1 II II 13 STEEL MU —*IIQUESNII .-WORKS COMMI A RAIIM & Ca l , Atinufa6 iiera "4" 1144)N I —N AZT .44 r 45T.F41,14 . AXLES ANCIr..IIPRINCS,` PITIOWDE F A 4. , 7 i 4Van_ OullaWai EWSOI37IIi A..TO =Os. Rutin SHIM IiND TAWS. IRON. TIAESS LED BRADII46 • •-• 7 • • t tEplankti viLyttory: Qb A vv •-• • C YLL :, • A.‘CD FLAT m o tai tawu ;o4 Rosig6 Tal .45ErsiimeAv iw 04_ _PLOW•dsIiiDCULTAATOR STEEL, : y ,,.:L .NtatfyiLEDIEOULDs cat to patent. EL 'ELM, STEEL SHA-IFILES. AL-IL igirr:G,VArid*l4624.ls-. 6271 • • AILS A]•l3 , BPi s. 4111 Goods First Class and WarranioL -- "i Offtaa - A 27 P -v iV c g s• elittaa—ta swam demi 1111/stitr Irreen•efrommigr. a&00.1. MriVa, l2ll . atarataclairewof eserrdeletiPtioll of crAtiT latll-6140L1N-STFYI4 mramw orAurea, 114171...1G 4.16:1) PLATFOnat 811010315, .11.1=8, STEEL TIKE, 6C.. ao Warebaolies SS Water and 100 First Ste. AAIUN. Aitiattig, BARS & P aria:AL iLwriniusi ncraubv, AI. amass mithul. istzu.'w. Isms. MIAS. TAIUabl. . r , • Isracras. PA3M36I -43 . kt. SIEs. .- • gRICSCIONT vro*) Ig4 BABB 8Z PABKIN, 00113*4 NO. 339 Liberty St, rTrTSBirI!6H,I%. EC NAM InaiNOND -MBEV—ViAnitiCS. 1.44 11 4. Ifite l9l6l o & aliiiesestPtions EiglignEOLl6 PEI BO •, • . . - ease an . dWarehLoSsteo:ATHWqNTH "TNT 4 • :iiittittitrusrlit;l LELON WOM. Y 1 max; P. miss. Bates. inamslimatatrossE =EU AND IRON, CO., vultoricroilial as Riiihronni Fish Bars and ; Saito; Railroad! Car Axles Rolled; lvoad Car Axles Locomotive Weissman; ' Loeininotive **tame Shaven iilde BMW T idiest StviilPlß Piston Reads; Stenimboat Shafts; liteinnhoat Craning; Piston Reds. Wrists; Wiliam Jaws, collars, ite. • (Moe, No. :177 PENN STREET, PTPIESBUItett. PAL. EASBEHNiPROCBS& 'The Trustees are now Umpired to _g. r_ant licen ses tor the use of 'the ItI.L.F.,WELAtitiElti PRO - ca Thu superior qusnty 'imparted to good Iraat 'ate grellLthatlrOVeMellt in inferior iron. and the reduced cost, commend it to ali manufacturers of bon. Pirtle! wishing to use it caneibtain iSY ARDIFINr to _ 'JAMES- :131".E,ER " a "- Attorney ibr the Truttees, • ROOM 1 and Enellool Bu ilding, 9,3 i battles Interested are • Invited to visit .the Alsosl4l3ZßOlCit WORKB.,where . he rope is Is iIOW lii successful oPerstiOn. . ieSta7 EviaisoNrrautsioN 'fal4lo,lll4lsllllll -Works'. werehottie.: sae. , Tea •sna taw /NW 11112867.. ppothogotontitaeui NOW • iirMeritin4"l BRASS FOUND•''' ri Ass Coonce .................. juke. MN' ,001YER': 4 & co„, ' • • ARIANS' -CAIITIIVGIS I *ADs' ritoxemic T00131 4 / 3 ., Atie ad Grey Iron' Elan; s, . GAS PIPE AND T1.17311G, inutordi, surif AND &ECK VALVES, ALL GLOBI3 PATTERN. S "01•1=-:-CtlE04; arass Work of every deseeption for Steam, Water and- .. *AN IaraCTIMEES 07 J. 11. Ca/PEWS Unloved Palattliihttl Stpu!L, Pam:p. . Agents for Dreyfus , Patent Oil ers, the /heat Oitlheatarke.t• este and Works, ootrThar'llurtettan ai-Pike emu'an2. VELTY WORM. p : ovueit WORKS. i. jareirt4.4..,dir:(34). Kmoricsvazes or MRTECTORE STANDA.RIMPAIRBA RH a PAT EST) PLATFORM ARV COUNTER SCILZESI: ism paced rated , / Door Locks and Latches. Paint and Coffee 11111 s. Ake. IXOLIES Or MST AVENUE iIOILLIT BTa Pittsburgh. IPeno9a. " ARCHITECTS: RABB & MOSE,N isurr jimaiim3socusiosr avuxiNel% =rod *mama esieiii inOuh, ra• um deat ht add 3836SeRRSAP Iniaa liad rum. itorcmaklwAums. - ale: / ' HURIIIIOO46O. Car. Pettit A 'iley and Duquesne St., U,mA t [i rorre,) .preftOteFnalders, Plunders end ilfisdariistir lfitaudnatuOriiiNGEßZEl and STA TIOWLICT ZNOMEII Bum Sjme.lia '4,teswasaimse:odrasw.dTATTON- AßV OTL, Z;ASZI I MBTABLZ B re A_ (A r a everi rrin t i • = tOorde — Tatou: pr i v a ry lo o r n 4E4 T below Market. Kfaxemesondro ceotcWrtga ETON TOBLOPUTFINKENOthand dad Idadis to cater; at the • - INDUSTRIAL WORKS, , Yrontths call:lab* tier: lea gm rant, rrrzwnlie a, PA. _ All ozders promtlifitlled. TRY VP. FORT ILVIT iiimiknuaasu ?Am( CARROLCCIPNYDER , iluartirectrairasof - TUBULAR, DODELE.FLUED TIIBITLAIL, MUMMA AND CTDINDR R pm , W U ' . ME& • • 01L-STPLDS AND OIL TANEEb ASN PA NG, BE BREECHING AN PArdS, BETTLLNO PANS, SALT PANS AND CON STEAK STEAK rreia. (}ABOXISTERS AND IRON Farness. PRISON DOO'B,B AND COAL MUTES lkse sod Warehouse. corner Seeo Third, Short and Liberty Streets,nd. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Or Orders sent" to the above address will be Promotlyottended to. mk7:189 W 24 8431P1. ILL./& CO " , ; BOILER MAKERS A.N.D SHMET-,IRCMIFIC93.IO,CRS, • 888. SO, XL 1161. ND 16 PENN BT. Haying secured a isusw-yard and furnished it Into the meet approved machinery we are pre pared to manufactureevery description ad SOM ERS Lathe beat nianner, and warranted equal to • my male 111 COUS'e_ Chimneys, Breeching, lire Beds; Bteantipes.; Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pais, Tants. Oil -BUM. Aetta , tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Briftes, Pans, sad:sols 11111111KIUMDF1 ALB r , eat ZWers. • • - ° Besotting doze ittithoitaiis nillata JA MEIN PUTEII, . Rays 55 and 06_:Wager /30084 PITTSBURGH, PA., aurrerriartizas or IRON OIL- TANKS, urruffe n.yrs, Comic Ernui ram. udialarr um, was, For Steunboats. JAE= D. MIN JARED B. BRUSH & SON, ICANCTACTITDI3S OP steam Boilers, Oil stills,' Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE, &O. STOVES. CASTINGS, &o. 1. BRADLEY dig CO., NO. 30 WOOD STREET, llartufactusers of the greatest variety of Cook,Parlor and Heating Staves - TO BE FOUND. • _ In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTeRNS AXIS iItintOVItkIESTS. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in want of a good article shoald purchase none but those manufactured we ll , as tney,wlll be found themost durable as as economical. Would call particular attention to our new VoLCANt. :STOVE., for churches,lxa/Jaanosto rya., uvez lOU seldiatbree roonttotAnltilded fOr Oh orernik oat easing.. -All.Am have useof , tnent pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. e.lO aRMATIOUS it COI, aurcirie4Olti.mi ' ,main' or la i rCONnEing . BOStON COOKING RANGE, Mgr' Maria," You Warachaa-Stas. TH26 l:4 araw - ANTI-DIFOO OO KNG STOMA, lf r iJ72E2,9* it lA. , kratledigrWkidAritra RILTLECTOE,V_RATES-,free trout dirt and din; GRATZ rICSDIGILS. Le. 206 and 200 Liberty Street, se2s:yrt P11111313110H, re. 000 K STOVES. e, 'VkairllHß BES. BISSELL A; CO.'S irOB, Ifirll7l '111250071 'COAL. • oset atoll ft Do or It teaae Sill MI soy other Store in the union.. &00 • qBl5 Liberty Street. Simon laud itadlot We,' • - PARLOR wrovics. MUTING 5T0 1 7 &BATE /AVIS. rzomrse, ; opoicts ,ALNEire, Le. LIIMBER.._ frouviviimor iikotierreetliti PilteiOards. 150.000 feet 1% Inch Clear Plank; 5111.000 feet 1% lucti Common P 1104% 110,1100 feet-Dry 1 and InenDaitL, 311140001 U. )i, 1, .1% , ,W rind RlintitKoplar 10,000 lees Dry Poplargeantlinilt 10.000 Lett Dry YellowAnnii•BOarwo'; 100.000 feet:lien:dock Scan ,10a.crou feet-No. 110 In_cb . , enti r li7 , l 7.7 ; s its. *lmmo° No. incvotitag‘es wieldy 80,000 No. 116-Inett Ming ei, seared: 1110,000 Tire Brick; 1,000 Etre Tile. • 100 tone FM Clan Wirth 13tsr in minuet, 'Locust and Cedar Pests, and all articles in the line on band and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards -IST Rebecca street and COnier of Pre ble ;east* streets, Sixth Ward, Allegheny, late bor . ongb of Manchester. apt§ ii,43::.•..: BpLTO34_, ~. Seam of Weights and Measures, so. • NOWITH EiffiXF,Ti % ,e (Between Lil;eiltili'idrierirsiittsto, Clotat Promatil attended to. sOlts PITTSBITIZIr ' ,. ./ ießriatir I' BATMAN', VOIVMUK 4frif.MnM KNitleffliTT MORT 001TANT ()swim. AND wogs% TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. 111170iginS, Rotthig DWI ma cisissery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NAITIMAIL'TOVNIWItY AND PIPE WORKS. Vernier Carron iind Smallioaa Streets, (NINTH weium PIZ /31Thi.43 . 111 , Pd. , - • . WILLIAM SMITH, 151.anufo.oturier of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAB AND WAXES womus. • . • Minns are all 'east Inisriebinn MN 1D drf sand, and 15 fent ier.gths. Also, full assortment of general • , • Cadings Tor Gas and Water Works. agraas als 4r ic oVs t gair e sa c eVSlNAL tend. DUQUESNE - FORGE. tiilo& - P. &MU& 00.0 Hu facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily Oil ;Borders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES, PISTON ROD 4, LEVEP.S, PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES. I.ogettier with every description.of SHAPE WORK. Ofaceand Forge, • Corner of, Duquesne Way and - First Street. • ipH:ll4O ROBINSON, REA & CO., Successors to BOIII2OOX. XL= a Mrs. Lana, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBORGR, mannAttiareto of Boat an 4 fitaitonary O , M En sart Ezginesti'Xilt Msehinery, Outings of all descriptions: uuT and t3tlße, Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Ocoee, No. Pl. corner rim and drolinteld Streets. MEnritalor BMINLBDVI PALTBST INJZOTCIit tor feding - Boier. - • • ja11:191 THODLIS CARLIN b. CO., Fourth Wadi Foundry and !Harkin Works SALISDIISKY ST.. &LUSA/RENY CITY. PA, Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Steam nu &Ines. lAA treas., rualtys, Sbarung, titbit ar.d Saw MIII Wort, Bolling Mill and Maclaine casigs, erste Sam Weittict, Wagon Boxes, &e. Build to order and Dare on hand Fug - ices of scriCoi dr4r_n4i. F9!:l 4 :°._ AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn 'Street. BOLLNAN, BOYD 8: BAOALEY. Mil Molls, .11111 Castings, son Lathes. &e. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, . N. M. LONC & CO., once. DAXZELL BUILDING, hliDuquesne Way. Pittabaret._Pa. WARING AND KING, Commission litirehents mid Brokers in Petroleum and Its Products, BLOCC , DUQUESNE WAY; PHTLIDELYEIIa. ADDIIZSiI, Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SIOUND STREET aplo TACR BROTHERS, COMMISSION -MERCHANTS„, AVM)? WAV IS I I A, Petroleum and its Products, Philadelphia Ottlee—lAlT WALNUT I3T. mama° ECLIPSE . ; PETROLEUM': REFINERY. BELOW Wt. -TWEDDLEI • - JdANSFACTITRZIt Al. • Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. ZeUvie 110111r011 11 dole OIL • , Standstreat' beat ,!moot change: Teaming lfmpidYletrast temperatures. Special Oil for ironical climates Orlon_ lreetlter. LocOmotlvo, Engine, Bloehlue Shop, 'Slant Screlra. RaW xiIL, sod Platting ill ons, oppled lOrkigklpeed , d' Melo • 011, w Eresdahght 011, 0 1, Tokenero" Stuff.' BensOlo, 1218daltahthles0 011,48 no o ll ue . Harness • 011, iplarralrine. iltliollWW, to .preaerie Blunt Tsai Work and from Bust. Thoge produrls e manufactured under Dr. Tweddle's_patent ti Superheated Stearn In Vae coo. Ihe Subrica OM are almost odorleas, perfectly p ure.un un iform. and mostly • Ilabtcol ored, stand entail temperature,uncbanced, and remain litasid dialog extreme cold. Tbeallroad Oils atepeptudird, and ere In constant use on many orttte principal Itallroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 114 woop STREW, • Works at bbarnetairn Bridge. M SEMETM GS AND BATTING. trims lIELL & co., tlnj • ;' ' ANaHOIL COTTON 'MILLS: , .. 100 11.24311 Eflr4V/:KianOll WWI -1150BOS-AND wasuivilik .101 kriaqvi 4.14 , c0ti0..v.4..-F? 'OILS. MMM _:. - rinxuaLll4. Bill Of Pittsburgh - Is noW.iven for Discount, Deposit and General Rank Log Business, at 193 FIFTH AVENUE. Any sum received from One Dollar upwards. Interest at the rate of six per cent. paid on time deposits._ ; Diezr*ivi: - - F.D. M i rfRIDGE,I. W. H . sims; FR .4 BERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, HANBY biEyEa. DAN. SLIME& . ARMOR, POR D RSTRL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President., ' F. F. SCHENCK, Cashier.. 7yXhl9B' . EWE V• 0 . I L NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, P1TT511317121331. CASH CAPITAII- . 1200.000 Stockholders°lndlvldnally Liable. BASH OF DISCOUNT ASD DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, - ,Fresldenr. Cashier. - - 'BrincTOrtg. - Thos. M. Marshall,' John N. Nurtland, Wm. T. tlimanon. Archibald Wallace, James W. Arrott, , Jas. D. Kelly. • Chas. B. Leech, , Win. Floyd. John Thle Bank ia now fullierganlsed and prepareil to do a general Banking btuaness. jelok4B AST CATIGHEt & CO., • - . , BANKERS AND Bi6KERS, - . • Corner Thir4 find.. Wood ativeth PrI"1131317BA3111. piL•• SLIGO/MOW TO EAENA, SA.EtT .00..) DAthien , Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And pie nhir atatiz e t cr d to the pnrehnee COVERNMENT BONDS. Drafts . on Liondon. 1111/:1751 N. HOLMES Ili., SONS, 57 Market Street. iirra-rszymmjal, Collections wade on all the principal points o the United States and Oansdas. StocluOlonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD UN 90111XIMON. . . Particular atteuiloa pild to tie parcliaa• ant axle of Tir a N i ted States Securities JAY , COOKE & CO., 114 SO urn . THIRD STREET, THILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of CI dethrlptlons bought and sold. Special attention rictus to the purchase and male of tiorernment Securities. naiad CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Stred - Pittsburgh, Pa. cAprirsu $lOO.OOO. STOCKHOLM& - INDIVIDUALLY , LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. EXCHAVBIS ;,) '-'- Boug , H, and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada. Dommiew iliarzw, President. JAwas McCaw. Vice President.. - Jortit B. tiosauxt.scaOkeri, D. Thmsen. puiscrocksJames McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Say_age, J. Dunlevy. Jr..,., ,Terence Ci=pbeE, Patrick ;_ , •!. itgEuetrrhebitt, Chas. B. Barr, -- H.A. reTeogie, Jno.Jos.Hermann, Thomas Barnes, Hugh Keving, • rriel:ks GLASS. CHINA. 100 WOOIOII.nIAECII.' • NEW AtirAMIL • FINEOII. somuusqr ALM? stir . DINNEDTEA S . SE BETS, gi GIFT CUPS, SMOKING BEM A limp xtofik of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all deseritiMoitilt . Call and examine our_ goodt, te st i t te 7 . l feel satisfied no one need fall t ED Jar .CO. R. Q . 100 WOOD STREET. HOLfF; I O4 BOLTZ & WIEDETtIiOLD. No. 100 Third Avenue, • ti 1.1 irri 800 14.4i0).0a11,,...44n '1 C 4 Direst the attention of their friends end the public to their finely assorted stock of Lace and Nottingham eartsins Vestibule Laces,Damask :Reps.' Ferry 's idexleanv cloth satinDetente. Acklratcespill Audi 19'alnut mouimegs, Voting Bids' of sti riar-Met Haar Matrasses (pure bite bair.l Blows. Bolsters. and everything pert. thing to a first.class bed. atThe latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies Insr.eetion or their customers. Pure white Eastern chow Feathers always on hand. HOLT7NLAN ti WED KRHOLD._ NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. Anv3:l4 LITHOGRAPHERS. CI3JAMIIII ISIMGZELT••••«..•••••MELLI2 cLils. tO4FZCIO;', PRACTICAL maostaainura. The "lt BUM LithWILDIIIO Zatablishment Weit of e Mountain& muumuu; Cards. Le Bid 4 0411 da• &Brie. or. s oma. Pluabargh: 'FrEtAveraL" SILVER ANT COUPONS Botghl at Highest Priccs. PIL R. - MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Street& =3l JAME Ei r it CO, Woocessors oEr JONES ,a 00..1 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., AeL mr..31;11.0,. BUT AND BELL LLL MUMS or , . . GOYEAI:6 7 I kbilTlEi, BOLD, tithyElt AM) carom, 1 ON MOST- TAVORABLE T=Ote. ay- Interest Allowed on Deposits. lowest ma rket Government Bands et Orders executed for, the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and JAMBS iT. BRADY & CO. GOVERNItitiNT BONDS ! We will register 11 kinds of Gove rn ment Bonds freeof charge. This gives the holder ab solute security *gains tieftloss, or destruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO Dealers In Goi•erinnent Bonds, con' POVBTU & WOW, Rt littOtt:o4;it:tte'. FINANCE AND TRADE. EZ2I OFFICE or Prrresua.orr GAZETTE, FRIDAY, July 30, 'IBV9. • Quotations as received by . Ph. IL Mertz: Gold, 136%; Silver, 130; Eighty one's, 12334; Five Twenties, 1862, 125%; do 1864, 122 g; do 1865, imp do 1865; Consols, 121 g; do 1867, 122%; do 1688, 122%; Ten Forties, 114 g; New York Central, 14%; Erie, —; Reading, 98%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 53's: Ohio dt 32's; Michigan Southern, 10534; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 107; Chicago t Rock Island, 11431; Chicago & North Western, 8 034; Chicago at North Western Preferred, 95%; Adams Express Corn parry, 59g; Merchants Union Exprosa, 834; Pacific Mail, 84%; Wester/ Union Telegraph Company, 37; Am. W. Ex press. 41. EXCHANOE, - Large. London, per £ 56,72 56,85 Paris. per franc 27 25 34 Berlin. ;haler 29% 1,01 Frankfort, florins 58 59%. —Closing qu ot at ions received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, 136 g; United States Sixes, 1881,12335; Five-Twenties, 16132 1 12 • 6 ‘; do. /3 3 4,.12 3 ;i:d0. 1865, 123 g; Ten-Forties, 114' ; ' : Five-Twenties. Janu ary and July,..isfz, do. do. 1667, ,a 122, d0...4888, ,1 4L itt%; Due Eon,. pounds, 119; Union 'Pacific Railroad, 90; Central do. do., 99;' Cy. Pacifies, 110; Lake Supeliors 96. :Br 'reitxrape to the Putstargb Eistetie-3 :Saw, YOBX, July 80,1869. Money is easy ; at poz i per. canL., with exceptions at t cent'. Sterling is dull and steady at 9%®1 t 0 1 4 .., Gold opaned,at 136%. advanced' to 136%, declined 136g,,aruLclosed-Sready, though...4lldb at 136©136q:ng rates S@s Clearances P 37,000,000. The specie ex port for to-morrow ,will probably. be light; the engagements. as yet are only $1514000.; GovernMents sr*. active and excited, but business being mainly of, scula tive character, and the result of the for mation ot• a combination to advance , • prices, closing a fraction off. Coupon loaf 'BL 123%@124; do. '62, 123®125g: ' do. •t 64; 123g©123%; deo- 1 65, <12350 123%; do. new, 122®122%; do. '67,122%(4, 122%; do. '6B, 122©122g; 10-40's, 114g© 114%; Pacittek State Minds Misseuris,"' 8734; Old Teanesnees, 63;,pew do.. 56N; Old North Carolinas; 5635; new do. 'sl%;' Old Th . . gitilae. 58; new do. 60%. • . • &Oaks irr egu lar; New Yoillipadeii4 .and western shares strong. '"Wabash, • Northwestern, St. Paul and -Chicago and Altoreara features; the litter rose4l4 per 'cent. The market generally closed dull and steady. • • • ' 5-30 Prices: Canton, 58: CoMberland, 33,54 ; Western Union Telegraph, 87 Quicksilver, 16; Mariposa, 18; • do. pre ferred, 16; Pacific Mail, 84g: Adams Ex press, 59g; Wells 2401; American, ,6950 United States,- Merchants Union. 8N: New York 0entra1,21434; Harlem, 16334; Iludson, 187%; Reading, 99N: Erie, 28%; Irref..-115; Central 4- 134 Ati 4 chigan Southern, 10534; Central, .141; Pittsburgh, 107; Northwestern. 80%; ,do. preferrA 95N; Cleveland; ',Columbus and Cincinnati, 73; Rook Island, 114334.4; St. rani; 77; fio.,,Pretdrted, •,23; Wabash 74V; - do. preferred 131;,_ Fort Wayne; 18324 i Terre Haute, 35; do. preferred, 58; cago and Alton,. 169; Ohio and Minis. ,sippi, 32%; Berlington and Quincy, 190; Dubuque and 5JF11L1•317419434; C. C. & 7. G , 86C. • Mining shares dull.' _ ,Copper Stocks at Boston—Copper Falb., 6; Franklin. 10; Heals, 80: Quinsy 23.• Reeelpte Subareasury, • ,#978i774; -FRY merit% 11.311i0 7 0r balance, 1 / 9 5a96,6 93 ; disbursements coin interest, 5108,882. MEI :riVnistlitat OPPIOES'WE'iTTEEMET GAZETTE, / FRIDAY, July SO, 1869. S - The Iran market ie quiet, as, noisily is the case at this Beason of thejear, though tieieltie ainne v aliglifindlcitions itirl e .* t imA* es td that. Boni. of the. , mfll melt tiliTelbeen feEding_around this week, tagooki!tlidttdirD3.l#o7ol7 411,47911 next- Mendip , and'-from` thia- it leemlabeinferml by some dike:intik tbat .Iprielitilol*. VW! to ge mu , lower. The sales, however. for present , use are:small, atid as a CePsequence• the volume of business in the aggregate light, and notvrithstanding the supply is by no means large, it is, nevertheless, fully up to present requirements. As alrody intimated, however; • it•lookis now as if there might be an improve ment next month. ANTHRACITE. 300 tons Chickens Forge for another • market equal t0...41.00ea5h here # SO tons .A.No. 1 Foundry.. ... . .. 344.00 4 Enos 150 "B No. 1 " . . .... 41.011 cash A 10 " No. 1. " ..... . 92.00 4 mos 10 No. 1 42.504 mos 10 - No. / 6, ... ... 43.00 4 mos, 10 ". No. 2 " 41.50 4 mow 10 g' No. 2 ' 6 42.004 mo 10 ' 6 No 3. ' 6 .... .... 40 50 4 mo. 20 11 • • No. 42.00 4 mos 10 No. 1 43.00 4 moe 40 6, No. 3 Gray-Forge..... 3 7.50 cash 10 Mottled 36.00 cash 50 " ' White ............ 36.00 6 mos 50 , No. 2.Foundry 40.00 4 mos 10 No. 3 Forge. 38.50 2 mos • cox's. 20 tow Ss.>l Fonndry.-..'..544.00 4 mos 200 " Allegheny Cake 3&0 0 6 1110 9 - 200 ". Red Bank 81100 6 mos CRARCVAL: 50 tons No. 1 Hanging Rock ;48.00 4 mos 20 " No. 2 Hanging Rock 45.00 4 mos 10 " Cold Blast 50.00 4 mos 150 4, - .Hanging Rock r - rage ' 44.00 4 mos Hanging Rock EMI Forge 45.00 6 mos Extra Charcoal • Forge 51.00 4 mos BITUMrSOUS COAL SMELTED PRO3I LAKE SUPERIOR "Ong. 500 tone Superior Forge .50 6 mos 30 ' 4 4 Cold Sn't. 00 4 mos 50.'" Medium Gray 35.50 4 mos 60 1 . " " ... ... 35.004 mos 130 . 1 Open Grey Forge 87.50 4 MOS 500 " Med. Grey Forge, to arrive 37.00 6mos 65 "Open Grey Forge 37.50 4 mos 200 " 44 ..... 37.00 6 mos 500 . 1 Common Close Grey and Mottled 35.50 90 da 60 " Gpen Grey 37.50 4 mos 866 if - , Medinin Close Grey and Mottled 36.50 6 mos 200 " Grey Mixed with neutral ore 38.00 6 mos 60 " Grey Mixed with neutral ore 38.50 4 mos 900 " Common Close Grey to arrive 38.00 6 MOS 500 41 Common Close Grey to arnve...... .. ...... 36.00 6 mos 44 , Inferior Forge 35.50 6 mos IS it 35.50 4 moe 16 It 35.50 6 mos 1 . Neutral Forge. 38.00 4 mos " Common Cold Sh't. 38.004 mos sLooats. _ 20 " 500 50 60 100 100 50 tons Juniata 595.0 095.00 5 mos 70 " " 6 mos 60 " Lake Superior ~. 95.00 6 mos PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OTIFICE OP PlTTsuVultalc Gratssre, FRIDAY, July 30, 1869. The general' " markets remain in about the same - condition - they* bave been in all Week, rather dull end dbvQld of any. thing new or, very important. Some few arecles, in conaequence of a temporary scarcity, are stronger and tending up ward, but otherwise there are no changes'of importance, and as a general thing ihe demand is restricted mainly to supplying immediate wants. The weather continues clear and pleas ant and ail that could possibly be de sired for harvesting, and it' seems to be general, the dispatches from the west during the.past few days being of amore encouraging character., And, this im , provement in the weather is beginning to have its effect, as already, the grain "bulls" in the west, are getting shaky, • and anxious to realize—at least it so ap pears from our Western exchanges. APPLES—In active demand and lim ited supply, and the market is . firm and tending upward. , We now quote at $4,00 ©5,00 per bbl. BERRIES—SaIes of Blackberries at $1,00©1,25 pet bueket, imdpiejiheiries at $1,15. - BUTTER—Is quiet and unobanged— we continue to quote at 23©25 for fair to choice.• ' BEANS—SaIes at 11,75©2. BROOMS—Quoted _as, follown: No. 5 16.50; No. 4 No. 3 115 - No. 2, plain, $4,50, and market firm: ,CREF-FiE-'-ifi In good supply.' and very dullitriging from 14 to'l7 cents as to qualit , the outside figure for Goshen. `CX BON OIL-Ta dull but unrhang. • ed; sales of 50 .or 100 barrel lots, at 27® 28. and in small lots, 29©30. DRIED FRUIT—DuII; small sales of Peactieffil 9®lo-ete for quirtere, and 13 ©l4 for halves. Apples, 12@13. EGGS—Quoted at.lB ©2oc. PLOT.III--Thereare no new character istics in flour- wattliY:cd'ilitikOal notice; the demand continnee , light, thouS4 th - marki/V-liit Brim' And •litciokfc. compara tively ',speaking, „very. much reduced. In store," Stirineand Winter Wheat brands are . -selling: about. the ;same prices, $7,00017,25. GRAlNWheitt is in good demand, n very light supply; new, crop may be quoted at 5430(01,35, and prime old at $1,40, with 'a aalenficonie 500 bushels of the latter at $1,40. Corn is in-limited supply, audit it, held thinly 1/101,05 for mixed to prime yellow. Oats firm, but unchanged,: Sale ,2,3oobusbels_ on spot 4t, 7054;8dd ;we be,oll. of ;A sale; for Au gait dr - September delivery, aeiller's op= Lion, at 55. , Nothingdoixisr rye, and •in the abseiled of aales "may be quoted •at 11,25. • „ RAY—Sales at Allegheny Diamond market of 37 loads at $18©25, .as to quality, _-,MP-I,aast sales at Ina HUSKS—SaIes at 2%©3-cts per pound. LlME_Cleveland Lime Is cinoted.at $2,50, per .bbl, and Common White at LARD OIL=NO: 1, at 1,43©1.45; No. 1 Extraog,47©l,4B; and ,No. 2. at sl,oB® POTATOES . Underthe influence 'of a • bettez - demand, -firmer, but, as yet, unchanoid—sl,so©l,7s:pet bushel. PQIILTRY-rSales of spring chick= ens, at 65@70 per pair. • - • PROVISIONSFinner arid higher. We now.quoteat:ls©ls, l 4for:bbouldeipt: 190 19 for -Ribbedand Clear Wile* 19, Or Plain and 23%©24 for : Sugar Cured Sams, and 17%©18 for'Breakfast Bacon. Lard, 2034 in tierces and 200/21 in"half bbls and kegs. Mesa Pork. 58 3 34. PEANGTS—SaIes 100 bgs at 12. . . • SALT—Allegheny - Rigor brands are quoted. by the car load, 1 at $1,75©80. TALLOW--Rendered, quoted at 10X. ^ = Dry- Goopy Starlet. Nnw Yontc, July 30.—The market re mains very quiet, but steady. Woolen sbawlsof popular ntke, are in good re. qtiesp, and will open on Mondity at abent last yeaes :redoes, but on .Tuesday or . We4esciay,wili be .advimeed - on oettaixt s;3+l4 . 9b o Ve the riling 'glees , e Au Derr ma" t . •..p.,aVAltpiini' western freight._by .monday:_jr !. this dam, IsleWer4Vg.r4o. t9_olol2lfttgt ' d chandisirsi , once. &11.7 i • " El
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