rzrAnclAL. GOLD, SILVER, co - upo_Ns Bought• at Highest Price. 'H. R. HERTZ, BANK MR. Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave. T. Brady & Co., =I Corner Fnunh Avenue and Wood Street - BANKERS, y AND 54,1,1. ALL KINDS O) Governinent Securities, Goth, SILVER AND COUPONS, ' MCFT FAVQItABI) TERSN. - Interest Allowed on Deposits. I:.n.ined Governroent Wald, .1. TtlE rtin c llAS. • .1..131ES I'. 1311A1»- THE DAILY GAZETTE, MONEY AND COMMERCE illy Trlegntrlt to Pitt:burgh Gazette.) N4liv Vona, Mar 14. 1610 . . • 'Firt radon movement for the week shows a gre3l decline In receipt s.a hielt were at all ports yla r. bales: exports were heavy. amounting to 61.264 bales. Stocks are declining, and t heken era! trade of the city has Seen irregular dur ing the week. Rosiness In produce on a mod erate scale; fluctuations lut.e not been Mr. Portmit, except In few articles under the Ina - nice of tpeculation, such as .cotton, pork, whisky, petroleum. naval stores and hope. Money easy at 401.3 per cent. on call. with ex ceptions at 3 per rent. The bank statement Is favorable; the banks hold overt..M.ooo,oJo above the legal reserve:- Loans t.74t,M.. 314. increase 1 41 . 133, 64 1 1; specie tia.'44 , 63,906. Incmse $144.1.17; circulation 331.=3410. decrease slso.rdl; de posits tt.`, increase E:s.' 0a0.101; legal tender. 3•67,147.005, decrease g1e.3240.11K1. SetrTrestsdry receipts V..4.ree4lin for customs, and disbursed 3.2.:M1.2.11 for rob Interest. SdtVillisnge:ilt;•et at , ' aitsV ' n r t ce l n ll , '.. touched 1144. and closed at 11Cs , i - t 11414. Carrying rates w e re per cent. The clenmces were $51,000,000; exports for to-day, VS' P.tag. and for Week galll,l=. -la stmug; coupons of 'NI. 17a11 , .: 12101/2,11;; do. '64, 11'sall , :: do. '45, Ila 1 , -; do. new, Wial4t.; do. 111. 11".014!.; do. 'oe, IX/tale s ; 10.40'5. Sanlh; currency a's. 124n/31.:. • State Londe tlmn , Missonris. 01; old Tenors l•gee, asty; new, &HQ; old North Carolinas, Prri. Stocks weak- and unsettled. COMMOileee Vanderbilt has in f orm he Stock Exchange that the Ilar/ern Company will. , on the lath of June. Issue 3XIIOO new shares of common stock for the expense of it new passenger depot. 4 Xenton. 71e Cumberland. 423 i; Western Caton Telegraph. MN; Quicksllver,lo; Marino., nM; do. prerd.. 17 5 - ; Hartford and Erie 55: Adams Express, a - d.,; Welts , 145; American. 42; United Stolen. 45.‘; Pacific Mall, 311 X; - New York Central, MI; Scrlp, 96 , 1; Erie. =l4': do. prerd. 60 asked; Harlem Ill; do. .11Hatturgb. 1011; , North Western, :Plc do. Iltfnois Control 1523;; pref'd., RAH Rhode Inland, 193; New Jersey Central. 10ina: St. Paul, ON; do. preF.L. at Wabash. 511..:: do. prertil. 73; Fort Wayne, OM; Terre Haute, NS; do. prerd.: dI, , X; Chi cago and Alton. 113 U; do. prerd'. 1141,;,• Ohio andlllssistelppl.37N.; Dutmene. 101: St. Joseph HlLS:4lyrlington and Quincy, 15 . *"5; Iron Moun '°".. , . • Boston prices: Calumet. 'GS; Copper Falls. :l: Franklin. 2: Imports fort Reh e cta week: . NO: QuinDrc3- G y lelrf. General Merchandise. $1,7a1N17. Rub-it - vinare balance: fold VIL4414.111:1; Cur rent,' $O,-4.0t?.. General bnlanee mit+l.Kr;. • OFEICZ or Pirreurnon GArrerr., r. t l Arcitnsr, May 14, 1e11). Closing quotations 'as received, try Ph. It Mertz: Gold , • :Inlet - lean . -- Silver. .. "Weittern Cnion.. IMI Rondo. 1111 a N. V. Central... 101': Rondo !sail ..112 Heading. Minds Itett...lll3d NFL. W. & C • . ot :14.1J Honda 1fe61.:.111.14 uhbk Nina 3/'. Conao/a 186.5 tkmlttern... sk) Donde 18tn...114 Cleveland .t P... 14% 15-.33 Bonds ' C. IL 1. ..t P 10-10',,, . ~ Chicago & N. W.. :ON Adanni Expresa.. M l / 4 C. .t. N. W. Pref... xei Merchant. U. Ez.. 4.33 i Erie I .. l ...Exehaare per paned 5. .1 Paris Exchange perPranc "" Berlin Exchange per Thaler ® Ns Frankfort Exchanre pernorin 48 48 Central Pacific It. IL Bonds tC tO Union P. B. L. Bonds • 84 Na ' Closing quotations as received by James T. Brady A: Co: Gold ... 54.)1Ja0.kiy.1861. 5-11.1nn..1eJy.1P87 `. P. 1..'.71 Ise! - rzh 1533./an.6-.Jy. 143.) U. S. 54.13 !WBl U. IT. P. R. lI S. b-711845..... C. P. Ft ...... U. S. 1041 It Cy. Pacltlcs I= Ort:tde or,Prrrsormiti GAzt. - rrE, SATURDAY, MAT 11, li7o. RETIEW RIR THE WEEE. The oil market has undeignne more changes thin week . than during any preceding week this year, though what - is Still more remarka ble. is the fact that there has been little or no excitement. During the early part •of the week the market was remarkably stiff, refined for May selling up to :59.1 . , and dealers were sanguine that It would gu to Mc: i.ubsequently. however, the monthly report iu regard to the production made Ito appearance, showing a large increase in April as compared with March. and, as might be expected, the mar ket tuned down immediately, and the ad vance established during the early part of the week was almost entirely lost. Crude drop ped a full cent, and even at this reduction. the demand is by no means urgent, ns buyers generally predict n still further decline. To day the feeling appeared to be somewhat tot ter: though prices are not, quotably higher. yet there did not appear to be the came din- Position to self: the market is very sensitive and unsettled, and It la not likely that bw,i nese will Improve much until confidence has been somewhat restored. Thus far this year the oil trade here has been unusually free of speculation, and while, as we have already noted. prism have fluctuated considerably this Week there were good and legitimate causes for these fluctuations—it was ut the. mutt of manipulations, nan freinently the ease In NW. The inquiry for, refined comes almost entirely from exporters, and the demand is restricted, mainly to the near mouths, and. consequently, there are but com parativelyg few s and ales of lines ." Last sear lon lines oo many of them h r an very - popular, but so g far d this year there ag been very little of this kind of business done. . . Receipts Crude this week. 17011 bids: last week. 1 . .1.4311; January Ist to date. 110,961; same time last year :U.IXL Exports of refined this rack, 16..%6; hurt week, 1M4 1: from Januarr let to date. 171.101; same time last year. 1.5.311. Sales this week. 40.900 bids crude; . 21,500 bids refined; last week, L'l,s(l)bbls crude; 6,210661 s refined. ' • . CRUDE. As already Introduced.. appeared to be a shade atronger. though not quotably higher-- no sale* reported. May or seller OD days, • quated at 12; buyer June or July 124 bid; July toDecember, 13; and buyer all year KW. DEPEND',. Also. moo reported a shade firmer to-day, though without Important change In prices, and eery quiet. Sale 1.000 bbla flat July at WM; 1.000 Ist half same month, at 27M; and 1.000 .ach . June and July at ~ May quoted . at ^1 June to August.= bid; July to Deem' bar August to Dectuber. Ler.mrs e ClLCDT: A 11 Mills FO. on account ie Bartle; Johnsen .t.P . 03, on account Thor, Chess; II W C Twad dle OR On account That Chem; J Wilkins 321. on account Phila and Roston Pet Co; Tares tum Oil Works 210, on occonnt P Hutchinson; Fisher 8r0..500, on account L W youn g; J.„ Wilkins 100, on account A S Palmer: Penn 011 Works /10, on account .7 II Barbour. .; Total 1,1:73 bbit. ()IL 81I1P/ILSTI , PDit A. O. IL It. • National Keening - Co., 210 bbls ref. oil to Warden. F. 3: Co.. Phila. , Lockhart. F. & Co.. 51a bids ret. oil to War den. F. S Co., Phila. Montsheirner. K. A Co., 100 'bbls ref. oil to Waring., K. & Co.. Phila. H. Koehler & Co., 100 bids ref. oil to Waring,. K. & Co., Mita, McKelve Bro.& Co.. :07 bbls ref. oil to Lo ran Bro. k Co. Phlla. J. A. McKee. 100 hbla refined oil to Logan • Bro. & Co.. Mira. J. W. Alexander.= bbls ref. oil to A. It Me i/tall. Phila. Citizens 011 Co.. 210 bbla relined oil, to Tack Bros.:Philadelphia, Total 12112122 eIIiCLNK.4II. May 111.--Flour unchanged. Wheat oteady at 51.10111.11 for No.:7.mnd $1.12. 1.11 for No. 1 red. Corn easier. with macs at Stal.fe , (bits steady at :InaSac. Whisky dull at $1.07a1.08 for old process made. and patent made offered at $l.OO. Ness pork firm. and "held at Paklit.Z. There loan a '-tire demand ter bulk meats , closing at 12.0 for aboulders. li 15Xaletse for sides, and but little offered. Bacon Is in good demand: shoulders sold at Mc. aides / 0 1.11 Xe. Sugar cured hams are held M 18 , 4 a Dc. and are In good demand. Lard Is held at lake. flutter dull at V.a.loa for fresh: Eg gs are In demand at 15c. Lin ,eed oil n fair Jobbing demand at $l.OO. Lard oil Inlet and un_chanfiad. Cheese 13aC.ic. (t o ld DO. buying. Exchange steady at par buying. 'money market easy. Dry Goods Mariam. NEW y ollii , May 14.—Market Inactive, yet there le no important change In staple go/yd. apart from passe styles of Sierrinuse fancy mad Whims prints and Hamilton prints , which ara offered la small quantities at reduced fuiees, while new Styles WO arm at old rates. Maw, drills depressed and unsettled. Heavy brown heating, Orm at liCalk for best southern and Callen]. Fi= Pirrnactinn QA7.LTrc, I SA - rgutag. 11, fro. f •- busingss vtaltinlit., rather slow. but this le nearly always the case this season of the year. and, not withstanding there has been and Is still ssmsiderible growling and con, ,Aaaug. l• t nit trade genet aliy bus !seen up to the usual standard this spring.- It Is ten., there tin's linen no speculating. and the operations in nearly all of the !ending art Icles hens been el consumptive and leatim.ite character, but, after all, there has been a fair whittle of Wisingss in the aggregaje. the ship nnenwf Pittsburgh manufactimers, both west d south. lal,Vo been heavy: both .hydt all and riser, mid utlr iron tan have succeeded' in re. claming:a tra.l deal of the trmie lost during the "stops" and tikes - of tmq. L. i in.irked. the other day. these is not no much complaint in regard to t ht. volutni! of !fiestas.. I . nil there is a good Beat of complaint, aud with gout' reason. too, about wadi margins: the ampetition in !fenny branches of business is so strong, that goods are sometimes said at cost w a erystatn advance thereon. No ob jections is made to au honorable compet it ion. It IS all right. teal ,le , olol I.e earmintgral, according to the old adage, - it Is the life of [lads , ' fed dot unfromently sere mean itil•a- Slag, an• ',oriel to by one hoo=tstab a View of catching the C11%0.411.1, OF another. ASH -Firmer in the east tint unchanged her-. Common :soda, 4; relined, 4c: Peagis, Pt.; Pots. Continue quiet and unchanged and the seasonis rapidly draw Ing to it close. We cant Inn. , 111 q.t.' t per bid. 1111 - rint- Is no improvement, in the dentand, and as might be expected. th!. mar iiet is sere doll and prices drooping. We nosy qteae at _ton 'Li, fear gOl, l l to •trlctly fresh yell. • 111.:AN,‘ Ihlll awl we nulto... tom utiotution, to t.1.N4.4 440 r 144144.1. /NI 4 , l UN- 1,11411 but michanged, hi et 4.p, pound. Cli Ntarket awl unchanged - dealers ard .11170111 , to work off their 44141 ...lock. and the 444. w. is' scarcely in marketable Condition. New Ohio (Iwthen t. 4 11101Cli lit 1:•;..e . ?!11% and New York at Itit.At O.IIIIION -.ln is Jobbing web' mac lee quoted at 1:1'... , 4g1. and in moan lots at 251•4.1)4. fhunand COUNME.II.--Qulet. and unchanged. 1+3,1/4 per bushel. BUILD FRIIT —Market quiet and e, changed. Apples tif47 cts; Peaches ea.: fo n r waters. and aif-lt for halves. Blackberries. I+ll led Cherries. attifilll. fifitiS —Demand rather better. and no can reitVVAlleYllellittirrltesn'sAlti3eU'lt II rte. steady local demand. but fthe arrivals are Increasing - aml the supply Is (slip up to the home trade. We eont into+ to quote western flouts+, In store. at $.... , :5tt3. 3 . 1 for spring 'wheat; .3+3,75ita ('Sr inter wheat. and SiSi t( for fancy brands. 'yenottr. nrin nl ss'4, I; IBICERIThe grocery trade appears to is. slacking off somewhat though this Is equally the Cone at this. season of the year. In prices there are no etlallgri to make. but the feeling. particularly in Sugars and Coffees. Is not so strong. BRAIN—The offerings of whent continue light, and with a good milling demand the market is ram. though prices are unchanged; H.15i41411 for real and If I=ite.l.lo for white. Oats stronger and higher; and strange as it Inns. seem, rotmdlots are worth as much. if not more. than small lots will bring in store. We are reported sales to go east at 53 and 54. and we doubt it any nsbre could be realized • far a wagon load. Ciimoalso. Is firm and scarce and tending upWard; In the absence of sale, We eont lone 10 qinde nt It to is; for-ear and 90 to tli for shelled. live Is firmer but not gm - alibis. higher. 113 to 41. cash and time. though wg did hear of one cash buyer offer ing Itarley them is little or nothing do- In - HAT -Continues very 4%1 with offerings somewhat In enreun of tho demand. but prices are nominally unchanged; $1112:1 1 . LARD 011.-Extra No. 1. $1312.1:31. and No. 2. pals ' POTATOES -Continue exceedingly dullopol the supple although not large. 7 seerns to be oansideribly in excess of the demand.' We continue to i lisle nt 3Yx4O per bushel.. PR. ISION:7.- Demand moderatebutYriees remain unchanged. Plain Shoulders, EP•htlah; :41g:sr - Cured do. 11 1 .0714 h.; Itlbbtst Side, Short Rib. l:: Sugar, Cured l'anNsivi 10%P.1101.. Lard. in !lentos. I'l.h in kora, Mess Pork. SEEDri--No movement in Clover iir Timothy Seeds no the miason Ls virtually over. Flax seed is in steady demand at VLIS. and , mind lot would tirobilly bring V.Z.V. 1111 K UV TELEGR.IIII. • ' Nirm. York. Nl.' YORK. May 11.--Cotton dull and heavy: haler 1:111 bales middling uplands at 2it'sc. Hour: reccelps IttiVa lads. Flour dull and Kt. 10c loiverisales.l.SXll,lils at $4.14)10.10 superfine State western. $7.1d7t11 extra State and west er.. s.sfilerrn,ll white wheat western extra. E. 215,1-1.74 shipping extra round hoop Ohio. .50iiii.:75ra dte hands do.. $.5.75ari extra St. s4.lildschoice do. Eye flour 'toady': sales lads at $4.50et.5.75. Corn inealquier. Whisky unchanged with ttles.lso tibia at $1. 11 9 o.l.lo.lWhent: receipts In= hash. Wheat dull and declining; sales 3,000 hush id $l. - .:! prime No. ilMilwatikee. fix 0 - 0.31 w inter red and amber western. $lOl7, I.si prime toy choice white State. Itye nominally auch ver anged Barley In fair demand: sales of 5.1.11 bushel Canadianat 1t!h49. - ... Corn:receipis duish, corn dull :mil IC w it h 1111,01111 lit1111:tt inferior to, lilac. new mixed wistern. 51.10 for western reeeints bash outsmore :wine hat iniehanged, with sales 72.090 bush at or,:erse b.r western It, store nail delivered: 7i1i1.751e for Ohio and "State. Itice• xleadY at flay in fair demand and un changed. Hops quiet at 111::52.4,'": for American. Leather: hemlock sole fairly active at 9ri2lllr for Buenos Ayres and Lilo Grande. Wool In buyers' favor. with soled xOll 11 lb+ nt 3745.100 for domestic Ile _ tice 10412 e for ladled. Coal quiet and unchanged. Coffeeand MO IMF, quiet. Sugar ithribli/C-- Petroleumst, steady at hie for crude:owl -.bit: for mined. Turtientine itt 11qµ.0 for alcohol and Valid:Ll:Si for manufactured. Copper steady and unchanged. Ingot dull at EQ.llisse for lake. Pig Iron in iiirSierate demand. with sales at 1:11.700.:E for ,catch, and $317r31 for American. liar iron dill at $75 for relined English and American.' Sheet iron quiet at 10A41.111: gold for Russia. Nails more active at 45, it 1 0. cot 5,.R.5.:t. and clinched Ness pork arm: sales of 900 ails nt s2li.e'ff 29.75. closing at tri,7o7 - Beef steady, with sales of 290 bhls at lErillGe for (Hain mess. and IliTslxc for extra mess. Reef hams quiet: sales of 170 ibis at SLS:E3I. Tierce beef firm; sales of 205 tierces at Ma.% for prime mean, and Kll for India me,. Mirldleii quiet and Urnl. Cut- mxammovtam=mon for I+ houlders. and PM2l;c (or hams. Lard un changed. Hotter firm at IlW.iJfo for Ohio. Cheese quiet at avl.l.lc. Freights to Liverpool dull and declining_ Lato4.— Flour closod- doll at Xcllle ismer. Wheat dull and.in buyer% favor: N 0.2 spring at sl.ltvi.4l.=: winter red and amber western ltre nominal. flats steady at tine for a;entern stoic. tarn dull at rIIZEK/41.12 fur allied western. Pork firm. mess held at .fai. with Ntyers at C th. Beet find an d good deinand. ainenta quiet and Ono. Bacon nominal. Lard quiet at 101,kc for prime steam. Ego steady at PAS,- - 11Un lE= Cnteano, May 14.--,Exchange on changed. Flour quiet unchanged. Wheat 11.ed41 tor 'No 2. closing at Otte. torn firmer. closingat StO, 0.883.ic tot No 2. Oats heavy, closing at 49% , a, Mk for No 2. Rye quiet. closing at the for No 2. Harley dull and nominal, low forNo Ighwines firth and sternly, 11,116 for wood and $10; for iron bound. Provisions artier and higher. MeS3 pork elo.l at tfitcr=l:l cash and buyer May. Lard held rat layie. Dry salt ed shoulders 111;Q:12c.. Receipts tor, the past 24 boom: 4.359 !Ails flour. M,(0) bush wheat. 7;.1 , 00 Lush ..ore, 3Y.810 bush oats. 2.^7 bush r3-e. bush barley. 4475 hogs. SfiTionents: 7.-10 Ws. floui, 73.%1 hush Wheat. KASS bush corn. 3.050 bush oats, 1X43 bush rye. 6.11R0 bush barley, 1.315 hog.. Freights quiet and an changed. Cattle quiet. steady ned firm; 1240W= for common toextra beeves. Hogs active: $5,85t9.37,H for light to extra. sit. Louts. ter. lanqs. Mar 14.--Tobacco active at full prices. Cotton Arm;sales at 2lkiCtalc. Gem). Is firm: sales at tl4ll/1.:15. Flour steady F 4.25 for fall superfine, X at $1...50e4J10. XX /Kt. Wit, family brands $01.4.7 - 0. Wheat unchang ed: So 2 spring tea% No 2 red_ fall $1.12kie..1,15, choice SiiiM.l.4o. Corn Orineri l chines mixed and yellow at Ineatl. fancy t o yellow SIX. prime to fancy white Oats arm nt....a.lit&lc. Rye quiet at tCktalc. Whisker Is firmer at KOS.. Groceries quiet and unehanced. Provisions quiet and morn doing at r 2,5033/ fur pork; for loose; dm salt shoulders 157'c. do clear rib LL: packed shims rib 1:11.,c; ACM' rib. hike:clear lk; bacon: shoulders lilUc-for clear rib, likle for clear sides. Lord qulet i at 16 , 41 , 1„tic In a small way. Cattle better arid grades stiff and higher prices range W:49). hogs unchanged at dari for ligght to heavy. Receipts: floui, 36400 !ibis; wheat 15.0) bus).; corn WiAOl3 bush: oats S i ts:Abash: rye MO bush; hogs 100 head. Clerelen'd. CLEvgLapn, Nay Flour .—i n tiur Arm and un changed. Ityn our ste ly and unchanged. Wheat lower; No. I red m ered at MIN. but buyers are holding MT: No. , s red at glinl.2). Corn quiet; choice now Mined Ink; Nn. I yellow held at 9tlr,. Oats - steady at tgle Ng No. I state Itye quirtgnil held at teeitgl. Barley dull and nominal. Petroleum quiet and leas gm. with sales renned at gle; ear lots and un der at 24,, , , , fr.5r; erode lower and held at }-5,40 per Wit Nen Oi•brans. • NKW 01ILE1NR. May 13: -Flour limier. super PLN)34.7.1; XX ss.lt/a....r0: Xxx f 4.17146.00. Corn: white R 1.34. Oats ;gr. Hay dell : River bay Ft. Louis INIHZIT. Other •art eleg unchanged: Whisky $1,741.1.1a. Sterling 4 €''''• • ew Outrage. May IL. -Flour nt 'Lai 9•41.75. Corn don. white RIXKLLNK. Oats lower at 70a72x. Henn .1.40. Hay quiet. prime. t $26. gime. pork is lower at gal. Hamm shoulder* laNe, clear rib ITN•c. clear Odes IsHc. SWl•ef rued Imam at lidirdLl9Mc. Lard: tierce lar•kg!lHic. keg PiNaMr• "g ar ' Whisker SI,INPL 17N C Prime EINc. giolassm: twlmo reboiled at Mc. • Prime " =CM • I.outtivii.Le. Mar'.t.ku. If.—cotton weak and r: lowe middlings }lour $.l Corn Irregu lar: sales at 11.31102.• Wheat sl4trikigl. Oats ;tic, Rye fl. Pork 131. liar lower: choice tlt2o. Provisions firm withan yard ten dency. York *4l. Bulk meats 12 .1( 1 601 , 110. Bacon j3 ,, ,e.17F0T8e. Lard MC. iekv.l.oel. Tohnecue sober 261 hhda at rotCYBA for fronted t o lug, t 1i,:n077,24 low to good leaf. 1.80.1 bbl Baltimore. BAINII , IOIIE. May dull and VIRIPt: receipt. large; Rafensuperfine, at $.5.1:8ei..17. IVbent firm for Marylmui at 1 1.:50el.kl: Penn ,fraula Anil al ti.:r79.1.1.3. Corn dull white $1,8r,h1.23 and - yellow # 1 .1 .r0,1i. Batt firm xt Ode. l'rovii.lone hem end unchanged. Whisky very Ail Iron bound $1.10; wood sl,ou; patent $1,0.. Philadelphia PHILAVELPHIA, May 11.—Flour more active with Nor' hwextern extra family at Ufajon,oo : Ohie ss.7,@,nxi. Wheat in fair demand with western red at sl.:Cial.4o. nye unchanged. Corn steady with mixed at $1.12. Oats limier with titate at atßak. Petroleum lower with crude at 19, , 5e: refined Whisky steady at $1.111e.1.11 for Iron bound. . M f ,y • IL—flour quiet nod ntently. Wheat A and a shade lower for N 0.." white Wa bash; $1.30 for Itio. I white . Michigan; Si for amber Michigan: sl,l7tic for N 0 . 2; red $1.17. Olga quiet nod unchanged for No. I at eoc. RA:trip! 5: flour 700 bbls; wheat 7,a00 bush; corn 3,330 bunt oats 3.71) bush. Nflinstake4 14 tLIFAVIKEL, April 14.—£1Our dull city XX Vaeat weak M VAX for IS o. /.90Xa PITTSBURGH , DAILY GAZETTE : • MONDAY. MORNING, MAY 16, 1870 for No 2. Oats dull at for :Co 2. Corn and barley nominal. Rye easier at 777 , :e for No. 2. Freightelinelianged. Receipts—Flour. 4,0. , Wit, wheat: bush. Shipment:. -- Floor. IMO bbls; ‘VII,At; Ji41.0.70 hush. OEM • MEMPHIS. May IL—Cotton dull at — `:'4e; le :Sill hales; exports. la - z bales. Flour o r ru ”nhettletlat flat Oats dull at lk. Ilay du!! tiriln soiree fit Pork dull at It3l. Lani :a Risley. itmeon dull; shoulders 12h and tides lifit.ltst. DETROIT. AIITD /lola fir 11l n ith .1 deoom.l. W Rent firtn..r; extra *h7 , l). N.,. I}l.lo. reEolar SI. ,amber Con, flat, 0i11467, Barley: NI) 1 SERE sl.al IP^r rental. rut at neg . . c. • _ •-• • • Art* (Mean, Nt.,w OIdEAN•i, Mas• It—Cottonquiet and limn middlings 22. 4 41 . .-27 i; .teg L E I bales, recalpt%l.:Cl.l. exiad - v• :0 Great Britain stock Ind,aa• = Prirsuato;a, F. dm 10.arsa: am) (Ilica)))) 1 4.3 1 ,..1) 1 W1 1 .,31113' 11.--1:00)kgs lard. bbls lard " 1 " )) )3'4':' l 3" .1; 10 hates.h bbjck. 115 - nrard & Emerson; 5 pkgs candles. I .1 Lawrence. 1 1 bales broom corn. 10 1. Hut/bank 5 bbl, brancle..l F Fine), rot :3/ hi bbl, 1111). F 1 dth .0 Hall; 50 bbis alcohol. Hostetter & entitle I hs Istroti, 101wtal 0, II & ED bbis non, Dan Wnllnee; i(11 (1.0 do, owner; 30) do do. Seltoteaker Langenheint: 1011 di) do. owner, :t Wigs whlsk .1 (0 310(irew • 21.1. s butter. Volo. 31:11))0 . 01 & (1); all oil 1)1;ls. Johnston •& I• , 5 lon boner, Stool pro: 110 lolls, boon). 1) 31 . alchett & 011:2;tot sks oats. EAR & 23 lON 13•111 handles. (V 313r/tort: II bales t wine. II Ilerwig .0 2.1) sks oats, Schnel bach & Heal: 47 bdls shovels. Myers & 0) lor. pails, Dilworth, 11 & )1 tubs bolter. :11 bas cheese, N .1 Dradett: IS I,s, w 01)3,1' Ilini "'"11 & Sons: 5 Ibis whisky. 11i11inFrr, & Steven son: 12 less cheese. Woodworth & I); 1:10 half 1,01:. herring". r". Ste, ensott. 03 / 5 (:011. .1 , 1 1 l'lrrsnt• • ItAil.nom, 151 , 11,30. May It. '• ears ore. Dilwort h. P .0 Po: 5 do 111,11.. Niniirk & I'w 10 do I s ore. E ohm Iron Mills:2,lo metal. Chess. 1.4110) 11 & 5): I do 11, Moorhead .0 151: I ha me/Heine. Hart's 0 IlwInc: 25 1,1,1- oil. W Wilson & 1 . 0; has stay/ h, Rinehart .o'l l ll,oloo 1 ca_r grind stone. I.lpploron & Bak., e 11; 1 1 .1100 ft 1111013er. I loot h.O Spoon 05 ni shingle». 5,1111 fl Itlntber. Sim. .0 elude:: lot furniture. 10-11erger:..25 hdis broono)..l l'onnor: 21 41:s rye. Mellenry & flood: 2 Nils sacks. Rose .0 Ewing; 211 1/1,10 alp PR , V. 324. 31 ,1 ro: 5 bills o meal. Ed II male tow 2 sk- ra,. I keg butler. It Peet:2 Ithls whisk • - A II 3lrGrew & Co; sks oat, 0 bbla Nutt.Drahain 0 31or011111 177 sks IV .1 Meek:2 can st one../ 1.1, 11 nos; I/01s baron. .01 w ell .1 Lee: 2S sit, oat)), Grahnin & 31. Prrrsnuantf CiStassart Aso Si. Loch; Italtattlan, May H.-78 two roe. 17 do barley. dooms. S 1100.1: 11:i do do, E-Shields; :at Ithls steel,' keg do, Singer. N. Co; 3 wagons. 9 00Vers.,W SWIM, & Co; 2. ears Moe, - W Hastings; I do .10..1 Palmer S Son; I do oats. McHenry & AO/ bblf whisky. J Pinch & Co; 'Alt es hone, 10.1 bbl, hour, Watt, I. & Co; 5 blab! alcohol, II I. Fnhnestock & .Co; y ton beef. E 410 do. EII Myers .0 Co;'1 cask snap.. 11 rnIT: 3 bbla eggs. Cra ord. ighead; hgo s MOW, &A; 4 lobo l W nankin & Km; 24 born flour. Meanor & Al lags onto. Bricker & Co; 40 do d W 1.1 Hagan; do do potatoes. 0 311110 m a bgs barley . . till tore. S St'o;:k; do do. Robb & II; 1 ear wheat. It T Kennedy & Boo; I do do, S W Bonsgwrder; Ido lumber. II Schmidt; i to staves. N I' Adams Bro; H 9 hg, ram It Christy; bbl, nil. 3 rases lard. 1 lon candles. Volgt.. NI & Co; 3 bb's nil, C Able; 5 ton d beef. 'Reese °Wens: 75 ten halos. I do beef, J H Parker; 170 hgs rye, W J Meek. Prrignl:ll6ll AND (70,043.LgVILLE 11911,.. noon, May 11-40 ska oats. D. Wallace; 46 boo wheat, 2.19 do oats. Scott. A flbsal; 3 bble 74 sks scraps. H.yeler & Co; 48 Mils high wines, IV 3lcCully, Jr & Co: 9 wills leather, II Anderson; 35 bgs oats, Scott & 0; al bbls whisky. Dilllnger A Stevenson:ll pkgs leath er. D Chestnut & =ll bbls paper. Smith & Francis; 1 Mil tallow. A Wilson A CO; 3.1 bbl( cement, Brockett & Co; 6 bbls m sugar. Volgt. 91 A l'Al; 11 , rolls leather, A E 31eason: 15 eke rags. It Christy; .5 blilittretnent. W II Nnntker A Son; 75 do do. Hartman A Eckel . ; 8 rolls leather. Junker Ili; 24 sits neite. IV Welsh & Co: 50 eke wbent. J S Liggett & Co; 49 bbls whisky. Little & 3lechling A tr.. !tax V Vg MEV 1iA11.1111.11,. Nov 1(.-IL' eke potatoes. Canfield A Kt 91 do note. It do wheat, 7110 eye. 7 do cons. Scott A-0; 2 lib's eggs. I box butter.' II Klingensmith; I roe grain, W J Meek; I do do. Culp A S; I do lime. Henderson A (Inn 1 6hl eggs. I. .1 Illanehard; 2 do do. 2 kits hinter, Ern ggerinnn. A 0; 1 roe Ilint,ll. 31e Knight & Co; 3 do do. J 31norhead0- do stoll, 1317.11:11; 1 130 511, IlenderSollS, Co; 5 rolls leather, Seibert A 11.- Al.J.Witr2, STAI - 1 , ,g, Nay 11. cars um. Lewis. Bailey A Dairen; 'car ore, Opang.si Co; roe Mintier. C Taggart; Ido rye. lap Shepank i car lumber. L Walters A 1 ,, hide.. 1 MIL tallow. A Hielstine; eY,,, do nets, 90 tills flour, It Knox A Son; 1 car cooperage, J N Hemphill; 1 do do. Italyn A H. cc= 11r.skv8 nraLE. May sks corn. Mellen, A 11:25 ale 1/1/Is. .1W Mi IL-113 tts. 180 ks whent..f S Liggett A Co; 7 Irv. ego. / 1 Itg's d kg. do, 111 Baird: :81 aks oats. Mc- Cracken. C. & Co: 1 bbl cps, S Elserhnrd: 142 sks oats. W Welsh Co; L bhl. eggs. Votgt. 01 A Co: 1118 As oats. 11 do corn. 0 Ilrown: 121 do do. 311.1k/ne:.o A: 13 /4, corn. 1 box eggs. Kroner. 11 A Co; U bales hay. S It Patterson: 31448 rats. W Welsh A Co:3 bbl. flour. 8 bales Cample/11 A C. i'ry.rsetr mat. BROWNSVILLE ... 7OO GESEPA' PACSaZ CiINIPANY. Mar 14.-1811 bss w glass. it C Setonert 4:: 1/1.1/. ayele, 31 W nankin: 71 ski corn . John/Lon 31eFarland: log corn. Campbell 1'; 664 galls s ware, WII 17110 per On 24 Intles hay. 111 Carlislt; Id sks oats. S Stephens; 5.1 tills S board, Il C Kneeland:93/11ms w ginse..lohn Flack: 5 bbls eraekers. Kroner A Kohn. RIVER PACKETS. NIIIIOAG %UM% lIIIVEII. THE FLEET STEI 31 ER _ .0 .41 - --• B E LE. J: W. nCUfI: - .. Independrill Pittsburgh, Brownsville and Geneva Packet Leavo. Hlet .loan o "re MonnaM-ein Bridge ... , .. 3 , 1; . : 1 11 , 31 , A Y.l 1,11 . 10, , 1.A and SATIat . . . oirrr Freight and l'it.e,hger. V , ail the .11,nonguln•la river. f rolght ..rrnonn.f..apPlT•misso 4 ..4nt l\ hurt nt (0.4 .4 titan; sorrt SAM% PATTERSON. Ag.nt. ==l F ° le l gt . cl i' * ( ) ! TlA' k T L lTLl! —The eanmla rfiaasenemr ..earner IK.VLIAA ea Jame. 3leneen. alert, fit ( leave fo r r the aboveonmaandcr. and Intermediate parts THIS 11AT. Mar IS. at 4 P.a. For freight Cr 10n1.43111T apply on Intel or m mill FLACK COLLIM:Ve OW). Agent, OR ST. LOUIS. r 1,1181:QUE AND nne It.nanFer Manmer SATAN% A . Capt. Hammes, lyare for the ^lsere and Intermediate ports on SATU RDA V. Nay 14th. MELEE! VOIL EY .1 NS VI f er m A T . , m A a ;p_ t r , T. 17 .1 the PlelolGf WILD DUCK, And Barges Swan and Dove, -J. W. ANAWAI.T clf ARLES ADAMS. C"" 1 1 1:gt WI . II tear,' as announce 4 atop,. nw freight uppll t. , Will. .111 G. IL Co_ m Agent, Orr through bingo( lading tn. oOr .nd It landings on the M 1.21.9100 and MIS woo,' river, myth CINCINNATI. VOR I'OitTSMOUTH isCINNATI.—TIse nevinot 5p14;n414 •tramer GRANITE STATE, IMEEM will Ipare. (or the •horr, mut IntenUrthhie pate 1 , 1111M1 . . May 13th. at 4 P. ts. Fur freight or pamaßo apply on board. or In = ntyl, Agra. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE new and rplendt I 6141 c-whee l. jl4 l , r i;;it creamer T N I _A-T.2X_, Min a kW Vinr,flk.`:":4 - r im: I gA p z. . fr p n r : will leave elnelonatt IMMIt i " .51 ' .1N- Y"r freight "r J r AISYNI'OI.UNS. Arnnte. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE. The now end splendid* trn able-wheels Jimer A lIL O INUTN. DANIEL 3100 RE. Master. A. R. RIMPARD. Clerk. I PlDeburgh fur Cluelnuntl every TUESWAY et 11 3L prnmptly. Retuming.leuresCineinnstifor Pi tlx. rgb. et II 31. ever, PRI DA E. Fnr freight, passage, or ottmr Infdinnation. •pply on board or to JA511 , 41 COLLINS. fol FLACK h. COLLINOWOOD.:Ageets. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS. TONVN. - THE INMAN dIALL HlNA.llBlllrltuntherlogedeteen first- a= delis reseed, emend' them the colder/I led CITY OD PA me. CITY Or ATWUNP, city odyr HoSTO.N. l:ITY Or BALTIMORE. CITY or LONDON. F.11.Y13.111 RDA Y. fr.= Plor 43 North Itl yer. Turk. Fur pnosage or farther Informa tion apply to WILLIAM ,lIIIIGIIADI, Jr., = FLOUR p EARL STE.ti FLOURING MILLS. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO., IT= mManufacturers of the following celebrated brands °t antrums Brand an aQuasd Pl.ty &sr Blue Brand. A N o. zutru E.. Floor Out Rives entire satisfaclon : I Mar Bed Brand. arood >amity Flour, superior to &nett( Use M sato. grads I r epa market. - I Noma, vrainatuttol as eon. April tie. IWO. RIVER NEWS The river continues to recede so•adily at this point with aim feet Sim inch, in the cluumel last evening, It is reported Ilutt there in tohe'another opposition boat placed in the Mononga hela ri ce: MON llnmilton and are-the pilots en the Hate ICltut:dn. 'flip wild Duck bargea, I 'aid. Atiawalt, are announced for St. Louis. Slu• will take Metaphiti and New Orleanti (might,' also Tin• Messenger, l'ittbburgh to St. 1.01111.1, vnx dl retirn'on Friday. also the I.ln loons Simpson lime., and 'Horrid,. Cell ‘'o[ got *23..:i110 !lon likol% i, trill centred for another Iron! . The N. iltarles arrt, et( Di eire t• - clock. m. ou Saturday and upend again the .111.• evening. The Kate Putnam left far Nashville nr Sat ortlity evening with n fair trip null err. tint-temente. MOW, inrhtdiug 2,500 hogs nails sit \P heeling. The l3i!l.•vernou frum St. Loi lit mum yeslerdny IS 1111 e. fr i,i cilwitumij 14 , 11;ly and mi urn lIS tmunl 10morrow lit m.m. lii. Belle arrived from I 11111,Va on Fri 'lnc night with 0 good freight trip and (mite n iiiii kilwr nf. pasiaingera. She - re. turned RS ~anal an SAlllrdfty eve n ing. The ii.ll‘llll, 1 . 110 . 11/111:, 1111111111111.111:1111 for St. Limit; forthwith, mid iiitt,ti•stgitrs uud ttltiittiont should hear Thin in 11111111. —We i•lip the following, particulars in regard to the accident to the I lasgow nt Louisville, from the Cincinnati . (.metre: dust after midnight on 'Miami:iv, in passing out of the I ottisvillo Cnal . , she struck her how on the sandbar jnot ho hits the mouth of the canal. and swung ariand, striking the bow of the l'r(lee tineehniadside with great force, crnshing in her own sides and tearing on' lair wheel and rudders, and causing tier to take water freely, lint with the pumps she was kept afloat. Yesterday she lay at the bank. with how down st resin. and several ineheu of water titer hOlll guards. The Palestine was alongside, relieving her of her cargo. All the freight in the hold and on the main deck will lie i'm. sicli•rably damaged he water, lint towlint amount is not known. No one ,WHS is jurist by the accident. When the freight in removed it will he sent forwanl. 'and the limit will go on the canal docks for repairs. The tilasgow wan owned lOW in. nuns! in Pittsburgh, and her cargo was insured in this city. Some insurance companies had heavy' risks on the cargo. The policy emnpanies were lepresented, so far as were 111111• to li`lllll, Ada. ware Mutual ii,kii;p7; Home of yi.w York, $1001: Security of NOW York, Vital; Eureka. 900: American. $864 30; Coroner: dal. $133; Burnet, 0,700. • Besides these the Cnion. Globe, Cincinnati. Queen City and others held risks for.mtrinus amount.; Latent advices indicate that the cargo will not suffer pinch damage. —The P. W. Strader is laid up at Port land for want of business. In this row 101 l We reproduce the following from the Louisville 4 4 a-u: Heretofore the river trade was the great artery of the city, bat of late vents it has dwindled awns., and other cit its which were far beltimi as in business, population and wealth, are now taking the lead. Oar wharves nre de serted half the time, arid instead of hav ing a daily line of packets, oftent iuo•. two, to New Orleanß, ,we have r a re ly more than one or two rat a week, and not more than one first-class bOlll that can be called nor own. --The following is front the Memphis rahrtiehr, of Tuesday: In the case of Sant Houston vs. It. F. Donnelly. in the United States Court at Little Rock, jiolg• myna h as ~,,, .4ven tln , plaintiff in the mini of Ml,o'll trentsand d o llar s . Th e suit wan for imprisonment during 111,, war. Donnelly being an of firer in the Ottifed erate service, and, liouston was a Union spy. Hence his imprisonment. --Says the I Incinnat Ewirrirc . r. of Fri day A N.A,• wos recovered front the river near t'oltunlyitt. resterday, which is supposed to be that of the young woman who claimed to be the mile of the late captain Mime). Martin, and who, from grief at his death. jumped overboard from the chile packet Mary AMMO, n‘.l . • cal tnnilths since K rirs.es L:..ted into ion Irsef lo supply et err gas rompnhyoo ,he river from lisokul, to St Paul. ire Lutu,g . ilslons. with Pittsburgh coal lin the return of the Antelope, that vessel, in company th the Tiger: will take tin the fleet of barges and make the the distribution along the river. • —This improvements on the. Tentivissee at I . ollterr'S Shoals are progroSsim; !kir hlly. NVlten the . obstructions At that point are all i-1...c0d_ preparations will he made to clear oat obstructions 01 the Miksch. Shoals. Then the Telineeaer Hirer trill have uninterrupted navigation front Paducah to linoc cif le. - -Thc Honer committee nn has agreed to n - port an appropriation of ./4:10.0110 for the intprovement "of the lip Tennessee, between Chattanooga alll Lotoloh. This is $lOO,OOO more than is asked for the widening of the Louisville 1 1intil—it work 100 times as imporerent —.l dispatch from Ca pt. lleorge W. Scare says that the wrecking boat This, 1 7 .F:cher! has taken the rug., of the aunken steamer Kenton to New ortent,,, to Ise delivered under protest. —Memphis pears say flee and h line - I, are delivering freight (sun St. Louis there iii eighteSui and - twenty rota lioura shorter time than titer r ve.r were hrfOre, • —Nev Orleant. papvrn of Monday n' Inn. (*Richman and St. hoitin freight 4 plentifid for the newton. River travel north and west was getting active. !'meal river, in Texas, is only • two hundred miles lomr frimi its so urce . to where it empties into theandsloope; yet it is as large as the Merrill's, --Captain Wm. Conley low been ay. jointed commander of the _Fontanelle nt St. loads. The Fontanelle In loading fnr lied_river, • —The colored laborer, on the New Or. Leans levee are erin atrike; for 4.1 a day, ranting a delay in the movement of river freight,- -The Dexter made the nun inim New ortean, to Memphis (against adverse 'Weather . ; in-less than iuwenty-two hours. —Latest reports find only • 2$ Indies 'water in Wabash. The, West' Wind is laid up. EEC= AUCTION. Chartiers Cemetery. PUBLIC SALES 131 RI L LOTS._ On the Crimpl erj_llrounds.beginiiing at 10 A. 'Lon FIATUBDAF and mutt/suing AnLO, MT. W.SIVII ) .161). " 2". I"7°. " - Chartism l'etneterr lccitnated on • the Temper as and Plank Road, about 3 miler from thei River and one-quarter of • mile from Inc,.MCDens been a full/ end arM g managers can olter the moavdigible iota at suit the Pureell,Yr end much below the britrasnirw current in tire e'` , remetriries. An who hare not yet purchased n Family Burial Lot are partleularly directed hillisee sales, and urged to mime at „nee and make selection of a bit while Me pricer are co low. Viators trim the cities mot bomughe can reach the (. .lieeter.2 lir taking the Ace„rurnortation leaving the union Depot. at 11413 A. a. /easiest m D rsnt n •sfell=ll l :l7,:: 112 Verge n t g riTa; trainrit cemetery Htatlon. Trains return in the at tenumn 14302.nd 340 P. Si. .1 0 1292_ REE RAILROAI) EXCURSIO. A, TIMID ORRAT RALE OF' BEAUTIFUL IDTS AT S t r ICEMOOIIT, MONDAY A FTEIt- NOl4.lllar at .4 u'cleek, fin the MOTOR.. All but 7 Lots of the original plan having been pur chased at lhe First and Hormel tiabill, th . R f ,:} l T h e ; =e b : i' l v irti;X:Vd 4 . " Piir n trai i ,lo7 , 4, t„ „teat the inur e r ed demand. determine hi have Third lisle. Home of the lots reventir sold are al ready being improved. There wishing steep e nd wean[ hOOH hould not tail g',ll,vidzitz erred °lie !inn two fears, with interest secured br mintlnsite. 010. as part Of truth garment, to be Pldi.,-Turgh latrlkWitrlPTßAlN, hendohire, will leave the Connelimille tiepin. Pittsburgh. at I ~cluck pretiscir on day of tale, and convey grown oul. Oadies and gentlemen) to nnd from the Belo EEL% stopping rat station. on the route. and returning at Q Mick. Nu one under twentr one reward age allowed on the Train, No tickets required. W mill A. bUILI. • AuctioNneer. LEGAL .. I TOTlCE.—Wbefeas Let tem of Ad. • L EY to the estate of THOMAS N. NLEY. late of Collins township. defense& have keen oranted to the subscriber . ..lt Perm^. indebted to the wad estate see requested to make immediate r=e16.5.4,1.,1grtht.,zt gzurwrnlN: known the same without delay to- CATHARINE FINLEY. Aderdn'o.. or W.C. Augoloosugo. Attorney, No. HY Dtsrennti Aprll3o. ltl7o. Sweet Pltistough. tor/Nab' __ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application eUI be made. to Illa'Excellency. W. GO 1. Govornor of peonrilv anle, f , pr the pardon 'of TIIO3IAB CAILOON..Inta of Temper Allembetly SPEOLAL NOTICES cossuiPTlON. DEL •SeIIENCK - ti Pi t.31 , ,N1c SYRUP fvr the e nfroughs, Colds and Cont.:nation. Dr. at aellENCß'st SI:Alt - KED TONDI fur the cure Daspepsin mad all the Debilitated Conditions or Ah rig. ' .4rgtCFC'S SIANDIL% E 1 . 11.1.. u, for DIA ""EV tVeoUlL'rr„`r•i"e3:',VA°.l!:".t.l:==i Fertile s clro - Seaweed Ttntle and Manilnitlo 1411.11.0,i In mr tainting the Romani /Ind Liver and help the loul rn.,nl, 8 1 , 11 p to Moat and i.onpli through the hltnlt•baleb. by whini means a enre .ovn ef feattol. T hor ledirities c•.:isno7onslf Offered In 2;1.41‘,7,71g,',Wr Pit,* Dome morbid conditions of the body which load to that fatal disease. Liver i'maphant end Dyspepsia an, often foterynnen td,Consuniption. and when they manifoot ilieruselses the! roanlre the Mon prompt attention. The Pultlvone stymy is a reedinne which has had holg probation before the pnblic. Its value hen lonti Ronal. by the thousandres it has Lunde through n petted of more than thi cu rtydlre years. In all of which time Its felnitnion hna tnertmeed• and the most °Latino. skuptleinti MI MI longer doulA that It he renany winch may be used with con, donee town enact which mhnit of a MI, • If the paUctit will neseyeringly follow the direc tions which acoompany each bottle, he will certain ly be cured, if his longs ore not ha, much wasted to . 1 . 111, a mire l , vinible. Er.m Incan, aupposed to be incunod, rhea friend, and physicians Intro lileapaired. the use ,•i Medicine hos saved the hro of the patient 11 . 111 i rcatted him to inlen h e alth. fir. Schenck dorm not say that all enaca Pnl nionary he en, within the.reneh of Own! icine,fed ho emphnt Wally tunnel tint often when Intlent, have the moat Rimming- elm atoms, scarp as a am e nt ough. creeping night awe u, are la b ile dohi bent such Onfree that the) are obliged ln and when they are given tip ha ihalephysician. they Inn> ntill be cured. No Iledical treatment can create new lungs. bat when se lung:taro tpry molly diseased end to ,inie tent elite Piny be effected IT . lir. Schenck's niodicule. Also. In Senortzloneo (/seams these Medicines tire eqUellr °Mole. Dr. :knlet pPupygr u pp, 4 a number nr e.. who have been 'warty coverni with running snre* end tuur ;umlaut up. Tlibt nrotertles, which must he able to heal cavities In the lungs. In the treatinent 'enytimptlen It In of the ut.. e lln g errt in aily4l:2 tlnntumll,l~yn~rtutheAlFrn -11en. such mean. my will mak la e tliT:iio?..llnnl ' lWlVe " , '" - tilde 1 . 110 articles melt suitable !er the diet of , iyre designateth.ln I/r. intent :limnnmT, wl 111 are chytrilitr.t anitul hmsly. In geheral,.the tneyt highlyuntrlt.mnertl clea are lei he preferred, lalt thn rrigentlraorgans must be ytrengthenett in order to make either teed medicine F.ery terabit,. Thin requirement...met hy the Senweed Tonle, and for thly pu11.... a was d' A l f " ?‘ " tl is net the Vl . a:t it p ‘ rf c .i t a:r teltVg'.‘tVe"..l..%".'de order patient .nrigernted and the' letup. i..Ntn'tn:eater else their functions In it nortual and healthy wan wilner. effect Then the the eu h rr ealing in meta et Pultnonte Syrup l . Pulttionery Connomptlon Is atonal alrtaya pliented with Dyspeteda and liver Complaint schencles Illandrake aro Intended to renmen ohntractions from tin Liver and restore Ito healthy action. 'rimy here all the elltracy which ;Inert bed to enlontel or . blite man... and are warranted not to contain a particle of any rulnend poison. The,. Pill. rare the moat °iodinate costive.... sick - headache. ellen. billions idler:Dom, Ind all .dlier dineasen a Inch nil.. front a toid or ...trolled condition of the I.lrer. One boaof those pills will [Wore the efficacy of the medicine. In I. , nnuniption•tho Seaweed Toxin and Man drake are Invaluable auxiliary medlrlnea. They relieve the anaemia. of the patient end tonna the Pennon.. !imp In effecting. cure. They hare loon found made' In nava:wed ...gm. of Comm., tion. where the lung. are alin..st entindy dent toyed phdsacl' .. y 11n[d4a5e AC . I s , pe l e l d lZ y M ea th u . d Thei d n o e f the wice(' who were actually in dying condition Imre been prenemed - for Months by the use of Schenrk'a three great remedies. Dr. Schenclie Almanac contains n full !tontine on the verb.. forms of insane... Ids I/1141, 1d 11 velment and generuLdireetiona how to une hie ...Miner. br had gratis. or sent lin 1.11 by whin...ming hie Principal Ontee , No. 13 forth Sixth &Mud. Plain dEdell, Pa. Price ld the Pulmonic Svrite. and Seaweed Tonic Vnh S 1.3? per bottle. Or 0.30 a hall dote.. nintrake .111. 23 cents a box. her tale by nil druggists. tieZ.:.dAT ; - . - i - e.%!”110CTOlt ivitirri ER CONTI N. uKs TO TREAT ALI. PRIVATE DIS EASES. That numenata clan. of cianes regulting from nelf-oitiae. twleiticing unmanliness. nerviona debility . . Irritability. eruptions. POIII4IIII end...long. and tinnily Impotency permanently cured. Persona afflicted With delicate, latritalii and b.. Mending csitutional. complaint. are PARC!, invited to l fir consultation, which coats nothing. Expe rience:the taw( of teachers. has wielded hint to Perfect rented., nt once ettlelent.rafe.PllVlllAt ..... t. and ankh (WI be u.nf Wltlv hind ranee to Monne., Medicines prepared in the e n. h n. ilsbnient, which embreres orlice,leeeption and walling rooms. al«. boarding and mieenlng niwrt ments for patient.. requiring torn.at utter. - tion. and vapor and `Lea hat Naha, Dion roncon 'rating theinmral mineral sprit,. No matter who hare Lolled, mate our raw. Read what he say+lo hin pamphlet of Ilf, pages. emit to any ieldrese for la.. manna. In ...Med envelope. Tou.:ids of mem. treated annual', at "Mee and all over the country. O ' : ‘ l l l ' .:=e r t r .t ' n ' erl4 l : - .:;2 ll (l= P Pi ' l l ialftrreZ. Doer. 9A. 31. .9 P. at. Sundays 12 Pamphlet sentto any addreas for Tan 0011.1 , 1. • U .- MA N 11001): H : H OW LOST : , /tEsTORED -J tint Published lu a peeled and Ihalirnl t'ur,' of Spermatorrlora. or Seminal Weaknew.. and int meets to Nlarringe generally-, Nervoininown. l'on %um Epllepas. and Mental Plrralol Iticapacity..te .I.i 'LUDT. J. PPLVERWEI.I.. It. D., auth.or lila 'Greve Wad, - Ac. A ItotiN To TIIOI.7SANDS OE suirk•EliKlLS - Sent meter neat, Ina plain envillope. to any addreas. Postpaid. 177. 1 1. ` `g,TIVV . -Zn,kll". 1.13 Monett. \ew York. ..arri P a os e t G n u i icde Nor 43 1 13. Also lie. Ctlremel . . Mg o." price 23 rents. 134 3, wa1i : - .. -" HATC111:1,01I ' S HA llt DYE.— -- TM. splendid flair Dye the beat In the world. nannies, reliable. Inatantancons.does not c.tain lend. nor anr VITALI, 101.01 to ' , nature VaITI.II3III or death. Avold the ',stinted and daily sire pregiarations boasting sinews the. not poa. sea.. Tin. gent... W. A. Batchelor, flair 'An tina bait 30 sear. untarnished reputation to .{{..gale integnii an the onfr Perfect 11 111 Dye-Mack or ItTrn't 4""'d "ft-10 FINANCIAL. V . - All 14:111CA N 13:0 No. POltri.lll A VelllW, virrsiillam C.ISII c., PITH L. .I. 9/00.000 Stockholders Individually Liable • BASK "V DIS.WST ASP , I , KPOSIT. .1 , .11S FIIVD. • "M. EDIVIA Bro.lolont. . ...bier. [Mt tioit.: MO. • Z • S l V{l " .l. l ;.=l t it7l l . l. • . I ,o• ' ' ' ial(t M el JRI3/1.14 W. Arrott. Jul.. fl. Krlly. 1.1 t... 11. I.evf•tf7 %V John Floyd. • 'Mx Haut I> uorr fnlly orgsnly..letn , l prfrafel to doegenernl Nanking tm.lne.... 1. !"!..W . FIII4',EHOLD BANK . AND BUILDINC ASSOCIATION No. 100 Fourth Ur., rittsbureh CAPITAL ~ . —•- DEPOSITORS SINTRED fly ENTAT.• AN!, INTEicrsr AI.LoWED ON TIAlk POSITS. • _ • proodr. 11l I, E. V In. J. S. CRAFT. A 1.A.N1 JAI,FIS. P111.1.1.1rs JASIIM j. , 11.A • • HO THOM AS -STF:tI.. • J . A RED . M. BRUSH, . . , THOMAS W. DAVIN . . i4terelary and Treugumr—Tllo.l4.ol As. Want Outlier -JA.AII".S P. SPEER. mine hours Turn to r. than,. and every eintuntny evening from 7. in 1 0. • aritt commmicw, - BANKING COMPANY, No. 92 Fourth Ave., rillshorth CAPITA I *200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. W, 11. EVEILSON, W.I , A/WM:3I, Presldent. • Clothier. 13j , IPIA Y. N'tinl. l . l lFirt. w. 0. II II AllT j Ild."1,1111.140N. hwte .d 1 neeete•lble points or the U Vi l gV47 nnpt Is! TA. rronliot •Itentlqn preit loan butane., nt' eorrr. pontlrnte. CITY BANK, 112 Fl FTII AV.ENU E, =I CAPITAL $lOO,OOO lO h Y T FACTIA NOE A Eh.Ltl and A d, O .4 when dealt,' remitted to Kamp, Colie4-11ons lonfle on nil and In an the nrineliad of tito United Minivan. Canada*. 1 / 1 /MlNlCHPrealdnnl. JAMESIen Pre•ldent. W. N.. MO ItO AN. enabler.' i 4awea Montt, Thorn. Rourke. Haab KentAtia. .I.alrlek Kane. ' Campbell, I;:he.a. it. Barr, j manna giia. l l ittr= ..1111, ,. . 3i. AZZ THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Of Pittsburgh VIM TUN Safe Keeping .of . Valuable•, Under ;marmite, and the tenting of Rites In Its Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, No. Fourth Ave Vfg th gt - dn't'llOßMAlg.' 1.111r.170.118: .• . . I'hIIIIIre. , Byron H. Painter. Henry Llovol, Morrl,nn, Ifeft, 600110 Bleck. M. bynu.' JeA. I. Donne.. m), end Tre,4.S. V. VON NNLIORNT. ,Lily Iron+ 9 0 . 6 , w1t A. 0.104 o'clock PAINTING, GRAINING, &.c. JOHN T. GBAy, HOME AND NIGH PAISTEN, GRAIN - Eat AND. GLAZIER, No. 54 SINTII STREET. Moto Hand slreol.llll.loburich. p,, ARCHITECT. T. D. EVANS, ARCHITECT, 11::„:4.1= 1 ,:ilv,WA S:1121 VW::: C • - REESE, ; 109 NI.. rtnahen Cheese: :20obuxce Factory: for WC by _ J. E. CANFIICI.D. ' 141 First avenue I== FINANCIAL 144T "Peale and Ohio Railroad Co. She Chesapeake - and Ohio Railroad Is ooulpkqedood running from to the Mont - tiled NIIITY. SULPlint SPRINGS. In We, Vo - 41nlo. /27 "oh,. IL lo being ropidly ”ytend..,l to the r'hitl river. •100 mtlee further = In Its Progre . s. WestwArd.Tl petIPITIII.OO and opens nP It market IL° WGN DERFI'I. COAL DEPOSITS I , F THE KANAWHA REGION ILN WEST VIII- t:INI A. And 1 has nrlnea theimperiorand abundant Ctatts .1 that aect.t.nt Into tunnintattlnn ' with the IRON ORES OP yIIIIiLNIA AND omo.. a d iry o WESTERN. SOl7ll WEST ~. RN AND EASTERN MARKETS. •• • Hitett completed will minneet. the SUPERIOR *KUHR FACILITIES OF (TIM CHESAPEAKE .. I 6=l nith ihr ENTIRI: SYIEM. OF RAILROAD ND IV ATKII TRANSPORTA'rION OY TIM AVP.SII AND SOUTIIWP,sf It wilt mak., :‘SlionT. EAST. CHEA P xn.l FA. IVOPA nolrfn •frnm the WEST to the SEA And comlimett n LARGE SHARE OF TIM F:: , :Ort3lol2tt Fit reeking tromportatlon to the It till MMMu• hoconte mtvoi the mt IMPORTANT ND PROFITABLE EAST AND WEST TRUNK ==! I= ; Tlie er.upleteci p.rtl.pn rrl On IWnrf It doing a ITA 111.1: AND INCIIIIA$IN(i lICSINEMS. I= tlm niorigago epee the entire Line-1613.000 000.) The Itton of On Ch.:weak° .41 Ohio RAllroad he SI lIST M 0 lITG A I/ E UPON TILE lINTIII LINE, P !DIP EDT V AND EQUIPMENTS. WORTI I WHEN COMPLETED AT LEAST $30,- 000.000.4 thor,rore 0110 of tho most subotantial . . , . evitserrntivolro../Ad Limns ererof teyed In the market. 'And I. peeultarly adapted to Investors and Capitalists =1 eut.st patt.favtokry losuraore . of POSITIVE AND KNO9I.7IITED SECURITY. • Tim , m,na., are in denominations of $1,000,, $5OO and. $lOO, = =39 I==l =I = PO. 00 ANI, AV , Il1:I•:U INTEREST In Cur role!.ai Wrileh price th.y PA, nearly SF,VEN PER = =II =I I=l 11= =I 1111=111=1 I= Fisk & Hatch, BANKERS.: No, .5. Nasr;iio Street, New York Maps, .1 3 1.3nphlets and full information furnished upon application in person or by mail. S. ND 'I,EAN AK: ( . (J., 13 A N Nil!: HS, 65 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, 1H 6AVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Avenue I=ll ASSETS, 82,595.:371 (30. ~ 1 117APPUTZT I'4 I'4 N"v ,,,, t. , 7 D o'clock. and trum ' somber In to St, lot. trim. to o'clock. i4:1 ;" 1 . 11V1 ' ,If\ 7,1 1 .4°.7,1:1 4," clanot twice n sear, In June and lastrimner. 'inter er- est hut neon declared semi-annually In June nail lhosember. 011, the wao organised, itt the rate of Six Per tout. Pot Yeas. 1nt...4 not drawn out, Ls placed to the reedit at the dins...nor no principal, and near. the same interest.frout the first days of June and I/comber. trt . ce yont : wtthout troubling . th i n . years. Hoke r.ntaining 111. 4.l2artor. Hy.l.Jors. Bolen, rurtalPhelt gnats, on NPPD..... lIERDHAN PICK I.IO.IIIKSSIC nor AlArrc. .1114 4 ,e - AVAgr..m . n . . Hrtt.l. F. Fahitem,ck, • J. , 1111 r•etrenberger Jam,. MeAnley. Jame. Shlill, Jame, B. 0. ?Nerd., •Alexander tkpeer, brume 11. Penn,k. Votact. THCSTICE, Wm. J. .lnitemtm; ilenry J. I.ynoh. I ahln Adam., Peter A. Madeira • John C. rignffley. . John Manhan, Walter P. Marshal!. .John B. McFadden. Charice A. Ccitcn. Ikarld McCandless. • John Even, • 11,nry W. (litter. Jr. Jvhti J. tilllesple. W. Milli I , llllam c. Haven, Ormsby I Millpe. Velar 11. Itunker, Richard lloya. • , Jarnes (deny. . candor Tlndle. jtobert . C.lo , mnd ll s, Wltnam Can Kirk. CENTRAL BANK • No. 35 Bank Bldck, EM=Z! 1 ANTAL Bank of Discount and Deposit NTOCKINUDy:IIS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Interest Allowed on Time Ileponils rollectionn mon% In all the principal Chloe of the ['flitch Statc4 and Canada.. • DI A Werl . T. .114.1311/491 . 1/AtLEY. J. " ..1.164% . 1111hTkA . 4 Y AV ULII. .01.Y.R. • J ' A+ n r Atti: J A SIK4 DROWN. PAl2_, 11. IlAc J. U. I A1.1'1:11, J AIN LYONS. 1110 m. FAIVi rernoldenL _aptly.l:lmwt• • N. Hobbes .& Sous, BANKERS, - 67 Market Street, 'PITTSBURGH, PA. k l. ''''''''''iro fili l tgaugs f itt tgaTl." I m l u t . " STOCKS, BONDS AND lITII R SECURITIES. =119=1211 Particular attention paid to I= nala United States Securities. - HART, CA IiGHEYSiCO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, Pittlmtrgh Pa., ISUCCESSOBB TO HANNA HART & C0..1 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particivr attention de wil f d to the purehtnin and • ni Government Bonds ALSO Sight Draughts on London Tradesmen's National Bank, WOORD STREET, CORNER .SECOND AVE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Cold, Conpon Bondi and Mork 11=1 Marerin d bei:l:: ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. _ FORT PITT Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS. CARROLL & SNYI)ER, =1 OIL STILLS AND OH. TASKS. CHIMNEYS. BREECHING AND ASH PANS. - srrruNG PANS. SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS. STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IRON BRUXHIS, PRISON DOORS AND COAL SIIETES. OFFICE AND WAREISOUSZ: Con 2(1, 3d, Shari anti Liberty'Streets, Oidera vent to the annve nddreen neill Ue promptly attended to. HUGH M. BOLE & - CO., Cur. Point- Alli 7 and Dpquespe St., =I Engine Builders, Founders, • Manafacture STEARBOAT ENGINENcend STA TIONERY ENGINES of all ellen. A ";:v,1,-I"l7:ise T4l4I'Ll; BOILER of 15 hone porter. CASTINGS col every Itlnd. made to order at our Foundry. on 411111!) STREET. Itelc . 7 311rIcet... RIGS for Oil ells. SLIAFTINI. I I 1.1.4 . 1,5, HANGERS, 1101.750 d TOBACLO SCREV.S. and IRON an TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order. at Um INDPSTIIIAL WORKS, Allegheny Ul yen near the Ih.lnt All orderm trornElltTDNl. Tit • • Rt • esick (. - V) . Bro., _ FIR I: AND BURGLAR-PROOF • SAFES AND VAULTS, I= ANI) - 31ACIIINEItY, rink:WM[l" IV9ItK, ItKPAIItINI3 mid PUTTING UP MACHINE MS. HYDRA U 1.11: CEMENT. Cor ner 17th und PIKE liTltErrS. Pittsburgh. Ps. nolit:ql:6 O'HARA BOILER WORKS, F. REPHAN & Co., Minufacturry, of STEAM BOkLERS,OIL TANKS; 1ja:5•5t!,45, 1 ggn.1.4,4: 1 CM . CHIMNEYS, MECHEM FIFE DEL'S. Ac.. Cor. of second Avenue and Liberty Street .PO-NBURGH.PA. Repotting dune Tromptly. Orders oent to the !above erldrens roll be promptly attended to. ItEPIIAN. formerly Me/vigor at CAIIIIOI,I, b. SN.YDEIrti. oelttplb. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS . KAP FORT PITT Foundry Company. OFFICE AND WORKS Twelfth Street, = Murk Iletort, .d Catnip fenonlly NATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe "Works. Corner Carroll and Smallnnin Steels AVM. SMITH, -MANITFACTURER OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, . . ...-0.,t . . GAS, AND 'WATER WORKS %an a l 4 t a g ,t ". 1V. 1 14 genarel Castings for Gas and Water Works I would wlvo cwll the attention of Swpertntendeuts of lies Wnrks to uty, make of ItETOIIITS. • - )lONONGABELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO., IlAnufacturc. IRON HOUSE FRONTS. WIN 1)0W LINTELS .dBILLII. and Castings of all Descliptlons. c1fV44"17,1 1 `0 (IVA: fr;FITaI,72 F : OAF en Jug! For:limy—No. 1130 WATER PIT., ritu.buELA. • a. ROBINSON, REA & CO. Succestors to ROBINSON, MINIS S. MILLERS WASHINGTON WORKS, POUNDERS MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGR. Manufasturers of Massand Madman Steam. Err Onor. Birot Mrloos. MIII Mitgel l gsgeitnitl ea r V.'"u" - - d f ISSIors. MIL= 0100.000 THOS. CARLIN & C O . , Fourth Word Foundry . & Machine Works. SANDUSKY ST.. ALLSYMENY CITY. PA. Manufacture,' of Stationary' and Portable Steam MUIR... Gil Presses, Pulleys, S. hattew. Grist and Sas .aill Work. Moiling MU and Marrone faultless, Orste Derv, Weigeta. WaLin Boxes. .4c. • Boer to order and bare on hand sines of all else. rentitib , Phoenix R(511 Foundry, Cot. LIDERTY AND 24TIISTS. BOLIN A IS T & BAGALEY, Slmufseturert of Superior Chill Rolls, -Sand Rolls and Pinioas PROFESSIONAL G. W. DeCAMP, ATTORNEY AND. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ilm removed to No. all agANT STIIEKT, rata burgh. trot practice In the U. 13.CIrcnit and Markt Courts. In the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county. and make colleCtions In moat of the adjacent [mantles. intritt3 H . H. McCORMICE:, Attorney-at-Law No, , 6S GRANT STREET. • 13 illr Pro I lot attention riven to PI pods r Ip.J sidness. ARC IBILD BLAKELY; ' , _ Attorney-tit-Law, =I . pr.rl9o, _____,_ __:___li__llt._ , 42....o, Fa._ WM. U. NEEPER, • ALLEILNIAN Alin Ex-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Offiee,ll2 Fifth avenue. i t=l l =3 .o tirz:veyancln l and eel mtall legal Dwane. &ganged rto peolaptl;=::.. eurately. corrop. HOLMES, BELL - sz, co., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, PITTSBURGH. Haanfaotomr. of HEATS' MEDIUM ma LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting. IRON AND STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS, Coleman, Rahn] 4K-, Co., lON, NAILS, STEEL, _.A..xels :tact Springs. pi:guts:NE. L X ' AND JUNIATA. I.l.tttne6;•";M-4".‘"•9.41"RY' IRON. U laLcH GUARD IRON. TE R FLANUMI. IT TlAlts.,.l-I.INDER'IIiON LALI '. I . AND SLAT RAIL for eituwßAH.F., W EIH;t4 sea HARM m TEE ITH. SPKINI., PLOW AND CUI.TIVATou STEEL WINGS AND NIOULDS. cut p4m.ern C OACH. TIRFS,NTELII.SIIAFTINU. A U sTEEL . , C WAULIN SPRINGS a n ., AXLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. .All Goods First Class and Warranted t)4 . 4 - 11 - E9 ANI/ WORK-16th street and Alle ghenyhh Itiver. link! TY Water Rent. Illtshnrgh. nl ;MILLER, BARK & PARKIN. wm, METCALF. 11V:(711EN MILLER GE.,. W. MAME. sem,. I . AuTNEE—s. M. KIER. Crescent SJeel Works, MILLER. RARR PARKIN, OFFICE.: No. 330 Liberty Sired mu:ma _ RGII. PA. Pittsburgh Steel Works, ESTABLISHED IN IS-15. ANDERSON & WOODS, Best Refined Cast Steel OF EVERY DV.SCILIPTION. ALSO. Best Rained German Plow & Spring Merl. CORNER lIUSS AND FIRST AVY:NI.7I:. burgh. Pa. nulgnll. I=! PITTS]; uizem A l b e ity WO k FOUNDED A. ❑. 1533 AIOOIIIILA t), A ILIMS & CO., Manufacture. of le EIVSTI 'NE sTA ND.% Itl. 0... - -em... Patent) PLATFORM. AND CoUNTEIL SCALES. Janne Fac Patent Locks and Latches, Paint and C ed otten Mills Corner of FIRST AVENIIP: and GRANT STS., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sheffield • Steel Works. si NG Eli, NIMICK & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. Manufacturere or every deseription of C-ast and Gerthan Steel, RAI i.w ELLII . I . c. , A- . •BAAA:M . II: . P . I t tIZGS, WA Ft EIMUSR-83 Waierund 100 Find streets. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO" Manufacturers of ail Des c riptions of • • STEEL. OFFICR and WAItEIIOUSE-30t1 - 318 and Railroad streets, Pittsburgh. El= STOVES; CASTINGS, &.c. COOK SI.IOVES Got, the lie,st! BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, P7'ITSBUItOII. PA. For Bituminous Coal Warninted to COOK. RAKE or ROAST es well nny other Store In the Union. . BISSELL Lv. co., • No. 2 35 Liberty Sireet. =I PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES. ORATE F.ItoNTS. FENI)k:IW. COOKING RANIMS. ke. GRAFF, BIJGUS & CO =I STOVES, Boston Cooking Range, "TIIE FIERY FURNACE"_ I= TICE NEW A NTLDUST COOKING STOVE. -nnuiri.ATOlt,” COLUMBIA (NOOK STOVE, TANIS cCincinnall Pntterni PORTABLE RANGE. CAST IRON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S REFLEC, TOIL tiItATES Min tenni dirt and dual: U RATE PRONTS.EES bEitl3. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBUBOIL PA. A. BRADLEY& CO. No. 30 Wood Street Minufocturent of the Oreatest Variety of COOK. PARLOR and KEATING-far/TES to be found. In one smortment will be found all the latest PAT THANK and IMPROVEMENTS, and the repots- Ron of our Stoves Is such that any one In want of nftfe=fry l v na thef wOlllO, found the tenet du. rable as well as ecuntonlml. VouldA cell particular attention to our now VOLCANO tiTOVIC. for_ chnrehes, hallo and stores. (leer 300 .Icl tn three months. Intended for with or without casing. All who have 1116.1 them pronosmoo them superb.. to any other end for cheaper. Send foe Catalogue and Price 1.L.1. WINES, LIQUORS, &c. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, The Very Best in the United States, a 31AN11FACTURED By WM. • W.A.G-N - ER, 981 sorth Serenth Street, PHILADELPHIA. the leeifing iiizzaggin- Sehlilidtr S4 r l Friday, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &c., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos. 384 and 386 Penn, Cor. of ELEVENTH ST.. formerly Copal. TOS7B.FINGII CO ., Not. 183.1 tl7. 189. 191. 193ttn1 103 ==! Slenufseluives of COPPPIR DISTILLED PURE BYE WIIISKY. Ala, dealers In Yuddlad sad 1.100003.1101•+, de. • tah2/3:11.58 fps sy.s 3t:lll[Tszkv_y y L. R. FULTON O.J. !MANN. PDITON & MGANN I Practical Plumbers, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 11th Avenue, new High &seat. Plttabargh, P.. - Lead a n d tom llose c Gaa Flaturea, Flrdn4Bath Tabs and Wash Stands Iron Ptps and Fltllngs. mdblr.f„i;p4w..° R ..ilTr_c?'°l l l%T.hrig; Water and Steam r.o...mas Apparatus. Jobbtna promptly attended to. - - • ' TIENNSYLTANIA -CENTRAL RAIL , I I ' o,,D n —rr amt utte rN7l.inltiilP A ‘ r! t and de pad from the Union ' , quit. corner of kraals mgton and Liberty streets, MS follow,: DEPART. 1 ltl i Moil Trion.. .. 1•30 am...Southend no.. 11 a. Foot Line 1%111 am •Faelle Ex.—. i . .n • woll's No. 1.. 6.30 am Wail's No. 1.. „ • an. ; ltrin'n.teN••.l 7 *Om Mail Train.-- ru am • Mail', \'n. Y.. 1 , 34 am nruzion An.. 1 i, inkm • Citletnr.ts Ex. 0•30 am ll'ks Ar. . No. 1 • g w. , J,•hrtstown A e. 10•50 OM Clneln - ti.Ex...l. :3 pm • into A , No. 1 7.00 pm Walt . s No. 3..1 _. - 311 am Pittsn'iih Ex.. I'3o pro J••linstown Ae. 4•007. I'3.ft' Yl•3llpin lioniew'd Ac. • Wall'' , \u.3.. Y_33 Dm Ni`• 1 .: •- ---- it P ' Lietuew'd An Philo. lA - press • • pm N°. 1. .." 0.33 pm [t'oll's N 0.3.. •0 pm Avkll'i N 0.4 . 3 3(lpm Wall's No. 4.. It pas • ' 11 rdn'n A ciio.3 I-10 pm •Foirt Line..... 7:4 rod ii• ,t pAssn'r. 10.30. pm Wall', N0.3—.11= • . • rh,.... A roan. Inske I,•+e connection at • t..lrels Trn:n i#l NTalls Ntatinn •earT nt 905 n. n 909900 Pit.bttt . tn. Iteurnlng. leaven littabnea 'll. 50 p... and arrive, nt Walla Station at , Intnnati }:.press lonroa .dally. Southern ft- Monday, All ot4ertraltta rartio.r . i ' aTorL ' atlon . H. BeeRWITH.AgonL Z?17 , ..7 , nk 71.. Railroad Companr will not as drool lnn vain, ,6 Vr ib vra '" to 4.4 L... amount in valor 1 , 111 - ha at rho risk of the owner. unleso. taken by rpovtai J. CA ATT. myY tiononil Siiiennien:ii CAS nt, Altoona. Pai WES , TERN A.R. 1. ISARP.mr Truths on the Wemani Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive at and depart froni int, Federal Street Repot. Allegheny illy. ne follows: MM' n. tier APT. Springirr No. 1 o . llla to lnipport No. 1.5:20 aru Fro , "Mlkrt / 3:: 111.40 ni tt.tpliepligi No. 11,0 Is Shiirplig No. 1.1:00 p m.Fspro,s itl 010 Vreyport. No. 0.1:05 p NMI • 3,30 p Freppott No. • P Spring.Ve (42 6:20 P M Sortristr No. . Alinvi• trains run daily except Sunday. The Ctriirch l'raln Imre.; Allegheny /maniac every staplay 7,11 , 1 A. re 11.1.1141 Citynt 1150 A. Iteturnlnp. leaves Atipthamr City at 1,211 p. m. arta arrive at AllagharkY Jun. man at 3:30 P.ll. ... . . The train% bearing Allegheny CH/ at ?MO A. N. tinedirect conneetion at rreepdrt with Walter% Dne of Stages for Haler wil BancuthWrivn. ThrouEli ticket". may be purchased at the thigee. No. I et. elitir street. near the Suspension Bridge, Pit tneurgli. and at the Depot Allegheny. Fur further "r-U PPiI r ;..VP I IIVERTS, A &Ont. ‘ ' Federal Pirwet .lieriet.. The Weeiern l'enneyleanla Railroad will not sal. will PUMP any risk for Haag... except for. sr sp. insrel. and In their responsibility to One en- Weil Dollen In value. All baggage execedi hie stit.itot tin vnhio will be at the rlsk of We o at. unless taken by special central. . . ... . . A. J. CASSATT, nor: Genersl Supertmendent.•Altassaa. Ps.' PITTtiItURGII, FORT WAYNE & BuitGu R. It. From MAY Ist, 1870. UM. snit leavefrom nod arrive st. the Union Depot, north side, raw burgh cite time... follows: =I . - . . LEAVY:. I Artrarr. Emit I.lne II a miFast I.lne 2.30 • m .F:rio a Yon X:x.Y.. a tuiPacitle Ex.... A *US 9in VI. X Whlr XFI.O:. i . a ni; Wheeling R1:0 • m lido.° Mail-8:31 a m:C..t SL L. Ex..7:119 pma Chico.; Ex f1..5 a nl. i blenef . n 511.11.4M111p In N ').. % li ' ' i% ‘:- t 1 i !. ..11 1 4; i: E .; ' X . .i f i l a I,`: -, ..1 , , m 'lr..i."l' ° l`abllP E 'Far:i.rii r, ° :' i;,'.% - vgr,:v!,AFl'l;tlv„TitivAv:L.rvg; Leettlialn . loi tii am' Ana's Fal s- .. . • m 11:33 aml Nes• castle . IQ: am Rochester :: 4...-lki 9MI Enon . 1 , ,. •,.. F.,4"".... -31 V ; 01 Bon n a 4 :: lt ; : 1 1 }hir Fails . 11,13 9in Lootadalo . 4• PM beetsilala - 111,13 Pin .. .. 7: p m Fair Oaks San. Fair Oaks Run. di, .'hurrh..l,l3 p m day Clinreh . ..9:3611 Oa ;11 .- Pactile Express will leave daily. ylf - Pacilla n u press arrleas daily. C7X - Fitst Line lam,. daily. Mondays oseopted. . rlieFast. Line arrloem dully. Mondavi taeopted. rirAll iallnir lmins will leave and Laxly. dolly. xamilays oriented. F. IL 317.P.5. J. N. McCULLOOGIL Gen!. P.. & Ticket Apeot. G=l.lll • cIIANGE OF TIME.ALLEOHENT / VALLEY RAILROAD. onIF DIRFXT ROVTE TO Tilt, OIL REGION WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. On nnd after kIONDAY, Non. 22. 1869. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. (except Rood.. Hull: ',moo Pitk.borgh Depot.,mini: . of Eleeent Pike ntreeta, for Prnnklin. Oil CUT, EnMilo, and all points In tiro Oil Regions.. I.LAVErIiTI4B 144/r3Q1,"1l011. jAtilltvZ rsprnsmrsioat. tt ! jrll d Es 1 s Holt 01:4u st..i st Id IltilMn..11:511 A. It.Md Holton.. 110 A. M. 3d Holton— &Oa P. st.l3d Hutton... II:10 P. It. 4th Hulton..ll:o p.x.,4th Hunan.. P. l. Proopirt Ac. s.m.Modt Worts. : A.M. Soda Works. 0:30 p. St.i Freeport An . : P. K. Brndy's Ac 3:13 P. si.ißrady's Aislo: A. se. Church 100 P. m.!eburch 111/M A. m. Express trains stop onl . r t yr=wottita. we. c 'Ts':' Tr? g7,r124::,11,11 'daises Pal Mslapill.l Purr, on our night F.sprass trains. both ways mom Pittsburgh ti Corry . J r . LAIVIIENOM, Citsal But, THOMAS H . KINO. Asst. Su • PI TTSB 0 RGD, CINCONATI AND T. LOUIS RAlLwAy.ff ix..mggi g P.IN HANDLE ROUTE. CILtNGE OF_ TillE.,Up end situ SUNDAY. Nov. 14th,11160 tralnilattl leave . and arrive at the Union Dvput. Pittabutthm. follmv.: . Plttablush lime. NallNall tina p ..t. ,. IT: : Elegem Fuel Line W.4e....mt. Ti ip.m. ) Mixed A reomniodation .. 51 Am. IS. p.m. McDonald Accra . No 1.. 11,' a. m. 7. Am. Steubenville Accorprnod. 3: p.m. gip{ /Am- McDonald Acen. No. 10. , 3:•. D. M. . P.m. "n ni.4T.T. h n T v n‘ prt.;;i:Vialite 5 . .17 . ' ' '''' 1.2,1% p. m. mud will arrive daily. T. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, Culumbe., 0. W. W. CAitt, Sept.. Dennison, Ohio. nol3 1 - 3 rrrsistuti7ll AND CONNELLS. VILLE ILIIL7IOA D. a vaiwis On and after 20th. DAY. February 20th. 1870, Trains will arrive tlnd depart from the Depot, ear ner of Grant and Water stream as follows:. ... . DCPswr. austral. hind to and from' Unt'n.. 7:01) a.m. IfNO P.M. McKeesport Accommod.llll2 a. tn. '' ; P.M. Ex. to and from lint'n.,. 5, sp.m. 1 : a.m. West Newton Aceommo. 4: op. M. Itl4 &M. Boondocks Acooramoda. 0:13 p. m. 7: 3 p. m. Night Arr. to hlcKeespl.lo:3o p.m. IS:4 . as. Sunday Church Train to . ands rom Wert Newton. 1:0 ni.o p. I UAW a. m. ItiCIIARD 11. SOWEILS. Agent. HARDWARE. & CUTLERY ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., DEALERS IN HARDWARE, No. 52 - Wood Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. Spring Goods, lioes,-Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Smiths, kc. • Merchants are invited to examine oar stock when in the city. Orders by mall will have prompt IC tention. BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO c! No. 70 Wood Street,' t>-1' PnIIBUHOH.PA pq, MANUFACTURERS OF FEDER NEW 14 1 Solid Cast Handle c , TABLE KNIFE. I.4 ._titprrior Ft.] Blade, with meta 'The comPleins this h. 41 " ito the hlado...rtng the nue t.'" na. iconetructionwithout additle.lweZaht. p.4lgagl.dil of Ih ' e Weld. h Weld. ardriemaw i fi were. In min t t„iirit: the— rv. pure ellver. MLA and grat.. rb.• jlre• t** ki conmltu A l article Of lAQUIt*DE co .d amt. Dar r s. i i betty. ... c cH .-- !J ti ti c r e lli m egaStile .4 (heat Fire of this p4=s.is, eenr!gcliEsra,ll7l7..l. P:l'latiuniand Private . tLP'Ar°l44. . heaver Falls Cutlery Co . O. 70 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH. 3 u.syrAcrmtras or Table Cutlery and Pocket mires SgrALITY GUARANTEELD. HENRY BIER. GUSTAVE BASCH Henry Bier & Co., (Sucteeeore to JOHN K. COOPER & C 0..) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Brass Castings. MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. MALEABLE AN EY ON WITTING& ' • GAS PIPE AND TUB B ING . TIIROTTIr SAFET AND CIIC4A.LVES, AI. Gip E PATTERN IRON cou BRAM W RIC or EYERY D ore for Steem.Watrnd OIL Menefee< WHEELM.OOpeg IMPROVED BALANCE- STE AM P AGENTS of DREYFUS PAT 'T OILERS. the beet ID the mealtLl_ OFFICE AND WORKS: ' Corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. soh; ATVVOOD & McCAFFREY Cotner !Amur Sturr and TRIAD Arionia. Pittaborgil. Pa. BRASS ROUNDERS' sad IRON PIPE FITTERR,euId AGENTS for A.S.CAMIREON A COS mum BMWS AND BLOWERS. WEST OMNON Machine. Stone Works, Northwest owner of Watt Common. Allegheny. FREDIr. ATTATER k CO„ Trove On hood or non short notice, Hearth ;ma St/ Storm or didevorlko. Briroffr7 rotate. o. 11. ar!l mob Broom M. pr,„,f,u, , ......0r00 on reasonable UM, RAILROADS /MASS CASTINGS I:v go o 4
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