Tho venerable ox-Goverhor Owsley, of Kcntuoky, said tho other day, in the most emphatic manner: "I will bo tho last man in Kentucky to lcae the Union, and when every otbcr man has done so, I will sciso the flng of uiy country and claim it for my ownr" England and the Cotton Product. A Southern planter, rcceutly arrived from Europe, a man of standing and of extensile information, sajs, as per a let ter just received from a friend in New York: IVI r. says that England will not lend the South a dollar, aud France oan not if she would. He says we have no idea of the energy with which England is prosecuting the cultivation of cotton in India and Australia. In India twenty eir millions of acres arc under cultiva tion for this purpose. As a planter he folt interested in investigating the sub ject. He saya that in much less than ten years she will need no cotton from Amer ica. Why will not the South see tbisl Jackson, who assassiuatcd Col. Ells worth, was the cannilal who cot off a piece of John Brown's ear, after he wa bung, and chewed it. It is also a remar kable fact that nearly all who engaged in the pagaentry of the proceedings attend ing the execution ol Brown, have -either met violent deaths, or become insane. - COLUMBIA. Y THE BARD OF THE EASTON HAM. OF FASHION. Since sixteen hundred twenty, When a little pilgrim band, In the dreary winter season On Columbia's shore did land We've become a mighty nation, Our banner is unfurled From masts in every harbor In the whole enlightened world. Large thriving towns, and cities, Arc scattered far and wide, And on our many rivers The whizzing steamships ride; From all commercial countries Ycssels anchor on this shore, -And into this great hive produce From every country pour. If we pass from Maine to Oregon At that point take our stand, "Trace the resources, and extent" Of this great favored land We can read a glorious future In thai extensixe iew, If to our country's mt'rests Her sons prove brave and true. Then will the decp'ning shadows, The dark and threal'ning cloud, . Which Jiow our beauteous country So fearfully enshroud ; Give place to peace and comfort,. Each face wear a glad smile Like thut seen on the countenance Of man, when decked by Pyle. - A splendidlot,pf .Spring and Slimmer Pyle's Easlon Hull of Fushion, op posite the old Easton Bank. 7 Agents Wasted to sell the Erie Sew inji Machine. We will uive a commission or pay wages at from S"2o to $60 per month, and expenses paid. The Erie is a new machine,1-and very simple in its construction. A diploma was awarded our Mach ne by the Industrial Association of Farmers &. Mechan ics, held at Chaniberoburjr, P:i, at its exhibi tion in 18C0, the G rover & Baker, and Boudoir Machines. It is equal to any ma chine in use, and the price islmt fifteen dol lars. Address R. JAMES, General Agent E S. M. Co., Milan, Ohio. .March 14, lsCL Gm. it' THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CclclM'iUcJ. FtinsaEc PsIIs. C S PROTECTED $&t L E T T E R S HV HOY At TATENT. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J.Clarke, M. D. Physician L,xlraordinary to the Queen. THIS well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female .Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever: and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married ladies it is peculiarly suited It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita tion of the heart, hysterics and whites, these Pills will effect acure when all other means have failed; and al though powerful remedy, do nolcon.ain iion, ealo oiel, antimony, or anything huitful to the constitution Full directions in the pamphletaiound each package which should be carefully preserved. For full particulars, gei a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. B. $1 00 and G postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, w ill insu re a bottle, contains 50 pills by return mail. For sale m Stroudsburg, by July 31. 18CO ty. J. N. DURLING, Agent In Stroudnburg, on the 25th ult. by M. M. Burnet, Esq., Gergc Cramer and Sa rah Smith, both of M. boiithneld. DIED. In Stroud township, on the 11th ult , Su ean, wife of John S. Van Vliet, aged 54 years, 3 months and 24 days. We had the pleasure of being well acquain ted with the deceased. She was a kind and amiable lady, beloved by all her acquaintan ces. Her departure is severely felt, especial ly hy lier friends and relatives. In her death they will mourn the loss of a kind friend and neighbor. In her latter days she expressed a readiness and willingness to die. Dearest mother thou hast left us, And thy loss we deeply feel : But ti God who has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. In Stroud tsp. on the 20th alt., Mr. James Turner, aged 5B years 2 moutha and 8 days. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this OftVe Premium List, RULES AND REGULATIONS Of the SecondiAnnual Fair of the Monroe Co- AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, TO EE HELD ON TEE GROUNDS Of tho Society at Stroudsburg; Pa- On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, OCTOBER, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. 1861. Fees for Admission, Entry Fees, &c. Single Admissions, locts. Children under 12 years, m ' lOcts. Horses and Carriages, loots. Tickets will be furnished to all necessary at tendants upon articles or stock on Exhibition. All persons who enter animals or other articles for competition will be charged one dollar, (ex cept in the cases specified in the body of the pre mium list,) and will be furnished with si Season ticket, which will admit the bearer at any time during the continuance of the Exhibition, Provi ded, that but one lee shall be charged tor any num ber of articles competing for the same premium: Provided also, that persons who do not desire-to compete for premiums may be permitted to enter articles free of charge; in which case, however, as well as in the case of article sentcreu in classes No. 13, 14, 15 and 16, admission tickets will not be issued to exhibitors. The Gates will be open at 8 o'clock A. M. and close at 6 1-2 o'clock P.M., of each day. No. 1. Field Crops. Persons who compete tor premiums in this class will bo required to present to the Secretary an affidavit, properly authenticated, stating that the Ground has been surveyed by a competent person, "the quantity of grain taken therefrom; and to ex hibit at least one busuci or tne product to tne Awarding Committee for their inspection. For best three acres of Wheat, $5 00 Second best " " " x oung Farmers' Man ual," and Diploma. Best three acres of Rye, $5 00 Second bobt ' " " Young Farmers' 3Ian- ual" and Diploma. Best three acres of Corn. 5 00 Second best " " "Young Farmers' Manu al" and Diploma. Best three acres of Oats, 3 00 Second besi " " '"Young Farmers' Manual" Best three acres of Buckwheat. 3 00 Second best " " i oung Farmcrs'ManuaP' Best one acre of Clover Seed, 3 00 Best one acre of Timothy, 3 00 Best hall acre Potatoes, 3 00 Best quarter acre Tobacco, 3 00 Best halt acre Chinese Sugar Cane, 3 00 No. 2. Horses and Mules. Class 1. Native Stock. All animals entered in this class will be judged entirely without refeicnce to speed. Best pair of draught Horses, $5 00 Second best "Youatt on the Horse." Best single draught horse, "Youatt on the Horse" and $3 00. Second best . " "Youatt on the Horse." For best Stallion, between 5 and 12 years, $5 -00 Second best, " " " "'Youatt on the Horse" and 1 00. Best brood Mare, 5 00 Second bet " "Youatt on the Horse" & 1 . 00 Best Colt under S months 3 00 Second best " "Youatt on the IIorse." Best Horse Colt between 2 and 4 years, 4 00 Second best " " Youatt on the Horse. Best Horse Colt between 1 and 2 years, 3 -00 Second best " 'Youatt on the Horse.' Best Mare Colt between 2 and 4 years, 4 00 Second best " " 'Youatt on the norse.' Best Mare Colt, between 1 aud 2 years, 3 00 Second best " 'Youatt on the Horse.'. Best pair Mules, 4 00 Second best " "Youatt on the Horse." Those who prefer it. can have instead Ol " You att on the Hore." Dadd's Modern Horse Doctor. No. 2. Horses and Mules. Glass 2. Roadsters. Animals entered in this class will be judged with relerence to speed as well as other good qualities. or the best btalhon between o & 12 years, Sb OU Second best " " ' Youatt on the Horse" and 3 00. Best Horse between 5 and 10 years, G 00 Second best ". "Youatt" and 2 00 Best Brood Mare between 5 and 12 years, S 00 Second best " " "'Youatt" and 3 00 Best pair of Walking horses or mares, 5 00 Second best " " 'louatt or'Uaddon the Hcrsc.' Best Walking horse or marc, 'Youatt' & 3 00 'Youatt' or 'Dadd.' 6 00 'Youatt' and 2 00 5 00 'Youatt' and 2 00 Second best " - " Best pair horses, Second best Best Saddle horse, Second best " Be?t sucking horse colt, 'Youatt' and 3 00 3 00 G 00 3 00 ' " mare " " pair matched horses, Second best " No. 2. Horses and Mule Speed. -Class 3 Division A.; Stallions. Open to all. Entry Fee, $2 00. For best trotting stallion between 5 & 12 y, 20 00 Second best " " 5 00 Third best ' " Diploma" Best pair trotting horses or mares, 20 00 Second best " 8 00 Division 33. Confined to Monroe County Entry Fee, 2 00'. For best trotting horse or mare, S20 00 Second best ' " 'Youatt' and 4 00 Best pair trotting horses or mares, 20 00 Second best " " '8 00 Best pacing horse or mare, 8 00 Second best " " ' 'Yonatt' and 3 00 Division C. Open to all. Entry Fee $10 00. For the best trottinir horse or mare, $75 00 Second best. " ' 25 00 Not less than four horses to be entered-and two to start The number of heats, distance, lime and manner of going shall be subject to the decision ol tbc Committee. No. 3. Horned Cattle. Class 1. Thorough Bred. - Durhams and Devons will each be classed as distinct breeds, and receive premiums as follows.