wmti O THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED AND DESPONDENT OF. BOTH T STCYES ,A great suffer having been re- years of misery, is willing to assist his suf- fering fellow-creatures by sending (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed envelope, rnnv nr nir tarmuiu ui curt: emn nvpi ,., .... f i i Dh .o ' JOHN M. DAtSNALL, Box 183 Post Office. Jan. 12, 65. 5ra. Brooklyn, N. Y. I ) DR. nnfiHAN'a F,;7 W?r m ik i i lifii iy o - rti hi: i :i :k h.ii Pitts cure in less than 30 davs. the worst cases of Nervousness, Impotency, Premature Decav. Seminal Weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, Nervous Affections, no matter lrom what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by ' ' mail, on receipt of an order. Address, JAMES S. BUTLER, Station D. Bible House, New York March 17, 18G4. New Iiveiy Stable. Tim lindorslonnfl trntllil rncnnnffnlKr in. fmm the citizens of Stinndshnrr. .,.! the public enc:illv that he now occunies the SSLV' S J o l,n ; nrn.n,! w;n , ., J or stock of ' 1 1 r -n. r . ry TV- fe? H0r.SrS iVVSl Bn-" gics, dH'igus, eve. to accommodate all whose business, or plcasuic. requires the occasional use of lbose nrticles. His horses were, seleeteil with a view (0 the Livery business, and cau be recommended as kind aud gentle, - ml 1 I vet willing aud free. His vehicles, with their appointments, arc of the first order, ::uu his prices co reasonable as to suit ilie .cti;cis 01 an. Lareiui anu accom- lnotratii'g Drivers and Ostlers will always he reauy to alfeuu to the wishes ot cus tomers, aud he feels confideut that he can give satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage He invites the public to examine his stock before making en- gauemcnts elsewhere. J. E. W. MILLER, P roprictor. stroudsburg, Jan. 26, 1SG5 fiLlf tWiVt a ItxFSSW;. . . . I I'Mofcof JJA Ml) fJDJ2 GKR, late ofrnaai, UlCUl (lay OJ .I' COma ry jiMution toinistuji, dec ct. j.v.o ..........j imuicd decedent, late-cf the township of Hamilton, Monroe County, Pa., having ir.A tr thn. nnrUrtmno,! -.11 nr. T '.-o tiot-ii!-Jtf-i-" rt-n lm i lin-n 1 C 'a f :'ii ' i.Jair part of the following described REAL inueD immediate - , , , j pavmuut, uuu uiusc iKiug claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHX K. KDIXGKB, Executor. FmithScld tsp., Jan. 2C, 1SG5 Pftil ass 3" fl U 3 Tor the payment of the loan heretofore furc maae ior Uouuties to oluntccrs, the Town Council of the Borough of Strouds burg desires to borrow Ten Thousand Hollars, for which bonds will be issued at G per ceut interest, payaHc in one, two, and three 3'ears from date. The responsibility of the Borough, and certainty of the bonds being redeemed at the time specified,-together with the fact that they are free from taxation, render this ouc of the safest and most desirable investments. The bouus will be issued in sums of S25, S50, aud 100 thus putting this favorable opportunity for investment with in the reach of all. The bonds will also he made paj-able to bearer, which will make them readily negotiable. Those desiring to obtain these bond: will please call tft the office of the under Hucd, .Secretary of the Council, who is authorized to receive the money and is sue Loud. for the same. v order of the Council. JACKSON LANTZ, Secy. tr. udsburg. Jan. 2G, ISofj.-it. ouvl fivodamatton. Whereas, the Hon. Geouck R. Barrett. President Judge of lhe22d Ju I cial District of to j'er.nsylvauia, composed of the counties of Y ayce, Pike, Monroe and Ca rbon, and Abra ham Leveripg and Jeremy Mackey. .Esqr's, Asw)ciatc Judges of the Court of Common l'leas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue af their ofrices, Justiqes of the Court of Over and Terminer 'and General Jail delive ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have is sued their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Picas, and Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or eliaa's Court, for the said County of Monroe, to be holden nt Stroudsburg, on the 27th day or February, 1805, to continue one week if necessary. NOTICE Ie hereby given to the Cononcr, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of tlie said coun f j of Monroe, that ihey be then and there reiuywith their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do ,hc hmgs which their offices are appertai 1 ng, and also that those who are boutid by ecogniztioces to prosecutcand give evidence cjrr.nst the prisoners that arc or shall be m the jail of the said county of Monroe, or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to be then arid there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. (God save the Commonwealth.) JAN FORD MARSH, Sheriff. Sheriffs Ofhce Stroudsbcrg, ) January 20, 18G5. $ Jprolljonofarw's Notice- T No'icc is hereby given that' the final account of Thomas G rattan , deceased ,-Gom- unttce l the person and Lstate of Mar garet Kintner, a lunatic of Middle Smith iitld township, Monroe County, by Fran cis y G rattan Executor of said Thomas rattan, deceasedj has been filed ri the ofBcc of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, and ill presented for allowance and confirma tion at the next term of said Court to be Md at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 27th jaycf February, A. D. 1865, pf which "ii persons interested will take notice. T. M. MotLHANEY. Proth'y. February 2 1SG5. I) a rf 1 nin vn M nfl A llUibtUlD lUtlt'U. M- interested in the estates of the respec- tive decedents, that the following accounts h J ' " " a uiuti; UI ir n .i ,i , . . Z,H M, (V " . KSSSJX nnnfirmation to the Ornhnno' county, at Strodsb4 M3 "the A. M. 1 "r ' n .. - i,irst account of Kobert W. Swiuk Ex- U,"1"1 "1C lasc "in aud Testament ot larJ l'rederick3 late of broud Township, deceased. I , . lumu account ot Sydenham W alton, Administrator of Henrietta Eck. late of Coolbaugh Township, deceased. . . . ... .... lUiniStratOr With t in Wl nnnovnH nf George P. Knecht. late of Hamilton lowuship, deceased. Account of Melchoir Heller, Admiuis- trator of Anthony Heller, late of Smith- . . ..v. -vhu,..Ti . Account of Jacob Engler, Administra- tor of hhzabcth ltichnor, late of Eldred held Township, deceased. . ' wnship, deceased ' Account oi Addic Uauiel, Jbxecutor ot and Testament of William J)anieI Iate of Eldred Township, dee'd. I Jnnnnnf aP AIT rt J! jj.v.i,uuui, ui ti itiucr, vjuuru iian t,lc 1 crson and Estate of Emeline War- Ecr. a of Wm. Warner, late ol Jackson lowuship, decascd, (the said Lmclmc being now also dee'd ) Account of PhihpKrcsgc, Administra- ter of Adam Bowman, late of Polk Town S,UP deceased. "I 1 - - AMnaI aficount ot iNathan I rants, Ad- ""siracor 01 isaac wiauows late ot ro- couo imvnship, deceased. Account of George 13utts. Administra tor cum testamento unnexo of Jacob Sha- fer, late of Hamilton Township, dee'd. JOI1X S. FISH Eli,- lle-'istcr. liegister's Office, Siroudsburg, ") 1-ebruary 3, IS60. J 3IERIFFS SALE. .Kimm x-aoo rhc directed, issued out of the Court of Com- Kl Jl lb 1) Ul Jk 1 -llUlllUll 1 liUllllO lull mon Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose to sale, at public vendue, on l" "uu- u" T..J jj.. au7. .1 ... r -n 7 I I.1S85, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the . """"'a' the following described real cstate,,to wit: tlie fight, title and interest of Philip S. BrOWtl, III tllC Cqlial UlldlVlded mOletV Or Jmirt I Ifi!l.ce 111 the Unrniinrli nt Jsfrniiflcliurrr I b. Urown, in the equal undivided moiety ESTAIE, to wit: . certain lot or niece of lan.1. sitHiitP in tlie. borough of Stroudsburg, in said Monroe count', bounded on Uie South by Main street, on the East by land of Robert Boys, North by land of William D. Walton, and West by land of Mark Miller, containing two hund dred and twentv-cisrht feet in front on said Main street, by two hundred and twenty-five feet in depth on the East side, three hundred and thirty-five feet on the West side, and two hundred and twenty-eight feet on the North side. The improvements are a two story Frame Dwelling House, jfj?fij 25 by 32 feet, with Frame Kitchen attached, TF?1 ?hoi).2l2 b 'S?Jei ?.ni a Frame atame ia by 4 leet, a wen ot Water near . the door, a Hutcher Khon 10 bv IS feet, two two storv FRAME DWELING HOUSES me for cash L1NFORD MARSH, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, Feb. 2d, 1SG5. SUmimstrator's Notice. E(al . uj., wsj, the B wwj.i. j wiirauci.wy, in uttioi c. Notice is hereby given that letters oi administration upon the above earned Ls- uue ayu uuuu S. nu . iu to luc uuuu.guiHi oy tnc Jieirisicr oi iuonrcc uouuiy, in uue form of law: therefore, all persons iudebt- ed to said Kstate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having any just claims arc also requested to present them legally authenticated ior settlement DAVIS D. WALTON, -Administrator. Stroudsburg, Feb. 1, 18C5. Gt. AT THE OLD STAND. 3G by2G tcet, with Kitchen attached great inducements to lenders as those issued othcr fru trces of different kinds on and Bladder, s'eitd anLa'S by the government In all other forms of th premises This property is three THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ertyof Philip S. Brown, and to be sold bv ebtedness, the faith or ability of private unlcs north of Stroudsburg and one mile isa SrEcmc for all diseases ormnatinir in a mm r i The nndersign'ed respectfully informsUQDpPrAnr P. n.OTS ,vn rcA;vTnR . ir ' , t t T v nr i and lattcrlv bv Wm. M. Loder. aud hav- ing thordiighly cleansed and refitted it, and secured the services, of a first class Baker, is fuiiy prepared, at all times to Gil orders for Bread, Twist, Cakes, &o. The Confectionery department will be fill ed with Candies, Nuts and Fruits in mcir season, wnicn, cogeincr wuu every- . t 1 Til. thinir kept at this establishment, will prove to be of the firstquality and be sold ... . I at reasonable prices. An eating saloon will also be connected with the establishment in which the best Express 0ffi'cc, pit Elizabeth" St, where he quality of oysters' will always befound, will be happy to wait on his old customers, and where ladies and gentlemen ivill and as many new ones as can make it con be assured of quiet and of 'the best attcn- venient to call. Besides being prepared at all dauce while enjoying the dcKcaics of times to fill all orders for custom work, the the season. The public arc invited to drop in. H. C. LEVANWAY. Stroiidsburg, Jan. 19, 1865. CAUTION. The public arc hereby cautioned a- gainst purchasing a due bill for Twenty Dollars, given by me to Jacob J. Frey. Having rcedivea no value therefore, 1 am determined uot to Fy it uclcse compelled ito13?S -Y law- TrFIT WTmTFT? ceived, he hopes by prompt attention to bus- JOHN WIDMER Stroudsburg, Dec, 24, 1864 OYSTERS. Families and Hotels supplied with Oys ters, fresh from the City, every day, at reasonable prices. - , , : 4 WHKCE & SCH0GH. U. S. 7-30 Loan. The Secretary of the Treasury. rives no tice that subscriptions will be received for Coupon TreasuryN otes, payable three years ...... ww.... ...... u. ... rrom AU". AOUl. lflia. with RPtni.nnntml in. terost ' " - and three-tenths P" -Vf and' inter- 'I TKnrn ...Ml i. icou uukca wm ou uoiivuriiDie ai me op- tlon 01 m? 1,0lller at maturity, into six per i. . . . . . , . cent, goiu ueanng bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as TIir Onvm-nmpnt mnv nWt I ' w W W M-W J J WWW They will be issued in denominations of 50, oinn or.nf) Q1 nnn nnA r,nnn nnA nil 100, SoOO, $1,000, and $o,000, and all J miiltinlo of fiftn- ,11 ""v't"' uuimia. 111(2 notes will be transmitted to the own- ers iree oi transportation charges as soon at- ter the receipt of the original Certificates of i v Deposit as thev can be prepared. i w xx a h,o nnt.,D r i Axwi,wa u&u,iv 411 lui lol Jivjiii iLUL'uai as me notes draw interest lrom August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to at date must LrfistnJ.frnm tliat date must pay the interest accrued from , v v date nf ilnnnJf - - - 1 .. Part,es deposiUnff twonty.fire thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent,-which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the re- ceipt of a bill for the amount, certified toby the officer with whom the d u WM No deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Special Advantages Of tlllS Loaili It is a Wntinnnl S.nvinfrs "Rnnl.- nfTormrr n !.. - faw w" higher rate of interest than any other, and ..... UMl .tuMiy. nijr oavuiya uunh. wiiiuii j j - . , , pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating me dium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in government securities or in notes or bonds payable in government pape'r. It is equally convenient asa temporary or nnrmannnt invostmnnL The notns can al ways be sold for within a fraction of their face ani accumulated interest, and are the . . . .tl, . n, a rnllsitoIa fnJ best security with banks as collaterals - - 1 discounts. Convertible into a Six per Cent. 5-20 Gold TiOPfl. I In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of . . .I . conversion is now worthabout three per cent per annum, for the current rate 5-20 Bonds ........ . - is not less than nine per cent, premium, and before the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty percent It will be seen that the actual profits on this loan, at the present market rates, is not less than ten ncr cent, ncr annum. . . .. - j,, . US LXCmpllOIl from MaiC 01 JJIU- nicipal Taxation, T..i C 11 .1 1 1 jjui. iiiiuu ifum un tuu uuvumuges iwvi; enumerated, a specmf Act ot Uongres ex- mm. i lai Act oi uongres ex- d Treasury notes from the average this exemo- ltriT:""S empts all bonds an local taxation. On the tion i3 worth about two per cent, per an num. according to the rate of taxation in va ""uo Vl " J' It is believed that no securities offer so parties or stock companies or separate munitics onlv. is Dlcdsed for payment, while the whole property of the country is held tn c-oMirn itio fI?crl!iriTo nf t ho nhl Jfrn t inns I ... - - i tt -.1 o. . of the Uuired Stales I ... , ... Whne the government offers the mosthb- era, leims Ior IU loans, u oeneves umt me very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty Ljnd patriotism of the people Dupl;caie certificates will be issued for all d The depositrn? must endorSe1 , . . , " -V j u'u" "6""" - llon 01 notes requ.reu, anu wueuier mey are to be issued in blank or payable 10 oruer. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department, Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washing ton, the several Assistant Treasurers 'and designated Depositaries and by the First National Bank of Scranton Pa. Second National Bank of Scranton, Pa and by ail National Banks which adeposita rips nf nnhlir. mnnev. and all throughout the country Vilr give further m- formation and Ajjora every ractiuy 10 xuoscrwers. pepiemuer a, iou- The subscriber would inform the public, very refipectfully, that since the dissolution -,';wnGn Kel!er & Waters, he t.i iiUU Jmti.. VU T va .mm m mf w m SoGt & Shoe BuSflKC8S at his old stand, one door above the public will find oh his shelves, for sale an elegant assortment of ready made BOOTS & SHOES, for mens, womens, misses ami childrens wear, the selection and purchase of which he su perintends in persoh, arid can, therefore, rec omeud them to purchasers. To the craft he offers a general assortment of Shoe Findings, feasts, &c., &c, . of the best quality, all of which he offers at small advance upon cost TJianltful lor the iness and to the wants of the community to merit a continuance of the saine. No charge for shpwing goods. Drop in. - . CHARLES WATERS. Stroudsburg, August 4tb, 1864. BLANK' LEASES Fen Sato, at tlifs Office. Change of Base. lUUllliU I? ire insurance tOmpail'. ESTABLISH! E2 1814, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Prabcrtv Insured Sl.050.000. The rate of Insurance in this Comnan is brie dollar for every thousand dollars in- sured, after which payment no further char- ges will be made, except to cover actual loss by fire that may fall upon members of the ou"'Hu". . . . 71,1, Z , ,VomPany. .are i him iiiii i nil n rir m rrisi Tiaiin perpetual and afford the fullest security, .V; V,, I ' lljr ii nil liil: iiii t TTti. i'I'iiiiiiiii v :i i ri nnn uun inn rr : : " i J Distilleries or Oibinet Shon.,. ' LUHi ui II v vv ill M Mi iruiio inn n oririe . APP"cauons for Insurance may be made i - ta nn mo i ii.a nun. f r- ul lu wgwH, ourveyorsor oec reiary. I MANAGERS, Depue Labar, Jacob Knecht, ?j.cha!(1 Staples, John Edinger, chnlC f XJn 1 t L T SS C4 JESS? S Godlieb Auracher, Jacob tS to uuer, Theodore Schoch, Sm'I S. Drehcr, Thomas V. Stogdcll Siol STOGDELL STOKES, Pn Rhedca resident. Silas L.. Drake, Melchoir Spragle, I Surveyors. A' PPC,t 3' fT- The Ktniml mMim-iuu,,.! - MaeTs I O ' I w w wwv-ivujij a vr ncc, on uie tirsl Tuesday of each month, at 1 o olock V. M. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1SG3, - Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale, 111 1- 11 1 1 -a . l"c following aeserioea property, viz: k,A ,arm tefl in Mrpud township ro i'a-; aajoinmg ana ot . 1 rum itnncnnKKtr 1 innHnn ismi .1 - wr W and others, containing about uaUv;iijf, vjuuiv; huuur, ii. x'uh- ll ACRES, 1 i. i-rn 1 -i 11 ..t iiuoui u acres cicarcu, enclosed witn a g00( fencc an jn a jjj, stac 0p cujtj vation, of which 20 acrcsarc Mjcadow, the Ul ' : II 1 J r,l . balance is well timbered with Oak, Chcs- nut and Hickory. There arc about 20 nnrM nf vpllon ,M,inra i,n(fn. ,-nf f J L" to !, nnnr-nA Thn fo. li ..a'a crrfwincr The improvements thereon consist of a w new Frame Ifcuse, one and a half stories high, 22 by 24 feet: a two story LOG u-vuoM,, oy m iecc wcamoruoaruea 7r1 77 Ct ttt nn I rn f . , , i . i j I J J p l- o n l Af. I auu piasierea, a iramc jarn oy ttu r .l 1 .IV T ..1 I ieet with cellar staDnng underneath, a eet wnu cenar siaoung uuuerueaui, a frame Wagon House IS by 24 feet, Corn Crib, Granary and other outbuildings. with'a spring 'of never failing water ne the house. There is also a thriving APPLE oiicnArvD of select grafted fruit and a variety of Lackawana and Western llailroad.' and convenient to Schools and public meet- PfiTsons wishing t6 vicw the above prop- . . , .. p., T t. erty win picusu can upon onus u. j.iih.u, t rflr...;., ffi St,,,!,,,. pa or u.)0n the subscriber residing on the premises, LTORACE PECK Stroud township, Dec. 1, 18GL-tf. Tkinntlri-i-i' i-. TVTi-f-J nr u.. w. Th(J copartncrsbip existing between the undersigned, m the Livery, Wagon Ma- king, Blacksmithing, and Farming busi- ncss was dissolved ou the 2Uth or beptcm- her last. All persons having claims a- gainst the firm of Kautz & Huntsman are requested to present them for immediate settlement, aud those indebted will come forward and pay up without delay. The books of the firm can be found at Esquire Dutots office for four weeks, to whom payments can be made in the absence of the undersigned, one or Both of whom will be; found there oh, Monday and- Tues day of each week. At the end of that time suit will be brought against alfwlio fail to respond to this notice. valentine kautz, wm. Huntsman. Stroudsburg, Nov. 24, 1864. P. S. The Livery and Wagon Making business will b'c continued at the old stand by the uudersigned, who will be fully prepared with superior Horses and Carriages, careful Drivers and excellent workmen to auswer all calls upon him. WM. HUNTSMAN. Nov. 24,. 18.54. STEPHEN HOLMES, ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STBOUDSBTTRG, PENBTA. -Office with S. S. Drclier, Esq. N. B. Special attention paid to the filing of Pension papers, and the collection of back pay, and bounties of soldiers. Stroudsburg, Oct. 0; 1802". NOTICE. Office Strouilsbufg , CcmcCery, Stroudsburg, Jan. 11, 1865, At a'mecting df the Hoard-of Managers held at the Office of the Secretory. Tuesday evening, 10th inst., it was resolved that the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th installments of -Five Dollars each, on" the Capital Stock be called in on or before the liUth lust; By order of the President. A. REEVES JACKSON,. Secretary BLANK MORTGA&ESr com- soutnwest ot the line or tue jjciawarc, "Vialviable FARM FOB SALE Thc'subscribcr offers at private sale, the valuable Farm on which lib now rnB;'rin0 situate in Middle Smithfield" township Monroe County, Pa., about, nine miles miles lrom btroudsburg. adjoininjr lands of John V. Coolbaugh, Martin l'lacc, and others 'I hit h n vm nnn fnine about 100 acres of which is improved and m a good state of cultivation, aud the balance Timber Land. About 40 acres Is good Meadow, and a stream of water rUns trough the premises. The iui- provements are a Frame D'.FCIIh"" HoilSC, ' a . mm a bvr and IVaqon ITpusc, and other uut-uuuumgs, with a ucver tailing opnng waier at l"e dcor otr the dwelling. . m ' There are a number of Frujt Trees ontfie A "UI u ur,uJi ","m.Der ot i t i .I'riw xt iHiUnoiuiMS ou the premises ou the .V"" 18 uuu U1 luc ucsc alry Iarius 1,1 mi.' n . - of the hci I the Country. rersous desiring to view the Farm, can do so by calling on the' undersiirucd. resi ding thereon. C1TA11LES SIIOEMAKER. October 27, 18G4, IMPORTANT TO ALL Iff V ALIDS. IRON IN THE BLOOD. It is well known to the medical profession that IRON is the Vital Principle of Life El icmcnt oi uie uioou. rnis is derived ctiietly from o food ue eat; but if the food is no't cmcnt of the blood. This is derived chieflv properly digested, or if, from any cause tohat ever, the necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes re duced, the whole system suffers. The bad blood wili irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its'diseaso-producinc elements to ail parts of the system, and eve ry one will suffer in whatever organ may be predisposed to disease. 1 he great value of IRON AS A MBDSCIWE is well known and acknowledged by all med- icaI mcn. Tho difficuIly has becto obtain sucii a preparation 01 11 as win enter the cir 1 . . 1 r -. 1 1 . culation and assimilate at once with the blood. This point, snys Dr. Hayes, Massa chusetts State Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination in a way before unknown 1 XxVIM olliui jf a ATC? sou!j" f 1 OXIDE OP IRON. ANEW DISCOV- rP I iii ni'TiTTirr 1 -t oirnTTTi I TNT niT.inrriiMn . n. -i . .. 1" - ir.Ji J2, uiai csiriKos ai ttic uvuDL oi uiscaso Dy sunnivin'r inc ciooa Willi its Vital Principle or Life Element Jron, " c THE PERUVIAN SYKUP Cures Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Dropsy l'cvcr and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirts. . 11 lli X & IX J T l:i 1M J3 1 1 U r Tnfl)oPS ptrp.n.rth. virmr. nn,l Mfn ;tn a ..w., ... the svstem, and builds up an "Iron Constitution." "ir07t Vonslitutwn. rnri punTTvy Vr QVPTTP ;T 11 . " . , 1 l U Cures Chronic Diarrhea. Scro u la, Boils, Scurvy, Loss ot Constitutional Vigor THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Female Com plaints, and all diseases of the Kidneys BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accom panicd by Debility or a Low Stale bf the System. l'ampnfcts containing certificates of ctfrcs and recommendations from some of the most eminent Physicians, Clergymen, and others, will be sent riiEV to any address. We select a few of the names to show the character of the testimonials. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, ESQ,., President of the Metropolitan Bank, N. Y. Rev. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Christian Advocate and Journal. Rev. p. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclu sively for J. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broad way New York. Sold by all Druggists. Redding's Russia Salve Heals Old Sores. Reading's Russia Salve Uures liurns, bcaids, uuis. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Wounds, Uruise?. bprains. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. Redding's Russia.. Salve Cures Salt Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. (ding's Itnssia Salve Cures Ringworms, Corns, &c, &,., NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Only 25 cenfs a Box. FOR SALE BY ( J. P. DINSMORE, No. 4U1 Brodway, N. Y. S. J. l' OW LE & Co., No. 18 Trcmont St., Borton. And by all Druggists and Country Store keepers. May 19, 1664. ly. NOTICE. All poisons indebted to'Simeon Schoon- over, cither Uy note, book account or oth erwise, arc requested to settle their ac counts as soon as possible. He hopes that this request win be responded to, as his late serious loss" by fire necessitates him to make this call. SIMEON SCIIOONOVEll. Bushkill,.June 9, 1804. MADISON HOUSE. . . . jtf. & T. P. WATSON, (LIVEKY STABliB ATTACHED) til &, 39 North 2d st., between Market and Arch, iMiiLAurLrujA. Va' February 26, 18G3. ly, hUWIS D. VAIL. -u -w- a (iL'OItorJ D. 8TUOU11 ,., tAli ant t -ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HavcTemoved their Ofllcb 'to NoT70p;San- som oiieci, . t. . M flighty Idrteut. JOHN C(. DAUUT, respectfully' ftWte his old cuBtprnprs, nd all others wRS desire clothing made in lh latest styles, an3 in the best possible manner, that he may be hav at 1 RoWt n TUBS ha ill 1d SiATUR,DAy of each 4eek, where he will bo happy to take measures infl re ceive the orders of his friends. His old cut tomers can leave tbeir gooda and orders at he Store at any time, merely noimff .1 nir fl.! L - . . r. " He- . " lIie present or previous , p .-oiiiwiio as iney may ucsire made hankful for past favors, ho honps t'n mn.:' and receive a continuance of the sane. JOHN C. DAUDT; Stroudsburg, April 24, 18.62 JA31KS H. WALTON. THOMAS w iroo WALTON & YOST, BifffiERSBROffEttS; . AND General! Collectors;. No. 25 South Third Street, Philadelphia.' KEPERENCES. Jay Cooke &Co., fi.'P, aiiddIeton,&Bfo. ames, Kent, Santee & Co., Hon. Wm. Wil- kins, Esherich, Black & Co., Hon. James Por lock, C. JM'Kibbon &. Son, Hon. H. D. Fos.f ter, JIop. . A. H. feeder, Hon. Asa Packer,' ion. warren J. woodward, V. L. Bradford, July 17, 1862. Groceries and Hardware. -n. r f The Subscriber informs the Dublic that le has opened the most extensive-- GROCERY STORE in the Qounty, consisting of very fine and common coffee; sugars. i - And a large assortment of TEAS, ..... MOLASSES. aisons, Salt Fish, and huudreds of other articles commonly kept in a grocery btore. also; A large .stock of . , . HARDWARE. The subscriber has made arrangemenfs 1b the cities which enables him to pro cure auy article in his line of business on short police. " .All persons are kindlv invited to call aud examine his stock before they pur- uiiubu eiscwnerc. All kiuds of Grain and Produce rWr chased by the subscriber for which the' nghest Market price will be uaid'i'n ex change for goods. btore next door to the Indian Oueen Hotel. . . BAENKT 31ANSFIELD. Stroudsburg, April 2,' 1863. ; New Confectionery. The Subscriber informs his friemis. and, the public generally, that he ti'as o- peneu an extensive Confectionery Store in the Eorough of Stroudsburg, four doors' below "Ilnster's Clothing Store." Everything in the lino of Confectione": ry, French or Domestic; all kinds of W5JTS, y-.-v- CAiifIES, OR A ft' GES, JLEiTJOiS, AI'fJLES, FIBS. Ar.ti.J Can be had at CITY PRICES, either it WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. gTALSO A lot of Choice FlowersHjSg' Please call and examing hi3 Stock. JAMJSS BALLENTYNK Stroudsburg, May 12, 186f. tf.' REAt ESTATE vale Sale. The subscribers offers at private sale thV following two valuable properties viz: No. 1. A three story Brick Buiidimg, situate in the borough of Slroudsbunr, mtm in adjoining the building of Jacob Singrnaster." No. 2. Une two story Frame Dwelling,' with Kitchen attachetl, and Lot of Land be- ongmg to the. same situate near the Strouds-' burg Depot, in Stroud township. Persons desirious of buying, will call unon Mr. Nicholas Ruster, in. Stroudsburg, or up on the subscribers". who reside No. 145 Cham ber street, New vYork City. milSCHKJND & ADLER.' February 25, l'SG-J. Ilavincr changed mv base of onrations. being focatcd in the New Brick store oppo site tthe Post office, supplied with a new stock of Hats, Caps, and Furs, I am now prepared to sell goods in my line, at prices to suit all. If you want a nice fashionable Hat or Cap, come to Pauli and you will find it.' Store on hlizabeth St, opposito Uie rost Office, Stroudsburg, Pa. JAMES A. I'AULI. N. B. Tim highest cash prices paid fbV all kinds of Fun?. . . Dcqcmbcr 24, 3S63. DELAWARE HOUSE. This splendid Hotel, situated near the Stroudsburg Depot, pos sepses all the advantages tlie guest can desire. The house sc fitted and furnished in an unsurpassed style,' and the Parlor3 and Itodfris are commodious' and well ventilated, with good attendance. Attached is cxiensive siaonng. l erms rea sonable. A. M. JONES, Proprietor. June 2, 1961. tf. CATJTI0H. :.U persons are' hereby cautioned c "ainst tresspassing upon the premises oe 'eupied by tlie undersigned, either for ihiurtin" or oth'er purposes. Trepuas&r$i will he" prosecii'te'd- to the full extent- (theflaw. WILLIAM EiHSSUI, A'gerttr Stroud fsp., August 4, 18G4: - BLANa mm At Pri fia L great Victory.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers