nN4Ncg+W-_ 11610111 4 111 A NO. .80 FOURTH,- AITSEEMA rrresumuin. - cuss CAPITAL . 411100.000 Stockholders Ind ividually BA OP DISCOUNT mar Ramon. Join' •I.UYD WMARSI7IS. President. Oishier. Thom kt.itorthml, John W. MuOW. Wm. T. VMMOOI3. M.' Itori Aftoll:4 l4 Wolloom -James W. *mots, , jos. D. JUDD ail. Lomb, W , Vat tat oar rally otititiWg &MI pawn.* to Co sommral Donliot DOM" Jetta GOLD, ULM AND COTTONS, Bailed at irelkett Pelt,* PM g. ROBTZ, Banker; Cor, TAO St. and sth Avenue m JAMES If BRADY & MoooessOn to S. JOEL & ed. Cornet Forth Avenue and "Wood St., 131.A.N . EiCKEttiii, sir ; in.! WI an Mies or . • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, emu, SILVER LID MEWS; on Won 11 . 0011•111.7. 1%11313. air [ammo Allowed eallepastbr. Vir/f.inow loaned on eo.t.esim mods Yt Wrest matimaratoms. " 0001111 v:mooted rev the "PornIONOO and Moto of OTOOIIII4 8011,- soma .1410/5 T x4tiurr 'a. co. . IR( . rtisikti tot FINANCE AND ernes op Prrnotimoseissrms, Baruao►T:.Deorll; 181112 The eirmitsof the put weak Mae been looked tor. rid -nolpsmeng thileheha man but by 01, classes interested in the prosperity of ads greet Ikaumonerealth, with more than ordinary Wares& The results. however, have not, come up to the expectation of Wise whit leneritied . that Congress would take Limeade, „ steps to regulate theainfneed idesi that . bad taken hold of one castor the pub • lie regarding, erne paymenta. ileatimptlosi,- of specie -payment*: whether soon at a definite time or in the remote future, seems to be • matter of Indifference at peewit& •The trodden but natural decline of gold seems to have frightened the leer . laddipges of an early resumption, and they seem to have been wen over to • bather ln. creme of Aromas* MM. like e man would do who feelithat at hatno longer the ability. to redeem his paper Ail Gibe inflationists who Wraith, • con tinuation of- inflated circulation, or whstia worse, an. Increase of paper L ane& may study Mills, Smith or any other writer on pentad economy and they, nag find • single passage that wind -advocate, &debased medium of circulation. it la not necessary to come down from. ti disecunt of about 132 per cent. on our promises to psy, to par at once, hut there Is - fio reason why oar business eon not be transacted and our circulating medlitra .eurttged with a discount or 16 tokl per cm& ler • Wert time to come, „with , ' a pumped of Frageally lowering the discount until inch time as resumption lazy be practical without detriment to the country. A reduce:op of the discount, and any farther decline, will giveArell- Br redundency to the existing numes. The great hobby.horee of the Adutt.l tricots seems to be a recindi of the Intl tared on the public debt, b w this can be aceomplatted without repudir tron„ mud be a mystery to any =light ened financier. Is It expected to egad Is by hamar* of paper currency, Or by purchase of our bonds a a higher pre mium in currency; both have been tried, the gamer by not calling In the out. standing three per cent. certificates, which are • demand liability an the Treasury. bearing lutanist and violating a fundamental principle of sound bank ing; the latter by purchasing about seventy-two millions of bonds at an average of eighteen per cent., which could well have been bought at ten Per eenL, thereby enriching a class already beneflued by the IrredeemabLe currency, and only' ineresdng the already heavy burdens; Of taxation to the middle and lower claws. The rich bond bolder, who bought these uncurides at adamant In currency, or the - fibreigner who bought datirty.tbres per cent. for what be now gets ninety per cent, ardeighteen per cent on, his capital Weeded, may well' e Weaned with suchspday of the administration. .Government bonds were strong at an average advance of 14 per cent. with a fair badness doles under the impression ;Gal, a further , LOW of. currency must advance their market tabus t Gold aimed unchanged it LUX. Stocks atrobg in oympathy with horde, under clique manipulation . and a very tame abort interest speculating un en early resumption. Stocks may go higiter. but their day will come with the fiat sign of the spring business opening, When • decline. of 24 or 30 per cent. may considered a small matter. The rationing process applied to nearly every Railroad the country must find Its level and an increased di mind for money for Isegitieldepaposes most at last tell on the elllTenig= of these stocks under decremei . . Money from 13 to 18 percent. • ritnetablens es received by Ph. IL Marts Gold, 1.23%; Silver. 1201 Eighty one's, 120.14: PlVOTlrentles, 11118'1. 1153 L; do 1881, 4 11.3%; do 1854 113%i do 1886, Cernaols, II& do 1.1361, UN; do 1858, 11814; Ten Forties. 110%; Adam' Ba. =Company 0%; Wrchanta Union ma Company, fl%; American &s -prees Company, OW Weatern Union - Telegraph. 84%; Beading 101%; New York Central. 0130 :Ph!tatrurgh, Fort Wayne A Chime. 82%; Ohio & Minds M "el, 28; Michigan Southern, 87%; Cleveland • & Pittsburgh, 8314: Chicago, Book Island & Pacific, 1 0 714; Chicago - A North Western, 7314; Chicago & North Western - Preferred 84%3 Erie, 28 34. xxcuarros. Lecrpc... &van& London, per £ ................18.06..1 8 , 16 Purls. per Berlin, tinder ..... 02 5314 Frankfort, florins 62 54 tar fewer& w the PittabwebOesetia.l New Yosa, December 11, 1880. There was a large meeting of the bond holders of the State of Tennessee this afternoon. J. J. Donaldson, President of the Batik. of Tennessee, was present. Mr. F. P. James stated that he had Just returned from Tennessee. The debt of the State Was about 11.19,000,000, of which sBo,oo.ooolwere leaned to rallnmds, and one hall °Obese roads could pay on de rnend. Mx Conklin& President of the ../Etmi Insurance-Cowl:any, corroborated Mr. James'. statements, and stated that the railroads of Tennessee actually ono 04,000.000. It was proposed to appoint a committee to go to Tennessee and en deavor to induce the Legislature to place .the defaulting railroad' in the hands of a corrunissioner for the Dental of bond holders. Is stated that the Executive Corn• mitt": of the Directors of Adam" Ex. pre.. C,");_npany will meet on Tuesday next to consider the project of baying taut), the different lines surrendered by the Company when the compromise was made with the Merchants Union. Thew lines extend over needy five thousand tulles of railway, Including Chicago and mbar Western points. This meeting and prospective favorable action of the Di remora on the subject of buying back the old lines really caused a rise in Ada.as aid other shares today, although the rumen was treated to some lively ru mors shout a dividend on Adams and the Renard cansolldstion of enredllll 0017.1 pi• 131 , L Moony steady rat 7 percent. Discount* quiet and unchanged. The beak state :aunt show. a elight exile In reserves. ibonni it 7 . 4.91tu decrease, owe lf9, 728.11 c eas;e ,d3es9e o m ll e ,o m 4 e l. t d m . °, o2!,113,1 d 7 7 :rdec 57,177. at—dpo4io{tS7,l79oeas 12.- $10,34./. Legal tenders, }18,%4,420; in. efiuw. Gold unchanged; open ed at 1231, PleCbcd 123%, and closed at tiovernment docks quiet and Read C o upons of 1861, 12 0 .1 120 31; do y. 1115)01116%; do '64. 113301113%; do '66, i ss 113%®113 ;. , 410 oew. 116 3443 116 5,1% do .07. MN 11634; do '6B, 116,041164; Tee. fortleidl 41311 Pafifiwk.• 1 _0 6 19114%. Stateßon firm. 31mMt. - 910%; old Tennewee 60, new 48%; old Virginias. 49; new, be old North Carolinas 63, new 30%. " Mork; Jinn at an advance;gni Ind . Code:ly OD Ft Wayne.Bl. 3 refd.ltaid leg, Northerettern and Sire Seeley: Central. New York Central consol idated, 91%; Erie, 26%; do preferred, eeyi; Harlem, 134%; Radom River ti.P., ; : 83%, Reading. 101%; Mich'. pin Cedral, 1211 . ; Lake Shore, 87%; Illinois Central, 134%; ,Plttsboret., 3 ftt ran 82%; Northwestern, 73%. p erred. 84%; Rock Wand. 107%: St.. Pe . 74,40 Pre-' famed 86%; Wabash, 67; ernxl,7l:4 • FL - : . Warl el l Va; Terre: _fg, -', eff: eldnign Allan, 1.4.3 ' i'• Wad stir .. ellisalaslmd, 2il. Mining Shares dull. Fur l . Md.' QiiiMlll U. 200; Smith 1:a , 000. &SUM *Wee timbal imp*6l foe , the week, nearly 6,000,000. -Sub Tummy Wane.) 691.442,46 Z , N. . ) errnsausca neBicirrB. . OM= or Prrmetrunireasment,4 SATURDAY. Deo. -11.1869. It cannot be raid that hotline's hati been remarkably active thetas the esik .„. which has just closseit,,but we ,Stir In hopes that It will get be better and then be -nothing to brag atm= Notwithstanding the grub 'nat. ibcgai 'atm and hied Vzoe4 Ore guess, after all, that trade, generally. Is shout as good here as it Is anywherq and. from what we can hum, better than In some Weis we could name .4 1 / 1 1 Make bigger prehension* thin/Int* burgh. The more feature has As the stringency In - Money meters, which, of course, rotates collections and reielaUt busi To EL ness. IL Myers &Ake, credit of buyl the hogs herd 4 6 1 1 71 for slaughos• eft firm soma 401 bend at, bat eentral Tanis. on Pala. amaglag PEW al i riblaelg* ' This Is a big price, but thelh orfe furs decline are not very encouraging, as hop are reported scams In the w=..' It is notate). temarkable that while grain and flour are down to. and even tiebaeoldjimes prices, • • and cattle keep up, and larienagftj • •• • • with but blade tempi= orany ^. . APPLE3—fletlet and unchanged supply ii/11 8 sndattella , at the mind; we continue ' taiVaito tit 1200 parbbl, tAFFLIIBI7ITSB/4/11=911 at 7. r •BUTTER.—Oontiniare dull ••t• ply *beadle-the. • prtees TURSDRIa444 :1102, 2011 OWL •:BEloompowsi—swes ai 18i 14 '1131018:41aSala daValmat wl/h laaaleaY 112,6033.00 for ter to good and, IM SINICWItai F1.01111 1 40/a efa, 1118113T/WTS—Quoted at IS. VILAIMMES—CI/04/4 at 102015 per bbl. ea to quality and condleon. CIDEEL—Famon about over, and mar ket dull; we continue to quote 15/08 per btu. Ia quoted hoto 11 to 18 for Western ItaleyTlg 19 Aar Factory: 20 for Ohio Tan 21 for New York Goshen. CARBON 011/—le to fair demand but a/M:l 2 @s l / as of limed at 25018 { and fresh pecked at 40. -DR/ED FRUIT--Bales of apples at 8 493.0 , Pemba dull: small sales In a retail way at 9010 for quarters and 110 II for helves. FFATIMERS—In better demand and legbirj sod we now quote et 85090 Id the trade and the usual advance for small lea In store. 11/017R—le quiet and dull, Out .un =„ad—devdd of a slaglenevrifeature .cd speciainauce. We continue' to quote at 15,5006 per bbl. OSAM—There is not much doing wheat, and but little offering In this , market: we anatlnue to quote at $1.150 418, for fair to prime R=. iota cannot 1 be quoted Move 48 on track, and parties who endeavored to establish an =vines early In the week. appear to "havieglven It up as a bad job. Corn is gourmand in demand with sales of new at 75 and perneold 11,011. Ilya le Monger and In nther better demand. with sees at 1400, which be tegarded as these. ling price. B om ar!ey Is quiet and mut =by unebin ged,..81.0001,111 tor spring , and 81.1501.90 for (al/ HAY—Is In Licht supply and firm with isles at $l5 to let per ton, sa to H es of dressed Hop at 12@ 14 eta—matedy at .151%613. HUSKS—SaIes at S cirinta per pound. es HOMINY—SaI at f. , ,6A30 per bbl. LlME—Sales af Cleveland wblte lime at supas per , ONIONS—Sides at sl=,oo per bbl. the outside Score for LARD 011.-110 still furthOr ad vanced and we now quote No. 1 Extra at $t.53@1.66. POULTICY—Demand more active and market firmer; we now quote dressed Chicken. at 1 2014 Ma, and dressed Tur keys at MAIL POTO.TOES—SaIas at 35660 ate—mar ket quiet and receipt. PEANUTS—Quoted at 9QIIO eta. PEAS—DoII: 11 2 . 60 Par imba• PROVISIONS—Efates BUM Shoulders, at IS g and Sugar Cared Hams, al 22%. Lard In demos, 193 i, and In pa* 203 , 042 L SEEDS—Clover Seed ix quoted at 5E1„25(@9,60. Flax Seed can be sold at 324 3 . but no higher. No demand for Timothy. SALT—Is dull, and Allegheny River brands are quoted at ID A by the ear load, with tlbe usual advance for small lot* In store. STRAW—SaIem alll2 per km. WHlSlCY—Hlethwines quoted at 31.03 @&l4ofr, Rectified 11.05; and Proof, do, 111.15. _ ravitoLEum 11ASKET Cterids op Prrreuronerg Clarteurrs, , ELMOUDAY, December 11 , 1869. BXVInW rob TUB mom. Air the end of the year draws nigh - the agitation and confusion In the oil broil. steer seems to grow more and more In. tense, and,' as weave repeatedly stated recently, It is more than likely that It will *ninon* ao until after the claw of this month, sad we might say - the close I of this year. As le generally known the molest la confined mainly to the olonge" . and the s`shente," better known. per , ' haps, se that steals" and "bears," and while the numbernn either side la by no means large, the fight hi a 14 g 'Otto, sod the liens very &afar as re fined la concern there Is not ao much Interest as there was at the close of het month, which may P i t t. tributed mainly to the fact that the burgh shone are pretty well covered. In crude, however, there 11 a yery lively feeling manifested, as there is auppmed to be considerable of a r•abort" interred, and as these seller options mature with , the close of this month, the shorts be. ' gin to feel rather nervous anti uneasy, ieslnu i larly those who era likely to rins e Business boa been moderately active during the week, though • large PrePer don of the sales reported were settle. Monts Or pratriouseontracta. Compared with last week, prices are lower, the de an* in Refined being greater, than In 'Crude, sod It was lower to-day,Man yea. terday. The exports east have fallen elf very materially recently iirtdch la ao. muted for in the fact that many of the the refineries have been stopped In Mde sequence of crude being so much higher relatively than relined that there is no mania. Some refiners balm sold their rpm.° and will buy reaped to cover what they have sold ahead. Receipts Crude this week 89,296; last week, 23451; from January let to date, 884,314: suns time last year. 1,042,M. Export. relined. this week Ineet: lon a • .k, KISS; January let to date 676,043; same time last year,685,916. Salta this week, 86,700 ads; last _week 90,020 bbls. A. will be seen by the stove, the receipt, of crude are 158,. 569 bbl. loss than the came time last year, and there to■ falling off In the shipments of relined east of 110,875 bble during the same period. This does not look well, but such Is the case, and there le no use attempting to disguise It. comma. Sales In lots of 4,000 Was seller this month at 1554; and 500 spot at 1534. Later In the dm December sessetronge with 1534 (freely bid and 15,445153.; asked. Seller Out half nest year, nominally unchanged at 14 . 11.13TNXD. Saks 500 bbis December at 3134"; 500 at 8l%; and9,ooo each Isamu/ and Feb ruary at 32; at the close December was offered al 81x, with 313001% lid. Re,. fined market Ins been very quiet and dull ell week, and prices have declined conodersidy. XEOltrens or oUrtnn OIL BY A. v. SM. Brilliant Oil Works 2,489' bbl., on sr. count Lockhart, Frew & Co; Fisher & Bro, 740, on edoDUel came; A B Mills 81 ron aocoont W Bartle; Spray Oil Werke 240, bn amount S Thomas, Tonal 8,499 bbl!.. marywaness or on. DT A. V. R. E. Forsyth Bro. et Co. nff,bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Prow & Co. 0.21 Ws ref. all to Warden, F. & Co.. Ma. biontzhelmer. Koehler & Co. 50 bbl! tar A. & G. Jemmy, Philadelphia. J. ISL Biter Mt tibia relined to W. P. I Logan & Rto.. IPhßadelphia. Tarentum Oil Works, 25 0 bble, refined to W. P. Logan & Bro ., Philadelphia. 111ARKETS BY TEELGRAPH New 'Tone, December IL—Cotton quiet and unchanged with sales of 10.000 balm. IWO flir Middling uplands. Flour; receipts Of 28,229bb1e, dour beery, 5010 e lower with sales of 71,000 brae tart Mid miming. 11.5014,85 for In/Perillie ritatimetarn.fB,246.ls for extra Stink 0E4615 for extra western, 85,90(36,25 for white wheat eetrefl for roped hoop Ohio, 15,7603.60 for extra . fit. Wile, 16,50(3,8,50 for good choice do., Cloglim heavy, Incluelleg 8.000 bids extra western for export at 66 , 34,80. Rye flottrqutet, with sales of 100 hbbs at ;4.75 05,90. Coro meal dei s t, mice of 120 hbla. Marsha calorie 6535. Whisky firmer with sales -of il.Bobbis western at 11 1 A2 4 31.03. free. closing firm et latter. .Receipts; wheat, 21,820 bush, wheat /a lamerend rathermore doled for export anddeellned 68,000 bush at 61,220 .25 for , No. 2 sprlbat the latter is n5..4 1 /4 1 ine; dtete Winter red; 11,300 ,i.g4fo4 %bilk .r . I add. amber western. Rye quiet, sales of 12,000 buahela Canada for 1 exports On .private terms. Barley quiet, Isles of Mtge bush at 61,01 for in ffulor4leinada east; 11.1,P) for good . two rewadstate; 31.26 for Ciam*. a west. Bar ley malt quiet. Ooraggiribout decided change, recelpts e Muithela; sales of 39,0(I0 bushels 1.10 for unsound mixed vi fttead, fa. 21.3 for mound do. Oats dull, reoelpta of 7,700 bushels; antes - 026,000 trustailit.4l2% @MO for West ern; Itiesfete. Rim dull at 63 eame for 1 Coffee dab. anger dull. gales - hhda Cuba at Ilogllyee., Mot Hops Bops quiet at liaa27c for Am Petroleum Petroleum doll at Ilagallkiie for crtilla.ii o ndll2,4e for refined. Limped QWI I .O I 14792 qiidie It:Lambs. Coal for donieetkieetun7,oo per ton by - cargo, foreign a $18,60 for English gas cannel.- What in better request; sales 1110,000pourillegt 483W40ks for do. .mastiolleoOet does combed: 42 @ 4 6 0 . Pflii ed. Leather: hemlock sole steady at (ple, Buenos Ayres and Rio Gran ' Spirits Turpebtlne qtdet and unchanged: •-ahnlital. , Vseffien‘9 7 . flhpattemt Copper .11taitsly'itat. WM Ingot, copper dun _and WOOpWlifilllgGilllfe for Lake Elul. . fits . - 42.gg Aron -In moderato rev* . ... c - flordehand WOW, Amerman. Iffir lima quiet at 187@87,10, refined keg. E @d, sad Aceeficed. Rho* ban -dull at . Of, :' ' e DM* gimlet. and 700btat. , c 76, . inerst,MT .... 83, old do .: I (.. , =ea end idd,eo 4530,4E1..prime rums. quiet; Wes 140 WM atil4el2 Amuse phtln meq and men for new antra mess. Tierce bed entleteetttfaalest of 131 X, demos at 825•328 plum mem, Ind mos for India 1 gmege. t Bret hams steady, with sake ISO bblesi34Bpol,so. Newest& meats armor With aloe 180 packages at usag e fry; shOuldeni, and 17617 Me for barns; mid. 4i/egoist. Dreamed hogs firm at 13,40 Ityfe for western. Ludo:lnlet and heavy, with sake of 440 tierces at liggilfll,fe Mr stem and 19 301 200 for kettle renaeoed. butter dull at 8113330f0r Ohlo. Choate quiet at 10fga17%e. Iftelghts 10. Liver pool more active and_ a Shade Armor: shipments of BMW banal/heat at eh per mil and 4%?5d per mean, and 1000 btis (lour per au at. 2i. Laust.—Flour closed dull and 6 0 5100 lower, with only a limited domed for home our and export. Wheat rather More steady with a moderate export &thud far No. 2 spring at 11.24(i)1.28. winter red and amber western nominal at at,1001,33. Rye steady with a limited demand. partly for export. Oda dull and heavy at Midgetelor western. Corn quiet and steady at 01,10@1,12 for sound old mixed western. Pork steady at 1133 for old mem $32,25082,60 for new mem and 1132 for February. Beef dull and an l changed. CM numb and /scan quiet and without decided change. Lard quiet v I at 10(gililyfe for fair to prime steam. I n rg s itt .. a . t r .4lc for western fresh, an 112 1 lim ed . I - mew Yogi, December IL—The great eat feature of today Is the reduction of Sprague's Prints to 1130. The Sunny Side XX bleached mualins are alaa doted from lac to 14c, and the Social C 32 inch do from 11134 c to 10c. The market Is . otherwise unchanged and generally I quiet; but the stocker are not large, and the indications are that all staple fabrics have found their level. It Is certainly evident that there will be a general ad vance in all heavy brown she ath:ram won. Ofulaeo, Dec. IL—Eastern Exchange firm 1-10 olf buying, and 1-10 premium selling. Flour of at P,7605 for spring extras. Wheat—No. 1 quiet at 87@88m No. 2 quiet at 1N15t3,240, closing at 83%. In the afternoon nothing doing Corn firmer and higher at 7478 c for No. no grade at 65e. closing at 78+,4 for regular, and 76,0 for frenti receipts; In No. 2 nothing doing this afternoon. trate are firmer and lc higher at 40% @alai." for No. 2ln store, clot:drag at 4 i t4e. Rye quiet et 71@73c for No. 2; rejected at 70c, closing steady and firm at 730 for No. 2. Berle,' doll and nominal at 800 for No. 2. Ifighwinea fairly active and *toady at 93(495).91. PtOlitldol3ll les ac tive and firm. alma Pork 131.70 cab, and 132@32,&0 seller January and Feb ruary. Lard firmer and quiet at ittq Olga Sweet Pickled Hems lat,f@lexc. fih4ulders twenty days in salt 12. - 81:Wart Ribbed Middles 15, , ,‘c. tireen Hams firm and steady It 15661544e. Dressed Hags steady at 1112®13,124, closing firm at 1112.25@12,75, dividing on 200. °Mose*, December IL— Live Hogs In fir demand at #9,2509,130 for common, 159.85610,50 for fair. to medium, $10.60@ II for gcod to ettolce, $11,25®111.45 for extra prime. Cattle quiet at 51,574.0 4,50 for butchers' stock and light steers. CINCINNATI. December IL—Flour firmer; family 5 6 , 3 60 5 . 6 5. Wheat un changed at and #l,lO for No. 2 and No. 1 red. Corn steady and In fair de mand; new 75c, old 90 0 99 a. Oats to balk 51Q57c. Rye and barley unchang ed. Cotton firmer; middling. 24c. Whis ky dull at 98e. Mess pork firm, being held at $31,50. Bulk meat. Arm and quiet. Shoulders 12401244 e, sides my, t(#1.634c. Bacon Arm; shoulders 14%c, aides 1734 c, and i9O for clear rib and clear. Lard very Arm, bring held at I 17%@10c, steam and kettle. Hogs active,l and extra grades higher; choice to estr $10.50010,90; lower grades $9.76031.0.25. receipts 4 700 bbl.. Orson Meats; nom inally Unchanged; weather too warm handle them, but are held at 11,4 c, 1414 i (4154‘c. Batter and Cheese unchanged and quiet. Eggs 37E4.336. Groceries un changed and quiet. Linseed 011 dull at Lard Oil 111,5001,53. Petroleum doll at 32034 c, refined. Cloveneed quiet at 144©150 per pound. Timothy 1 3 . 75 49 3 . Sr. LOUIS. December IL—Tobioco, dull mud depressed. but pot quotably lower. Cotton. unchanged; melee of Missouri et 2341 c. Hemp dull; males of undressed at $2,35. WhLsky, firm at IL. Cattle, annll supply and limited de mend; unchanged at 2 34@ ,6 . 7 - f 109•4 weather too warm for cutting, but hold en are firm at 9(4.94c for light to good: 94;0104a for heavy to extra: killed to dote, 131.000; average weight, 23944; re- Irto.aisy, 6,400. EDO, December 11.-Floor dull and Inactive. Wheat dull and lapra lower: sale. No. 2 white Wabash at $1,25; No. 1 white Michigan $1,15: ember ;LEOS@ LOS, cloying at 51.074; No. 1 red $1,124; No. 2do held at 51,07. tarn dull: No. I held at 93a, No. 2 held at Stio; no grade 77c. Oats a shade lower No. I. 614 e: No. 2.49 r. Dressed Hoge dull end heavy at 121412%c. Clover IfiseA dull and nominally at 58,10. N. HLIVILLS, December 11. 'Deign firm; low middling at 2.34 e, good to or. dlnary at 23c. Wheat: red at 51,10, am. ber at #1,15, white at 51,20. Oat. at 70c. Ekren at 51,10. Rye at 51. Barley at 51,15. Flour at 5507 for superfine to fancy. Bulk •mastei clear sides at 1640, clear ribbed aides at 16.,,0, shoulders at 124 e, new cured hams at 22c. lard at 1854 e. Hoge at 34e. PHILADELPHIA, December 11.—Pre. vision. heavy: Mesa Pork, now, 51,50. Beef. new mesa, city packed. 11 20 .50. Dressed flogs 140. Lard 19 4 19 i4n. Flour very dull. Wheat dull; Pennsyl vania red 51.2201,28 Corn quiet; old yellow 51; new do. (Caen. Oats dull at 68(d.G00. Petroleum; crude 234 e; renn in 32(3251(e. Lot svabbs, December H.—Cotton: sales 40 bales middling at 2891%. Flour In good demand for all grates, with family at 95,25. Hogs active at 5 9 , 25 (4 10,20; killed today, 25,000: total to date 145.000; recelota to day 3,500. Sales 313 lab& Tobacco at 6349,50 for good lop, 510010 for leaf. and 1.35 fqr Hart County wrappers. Whlaky 98c. Crass:F.lmq December 11.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat dull and inact. no, holders making $l.lO for No. 1, and 11,11(911,12 for No. 2. Petroleum quiet and unchanged: refined 790294 c In I me Into, 32(433c In small lots: crude andy, #13,L0 par bbl. Nzw ORlMaara, Dec. 11.—Ootton firm: middling 244 c; salve 4800, receipts 3286, airports 6.600 bales. Sugar quietus 12440 12„%e for prime. Whisky dull at 51.05(4 1,10 for western rectified. Codes Is no. Vbanged. India bagging bald at Mc, blit.warman. December It. Wheat steady at 9:30 for No. 1, and 85%c for No. 1. Oats weak at 410 for No. 2. Corn dull and lower at 780 for No. 2. Rye and liarloy nominaL Dressed Hogs Ann at ' 512,25(0)13,00. Driltoze December 11.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet at 51,10 for No. 1, extra dull at II" Dreaaed Hogs firm at 511(412. theldlng on D.M. Itstinisons, December H.—Whisky In good demand at 11, 0 30 1 , 1 1 1 3 II: sales 200. bbl., January delivery, at 9509 3 4. MEMPHIS. December 11.—Cotton irreg ular; held at .1;102: receipts 3,609 bales, exports, 1,033 PITTEBVRGH DAILY GAZETTE : MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1889. RIVER NEWS. Upper BAVera. By Ilse Psetge asui •It.oLe 7eleyysp4.) Om CITY, Dec. 12.—River ming slow ly With 85 fbet 5 Itches of water In the ebanneL Weather cloudy. Thermome ter 41 at di P. M. V. altowriarimai, Dec. 12.—River station sty with 5 feet water in the ehanneL Weather cloudy. Therm:o=oer 42 at 111.1 P. N. 0. The river bee been about stationary at this point during the past tarty-sight boner, with 5 feet 6 inches In the than neL We expect to see it rising again 10-day under the Lulluence of the re cent rains. Weather yesterday was cloudy and soft with considerable rain in the morning, at noon however, it looked es If it was about to blow up mid. The Kate Putnam from New Orleans and St. Charles from Cincinnati, con stitute the arrivals since the date of our last report. The St. Charles had an ex cellent trip over 400 tons and 65 (whin passengers. MD Sells departed for New Orleans at an early nr on Saturday marnhy with • good p. The Ma dale and Argosy were advertised. leave Cincinnati fur this port on relay, and the Golden Eagle WIN to Poll on Sunday. The Cincin nati reports that she will leave there very Sunday hereafter for Pittsburgh. The St. Charles, Capt. Chas. A. Dravo, will leak for Cincinnati to-morrow at noon,. and passengers and shippers whould4Kar this In mind; She Is In all respect, ike tit the finest stamens on this end of the Ohio Elver and offers superior Indneetnents to 'peak:gen. bleak& Geo. L. Repriert and W. B. Drawl are associated together In the office. 'Pha Rate Putnam, in command of Capt. Jams. Rumen, recently clerk on • e kLessanger. Is announced for tit- Louts forthwith. The Kate is to ex cellent oondltlon nu business. ;The Mollie Ebert. Capt. G. W. Ebert, will be she fleet boat out for New Or leans. . The Ideugitt hays unload at St. Louis on Friday, tutd the Glendale was to haw WI there for Ihttatntruh on Saturday ! Tha Groat Sepublic arrived at Self clean on Feld I,L .:-Tie Rebeeteritisith lank the 4110:0 day by itinkitqg is atudriti tort/Anzt Parkersburg, wax Insured for $5,000 In Wheeling, aridl7.ooo !Xi tinekii nen offices A Parkersburg taws* aura At the CloroostaLtiguest thistieldi away wee very conflicting as to whether the reamed company bed the proper nights on the piers. also ' 00 the bowl which, it appears, the boat snook teen Ism author aids, causing her to sink in about three minutes. The Jury re. I turned a verdlet censuring, the regrind company fgt. allowing the beritsiorre. main In the river after night with no, light on it. the oilcan of the boat int bringing the boat between Wore Her 2cod 3 twitted of between 11 and 4,,1he channel piers. The New AlbanyCinuatercial Oates into the Cintdruudr , Gazette Lot and heavy. Our New Albany will remember that the charmer, old Hatcdres. Telegraphp.rna I Jacob &radar, boll! at faincinnati..aral J. it, White, built at Pittsburgh, hare frequently neat the pegs" for au rut tosta,and as yet theta time has newer 1 bean equaled. do far as the ..great rebel chior' is concerned, pertutpe •ta. Oast -17011 and Leathers are about on a par, and either party, ..or any other man," will be lik elyto contract where they eu gel the beat for the least money.— Qesg irstettrt Questercud. —We clip the fallowing from a atom =paperof the Ilth. Captain John of tug Neute Jones, who was arrested at Dirsell's Inuit last Ad, and Ineareeratedln prison et Little Bock. tut amount of the capture of the Ilesper. has finally been discharged and relieved of his bond, alter meatus numerous tripe to Helena to stand his triaL Captain Ford was innocent of complicity In the the H. calKure—of _Q r. Ilia tali was ta ken in charge by other man and made to perform the part It did. We are glad the case bu been settled. ii has cansed him much ennoyamm. —The New Orleans sew of lb. fib says: Our attention has been called to fact that • anbecription to In eidenletkm at En. Louts for the benefit of 1110 Candly of Cant 'Am Scott, lost by 1:1106 Stan wall &oder. We offer rose re ceipts of the dyer department of the Sae, daring the Chrism.. week, for this benefit, and In the river column of our lame of Monday, December shall appear such • id - graphical sketch of Captain nerd aa we .ball be enabled by that timeto work up. —The Aurora Advocate of Thursday Jaye: W. E. Citron A Co, last week shipped 12.000 bble for Pita. burgh. This week they shipped 12. 00 ) Dom here and Ina/00 from Madison. They have fI.IXIO more afloat and • large number ricked epee the wharf and In the streets awaialig tows The Coal Valley started out Saturday with 6 barges of oil bble la tow for Pittsburgh. During the week this firm tow shipped etkooo obis to the same point. -Cent. Wm. List, clerk of the Wheel. packet Li Et Hodson, has been to Nadi a:6. Listen to the Meddle antra". of Wednesday: Capt. Billy Lid. • well known steamboat clerk In the Cincin nati and Wheeling trade, Is In out beautiful city ruettesting—probably badness. bat peeslbly on • matrimonial expedition. The ladies mom look aharp, Billy is harelsante and wants to mar ry somebody'. darling. —The Lad Manor has been purebsoed Si St. Louis by hiders. Peck and sharp old residents and merchanie of Cha who have s contract for awry: L i r . p distal and other products of that section. The boat wilt ply between Chattanooga slid Knoxville, • distance of over two hundred miles, the river being navigable, we believe, the year through. —The stemma Key City end Mllwau iLlDO arrived on Monday at Madison. They are to be dismantled and their ins- chinery and cabin@ will be traps - fermi by J. R. Stewart & lx. to new Mills now building atieledleolti. The bolt of the Key City Mahout completed; the other 1101 yet oommenaed. Length, gib feet, 35 feet beam, 53i feet hold. —The gosvilo Press and Herald . of Saturday asyri The Kingston Mali Packet pany are building a new steamer, the Hugh Martin. at Kingston, which Will be placed In the treat, be. twee!' Kingston and London. The up per cabin fs being built at Louisville, Kentucky. —A deck hand on the Glendale was lost overboard. 77 miles below Louis- ville, a few days since. Name unknown, supposed to be from New Jersey. —The Nellie Rogers left ML Louis for Pittsburgh ou Thursdsy, Capt. Tom Rogers l 6 cgtsmagd, —The Ida timolcdato was advertised to leave Cinaltmatl TM Pittsburgh ati Pits day. —The Phdlevernon, New Orleans to Pittsburgh, pored Vicksburg °a the —The Leonides and Wenstate are loadtbg at Cinetnneti fur New Oslsaac —The C. H. Durres and Ulaegow were at Lou Minoan Thor*day. INPOUTII BY RAILROAD. FITTRIMIUSIt FORT WATON •rtt, CHI. ;Moo RalLitoAD. December 11.-10 Lble oil. Jame. Keeling & Co; 4 rolls loather, 112 hides, (3 N Hot/Mau, 6 Op bacon, J El Parker ; 100 bides, Hays & Stewart; 17 doe brooms, Mem; & C; 16 bbl. oil, E H Myers & 00; 100 001. flour, 6 Lind sey Jr & Co; 200 hiders O Et Anderson & Lb; 100 bbla emir. owner, 0 oars lime stone, Shoenberger et B; 2 go do, lAngb- Ito & Co; 2 oars barley, Saab 4 0o; 6 do do. (Veneer 4 McKay; 10 hes elsease, J Datil; 14 02a oil, 8 bble do, Honda 4 Ewing; 269 bee cheese, Watt, Lang& Oo; 50 do do, Illandeld K; 29 do do, Rymer Bro; 6001 bole, B I) Moore; 980 Oci oats. YOB & Elltohart; 9 reolo yarn, (I bale, twine, H Gerwlg 0 Co: 41 bdl. shovels, Myers I Armor; 112 has cheese, N .1 Braden; 6 pkgs butter, W H Graff 0 Co; 100 bble do, J Bollix:teen; 10 . bbla eat, Volgt, 9 Cos 100 dollour, Culp 0 tinspard; 200 do do, Scuomaker &. L; 12 bale Liquor, 14 Boar; 10 do do; J Adler & 0o; 116 alp potatoes, .!Stagger. malt I 01 23 bbis turnips, W 11 Oral! & Ccs 27 doh wines, M McCullough Jr & Ocs 100 bbls dour, Watt L d Co; 100 do do, owner. IMZMEM;M berger B & Co; 6 do pig Iron, Diluilck Co; 61 bbla all, J Hpear A Co; 1 do ore, Bra ty'a Bend Iron Co; 2 do do, Ras, 0 & Doll; 9 do dodo, Singer N & Co; 1 oo do, McKnight & Co; 2 do do, W Clark & on; 7 do do, Hbenbergor & BI 1 do torn- Moorhead a Co; 52 Wm hope, Hohomaker & L; 711 bbla b flour,E Hazleton; 60 do beams, W Gorrily; 2 do .iron; Lloyds H aka rya,J A W Fairly: 12 aka wheat, II Eichnelbadt & On 18 do oats, El McFarland; 80 do rye, Rose d Ewing:2o do a apples, P Dud' & Son; 1 bbls bolts, J Wood & Co; 2 tuts abuse, 12 blob" beam J A Gralß 10 eke d apples, W J Steel & Bro; 1 do cider, hitoßett A; IS do do, 11 Ras Jr; 11 do do, W H Arizurtromp 2 do apple', 9 do I seed, 9 do beans, Volgt M A Do. Prrnartnialit, Ongaterrum awn ler. Louis Rallmoso, December tl.-20 bbls dry apples, 7 kr apple butter, 1 do lard, W gOraff A tkos la biro hurley, Franonbeim a Co; 100 bbla float,-Geo Stewart; 2 b.. butter, 2 bbl. tallow, F Craighead; bbla apogee, Head & Matz garl 5 bet d• apple., 2do rep, 3 tram batter. M. W Rankin; 24 bps flour, Mc- Henry & Hood: I bbl elder, Meaner & Harp .r; II pkes tobacco, S P Shrivel' Oni bbl whisky, .1 A Anderson; „44 do do, A. J Rankin. 160 hips mill feed, El 11 Floyd & Co; 3 tikes, Day & Co: BO to Jan Detroit; 4 to ham; 13 H ltyen & 00; 2 dp saturage DMrsll & Townsend; 10 oks bacon, 103 tea lard, F wined en; 1 ear lumber, J M Seibert: 1 dotterel, M P Adams & Bro; 6do do. Manny Davis; 28 ow lard, 46 bbl. men pork, W B Hay. & Sam 4 bbd. sugar,lellworth, Harper A Co; 6 do do, .1 15 Dilworth & Co; 2 cars wheat, Kennedy Brea; 25 bbl. hlghwinea, Shlnton & lam; Mdo do, Little & Mechling; 1.30 hf bbl. herring, Jan Conner; 32 OHs molar .ea, J B Dilworth ALLEMUCNT BTA.TIOA December 11.—. 8 ears metal, Rogan A Burchfield; 1 ear cooperage, J M Hemphill; 100 bbl. flour, Shomaker Langenhsim; 1 ear bran, 100 Pb!. flour, II Hnoz .8 Son; 6 oars wheat, H T Kennedy Brze Taurean hid" Locktrapt A 0o; I car malt. Philip Gene; 1 oar berhay, Smith & Co; 1 ear pip., Jae Reno; 3 burs cheese, Haw & Armstrong 10 do do, S Dyer 600 gallons stoneware, H Stevens; 2 cars metal, Pah Iron & Forge Co; 2do do, Lindsay & McCatch • eon; al toga buckwheat flour, J Kohut; 1 car cooperage, J Hamill: 6 ply" cigars, W H Park. ALLZMIENT VALLXT ROXLIIOAD, De cember 11.-83 cars cal, Ries, Porter d Mar; 66 do do, Anoalron, Dickson Co; 18 do do, Coleman, Rabm d Co; 84 aka oats, Wan Rao; 6 dressed bogs, Thus Dmmelly; 23 aka rya, Soon 61 aleck 1 oar llme, D L Reynolds; S can metal, Nlm lak Co; 9 Mils cheannts, Heyman' Itrn St cars railroad from $ cars none. rbon See; 1 do do, P Broagb; 7 aka raga, Gcal ArnatbaLhoy Clark; 2 pkgs lobar:do, C D RIVER PACKETS. RVANSVILLEi CAIRO & ST. LOUIS NVIEL EVANEWILLE z z i det A • CAIRO AND rt. LOUIS. The Sae beelaaßea KATZ.PUTNAII Jae. llcoaa.. Com Waa. Rastas" Clara. .10 leave fer toe above aaa lahuxudats arna, TILE DAY. Doe. l3eb. at • r Tor !bar e r fr u male. m pp r lzaja Want orb • EA Leurdroori, The .teaser N e ftto a Penuto TIII ° take miSit t' ila pea...gen thraish. de la sisstrals . IP WEI, OULEAIIs. 'VAR 1n W .1. .. D >tsxLlU NSIONE7 4 ;iiii 4 .. :% , 13 . :4. 0„ ? ib 0ri. flu,. larleisto 102rtaqaXUSSDAT. 14th ftriftt i v i rmory es board ores WHOM Il l iolitTll, dolt MUM COLLINUWuOD. Aosta Fos MZMPHIS AND Alw musamerne !Tani 17. Tititar'og re". P-u T:; -iottd.rera'asrmtrzli. I= (11311,11111Flin . werli-a ti tat PAPP IT. 174.7: U. air 424 .1 .4 ?be pep end rpleadilL atate.goltee P essager elle erect, ST: CHALVII. O. A. DU•CL Cemse•Ader, George L. /Leppert, Mal. will leave a. ea peeseed. Ppr trAtekt appessartellprplp Ps imam as c•ea•.An.Lumagoutt. del J AIMS UULId Nll, ♦geita. SVWMI:IPEI L AND QUEENSTO WN. - TEM BIM STIMLIUMIII. lgehthelthg stltteelt Iletf,eleas .osede. theft the eelet.tted 81 . 441 g, gm% O. r CITY o r a ti r LYAßrile, _Sire Otl.llm a. BALM, NVEII.I BLTVIIIIAY, Oo Plea 43 North Wear. New Cwt. for osaaageor teethe" tallarmatlea apply to WILLIUM BINGHLI, passurtrirALD smart. roub.orb. 11 IA w Ce0:11 Fir SC9E:IVOR'S PITLEFORIC ISTSI/P. 112.1115T/IP TOlllO *ND Et...SW*IMS !Mita trig mon at °ants; oad Drama* takaa soma. las to Croatlass. Thar am MI taro to bo tau assattat. Thor armor Me Amami. ro la law liar modal* no watt Oa taw swath loMgood; tahrod amt. makow cad o=ilLtorAta t. tocor lo& tre . cattaltiagma i r . &Tallioso cm wall. That To tat t t i .Ilehonci. raladatell. oats la noriatod snow to , palmanargeottsomptlog. 16.1. gamic Ca? Cam tad marbld tailor In tho in ware threat It Oa by an Ma kapott.* tam, soap n tta taro or =allot 4 ram • algawill throw it of. ad tat palloot hao otot ad the Moro aryls to bell. To do tal., too grata Toole ad Madras LIII, matt be Haig sad itooloona the Mamma ag war... that Ul4l Mama bleep and 11. Cod all male good blood. aback* lgaagrata Mama spa tho rtmairair ONOTILCUOIIIa, rata toe duets Of till nil Cada. Co MI. aorta Sealy, ad the gra fa area roamed; U. moots Will awe ;oat lb. MIN ago.; otablog boo am oaaa lammed a apt calamaga dally alma whicit lamp tlan• was la la moo.. alit great cam) tat aka; la ni) hada! ad rt oteralons of la Ilat lilt seam et's Matta. Plus. Liar complaint Pt oat of the mat premium ammo acarnmplatro. delaa;cicreawee . d Taale la a teazle ettmalut sad olc•nium avid the ataall Ii W amooed, which this oreparatlea IS mad. et. waste Ike glossa le Mreo oat 11/. gattrle Jame to &nolo* tae Thad oat the hhasume array, aad It la mode late good Wood without fermaatatlea sevlas la the atataael. _ The peas tooth WY phrgalths do sou they p plc. Is, they try to do too oath; they eve aestaa 1.0 stop ik• coup h. to soap etlllato step =neat.. beetle lever i s=eo boa the ogoledthaellea legs tag nwrostlaos. awl ems y the patient Dr. aebeadt, la Itla teptesteat, dees tot Ist to atop. esessik eight meats, ehlga or font. To. Move 1111. 40/4, gad they gill .4 asap of thew were aecol i gth Atha ts• eared of emsithip. Ilea. Wm laths, flyapegels, thetereb Canter, Throe; thaw.. eal el If Itot soda Maltby, If a poses has reaftspeltra, of mans the loon ta some on are dltethrd. either tabthrith. abeeetha, brosehial lortlathoe. Ohre. adPled)/1. or the th ugs are a oath at lellsettharlee and MR decor. r 4. la thel gams what oast doefl It la Dot ealy the hugs that a t outlet. bat It le Idthlis WY. TlthAttoOtaandllvez Itave lost charbiped oat of good. Nee Usa elm.oetttho• la tate Dr. Pro—llva tem i.e. sebtols WOK ay/ • Na tot tlootao4 Ittrsuess.W heals to oust lord, 14 o t m u aths y and mate good Need, Done the patthar to. gip to gale Is gess., and as coos a. the holly be. g laa seUmt 'mop othuellah• to hod up. tad the passthrgela 460 y ltad valL TIM la the only V• 7 to care Cothaumptloa. 11, has than la me lead Cause and WY the Cesealstat and D. speCat eve g g ,m g ea ald Bllandslthe ale se 6 1 / 1 1t, 5 1thallt P. 150014 tine,. Qs aadralt• MI6 or. fly la all btlloes setae as th ey the pap. 164A7 Ithrldl66._ Or: tiebeact. srlio au 0.1130f1g taltaterrsp . ted = ..d.. 0'.41 I." T ' VLl.ll7s r aTtosTstrz O=M 0 . rltygelart: S. beet:: proitoaseed Alt caret dot. less awl stOsadosed Ms 110 his tau. Itl• am owed •rs the arbreiltilitedlelheilt attd_sthoe It. mow. Dn same, thousands ateallarly •Xted ban use r. babehel'amewham tel.h rtnnaskable tem .., wag preeuns atusOutpany itoto tottlo. 1 making II not abeedautty heoesaary Dammam nos Rt. OoDoloOt 1111.1 Dlttoltto hair longs smash.. re: Udoporovir ha prottatlem. W at his i f i l 144 e, Naiad labia. every W.W . I g alma ft&d " e d eial 'l rlft.tl t rr u statet ki lle i ll:l er n iar otlter . Tesegay, othar Weelharday. Ha eves /WS hot l7, tbe te rg grujcz na ltavo n rnoli .. I N to*. i. ; ., . ta r* I t su 7,,,. iliiirglor.sitlira T ''' - om 'ettil sO 00 10 a boa. IT tale Wit lair"OU" is 11:111.11 Ia'DOCTOR WIIIITTI e l a tß co. n M TIM TO 781 AT aL ?SWATS 011111.13L13. 1 hal 0µ.1070u. Lan eases malt. leg Mot *elf-abase. pro , ashta salaullaetik serrotts debtllty,lMtablllty. eruptions, sealant =lasi.. .4 411104 linpni..:=7..tig c r eft s i. revel all .Wll with • latrhsat µ and UP , Mains, ottast/toll..aso boat. al. ts are politely asited le ea I for exessaltaldon t whtell 1 rer:.:Vral el E tt=etriell . ael g Vent Neat, tom oFtot asd ol: l• toottetott au be tooti o , I bladtuoa to Outlaw. Med toloos moue is tOo sotoOlttluttont. which all oosto..rtooptlos aaa yetis' rawest also e t .edies .0 slespher apart+ eats for fattest* ela ' gruflotte.. l :V..., l ol=7,... - g. lag Mineral springs. 1.0 0 s.txtert....o%have Caned. ;111 1 ;411fte perms. seat to " thr • =l4 . trtirr - e swaps La r.51.0.V.1tP.• ilissatands Of 0 11 , 4 treated aaatially, at M. • asd all over Ull tag.- try. Consaltatl. free. oarrtuall ,hr Iv= 0z,,,, "tip Wylie street. r (start Matta 1.... tiolLl*ll, to •o, ot. 0 t ,.. 6.70 ity .toleP. v. Pun that tom? - drub fol seamy. oat IigrIMINHOOD: DOM LOST ! .4 110Vr 1ti01 . 0.011/1-Aeot Pobluttaa 4atli 01r711.r ROVRAL .M1141411115T. 9, 4 itr .lC eEtp o ltl e oßlo "i Vtrag= 412 ' , 07 isT. J. CLV KLL,II. oo 0164 of too 'Vlore fleet." bun to . odew of Ballow. Best eader toaL . ta a 0111 rIMA".of 74:"*1;417`.11.1.,1,11 ` 7 4. B l l 4,aglialit go i r i ag . "Ll 1.1114 ..itarmoo Onito4“ oo =IS canto. dr ' ggrjggr__oVT. .Cllllll . 1;?1 .--.- JRAL TIMERS.. TOE 001.115. 00R111Ar r t THROAT AND None so rood- Nona so ole L Nose Cara aa Quin. 1110211 ow l ra. «mlO Lola. Itloo . a. o _ _ _ _ (ROIL arIIATCELOWIIII Tktartamoollla=la ta.b.s*. the zt bog It. briunk il" lerfrartise al I thi Ps" " b" 01•811.00.11eora or anamo 0041 by .2.1 Droulata ana aapp.rfoo l c= aßrr i r sp ot at Btch. 1414 1.01 jatrecL New TOM mrllolll a"THE HEALING 1 33 91 6 ..r a T lYa s " rorlnlvf.,.:wrboD.Tgb *Demi tor the &Metall. east ta mivelope, j ralinkT ! _.141‘1, AsSUMAT r. ormalapdA • iltos.A.DA.l • MUM TICE :i lin BALK ST listrithnrrs • v geodesy. 30 CASK@ PEARL ten IN aore sad-On• ims. o. t 411 If ILL% FINANOL!LL TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANE, Wood St, eor. Second Avenue. UTERI= PAID ON DEPOSITS. Bold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks DOIIONT AND SOLD. L. BEADLEY. rroadszt. W. VLIZIRIL. Vim rewletwd. od dA? UPSETS CLAIROL Cassie, N. UOLTIF.S & SON& $• 0.111 67 MARKET STREET. PTIVIMVIZGII, P/I. Collections made ea all the prtaelpal Wats of Um Vatted Mate. mat Caaadaa. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities NOUGHT AND SOLD ON 00101D6410N. u t .. elleals, alsentloat paid to the perdue, sal United States Securities. )&10;a1 H ART, CIUGHEY Is CO., BANKEBS AND BROM, Corner Fourth and Wood Sh;oeta, 0517003330121 TO HANNA. itAzr • c 0..) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, and wanly atlas:lea paid I. U. P.a.. and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sigtt, Drafts on London. CITY BALNIii. 112141thATenue,Pii CAPITAL, •tM.ON. 110C11101,11891 MITIDOILLT LI/111E. urrnizer raw ON MOMS. PUNICION TXCELII36I Hough& lad eold, sad whoa desired nodded to rel , oleo. Dehmlow solo es ell the petaelpal politta of the trotted etteSo. Iliate• Canads. l lvosteeet. JAMS. IlcCeelt. Vlee Prasiger,L W. hloselch, Ceahlv. res cCabe, J. lascleca. Jr. Zeatnair. Patrick Lug aroma Campbell, a Jecaea Plarlas, E. A. plane. A.AS bt wiAZSAM.AAHAIIos FM MHZ BANK Of Pittsburgh, IB so. or.. for 111.69.5 t. new. and fisadol Bask , di 41. sam re. lvad trout 0. Dollar 080.0 al Um Ma dd alt pa pat Mdd U. fatedol.l so DITHIUDGI.S. R. P WiTYLN M. 14, BIM, riz .llNsuct w. Q. It..III•RTOUN. &PRI lIITCS. DAY. Yuman. . N. AMMO& LULL POZABT/t.L. I Ep. DMIRIDSE, President. F. PS10111:11CIL debtor. D okirn SAVINGS BARB. NM 63 FOIIRTS /MEW& CILILILTIZED IF /MINTS 01.1503 Hl 31. ..... Op.. dal,. from; 10 o'cark • . to 3 Weloel r. sal ATUILDAT SHICHINNS, tet,r bt Harrah. a 9 ...A. traa November al Ha MN Ist. has 0 1.0 o • clock.. (111741.111: 1' 71. ° 1 . 414:1=1111. 1 :7Ar. declared twice • yew. In J. add Itembee. 'Menet au bee.. declared 00911..analkily 1. Jen* sad December. Mace Um lama was orgsalzad, ad Um me of Ws per cent. • year. I ered ne 4 :7l.j.fzet drawn oat. e l: w ptseed to the mem Mtereet ftao: ' ll.• " lroTtaysl2 . 2•oo awl Llorre.• tre, comp ninellog mild • year. .tUroal trostalagtbs eepoomof to mil. or emu worm.% MS CU A.Oll Al tAIA rata paope, will 4.1..•1b1a 1.0 Wee time twrive Tenn, Meets eeeteleis. tee Cluster, Ely-Lours, d Hese Stintlehed gratis, ces Moo a. tee elle.- pain ax.,e—g•NOlMlll V ICZ Jett P. Thtelieten. A. M. Ponuek, MI. U.. &re). R. I•ebtlt et, Robert Robb. Jute. Heldman. JOl2lllll. Mae obtettr. J.nt, J. B. It. r«ati u.:•.e.r 11prer, ha. Y. r•an«•. Cnrt•"" YWr ViIfeCCMS . . . .. .. .. ..... . calWo Ad Jobs C. f ey. H 1 1 ::171:1111%... iiiilTu brruH, Job. Ilsrahall. Walwr P. MarithAll Alons:A.eArrler, . AAA p, Ile/al:ldea: C h. , lesAna, A. CosAua, Dlfa+ el No... Left JohA [' . W. 011rer. .1.4../. thlLle•ple, Ormsby r en d.. William 11. Havel, henry I, /i .p. 14 '.1., N. Buffer, WA, W. Satmerts. . ... • ~ < , . ..1 M.P.. ' Ale issder ?ladle, oeeees ..11 Kelly. Will sen Vas Kirk. Tss." , sts-4.114.1LLES A. COLI.II. B.c•irrAsT-J•1146 U. b. MICRO. an OILS DIAMOND ou WORIIIII, H. M. LQNC & CO., UAL^ I:MIZELL'S SIFILDINO. Owings. Way. littsbargh, P. TACK 11110171 En& COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DZALINISLN Petroleum and lte Products. ...T n t=rth c res- 1 1=1.L11 BUILDING. TblladdlAMolled.-137 WALNUT R. solmle WAKING & KING. =I Petroleum and Ite Products, DALZELL'S BLOOK, DUQUESNE WAY PLULADZLPHLA. ADDILM, Booml7, Chamber of Commerce, 182 SOUTH 2100110 wrincrr apte ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLF. 114114/ACTURILD or Lubricating 6,111gb Test Buraleg Olls. Relidao Railroad Azle Oil, Wands /Vat Mei wittiest muds; ....Ws. ai lowest kaapeistrin a. Special oil foe tropical throats. or bet wr Wier. laeomaidivin e, laaailia• 'boa, Wiliest ' WSW Wilt s we ad Plantar Will Oils. Ol i p= t grtfrltiload•Llg 011lsorielltoda'llieasala, lii lag avid Flatoiara Gasoline, OM Mamma Otl. i Paladin. p 404 1•4111411, prosarni 6rtpbt Iron et s sod Machete," horn east Tbs. predicts Sill Ngllttflotored Twoddle , s_paWst lisserilisatsd Wass. Is Vie eso, Tito Labriestlss sre almost ode/nu., pasha Ir pow, ssieonn. sad wisely light 5010... M. o...M. stood s torsperaturs unelwegw, sad waists limpid darts" este e The Sail 011e ate mesquite& sad see Is construe, us OA wags or *bat glaiPalpil 111111 . 041016 Osispleso. Is osarsined sod teem left st 114 WOOD arli.ar. Worsts at eliassetinse 11014.0. CARBOLIC 1 4 , The important discovery - of the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSER), PURIENING, and DEALING Agent Is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical research. During the late civil war It was extensively used In the Hospitals, and win toured to be not only n thorough Main factual, Wants° the most won derful and speedy HEALING REMEDY ever known. It is now presented_in a scientific combniation ith other soothing and healing agencies, in the tarns of a SALVE; and. basing been al.. ready media stamberiess cones With most satisfactory and ben. edam results, we have no beef.. Italian in offering it to the pub lie as the most certain. rapid, and effectual remedy On Sores and Ulcers, no matter of bow long sass:ding. Ow Burns. Cuts, Sonadtand LeerEv mBdRfASIOnfdM oFaSellHryy.. Pew IS amts. IPO4II. IN who 111. ears &blew fg.lll=l.l HOW car Yansa. EMEI JOIE F. Imill, Sole PRO, 110.8 COLLEGE PLAOE. MewYork t.- rs<c, Ss• ; ‘ . k 'R'' ' 4 6. ‘<, c '?• pQ. c.. -r •`, , IRON AND STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS. OOLEW, RAHM & 003” Neeafeetaren ot IRON. NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS. DIIIIIVERNg. L 31. AND JUNIATA. riAr Roo ROUND ANDU• RE IRON. BOILER Roo! .11ERT ANH IRON, BOILER PLATER AND HL• DS. tit/o. RD IRON. DRAG add DROPTER fLANIGLIt. CUTTER BARB. C YLINDAR VA N WI) PLAT RA for HARROW CROWBARS, WEDGE/I T SPRING ,_PLOW AND CULTIVATOR ST r M Mc.. WINGS AND MOULDS sot to pat./aro. ,ILL TIRES, ST/LEL SHAITUIRI. A.A. STEEL. COACH, HUGOT and WAGON SPRINGS aad AXLES. OUT NAILS AND All Geode First Glue and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORE.: gtrhoesth BUMS and Allegheny Moen nod SI Wntor SUMO, Fittobargh. =he MILLER BARB & PARKIN. aurno t i r.urrusas 09.1VAIKIP Pammx-B. X. KILL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, HILLER, BABE & PARKIN, Ae. HO Liberty Strut, rITTSIIIIIMH, 11.111:441 = DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER, (swn. Is JOS. HAIGH t C 0.,) Haa WWI. owe measles with the leadiag Pere rgr h* P " airsi - .M. P r 14•1?1-11311r074 to 7 13111 FT 0114litti k riag'sdr a lailiarta Unteigql B. lllda together with roan damariptimi SHAPE WelLit. OHee had Mena Corner of Duquesne Way end Pint Urea surer ttethirgh„ Pa. prrrenvues STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON & WOODS, Of aver, dermiption. Also, Mon leaned German Hai and Aping Wel ti Calt r y. ROM AND nesr ELL :Sting PROCRES• Tee Trespass are sow prepared lo ma Mes on ler We we sba IL LigellaUtlZN PRO -1MOS& noarlor pasilt7 Irolk th• gross tnprovea.nr la bore... , ren, 0.54 tba es demi cod. comm..' It v. masidactiormot Iron. • • . Partly* wlsblag fa ago II tza oldata ilmaysa by JAMESP. SPEER„ 'llttorm y fOr ZOOM 1 md 9 ram irb . onM mom ies lateraMed an lavirroo to rictt CM , . hatitlilariltrith WORK & whare the If>atw Is seer la sarawattel owererrew Maar: SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMBI( & CO., PITTIIII/lIIM, PA., I= CAST AND SELMAN STEEL. RAILWAY ereuras, ♦NL) PLAT/011M 111.2121013, AZLIz, sTiIL Warehouse, Be Water and 100 Pint Btu B LAm DIAMOND t3TEEL WORSE. PARE, BROTHER & CO., 11.41eftren of .a Oescrtptloas of SSTEIXEULa. =ea and archolus, £1 . 14, TlitltTY PIM.. sad ILAILAD ISTIILLTII, M=! ROISHISOH. BHA & CO, foccoossoro Co Rosixson. Mtn t Akita% WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS MID 11/GBISISTS. PITTSBURGH, Yowlbeton. of Dom Mid MaMowry Mesa to gr.ofta,2lllsCan Itotme7 Mach:rot, (ark= oad salt Boller Zalla, Iga ' Weil Mi. comer rill !Lod omithOold "root. imesy ter OITIIABATB PATLINIT LTUBCTOU a Bettye. THORIUM CHILLS & CO, Poartk Wird Foundry and Inching Works, IWII3II3BEY rf.,, ALLIGIILISITOITS, K. Nansf•etarets of Stations% and Portable Stem =llan' I[l l ll tc'e l lt„ RoWnaltll pad fl SCatua jdaa rildt GM* an.d. Irate. Waxen Bones e, ■ tto order and bane on hand Valeta. Int aUninen tnyleake STOVES, CASTINGS, ato. 00011. STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH. FOB BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Road a' I well ea any other Store In the Won. BISSELL & a 0 .9 No. 285 Liberty Street. Also. on bud sod Itor sale, PARLOR STOVI:si, FIXATING SWIM. GRATZ FRONTS. 11TXDZIO. C00R.1813 RANGLI au ORM 111JOUS & CO., lOLVII7•O7VaIas OP SIOZT VAIIiTT OP S r ICOVMS, sosros COOKING IidLICGE, "raE VIM FORNALIS," SumsNASA -TH u EN L EWA a N • TID UU ACLOO CONOHETOVZ. AroVII, won (Ohol•A•t1 ((moos) IMITABLE SANOI OAST 1 HON MAN SLIM WILLMAN'S StrLECTOB, ORATE., tr , ••• ONO MA TosI ( WAI ORATE PRoNTN rianuts. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, r21:717 PTTTEEOIBR. PA. SALVE: A. BRADLEY & CO., O. BO 'WOOD STREET. Manalicturen of tbs lifsatest Viwfstyot Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, a oar astattustut hood all the L.arterr pALTILONS AND ithnlOVitiliNTlA out the repstatlau al air Stool t It Inch that say watt to woo of • toad article Owed harems* base hot that* lootllaciontd by so. sathby will to roma Osman& darable ea well us ecotomical. Womb" call Particular OAttution ta our sew VOLCANO !WYE. for Clubblirs. halt tad non. Over WO bald In titres rtionters. latenhol Ow with or without owing. Ali who bass bawl them pro moat • lb.= super. teeny ohs...A tar stony at. tend lar estate. t o f mice ldsa. $0 FRUIT OAM TOPS. :.• SE ii£L'Atitt,flslG "... .• COLLINS ..t.W.RIGHT. , • . • • • PrITSI.36IGII. 4 = l' Al 614 idi=rd te . 7tiraty a • au plata tog. having tha ennuis at the= =stumped hp. the frog ter, and mimic% or polasj a = arms tha ton of the vas Itlielearlyad • : .• I .• .r• vy arm placing. Us musk. of ths DES eau=ULM oppoalta thspoaterpreau owns outaaarreasser, of min 1104•131M11/ 4 , 0 1 11Vill SW War rra Ms • is o k I . k.. 0 :1 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS. IMO Penn !Street. BOLLMAN & BAGALEY, CAW Boas. Will CastlnAN. Bad Latta. Aa W. J. ANVIL ko.N: , N ...N. A. TILITVOCILL. MONONGIERLI FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO, palithip of all Descriptions. ET ° J'AVlNtalt!nr=4, l :ealTAT:: el " " "'"'T—lis /.50 NUT= gang, imr.b..";." DIP PORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFTICIS LWEI STORM TWELFTH STREET. • PITTSBURGH, PA. ur Engines, Bolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re. torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL. FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, WILLIAM SMITH, =CS OAST IRON BOWL PIPE =I My Papw are all esstlymeriably le ?Ma I. (M 7 .... 4 ..d ill gee , Megike• Also, fell msortmeet of usual . 4 for Gas & Water Works. 1!!;!=;E3!EiM I ' 7r=lM . ll/IM'i : Tom Prrr BOILER, STILL AND TANK wowing. CARROLL AND SNYDER, woriertrauss or gualti o r im o D op r tmaco r trogt t a i o , smAA AND OIL TANDok aIC gliP PIZ ! C ie . ? PANE LEE • t D IVOPPITIS. GABON:IT= AND LEON 3 rIgOTDOONN AND COAL MOTEL lieesuedl6 PITTMI72O7I. Pa. Art:Worm met t. IN. stoops !addressor:ll be promptly ottrody4 ahl3llll ErISOURIT • er.WIWW,4": D 5...- ZAK= PA 3II 4 IS nM.ROVN• . ., MMus or ma --dalusainerjil gr ia re=M rttu twas b 4lsem ..6n... ? Kali -----....... ima.; If i ll Monikers laprese..- . .. 2:slsp. au 111 makaarl A0747a li F lts's'''. 'id 1 Ma i ..." ATIV:210:11:16* li, Qom& TLats., likielp...st. V 41 7.171,5 r I ii.IILVII=V o I a Vtekefilgekt., M. .f...!saleu. W. W. 0 San.. DMVIS=. MS*. soli Reefr(ted Swatters, Founder! and I, _ . HUGH Z BOLE & 004 Cam rent Alley .ad Damn= Mg leareserne• INTIUMBoaT 111/01111:5 Blrntlisle SAY ESIOINIOS, of aliases lasethetirrelo2 Y O oeye z itiILICIS,eIIII horse power. cwitlisell i. ofewzrA ktu k ra tta to cr i Attair rtr Won ~T i lt eLsosPes,liotivi Tosiobo ecitzwe 414 MON roBACCIO riumsss. on head oM nude to order, as the I:2= INDUSTRIAL WORKS, ==l sErsii ard.• mainly 111.1. Tay vs. O'HARA BOILER WORE. 110113.14, OIL __STVLINe rr avow, lIALLTPIOI3, tIaIWIIMTE TLIWO P. RIBON wows. CH 111: 11.10triN FIXS ewe. 14., Car. aloud Ivens and Liberty 14 lientrin ion 'grumpily. Oran. nal to lam &bayou:dram wino promptly Waned to, _ F. Iteraillf. liga al CARROLL WIL RABEELLL & CO., AND 811.8 NT IKON WORKERS, 206 SO, ZS, 24 AND WIWI Raying soeurs4 a large yard sad terndibed tf viW tn. mold approved tudeitinarY. dr. an prr pared b masa tartan every destolptlaa of MIL -LEI In tb. beat routs., and netrantad Baal id any mad. is taut sonatry. Calms p. Innocalag. Me Reda, Ittaant i LawmauTlLlbUen, Condensers, aali Yank., Ott nth" UITI, barfly Pa.. DO 1. Iron, Pasta, awl mom maardbadnus paraldllNl ant liailara. Repairing damn a aborturt mike. JaireSt JAMX DAVIS =MIND D. JAILED FL BIM= /kW', Steam Wien, Oil Stifle, Tanks. SUMS MN WORK, &0. 61 Penis Street, Pittsburgth RC MCDITATI WW2. HENRY BIER & CO., 1111001131101111 .TOBN EL COOPER • 00.. BeR and Bras Fsandess. BEAN § CASTING§ lUDS PIOMPTLY TO 011011. Saleable and Orei lbw GAS PIPE AND Tuning, 7110171 E, SUETY /MOM VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. MO N - CEDOIK-S, Brass Work of every descrlitloa for Steam, Water and Oil. NANO" ACTIJIIISS or J. I. COOP= I COVI Improyed Bataan-Wheel Strom Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Palest Mi er., the beef in the Market. Othoe and Works, earner Thirteen th sad 15na Streets. A TIWOOD & ficCAFFRET, CM Corns , i.lbarty atreet TUN Mrlie, TO BB 701711 D =MEM FRAU FOUNDERS AND ElOll PIPE FITTEILL .4 AOZNTS. for A. & CLILZBOII 00.11 8721.11 rurre AND BLOWILI!.. pITTSIMMIGH NOVELTY WORICE. . 11101111 HEAD, ADAM & CO. muirsACIVMS al 111 MX IEN2 A l Iri.n w u rtss " ! SCALES. Maas Irsamatr m kplo/ se l itre Lat.-Jtai ogatixartak sun as flanwhi, WEST COMMON . cuAtiss Mona WoAt& NorlinrootooraixotWon li Comma: wiectiour. 1111,11WIL ATITATZU. II : CO. - Mstaa et sun oa - eaato . t . for Tomb Wawa. glallal11111:11113114.11 =I I= C= 11L2117/•021:11111 07 =3:=M ilachinlsts. I'' =1:21 F. REPHAN b. CO.. ==o23 :MOO DV.'el.J. 341;i: 1:1:r_Irziall . *jail) a:,l STONEL F 7, 1 44/4#APP! _ • -- ' VENN YLVA i i. ° 'is'iro, Milt 71:1= R ft.' th , Dal • I) , PA sornat Ot YMAMA aye Lamm. atmela. ea rollover AMON. l Dew& WWI 115— IWI lial as. il- FlWLtew.... . R• 43 am *TWIG .. SW Wall's co. I. oone Wall . . a. 1.. 0: in SintonAn biol 7 :SO luo`itli train .... LIS CM leall'a We. 1.4 wit Hilmicw,i,...,WhitOWS CI ce.lk .31 Ca.9:20 am Bra' tatie 'Tv 1. WOO UM Jot Übe*. 1010:80w CencliaN c_s. 10.8° pa 'Wks UMW TA/Opal WolVaN , • i 1141.• 011ealAge lea. It= lasnlJeAvattont .... , ...4. pW Pvlde - exp., 1:50 panfltrasts L. .... : MAY pa W !....... " 0L1 os N o it !TS? il? g : E rb ilt•!%:. '* '. ' . OW " w .1-1 im. • li r :so ma lte ales N 0.... ".Dhow le-I atanAe 1001 ilOO tonel'aat Line .... "AIM WIT Pass.. r MAIO pm .W. 1 1 .• N . b.. MS= "Mete realm mate di.. eon naciloo on a Cori lorltalilleore. a C well 'train laaa• W alla rmados awn Onsclay at 0:00 lt, lc., reaclaitig 1111.si at 10:05 a. en. Me tarvlng, I.mwes 71tCa irl lA.IIO D. NI. attd attires al Walla puska iss 11 , 10 p. m. 'Cincinnati tzoisea 1 , Arm daily. Do. ilk ir xr, rel. learns dant ettlealle "WAAL/. AU . I trams dalit except 0nt14.0.• ...• • Per &mar Intommuen alllVi r i n , W. Mill= a AWIW. • Two TomoylvaalallatleollA Otago& idn ___ soca: , cr i.k ,-......,.. -- sr.d 4 ,,t, tth;',lrs4.-z i r - -gata z that amount la mine a to at tbel tamed_ meet. mien. taken bymelv coobreet. ZDW els Wl well Oatmeal illmettnioadent. AllitelLlitlsna. &EST Elll5l-MMUM FINNETLVANIA WAD.—tha rea r NOV. IVO% Ye .111 Arlin at anA depart tram as Turret Darn. Allttiesol Olthaa fella= =rt e Ws. if: so. NO 1/120111ort 11rok;-3 !Mem terPensT42 Et.A !Wg =At? r V 1 saw • 2. Entinfl e g i Wi: Mit i. A7 / I=braT human ..vi dra o sy L at i al ti & 1 u 1., 1?4, 1:1it mid intro Pois at arev&t is trattil 4211$ 1:110s. a. lairs Cites 0 1% , ma u..j" T 0 ...r= !A r ,....l. "" tra t TtIVI, parcissor4 tlo e. VW LSI. QUO streatt:M allikel %.s.lllllll, •a t hgj uo rg rrw tßZ: JAM= S 4 Strait Se. Pomo Peaturytyvala EsiJimd mama& 1 .. .1 r1a,53.58ag47... "MturirVrite thr& Wu.. - All Ix. means tills Ramat to 'alas minim SI et the annul., oleas cakes Iff_wpsdAl contract. LIMAAL , U. noI6 etranal Mreartateadaii.. &REM rAmiss, MO7l BOW. aad Tren HOY. 14111,, cal arrive aa 11120 beep aa 0 oL Wl seefArPai =rnun -CM ma m. „. 9511 x CL ea garErla...../04:04:ar. forreclislUteiVra antanal CUP: =sl 114 Affaik l 4 lo lanneaus .53.30 Lansdale VdMiDla Fair Oaks Una.. - day Cana. 3.02_11 So ma BUIS .11. =MI rrok_chigr. cul. zu. • nate CMI Ameba, • ' M 4 l. l tllian In Ira pdaff ip : GlnVelezanianw v • Cleveland ix Waal i r a dligen ICH 2 La= g ll4,,dfa P . lleaft Tana - an Lezediali.. mai tandadalke .4. i rna Pa Mr laatalant. • - Car a , oasts ' 11W1L/Wsm: el HANG arginum TINE. LUZIGIEMBY VAUD! MAIMILD O TEX ONLT 110 M: SESIONSIMIOI72 . OHiIigIe ud sfrit i t i ff i t.l4l Th ivi 15514 •l 1 n Vsig Ptctsbail .Ll=‘ ,.. rsi r.= r h 0. "6 7 1 1 Dirilterip Oil 7:0 r i n kl n V7 1 2 . Ot r a usa .. —Ai • 64 11 1 117.::11.116 ra 47011 4411"" I i rh a irall &WM WI, 6:30 Ptispot wi re 111.4r4:115 o a Sawn All sal 'warm trans Eton 0017 tl mfgfet ApxoesodAticas Ceiba lass LI MINIM k Wen Vr. t...,.f. al CZI E. • sas. a, 11. IP 4 ma. I[ 4 ntitl4l.2llM oar illft to aid site; 19:61:11MT. NM nth. /SU tram intrirtiv•as estrama Ill• l a le s eoriair atoms as Wass: Meats, as lks , ‘.‘ • ang.ft - 153P.W. O... d .WlA t grf t ej . , 111Kia.k. at: Foy Were Newts. AreaW4 iro I:: 1 1 - .1,4 .m 1.: t. Braddock's Aneonadt.o. 6:16 r. x. TWO r. w . Night A. tolle..K4Dort-10110 F.M. 11:111.‘111 eandw . DburchTrnft to • . - WI Ilakoti - r , . Wass Newto y n LINIE IliagA. A. appl to . . L. 31.4tALYMOIID. KIM. W. B. =MIT. Itimeriatindeol. . .. , . 0 sop S V RILL _ _ UNION PRIM ,RAILWAY, Eastern Divishass.,, • = Ty r t=im i tit . rt ici me Aiwa I Colorado Nevada. „ . , California iltaii; Arizona Washington. New !Mexico Ida** Crewcut. SID,SeLlas iscrear . INXIX pia ar s 4co Dal tros. w cAs sriracrrituuns. viol or Ethrvoitlk alarit/MDWI.L2I6 d. EIrEMV/913. HAIM ..X.M.13.13. All Points ; la she -fietriatdos. Asa BAMEDISOIDS ratositcrfir Lao eACICRILSDar . ,.Mira WV, nos rat' EMIL Os maim Iv:BMW et tear ud ATATA.= r. Irestercitemlsea. ULU roadoim eacquiled Daltelles Mt a ggerat th ill ir aMde Balicgtpsl same CB antbstraissd ad ista 4 casad v Osalk—A tt . , 7 vjv DI aausatiaa, Kam BEEiEiI 4000.000 inut. op CHOMP, LUIDS FOREILLE lir 11:1V llnton Pattie - Company, 30.1SMA tinrialo26: IMRE %tau =Mae attkeir Vot6.111•• $l,OO TO VW:4ER Athig Ilad ea &CREDIT CR rzyi ;says.. Par tart.turr parttetlin.l.o4l ant. llddNill or VOWS. B. ±..10#1101111. scat • W. Lott& Mown. AND • . -- CODDIFILINCY AND • COMFORT sm. I,l§. cravuuss caculaity. 8.. Hamm Safety Fite Fite Jacket, Cat'lbiter tad . T eriODE/lorren. , r M for Il l ei l l """1 alert e A re h a reeer e' 'aboa til tbe a. s. Pii, l ger Or C. Mild Lb.. I to V., immerse& best la sorapeeratere tbaluay ~ .-e be dratted erltbont Sae astbtiltr St Iris( thle 1-7 , ear or CM tee educe tile octet use be &Lbws" 01 biselse obtained of Um theliant i ittetes Leman il': - t P.m ber • Salm Jacket. tab le warreated Lre, to resist Ste Molt tategee b e at at mar be oy• e`Z, piled to et to too booltios and mons toir 'lda i -,. ;! , Itto la teadrd. . . , . II le • mere bidtectiera film areideat• by fn. F:; ". origin Ming Dom gefeelno t o or share ties to are tied am obodeetors for more or bog. 11, it gopikable to 01l vigor ate low became ere erbrared, zed la trzrranted to etre perfect eat. a. LersClaose • kors -mood or other combos =do mate- ,-,,,,, ttnap be Dieted la close joroxiliati tbarste e 1 - e.ier , ouidew 115.1 . 1 Inja7.IIIII....EIIDAIL= V, woe ite. IV herferr pipes as . i — =, ..,,.gb;.u,n ore TG . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers