NIMV - 2LI) IarTHE EIGHTH WARD RE PUBLICAN VIGILANCE I OHHITTEE is reenested to meet at the reheat Hpuse on Britainla street, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7 1 4 o'clock. rIIIICtIIfiI •ttendsure Is requested. at e l 4 UEL ELLGORS. President. OPPICS MOrtOIGikEISLA BRIDGE, CG., aeptember a. sBB9. c g'THE PRESIDENT -.AND MANAGERS of this CoMpanY have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, payable at the Banking House of N. Holmes A Sons forthwith. seS.atwir JAMES H. WRIGHT, Treasorer VIGILANCE conffirrEt OF THE FIFTH WARD, ALLEGHENY. A. 8. D. Thompson, Jima Reed, Isaac otewart, John Irwin, Abe. Patterson. ' Matthew Clark. George Parkins. Major Win. Hope, Richard McDunough, Wm. Bortalion, Pat. Speer John Ward, C. Hoch. ' . 'James Mobster. H. Paulus. John Kennedy. Capt. Adams. Win. Cook, James Caughey, Wm. Heagy. Hugh McEtveen , - George Davis, A. fl• alaway, Gen. iliac Barnes, Nat. McClinton, Wm. Flaytlarden. Valentine Banning, 60.01, ar a ' MASS MEETING. A GRAND REPUBLICAN MA.SI4 MEETING, WILL BE HELD IN THE DIAMOND, ALIFiGHENY CITY, Thursday Evening, 9th inst. Hon. JOHN . A. BINGIL92I, Of Ohio, and other distinguished _Speakers will akidress the meeting. W. S. PIIRTIANCE, Chairman. WALTER 8. 111cCIINE, Col. 4:3E0 F. MORGAN, !Secretaries. Bee yALIIABLE FARM FOR SALE, situate - near Hyte's Station, Western Penn , sy vania R.iiroad, a new two story frame dwei, ling house of hall. four rooms and cellar, two staples, timber out for a barn. spring of good water at the door. springs in nearly every field, young orcbara-of choice fruit la bearing. fences goon, ninety - acres, eixty cleared, remainder prime timber. hiPttory, white and black oak. Sixty acres with ImproveMents will be sold sep arately. • apply to I sea FOR SALE. S. CTITHBRRT & EONS, • 39 Sla th avenue. h. ear the Borough of Freedom, Beaver count'', and 3 minutes walk from station on Ft. Wayne and Chicago, Railroad, a small FABlif, of BB acres, with 700 fruit trees and more than 100 grace vines, au bearing and of cholce•t varie ties; a three story Frame house with 10 rooms, large Barn. ac. This property is offered at a bargain. Parties who want to secure a handy garden farm. accessible to the city. will do - ,well to examine tble property, as a chance like this, to get a cheap and comfortable home.. is .seidom offered to a man with limited means. / For particulars inquire at SI Grant Street, "IA floor, Be ,', TUSTIN 05„. 11.1,EE • OFFICE OF THE Corramaanr. or ALLzonEst courrry.PA.. PITfEBURGII. Sept. 6 h, 1569. PROPOSALS FOR WRITING. —Sealed / Proposals'. will be received at this office until/the 1 5th fret. inclutive,lor copying and transcribing 11.111E4HREE• ASSESSORS • DIIPLIOAkES for tbe year 1870. • • BIAS to be made at so mach the running line complete. and to in c l ude the comparing of each aud every dUplicateVith tbe original. Samples can be seen on application. By direction of the County Commissioners. HENRY LAMBERT, Controller. seB:n97 T EXT BOOKS USED IN WESTERN LINIVE,RSTTY, PITTSBuSGH THOR SCHOOL, NEWALL INSTiTUTIS. MISS MARKHAM'S SCHOOL, IRVING INSTITUTE. PROP. 'BINGHAM'S SEMINARY. BOWMAN INSTITUTE, Rev. T. J. BEL.LAM'S ACADEMY: PROP. CURRY'S INSTITUTE, and others. For Sale at the Lowest Prices, R. S. DAVIS & CO., 1931 LIBERTY STREET. 5e6:3017 FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, WATTLES & SILEAFMVS, 101 FIFTH AVENUE. GENTS FINE GOLD AMERICAN WATCHES from7s upwards. LADLES' FIRE BOLD WATCHES for $3O andopwards. • All kinds of AIifIr,RTCA.N WATCHES con stantly on hand. PINE JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. ata , at the very lowest prleas ARP Please give us a cell, $30,000 ALLEGHENY CITY PARK BONDS. . . The most reliable b.mds in the market. Pay per centum interest. The laith.credlt and prop erty: of the city pledged for their redemption. $30,000 of thrse:gonds now offered for sale. Dor information concerning rates. £c., apply at Treasurer's Mice. Allegheny City. by order of ram Commission, JAMES PARK, Jr., President. see J. B. OXLEY. Eletreter7. Seiltn 6 oi t".! DESIGN.—The, PITTSBURGH - SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN Will oneralONDAY. kept. lath. Rooms corner Math Avenue and Woo.. street. - HENRY PHIPPS. Js . President. scalaelNewr WRINGERS. • THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER is the best in use en' is warranted to give oaths •laction. Yor,ssle wholesale and retell, at man. tfacturers , price. by J. 6 If. PHILLItIs. Oft and SS Stith Street'. . N. B.—We also repair all kinds of Wringers on short notice. 1 ' le? NIEANOR & WOLPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 810. 829 Liberty Street. PITPSBURGII, drienti solicited. se7 XiirConsi GEO., B. MILTENBERGrEII, BOLE AGENT POE SEDUM RELIABLE WATER PILTEB No. 93G Penn Street, B. LYON; He... - !Sealer of Weights and Measures, ONee—ho. b FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Cs t. dORN ME9ENNEI DeputkPittsburgh Lieut. Gs°, B. NehrULTV, Deputy. Alb). bear Manes. pestRESERVING SITGARL —BO Ole Loverlig White sad Yellow Solara recelvte sae for sale by the barrel Or petal so WIWI oasioman at red aced prb i abl - . JHN. A. xs BAP: , ofi emir Liberty sad 21 'wow BATES - Cassimeres, 1:1:=1 AN ORDINANCE tiranting Certain Priv'litirs on High and Washington Streets to the Rio• . . nongeheis Incline Plane Company. Bac. I. Be It ordained by the Burgess and Town Connell of the norougb of Mt. Washlng• ton, and it is ordained by the authority of the same, That perm:flacon be granted to the Monon gahrta Incline Plane Company, to erect over High street,'Pear its intersection with Warhing ton street: a Truss not less than twenty feet lila In the clear for the purpose of sustaining the, cables used in operating the cars of said com pany* with liberty to said company o locate the upright timbers or said truss twelve and one half feet tram the centre of said High street. Sec. A. That permission be also granted to said company to open up the roadway of said high street for the purpose of laying under said street, theneceesary apparatus to contain the cam-rods or the steam engine of said company, provided that the travel of vehicles over said street shalt' not be interrupted for a longerperiod than forty eight hours. Sec. 3. That permission be also granted to said canpany to tit up Washington street from its intenseCtlon with High street. along the said company's property to the south-east corner of the igouerty, of Wm. M. Lyon. In such manner as shall be agreed upon by the Street Committee and the En gineer of said company; provided. however. that said company shall at its own prep , r cost and charge re lay in a strong and substantial manner the baud. walk on Washing ton street. between said Points on a level with the new grade on said street. DEC. 4. That the permission granted by the first, second and third sections of this ordinance shall not bt taken and construed as a waiver by the Burgess and. Town Council of said borough of the right and power to change.. alter sad modify the grades of said etigh and Washington streets, and that the right to 'change, alter and modify said grades is hereby r , served, provided that aid grades shall not be changed, altered or modified at said company's property until after thirty days' notice has been first given to the Proper officers of said cm psur. EDWANts lit*TT. Bargees. Attest: WILLIAM HALPIN, se8:010 • Clerk to Committees. pssourrrioN OF CO.PART— NERBIIIIr.—The firm of BOLLBIAN. & B *HALEY was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Toe business will be continued by 1.414:01tRE W. SOLLIKAN and RALPH Lt.*. A ugy. under the • tyle and firm name of St/LL- B:IAN & SAGALEY; who are authorised to col led all accounts due and pay all cialtbs against the firm. DEO. W. BOLLMAN, RALPH RAGALEY. JOHN P. BOYD, WM. CeMPBELL,JR. Pyrrenanon, A.egnst Sint, 1869. . In retiring fromtbe fotindr , business Ire cheer. hilly recommend our late partners to the further .patronage of the pablic. JOHII L. BOYD,_ WM. CAMPBELL, Jn. rifttax. ROLL FOUNDRY, BOLLMAN & BAGA.LEY, Manufacturers of superior CHILL BOLLS. BAND HULLS and PINIONS. Corner Liberty, and 24th streets. Pittsburgh. see:WM ROBERT 11. PATTERSON 65 CO., CORNILIV OP I Seventh Avenue and Liberty St, •• • • prrpsetrnon PA. Will on Saturday,- July nit. 1889. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction. Salo of • HORSES, CARRIAGES, 'BUGGIES WAGONS, , And everythi snyertalning t, the horse. Parties dea ling to.sell will please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each week in order for advertising. Prompt, at tention and good ears will be given all Stock left ibrsale. NKR H. STEWART, Auctioneer. grate E'' se4:IVIS 12E= 1 . Importers and dealers in China, Tags & Queensware, • line wsre, Table Cutlery, Casson, Waiters and-Brintam Ware. N0..189 LIBERTY, STREET, , • tow, door* shove Sixth street. (lateSt,Cialr,) N. B.—Glass Ware engraved to order Oh short notice. • tatesnso 8. - x. WCOM.aff ' R.' M. ReCOWAII - .B‘ Boulevard Pavers, . oinee, No. 65 OHIO ST.,EM altoß Orders left al, Ganz= orricm, rlttsbargb, promptly attended tn. Piave filderwalika, Cellara r rnal Yard'. Drives. dt4N. Warranted against changes of beat and - Cold. Bgimmarregd—lfax. klo.rbead. Lyon a tiborb, ROCly ratterson, yim. - Park e limes N. Long Son, Hammy It McKee, andersoal a Maxwell, Aiken Campbell. Isaias Craig. ipl6:m2l ITALUABLE 18TOCIE. FAWN V TON BAWL, situated in Wrsmorelaed equittY. three miles north of New Florence:o! COntnias b4O scree: ". 400 of which Is cleared end' and a large portion gnu. The land Is rich and well watered. ~ T he buliding consists of a, large frame Dwelling, two frame Barns and Du me roes ontenlidlugt, the staff on the ground to erect a, line new dwelling: Cellar dug. This farm is ode'ed at the low price of $4O per acre, with easy payment& APM.YettOliio • B. ateLAIN & CO., No. 304 Yount' •Avenais. P/TTEIBUILGIS, P►. CE/1 THE COMMON ItERSE WINE AND CIDES MILLI,, blenalbetnred by the *Met (Otdo) Nieuwe Company, onoth alai Peen oder - NW tro as *oat". y e pera ion It grinds tou t ztes,preues them aa .oryas ebiPe between- rooter whits tbe elder pines dl. re* ' tato the Whey are , ran by bend sr torsr l mit , 4a and eiteitiontlat, Its %Wet ilillttteall fbr MI Ulm aa'. . i .... • , , ~ ' ' Valltdid I. .~ ,~ BELL'S FOR Linen Goods, W kite Goods, Flannels, L. C. Handkerchiefs, Black Alpacas. IS2S• - AL DIRT mast. RIGBY & AV4q • - s F 4- i EW ~.~LL *VERY LO Heavy White Country Blankets, Fine White Country Blankets, • Heavy Colored Woolen Quilts, Barred Coikntry Flannels, Shirting Flannels, all kinds, White Honey Comb Quilts, Cassimeres and Jeans, Table Linens and Napkins, New Style Dark - Calicos, I= All Departments of the H WHOLESALE WILLIAM FEDERAL STREET, DESIRABLE GOODS Received This Day by JOSEPH HORNE do CO. NEW STYLES NECK. BOW AND eAlzll RIBBONS. PLAIN, BROCADE AND FANCY ARAB SHAWLS, In choice styles. The new SAILOR AND BLONDE BATS, IN DIFFERENT COLORS HAT PLUMES AND BIRDS, CHOICE FftENCH FLOWERS, OLA,PRIED SAII NA. • VoLORED VELVETS In every shade, HAIR NETS. TAP AWITCREa, NaW FRENCH and GERMAN COSSETS TRAVELING SA TCHELS, FINE SILK FANS, LINEN JUNO, Ell) GI-LOVES MO=i;Ei3SIi;MIM HAMBURG EBB FLOIDERIES In new designs. FURNISHING HOODS. New atyles In NECK WEAR._ • YIN It SUSPENDERS. WHITE AND FA tv CY.SHIRTEI, • NEULIGEE SHIRTS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUtrii, NEW RUBBER JEWELRY. SHELL BRACELETS AND BANDS, And a 'morel issonment of Notlosia, Wholesale and 77 and 79 MARKET STREET. an.ll 2,000,0004 1 "" OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALL BY THE , Union Pacific Railroad Company, RAMOS Whig along the line oftheir road, at OM TO 85,00 nit Acta, Liam a ORTDIT OF FITS. WAR. Pas farthariarilaolara. mapa, 00., addresa Jona P. DEvraavx,. Land Connalulanes, Topeka, Kean& Or : 01/Alll. RN, wins at. Louis. Miaow% BACK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLT BY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, &a t iroviierrxlol7 4 L - N11733. Where may be ibun4 a full assortment of Fez. or. Chamber arid ICltatten Furniture. den :ICEYSTONE,PO'TTERY. POG BIER 84 COy, oae.- • ManaLatureri o Qinussalimix,. Ramiro'. wain as, odla aad liraiehaie: 363 LIBERTY STIMST il/PAll orders orometly attenleel to. pMTEWSPAPER FREE.—coal Inners. and persons desiring • Western e, and °theme= bays aspics Weell7 Paper nom Poll SIX iktorrrna by sendtair name and nl Postoee address to GARD.NICJI JOURNAL, Gardner Illinois • Sinan SPICEIL—The finest spleen Imported whole and around. for sale w aloud* and Mall at the Family omen , sto r e of . , JOHN A. RENSHAW. LIME -100 barreh Cleveland White Lime; ZOO bbl Eastern do. A. sale * r, LOAN 101FJESE , -50 boxes Factory . 1 4 1 ,56 5 baprool l ors . B ol . o a for .olEr. i9o,'CASISS :pputim mum ABH, for sale br • J 4 B. OANIPIELD. ie ) nrj111.4011) Dbl Lontsyjne gyarsullo Comsat, for we by S. B. ClAlrillET,ll L® BEfIVED NiT. 1 J tWDA. • a: o~xt - - - - a •I r lILW CEMENT.--100 e alga Ilidnineasntiar. '4DA.. 1 4,§Mgm4E:4•4.7.,...M. E 'MaW Arrinaßtistramsts. DRY (40001DS W PRICES. Fine Black Alpacas, All-wool Poplins, Poplin Alpacas, all colors, Bright Plaid Wool Poplins, New Style Ladies' Hats. SPECIAL BARGAINS`! ONE CASE Good Style Dark DeLaines AT ONLY 12 1.2 CENTS. FINE WOOLEN SHAWLS Largest Size. Good Style. ouse Well Supplied With DODS, NEW G AND RETAIL, SEMPLE'S, and 182 Nos. 180 ALL CITY OP A TO I) Notice Is hereby given to all persons who have not paid their taxes, rates. levies or assessments In said City of Allegheny. that they are required to pay the same on or before the FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, then FIVE PER CENT. will be added thereto and made payable theteon: and that If the same be not paid on or before the FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT following, warrants will be directed to properly qualified persons. command ing each of them to levy for said taxes wits all 'costa and charges scented thereon of any goods and chattels of the delinquents wheresoever found, and to make sale thereof after alvertise ment as in cues of distress for rent. meB:n7B LEA eSz PERRI - NS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Pronounced by CONNOISEU TO BZ TIID i OnlY Good hi And Ap llcabli k . Every Put free On boa., _- - . Liverpool.. in pafcels of twenty cases or. more; each case two dozen large, dye dozen mtddle. or ten dozen small. Parties who order through . us have tile advantage Of a supply from our stock until the arrival or direct orders. Jahns ileiller & Bon's celebrated Dundee Mar malade. Robert Middleman's celebrated Albert Biscuit. J. &G. Cox's tielstine. Crosse & Bisekell's goods. Delangrenter's Rambo= des Arabes. Guinness , . Stout, Bass and Allsopp's Ales. Wm. Younger*s.Edinburgh Ales, inn the Wines of Trance, trent any eosin and PortaK I JOHN . DUNCAN'BBuiN Union Square and 46 Beaver sere ,_ __et New Yor Bole Asrents for Mildillili. la& & PERKLNB*. j ell:larievirs. • orrioX OF THE COMIIII3I3IONZIM Or TIM BIRKING FIIND. Treasury Department of PorosityDrente., 1 Butaissona, August, 90. 1889 z SEALED BIDS WILL BEARE CEIVED for the redemption of ONE MIL LION DOLLARS- of the loan of the 'Common wealth of Penneylvania, 'due July Ist. 1870, until 19 o'clock N. OCTOBER 15t,1889, Com munications to be addressed to It. W. MACKEY, Esq., State Treuurer; Harrisburg, Penna., and endorsed Ma for redemption of state Loan. F. JORDAIT; • - • - Secretary of State. J. F .111.11TRAZIrr . , Auditor General. / . B. W..MACREY, ' ~ Mate Trsunrer. • : 1 00mniesioners of the Bilking irsind. N. 11,.40 newspaper publishing the above without authority, will reeelVe pay therefor. ao2molle A ALPERT 8c KOHLER; Maenfieturers and -Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND OAITICHB, No. SS Market Street. Pitts b ugh, Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to street the attention of the public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes for- persona troubled with Corns, Bunions. or delorined fret. under the personal supentslon of our Mr. AL PERT, formerly of Allesheny City, who will be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert's mode of meunring the foot, by which we can be safe In searraneing easy and comfortable Boot' and ehoes for the tender est feet. Olve us a trial and be convinced. - •; ALPERT & IiOHLER . au g. n 2i ofellitrket street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TRIP OR T A N,T , ANNOUNCE MENT.—To the °Maus of adJoinine coun ties. who are forniltUt Militia or Military Com- P 1 4 11 ! 8 * ' • TANE st 'TOWNSEND, 00 Market St., Pktkuksiphia, dew' We 11100 Q•••th ot . the Aulroa :bark B 1 01001 PasAita;Pve t k Costcla Sound eo A r as low • pats Os quantities • 100 or ) of 0.0 teck .e 4eitT• neat, AT $2.25. GHENY CITY. CITY 2II.EABURTIVB °MC,. LLYGIIENT, September Ist, ISBU. LINQUENT TAX PAYERS OF THE Ci y of Allegheny. D. IIikCFMION, 7'..C/TY TREASIIIIER from a medical .ell Les and tins' that their ce is highly mi ned In India, ts, In my opts • the most pals. as as most whole• dance that Is , Eir240770.10—"71 Let ," 1 . - Por isLoatilp wants,/ "Found," I.73o6nylinge dec., not exceeding FOUR LINES, teal be hiseried is these columns once f or _ wENTY-FIVE CENTS; each addi. tionat line FITS' CENTS. WANTED.L-SitIIATIoNS. WANTEWANTED.-- SITUATION4-Art Eastern man nra•elass expeilsnee. D. a situation as Bo ima n or Bar-tender in a first class house. Apply at the TAirle •rotel.slT4 Liberty street. Jullll-1.1. KNIGHT. WANTED. --$y a Lady from the cut, a situation as housekeewror companion, or u governess for sm.ll children. stre ddreo. et, for two days. Mn. s A., 54 Sketseld Alleghenr• WANTED- SITVA TION desired to work at tbe,Tinnlnk busi ness. Would prefer to work under Instructions. Address, L. H. AL. Box elk. West Andover. WANTED -A SITUATION AS Clerk. Balesma n.. or Travelling Agent for a wholesale or mann facturltur establlsbm.nt. Can olive good city reierenees. Address Box "51," New Cumberland, W. Va. WANTED--HELP 117ANTIEGEriare—AT V - 7 PLOY2dENT 'OFFICA_No. 1 St. Clan Street. BOYS OIBLB and YEN, for dblereni kinds of employment. Persons wanting hell' of all kinds can be implied on abort notice. WANTED: - BOARDING A Lady with .a child sixyears old wishes boarding In a resp.ctable family. References given. Addre , s, ktating location and terms, Mrs. D., Box K, GAZETTE OFFICE. • TxTAATED.—ROOMS—ALady, V with one child, 6 sears old, wants .2 rooms, Pittsburgh preferred. itelerences given. Address. stating: location and prlce v Mrs. D.. Box K. GAZIIIII OPPICIL !. ,WANTED., -10;000 Acres of LAND WARRANTS and AGRIOLILTO RAL CuLLEG6 LAND SCRIP. wanted. Ad. dress, JuHN S. BRADDOCK, Mount Vernon, Ohio. TANTEIL-A SMALL HOUSE, of three rooms. In Manchester or Law renceville. Also. a b_ITVATION hi a clothin_g store a. salesman. Good rsterence given. Ad. dress' W. P. BRANDON. Pittsburgh Postoffice. oTjOS T.—On Saturday after- NOON. a ROUT& 8008 containing a sum Money and ricelpted bills. 'I he finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at the ala t yrrit OFFICE. 910-LET—ROOM9.—Furnished or unfurnished, with board. Also, a large FRONT OFFICE. at 137 Fourth avenue. TO-LET.—A first-class STORE ROOM, with good cellar. at No.. 46 Oh o street. Allagbeny, second door from Diamond, and opposite the. Franklin Sayings Bans. One Of the best locations in the city; has been occu pied for twenty years by the subscriber. who Is retirlog from business. Fixtures complete and In good order. Possession immediately. For particulars, inquire on the premises of W. CARSON. rllO-LET—HOUSE of 4 rooms at head of F 6 deal street, Allegheny City. Rent CRP pegtaonth. ...triply to JOHN AS next to toll gate. T O -LET—A second Story Front ROOM. imitable for single gentlemen. at 31.2iliath (formerly Hand; street. 11 1 0-LET—ROOM.—A tarnished. a_ FRONT BOOM. in one'of the most desire. ble_porcions of the city. Enquire at 52 tiktITII vIELD STREET. . MO LET-FOUR ..NEW HOUSES of SIX 809318 ellen owlapea street. Fifth ward. Allegheny. near Allegheny avenue, one square from Manchtmer streetcars. Enquire of T. M.btIOLS S. 89 Federal street, corner of Stockton avenue. or CHARLES P. STEIGHT, 171 Non h avenue, corner s of Webster street. FSALE.-A GOOD CHANCE FOR FIB A CABINET MANES.—A SHOP and a TURNING LATHE Jor sale or rent. Work be taken in payment. For particulars inquire of JOHN HAY, Port ersville, Butler Co., Pa. Ella OR SALE—BA 8 ERIC—A well A: FURNISHED BAKERY, in a Good Loci'. ttos, Is for Rale yery cheap. Inquire at No. 23 Grant street. . t EOR BALE.—The • STOCK and FIXTURES of the best located RETAIL T, OAP and FUR STORE in .the City of Pittsburgh'. No bonus for good will or lease. E. R. WILSON. 118 Wood street. *l' F°SALE.-•The Stock s Good WILL AND FIXTDR of that old estab. 'tubed RJ TAIL S TAND, AND, at No. 1155 Sandusky street, Allem betty Clty. :Also tbe store room far rrut. .I¢liqulre on the Dfeleleek ef MARY MERIDITS. - . tract of a let• !MAU at Mad- -FOR SALE.—Lease and good will ♦ of • TAVERN ST a.ND in • desirable locality. 'terms easy; doing_ a good business. Apply of WS. JACKisON. 73 Grant Street. to his brothel oreesterOtiaY, LOB SALT,BOUSE AND LOT. —Cituste at Helton Station.. Lot contains acres, on which is erected a good Frame Dwelling contaming 8 rooms, with fruit trees, &c. Add [en JOHN CUFFS. Halton Station. F " SALE.—One-half of - a valuable PATENT for Pennsylvania: A small article used In all houses. A chance for an active young man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postoglee Box 690. - FOR SA LE.—A Drug Store and all the Fixtures., Drugs. do. of the latest style. situated on the ..eorner of Tonnell street and Fifth avenue. For full particulars inquire at the Store or WILLIAM w AEG, No. /10 Grant street, opposite Cathedral. OR SALL—Veiira.ble West - ERN AVENUE' SICSIIIItNCE. Allegheny Tl Let is 4 8 feet bY /SO to a SO Pet house contains 11 roam, with all necessary con venlenc.s: sold very cheap, as the owner hi going to leave the city. Apply to 'SOFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agedp, So. 139 /fourth Avenue. - . VOR SALE.—FOUR ACHES four miles from the' city, on tee New behton Road. aboat eve minutes walk from Railroad Station. It is an excellent building site with a fine view of the Uhlo River, and good orchard of fruit bearing Anial±,Cherry an Peach trees. Apply to A. COWLEY, Iron City .Col lege. . tf J. W. BANt A LARGt "A.ND CO .4fL r!: s7CIC% WANTS. LOST. TO LET. FOR SALE; 9 MARKE An NOW SEASONABLE AND AUME AT WROLESAL =- 3E3 ALISIL. MEE tso riumicru FOR SALE. . . R E L-FARBI AT A FGAIN-1110 PEE ACRE will pn . good Firm a :139 Acres In Vireatmoreian. ty. Pa., two miles-from Railroad, v. ell watered, underlaid with coal ak le d Hat o CRO Barn, cre & hard Br— La. IT! Apply tFT PHIL , LIPS. No. /31) avenue. Wen SALE — FOIINDItI.-;-Rare i A. ' Chance for an enterpriiln or man WI sotse capital, situated In th e toe not Washingt n, the county seat of Washington county, P It is now doing a very successful bualiteAs as th books will show, and could be Increased to do e the. amount desired, and yet could not supply he d - wand; will also furnish a partner for attal inter. eat in It If desired by the purchaser. is is a Food opening for a practical man, sa nbe shown beyond a doubt. Apply to CELIPT & PHILLIPd, No.' 139 Fourth Avenue. FOB SALE.-SHOP ON NO : Tu AMIN UZ. ASLEGILINY CITY.I TA. „„ m, ne building. 35x70 feet. is being used Jas. Godfrey A Go. as Illarlanniattirlag cstabli Out of the nterebers of the grin wishing tOtre front business - on account of poor health; w l have decided to close - out this part of the Mull. nem at a bargain. Also good will of Steam Power (5 to 10 horse power.) tools and cambiat ehinery; would niche a good wagon maker shoot lot 00x 100 feet. on Vrears lease. For further particulars fro:wire at No. 45 Ohio street. 411 e. &bony, Pa. • FOB SALE—PROPERTY. - s lots 95x131 feet; traded, only ssoo— per year. 4 lots 94x1321 feet-11400 .10U per year. , 1 lot 95x.1981 feet, $800; Reed street. Frame hoist° of a rooms, lot 24x100 foet; only $l,lOO. Briar house of 7 rooms, bath room and stable; 9212100-44.500. 9 three storied brick houses on Fulton street, each 600. 2 nee roomed pressed brick houses.finely 'finished, new; lot 86x.100. Two hick bonsai. pumps and hydrants, all for 44,000. New two room -d and cellar brick house, lot 90x1110; el,. 400—$800 . house and, ltlo. per rear. Read seven rcomed lot 24x980 feet, $9.- 500, and ease terms. 8 roomed frame house, lot 24x60, 111,500-45t0 cash and ealan.e ha and A years. 9 lots on Wylie street 24x80; - 060. 1 lot on Wylie street allBxlAs • 111.500. 11 lots on Centre avenue 99Xx125: 4800 eaCh• 150 feet front On, Centre avenue .by 195 feet deep, will divide to suit. olots On Centreavenue - from $3OO to $5OO. The above property 9 well located and within 10 to 111 minutes walk of the Court House, and on LI a New (central Passenger R. R. 20 acres on Western Petuut. Railroad. 4 miles from the city. 90 sties on Pan Handle Railroad, 4 miles from city.. New 6 room frame house 1 mile from 'Court House. 915 acres Missouri land. • Persons &shins to purch ase a home 'or make an investment, and those wishing to sell, please call on or addrese, McCLUNG & RAINBOW. att3o Boa. 195. 197 and•l99 Centre sienue. FOB, SALE. • House and 4 Lots on Spiing Hill, Tit ward; 10 acres at Fleming Station: Houses:id aorea; also 63 acres at Glendale Station: 10 acres about 1 mile from Fleming Station; 34 acres at Fair Oaks Station; 1 7 acres at Glendale on P.., Ft. W. It C. IL Ito House and Lot corner Hemlock and Poplar Street; Lot on Troy Hill: house on Sandusky street: 3 Houses on Boyle street; Farms in Ohio: A Houses In highth ward: Fenn In nowlekley township; Farm near Perrysville; House. on Ledlie street; Farm In Westmoreland eounry;.Fann in Butler county; 5 Lots near .Breed's grove; sexes on Headerson's Hill; 1 acre at Jack's . Jinn; House and Lots on Beaver street; House and Lots on BeaVez street.; House street: o t he r Bele, Onto: Lots on Fremont Houses and Lots in good localities.. 11. WHITMOR.E Real Estate Agent, corner . Chlo and Sandusky street, Allegheny. • au27 "HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR BALE. This beantifal situation =toot be surpassed for private residences in any direction; so close to both cities, being only eight miles up. the Western Pennsylvanialt:Woad. Any persidtde.' . siring information about this oronertv can obtain it by calling at titeofece of the IKON CITY it - e- TUAL LIFE INEPIIIIAIrCE COMPANY. • Federal street, Allegheny. Lots front one-half acre to live "cies : also, email lots to snit pur. chasers. There lea good location for a noundito twine establishment, between the Railroad and Allegheny river::` , • sal9:nsS FOR SALE.—One of the FINEST; BUILDING. LOTS Ever offered to the Pittsborgnpublle. Suitable for either pub:lo or private banding': having a front on a 60 feet street 01100 feet by 940 feet to a4O feet street and a2O feet alley, the whole , depth on one side. Less than three miles from the Diamond, and but 70 feet from Butler street. Inquire D. $. Seventeenth ward. opposite Bt. Joibn , s pal Ctiorett. - au3o:n7l FOIL SALE. 1- • Near Osborn Litton, nn the Pittatrerals It. Warne and Ctileagoßallroal,- .. . - TWO.- T4Ol l Pi: (koitaining About Two Acres Back • gums oa W.. MACKE.OWN. A BRC!..a 195 Liberty Street, gATIDENEIRS.TAKE NOTICEI —FOR • BALE.—The FOURTEEN MILE AND, on the Allegheny River, and now used for gardeng Imposes; well teenroved eat In a high state of cultivation; containing 40 or 60 aenes. now offered at a bargain. Call soon. Also, other Farms to good locatiOns. 'Woolen - Factory. two Rouses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Sale and Toilet In both titles. Par farther pan. , toners inmates of - . WILZIANIPARD. fere HR Brant -street. annositeCsAbadral. IDERSONAILI--All - persons seek & DM 110H88. or investments In Beal Zs tateCw.lll save thne.'trouble sud.4lo l 3ff' biltro• envios, copy of me "PITTEISWIEIet REAL ESTATE BEGISTZR. IS Ins givenaway GILL= or ',Vibe tent by mall IM CO any roitteAtinlf Persons cannot tall to tel suited ont of tite large list It contains: CRUPT - PHILLIP/6, Pub lishers and Real Relate Agents, no Nostra avenue. • • CANDIDATE. INDEPEND N TEIII[PF*. ANON. CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY CONIIIISSIONEft. DIOKEY.AIAH ans:niz KEE & CO T STREET. - =quit° 11P1.ErE :STOCK . OF DRY GOODS, SELLING "NAT grl o e a E AND RETAIL, I. db • - 'X' STELE.: .„ to. . a. !hoe a corm. .nll, ct ,It. Oulth
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