train Northward Leaves New Hampton on the arrival of the Mail Train which leaves New York at 8.00 A. M., and Manunka Chunk on the arrival of the "Tram which leaves Philadelphia, (Kensington Depot) at 7.15 A. M. At Scranton this lrain makes close connection with Trains on the Lackawanna & Bloonm burr and Delaware & Hudson Railroads, and at Great Bend with the Mail Train on the Erie Railway going West. TUti Passenger Train Southward Leaves Great Bend after the arrival of the Cincinnati Express from the West, conncc- tin"- at b'cranlon with 1 rains on the Lacka- md Bloomsburjr and Delaware and wanna Hudson Railroads ; at i at Alanunkn Chunk with h,c train for Philadelph ia, and at New Hamp ton with tr.uns tor isew xoru, 111c L,elnoi Valley, Hafrisburg, &c. Passengers by this Train arrive in iNew on k at 5.40, in Phila- delphia it 0.30, and in Ilarrisburg at 8.20 .iiT - - r iu The Ac cciiiodalion Train M...I I nnnl-Blr.mt nnnilwilh tl.n Day Express going West by winch paMen "crs arr!vc al Il',:ica an" Syracuse the sam same (lav. Southward, leaves Great Bend after tho arrival of the New York Express goinjj Easi. fjirAll Passenger Trains on the Lne Railway stop at Great Bend. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. Ii. A. HENR Y, General Ticket Agent. WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, "Whooping; Cough, Eron chitis, Dilnculty ot Breathing, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and every affection of THE THROAT, LTJXGS AXD CHEST, INCLUDING EVEN UL M. i AX LI I Wistar-'s Balsam of Wild. Chcrrr, So general has the use of this remedy be come, anu so popular is it everywhere, lout it is unnecessary to recount its virtues. It? works speak for it, and fine utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony of the ma- ny who irom long sunermg anu sctiku uis- e.fse have by its use been restored to pristine vis'ornnd health. We can present a mas of evidence in proof of our assertions that CONNOT BE DISCREDITED, Well known and rnirch re.-oectod among llie Uermnn population in this country, make the following statement far the benefit of tlia t: fllicted. IlA30vr.il, Pa. Feb. 16, 1S39. Dear Sirs: Having realized in my fami ly important benefits from tlm m-e of your valuable preparation Wi tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it it fiords me pleaMirc tore commend il to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be 111 a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained, I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her heallli. I have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benefitted by it. JACOB SECIILER. From Hon. John E. Smith, a distinguishtd Lawyer in Westminster, Mil. - I have on several occasions used Dr. WiV tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for severe cold.', and always with decided benefit. 1 know of no preparation that is more efficacious or - morc deserving of general use, Thc Balsam has also been used with cellent efiect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, iJas Cross Koa(e Wj Wi&tsir's Bnlsmu of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless signed "I.BUTTS,' on the wrapper. For sale by J. P. Dinsmore, No. 491Brodvay, X. Vork. S. W. Fowle &. Co., Proprietors, Boston, And by all Drggists,, KediHiag's Russia Salve- FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ilaa fully established tho superiority of Kcridiug's Russia Salve Over all other healing preparations It cures all hinds of Sores, Cuts iVcffJ. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sties, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, &c, &c, . Removing the pain at once, and rcducm, the most angry looking Swellings and I""1" lion as if by magic. Only 25 cents a box. For sale by N.V. S P. nTNSMORfi. NTn. 401 TlrnfhvaV W. FOWLE & Co., No. 18 Treniont-5t" Boston, and by all Druggists. May 12, 1864. ly. A. M. 70 l 2.30 7.49 3.00 S.10 3JJ 8.33 i 4.15 8J0 I 5 16 0.14 5.50 9.30 J 0.15a 9.33 C.35W 10.15 ' 7.053" 5 10.35 P. M.- 10.47 ; 0" 10.37 a ' 11.20 C g. J1.34 3 "-S3 ; 12.11 ; 1227 i 12.37 98- 12 45 ? 1.U2 ' . 1.1- ; 1.12 i 1.50 ' 150 1 2.07 : 2.1!) . i47 , . M.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers