rrnimmmmm BMW, RIM 41r, co. Office,B4 and 86 Fifth Avenue F. EL PERIDELI. JOSUE 1110. 7. P. HOUBTA I. P. REED. EDITORS 1.1413 Pll4/111.1170X14 =:!1!=31 27 niall, De,,.., IhtlYttyg by curlers, per week FIRST OM - - NEWS BY CABLE. A Rebellion Feared in Portugal— Sand Drifts in the Suez Canal —The ex-Queen of °Spain and the Crown Diamonds-41altic Nrigation Closed—Failems in ht. Petersburg—Assembling of the British Parliament—Com mercial, Financial and Marine News—Bantered Change in the French Cabinet How the Pope's Successor Shall be Elect. ed. & c (E 7 Telegraph to the l'lllebargh Gazette.) .13PA111. MADRID, Dommber 11.—Thu Dories to. day rejected the bill of the Regency for indemnifying exiles under the moo• areby. MADRID. DOORM Der 11.—The Cortes voted unanirnbnaly for the restoration of• the constitutional guarantee. PA RIO, Dec. l2—Private advice* re ceived hero amen ihat,tieneral :Prim coutemplateS • coup deto, and - ttiat he la hereof One hurl sull eighty volete in the tortes. He will proclaim the Duke of "en na King, and then present the law to the torte* making himself Regent during the minority, •He relies un the pport of the army, the Generals being in ltia favor, and he will send the Dnke of Genoa to carry out the scheme. Oa the other hand, a public dienatch from Madrid annotmetsa that Gen. Prim made a speech yesterday In the Cartes. in which ha denied any intention of making a coup dear. He declared. how ever, the belief that an immense ma jority of the country was in favor of the Duke of Genoa:. that the Dtichess of Genoa was willing her eon 'Mould accept tbs. crown, and in all probability the Duke would soon be proclaimed King. GREAT IREGTAIR. LIVERPOOL, December I l.—The Ameri. cso ship Crescent City, from Savannab for tbfil , port with cotton, sprung a leak at sea, and was abandoned.: A rePort from the Admiralty office itaya that for a dietetics of thirty five miles the Sues Canal le subject to sad drifts, reducing the depth. and the thick foga aro bewildering to pilots.. LONDON, December 11.—It in reported that February Bth I. fixed upon as the day for the seaemblitig of Parliament. LoSpors. December 12. - -Th - eQ . bwr,er says,: PieSldent Grant's intemitgr makes a pipping impression In financial circles. It is reported and Mr. Lowe, Chancel lor of the F.:chequer, does find It team eary to Sabre a loan In the open market to provide means for the purchase of the telegraph lines, In accordance with a recent act of Parliament. FRANCE. PARIS, December ll.—Senor Mire flours, the Intendant of Eitgneeze les_ belle, of Spain, bas published an emphat ic denial of the story that the Queen bad taken a crown of diamonds on her retire inane from Madrid. PARISI; December Connell of ministers was held nt tee o'clock this sflenusul at the TaWerJeL It fs rumored that chili extraordinary meeting of Coun cil has been encurooned to consider and decide op the immediate change of the Cabinet, M. Lamp; denies that the Suez Canal Company ia In want of funds, or requires additional proteetlou. Hs promisee that all anfininhed work an the canal will be completed-without Interfering with nav igation. IZZEM ST. PETF.I2.4III:RO, December 11.—INSIF -4811011 on Me Baltic le closed for the 1101111011. Several bankers of Sale oily have re Ollntly felled, but their names. for Nome unexplained reason have been withheld from the public., ROME, Paula. December 12.—A telegram from Rome reports that the POW bee leaned a decree providing that to case of Madinah the Council Khali be diestilved and none but Cardinals take part Jri the election of his anceettior. roarudaL. Lumen, December .11.—Feara areenter tallied of the breaking out of s rebellion In the venous parte of Portugal. The elaborates are active. =MED GLASGOW. Deoom bar 11.--Stan skip Oskodordi, from New York. arrived. QUENNOTOWN. Do I . 2 .—ThOgialuniddP City of Sines'.ls arrived to.cfai SOUTHAMPTON, Dee. 12.—The WEM India mail steamship Duna, from St. Thomas', arrived yesterday. VINANCIAL AhD COMMERCIAL. LONDON, December ll—Eoening.--Con. sob, for money, 923.• account, 92%. Amertenn Securities linnet; 'lb* 953(; as, RN; Vs, 88%; Ten-Forttes, 82%. Cries. Illinois, 10u; Atlantic and Great Western, 26,%. . - Lotman, December 11.-lallokr 47s 3d, dull. Sperm MI, 880 sterling. Sugar 9kso 39e nd. Miele oil 11944105. Linseed cakes, 100@iSs. Calcutta Lliikeed S9a. Common reeinoSa. Petroteym at tur erp Grin but quiet. Steamers City of NTtw York and Java arrived ont. HAVRE December 11,—Cotton quiet and steady. Faurxworrr, December 11.—Flve- Twantbe closed at 91%691%. DARIN December 11.—Bourse steady, 721 . 7c.. , LIVICHMIL, December 11. —Cotton: firm; middling uplands 111id:Orleans 124'0; sales 15,000 bailee. California white Wheat 90 Bd@es 9d; red 'western 81 Sd @Ss 411; winter ite lOd. Plow stn 84. Corn, No. 2 mixed 28. s A9d. Oata 2s 10d. Pan 88e. Pork 110 a;• Beef 107 s 6d. Lard 764 6d. Cheese 68a. Produce un changed. CANADA. Eleethantlete—ledepeneeace the pep*. jar Cry—Pruidies, Great.' etestege— Stemma:me/the Vree Ltet. • IBr TaloirsDb ta LbsPlitabargbeisecte.l 'Qvanso. December th,—.Th a court of Appeallsbas decitkal against a pldiditr. who c l a imed NOD deposited as a stake on a bet respecting the election in ktontreid In 1867. • • '1:IA UVAX, Dezember ll.—The Chronicle In commenting on President Grant's Message, says: It has broken down all bone or refdPfnui , P.Vd Petidereauttatatt. , tkon mol s sirabltbz, Itadszatl Con in itn iblomslon minion for it, , Aint, 'modem* edit become the popular cry, OTTAWA, December 11.—It is rumored that So. Francis Hindus, Finance Minis. tar, proposes to impose, a duty an reduc- tion of the free Bet. OrrAw,t, "Wernher 11. —The Governor General has appointed Alfred Cecil Sel wyn, of Montreal, Chief Director of the Grographlual Survey of Canada la place of Sir Nllllrm E. Logan, reidgned. HAVANA. Sharp V klrmlatang—jknival of apasdati Troops. =1 HAVANA. Doe. 11.—Sharp skirtralatilnit oceurred-yesterlay In the twigbhothood of Trtuidsd between the dpaniah MOO and the insurgents. Tho result was not ascertained. A steamer =lived from Cadiz with 1.000 Spaniel' troops. HAVANA. December . IS—Leading planters barn issued,' pamphlet propos ing to organize a society for promoting the importation of negroas from Africa, after the abolition of slavery in the ;eland. ,TheiPtuaPeao SeAl4Fedbi.nra t vbaili3d t reported that tbe schema had the epeeo vai of the aoeenituent, hat Captain Gen eral Decodes officially denies Oat it has received his sanction, , - ..\ 1 ~. 1 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE .. • . tit I. the Mc nd et/OMM ........."k •"a.117 • . .. • . - . . ' . _.. • Lier--71 At 1 ...... ... 1 i , 4 I ... t ••• • A r k ‘ 1 .. ... f..... E k . ' 10 4 - Ziper tt,C. ....r.l..pau pultualsed In Worts= P. limas, So IlLeaer. imm1....10 flf Wawa , b v.l.Juset a Is. .'. ............ RS " Cato of es •—• la Sa voL. Lltxxiv. CM Era NEW YORK/ CITY. Ree,an Steamer Metrical es—An other Bank Ofiletr Arrested— Powder Mill Demolished— Beecher Makes Another Expla nation in the Richardson-Mc- Farland Marriw—Pere Hya cinthe Sailed for Europe—He Returns Again—Spanish Gun boats—Altered Bonds—Death of a Maser Commit tee—Movement of Fantails, &e. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh G Wit./ Zi LTV Yetis, December ii, Mau. James Irvington, one of the detective. attached to the Contra' Police, .ailed on the Inman steamer City of Paris for Liverpool, for the porpoise of detecting serle. of wholesale fraud. and robberies which have occurred for some limo pant on the steamers of this line. Detectives, it is understood, have been sent from the other side, having • similar ot•Ject in view. Morris S. NM, cashier of the 1•' armors' National Hank, of S Went Chester county, has been a rreetol, charged with embezzlement of 430,015 i. Ear:y on Friday morning, one of the buildings of the powder works of I.s.fitn, Rand dt Co , situated about four miles west of Newberg, was demolished by the explosion of about ono hundred and arty pounds of powder. No workmen loth. Rev. Henry Ward &Maier has made a somewhat lengthy. :planation of his par ticlpation In the Richardson McFarland marriage and the funeral ceremony vadat ettereeded.. The elplanatlon wan drawn out by a member of his tongrega. Lion at the weekly lecture bn Friday evening. He said, atter making state ments elmilar to those In Mg late card, that at the time of the marriage at the Astor House. he did not understand that Vie lairs or New Yoik declared null and it old a divorce obtained In Indiana. lie said If parties were of a legal age fur iirarriage. and presented themselves bo rre him and required him to marry em, his duly in that regard was simply a magisterial one, and he was bound to luldll It. Ha had looked through the civil code or the State and had been unable to discover any drs liultion of lie dutlatof a ruinliter In re spect to inittiage. ft seemed to him that there was no defined law about It In the revised aide. After the marriage and before the funeral of Mr.lilehercleon, he had asked a reepcm•lble party as to the legality of the divorce, and it was ottated to Mtn that the divorce was quite cor rect. He Inquired also of another person whether the divorce had been obtained on other than legal grounds, sand it was stated In reply that It was granted, not only upon lefial, but also upon moral grounds.. Pere Hyaeinthe sailed for Enrope yes extayended . He will tour return agala.and make an . New Yoga., Deoember,l2, 1869. A large crowd was attracted to the Detaunter Works yesterday . by the re port that Some of the Spanish gunboats were about to leave. They are not yet quite ready, but the work is programing watt great rapidity, and both of the yes eela Will proceed to Cuba In a abort time. Senor Roberts, the Spanish minister, ar rived In this city from Washington yes terday, and the gunboats were inform ally turned over to him by the Govern ment authorities. They wall take clear ance for Cuba on Ttureday. it was discovered yesterday (hat New York Susie dounty bonds 'Ache amount of $lOO,OOO have been altered by some expert forgers, and negotiated. Edward V. Lardy, a mixer sevanty-two years old, died at 264 Sixth avenue, on Friday night, worth fifty thousand dollars. Rumor tells of the organization of • Viefaros Oommittee in this city, atroog to numbers, and entitled "Law and Or der Regulator." Arum were shipped yesterday, from the Fenian headquarters, in this elt7. The ett amebic s, City of Eh o idyll, from Li venmoL, Nerond Atlanta, from ton. don, and Alaska, from Aspinwall, ar rived today Rev. 0. B. Frothlngbam, who officiated with Beecher et the Richardeon-PdeFar land blarrutge, delivered a sermon on the fees &society, and demouriced editors and interviewara as cold blooded arlealit% of society, and privateers of public opl Edon. BOSTON Movement of the Labor Reform Party-- MIMM to ••Dome to Tnne"—Tempery ante Republican Mentinotton for Mayor. Be. (Or Teleieraph to the Pittsboreb Gaze le ) Barrost, Deo. 11.—The Committee ap• pointed by the Ten Hour Labor State Convention, In September, has implroved a bill for presentation to t h e Logistature, and petitions aro now in circulation In the manufacturing districts urging Its Wing& • Rumors are current that the New York parties who bought the steamships On ' tarter and Ede, failed to respond peeler day to making the first ptyrnent. The Temperance Republicans h tve -nominated Mom/ George 'Joh neon for Mayor, with full ticket for Alder man and louncilmen. BOSTON, Deamber 12.—The tomlcipal election to-morrow promises to be Oboe-. mill lively, there being four regular ticket. on nomination—Republlcan, beaded by Mayor ShuntlM ,Demortrata, supporting Baldwin for Mayor; the Labor Reform party, Chase. and the Vemperanco mew Johnson. Tickets for Alderman are still more diversified. The Mendeof true ball and other •athlette sports :hat*. nominated a tteret of their own, with the object of obtain ing from the city meltable group& for rports. Tbeindleaticons are that • heavy Doll will be cart. Sr. LOUIS = M= =I ST. Loma, Deo:amber 13.—An imam- Meter Hat allows that over fifty pennons In this °nylon's their lives insured for fifty thousand dollars. and (war twelve of them for one hundred thonsand, and over two for three hundred then:wan& An ordinsopeior,4he Wale.-of the oily railroad stoat pro vides that - .the Pedigo. stock be sold by sealed prdpesala, and not, by.atictiOn, for cash, or city bonds, the premeds, o,inothin enISI in buy city The directory - Of the - antioart Pacific Railroad were notified yesterday by the Central Branch of the Union Pacttle HMV raid COniently that the Memo( the latter road to the former aolnitithY, had been declared illegal, and that on the 20th indent theyrill, take possession and ran the road The steamer Attntrt' Hulk yesterday noon at Brunett's Landing, 120 miles below here. -She,yrite valuvd,at 76,000, lad wu losnind fdr 630,0001t1PIttsbnrgh mutat. Inuit delaPanaa- Bba w" °""" lid Steltvrell;irowell'and Do., of this city. and was commanded by Captain Flaffinger and Law Ashbotb. of St. Louts. The cargo was very valuable. She lies six feet under water. Sr. Loma, December 12.—Leert ad• vices from the steamer Arttner say, all , the pasaengera were safely transferred to the Olive Branch. The stock will he put on the Pauline Carroll, which loft here to day. It la still the opinion .the Owl he rained.s MILWAUKEE Farewell Entertainment to Ex-Governer soiontara, (By TeI.BYADB to tha Pltt•bungh Gazette.] MiLWAUXZE. Deo. 1 2.—Tbe friends of laW-HoverboifkdouldngsyttNin a grand banquet at the Ell. Charles Hotel Lad iy.hig, as an expression of their esteem for one who is about to take up his real. deuce in New York. Governor Sol— omon is widely known as ontt, c of Wisconsin's ablest Governors. MI hL humdne and untiring euera for; war benefit of the soldiers during the war. is remembered far and wide. As a hdr. yet, the Governor had won a high ropy. 441* PWlrebilit*id Lamy other dtsttegtrishad MAR - webs prvpt. and gm, the Es-Governor a warm re. ceptloo, and q God a `peed in MIN new Annin. 1 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS (MI.:COM') FE-10110N.) By Telegraph Wilts Pittsburgh Gazette Wltttli IMO. me, December 11., 18139. In the House to-day Mr. INC: EFLSOLL again Introducedads bill authorising the additional home of legal tender tiara to the amount. of 144,000,099, and moved Its reference to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. CITLLOM remarked that he thought the House had that bill offered for the teat two or three mornings. Mr. INUERSOLL said It had, and would have it for two or three mornings more, until It was referred. Mr. GARFIELD coved Its reference to the Committee of Banking. Mr. RANDALL inoutred whether an objection would prevent the introduction of the bill now. The Speaker said it would not. Mr. COX thought the House had better postpone the consideration of the subject for the breeentribionght to be ventilated. Mr. ARFI E LD though'khe • enaction of reference might as well \ he eettled now Mr. INGERSOLL initiated on Lis mo- tion of reference, and moved the nrevi lone question. The previoom question was esoonded, when Mr. JUDD demanded the reading of the bill. It authorizes and directs the Secretary of the Treneury to Inoue additional legal tender notes of the denominations here tofore issued, and in such proportion as he may deem beat, to the amount of P 4,000,000; ten mlliions to be issued within thirty days altar the passage of tho act; ten millions more within sixty doyen ten Millions inure In ninety days and the remaining fourteen millions within one hundred and twenty days. The second section directs the Secretary of the Treaanry to purchase with ouch not., gold Interest bearing bonds, and to cancel the name in the manner now pro vided by law. Kr. IieIIOFIELD moved to table the bill. Mr. HOLMAN called for the yeas and nave. Mr. GARFIELD Inquired whether the hill was now before the House for se• Ron. The sneaker replied that it was. Mr. COX remarked that IC the gentler man Lon Pennsylvania (Schofield) wanted a division of the 11.310 e between inflation and contraction of thecurrency, now was the (me. Mr. SCIJOFIELD supposed that those who wanted to inflate the currency would vote against hie motion, The motion Wan rejected. 135 to 68, ce follows: yam—Maser,. Ambler, Ames, Asper, Bally, Beaman, Beolamlo, Beggs, Biro, Blair. Boyd, Brooks, Buck, Buckley, Buffington, (km, Dowat, Dlznn , tion nolly,, Duval, Ferris, Finokleburg, Fisher, Garfield, Gets, Haldeman, Hoar, Hamer, Jenctea, Kelly, Kellogg. Kai ve.Y, Kerr, Ketcham, Knapp, Lathe, Lath, McGrew, Mercer, Moore, Morrill, (Maimed ?dungen, Myers, O'Neill, Po land Randall, Reading, Reeves, Scofield, Sheldon, (N. Y.,) Smith, •( ( Vt.,) Markwesther, Staughton, Strict land, Strong, Townsend, Twitched', Ward, Waal:Morrie, ( Waribburne, (Mesa.) Wheeler, Willard, Winans, Windward. Nays—Masan. Allison, Armstrong, Arnell, Beatty, Bennett, Boles, Barchard, Burdett.•lturr, Butler, i Mona) Butler, (Tenn.) Calirias, Catena, Cobb, ( Wis.) Coburn, Cook, Cowles, theba, Cullom, Davis. Demme, Dickinson, Dockery, Dos, Dyer, Bidridge, Farnsworth, Ferry, Fitch, Galileo, Griawold, Hamilton, Hawkins, Hawley, Hay, Heaton, Hedin, Hoag, (Ohio) Hoag, (S. C.) Holman, In. gereoll. Johnson. Jones, Judd. Julian. Knapp, Lawrence, Laing brklge. May ham, Maynard, McCarthy, McCormick, Mc • Creary, Morgan, Negley, Nibleck, Orth, Packard, Patue, Peters, Pomeroy. Pros. ear, Rice, Rogers, Sargent. Sheldon, (Le) Smith, (Oregon) Smith, (Tenn.) soothe, (Iowa) Stevenem. titekes, Stone, terader, Sweeny, Taira, Tanner, Taxman, Tyner, I.:peon, Yen Trump, Walker, Wells, Whittenmre, Wilkenson, W W aliams, (Mina) Welker and Thequestion recurred on Mr. Garfleld's motion to refer to the C.,mmutee on Banking. Mr. INGERSOLL called_fo• the yen and nays, remarking that four out of ala of Inc members of that committee who had lust voted, had voted to lay the bill on the table. The yeas and nays were ordered, and the bill referred to the Committee on ' Banking.--year, tits; nays, A. Mr. PAINE, from the Committee on Reconstruction, presented the following described paper. In reference to the ad• mission of Virgin* which were ordered to be printed. Gen. Canby'. report to the Secretary of War relative to the election In Vir ginia In July, We. The address of the Republican Central tkimmittee, pre sented to the Senate by C. P. Potter, chairman. The statement of Mr. Hughes, endorsed by Mr. Witcher. The 'abate ment of Gov. Wells. Tbe memorial of the Committee of the Virginia Leger's. tore, presented by Mr. Turner. Speaker of the House of Delegate. The stale went of Gov. Walker before the Com mittee. The opinion of Attorney Gen eral Hoar an Virginia affairs. The suite mint that thereNietile about any snide. lets befogs the. Committee frame pereone to varitais parts of the State, charging, in 'mini lustancen, a failure on the part el registering officers to register. and a refusal In Mixers to permit the /anent. to to vote when registered, and to otner• that calls from parson. on the Con aervatlve aide and Intimidations were resorted to to prevent pennon voting the. Republican ticket, and that they ware prevented from voting. Resolutions were offered and adopted se tallow/:. . By Mr. DAWES: Calling on the Clerk of the Hooae tor./ detailed amount of the expenditures of the present (igiir greet. By Mr. COX: Requesting the Commit. tee on Ways and Means to report a bill repealing the so-called manufacturing tax on provisions, and • Joint resolution so explaining the prompt law as to re. 1101/0 the trade In prey/alone from She present Interpretation of the law by the Comintsaioner of Internal Revenue. By Mr. ELDRMOEI Calling en the Secretary of War for information In ref erence to the harbor at Port Washington, Ma., Including the reports and estimate. of the ingincer4 By Mr. SCOFIE LD: Requiring the Su pervising Architect of the Treasury to take into consideration the erection of a suitable building In the city of Erie, Pa., for the accommodation of the United States Courts. Bills were Introduced and referred a. follows: To authorize the construction and regintenanee of a bridge . Acting the Ni agara river. To regulate the importation of lumber on the northern, north eastern ling north western 'frontiers of the United Maim. , To dispense with aides and Informers in the Internal Revenue service. To authorize the payment of bounty to certain volunteer army °Meer& 1.0 amend the act deelarlag and fixing the status of volunteers ea a put of the Army. Amendatory of the naturalization law. Mr. DANA asked leave to offer a reap. lotion calling on the President for Infer tnatiore whether any further legislation was necessary to enable the gxesutive to secure n more perfect Dent/Why. In spy streggle between a Mturein Meer and an 'American colony, whenever the hitter, seeking In goad faith. by revolu- Hoe, to assert the right of self-govern ment, so that the hospitality and ptivi dgee of the Forts of the United States may Dot be extended to either party to the prejudice or exclusion of the other. Wt. WOOD objected. sod the resolution was Dot received. _Aar. S MI TH, al -Meansepaua asked /naval (5 offer s resolution to annul the law Tana nemee election. i Mr. WOOD objected. The House went Into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Dawes In the chair, on the Consul ßill, commoncing at gentian' 17. The subject of allowing the dinstie Ogloans the franking privilege, and the question of compensation, &a, were Ms amused at considerable length. An Striondruppt, refusing them the franking Privilege offered by Mr. FARNS.. WORTH: was withdrawn on condition It might be offered in the Monza, and a votobad on It. . - - The 'Committee rim*, after dispoldn' of ti o only section (the 17th). end • new print. of the bill as amended was or dered. Mr. KNAP,P Introchmed a Mil to smeati the existing Ism" In 'Witten to the trial by jury In Federal Courts. Referred to the Judiciary . Committee. The Rome, at two minutes put three ,o'clock, adjourned. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1869. SECHD EDITIOI. FOUR O'CLOCK, 4. .41 THE CAPITAL. Letter from ex-Goy. Wells— Geetrgin Reconstruction Rill— Virginia will Soon be Admitted —Case of Dr. Schreppe—Lo, the Poor Indian—Tariff on ('oal— Commissioner Wells' Report Tenore-of-Oflice Act—lncrease • of Salaries—The Georgia Case Sale of California Lands—Col ored Men. Call on the Presidpot —Speeches on the Occasion. (Hy Telerraph to Use Pt ttstmrgh thtzette.) , iVAIMINOTON, D.,011J bet 11, 1889 LYTTleit LOOM a 1 uovKluroß WELLY. The followilog letter from ex-Governor Wells, of Virginia, was laid before the Reconstruction Committee to day: Richmond, I`u., December 10, 1809. Col. R. A. Hughes-1V Deer Bit : I had hoped that there would be at the open. log of Congress, no division of sentiment In Wanttlogton, on the subject of the Ito mediate restoration of Virginia, and am surprised at what oecorred before the Reconatructloo Committee, yesterday. We have arrived, It aroma to me, at a stage In the work of reconstruction where It la utterly Idle to attempt the correction of any evil whit% may exist here by a longer dental of Federal repre sentation to the Stain. No Ittneervative nor Democrat will be mole a Republican: no bitterness assuaged, nor any epirlt of amnesty encouraged, nor oblivion of the past be secured by either an exclusion of the State or individuale from many of the rights; which belong to thamost favor ed of other Stater or eitlmns. Whether such desirable recall? are ever likely to be secured byttratoathe and disfranchise. manta or not, it is certain they can have no operation from this time forward. If we are ever to secure prosperity in our national Interest, harmony In our social relations, or justice and ...path) in our political rights and privileges, it mutt be done by such a universal act of notable amnesty, and deprive every man of the ventage of such power ?err inflicting M imi:Jos upon others, and retaliation for wrongs or political W.W.l'S°a offered by Mrnaff. One may doubt the Rene. or even belief that such a measure of liberality will fall of any results: still it Is the only ratosenow left, and wise men ought not to hesitate ■tout making the trial. It should An done In no un gracious spirit, but friendly and freely, with the broadest generality. It is idle to find fault with or cavil at [bemoans or way by which we have been brought to this condition. It Is entirely immate rial how [he Republic in party was de. featedi nor shall we be likely to contem plate its overthrow more graciously by longer Indulging In animosity, bitter -12210, or recrimination. 1 certainly hope Virginia may bo restored before the week ends without a single dissenting vote, and that before the llorietnass holi days, by one tingle act of amnesty, the disabilities of every culsim of this Com monwealth may be removed. The .polioy of selecting here and there indi. eldest* fur railer not became of their superior claims tint rather on ac count of the friends they have at court, or the diligence with which they move their snit, Is plainly unwise, and mania featly unities. It tends largely to awry, vatal the Irritation already exist fog. The two hundred man whose dlaauilittm are In this way removed, are not thereby rendered any more friends of the Gov. ernment than they were beton', while all where unrelieved, find In this last act of unjust Congressional discrimination • ' new cause of more substantial nom plaint, &alike and bitterness. II is' useless' longer to rely on half measures. Sever the knee by one blow. if this pol icy does pot eumued. then t o other can afford any hope of s better result. I hope you will do all In y. or rower to secure the summit sod eat ty adoption of this policy. I remain, My tear 21r, 'fount truly. II O. Watts. ADMIMUON Op trktill2l.• The Committee on Reconct ruction held I meeting this morning en the subject of the admission of Virgltha. Representa tives Paine, Itreek and Ward were ap pointed a rub committee to auparintend the printing of tb• statement of ex. Gov. Wells, In which it In rutted he expressed himself in favor of inweediate admission and the abolition of all test oaths and disfranchisement; also the printing of the speech of tine. Walker. recently made before the CoMMILLoo. chewing, the loyalty's:id good faith of the Veeple to carry out their profesaloue The committee meet. sole Tuesday. There seem. no doubt that next week the bill will be passed for the arimbelon of Virginia, and soon thereafter the United Matte Senators and Repreeeut• lives will be sworn in, with the exocp. Mon of Menem. Booker and McKenzie, whose seats are contested. It is probable the admission of Virginia will be coupled with the condition precedent that the State Conatitution shall not be amended by the present Legislature. CAM OF DR SCROUPPR. About eighty khyPlellose, cbarnista and foists held • meeting title afternoon .r the Medical Faculty Hall, far the pur iorf reviewing the ease of Dr. Paul pe, under sentence or death and on on the VA Inst. In Pompey!. The meeting adopted • remain. tiOlL!to the effect that th e published statements of the trial of in.. Schoeppe I dos* enutalnany evidence of • salentl- 1 flo Character - which toco to prove that Miss SUeoethe died from the effects of prussic -acid, or evidenoannf any other polecat, abd the aggregate bf the evldenoe points to a natural death; that a commit tee of flee be appointed to prepare a memorial. to which the .16g:worm of tills Mee ding are la be attached, and pre seal the lime to 'the governor of peon. sylvirile. requesting the Executive elem. ency in ads owe. thertei• lIRC.O.Ocr, Pr, 71 OP RI LL. 11 ham agreed to emend the Morton bill by providing that after the Legislature of Georgia ratifies the Fifteenth emend. went the Governor is authorized to or ganise the militia of the State, and that during such organization the President be recuind to furnish enough United Staten moons to preserve the peace of the State. The bill also Invalidates, all the octant the old Legislature Ma political character. As this bill In satisfactory to Southern Republicans, and linalglrt Lauda wit h tbp PreeKent's approval, an elYbrt wl be made to prom it through both Menthe@ of Congress at an early day. LO I TOR POOR INDIAN. A cdrcalar hair been homed from the In. dim Office forbidding the visits of Indian delegathma to Weahlugtee for the pur pose of transacting the minima, of their respective tribes before the Departmeht. It is the opinion of the Commie/imam add tblldr trallipres bib, be Inuta bater socomollabod' by their agent, and, the meg which would be expended le brl rryi them here wohld be used to mite betterlidvantage in buying them proclaims, agricultural implementa, and annuity goods. COLIMIFMIONER WELLS' REPORT. - : 8081416 Commieslobar Wane' forth. I coming ',report vitt . ation Ship the troFor tathins fbr July, Augriai, Sorted:Mar, Oc tober and November of this year ire some twelve millions more than last year, and that the experts for the same ratnitlen ilea year are thinpone million do l larkixore. in round nutrition, than ..1• 3 1 1 1,. Import of brag.= and Immo for the same period are four mil. lions of dollars leas than last year. These mathitic• show, of course, a much healthiennondition or our foreign trade ferthebbq ntontha of tho present year s.r =I A.lneoffitzuminit .Wee lEld2ewe the Ways and Menu. Committee on Satur day.. by tb6 ' Penney Imam opal Interest protesting agaltutt the reduction of my duty on and, In which fact. and figures Were mach to appear that Nova deals bitiuninoba con: was nearly nee dollar' dearer In Baton than Maryland and Pennitylyamia COSI. andit ar gu u ing that If the an Were admitted duty free lt mild not be delivered ea cheap as ale latter. press osottoiA CASA. The Sandie Judiciary CoMali :tee have agreed l • bill to meet thecae) of the I State of rem It declares all acts of the cobs 131 berm null and void, and re quires t to be reinstated before the 1 Statesint be entitled to any representa tion In gram The committee tako the grou that the restoration of that State Is oompitins, and, consequently, Congress gigs the right to take any action that may DIS requited to secure an equi table reconlittrucsion. nmvs.at. o4r =mug or civvies Ac-r The ktottgliJacticiary Committee td day voted unatlittionaly to report In boor of tbs repeal the Tenure of Officeact, and the recent Ificatlon pawed at the last meson at gram It will probably pass the bat In the Senate its chances blematical. w Tbs trialtt e Sch m ure rrD. nian, E colored, for- ' merly • nbillgengstr In the Treasnry De- oartment„lgrdlctod for pouring counter feit money es concluded today. He was acquit/fad , . HALARIVI4?, THE SIMIRENZ .11391123. The majority of the committee are in favor of Msalng the salaries of Um Supreme Iddges. ---..-- WANKTOTON December 12, 1689. coLortics, XVII CALL ON TRY PRESIDZNT. A committee of colored men called upon the4dent on Saturday, when Senator colored, of North Caro line, a delegge to the National Labor Convention, 4endered him the congratu- Ilona and thinks of the convention for the impartigaror Just administration of toe agate of the Oovernment, especially hi the recognition of the claims of Ito negro la appointing black men to office. of great reeponsibilits and trust; not betelas they are btu*, but In recognition of the fact that they.ire part of the body poli tic. For !Mk . .ad other noble acre, he thanked him.. .specially In behalf of the 7,600,000 in the Elxliti, a large percent. age of whom • underwent everything but death to cant their vot. In be half of the great Republican party, *Melt honored itself in selecting him a. Chief Magialtate. I •am mindful, air, not ;imply of the pateintleur you have fed in blackinit 'a breasts, bin of the en couragement on have gives oar chil dren, to etrivetto be Kunst hint in their day andgtundoe. Sir, in your admit:doze. we see a practical carrying out t of the fundamental principles o.on which the gov ernment and ltepubltcan party wee founded, sumUltly. liberty, humanity, equality and justice. In conclualon, permit me glean to thank you In the name of the colored tone and Onew of the land, which stand. needy to defend you and the *Gantry. The President replied . Gentlemen—l am gratified be 'reenter; this delegation, .a I have witched the proceedinere or your Convention with great attention. I have done all I could po advance the beat Interests of the citlostut of our country without rep. 11 to color, and I shall en deavor to do IQ the future what I have done In the pat. I hope that the meas. urea you have Iniugurated will result In the secorement of your best alma. Rev. Sella Martin, .peaking for the delegatton, each Mr. President, one great subject of Interest during our deliberation@ was the escuring of land for the laborers of the South, so that they may become permanent settlers— Independent *hyena. There are eight million ecru of land that may be used by Contr.*, and . We slab to Recurs your Mauer. to prevent wry renewal of the latwed land grantint¢ railway and other eorporstro", to the t tletriment of actual etetietra. The President said that he could only aid the matter by enggestlon, and realm mendetlon, and ,that he would give th - matter his attention. The delegation haring gluten hands with the President, withdrew highly aatiaded with the interview. =I The Paatoffice Department has Man plated Its selection of designs for the new unless of postage stamp to take the place of those now In Une, which were adopted by the late Postmaster General Randall, about one year ago. The new design will bp ■boot a third larger than the present stamp, or the nine of the old I %tempi, an eorunat entirly of profile boat. takers from standard original marbles ex. ecuted by artists of acknowledged reputation. Some of the stamps have already been engraved, proofs of which have been approved by the Pmstolllce De partment, as well as by the President end Cabinet, a. the moss appropriate and elegant In all respects of any hitherto mimed by any nation. They will coin pest heed, of the following distinguish ed Amencsairt : One must, Franklin ; two cents, Jackson; three mate, Washington: ale amts. Linerdn ten amt., Jeffeincri; twelve yenta, Clay; fifteen mita, Web .tar; twent - ydlxut ante Wert thirty cents, Hamilton family bust; for cents, 0. H. Perry. ==! Mr. Sargent, of California, yesterday Introduced a bill providing that the pub. tic lands In Cislittornla. - PDS mineral or reserved, anal for cultivation, bet useful for timber, may be sold lo quantities not szos .dieg all hundred acres to any one portion nr association; no second applica tion to he made under the act by the same party. Notice of` appiltanon to to be given, and not to loch:ids any in. proved or nettled land. OMEN •11 PATKAFT OVVICL. The Government of the North Gannett Confederation intends to bring before It. Parliament the much coutrover. led subject of patents for In. rentdons, and to contribute to the movement now taking place for bringing ma mach uniformity en pos sible into the patent lass. Th e Sects tory of North Germany has reqUPWted Professor kfartilik of the Washlotion Patent Mice. to furnish him with else re port of the American patent laws and rules of aline, and their general fascia on our national Industry. TLIZ Tt;IWG-ZOY PTIAN DIFTTMLTT IXT The Turkish Minister has Just moldy a telegram from the Grand Tau advising that .he Knedine of Egypt bad so/klntiyrielaittled a finnan of which liervico fendi, Milroy of the Porto was the bearer, mul that the dilllmulties be. tween the Sullen and the Viceroy ware definitely and satisfactorily adjusted. UnILIOPOSSPOt. lIWIIIDtati. A. man representing himself u W. R. Perry tursuocesafolly attempted 'utter day to swindle the Nationsl flank of the Republic of this city out of • large mm on • bugue check an the Chemical Bank of New Ybrk. I=! Mr. Clam (km:wrench:mai Printer. ham pm:dished a card chalientr? the mat ming!. and tuition' emigni ton Into the manner in which its him conducted the Government Printing Ottice shoe it cams under him ackninistregion. CALIFORNIA. 'Bier/sting Telegram (rep San FYllin. shoo, BT 'Telegraph 14 Ur PlUsbaritt as4tsa.l Haw Vaanots.o, December 12—Fiteen ttirreatrtir intsedriipsne by *swim Idaho frdrantmoido latlbr New York to day oyof the raclanSallway ! This ut quick time: The balance In the Sub Treasury of this city Is seven roUlloo dollarajo Fad, and sixteen hundred thousand dollars in currency. The °Medal vale at the October Seto electlen was testy levee thousand six hundred and seventy nea r ly thernaand , lese than In November 180 e, and twenty-nine thousand lima Ulu In litepternberr.lBat Demand trade la unusually quiet on amount*/ the inclement weather. Three vessels are loading with dour for Atm. trans, beyond which thereto no demand. Wheal quiet at. $14601.60, extremes, closed yesterday at 180. Legal tenders LOUISVILLE. A. wont isr Catalan to Bowl I Pareboooro Op Salerno•• to the Plttnibtrgli (Rana. 1 Lotnevn.t.s, December Mahon recently eleetai President of the Mem• phie and Littlerock Ball Road, publishes send, Warning all persons against buy ing wadi, -Sying money, or making e!CretraetS Wlttl any of the old °Mans or directors who sow bac* poesawdoe of that road. CENTRAL, AMERICA Arrival of the steamer Alaska—Late •nd Intereatin( Advice@ from the Central American atepublies—Nevolotion Illeem- Ingly on the et ane, •nd Pence and Prosperity 1 / a waking on the Land. (By Telegraph to lb• Yltirhargh Gazette.) New iohn, December 12.—General Williams, late U. S. Minister to Labra dor, °entre! America, returned home on the steamer Alaska, from Panama. fly the Alaska, dates from Panama to Doc. I are received. The U. S. steamer Resew. commander Lewis arrived at Panama Nov. 24, from Man Francisco Oct. 31, loud: ling at Man ias's. The Seneca would remain al Pan ama about ten days, and then proceed to Callao The anniversary of the Independence of the Isthmus wan eing celebrated with the usual demonatrations of rejoicing. Particular. had been received from Venezuela of the pacification of the State of Zulla. after a bloody action, which lasted seven bourn. The Prealdent of Venezuela, General Monagas, entered Santa Martha on the 2Lst ult.,and on the Zith General Pulgar antbkieneral line officers were carried as prisoner. to Fort San Carla.. Valparaiso dates to November 11th are received. It Is stated Mat the aspect. politically, seemed to be quiet. The revolution In Bolivia was apparently subdued, but It la said to be only smoul derinh.g, and may cat any time break out afres The lately continuous movement of troop. is attended with heavy ezperuse, and the finance. of Bolivia are said to be in a desperate condition. Dates from Lima, Peru, are to Nov. 21. The project of Senor Pate hoiden (or the laying of • sobmarine telegraph cable from Tumber to Penalty' bas been ac• nepted by the Peruvian Government. The steamship Omits Rica, from the Central American coast, arrived at Pans m■ on November 23. Advlce• from the capital of Griattimala to November 14., slate, that it Is in contemplation to build • Railroad across tbarepublo to unite the two oceans. The Government haa issued en important order to secure the execu tion of the work. Anti M from Ann Salvador are of the 15. ult. The F.xporta of the Republic for the lineal year lan were 5 3 .768.357: Import. 'Deluding $1,339,531 coin, were 12,728,995. The Republic Ix at peace, and Ica citi. E 91311 entirely occupied In peaceful pur suits From Honduras advirAse to the 15th uIL are received. Work on the rallroul war progreealng. Congress le convoked to meet In regular aoutiou from the let to the 154.11 of January. Treaties with Hal. vador •nd Guatunela had been ratified. Advicee from :Nicaragua are to Novem ber 22d. The army of the Republic was atill at Leos engaged In the pacific-scion of the Western Department. At Jlnote g-a the war continued, but le expected to be goon ended. The newapaper• express approbation of the oNciai conduce of the Mlniatere of the United State*, at Coats Rica and Honduraa, ea the pesos of the republic la due to their todefatlgahle efforts. The Imam and accidents caused by the revoletion are caiculated at one hundred and eighty five killed, three hundred and seventy wounded, and one million -- - CHICAGO Terrible Remit@ or Carel...aims—Lam Treoblee—A Lnakten Son shoots Irini Father. la U.. ristactrile Karns tIl Dem miss r PL.—Mrs. WI I lard, ay In, or Robert R'illtard, of Liou. ' Lou, Adapt. county, II itnoia, by the ex- i Song of the shareholders In Bottom plosion of a kerosene lamp, was burned banks camplatn thst the enablers button to•deitb, her num non so badly n „ rond . bole them when they come lot dividends, that he cannot survive, and Mr WI/Hard ' and solicit their miles for annual meet. and another son severely Injured. The 1 Mg* They even hint that they do this house took lire and W. only need by for the purpose of controlling the election the timely are Mai of the neighbors. of director and preventing examinalioe Peva° thousand novae hundred and ' into the real state of their affairs. four acres, were sold during the month A u•si named Michael Read was found of November by the Land Department of the Union Pacific Railroad. The In • Blimp about two miles from Bull amount realised was SIO,IBI. Slam town, Crawford county, but Week, who opeping the mhos 121.250 wrest:time been wan so badly frozen that amputation of sold. one of his limbs was necemary and his Capt. Patterson, of the Fourth Intim- recovery doubtful. He became Mat try, who hue Juin arrived at Omaha, re. while on L a ~,,,, to Ticlunne, and was porta having been attacked while on, the found by a deer hound belonging to • road between toms Fetterman and Lew rouesparty of boater. by one hundred and fifty Ara- paboott, under command of the' hall IT appears that there is opposition ei tweed renegade Renshaw. One wiener i the appointment of Mr. Hoar to the was killed. Renshaw has threatened Supreme J edgshin, much is coming from repeatedly that be will measu re every . 1e...ache...1w Hoar himself has not in white marl In the nelghborteg country ' dinned . .43 the President that be would within IS power. A tn•jortty of the old ' 'accept if „„„,, innnl yi n ha. been n 0„. tattlers nod half breed; who place 1m.. - r.. - ' - sulung his friend abut it, and it is learned pllehe ofidenee In be word have left • the coo try. ,), 1 from them that Ms chief ditticulty is the A few pays •Ince a difficulty occurred 1 .../1.... of 1 . 11 .1• between William Maddox, living In Tux other day a daughter of ex Mayor ' Morgan county, Illinole, near Jackson- Rice, of Boston, was married by Bishop ' tells, hie two sons and a nephew nam ed _ ' Huntington, of New York, to Mr. Stet- Know". about ...31.6 proper ) whic h son, of the Paris banking firm of Bowles the boya bought from the old gentle man, bet Co., bu t before they got home they ut had failed to fulfil the con. ~ , men that t Blehop Hatitington, not being Meet. A few days after they got drunk ; and started for the realdenee of Maddox, ' a metrical of the State, would not do, As they approached, Maddox came to , and they had to go It all over again tee the dear, when Lowe Maddox, his son, t fore a resident clergyman. raised a rifle and fired. Theban entered ' GON. GLARY has issued a proclaims the old gentleman's abontden, from the Bon declaring the payment by the Com et:roma of which he died in • few days. i minim:lets of the Sinking Fund, for the The young ruttlena are all In jail. I Joseph Idedlli. delnate from this city 1 Y. Q1 d.,,„" ..11 °R 3 9th N.r. mber. 1869, or to the Cormaltutlonal Convention. and , •.....•., 67 17 intern , . and t 3 ( 1 2.762 09 one of the editors of the Chicago Tribune, I prince el of the public debt. Great ere. has received the Republican nomination dit Is due to the financial officers of the for President of the Cenventton. State for the faithful manner in which ' they have discharged their duty. Tun following boats with their "black diamonds" have arrived safely at Lords vine Stella, Simpson Horner, Dick Fallen, Alpe, Tom Hoes, A. J. Baker, Mary Ann, Wild Cat, Hyena, Seer, Her. miles, Keystone, Diamond, Panther, J.; Blackmon, and Ells, with GS boats and 71 barges, containing 2,070,000 bushels nt coal. Of this amount, 52 boats end 36 bargee, containing 1,400,000 bushels will be taken to points below. ACCOMMIP 0 to returns received at the office of the State Commissioner of Com mon Schools, the total number of pooh, In average daily attendance on the public school, of chlo, during the year ending August Bi, 1860, was 434,843. The total number enrolled was 789, 971, these figures showing that 805,086 school children re. malned sway from the public' schools every day of the year. Fourreze Buffalo girls have signed and sent this note to a modest young man : "We, the nriderstgned, have been comparing notes, and find that yen have been equally sweet to one and all of ue— have paid the same compliments to each, and made lave in the same terms In every I case, We are Indignant gannet' duplici ty, and demand an explenatson." The ladles are quite right. The young gen tleman ought to explain, Orptczni. Information has been receiv ed from Columbian authorities time the treaty negotiated by Hon. Caleb Cushing for the right of way for the ottani across the Isthmus of Barlett, and rejected by the Colombian Senate, will be considered and undoubtedly retitled by that body. This will remove all difficulty and enable the American authorities to moth lee ward the proposed survey without hinder arm or objection from the Columbian Government. A connseronraurr write! from Lon• doe: "The turf In England promisee to be in the same position as the f•mona 'udue In Ireland,' and I shall some of these days ha obliged to state under this head that there la no turf In England. What with the constant secessions of the I most Influential supporters - of the sport, what with the rapid growth of abuses, land what with internal dissensions that are ever on the locrease, It is difficult to see how racing can possibly spryly. tie own decay and public hostility." Tim Empress Eugenie ecamnumeated with her husband by telegraph two or three times • day during her Baez Jour. ney, receiving the most mtnnts details of domestic interest, and His Majesty 's r... marks upon his entertainment at the theatres he visited, end so fortis. - Sim telegraphed complaints to the 'Viceroy from the remote points In the &sett which she visited, Miter home dispatch were morn than two or three 'hours in reaching her. Tin late Lord Foley, who died la Paris last month, itu universally ed. mired for his refinement aid good taste, end on QUO occasion, when entertaining the Prince of Wales atdinner, His Pole; Roy al Highness expressed * desire to ind go in his favorite weed. Bat Lord was not willing thattren inyal smoke desecrate ht. h me, and headed a PHIL 4 DELPHI A A Ph(lalV i stds Lawler Decamps With 1130 ) !Entrusted to Hui lore. fty T.l.,espe to he II t•Oursti - • . PHILA. ,sL.rit lA, Dec. 12—A prominent lawyer .bd politician or ills city, noted for his ;secession proclivities during the war, and at one time min. Ister to China from the United States, has, It la reported, ambessied .30,000 ri a sent he from Europe to be invested by him, an has fled the oily. Re is known to have nln financial difficulties for 110610 rt. These hulls terra been known newspaper circles for some days, bit not published until to-day, Texas jEteetlass—liasalltaa Ileteasea (Br Triteopb to th. Vlltstmarsit 6l•Zetto.) • • aw i i iropt, December l2—Returns bays received from thirteen addl. Donal unties. Ali the majorities for Hamilton aggregate 1,970, leaving Davie' a:Clarity:as far as heard from 717. Flan• sgtn, Radical, hes been eteetad Lleatem• ant-Governor by • large majority, The Legtalattire Is largely Radical. TZLZURAPII enrronek %tool:Thom the manta were sorely ♦eked to Interpret props* a cable message from Rom 4 In widen the Pope was made to lay "But there was nothing to fear, (be. cause the Church WIMP stronger even than heaven (attn. Bat time 'would remedy the present The editoeht the Philadelphia Btaletin, In alluding 19 the "gigantic Papal bull," says, "We venture to say that the pulpier reading of the sentence in question should be : 'But there was nothing to fear, be cause the Church was stmngerthan ever. }leaven and time would remedy the present evils.' In translating front Latin to Italian, then to French, and then to English, and afterwards telegraphing and transcribing, the sentence has got into The confined and incredible form in which It was given to the press" Iv Is not yet littown by Government of which of the three ports, Port. land, Beaton or New York, the BALM Iron.clad Monarch, baring on board tho romaine of George Peabody, will touch at. Owing to her beery dricturbt of water I she pou'bly may go to Portland. Yet It 1 Is beilhved by many that shiewill come I direct to New York. The officials at the Navy Yard have received instructions to make prepositions for a fitting reception of the faueral squadron, and to arrange the details of all the cust omary honors of Marta, &V., ID that In the event of the Monarch arriving here the navy will be ready to continue, without delay, a pro. 1; p... gramme of tri , etch es no other tin official pinion to the world has ever re ceived.. Like does are to beam& at the Chariest° Navy Yard. I ID the In Rankin:Vey made ay, of the Bedford Roll. cub it'd the lien of D 19,avid000 making A. of Tug Meru ale. on Widen log Mill fur $9,, the bondholder', iota of $20,500t Miumsebuseti9 GENERAL HERS. WV - MD.IG aIIOWS women to vote bat It le a ecareity women In that Lerritnry that prompta the magnantmity. Smarr: romi effort, are being made to get Secretary Anutwell and Mr. Delano to coneent to remove Sopervieor Tutton. Turislay an eothnsiaatic suicide, named James Pierre, Jumped nff the sus pension bridge at Niagara Falls into We rapids. A Julioß for inteirtipting a lawyer while pleading, crying out of the hot "I say he is not guilty', was tined $lOO by a Philadelphia Judge. A NEW Yong peanut vender declares that "wery few people eats more nor a pint a day," and it is therefore supposed that a crisis is approaching. A FORTY TonylikND set of furni• lure is on exhibition in New York, made to order for a prominent Philadelphia family. Quaker simplicity, you know. TviEn. is a steam hammer at Gaullle, Penn., which cost $40,000, and which will crack a nut without breaking the kernel or crush a solid cannon ball with a sixty ton blow. PETER GOLOSEICR, of Troy, Indiana, has horn erre ited oa the charge of brutally murdering his wife and child on the 13th of the month. The evidence is strong against him. A NOTED Western express company prints on its shipping receipts that It will not be liable for "any loss or damage by lire, acts of God, or of Indiana, or other enemies of the Government." A rani of number twelve shoes were recently found hanging to the door knob of a Connecticut shoe store, bearing the Inscription. "Pleas reptile these chews. will cast! for them two night." A LIITUARY SOCIRTV has been organ. fired in Coshocton, It , composed ezcltn sively of young ladles. According to one of the by laws, no member can marry, without the unanimous consent of the Society. That is curious literature. A iiiiono girl has been condemned to the gallows In Bedford county, The crime of whieb she stands convicted consists In her having placed a child of her employer's on a fire and holding it there until fits limbs were burned off. A Lox JCL Y Indiana girl, finding two of her lover* quarrelling about her in her father's parlor, seized them by their hack hair, and after knocking their heads together several Omen, shoved both oat of the front door, sad told them never to darken it again. MATE 111•1. prosperity le not generally thought to be provocative of suicide, but the wile of a London coke merchant, who had drowned himself, testified that "he had been much despreased of late on account of the great increase of his bast- A CINCINNATI committee appointed to investigate an alleged charge of undue punishment Inflicted by • school heather, reported "mat the punishment was not actuated by malice, but was occasioned by an undue appreciation of the thickness of the boy's pantaloons." Hahn is the way the live Yankees set. tie In the West: A man recently arrived in • town in Minnesota, bought a lot, built a house, and set up house-keeping within the space of forty•eight hours, sad had a sin and heir born to him before the first meal vriu eaten in the house, NO. 28S pr ,, cteetaion to the stable-a, where, in i more ming:mod atmosphere We royal cigar was WepOlani or. , Tux style til Chinese gambling is San , Fran( ise,, .8 simple, if not rxeitiug. The gamblers steal about the Llsh:P. Opoll I which a black square la marknl. The dealer takes a handful of •tcm,h" mall Guineas cola, in h.s hand and places It upon the table. A hemisphere of brass partially coven the pile. Each player • now places his money on one side , r another of the black equate, and the • dealer, with a sharp pointed suck, draws the "cash" towards him. As the stick pulls In four pieces, hie hand sweeps them Into the general pile before him— and so on until the heap In the middle of the table is exhausted. Accordingly as the remainder consists of one, two, three or f mi. pieces, the individual betting upon the side of the seizure corresponding tO, the number winning receives three times the ant mat of his bet, less eight percent, the other three sides of the square losing. THE fo lowing is the sworn petition of Paul Schoeppe to the Supreme Court, on which the writ of error, returnable on the first Monday of January, was granted by the Attorney General: The petition of Dr. Paid Schoeppe re spectfully represents. That an indict ment for murder and manslaughter was found against your petitioner by the Grand Jury of Cumberland county, at April term, 1809; that at a 'pectin Court of Oyer and Terminer, convened on the 24th day of May, 1869, your petitioner was put upon his trial; that he pleaded not guilty, and that the jury returned a verdict on the 3d day of June, 1869, "guilty of murder In the first degree;" that on the day of —, 1869, your petitioner wassestenced to suffer. death. Yeur petitioner most earnestly asserts that he is innocent of the crime of which he Wands convicted; that within thirty days after sentence be applied to be allowed a writ of error to the Supreme Court, so that he might have reviewed by that honorable Court manifold errors which he alleges exist in the record of the court below; that said application wee refused, I but in making said application he had no hearing by his counsel, either written, printed, or oral. In assigning the errors be had not the means to print the record, and by a rule of court enlorced in Cumberland county his counsel could not take the record out for any purpose, Ile was therefore ob liged to resort to a printed pamphlet which had been printed for general cir culation, and which did not contain the evidence as fully as it shoulftave done. Through this he could not "explain the errors he specially complains of, and which he is satisfied were not and could not be under,tond by the Supreme Court without an oral or printed explanation. As your peoUtioner'slifelainvolved, he prays that he shall not die without at least hearing. He therefore petition' for a review of his application, and for a hear ing In regard to the errors assigned. Of this Intended application your peti tioner has given written notice to the Honorable Attorney General of the State, with a copy of this petition. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ar"LALIFAI El TE TALL. TR %%DA T RV L]{% U, Dtrera Ew 111.11160, Hey. B. P. LIN N dell•er a rectors Noroia •On,saloa SO rents No reorr•ed ,t.. Tirtets zu De at the Mc.; and Bort arYouse xtra , s 31F-HCAN TUX 1./.II.ADY AND MitCHAblell• INaTIT UTZ. —A meet as of thememoon at the above Aso oei ati en will be bald •lac Llbryn oa MONDAY SVC. TING. Dee. 13,12. at 14 o•ucet. far the pa roost or ebo .lag • C. onoltne of maven toethben to hood late roil ab • rtil en to the fear. Bf and r of it, Dine an. A. INT. •ec•y._ arNOTICE.—A Special Mert. !NU of Lae COLUVRIII Plat Cu. win be held of Lamar ENOINI 1101./..tr., December ►Ofa..f la, o•elooe r. r A foU all:maw:ice la r quested so boslneal or Importance will come rattan lbe meouta. Bf ord.. of R.. 1. I KOLA[, Pr.•ldeo•. Dario ,C, tar, ala 9 mom Ty:ID N•incot•allA.NY n r.rrsua. toe. PlTranvaoe, beartataer 11. 11160. IgErTUE ANNCAL ELECTION i.r I, t rectors of MIS Bank , •1U sale place tat Saaloax Huns, ma TUILIDAY, Janoarl 11.0. 1170, baOrten the boars of 10 A. M. and ]r e. JOHN H. LIVINGSTON. ES , IINOF vrrox•i.. IL neg., Ia"THE ANNUAL ELECTION for thirteen Dtrtetors or ibis Swot ne held •t the 80 , kin, /loose. on 11:133D1T lanes, Ilse. 1/1.74 between the ►oars of 1 sad 3o eluel r. r. 1 LOBO, Cae►ler revroNt N•rtonr•l BANAL or Celat•—.. rirreNt. au., I.NC•tatoer 11, 1869. gr.& N EL ECTION FOR Tif IR . . • D 11111. 4 . 1 .96.1 of Ibis Bask, to soe Mutt,. Lb. mooing year. WI/I be bold a 1 the n Booting House. Corner Wood . trrrt and tirth tom. oil TULSD/L. January Mb. IS .0. bettrooo lb. bean of 11, a. and X r.ki JOISFEI 11. HILL, C•shlot. Gr . CITIZ ENO , N&TIONii BA IN l U/ Pl.l The U ltl H. —Aa • 'alio • for NIIIO troctora of ULU Hank. to arm, for Lb Anaoll, rear. ortli WI bald at the !tanking Hon on tILoU•Y, 11.1% Jsa.aarT, ISTO, Lb* boors to 11 •. Y. and 0 r. n. J. E. UltoDY, Ja.. Card:arr. Ptr - rxernott, Pa., Deruran r 11 . 1880. NI try", NATION AL SIAM I ut , cciatocr ii. IRT" AN ELECTION FOR DI 14E4T0118 of this Faro. will ho held •t the Ranker Rouse at Tll reD&lr. J.oe• y H. lii7o. betyrt oe tha hams of &ad I r.. Jvax O. Milt:TIN. Cashier. _ _ _ lotzncli sag, • • • cr•ctum... NA, R. Ptrisin KY 11 , flee .mber 10. ISIS tarTHE ANNUAL ELECTION of M. Rank Will take piece as the !Wang House ra TUZSDAT. Jaen., UM. MO, kt tureen the boon O! 1l a. Y.uadt r. canter. Inux CJITT 10•110/.•1.. a• rK. Inimati ueeetuner 12, WS arAN ELECTION FOR TOM _ MIN Dln ellea or this Bank, to serve dzielfig the eneellar len , . 010 to held eI ins Banning House. Yourth avenue. ouTUISJA.I. January 11, 1570. between the bourn or IS S. And 3 r. r. J. MAll(l7lrje, Cued.. /11-1-tatlitrt 2 1 •1101,L8.11‘. t PrttliactUlt. trim. r EILLCTION OF ILIUM!, TOSS to serve dart. lb I enable( year will be beld al me Danl.( House, So. 33 ?Mb oa 7 I'ENOLY. January 11 h LSTO, betereen tber haute of 11 A. N. and 1 T. kr. W. 11cGLNDLESS, erACADEMY 7F MUSIC. U. talAu, Mannlas Dl.% e.ury. GRAND GERMAN OPRRA =1 IX= CONLMINCIBI.I TUESDAY LP`) O. PLC. 11 When the triglnal e Imps.) of /Sma `trios d wellsnion fenalog aof el of Me Otte( mode.' Weal la the oentstry. •ed wtert r. °tette closed .n 'he le‘ad , se opera the Pele alp& d lee of the honed dew B 101 hell an .cons, 111 roattl.. aspar the eb•Post work• of their EEPEWIitt, which will b. selected Rom the lollownp lt pgaa, OA Mg DER TREERCH••TE ri ELI ,MA PT'S •, JUIVX. net (the Jewe...) Keel "J nTI. (Ole Zmtberl.te, eta tkalleey, VD et he We of ne• reed Peel. will e entnenn. at R. ft EVER L BROl l e Yuan !tors. LIS Rood at eel, Friday Mo OWE • nine olelnek. READ! HEAT`! HEAD!. CORN'S &mood In ono Wants, without blooding rr leaving aorenan: Bantam and Dloounocl Haile enove‘ln • few salon • All onerallou per ebrole4 wither" psto Cr lidondebod I Perfect comfort Incenedlataly I i• aaleoaaae soedljat rued! No rare feet after Operalleg I ud SIM Joints tzealerd taste nettri Peas-41W aad Cllllblalas avadla • Lew dp► . Batlehetloo slyea or moo.) eetoaded. Ocala Otte Iteferracee it.... 001 e. Rears hots A. a. to 13 M. aid 'jos r .. Sundays, otoll A. m., gam, IT*. 49 HMI street.. ON Oste..ll stem ' • Dr. 1411.0:00 D. PDTDDSOD• iltlasart4 h'.: 4MVAinE —Ts goad kftalloo or, Zolenop'• Plant Road, 101 At ' , mood 10 Ptother, room or Ow Doe lino Poore, Ore lard, lflelm,. Shot mad wan.lumwr„ Prr.....7fertio Clrreb. sear ado% Cattione Cuoreb. Rdtel sad Ponoillo• area itais one ini:a • 118 , 1r.T 9 d eo 11.10.% klokl morning end pouts (Pi • Wm r. Tor rlq OPVII to b. Cll2 VOMR, ' !,7 , iziti Mit% • copy I. ftrulalbed gestottousty to otter .0 of • el.?, of too. rootuassacts an •••toil to set •11 NORMS. •dadram PEItIIIIII IN , RIR6II Js NEW ADVERVTB I)issoLUTlON.—The Br a t of UR A FF, Ii'DEVITT & CO. ~..r MeORVITT Nii;l=!!fflWrlMM 7:: t " al ".• Mont, Irtima aro to o 1.1 • t.. 4.1.0( • 1.2.• tad 411 erg. " 11.41111 n sof ,k 1,4 1112=021 111:1=1 Perrsba non. Uec. lllBlil. JA.113:21 A.. sc..l,r.vil.r. S I DA RD TIME. WE TAKE THE TRUE TIME Traimit Observations O 1 the km at Oar Own observateray J. R. REED & CO., Jeweler% No. 68 Fifth AT ARTISTS ' ENGIN 33 MATER' AI". IE=11:1 Pascal Crayoac, Water Colors, of aft ratloVe •- .. roenalala Pail Cap aad'f , ica, Baas fista and la:last. Bristol tow. India Ink, I' rants,: Idol ratcants. ireaarler Tacks. WhataaaVa Denning Paver Iworlaad Boxwood Vc •lon, 1 l bogeatth le and Ilapplag Pe oa. Bail mg Pena, Lead Paverlc vended. India Babb. Yield Books, Cross 51c. ton raper, Profile floor. Metallic 'float, pea, I...scans Linen. ?mini Pave& /OIL SALE AT 71111 nallonery sod Prielin6BW6lishmest or W. S. HAVEN-, Cor. Wood t treat and if ird Avenue. 42,11.14 ELEGANT HOLIDAY GOODS, No. - HO Market Street . compriotiag an nuasithily laze sad iklie•Short oorttoott or rAinta. 171113rN•. WOMAN sad =BUM PAW! AarquAts. issizoliimod di rect enrol ismsolosturstro 01 oar KT Cs-Stagar oa his lota .1111 to Ealopo. No Viva Straits an paid by parebaidna at this Unite. ?b. noel camp:tars Superb Paris Flower Stands, card Rereivers, Elegant Glove Boxes, Elegant Aitisadkeref Work BCKCCS, Writing Desks. Portfolios. Locket Books, Dressing ams, 8, ^ 1 """Y• Albums. Cabas - -- VielltlOCigareases Bassia Leather Saes. Ladies' Companions, Moreees Satchel s Odor Cases, Bohemia Glass and' t Mita rases. Asta4Ve.'e, /131.0".14 , • tat. imwril C. YIUGEB & CO. GRAND SALE HORNE'S, 01!1 MARKET STINT Heavy Decline in Prices! NEW GOODS. FOR THE HOLIOAYS! Oar Special Holiday CLEARANCE SALE =I On Xonday, December 14h, When our WHOLE STOCK vin be offered at prices to conform to the present low rates prevailing. in NSW York. EVERY DEPARTMENT Has been replenished duritigihe put week, with . NEW AND CHOICE GOODS Stated to the Holiday Season, In addition to onr regular Ibmi of desirable goods, we shall offecii As A SPECIALTY the best lino u.carnicrin caber Lace, Articles Ever shown in this city antatioal WWI& We invite einrybody . to thisale, pramiaing to all prompt =balite attention. OSRPR DORNII 77 and 79 Mailee4:444t. •........ N. a Goo''Pl6 'orth f ; •-• AN T 0 1r KID: glAnrp, Good as ItlY male, PI Vgte sad b. la $1.13 Per wkkh is Me thir ttwatilktast of • 1114atal.r.. , • 1111 er' ,, Vri.ok • 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers