Q le .1:1 t OMR TWAIMS B . „ Some lExtracts--Stleftael Au'. . ii . tering ills Go e - untes--Amertc A .1, ) . Concerning ;Michael An 10, Twain Writes tikfellOws in hisiii, ook Innocents Abroad— net ',published: -In this connection I wish: to sa one word about Michael Angelo ' 11012 ni.' • 1 il I used to wor s hip the migh ty gen nanf . Michael Angelo=that man w ho was great .1 in poetry, painting, sculpture; ar itec ture—great in everything he undo took. But I do not want Michael Ang lo for breakfast—for luncheon—for diner— . for tea—for supper—for between eels. ... I like a change occasionally. Inenoa be designed everything; in Mil he or N his pupils designed everything; e de signed the lake of Como; in Pad a, Ve rona, enici;,' Bologna, whom' id we a i ever, hear of '' from guides but Michael Angelo I ' 14: - Riorence he painted ' everything, designed ever, thing, neitrly, and whatr,he•did i not ;design he, used to sit on a favorit* stone . and look it, and they showed uk:the . atone. In Pisa he designed , everything_but the old . shot tower, and they would have attributed that Id Min if:lt had-not been so awfully perpendibular. He designed the piers o€= out of the Leghorn and the Custom House regulatiOnto of Civlta Vecchia.: But; Vire —here it is frightful. He designed' St.' Peter's;-be designed - MkPope; ho design ed the , . Pantheon, .tlie :aniform of the Pope's soldiers, the Tiber, . the Vatioan, the Coliseum. the Capitol, the Tamotsu •, Rock, the Barberini . Palace, St. John Lateran, the Campana, ;the Appian WaY, the. Seven Hills, the Baths of Cara Calla;• Clandiat Aqueduct, the Cloaca Hairline— tho eternal bore deilgned the Eternal: City, and unless all men and books do" lie, he painted everything In it. I never felt so ferventlY • thankful, ;'so r soothed, so tranquil; so, filled with 4i. hlessed peace, as I:. did yesterday when I learned that Michael [Angelo was dead. [The guides were an ! intolerable nuts= ance, but he shows his Countrymen / Ifow to deal with them:l :0., 1.. .._‘.,. We have taken it out of ,this guide:- He„hois marched us throughmiles of pic tarep and sculpture in ilurimst corridors; and tlitni)kh miles of ' pt-tures and sculp tura in.. twenty other`: ; palaces; he has shown us the 4rettl picture of th Sistine. Chapel; and frescoes erningh.to CO the heavens—and pretty much - all done by, Michael Angelo. Bo with him we have IlaYeitthat game ,which- has vanquished Many guides for us—imbeellny and toticquesttoni. 'Mese creatures never ihl=d!ek bar no idea of sarcasm.. He ihowa:ili &figure and says: - "Btatoit Tinto." (Bronze statue.) . We look at it indifferently and the do'd ;asks: "By Michael•Augelo?" "No—not know who." Thenhe showed us the ancient Roman 'orum. The dector asks: "Michael agelo?" - ~ - A stare front the guide. "No—thou in' year before he is born." Then 'art 'Egyptian obelisk. Alain: 'Michael Angelo?" "Oh, mon dfou, kenteelmen Zis is two Susan' year before he is born!" He grows, so -tired of_that unceasing question s ometimes . that he dreads to show us anything at all. , _The wretch has tried all the,waya hi can Ahlikof to make us comprehend that Michael Angelo is only responsible for the creation of apart of the World, bit Somehow he has not succeeded yet Relief for overtasked eyes and brgll from study and sightsee ing is • necessary, or we shall' become idiotic sure enou,sh. Therefore this guide must continue to suffer. If he does not enjoy it; so much, the worse , for him. ; We doo The doctor asks the questions, .gener ally, bee - stise , he can keep his cOuntea. ance, and look more like an insipid idiot, and throw more imbecility in the tone of his voice than any man that lives. It copes natural to him. • vrheguides in Genoa are delighted to secure an American pa - ty,becauee Amer leans so much wonder, and, deal so much in sentiment and emotion before any relic of Oolemtms. Oar guide there fidgeted about as if he had swallowed it' spring mattress. He was full of animation-- . full of impatience. Ze' mum "Come, wiz me, genteelmer.l—come! I show you ze letter written by Christo pher Columbol—write it himself I—write it wiz his, own handl—comet" He took us to the municipal palace. After much impressive fumbling of keys and opening of locks, the stained and aged document Was spread before 'tta. The guide's eye sparkled. He danced about us and tapped the parchment with lila . fln ger: "What I tell you, gentlemen? Is It not so? Bee, handwriting of Christo pher Columbo—write it himself I" We looked indifferent—unconeerned. The doctor examined the document very deliberately during a painful pause. Then he said, without any show of interest: "Ak—Fergesozo,ywhat—what aid,you say was the , name of the party write '‘Christopher. Colombo; ze great Chris. topher Columbo!" Another deliberate -eiatnination.''''' - e‘Ah t •did he write it himself or—or, .lioW "He write it lilinself-;dlirfeioplier - limbo; he's own , 'handwriting; write by himself." - Then the doctoilsid the document down and said: -- - . ••;. "Why I have seetelniyikin America '3' only fourteen years old who could write I better than that," • • • ,;- "But this is the great Christhr-" ' "I don'tesie whci `lt'i'the Worst writing I ever saw. Now,. you mustie,t think yon can impose on us because we are strangers. We are not' !bolt( 'by ix good deal.:' : IC have say specimens of penmanship/ of real ,merit ; trot.• 'heal ' out—and if:you haven't drive on!" We have mide'R, hitetrating for this Roman guide. Yesterday ,we spent three : : or four: hours in the Valican sgals,ithat wonderful world of curiosities. We: came very near expressing interest some. times—even admiration;„ to keep from:it .r.‘ We suelfeeded,Acmgh. Nobody else ever did In file Yaticsn mu. seums. The guide was bewildered, non , plussed. He walked his legs off nearly hunting up extraordinary, things. and ex ^ busted alltis ingenuity onus, but'it was a failure; we never showed any interest in anything. He had reserved what he considered to his‘grepast wonder till the lait:—lt'roYal 'Egyptian' indminy, the best preserved in the world, perhaps. He tookus there, He felt so sure this backto him: I Et- 4:2 r I .n "Br, genteelmen I.4mxtmmy I mum iny • 4 • .The eyellass came up as calmly and deliberatelyee ever. • . "Ali, Ferguson, what did I understand you to say the gentleman's name . Wes?"' "Name?-he got no name I—mummy!'- 'Gyptian mummy!" . "Yes,- . yes. Born here ?" - • "No! ''Gliptian mummy!" • • ' ' • "Ah, just so: Fienchman, I presnine?" "Nol—npt Frenchman, not Romani- boin in Egypte!" , • :''Born in ,:Egyptal Never heard of Egypta betore. Foreign locality, likely. Mummy. mummy. How calm he is, ho w self-possessed. Is, ah —is he dead?" "Oh, sacre bleu, been dead three thou sand years I" The doctor turned on him savagely. ;an. oad. • rk The "Here now, what do , do you mean by such conduct as this I Playing us,.for, Chinamen because we are - strangers and trying to learn 1 Trying to impose your second-hand carcasses on us Thunder and lightning, . I've a notion t0—r0..4 you've got a uice fresh Corpse, fetch him out,fer by George we'll brain you t!' We make it interesting for thIS Print& nun: However, be has paid. pastly, withoutl**lngit. He cake the hotel this to ask if . wglvere, np, and endeavored its well as he could to, describeus. He finished with the casual remark that we - Were-lunatics, The Castration waado innocent' and so honest that it amounted t o very good thing for a guide to say.. '".'. ' - - There is' one 'Tema& (already men tioned) which never yet has failed to dis gust these: guides. We use it alway when we • cam .think of nothing else say. Alter they have exhausted 'herr en thusiasm pointing out to us an praising this. beauties of some -ancient bronze image or' broken-legged statue, we look at it stupidly and in silence for five, ten, fifteen minutes—as,long as we can hold Out, in fact—anAilen ask : "Is—is he z dead?" That conquers the serenest of them. It is not what they are looking for-4speci- Wet. -new guide . Our 'Roman, Fergits3n moat patient, ungirspecting, long. .uffering subjeet we have had yet,. We 'have enjoyed his society very much. We trust he has enjoyed ours, but we are 'harassed with doubts. [The follies of Americans aßload are well hit off in the followingsketeh, taken Parisi] • . . • . Between the promenades and the side-. walks r are seated, hendreds of peopleat small tables, smoking and taking graaiki finit cousin to ice cream—on the aide, ivalks.are more employing themselves in the same way. • The 'shops on the first' floor of the , tall rows of buildings that. wall in three sides of the square are brit- Handy lighted, tlittlir is filled'with musiii; and . mind ttoiceii;', and altogether the !scene is as bright and spirited, and full of cheerfulnesiVas'iiny man could dealie. We enjoyed it thoroughly. Very many of the young women are , exceedingly pretty, and dress with rare good taste. We, are gradually and laboriously learning the ill-manners of staring them unflinchingly. in-,,the face—not because such conduct Is agreeable to us, but because it is the custom of the country, and they say the girls like it. We wish to learn all the curious, out landish ways of all the different coun tries, so that we can "show off" and as tonish people when we get home. We , wish to excite the envy of our untraveled friends with our strange foreign fashions, which we can't shake off. All our pas sengers are paying strict attention to this' thing, with the end in view which I have mentioned: ' The gentle reader will never, never know what a consummate ,ass he can become, until he' goes abroid. I speak now of course in the supposition that the gentle reader has not been abroad, and therefore is not •already a :consum mate ass. If the case he,otherwise, I beg his pardon and extend to him-the cordial hand of fellowshipand tsli him brother. I shall always delight to meet an ass after my own heart when I shaliblive finished my travels. , ' ' On this subject'let me reinark that there are Americans , 'abroad in Italy who have actuallySorgotton their,mother tongue in three months—forgot it in France. They cannot even.write their address in Eng lish In a hotel , register. I append these evidences, which I espied verbatim from the *nestle of a hotel in a certain Italian city: f 1 "John P. Whitcomb, Etats Unto." "William, L. Ainsworth, travailleur, (he meant traveler, 1 suppose), Etats ' "George P. Morton, stills d' Amorigue." • "Lloyd B. Williams, et trete amiss, vale de Boston, Amertgue.'" "J. Ellsworth Baker, tout de suite de France, place de natesance Arnerigue, des tination la Grand Bretagne." I love this sort of people.' NEVER =Ann," says a Parrs ' por- Ospondent of the London Star, "a more striking instance of -strong men-'dyin g bard' than one th at Is.glien bathe Paris papers. A well known wrestler and ago lets of Avignon, .bearing the illustrious name of Meissonnier, caught, a few weeks ago, his death illness by wiling &little girl across a swollen pond, *Mee shtivai obliged to traverse in order to take to her father his dinner. action' was per fornieir in .the most good-natured -way. Meissonnier seeing the child, who; was to him an utter strangers .qtreinbling .and weeping on the brink,,iialil i topher,gake heart.littleone, I'll serve as, ferry for No.! Sw i nging heron hie shoo der, be carried hker over On., returning ;to the bank whence he sthited, be. slipped, /and swan. thoroughly submerge& r cold, which led to a virulent' fever- was-like result. As his end approcbedeissonziler ?literally struggled ; ,wltb thel Malady, ,and his last words were,'Oh, Death, yon 'Wire - R.l*m whit shotwoi*l'd 'Mike of ion: eat TIA.T3 worn in the seaside inFrance iiiii'verY 'varied'. this seation, and 71* marked preterfricele• accorded' to bi ts *Alt large feathers' 'and high diforiti, such as the Mofitpensier s ,a creation Mme. MoresitDidsbnry. The coquettish Mont- Denater is turn. up at one with a j a r ' i zi k bow of b c k velvet, and there Ae also a longgf44lllo that creases the crown., Thls Style 604 d -drea - amts "well the present arrangement nf plaiteVehigriOn.; called the "Onetelailterlt.3s sfooj e d - : ..va . - halt from that wO*lll,lhe / time of. the } .ll"royie. ilegontfleAfge ; was ;the principal heicine. 'A Fos concer n , . 4 ,aqmpa gn ,,i ' des m otors , d o ; a ; is ' understood to bitve'been cliariledday4e , Turkish G ov . enimeut with a enroll* work—a great girder bridge of, boata to unite; Stamboul to the suburb , of (islets; • Ilini.length of the bridge, will, it is armed{ be no less. th a r t A t m feet. ; ; ;,;; • H GAZETrE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1889, UR . tar BC l:Wit s : 'II • • 510111 e •sirittr,_•• writts INTO _Alm MANDRALISZ mire coMumPtioni Liver Complaint and penal*, If taxed aecord lng to directions: •Th are all thr •W to, be taken. at the Same time. They cleanse the stomach, re lax thelivor and Oa fowl ' o work; Mu makes petite becomes good ,• the digests and good blood; the patient begins tO _grow in flesh; the diseaset matter ripens into the lungs, and the patien outposts the disease and gets well. This is the o y way.to mire consumption. _ • To these three medicines Dr. J. Schenck, of Philadelphia, Owes his unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary. Consumption. The rai ment° Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the longs, nature throws it off .by an easy expectora thvg: for when the phlegm or matter is ripe Bitola cough will throw it off. and the patlentbas rest and the lungs begin to heal. T.. do this, the tieswead ionic and Mandrake Pills must be ireely used to cleanse the stomach and • liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup 'and the food wall make good blood. Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstructions. relax the mall of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely. and the liver is soon relleved;_ the stools will (Mow what the Pills can do,• nothing has ever been Invented ex cept calomel (a deadly po' son witch Is very dan gerous to.use .anotas with great care,) that will unlock the gall bladder and start , the secretions of the liver like Schenck 'a Mandrake Pills. Liver Complaint is one of the Meet prominent senses of Consumption. . • Schenck's Seaweed Tonic Is a gentle stimulant and alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this•Veperation Is made 01, assists. the stomach to turow out the gastric Juice to dissolve the food' with the Pannonia Syrup, and it IsMade into good b:ood without fermentation as touter_ in the atornaob. , The great reason why physiciana 'do det - tere Consumption lit, they try to do ton machrthey give medicine to stop rho cough, to stop 0111% to stop night sweats, bectto fever and „by so doing they derange the whole *digestivepowers. lock. Ins up the secretions, and eventual 4 'the 'patient sinks and dies._ • pr: Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to movebough night sword", chills or fever. Re the cense, and "say will all eto-of. thelr men accord. No one can be cured of onsnmp tion, Liver Campisint, Dyspepsia. Catarrh, Canker - IlloerntedThroat, unless the , liver en sto m ach are,made healthy. • o. ^ g person has conimnrition, of course the • gm in same way _are diseased, either tubercles, aticessea, bronenial irritation, pleura adhesion, It Is not on y the longs teas are wasting, but it is the "hole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power. to make blood out of fond. Now the only Chance is to tate Dr. Schenck's three medl eines; which will bring up a tons to thestomach, the patient will begin to want !bed, it will digest easily and make good blood; th en the patient be gins in gain' In flesh: and- its soon as the body be gins too groW,~ the tangs mratnience to heal up, and the patient gets de ihy and well. This lathe only way to cure Consumption. When there Is no iting diatom and only Liver Complaint and• Dyspepsia, liebenekle Seaweed Toxic and Mandrake Pills are suffigient, witboat the Pnlmonic Syrup. Take the•Manerake Pills freely in ail billlotis einnplaints, as the! are MX" fectly bartnless. Dr. Schenck, who has eariatid uninterrupted health for many years past , and now weighs 51515 pounds. was wasted away to a+ mere skeleton, in the very last stage of runhoziery Consumption physicians having pronounced his case bong less and abandoned hem to his fate. Me maimed by the aforesaid medicines ' , and duce his recove rrfy thousands similarly afflicted 'have used Dr. ethenek's preparation• with. the O&M re markable susses. Full direction* accompany cacti, making it not absolutely necesiary to per sonally see Dr. Schenck,— unless patients wish their lungs examined, and for this purpose. be Is prefessiebrany at hie Principal Office, Philadel phia, every eaturday,where all tenets for advice must be addressed. He is also professionally at No.. 391 • Bend street. York.. every other' Tuesday, and at No. 33 Hanover street, floston, every other Wednesday. He gives advice free, but for a thorough examination ;with his Hegel ' rometer the price isss. Once hours at each city from 9 A. M. to a,. au - - , Price of the Pulmonlc Syrup and 'Seaweed Ton iceacti4l.oo per bottle., or $7.50 • bait dozen. .Mandrakepilbi 515 cent' a box. , For sale by all druggists ,' • • • =viral- d 9P OrDOCTOR - . Ornirrrika CON TINUES 110 , TItitAT:- ALL' :PRIVATE DISEASES. That , numerous class of cases :restating from Self abuse; producing un taanlinesS, memnis debility. irritability erup tions; seminal. emissions, and Anally im potency, permanently* "dnred. Persons afflict ed with oelitate. , intricate and long mend ing constitntionel complaints are politely in 'Red to call for Consultation. which costs nothing. Experience, the best or teachers. has enabled him to, perfect remedies at once efiletent, safe, permanent, and which in most cases csn be used without hindrance to business. Medicines prer KZdbathe establishment, which embraces of reception and wailing zooms; also, boarding anu sleeping apartments for patients requiring daily-personal attention, and vapor and ch emi cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed, state your case.. - Read what he rays In hie pamphlet of fifty nages, sent to any address for two stamps In seal ed enve ope. Thousands. of cases treated annu• ally, at 'office and all over the country, Consul tation tree, personally' or by mall. Otnce No. 9 Wylie street.- (near Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa. Roars 9 J. x. to 8 r. it. Sundays 12 K. to 9 r. x. Pamphlet sent to any address for Med stamps.te ariIIATCHIEILOWB HAIR DT& This rPleudld Hair Dye is the Ulan the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless. rails. Me l tnitintillCOUS; no dlsaPPormeati , Do ft• &culotte tints; remedies the effects of bad dyes; hrtigoratee andleatestite Hair sift and beautiful. tack or Croton. Bolt 107 D andPerfamers; and properly. appUa. M 'ti m ler,' Wit Factory. Fo. 10 BOnd street: New Tort; • r : =DOC WiNEP. LIQUORS, &PI SCHMIPT.Bi.FRIDAY; NPOSTEAS OP, WINES BRANDIES GIN, &C ,, f WHOLESALE =Armor/ I 3 PURE RYE - ,WRISKIES, 409 PENN STREET,' Hoye Removed to NOB. 884 AND 888 PENN, Cora 'Eleventh St., (formerly, Canal.) JOSEPH fit. FEICK & w 1e5.487.189.191. xua MON YOST 13T8E1ET,13 4 PirTailtn* mANtaiiartiyitia 07 Copper Malted Pare Eye.. Tilibkeys le 1n 11,14139 and. LI. nikar FLOUR.' . . . . . VEAL/ L . MILL. 3 FLAILLIL—Wm ere now reoekrieg_ very, etwitrs, Southern limit and maitingtour - riour entirely from It. PE ART; TRES Z nTAR 'I4RE EN' • BEAN% 4"91010/1 PABTETANDsamy 910,11,11, made from selected Wu ite,Winter Wheat. PEARL TWO tiT AR BLUE BRA.IID; the twit family doer in , the' ni atter, , made) from Cholee Wh top and Amber Wheat. , •, • , • , PEARL °Net SCAR REIYBRA24I), i tide trot 'choice Red Wheat, high groundrand • Ives' rue" ral satisfaction. Ac a CHEAP' , OUR. - ft lakes the lead of liny in the . ;,• ' Our, cleaning _machinery L' not stispassea • liOyln the rowan. . •• ; • ~, 4 1'1; nee that all sacks are sealed an44,oCled;Ye/th date of manufacture. R. T. HENNEDY & 11110.. 11- Pearl /steam Atieghenr. August 9, 1889. ante , „ LOWS'. riOUR1:“IFIA) 11 4 : • MINNESOTA...BAKERS 7LOUREL•I ,, 480 tans. Jogai Vender. 317 bbJs Ha Ile. 387 Mils • Erni they- 110 13Als Summiti lil bbis Winona Co.. 8,3 !IMP, 144. Rkylf. 333,4 113 4 8 7 Day. CHOICE ;wmiNSIN puma ;,, `A A 860 bbli Itiversldr. 1186 Mils White:Star; thov, . bbla various brines liprlajr!lbeat R. • WINTE WHEAT FAMILY of Ilprll/ eet.y.lOhlo, Pride of. the ritigst, Depot MlUs. A:A. feraltoll, wader and Crown. Louts., tor sale lower,' than can 'De troughs tronnthe West. • ' WALT. TANGOO.. 175 EIS Al* Wood „ , 00A1CPAND 001C11:,, • 1,., (111144 COAL11:000Agt ,„, , j , DICKSON, 87111Vilt i Ctrig- 7 ,: , ..;Usvl z ratOretiP4treaoAil_l, Noe 667 i LIBERTY , Ma r t (161417 Pity Plant 7Z!ac104,11! ; ;' ire now mewed to•tarnleh.l.oog TO i r s fr ,OHENT raur. NUT Oalia. vb. tOwest morket prim. 1 11 orders left et their ogles, oroddruseg to y 'arm through the Wens Wig be anemia to Dudeptt. GM BEI A ucTioni 844 01* - la r *- . l XoSgritli- , * DPW' _. .. Clothing,Dressings, &O. 1 % • ASSIST T MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE. WAsnisoyole, D. C. Aug. SQ, Iglis. t Will be solo at Public Anciani in This cite, on TOP:SHAY. the 28th day of es ptembe,r. 1969, at Judiciary Square Depot,. E street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, at 10 A. IL, a large quantity of ..: . • HOSPITAL PROPEVY. • consisting of Be +ding, Clothin and Dressings, sunny yllen will be band lb following. viz: 5.000 Bed Sacks, 2,5t0 Blanketd. 4,000 Counter. 'mud'. 5,000 (Sutta Percba Bed C oo tra , 4,11 X) Hair Pillows. 5,060 Pillow Cases, 5, Linen Sheets,. , 15.000 Drawers, 25,000 shirts, 3, Sacks, 13,000' dozen Boller Bandages.. Also, Lint, Cotton Wadding. d Flannel, Sad l Napkins. Cotton and Wooleit- Tope, Picked ie diesel , Silk. Linen Tnreed. H. pounds-Con densed 341.1 r, Z 3,000 pounds 8*3.4 E Tract. ALL THE A Billik, ARTICFAS ARE NEW AND NEVER HAVEDEEN USED. Catalogues containing full pertionless ready • Tr N DAYn BEFORE SALE. Terms; Cash,: ist„Dovernmentfunds; 25 per cent, deposit -T IM E , AT LOP SALE, and ail goadato be removed'. , ! ~.---- IN FIVE DAYS. CHAS: SOIITHERLAND Assistant' Medical 'Purveyor, 'Brevet Colonel, / rwcrwxc LARGtSALE:O Darcy Q. ..1 Jairattaitotrrit.t.s. ittp, Awn+ 1 vitt -salt at YUBLI.O AV= Dot, at. , MI , FEBSONVEM, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. WEDNESDAY, !2d Day of Sep A LARGE LOT OF IRON, cons) sites, as follows: About 88.886 lbs. of band troi 111111 Mee. via: 3x3.18 in.. 12:218 i . i . i. g . xts n. . 1 4 '211 . 1 . 1 la. i 4 'l,l " 4 '1 14 " 3 1 x .4 " 4r3-18 .. 311* -18 " .5 x},( " 4 .A . 6 ZS IS " 4 33-18 " - .6 x " •5561 " 14‘xX " 4 23.-11 " ''4161% " 22x3.1 ' 15 61 34 " Mx .f: About 54., 008 lbs. round iron o f the following sizes, viz: 2.% In. 2% tp. r 298 In. 2% In. ~246 in. 34 in. . 6 y4 , 446 " b'6 • 4 • IS About 20.410 lbs. square Iron of the follow. ill gg if 4 111 1 Z Z . 4 14 Z ji t ; • 3 in. 35,‘ 1n..'3,36 In. 2% in. 6.16:`•: sk " 1%.• - ,. About 31*,3437 lbs. bar iron, conaisting of the followins"-ersed:' 4 x4l In. 4 xlAt In. 5 x 46 in. 43811 , in. 338x19 " , .I f :x. ) 1 41 " 5 x% " . -4,. x .7. " 5 xli " 4 x% " 5 v. 0, " 5 xOs " s•xYe ': 5 . 11 " 4 xi . " L - 24 :: 1 36 30 1 §:, - f 4 x ,1 36 ::- i fi zi , :: ima Ti. " - .1 - X . X " 2' x .14 " . 2sx " / .44:1' '• 2'.1 VS " 2 xIS " 2 xi " aNtaiN ': 2MxiN ::• 2 xih,:: gmx :. x:3'6l 44 • 8741 IA ... . 3Sxl 1. .. 5ail .. x 4 " 3,54 x 3 2 xl 4s: 43611% " INal " MIL " /*.X/. " 141 s, .. 1362 M " 134: 76 " 2462 46 " 214 141 " 3 x :li :', 3 196 `"• 3 196 " i-ilx. N " lfix .". Mx 46 , 1 X 616 •• 1 z x k n •‘1 1. .e., ',. 1tit . 4,,:• , -1" 2%.,f," .ipix • ." IMx n, " - Mxl :". 2111 X'• t x X ..". 4 x. h, " x " Snout 87.000 lbs. half round iron. - ' , About 7 01. 0 ibs. oval Iron. ._ . About 100 tone emtmanee tire Iron. -: • About 200 tons wagon tin iron. - - • - , Trrms of dale-Cash. By order or the Qu a rtermaster General. • J. A. POTTER, Brevet Brig Oen. and Q. M. U. B. A.._ an23:rM . Depot Q. 511 TN THE MATTER 011 THE AP. •A• PLWATiON of "The Hopewell Old School Presbyterian Chtirch. of Find'linty. Fe nnsylvania• • fora Charter y Township, 1 , Allegheny en of Incorporation, " .1 No. 60* Be tember Term, 1869. • i Notice is hereby it ren that thS'HOPZIOILL OLD SCHOOL PRESBYTAILIA CHURCH'. of Findley Township. Allegheny only, Ps," hare made application to the Co fof Common Piese for a - CHARTER OP INCORPORATION, And that the same will be granted at the next term of Court, unless sufficient reason should be shown to the contrary_._ au2 J. H. WALTER, Prothonotary. N—, - SEPTEMBER TERM No: of gSe COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, of Allegheny County. . ' Iu the matter of the anolleation of thy CO LUX BIA COMPANY. of Allegheny City fox a Chanel of Incorporation. And now, tn .- wit, the Aflth day of August, la the year 'or our "Lord, one thousand - eight hun dred and , sixtt7ninc It Li Ordered - and directed that noticeof tare applicitlem be' inserted in the Pittsburgh Dait.T HOWAING GAZETTE for at leaf t thiee . Witett, treiting forth' that'an "applica• tan. has been made .to. - the .Coart of Common Pleas ot tbs ,County of Allegteny te grant the said The Columbia Fire Company of Allegheny City a Charter of Patorporation; and teat such Charter will be granted at the next Term of said Court utile!' exceptlstne be Aled iii proper time: sel;n80 W ' BY THE COURT. OTlCE.—Whereas!, letters of administra• ion on the estate of WILLIAM . ARCS, late of Plum Tuwnship.Allegheny Cta, deed. hare been granted to the undersigned, all per.ons indebted toile said estate are requested to mare immediate payment, "rad those haring claims or demands agains t the !estate of -the said decedent will make known thesame. without de lay, to.' ROBERT VAN tat, • RaveloOk; Wishlngton county. BARBEL OLUTTZR. Pittsburgh, • • ~..,* Administrators, Or to ROBB a aNIVALT Pittsburgh their At torneys.. at *o. ST ilt;,nt Street; Pittsburgh. sel:n79-W.' .., : • ,::: , - - . _ . ~. , I ETTER,* ,OE I A I / 3 111i1ISTRA• J TION haying been granted, to the under signed on 'tne'ettide of ALEXANDER DUN LAP. of Pine .TOwnthily. , deceased,. 411 persons knowing themselves Indebted-to:Um sane will make Immediate otyment,and altnersonstaving Maims against sald.estate will present them only anthentitated to . If h • ; ni. RACHEL DIINL&P. • Admlnistra'rli of Alexander Dunlap, dee‘til. ' SAMUEL PALMER, :Attorney fuer_ Admints trstrix. No. 87 Fin avenue..., . ao2lArieS 'W, A. : DimprisTn i tr , oitm NOTICE. —Letters dr lidratioSt crii 0/demote Or Vli. HUN EN hartri..beed\inatuti by the Regist*r, of AStesheuy =mull 10`thennr deragned, abAtersonstudebted so tbie women!, requested 34 make Immediate toetssement..,\ and those buythselutms anduttitiseisslotektril4lOsse present them at once to - MM& LlUNZEiritlt, Administrator. auM:tots W , r .12tortalfoyettePrownento. t; :NOTICE. --Wm% admanhartttlon, upon ..thi et .of JOAN MINN TZIEB, 'debeised,' la te or •Clenth.Fltteenresvennoty orAlleghenyOsavlng been panted to the understened, p: nous In 'debted to silt estates,* reenestedtp,make an- Mediate pi'yntrnt, and all those having chums or 'demands evilest laid tiltite edll present larin , to ItOBIC.Irr )11L.,AdinIntatrolor,_ 'o` to We a•torney, Jeltreitue ItlcKehey, NO. n!Grant street. ~; • ' itu2s;lllV*Tir *.VIXEOI9TORtS NOTICEr... ;:ju4 Whereas letters testamehtary on the estate; or MARY ANN YoUNbk deqessed, late a( la-i Mans towasnip,'Allefetrear COuntY, Pig, having. been granted to thebnersigned;. by , the Register, at glatt.oolllll9._ 2ll PeAerbaelag chime lest saki estate are tepee to bresenttbepi, hi:Ube - attested tar rent nt.vand those bile tett 14;itild estate Will make , mimeos tmmedlastriur t • - e,l,lPtadAbllN Zx ' ecat.6l.. - . • ,• • 11113111711011, nnv : • •FICIEr-Letten of "A disettila- TRAMS 'haying btenfranod 10 limed ea-tbe etta e of 'al IHN ti t E t Wai WOW" d,sseased, •persons Indebted to said bitatelsre hereby noticed to call andiettle tbe tattse, , and theta baying Calm. soh= toe estate will _tors sent m, dray autbentteated,te me at No. i 9 &Iseult' Slate Umiak btreet. _ Jy7:169-w MAN) .47,4b11.NT0C1C.-Adm,r. IaVERYISTABLEELe • . JOHN 13. IiTZW.4.IIt BOWL ihr.trriasoN. 001% . B. PA.TT BOAI' & • CO4 "t!I ‘ , x.a-votry; ittaza3 , Arais F:•1 SIONSTAIEILES' COIL/EVENT TR ak-.MB 1111,gt PlTTsigaas, ) PALr 1:t isestb4!::: I!! 44 1 -4j131 . 111fthatte 12 0 31341 e 2 M 3152 e 0 .01112ntrit.PAT KRAL • Of Peo:nertrivattia..' • Mee, 75 Federal SAlleghelly City. - - DIRECTORS I • Hon. ,TAXES.L; GRAHAM, ' • ' - Rev. J. R.,CLARK. D. D., Capt. R,HOBINSON. Rev,i'S. H. NEtsBIT. D.D4 A. EftED. Cashier Allegheny Trust CO. JACOB ,SH Real Ritate Agent, SIMON DRUM; Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY. Hatter. A. B. BELL ,Attorney. at-Law, _ • D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Aierehant, D..SWOGER., Insurance Agent. Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON Preildest. Rey. J. B. CLARK, D.D., 'toe President, JACOB RVSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer.. N. W. WHITE, M.Fnost, ADvism DANIEL SWWIER, Geng Agent. This is a home company. cond noted on the mutual principle, each policy holder receiving an equal share of the profits of the Company. ..:Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi - cal bads will afford a safe , investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home industry. ' inb29:gall .. • ~ . C. NH IRON.• Ea 16,4869. C. < ON, at ttift Der i i lANA, ,ON tember, 1869, tins of virioal of the follow- LEGAL. .._,lint:: ff ': =I INSURANCE COMPANY. sis Vitali &visa" Second Floor, PI7R9BUBGH. Capital Au l'aidVp. DIRPOTOIni. I(. , J. Bliley. H.W.OUTer, jr, rapt:Be:Batley, Damn Walla.A, S. H. Hartman, A. Chamber's, Jake Hill, • S. Dl , Chirkan„ Jas. N. Batley. Thom' Jno.S. Illock, ESIBERT H. KING; PreSident. JNO. Y. JENNINGS, Vice Preddenl. JOS. T. JOHNSTON. Senraml• Capt. B. J. GRACE, Glen'l Agent. Inaares•on Liberal Terms on all Fite I and Dianne , ; ard:affir • c.AN,iimm - INSURANCE :COMPANY, OF ALLEOMINIr, PL. OFFICE IN • rakicrin.lir &&%U 9B BANE BIIADINGS. No. 4.1 Ohici Bt., SlleghenV. A SOME COMPANY. asimaged by Directors woo known to the colcuzionity, who trust by ish deallny tO merit a shore or rut patronage. FIZZILY 9.10. D. DIDDLES . . . DIBECITODB: ' - Henry Irwin_. D. L. Patierson; WIN Cooper. *leo. B. "Udell', Jacob Prams; sgottleth rims, BlmcnsDrum. J. B. Smith, ' Jacob Rosh, W. IL. Stewart, ch. P. Whistort, Joseph vomit, Joe. Lautnee, D. J. Ziakaniti .Terg. Kellen. • 8.. 13.• ZIEBON__,_ GENIEDAL AOKNT. pENNSTILVAPiILI INSURANCE COPPAMY Ot'PITiTSBUREINI - • MIMI.. No:IISTif_WSIOD ElllitlET, 3....trz oI22.OOMMERCH 131..D1:201. r- • • - , _. • . , ThM is a Hams , campus. sari Wares song Let, lost Fire oncluivelv. , --- .. , , NABD'IVAT4I3, Preriderit.. . . C. BOTT.XA'Ies President'. BEI= PATRICK , Trimanrer.l • . OH IfAILHENY h Spiritism . . • lifikisiriltS: ' Walter', • Geor ge C. C. Bevis. -.. two..w. Evans. R o b er t rs,B4eir; J. C. LapPe. Jacob Painter, J. C.' Fishier, Josiah King John Voeguey, Ju.H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henn Sproul., DTI: 'INDEMNITY • • AdAINST LOSS ST Mil. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, OF PHILADELPHIA,. 011101,4 U I 431 DIIUG:=UI Merles 7f. Baneker, Mordecai H. Ladd Tobias W agner. David EL Brown. simnel ursat, Isaac La, Jacob B. Unita Edwal a i d Dale. Fawns W. glegards, acorn. cH aser.sr- , 1 BA.NOHY.B. Pres! eart. BD JIM.T. ! Vice President. W.V. EMELLB tem. J. eAlunas. ool7 lanai. . North West corner . Third and, Wood Otreels. intd9:wls , . INSUIt &NCR COM. PANT OP PITTSBITRAIL. _ NIXTOK, Presiaent;:„. - WM; T. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEAROWNELI.D. tHsneral Agent. Ottme, 9A Water street, Span/ 90..4 t Ware house, up stairs. Pittsburgh. Will famre against, all Idnda Of -Pyre and Ne tlike /Eska. A. home Audttution. managed ,try rectors who are wett known to the comakuttly, sad who art determined by promptnestran her allty to audutain the character which. th 'terra 'semed. as uttering' ebe beee io; PWee who destre to be Insured. igneeeNen. . !•1- Alexander Mulch.Joan. B. XeCnse.: B. Inner. Jr.. • -Chas. J. Clarke. James Mehtdey, William S. _ L Evans Alexsa i d t4 tr e lit ear, Joseph Simpatia s Andrew en, Phl.lffp_Beyruer, David . Long. Wm- mAndsonf, PROFESSIONAL: G IT. De CAMP, ATTORNEY ANO:COUNSELLOR AT LAW,;. , , Office, No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE, Pitts.. burgh, (formerly actOrded by Hon. Walter If. Lowrie; ) will practice •ln the U.S.. Circuit and District Courts. In shell:ate Supreme and all the Courts of Alloroui Want?. and make collec tions In most o thew:lllCM countles. Ja2lhell AIICHIBAILD 4 98 . PAM' STREET, arenglendair WM. B. NEEPEB, Jua)w:owr Avl r r i ldwo a mi para or OFFICE. 89 FIFTE( . 4I.v - ETru) Spadal attention . .slyen, to conveyancing and Collections: Detail. Bonds' and Mortgages draws and and alt. legal traalnesaatteculedlo nromPti7 tely. r • RABIVEiI!i" 1110111ASTER8i-: 1 . •-" Ita-itillein Militias ttie Peace la *'o lee Mat. tote. , 0111! GRANT. STRZET, oppoana: oathedraDosit BURGUiIra:. ' n Deadt . ad', Itortim r t taLuvwle: dmenti4 ons: and 'alt unless . ; tannic. Mar =Om:dam and.dniasteb. ; ; Nita& .3mornowatilynoz e lt r vartioz AND ' r Office,lll.ll P ßAlttititT, opU_Osite the Cs. thedral. Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Douds, Most. IPded. AnkauirW4Mete,;Depositkuis mid all Legs ibishiess executed with. Protoutness end dispatch., . , SECE . EIMOS 4MD SATrNik H0100 1 4,, 1 1404.& 1 0 ) 4,7::.-.4." ..; . ANCHOR ,ICOTTplhi Vria7213131711,4ra IL; OtiM9lMMlifll asionos asp EMI fifiriiirriv3it Alen tiAl-rirmos. - . •-• AROSITIPTS;77,J, , litp j 9 611 " 051981 01:111 ' rr: - 4 . . inarrs Roma 664iderl — BIatiDUTGIN Nos. $ and 6 St. Clair _Street. attanuzeivla• Breda • attention ,gluni to- tas dea6palltr, sad ,balldlax,•of 0013BT 110134.143 dipt !POSTA° 11113ILDING6r; ' - , , tl-r; t. - f • , 1. pia -- gartfPfliligt“...A 'VEY . ,i4cond appearance oftbe fax.famed and bean *oiztilus\sisitilts; lirEaNii3Dat - ittrrigii; Sept s. wilt tpc presented the , ad adrabie burleriquo r ontl , tied, . THE, FIELD OF CLOTH OF GOLD.' Earl Darilley Mini Sophie. Duke of 13nEolt kites Jounie. Lady Constance BI las Irene The performance will commence wlth.the leash able farce of A DEAD SNOT. • . , Worrell Slaters Matinee on Saturday E InSS preparation—/X.ION- and GRAND DUCH-, .- ar'PITTSBIIRRH THEATRE. , IL.'W. WILLIAMS. Sole Lessee . `-and Manager. Second Week Beason. This evening, first appearance of the renowned com edian, Mr. PRANK WOOD. The entire cont. pany ins new progremme. Ladies' Matinee every Wedneeday and Sat= day. -1 Admission to matinee, ZS cents. "PROGRAMME HUMBOLDT CENTENARY. Nondqy Evening, : Sept 43, GEM CONCERT AT THE ACADEMY-OF MUSIC. Oyertureil!nekinkilMaint .. .. By Special tntmestra. 'Geo: Teortie,virector. Duet: tan Is est Homer: bohstni. By Mrs. C. C. Mellor and Miss M../tinehart. , Chorus: tin the Veen Bea Moeheing. By the Combined Singing Soeletl.a. with orchestral ACcompaniment—A. Knaulf. Director, • . Classlit-tithlMlies • BYAbe Turnaa—Sonrad..Direetor._ Trio. Lucia de Lamont-moor.-- .. Donizetti., By Mies b. M oody,Mr. Aptel bum, tdr.Bent ' Btatuesques: The Battle of the 'titans (after tue famous groan of B &nab. BY the Pius) urgaqiumey Seulety—Konrad, motor. 1. Concert Overture - " " Bing fbin. By inll Orchestri.greerge: Director. S. Int:lemma' us By Mra. C. C. Mellor and Üboruc. - Cl. Tete donx. Director. - - 3. 8010, -Ye Merry Birds- . . ... . . Mini:abut. 4. Morns: T B yC M nnel " ' ' leck.r. -By Combined Singing tio,daties-A. Knatiff. Director.. - lanartette ' Verdi. Mn. C.-C. Mellor, Miss M:ltinenart, Mr. Paul Zimmerman:. Mr.:;Zdtrarda: with in. atrumental accomwdenS.- ; • "Pieja• Tetedottr, Director. G. Grand Tableaux.o.Anbtlieoida of Humboldt. By the Pittsburgh-suer Society. Konrad. Director. 1. Concert Wsltz ' - Fali Orebee Teorge. Director.. Advdssiori. UNF. DOLlah. Xated47 . Beats may be reserved. oetextra clams. for ,Parqtrette. at Sieber's. sod,for press Circle at 'bieltor' & troetv on PAIDAT MOBBnlith September 10,1,4869 e • - TueodoyiS6ptiioi : ol . 4tli, Comp)sed of Three Divisions, Allegheny. Pitts burgh end South - Side. wilt start at S 3 •`cioet. precisely, proceeding to Allegheny Pare. Ponta to be announced hereafter. , - . 1. Dedlegtory dymphony7composed for the oe- Ca3loll by Henry Bieber. I Z. Laying of thonotner-itone of the proposed . Humboidt Honniztent.-yritit - appropriate cantos 3. Grind Chorra—Bundralled--Hozezt—Hwthe United German dinging &males, with Orches tral AcetimaanlmCnt. 4. "rations. - • Fest March. 1 By Orchestra. 6. sitelortuation,of the .Proiesslon Said return to Libe•tystreet,Tittsbnrgh.. Borate to be pub• nab d hereafter. • ,:,IiTOLIESFEST. BT..aeaz its. ifiebukaUoa of the tntire.yrocessioni.cal special trains of the Penasylvanili r Eallroaa on Ltheity.atn.et. • . • . Badges will be iold to the norticipantirtit the prOCeSSIOII Ind those dm !roes of.atimading the Volkstest, at 25 cents each. ntitlin, the bearer to transportation to and trots NOUP'I6 Station, on the bimetal; YeaUvid ;and admission to FRIENDIXEIII 4 : GROVE, Where the VOLKSFEST is to be held. OPEN AIR CONCERT by the Great Western Orehesttro - • SHORT ,ADDRP RBIS by Popular Spe akers. OYMNAS .10 /MEM:LIES be the Turners; r;reidES, Drat CUM, etc., etr. i t t i tr a l gr t zgest ante are made to secure the The best of refreshtnetite of all kinds here been pros bledloy the proper Committee. senna ItgriOnFir!l A‘MIIIVE 80. 05 l'Uth avenue, opposite the. Opera Nome: Pittsburgh, Ps., is the coolest said most desirsbjsplsee,of s:Ssertd; Liquors cam 'be had at this place Pere and flood. The 131111srd Roo= hie the Venn d /loot in the resr. • Onlcz Or !OM ENGaNilin AnD BuseltrOn, . • • PiTinittaing., ' Sept.?. 1769. 1 IcOTICE:;- . -The assessment for Grading. NILLICR.STitgIf, r. 'from Centre venue to Seed street, Is nowr reedy for exam ination. and can be seen at this office until titI DAY: September 17th; when it Will be returned to the etty Treasurer% oplee for collection. se7:u9B H. J. .atooftE, City Engineer. • PITTSBURGH, PA MI. . Ul Tcz Crrr Firennun Asp nuavErox, Plttaburits. Sept. 8, 1809, NOTICE.—The Assessment for .tbi, Board - walk,' on - Broad street (East Lib. ert)) from Mc Frankstown Hoed to arc. nue, la now ready for examination. and can be seen at Ms once until 2111/112.0AT,.."Beatember age9.lwbers it will lietettrnen to tlie t sty Treasurer , . ones for collection 1 I E.Z. CUT Zna4neer... tOPIIIA Or VITT ENGIEJLRa /A Swearrolt. / Prrrssuaoll, Bepr. '4,1 888. NOTICE.—Thr - assessment for th' Grading , of , BLVIrt - 'I3TRICET. from wooer tolfiltenoerger street: is now ready for exunlnsti iv . and can be, nen atthls Mee entil W eDNXIDaY, September 16th _when It Wlltbe returned-1a the My; Treasurer , . °nice for eel. leetion. seente3 bitiltnithieer«, 14OUNT'AI11` ' 'IiOIJSE, WILL jinn - •*4'. i4opr,apior. azaorgas . i li a m ituntsm,' -- SVONEIIOIIIO, • IPA 4 on nrag aamitourniencir rau ku m EDwA,au , Dux4mi.. reopristor. Storms BuiamerMosortis sow testy for the ItesOlot of gasps. It is. no w ltssied, stew etidAnwarsANft !AXE. the - moat best flan sheet of Ws4 , ffle• As PettslyPssnts. sszt.lsse mve Ball from ALL Pali. Splendid smestirttimrtbe geolges4 =Snil - ,r , 1.14 31. Air! SIMP.4I 61 1 g RAW A Vi: , • auumariCTIIIIAZ A.NII ORNAMEN tAL . ; VARVERO' • h. 61 hadusky MLAllegheny, Pa:r A umiiasorLoinit'Oe NV *. ,inrry liid dLSTSAB eousnuy outland. wuitrtNe dostriti no ta eilone • • coma . „ OP MS PHOWIAMMF.:-PAIIT PART IL Ciff==2 GRAND PROCESSION. .ffemorial P'roceedings. ASSESSMENTS. EMBIDIER : RE3ORTB. sCieEilion'gpiing Pa. WA§ 69 . B Strains.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers