II Os *Mu* exaytti. 01710 Z: 11111118 1113111 DING, MID 86 lIFTH IT OVPSCIA.L PAPS& Or Pleybargla, Alleg\say sag Alla- pans Oesaty lEES - .-1110.111Alr. DEC. 13. 11669. PATROLITaI at Antwerp A rmer U.S. Bono. at Frankfort, 914®91 Rrv. H. W. Brzcniss Is studying law Nemolowd 111 New York on Saturday 128 1281. Ten •ttew Kentucky Senator will be nominated at Frankfort to-nigbt. Ilanab Chunk Gazette is to be atead banana the Coal Gazette. making the !nteresia of Carbon and Luzern° its V 8014slitY• Ting Xamtuggiels 7Yntes says of the projected vary railroad, that there are three distinct offers to construct it—one of which• is from the Connellsville Com .cgihnilett Mitred by the promise that it shall not run to Pittsburgh. Twsert , owa state lint - &WWI, rid ded the XV* Article, lowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Rhode Wind, Ohio, Texasand iflaslaidppt will make in all twentyadght . collatlitilialtallbrerafoustlia — which We count, =elusive of Indiana and Oeor• P. The Article will be law by Feb. lat., .1.1470. 'Anaemia '"lnilln movement in the gold market le said to be In contempla tion. This would be one of the results glowing from the Secretary's mistake In abandoning, or at least suspending, a sound financial pollen at the Instance of a few score of ovextrading New York PercbintL 141 COW Indira hill declares the tribes to be imcapabbr of making treaties, pro hiffits the making of Inch treaties and ovoids all agreements with those tribes which Congress may not hereafter ex .pressly approve. The Committee of the Some sad the Government officials unanimously support this measure. - "TM ltot or Beam Radical, Kr. 11111 1 Qoat, who has been sharply as " • joartials of the tommercia sit Ape: intitee his traducers to Justify jhemselyes in the law courts. We men tioned In our last his pmeeedinge against our neighbor. lie has also served a legal *Rings Upon his neighbor of the drina THAT general measures and cavorts will effect more, In the appreciation of the Indukof, the currency, than all the specific terepOnOlons of the legion of finandlil tickers, Ls the very sensible opinion of Kr. Schenck, chairman of the Rohm Ways and Means, and of lir. Sherman, • - of the Boole Committee on Finance. We Tyke - the) will hold feat hs that idea, which ought to tout of mole convinis— . Tin ,sitgation. concerning the tariff buotticte, embarniellea the House Committee of Way' and Means. When the President suggested that nothing at. en be done, except to take off a trifle of sixty or eighty millions from the rev noes, he was quaintly illustrating his old Idea that the bat way to prove the Im. policy of any action was to tat It. When they can persuade the country that witty a sum may safely be spared from its Meant revenues, the tariff will *l.tpr.lts adjustment—and not before. . Htbat Worths Executive Idea—but Con gnaw= team gravelled to find Is out. ortleaka will be Instructed by Con- ' rift° take the hark track until she cesehoni,that print where her Legislature ffled from the right limn Taking 040004 itnew and whim departure, she villa time get out of the woods. The needful legislation is in course of preps• ration at Washington. The insecurity of life AA warn" In- tteta , State can be N'lritztri4lesti an obstacle which no irregular anummita between individual iiiimanb Q o m Ilad her own Leg cin Irately remove. All that ill required 4 some effectual guarantee that her CousarvatPrae shall sot imitate the Georgia trick and temp i gasp: their Constitution In the, ariata „ 4ekbfc Sta , Miloyal interest in. ham] pledges, to this purport, of her irrikipilsir representatives in the lobby of thethigdinlere worth no; more than Mr. B. P. Butler's assumptions of authority to accept thew. Matters of •this gravity eihe alliclr to. M 110111bSed on the written bonds. 'And's° Congreu bolds. Da the has of fichooppe, the convict Who awaits ten execution of the death penalty on the 841,h, at Carlisle, it wns announced In our list issue, that a second application far a writ of errcr from the ' Scene= Cowl has the concurrence of the Attorney General, and will be granted ,llry the Court. .This writ being made re- January Brd, 1870, an Executive , !IGO to! of necessity will follow, to give Ikea for the proposed hearing, the obi ' 'intiteferats of which must entirely dispose .of Go ease, with or vdthont second trial, to the discharge or the execution of theloiscoutr. lirktinerel it hook impart that this affable thus likely to be arranged through the mega channels of the Judicial tth tomals, without an avoidable recourse to the special prerogative of the Executive. indeed we will eat forbeartheexpreedon of our satisfaction, which the public most share in common with tut, that in neer rasing toe =Whet bulk:lions, offered not only in this instance, but in many • others, of lea vital moment, of late, that the celled prerogative with which the Goveraar,4 charged is to be surrounded eithinoreirittArvery prentrithenity hr. der, for its protection and limitation, but not to obstruct the strictest doings of Jeatlei_to: individuals, as well as to the State. - Herein, Governor ()KART has .plainly Aniseed a profound reaped for the Faisal direction of public sentiment. MI es =motes of the poling per t,ll.••pilinft. of the galley of protecting ne. tonal iMilustry, we note the fad that the wicks of Emu C. CARY, of Phlladel ma Euclid ficianorkand ' ld hot 6ri,r hems bail 'Mutted into _parere q liessige of Europe. A hr the Ruesdart language has been el from the peas of Bt. Peters bug. that Empire the Czar enema , ages Ms Pipiple to - manufacture by living Tduties on foreign Wad. ar. Tho 4 nude ••d s =pglici„ b - &log. a:r heinfeetiuts on • teals 113.4111 °I T !°*llt tenth We to /:: `'""lfttir earepetl ,n •Of worl d. Ea g —embed that ulie*ddefilrespo 14 0 .5auseot tree om I a ws' to of eater xis ,: • ,thilleomd nom to hetet% an . thi Poultibt. the mar ht of thiViittla Her PIM la beabintzti toNbeitia tir the Itmostomat of &Mini, and !Ur soon be equally well understood in this country. The advocates of free trade in the Uni ted States are mainly composed of a Com perstively few importers and others in that interest, some native and some foreign. They have vast means at their command with which to subsidise some leading presses, and to flood the country with publications as remarkable for the insolence of their tone as for the falsity ind abellowness of their arguments. By these tbe agricultural population of the west - have been greatly deluded. Hap. pily they are this year haying their eyes opened to that delusion. When the price of wheat is so low that it takes nearly all It b Worth to transport it tp a foreign market, the western farmer bijmns to long for ' 'non•produdng neighbors who can give him at his own door almost as much for it u the foreign consumer pa) a, thus mailing him to add the coat of transpor. tatter' to his other profits on Its product tion, be they large or small, besides buy. trig from him many things which cannot be sent abroad at all. RESIGNATION:OV JUDGE. CRIER. Eon. Ronsar C. Gum, Associate Justice of the United States Fupreme Court, has resigned biggest on the bench, the retirement to date from February 1, 1810. The temporary delay is for the purpose of Easing up cases on the docket, with which lie la peculiarly familiar. Under the law of last year, he will re citie the annual amount of his [Wary es a retiring pension. Appointed by Presi dent Pots, In 18411, Justice Oman is next to Justice Nsuion, the oldest Judge on that bench. The infirmities of his advanced age are now so great as to re quire an absolute repose. Of the two vacancies now to exist in the composition of that Court, public opinion has very generally agreed in the propriety of assigning one to Judge Bonn, of Massachusetts, the present At torney General. Usage supports the presumption that the second, for succes sion to JusticaVargs, will be tilled from Pennsylvania. In this view, Hon. E. IL fiveirrow may be 'Weeded for the post. 0010 AND THE VIM ARTICLE. The new Ohio Legislature will not overlook a public duty, which involves the honor of that great, patriotic, and ded • daily Republican State. Since her rani cation ol the XtVth Article wasembee quently disclaimed by a factious minmity which bad anceeeded in securing for • brief period the control of her Legal& tare, It became the duty of Secretary Seward, when announcing the adoption of that Article into the Federal Constitu. tion, to make special mention of that at tempt at withdrawal. Bach mention has not impaired the sufficiency of the re cord among the Federal archives, nor does It support the shadow of a doubt as to the absolute certainty of the legal In corporation of that amendment into the body of the organic law. Bet, neverthe less, the Secretary's statement stands, an unavoidable reflection upon the Intel ligent patriotism of a powerful Common wealth, and will at remain until an Ohio Legislature shall Itself ~effectively ex punge ,the blot, by branding that pre tended "withdrawal," of an Irrevocable act, with its impel. designation—as • bold band upon the people of Ohio and a tare aced insult to their sister States. This needful act will doubtless be performed diring the present winter. THB CHUAN V/APACA) The Spanish gan.boati; released from their temporary detention by our Admi ralty officers, will have their equipment speedily completed, then to leave for the Cuban coast. That will substantially and finally put an end to the Insurrectionary movement in the island. Supplies from foreign sympathizers will be wholly cut oft The hope remains for an American intervention, and the revolt will be ter minated. or, at best, dwindle Into a marooning brigandage of no special public importance. At Washington, the Cuban bubble is exploded. Neither branch of Congress can be persuaded to pus a resolution recognizing either their political or bel ligerent rights. The sincere confidence which the President feels that the prudent and honorable course of his Administra tion will be sustained by that body, le Justified Zly the situation, and will so prove. If the omnibus load of venal Bobemi ant In our own Eastern cities, who. have been mis managing the case of Cuba, un der the direction and In the employment of the feather.bed patriots composing the to-caged Juntas, do really wish to render some Material service to the misguided insurgents, the wisest thing they can do will be to Invoke the Influence of our Government, in the Intereatsof humanity, for the mitigation of that punishment which Spain may, in strict J claim, visit upon her rebel subjects ==cmi Official figures, 'which we and in the San Francisco Bulletin, report the value. tlon—doubtlees only an imperfectly ap. proximate estimate of the real and per aortal property of this State et $238,040,- 3334 a net gain for the past year of over 821,000,000, all of which, and more, Is found In the commercial and agricultural counties, while" the mining districts are responsible for arhe deductions. The Basins regards the net gain as a handsome one and promising well for the future of the State, In the more solid ele ments which thus indicate the true direr lion for the efforts of her people. Admitted b . ') the Union in 1830, this, the first State erected on the Pacldc shore of the Continent, is not yet twenty one years old. Bat her bust ripening de velopment, In every element which goes to make op a vigorous, flourishing and independent commonwealth, affords the safest augury of her uninterrupted pro gress through a Ratite more golden in Its material splendorthan even the purest of her own precious ores. " - The onward movement of the centtrites is steadily sweeping the rich tide of civil ization across this vast continent, to he arrested at last at the margin of the for ever uninhabitable ocean beyond. The tide rolls deep and strong, but its avails, big wealth la borne upon he surface, and gathers more and more In koala the last great barrier to its progress around the globe. Commerce will call science to Its aid, with fresh devices to span the Mond ocean, had both will yield still more po- Mut agencies for the =Negation of the • WaSll9 Of WAkilf ty. the uses of an enllght. ened race-40 enlarge rather than to re strict the domain of Pagan civilization. The sesto4 empire is no longer march. log westward only, for its dvilizing Col umns are to-day over ramilng every hob holds quarter of the planet. From Lath. the west and the east, the movement 'seems to concentrate again open the op. polite margins of that old Asiatic Conti nent which was the birth-place of man. kind. Let poets dream, or philosophers speculate, or statesmen forecast, as they may, the Mare of an elevatedimmin- Ity, which wall in time here overflown the whole earth until it rolls back upon Asia, to Illuminate the mysteries of ages !lien a third continent added to the cou nting; nf civilian= I No indlghtoterd Mind . ean doubt that the world'sprogreas through the centuries before to will be, PITTSBURtAI DAILY GAZET FE: MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1869. toward the unity of knowledge and power all over the globe. The destinies of humanity are in the hands of One to whom the ages are but as days, and the loftiest imagination of man is incapable of spanning the possibilities of His pur poses, for the ultimate attainment of Ili+ human creatures. May we not think that the era is to come when scram may separate the populations, but are not to divide hu. manity; when even the boundaries of lesser empires shall be ignored, ia the in terests of a commonwealth of all man kind; when all the Inhabited earth shall be the seat of one, and but one, great empire—of a common, Intellectual anfl material approximation to such perfee Lion as humanity shall be capable of at mining? In those days, the populations which border the Comm of these great oceans will hold, and that ton wide open, the gateways of the globe. This seems to be the destiny of our own Peclfic coast, and California, with her sister States, will thus await a glorious responsibility. Indeed, it means much when we see that her Governor has so wisely pronounced, In his official communications to the Legislature, for the immediate removai of all the existing restrictions to Asiatic Immigration. He recognizes the truth, and that it will yet crush • abort-sighted opposition. California will not be long lain to her Interests, to civilization, to the destinies of mankind. ANEW %TILE GR *URNAuE. A novel improvement in the form and structure of a romance, now in operation near Ilesanro In France, la thee des. cribed in the Engineer: "They are 6.5 feet high and 11 feet 13 inches diameter at the top, and are nearly cylindrical; the diameter being 13 feet 9 Inches at twelve feet above the ground. There are eight tuyeres around the tar. nace, and the diameter is 11 feet 0 inches at the level of the tuyerea. Up to twelve feet Isom the ground the wall of the furnace Is gads with hollow cast iron plates inside, through which there le • constant flow of water; the lining of the furnace is made with a single row of fire bricks four inches thick. The upper part of the furnace is made of riveted sheet Iron; the fire brick lining is also four inches thick, but there is a space of two Inches between the sheet iron and the bricks, and a circulation of air pre Tents the overheating of these bricks. This arrangement admits of very quick construction, and the body of the mason ry being very slight, It Is easily dried. One of these furnaces was is working order three months after the beginning of Its construction. The daily production Is above forty five tons of pig iron. The ore, which contains from 10 to 45 per cent.. of Iron, is supplied by rail from a distance of eight miles. The coal comes by canal from St. Etienne, a distance of eighty miles. The cinsumption of coal is eighteen hundred weight for each too of iron produced. The ore is mixed with SO per cent. of puddling furnace slags. These stags are ground and mixed with lime and manganese, and then convert, d into bricks, which are carefully dried en set with the ore in the Meet furnec• The silica of the slag united with the lime, and the oxide of Iron it reduced. The slag Is prevented from smelting be fore this reduction. This system admits the introduction of slags in the blast fur nace in a much larger proportion than usuaL" FROM a Washington letter to the N. Y. Peat, we extract the following At the last session Congress provided for The retirement of Judges of the Su preme Conti., and one at least of them ought to resign. It is a eadeigbt to see a ledge of the highest and mom impor• taut Judicial tribunal of the land brought into court and helped out of court, and then sieepmg when learned counsel are addressing the court upon questions or law, in whose decision the sleeping, In firm. feeble old jurist must bear a part. Judge Geier...of Pennsylvania, ought to reign. Public justic demands it; because he is unable In discharge the duties of his place. He has been an able, excellent, honest, upright judge—a man of great ability and of high character; and be owes It to himself and to Ws tamily, and to his place in history, to resign, and to pass the remainder of his days in calm and undisturbed yeast. A man ought not to remain in any public position when he is not able to discharge its dates especially after his government has made provision for his support. He owes s duty to his state, u well as to himself, and to the feebleness of age. The accumulation of years, the weakness of the physical and mental powers, all demand that he should retire, and allow one in the vigor of his years to take his place. It Is to be desired that a man equal to Judge Grier, when be was appointed by Pres:dent Polk, In 1846, vrlll be selected to take tits place on the bench. It may be difficult to flud such a man ; but such a man should be found. To ova friends of the opposition press, we commend the following extract from a speech made by Hone G. W. WOOD. word, while on a recent visit to Florida. 0e remarked : The LealsLature of Pennsylvania rail. fled negro suffrage before the voles of the people could be beard on the ques tion. I have sald If the people-of Pen c sylvanta would vote in favor of the mete ore I would not object. This yeseit was substantially decided—we wore defeat ed. I do hot believe that they voted intfallgently on the Null act; yet I believe It was ratified. and I shall say nothing more against it. lam willing the negro should vote. The colored people of u.y town famed no one more than they do me, yet I am not a Republican. ts conceded on all sides that the reg ular Republican ticket has succeeded In Texas. An exchange says: The new Governor, Gen. E. J. Davis, Is a native Southeruer of wheat hie Mate and party may well be proud. When forced to fly from Texas. early in the re bellion, for hie Union sentiments. he went to New Orleans and reported to Gen. Butler, then in command of that city. Instead of seeking forsefe rood uct to the North, es many of the refugees did, be asked for power to go back end raise a regiment, Gen. Butler commis sioned him, and Oen. Davis returned and put himself at the head of a force that did signal service to the country. Be Is nOw the Bast Republican Chief Magistrate of Texas. Tug Zsnervllle Courkr nye The sale of the C. 3 Z Railroad was confirmed bythe United States District Coon on the Yd Inst., the next day after the sale. It is said that the Peritoirive nta Central will commence of crating the reed on the first of next month. Source at Water Supply Damns Harrirrit: Hardly a day or a meal can pass by in any "well regu. lated family" in our city wlthEnt refer. awe being made to the Important question of water supply. All are alive to the necessity of Improved means for an enlarged supply of pure water. Bat con. siderable rancor and Ul feeling Is meal. tested In the discussion of the anklet:, both In our city councils and in the news papers. It Is well known that agitation is one means of purifying vater, but it we have no water to shake we will never „an clean drink, if we wait on Councils. No spot can be determined upon for 's reservoir because property will have to be bought, pall Is feared somebody will make soma money. Then an attat2 Is made upon tho report of the engineer who was columned 'by the City Counting. A statement In his report, that occasion. ally during the heats of summer the Mo. nongebels river would Minh& an instirn 'dent supply of water for the future requinntionts of our great city, has beep denied by those who are anxious to base us drink Monongahela water. The fol lowing Item going the 'rounds bf the papers Is suggestive to say the /net: nThe city of Philadelphia hie been sued lbr five hundred thousand dollars, by the Schuylkill Navigation Company, for - drinking all the water up. Al.,ut one hundred boatmen have al w) lot In claims of one hundred dollars and up ward, for detention and lone of time during the summer drought." If those who are interested will take the trouble to consult the reports of the Mo nongahela Navigation Company, they will tied that during every season of drought the navigation suffers for want of water. It is not many years since Its able and practical President, General Irodrhead, urged upon Congress the con- I strnctlon of a reservoir on the head waters of that river as one means of improving the low water flow of the Ohio river, and incidentally keep up navigation in the pools of the dams a public improve ment which has been of vast benefit to the city of Pittsburgh. it is very easy to ridicule the idea of a scarcity of water in the Monongahela river, because generally there is an I abundant supply, but since there are periods when these is an insuffi cient supply for the Important naviga tion, it is not the part of reason to:lgnore the tact. The same engineer who de signed and coast' ucted that improvement without absolutely deciding that any par ticular plan for famishing water for the future city of Pittsburgh Is the best, merely refers in his report to the Com mittee of Councils to the fact that there are periods when the Monongahela sup ply is rendered Mad( quate, while the Al legiteny river always furnishes a much larger quantity. Instead of ridiculing a matter which Is founded entirely on facto which are easily susceptible of ventication, would It not be more sensible to give serious heed to the suggestions of experience, while It is yet time r Tnoso who are best acquainted with the gentleman who made the preliminary report know that he had no object Ind the welfare of the city at heart. —Since the 4bove went Into type the writer has Been In tiaturdsy's Commercial a letter pertinext to the subject, signed A. P. The above should not, therefore, be considered by the Gamma readers so an answer to the taunting but spinal matter treated by A. P. Norf does the writer of this assume to speak for the engineers, who does not reside in the city at present, referred to by A. P. According to the Commeread writer, and others, trembled as some of our good citizens are with "water on the brain," they can, it appears, write nothing with out marring their productions with per. sonalitiu, which to say the least are on salleit for and may be lacking la the essential element of truth. Whatever the engineer got for his preliminary re port and surveys makes but little dlß erenccin the discussion of the merite of water and riven—"is not the laborer worthy of his hire." Bat still uto the cruel amount We disbursing officer should know all about IL "Go for him." for according to some accounts ha keeps a leose string on the pohlie puree, and them may be uunethtog to make. • VI 0 ItAlVe ILE Nit Tu 16. E.111•r• of u. Puttroll le Jusu - sui Kuough ou. It Is plolu •stoug so. True • • • Wewretch, :sem. te•l oot .r.or i• hot, Q•ee ds.eut. ha, to k. I know th•i •re em et .etupolou • I T Oleic With half word*, i clue re•erve, tee thi.. %lash au uvu ecstu.kledue ehyttl.l f re.t fue!- uos Le ph Mrs. Browning understood woman. for she herself was a woman In the full sense of the term. Bad she not been a woman she could never have written that wonder ful book from which the above to an ex tratl. She stands alone in her complete understa.nding of woman, and for her sex she, has done more, I honestly believe, than any woman living. 'TM true she he no more, but I never think her dead, BO tru!y do her works cheroot with .ife and soul. lint it Is not ,O her that 1 wish now to speak, My subject is as far re moved as heaven from hell, and yet she ,a,,,0pe0 to touch it. Why may not 1? I will, wishing the meanwhile that I might do it as she was wont to do it. The time has gone by when women must bear In silence whatever affects them, either of good or 114 and inc time has come, aye, has forced itself upob us, when we most Ilft op our voters, "or the very stones will cry out." The sub ject affects us as much as It does our brothers, and I cannot see why we hays not aa good ■ right to be heard. It is dirty work, I know ; but there Is much dirty work in this world to do, but let no woman with clean bands and a pure heart, shrink back from the unpleasant tank. The New York tragedy la exciting much comment, and the papers have got to itching terribly over it; and why ? Is it worse than anything of the tame nature that ever happened before ? Then why, it not, do the papers make such an ado over It? First, the thin 4 occurred in high ate. Virtue is of tender growth, a kind of hot house plant, that cannot bear too suddettly a change of atmosphere. rind the same thing happened among parties without wealth or sinaition, it would barely have been chronicled in the papers, and the world would have passed over it In silence, but It happened among respectable people, hence the hue and c Now, for Interesting court proceedings, which probably contain about as mach - rat justice as there was In the recent Cole. Iliacock case In A!hany, taking care to spice It with ins snag. 0! Justice ! bide thy face, lest even the cold marble by wnich we try to represent thee, blush for very shame! Now, then all honorable minded pee pie will utterly condemn the shooting of Richardson, but there is a question, though it has no bearing upon the legali ty or Illegality of the point, that will force itself upon a woman's mind an spite of herself. Would every husband pito takes such summary punishment Into his own bands, be willing to have his own arts and life laid open to his wife and family That is a lair and honest ques tion, who will answer it ? There an thou sands of wives who believe, as truly as they believe that they have a being, that their husbands arc untrue to them, and yet for feat of society, for their chlldren's sake, or for the undying love that remains in their hearts for these wane than mar Jere's, they try to shield them as much as possible, and press on with smiling faces, trying to make believe happy. I have no sympathy with any married or unmarried Woman, who spreads a net for any man, but 1 utterly abhor that man who puts on a brazen face, and never admits that his honor is blasted, or that his home is black cued by want of virtue, 111/leas his wife be the guilty party. What husband of any pretensions to decency, does not expect a nd require hts wife to repel at once every insult, open and Covert, arid to be Arm and unyielding to her principles? And well has he the right to expect and require thin. No married woman has a right to commit. • deed, however trivial in Itself, or *peak one word, however lightly, tending towards dishonor of character, that she should 40 ashamed to have her husband see, hear, and node'. stand the motive that prompted It; and I may add stately that no true woman will do it. But now for the other side of the pic tare. If a woman can carry about with her an impenetrable armor, why moron a man, when he has the power all on hi, side Baa a husband any more right to expect his wife to be true to him than she to expect and require the tame fidelity to her? Vie shall never know, probably, how many men, and men of families, too, have laid their heads upon some "Bell. lab's lap," and been shorn of their strength, but God keeps the record true, and they will meet it one day, when there will be no rock or mountain to fall upon I them, to hide them from the righteous Any of their Great Judge. "0 God I avenge mo of mine adversary," lathe coy of many a heartbroken womanould Me will, and that fight speedily. The time Is corning when we will take the matter Into our own hands, not to shoot and kill witbantjudge °Oozy, but to stamp and brand with Infamy and disgtace any and every man who would dare to cross the threshold of our homes or come into our presence with their fin-lalptched face& I long to seethe time when every woman who occupies& social positional standing and wealth will abut her door wing the seducer as well sus the seduced , . Then, and not till then, may woman 'expect to be avenged. A. WOMAN. An effectual remedy for smallpox is said to have been recently found by • surgeon of the British army- in China Thernode of treatment Ls as follows When the preceding fever Is at Its height, and Just before the eruption aPPears, the chest is rubbed with croton oil and tar• tutu ointment. This causes the whole of thp eruption to appear on that pallet the body, to the retitle! the sot. It also secures a full and complete eruption, and thusPrevinits the disease from att acking the Infernal organ. It Is now the es tablished mode of treatment In the Eng. lish cu army e, In China, and is regarded as a perfect Azsoao the Important reports to he ore. tented to Congress thin seasion is that of Engineer W. Manor Roberts, who has made a survey of the Ohio river. with a view to its permanent improvement, un der an order of the National GovernmeziL This report will show the Importance of the Ohio as a channel for cheap trans portation, and silence the sneer of John Randolph, that it was frozen up one half the year and dried up the other half. In spite of all the railways that have been constructed, the river trade Is. now as prosperous as ever. It directly concerns the istates of Missouri, Kentucky, \\ - eat Virginia and Pencuyi vania--siz of the greatest States in the Union—and indirectly interests of other States. Roberta' survey Is Intended to settle the controversy as to the beet plan for improving the navigation of the Ohio. small portion of the river lies within the State of Pennsylvania. but its main channel is the boundary of several States and is emphatically a national river. It is therefore as mach entitled to national appropriations as the lakes or the sea coast. The day for quibbling on this subject has passed. If the great States directly concerned will unitedly demand an appropriation by Congress for the improvement of the Ohio it can be ob i %skied. Rgonsa DIMAT anti Iltram Koenig, two young men of Tamaqua. Pa., were run over by a train Main on the Bahuyi kill Railroad, while walking on the track, and killed. • TO PEOPLE WHO THINK POE THEHSELVES4. I== ..r.rrn%nan - nr,nq - .urprryr. rrT= b reheut. Of the et 104•5 chattees of 'weather It were w:ew ID all who reseed their beat u.e. I= 1=I: del.. It u•tilortrbordourd attar. iglu 1. s oodr 1=1:1 la sou. sure awl Derfool rs mody like DR. RR,' 811.1214 LUNG fIIRIS or OR. KICYRKR•J FRC I= value. halal. health and lira, tha postpooeta•Ota =I Or co, awl inoldOnJ of tio•OT of the mok , • I=l I=l Eflfl,laan I City of l'lttsbarpit a (wily, s se o. • of .Etch Iles .01 lama bedritueel by DR. K &Yell WO PRO. IYQL•f or DR KVTICR•p LUNG CURL Rob of %Lieu r.wedies v.. prepared I= to be obtained, and velLb • eoneelentions regard for the bealib of theme who are to nee Mein. Who doe, tot k *ow lbwl to neglect • .saoh the lxitani of is to le vita •lost/ *Stook of ,let • ul pcieeeretare ee 'neared* 41seles. W. speak In ati serfage. esti to the nad wni ut (MI article, awl I( they will r Beet ow out •ordr au, will I. , ow , w• he I=l I=l ==l late eomaarstt.e ....tbfqrsos. ort“ a esiasaso4 to that or the be etb .t. 411,31 of tadl.ldae!., =I . made nectar medicine for eaddea even. ant mild. than Dr. EEYeCR•E PEITOR•L 19 , 111 — r DJ os'es axe dall, .4 lot dreds of osseous aye toast ...label toe It. Jaws at death ay Its n af. The Other Car • tae.,►tat !rota a distal,. boaglal • aomailty oa tae noesautuasdatioo of a Toasts man who had beet eared by It. Thie la =1 own 41clultr cold not f4l t priAt by ❑I• 41 Die. Dr. I '• Latta Can and Ur• Key =I _&rrn - T - . - aI pi?raqrl =1 7* tm but of most arbsglelb Sad al Elba Doctor`, most Iledlelae !Rom, 107 Liberty rtrankt, .507 I=l I=l NOTES FOR DECEMBER, ADDR RIM ED TO THE' FEEBLE AND DE BILITATED. Thi. la n try lag season for Invalid., Indeed all who are not Maned mil.. CO" Ilona nod Iron !Yemen. Cold has come teen Si auddeuly, ee0.11131•P lb "Pe. P 0?... and era/bag I. at II were. eve weed of dleess• that mar [Mee neve ler aing In the tem. bus which rernalued undeveloped au . ..id • the we., a met et the lawla and al: acid an. •nwholesome bum ore were (reel; dltcharge.l ev•ps. allot rrtan the .Waco and through bowels. A tonk. aperient and silent,. medicine Is now needed to In•leorat• the .In Twins* ds preen' by a low temperature; to silinnlai• and panty the seerettons, and to el the body to. on, without InPninenienee. pain or danger, the ,ad den climatic change which ostlers in the Winter The only preoaratioa whin • 11l Nile meet this almost ttttt nal peed, and will thoronittily and uhf perform the Important wurk. Is the lead- Ric tonic andalleraljn of the itge, HOISTZT- Trlt'll WI . ..POACH SITTCELS. • - This popsim,.speellie intonate the appada a. e L. rage es enesupation. prone.s tuperaelli tea. asid madrovation. and bens team 'Way ef whalenme Pegs table sl. meats,Mt. in de Miamian% as their diffusive yentae le he tn. Si Unmask.% without 'ear The hair I. b. aittediati Ihe BITTLIts ar patch media.. they contain to nauseating s meta. --- NEW ADVNFITISEMENTf3. FINE HOLIDAY GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN, AT PUTNAM & ADAMS' lints' FareWilzig EstabHamm. 79 BIE-r IL AVE:NUT: dal IsWs Opposite Mutual. DIARIES FOR P-470. Our El oak of Dlortee Cor 1810 to now complete., comprlst. eve., style. trout the mutton poet., else to the lament Counting Hrs. Ds ly Jour nal.. ronallts use. two end throe duo to the mum Wo h..e them or all Prim.. OS tout pet. mom ordeal., by OW seed only apeetty tae Mi t.r of dAya to the tare. 014 tho /Mtere Imeutins Dos 7tt cl WO to the Boob sill he mot by return mall. Al., Immo amortment of the Patent Self. (noels. Uterus. The Italie supplied el PeWleher•e erholeml Wm. JOSEPH HORNER. ..ro. 129 Resit Afield atrect daBrl.lll7 PITTSBURGH, PA HOLIDAY @MASON. 1869--1870 ROBT. S.-DAVIS & CO Ic3 y Street Us. 1•01/ axlloll33a tk. thlthl *54 35. 1 1. .tussou 4WD UPSTMAS Aso maw PM:3130 II 111,10 strand In his clip, 1o100:1111 1 parts UN rol ovflea : Ilhattly 10031 and Books ham 115 Wl3O. Oath Yoehaal Wahl • • • • • • B. t I.lMoskva mod Hilgraphloal Works Jot.. le Ball. Of AIL kinds a.l Prn , e. Ist,Usti Toy Books, opumally Balla* nßoot. la *vary 'wads s aria adlag /14.401.161011 a_d Cat m• hoard., Parlat C 0==33=211 ELEGANT CIMISTEIS PRESENTS. WATTLES & SREAFER 9 ).1):11 Jun ratunardfroal the Zolt*lth a )"- and eloaut stunt 1.1. r • WAY. for HOLIDAY Paramirrs, Offer ••trz lodoeeu. I topatron+ daftel.as- Mies in Ont ct.. O • !ITN , UOLD AWDIIII.I7/1 W•TCNTS, &AMA' OOLD-WANCIEUM AND CHAINS, TI ME AMONDS. FI SETE OP JEWILTIT. OhAIN AND NADU MIDIONIATII, MOSS • ATM MINOS* ALICAVS. BUTTONS. •lIKA DIAMOND Mt& AND l a 4 ' , Ups. tromp WAIIN kAD CANTO 711P.Iffratiti r reffil, YANiAM oixas, tc. I: WATTLE/ .• SUIIMMIR, 301 VIPTH *VI M CiL. 1003 . 330111th1e1d .0014. N. B.—A t. mon LW.' Boltd gold Hunt tu Ca., Watches Wile 08. 41.11 OnintactANDLEBEI £ CO.. WUNon. Can • 00.4 WHOLIZAL3 nzazzas 3 Varefgn sad DemeatlO Dry Goods, No. 94 imp mum:. TUN deer Um* Dlaahosele n. lA. NEW ADVERTISMYMNTS A Y 01111 PIN •NCE &Tannic • Paid Wire De parent en I • tod peaming She Doilies of the Office. and Meratbers thereof. Sal . 1. 11. 11 urdoln..l rpt4 ruarr....lt., 0.1..-1 and f4nowtow 'pun, Is of •',ly •• •• nod 0 t• ger.. ordatned nua ..w.et•.l tn ou i lapefre flu some. That the fire Department of the lit) ut • liellhenr•mall•• lows: Orm Chief litogineer. tate Sup-rlatenden• of the Fire Aisne aoh. a eompany tor e•rh ragine. not • • xee.ding 6,er a to-a fin. Ho.. Contp•ny. floe n to be timpp •• fo:low Fm e“li Steamer, one engineer.one ft.rowto. O. driVer. one Deem... and three ho•emen. for tiose Company,.ne Merman. and 1...0r hor...men. god for Hook and Ladder Company. one foreman ant IVeltorHtnen. B.C. 9 The Committee on IV.• Eng knee end dem .Will have power to appoint the requisite nalnhot Of persons to ill the v••tone positlunt set loath in this Ordin.... who .halt hold the,. Oglne netting good behavtort tea thief logineer add betwernm.sdent or the Fire Alarm Telegreoli estspted. roll) of whom obeli he elected Ire Counelie annually. • , podded for by ....yeti.. 14 of this Ordin.re. The Committer anal' have power to ..pand or expel any mealier or ••• Contemn) and to dtsband or 'sures Mr.v Company. and shall pt • gultab.e nett.. tet, to sodwn by ..11rer• and mew; an , r. lb• ataltree. eh al hare paw. r edobt r•tre. reg.. lot. for the tioverrme, of the He— pertinent. •• hey .0.11 teem expedient fur the t art.. of Denertmen' • rua•nt regulation. a at-owed by and ern not ironals. re .s wt un. any Untinanes of the eity. Har. 3 The Chief torineer abed have eon.. eu rinsed fi berstires ar all other offirere ed all other mem of the Fire Departme.t. e n d all penons who may he present at fire, and ahale tate proper Measures fur the x llngulehment of area. and further protection.. PropertY. •allon of order. ano otm....nee col the It) dinantse, and rules and reenuatione of the Fire Department reareoti as Ones; .4 It shall he the duty of .a. 1.1 Chi le f hogru- •r exa mute low the condition erm/toe, all altar non.:- t.. and of the euglbe gun .11 ether he. longing to tie City.....ed for the porn ac• of the are Department, .ad the Companies attach., a, often a. may render Its • pecil eel or ar....he•er directed to do be ...elle or the Commit... no Fire Engine. and Nose. • aball teppt t itie Committee on The In •tatte and !tote a ll meld... by Ore, and he • Atie .ere, f am far tr. prartleable the number and deaaription of au 14.ga Meetroy•d, a• n•tr ,of van I. Ucartolosnl, together erliti'the names of us ner• or occupant.. huppliee rue toe De fter...at us o.'l, 001410 don Me Controller all 0111• ettall b. 01,110,1 by him to the eapayment The P•r Wei,. of the ran u. nota• Pe•i... as prepared and oet•ned fly be foreman of e.h Company. to the Chief .10241. ear. abed e. two•olidarad ay that ofli-er, end periled to the C mealtime on Fire login a and flore for •pproval. their nest eenlar monthly meeting, and It approved be tile iontenti lee the Con t•ude r i• fo r h ived rertlfy warrant& te 100 Treaes. r ra t meat of the um.. eat.. 4. It to be the ihnly ..1 the . orem•s of earn compeer keen fair•nd • annt rule of the member,•f thetr reepeetive rompenle*. apreify log the time of atitut•sb , a. bate of mos Jen., arc and ditcher, or earl. tn...., also, trep le, rill remurt m Ile ...davit to Ito rt., eters.. tir r e ly •Sh cm cheese ove• MI the Csty pr., rely teertMolug to the Compsny. and are teal ere , !thine Is kept clean and m at. fur I into• di ate use. .14 shalt Pe his duty re• re• ..rder and 4 • I,llae is the Coto pea,ar reap... sou ref.dee a str.et cum, Ilene. with to an of the City, and 'Lulea and ere.' lattone of the Eno partineeit. 1 The Chief Knelear. eel each and every mber of the Department. ghat ow quoptll•4 me ostn or Mhos •to n , that to will thfully obey'tr the haer• of tha eta,. ems 'w ane es of , b • Chi of itlieelten ss.ll, rea. .he be.% of Ws •billly. all t oedull. cr eme 4 The melange at .411 - are sad member of sin 'lre Lorp•rns• et. stall S. deed a• fall insetand pa•d monthlyo Is et Igasiomer g.. Ti.! ngo,: t; daski of Vier alarm Foremen * moults Signore oriver Fklitipa wadlimomea s b to • And to a assist...doe •ba niot Mel give (halt In dnlda attealluit iv tees, rem s etnr• trio. 61i T Shoe. as, p. moo Le parson. lejent. Noe or lo atly Maation destro, •01 prob.. tr of Ms Fins INspandoeut. or •sy permit or pet a. blot. elei or... Ante Innen, Vim Company theteelabsr Mena irom freely noosing ho l m street. of th• lHr to or toots , • err or l• fr epermlog a•y Ore milt. my sad ever. of l p.n.. Sr termosii eo Lindens, re. roof at vest:sm. leg Men danl nor •aes it,. 416 sot mum then 110. 41. re-veered ...roman y upon co r•lttluit SO • Any pe neon or ro.m - es etlibtly cre• ti. any (elm alarm of ere, la mean. of .14la - so irep. mte.s. boos raid alligh Ms ill: A lla la 'telegrah. be. Me. id they eh* Ibe subject to a•• filer lees thm $lOO nor to no to 1900. t o lue nx-ove,est sualmerily op. cooete tloa bid D. •ey person, er tovimiss nese thorn d r acing le UM or Men Tossanaloo. Sr maidenlobe steda soy keys of sot t o \,rem Telegv.pii bo• , or amass or co using to be ese. she .ame.•wovel elMilne moor. or the prue onborby Me. m 1... . sari be &ended% t • • Coo gloat am •Moil SIOJ. our soy • llkAa $9OO to be re 4 summar Sec -410 p er a lly parolee. not • lainntl.l . of Ile Ylre (deportee... slltall wee Me uniform demrm ont a on lor lbw ilre ie. lee Comoaltme or an, pan thereof, .Meant tarty panomel am morose ps son e Mead gulag thereat mall be fined not isms Mae $5, r mare (Pao tell. for earn sod every offs..., lb • a.. is be re em end womanly no.. 111. It Mall be am d• , aaf , A. nap rlomo ol of the • it. Alarm Tel.grapla to 14 Me nein and man ,* lo rood order He CI be voter be eua h o le of In• tti•( Ita•Meor. ms• all .opolle• tor bad.partoss o. so otos pad °toy .. tird•r nem d 1., bo f Engineer . Do s hie( togawn isot tiooerleteo est of Pim • &rut Te ramp, seal, me of eted Cltj •el re ore sl•ned. asolab.ll , et we. In ,ftle. rut tor into of me teat 1 het bats be sosp.adeo fat Matteetlos die a ma) sIIy of the omen tee o vire lag Mira and LC., Intl lee •pprolootioe of Coe . em. lb Ati• in•mvar of toe are 11. panto*. ref...tag to to duty at gnu, abaft be Osmium' te• *ern.. Pb,. 1 It erlll be • e1a5,..1 l after the pa `. . 101 l glom. • far a. ( totripauy et tee glee Dopamine. to hale balls, tastlvabe. or Wr ote, see ea membe vii /lie to will be rerol tea to tletrte or lb. beneet mose or ledlvldeal member, ander pen say of 131.1411 y altai bin. 16. Ibe e shall he ou loadog or I Ilene, allowed be or aroood eh a Eagle. ammo •t• alma ire to• a...both day. Ilse • eon of toe in ••• lloose shaii tor nlaam., sad an anus. seary u se osde or • mg du o s. gip lib Tbl• nrdloal •I • hall ge let. re • teems., 1 11110 runt •a• todloseees ar perm of Unlioneve • .yep led us the I roe ulna are berebt rap. el lagaionl ood ene,tral into • lase thls Mr 90 day of Ihnember, d D. 1569 J Alf TS Ifc BRIER, Preeldeol of eaten Cour:all A Iles, J it (tit lent of "elect ( o ALilleltol.Al President of monsitoo nou°r u. •ltrat i O. Inciouero. Clara of toommoo Cevodl, deli I= C. YEAGER, & CO. I= The Finest A SSOrt ment o HOLIDAY GOODS luShels We or. exhibited In Ib. du, comprice lug many an sad car* an el. purchased by r. YLxOIH *Mho la Swope. Fireteuries, Mane benzin, Glove and lendkerehirf Bens, Jewel Cues, raiehepals, Card Canteen, Bronze tad Parise illainikte. Innate, and Cl* Jew, Wire and Velvet Cabin Walking Dolls, liana teal Banton, Wax, Chin, Patent is India lubber Dons TOYS 1N ENDLESS 'URI WrY• No. 110 Merkel Street CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S :1 New and Desirable Goods AT LOWEST PEICEo Panay We:ilium'. Demlre. Vancry Ho 'EOM. Cisme ikita moo.. dice. oLodkorob.lells. Worsta..l Pattorne, CoUnrs. Gi dzo Great Variety of Fancy Articles, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ♦T MACRUM. GLYDR & I:X,'S 78 & 80 Narket Btreel, r ITT !HURD If FURS FURS, FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, M'CORD & COS, 101 1 7.7cocolei. Will be found the Larg est, Best and Cheapest Stock of Ladies'. Misses' and Gents' Pars to select tom In the City. All the late styles of Hats and Caps Arriving daily. NeCORD 84. 01). = NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ,ITIRDIi, DEC. 11,186 D. WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nog. IM) and 1M Federal Street, Will be Offered MANY GOOD BARGAINS, HUCH As At 12 1-2 c, 4-4 Bleached Muslin. At 12 1-2 c., 4-4 Unbleached Muslin. At 8 1-3 c., Dark Calico& At 10c., Good Dark Calicoes. At 12 1-2 a, Good Dark Delaines, good styles and quality. At 87 1-2 e, Black Waterproof Cloth. At 12 1-2 e., Barred FlanneL At 18 3-4 e, All-wool Scarlet Flannel. At 45e. each Men's Undershirts and Drawers. At $1.50 each, Ladles' Rmbossed Cloth Skirts. Isdiel' and Gents' Gloves, Ladles' Fanoy.Scarfs, Misses' Woolen Scarfs, Men's Woolen Scarfs, Hosiery, Notions, &e., &e., Wholeßale and Retail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Sim 180 and 181 Federal Street, I= P.PT (orPtrlt DEP RTI.I ILNT. W •141. MOTTO, llf L.,l t 16. 1669. • pROPOMALI FOR MAIL LOCKS. I:1= Lork• •••1 Lets of ... kiwis. to bo autualt•tod for the • sod Y. t. n used es the !Jolted ditste• =MI, will a. reesi•od .1 111. D 01. ., uteut 01 • o`slo elg • . i, lb. id day of Ir EV ANY. SITS. It Is d..tr.El. to obtain Losloo and Lin of . n•sr tonstruetton lor the osolualy• .rr,t!flUll , t.l.gTTtTrfllrwrAhlfllmj .pred prvesly for [bat P0n.... M Orr'•. - . uro or . sterAot Loot sod Key to pobllo caZsor n•tlon oar... Impair. If Ivor ostrvq. I • at Illy or 11,. Issue. tb. Doom - tore. proorsrlbes =I • . sprellar - et nweba•tral skin asi layman) hl.h IR fat, roopy•It••11 sawn( Inr.vtvr.. . la •11,1, may devalap. II I. e•111elmot La dm r lb. 11.• ormelpal r• , , 1.1•11 a• •f • Xill Leal, Pelt-L.ett.• ••If•rm 'T. ...my I.l.tness, aresiga. durability, sow•ltycof .Y irvetlea and I. IP) of use. Two tlads • 1...-11• sad Ley. ode •r bras. ad the ostler of Ira, &Mid..at la a t•slor f.ra• ad talon**, eagistro.d.lou or artagesdesit. an rslatris4; ad Prop:oasis .►odd specify .parately t 1• peke el sad Sr. • Leek. ..deb ley for L. same. each trop Loca edeh K.? for arse. Depltdsts sample. or each Mad of Leeks tad Keys pro posed. aro r00t...4 to be suborned arlab the Propelsls, one .1 rub satopte Leek le be ...l ed uo an/ o.lM:we. sod aoether to be opals or wept, clod, so tie latererd .cd sr ntsgeroebt may easily to seats:ord. Ivory s.mole shoeld no plately merited with lb. bld• der, name. sod. tf tbe suss or ur Ps. Sr 11 MEEiMMM T►. islet nal.pla. m arreagetateat of lav Lcds otrent4. end tae partleala slam of tie Key to. geisha to do ea wpm. slut oat beta. Say aisle m haretblt ea la abb Tbey atom be wares..d not to lafriarne.apoa ae et ail. will ern, paCeetast of wlacb sae Welder le rot Um pate.... Prater.. will be glyoa cc; a Leek, the Key el aid. has sot tee• exposed to cameral eau realise or but publicly duet-Med. disclosed or sageretled. ♦ deelelne on the r•noas speurnens and Pro. poula .111 ho Leads en or Of tors la 3d day el MARCH. 1310: and isle. the rosrms•ter Gen eral hall dun IL to be for the leterests II Ms It...mu. rrject • I the Proptutals cod speci men. •ehmllled ...Mr this .vortiouno•L, It• rtist beret, •t prosody rusurd to \lmo L ilt re • nu red into se aeon thereafter as practicable, lettl., the mance-B.IW narlder whose lola sha.l be ad - pied, for Parebele: einallar Looks La] Keys for lone years. L. the, may be reyetrwl aa o•d-red. It matnally 111.1.1,11 In writing 7 10e ewe traeter sad roatatesier Gee. anti. far i be time lw I erg. riot lertalbalaalamosibs 0 lore Ile expiration. lbe eOUVaet MILT be ex.. =I of four year, as at aad afar the eadratas of tether term of the eta trate or oa sad altar IY rialtital aaahatout at ay Mao, the Palma► ter tarot rag taall bars Ile right to cosines sill or amp of say other party to fattish the same, or ay other Mad of Leeks so 1 Keys; sad If Its alai, d 'ota groat to Wassail aad ratteles Iran the late or aft tarsi oaatrater all flatbed or tannish/ad Key. ad aa• Inwood arta of the Locks wintesetal fur, ad all ales, vadat and &Wow, I • MOO COCA ert. coma to fora ...eh Loreto sod Net a) to the ithasealea of sorb antral-Ir. who, after gaols. aorassdor to It. Department Shah O. WOO tar tao as., al snob prat ad may be aseertalso4 by We ad. prahoasist. The oestreator mut •nee ad best. t. Itar. If tutor. .d order., 10, M OO tact. u 0 4. 000 true Keys et Mato, mme t eenults Iron: Ma Use of entartex Mt* eontracL aud CRC*" M. Leeks .060,000 hut Keye.t. h. to tee mottles (rem net thee. that Its Pus. muter Omer. • 111 reserve lee eight la Maus* or OUR t sash. as Me weal. or [.(•rote of the ser vice 5.7 Oman; the enhetlttea of the elle [eye above emeettle4. wilt • Drape:Unmet.. elk...en of ttme le famish team. I=l he warranted to hoer la rood worktalt ardef foe two years to Ih. ordinary awe of the meatiest, when aol satdoetad to obvious eteglaseau net ac become darsettve wlthta taat thing badge replaced with warrant Locks wit hoot charge. All Ur. Latta tante:gad aader contract are to he, Matlack ly malted "U. S. Shit, •• I. althar..“ or gal ad gotten. sad alg the lays ara td, he war barred In Lle oaLont order; cock KW, k.,1 . ...kta appropriate bather distinctly Oda or the bow and "U. h. Ma r. pppodta gide. "" un.thr .111 be v equimd to donna, lb. lock. et el. e rtmeelf. let tee retina. Depart meat. Mulder.. D. C., pet eD Oft etiri.,for a• - at ap.n'. Isetrilms of lye Locks each, and ow eure , /pelted to wooden UMW/ coutnialalf et mote thew Coo hennaed Locke emb. The Keys ifie le be d slivered to an agent °fibs Dep•rtmel duly and specially a. thorimd in emit mom to take charge of and c ...y the eame (n em Me contracMre manufactory to the Depends... 4 where both Locks and Keys are to be IMPenne , and approved before they Mall be paid PM rho contractor will be required le gim hop/ with ample security in ii.. .at of TIDY rho. seed Doi ere. to be forfeited to tbst Liniteofitatas am Liquidated damage, I. ems of hI. foliate faithfully perform the roctract, either se to far. empty/ the auppltes ordered erithlo • naem•hte time, or m te ;maraud the rd aufectme of Mu Mail Locke and Keys with dee priemy, laterrinf sad care. be proposal 0111 thereon/ be asec Mod If sad socosepauled will • bond of the knell am of Twenty Thoroaad dad, enreroed by she proposed throos• resporoltdlOy meat be swilled by • Jeillg• of • Conn of Ramona roueat to shalt prose of realdroce. &Inroad by ins Clrok of math Ooerl ender the veal Marto:. k rod eoudlttoesd f-r thels ten arod rospousible a serene: on the mobbed road for tle fatlllneal of the 00017 W. In case such Prevent shall be erupted. The esroufan are of asyl Is. of arosrolty, a highly brooms., and detest. roast, which the Department arin mo lds to CO road.. whose Troporols are not also oreomproled with sarolnoalels ortnnl elver ter /a deelases on lin TreproaUs and roectseas Torouroter Gauen! of one II expedient lo select the Brow Lock of one bled. sad the Iron Lena of aerobe,. Ile. ass/rode. reserves th e th e y, pf mnuactleri srph 411Yersak, ma , for such altar.% slats of Looks as be sap oases. Prooosaro el' old be carefully eserod sod ad dressed to the 'Teased Asalatant Protnartar Gee ea', rod I adorand to. envelope ••fro. pesals for Looks." JOH X A. J. Toslulrotar Goar a. MEM PUBLIC NOTICE. ih,thir tr. appointed 011 otrIEDLS NEWER INSPECTOR tar Alleebear Meaty. settee k ►enb7 (kW. =at asta tM IL.kkaay ofike aha k ft i k pumi Tuting Rubber, can ho pa:muted. I sill be Dual at the OWFICE OP TIDI NA TIONAL. POIINDET AND PIPS WORKS. larrit7. third Reeet. arar Pens. Pritabonb. U. 14 SMITH, Om mid Om Md but ana.. I=3 ---cTRADE MARK. MO M .. ....... - Lamp .. , I ORKNEYS. t =1 kiliW A N TB. SifiEßllll l , DEC. 11,1869. New Dry Goods WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, =I One Case Fashionable Green and Bine Poplin Plaid. PIMA and Striped Delaines in beautl- fa! styles. Heavy Corded Poplins, all colors Black and Colored Velveteens, Plaid and Striped Shawls. Gored Cloth Skirts. Heavy Cloaking Cloths. Cassimeree and Jeans. Blankets and Coverlida Heavy Country Flannels Wholesale and Retail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S. Sac 180 and 182 Federal Street, ♦LL[UH[NP ITY. SPECIAL TA[CIPI.IIIA_I' V.IFLICF:S E R. GARDNEF 6 West Car. Market St. and 4th Ave 80. 69. 7e., One ease Side Stripe DeLalnes 7e, One case Windy Cloths. le., One ease Fide Stripe Prints. le., One eise Canton Flannels. LADIE'S' YUIMI, All Grades! Enormous Stock I Entire Fresh Goods! Only New Stock In the Cl Prises 25 Per Cent. Less than can be purchased anywhere, and Assortment weed to none. Cloth Suques, all styl.s, pealtl prima. Lyons Cloaklog Velvets, Low Prices. Ilk Plash, Astraeluta aid Velvet Swiss. DOS Grain Silks, Irish Poplins, new. All-wool Long Shawls, Greatly Re- deed. $5.00, All-wool Twilled Blankets, worth $B.OO. $l.OO, Dark Engti>h Waterproof. 624., Bright 4-4 Plaids, been sell ing at $l.OO. Boulevard flirts, all Colors & Prices. Fora. $4.00 per set to $150.00. &min, DILIVORM,BEPE & CO 243 LIBERTY STEM, HAYS JUST FIECITYLD 100' Elands "Perfec ton" Drips TIN Saul *Tor brooght to MU ismeltot. &5 BABSELS N. 0. MOLASSES, IE:U:3=2 25 MIDS. N. 0. SUGAR /gums yaLibow CLAIIIIIRD To wMeh they /smite Ms At Uwe of the Trade. BRADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company, MINKMARD 6H1PPL6307 GLI, BUCIAIIIN IND DIMLY COL Nut Coal, Slack and Coke ANTHRACITE COAL. Of ail Mzes, aad of UM tut quality. my be for- BMWS at mucosa'. mins L•au olden so •S dm .0 yards, IP o. ANDZIMAIN STUMM, AlWmleg.irarert•. tad tdemtystrom(empowl • 005- smett ) VittA . mfik• Add. P.. salt. Su IT, Plltsbarga. tad Lamy sit no. Is. tmund attasatto• Q Prompt att.aUo* Of.' 00 ...W.. ag 011:11,16 if. IN RIEfiCK & HBO. TOM • ■ vreua-rsaur SAFES AND VAULT& XU DAN?, NO MOULD ENGINES A ND TURI II3 ICWN-UP IZT ILACHINWORN. larAlllllllo AND /93T- B Cir. 117th awl Pike Sts.,Pttlibargb, Pa. • W. BAR II p '5. hi a : a DI X4l R. 33. 33 TWENTY TO TH ICIUMIT B CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, S c CARPETS. REDUCTIONS. The alterations and im provements of our Sales rooms nosy in progress, make it necessary for us to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stock of aexpEtt OIL CLOTHS, Hearth Rugs, &c , Many goods will be sold at prices below the present wholesale cost. Call at once at 01.1112. IIeCLINTOCK & CO'S, 23 Fifth Avenue. CARPETS. NEW -FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, DETTOrGETS. DRUGGET SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offered. BOVARD, .ROSE i CO., FIFTH AVENUE. eetliviaT DRUGGETS, CRUMB CLOTHS, EXTRA QUALITY, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Direct Importations, ill illlll BROS., Aro. si NIFTIER a r EX' UR, ABOVE WOOD SID.ILST oe3l WOOLEN WHETS .111.N1:11 FELT CARPETS, 11, 2, 21, 3,3 L and 3! YARD WIDE BORDERED SQUARES Suitable for Parlors. NINE ROOM cam GLOM Woolen, Linen and Cotton, I LOWER PRICE% TEO Lin &Sing Notlrtaist.dtur the iladimthlatted tariff " . the. (0.4.. lITBLIND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Avenue owzheas i .k' i,"• 4 41 g C oi oi a, -Id 11 w P C;lril ai z W 41 1 c=l 1:4 I rn - a 6 d Ti 1 i L ° 1 C/2 ;4 1 1 1 Pq M . g I 4 0 b.:'• 0 01 1 P 4 ga ri i pci bi lir. PI as . P 4 r ' A z A o rii 4 DR. InErrITER CONTINUES TO TREAT ALL • private diseases, erdhl In all he tonna ad suisary i ll , s=taa a ll=nz . • oaMikness and lipotmatry rataltlair rhea selhabere er other muses, which Worland wane of Use foLlowlad alone, as blotera.4 hodl l 7 maktreas, Indigestion. 411444 . 1.1=114•102 , ' l=f;re%ol7., tldedesees n 4 ocrarnal inal= " •nd 1341 0 0400 r = 6•1• 2.44 =41%.7;12,1th•=r,.‘" t atl d ttla . 17.1 ) :70 • late stand:az eataltational mut gin the Donor a Walt be never tills, A vertical ar attenton eves to ell Female man- Wahtlair lannorrl.r. or Wites. Womb, Dams matt. cdr Venation of the ~lrk ;net* Amenorrhoea. deaorrhailk Dremea northern, andbtertlity ar dernariere• trma ed atilt the nestret mason. It Is relf-endsat that a phydelsa woo amazes Idraseltenelesnely to tie randy of a mutate aLems int diaemas and treats th05..4.4 of sow nen r .. ! I nt nester anti la that spectand Sys 1,7„,„.A. pa l 0 410102 . • siedleal pamplalet of air p•rm Oat d exparitloa et menet .0d 0388484 atmases,o at mut be had Ine 00114 • 14 , 131•4 ibr rumps. fa waled cessions. Inert materna ountafne unelloa to the Or Elena aad eastang them 00 determine the are a. name f Oaf, ampler:arm The comprletne taw WWWIt n 127. tan 30000 * 001.84. eta M o - Wiw • medteMei In eying a • be written tonrarded 47 8 mail or re of the nee. s m- Weak In man tastneak however • a el o1.1411141o• 11 absentali arsornar4• thers daffy personal attention Is not Ind, 2.••4 Rxr the anotemodatloa t tank Patier,..,tt that =treTery req 11114; 1 14 117 -- .44r '" neorem Unread medlordeal rapt, =e n ....1111 parsemiptloste Parnal tbm Doctor*. own tabotatOrt• bad. , 40 0 Mallbat pantiparets at cam tree. or Beall foT two .tempi. do 11111.7 who Osea Wed. rem: what be orym limn VI 1. it. toe s w o. rTt i llri. re M erWe l a r A I lioar ° L.Wiftetrone. • KER & CO. errc)o - IK 7:1 1:1 ow N. IRTY PER CENT. Z SOLD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers