the -ffl.iiSw Hiscovsry . "Worthy of any -wiicBMie ii BESTOISIKG . THE BALD AND GRAY. Many, since the great discovery of Prof Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his restorative, but profess to have discovered something that would produce results iden tical; but they have all come and gone, bc inr carried away by the wonderful results of I'rof. Wood s preparation, mid have been : forced To leave the lield to its rcshsllcss sway. 'Ite'ad the following: liatn, iunme, April 10m, Prof. O. J. Wood & Cor Gents : The lot or I wrote vou,in 1B5G concerning. your val uable Hair Restorative, and which .you Have first, is it a fact of mv habitation and name, as stated in the communication ; second, is it true of all therein contaii ed; third, docs my hair still continue to ho in good order and of natur.fl color ! To all 1 can and do answer Invariably yes. My hair is even better than in anv stage of my life for 40 years past, more soil, thrifty, and better colored ; the same is true of my whit-ken, and the only cause why it is not generally true, is that the substance is washed off by trcquent ablution of the "face, when if care were used by wi ping the face in . close connection with the whiskers, the same result will follow as the hair. I have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all parlsof New Eng- landi asking me if my hair still continues to be good ; as there is so much fraud in the mamiraeturc and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt been basely imitated and been usod, not only withoutany good effect, but to absolute injury. I have not used any of your Restorative of any ac count for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with surprise, as I am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my header on my face; and to nrore this fact, I send you a lock of my hair taken off the past week. I received your favor of two quart hollies last summer, for which I am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try it, many were skeptical until after trial, and then purchased and used it-with universal success. I will ask a favor, that you send me a test by which I can discover fraud ii. the Restorative, sold by many, 1 fear, with out authority from you. A pure article will "insure success, and I believe where good ef fects do hot follow, the failure is caused by the impure article, which curses the inventor of the good. I deem it my duly as hereto fore, to keep you apprised of the continued effect on my hair, as I assure all who enquire of me of my unshaken opinion of its valuable results. 1 remain, dear sir, your?, A. C. RAYMOND. Prof. 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir. I would cer tainly be doing you a great injustice not to make known to the world, the wonderful, as well as the unexpected result I have expe rienced from uing one bottle of your Hair Restorative. -Alter using every kind of Re storatives extant, but without success, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, 1 was finally induced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, candor and justice compel me to announce to whoever may read .this, that I now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the original was. I will here take occasion to recommend this valu able rem cdy to all who may feel Ihe necessi ty of iL Respectfully yours, REV. S." ALLEN BROCK. P. S. This testimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine (s. you are aware of)Js unsolicited: but if you think it worthy a place aniungj'to. rest, insert if you wish; if not destroy and say nothing. Yours, &.c. Rev. S. A. B. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium, and small; the small holds h a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion thsn the t-mali, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more in pro portion, and retails for $13. O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, arid 114 Market Street, SL Louie, Mo. And sold bv all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. March 29, lSGO.-ly: KAMOGD. ij new lqsij nQn ttesiereat Tt - ' A T 9 . ?t -J H Just Pub'ishcl, in a Scaled Envelope , US THE NATURE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL cuke of spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and in voluntary emissions, inducing impotency, and Mental and Physical Incapacity. By ROBT. J. CULVER WELL, M. D. Author of the "Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, in this admir able Lecture, clearly proves from his own ex perience that the awful consequences of Self nbuse may be effectually removed without me dicine and without dangerous Bdrgical opera tions, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. I his lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two pos tage stamps, by addressing, Dr. CII. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, N. York. Post Officebox 4,586 April lb, lbbl. ly. DELAWARE WATER GAP CLASSICAL SCHOOL t4 The next Term opens. May 1st, and con tinues five months. The Principals have had much experience in conducting such Schools, and will spare no labor or expense in giving their pupils the best advantages. In addition to the usual branches of an En glish education, thorough instruction will be given m me ucrman, JVrencli, and Spanish languages, and in all the branches required to prepare young men lor college, or for bu siness pursuits. Day scholars, and young men qualifying uiumsenes ior teaching, received on the most i;i i . . . ijutrai terms. . , Rev. II. S. HOWELL, ? n . . , Rev. C. AL BLAKE, Pr'afc. xvian uiu fimci ""Hj pni a, ICOX. LEWIS D. VAIL, Attorney at fcuu, Office removed to No. 109 North Sixth ts. (above Arch,) JLIiSadclifiia. February 2, i860: publishod in this vicinity and elsewhere, lias " jriven rise to numerous enquiries touching in the case. The enquiries are, m 2S CHANGE OF TIME. Winter Arrangement Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL HOAD. (r-On and after Monday, Dec. 24th, 1SC0, trains will be run as follows: Express Passenger Trains. MOVING SOUTH. The night express Train east on N.Y. &Erie Railroad arrives at Groat Bend at d:2da. m. connecting with the Express Train leaving Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia at 7 10 a. m. Due nt New-Mil ford, Due at Montrose, - -Ilupbotlom Nicholson : : Factoryville, " -Abington : Toby ha una Stroudsburg, -Water Gap, Columbia, -' : 7 2S 7 43 SU : 8 29 - 853 9 09 9:40 10:29 h. 1 1:04 - 12:22 - 12:36 : 12:50 p. m. Delaware, (15 min. to dine) 1:00 Hop", (Phila'da. connection) 1;25 Bridgville, - - - - 1:30 Washington. . : : 2:08 Junction, -- - - 2:25 New York, - - - 5:20 Philadelphia, - 6;50 MOVING NORTH. Passengers from New York, leave .it it Pier No. 2, North River at Or foot of Courtland street at From Phila. leave Kensington Leave Junction, Due at Washington : Bridgeville, 7:00, a. m. 8:00 " 7:10 " 11:20 " 11:33 " 12:19 p. m. 12:23 ', 12:33 " 1:10 ' 1:24 ' 1:33 " : 3:06 3:42 " 4:25 " 5:01 " - 5:17 ". 5:30. " 5:f9 " - G:22 u ; 6:42 - 7:00 " Columbia : Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Tobyhanua, : Moscow, Scranton, Abington : Factoryville, Nicholson Hopbottom : Montrose, - - . -New Milford : Great Bend, Connecting at Great Bend with the Night Express West 1:45 a. m. The Express Passenger Train South, con nects at the Junction with 2:55 P. M. Train, on the Central Road, for Easton, Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Reading, Ilarrisburg, &c. Accommodation Train moving North leaves Scrantdii for Great Bend at 9:47 a. m. Factoville : : 11:07 " Nicholson : , 11:37 p. m. Montrose : : 12:52 " Arrive at Great Bend, - - 1:57 p. m. Connecting with the Dunkirk Ex press West, at : ; 3:32 " Moving Suth. The New York Express East arrives at Great Bend,it 1:43 p. m. and connects with the Accommodation Train which leaves Great Bend, at Montrose : : : Nicholson : : Facloivville : 2:25 p. m. 3:20. " 4:35 " 5:30 " 0:53 Due at Scranton, The Accommodation Train does not leare Scranton until after the arrival of the Jlbrw ing Train on the Lackawanna &. Blooms burg R. R. thus giving Passengers from -the Wyoming Valley a direct connection for the West, by the Murning Train. For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Train leaving Scranton at 4:00 a. m. Due at Moscow . : 5:40 " Stroudsburg" at 10:40 " Junction at 3:15 p. rh. Returning, will leave Junction at 4:35 a; ro Due at Stroudsburg at 8:20 " Moscow : ; 2:00 p. m. Scranton at : : 3:20 " Passengers to and from New York change cars at Junction to and from Philadelphia via. B. D. R. R., leave or take the cars at Hope. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkes? Barre, take Lackawanna and Bloomsburg R. R. at Scranton For Jessun, Archibald and Carbondale; take Stages at Scranton. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through. JOHN BRISBIN, Sup'l. V;.i. i. Jenks, Getrl Ticket Agent. Scranton, December 24, 1SG0. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves STOVE & TIN STORE. The subscriber has constantly on hand a large stock of Stoves, consisting of Parlor, Office, Kail, Shop, Bar rooiu am! Cook Stoves, of all descriptions, which will be sold cheaper than at any other establishment tn the county. S?Aa I do all the work mvself. I am enabled to manufacture my ware out of tno Dest material, and sell it at the low est possible Wholesale and Retail prices. Ml 1 1 f All K1UUS OI Tin & Shcct-iroea Work, SpoBit, ins attd Sioofcit, one at the shortest notice. All work warrented. Call and examine. E. S. C. HORN. March 15, 1860, Wmi. Ik. HavaL-md, ATTORNEY AT LAV, STROUDS13URG, MONROE CO., PA. Office at James IL Walton's. Eso.-r- Golloctions made, and business attended to with promptness and dispatch. Ite'i'-n&f . t. Iri '.V''1! Card to tlie Public. iThc undersigned respectfully informs rlhe citizens of Stroudaburg and vicinity, that he intenda resuming the lamling and Pa)er Hanging Business, in Strouds burg, on or about the first of April nest. All work entrusted to his care will be os ecuted vith neatness and despatch. All work warranted, as none but good hands will bo omplojed. Particular attention paid to the following branches : ig8B Fa i Biting - House Painting, Payer SBaiiSssifo ami Oi'aisiastgf Show Cards and Window Tickets written to order aMhe lowest liviug prico. Thaukful for pat patronage, he re spectfully solicits arcontinuance of the samo. CM. 1TJ0E. January 24, 1861. . Something' New. The public are respectfully informed that the undersigned has opened, in the Borough of Stfoudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, in the large four story building, recently erected by Messrs. Fow ler and Wintctnute, two doors a bovc Robert Boy's Store, vliere he intends keening always on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Gils, Var nishes, Trench and Common'Glass, $c. The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from .which all tastes can bo gratified, including ; Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hair and Toilet Crushes; Combs, &c. ALSO Pure WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which hour their own recommendation. Every article will bo warranted pure and fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as to deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and sec. JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Dec. 31, 185G. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Stroudsbur? Female Seminary. Under the care of the Rev. J. E. MILLER and Miss M.. S. MILLER: Mrs. J. E MILLER teacher of Music The year to be divided into four terms of 11 weeks each. TERMS. For day scholars : For all the English branches usually taught in Seminaries of the first grade, and Latin 4, per Session. French, 85. Music on the Piano, 8 per quarter. on the Guitar, 5 for 12 lessons. Pastel Painting, $5) Monochromatic, 4 Materials furnished Leather Work 4 H Six pupils will be received into the family of the Principal as boarders, at a charge of $200, per year, for Boarding, washing, and tuition in all tho English branches, Latin, if desired. Half payment to be made the beginning of each session, and the re mainder at the close. No deduction for .absence, for cither boar dinir or dav-scholars, excepting in case of sickness, or by special agreement. Pupils received at any time during the session, and charged from the time when they commence, The next session of the above School will commence on Monday, July JJOlh, 16G0, Julv 19, 18G0. tf. HANDSOME WOMEN! TO ILADiSS. TTUNT'S "BLOOM OF HOSES " A ! 1 rich and elegant color for tho checks or lips. IT WILL NOT WASFI OR RUB OFF, and when once applied, re mams curable ior years, j no tint is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fails to detect its use. Can be removed by lemon juice and will not injure th .kin. This is a new preparation, used by tho celebrated Court Beauties of Lon don and Paris. Mailed free, in bottle3, with directions for use, for $100. HUNTS "COURT TOILET POW- DER," imparts a dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike anvthig cl?e used for this purposo. Mailed free for 50 Cents. TTTTvrmn j.TiTiTmTnri n i -r it ,, moves ton, freckles, sunburn and all e ruptions of the skin. Mailed free for 50 Cents. HUNTS "IMPERIAL POMADE for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps it from falling off, and is warranted to make the hair curl. Mailod free for $1.0u. HUNTS "PEARL BEAUTIFER, for tho teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums, puri fies tho breath effectually, preserves THE TEETn AND PREVENTS TOOTHACHE Mailed free for Sl.00. HUNTS "BRIDAL WEALTH PER. FUME," a double extract of orange bios soms and cologuo. Mailed freo for 51.00. This exquUite perfume was first used by tne runoess ltoyal ot Jiingland, on he marnago. Messrs. Hunt & Co. presented the Princess with an elegant case of Per futnery, (in which all of tho above arti cles were included) in handsome eut glass witu goia stoppers, valued at 1000, par ticulars of which appearod in tbo publio print1?. All tbe above articles sent Freo. bv express, for 05.00. Cash can either ao company the order, or be paid to tho ex press agent on delivery of goods. . HUNT & Co., Porfumerd to tbe Queen. Regent St., London, and 707 Sansotn St., Philadelphia, Pa. I'or Sale by all Druggists and Perfu mers. ETha Trade Sunn ed. October 11, 1800.-1 y. OHARLTON' BUI!NET ' . , Attorney at Law, STROUDSBURG, MOTJROE COUNTY- PA . Office on Elizabeth treot.J'ornicrlv oc cupied by Win.. Davis, Esq, AYEE'S Si FOE PTJPJFYniG THE SL00D. Ami for tho epcedy euro of tho following wnplnints: 'I'u in ol'js, Ulcers, feoj'Ci, lurup lions, Pilu', Pustules, Hioltlics, 2iails, Jilaiiis, anil nil BJcin Discuses. 0.1KLAX&, Intl., Cflj .Tunc, 1S50. .7. O. Ayeu v Co. .Gents : I fijl it my duty to ac kuowloilgo v.-liat your itarouparilla lian ilone for nie. llavity iulfei fttul a Scrofulous infection, I lmvo siift'civd from it in vurijus ways for years. Soinetinifd it burst out in "Ulcers oil my hands :ind nrms; Hninatiiisos it turned inward and tllstriiwcil mo ut thu .-toujivcli. Two Vuni-s'agb it hroke out on my head nnd covered my sculp iiiid wars with one sore which was painful and huthsomo beyond description. I tried many mcdirinos and soreral physicians, but without much lulii-f from any thing. In fact, tho disorder grew worse. At length I was lvjjiced to read iu tho Uo.peJ JlesseiigiT that you had prepared an aitenitivo (Saistiparllhi), fir 1 knew from your reputa tion that any thing you mad' must- bo gwl. I tout to Cincitnmtiaudgtit it, and used it till it cured mo. I took it, as you ndviie, iu t-mr.ll dbse-i of a teaspoon fnl over a m.'iiili, and used almost three- U'tittle.'. New anil healthy skin soon began to form under the' Hub, which after a while feJt ulT. My M;fn is now elenr. and I know by my feelings that tho disease law gone fioni my system, l'ou can well believe that I feul what 1 am Miying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of tho age, and remain ever gratefully. Youra, ALHIKD V.. TALLT;Y. St. Ajitliony's Pirc. Rose or 55rj-5lcln3J Tcttei and Snlt Klicum, Mci;l iScntl, liiugworm, Sore Eyes. Oropsy. I)r. Itobert M. I'reblo wtites from Enlem, N. Y.,12th Sept., that he has cured an invetcr.ito cao )f Drops;, which threatened to terniinato fatally, by tho persevering uso of our Sarsapnrill.i, and also r. dangerous Malignant Erypflas by largo docs of the sanio; sayw ho cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. BroiicIioiM-le, Ooitre or Sivcllctl Neck. Zebulon Ploan cf 1'iospcct, Texas, writes : "Threo IM tles of your Sarsaparilla enred mo from a Cn're n hid eous swelling on tho neck, which 1 had suileied from over two years." Xicucovvlirca or "Whiles, Qvnrinn Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. .7. 15. S. Chnnning, of New York City, writes ; " T mixt checrfullv complv with tho refiupst of your agent in saying I have found yotir Sarrapaiilln a most excellent nlterntivo in tho numerous complaint'? for wh'uh wo employ such a remedy, but especially in FemuU Diseases of tho Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many inveter ate cases of Leuconhcca by it, and somo where tho com plaint was caused by ulreration of the ulenis. Tho ulcer ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge equals it for thco femnlo derangements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous ovarian liimm'tm ono of tho fennles in my family, which had defied all tho remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your Kxtnict ofSar saparilla. Qur physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could alTord relief, but ho r.dvised tho trial T your Sarsaparilia as tho last roKort befoio cutting, and it proved effectual. After takimryour remedy tight weeks no symptom of tho disease remains." Syphilis nnti Mercurial Disease. New Ori.kass. 25th August. If 50. Dr. J. C. Arnit : Sir, T cheerfully comply with (be re quest of your agent, and report to yon borne vt tho eflects 1 have realized with your Sarsaparilia. I have cured with it, in my practice most of tho com plaints for which it is lecomniendwU will have f mnd its elTects truly wond'-rfiil in tho euro of Vnnrud ami Mrr curial nts'iite.- One of my patient luld Syphilitic uteris in his throat, which wero coiisuming his palate and tho top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilia, steadily tRkeu, cured him in, five weeks. Anoth'T wns attacked by m-c-ondaty symptoms in his uose, and the ulceiatioti had euten away a coiwderablo part of it, so that I believo tho disorder would soon reacli hi brain nnd kill him. tint it yielded to my administration of your farsaparilia: the ulcers healed, and ho is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had Lien treated for tho same disorder by mercury was sutTeiiiig from this poison in her bones. 'ihey hail become so sen sitive to the weather that on a damp day she sulTem! ex cruciating paiu in her joints and bones. She, teo, was cured entirely by your fc'arsnpaiilla in a few weeks. ,1 know from its formula, which your agent gr.vo me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, theso tiuly remaikabio icsults with it have not surpi ised n:e. fraternally yours, G. Y. LA1UMF.K, M. D. Rheumatism, Ciont, Liver Complaint. I.vnErnxDKXCK, Preston Co., Va.. Clh duly, 159. Dn. .!. C. Arm: ?ir, I havo Iwrn allliclcd with a pain ful chronic JRhatmalism for a long time.whk-h battled tho skill of physicians, and stuck, to me iu spits of all tho remedies I could find, until I tried your Sarenparilla. Ono bottle cured mo in two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I am far better than 1 was attacked. 1 think it a wonderful medinie. .1. l-'ltKA 51. Jules Y. Getchell, of Pt. f.nuis. writes: "I have been afflicted for years with an afirclionof the J.vtr, whi':h destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing Jhiled to relievo me: and 1 have been a luoKeinlown man for some years from no other causa than derangement of the I.ivtr. My beloved pastor, tbe. Jtev. Mr. hspy, advised mo to try your Sarsaparilia, because ho .said he knew yui, and anv lliinc you matin was worm trying. iy tno wess' ing of God it Iras cured me, and hns so purified my L'-v-hI as to make a new man of ml. T feel young again. Tho beat that can be aid of you is not Lairgood enough." ScJiiriMiri.Ca.iJccr Tsniors, SnTrtvzrentcnt, Ulceration, Caries ami' Exfoliation of tne liones. A great variety of cacs havo been reported to n where cure? of thee formidable complaints have resulted finra the use of this remedy, but our sp;ce here will not admit them, fcomo ot ilieni mav be f.nnrt in mir Amenciin Almr.nac, which the agents below n.ieied arc pleased to furnish gratis: to all wno am for tlietn. Dysiiei.sJn, lleni-f. TiJseRKi;. J?lts. Etilcp- ay, .ili.jiiiJitJiuij , iieuiiu'H Many remaikabte cures of thse anecti"iis h:ue Iwen mads bv the alterative novu-r of this medicine. It stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would bo supposed lieyomi its reach. Such a remedy has long been required by tho ne cessities of the nennic. and we are comment tiiai tins win do for them all that medicine can do. Iyer5s Gheny roit Tim :t.riD c roit Tim :t.riD cuke ov Conghs, Colils, liiflncHzn, Hoarsci .Crono, "Bronchitis, Isieiisient Co Kjiii.ptiojJ, and for the llelicf ITortrsciiesS, or lousiimiuivc iriicius in nili-RiJeeil Stages of the Disease. This is a remedy so .universally kr.ftwn to surpass any other for the euro" of threat and lung complaints, that it is useless hcie to pnblih the evidence f its virtue?. Its unrivalled excellence for ecuglis and colds, and it? truly wonderful cures of pulmonar.v disease, Iibvh made it known throughout the civilizwl nations of the eaith. Few nro tho communities or even families, nirromr tin m who havo not fiome ncrsonal cxnerii nie of its ejects some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat nnd lunes. As all know the dreadful fatality cf these ditorricre, and at thev know. too. the effctts of this 'remedy, we ml not do more than to assure them that it has now all the ir tncs that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly, upon tho Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lovroll, Masa. Sold in Stroudsburg, by Hollinahead & Detriokv Will attend to, and pron.'plly execute, al orders with which he may be favored. From liis Jong experience in lhe various branches oftus business, he feels confident of render ins entire satisfaction in his work. He may be found at his shop, on Sarah street nearly opposite tho residence of Hon. M. II Dreher, Stroudsburg, Pa. Patronage respectfully solicited; February 17, 1859. ly. Express Arrangement. Tho Hope and Howard Express Ooni panys arc now prepared to forward Mon cy, Valuables of any kind, Pttskages, &o., with their, own Gars, and special Messen gers, with dispatch from Stroudsburgto a ny part of tho world. JOHN N. STOKES, A2enfc, For tho Hope and Howard Ex. Co' Stroudsburg, Feb. 4. 1858. tf. Hollinskead & Betriek, DRUGGISTS ID CHEMISTS, Wholosale and Retail dealers in Drnss, fticdiciiics, Paistts. Oils. Dyo Stuffs, Glass, Poi fHijBcry, &c. &c. &. GOTHIC HALL. DRUG STOKE, STROUDSBURG, PA. N..B. German and English prescrip tions carefully compounded. WM, IIOLMNSIIRAD. o. DCTUICK. April -8, .1858. Iy. REMOVAL ! ! TOhoScsafic and Melail ';Soot anh Sips MMUFAC TORY! . rrt T. . . . , i ne suufcunuur respecnuiy informs ifWj bis cusmers and friends thai he lias 5 fn. removed his Bool and Shoe Mnufac lory tu the store room formerly occupied by Joseph oigman, in fsorltiampton door above Hamilton s-ireet, and between Mrs. E. II. Ilaiinorry's Millinery and Petei Pomp s Drug blore. lie has just receiypoa larjie assortment of Boots and Shoes, among which are Call Concress lioots, Enamelel Coiutpss Boots Calf Napoleon' Boots,' Patent- IVloroco Na- joleon Boots, brogans, &c. for Getlemen and Bovs. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes for Ladies and .Misses, u omen s fashion ble Gaiters of every variety, made to ordci at short notice. A larce assortment of Chil- drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes if all descnpiions and kinds, which he is ell ing CHEAP FOR CASH. The floods are manufactured of the best materials anu in uie nuiiitst uisu must insii i r .t . . i r i. ionable manner. He employs none but the . I . I "t IT . K . nesl worumen at.oui ins Bs;atiisiiriiunijr ThnnL-fiil for thfi 1 ihnral nnt mrino-?hFet8? fore received, ercty effort will be made to A.iauiiu w - -w - i - merit a continuance of the same. THADDEUS SCIIOCII Easton, September 16, 1852. 5, jsiwgv sell in btroudsburg', and moved u-J-L-,-r -his ofllce next door to Dr. S Walton, and nearly opposite S. Rees's Hat & Cap store, where he is fully prepared to treat Ihe natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling- dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases and if the dentist lives at a distance, itisfre quenlly put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the in oonvenience and trouble of going so far. Ilencelhe necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All work warrtmte MONROE COUNTY itS 35 tern! sFii'G Xssssiraurc Coisjss'j rglhe rate of Insurance is one dollar on -fcL the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax wil be lgyied, except to cover actual loss or damage uy fire, that may fall upon mem bers of the-'Ooinpany, The nett profits arising from in teres or otherwise, will bo ascertained yearly for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, will have n credit m-tbe company. Each insurer la or with the said company will be a mem ber thereof dui'ing the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insur ance has been thoroughly tested has been tried by the unerring test of experi ence, and has proved successful and be come Ycvy popular. It affords the'great est security against loss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonable terms. Applications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to Tm. K. Hayiland, Secretary. MANAGERS . J. Dopuc Labar, Jacob Knecbt, Iljchard S. Staples, Jacob Stouffer, Charles Peters, "Win. K. Haviland, Silas L. Drake, Theodore Schoch, Godleib Auracber, Thomas W. Rhodes, Joseph Iroeh, Sam I S. Dreher, Stogdcll Stokes. STOGDELL STOKES President Gotlieb Auraciieu, Treasurer. Silas Drake, Surveyor. JfjTbe stated meeting of tho board of Managers takes place at the Secrota rys ofiice, on 'the first Tuesday of cac month, at 1 o'clock P. M. Stroudsburg, Sept. 16; ISfiO. FRUIT TREES. i3& Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Flow -aers, bhrub3, tcc , &c, from the cale brated II. E. Hook, & Co's. Nursery Rochester, N. l. The undersigned is now receiving or dors for Fall and Spring planting. Al those'who order from us or our agent will be supplied with first class trees plants, &c, to bo delivered this fall and spring, at such places as nerced upon. All orders left at G. II. Miller's Store Stroudsburg, Pa., will bo promptly filled ny us. ' W. 0. LAPtZELLIEPt, & Co. Juno 2. 1859. Blairstown, N. J. New flrjls4Vcry Cheap. JOHN N. STOKES, bavin? st finished his selections, is now re- M o wiiiww uuii luauiuiiiiuiu assortment of new nnd seasonable goods, to which he invites the attention o the public. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware oic, oic, in variety, and of superior quality will be found in his store, at prices unusually low. The public are invited to call and see. uuuigu j0r snowing goods. J. N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, April 20, 1859. Yire Sieves, Screens, &c No. 53 South 'liia Street, E A STOW, EM. All kinds of Brag3. Iron and Hair Sieves and Screens eonstantlv nn hnnA . noluding a large assortment of Sieve Screens, for fanning mills, miners, iron workers and briok-makers, of tho beat quality mado in tho very best mannof. and sold at exceedingly law prices by ANTHONY POOL. at his manufactory. No. 53 SonH. street, opposite tho Lutheran Church, Easton, Pa. August XI, 1059 LIVERY BUSTN-RRs" Valentine Rau(z & Wm, lluntsman (Successors to M. B. Postens,) Hnnnrr nnrnhnsart - D r Hrvly siuuuw juiuijt unuuu uj IU. B. Postens, take this opportunity ii ri - j ii ii to notify their friend." and the public frp.n. erally, that they havo added considerable new stock to tbo same, and will continue the business at the old stand, on Franklin Street, where they arc prepared to hire Horses and carriages at the lowest cash rates. Iheir Horses arc safe, fast and gentle, and their ycbicklos consist of all Kinds, to suit the tastes oi the fastidious Attentive ostlers always on hand, and dri vers furnished when desired. Call jind ico for yourselves. Strangers taken to any part of the country at tbo shortest notice. They will continue to run th new omnibus between this borough and the llailroad Depot. Persons intending to go on the railroad will becalledfor al any part of the Borough, by leaving their names at their oraco near the stable. - The omnibus will also be at tbo Depot on tho arrival of trains to convey passengers into town. No pains will be spared to zive satis. ""faction to all who may favor them with their patronage. KAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. HORSE POWERS AND TIIJlESflING- MACHINES. The IScst In esse. The uudersigncd having spared no ex pense in getting up accurate patterns, arc now prepared to furnish Doubled-Geared Iron Framed Horse Powers, and Iron Framed Balanced Cylinder Threshing Machinet', which for compactness, neat ness, working capacity, and durability, (to say the least,) unsurpassed by any now offered to the public. Call and judge for yourself. GEOrvGE E. STAUFFER, & Co. Manufacturers of Agricultural irople-ment.-ySteaci Engines, Mill Irons, &c., &c, Tanncsville, August 4, 1859 -tf. n Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1857.-tf. PpTTO SOU THE TO ever 5sfevet! in this City. Wholesale Dealer IN French anil German Baskets,. Vfood and Willow Ware, Notions, Qrhsies, Oil Cloths, Collon Lnps, Wadding, &.c. &c &c . .No. l'!0 iMarkei-Siteet, l eknv Second, (iortlf-iJc.) t nilLATJELPJid. The subscriber has just opened an entire ly new and ctnnpletc swk of gotnfs of rhc best quality ami description, tn which he would respectfully call ilia attention of Mer chants and Denleis who wih-to lind a good article cheap for Cash. These goods were bought for Nell Cash, ai me greatly recuced. prices consequent up on the stringency of the tinier, anrf- believing the "nimble sixpence" to be blter than the "slow shilling," i hey are now offered to the public at prices that defy competition. The following are a few of the articles always on hand : Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities, Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar Boxes, Halt Bushel and Peck Measures, Well Buck ets, Towel Rollers, Patent head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles', Grain scoops. Toy Wheelbarrows, Corn Brooms, every Variety, Shoe, Paint, Scrub, and Sweep brushes, &c. 'Clothes brushes, Baskets, Willow and ratan chairs, skirt raians. bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirt cords, tie yarn Twine of all kinds, together with a large assortment of Notions ami Fancy Goods. Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c, cheip from auction. These goods are all new and carefully selected, are offered at prices "that cannot fail to attract attention Buyeis uill invariably find it to their own interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. i r IL? arilt tilar attention given to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent dam age or excessive charges for freight lCFOrders by Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 119 Market st., north side, below 2nd, Phila. G CJNSMiTH. The undersigned respectfully in .5r forms the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he has commenced the GUitS?3ffTi2"aKG BUSINESS, near Ivnutz's Blacksmith shop, on William St., and is fully prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, with neatness aud des patch. Having bad twenty years ex perience in thi3 business, he hopes will be an' inducement for the people to givc him a trial. Repairing of all kinds promptly attend ed to. Bifles mado to order. LEWIS KETNEST: THE STROUDSBUlift 0SKBT BASD, W. 52. Wolf, Leader. Can be engaged for Pio-Nic.", Parades, and Publio Mcetfuga, by applying to. Wm. Hoiyr.iNsiiEAi), Stroudsburg, Pa. msr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers