THE DAILY GAZETTE : I= rENNIMAN, REED & Corner :iiittL , A IT. awl timittigeht St r. a PEN2IIMAIf, JOS/A.H‘ Lisa, T. P. BOTISTON, N. P. WEED, E=l TUJIS Or TOO DAILT: By mall. per year I)ellircred by easier. per week THE DAILY GAZETTE. PENNSYLVANIA t: Corry Republirad In neerlinblislad' daily. Its eoluintle show careful editing, and iin adequate public If UrpOrt. M %YOU ,Ditn, of Meedville, ;diem two tl 1111 l saud dollars reward for the Capture of tiu murderer of Christian Richards. .1 itrrtx eight ,Tearlold,i boy named over tine killed by it... cam at Morgan and (Ws. coke works r.yelte county, last Monday. • - VI, E Pro;iiink:ST COLFAX hug itCl.n tril nninritatioitifro,ta the 11. q. F., ilf vilie,Yo denier eh tl af:their cele• bration on the Ulotionn Fourth. Ftsit elm-erica in the fa:Alienable ittniiro•- lilent in 'Ake Pleasant, Erie county; II Mr. linnip spears about one hundnelt and fitly each evening, principally perch,,stin flab and bass. A etit.:Ent: FA(110Ity is node in %nem.. ful orerlllioll in Watorfonl, trio county, 11Soke In ciao a toot and shod fniia ry rhfpittring eighteen.} en arid trading all onpr tlin end of tho Stattt. issurt P. t_luwrorlD. of Idaerno Joworhir: FtmOtte county. hid n tooth roll e d remit& nil 'warty died of the re edting hontorrlingo which lasted for three and wan only stopped by a !unwind op.:Fulton. Esour paatora of an nutur difierent di nominationa. in JolMalownliavi. issued a tall for a Coilvention. In organize It Cam bria I au ntp Stinday School Convention, to ittli in the Jolimitown Prv•shy• reh - )iut.Churcli. • . . . At Carbondale, the tannery of Mr. Mears was in great danger. Several benses were touned saw Danntorei /lot Mr. Clution'entrtuill Rfli, wired with diiilcult V, follle of • bin lumber being burned. Sri.- eral coal breakers were in danger: Tut; physicians of Mercer county pro. rove to keep a lint of dll thots., who can not and will not pay for profeesional ser vices, and %fetich meeting - of, the County 'Medical Society, to Iniad the lIIIIIIIVKiO the Secretary, that a coniplcte roll. of all the tlelingnents in the cdottly Ciol NI for- In Covington townships Messrs. 11nm - ler A, Co, lost- sin houses. steam sow mill. barn. and n large quantity of shingles and pine litudwr: The tenants lost ninth of their furniture in-the houses. dwelling house of licruiaus Simpson wan burned and a barn in'Madison township, .t large Immo( Edward Mullen was burned at siouldsboro. The • Deausenti : r eports an other barn in Covington burned, owner's name not knOwn. • Mits. A:irts... CATtaantsi. KrLstALL4 died at Stroudsburg on the; 11.1thi a(fell ninety-six years,itike months and thirteen days. She AVIU3 the wife of Mr. 3. (1. Runkle, Bring sixty-one years , • and one month in the holy bonds of matri molly. • Thevitui fourteen childrom one. hundred and twentedlirou grandchildren, Sour hundred AVd fifteen : great grandchil dren, five hundßd and fifty great-grent grandchildttn, and a -Large number of great-great-great-grandchildren. Tiii Waynesburg . iftwoo ger says: 3ieetiugs have been held and surveys nutde, with a view of adopting a route for Ate Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston railroad from Williainsix,rt /retrose the country, by. Pigeon Creek, Teu Mile and Laurel Hun to the ntbetli, dl.ittle.Whitot. ley, instead of keeping the volley of the river, as heretofore contemplated. The friends of the route claim that it will be twenty miles shorter' than the river route. and costa million .and a half dollars less. TIIF. fires on the mountains, in the east ern portion of the State, hare been 111111- Aually destractivo•this spring owing to the lung' continued dry Intather. The *Scant= and Carbondalepapers have ac counts of heavy thunage on the hills bar , doting the Lackawasma on both aides. Liggett 's (Imp was burned from Clark'S Green down to the Valley; even pheasants being overtaken and killed by the flames. The steam saw mill, at . the • Oreen, - was • eared with difficulty. several thousand feet of lumber being hunted.- • THEY are making puddled steel at Al. lentown, which is said to be superior to any ether in Philadelphia. it stood tensile strain of .127,:r20 pounds to the square inch. .1 piece of the steel capped rail snide by this process scut lately tested al the Camden and Autboy Company's chop at .Lambertville, Sew Jersey. - It stood five thousand and five • hundred blows, and the weld still remained pee feet. thus demonstrating that it is peen t atTaPted 'Male' The lifitterf - iall. it having thew great 'advantage ever the limusemer steel mil that this rail can be re-werkedi whilst the Bessemer pit can not. This steel, at this experint, stood fire hundred mere blows • thud the best Bessemer steel rail stood at the same works. • Tux ;Veining° t'itirro rays Mackey , 7ell Nci.l,notlced last week as producing two barrels, has been torpedoed, and the 'Yield materially increased. The Lock Well line Increased in yield since eeriest isue. It know pi-mincing twelve barrels per;day. The. McDonough well, about three hundred feet up the bill, on the Ilamby farm, adjoining the Snyder fans, leis been torpedoed, and in now doing. about eight barrel.. The Prentice Angel well, just put down on the Snyder farm. makes an excellent show, and is gond for a fifty or barrel well. This opens up a large tract of territory, which has an vet been undeveloped. 'The Philadelphii and Boston Company ;1111N4 inade,a goad strike on their territory. nn the face of the hill ttp from the lower trestle at Foster. Thin well started at about ..four Lamle, was torpedoed last wrek,and leen.. doing Meng one hund red and twenty barrels. Well No 75, on the Snyder farnLoward by the Ventutgo Central end Duck Creek Oil Company, put down . last fall, but which had never produced 'orer twenty barrels a day, wan torpedoed on Thursday last, and is now doing two hundred barrels and increaa i ing. THE NORTHWEST. lien 300,i)00 lowa has 1110,168 children tintatii in Wyoming plow with buff !neg. - „INDIANA .(81111CIII now complain tl their wheat crimp will lin too heavy. • ONE hundred and too mines in the NVltite Pine district are being worked. ANDfirENOKNCE, fOFs, Imo organized a ..Tlitilincettiociet,y, to prevent horse Ideating - . Tue lead caves of MaqUoketa, lowa, arc titzning oat oro in huge and paying quan tities. IT in estimated that there will be half a million of cattle driven to Kansas this .. [O.lOlOll. - OvEn.fifteen million feet of pine logs have been safely boomed at the mend. of Elk river, Minnesota. , - \Tut: prospects are good for an abun. dant crop of peaches in Missouri, bat strawberries are a failure. Tim /NMI Molina; BiNelis figures up ithlitr•two candidates for Congrees in . Lbws, an average of five to the district: Tag MintleapNila..l ril une publishes street senior that a regiment of cavalry to be raised in ; Minnesota for thee , lndia Cahtam oil has been discovered to the town of Iola; in Wanpsag county; Wis.. mil preparations ire being made to sink wells. A BILI. passed the linneeata Senate Tlititsday authorising Ilia Southern 31 n•at's% aimed to connect its lino w Norik.r..m r&clitc. !IV's!. P. JAIEOL has a bearing gr vineyard at Jerseyville, 111., of five tho • - 'and vines, and Is expecting a heavy 'del' the pment year. Tug, yield of gold In Montana for 1800 we*: -over 817.000J)00. The estimated 'yield for 1870 Is 00000,000. The popu lation Without 4300(1. WATER front the salt well at Muskegon, Minh., where the drill has struck a bed of rock salt at a depth of I,l9ofeet, is said to possess magnetic qualities. THE 'Northwestern road of lowa, has put over a million acres of lands In the . . market. These lands le in the center of lrt the State from the Misatantplit to the Mia, ~~'37e~ i ~~~~~`,~4s ;, S ,ti, }F sk c ~-: ~~, -' s ~ r~~ un ~ <:,?ice ~' xri,:=,~.s~~+~.r.=3~ru~... ~LS.'.r. 'F....:;Y^:x ~~.~.,.yi~.~-rr -r' :wrlu~>.~,.r~+... roa¢eY~~.~,~.e~x:rer.~s , ___..... _ ' ' . Ii ' ' ~•;.. , f , ' ' . ' ''' ' .:,i , '. :. i. ~ ;+, •i, . 1 - • . - . 1 • - . . • ....\ i 1 • . 1111 , . Pt lIP A i • 1 --.... A t . • .... __ . • . . . ESTABLISHED IN 1786. 6E3 Piouri. and in fXVIIIItirft 118 good as any in tlieState. , • lit:Pm:Ts item tun vicinity of Centrelis indicate a fine fruit cmp, end rich or that& generallv in Southern Illinois pro. mlne more thatian nversge.yield. Ann - irks front times Buy. say that the prospecta of tiovernment taking kohl of the improvement of tie Fox and IViscon sin rivers; flan rnistsl the price of real es tate in that city 1110 percent. TitEni: have been beventeen detithg from fever in the Michigan State Pri&on during the last three weeke, and the tut, . . . riving prisoners would like to be sent home as they are frightened. .11ErrEu prospects tot' , trait WPM never niorenppareth than at present in tiontlY ern loan. .Even penelies, supposed to he entirely killed, promise abundantly. Thy apple, pear and cherry trees are one sheet of !doom. Grapes open.ghtrionaly. =M=SE=M Company are setting out miles upon miles of 'sage orange plants to replace the fencing on their line. and it is said to be the intention to plant a hedge wherever the line requires to be protected from CPU IV. • IN Indiana more than average breadth of wheat has been sown thisseason, and thus far the prospects are most ex- •ellent for it liyavy viehl. In large MO fruits, despite tint' fear of the late meta, th e re tiel.llll4 10 1 , 0 on Feasibility of THERE in n gnat fear among the net tiers of Pembina that there .is to be another Sioux mat:nacre at that place. 'froopn hare la , ett ordered filar°. It in also fated that 2011 Red hake Chlppewas are an the war path after their - old enemies. EIMICIE IN Michigan the prospect for fruit of all kinds is moot Cmcellem. Wheat does not look so encouraging, late sown being "badly killed. Some fanners have plowed up their late wheat and - put in spring Tropp. Fanners are now bust putting in corn, of 'Which a large bnintilth will be planted. Ti,n Trempeleau (Wis.) lierord an. nounces the appearance in' the streets of that village of a little - pappixise" running around with a little calico band around his neck. Plus constituted his entire rain.- itt. The little • aborigine appeared to. Hippy and ate lnneeent an Adam before ME TIIE: total amount of copper smelted at Detroit, and ether places, for tho lake Superior mines during the Tear 1800• was 30.1109.7A9 pounds of tuineral, which yielded 23,473.08 l pounds. of fine copper, giving au average yield of 1rr.97 per cent. The Franklin gives the highest average 8-1.1r.i. AT the recent Mention Conference . in Salt Lake City, 'Brigham Young, in an ad dress, spoke as follows. "On iiunday, at• ter meeting; going through the gallery which hail teen occupied by those claim ing, no doubt, to be gentlemen, and, per , haps, brethren, you might have supposed cattle had been standing atouml therm and dropping their ttuliances. Here and the ye Were gieat quids of tobacco, and places a foot or two feet square smear.' with to bacco juice. I WWI the doorkeepers, when, in the future, they observe any personslestnearing the seats and floor in this way, to request them to leave the house; tratif they rstfuse, and will not; stop st.itting alunit and besmearing their', neighbors. just take them and .lead them oat carefully and kindly. It is an imposi tion ?or Chase claiming to be gentlemen to spit tobacco juice for Indies to draw their clothei, through mid hominess them, or to leave their dirt in the house. We 'request all addicted to thin practice to omit it while in thin bans,.. Eiden of Israel. if ' , LI Lutist Chew tebncrff,tuftt it wittl, in silvering. nnil. schen yen leave, yan ran take a double portion. if yen re." NEIUHBORIIOOD POLITICS. Tut Republicen prime, election of Veeango enonty a.ill be bad on the 2Stb of May. HON. HENRY P. FOSTER is a candidat. for the Democratic Cringnegaional tannins Lion in the Ist district. THE lirxlfo id lrypirei advirates the re nomination by the licnublicans of Bed ford county of Hon. John Cessna as Repro sent:tile°. Mt.ssits..Vmtts LUSK. r .t. It. Wier and George W.gleeger, candidates for Assent. bly in limier county, have signed nn agreement not to canvass the county for votes as is •uanally done. Commendable. W3l. J. lisminstrit has been solicited to become a candidate furl Congress in the 20th district and publisher , a letter con senting to arcept a nomination. I'. W. ()Millen is also announced nit a candidate, D.l‘lt;Jumitts is a candidate for the Hopriblican nntnination to Assemble in Venangn county, where Win. li. Parilutt, Henn. Hobbs, il. B. Iligeon and J. H. Mr- Omni; are candidates for County Commis- stoner. RICIINIQND, Harvey Henderson and Joabun Douglass. of Meadville, nre announced aa candidates for President Judge of Cniaifonl enmity. Batc's. . F. C. Peck and. 4)1. Um Bemus arc randidaten fir Assembly. Ex-11E/MMENTATI vE-Bowman prints, in the Erie Grazear, a labored defence of his cote on the omnibus railway swindle. The Guzald extinguishes hint with thisaluirp remark: "We do not pintas's' a lengthy examination of Mr. 13ownian's explana:, *ion... Ile has made a fatal admission that he voted for n bed menenre for fear of losing the appmpriation in this nicked. swindling scheme for Erie county." . 'Tux Republican primary elections will be held in Indiana tinnily Jane Ath. following seem to he the candidenei : A.: W. Taylor, of Crawford, and W. K: Miner, of Facette, for Congress: .Wm. Shields; John McEllunci; Thus. 3161011 n, Robt. 3fcereery,.. T. B. bdri, Daniel Ra mey, Win. T. Sinter and It B. Miller for Assembly; James K Riddle. Jacob Purr, Robt. W. Armstrong. David Berry,' Cleo. W. Bodenhamer and . Isaac St. Clair for fomniissioner. . BILAVEIL COUNTY primary election. will be held ou the 24tli of May,the candidatea are: For Congresitni. Henry, Michael Weyand: Atttiembly—Pi. WM. C. Shut:- lock, Henry tkoehring, Pr. T. J. Chandler; l'rothonotary-4ohn Caughey, Samuel. W. Ileed: Contaniesioner—James Smith, Stunt. Torrence, O. K. Shannon, U. W. Slim:bi, Samuel - Selma]; Auditor—Jas. W. John son, Isaac Scott, John t %rimy; Jury row. znitteloner—Williant Barnes, James War 'lock; Poor Mouse Director--011bert. Pen. dletort, Samuel Mckfanamy. Nat:of:Sitio; lion. Orange Noble as a candidate for the Senate in the t'rsiwforil tlistrict, the Erie Gazette pays a high coin pliment to his pentonal won), and public services, but :Mks more light .in another point: How does lie. or any other condi date in Erie county stand, In reference to "the infamous scheme of the last Leginla. tore to nob the. State Treabury? It has been publicly iannormctd bY borne of the originator. of this fraud that it has not been killed b,Ni the (Inventor's veto,- but only delayed; {hat a ablator bill will lie introduced dila next' winter and partied in defiance of the ttoventor's veto. I( the Pennsylvania Kailroad own the State, this, may be done. put we are of thone-w),o believe the pcoplorule and that our next Legislature will bit composed of honest and intelligent men who will neither lei bribed nor 10/C.ld into the .upprirt of another Such a hill?? It is gratifying to see that the Republic= menses of Erie county do nor intend to he wild again. YOUNII colored man named Andre . • • Smith, was fillet and killed near Emit S Louis la a yollllg tleniinn named Rh! 1 . facetle Von Vrilkenburg; NAM states la . . was assailed by. the decestwd, with a de mand for his limner °r ills life, upon which a struggle ensued. during which Von Vol kenburg secured the pistol and shot the iumailant. The survivor gave himself up after the body was found, although- no suspicion was attached to him. lie in un der arrest. THE. N. Y. Erening l'ust of Toe bs. de votes its lending article to "Strawlierry Shortcake," paying iticrespects to that av title In the following language: "As en aid to Indigestion and a short cut to dys i , pepsin, the strawberry shortcake. Is probs. tip excelled by none and equalled by few of the many - Inge-^l!' devices lit the Yankee kitchen?: FIRST EDITIOL ATIDNIGHT. AusT CONGRESS, =I y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Cotrotled • WASHINGTON. Mn' 13, Mo. I.4ENATF. Titumitut.t. rr;,senteti n reikolfttion of the llHonig C..ll , titlltioll3i Convention for the °loyal of the National Calilol to the MIsF.I. pi Valley. - Read and tabled. • Mr. SI - NINEII introduced n bill suppleisient ry to the Civil Rights Oct, giving equal rights to all citizens nn railroads. steamboats and public eons eyances. in (brain's. hotels. public schools, etc., and provides penalties for infrac lion. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. A bill passed appmpriating $-iooo' for the construction of a breakwater at Lewes, Del. Dills were reported to suppress drinking - houses in the District of Columbia. and I oreg clot e the sale of intretitcding lionor,and mak ing anapproprietion for the temporary re lief of thepoor of the District.' . The Lerlslative appropriation MU was pro. corded with. The amendment to allow the relining of bull, ion by private panics seas rejected. Several hours were consumed inn discussion open fixing the pay of .certaln officers of the S' Amendments were adopted securing to na val Oilers find surgeons of posts the full mn tensat too received by them under the act of 101 l recently.. This overrules sn opinion of the Attorney General. . . . An amendment was also ...Mooted fixing the salary of nssistants In each executive depart ment of the Setond Controller. Controller of Currency. Commissioner of Customs. ltegister. Auditors of the Treasury. Coin missinners I if Penalons.lndian affairs and Land affairs. at OLCOO each; also an amendment con tinuing tho Wilco of Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate by the usual appropriation of nsoo. An amendment by Mr. TRUMBULL, making the compensation of female, clerks, copyists and counters in departments the same as males occupying similar posit lons.was discuss ed. without action. until the Senate adjourned, to Monday. • • HOUSE OF REPRMtENTATI V ES. The bill for pensions to the children of Ortn mender Willie!ns of the Oneida having been reported adeetsely lest night and tabled, Mr. BUTLER. of Massachusetts. entered a motion for reconsideration. Mr. KNOTT made n report from the Confer ence Committee on the Arkansas lint Springs Reeervition bill, which wart agreed to. Mr. KEI.LEY, of Pennsylvania, made • per soual explanation relative to Millstone of his made some time 1151 en to the editor of the St. LonM Democrat, which had repeated the Ile that he was the owner of large trot, worker and one of the owners of the Bessemer process. He had rend n letter from the editor. Colonel Grosvener. stating the article woe written by a gentlemen left in charge, end he had !dready contradicted the story. SCCIFIELI) reported a s hill for the relief otwidesra and orphans of the Oneida. allow ing twelve months' pay from into of lose. Passed. The bill f ort heoration rat Capt. Dominick Leach to the act Ile list of the Nevy was named Clse the bill for the re-appointment of Lieut. onrmender Joshua, Bishop, who had been dismissed. Several minor Mils from the Kneel Commit - tee were also passed. The bill appropriating }MAU. now under the control of thee ecretary of State, belong ing to the latetnes indemnity fund, err mire money to the oftleereand crew of the hear sage, for the destruction of the Alabarria.was opposed by Messrs. kLtYNARD and FARNS WORTH. mod withdrawn to ho remodeled. The 1411 topayarrittan to Charles H. WhitneY. contractor of the iron-clad Keokuk. was re ferred to Committee of the Whole. Mr. DAWES. Chairman of the Committee on Appropriatbms. reported a bill appropriating gold coin to he paid the British Gov erntnent. tinder the award of emontisaloners I to tettle the elaims 41f the Hildcon nay and. Puget Sound Comonnks. the as, ard the Pal.rdonrut Sraiolo in two annual inStelawatr. the nrst of which to to- paid on the Pith of September. Mr. LAWRENCE opposed the bill hoopoe the avant was outrageoirdy torte, nod !w -ean. he was opposed to the payment of . any claims until petit Pion was made for the Moridetion of oisr claims ntalnst (Inuit Britoil, • fir. tI.A WKS .1 id not uphobl any mush •tanif aril of iniirality. Ile did not bow hr wits ab solved iron ins obligat ions because sonietwaty else don't per - rotor his. such a rule would be ft diagram. to any civilized nation. The trill was passed. ' The Tariff bill was taken up in Committee. hied ph on consideration was ato read: On neer or meal of oat.. wheat. rye, cairn or bnckwhent. one cent per pound_ Additional paragraphs wore imertzsi on middling. ship stuff. short. and flour and Intuit of grain of any kind, ground or mined. far feed. twenty per mauve,: on is brat thirty`gents. rye twenty cente.tariey twenty five rents. Cl/111 flfetvu cents, and oats fifteen cents per bushel. Mr..ICDD moved to strike out the pant graph taxing malt thirty per cent. or , tribirrm. Itejia•ted—r.4 to 11. Mr. STEVENSON moved to reduce the dui v to twenty-five per cent. Rejected. A motion to strike out the paragraph taxing. garden fruits. sr.. ten per tent.. was rejected. The House took a recess. ErertirmSreeren.—The paragraph lixlng or anges, lemons. Se, ten per-cent. ad entreat , . was emended by increasing the dirty to fifteen per cent., with a view to protecting the orangegroves of the South. The tintyon rice was fixed atiwo cents: pen. nuts. unshelled. two cents. and shelled three cents. • The Conanittee rose. cottimltt•a of floe. Heston. Doyle. Judd, Degener. Cox and Gets, as appointed to represent the House at the invitation of the Waahin..^ton German Associations at the 43 - - ingot the cOrner.stone of the monument to General Strube.Schntzen Park, Monday. Adjourned to Monday. . HA RR I SBURG." The Coon of Dr. gobeeppe before. the Moron. Court—A Question, as to the Application of the New LON—Brilliant Wedding. lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Ifklusnotto. May 13.—The Scheoppe ease came rip In the Supreme Court this forenoon on a writ to review the evidence In the lower Court,. per recent act of the Assemble . . The attornews for Schoeppe—lflller and Hepburn --illed'thc petition of Sehoeppe, to width the District .Ittorney..Maginrhan. entered the plea that the cue ended on the 11th of February lout. and that when the Legislature passedthe' bill. on 13th February thin case was•not Pending. and caleld not :be governed he fthe new law. Millet and 'Hepburn hied the repli cation of the Plaintiff in error, avid Maglarhan 51 . the ..ImArrvr • thereto. Chief Jest ice, Thotupwm said poshively and imphatically that he believed the ease was closet-on the 11th. and was not - , pending when the net of the Legislature wail paned on the 15th. and he could-not see how . Judgment could possibly ' be reopened now. The ease wits postponed till the Zid inst., when MI , point trill Atha In the argument. Court adjourned till Mon day morning. Hon. Richard J. Haldeman, Democratic - Ciumreasman from cum's-eland District. pennsyiennla, was married but night to Miss Maggie Cameron, daughter of Senator Simon Cameron, stud theme r,4s brillant party at General Contemns residence. THE FENIANS Htwrt of the Ceneentrolkon of thr Clem, In Th. Hertherret Conlreend—Thrre Hundred • at Ml. reel. far Telegraph to-ths Pittsburgh Gaulle.) CHICAGO. May 13.--The report telegraphed yesterday relative to concentration of Fe. Mans at 'Doing. is continued by a newspaper published at that point. Thu St. Paul Press hos news of the mustering Of •Ridan clans Qa various parts of Minnesota. and one party is now cn rook to Red River overland. There Is now at lit. Paul a Penton force of about three hundred awaiting unatigeamota for transportation and eubsiatence before commencing to match to lied 'liver. It will probably proceed theusual Mall route. but landing os osibly f the go to nadian 'Fort sped M William t on O . • oPPese the Ca General Coafrreoer of the Metbodh4 Lpheeirpa Church Mouth. • [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • )batons. May 13.-In the Methodist OM f..renrc to-day a petition to libullels the office of • Presiding Elder was non -concurred In. The Christion Adroent.• in to be Increased In sire. A hook is to im pubthed defining a utt - form system of church althitecture. A peri odical celled The ;hoar. Circle Is to be•puts lishcilit. The proposition to strike the word south" from the title of the Methodist Church here represented was referred back to the Conference. Dr. Summer's "Commentaries on the two Books of the New Testament" were approved and commended tothe Church. :A lung ,lebate on the abolition of the Itinet- Rey end substitution of the pastoral system was in progress when the Conference ad journed. it Is believed that a large majority lii vote Tor adhesion to the original system of itineracy, and a 'decree that no minister can remain in one' place longer than two Years. Pea. Cottrell, of MontgeinetT. Ala.. and Edwards, of Virginia. are the eloquent advocates of a thorough reform and change In the system of church government and of the abolition of itineracy. Upper Riven • DM P. k A. Telegraph.) . Oil, Crry. May la.—Riser falling, with Zi Inches water In the channel. Weather clear and pleasant. Thermometer 07 degrees at P. N. MORCIAST0111:. Slay Lt—ltii&r etatluuery, with 03 Inches water In the channel. Weather clear. Thermometer tin degrees at 5 r. M. GINZEINABOIIIO, May 13.—Itircr rising alowly, with 7 feet B Inches water In the channel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer GO degrees at. 0 P. X. Itnoweerm.r., May 13.—Hirer about on a stand. with OM feet water In the channel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer M degrees at 5 r. At. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1870. NEWS BY CABLE American and English Riral inehts— Doable Murder 'at Chelsea, England —Formidable ReTolution in the Ar gentine Republic, South Americo— tinpplementary Postal Treaty with North Gaming—Capture of Cuban Oen. Goleouria's Compankins. = • GREAT BRITAIN.' .• , ' . • Losno:c. May 13.—The Mt says the nitera-• lions made have greatly unproved the yacht Sapnho and the Carnbtle' will probably never be mmle to equal her lit the last nice the CAtnhrin whole.' had ar m la her sailing. and. If nothing else , dist , tyi of 'Mae should have forbidden the nice. the question of build was to ho a decision. 1 ' A clergyman. rest Ingati Chelsea. and Ids housekeeper were rutally murdered by a t , workman. a former inploye. who was arrest ed carrying nlt the remains of the house- keeper. • • 1 . -r-,11•-•-- , IMOrill AMERICA. Lisucei, May EL—The ',mil steamer Intro Itio .Innetro end :tooth, American ports ,has : arrived. A formidable rebellion had broken lilt In the provinceof Entre RIOR. The Ar gentine Governtnen wall 'hurrying forward LnaTlL`nostnhoe,e'neg, ".`bUit'dturrl t trtonuTdeTcihsM • result. . Generalrr4aiza, titoot , Eatri Rios: am ex-Dictator of-the Ned' Argentine Confederation. - W. shot and mortally wounded by, an as- The rtrarillaw iidunteent r e t un ing tt • . part In the war in Paraguay were.ring to Rio. where they ; were received' with great-m.olr— ing. The Diplomatic Conference at'Asunclon f6r the settlement of the Mains of Paraguay, had terminuted. - and the Argentine and illresillan 'Ministers w e re on.their wayto illaiao9 Ayres. . • • :1,4.-- -.- t 1 i ' Ilay.s:lA„May,l3.—Giegoond naTp- . 4 gn etc,. companions of General Gonleouritt. w e re can tered on Guanaba Island by marines from ,the. SPaitieh-:lMbati llt s,. and' arc now :en ,routs ti. Havana under guard. A court 'martial huh been summonedlor theirtrial. The American or English" ipplemel who w. with Gaulcourla died el ntarAtion or .expo , tore. It Is supposed Ryan had pilots. and succeeded In escaping front the Island: , ' • . GERMANY. Mar 13.—The Reichstag has ratified [VNTSV:t e sTga t a nd ' theTOr t tl:Verrin b nit " QtX. erat The Emperor of Russia has arrived here. • NIARINE NEtts— QuEr.strroti,r.'favl3.—The disabled steam ship itdberimarrived to- dal in , 0.V.5" with the steamer Batavia. which sailed hence for Near York last Toe:gine. MINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Lon - too,r. 10T1S— Rreni.o.--ConPot. for Innis -90, account, t 4 yg7,Yl%. American soon- Wt., steady: WI. 'n7s. 141%; `Mocks toady. }lti.rroNr. May U.—Hands arm. VAN ie. May 13,—Bourso aria it Tat .10, • [mimic. Mnr P.—Linseed eat., Arm at £9 L". 441113. .Perm oil 9047.91.0. Sugar quiet and steady. American hop. heavy; gaml 4a 5d q,t, , 15d. Linseed Arm la Ca. limned op inn. Tallow ensler at tla Dd. A.,•TWeX. Mat 13.--Patrubratullat bals f. Harm May ft.—Cotton Unit at lkif. on of LircHPool,lllte 13—Cotton: gala for' the week were to.lot, export. :pa sreculatios, MO* at.k. - =Mk mtmnicsm. *A.M. Ile tarnds tut tbernrnek - Ivere .18.0112 A me:test:U. MO bales: market to-day firm but quiet; miles L'..C.10 bait. uploads at IPA; Ode... 1P,Z, , . 11.4 d; males afloat 3:56.0w: . .tularirnu IDIOt bairn bliaebester trtarlot Arno.. illaell—ya relpts forth.. loot. tbree day. is Zal.ltal born of Aukerlcanomarket quiet; red *astern No. 2 at so 'id. .-inter Pa California white So lat. western TiOUT 20b Id and quiet and stirnie. Cora; No 2mi zed. Mo. Oat. Y. st. hosier Ss. • P. 14 ass. Pork IQ.. 'Beet 11.. tals I 'bees, Ilarnu. W.% for Cumberland, (N ad for short rib middle.. Petroleum unebanarni. Tallow 11, ad. - Turprntlnr 21., sq. 'L: 101 I' ' The pa tee \Monad rarille R• 11 .m.ll.•Anit•l of Deed Boil,. tivkillong ' Name. at 14111.14- 4,ronee• [Dr Telterraph , le the Pittsburgh Gazette.] T. leit - ts, May 11—The train having the tweliee that were killed be the etnisiva at Ea mes. "sstet - day arrived sheet 2 o'clock this morales . . Mei Caren, will beta an Iwluest this moraine. • • • ' The following arlditiotial names complete the list of killed: James w Smit h. Seymour. Inflimm: M. Ballet:tine, Sedalia, Missouri; A. S. Flint. St. fonds. Mi”otai; Genie W. Mier. Cornelia Station. Johnson counry. Missouri:a roung niaiympessod t_ci, be K. At. Spauldifor : ttoswwss l D . W.' ueker C'h berg. Leavenworth F.. sm. residence. unknown; William sup or. of the firm of nest, Teener. Smith k Co.. New Tort; James ft. McKee, Andemon. K est tick r. The oply additional wounded see Its P. Warner. 1., rafted States enigma messenger and 't i i i4 vesi ! t h i ne owing eolun description of TLe the and wreck: The express train hod die fam. ram am! &Mitigate ear, and the freight train was ft long heavy one. At. the Poled of collision there is as embankment alters flat high. where the road carves so sharply that two appronching trains cannot see each other until dote together.- A IMF the braid" the engineer. Jackson. was the ant to observe the smoke-click of the Approaching freight engine enlacing the curve at the east. ItlAt m the espre-ea maenad the west. He isointed and directed the attention of )4r. Jackson to the Amager. Bratm were lentnell stelrahlitteddown,.the earths reversed. and the speed of the train was eomewhnt checked, but no application of human power muddle...4e opthe heavy freight testis and Wing It toe pelt Zit= Ita i st r. i . Lll T A e and o . " 4l7.7.7= ` , grappled -with a tremendouis crash. reared from the track in mortal wrestle. and fell into helpless and .dlalointed frwaents to the ground. The shock wit. terrible. The tender. Mirage car and the two forwent tumors cars of the naptest train, on one able. and the tender and emend bon cites of the : freight Amin, oaths other. ruettedirsto the crank with their respective engines. leaning frightful ruins, spattered with the blood of forty hit. man being, entrapped and mutilated, be. math its shrtpelesa mess. The two , . minium oe drives with ,such forte kite each other t at it was alunat impossibleßitter the rol -1 halms to distinguish the parts of one from the other. • The crushed can were Jammed t,. nether, the gam lafailvered Into long slivers, aid the pent tracks and Iron ela blended Intninge leherip. that rolled off down 'the einfinakutent. The three rear cars of the eZIPTCsa train themd the con. cession, but eseeped the fate of the two forward ones. After the collision, they were betel standing stiff and still on the trunk. with their brakes !cies , . up, showing thnt the brakemen hail 'done their dote In response to the engineer's whistle:before they leaped from the train. The spectecle was one that It was impaulble to' clew without hhaolute honor. • Asa soldier passengerseld: here been thremgh many betties,. bait I never sow ouch a terribly sickening scene Its t his was. It was chum-and dentist:Pi:Mined. - I The engine. Wets both ti , k , tbe eatneeide of the embankment and were t a heap at bettered I fragments. Scattered around on all sides were portions of the. wreck and the scene .ttZt o e lilltron g'i r rf e n e t e l P il n gre i. sh I r e .. emu no If by on Internal e explosion, and the num, of broken timber,. Iron rods and other Portions of the earn, Looked Ilke the (retitle work of some Infernal agency. The Coroners Jury hare , been taking .4r l - . deMtieinthe collision cemented of t ha der, ant .trotninarw:ppp n of Ne,, 11;rittr'riton. was e r l;riset i r . th S i t e m n - laning. - and . will be sent home for Interment. -tit bodies not before ellidental will he burled In the fontnineCemetery to-morrow. Frank Holt. Who.withlhis little daughter. was killed, wan en milt from some point le Kansas to Wealffeld. (WNW seen sick wife. In response to telegruntic summons. Ills t ilethe bey Myron, wins was also on the Min and stun hat hurt, Is mite at the, residence of M. D. els. neardllenre. 1'0.4 where he remora remn until seat for. s Foreign Item. English H 0121.• of! Commons hasyy tifjted the Rropositlon for fomale auffT, darn* nViand himself; Irma urgesi tie_pobin kin of the Flourena itenio nstratilA In Hyde Mid , * morrow, as calculated to result In rioting and humiliation to the authorities. • - • --Later advices from South America state a revohltion hat broken out In the Province of FAtre 810s,in the Atgentine Itetrubllni headed by the Revolutionists Lopez and Jordan. - The Government troops attacked -the rebels and n sanguinary battle was fought, resulting In the killing end wounding of n number of reveht- Zionists. Ike Insurrection .has assumed is Tor-. midable aspect, and threatens to Involve the country In a protracted 01011 war. • -•le the British Howe of Commone, hurt Mahe. the Pcitmarier Generel stated that the Atlantic Steamship Compeer Pen'inled in their refund! to take the only compensation Post , aster General Cromwell wan empowered to 1 RheilOrhtloit of the 011111 , 15et , i 0 e , tween rew Britain and th e United States was there ore nt present impossible. —The Austrian government 11 resolved to resent the proclamation el Papal Infallibility by the restoration of the - pleblacitum resins°, which waa abolished • —Adole rosens allegrical picture of America In severely criticised In Paris. One paper says It might -do for an act drop. —Gene ral i• lasilzi, Dictator of the Ar gentlueltepublic, was recently assassinated In Thiene. Ayres, the assassin escaPtllk —Kossuth him protested against the nentied Izinlc tendendee of the address -of the Austrian adtalnistmlon. .• • • ele t: "L'" p ed i . e b l f .e . ° Pa re itu l lirn eo m a re o P n re ttirre th eu ti ll e' Ot h rhe. c r m ot grnt on • — The Pane threaten, extreme mamma anima the American illahnps who quit their posts at Rome. • '-134"."1"9t°01,iebnill. Rutslan Ambsesedor died in Parts yeeterdeS. • SECOND EHITION. ==n'_l NEW YORK` CITY State Aid to Charitable llistitullons— Congregational Union ; Anolvermary —Banquet to Whililer---Coliflaura lions in the Mounlaisui—lnalue As tasehT, Mal'arlauiL - Marivan obi of Torty-eightTi-Ine and Muir der—The Fenians. [By Tologntph to tho Vittabarith (ozettc.) Scw TA*, Mny 13,1870. - STATE AID TO „- • ,Irrangementtare maklattbr a meeting of all the Catholic priests offi''; decide upon the expeolleneyof receiving State ' city, who are to ',- aid in support of the charitable institutions of that church. .1 mann' of priests are opposed to accepting such aid. They else hold that no money raised hy taxation Amid be given to tlic schools or asylums of Jarty Church. They also aver that deinuninntiOns outside of Cath blic communities will ottlfet)ne . re seriet'sly by the proposed ivlthdrawill . State aid than their church. . moo IttaLtilONAl, 102:1111% A.ttNl VERSAIIT. The anniversary of the ;Coterie. Congrega tional Union. In the DrooklynAndemy of Ma nic bud night, wan attended by a crowded au dience, the coercion being more largely atten ded and enthusiastic than any thus for deriug the anniversary. Henry Wiwi Beerher presi ded.' DodiwOrth's band furnished the music. Hee; Dra..ltay; Palmer andlnteudoreLCuyler, Rev. U. C.rane. of Hartford. and Premise 3lertman. of Ripon college, Were the principal speakers. Dr. Palmer' annenneed Abet more .than hso.Uooin aid of feeble churches bad been raised during theqt.years thus securing nu additional gift of MO from Henry 0. Mown. made on the coed tied that The former Torment be obtained. • Tax roil wittoplon, . . The Union 'League gave & Inception In John G. W hillier last evening. Jackson P. Shultz presided, and the pleat' lens seetroned by Luther it. Marsh. Mr. Whittier replied by thanking them all far the kindnees shown bite. and said he considered the honor not due to him, hut to his native Mate rather, that this Outs. *bleb foe so long a time had besot Minim ambreecurnised throughouLt he country for ito 'public spirit. patriotism iind humanity, had conferred an honor upon his Slate, mul the kiniincioi and hospitality Or the club het 'coati! sneer forget. Remarks were afterwards made by Salem 11. Wells. T. D. Vandusen and ex orerner Dennison. • THE Yllll3 IT Tur. 'tours. The paper 4 continue to give graphic or cenets of the terrible declination:toil dentrue nen of property which has been Twined by the conflagration that in now raging lu the wined:, and among the mountains In Sullivan. Ormse. Mailimn and other Tenant.s la this State. ,The fire extends neer n hundred miles of territory, and the loss to already estimated nt tire mil nons of dollars. In the night time the sPee; Uncle of the burning mountain. Is both and interning. it I. feared that a funnily. liv leg near Deposit Stntkni., on the line of the liallrant, have been surrowaded by the flames and roasted alive. eartivers or 'roll:tit-110.r -_ The /laden patriots of la and IP held a fe, ilval In Jones' Woods to-day. Appropriste emblems and Ana worn MMg train tree to tree. Speeches were made b_y_ General. Sigel, Senator Schurz end others. The festival will elate with a grand bell to-night. I STIV ROM. Schell& enter 1a boar - ling house kept he MI. Welles. Mt Williamebare. at 67 Naith Thhd Weft, to-day, and without ut ter inx 1 wont drew R revolver and tired at the woman. The hall trued bettemple. lie Im lun,liatelrttrear tier-reecheraponi hlm•rit and emptied, three.carte ea. jun, h head. Ffe wet tot dead late Lo-otett. The roe hod beet, ••engarr.l." • ' . • =I At a ,111,11ng nf - the 3114411 m Lend tattler last night. Dr. Hammond bald: "That McFar land ta at orrannt is. mach* physical and men• td condition a. to rrodsr him liable. ninth roinparat hely slight calla!, to another rsplo don of mall., is it /Mt littrtrard to which rr . - prated etwm inat lon leatMa , en linnet %term Iny mewl." ILMISTRAVION. The rest.trstion to..davjur t.n. Nta, - t• I safer*. V.,2111: total addltltto trt.iteettvotiotrr vit,tton. 11,50, The. Itrttsnot l• Tbr.tarir...ttmdther or cr0,,,..1 voters mast cored •to ow -.cud .1.1161, In tbe Eighth Want 103==3 Itt,eutive rotrintlftee of the Fenian Ttrutberhoolt yr*. In owodon an Aar. it to poet "Reel). ne.erted that troltfro an 4 olllcent !my 'eft erlthln the pnot fevr days far the herder. A fooll.h - ran•lnt that McFarland bad barn ahot ha • well-knnwn • loathallat attained much carreoca. and ocansioned no lIAtIo ex citement 10-night. • The eooo.d vote. were 'regialeted to-day for next Tuesday's electbers Judge Cardoso granted motion to Ille o entiglemental complaint to the case of ri4k NMlnet the Nusguebanna Railroad. • 1 case le before the gett a lior cowl in volt lag the raildity of an Ind a divot... Toeiar having been set apart itt the Meth"- dhs, church.+ of tars city. to • last day In memory of Bishops Kingsley) and Mono." •PPrOlniate services wean held atul largely at t..4.a. The celebrated trotting bursa Cady Thorn bait been sold for 131.13111).• General Chat. h. Oratiant to-doe declined the nomination fur Alderman, tendered him by the Republican Convention. The Herenth Regiment will nut go' to Chi- Chgo. M`+== . . . Bergh ha% at the drain , . of Senator skimner. prepared s bill tor the prevention of emelt). to sanimale on railroads.. Henry Bergh hmi been 're-elected l'rexhient of the Society fur the Presentiment t7ruelty Animals. . la=L Co or Lb. redeu/schotne =elbows. base ball Wheaten' the's% t tattles of Philadelphia, nod ['aloes of blortishont, ‘V. salterd et. Tremnt, ;I.3nlstutt: wno-2 6- on .idled ro o ue: ' , The At/net/es:of rtrooklyn. bent the IWtolstas. Of Elizabeth-N. J.. thls afternoon-0 to (L e % : ti. Woodruff. a ehuteh offleee.nerested last mituth In Ilehoken. downed with v. - Willing several parties. Including three churches. of n heavy *mould of money.. erttipeslav dbehnr- Lheadavitit bring fusreleist to pon 0 K ANSAS liNeerfnl Mobsll.ol—Ml .§lninall fiend.- One. R 111.4 In thn'llefilsh NLrk. Poor Cnnichl and Lynette& and the illther In Onion,. tiir Telegraph tu the Plrtaburgh Garettv.l rota Scterr. May 13.--An Account of t he nlost dlabelical affait ever recorded Is published In to-dote Monitor. On Tueoley ail men.elther Tenant or straggling outlaw.' from tho Indian Territory, came to the town of Indore, a few mile; south. At erdrinkingnl4 day they went to the boarding house, ofJ.N. Itonch end naked to stay nil night. (king refused on of their drunken of them knocked /touch :Insensible with a tetolver.: and nen went to the bed occupied by twedenghtert of Mooch. aged twelve and fourteen, and .ravith ed them during the entlin night , sting n knife to acoomplish thele - purpole. botch revived sitter it [line. but feared to stir, knowing lie would be killed If he• dill so. lie Ile motif*, • the 'erica and. entreaties of the wham nit 14mila-rending. .1 quarrel ar o , among the domain,. and nue Wits shot deed while In the act of satisfying his lust. Al tin, I reak the. party fled, erne taking with loin t o the woodt the youngest girl. The town wile Immodiately routed and thirties started In every direction to search for the fiend[. • The one with the girl Wall soon over taken, .and hung to a tree. Two others sere' - "found • iieereteri in • the (men nod bong to the sarnotree. The re:rutin- Ing two were also cantered. one, of them hung, and the other onent last necOunts torts -In the suatody of the citizens. but will probe. lil' sherd oho - Valor of Ids , domisinions. The universe' verdict Bert Is that In this Instance at leant the sionMer:ner of the tulliction of penistnnobt Was dntlre The Clallama fat Readtaa. , t lly Teleatapb 10'0 ttaburgti diaotti,j RtArrisoMny 1.1.--Johb • Deal 'aline Inch. rlah Snyder. murderer of Richard liarloa wax lactated Ude mantlPM. • ' -An appeal conies from the citizens of Richmond, in the form of an oddness to the people of the United States, In regard to the condition end circumstances of the sufferers byhe recent calamity lu that city. _Of three hundred and efty persoldritteolied- in the fall of the flooring. sixty-dee hare died. and many more are seriously injured. The families both of the 'dead at, ,, l , V2 o, ptirrrelons now shier -log. tft many • or c Of the naceesa ries of life. fern std tof Charity, in its broadest sense, without reference to political or social diversities of feeling, the committ ees ask, In the Interests of humanity, thobeneyc,- loner of the entire country. Contributions are to be sent to Miss E. L. ` 'an - clew, Dew, Postinls tress at Itichmond. Vs., and President of the Heller Association. —The steamer Japan, from Hong Rung April and Yokahoma April 'V., arrived at Sun Francisco yesterday, with 1,400 passen gers. American Minister Low and family left Shanghai for the north April kith. The imper ial forces had been twine defeated in the prov inces, and the leading General killed. The news of the death at kV'. Burlingame was re ceived with general regret. , . In the Conference of the Methodist .Pro lestant Church. at Tialthoore, sniterdhy, th e report on the ritual wax discuesed at length. Toe portion referring to the nee of the Cain— mandmenU and beatitudes was adopted. That Including the Aponte.' creed whx-reje,,tml. Is reported that many of the/Greeley Colony In EAlonolo ore ,try sink of their new home, being Pet down on the prairie without unythlttg, nod that they ere meott ering to other points or going home. - THE CAPITAL Applultitrnts—Treasory Receipts and Disblirsements--Canadlan Fisherleg —Exclittatur Iteyoked. ❑l Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette.] WAgunicrros. 7 , 1. y 13. 180. =I The following nominations by the President were sent to the Senate today: Den. VV. Dent s A ppm l a !ter of Merchandise at San Francisco; Poste slurs—Napoleon 11. Stone , San FmnS duce: Jesse Moore. Owensboro, Ky.; Susan 11. II bridge. Ilopkinsville. Ky. Site NATIONAL THE/ON:RT. • Inn Inling the brthillee in the Treasury on December nit, tutnielY. gl.ihe , toicci=, tho 're ceipts of the Government for the quarter end ing Marth 31 were =1,14f. la, nod the ex penditures $1011.0(11.R9. The clerks of the ,Treasury Department re cently sent to linlifUrnia In charge of a large quantity of Government Thuds, have returned, bringing abont a million and a qunrter of metier. including one ninon one hundred thousand dellars of cancelled notes; the rest specie. . • . It is stittell ehnnire will soon be made in the °the.° of Chief Clerk of the fiegisterof the Tremory. now held by It. F. Itcttunhouse. Adv ices were received to-day of the arrival r the United Staten steamer Frolic at Prince td*nrd'it Inhind.. She Is now craining In the tulf of St. LOWII7I.CP for the protection of the nterests of American ilshermen. THE DOT BAPLIZYD. • 'rho Vice President's young son was bap tised night before last by Iter. Drs. Newman and Didy. President Grunt and ramify were present. sod the •President presented young Fcbuyier with a very handsome silver cup. E=l 'rho l'renitlent has revoked the exewatur of Joaquin e l'ort agues. Vico Conaal Rt Savannah. for'satlefactory reasons. which are not stated In the proclamation. nccr.tvxmi name Lewin Coti• new Itnihin Minister. was ta-ttar by the President. • BRIEF TELEGRAMS - Quite a number of seceding Mormons are ::: t o tray to MiltS(11111. • --The grasshopper scourge it Is feared will Minnesota this year.: • • • • —Track-taring en the Denver Pacific Rait • ad has brio feeettunenceo. . - The ratltlcation of the Vifteenth Amend M2===== The 11Ig Horn 'expedition Is Intteasing In numbers at Cheyeone. and In'expeefed to leave oo the 15th. —Reports :from Helena. Montana, say the Nils sour' river is higher near there than at any time last bunion. - • Governor Warmout h. of Louisiana, 'has ap nted Gen. Lnarstreet Adjutant General of State - Militia. -The Missouri Fund Commissioner has , . . . . rchnsed half a million Stet• Mlea with the uridu.a lu hia handy. —The contract for the grading of an addl- . . tlonal ten mile. nt the Omaha and. southern Railroad ban been let. --The mining news from Montana and Colo rado Ix favorable. Large amounts of Matt and bullion are seat east daily. —The Cunard steamship Siberia, fur whose safety fears had burn entertained. arrived et Queenstown yesterday. all well On board. --The E.-mt_Maine Conference of the M. E. tTureb IL srumme ueod I. twenty-t ht rd annual stusinu at linckland. Bishop Simpson presid ing. • --Ales. [lemon. the oldest member of the Thilndelehin Stock Board, died re. eterdey morning, lie leaves fortune of three mil lion,. Superintendents suet at ladtat. spoils In large number yesterday., A , summer schedule teas arranged, to take effect en the 29th Instant. —An engineering party engaged In the our yey for n railroad from Denver to George town. Colorado. report larurabh... the grade nut exceeding trerenty feet per mile. In the Vlreitila Houee of Delerates last night n ntnrm debate took plate on the propo sition to strike the word - white - front the too bill. which woe defented--ayes 2:4 nnys 57. - During the continuance of the recent trouble iu France five hundred and fifty-seven people were arrested In Perla for partlelpa [Mg to riots. The tribunals have commenced the comdlicrat ion of the cases. --The Meteor county, New Jert.tY. frond Jur) made IA protentment yeeterday of the ca/mien P.WI Amboy for neglecting to Adopt n.6 ,, ,aarr pre enut lons to protect hu m.. -Wet ttleuaitts where their tIACILIP ems.* atreets In Trenton. E=l We are now full into the • tenon when paint It a prstitlye necenity for the preservation end beautification of our realdeaces and pine. of butlnest. A pound of paint judi ciously applied Is worth it, weight in gold to . the hoot. on which placed. both as entombsal. peerance and . durabillty. We are glad to ob terve that much painting hat been done this setotonzned those who handle the broth skill fully have had their slate. kept Prover.' with orders. To illuttrate the truthof thin we have only to refer to our friend Sohn T. Gray. No. 54 l'i(ntit. late Hand street. , He him been kept untitually bun. and even yet has not emerged from the throng of trade that has driven hint to hit utmost capacity during the mutt three meniths. Employing some forte ex cellent mechanics. and having hit laminate carefully notnage.l, he has been meactrably able to keep up with his Inge and increasing patronage. There tee many renews, hewer or. which combine to make .Gray popular in his business and to cause a preference for bit workmanshi p. In the first place he takes pains. with all his jobs. Plighting none. He nee. the tem hest quality of materials and mixes' hit colon with great rare. He attend, promptly to all order,. and putt on the work unit - thOtoughly competent end experiented workmen. while his prices are alSesyt as rea sonable at it I. poneibie for them to be for good workmanship. Hit foreman. Mr.' Lew. IL Purkey, thomughly understands hit Inutinect, and to hie eMelencv IS doe much of the sateen which attend* Mr. (trey in the trade. Any of our murders who may want a goodjob in the tray of house and riga painting , plain or orna mental...ill to well to femme the services of Mr. limy. We tan commend him In the hearti est tenon on eminently worthy of patronage. and bespeak for him an incrente of the large share of custom hitherto direided toward, hie doors. Vet a hasilay raper take the Sumksa Ilisratrh. It will be the llvelt.ol handsomest and 11104 illteref !fill( paper ever Issued In Pittatyurgh. Everrbody• should sutmerihn for It. The Trees are not In full bloom. the birds am caroling their sweeteat lays, the air Is (Wed with the fragrance of a thousand flow ers, and all Nature weama rosy May day smile, it if In encouragement of Liebter. the roust t rank man, In hi. work of providing for that:at - cling millions the beuents and blessing of a trunk able to withstand all the Attacks of en t he ' , UMW smashers In esiatertee. Llebler has them on hand at 101 Wood street. - Mama}' Dispatch._ ready for delivery to agents, newoboys 11011 carriers, at one o'c lock,. to-morrow morning. Come one, come all for It. • Goal Itotel.—Allegheny can now rejoice In the pmetesion ofgood. hotel—the Girard House Ells the bill. The necessity for such an Institution In our sister city bus existed for a long time, and It Is gratifying to note that the enterprise of an Alleghenian. M. G. C. Light cat hoe at last brunalst about the happy con summation. The .Girstrd" Is located on Fed ernl street corner of Isabella, convenient, cosy. uollifortuble owl Just the place fur the boarder r traveler. ,IrVatlaral, the New York seneuttion. has not yet detenn feed to visit Pittburgh. It has been sue/rested that If he can't come himself that be seed to Wood street. for one of "Adder's trunk,, to pack away the voluminous documents developed in Ms trial. to be peened by future ntstortans when reviewing this tv inarkable ease. If Impute the papers sway In one of these they urn bound to be safe. The Paper for the newsboys is the Sumlog Mixitch. It wlllgo off like hot cakes. News ho wthrs will uever get stuck on the Sinning Dfit i. . • Time would fall to tell of the ribbons and laces and flowers and trinkets and fancy artlelea In store at Moorhead's, No. of Market Street. for the ladles. The establishment Is a fair art gallery of Itself, representing all the net expended in manufacturing useful and or namental articles of female apparel. The stock In always large. and always fresh—kept so by quick sales and constant arrivals. Ladles call at 111 Market street. A street Many of uur citizens are making prepurations Inc visiting the continent .the coming season, and among the ling items at tended to is thepurchase of some of Llebler's tnnsks, from lilt Wood street,. for storing awnY what baggage they may carry with them. it Is a wise provision, for nowhere else can they get such articles In this tine . on Liebler mamitactures. 'roue Columns of .edvertisernents received for the SiontanDierharh yesterday. Boom but for a few more. Don't all speak at once. Unim.vrAtiLE.--The feet that ?gained glace add. to the appearance of a rhumb or private dwellings. Wm: Nelson, 23 Market street, furnishes all styles mined' glace promptly to order. Wonxixn MEN, mechanics and others, rFSshbig cheap and pleasant Lames, should attend third great sale of building lots in extended subdirlaion of McKeesport to come off. Monday, 111th. The lots of origi. mil plan are being sold and rapidly lyn proved, Those for sale are equally beautiful and offer some rare inducementa. fSee advertisement. • ‘VIIEIIE tr MAT BE Sees.--(lood wink beautiful designs and brilliant colors ma be seen atlVm. Nelson's glass staining es talilishment, 2341farket street. VOL. LXXXV.---NO. 115 - OENERALITIES Forests' host o f Longfellow is dons T. 6. AnTnrn's magazine, Once it Month a dead. A NEW 110(01 has been opened in Yo Se mite valley. CHEIARIEN were ripe more than a week ago in California. A VIUILANCE COMlnittee has been or ganized in Nevada City. QVAILs are complained - et ea -pests" in several California counties. Tut: Philadelphia Richmond relief fund amounts to more than $ll,OOO. AN Apsuranre company in Vallejo refus ed to insure ttAltinniunn against he elope- meet of his wife. GrcEEN rEAIS and fine cauliflowers. grown California, are selling in large quanti- ties now in Omaha T. BAmitTkr has been lecturing in Omaha upon the Art 4of Moue". Making, butlils audiences were small. SAN FRANCIKO ha five or aic ladies engaged as tda si engravers, and several as professional portrait painters. Tun . peach trees manifest a curious tendency, says the' Trne ..Warytandtr, to produce sererul peliCheo to every blotootu. MRS., of Tyler county,. Virginia, is years Film druwe a pension as the widow of a soldier of the revolution. THE EVerpried et Virginia City. Ne vada. `nays the colored people wnducted themselves intelligently and properly on election day. Tilt: fast train rid the 'Sew York t'en• Ira! line and Ito eraineetionijourneye fmui New York niellicago in thirty bourn and fifty ininutee. A w intuit making tho overland journey fronkEurope to India, thinka that the pe culiaritiea of Oriental life which find uggest themselves to the tourist, tar dirt est And fleas. THE manes of Mr. r. F. Spring and family, of this city, were among the Americitna registered at Drexel, buries & co.'s banking house in.Pnrie for the week coiling April 27thi1370. A.B..rr $lOB.OOO is the b r the late enormous barbecue in Cincinnati, and there Was but $15,000 insurance, nor was there anything made by the sale of the roast pork, as nothing but bones were left. A WHITI:It describing the crowd at the office of a member orthe New York bar rays: ''Surely •a' lawyer who las such wretches to deal with must bathe often, and leave his pocketbook and conscience at home.- == . If you want a grosid set of teeth at the lnwrtit prices; or If 'von want teeth ex , , , teamed without pain, with entire sa fety - to life and health, in short, If you want apip thing in the line of i dentistry, 'No. 248 l'enn street, is the placo .to inii;•you will find Dr. tlilleapie skillful in his profession, courteous and obliging, to all, entirely re sponsible for all he assnmes. Dive him a cell and see for yourseNes. NVOItTILY OF I;{EMARE.—WIII. Nelson, who established the business of staining glass in - this city fourteen years ago. Is still.recognized-as -tins •Tneitincer of the -first work- is hie line of business. rahunni.s.; DlA3ti.2o) .PIROPERTY AT lvt.. - nox.--Wedneaday, May 12th, at 2 o'clock P. st., on the prentisel, Will, be bold that valuable three story brick house, No. 31 Pittsburgh Diamond, adjoining Edw. Ilenzelton, Esq.'s new warehouse. The let has n twenty feet front on the Diamond mud, extending back in depth one 11111111TVII nod twenty feet to Decatur. Par ties &airing 'an Investment' or husinesa I,,perty will.tind it to their advantage to attend thin male. 'Perms at sale. • .1, U. STEWART, .NlifilOtlCPT. H. B. 6MITIINON,IIIIIIOII/1.61.1. Snout, Sicoitir, Suoua, Slioce,tinom— very largo_auction sale of seasonable boots, slwe nd gaiters win be bold at Legg-men auction boner. 159 Federal tdreet; Allegheny, on Friday; lath inat, Sales at 9 and 2 .r. te. 'The entire stock of a retail store having to be sold that day, rare, goodbargaine nay •be ex pected, Heade of farnlllen 111 find it proliutble to attend. . 3. • • A. Ukiah:re. Auctioneer. • ..)...)?or FAIL to call torclay arid examine the splendid stock of men and • boys' clothing and 1 arniahing good. at Urling. Follansbee & cornerof Fifth avenue ■nd Wood street: YOU can do. no better elsewhere. The stock if; large and fresh. The prices are most reasonable. NOTICEABIA.—TIii, workmanship diti played in the stained and enameled glass, to be seen at No. 23 Market street.. Nel son's stained glass works is an old eatab. lishment. , i PEAUL COAL WOU K.—Schnabel & Wal ker have on band a d deliver daily to any part of Plosbn gh and Allegheny Coal, Nut. Coal andSa rk at the lowest cash prices. Special t ea to regular cue. touters and for large ere This coal hi Ole best offered in th city. Office and yard, corner of Sand street and West l'esuillailnaul, Allegheny city. WS (loop REVIDENCH IN ALturfutirric.—A flrat rate new dwelling ou Sheffield atreet, is (or vale at a greatly reduced. price. An early application to A. Leggate, auc tioneer. 159 Federal street, will aecnre advantageous terms. ====l TAVERN KEEPEXS will ^ put nionoy in their puma" by earring their cuettanera with Pier, Pannals k en.'s cream ale. Fee The Fullest, Fritheet, 'lipAeleet Len report., lead the Sunday Ditpateh. NEW ADVERTIM::/MMTS Dy.FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, Oh'Wad .art, !woo De_pol.l BRUM, los, Pa.. S. CRJOHWIIItiI. Tu tor. 1118 EVERY SABBATH at 10X x. arid 7X P. X. Public cordially Invited. [Cr FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, tanner Bearer athoet and Montgomery sea ms, Allegheny (Ity. JOSEPII KING. I%ator. Preaching TO-MORROW tLeord'a Dan si 1034 A.M. and 7 tote. Sent* eatlntly Imo sod • odd torltatloit to *IL Sunday School at B A. Y. rr — JUBILEE DISCOURSES WILL ...Pt- , be preached In the PLY 31t)UTX1 CHURCH next &heath. Hatileet—“The Minim Fathers - - the Influence of their faith and polity upon the netion and our duty to rnalritein. entente ene tninanat the inheritance ne have reteived et their heeds. 137 CHRISTIA NSHALT *HO Federal WORSHIP In QUINCY , 1, 0 street, Allegheny. erery LOllllll DAY at MOO A.M. nods nod 740 P. M. morrlng the UMW and true l:od odd RLDaR . z .,,,.., Ard 0 e Sou fie 14 .. .a=14100 1 : - Preach the Wvrd." owe and We EU try nod do you good. y. KU; 'CAL SOIREE, UNDER the auspices of the Tom. Horeb Christi= Ame=allua, f rn TUESDAY ETENriNG.2.IO 17th. et their New fluo es. corner. of Sixth and Penn streets. The' public are Invited. Admlaalan mill: r2l-0_ B L o u N N,H o , AT MAX o Penn tivad.onviATUßDAY and MONDi.T. 4 4 I 4I4th and leth...My Mends and patrons am respect fully invited. mans% LL THE LATEST STYLES OF FSTfI 01 , 31CWELRY, • WATCH . CHAINS. SLEEVE BUTTONS, HAIWKERCIIIRS HOLDERS, GOLD LINAD CANES SOLID SILVER AND . ' • PLATED WARE. AB. At the Lowest Prices, at WATTLES Sr SHAFER'S I= 101 PRIIS ATENUI, above SmithSeld ilt!oeL EXTRA LARGE STOCKINGS, WHITE. 3 1 .110WK.BLA&C, SLATE , • lA.i A goOleiasiety of FANCY Ccrr MN STOCKINGS. WHITE AHD FANCY . odsroN exoctuiva AND HALF- HOBS. Otnl4o.Lulles% bllaws sad alkildrenl xlefaxo UNDERWEAR. 'IA volt vsrbas at JAMES ?LIPMAN'S OLD STAND ATOCEING g{ FIITH AVATMIL• - m71,1•A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS. WHERE TO BUY THEM, AND How to Send for Theni. • The season is now approachlas whoa the Country (Sabbath Schottle are Opening, and require Library Beeks end requisite. We are =kill( •speolnity of the Sabbath School Book busines.and have the largest stock to the cite. We will seloet for one echpil that cannot niferit Cl, Pend n committee to. the city. and allow them to axiom nay hooks they do not like. .0. we will send any amount the; .Irlgh. and let them melte their . onn selection and relent the balance. (Mr stock Is selected from all the putillsitlng houses in the country. and is stilted to schools of FS Olt y I iNOMINATIoN. . . . In sending, for hooks get a Post r)fliee order or draft. Write your mune and Post if Men addreaa plainly, and give fun directions. for chipping. We make It. rule. to 1711 all ordet, Llie day they are re ' calved. if at all pf,a,lble. Catalogues Insulshed,and all lalloatos eheelialls twered. Address, J.L.READ &SON, Booksellers, 02 FOURTH .AVENUE I Pittsburg. t l :7l 4, yrn lll QnTCM' or ALLOi i3rrale.i' NOTICE TO CONTUACTOR,ti.—!kaI• .ED PROPOSALS will be received et thin office uhtli 3 r. O..TitChSDAY. May 19. 1970. for the GRADING AND PAVING Of the following Streets and Alleys MULBERRY STREET. from Rebecca street to Its southern terolllll. TAGGART STREET. from Mushlngton MUM. srersues: UNION AVENUE. front Tumirt street, to northern terminus. ELENA VISTA STREET, from Teylor•svenne to Ackley streeL . JACKSON STREET, front }recount street to Omni arena.. CTIURCIT AVENUE. troll' Federal street to Limon gnome. IRWLN AVENUE. Inoue present terminus of Paring to Wn•Illogton &mule. ADAMS STREET, from Fulton street to Bearer avenue. PITT ALLEY, from Strawberry alley to Mont.: (011.37 avenue. FRAZIER ALLEY. from Fulton to Sedgelck streets. FOR GRADING ONLY JALAPPA STREET, Iran Welker street to Its western terminus. SPANS ALLEY. from Fayette street to Western WITIIO4 Specification. can be soon a the Mike of OTT XNGINEER. • The right nirenerred to reteet enr or ell hid. . W. M. PORTER, EMIZ THIRTY-FOUR ACRES, Fine Suburban Residence, ON OHIO RIVER, AT NEVILLE At Auction. • ' On YItIDAF. May 201 h. at 11 Wolof*. wrn be sold by auction.on the premises. the peeped,' of Me. Thomas Bakewell, at Neville. a station on the P., Ft.W.and C. lI.W. about SO minutes ride front town. ' The grounds embrace 34 acres In a high state of miltivallon, thickly planted with grapes, Peen.. apples and other fruits; and highly orna mented with ergreen. shade aud forest trees, ahrubbery and flower., A winding avenue of eaTi Made lead, fromstation to the Clwelllog.whl occupies commanding position le the centre o the grounds. The scenboviews obtainable frost this Mint mi le s ellY reettateeet. The adjacent country foemound. tad th e beautiful wind ing Ohlo to Sewickley Point. are visible from neer: ly every portion of theta eremites. It I. a garden Roe, end to toCePpreciat meat d o uble The house is a aobstimtial coo l°levantframe structure. with foot. ball ride pomileo; Mom belcony. cestlbuic. porlor.with boy win. dor ; all tine room, library. will; bay window, din; leg room, kitchen, with range, hot nod cold water, gad water teak; Ma chambers on 04,004 floor. bath. water closet, finished attic, ntorenveve, good dry cellar with heating furnace. wash house, eta: Unitary tats end other c.tivenleneea Marbleised slate mendee m all the names. The entire build: log Is In complete order. is of modern style, and has a very handsome Appear...a, Toe Mahone. logs are extensive., embracing carriage house, horse sod cow atablea, tool house, chic/en bone., lee house. cooling mom and obeervatory. The .1 , 1 Jack mansion, a comfortable Mme, la also on the =nel it limits of the borh s otl t a 17er ren a rend ea co. isiFinik , e ' ctirlTe h' b . ral . l Brighton toed, and Is right at the railway station, whore almost hourly CoonectiOo with the city It afforded. It Is the desire of the owner that this property eboll be sold to ;me piece. and decided in. ducemente will be tanned to ecoompitsh that the deimaodeolthnxl pra se ntnt I the tale. The preenses wiU he open for triapectlon for three days prior to the lode. . • . Tenme—One-thisd nub. balance In three equai >.H7 Pennentsortth Interest. encored by bond and mortgage on the premises. . A. LEG-C+ATE; enveri 300,000 ENVELOPES, WHITE, all alma. • 8 1 : a1it. ' 1716.„, • . ORAMIZ. all glees, • W AVldel i t.ttles CARRy stem • MCVlt2t46 ou all o rase . PA T . tgi • oracm, /SWUNG:aII alma c M.o. all the oh re to allree'enalrelahta and thick- DOOM . Also, wows' Jot Lel. 00 , 7 _cheat!, Ina. timers. Prlaters Sae aanoetaaata htlyantage. tfaspi 0 aad WC." ma n ed R;EA1)& SO.N Booksellers and • Stationers, No. 102 FOURTH AVENUE, teen PITTPICURGII, PA. GRANT STREET RESIDENCE FOR • ALS—A Urge b oom gleay /unsaved three story brick dwelling ba desirable lona- Um. meet Sixth mann:m."lolPM In Modena Style. laneban, two parlors. dltdox room sad latetm. eme Members. batb Inteben name. taller am:llam and water Mum, marble mantles. lc Wee .batten, mutt bows. etc. hamedlate pos. session. No. 130 Grant & myll • IL 'B4 4lEi r tb Anm EMS - GAZETTE 1s ?It RES - T ' A:4l':( 4 llti/EthE Commercial and Family Newspaper RI.I.IIED IN WESTER?: PP:NRSTIikaA. • .No farmer , mechanic. or merebant ahead Do without it. tittob % o tle s f u le bscriber" Clu Dube of ten....... A copy I+ furnished gratuitously to the getter-en of • Club of ten. Postmasters are requested Want _PEALNI.ILLN. REEO.4 ruoriurroßs `:". - g". I 7O7'.ICFS: II.. TS-Let," For &de," Wants," "Falloff," "Boarding," 110 i I,lCeiNllrti FOUR 'LINES. trill bo . io..crted in.thcor columns once for TWEN TY-FIVE C,L'..V.T ! '"* . , mach additional line FIVE CENTS. WANTS. IArANTED.-500 empty Flour Bar- Rms. SPOT at •IS Ninth street. fcl3 NT L i r ‘ ali a liz.t .. ft t ilorron wen nemmomentled. V t Nor3I . IIO ‘ .4TEBE; STREET. Allegheny llty. WANTF.D—SITUATION—As SnleFe. " MAN 011 TRAVELING AGENT. In a wholesale or manufacturing house, by a relmhle lem goad city reference Oren. Adams* NoirJ. ractte office. NTEIL—A Lady oiperleaced In w .tn. 511 el. 54 AATANTED.—An Unfurnished Room, suitable fora bntl-ronns, In Allegheny. with Gus. Andress It. It.. not &Al. 54 'VAT A NTl , ll.—An active, and res hie malt tako thn og.oor of Litt, lnauranee Company for .Altribe.? wanly, Andre.. with rnforrnroa, STACY A. PA10rt..743 Walnut atroot, IVA NTED. , -Situation axe:Herb by a g gentleman of tr=.'dNit".l.l%l7! t1,L 2 74. "N'.°=l.l7,l'l;rf k ei.,ZfZ d A t i lt l e c:a ir I a 547. Plttabu •.. P. 54 W A , N ... 3 P' n f r i s_ l for k en e m. tu. wart in vineyard. Also ilirls for all Warlike city and' country. Anal,' at Employment 01 11 .** N. 1 Sixth Street. . • ' IiTED.--MORTCAGES. ' 1130.000 to Loan In large . . smail • • - T11931./11 s tate ETT Dill. Pond and Itcial E Broker, ' N 0.179 Markt-ofeet. ANTED.—TO RENT —A Hosuoi of 3 Or 45 manta. with • huge bs a ploti neighborhood. In either city. or on linear' wtt• • Jia.f Ono haying snob can bear at gnatt tenant with a mall fatally, by C riv.v ..., or athlrrsataft clunrn & PILILLIPS, Meade Agents. N. 139 Fourth ayonne. 54 WASTED.Eyerybotli to call 0. - IE4 LIBERTY STREET, sod ...alias ll= I!=M22=M Thirty Thousand Dollars la Loan 13 limn tya a ot a fair ranaall amounta anteres property In Allegttaal au rate of It. CLIAILLIN JEREMY. Real Estate Alfaal. WANTD—Minds and Moitgages. 1 haring 3 yenrs to ran. 1 for sapeo, hating 3 7 . .. s 1, .."Q , 1_,11.18.900. harLort3 years to ron. 1 for s3.yea, 111 yrs," to run. fur 7.1.300, having 3 years to run. 1 for 82.30 2.. hnntnir 3 years lo . run.' 1 for V 2.11•0, /mythic 3 resn , o run. 1. for 111.360,havIng 3 '1.1,1 to run. 1 for $l.OOO, haring 3 Ynnta to nan . 1 fur $3OO. hartzur3 7<tiM .to nut. On nh7 or 000'1 017LT/4 ter3ro.',loll Fourth Ana LOST AND FOUND LiOST.—A dark brindle tow—lips of lbe home sawed nff and a gimlet hole In each. ort „Any penon ending ber will be liberally reiverded by leaving word at ( fTePin ° van Bend oe. I. OST.—On Wednesday evening, be- TIFZEN Relief Enyrine _Hoene end Nation atreet. pelf of GOLD SP=ACLKS. The Roder will he liberally reworded by leering there stall MARION STREET. • BOARDIN% ADOAR DING.--To•Letml tit tine or two [LOOMS. Alto. An 01 ,1 PITT I Lt1 for Doctor or Dentist. at 103 Fourth STAMM. ILBOARDING. --A mother of gentle- MEN can be furnished seltkr bownling a , If dished. pleasantly located, at Plo.lllo ANnistmoN EITILEKT, near hand street brining, Allentieny City. • . . TO LET .TO.LET.—Some pleasant rooms to let at No. 31 Fount avenue. with use of be& rrO-LET.-TAO WELL FURNISHED RGEEPINO 1100313 IlLo. 43 Relate* Went. natr the Park, Allegheny. A good chance for roar gentlemen eelehl . Ltg_rponam In a 'pleasant loadrota 04,114 .. a.rthirratt '3,3,137 Ftslend PO W I lET. 7 llte Three Stow . Brick 1 4M -The mteot?,ggert, nor i n jt i g o i s. ► loomr No- 1727.1:4iam TU ilouse of .7 Rooms, Hall flea Hot and Cold Water, Large Yard. knewly tapered and panted, Altuate Zio 140 ow et street, Sloth ward, Alleshea7. Also, UCK :HOUSE of 0 Rooms, No.l Middle el ley, near Sampson trees, Secondwra, AlleflronY. Apply to W. P. PRICE. 21.DIsmaut, Allegheny. TO-LET.—INTERESTING TO LAW ywas.—TlEß OF OFFICER on Grant.' new = oesr Court House. Apply to Mrs.-M. MoTIOII6. rM3MTMMTrM7M/T7l rpo LET.—COUNTRY lIESIDENCE. MJ. —Part. of the well known property of W. cClintock', on the Itevvymtlie Plank Rand. within LT minutes' walk of City Hall, Allegheny. The house Irmo stalled.conlatning 9 rooms, and le new, comfortable and of elegant mehltecture, and. i• metaled with all modern Improvements. Also carriage house and stabling for horses and mom The grounds are beautifully ant, and am cov ered with fine forest tree, rendering It trait country resence with all the ag Of Very conven i i d to ent the city, and from advante. ile lead.kel Eneof the moat heal location. 11l this 100.:Ar i m,:r. of OUTER M e ot TO-LET. The antrtertber offer. tor rent that &Antal:de prop. arty known at the OUT-LET SAW MILLS, Situated at the foot of Craig street., Allegheny City. a abort nlstanee tielour the Suspension bridge: The lot on the cart aide of tritalfeeet is 130 feet wide be about 430 foot more or less. The lot on the west side of the street It 110 feet wide by about 400 feet, more or leer—tath rimming to low waterline: having tree of the best andsafest beg bon on the river. The advantages this propene presents for any kind of manufacturing purpose, are to Welf known as to renter anyfaitber noneeetoatry. Long leasewwllll3llll/Tell be re- P t u ri.7llW. ' ISAAC CRAW. FOR SALE rR SALE.—Engine- of Fear Horse power la ranolug prole, be Bold Ap. V 7 to Ar. P. PRICE, 39 Ohio street. ABitothen7. FOR riALE.- r A One 'Horse !Spring wAGON: • Apply rattle ehop of I. & T. NDEN, Wagon Makers and Bineksmltheaf 0.47 North All , Allegheny. • I.OR SALE.—A Valuable . Farm, no. derlAld with a 6 feet vein o . f cnal. Good WU!. MLA! ' MeV 'l a o ' rseno 2 . Mtetta N n U jo a ., EOR SALE — HAIiIISOME LNG LOTS, on all the various atfeeta Ln the a Laarreneetille dletriet, all of which will bead& on ea.) terms. T. It. SILt. & SON, corner Penn and Thlrty.thlid went.. • - FOR SALE.—A two-horse coy red 1: SPICING WACION, nearly new, will Ivo tone. will be sold cheap. Also between three and four hundred loe of Bering Water Ice. Inve 3 to S Inchon Uddf. .red Inn good let house. at Sharps/nag the West Penn anumui. ftqufre of Janozo itAu - 5-10 nt the thllol2 Hotel. Shops • Vitt SICLE.—A. farm of 872 R sit. GATED on the ran. Handle mar =Mr: It 13c2:i hom access. Whole surface ander ealtreatlon,Lbas • aced Orchard and an nocesstry hallillarta. sold very Icy, Enquire of VIII s_lo JACOB DA 'lBl473l94seltstreet. . . Volt — Arti:=Dilio LOTS - •20X100 .a. FEET SAM. near leurnineevllle Station an ttin rettasylrania. VCR SUSI cub and balance in four years. 'These fats ace .noer sal Very fast. nuniber of bootee are going ap.andV ter this torinth peke , M& rice Oulu: kb., call on T. R. WM, a. SON, corncr Penn =4 Thirty-thin} areal. or to EOM. 8.131 LL. -Attorney at Lae . . Grant aunt. • Oit ilitE.---Englnea and lien, Now and f.eiond Rand. of aD Mad.. eciaatantir on hand. . OnLen frOlnlalllenrOf terntry proepptly tu'd.d W. I JA) HILL 4E' cord., Jtsdno Avetwo dod P., IL W. aV. R. Ades?ddy. rar _ • • FOR CITY PRORRI l Y• —A Noe COUNTRY I DRNCE. COLIL•1•0g • • . acros with 3 to 'thrown: or..s a ne..roattfortable and oorivarairrat trdWi= .14oUgarfaillubitee radar from the city, car Um 'raters of fare. Road. re of a mile Mai fiterraw a a Miriam &meal Railroad. AI.. several good n. la good loos. M. Sad blouses for aals. fy RaAM WARD ley of so• . ril No . llll Grant opraatteCathed Cathedral. LIPPINCOTT HOMESTEAD. ..:The above sreo !noon and Intuited on Fifth avenue. annex Dino - pima • ild•by led [fleeing' Weed, on which therey. tzekringur th r i toz i sobstegl4rl bran wick "beater. ie. Tflie la .do=y e moat dIOU tile property for BRUT residence of business ear. Nrr w r47= ° i° 0° proposede 4Nika.V.V itrinintlqTre of th° l ° , oN ' b eelY l 4 63 . For m;l3:fe . •JAM in lli"illC°Tr Perenttareite. 111.5 j 1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers