1 .. . M m 'iMrh ir "n''irli1iiB i iimi LJMiJ.in mmm ii i'i'fi)UlMwiii i "iiiBunmi 11 m , jm, ,laa , ami , ,MMMW m " ' " " ' " - ' Hkuotcb to politics, literature, Agriculture, Science, illoralitj), aitir eucral intelligence. VOL. 23. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. FEBRUARY 28,. 1865. NO. 52. ForRnts, iTJioc, Ranches Atitv Bed ECn;s iTjotli in Furs, Wool (ii, & ItiM'ds u E'lauls, Fowls, iiimn Is ikv.. Put up in 25c. 50c. and 1,00 Boxes, Bot iles. and Flasks. 6'3 and Q sizes for Ho tels, Public Institutions, &c. , "Only infallible remedies known." ! "Free from Poisons." ' Not dangerous to the Human Family." ; Rats come out of tlicir holes to die." vr-Snld Whole-sale in nil lane cities. fc-SoId hv all Druggists and Retailers ov-1 cry where. i v4-! lie ware"! of all worthless imitations. ! fr-7-Scc that "CostarV name is on each Bnx, Eotlle and Fls!f, before you buy. fcTAdu'ress IlljJY R. COSTAR. Sold by - W. HOLLTNSIIEAD, Vhloaie &. Retail Aj-ent, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 24, liG4. fiw. A LUGTUBS TO YOUNG MEN. Jvft Published in a pealed Envelope. Price Six Cents. t... r, ..... a t.iorare oa iliv. Xat5:'. Troaf. . j i: 7 e . on v.,i-.ce T,.inn.nr,.! RiirEA, or bemmal W caknrss, Involuntary Km Sexual Debility, and Imnediments to Marriage generally. 'Nervousness, Cox- wmptios. Epilkpsv, and Fitc: Mental and! gcrous surgical operations, bougies, inslru- lllClltS, nugs or. cuiuistj, puiiiniijuui a muu of cure at once certain and effectual, by; Y'hich every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be, ma v cure himself cheaply, priwtelv. and radicalfv. THIS LECTURE ! WILL PROVE A BOON- TO TfiOUS AXDS AND THOUSANDS 127 15 -.vers-, Sew YarEi, Post of fice box 45SG. June 16, 150 i. 3y. Bit W. M. !TI0S3 Of PMlaclelpMa. UKfTcil Fnfr n?ifitv rrci!!t ino fmm Sol f-A - taa.'&c, By ROBT.T. CULVERWELL, ' a v'e: regulated Drug store, you can only M D., Author of tha "Green Book," &c. , ; "re to et a Pure Bnd Jf n.uin acl by ir.i i! ' ,u ; -V; call injr on Dreher &, Broth, r. 1 he world renowneu author, in this aum:- fr1 , , , , . . , ,, .. , , T ' , , r t , The undersigned hope, by strict attention rable Lecture, clearly proves from his own . 1 ' .f, t - ,t ,j, .r.,i .,o 'to business, and a desire to meet the wants personal experience that the awlul conse-, , ,.' , .. i i ,v....n of tlie public, to merit a continuance and in fluences of feel f-Abuse may be cicctuaily re- , c .wi - Scnher,:5 m&y oVncdby Kautz and any uuu., -, r 5J-2KiIIiMitnan, I take this opoortuml v to cents, or tv. o post stamps. Address the nub- r . i .i -i !i . ' : nolif my Iricnds and tJie pnnr.e generally. Jirliers. n I that I have added considerable new stock to Where he has t-ccn in successful Practice ; ourc:CSic. Strangers taken to any pail'ot for amimber of years, with lhe experience ! lilc CuUnlry r.t short notice. They will cun ol a:! the iI.fieriMU Ilnspit::!, ttr.., is nowJlini,e iQ run the new omnibus between ll:is pennsncntlv ii'icated at Aiientowii, (OfHce Schneck's E.jgle Hotel,) where he will be in ftncl ciiendaiice to all Professional calls. No intent Medicines us- d or recofintiend fd. The remedies administered are those v.hich will not brek down the constitution, but r-iMVu!e the svsiern from all injuries it lias truj-taineJ from improper treatment, a i:d leave Uie sys-tem in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. M-laiicli;Hy Abteratinn, that state or ali enation ond weakuots of the mind which render persons incapable of enjoying the Diewirr..- or veiforminir the duties of life. DYSPEPSIA. -That di.-tret-oiiiir disease ar.d "ell destroyer of health and hapnmess, i ti:i'!eniiin;i)g the constitution andN'cariy car-j rji:: thual!d to tmlimely graves, can mot cm;iaatic;il!v le cured. RHEUMATISM In any form or condi tion warranted ctirrablc, Epilepsy, or falling ckness, all ciircnic or stubborn cases of Female Disease?, radically removed. Ith 1 urn by Consumption) can be cured by wearing my Medicutcd Jacket, which is a protection to the Lungs against all changes of wenther in clunules. Having invcstigutcd for yoars the cause and character of intermiltents, (Fe- icana ctnracteroi iniermiuenis, re- Ague.) in all parts of. the United -will cure permanently all Chronict e cases oi Ague and Nervous diseas-1 ter end fitatcs r Acute cr, iu a fow days. TAPE WORM. That dread to the Hu-l bin Family, can be removed and permanent-, 1 . ' , J t ICU. j Consultation in my office in the Jinslish i . i ..' . ii isiiRcnuiiv miorni ius oiu inocs, unit licjana ccroiuious oirenpcs, wuicn nave ' , . ... , . . n,rnA . . . . . . i ., iiui an oruersm nisiine v.iui prompuiefct, c ju ju'ivioHs meoicai Mini, uuu tunru . ,, ,, , . . . nmiir i rrn i iTir.li i z 711111 1 ikj t-i v. 1 t:a . . .... ( 1 ... ......v - - j t j 1 un... Mo,. h BH.irARp,! i.wioifr.nfi.in.:the country. The new J?ountlry and Ja tmllvOnnd" Medicines sent with proper di-' recti'ons to any part of the country. j Dr. V. IL WITMOR, Office in Eagle Hoiel Building, Ai''entvvn, Lehigh Co., Pa September 1, 1804 -ly. Glnzicind Paper Will attend to, and promptly execute, all I i . i i i ... r- J T?-. ; j uer6 wiui wnicn ne may oe , . .. subscr5ber wou( respCctfully notify his long experience ,n the var.ous branches c hasnowVor sale at h.s oi his busme.-s, he teels confident of render T.T 1 7) . c. . - , ; - . TT' Ware Rooms (old stand) Stroudsburg, a new Jng entire satisfaction in his work. He . . ,v. c J . - , . , b n ,. my be found at hi, shop, on Simpson ana EPIe,,d'd lot-fncw fashiouab e lur ttrect, Stroudsburg, Pa. i JJ,ture' such as Patronase respectfully solicited. March 26,1662. HOWAKII ASSOCIATION. 'which he will dispose of cheap for cash or PHILADELPHIA. ready pay. He has also on hand a choice Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary ct ot RTnnllino-c and Sexual Systems new and reliable treat- JH"ul"oB Went in Reports of tlie HOWARD ASSO- which he is prepared to make up in frames CIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter to order, or dispose of as purchasers may re envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. quire. . . SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard A.ssocia- The undertaking business promptly at- on, Jo. li bouth rsmth Street, Phiiadel- phia, Pi December 17, 1663. ly. j t ! DHEIIEll. & BROTHER, ! rSiirrnecm" in T)nrlinrr . Ttnv successors lO curling OI 1JOJS,) j Respectfully notify UlG public, that hav- 1 , , , . , ,, . .t ing purchased the above establishment, they will continue the Drug and Medicine busi- ness, at the old stand. The room is commo dious, and is fitted up with every convenience for the dispatch of business and the accommo dation .of customers. Ilavingmade large ad ditions to their already largestock of i red lAitinD L'l HjjOJ lll.UIVIUl.O) k Ul 111 111 VI J UwlJ purchased with a view to theac- tion of the new tax and' tariff laws, they are prepared to offer ?P AmSt ilW l pUrclmSCrS' I If you want pure, fresh Drills and Modi- cmc5,call on Dreher & Brother, If you want first quality Paints, Oils and DUe Stvffs, call on Dreher & Brother. I ou want Perfumery, in almost endless ! variety, call on Dreher & Brother. If you want Lamps and pure, safe and cheap Burninff Oils, call on I Drelier & Brother. If you want any of the most popular Pat- ( 'en Medicines, or those which are not quite ; so popular, call on Drelier &. Brother, j i V ,-vo" ni .luc s,1 'Sa" or a cuo.ee UIIIUIU Ul VjlllLlllg 1 VUUL.LU, Oiill Ull. Dreher &. Brother, i If you want Physicians- Prescriptiotis carefully compounded, call on Dreher &. Brother If you want pure IVtn'es and Liquors for medicinal, eacraraental or other uses, call Drelier & Brother. " '0" want the best of Hair, Tooth, Natl , . ; d Ll? ?S 'Cf: ?mbs ST' "s nd lotlct rhclcs gaicrally call on t , f rr , Droher & Brodier. ill suuii.) ii Juvi vv uiitiLijjr liiiii uouaiivy qjJqG DREHER E. B. DRDIIER. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1863. Wni. Ilim!sman Proprietor. he same, and will continue the business at the eld stand, on Franklin street, where I am prepared to hire horsps and carriages at the lowest cash rates. My horses are safe, fast and gentle, and their vehicles consist ol al! kinds, to suit the taste of the fastidious. ' Attentive ostlers always on hand, and drivers ! funiithed when desired. Call and see fur soroosh and lhe Railroad Depot. Persons Intending to go on the railroad wii! be called tor at any part of the borough, -by leaving iheir names at the office near th stable. The omnibus wiii also be at the depot on the arrival of trains to convey passengers into town. Ko pains will be spnrcd to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their patron age. WILLIAM HUNTSMAN. j The undersigned having completed his the to ind style superior even to wnat he was auie t 1 to do in the old establishment destroyed by I the flood. Having a full assortrhent of pat- " .,rl r- I1 lu bUi a" ' - JJJH Work, Bclfk ft-HIS, PiOW Cast :.c n.A Cooli WAi,r!, aild aS Clg&fS STEAM ENGINES, MACHINE WORK, p ... &c. ?ein? f n . experienced workman himself, and employing none bflt the best , .! mitnri'il ttO niltlllP. ItinU a"u V , c . r r 1 j - --- - chine Shop is located on Walton street, near Elizabeth street, m the borough of Strouds burg, where tne orucrs oi oiu inenusas wen as new one are solicited. Orders from a, Distance mav be addressed,jcr mail, to 1 F. LANDERS, Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. September 4th, 18C2. ;r?l Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Cliait'x, &c. tended Hb jfs usual. MORRIS SMILEY. " 1 0- T-l ! rtn.T Ti!trAf't '.Itn clnnt MACHINE - SHOP, i nn-ir w i r, ( r- firifl ilniiiiio Shnn M'nil ill re New Furniture. Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 20, 1864i tf. TEHMS-T'.vo dollarsa year in advance and if no gv1KVhiCrg?d?f lhe yeai' lw0 dIlars and filfy ("per msconunuea unin an arrcaiagcs arepam, except at the option of the Editor. JP'A,1 " crtie.nents of one squnre of fcigKt linesl or less, one or three insertions SI 51). Each additional .insertion, so cents. Longer ones in proportion. - JOB PRINTING, OF ALL KINDS, Executed in the nighesi Myle ofthc Art, and ontlie most r'eason-iblc terms. MISCHIEF-MAKERS. . 0 ! culd there in the world be found Some little spot of happy ground, Where village pleasures might go round Without the village tattling ! IIow doubly LIest that Place wo,,ld be where all might dwell in liberty, Free from the bitter misery Of goEsips endless prai If such a spot were really known, name pcace m;ht claim it aa her own. Aad in it she mi ht fix her throne a F or ever and for ever ; There like a queen might reign and live, While every one would soon forivc Th(J 1; , ,j j , . . . And be offended never. The mischief-makers that remove Far from our hearts the warmth of love, And lead us all to disapprove What gives another pleasure ; They seem to take one's part, but when They've heard our cases, quickiy then, They scon retail tbem all again, Mixed ina poisonous measure. And then they've such a cunning way Of telling tales. They whispering say, Don't mention what I say I pray ; 1 would not tell another. Straight to your neighbor's house they go, Narrating everything-they know, And break the peace of high and low Wife, husband, friend, and brother. O ! tliat tiic mischief-making crew Were all reduced to one or two, And they were painted red or blue! That every one might know them; Then would our village soon forcfet To rage and quarrel, fume and fret, And full into an angry pet, With things too much below them. Sayiags of Josh Billings. It iz highly important that when a man makes up his mind tew bekum a raskal, that he should examine hizscl clusly, and see if he aiut better konstructed Jer a phool. I argy in this way, if a man iz right, he kant be too radical, if he iz rong, he kant be too konservatiff. It is a vcrry delikate job, tew forgiv a man without loweriug liini in hiz own es timashun. and yures too. Az a ginral thing, wen a woman wares '. the britch.es, she has gud rite to them. j I am poor, and i am glad that i am, for j i find that wealth makes more people j mean than it dos generpus. j Woman's inflooence iz powerful cspe- , shilla when she wauts euytliiug. f No man luvs tew git beet, but it iz bet ter tew git beet, than tew be rong. Sticking up our noze don't prove en- ( nything, for a sope biler, wen he iz away from hiz hum, smells everything. 7 jtvwi Kiim ov Dorcs ar a nusance, diu it iz better tew be bored with a tew-inch or gcr than a giuibiet. It iz scd -'that a boss don't know hiz strength" and I don't really suppose that a skunk does nuther. "Be sure you're rite, then go aherd j" but iu kase uv doubt go ahead enny wa. Sekts and creeds uv religion, are like pocket cumpesses, gud euuff to pint out the direekshun, but the nearer the pole yu git, the wuss tha wurk. Men aint apt tew git kicked out uvgood soctety fer being ritch. The rode to ruin iz alwus kept in good repair, and the travelers pa the expenses uv it. If a man begins life hi being a fust lu tenant in hiz fainilc, ho need never tew look for promoshca. The oula profit there is in keeping mdre than one dorg, is wat yu kan make on the board. I havent got as mutch munny'cz some folks, but I hev got as mutch impudense ez enny ov tliem, and this iz the next thing tew muuny. It aiut often that a man's reputashen outlasts hiz muuny. Don't mistake arroganse for wisdom ; menny hav thought they wuz wizc. when tha wuz on la windy. The nun who kant git ahed without pullin others back, iz a limited cuss. Woman will sum times confess her sins,, but i never knu one 2 confess her faults. Oh ! what a wurld this iz 2 liv in, for the so.ul that iz afradc of diit and divil tree. YouDg man, study Deference; it iz the best card in the pack. Onesta iz the poor manVpork, and the rich inau's pudding. Troy JVeivs. ' A gentleman not long since, in-one of his rides in Southern Illinois, sought to make himself interesting to a good-looking mother of a sweet baby, occupying the next seat in the car. After duly prais ing the baby he remarked to the mother, "He is a rail sucker, I suppose'!"' "No, sir," said" the lady, blushing, "we had to raise him on the bottle.'' The gentleman resumed his reading and has not brag ged on'auy straDgc babyiucc Uasby is Finally Drafted. Camp of the 778th 0.,Kiduapt Melishy ) Toledo, Oct. tho 17, 1862. j I am here, clad in the garb uv slaivry ! Nasby, clothed in a bobtailed bloo.coafc, a woolin shirt and bloo pants, with a Oys teran muskit in his hands, a goin thro the exercises ! Good hevings ! wat a spectacle! The draft was over, and I thot that wunst more I'd visit my nativ land. Gai ly I stept abord the bote that was to car ry me from British shores gaily I say, fer my money hed given out some weeks afore, and I hed earned a precarious sub sistence a sawin wood in pardnership with a disgustin mulatto, and-1 looked forwerd with goyfulantscpasheuS to the time when I shood agen embrace Looizer Jane, (the pardncr uv my buzzum,) a'nd keep my skin perpetually full uv the clikser uv life, out uv her washin money. Goyfully I sprang off the bote onto' the wharf at Toledo, when a hevy hand was laid onto my shoulder. Twasasoljer! The fol lerin conversashen ensood : "Wat wantest thow, my jentle frend V "I want you, my gay Kanajen." "Ou wat grounds ?" retortid I. "On the ground uv cloodin uv the draft," sez he. "Yoor mistaken," sez I, I'm "a ablish nist a emmissary. I hev biu spredin the bred uv-lifc anion? the noor kulerd C7 1 . brethren in Kanady, and am jest return in to ruii thro another lot. Let me pass I entreat thee, nor stay me in my good work." (This was strategy.) "N,ot much," sez he. "I know better. Yoor a butternut." "How knowst thou ?" sez I. "Yoor nose," sez he. That bueheus beekun lite wuz never got out uv spring water." "Yoor knowledge uv men and things is too much fer me. I coufess and surren der at discreshun do with me as thou wilt." And he did. I wuz led out to camp, and wuz allowd to volunteer to Gght a gainst my convichshens against my brethren, who hev taken up arms in a rigtous coz. So be it. Heutz4th the naim uv Nasby will shine in the list uv marters. Amid the. dark, deep gloom that envel lups me, wuu ray uv light strikes me. I hev seen the eleckshun returns, and wen I seed them I yelled Ilallclogy ! Me and another victim uv Liukiu's tyranny, who iz a Dimekral, (he wuz a postmaster under Booka'nnou, and when removed by Linkin dident give up the balance uv money he hed on hand, fearin twood be used to ubvert our free institooshns,) bed a jubilee. We smuggled a bottle uv condenst ekstasy, and celebratid muchly. "The North's redeemed I" showtid I. "Let the Eagle screme !" yelled- he. "The Quakers hev votid !" showtid I. l,AbIishnism dead!" screemed he. -'Dim-ocrisy's triumphed !" lalt I, aud so on till after midnitc, when completely eggaustid, we sank into slumber, with a empty bot tle atween us. Pktruleum V. Nasby. V. S. Tell Loizer Jane that I may never see her again that shood it be my fate 2 perish on the battle-leeld, amid the rorc uv battle aud the horrors uv niissel laneous carnage, my last thot, ez life ebbs away shud be uv her, and ask her ef she can't send me half or three-quarters uv the money she gits fer washin, ez whisky posts fritefully here. V. X. N. Practical Odds and Ends. Sent by subscribers to the American Agriculturist. Please send plenty more of the same sort. To Light a New Candle Quickly dip the wick in the melted tallow - of one already burning. Kerosene Lamp Chimneys wide at the bulb or lower part are less liable to break than if narrow. Shaving Dint Suspend the glass so that only the part of the face to be shaved will be visible ; there will be less danger of cutting the skin. Reason : a sight of one's eyes distracts attention from the ra zor. Place the mirror where it. will not reflect the light of a window into the eyes. The best place is where the light will fall upou the face, and not upon the glass. When done, wash off all the soap, and finish with a little diluted vinegar-, or al cohol, or cologue water. This will neu tralize the effects of the alkali, preventing it from chapping- the skin, or affecting the color of the whiskers. Hepelling Red ants. Try setting the safes, closets, etc., on new bricks; a subscriber says this proved effectual. A sponge with a little sugar sprinkled through it, will attract aud hbld hundreds of the insects, which may be killed with hot water. Cast Iron Stovjjs are preferable to sheet iron ; they radiate heat more freely aud equally, do not cool off so quickly, and arc much more durable. Condensed Milk is the puro article made purer, that is, with a large propor tion of il3 water evaporated. It is pref erable topmost "milkmen's." Each con sumer can add water to his liking, grading it from the cream point to the "'skyblue." Peeling Onions is a tearful enploy ment. A lady safs it will be less annoy ing by putting them into cold water and immersing often while peeling. To Color Butter. For every 4 quarts of cream grate 1 middling sized carrot, pour oii'iM pint of boiling water, let it staud until cold and strain the li quor into the crcim'i It does hot' hurt the flavor. Booth, the Tsagedain. In the early and palmy dav3 of his theatrical career. Booth and several friends had been invited to dine v. ith an ted without notarial vouching, but still old gentleman in Baltimore of distinguis- as endorsed by being given to the world hed kindness, urbanity and piety. The by those who are not ordinarily bravards. host, though disapproving of theatre-go- A Russian nobleman, extremely wealthy, ing, heard so much of Booth's remark- and very reserved aud melancholy, has able power, that curiosity to see the man appeared of late in the best circles, to had overcome all scruples and prejudices, which he has had most distinguished. in After the entertaiument was over, lamps troducers. The Russian became remark-, lighted and the company reseated in the able for wearing a ring of colassal nYr)-. drawing room, some one requested Booth portions, covering nearly the entire Gn as a particular favor, and that all present gcr, and of singular appearance, the cen would doubtless appreciate, to read aloud ti e being composed of a substance resemb the Lord's Prayer. " i ling jet, which was set in gold. No one. Booth expressed his willinguess, and. ventured to ask the character of the ring all eyes were turned expectantly, upon or the cause of its being worn, and plac hira. Booth rose slowly and reverently ing the wearer, a studiously quiet- man, from his chair. It was wonderful to in the light of being uu eccentric indiv.ife watch the emotions that convulsed his ual. A lady, however, who was piquctf countenance. He became deadly pale, 1 to know something about the matter, at and his eyes, turned tremblingly upwards, last mustered the requisite gourage, and were wet with tears. As yet' he had not said : "Monsieur, every one is very muclr spoken. The silence could be felt. It struck with the singular character of the had become absolutely painful, until at ring yoli wear, and I for one shouKl be last the spell was broken, as if by an ! delighted to know its origin." The Bus-! electric shock. To his rich-toned voice, ; sian made a nervous twitch with his from white lips, he syllabled forth, "Ourihand; as though he would like to hide it, Father, which art in heaven," etc., with while he replied : "Madam, the ring is a pathos and solemnity that thrilled all' not a jewel, as you suppose", but a tomb." hearts. He finished. The silence con- . The curious gathered round while ho tinned. Not a voice was heard or muscle 1 contiuued "Thisjetsubstanceis thc body; moved in this rapt audience until from aiof my wife; she had. a horror of a tomb remote corner of the room a suddued sob in llusaia; she was an Italian. I promised was heard, and the old gentleman (their, her that I would guard host) stepped forward with streaming night during uiy life, and eyes ana tottcrmir frame and seized Dooth J)y the hand." Sir," accents, "you afford said he, in broken me .a pleasure for which my whole future will feel grateful. I am an old man and every day from my , boyhood to the present time, I have re-; peated the Lord's praver, but I never! heard it before, never." "lou are riiriit replied Booth. "To read that rrayer as it should be read, has! tensity till the residue was the compact cost me the severest labor aud study for I mass which you see in the ring, which is" thirty years, and I am yet far from satis-j-my dear wife, whom, as I promised, 1 fietl with my reading of that wonderful! will never quit day or uight duriug my production. Hardly one person in ten 'life." thousand comprehends how much beauty, j tenderness, and grandeur can be conden sed in a snaco so small, and in wortts so simple. That prayer itself illustrates the Jne first time you are walking with: truth of the Bible, and stamos upon it yar arms afc liberty, stop moving them,, the seal of divinity." j antl h.ohI thsra to Jonv side. You will bo "So great was the effect produced," surprised to find how soon your compan says our informant, who was present, ' ion w511 leave Jou behind, although you. ;that converation was sustained but amay hurry twist, wriggle, and try yery short time longer in subdued monosyl- I llurd to kecP UP- 0uc reason for the slow ablcs and almost ceased : aud soon after i walb among girls is to be found in this at an' early hour, the 'company broke up 1 practice of-earryiug the arms motionless, and returned to their seseral homes, with '.Three miles an hour, with the arms still, thoughtful faces and -hearts." An Apology. . "Did you say I wasn't lit to -carry swill to swine, jlr. Brown i "I'did. sir." "Well, sir, I require -you, here, in-the; presence ol tticse gentleman to recall that insult, or you will have to take the ,.r. - .. .. ) "I am ready, wilhu"ly, to repair the injury 1 nave done vou "Well, see that you do it quickly, sir" Brown turned round to the insulted gentleman and said : "Gentlemen, I have done my frieud, Mr. Smith, here, the injustice to say, that j he was not fit to carry swill to swine, at: which ho is very indignant. Nov. gen- tlemen, I desire to recall that remark, and do here take great pleasure in. saying, that Mr. Smith is eminently qualified for' the important office of carrying swill to swiuo ! I hope this apology will be satis factory to Mr. S.', and that his excellent qualifications will be duly appreciated. Mr.Smith was satisfied of course ! Buuker Hill. A good story is told of a Yankee hack man, who was engaged to convey two Eng- iisnmen about the environs of Boston, in cluding of course Buukcr Kill. After going up and inspecting the monument, the Englishmen returned to the hack, i where the driver was quietly waiting for them. "I say, driver," said one of the Eugljsmen, "this is the place where we Englishmen gave you Yankees a thrash ing about eighty years since "Well," says the driver, "don't know-'as I ever heard tell about that ; but who owns the laud now ?" Remarkable Skating Feat from St. Paul to Qumcy. Prof. IT. S. Quinn, of New Y'ork, who hns been lecturing in the Northwest, ar rived at Quincy last Monday, on skates, having skated all the way from St. Paul. He left St. Paul on the 9th ult., and reached Quipcy on the 23d, traveling the whole distance of 850 mile3 in four teeu days, stopping on the way to deliver lectures. lie found the ice smooth and beautiful and clear of air holes. He had a" clean stretch from St. Paul to Quincy, and he bowled down the globe over live degrees of latitude, without meeting with an impediment. It is ono of the most extraordinary feats on record. A Droll story is related of an honest old farmer, who, in attempting to drive homo a bull, got suddenly hoisted over a fence. , llecovering himself, he saw the animal on the other side of the rails, sawiug the air with his hcadandjueck, and pawing the grouud. The good old man looked steadily at him a moment and ex claimed : "Darn your apologies, you needn't stand there you tarnal critter, bowing' and scrapin' you did it a pur pose, darn you curly pictur?" A Strange Story, ' A truly melodramatic anecdote is in circulation in Paris, which must be accen- her day and she reposed .in' , iUV worci, wuica tiau never been broken. I took the body of my wife to Germany, where the most able chemist of the day promised to reduce it; by powerful dissol- vents and by gieat compression, to a size which euable me to wear it as a souvenir, For eight days he labored almost con- istantly in my presence, and I saw the ; dear remains gradually dissolve and in- Use of the Arms in "Walking. is as Jiara work as four miles with the' arms free. I have seen the queens of the stace. walk. I have seen a lew girls and wometf' j of queeuly bearing walk in the street and cirawmg-room Ihey moved their arm3 in a free aud graceful manner. Could this habit become universal among girls; their chest would enlarge and their bear ing be greatly improved. Sec that girl walking with ucjh hands in her mufl". -IIow she wriggles and twists her should ers and hips ! This is because her arms arc pinioned. Give them free swing, and her gait would soon become graceful. You have seen pictures of muscles. Those of the upper part of the body, you remember, spread out from the shoulder in all directions, like a fan. Now iF you" hold the shoulder still, the muscles of the chest will shrink, the shoulders stoop, and ! the whole chest becomes turn and ugly. But some girls will. say, "swinging the arms must be very slight exercise." True,.' it is very slight if you swing the arms but once or ten times, but if you swing them ten' thousand times, in a day, you will" obtain more exercise of the muscles of the chest than by all the ordinary movements com bined. Indeed, if I were asked what ex ercise I thought most effective for devel oping the chests of American girls, t should reply at ouce, swinging the arms' while walking. Dr. Dio Lcict's. Various instances have been cited To prove how lazy a man may be and live,, but it remains for a Michigander to cap." the climax. Otle hot day, duriug the heated term of last summer, one Mr. F , of Jackson county, was observ ed throw himself on the grass under the spreading branches of a &hadc-tree and to exclaim, emphatically, to himself,, "There! breathe, if you wuu tcT shan't!" - - - In the beginning of the month of-Sep tonibcr last, Sheridan was simply a Gap-' tain in the Thirteenth lufantry. Tweuty' days later, he became a Brigadier, and in' less than two months' time a Major Gen-' j oral jn the regular service Such are thV rewards of gallantry aud skill; i Physical courage, which despises all; danger, will make a man brave m on e way : and moral courage which despises all the clamors of the ignorant aud the prejudiced, will make a raau brave in an other. The former would seem ' most necessary for the camp, the . letter for council j but to constitute a great manJ both are necessary. Holland papers, so the London jour-' mil say, claim Geueral Sharman as nativo of that country, who emigrated to Ampr-' ica after a commercial failure in .Ainstev1 dam. It is sufficient to dispose of 'tliat: claim to say that General Sherman isa ,2; Hneal desccudent.of the bioher of'Ilo- r gcr Sherman, oue of the Signers of the- ' Declaration of Independence.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers