& STEEL WORKS p58ui.t.431 , , .'STEEL yowls. 16TkBLIESEULD IN 1845) ANDERSON - 4--ihr—OODSfr 1131ST. ;. ROI 1 01811.: : STEEL eiers: +QeacriPtl®. lifinettentur Plow ad Spring, Ital. OQBN:ica. poik4p. irrasTATENtr4, : flttii,-, 2 itutbrif4l-4 MEI tlliftw.t.t g • GElrdtp. rastifissi WM. METCAT.., IMEN MILMILLER, LLE GEO: W. BABB, - CHAS. PASSIM. , ..CLWP4-IFri‘Z PARC CRESCENT STEEL itiTORKS, Wanly BOIL & PARKIN LAertyiwet,- PiTTSBIGEHHiPA.•I DUQUESNE. 7W - OBIES: 001111111. AN : MIK! & * CO . - .. mpooirftsb: IRON, .NAII4S, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCSp 1%, - 7.L. nvonsgeng, L. N, AND JUNIATA, - 1 --- PLAT R, H OO P ANDA QARE MON.. floAillaiallrO7D . iIiPATV K IR°N, GUARD, ,___DRAO and DRO PER BARS. IPLANGSN,s.IOtrrrEB HAM, • OIiLIND , LBON,_ _.. L SI , Atli) 71,&T ; ECILIL for Coal:Ronde.. 0 . ge.IIS VINM I ZUVIRP , TO W B i) _ STEEL; TEFLI,I4..p.Ii.V.W.LIK3 %1 St ?Vern a : . . D ''''''''' °' "''' A. AOR, BUGOTaadiVADON kiPRENGS and InTr IC ITARS kW dPIKES. . ' .•. ,: A/1 Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS; ilateeneh Street-and Altegheny River, and FT Water Street, Pittsburgh. • s imrir,fiTEM womo. ZINGER" NDEOK & 00., tannfocitirers of every description of AND)=6IEBAN STEEL, ' SAILW STAMENS; • ALM. 4:C AND PLATIPMEM epicures, AXLES, MOIL THOS. to., to , . Warehouse, ' 88 Water aad 100 First St& BLACK ,DLOWND .WORKS. I PARK IROTHER :& CO., 9 Narosraeturors or all descriptions at SSUCUIZEIELICA.. Mace and Wareitoilee, itErlarlaTH_ THEIRIT ma and BiThROAD FrItICBTS. PMEIBIIEGMe . BIL4SS FOUNDERS. ITET*TELY - 1134.1E1115t; . , succusqn .To • JOHN Id. COOPER & CO, •' Bell and -'rasa . nitinders. 1111tAtig 'ltiil4llll - 1 1 11 - OS . • MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. "lilaliable and Illitofieil''Fittlng% GAS PIPE AtiN 'TURING, Iitii(44I . P;SAMT 1lfl1? tgzeivveiil ItiN44 - owior.r.isiTiigri.':' • COOEC.S, Bram 'wok of everi - destmlialon for Sean e Water and ,OIL - meavEACTUBEfa Or COOPER'S . • •, , 110r0i4::Eidalicelleer'Ateinf Pump. 444 /or :Drooritio -‘•Jol.,4:akiii,est in the ifarket. -andlifforkth corner Thilleenth ando6 Pike trains. - 1 IRON WORKER ulli • SIBISWIROERSS The Trustees 4 m2,now Prepared' les ior the use of the SMLEBSEtAIIPEri PRO OB3B. - ". .4. • • 5 A The superior' mislity - Imparted to . fra =lron, the great improvement in inferior iron. slid the reduced eost.commend it to ail manufacturers of Parties vrisidtg to can obtsdnatßieihy 4 .,, ; 4 :- - JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for the Trustees, Jo _BOOMS 1 and 2, Englisitl BM Ws& 96 3 6 nah veu Par ties interested are' Millie.] to visit the fiIIOgIiBBSOBB. WORKS. where the recess!. novr in succeasfai operation. tee: elft 'EVERSON, PRESTON. O. 1;30., Pennsylvarda Iron Works. w..,?s.ftnios , spd-var irpsEg onolutexasorgizaelallouto.-1 stull:0 PITTSBURGH GLASS. CHIN 100'W NEW GOODS. . FINE VASES, BONZIKUNI AND CHINA. aaW IYZYL_ZIA, 4 , I . fins .t . 5 i,44 3 ; , • , 0111 PT 0,11143 SMOKING OETS, , Above stook of alma RaThOLA4OODs of all desorlptlana. 1 . -Z lOLA_ feel estlened no one need Trtl tc be salted. E. BREED a; CO.! 100 WOOD 11=1 ENGINiei BOUJIM,' &o. N MGR 10LE8C CO .. • • . . Cor. Point Alley and-linquesneSt m , (Naming POirtY,i • ' Engine 73tiiiderb; f0nn40.4 . • slid : . Machin44lo4 • • ,• Atinnfieturs TITAN:I3OAT INGlNEttiatt STA. TIONABY SNOLNES, of all sizes. BMW attention tnvited . to.ou.rnnwE/TATLoN,. - A OIL WELL IMO= ALM poßgAnts, BOlLl_t_Sjof 16-h wer: - OASTlrteilipL enu d inadito °Mar iitour Foundry, on THIRD beloyr Market. BleB fo. 011CkflAFILIta • FILLLZYS, HARGEBBO Ana B _1B:0_ and IBONTOBAOCO wand 'MIAs to order, at the • ; fs, I 011 D Ureftl AL * VitinKS frialtint,olllthgAlleglymy ;Liven aurae Pant , . trr,Tonninnt, - MP All order% nrototly tiled. TIMM r itT P ir r ROW MU AND TAU CARROLL et SNYDER, iLtampAqills Or TusuLAß, yousur, mtnrx• =strum ntureßox AND OTLINDEN STEAM BOM BED. OIL STILLS AND DM , PANlfik•• CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING , PANS, SALT FANS AND CON. DNNSEES. trraex ES eAsoitaxans AND /EON BRIDO , PRISON DOORS AND 00AL SHIITNII • one. and WarenollSofeerner Second; Third, Short and Liberty Streets. AP °ltem; ..it to the above saran be promptly attended to. , mh7:182 BOBABNIMAi& co., ILER MARERS AND SkINNT ERONIATORNZRA, NOB. SO, SS, S* AND Sti ?SAN ST. - Having secured alarge yard and [unlined tt with the meet approved machinery, we are pre pved to manufacture every description of BOlL talhe Wirt manner, and "warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Sire Beds, Mani Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Conden sttling ers; Balt Pans, Tanks, Oil r ß j t d llie, ns. /Wier Iron, s, b asal ranN Se Kole m Ta anufacturers of Brezlll's Pat ent 'Boller& . Bemiring done on shortest notlee.: JAMES M. BITES, Ras. 55 and 56 Water Street, IRON - OIL TANKS, 4 lETIZINO PANE, OOPPKBELICAM PIPE, BOLLINO SILL ESTROR:R. , Ana sag= IRON WORE, Por OMnisaboats. UK= al. D. Num JARED ML. BRUSH 1116 SON, Steam Bolls% Oil Stills, Tanks. =MET IRON WO= &CI 62 Penn &rein, Pfttatnsigh, .Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, kko. AL BRADLEY tt CO., NO. BO WOOD STREET, Eanufseturers of the greatest variety of . Cook, Parlor. and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND. Di our assortments/Elbe found all the LATEST tATTbENS AND IldPROVSkiEbTri. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that, any one in Want of a good article Should purchase none but those manufactured by us, au they will be found the moat durable swivel as economical. Would call cartictitar attention - to our new VOLCANO STOVE. rOr Churches. halls and stores. Over SW sold in tbreetiontlth. intended for with or with out casing: Ail who have used them pronounee them superior to any other and far Cheaper. Send for Catalo e and ice Wt. . IRlff l lllloll3 &CO, -•-murcralcrimasor U3T ititatlM It•li s ittio, l73Eo ' =M P , riiralf j COOKING RANGE, 'THE: -FIER Y liIIIINACE,". , Wi roirliu nina Mum& THE `NM AIVII;AUNT COOKING ETON% "BEOULATOI%," OOLUMBIA COOK STOVE. TAWS' (Cincinnati Patten* POBTABLN JIANGXI) LET IRON MANTLES% WIILLMAN't3 BEFLECMOBOiBIATESS free tram atrt, awl dust etIJX4 PEU=S. 104 Le. 208 and 288 liberty Street, eirteolf .• - • PITTSBUBUH. PA. s Mork& • CET THE BEST. 'ElligiSlgiarilit CO.'S TRiUAgPH FOR BITErIII2IOI7B COAL, hPatkiii 3lo i Rowan Rtll gs any other Store In the Union. , BJWILT, & 00. No. 886. Liberty Street. saloon gland and An EOM PABLO 11l i paV Ton GR O ZM N G FDI%a, BUILDERS , 300.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150.000 feet 18 loch Cies:Plank; 115, 000 feet - 13 lath Dommon Plank; 515,000 feet Dry / andrl inch Oak: . 95,000 ft. S and 3 inch Poplars 10.000 teat Dry Poplar scantling; 10 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. i 303.000 feet No. 1 111 inch Saginag !WOOtea. 0..1. 1154nch Shingles, sawed; ,000 o. 116-Inch Shingles, shaved; 110,300 Flre Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. = 100 Tons Fire Clay; giso w 4aw acr ber 4T L E, ask:Deem Post*, Apd all le e nlh in bandgladfor sale 14 ALE PA N. Yards— No. MI Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward,Allegheny, late bor ough of Manchester. awe ~;O,pTLEBY. Mn2M ti,U49703 WEST COMMON - WEST I lirtee i ta lme ,. _ Wife r i - , at 4 i 'Northwest corner of Wed Common, Alles&ur, 1 FILKIPIL 11M1111.7&& & CO. QM Oil band Of roue ot short notice Nur& t ra es nitkezelrer iniaptig awl - blast numb& 1 ' f? . P WORKS. PrrTSBURGII, Pa. 3231 ILINIT7AAMM3I 07 LIIDEEIER.„; Fotimb s, . NAOHINISM. liNit FORT 'PITT FOUNDRY - COIPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURG H% PA. rirEngines, Rolling Mill Altk chinery, Nail Machines Re torts, and Castings goners:llg: NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. ' . Corner Vanelland Smallman Itssets. (NINTH W. 131),) _ - PITTSMaiGait, WILLIAM . SMITH, Manufacturer - of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOB GAB AND WA'IIIBWOBIGI. Pines are all cut invarlablyln Pits, in dry sand, and 1111 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. eats of I:ar.emnafaillghtse.nd. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MIME, (successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Has Wattles co•extenelve with the leading Forges in the East, and le prepared t oromptly and satisfactority ell all orders for ST EAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROD+, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMISNRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES , LOCOMOTIVEFRAMES, _together with every description of SHAPE WORE. Mice and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. a .14:h40 ROBINSON, REA & CO., Sacceatora to 110zOr80x, MEM i ILM.I.Ena, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NAOHINISTS.PITIUMI. Manafratarers of Boat and Stationary Steam Z. es Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, fle= , Castings of all dem:lloo3w 011 andEM,_Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Oflce, No. IR, corner hint and Smithfield Streets. Anent§ for OIFTARD'S PATENT INJECTOR tbr feeding Bailers. jalla2 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Kadin Work, sAmnincy BT.. Amass Harr CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Steam Snouts, tau Press.% Shafting. Orin and tlair MIII Work, Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bus, Weights, Wagon Boxes, do. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. myl4:qs OILS. DIANIOND OLL WORKS. N. M. LONC & CO., Odes, DAL:GILL BUILDING. Duquesne Way. Plttaburah. Pa. VirARLItGC AND IMO, 'ConnLulea Xerehann and Broken 11 Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, OUQUESNE WAY, ritILADELPHIA. ADDRIEBk, :BOOBS 17, Chamberof Commerce, spio 133 SOUTH BBOQXO wrsairs. irACH BB"REBSi COMMISSION MERCHANTS a2rD DZAL/12/8 Petroleum and Its Products, pittitz t uutar v l y warwe B Irwin UILDING. 4ozaer Phlisleaphis OBee-11111, WALNUT BT. aouweo ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HEIBERT, W.. C. TWEDDLE. MANHPAOTI7III4I Or Lubricaiing & High Test Burning Oils. Relives Railroad Axle OH. Mends great heat without , change; TeIIIIIIIII limpid al lowest temperatures. special 011 for ' tropical alienates or hot weather. lecomoilve. Engine, Raehloe Shops Wiliest Screws. • . - Daw NM ed high and Plani ngspeed ULU Oil& Adwt ios . /piddle :00, : Wool Head•Lialat 00, Oil, Tanners , gin* genial& . _ __ ins II gladabina Oil. gasoline, "farness WCl A ___ ',arraign& Iron ARMOR VABNIBEI L tO preserve Bright I Work and Itaellinery from Bust. IThese prodoets.are manufactured • under Dr. waddle , satentbf Superheated Ream In Vac doe. Ihe Lubriciling OM are almost Warless; perfectly pure - anDorm, and meal _ light col ored. Wind a lilkli temperature use ed. ands rain limpithiorins extreme cold. The lu arequalled sod ore c onstant use on any_ o ch e prlnelisi =wows. Bonilmn be , Wsed and orders left 'at 11 D IITHEICT, Works at liharpslvors Bildt& NOVELTY WORKS. pimanuni NOVELTY WORIES. isettnded OM ADAMS. & CO. raasurityraasint - • fIir iii ° 4II7 I IT7O I III I VITYPRIEU P'626 .• janiti Paced 'Patent Dai• Local aid 1 4 63 tieh • Paint and Clones Wild. MAIER- OP EThstozipag atOILINT 81% , Pitaabturerat. powers. , PRO " INROV:I•Iyelf0,1,0,111We roma Ordr/12 nrlll6To S logo o , Ao4OVR A prua.„ rittsbll oPt• " 11 . " IiVOT.,g4 ReziniscrOßlTT! it7skeran4 t. Jeattiarliffigr" Trr Tatkosikui t ,,,,ill i b k r_e_ce_ired aS Mos , Va l itiMArtinklietiiiiiirtti is ` or UM 4 Mull! N. J.MQOBI4 CM/ saucer.. . ri" L yn 'on FINANCIAL. AMERICIUM NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PiTTOBIIRGEI. CAPITAL 9200.00,0 , Stockholders Individually Liable. ' DINH OF DISCOETNT 'AND DEPOSIT JOHN YLOYD WK. FLOYD. \ , President. Caahleri - ; I inuii: N. starst6th, John M. idnitlind, Win. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace, James W. Arrott, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. 8.-Iteech, .. 1 W,.,1 /fluid. . dorm !love, ' - • ! - _ This Bank is now t a lly organised and prep i to do a general Banking business. l jelok43 AVENtr E B '4 Of Pittsburgh. No. 195 FIFTH' AVENUE. CAPITAL. $lOO,OOO. • STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDITAILLELTA BL • • 1 SI & X PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time p d :vilt o ,,Yot t la n gtai n er i ald o Zall2dits c iintrs e i favorable term. • v , Extbango op the Vrltiolual Foreikn titles bought and sold. Dcontit days Tuesday and Friday. Open from 9 A. ti • to 3 r. al., and on Saturday evenings from 6 to 9'o'c:oak. • DlSztlTOtts: • • • ED. DITHRIDGE, W. P. WEYMAN,_ W. H. SIMS. FRANK SIEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, HENRY MEYER,. DAN. ILLNZER. ARMOR.,' EMIL PCERSTEL. ' • ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. E. SCHENCK, Cashier. aullimsl. • , r CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, PittBhtugh, P• 9 _ CAPITAL, 6100,000. • BTOCEBOLDEBt -INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAO ON DEPORTS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE - Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Etimpe. Collections made on all the principal ialntslot the Unised States and Canada. DOMINICK IBxBHB President. JAMES MCCABIL. Vide President. ' W. N. Idoscur. Cashipr. DIWICTORS. . .. D. Ihmsen, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Ravage, J. Dunlevy. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan Mu. B. Barr, H . A.Freyvog ie, "Jno.Jos.Hermann„ Thomas Barnes, ' Hugh Keating. - Jel:ks F:IIP 41 Of Pittsbux;dh. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylyst nia,„JanuarY 24, 11367. For the safe•keeping of Bonds and other Securities, Gold said /1117er, - Silver Plate, Books., . Records. DOiniondi Ind Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and for the renting of Safes in its burglar-proof vaults. Building and Office: .ro. S 3 FOURTH .IFEXUE, PITTABWRGH. PA. PRESIDENT-WILLIAM Y'HILLIPS. VICE PEESIDEN'T - 41ENILY LLOYD. WM. PHILLIPS, JAMES' I. BICHATETT, 111 , NEY 1.1,0 YD, IBYRON H. PAINTER, WILLIAM REA, JOS. 8. 31011.1118018, WILLIAM )I. Ir LYON, !GEOGE IMAGE, CUT/8 HUSSEY. SIWDETAHT AND ?REA/WHIM C.. F. VON PUNNLIORST. au2B:n6 HART, CAUQUEI £ CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streefo, • PITTBISTJ3I4SIIII, • 1113001:1180118 TO HA3NA. SA.II.T 000 amiss , • Exchange, Voin, , Coupons, And particular attention aald to the pupa's sad sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. • Sight Drafts cin London. raylukti POW RAILWAY GOLD LOAN, Messrs, BARNET, MORGAN. lc CO 6: Exchange Elate, and A. JESUP 12 Pine stmt . ,: 1!. T., Offer for - stile the Bondi of the Kansas Pacific. Railway. These Bonds pay seven percent: iteGold ; have -thirty years to run; arc Fretklmm Government Taxation; are secured by a Laud=Brant:Of:ThietNilliofl lerelibrthe Fined Lands in Hansa' 'and Colorado. In addition to this special pant the Coin- Poori ll . lo °WO* 10041 1 41 1 of loges In Hansaz, which are liCingtapidly sol;,t0 develoP'thb country andjiaprove'thaitild. They area first mortgaielipin the extension of the road flom Sheridan, " Haaas to. Denver, Colorafik. The rag in 9pera§m, 417 mile& tom, ton which iitt Idle apart. gage, NOW EARNS MORE TEAM 'ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PIT TEE: INTEREST ON TIM , 'NEW LO4N4 ► Vitro isto Mtn leenrity • in the market—thii being in itZi 4 .1-- I some, naPeCtil ,bAtter'llittr Government Be-- iiiiffitt .040 i I -- PAYABLE 'IN Gel& Pilert -911 $ 11 e$ 14 . 1c ili btereit; tjqicpTh ' ‘ Wein • d, )q. Int Cireilhar rirnaiiiii On =MU& don Val) al,fl}l/10:11 II " • tf ovvrt/ vo ; I THE r'} .~;? 1t FQ~' 40-003 CAD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. ) - PH. R. MERTZ, Banker . tor. Woo d . and Fi ft h Street& i krt . NlT:lntaxis re sop, 57 Market Street, rri-rwsztarnen, , )011 Clalleetions made on iii the prinogrom Points 01 Is United states and Canada. • Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT Asa> BOLD di C 0 4011138/ON. Particular attention paid to the imam and Wool United States Sedurities. ialo:ai JAMES To BRAffy 86 CO. 03necessora 08. JON/t8 C 0..)& Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 33.a.rarimirt.ms, BUY AND BELL ALL SINDB OF GOVERNIENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVOItaiILdE TEEMS. Interest Allowed on Depoidtehr /Or Monty loaned on Government Bondi at lowest matzet rates. Orders executed for the Purahase and Sale of STOOSS, BONDS and (TOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. littstut Gaytts. FINANCE , AND TRADE. Onnas or Prrresuseir. GAzarra, Tussmiy, Sept. 7, 1869. Government bonds were very much depressed on lower quotations from Europe, and the sudden demand for money. The market opened' weak, declined at noon and • closed dull and heavy With the lower quotation for gold. It is more the fear of a very tight money market that accelerates the decline in bonds,;than large lots offered for sale. A declining gold market, and the increaaed offers of good securities ,on the market, yielding - from' 7, to - 8 per. cent interest, diminish the demand for Government hoods. and must even. wally depress their market value in currency considerable, although their real value of gold standard Is ',increas., Gold opened but steady until af ter the usual" ariangements for loans had. ,been made, When the market sud denly broke to .1,t6X, - . closing heavy at 186y(@186%. The reports of Napoleon's health had no influence on , the market, but simply stayed a rapid decline, which is;lOoked for on . the flrst assurance of our European money centres being in a nominal ;condition again. The , . design orthe cliques in gold,Boivever hightbey may have intended . ,to,carry the premi. Um, was frustrated yesterday by . a split in thexanks'oindtcma Traction Was a ready seller early .: in _.the , . . day. -To morrow *fit niest - Ilkbly" deClde the course of plclThr•tplillm ti bf tlick'nprith;• and it deirrilward v alteavY :decline nine' t be leelicid4 o l% *, - - -1 - 1 •-. • . Stooks ar% veii dull:iirld generallY lower throughout: SomykiofNie aligned atock have, suffered a heavy decline, and do not seem to touch the lowest point, yet - express shares renudn 'firm, and should Merchants 'Union declare' a divl 7 • dead during .: this, month ,_ _.illi bp. e;sPeet• ed, a sharp rally may be looked fbr, as the short intereatis xery large. 3 i - . Money is more in demand; but good, borrowers , are supplied at. low rates. 13Asiness Is _du11. Quotazians sal received b y , ,PIIL . R. Mertz: Gold, 186 X; Silver, 130; Eighty- One's, 122; 'Five Twenties, '1862, 122; do .„1864 t 121%;_,d0 /86E4_122; -, ,d0, 1866, D0inf015‘ , 120A,.. , '246 1867,120 9 do/1868, En; Ten Forties, 11030 New Tor", tre', '2oBk; Erie, —; Beading, 913.5;; r . ttsburgh. port_ Wayne. & _ Chicago Bailrm4•l464lohia a • Weedopl4lBl%; chien, kif.mtbern, 101,.f _ Cleve. d 7 ,de.Pltbiburfb. Pyi RAMP dr Island, 1 114; C cage ilt North estern t 7 . 03 i; Chicago & North Western eferred, 884;; Adaina Eipress Coln: ' Ili 463.0. POrdhantes t Unkrif Exoressi 01 , f ac idepadj; - —; '-' Weir:ern 'llFnichi esk Telegraph Company, 86%; American Ex press CemPila MU- P . !! r; .1‘ ' 81011Alialh Large. Small. Loodao, PcittL‘..- • .... .. -4%M - • 1 8 ' 85 Paris. per franc 2731, 28X Berlin. thalet ' ' ' ' ;99 . 101 Frankfort, florins • .. :6834 , ~"- Al __ —Closing quo4tions.received by Juni* T. Brady it C•k! Gold: 18634; -United States Sites,, 1881; • 122;• Flve.Tweguem Igo, ip, do. 1864, 121 X; .do. 1865, 122 Ten-Forties, 110 X; Five.Twenties,,Tanu srWend July :1864.12034; AO. 'do. ;186'4, 490_ , do. ~' :do. lessi , , t2o; , , Due Comet imucale, ' 119;; Ihgori o l'aciliemitailread, $6; Central do. d 0,90 ;, Cy . ' X'acllic, 10934; LaikuStiperior,96y • - • r , • ihr Teleirob to the Putsbaishfis'iatte:l ..2... 1 . , TOR/CO4 I , 3 PICIVfr er 71 MI ,`. Mono getlV9 at 7 Rer'cent currency 40% gold:; The :liiiiiii were calling in gold t°,1431* 40: PlitValliklllol 4 404,, - Voinr.kuow , Eiter, ltmkg sio_inlizsl at eati y 4 l . Ohldlaiiiii icdliel.oPiabti ifskilei Mt to`: ;,,lifid lead otOittur.W aides 442 .154XeltiOA, ibliai7, Der , ...":' li tirfg ri t pons t 411, 12230)122M; dch ist,,, --- n, MS I= (4122 3 4; do. 'B4, 121%0121%;do.- 1 65, 121% Q 122; do.'•ilew. 120g@l2W3i;; clii l B7 120% @120%; do. 'BB, 120g@120%. l(F•4o's, ll@ 113 i. Pacifies, i0®1034. • IState Bonds irregular; Missouris, 87; old Venn. 61; do. new, 52; old Virginias' 5534; do. new. 38; old North Carolinas, 55 34; do. new 47%. Stock Market feverirdiand unsettled.] Pive-Thirty Prizes: Canton, 58: berland, 32; Western Union Telegraph, 36g; . Quicksilver, 1434; • Mariposa, 7; do. preferred, 12; Pacific Mai], 78k; Adams Express, 56%; Wells, 1834; Amer ican, 36%; United States, ,S 2; ,New. York Central, 204%; Harlem, '157; Hud-• son, 181; Reading, 953;; —Erie, 33%; do. preferred, 57; Michigan Cent, tral, 128 3 ,4; Michigan Southern ' 101%; Illinois Central. 137; Pittsburgh, 108%; Northwestern, 7934; do. preferred, - , 89; .Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 78%; Rock Island, 111%; St. Paul, 76%; do. preferred, 85%; Wabash, 78; Fort Wayne, 863;; Terre Haute, 34; -do. pre ferred, 58; Chicago and Alton, 150; do. preferred, 150; Ohio and Mississippi, 31%; Columbus, .Cincinnati and Indiana Central, 3334. Mining shares dull; Smith & Parmele 262. Boston prices. Calumet 50; Cop. per Falls 8%; Franklin 13; Hecla 80; Quincy, 25. Sub Treasury balance $87,- 350,083. - . EZ:2I PITTSBURGH RABBETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE,_ TUESDAY, Sept. 7, 1869. The general markets are quiet and de void of anything deserving of special notice. The grain market is unsettled and irregular, and notwithstanding the receipts are not unusually large, prices are tending downward. Flour, also, is dull, with - a drooping tendency. Gro ceries, with the exception of sugar, for which there is a good demand, are also dull. Green truck in good supply and cheap, while fruits of all. kinds appear to be firmer. APPLES—With an increased demand and diminished arrivals, the market is firmer and prices better, ranging from 12.50 to $3.50 per bbl. BERRlES—Blackberries higher, with sales at sl@l,lo per bucket. BUTTER—Prime to choice is very scarce and prices have again advanced; we now quote at 30@35. CREESbI—Is steady, but 'Unchanged, ranging from 15 to 17, the outside figure for New York. Goshen. CARBON OlL—Standard brands may be quoted at 29@30 for round lots, ar.d Slig32 in a retail way. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulio Ce ment is quoted at 1)2,25 per bt)L EGGS—Scarce and higher, with sales reported at 20, for fresh packed. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at 80®85 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots la store. FLOUR--Is dull with liberal arrivals and a supply fully up to the demand, which is almosi wholly lobs!. Winter wheat brands are still quoted at $7@7,50. There is little doing ,in spring wheat flours and not much in market. GRAIN—Tbe mills are receiving considerable wheat, while dealers are getting but very little; prices weak and drooping,sl,3o®l,32 being about the best bide. Oats firmer under the influence of diminished receipts, but as yet, no higher-47®48 to the trade and 48@50-in store. For rye there were no buyers to day above $l,lO, and to sell at this price holders will lose money. In regard to Barley, buyers seem determined not. .to go above $1,25, that is for prime. Corn dull and unchanged; small sales of prime ear'at SI. GROCERIES The market, with the exception of sugars for which there is a demand, is dull with a light volume of businers in the aggregate, and no change in prices. SCOARE—S H, 11%®12f' A A, 13; Ha vana 1335®14; Cuba, 1231(4)13; Portoßico, Demerara, 15; New • Orleans, but little prime in market and sells readily at 14®143,x• lower grades, 13; Refined, Ex. C, 1535;,8, 15%; A, 18; hard, 17. MorAssim--New Orleans of goodqual ity is m strong request and bring 85®90; Porto Rico, 85®75. • SYriurs—White Honey Drips, $1,10; Silver Drips, 95c; Jersey, 90c; Lovering, 90; Golden 70; Amber,Bo; °Common 50. Coma—Fair to od Rio, 20422; Prime, 24M®25; Choice. 26®28%. Rica—Carolina, 94‘c®10c; Rangoon, 9. Tises—Yonng Hymn, $1,00®1,80, G. P., $l,lO to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85to /1,45. Bou Chong, 900 to $1,50. • ' • Sreacmt-Pearl,7%; Silver Gloss, 11%c, and Corn Starch, 12%c. ' ' CONCENTRATED LYE-48,00_ per Case. FRllrrs--Layer' Rai*" 13,50 per box; Matt do, $7,50; Prunes, 140; Currants 123fc; Valencia Raisins 1435. SPrime--Criesia, 75c; Cloves; 45c; grain.. Pepper; 38 Allspice, 33e; Nutmege,ll,so. Rut LEAD-12%c; Shot, 53,25 per bat SOAPS--"Babbit'a," 12c: "Oaliely's, llo; - Rosin. ,Vto 7o; i'Dobbin's," 15c; Wax,lloc; Chem. Olive, 9c. Ossnmas—Mould, 15%c; Star, 2335 c. Br CARE SODA-5634 per, 100. HAY—Sales at Allegheny - Diamond': market of 45 loads, at $15@22 pei ton. HEMP—Verrdullv $205 per ton. HUSKS—Salerrat 2%®3 ote - per porind. r.rmir—White Lime is quoted atsl,so, and Cleveland at $2,50" per bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. I, atl,43,and No. 2, ats 1,05® 1,08 PROVISIONS—The demandlis fair, but unchanged. Bacen, , Shoulders, 15X; Ribbed Sides, 1834; Clear do, 1934; Sugar Cured Hams, 23@2535. 'Lard, 20X in times, 211 n half bbls, and ; gl% in buck ets and kegs. Mims Pork, 133X(§)34. Dried Beef. 22. PEANUTS—SaIes at 15 cents. - PLUMS—Sofa to-day at /4.75@)5 per bushel, mostly at 13. I FEMMES—We .can report sales all the way from .2 to /3 per box, the lat ter figure for fancy. SWEET POTATOES—SaIet of Jer- Xey sweets at-$8,60@? per bbl. I:3ALTr—IB firmer, with sales of car load lota, at /1,85 per bbl., • SEED—Small 'sales of timothy seed at 14,30@4,75. Nothing doing in clover and flaxseed. TALLOW—Rendered 'quoted at 101 i. WATERMELOgS—Range all the way from fl 2 to f2O per ,100. - Live Stock bliarlget. Catomio, September 7.—Cattle dull, and prices 20@,450 lower; f1,60®5 for fair to good cowi,lls,?)@6.for light and s7@ 7.3734 for good to choiceshipping beeves. Hogs steady and active for best grades; 4 8 , 2 4(?.8,50 for c0mm0n,58.80@9,25 for tail* --meilintn r , and ',400)10,123f for good to prion. - • . Sr. _Louis, September 7.—Cattle; there • is -a fair business in common and me dium grades and little doing in pritoe f • and choice, which are in light supplyv,l prices range froint 2to ego. Hogs steady and firm and supply small; stock bogs sell ;at 17@8;and heavy at gq>l.o. 'Mir Good's' Mariceit. ;wi lw long, septempor.—The, Ars. Mode niarket rag quite soll l vethrough. - 4 outind tloos wit* weneriaty.' tank %w), 2 . 44 h Erkhosd No. g Lin. soy ' limpitMo 180, y tO • =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers