ZiP3W 4/1/Mt, FIRST METHODIST • CRu (Railroad street, near Depot,) gawßinewrowfa. n. F. CROWTHR.R. Pastan Preaching SABUATU &x 1031 1 A. M. and w. Public cordially Invited. CH.RIEST Erzsco.r.A - ii —The Bev. \ • BEN f. F. BituOiCE. 8 -ctor,'otliciate at di. vine service in thin Church on TO, bitttftEOW,st halt-pa.t ten o'clock A. Y., and half-AM seven O'clock M. • . - • PrFIRST 'ENGLISH EVAN• eELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Bev , enth street—Rev. "SAMUEL LAIRD; Pastor. ServiceeTationaow (itandam t ) and reatßirly herearter. - at tpx, A. Ye and 7ji.Z.111. Elandsy School at 9A. 9. SERVICES VONNECT )t th ededitl;utsheleSTl. ,ilegitn t lu i edo j kieTon heldsvn It.lOllOW. 84 7 2 0 a b g t rtarj r r . t l. Z r i • ae bk.."At eeveningby Rev.D.R.Kerr.D.D. EDI!' DUDAUti ,venue, will • ' h ntbrufn D.D. In. the D.l)..snd • tt, . RELIGIOUS. =- First - Chrh- T(AN CHURCIII, turner Beaver street and Montgomery avenue, Allegheny City, Ji.s. IMP KiNlastor. Public worship Tt./..MU1l- BOW, (Lord' Day.) at 10)i to the IdOR.NING and 1 ; In the - \ ' Free Seats, and a cordial invitation given to all. Sunday echo's, at 9 A.B. ••. iggrostEssisul) Lurntliss CHURCH. STBEET.—There will be no preaching in this church to -Merrily. The patter. liev. J. H. W. Stuckenberg, wia weevil by Inv] t scion in the THI tcD Oti UR • 11, blitth avenue, at 10 A. X. ittelnherti and friends ot thin congregation are cordiallyintrited to be present and join in the el- fgr'FIRST CHRISTIAN CRIIIIOII OF PITTSBURGH ? W. B. Gray, Pastor, meets statedly In NEVILLE HALL, corner of Liberty and Fourth streets. Services every- Lord's Day at 10% A. M. and p. Sabi: et for Morning discourse: Cants alas A BSUBANCR, or the Evidence of Pardon. To be .followed by the administration of Bap. %lam e _ The public are cordially invited. • Or TILE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. PIM! AVENUE, above Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. ALEX. CILAILK. Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATIT. - at 10.30 A. X. "Creation Conditioned In the Divine-Bea son" is the general sablect of a aeries pf Sabbath Evening Lectures by the 'pastor. Special topics as follows: A Lassies, .World.`July 4; Attila& pheres of Chance, July 11; Water* that Might Have Been, Js ly 18; natant° Light, July A 5; Imagelees Humanity. Aug. 1; F o rt atton• Ani mals. Aug. 8; Beason In Bondage, Aug. 15; Ao cidentai nellgion Aug. 29; Christ the True in terpreter, Aug. A . 9. 1 ree seats and welcome to all. ' N - OTICE.—IIy mutual consent the Co partnesstdp of PARK, MeCOHDY k 00., Is this day, Jusy 3114. dissolved.' - - DAVID E. PARE.' . JOHN BIeCIIRDY. . . • . JAMS PARK, JR. • DAVID E. PARK and JAMES TABS. JR., having purchased the Interest of. Idr. JOHN, McCIIHDY In the late Ann, will continue the business of j _ Manufaturing Copper, 'Under the name and style of PARK & CO. Imietiring from the be inete I tate pleasure in recommending ilia new Arm of PASS. &XI), to the confide - lee of the JULY lin. RIPAIMBEENT OF THE colaornow OP PEOPLES' SAVING 6U :30th July, 1; 4 69. *-1 . Published b 7 order of the Board of Truiteea In aceor ante withdeutron 9of the Charter. Cash on Lando $ 33,997.99 lx.pentee and office furniture gaoLbs Bo id& Mangum, and other 'OM securities 424,492.36 Be.l Estate 8”..63 _5.11611.002.79 Capital Stoclranthorlzed, 0300,Wtt. Capital ritoeic Instalments sailed in - and paid 4 lasr,ooo.ou Pranklumssiad interest 358,339 At Tlivittende unclaimed 30.00 Deposit aeportt ... . .... ... 5115,738.07 S. F. VON BONNHOM Sworn to and 'subscribed befnre me. Witness My hand and 'Notarial Seal this 30th ay of J say, A. D. 18139. exoltez w. mtatritY. H3t1117 Public. ECM IRON AND STEEL. THREE NEW BOOKS. _ Ettstory. Properties ` and PrOceesedoi Manufacture. By W41..P.1.18.114YRN1 8.. Le.. Third Editdon. Revised. $5 2 TP.OM eiti• wrzllM—Zlisticaty.‘ Elteniibinty . • and Tensile Strewth, By Kriwr wlth &Prefisfm,b7Porey.' 16.0. , • IRUN AIitkeTESLIUNttr,ACITUTIE.' Poets 4111 the)iirsintscutris and. PTOpeleel" of Iron and •Bteel.„My FEBDrtif.A.PT SOHN.. C. E. $l5. F4114i8 BY R. S. DAVIS Se CO., I= iiatioquataiwwil FOR szs kip Boys cLorriso.' GRAY ~84 - NO, 47 SIXTH STREET, Are now,,offerini. a. cosuptetii, stork of Sommer Clotbingof medium and nno voittla aL Dm very k"ressrices;'ebildvoles-Catuituato Linen and sup s; putbs , -(ts• 'Omer@ Snit Ultrneattli_l Daft' Qatsiblere gad I.4nen Suits; Dents , Blue vlaomet Seeks; OVnta , Motes racks t-Denta , Wlitte at& Btourn Duet Suiteutients.footeb Cbevult Mud, nets and Watkincentta. qottUnt of all kinds* ' • ' DRAY d LOGAN 'Si • ASO'V/ Mirth street. (late St • Clate.t 30.1?• . ::M:MRZ-iO.Mq.4 FOR SALE One of this longest established and most eom piste Job paints's offices in the tied, is offered' zor vale ozi thentcratfsvorable terms:. itembracie , s all the mach nerir snit types emcee art for Book and Job Printing in ali branches. There are four, steam power ,oresaes ;steam engine and poster. card 'and hook type: and a ernhaieteetr. man Job 0 r se:ttie Materials forwblen most ,new. The odice is complete In evert re- Tftt, and , has 'a large - and' profitabe Irtlatte6ll, ile est ablishtneutturfli be sold at a bargain. Tor further particulars spelt , at the CO7dItEIICIAL OFFICE, or address Box 311 Bittsberitti. Pe. .m - onCrififir• wife - MLRGkI A i x /MMES. , hating. 104 my lied and Wird w !bout any just cause, or provoCation, notice fs lirreby given - to all persona not to Unlit her o my account, M V. Will - pay nD, debt, of her COon uactiog from itus date. , _ • ' - • - • .10111.4 MILK% Termitic tositablp, -- Aneetiesy tinurt" - , ra. PirinciprOs,July Ma. riIIEGARAVINKTITIPTE, and 185188PIWOIS STBElST,Thlladelpini. y i . irsoLhat -AND WiltENcht. For, YolSllfi Ladles- and Xlssrs,-Boarding and Day Puptis t , will reopen-. on MONDAY.- newel, ber 510. MINCH Is the langasr:t the faintly, and la constantly stookep,ln, th e - motets. 314 LoA J - I I iPrlnelpg: jyil:STlia . .... G Ooli *ENO: ~ ~.- - • ‘,., •:: . . . • alma iiiir42!Di • Dll l / 1 1711111". ' Enqui.i4i'fozelliVOLlVEPS Dread. ' ' • - II I, „ Boa -VI eliT4 est 'aid ben. : ll4 l, Wadi' ti• Ws te/NIT 10111 f. Troia none elie. , ' an4rints DF+coNtArrobis,44l yfoodt,' Mattla sta4_ wino' sattatla t:Wails collknfts viniftiv. Baas. 11119 1 c iscp, ow , NO+ 19i Wikritrt,street.. • L isp, JOSErik"W-flutu"'"'..l7 44 100 - 4 21 ilLit4l, aial2. .m.. 114410- nscr . tava to-0474 14.0.1 r llypri e gMr2at bd "18 ' ° NM itsritc9, NEW 4MERTh=2INTI3. XTEWEIP,A.VEIt Miner& 'Wit Persona - desiring - a Western •ane, and othemean b aye a ipicy Wee. ly Paper flints Ten 81:estOissits by;_seneitin , dame and rostOfileo aPoress to GARDNEJ:I:7OI7IISAL, Gardner, "Moots. . peausat ADMINISTRATION NOTICE.- Le tern of Adminlitration cn the Estate of N QUINN, Esq.. late of the city of, Pitts• bench. deceased, Wigs( b-en grant eisto thetto flerSigided.All peratras Jodi btedtotli t Estate Will please make prompt palment, and those having eLsims against the same will present them imme diately t , MANY -QUINN, Mn • o- to CHAS. B. XlilftsYc al:m9l Attorney at Law, 89 Grant Bt. UOPOSALS Aroll SCHOOL BUEL.Dl.4o.4eitte4Proposal s for Weft*" Om of a BIUCK SCHOOL HOUSE. in and for the Borough of Millyale, will be received until TUESDAY, - AUGUST I.OTII, - 11360; at 4 r. la. Bids for the whole Jobs or separate bids for the excavation and stone work, brick and carpenter work; Plastering anil„palnt,lng will ered. Plans and specifications may, be examines at .ofiluO of XilliriUk AroitiVorks.-Bennett Station. The Biard of Directors reserve the right tol re ject any or all the bids. By order of the Board jysionn - - C. A. RUBBOW O . See:Y. FOR SALE--RESIDENCE. 'eleiant new two story,presiedbrick trent; at present occupied by J. S. Bell, Beach street, Second ward, Allegheny. "The house contains 11 'Snows, 'with 'attic, Wash house' with station ary' tubs, stable and coach house, side yard and garden. The house is dashed in the very beat with inside shutters. marble mantles and hearths. marble wash stands, Graff. Hose , Co's furnace, Cincinnati• range in kitchen, speaking tubes, pantries, and every convenience necessary for a first-elms residence. For terms apply to 3,31:13290 Bates .1. Bell's, or of tbe premises NIGHT CAPS! NIGHT CAPS rADIES• WHITE NETTED LACE NIGHT CATS. a IT/ deririble And cheap article, ' / AT PFIEL /DP& MEN'S WHITE AND COLORED ' - COTTON NIGHT CAPS. INIA.NTS, LADIES , AND GENTS GAUZE MERING UNDERWEAR. SILK SHIRTS . AND DRAWERS. LISLE THREAD SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. OldStandStockilig Store, No. 24 IFIFIR 2.177.121112. S.. - Ai-CLAIM •IV . 00.1 Weekly Reeder of New Books. The Ladles , Book of Needlework, Includ- - lug Rinbseidery, arab:ling. Matting. crotchet, fcc., with sixty-four new dt. g 7 50 diens Cyclopoedle science byJ. FePPer, Profusebi illustrated, 600 en. gravinas 4 50 flarlyie's Life of Setiflei, 1 vol. Svo 3 75 litter•s Words of the apostles. 1 vol. Bro.. 3 50 Gleanings from French Garuens, com p_rishut an account of such futures of French Horticulture u are most worthy of adoption • 3 00 Harvey,* Painted 'Windows ' ill 00 Bright's Speeches. paper.....: 75 McKenzie's Iliktory nf Scotland 3 SU Ltedon's Oxforo University Sermons. new edition 1 50 %lila, the Russian Fabulist . 950 0 Good Society 1 5 First Las L nod Love SO Dublinove t Repository Tracts-nacketof 3000 Pales 1 ob Famous London Merchants, a book for • bop! 1 00 Dr. Hodge'* Commentary on the Conte*. sloe of F •b h 1 75 .P•urrtalof Social Science I'oo The Tourist's Pocket Companion. 1869... 100 Aug& ton's Short-Trio G- Pie t't Europe... 2 00 holps , H tapture Attas,-19 colored maps. 95 Cipher. a romance by Jane G. Austin 1 00 Little Women. 9 vols., rub.— ........ .1 50 rridA own Folks. by Mrs. Stowe 900 The Subjection of Women, by John Stuart Mill 1 00 110 Wood street, 9d door below 'Rh Avenue. JOHN 3leo34iDY • jy3i:ms ISM ROBERT 11. PATTERSON . 61 CO., CORNER OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty Ft., - PITTSBURGH, PA, • • Wlllon Saturday, ..Tidy '3lst. PM. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sue of HORSES t CARRIAGES; BUGGIES . . - . . VitACI I OI4S, - • And "Teri - thing sopertaining ti the Horse. Parties deal log to sell win pleaSe leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each week in order for aditettiale g. Pronipt at tention end good calculi' hoarsen all Stock left hrsale. JOIE H STElttfcrs*ctioneez. 1,28.m66 - • , - HESBY •. - • fIEIEDEIG $46*.002:19 TBEASIYEXII livery family using Cherries, whether for plea, Wining 01 drllneshottid have one of these vain ableinachlnes. It not only saves time and labor, bat krill more than pay aittseltzt seedhinohe tnishel of ihentes. • 93 WOOD STill The Vitals - e Cheap. of pe. durable sod hariaschise. Ilse hopper IS' tiQuatibie, thereby' adspthur it to sit Wei of cherries. . • • RETAIL PRIOR , : • • . • • • 4 ! 92.004 .1 AME 3 SOWN, e gA t 3 8 WOOD STREET TIME BEST_ .. PE3I. ,IN THE ,w9fiLD kou,sAPID warrime. , . . . . . . .. • "111 E INDIA. lIIIBBEE, PEN, Coutilnini se . the ous'ities of Gold. Steel Ind Quill Pens. , T pen is,peculLsrly Adapted to the use of Law* Clergymeu. and other orofessions whets xbe objeatto be a t ta in e d is rapid' llud leg bl#lirll4lg. I acbPca warranted. • , FOR SALE BY • ItAY :80 COMPANY, 65 WOOD STREET• - - PO LENDER DEALERS AN ; A L CAIIPEN% 7.113.—1 am now itirecolpt or • • - Best A Fo. 1 Saginaw Shingles, . +Toro t h e celebrated Mleblaius Lithther Regions dtrecc.m bleb a can sell to the wide ar low dopes eltber by e.r load or .1a qtaaulittbes put-. •• - ` • AUX. PATFEBSOT Cor. Juntas& and Pratte Wret ti,' Ixtb ward, and .14n. 187: Rebecca atre t t,. olopoilte :VW Has Works, iilleatiena ja29:106 4RMORONG9. ; Sueocaor toTozer I Armstrong,. PRODUCE t CORESSION : INEIRMAnt . . , • iso. 93 111AUKET STUMM • STAXLE OMZ" Air STEELE & SON, • • 4 " L , Consvio,Merahanta, -zro:vs onto BMW,niitlLt Otraimis ,•!„ , Adaramonarrarn..;rA.,, J. B. BELL. AT ZANIES PRELAN'S CHERRY. MMIUL. PIM BALE BY OCT iiNISTIITI3 ONE miLLioN Lteg--1110 Aisirrells Covetslb Whitt Llas it NOW. &Agra 404 Ow liakt trf 01411131,13 - PrriBBITROR . .,G.M tin i_4; t 1. BATUMI:M. ' , 71J1.T.1 • 4 , '.° . MM. wrs• NEW =ME eat Western PRINTING B 1-" N ESTBLISIBIENT, Cane turn out Work equal to any establishment in the eonntry, and on as Reasonable Terms, qual ity considered. RAILROADS CO BE FURBISHED WITH EVERY BLANKS, o essential in operating their B116illOS: Iron Founders, Rolling Mills, Merehants, lierchants, ALL CLASSES. OF BUSINESS MEN Can Obtain all the ME B.LAIIKS, BOOKS, Lettei. Heads, Bills Lafding, 3usnesa Cads,__ 0 28 4 046Q1.L 3 3 00 8 ,. Time .Books, .rdigineerSi STATIONERY, ette _ „ „ • Their Business tope ottions. W;SILVKR-4CO; Printers, Sta4'oners EiVazias,- --Mtc)cOls: .IAIUMMMMIC .1 2 ..n.:i . Vig ~'. ,::: , .:.' , l "..7,1"::: LI , ',,' ... i .-..; x ,:,.... 3. , Otaii..l)At*Stieei‘'oll-1111rt Attlitit AND" DES 3aIMON OF TICKETS and BOOKS, Insurance Agents, Dial Dealers, tan Brokers,_ County Courts, ARV TO ititttitE:." =I NM a - 413 D NEW: ; 'AJMER 1m 1 42C7 ffal Her SEKEEPING DRY GOODS EU VERY- , lOW PRICES FULL ,M4MT3IPT OF Sheeting Muslins, Pillow Case Milslin, Fine Unbleached Muslin, Bleached Muslin, • Table Linens, all kinds, Toviellings, Towels, &c., White Marseilles Quilts, White Allendale Quilts, White Honeycomb Quilts, Heavy Colored Quilts, Flannels, all colors, White Country Blankets, Fine Eastern Blankets, Grey Blankets, &t., LARGE ADDITIONS OF NEOW 4131‘ 0 S 'HAVE Just been Ateeeived. fi'diz/.1 , 15. 1 )W1.1:41. 1 *1 1 4.zi Well Supplted with Ern DESIRABLE . BEMS OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS, En Prices as Low and Lower THAN PRESENT EASTERN PRICES, AT WM. SEMPLE'S 80and 182 Federal Street, .liLLEXigENY'atijo: T A.TEBT, OIL. STIMIRE: =snot . LIBERTY • HCC.NOXY ! N D - • YRHE TBAD. I To secure even handed .7178TIC*, just come and see what splendid bargains are offered In the gor geous stock of.spring and Summer Clotbeajust prepared and exhibited to the publie by O. C. TIL&IIKIIIIAIG The fullest LUISE* to be enjoyed wren the man who enjoys it is neatly dressed in a suit of new Nutmeg Clethea which St hinters eotutbrtably_ as not to abridge the freedom of his motions. Such elmtes are to be bad at 8. U. TnittaiticArt , l3. To praetice ItsaNOST, don't spend van sums of in iney where extortionate people charge Wier prices Amtinsatisfactary tothing; but conga put get the won * t Of eve dO ler_you spend, at • • Fuer. Taildt of the freest sort; practiced every day, and Mt. ddy • - st. the "r. big No. lt• Clothing Hall. There tile people 4.ring their cash, and there thrrget their clothes. id very. man free to . buy at all times. Trade tremendous' just now at Hui Big NO. Il Clothing Hall. .1..001E AT THE PEICHB... Cocoa nut sults Um tif worth gib. - apiotelt sults for *9 worth ISO. Skating pin Mite for atil ',Northam. 5010 sults. linett,_at $2 50 each worth IP. Black suite for lie worth VW. • - - Sato sults fOr $0 worth MU. ' And a • great many more too numerous to men tion.' Can early and reenter:cm bargains. acme hive buts few days to sell. „Retnembilt - ,Big No. 181xth street. as ea Iit&WHIRIAX• =I TliPsouuTioN OF PARTNER gie l Vti h M l 27l l n e al k ot re rt s v u te LI"1180N, under the style of L. E. SUTTON a CO.. was able day dbaolsed by Mos. J. W2l - raMatoB 11roaxibe saICIIM... L. K. StITThI.I. -- T1308..1 WILLIAMSON. ihn t virltuirett 4 ,:rtrjitgaid at the de stalls, No. 88 Market street. by L. K. Burros. iltll_ TAPED GOLD PAPERS for tYriffintalignandarSOM NW ~&triTER ovrimpojfijoyl OF Fine Black, Royal Standard ALPACAS, Fine Black Gre ...i.Grraiii ALP'ACAS. POPULAR BARGAINS Still Continued ! TWELVE YARDS Fast Colored Dark Calicos FOR OXE DOLL4R. TWELVE VASES BLEACHED MUSLIN FOR ONE DOLLAR-. At 12 1-2 Cents YID !VIDE BLEAMED ffSIE Best Offeredlhis Season. `At 12 1-2 Cents. 8008 DARK BINGHAM., At 121-2 Cents. BED Taclaz'4T. At 'l2 1-2 'Cents, CANTON FLANNEL. At 6 1-4 Cents. LEON KANDKERCKIEFS. MN At HA aiioitm-fitiVSTYLES REST, CALICOS. Eklod WFans Daily Opening - jilt ISTIL -SEMPLE'S, . ~_ 180 and 182 Federal Street, 0111. W. BAR El - 59 11ARRE Ifisco,co4;:oco w TEN DAYS STILL ...ol'igNlsll:z.RED Many Goode offered-'we they can be bought ,fordn present . time. = , ; Winter- Gocids: as 'l l V.‘ NC- Order t.. ... NOTIOE6---“To•Let.„'l H-For Sak,' "Lost" "Wante,""Pound,""Boarding," &c. ' not exceeding FOUR LIKEITOPG2 be inserted in , theas coluinne onottl a r v i TWENTY-FIVE GE NTS ;, each timed tine FIVE (Ea = - ' ' " ERIK V PLOTICENT OFFICE_ No.l St. Mgr Street,: Ban 01111.14 &ad ifliS for Morena. Wade Of empkryraent. Pexbon Itaatum of all kind. can be ImDPlted on short notice. WANTED:-• A good — GAR — DEN . - EE.tcv go to the conntry.Ohoesu sod work with horses; must be sobnr. honest tad indusuiens. To such so ..orteis zood tomekoel iltv.vesses will be Riven..., VelUat or address JOHN J. P • YOUNG. ?Tuft ond Vohtectionee. No. 83 Fifth Avenue Extension: fog further to- :'-_ .~f WANTED.-- TEACUERP.—iII 'Onion • township, SIVE TRACIOnta. Aopllcanta will meat _att "Alo ..nt Plh - retool bowie on SATURDAY, I.nitrat Sat. it 2 o'clock By ottierof thertinnt - WANTED.---PAIVFNEDSMP— In a safe. and wont ably !mentos,. where from 62.900 SOP Jean an act= anion. Aoaress G AZEIU 027/Cg.. st where an Interview Mil be bad., STRAYED WitO 4 DEN CE of the subscriber, Ott Tuesday tut. a BEI, AND lITE , CONIf.. any , Deleon end ing or giving information where she may be.. Lune, will be rewardd. • • WILL MILLZII, Coal Will. TO-LET.—A furnished FRONT ROOM. with Gal. old %tub Bard: Teat moderate. Enquire of B. M.. 2167 Lleettystreet. PV LET.— ROOMS.--Two - 100.11.8 In GLUT= BUILDING:, ..kspir at minting Booms. B 4 and SG YUth avenue.: 1a114:1-LET.—A : - HOILISE of Tea Bootee, newly refitted; in &most branttint. dy and central locttlon. on Eighth. (Hancock) street. Celia' Penn. ' AlittrattOthtr with Ex 'mops. Ap .ly at UV/ Penn street. - rrioLer.-FivE NEW 'OOIIIIIEB 'of SIX ROOMS cup on Jaisppantreet. bib ward:Allegheny. hear A.lttglienr-Aventie. one euen Manchester et ears. E ftp i r . x i %aeri l street. cl r o t tn avenue, or CHABLIS P. STRAT, 171. North avenue. corner Webster, meet. ___ V-LET.-1100ffts. • _on nd Seco liaor, with Boardirtg_.,.. , L OOlOlOO desirable in the etre, 'wit= - thaustrierderreaW bath rooms. the comforts of kprivate family.** few hoarier* are kept ; 181 ;14;14h Avenue, Al legheny Cita. . ; • s VELAXIkE. 41: t/61 . F OIL SALT.—Alliout 120. acres of land' is Oblast altaisticm foriMountri seats; only A .mlles from the West Pittsburg Ferry Landftlf.- - -Warhegtadtkadtorether or la nieces to 'salt laird:men. zatnosaar of 1. C like LEY, once st the south end of the Mono* obeli" bridge. - ' Jett-TM; lIOR BALE .— VALUABLE CI TY ABIDENDE.--HOUSE AND LOT' No. TS Arlington street,'AlleolielirCitirTifirldrts 691 feet on Washinirton street, extending tract 960 feet, on. which As ereeted.aduable two 'tow brick dwelling. having all modern im provetnenta. Also Witt male and =liege roonl,.wtth scr• vents room attached...4l4n Stet rate order. Tit those wanting a eopfortablelone. ;his propeets is recommended. - Boquireliii , the , primiseiogs to !WHEAT DALZA iyl2:mB 49 Stockton Avenue. .. 4018 situ "ALT ;BUIVik—A 9 atoi7 Brick House,9 rooms, 80 by ISO. GREENSBURG—A Lot 021 by SS, opposite freight depot. MOKEE-PORT-4 Lots and it; storyDebt' House, with Tavern; k Ly. t p. pasabactbrpuick the property L. Fkßitir STREET. Allegheny-ea- story house,2o hy 91.1 ELM/16El HTOWN.--4 Ltrie: my , Stkwith. three frames and a two story Brick house... ' SEUuND A yraki.l6 — ,l a story Brink fro*, 9 CENTRE AVENUE—rt:SO re.oryiklek ,Hoeme,„ For particulars enquire • t 87 Want street. jvie TINIFFIN ming. \ EMI FOB BALE: . Hoose and Lot okllandualty street; House and Lot on Boyle street:2 Houses In the. Eighth Ward; 3 Farms hi-Oido; Farm Lr BettelacT Township; 10 acres at Fleming Station. P., Ft. & C. B. B. ram neer Perrystrille.M9pas and 1)i acres it Glendale Station, P., Ft. W. £ C. B. B.; SI Farms in Iowa; Lot on Locust street (Manchester); Term in Westasreland county; 7 Houses and lota in Spring Gallia airtime; )I(leete aud Lease on !diddle ..streett HOlll6 end &Lea on Spring BM, 7th ward. Other Houses sad Lota In good location: Inquire of 11. WHITMORE, Beal Estate and Insurance ~ A gent, corner Ohiss and Sandusky streets, Allegheny. . jyt7 .SALE. 3.,/frlLlpa,,,escl 9,,fet diameter feet mbeixt 3 0 0 feet eotidendmtmtpe. _from *.ineh.floyna to 313i4nett gas pipe to ea* et W; for 4900,:iplete, , gonmas, esan 3 4 -Inch dlaiaater szto:l4 feet lost, with chummy Auticithigoiteint Mud pipe, ft., fbis3oo: , oriarlik•bah — II KEYSTONE -. STEAM • steszeiillndei r . Inch stroke, for $3OO apiece, 1,.„.3 /440 S 1,01T.14011. 14 teet.. ApoeterAnallt tett deerp; with .±:ut ttsire46thntaaritooo; !.14.* 1- ftet Wirlach We rip* at 400 pet (coot. Apnly toEBRr. WOMEN 4 00., at rot% neat Shirotrurg'Bridge. 7ic:ol FORS ;# Hood 0 roomed • brick bonne on Centre,evynace &natant lA r l9 o o. • • • " Goode frame benoiwittr alllarst voutor Ids 09 irtirk,714.0119.. V... Frame house. X town': lotll4 b7loo WOO. Two welLinisne4 pressylel trusps map line ica—No-wAitik - Twola rdomedlotisis culla ton st r eet - -111.546 each. ig_nerlot 21 9710119:fern Reedetrtatil94l7; riot of around on , lit. wieldsopar --- AO acres on Panhandle Railroad. 4 mi t e. tram the elt7. 30 acres, on Western Pa. Al:inroad s , A- alike from Jbe arty. , SAO sores eel* haproted lad inassourr.; Win tA divided to 110 iota. wind Cegtrojurtnutrs3o9 to •111,509 each. , 2n4 of ReCLIONt i i RAINBOW ' Neter EetateloA4 jrlo - Nos. 194, 197 and 199 Oentre avenue. • 1111: L.-.50,.&,?G0.4 T STREET. artl2." I:Txmc•lifit. LONGER t UMION :IN 7 777' nty-fiVe! cent. 'less t~aa the Es,istern-.llarlidiatthe well as-,Siutuner VOVireiN: *. 10SedA4Itt - - • . tI !. Must bete . . -fA; `:11. BARE Pk Jr v‘ MEE IN= . WANTED-HELP. WAIMS, STRAYED. TO LET. =I PRICES ! i ,t'.',4 V~: c;r ilt7 W6 't ♦ . 4 3 4 . . • .4. El a ISM ;.
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