Ii ; IS E= 11 El THE DAILY GAZETTE; HOME NEWS The Plc :Vle sensomopenito-day won't poison dogs title mummer. .' eourday woe the wormeet day of the ten Readinig by moon light can. be accomplished ' these eTenbags. Captain Recd ha* but four indipm In the tambithis morning. Me: WltHato Headereen„ lento° of the Opera Noose: Is in the city. He looks bale ROti artS. Mayor Callow. Satan'lay moraine. lined Thomas Burns Ore dollar. for foist driving OM the Allegbear Suspenidon Bridge. Res. D. L. Mayer, the new Rabbi of the eon motion Radef-Sholein. delivered his aalnte tory sermon Saturday morning In the syna [ogee on Eighth street. The Pittsburgh lotimet Drum Corp. Mr. S 7.lEoi:tick Drum Motor, will make thcirdebut cm "decoration 41ny. • It is said tbta is the hest Drum Corps In the city. Saturday morning about ibirt V of tbepireon which have taken gnarters at Cite Hall. Ail etullY. were shot. Every other means of clear t away the nuisance lota failed. The Clark breach of promise C3RS will corn , up this morning in the Allegheny Presc)letT ar - hlch meets In the &mond U. T. fiscdusk church. reel r eet tarot Stockton avenue and y str at elereito'clock. • Thirty Day..—Peter P addler ws before Xayor Callow yesterday, and the re sult of his h ouse wa transportation to the county work h and permission to remain of that insti tation .for thirty dhri• • All Mat /Da Banery.—Jablea Fox made In formation before Alderman Nichols Saturday charirlu Charlee Luce with assault and bat Leff. Fie alleges that Charles knocked hi dcorn. Warrant famed. John flobtason mated In Clnclnuatt that he would have remained nt the work house only be didn't like the Superintendent, and got a chance to take a walk. He has taken a total &bedtimes pledg e es Will he keep It! Itraway.—John Gallaher, formerly, of Yannutown, Ohio, it is alleged. stole a pair of boots from Duni Whitford, who boarded In John .the Is ml um sing, and so a rc he boot, rciomed with him. The Reporters of the Press presented Cap tale Reed of - the night fume on Saturdny eve ning with box of elgar, If they would re turn half the number thoy have Legend front htm, be would hare ..store boo" full. of =gl7,l;,V . ZhoToll'lril u gorot: 160 Divot near the Point on the 7th ultimo. was ca at the°lnce of Alderman Don aldiKat eaturday. The Jury returned a verdict of . Icroad drowned." ilWaetware thr Star or Emil's. lakes Us WaTP—We don't khow whether there are any stars among the nine hundred emigrants that arrived here yesterday. on their Aray west, but jadgiug from the number of babies on the Min; we should think there were several “itaniets." • to be likelem--.t sorrel mare. with bald irfour white feet, between five and seven years obi. fifteen bands high. Is a rood traveler and very shoal. Any person itaring lost an animal of this description can obtain information her by calling on Officer •B. Long. at the Mayor's office. Demme—Charles Henry Barker. a soldier at the Allegheny Arsenal. deserted Friday night. Hewes on guard and eras put on a point near _Ate Greesburgh Pike. and at eleven o'clock when the °Meer of the guard urns making his round he found llarker'a gun and accoutre meals, bat Barker has not been found set. lye barman Combination Menagerie and Meth of oimpbells will exhibit la Alleghenv City for a few de, commencing the 30th Of this month. 01 course everybody will go to the .alsow," especially where such an enter tatesnent as this Is. Mr. W. H. Gardner, the gantleaumly agent, Is now in the city making Ma arrangements. •hake" Free Fight occurred at McCarrols on Third avenue about four o'clock Saturday morning among the female colored folks. Won't some of our Honorable Judges revoke the license of this house before we have an other murder? Since writing the above Ire understand Chief Hague has brought snit against Its proprietor for keeping% disorder• ly hour. e The Suratay 'Dapatelltas made its nrst ap pearance. and look. as - bright and hasidsome as a newly printed greenback. It Is a large folio sheets neat In mechanical arrangement. faultiest' In make up and It poimphy, and Drell printed: The inItIM number is very spicy and readable. and altogether reflects much credit to Itessts,o7 , lollt Book. the editors and pro . ,31sIstrgive.—There were thirty-Ova drunks dlsorderiles called before the Mayor yes terday morning and disposed of in the usual manner; four of the number contributed one hundred dollars--twentv-five—eactatothe rav enous of the city, which amount will probe ably be turned over and accredited to the no expended balance which is net droning inter. est for the city. Four Cum—Depots - Mayor Nichols had four common cases before him yesterday: - John Mut:morn, charged with disorderly conduct, swatted IMS and costs, which he paid. Two others weft fined fib and costs each for dis orderly conduct, an a ttemptingth, whose of fence consisted In to smuggle whisky to prisoners, was fined live dollars and costs, all of which was paid. Yedrottle--Tho Latin scholar of the Di.q.strch growl funny over the butchery made by several neWspapers of a classiest quotation used In the recent lecture of Rev.. Fat her Hickey. We enjoy the joke too. but the laugh comes In I• where the critic himself flounders and publish ( - es u correct something akin to lite.ion Lett - j es follows: "Rare - mtntre ourorte nuto." r The correct reading he - Roe( now. , In 0, t• &encode l I « sifelltink the Western Associated Press of this city should cling closely to the new • 11 ght messenger, our young and faithful friend Mir. Matthew Beaumont, whose energy. punctual ity and diligence in supplying ''Copy" on time, tender him the right youth In the right place. It is easy to predict a bright and useful career tor one who no, young "rejoices in so moth neadinembtlsiness application and good traits of character generally. • A. an Ilbutralion of the revolution that has Unionuh about by the construction of the Pacific Rallroad—tho icorld's highway between thetico great oceans and to India, see may mention the fact that, last Thursday's train from thb city on the Pennsylvania Rail road. carried. the British East India mall. com prising forty sealed sacks from Auckland. Nest Zealand. Yokohama, Japan and China. all di rected to the London (England) postotace.. Vomit Lareenbits.—Two YOung horg• , igod respectively itt i l is it e anta i n yearn, t , ig t e h sisd rareeny a gi b tliree ti!c r rres ‘ f r tit c psnr. Fe d lft appear s taut a cigar store on Penn street was robbed Saturday night, and the plunder secreted in a board yard in the Sloth - Ward, and yesterday morning the boys were found with one box of the cigar. In their possession. There are °than implicated in the affair, and the police onthelr trick. A Row.—A drat-class row occurred yester ffeen'rom tt,, eu .A ` P. ' b i ei.. -- X. ` V , T , lttf ou o r, Pittliburgh•"roughs' who were out airing themselves. Knives. “billys." clubs and stones were used freely. but unfortunately - nono of them were seriously Injured.' µ - e were un, able to obtain any pa rticulars as to the origin, of the disturbance. but presume It was a whisk fled. the parties engaging In It came tome drunk. fast 'num.—At the recent Convention of Rafted Superintendents at Indianapolis. it was determined to place ft fast train on the road between Cincinnati and New York. by =lf Pittsburgh. to lease Cineinnat at noon. at Pittsburgh at midnight. and at New York at six o'clock the next evening, eonsum ingthirty hours on the trip. Returning, the Vain win Inv. New York at nine A. M.: lad Taft Cincinnati at• noon of the next day: time,twentra and each irny With alit the change of eats. Drowned.—Dennis Collins. aged ten years; eon of John Collins. residing at VA Spring alley. left home at one o'clockyerterday. tel ling Ids Parents that he was going to Sunder wheel. bat Instead of doing so. It appears he went to the Allegheny river, with a number of other boys. to play. At the front of Seven teenth greet there area number of flat boats. upon which the boys were playing. In at temptinj to pimp from one boat to another. 0, %Ziff u lllw slipped and toll In the ri m v ;; . d In the water to rescue him, but tolled after SOT end efforts. Tbe body had not been recovered Ulart accounts. Seriously Injured Maggie Powers. a little girl residing In the Fret ward, was seriously injured Saturday by being run over by • a horse and wag., In t h e btamond market. it appears that a blind horse which had been left standing in front of ry re, suddenly took fright and a rM e lthrou r a the market. Ile collided with a stand at which the child and Mrs. Mary Mc- Otadleini were standing. both of whom were knocked down. The horse tramped upon the child and the wagon pawed over her. ft In feared her iniuries are of a serious nature. The woman was hot slightly Injured. Divorced' Temporarily Mayor Callow yesterday separated Jerry and Catharine Dilly, who were long Once joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The separation it. however, but temporarY, and came about thusly. Jerry and his Wife reside In the Third ward, Allegheny. and on Battle ditY night they became - hi larious over a few glues. or .book." The peace and quietness of the neighborhood was disturbed.' sad the watchful gaardians of the night took then) in charge and conducted them to the toombs. Yetterday morning His honor gave Jerry per mission tono t tourn at the work house fora inty =s i ag y ;in, amine was committed to jell for I ottiresileg to Wholesale Liquor . Dealers. Deputy Internal RtnCurie Commissioner G le en; in answer to a Philadelphia arm. says that nhelawprondesillercritering lathe prescribed book_ (form ski all spirits received and sent out withoubdlstlnetionof 'foreign . or UM , and that sccOrdinjtly they ithe dealers) are required to credit as stock on o han domes d thetic. in Of May inst , all spirits. fOrnan r which they have lineally received, and had in cat i not tent out, on that date. trot C I VVA spirits which have been receiv nd mewed in a =nom or bonded warehouse I • • • a which have never been received nto 'the ac rue' possenion of theerm,nor upon any premi en under its control. are not held to have been nealred by said firm. and handt. therrforei be Included in the stock onentry.' E MEM ANNIVERSARY A Pleaaant fiabbath Day Among Pastor •nd People—egninitcrnera of the Paug—The • Second Presbyterian Church and Its WOrk-: A Glance Llarigarard for es M ore of Veer.. . . .• • The Second Presbyterian Church of this city yesterday enjoyed a season of pleasant mem ories. It was the occasion of the twenty-that Itioliversary of the installation of their present beloved pastor, Her. Or, W. D. Howard. The members of the congregation in reviewing the past, the ministerial tolls of the good man, his Success in the work, thin progress of the organization numerically and spiritually un der his control dining those. active and stir ring times, deemed It fitting to commemorate the occasion by a Jubilee. which should mark an era in the Church's history and testify In a manner their appreciation and love of him to whom their great success Is principally due. The Idea was happily carried out with Pleas are and profit to all in the interesting services which occurred in the Church during the hours of yesterday- e. • The interior of the building has inat been thoroughly renovated. and fresh. bright appearance scented to accord with the spirit . ""he d" ' A large Phltrin."%lr‘ttid „et,:lyerar-t le ac ro ss the ,.S "IP". " ti • • cc mimodat ion of peted and Mt up for lt the ministers in attendanc.e.f liMptee,lay e th a e c I rT n n 't 'Arlo ' t e tV l Yl . l . .e 1 ( 1 ' a foi4n. ; dense of the fraternal meting existing btf t Weql the reverend gentleman, w hose loneroe the jubilee was held. and his mini, terial brethren In the highest degree COOl - A beautiful feature of the plat form was a stand situated In the centre front ing the audience and covered with bright spring Dowers, looking so pure fresh am tdrmniing that an additional charm of gracs and beauty veaalent to the whole Interior. =1 The exerciser+ occupied the greater part of the day, three Services being held, morning. afternoon and evening. lo each instance the audience++ tilled the church, showing the inter est taken In the occasion. At the mown ' ng service Rev. John Davis pre sided, and at ten and a half o'clock called neon the Rev. E. I'. Crane to lead In the devo tional exercises. 'Following came the bruin by the choir. Prof. W. B. Slack leader. Bev. Dr. Pershing of the Pittsburgh Female College, next read the Scripture lesson, and led In the second prayer. After the singing of an an other hymn, announced Iry Her. 1111. trlrh loo', the Rev. J. W. Blythe, one of the riy paat ors of the church. was ill trOdUCed anti In a pleasant address called up -reminiscen ces" of his ministry in Pittsburgh. lies. Bly the was called to the of the p In the :datum, of UHL pastorate He had the,, been Oom two h years In the mlnist. bui not n the reular work. anti almost fre u sh front col l lege. Whoa be rimmed the duties of Ids 'rotation the congre gation were worshipping In small one doried brWk building at the +tomer of nithfleld street and Diamond alley. Th en one rem comfortably. but plainly furnished. diwered- all the purposes of lecture room. +misty. Sunday school nom and the regular canna, services. The congregro tioll WAS small. and was composed mainly of people weresh extetion. The Ord elders e Messrs. McCu m llough. Hartupee. Thompson and Wray. and among the lay tie- Went some yet renimnber the sainted Mother Patton and the godly Fitzgerald. whose Pray ers to those who heard them even now route up as a sweet Incense of the purest zeal and dr tee. Mr. Blythe continued In the Mike for bout three years, and witnessed many new movements spring up for the advancement of Presbyterianism during that time. Among the most noticeably events in the church's history was the assembling of the.cou vention of itt - B, i Tnh regard to the Arts and Testimony. in body had been tn fused. a. place in the other churches, and availed Itself of the invitation of the Sec ond , churt-b congregation to meet in their building. The Reverend gentlemen also tarred at at length to the missionary work of the church from the yen, at hal to ISIS and you a glowing tribute to the founders of this sys tem, for their foresight and christlau ztal. Ile closed his remarks by saying that as he contemplated the church to-day. and With,. tat its prosperity and then looked back at the hld times he felt as though there was one iuk yet connecting hint. Ile felt an es , lead interest .in the Sabbath school. It had been his especial .care. and he rertilced to see it prospering. He often thought of those whom be had loved and been glad to meet in the Sabbath School. One young man he re membered who Joined the church In the sec ond year of his pastorate and bad Stepped aside from mercantile life at the earnest solic tation of wise connsellort, studied dilligent ly,entered the ministry. and by faithful toil had made the memoir of John M. Lowrie beautiful and blessed to many hearts. As he looked around again be discovered that many had gone to their reward. but there Were others still to ell their Viz ; and he lAo c teltl b u i t . ta . s l a t he ,so n in m ig h t rest i npu t n ' thel G u ' re t h s . and make herin time to come. even mnre to ken of the testimonies of the Master. PAtirOß . o REVIEW. At the conclusion of the Bev. Mr. Blythe'. address, Her. Dr. Howard took the pulmt and delivered a sermon in review of his ministrv. • In commencing he announced us his text the words, 'gloving therefore obtained help iii;;;l:fcogloiieivitoiiti; 4 ay witnessingbuil to small and great:* Acts 51, and then said that twenty-one years had elapsed since he as sumed the pastorate of the church: - it went v one years ofjoy, and sorrows, of hopes , and fears, of sovrings and harvesting, of Mire, along Implanted and impressions received. which must tell upon the eternal interests of many souls. Twentyeone years of peace, of harmony, of encouraging prosfierl i ty.r.sionie humbly glidTiesrai..-.;r, now, nt the end of to thin somewhat protracted and signant period: it. seems to me that like the Apostle of old. I. 1 00. may say, , lisiv- Mg obtained help of (lod. I centinne unto this day witnessing to both small ;treat And furthermore. it seems to me t hat the Master. the p eopl ew as lelho ieve h ave called me to this po to t a to nd Imperfections. and the community in which have so long lived. and from which I have re ceived so ninny marks of confidence and es. teem..,-.. -• of th, call upon me to eke an account .ner In which the solemn trust comm. me twenty-one years ago has been fulfil. stand before 3 - ou to-day,.notto receive yo ongratulat lons. but to endeavor to show tin, have obtained help from God. It I 1 not my SUCCCS , real or apparent—not what I haves done-bat what God has done with tne. that occuple3 my thoughts, and that I wish to Oe "RI-ergreit:11d speaker, after this introduc tion. then proceeded to speak of the changes which had occurred In the city since he con, tnenced, and stated that he arrived In Pitts burgh in 1145 by war of Baltimore and Cum berland by rail, and thence across the moun tains by stage to Brownsville. reaching the eitrfrom that place by steamboat. Not a sin. gle railroad then centered In the city. while now there are sin, and others coming. A per son can now travel from the Atlantic to the PaCitc in the same length of time. Then Pitts burgh and vicinity contained about sir•t hou sand people, note about two hundred thou sand. But few streets were then graded or Offelatvl, gas lamps were almost unknown. THE.CILINGEH. The only thoroughfare heny tll Federal street, and neither in ( rejoiced city rejo g iced in ro tithe of the architectural beauty which they now pcnwess. Of all the judges and lawyers and' physicians. editors and minister.. who then trod the stage of life, but few now re main. Of the forty ministers then composing the Ohio Presbytery in had riled. theer the twenty-one pastors in the city only now remained, and but Me of --...-.., forty were now in the Presbytery. Of all the pedant of all the Protestant denoininellons In the vicinity then, but five were now continued. Equally great was the changes In judges and editor. Not one now wore the Judicial - ermine, and not one editor now wields the pen. The same changes were visible among the lawyers, and • greater among the physi clime, and those engaged in 1_ THE STETIFTICI4. Of his own church the speaker said, si lien lie be g came its pastor, that It was aegation str s ong. well ranized id !g con. Ivor. hipping in m a churchModellin tnAHHIng gr litth avenue. A noticeable Impmvement was seen since then in church architecture, which was also followed by the same Improvement in all other buildings. The session of the Second Church, when hi came, consisted, of Messrs. Matthew B. Lo, vie, Luke Loomis. tSnofamin m.t.Ln and Sam uel McMaster.. On the night of June 8. their church building W. destroyed by Are. nothing being left but the walls. The congre gation then worshipped In the - First church for a time, the venerable - Dr. Ifenon giving up his pulpit alternately with the stor of the Second church. The building woo recon structed and occupied in less than five months. Some time after M. 11. Lowrie, of the session and the oldest member, died, an event which was a sad blow to the church. In Octobr. ISZO,Atie session was increased by the addition of Messrs. William B.Copeland.John McCurdy and William Bakesrell aa ruling elders. Sub sequently a Board of Deacons was elected. Messrs. John F. Loy, Washington McClintock. John McKee. Diaper E. Brady and Dr. James King being chosen for that office. In the spring of loin the lot nod building on Fifth avenue wax sold for d the present site purchased for flttoOrt The corner stone of the new edifice was laid the Mil of August. 1i558., many of the Presbyterian minis ters assisting on the occasion. For about a year the congregation was without a church. Church, worshipped part of the time In the First Church, then in Lafayette. and then in Masonic Hall. In June. IMO, they entered their new' lecture room. The church was finished at n cost of &WOK and 'as dedicated June 22. ISM and is now free of debt. • The church lance then has furnished many member, to inaugurate new societies. The first draft was the Sixth Church, then the Central of Allegheny, then the Central of Pittsburgh, then East Liberty, then Benefield, then Haziewood, and Tempemnceville, and Mansfield, beside other churches theh west. During the twenty-one years Second Church had sent out twenty-one elders. ah hd made and havoc in gretion Det and a left hardly a familythist sins. o SL. - reared. Time would fail to speak their names; to recount their virtues, to tell of their Patience, and prayer., and faith, and of their usetui lists.. • = • In reviewing what bad been done to ad. cc the spiritual Interests of th Church—the f eat central object of work—the xpeaker retell,' I to the imperfect manner in which he felt the be had discharged bin duty in preaching, but he rejoiced that It hadalwayn been his Rim to "preach the Gospel." lie regretted that it had not been done to better purpose. but felt that he had done what he could. During the twen trone yearn, eight' hundred and thirty-fnur persons had been received Into the church— three hundred and sixty-four on examination and four hundred and seventy on certificate-- nearly an average of forty each year. and ten each of the eighty-four communions held. The fir. Ave and the last 'lvey.," were the ' most fruitful of his ministry. la the gestgm riod two hundred and thirty-nine—a fraction under forty-eight each rear—had united with the Society. In the last period two hundred •and thirty-four—a fraction under forty-seven each year—had united. The winterofl967 was a remarkable revival season In the church. monouring tbat tim hundred two nuccessive com ge nearly one people were re ceived as membcra—tbc majority from the world. Special care bad also been taken in the Sab bath School and condi ti on . en brought up to a most douvistliog Especially In the two Bible Masses had Progrens been made. and from them had been recruited nome of the most faithful and intelligent memberos of the Society: Connected with the large !ch.' arm an Infant school under the control of Mr. Daniel Cooper. which had been remarkably successful. The speaker then referred at length loather auxiliaries of the church—the Mission School, the Pastore Aid Society, and others which tended to strengthen bin hands and encourage his heart. The COntributions of the people to benevo lent objects averaged about MOMeach gmrof the twenty-Otte. an aggregate of lllM4oo,more UM :;.::,._ PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE.: t harrsloo,ooo of whlch bad been secured In the last eleven yearn. and 00 , 0 In the lust floe yearn. CONCLCSION. rta, ink"' thus even . Mier hketch of the history of-the Church during the twenty-one years nf his pastorate, Dr. Howard summed up his remarks by dwelling es the slow but steady growth of the ,orminizat ion PP a re minder of the growth of_the wholedenoutina tion, and referred to theErt,byteriloosni — Cnion—its present status; secod. by remind ing them that the changes widob had take e place among them •os a Fharch, illus trated the change . and . pruirreca of the world, the, changes in scient Ole Jnvestigation. In k n ' on .inn t .. in politics. which had. and Would vet to a I n the degree [literate face Of the omit& Third. Innis brief history the good ness ‘2.2g. o e if i eg h = e na% 6 lt J o n: .were were very beautiful. and his deeply Impressed as in affection ms thee were urged to renewed teat. and said, “Drethren. the day is full spent. he night cometh when no matt can work. - if you mesh to do anything for' Christ and Perishing souls you must bestir yourselves, you Imust shake yourselves loose from the world, you noun love money less, pleasure less, and ease less. and learn that nothing is SO Important as to serve find and bring sinners to Christ. I beseech you breth ren to awake. to make this an anniversary tiny not only, but a consecration der to labor for Christ and exhibit in your lives the excellency of his holy religion as tho' each day seem to be your 'last on can h. And now here WP raise obr Ebenezer "hitherto hath the Lord helped 11,1” and to. HIM be honor and praise ut glory world without end. Amen. - At the conclusion of Dr. Howard's remarks. igregatlon scak di.unisstal after the -Amos! exerelses. They assembled in :M1 , 1710011 ht Ihren and ing W" bean,. were entertained trith addresses by Her. F. A: Noble, Rev. tt. F. Score] and Itev. Richard (.ea. and again at the evening session. ttay. It. C. Criehlow. Her. A. A.. Hodge, I). IL: and Her: S. .1. Wilson. D. U. MI of the addresses were of a character stilted to the occasion and fall of Interest but want of space prevents. an (HIM noting them tit length. The seridees throughout awed oil very harmoniously and to the satisfaction of all. Hereafter In looking backward among the bright days In the Church's calendar will be that upon whielLthis twenty-diet Tinnier, snry was so pleasantly, so riOnyahly and wt pralltably commemomted. This evening as d fitting close to the pea gramme--a reunion of all the -old : and present members of the society—will take place in the church. Judging • from what has past. 'that which Is to came trill be of the most happy character. " THE MUM Bain MONUMENT gre. of theWo —The Deoluo—To •Uu•elled" ou *he Fourth of July. Since the laying of the. cornor-t one of 0 propored Humboldt Monument; In Allogiten Park, on the 11th• of lfePteother_ln't• ao lift has been said or written of the enterprise IS - persons had almost forgotten thnt meet is - a.srin font. and many of those sob member the Imposing ceremonies at t h g of tho'corner-stono were led to belies like some other enterprises which has = tering prospects, It had. been abandemen. Such bower', Is not the case. The Commit tee to whouti the matter wan entrusted, of which Mr. Cl Memo is-chairman, although working quietly have been exceedingly active and the work Committed to their charge has been most faithfully performed. The work ia progressing adtnirably, Is Mobily approaching cmpletlon. Ind the Committee feel confident that they will Inc ready to "unveil" the move ment on the 4th of Jnly. THE DESIGN. The design, the plam of which were drawn and prepared by Mr. E. Moramnruth. ht new and of a highly ornamental character. and the monument, pleted. will be one of thu most attractive features of the Park. It will he a monument nod fountain combined, the main bash covering a .surface of twenty-six feet six inches In diameter. and the nionntnent proper. which is in the basin. will rise to a height h of twenty-lire feet 'there the level of the tadain. Surrounding the main basins will be four smaller basins, elevated twelve feet. from the centre of each of which a constant stream of water trill Dow. This itupport bane - rot the 'monument will la{ six ft six Ittchen seuare.and.M before stated. irial7ciir Vir;ii:,:Teti,t , ;;;Si ill ; basin. It trill lie con:Articled with the corners jutting. none each of 'which. at arheight of seven feet, will stand n large Dolphin. tram the month of which the water will tow. Two broad spiral stairways will lead from the ground to the main fountain. On the fitur,shles of the tbsdes tal, nt a height of seven feet from the base, there will De carved life-size heads of animals. vie t A LIOn. Tiger. Buffalo and Bear. out of the mouths of which a stream of water will w dow. Above them, in the min shwhich as cut from a solid block of a st ne st o weighing eight tons, are niches which may hereafter be ornamented with reliefs. If ilesired.-On the main projection or shaft rlearthr top.on opt:or sit. sides are cutdlrstd he wordirttlfunitroldt, • -cosmos. - and on the other sides and tlitralSt Abort , this stands the main pedestal which will support the collossal bust. The pit destal Is octagon Id shape. and ornamented br a laurel wreath festmined at opposite corner:. 111 . . ft was the Intention of the Committee at first to erect a marble host similar to the one erected in New York last year. but Walk due reflection It was decided to has e it Cant of bronze. no being more suitable for this loran. to. Prof. Illaesser. of Berlin. Prussia. leas cnsequently employed to cant it. after his original model. which in four feet in height. A telegm ws received lir tie. )leyran few days si nce. - from Prof. Blnesser. •tatlugg that the bust was nearly completed unit would soon be forwarded. It Is expec mo ted to anis e h ere about the middle of In nth. he which time It Is thought the remainder of the work will be completed. rite stone mono. b The contract for the ne work. sculpt nein %ea. awarded to 31r. J.E.). Knox. Mr. Morganroth. who is connected with tie. wno's establishment. will superintend the ork and Alo all the sculpturing himself. • JOHN sTEVEN , soN , A SONS, & V. here to Purchase Watches. rity. Mat. •ry, hterlltur 611Ter and er Plated W•re., etc. Few houses in the city have longer CA more. .mccessfullv held high pluition In the cativo . , lion ad the public than that of John Ste:en sue'. Sons & Co.'s well known and popular jewelry establishment. No. id Market street. It IS among.t be oldest. if tacit the obleQt house in that line of bu?iness in the city. and It , history has been ma rka_d with fair and honor-. able dealing, while its, mansectnetit has been of such elianieter as to win the fullest confi dence of the kommunity and n large share of discriminating patronage. During that pmprie torship of the present firm the business has been steadily increasing, till larger facilities for Its proper transaction were rendered necessarn y: The old stand has therefore undergone e large...lll and improvement. and as note com pleted Is one of the most commodious. con venient and best arranged jewelry houses of the city. The exterior presents a modest. though rich appearance, the flue French plate glass windows presenting selections from the stock within exceedingly pretty and attractive to the eye. The main salesroom is fitted up In fine style. anal has every appearance of neat ness and gentility without any extravagant Of Ort at display. and wholly devoid of gaudiness or that ' elaborately .- over done ornamentation which mart the beauty and effect of many Of our fine aalesrooms. The floors are covered with bright marble while the atheivings, counters and trimmings are of oiled walnut. pleasantly relieved with silver bound slam - eases in which lat Made an - exposition of general jew elry. watches. trinkets and charms. An ale gent walnut case of large proport lons Urea ple. the rear of the attire In which sterling silver, gold and sliver plated wares are upon exhibition. The case in new and noel in plan and in Iteeit Is n great attraction to tinnudes room. • • The second floor is occupied eta a aIiVORVaIO, arble and bronze statuary, and general lane) roods department. where a large and judi loualy muerte,' stock of goods greets the c7e. The forward part of this TOOT, is occupied by the engravers of the house, who are kept cons adeptly employed in their art. marking. orna menting and Inscribing the articles sol general firm. The third floor in used as at g faarna room. The stock, most of which is of recent Impor tation, Is flatland complete, embracing all that Is usually found in similar first-class jewelry establishments. A very fine assortment of dia monds and precious stones of all descriptions will- - attract the attention of visitors: while plain and there •Is an almost endless variety of faney Jets - elrv, engagement nnd I wedding rings. ear rings, sets, foreign. anal American matches, clocks, bronze. Paden and Bohemian vases. silver and silver plated wares. gold headed and novelty canes, and, fancy goods generally. Special attention given to then repairing of atches and jewelry,and to manufacturing . any desired style of jewelry to order. We commend the firm, which Is now composed of Messrs. John B. and Alex. Stevenson and Will .1. Hamilton. to the patronage and confidence our readers. nod bespeak for them an amaze of the large share of patronage Iready directed towards their well managed stabilshment. 12=11 Wnr-u.am lia.astif, FAT, the able and accom plished city editor of the Port, has testa - nod his place. We hope his separation frolic our local press is only temporary, as few gentle: men are more esteemed inside or outside the Journalistic , profession. DERNARDIiARTINrrY. EOQ..memberof the Se lect Council from theghter Fifth wurd,acCompanied b his wife and dnu,to - mor - row for Europe, baring, from our leav fri end J. J: McCormick, secured elegant state, rooms on board the good steamship "France." Tho party propose making an extended tour thro ugh eery pleasant trip and safe return. . MR. It. K. WILSON wee on Saturday elected Cashier of the Citizens Notional Sank. No better selection could horn been made. As Assistant Cashier of the institution he devel oped that financial ability and capacity which warranted his election to the higher aim . Mn. lIIORAN It. PrITOCC. brother of Jon. W. Pi k, Esa.. - seith bride, was in the city on n wedding trip In week. DR. JOON DICKSON, ESQ., has Just returned from Eurotte, where he hen been prosecuting his studies in medicine. MANNISH lIIIND6RSON. Of the Opera House, is in the city looking well and hearty. G • The following . Is a statement of the returns made by the several Railroad,Street Railway and Bridge Companies and places of amuseL merit, reporting In the it'd Collector's district, of their gross receipts for the month of APO , as shown by the AIIPICIOeS books: 91T.A.11 RAILROADS. Pittxburst, Ft. Wnyne 8 ettlengo.. 0104,57 , ... 00 Connellsville Itallrond 29'862 00 _ ... . letager nall.wArs. Birmingham Passenger Itallway... $ nifidi cc Oakland Passenger Railway 3,57.: 00 Central Passenger Railway ..... . . 1.07:: IXI alba:Passenger Railway .. 12,igin CO Allegheny Passenger linliwnY• • 11,404 DO manors. • Allegheny Suspension $ 8.66 a a) mono.g.shea Suspension nand Street r. 074 78 3.4:300 AIMAIMILNTS. Ora House $ 11.:10l 50 vietles OM 00 . Museum ' '2.31 0 Ou Of the above, the steam and street railway companies and bridges par a tan of tiro snd a half per cent., and the places of amusement twolier cent. on the *mount of cots receipts. THE COURTS. U. M. (Uri.ll Court -Judgae Airltesan and BATIntr(AV.MI,‘ - Th. ea, 01 Mill cc. HinCielsOpi•T, pievi4(.l(l% iel.(atet. t %cf.. r( -- 91illed and (..C.ll , lPd 11,1- ( um( (11(11(11( the day Court—Judge. ibinsi. 0.1 dtka Kirk SAII - RDWY. !day 14.—The time 01 the court -KA occupied with motion, and argument, 'Mob ...re of no special interest. TRW. LIST FOR SIONIVI. N. Shrppard Schonnetanker. I. 11111. Patterson & Co. vs. Dillow tt al. 14. Lorlall vs. Kish. IlroWn vs. Anderson. Lupton & Co. vs. Itlchardson. Hurtupee vs. Caldwell. nkl'or r F Church.faalesno ;s.e o use & Co. = SATURDAY.'AIay 14.—1 n the case of Gistlor or. Klingulan previously . reported, the Jury found for the defendant.n Mary Ann Keit vs. Rinhard Keif, .petitibn in divorce. Bute to shove why n reasonable allowance should nt , ti to' paid petit inner.pend tolang. V.T.°;fi eeZ i r:;-1 or. \V. K. McKelvey. to divorce, petition pre4ented nod decree grant- Au online:lt lon for Frei William . wit hinjunctio vas made by hirlitnno Metcalf und wife he view of re,training Eldwitrd Ilalley from • darting In hi. quarry. Complainantm own mid ecopy a dwelling nt Bedford avenue nail tini onSt rect. told respondent owlet a lot Adjoin ing. (non which be is it unrrving rock. Com. pininunta ricer titnt the tdnrtingtnittjuringthe foundation of their and I hnt they are . liable In injury front fragments of roam fall ing on their menthe,. The injunction W:IS granted. and a day fixed for hearing the ars.- mrut On the case. rolt NIONDAY. Howard It. It. Co. .I.llllsoo W‘oll. Til Jtteol. v.. Ilxunu. 111111 •S• I ob. 21; liendxli vs. Balm. 211 Calhoun 'O. v•,. Grolvon. ‘l,. =I Shall, vs. Howard and wit , . t.!4 Now 11aven, Hardware Co, v+. .1. F. Day N. Co. 11 . -15 God( ror r k. Clark on. II.)I. Lytle S. Co. I=l SATURD.II7 May lI.—D. P. David llnte Indicted. tried and cone ieted at forcible cot ry and detainer duritof the recruit unit of the Quarter St-odons Court. tt.it exlitql up for Franri, Creberger and n eon, icted Indictment charging them with obtaining money under false pretence, were called up. but sentence was postponed. A petition was presented for the division of Baldwin luta two townships to be called tip- per and Lower Baldwin townships. The line of the proposed division Itu Begin ning nt the Monongahela river at the mouth of Street', run. and t hence down said river to a polnt•in the centre of Beek', rim. ;or line of Lower St. Clair township; thence .10thalong said Lower St. Clair township line had neck's run to Brindle's bridge over said run; thence by a straight line to the inouth of %Vinci 's nun at the line of Mifflin township. bring neoriS the tine of division lIIIIWI,IIIIIf. two election, pre cincts in Said township. The Court appointed $.ll. St 'Bey. John I,llllllen and Joseph Miller Cotioni , sioners t o Inquire Into the propriety of rim' the prayer, and to rapon to 011111. I= Manager Canning of th,. frpera Mauve will be :hade 1 be roe iplvnt of a grand rwmpliment :fly benefit. tendered him by hiaarmy of friend- in . iii„l 1,;111..i hood. Mr. Canning. dfirtf4 ht-.tong manager- I lel connection with he forte Ilan,. ha• Inhered zealously and vac/a...Pith to ties ate the drama. and to supply our people wit h ac ceptable theatrical entetlatnment,. Laltorlog unost ent at lonely. his effort., Mille. right dl rettinn have not been unappreZdatert by Our nmuermrn[ goers . and ho very dtriervudly tapirs high {dace ht their eglinat ion. Ott e ernl he has been made the teciPlent of practical and enteMantlal evidencet of the eat rem and tegard of theynt wavy( the drama: to-night he will again be thov cf4elnlly bon ; °red, n• several very valuable tokenv will be presented him no tamest , at the increawil regard to which. at the close of the prevent sennen. lie k held Ly thane, who haveentro ed the theatrical trait, afforded Ihrough tilt tin teastng diligence and-worth.. We hope to ewe the house crowded to it, fullest capneit r. Itlfi.utry an the notation In - Rover - and • Don't Judgf Sim. • Altia'ar Tux Fun at cutejlall will reassot or.n an, net from toolny.ninon ...diet several thim.and persons has, s inited It. and the universal verdict Is shot no where elan-can ea evening he more elenetnt I v spent . The Ciro., with our gotatal !tired Jos. heat Ina an charge. Av FP still t.c ten Ltn operation. The elephan tine contest at Mrs. ISenting , table elicits mach entlotstasm. hott=ovenrlageo will keel , : ahead. The valuable sinintitig on antic of. the Sucre.! Heart. a. ha ..iten..3l chance.. At the table of Ni up x, Illanentait nen Men. tinily sot eral r. int ess n are being earrhist forward with tiro anti cmune., At the Itooth a valonote tr om olitary belt Is tacit lag the rivalry of the Oct Capt. 31,- , Liottihnn thus for ahem:. At Mrs. 1 Theo. I. Tanks' table and also at Mins Melt etre the attract loan are morn numerous than ever. Sir:orbs...a anti ico erewn trill be the features at the well conducted refreshment tables during the meek. Altngether the Fell . Ishould be well patronised. for ttis worths large attendance. TUC Fang at the Rink. ttrAlleghene, con tinue+ to attract Immense threat , and nalde I (rant 1. general num:lion, there/tad promo anon la n *postal tensors, I= Tits roll:ovule deeds were admitted of re cord in the office of Thorne. 11. Hunter. lie corder for Allegheny county. rtaturaluy. • Nlay 14. 1,"0 Wm. Ewe:: to Harley. July 0. leo7, t - 00 acres and CC perch,. in Unit e Too nah,o, $ 0-I Muidret M. Cowles to Ire. SW . 1.7 t., It by lu , tort on 11, Greenanuag Pike. Tweety-timt are. Pi...burgh John Arthur , to Mart in Siebert: et al.l MOr Is7o, lot nn Grad street In Third scard. Pittsburgh. with build inls .s23.oat John•Mltcheil to John twit. PM 110 perches of land In./M.OA lownahlp. W. C. Steven. to Elms Hogan. June 41X::: 1411 be Iltlfeet In village of Bergingellie, Low er St Clair township . 5 1,00 1 . 3a, It: (Jetty to 1-11n,s Hogan, :LS. lOoial by ti feet on Grins .tenet. Pittsburgh $. 1 1. 11 Junes is to Henry Paulus, Slop 1/1:0, 1 2-1 by tot feet ,•111 Obi° avenue' Allegbene cite. with buildings • • $ :tau jacol, Shaffner to Frederick Henri. Mar 11. 11 , 70: 'Albs 00 feet- out Jam' nt met. -Knee Ilir- Atli:wham • . t LOP , Kirov Bracken to Wm. .1. Hammond. Ma) IC ta by lOU fret on htnalltuan street, Pitts burgh , .5 :Hai Thomas Mellon to Slut, Whitelleld. rob. 21. Mg two lota In Twenty.nrai ward. Pitts bargh . ' $ (al ;vim= Wernsthertea etecaturs I;'at hart.. Bomberger . . January 10.1,07; al by I 0 feet 00 llt. Mary's avenue. Pittsburgh. arlls • }LUC Itolx•rt Steele to Kate Metionigle, )4411 I. 1 0 70; PO by IGO trot lis the borough of Mad dock, . . SLAM. 1.. Maisel to Ambrose Lief, 1$70: lot on Ann street. Itegerve - Township ~.„ tot. Marc Whitmore to MeerE Cooper. Mayo. MO: N I 11l feet, on st., Pittsburgh•• • MI) William Cooper to Jame , Wllecon, May it. tell); one acre and 140 perches of land in McClure Township. with hoildinfr• • • ..• John A. Hugo to A. J. I).IVCSOIi. April n. 1)7n: t 5 acres of INO4III Va mince Township. wit 11 buildings. . • • • - John McWhorter to Francis Illethmeyer. Slay 13.111:0:1•3 0 1.y HO feet In Union Tow l tiah N 1p iShaler's plan, with bedding - a. • C E nn sm ur do. MN. Cement, o very ru,pect I.le lady miffing , in Temperenceville, 4pearrd before Justice Flollingsbend and made Infor mation aralnit Henry Hartman. for nn at tempt. to outrage her. The particular' are It• follow': On Thursday night last liertmen volunteered to convey Mrs. Vermont from the Menongaliell.wharfotrross the river to West Pittsburgh lo ',skiff. She consented, and, on arriving at the other side, the two stepped out of the WO. end proceeded up the lending. It iron reining at the thee. and Hartman ten dered his serTices es en escort, and also the use Of his umbrella. Theoffers were accepted and the two had proceeded as far as the Salt Works, oppoeite Woods' Iron WorkP, when. It la alleged. Hartman t urned upon Mn. runnnat and attempted to outrage her. 'rho poor war man won thrown upon the ground, where she screamed. and before the accused had accom plished his purpose, the neighlmrs we, around, and by their appearace prevent elt d , the intended violence. Hartman, seeing that - he was discovered. Immediately fled, and bee not tuen arrested although a warrant for tl caP- tare has been , Th issued. e lady Is now iS lying quite 111 et her residence on the !tenth :Mile. liThI.,T!SI '!lIr! A. pitiable specimen of deformed bigmouth y was brought to the Allegheny Motioel Oltee tiaturday morning. II was ig woman, or rather half of one, ns she pne,onaed no lower limbs, and moved along hr means of her hands. II er right hand wan also deformed and hod more t p l lc e lt:ATi e p a rg ' i ' M sTree a t s h 7,q%lge Sh tfOllC,k i ni t ril answer to inquiries, said SUR had oven brought • from Newllexice several yeats two, but that the family wit h whom she resided hod moved away an left her la AlleghenY. 'Fr sem" days she been living in it hut nu the hill. near the Observatory, and only 00.00 10 town to get something to CM, when the was taken op. Rho talks correctly. hut can neither rend nor write. She expressed n desire to be sent back to New Mexico, but the Mayor (bought the Poor House the beta place for her. and she was sent thorn. • • • About rig o'clock tort eveuing n frightful runaway occurred on Liberty street. to the . . Tenth word, but fortitnately. uu no wee seri ously injured. Mr. John Hastings, of the fern of O'Neill 8 Hastings, and Mr. Sunni Moore were riding down the street inn buggy driving spirited horse, which took fright ut they and started to run. just after they bad crossed Twenty-third street. At Nineteenth street the buggy capsized and the A , occupants were llooilled" . out, slightly injuring Mr. Moore. while Mr. ilostings escaped without • scratch. no horse kept on in his wild career until he arrived at Davis stables, where he was stopped. The buggy was badly damaged. Public dale of 34 ARM. and Bee residence .at Neville. The beautiful property of Mr. Thomas Bakewell, of Neville. Is to be Fold at auction on Friday neat, the Nith instant. The descriptive advertisement will be found on p our 4th page. For a first class residence thin property is all that beauty e eminent ems braces comfort and ln an de gree. and Is well worthy the fPeci. l consid oration of all contemplating the purchaie of a drat class home. A. LLOGAIS, Auctioneer. fltoneroad' Cathartic 6 awls need In all case., instand of pills • castor oil, cpsoin sultc,kc. Ll[chic flavored'. Toren y-fire cents. Try It. Fold all cirughlts. Brushes! Brusheol—All' Muds of brushes Of our own roanufactorel at Loughtidte. 1 7 1 Smithfield street. .~r -'. .~ x "i a . n }^,'c'."`'"''§r~' 3 ' .. - t. ME • r. COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Two Nominating Convention•—To Be Bela ' T°e.a.Y. August 90. The RepuLlican County Executive Commit tee met, pursuant to a call by the Chairman. s .rurd.V .,3 laY 24, MO. at 2 o'clock v. at.. for tho purpoSe ot-arranglng the time. place and manner of Lolling Om County Convention. or conventions for the nomination of candidates for the several county oQlrrs. The meeting was called to order 'by W. A. Purviedee, Esq.. Chainnan. who stated the oh lea of the assembling of the committee. The report of themmittee appointed to co audit the acceunt.of the Treasurer was Pre tented and approved. Mr. Errett moved that all persons not mem ber. of the committee be requested to retire. The reasons for this motion were that some matters might ho brought bef.ne the commit tee of a private nature, which it would be in judicious to publish, and fur th ermore things were frequently said In the discussion of questions which members did not life to see in print. After considerable discussion tho. motion of Major Errett w - as adopted, • with the under standing that the riectetury rt the Committee would furnish the papers with a report of the business transacted. It wee ...en to hold two eonrrnt inneyuo for the nomination of candidates for county others and the other for Legislature and Con gress. • . An amendment tons mule to the effect that here be three c invent ione. t he third to he (or Ilse nomination of a candidate for C0ng0.... The nunindment was Inot. The question cornicing on the oriental M., thin. it was then adopted. On mot ion it way rerolvett to hold the pri/ utere election of delegate, Fulton:ly. Aninot unt that delegates meet convention the following Tuesday, A twist iith h. The Committee then ail iourned .thw ,tie. The Spring Notch of Henry Ilnlr, chant Tailor, at corner of Penn n‘ and Sixth street, Is now large told completeemu, . Mfon efenr runt Innea to preside :It the cut ting. • tf t 'Children's Carriages, wholesale :old retail: al Loughridgela. 171 Sold htleld st reel. For looking giaNceS and picture frames R. I. Loughridge'. m Smithfield Arcot. Ladles desire what tnen ndna e. And This little thing is Beauty: ,Whet do we say Is beautiful? A transparent Complexion and it luxuriant head of hair. What will produce these? llngan's Magnolia Balm will sake any lady of thirty appear hat twenty: and Lynn's Kethrtlrtm will keep every hafr In Its linen. and make It grow like the April env., It pre- Vent% the hair from turning On). eradicates Dandruff, and P. Itrooting in .the world, and et only half ordinary raid. If you want to get rid of Sallowiles.. Pimples, Ring-marks. Moth-patches. etc.. don't forget the Nlngnolla tilt, . 1.0121 D DEIINSON—Oo nomad, fnfilnZ May 11,th. at the tvlidunco Prof. R. K bv ion. Allegheny. by Icon. Chas.liodges. Mr. FRED SNICK .1 I.IIL'DoS, of Pitinhurah. and . Nit HARRIET c. of Philadelphia. fi Cant, --•••••••••---- IRWlN—Ontordkv. M. I 10.0 12 o'rl.ek M., lion 3 . IIOM An AS IRWIN; In the Sigh year of hl. Bge _ Funeral will lakt, V. fr.. 1 , 1 , la raaleoucc. Nil. 11 Baseman Avenue. Alßoche City, at 3 o'clock V. u. McDONALD—At 196 elouth Aacoui, sund Mcriorine. at o'clock: MARY A.. Teem or Duo . McDonald. Funeral oorvtoo et 0 . C10,k TC.1.#1,11.1,1V The reroatris 'Ol ramove.l to Well.rillo lo C. A IL It. for Interment. Frlonde of ihe fahOlr aro r smolt ell, levltod. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sft E I I FF'S SA LES Rl' VIRTUE OF SUNDRY . EXEC rioss o , l‘ tit OP at . ... . .. non Hens of All hl•ny robot:.. Venom - It - no, and to the Sheriff of .:aid county direct., there will be exlmsed to I.llt.ile .air. nt't ht rourt House. to tire city of l itt slotrli. eonnty.on hIONIIA Y. the thli day of June. A. It. 10:0. at In o'clock A. SI.. tiny following &Irritant real relate. In it. torney for 11,0,11 0.. All the right, Iltk. lot tired moiety.. or Cis.. Wismar. Sr.. of. In and to ail that ,113 ill lot or {Acne of ground situated In the city of Alle heny, county of Allegheny. and liitato of curierlyntln, being compoece of grounA beginning 09 thesoutl, sout sed h side ot ot pi Liberty street; at corner of hd late of William Jon• kin.. at a distance of tom . himilred and thine feet three lathes from the Publte iNmorionx saint city. extending CR.4 W 311113 to front along raid street twenty-live feet to line of lot late of Thom. Burch. - Jr.. and running hark or t hrough soul hwardly at right • :Ingo , with salt street: prieterving effithi rermtil" - Ilia feet, more or less. one ball the .1 id ince to Wa4hington street. together with for right of wit of sold Liberty street, which is do tarot a public highway forever. together wit h ale other plece of ground. beginuittr.• ont he ...intl. a id e o f so ld Liner, y street 01 he rut above dearribed niece Mt ground at the dis tance of hundred ant tiny-eight feet three larliev front the asterne line of ton Pub 11c. COMMUnt thnce ohm; sa id street east. warily twenty- e Ste feet and running bark *organ y-ftva feel or one-half the ,thole dis tance to Washinamm street. preserving 'pool width; whole id 4 - 0•411. i tw ine lot s. eald Liberty street, fronting north on said stteal Itltg feet Mel ext ending back at tiOlt 1 , 1 , 4•1 - 119.,0 hit h. twenty-five feet, 010, Or less being neultd• 4.4 n o C ant. mean and we to- isoti It.d.t. Klnc. the, being on mild st orettoses mot ed a taro dory trams d welting him. , Seize-1 and taken-1u era' iona .5.0 .... . ertk George. Gossett, et m to , suit of caughev, Burgess b A Lai). lit a• tISIY ELY. too Wont tit Ali the right. I ill, interest and claim or Oro. St la 'OKI, of. In :ind id all those relllllll It.. 4. Na.o L 2.3 and 4. In George L. hoot' plat ~f lot, n. t ncorded it, Ilan Rook. :011911` 1.1,001' r_t; lots are sitnal ed tbe iitghth aril of the cite of Pltrehurgh. Allegheny rountY. State of Penneylvanbi. hating n front en 16,1 berect of eighty-tight feet. and eft ending ack to a ten fret Miry on the north; they - nee hounded nn the west by Fulton street and on the east by lot in said plan: I he bothlings. MI. n two story brick dwelling and ton brick buildiage, used ix S brewery. Seized and taken in execution its theprop. ert vof George Stick Inger. at the bit if 'Robb I firma, • IIII;11 S. FLEMING, Slwrit F . ,01r. try. PlTTstarMill. Mnr 14th. le:o. M33MMI A Po:NADI.: W A IIIIANTF:I) TO Kidder & Wetheral's Italen Ink The beet Indelible Ink In ....W.I. 15 cent. p, bottle. Evrr, 1,1110 warranted Geniiiur French Glove For 'limning k1 , 1111r0,00 , lot 1.1.111 ~11.11.0SENBACIFS Patent Medicine and Perfume Depot ItO funattyrri.ip Krim . JOHN M, COOPER & 'CO. Bell and Brass sounders, ENGINE,J.UCUMIITIIE ANN ROILINIi, MILL Made Promptly to' Or. er BABBITT'S METAL Made and Kept on I lanc M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whet srrEA PrNI P. "Mo. - 8773 PENN STREET. Fon art Corner 17TH and RAILIIOAD ViTitEET:i inttshunth oNsitossens' r ne.. / COY ne At.senuf eV, Slav 1 11.1870. NOTICE TO CONTRICTI IMIOPOSAIN wial he re °Wed nt thls .enco 'until 3P.no T /I AV, M I In, 1870, ter the fIRADINO AND I'AVI. n of the f ollovlng Streets and Allele:: MULBERRY STREET, from lOW' rn errant Its southern terminus. TAGGART STREET, frnml,tl2llo4.ll t.I Lulu ”snow. UNION AVENUE, front street to It northern terminus. BUENA. VISTA STREET, from T 6,14 i.e. , to Ackley stmt. • JACKSON STREET. Irons Freinont etreot Grant 'keeling. CLII:RCII AVENUE, from Federal street I rnlou avenue. IRWIN AVENUE, from present terminus n Peeing to Washington avenue. ADAMS STREET, from Fallon •trevi to Itesys PITT ALLEY. Rom !ions ) au v Mtn; to Mon lae/11113. FRAZIER ALLEY, trout Fulton td f.edsem meets. El=l2 FOR GRADING ONLV • JALAPPA STREET. from Walter et waattrn t 017010.. EVANS ALLEY, from Felyette •troet sverow. ttpccitications can La Icon of the'rttice of ii, bails, En.. City Zughtear. Tin. right is rorersed In reject attr MEI ISSOLIJTION OF rARTNER -5111P.—0 partouraldp hereto( ore ealsdull P p eon J. T. lam and Clam.l Lamm /Mug bum them udder the firm of .1... T. G t. lass S. mm Oda day dlmobted by mutual consent. t PrrnacTioa. Apt 20. 1670. ap3Mt2l MONDAY MORNING, MAX 16, 1870 SPECIAL NOTICES • - - [(TA MEETING OF THE • SToCK. HOLDERS of h I AVENUE BANK rittO)Unth Vi in be hehl TIEURSDAY EVEN L.O. June 9th, at S o'cloCk. Ir. 79ICHY 111.1.1 X 0.24 1 Fifth avenue, ff, the purpose ~f amend , f ConstAtntion end uppr , etl of 113-lawn. ntyl3 , t” • I • DI V I DEN D. -Tiu; Board or Di • itErronn of the Fifth Avfmne Bunk have Ll* Way declared a dividend or W 3 per ,hare. free of Government and Stole Taxi, ottralde on and I= MIMI - _ T"'"'"'"'itY4, l ,lti'•lfhlN:;."7 - "."1 4 . 7 1 0 .' . .. 1 16-•1 11 , VI . DEN h 1).-- , l'he d.i l)l , rzt:) d r: div o,f . ~,,t , sm Art CF . :4 ' T. ' . ' ,Fit, lei the earning, of the In t ,ix month,. tree of all taxes. pn)able lin and nf er the I'2llllm , .141.11 N It. LIVINGSTON K. rumbler. orricr or-111,1111V. CO.. t V 11,11114.11. May 5. I .S 7 o.s lir AT .1 M EET I NG, OF TII E BOARD ef DI itE , I'ORS ..r thi.i ferule. , hold 01 , def. a Dividend feedeelered ef SIX DOLLARS 106 001 per .diem piyulde en denuunl, true of f,itt tinntil Tam. ' 11. y tin.rfn Seeretuff. AN 'NATO'S.* IiANKor PITTSIIIIcoRd • larrrsio• Mny th. Ir TH E DI It Er16.11...4... OF 71 . 1 . 1 .. rt ENT. nln of the lust nix month, puyable loSt,y.tholdero OH, legaltenresentatlves on and the 12th III•L f fere of nll Ulan , ]OS. LAURENT, ("Kohler. EXCIIANGE NATIONAL HAWK.) 1 • rhS111 , 0 1 1. May 3d. 1810. i Tlf E WARD OF DIRECTORS hnvn thl9 ' day declared a Invnlend or FIVE I . Eft ont obt the verninga of the hut MX month, fr.. of - all now, pay.lo tan and after the • iIIU'IftE U. • "..1 BANK. k 11".j, 1 ".'' v .. 411 ‘ ' .l f 14 FO I_ , It AN If ONE A L.F 1; el 4.1 .FS the 1.1.1 molnth, and nflor the 10th free of Choir- - - - •ne NH :aor . y 3d. 1870. E PRI:SIDE-NT AND DIRE'. Tous of Ont. Bank have thlii . dar declared a I oleic:end of FIVE I'ENT. 011 11. rill l l.l Ail., Mil id this profile of the :ant nix month, whirl, will by I , nld to steekleiltlerii or their lewd-ree f...int:Wren. on and after the 113tli Inst., free of "=7,171 " ''s"`" 111'FICU WV.Vreav , 1,1•11 CANE Mmy 3.1570. I=l .3174:w19 WM. P. lIERMEKT.r.e , r , q. , I MWASHINGTON .IVENIt. , ELEcTios NOTICE. IMEI eleett.4. will be held at the taNern 4.1 Thedn. 4 , .41 raid Watdd , 4.lt•a‘ a're 4 4. 4 `4 In :Lndl t4 ,, tn•hip. 4441 F.I4SF-4 4 1).1 V. tilt. tad dny nt .11111 e. IS7o,l44.tween the 14.44.a44 4.1 11. 4 .2 11. Mimi 7 e. SEVEN 1,.• 11. A flaunt or C44mnd051444444:‘ •44 44441 atom. unt4l the third Fri day In I S7l. tly Ilder 44f the Bonrd. to 7.4,44:41,41T .14 , 11 N 0 I L.F11.1.E.5. Pre.ident. • - •$lOO Bounty Collected For all si l ddliira a. L.• et;hiteil bete iien Huy Aft! unit July 121.1 lgel. who were dt.claerged disabil ity before veer Ing two yen, and who here hereto fore received nn bounty. The undersigned her removed Me piece to (i.e. 2ra - re nohdina. corner SI ink it re nue moliitelthilleld street. sad le n o w prepared in claims speed_ ily anti at T.Pidprate rate.. tall iin, nraddrere. with It. F. MOWN. 'lam. Aaelit....Lzrrri. Bending. i.rebir ath avenue and Smithfield street, littlaburib. Pa. • I'L'l3t IC NOTICF.--Ilavlng; been TOIL Sro Alloghauy . hi”ebY Nut until the noceasary 'thee • n.Y.lteettenhul T AST , PIPE Wiiloo. Tirentr third rdrert MERE 113TiA.SSES ==il 4 , 1. M. PORTER j caw ebrttot.i.e I=ll=l = it I 1 K. WILSON. AsFisttnt (*ashler. day' declared t 4 )01 lit.rS each nhnro .4 the , u 1 ,1.1 5t....1c. but of th 41 {malt,. of the 511 . 1 , 1 0 /10.• free of , iov ant and stutn to' Stockholder 1 Ifter the 10th teat. appK4nl647 - iAS end GA. MI:TER INSPF I= 1= = IMI7=II MB= 3= M C.AIIDM Da -you rovyry ,ommismosE GEORGE NEELEY, Of Alan.. t t•. the tfreill.to the rub. ltepuhltrnn Cr.." ‘ .4 ..vent.... aplltt.a4 Er FOR. COUNTY COM 31 ISS.ION IIENJ_ IN .1)01111ETT, Umn•hip.‘ll:lll l •.il. Ti I a t ller. In .11,,t4mati.. to' the olefl leyi.itAlosl; C..r.venli , n. E. nt. - .10. in THIRTY-POUR ACHES Fiue Suburban Residoice, ON OHIO RIVER: AT NEVILLE A t. A uct.iOn tinlltAY. kittylth, tit 1l "A.A. wilt be Mr.hf auction...is the kee. the Proltertr et Mr. 'I bonus, Itekuwell, at Neville. a station on the Ito Pt. W. and C. IL W.. 141KOlt 4U minutes ride front loan. The ground. ejularace 3 4 acres in a high eultlrsti..n: thickly {glutted with grape*. Pear , anal. an d d other trade. end highly orna mented It Ithversnwn. shade and fore. trots, shrubbery analdowers. A If 111111. avenue of vary glade 10.11 a fell,. the stall. to the dwelling.wiitch "CCAttlie, commanding tporitlon in the rentre of the grounds 'rye scenic Clew. obtainable from thls point are trent en rant. The adjacent enuntry for tulles around. and the beautirdl wind- Mg Ohio to bestieklet 1 . 14 t. Ore I. tsible from near ly everyportion of tlierte Mbmiet , Wt. gardeneptit. and to be appreciated tunq be ACII.II. The 11011011 substantial and elegant double frame structure. with front. bark and ride Porch! , apt , dour balcony, • eettbule. hall, parlor, with hay wt. , . dow nom. library, with tosy window, din ing men, kitchen. with range. hot and cold water, and water tank: Ms rhaushere .in sets.. thatr. nath.'water closet, Mesh. attic. Morena.. good dry cellar with heaUnd luring. w.ett haute..." tlonary tubs and idherronvonlancee." Marblelred elate mantles In all the Yeah!.'The entire hull,l - It In complete order,. of modern Mlle, and has a vary handsome appearance. Thu •ni extetedse. embracing carriage house, home and oats stahler. tool house. chicken house. lee haus, eNdlrue room and onservaltiry. The obi Jack mansion, a comfortable house, is airo on the : 1 111 . bggl . ;:• ' ,1:17ngW 9 trtj:I n g: ' 1"I t ;11 ° - borbood "for a residence. I. 111 , ,.. , 11 , bbbib by 0 . 0 Ibijib ton road. and le right at the nillway stathm, where almost hourly tynneellon with the city Is afforded. It the deslr# of the owner that thin property be sold In ilne piece. and deckled In ducement, will tm offered to at...uphill that iddert. As a last resort. however. It will In. sold In . . divisions to suit lobo demands Or those present at the sale. Thu preens/4i son he open for Inspection for three drum prior to tho.salo. Timms—ono-third meth, balance In three mina , yearly payments, with Interest, *neared by bond and mortgarte on the premises._ A: LEGGATE, • A WrION Orphans' Court Sale. = FARO! of JOSEPH f/NII ERNl:R.lmb!the tow hip of Durrell. coonty of luilinun. State of Pen Wen's: Ily virtue of no ruler ofvotin odium& county. there will es pilSOli LIT public n the preMites. on the FIRST TV ESDIty, 711 i DAY OF JUNE, 1570, nil tiro j igji t lg:t r i . e a lg i s . rr3t . I rand ti , ri t a b l e if f the jet : ll%nd real estate. to-wit The one undivided third part of • certain place or Pneeel of land alto ale In Burrell I ownshlp. wild county. adjoining lands Ve_ob Graf and Win. Molter n woolen lee ilY73o feat by 40, two strinfon hi h e n two Won' lingo dwelling hmissi. 50 feat by 26. a Within and other ontlyalldings thereon erected, containing 4 nadnOT on dna , Olnlloll 5•10. and. the intlanee In one yew they, after. with Wares', 1.. be secured by bond and mort ddild. euild to W. conducted by JOHN BRITCE WALMAHER, =I mT7 wANIAT NI Al IL TT At K Clerk Livingston & Co. • Manufacturer n I.I6IITIIIIET MON • . • CASTINGS. - tight work nor Npleihity. Loose Jolnt Bulls. Bhutto , and Gore Mtn cos, Posh Pnlioys, and other &Wok , . of Handers I aren.. ulnitys on hand. Pince ond Ill.ar Omer Dep., Allegan., Qty. Pottage. mid •., Lock 302 PIM. - pp ALTIMOItE EltRI NG. 811 AD, 6:c. vp - nganAln% 11 1 471: n t.1"h b iV,irt .I:acterral. all *taco or package,: No. Ida, all .lea e OW No. 3 do, all mann or rackattos,. lake half and quarter. bunch; lake White /446 bait barrel , : Labrador Homing. barrel. and alves; Kalman In klu; Holland llorrlnc. 100 hag. choke. Ear aalo law to tho t WATT!LANG & al 10 17:1 and-174 Wood strret. XTOTICE.—The asges,sment for Ora . 1 - , BING and PAVING of rump Hues, oo„ Bennap to Barnett alley., le no"' ready for ennuil nation, nod can he seen at Oda niece until THUD— DAV. iday 19th.18,11. "'hen It will be placed the Lando of the CI Y Controller fat Coliettltm. CILtULE DAVI. Engineer. . rrIOE .PARTNERSH I P HERETO , I FORE .1W...a JOAN MeNULTT .0 REINTER 8 • Nolnlnit buslnem under the arm name or Ile. ally it Sawa.. wax thla der M.- . 0 1, 4 g u m mutual i W.Va. The business will be b John Itc:lnity. atm autumns all lia bilities, and all debts doe the el are to be paid MM. JOHN IteNULTY, 1)R TER SAMSON. Prrrssesos. Nay 90,221110. turtinal REMOVALS. REMOVAL S. P. SHRIVER & e rem.e.l in - aa thoir Mand. N4...17 and 29 sm all FIELD. to thcir us. RI and Zit Liberty St.:- ViV=LX=;,.n!f=7Pz= S. P. CO., 1 - I'IIIVIOVA.II.. I= Allegheny Insulin - ex t'ompany been removed from No. 37 FI(I nvrone. ' No. Gi FOURTH .AVENIFE, BETWEF:M MARKET ANO WOOD STREKTS. I% .1. DONN 1::1.L, . _ J EMOV A 1.--Flt EIWK SCII ROEDER, 11 Merchant Tailor and Dealer in Gentlemen's Famishing GiNLNIII: 01 . 110 Gentlemen and Both' Clothing on hand and made to malt, nt the glory .t notice, haft removed from Ma late thin& N 0.112 Fourth avenue. to No. iS STRKET. corner ot Third avenue. • EMOV A 11. • e Pittsburgh Rank fur SulinEs lierunved teen No. 87 la 81 11/UIITII AV E NM In the Merchants and Ydnnufacturere Bank building.- RENON A LIIERMAN JAMES LINDSAY ed hi. , M ice. froin corner - tit l'rebrder Waphington Firm • . • EMOV A L. r Monongahela Insurance Company • FFu removed frron No. OH Wstar street. to N. E. of Wood street end Fourth scent., (sconed tlnnrcorner entrence on Fourth avenue. ape:HU JOHN H. MANES. Feeretury. WALL PAPERS. . NEW WALL PAPER. FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 107 Markel St., • NEAR :FIFTH AXE. We now rife to th • mblle a Mork of PAPER nronwpaabe In Ow Went h.rt ariety and beauty of Myles. embracina all the :Covent. , In VRESCO. MOSAIC. PERSIAN rind GRECIAN lA:SIGNS In plain and bright colors. for Ilallc rat;},;',lliAllll 811. A KS' for Chambers. ae. All of which we pone to tell as low as the Inwest In the market. Call and nee, at 'o. 107 Market St„ nedr riflh Avenue .10S. B. HUGHES RRO. mon WALL PAPERS. SPRING, 1870, PRICES REDUCED. INCIIES .Ide tint. atJae per Crest variety at See per roII. lII.AMD--AM 'dada at tile per roll. ELEGANT French and American Paper Haag Inge. not epedled atiove. super 't id any 'mon anent In the country. For Isle at IV. P. SIIRSIPNLL'S Wholesale .nd Retail .tare. 101 Liberty t. Pittsburgh. tuba _ - 3 LANING ',MILL MEN And Others, TAKE IC, C)'l.'lC!E'. The undersigned hes letter latent d the Usti tml Nutes for the Imroved consfenete,n 4 .f water-tnmrding, Inside p end of ) wainscoting - for !muffler. The weetherAsarding. b papl improvement. being more particularly Intended foe •ertical toe. and combines groat' darebility and beitlay of emwerenom *ll4l It In r444synetructed as to entirely avoid tbe *no of joint Strip*. •1•1 prevent water from entering the feint of the min ing or the showing of the Joints tar the action she weather on the timber. Inside lining end nnalps< 4 44lllg by thin new method •re erOnstnleted 1111 te form perfect. panel* ebeaply a/ by the ordinery Mewing boards alone: thereby presenting the chewing of the Joints from stir Ens also n.l refuges for hogs. Ile hes also purchased the intent right of what is e44rrilnonly kn.,* n 4444 1114 4 - Monhted Weather boarding.' 114 4 11.44114n444.44,41.41 1.44 terr 11•4 1 .1•1 4410 4414•.,4 mem. . 4 111,4144 4 14, 041111ln, fur both oaten. A. Mutelora, the dgiii or the territeri th cl the river In valcl cheialVi 'tio .11equew. d iN)11.11., Ow right hir the Firtt tit Pilleburigh. Ty 11111.1hittereen S re.. stii;ii right. for their 111. Stith surd. IYttthurrh. tivrough McKee,- • • Port. To Parker . 1 / 4 Paul. for tint. Socan.l. Third and Fourth wards. city .4 Allegheni. To need Brothers, %hop right at their will in For. enth ward. city id Allegheny. To Dunham. natal Jr. . for the boroughs of rrharpaburg and KUL.: aLso the townships of Stigler and Indiana. All venoms are waned against Infringing Upon elther of Mid patents. and those swishing pur• plarnityonll, srldtesa rue, at N 0.7.3 Smithfield street. Pi ttstrunth. Pa. le J. t'. ANDERtION. OrrICY or I'ITV ENGINE...AND SrOVEVOIt. j Iterrattrann. Mar 6. 1610. s. NOTICE TO CONT ItACTORS.—SeaI- Kt) Preintsale far the Grading, Paving and curbing at the folhoring street.: THIRTY-FIRST STREET from Liberty street to the Alto feu River. Ft)lt'll era STREET from Butler trent to Penn '"r (I.I4 I. AT STREET from Redford to 01117 street. rr« , t to Twenty-eighth street. ' CATHERINE AI.I.MY trout Ledile 311,1Vel to l'inewitstreet. - Alko for the const ruction of tho following publle An IS loch pipe sewer on I/lAMOSS STREU (nen :+mithrieht street to chemr An 181.11 pipe sewer ou PATRICkS LEV from Miltenberger alley to Gist street. Will be received at this nitre until 3 o'clock P. U.. kit INIJA V, May 19.1 1 379. ' 'rho i'onireittee reserve the right to reject any Or all bids. Siveeilleationr and blanks for bidding MD be had at this office. No bids will be received wit less made upon blank,. lurnlahed i tYlliteg& ni I cite nutty. • F XT RI LA ROE STOCKINGS. WHITE, BROWN. 11T.Ai'K. I!= A 'good varlet, of 1111.111I1:N'S FANCY COTTON STOCKING INFANTA' MIME AND FANCY COTTON STOCKINGS AND HALY•GOSE I=l I=l I=l J A:VLF:B PHELAN'S OLD STAND STOCKING FIDIIE. • 24 ISD - TH AVENUE. ' WASHER. Tble tusebine bee taken the entire market W Ye York, New Jerrey fled Pa tern Pennsylvaute, and guaranteed Petted and Ensily Working Ma pine W. W. KNOX, Sole Agouti WOTICE.—The Books for the SCMPTION of Stock of the Crystal Spring Ice Manufacturing . and Storage Company, Ara now opened at the Mechanics' Sayings Bank. No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET This Company Is chartered by the Legislature of Penney'rants. and has the °tau — sere tight of 3fanufactuting Ice In the County of Allegheny by CAM . / celebrated French Patent. J. MP9 BLACKSIMLE. rresldent. GARDEN PL ANT Flower 7Prellises The handsomest, neatest. cheapest Irani mat. O'er *O . designs. 'W. 11'. KNOX, ?IA N LTFACTIJ RERS' AUKNT, =El!=',V=l OFFICE OF CITI ; KVOINIFICII AND srnvrVO Prrrstirmou. may 60. U 460 XOTICE.--The Assessments for the cooing and Paring Pleasant .Alley Irian Forty-thin! to Forty-fourth street. are nOw read/ Int examination. and can be peon at thin °Mee un til MONDAY. MAYIBTII.IB7O,when it will be returned to the City Treasurer's office for cone°. tinn. IL J. MOORE, • City &Md.., rani RUBBER DED7INO.DOSE AND STEAM PACKING Mild, Beaton lltiltlng Company's matt. A t auppiy ot sites. The unde supplied at multili Muni prices GARDEN VASES. Garden Cantunaciata. Lawn Rakes, Lawn Scythes, ===l ilittrj:itt_ettr 'Met, Pittsburgh, PO. Th,t boxes Fresh 11011 Butter: 10 bait barrels: =1 WHOLESALE GROCERS, &v. Dilworth, Ilttrper & Co., 213 Liturry. STREET, ,wpoilTE HEAD 04'W•14 , 1 1 ST..) Wholesale Grocers. PITTS}3U RCM, PA 10.111 _ ESTABLISHED BY A. 5: T. - HOBBIT. 1913 W. M. CIORMLY, Wholesale Grocer 271 LIBEHTY (Directly opth . ttt Engle 11,,te1,1 Pll TSUI Mill PA Aleanor & Harper FLot , ll, GRAIN vitofterr: Cloltuin i pion Afereliant. 54,329 LIBERTY tiTREET == .J. A. STEELK NI. STEELE & SON, I=l oiumission Merchants, And Dontern In FLOUR. GRAIN. FEED. AC.. Aa No. 95 .111110 STREF.T. near East Common. Alla ,ffien, rLIT. W. C. Armstrong (Successor to Fetter .t Araistrwle.) 'RODITE COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1:1103 No. 25 MARKET STREET B I_, AN C IT AR,D nlesale and Retail G tom, NO. 396 PENN STREET • , 4 ,6:1-e, I ITT LE, BAIRD A . PATTON, Whole SALE GROCERS. Commission Ilarebanta and 'colors In Produce. Flour. Bacon. Cheese, Mb. Carbon and LAM OD Iron. Nolte, Clam Cotton Yono and all Plochurgh Manufactures generally. 112 and 114 SECOND writ Eur, Pithiburah. TWIN I. 1101:SE &BROS., Sneetbsson i•i JOIIN I. 'HOUSE S. CO., Wholesale Grown sod Commission Merchant, oimer of Smithfield Hod Water street, it l'iltehuis. ))))A. WALLACIII. 4,„IHIPTON di WALLACE . , Wholesale GROCERS AND rnouecx DEALERS, - tfSlnb .venuo, PRGburgb. MERCHANT TAILORS. P. AIcA.RDLE, Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, I`;'SVf•TrAT:ts'!:::,,I;ttgIevIRGITFLEZI I Sll .10(11/S. No. 93 . 1-2 Smithfield St PITPABURGII, PA. IX" Gears Clothing made to order to the latest .14%). REMOVAL GRAY & LOGAN IT= No. ?749 FIFTH AVENUE No. 47 Sixth Street. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES 3. r. 11.1•103MOV. C. t.. mt - HLksmeiro3. M'PIIERSON S MUILANBRING, • .11erehutt Tailors. No. 10 SIXTH STRICET(Iiito St. Clair.l We hare received a Imo and . 0 11 see ' . rock of 140 Drat Lwhi(q.W Viet r .M . l !maculation. Seating maindent ot our ability In O. rendre% of resperelY ommination of our sow!! of Fine rlntaa, Cann V's Vl n eVirlifft.9oS! S MUItI,ANIMING, calkio • \n. 111 Sitthi _ , Eli(i0011S. = Cloths, Cassimeres, &c I=l 1!1!4==110:1111=11 Tack Brothers, COMMISSON MERCHANTS =I Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Cifilre.-DALZKI.T.ig BUILDItitt, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin street. - Philsufelphis (I®n--13 WALNUT STILE ET. aid , wlll WATTIN & KING, Commlreton Merchants and Broken In Petrolound and its Products DA1.7.te1.1.%4 INVITE NE WAY I= WA RING; K IN CO MEWM= ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Tweddle, • MANUFACTURER OF Lubrital and High Text Burling Oils. ECLIPSE RAILROAD AXLE OIL. Stands gran heat without change; remains lim pcalid at lowest s or temperatures.. Spuds.] all for tropi climate hot weather • LOCOMOTIVE. ENGINE, MACHINE SHOP. Will cut screws. SAW MILL.AND PLANING MILL OITA. • SlVi s irg 71r, Sh 4t)litinciL u a irr OIL OIL, TANNER! , STUP-IBE H ND.F. tr " PING and FLNISHING , GASOLIN 011., lIARNEMS OIL. IPARAFFI. • ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron • Work and Machinery from mt. Thew product* are manulactureil under Dr: Twaddle's patent by Superheated Stearn in Vseetio. The Lubricating Oils are almoat odorless. perfeetig Firig r lt . trggivture 'd orfgrarti gh attr a l etTal L nliVitta during extreme cold. Tim Railroad Oils are Idle , quailed, and are In constant use upon many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be rimaml.nad and °Mars left at 174 WOOD STREET. Worts at Sharpsburg LIVERY .& SALE STABLES Robt. H. Patterson &Co. Seventh Avenue and Liberty •Stree I= WILT:ON EVERT SATINIDAY lIOLD AN ATJbTION SAL lorses,: Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, • -• • And everything appertaining In the Horse. Part!. desiring to sell will plea. leave their no. lice or consignment flu or before Thursday ot eedb week greatF r r ill be Prompt attention and e will be given all'atoek lett tor We. JOHN H. STEWART„ /tI3CTIONIL:CT. JOlittlreelterAitt HORT. B. PAITCMwIr. ROBERT H. PATTERSON & CO. Liyery, Sale and OOMMISSION STABLES, Cor. Seventh Avenue aud. Liberty M. PITTSBURGH. Ps • bARGE SHIPMENTS OF AL!: Idler of freat u esb. si a= tr it as ;Az to% jarCrrirtrboftb, and at tbe Twin Kllr Stand. A lestny CAT. comer Federal exed atreeta. oat e+perleoce 10 the %Ca a ° ard:r. antes ns to Ovals Mee on hand! t =tte d enAt i k t ir= "Sri, lon .aI9 . M. m • call, we tit Mono • One lga. malertrletadl. An orders J. & VIIILLIPL Agents for 110 • city. 1:13312 G HOG BAROAIN al .--,!LeOtr, AGE Cr."'t b rßit iL e ga. SON. corner Penn and Ttarmatilas Passetyor at sa k e sese , ot ROBT. S. SILL. Attorney &I I.'l/. 72 .° urnt. Xl4l CAJWIELLi, Vint atiow. AMIISM:MT ay' NEW OPERA p.orst. . LAWT WEEK 01' Tilt DRAMATIC MOMDAT VIVF—NING, Mity 18th IST", compll manias,' Betietit to Mr. 31. V.. (ANNII:(1, Ter which eccaslun the (alight. actor, EDWIN AD.A,,)114. las kindly rwlnntwaresl and will app.,. In Ills an gushed Isn,wirswnallon • To Ctio,lo.le with the flew farce: entitled ' DON'T JUDGE BT APPEADANCEA T.eedey—Ederin Adanis as Monti Arden. Edwin Adems MaUnit! on &Dente). og• FAIR AT KEYSTONE RINK. I • ROBINSON NTRIOIT. ALIMITIKNT, Open Every Evening, Volt TUE nmsEVIT OF ST. PETER'S New Catholic Church. AD3dIikSION - - - °TRUTH ANNUAL SHEARING FESTIVAL.—The Fifth Annaal Shaming Featlval will take plain un the new of Hear, Mc/furry. Ith milea from Iltlaborgh. .11. Wash ington assaus, on TEIVBSDAY,SIay 1110.1810. commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. At the woo time and Olsen tacre will be a" GRAND DISPLAY OP AGRICULTURAL IR PLIMENTS, and oleos PUBLIC SALE of FANCY STOCK of all kinds. Saile to commence at 3 o'cl.wk I= M=M=M iIrItSICAL SOIREE, UNDER the duspleci of the Young Men'• Cinistian Association. on Tel:SI/AY Icy HSI NO. Meg 17th. at their New Rooms. comer of Ruth •nd Pena • As. The public are Invited: Admission Imo thscrAl-sT [Cr THE FIRST SEM I-ANNUAL EX RIBITION of the PI7II4BiTROII ART GALLERY, containing a Ono collation of Paint- ings, the peoelnetlon of American and Erosion Ar tists. b Coo open Day and Eventno. No. 231 LIB ERTY STREET, opposite the head of Wood Arai Admission. BR oats. apE. INSURANCE.. EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO Of New York. 130 131110A.OWIL7" N. h. PRINCIPAL FEATURF]i: Ordinary hole Life Piglet. ABSOLUTELY NON-F ORVEITABLEfrom paymetild.f Antenna& P =lntiunines NON-VORVEITABLE after two annual pigments. All policies INCONTESTA BLE for meal causasoand ABSOLUTELY INCON. TIMTABLE atter ten annual premium*. All re. striating. upon TRAVEL end RESIDENCLI moved. end no Termite required. No A G et OF INTERAMT on Loan. or Get Premiums. and NO INCREASEorstuguelgymmit G n ErChlt i rg iftr r.,,T.L_ L"v p id g. " GVAILIN P TEZ INTEREST ONm ...Mired*. LOAN and them is no ACCUMULATION Ov INTER filhWlMinCitiest=reisit'ee"lrVgmr= Tleth"ereaf ter yield an Income to the Unary bolder. We, term end endowment, .politle• are Issued: aft tee tutors , . nob.. ZOO &imitate& 41T1VAIVALIPlagViRITI 4 'tiebtrs'Er'llrctliting. D Cri ItIiUELLENCE. The IR E has issued more Polities by SUE Ton Many Tenn crplitio April Ist. then eny other Conine.] In this miunni to the mime time at the same eve. The EMPIRE memos every Policy holder erT • DoPoerr or CABE CariTAL with the te Treas ury surendstitly maple to My every policy. Fe ical dollar of liability to loss. the MIME has 1 with which to pay. AT ITS LIBERAL FEATURES ernGood. active Agents wanted eVerYwhe.ht Went renneylvanie. WM. A. VULLEZ ... Office 'I gIITA T IWZMAY,Wtsbitratt. ap2l CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO. OP PHILADELPHIA. OPTICE 43* AND 431 CHIL4TENT_ILTEEIJII. 444.1."Atletuats 0077 nary Policie 000 rpe son Liberal •rwma. be Company _awe Izinam=a apt: the Ite X: of Mods of BMW. OVIIDLTODII—AIfred G. BMW: Sanwa (AM Geo. W. Rianards, Isaac Le. Geo. Palm. Than. Sparks. Wm. M. Want. Tbooma B. Unstamts ALFRED IL . Preddent, . 610. PALE... BAKER Preddent. Jua. W. McAllister, necnenuT. T. H. Ineren AM•44•Ot PASZ.,„ • A KELLOGG AOC Foe TAW Am/nue and. Wood k WESTERN INSURXNCE COMP'Y Of Pittsburgh. • Al.= AND= NIMICE, President. WY. P. ItieltTWAT, ,Ice President. WM. P. 11X11.0EBTOtecretary. CA . PT. ONO. NOLO. general Agent. Otlice Macaw,. street. spats' to. warenesae. W VIIVIETSunt= h CaIi kind. of Tiremi d Matins WO. A home Institution. =netted by Direct who are well known le the coretatinity, _and wino I, maintainmned by promptness end liberanty to the charecter which they have seautaii4. as o ff ering the best protection to thew who. desire to he Insured. • --• • ' =I 11111TATOILS: Alesander trimlrk. . John It. YoCture, It. Miner Jr.: Jame,Ardey. I ' l'llllitt . , Aleantore j r=er, L .p mg b f r lnTr u l a. I411;r1t. Low ' : I W.o. gronLon: nor .124inttat___ OIL ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO OFTICB. ` again FFTH AVENUE. BANK BURT. , 'lsom t .11 Itlnde !Ire and Rartne Risks. ?; : T O 3If!! ` 1.. a. IN NI A .LA neareWrl. • CAPT. WM. BEAN. General Agent. nuTons, B. L. Fabnestoek, W. H. Everson Robert 11. MAI. Francis Wafers, lielrlt°'l".. Jahn Irwin. Jr.. T. J. 11uak1n.4.1.. C. G. Ilurrey. 11.vey n ASH INSURANCE COMPANY Phelluif4 NO. ZS FIFTH ITTASBURG H VENUE. SECOND FLOOR. . CAPITAL. ALL PAID UP nuarroms: H.J. i t) Jots . /lora. :Capt. M. Ball Ar. J i ro; 11111. I ,..tis e trfir4. Tbilning Swill, .4 an. S. Willa - wk.: " ROBERT H. IClNArresklint. JNo. r, Jr-NNIN , Vice PrrAdsot. JoS. T. JOIINSTO.', Se,:retall., Capt. U. J. GRACE. General AS.N. ' INSUUY4 ONLIIOALNI TERMS ON ALL SIRE AND MARINE RISKS. PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMFY OFTIOE, X.E. CORNER WOOD A TIFIU WI. A HAM. rompsAy. taking }lre sud Mutsu Auks. matt . ..rota: Wm. realltpe, • 1 Capt.. John L. Klima. Juha,Watt.. lianmel P. Mariam . Jahn R. Parte, I Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brash. I Wm. E. lani, James D. Terser. I Parallel MeCrietass. Wlt. President, JOILIN WATT, tree President. • W. Y. AUDNEII.. Semlag, _ NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY. COIL FRDERAL ST. AND DIAMOND. AUX unßyy. Ana the SECOND NATIONAL RANK W. W. DROWN , . , MARTI ProAldent. JHN Vice Emideot. JA lOW IL STE VEA'SoN. Socrot.T. 1:111101CMILA: lit o m b =44. ?tot, 17 , 1,4:. • 1:=311 - • • PITTSBURGII • White Lead and Color Works, • Schoonmaker Si Son, PROPRIETORS , VAT sAfi all colors Ina AnD IA OIL. OFFICK ARO FACTORY. 450, 42. 42, 42 sod 42 getout Strut, w.r.rrawrsy. • w...n.u..twh to the ournatee boated On oar Strictly Two White lead, andwarn am say pur r carbnnate of lead: .we wean n•cherolanl nano that la true fro.. Mende andlllydnge. or and fan la whiter and reporter. both In col nnd erairMaßD la ben parer carbonate o} Lied "wWbr thm an} to the ynnetonnt •IR forfeit dr.traneb • the. butAn ICERSON, J. & BROTHERS, MI. Liberty AirOet, Dealers in Drugs l . pal. .1.54111 C HEAP STOMFNN AND TINWAILR, UEN,S, t.."AI. SOX VINE OOLONG • TEA..—Jusl rtroGiod • fresh lovutco of extra grate Oolong for Ynnaly use: one Mara the snartsb for sok by Wei:oral or caddy. si she Yansibr arc. 0117 011.10 01 JOILIq A. =YID Corner Liberty •Od P." CEMENT. --100 Atils. Loulsifile dreplle Cement. the beet than. VDT WO la iWgetalniN. IMMO! IT Of Pittsburgh LEAD, DRUGS, du) I=l UM M I_
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