- For best bull over 3 years, $8 00 Second best " 5 00 For best Bull over 2 years, 4 00 Second best " 2 00 For best bull over 1 year, 3 00 Second best 1 00 For best bull Calf, Dadd's Cattle Doctor, & 1 00 I Vnr best cow. O UU aecona nest, 5 00 For best heifer betwceu 2 and 3 years 4 00 Second best " 2 00 For best heifer between 1 and 2 years. 3 00 Second best 100 For best heifer calf, Dadd's Cattle Doctor & 1 00 No. 3. Horned Cattle. Class 2. Grade and- Native. Grade Durhams. Grade Devons and Native stock will be in distinct' classes and receive premiums as lollows: For best bull 3 years and over For second best For best bull under 3 years For second best r For best Cow 3 years and upwards For second best For best bull calf under 12 months . For sccoud best lioifor under 3 VCarS $5 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 SSU All second best premiums will have added to the above a copy of "Dadd's American tattle" -rn Q TTnrnnrl Cattle. ClaSS 3. Steers and Oxen. Confined to Monroe County. For the best corn-fed Steer weighing 2j000lbs aud over $10 00 For best nair workinc oxen . 5 00 For second best '-00 ITnr Tipst. nair corn fed steers S 00 For second best 2 00 For best single steer under 5 years, corn-fed 5 00 For second best Diploma. All second best premiums w ill have added to the above a copy of " Dadd's American Cattle Doctor." . No. 4. SYme. . For the brst boar over 2 years. $4 00 For second best, 'Farmer & Gardener' 1 y, & 1' 00 For best boar 6 to 12 months 3 00 For second best Diploma,' For best boar pig, 2 to 6 months 2 00 For second best Diploma, For best breeding sow over 2 years , 4 00 For second best 'Farmer & Gardener,' and 1 00 For best breeding sow between 1 and 2 years 2 00, For second best Diploma. For beFt sow 0 to 12 months 2 00 For second best Diploma. For best lot of pigs (3 or more) 2 to 6 m. 2 00 For second best Diploma. For best lot of pigs (3 or more) under 2 m. 2 00 For seAnd best Diploma. For best fat hog 3 00 For second best 'Farmer & Gardener' fc 1 00 No. 5. Sheep. For best blooded buck $5 00 or second best 'Youatt on sheep,' and 2 .00 For best native buck 2 00 or second best Diploma. For best pen 3 of or more lambs 4 00 For second best 'louatt on sheep. For best pen of 3 or more Ewes 4 00 For second best . 'louatt on sheep No. 6. Grain, Seed and Flour. For best bushel of White Wheat, $2 00 for best bushel of Red AVheat 2 00 ?or best bushel of Meditteranean do. 2 00 ror best bushel of Rye 1 50 "or best bushel of Flint Corn 1 50 For best bushel of Yellow Gore do. 1 50 For best bushel of Oats 1 50 For bes't peck Clover Seed 1 50 1' or best peck Timothy becd 1 ol) or best barrel White Wheat Flour 3 00 For best cwt. "White Wheat Flour 2 00 For best barrel Red Wheat Flour 3 00 For best cwt. Red Wheat Flour 2 00 or best cwt. Buckwheat Flour 2 00 For best cwt. Corn Meal 2 00 No. T. Farming Implements, or best horse-power hay rake Diploma and $3 00 or second best horse power hay rake diploma aud 2 00 For best horse-power hay fork diploma and 2 00 '"'or best two horse plough, diploma and 2 00 For second best " diploma aud 1 diploma and 2 diploma and 2 diploma and 2 diploma and 2 diploma and 1 ?or best cultivator, For best harrow For best roller For best grain drill For second best For best mowing and reaping machine diploma and 5 For best corn sheller, horse-power, dip. and 2 For best threshing machine diploma and 5 For best sweep horse power diploma and 3 for second best diploma and 2 For best endless chain horse power dip. and 2 f'or best farm wagon lor two horses dip. and 3 ?or second best diploma and 1 For best horse rake diploma and 3 For best corn sheller, hand-power, dip. and 1 or best hav and straw cutter diploma and 1 ?"or best corn stalk cutter or best half dozen rakes diploma and 1 diploma and 1 diploma and 3 diploma and 1 diploma For best fanning mill For best grain cradle For best hay fork or best manure lork diploma No. S. Manufactured Articles. Class 1. For best two horse carriage diploma and S5 ?or second best diploma and 3 For best one horse carriage diploma and 5 For second best diploma and 3 For best'sett double carriage harness diploma and o For second best diploma and 2 For best single harness diploma and 3 For second best diploma aud 1 For best display of finished leather dip. and 3 For second best diploma and 1 For best display of clothing diplonmaud 3 - For second best diploma'and 1 For best display of hats and caps dip. and 3 For second best diploma and I For best display of boots-and shoes dip. and 3 For second best diploma and 1 Eor best display of roofing and school .slates dip. aud z No. 8. Manufactured Articles .Class 2 For best display ol cabinet ware, G or more pie ces diploma and 5o For second "best diploma and 2 For best display of stores 3 or more dip. and 6 For second best diploma and I For best display of ohairs diploma and L For second best diploma and 1 For best display of cedar ware diploma and 2 For best display of iron castings diploma and l For best display of edge tools diploma and 3 For best display of tin ware diploma and 2 For best churn diploma and 1 For best washing machine diploma and 2 For best display manufactured tobacco diploma and 2 For second best diploma and 1 For best display candies and confectionary dip and 2 For second best diploma and'l No. 8. Manufactured Articles. Class 3. For best piece cassimere diploma and $2 For best piece cassinet uipioma and I For best piece hnsey diploma anu & For best lot woolen stockings diploma and 1 For best lot gloves and mittens, woolen, diploma and l For best piece ingrain carpet diploma and 2 For best piece rag carpet diploma and 2 No. 9. Vegetables. For best bushel mercer potatoes, dip and $1 50 For second best For best blue eye potatoes For second best diploma. SI 50 "diploma For best balifax potatoes For second best SI 5- diploma For best in any other variety For second $1 5- diploma For best bushel sweet potatoes For best bushel of turnips $1 50 1 50 For best bushel ruta baga diploma and 1 50 For best bushel sucrar beets dip. and 1 50 For best half bushePfield beans diplom and 1 For best half neck bush beans dip and 1 50 50 50 For best half peck pole beans For best half peck lima beaus For best peck tomatoes For best peck onions For best peck red beets For best peck parsnips For best peck carrots For best six heads of cabbage For best six oyster plants For best six egg plants For best six squashes For best six water-melons For best six cantelopes For best six pumpkins For best twelve stalks celery For best twenty five cucumbers For best display of vegetables For second best 1 i X 2 i $2 a l 2 2 2 2 l 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 fO 50 50 50 00 50 00 No. 10. Poultry. For best pair White Spanish For best pair Black Spiuish For best pair malays For best pair dorkiugs For best pair Jersey blues For best pair polauds For best pair games For best pair native or mixed Best lot of eight fowls Best pair of capons , For best pair turkeys For best pair geese For best pair ducks For best pair pigeons Bgk,For the best of either of the inf. a dioloma: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 follow r.hittncrnnos jShamrhas. Cochin Ghiuo Great Malay, Shakebag, Great Java Fowl, tviia jnaian uarae, Spanish Game. Yankee Game, English Raven, Dorkings, Gueldcn anus, isiuck Spanish, White-Spanish. Buvu rian. Spangled Polish, Black Polish, White Polish, tfolden Pheasant, Silver Pheasant. Bolton Grays or Creole Fowls. Frizzled Fowl, Dominique, Afriean Bantum, Yu ing.'H liantum, bilver Huutum, Bunkiva Jungle, Sonnerats Jungle Fowl. JNo. 11. Dairy and Honey. For best five pounds butter in roll Diplo ma and S2 00 Second best 1 00 Third best DinWi. Best tub or Grkiu butter. Diploma & 2 00 Second best Diploma and I 00 Best five pounds Dutch cheese Diplo ma and 1 00 Best pressed cheeso Diploma & 2 00 Best specimen honey Diploma and 2 O0 Second best 1 00 Best apple butter 1 00 The method of making butter aud cheese to be stated in writing by ench competitor. No. 12. Fruit. For best specimen of apple $1 00 best and most numerous variety 2 00 Best specimen of pear 1 00 Best and most numerous variety 2 00 best specimen of Peach 1 00 Best and most numerous variety 2 00 Best display of plums 1 50 best peck of quinces 1 50 Best diplay of -Isabella grapes 1- 50 Best display of Catawba grapes 1 50 ueau uispiay or iruic a uu Second best display of fruit 1 00 No. lS.-r-Home Manufacture. Entrance free to all. No entry fee will be required for articles entered in this.and tho three following clas ses, but admission tickets will uot be turn ished to competitors. For best woolen yarn Best knit stockings $2 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 est kmtigloves or mittens 2 Best silk bed quilt 2 Best cotton bed quilt - 2 Best woolen coverlet 2 Best pair blaukets 2 Best display of bed clothing 2 Best five yards flannel 2 Best five yards flax Iinon 2 Best five yards linen towelling 2 Best chambray , 2 Best five pounds Hetcheled Flax 2 Best five pounds wool 2 For second, best of each of-the above 1 No. 14. Ladies "Work. Entrance free to all. 'or best display of embroidery, 'Godey's Lady's Book.' Best display of other needle work, 'Gddey's Lady's Book.' Best worsted work, 'Godey's Lady's Book.' Best crotchet work, 'Godey's Lady's Book.' Best display bead work, " " Book.' Best display leather work, " Book.' Best display hair work, " " Book.' Best display millinery work, " Book ' For 2nd best of each of the above, Diploma. No. 15. Natural and Artificial FWers. Entrance free to all. For best display or uaturai nowers and plants, 'Godey's Lady's Book.' Best design of cut flowers, 'Ladies' Wreath.' 5est boquet 'Ladies' Wreath.' best collection of roses'in pots, 'Godey's Lady's Book ' best of dahlias in pots, 'Ladies Wreath.' best china astors best verbenas 'Ladies' Wreath Ladies' Wreath ' 'Ladies' Wreath. 'Ladies' Wreath. 'Ludies' Wreath. 'Ladies' Wreath best petunias best heliotropes iest hydrangeas best geraumm3 best fu-ciuas best oleander " best display of artificial flowers, best display of wax flowers " )est display of wax fruit M second best display of the above, Diploma No. 16. Home Department. Entrance free to all. a for best loaf wheat bread Hale's Cookery for best loaf rve bread " " best pound cuke it best sponge cake best fruit cake best plain cake ii n it ii best specimen preserves best specimen fruit jelly best specimen pickles best display of preserves it ii bpst display of jellies best display of pickles ii ii second best of each of the above, Diploma best hams, cured by exhibitor $2 00 hftst. dried beef, cured bv exhibitor 2 00 Discretionary premiums may be awarded for meritorious articles'under this head, and uot enumerated in the above list. No, 17: Miscellaneous Articles. for best display of oil paintings Dip. & $2 00 second best Diploma and 1 00 best display engavings Diploma and 2 00 second best best display of drawings sccoud best 1 00 00 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 3 00 00 best statuary second best ii "iT 00 best Daguerrotypes second best best Ambrotypes second best best Piuno Forte second best best display of other 00 00 00 i ii 00 00 00 Musical Instruments Diploma and 3 00 1 00 .No. 18. Non-Enumerated Articles. Tli fhimmiuee on this Ulnss will use their own judgment in, awarding such pre miums as they think suitable. No. 19 Ladies Riding and Driving best and most tiraceful Kiding 'Lady'i Book' and $2 00 best and most graceful Driving, with 2 botf RPR 'TjU dv'fi Book" and 2 00 hpst and most trraceful Driving, with horse 'Lady's Book' and 2 00 TCo nremiums will be awarded for riding or driving unless three competitors enter the lists, each lady to be nttenoea oy a gen . f Ml I tleinan as an escort, ana no racing win o allowed. No. 20. Corn Husking Match. This trial of activity aud skill will be free to all coflfbetitors. No entrance fee wi h rnnnired. The time and nlace will be w - - x designated Dy the committee, and may kuown by application to the Secretary. No. 21 Ores and Metals. or best display and quality of iron oretDip best display and quality of ziucore, Diploma' best display and quality of slate, Diploma, hfist display and quality 0f limestone, " best display and quality of clay " best display and quality of pig iroa " best display of wrought.iron best display cf iron axles, best collection of ludian Relics $2 00 best and ;rea!est collection of all the Min erals to be found in Monroe Co $10 00 This collection to be the property of the Society. All the articles in the above list to be the product of Monroe Couniy. INSTRUCTIONS TO COMMITTEES: 1. The Committee on Agricultural Pro ducts will give a preference to such varieties as are adapted to the interest of the Far mer, regard being had to the yield and the market value thereof. 2 The Committee on Agricultural im plemeiits are instructed to keep in view the usefulness of the Implements to the Farmer, rather thuiflhc workmanship thereof. 3. The Committee on the vurjous kiud of Ilorses, Mules, Cattle, Sheep and Swine, arc requested to be particular in ascertain ing the blood of the different animals. In the Classes of Thorough Brf particularly, they should require satisfactory evidence as regards the pedigree, age and character of all btock entered for nremiums. '4'. Tho various Committees will be care ul not to award two premiums on the same rticle. 5. If they award a dialinct premium on ny article, they will uot tuke the same ar ticle in consideration in a general display. 6 Ir they find articles deserviug a pre mium, for which none is offered, they will lease report it to the Comm.tteo ou Non- enumerated Articles. 1 The Committee on !Non-Eunmerated Articles, will award such premiums as they may think proper, on articles of merit which ive not been provided for iu the general schedule. 8. The various Committees are reques ted to be earful to notice all articles exhibi ted in their respective Classes whether en titled to premiums cr not. 9. The members of the varions Commit tees Will come together at the Secretary's Office, on the morning of October 2nd, as near 10 o'clock as possible, in order to pro ceed to business. And it will prevent much confusion if they will prepare themselves, before leaving home, with a list of the dif- erent articles aud the premiums offered, un- er the heads for which they are respective! j appointed. 10 The chairmen of the different Com mittees are instructed to make their reports to the Revising Committee as soon as pos sible, in order that the full report may be ready by the time it will be publicly read. 11. The various Committees are reques ted to mark with an X each article as it is examined, so that the same article may not participate more than once. 12" Iso person can act as a member of an awarding committee on an article or ani mal in which he or she has any interest; but must withdraw while such article or animal is being examined. 13. Where there is no competrion, the with-holding of the premiums shall be ai the discretion of the jndircs: and in no such ius.tan.ces s.Uall. they make an award unless the arlicle be of superior merit, usefulness or mrenuity. And in no case shall u premium be awarded for an inferior article or unsound animal. REGULATIONS. I. Persons wishing to exhibit are reques ed to make their entries of articles, with iill description, on the Secretary's books, as early as possible on the first day of the fcair. All entries of Live Stock must be made on or before the first day of the Fair. No eu tries of articles for competition will be re ceived after 10 o'clock on Wednesday, the second day of the Fair. 2. Animals and articles entered for exhi bition will have cards attached, with the number and name of the exhibitor, as en tered on the Secretary's books: and exhibit' ors should in all cases obtain their cards pre vious to placing their stock or articlcles on the Fair Ground. 3. Persons exhibiting articles which they desire to have sold, will be furnished witl cards announcing the fact, that such artic- e is for sale. 4. No animals or articles, entered for ex hibition, cau be taken away before the close f the Fair, except by permission of the President, and no premiums will be paid on animals or articles removed in violation o this rule. 5. All articles or animals offered for com petition must have been owned by the com petitors ut least thirty days before the Fair and all fruits, vegetables, and grain must be he growth of the competitor. 6. Any article or animal which receives a distinct premium cannot compete in a gen eral display, nor shall any" oue article re ceive more than one premium. .7. For all stock exhibited, hay, straw and water will be furnished without charge Oats & Corn will be supplied at market price 8. Any persou entering horses, cattle sheep or swine, for exhibition, without first consulting the Awarding Committee fwhose names will be furnished on application the Secretary on the first duy of the Fair) in regard to blood, will do it at his own risk and if said animals are not entered in the proper class, they will uot ue recognized by the committee on such class, of which th Awarding Committee shall be the proper judge. 9. All articles exltimteu, whether enta bles or not, must be respected as private property; -and any person detected purloin ing or injuring them will be dealt with ac cording to law. 10. All moneys awarded as promiums; shall revert to the Society unless called for withiu 60 days. 11. An efficient police will be on the Ground day and night, and the Socity will use all diligence to insuro the safety of ar ticles on exhibition, bnt in no instance will they be responsible for loss or damage that may occur. 12. Exhibitors are requested to take charge of their goods at the close of the Fair, and attend to their removal personally j-Articles inteuded for exhibition will be transported to and from the Depot free of charge. ,VA. REEYES JACKSON, Secretary LIOBERT R. DEPOT, President. Stroudsburg, June 6, 1661, 3 w. NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.. The undersigned having disposed of bis entire etook of Stoves, Hardware, Tin ware, &c And also transferred all notes and Book accounts to Linford Marsh, who is hereby authorized to collect and receipt for the same. SIMON FLORY. Stroudsburg, April 25, 1801. The Sto?e,Tio and Hardware business, will be continued by tho subscriber is the largo Store Room of Abraham. Edinger, adjoiningthe Indian Queen Hotel. Where all who are in want of any goods is his Hoe, will please call end examine for themselves. Tho servicoa of William S. Plory, will be retaiued to transact the business during my absence-. LINFORD MARSH. Fenneraville, April 25, 1861. The Country Safe ! The subscriber takes this method of informing his many frreDds, and the puh- 10 generally, that he has returned irom tho cities, with a largo lot of Ready Hade Clothing, f tho latest styles, consisting of CdAfS of all kinds and qualities, ' is of various styles of goods, and VesfSj of overy g'rade. From his present stock he is satisfied that be can meet the demand of every taste and "rig out," in a manner hitherto un- approached, tbc man with the single dol- ar, or the possessor of thousands. He baa also laid in, and will keep on hand, an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Notions, Hosiery, &c. &c. all of which ho will sell very cheap. He has also a splen did lot of at prices varying from 50 cents to $6 ach; the latest styles of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &o. &c. and all at prices urprismgly low. P. S. Clothing made to order at short notice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in exchange for Goods at cash prices. The public are invited to call as he is determined to sell his goods cheaper than the cheapest. NICHOLAS KUSTEli. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1859.-tf. lew Marble Yard. The subscriber, having employed Ja cob B. Hinline, an experienced stone cut ter, can supply any person in want of plain or ornamental Grave Stones, Monu ments, &o., of good sound marble, at moderate prices. ROBERT HUSTON. Stroudsburg, December 13, 1860. -CAUTIQI. The undersigned having loaned during his pleasure, to Ferdinand Kester, of Hamilton township, a BAY MARE. The public are hereby cautioned against meddling or inters "ermg with the said mare. SAMUEL R. SHAW. Iamilton tsp. April 18, 1861. lmo ESTEAY. Camo to the premises of the under eigned, in Stroud Township, Monroe County, Pa., sometime since, a White Sleer, without marks. The owner or owners mereot arc nereny notinea xo come forward, prove property, pay char ges and take him away or he will bo sold according to law. GEORGE STONE. May 23, 1661.-3t. NEW REMEDIES FOR SPERMATORRHOEA. HOWA'ft ASSOCIATION, PIIILA.DELPI.IIA. A Benevoleut Institution established by spe cial Endotvment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermator rhoea, and other diseases of the Sexual Or gans, and on the NEW REMEDIES em ployed in the Dispensary, sentjn sealed let terenvelopes.Iiee of charge. Two or Three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J SKILLIS HOUGH TON, Howard Association, No. 2 S. .Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. May 30, 1861. ly. V Dividend. STROtiDSBURG Bank, May 7, 1861. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of three per cent, on the Capital Stock paid in payable on and after the 17th inst. J. H. STROUD, Cashier. May 16, 1861. The Bodugger. This wonderful article, just patented, is something entirely new, and never before offered -to agents, who are wanted every- where. Full particulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, April 4, 1861. ly. Biddeford, Maine. CAUTION. All persona are hereby cautioned not to meddle with the following named arti cles, viz: 1 Carriago, two horse wagon one sett of double harness, which I havo loaned to Furdinnad Kester, during ay pleasure. iTACOB H. FETHERMAN. Hamilton, May 23, 1 861. -3( FOR SALE, NEW R0CHELLE OR L1WT0N -BLACKBERRIES, 50 cents pr doson, CnARLESt MUSQR. troudt AVil 18,40, " r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers