. '“), .. LI fi... , .. Cr 4.... +Z.-. T 40.9 , • tfattf4 • : t.. • • -.,- - - s,. I!. , • .', : I . I Iti A • , ~ ... - , 1.. t ,- • ;:,., ":;- ' • - ' The..,sugatOmeupse . . . , Ithelfisoisfilo•MapoFtnelit • ~ 7 1 ,10. Okis, i. - • fa , stead* illatialacir 1411* 1 =Mae': iiintagon•Of34' 3 WIARI•40.6: 0 1!' the .1 • • . , .. tuuDdrysttiatime' s of ' the total. 013at3 7 1 k^ • flati'.6t tf4 inn' in the e§llPiU'.."4 , ftitifoXt Ei, ! rains 'the letter-press: description we ' take :theTollOWing , akeldh or bile moat light '; ' ' ''• ' -'' '''• ;' i-..-Yor .the nonvenience-.Zl , ,sabh..of our , feeders as liv within the ;belt•of country U n Ittirre to:. 'the , tottith- page !of this 1 3 iiiiiitie4 A r e will be Witnessed 'on. the Ith instant e tota;_.ccliPse 'of- tire' stin; give a est, discription,of, the-phato -1 444 ohi.eavati4. .!',.l',erhaps some may have sufficient presence of Mind .to make brlif rictte3 of what - they, see.. If 50, 5 'we •470410ivipoy 0- T et*Nrii . .( ttiti-iiitilw:AE i such titiseivatibit:The a 3. 1.44 561 W ' • poillibralifilbudittan in S ' &taw tatutbir.` ! Ad' ~l'ietilds the appearances under the . - kirstila fitree and-five a songfest= small ' teleeCope r wir;:exr.lptaretalLtit.cps 1 , to satisfac on. .......e.l .. . s, , 'Lt - ~f, -, -;, - 1 ; 1. , -Whe ' thw anus ismcrre than three- 1 fourths. hidden 44 tbe4szir disk of the alaciai.:a ! . .piraptithlwaloarestathrawoma ' all the landscape aroungt.w, Boon stleettlat 5 sky Appears to deteudt, the horizon td" con;; , tracOthe taipetathrint *silk feßs;ldvii cea ,- th* 1 . 1 1/4 3 .;gia9Wel i gloPei WO.' : - , . • '' . 'gree'lliskati ti led liettitilit! Pittr!OlkAit . -04 1'i " 1 01#4e* ' kiicin 44* : 1 44_,.....,_' , 0144thigAmikr* a mysterious _ aall:atimmy-Dap-- , 2.. Immediately Wore the last taus" of tit sun's dish ' appears,. - the : .awful eltatlat , t4 the Moen' 'ht : the:_ air Maypbe detected' rapidly &approaching . from' thti Way,' like a dark , column or •ti - sombre clan TO witness this light isterinist be excernised, lest "1 the,'SZ cdtententpg the moment the'Jiwlftry-,44; proiching afeidow be I:Mirada:Li .., . , :., - - S. The latthread of light from the sun's disk sometimes appears to Separate IWO little grains or beads before, he 'total.odis: ' appearance.' 'Alt Pheimatiron taii*ce — lvz. .ed.the . naro4-:Of ,asßallyei' L .Belde;"*; lioa the noted astronomer who Brat witnessed it h. -Instantly on the extinction of the sun will be teen the'grsudestAsture `of flormsorgiottiofllght; isming.ou ally sides, apparent! ) , from the porple•blacic disk of Abe MOollslh l Miti reality hontthe 'lt lathe titthectbete of thesullrenderedAible,bY'lheiteincs of the civerpoweriug .4nolight. Ai the light -.is dlaarlingly white, a. piece:. of smoked glass will enable you to survey it ITltikeattheintonveillenCe WhicilinW3t otherwise IttioC., 4: In the•corons:eitalsining also-.app:- fluently from the dark moon, there will appear several rose-colored dames project ing beyond \ the gloomy disk, isrbaN't tenth of the:diameter of the moon. They, tPOtbe/Onir tO :and are ditnino attated,by the.apectmccope to ; 'scent hydrogen. With every eclipse , 'they vary is. size, number, shape,- posi-. , . tion and depth of color. :Grate - and largiratthr noted during:total ecjiptegMthose who: 'have previously studied their positions on : al celestial ;- . -41416411rk-rieils‘hardlYl exeetti4 Ituat et arb notilme leadilYlotindin utet or rthree minutes 'et 6o<* l thit Wad thol entire olatmretion of, the study,of theatehzAt Itto:4OFAlijOlPX*xet: .of*tltht zurnberone_thay_beettletntottogi aim I the - most ..plosomyi 4%4 - 1 841144 will be Whenithis sun Phenotai -eicizeof - atropin looliedfrii—i&ls tithe on right Meet the moon's disk. The awihl 10001f111114 , itterviarilbeieenraillingispidiy away Int changes of col tiumaylordriraiipeTh' r.the rising Crete „ands gen, i 7 Tun ra ° ll ' l % 1114° na t aT6 V" 2-1 " Cfn. &dii s 6 et - • - , 4 , - . . " ' '",.' . 4 1!.;' ' -•-• ': - . '. The nevi briiinmenita BPanie - liit44. Pg'ilo earlyvd ~ , ~ cavalierly.= _ erg e kevoitilicki Ii 0 lih7cWiteultiost ' . • plena so.farber•_PrOved'inidequate 14 subdue, is now, added si•Cerliet 4sing - at -home that is menacing enough' to require an extraordinary effort fbr lte suppression. In n itlK . g.ertgoollalM e{ bending the _common fate Of lregenta. - History, has ' "shown that Regencies are the weakest -of !all , Govenunents, , eadmtheir-contimience generally pertodr of stokawi cenvulsioris. In Spin- this serr- or tkiiernment is a .-LdenprombiethathittlitlesmdtlierLthelp.. ".. publicans, who desire an elective rider, nor the lllonerchlite, who.: believe in kings and. then • - dliine. - -'right `-- to rule. Bpainovb fear, has yet kaadand perhaps bloodyl regairletfeite.amaergal. , A O vate fetter recently received from an Intel. ligentArtmaiiii nowia' 80af 4. ibd wail informed by yeare of residence in that-' country, says . :,- -- ,51,s V•eoulteell yob, all I know alxicit la:ditto-al liiiffes here, A nation without beadr a Armfe TOW. out ~ 4,_ king, - is ' an ldieratdotis state - dr: . thingsZand AmMot.- JONI . op gnus trmi• ' . quit. Do' .nof'brimrprizied'lMY bright' morning , tor *ll4,„tbat l iket Pecs OffilO r *fib iritiabkOadtUditiertlttearhole of the I South of Spain-is in a blaze of insurree. tisn. EverytblngAits.bar a most anxlots and unsettled state. There it not a gleam, tb / tety ~-gfbrlghgcsoin,tke clop tlAit,,surround, , A t*V7llo 0Q14116.; kid POI Viso' ' - today prominent who sees on the darkness ,of the present. Thank God; IrPAlON l l o : ll fti es % gillr ii rde.l)o we may arng p of them poOr,- -- , pi, Gime. Po . - t-I ;IW/ 13 44 04 V : toftelulL ofeaw - 4: ni hetelalt- e rigiß 4 nothj. 'int but n itro 'glycerine, reduced to drY':!'i .I..lief s eby Comblningit Sul blthsta sw a p The latter ' enbstafiestifty: otgiiii • from - - wattergrass .by . means of , an d "moms freml , nNIt sipshis ,-,POINeriPP4 tuesi Milate L lt" ountt inthip natural o:adaixialtans .. der is manifactured.. Mr. , Nobel, wh '1 idliaLiOntar . Angoitrilo alto, sea a patent for . tide one. it is atso ma*. rt:alffdttredlis WeffXoollo% q_ .are 'not nitatiy. uniublish 4egliamerwtOPPo*.m loBloll:=mn. 010444 11 ic 7' I **ging.' the other ntibtVilike'llier".l6Ors . : • tnsgerle i..andt , Mrensrvgaisp;ibirt# 464. #o thei•-list:ore.es44,l . 3 l oolo-011*** . At gize.!i0404, ; _4309#4 1 4 931 00'remap-1 1 41t • JO - - OW we' mO er , _ . 11C-itinittetttilts 1101011111filt Eketlint. PAM, i th 9 ,9q.k,on 4 - * .A.4 l kia - t ry ,* • `ail ectoni 0 . 4 * u snr . .o - dis as It .1 111 0.aPPP 11. 1 It is nsfertheWs tree,. that AU inte gent party id the 'Smith xegardlthelnr ltillii'elittron as =favorable to•the Inter-. eat of this section, _for' 'the v ery reason that the best men In thi Singh' have thus been called 'into effictand ,assumed. the .exercise power.' , ,lt lA*3'o7 reaped., nteity °Utile suocesini cand date tba ,Is` a fatal blow to the aspiration shaf t . since Newer, has lingeretlin the South, of pre ving something of =USW school pnblit sentiment W etively Odith. It m ean . the tililtegraflod et' any firn"; like a peculiar` Southern civilize • a' 'he andonment at ' hat by, th lion; - Iligence _ and - respectability of s the 'lO 6 - 310 . ,-hoPe of , res-, citing `tinjIV I P,F eclttb•m er !' w e'i lrimn- A h° ruins o f it s 0 6 /white tionk . of 'oppo- Bitten to the el& c s kitiisief reCzystill to etlott, *king for s•rena.,l# l2 t Amen:notion ge Juasteaah7tratid extremity, hoping ;dam,.' utirby the thiftcnittato.it , ..would soctimn••• late , finitself; The NiallUtia election Is the first 'nit - intim:in the Iliac' mft of the South hatencitthe lori'ant tO participate in reef:OW=oot. It means ,anitemPtallei br a thtinituntioo f !' in the se tthieli•Ws'i&ultiloniciiniesiencre the demands of any mere political-part' y <Mating ? alh Mt: morel -.canna: Csk !the South, is an .vent in history the detenf en** 4lepattutoi iti the vlobtinstein, social filtd-politicat Saint 'of-the South." ,(1' • Is the Brain the seat ..of ilniatijgeneer ... It has, until recently,heeniacoiptelas truth, that impressio ns are l , conveyed thhitigkille • nerves to . the Itdahi L l'lrldell t receivinglhaphyalcall senSidOn'ati trans taittpl, again teleptphi hack 'hi willsto the muscles which • move .04terainitly. This theory is lid* strongly oppiishilis OlansAct ear 4 and other elninottlyol olOgista, w ho afurza,„that the lim can telke'! of themselves without. instruc tions fro the:brain, and quote in support of their opinion the fact that if a recently decapitated, frog•he touched on. the side with the-point of a lancet he will'en deaVor with the hind claw of the ,I3Orrea rill% side t o push Tot's,' the ' offekdisg hatvment; which 'would maw tom: litsta ,iiii - eslitence. of nervous. .centres 1111 . 41act:frOta*;,,imidii:- 'A, still* more curious tin 4 tklUrto - :liiieiPhdiedi Act. to 7 4 that its the above experiment the difittie ihwithiseki. from:lhe part touched; `animal mill endeavor tri 4159 thaother ell for thalami( pdrisma This iiibeitii r elir a hlieVeleiirly S olioi*lo that littineli of -.., . ... II- Ts carried '"'an in the ilecapi ted '7. • ';'inid la's& gips rent -coroal4cuop o ,e .‘ . l mOvenoilp evi igt*.thOßTEol34Vielreitt alone the souk intsiligence, halt, according to the Poll Marl Gorenet-excited great curio sity If teleutitlO circles:. -.' l ' I- • - ''' : -,77..6 . .1M91Abk4itik_14)1a11044 . •... , .. i after a vain -struggle to enforcei te a , .• bl bltory li* in idasatelmsett IV , *mingle thanddned:, The BOStol,ol,o6o:oo4turtpluP result iiithitt 94Y: -1 : The public earls of ; ma! liquors was thqipedfiata.few..daYs... _Urge Aunt': ties.of adultetated anitfAierp noompounda nave accumulatedia-the-ceibus of the :SLUE ddalltabbl.' Suite- haft beezitittui zit late liambers,lobedeteimined by the courts benefit?. But, on fits other MO; 460. 1 :fps eras - Kati been :71Fifved' on alt tfikil ahmaiment and Tipprisy ham, fo4 ken , . th f 6./: , o4 , ,.7frindervi of - piatid, drinking; :.tee Igitels and eating house* continue to supply-their guests without 'lnterruption(vgrocert . 'and druggists fi nd 'their trade stimilited by' sthiY- thmigt In 410, - *ln'etitf and tile IS-letithror the ltwi ilait sagifactioti or 50,314 Oaten; 1 .4 C 8 4 1 7, Forniotlon- precipitated isn the State' * thont lipProaching; as the results they-confidently prom.. liumitelves: The attenipt •to drugoot the State into unifomilty on this question hat , ptit good'. and , bed [members of 'the community on a layel. and ven thoit . who painter in its psasions and: xiceih r for ..the bake of - profl4 'adirmitatie • Which :does, not belong to-. them. - tGeod-Feriners save.eumey. 'My-take good papers and read theiM They keep account of farm' spietatlons; They not butte their - farm icaple• meats seitteled f . iteee . the - Tfirm,:e*sed td. the ial**toisr.ind !They repair tools acid building's at the proper time, and(l9_l3ot'suggr:l4_threeGgd ' expendituro .of ,titae-and. money . , i 1 • Theruhe-their-money..indictously and do not , attend •auction .. salts to izustase 411 kinds got I Cheap,'L = They do not refuse te.friatelibilifetlei; • Cr et.. " l ?!.. 4 . l 'f i rFii - ,- IC!. /e 7 trAi 9 . .Arßipgilsl4Akyalte 412;ntltio.thengst tAipaer,gur does katbeggemisilkivasongr *lilt beet appreciation,-and-Autes it- with best re-: Buck msesw'szeiltbecogalieV the • . ~ . . . . . 1 rArianurop , L - TPerisstrasson pa :, o -1.,Ari.'411)1116-filithe'Nilf . '. . ..-• Ahe. littitte'Otieirk***:: : = -A;tili: i I s-* 1 ' , :"litlatl4 ll 4 4 r4ltt4l . o.le ' ':, - . : -‘...i i iitie . ..0411VP00,0040 11 4,i '' ' '''''.:-''' ' ''t'' '.. ''''.o % • stable, the statisticsof ~ , ~, ~, ,• - • t show a soniewbetdifferent state l'lr'' -- c 7.ll.4ecentabldtbegotithief. 4: -.. . , nada( ' ttbelittstA - ~,•,,;,., , .4414 • Ittriffi Abier , Ctefttnt '''..,':.' '"-C" ce .9 43 MPAte 5 ili 346ent141,‘'0 r, . A . F ' ~hiO t :tithni4.! , ti e' l 4 4 o4l 4 , ' nese, andZrtyAmbate been a; 7: , • - iamb= atokolusi,es, biatitteoldyaintant • .1' atilLin Adtbdenckt ,Eightptitneyet cent. of the coniptudet fo;diedebeltbn4W, have broken , , . - and• fifty.thitie pond lisinC Of thOsell ' • t .. , i ea , nil*/ ttdie date lisrhAssats°.`XN t i filte, - , 3 'jirffelf, Of f-1 these facts, n'tp.iiiiikuele i at6thefory irfakittraltiikkim2o4l - - 7-77 . 77 r • : : ' . i 4 t if l ir i t . .. 1 . y :.)..,,, -. . ..., 0. r . _. no „:..c. it., t, , u tv.:411• ; 1.4 , A l'Aikiflifiiiiiit eir foa l 41 :4 — Abit i I - 1161t*ttAhtli Vers.oC , gatuils9. . ' nfatmwlth4esetktnit entithatal , , hunt for.them ' - • , . - -mnde WI Wegke, 1 lossyinongOilAtohogg - Teti; diya ritOrdly.7 , PNiat ki ilettonik; it-Air - 4 ,igoi a 10. 1 4 V 1 ; ~ *di tesiuntwr tat. bis,w,ife said - I' '. from the )p.onee_ o I neighsol-0: , .' bithilfc' the* rials - 44 . 11$ Iv 4.,hipii,...met rii -stw erj g er ,:vl. 4 f irloor I? _‘ IL '.L.: i..1 - vil,4; ....-.-J....t..;k• • - .A..-.. - • -- - ' . • . • . Liay. te.9ll.',W4llllyrtiThapa ibrak A r. 3( _ , t ••e'k , ` `.` fl ormancit : L l 1. I uguit :let Wei a — ; o b Zepaltom anda ft er t date-on areeent and dediri,at Vie !Int .National Butt of Pfttabtmtb. . 1 . • JOHN H;rAGE- ~ •TuVr - '-",. secretary Ana Treasurer. OrTErTERANCE • a , CONVENTIO . TheTEiwr &nee .llea . of Allegheny, eonnlY (NO thu s„friendly to the cum} sie requlstat • t:9: mePt. # their . several , ' pistacof. electioa on P+T.A.UPILT.-,KFREILIMON4 4n17 ~31. EA , vote, ii ) 4or-_,two,( ) -43fidok to mitt ilt ponvention on W4CDZiP AY MIT W IBNOO,/).ugust, lith.M ;-.S I).!cidelr,.. l ln -thd tOURT-1/01;3114,0 nominate . a =TAW talSorraisittleomiallidones...'; .:-..: , T - - Bro ~-, t - ... , 0f , ,-• ' 440gaz tinny; -. i ...-. '..,.tit Ogiutylfaerathre Coinmittes: .. ...-4,7 5 5;r 117 C. ~ , . s_i4,.. .. , ~*. ~,, ?....,,. , • :.• .:1 ri , t'i'-,r r , lttl . : .' 4m... ~ a- , ~.. WU rTlllo\ll6llll4rilibingaagnhaq 4 AVitiOELIS`AVAZ.,::= v.:t.Jt , t and the sassru Jcinarevii. t . ;ICEt Jett. JECREBELF, 4 BB 9 .3Ca t No,cOs.fDiankarxd - i - dAllen,. EISI ate ippuits Sddressed:to = , . 1 mita. aateinviy. will metre oromptssien, wanonimanmx In Pittatartiblitid.AMlllear. 'IIIIOIIID • - ••• •; roe ..coVue, Tire. TITAN -A .r/Pfei l -11 stiinli bite appointed pole - agent fde Ode City; Mr the 'dip -1, • • :I • •,_ Pti.r4V: OW ,)' I me now Prirrireist to pt enteli It daily te r ror totds- Pt depot to deplertat low run.: • - t -Puttee desletat porePase malts meats to tacit Will ptesie - trees tbelr d?dieks , data defers teqeteing. , '? • • • ! • ' • - ' 40,Etit - WALTZ; J7ti;al44 , . , _ I ...MINES: talQEFOßSilter SCHMIDS&FRIPA. • .). _ 9, PMI II MIM or. :14 72H pi . 4'..:,.)1 : 1igt . )4t . '.,...G4T:,, - . 'A l . 1111E10111:111ALE 1)11A10311111 a MM; RYE, W118M3% X 409 gmREET' • Arbenitalred ' • l• • r NO& B€ll AND, 8116.1PIIINN; : : Cor. Ineventh St. (formerly CanaL) . . "DILLINGEB & STEVENSONi DISTILLERS'AND DEALERS IN 1 t' ye Whiskies; Pure 131g9111E8zli *maGINS &Ca; .140. 87 Secimid Avenue; irrrsatritenr. JOSEPH & FINCH Ail,. 1C4114 skis. 185. 187,11114 101. 193 ant 198, 'spurt irrarracr,:rrrisbou.9lw . •.. ILLSCPACTIMEItiI OP " Ve Ile*r Warned Pere Bye • Whiskey, . Alaaß_daalett rollst!zt 'Turas and LI. (MORD.- HOPS: Le: vibsa.nso •• ':reSIIMMERRESORTES. ,;......nammareNoiseow.........l44ree.kike.r.r.oknonAr.o4....44nwe CRESSON - SPRINGS `,.. '''Tt. Is' titibilW Siuniiiii 'BeiOrt, • , fklinittd or( Oki RoinnOt of th e_'LLEGHENY ,•JatIrriTAINR_24ROO - Parr Allot% VIE -14y.itt , of. 'F' lAA. wilt be Pllt'll,for the re- W i t r Ou'llthisTl=ewfirthedszaviii tal iti tiOdbltent rsiMatmtlEyilirateh ea• Excurelon Ti. lAA auserris Railroad. as Plaid phi ; Arol %ta bard'', good -tort n.. All trains stop 0% tbaipT.ls ti tiara mom OtIFFAGEO FOR' bets° BTIF:: i further orputto4,o4ress GIMU ii rGECrIitLT.I.3 1 14 liroprietor. .- - • ,. i - , i (r:r..0., ,,,, ..; :.1 , -,• - io ~ .2 ; ~.•- 1•• ••,••= .. .. - -:. • -: ; • Cresson 9strissi.,coeurts anuoyers. • VAILOPS;', I . :R. 7 1- ' • f .-. ''jjaiStailkitterilda Wt. lielipeaketd l 9 • 1 7, .114: , 1501111iiiithltilatitfilet,Pittaburshe' . 1 „ ..1 - - .. A e m u = n e itswitur; d•. , t;i: ' reigoll2o4344BlWeeinliisf. geells ., 40watoirioiotrkit• -i iiiii illkiiillktle#466l,lllLaittiadditrasti p ..+ l 74l,lloprj ' P YyK•• -,- , ST Al 3 t fit i .............. _ v... , .. - Ji ....4.4.V> -„' '... __:. ....., rig 2 Atri raiNOW L 4 I A. orpnNtWart., vt 1 .1 4wl "ZZ l VEllprOSAlLOgridia li ni ) 9 * - .-A7 Call gtAT lc* LI! 1 4 ,11, : lr okla 3.lstt*rt:Cl i 003 1011 CUMOWWWIFilk ' _ tw 4 tftlo l /11 iinallt44lllllol at t x - A ±' bat: e;3l-tratrA 411:10 ; goIMIS *Pi ,311k..tiVr:“ Wfth ir , . ere. armed O r tar Imp 11 ., •a. • TW • irsiuos. num. «Au Pratt oat oceapied , ad-a.amenh-but sioUiole for atm, xtc allusgra,lMAta r aignisadjamlistartia Tao vt Mena.' itaUfddiftirinfitt az oad Birminithanv 01 - 44 MW . I"cotidiro • 1 9n ai °A nt' ; muse ak pir,l4 dal' Of saw. _,L • 7 , ritEDminvxlitSll. ....7 liflrj 'z g•P li f t lat i ! - •-•-irW ".—. 111110 , If .4, r - ' ••• ' - iireirgrer • I= l3 . - ,• #'• . •I' ewer th jt il e 4 S ir r ,*it eyamalt ifArbr" • , $ i t i lie liver aitilli h agrirO clea Wthe n s t, t geXy : • " ,vitrass . ood; th ip"4 " - Doti '. e tha nt lb4d ,bspigr "l a ta,,grarw-inllealit s• .., • •• •-• diseased matter rlMmirinta the germ % and • patient outgrows traltnease and gets well. • '. NI thil mar lega tt egallOorsureptjett , t - 4 4 • , .9 -To theta tnree edlainee Dr. 4. M. Selena. o Philadelphia., own* his rartvaila• 'deem in •th - treatment of pracomulZonsumption. The Piu. • 23 °/Lk arh u t re the #3IOO4,XUUTer in-the longs,' tiat tows Itor•bpalreagy eXpectora lion ha, Illierwtber pnleam ar motto is ripe slight conatiwill thrOwit 0 4. 4 0,_44,5# 40 * rest and thelungs begin to heal. • - Willi do this, thy- terased lonic and Mandrak • Willa matt be treaty used to ohms, .tall SW= . and Ilver.z. so 'VII MrsinlC tqrruP •a 24 0 food will make 'lltb '"•••• • - - -- " ' • SchenekW M ale Pills act npon the • Liver removing all obstructions, relax the atlas of th gall bladder, the bile Mats freely., and thelive ig scow xellevadt.the' grail will- "bow what , tli • • rills "can do; pot r negnitas ever been invented ex tent Calonteria a ray liceson which is very dan •Xerays to use unless with• great email - twat unlock the gall bladder and art the secretion of the liver - like tichenrala drake Pills. Liver Cam:VW onds ; L ot 0 mart prrainen "rasei Of Can pttra • : f ui 'l3obick#s Bea einTwalc n prate athnnlan Ma re: :and the Zain • ttue , seaweed which• _preoaration Is a '6l. mats ,th - 'atomic totnrow 'MOM ' mic aloe to Mao - ag fOtalwith.thei Mama 0 slalosmi It is mad into good it'ood without fermentation or • • • • - in the stomach. ala t irei s rerat_Ol iitiff - ohyraliml do.so . a • Isiurral• to , fal too *much 'ln give %alarm 0nh,11,0 •- • •,1 • SStott aits; rale et • • _so •• • tits - le , oak gl i tlltheaagrans, mid /Da maga ..._Dr• ak; ills en ' ami Ira t• •ttoffs i a ir raintit. ar Myer.' : - /Dolt. lanlitiatt Ilia ittl.itom of - • own . o one can be mired of Comm •,. .I.z . N . Liz%Vtalit — Digimsla. , , Ca -4 #111 4 7 -e-7. iiiii - i • .4 i . 7 . Otitis ... a1g,...... krair ••• • `. Ili n i e l rttkan - a - aar • ## , Malabar. lal allehaties armlet • ma oaa the Utn i reggim . tint IV i '•i t - ' : • =irate . °DMA* °fib 'd e :- %Tr! . only c • •cois to tale Dr. Wrack's. thaw - • - eines, which will brawl's" to the sto •• • 1 E11 . 0114p gral begin tilbodewill site. • an Mahe Cora. ~, ,- rlan _patient .gl — ri to tut:esti aria. *sera trabca s id r • .tips to:grow, , Iti c t. rit tp anioilanna: to' up ataLthe.taileni gate ~ ..tnti,, well., •T , _ ia, :.• -entvoraytortre When thins le . llailinttd• Oaf' Liver Com -ant •Drigip s itehonoitla Sera -. • ar Tonic and sitttigo sigMjleht, *lama • "the Mtwara array, • ate -the menorahs Phi freely in ail Malaga aolitplrati, la they're per featly harmless. Dr. Beranek. - who hi& bnjOyea anintens • . • • health tor many yysgmput, Ararat/ weighs t• pommies-ran waited gamto a Ine ••skeleion. 'the very s law staggi of rm rn,: moniry tanstanotion„ -hit phyttriaraturrtra pronounced hilk ease • • • , less andiabandoral him to his fasAgarnic • • tyr the aforatadmetaines, Tod Ito r - • . v many thmuradastaliany afflict, have • • •Dr. • gragral.s. prommakin • with the awe • warhable amens- -Pill ,direations. ....... __.• • inskin g_it not rasomzely neetsary -• per F r i'm I • lOC Dl t Seltrp i Wen , pialontawa their lungs exraine ar this _hove'. he I ralessiocally at hiaPrin cipal ()aloe. Philadel • hia, gam satotar. ramped! letters ler arra -- 4 nat#?, laddresawl.. MotalsO.prafesn'onaily . •• u. P * - lona strait. ew• Tara...eve _other . esday, and at N 0.1113 mover, street, • • • • very other . lie glees advise • • • • • t for a thorough Imainization with Ala Paspb• • •• ter tbd prlye all*.• %Lao batua at each alty • _.• •II a. lg. to OM Kr 4 1 .• ' •- ' ' - - Pace a sage rraissaid By74.4l:aweed • each /14l_pos_boatia. or .a brilf t it ••• • e plus as omits* T.—gale • magmata. . anstialhia P = 12111 `,;:r ... :r : ::: : , ! , i -,--- arnocitis, w►airximi, CON.; Ditzts T g a Th i atritTs' i l est.?V izz 1 resatting - %tom .' self - abash_ :poach", - as- manliness, .nerrons,4ooM - y, .Inttabliity l Imp- Mona. aemknal ' end:dons, - and '-anuty Am. potenet pennasentlr cured. Persons Met- apt rids oelleatm lateinativ Mod , icks stand- ' lag coastkarMmaleoaDialn=attelArvliat to call tor' anumitatems, - * .' vests uotninp. - /Mmerietioei. he best of i - has mutomd ' him to perfect remedies at cen s e/Resent/ salt, permanent, and which In most Cetilbe used without hinnranee mei:wines& edictnes pm pared Mlle ostabliskssent,) wpm* eMblllieer of fice. meanies Sad walling rOoMar aim. morn= 'And sleeping' apartments foritailtats moiling alimia asteralort, And vapor and sborif. Ulltlic o o o tsullass the tamed mineral •••NorstUar wittollsre - Med, state c ii. nr irs l erisad what he tays la his imeMpitiet of . I M . P l ituung: nls, at b sa 11 r the .' Consul. ..1-este, by tosar! bto'. lik_ Wylie s .Wwgr itosse)ol24%* -Ps. Woad' A. W. 'to •P. ta'sttm to II P. X. riallithiliF , t tow address for to; SWOP& T ' '.. r " ; .. I - ‘ r•••••', r 'Atilt NE Iar O 4I IOO K AM T.4O O DT4 Tr es tty vs* .1 45: 4- .1 • • it Irel; it.r. t , ~.,,-Aufrficek. Ines .. . . , ...., sp i t e ss o gr....k Todu ~ _ mutlier tor T camp O P IVISIMANOR BIM% m ete liCi sadl , ' lrt‘tl i"rbS 'Mar 05=1 in; tv i r et mom:4_ ta,ol/BSIN 61.00119110 W, atifkin_Wel4t: 2l4l W YPOT,;;, • . ..... ASAIIIIILIGE: :REV - The ikil l a t alri l faertgacra rrQ SOCIA an t EVILS. with certain helptor th• errit t g wneWn. tin unite ii•stla-wiiiled letter wirreiopr„ o le '6f.• • /WM= /WOOL 'XI . Bowr.. • • , scoiCkhil-dair rO : . .:.~..r••-a . . A N , ORDPLABICE : Fixing 12leT,iy~cm2 ; er'.ot ' dity"Pcittee: • , sic. Be it Ord/Ong, an imaetirt by 'the City of Xtrtteenreii.in" Sneer and Common Connell/. asOrawieri. avid it itt- Antneli-ordentni end , enact. 44 by Mt 41111A4rit, Of (As Jlos4e, Thnt the rte „lice ore., abeli.cppektorone tranAred and tw en- Ttudr ANT erdtaanteriel pan of ordi nance conflicting trite Lae .p aessacool, Ude ordi nance at the present time be and - Ille seine is hereby repealed 410111' inaterdwateran tor.. 41 1/ a ttle . bd tots' hi be day 01 aiy; 4..-ixyag; - • , k: • lifireLret u f rulae l l' P rcr fi l l i A t tilg t. . C : OW A ClA• c i e fli k ” trt el o g yk a i i i teu, ?.. i.24 „,„ JORNIVA.WiON. l obo or frimaantßnu as. • ,A • ttenit hir r ain ten, • .ailVoatdtti 4 ' l ; ea; * " . r 4 pf 4 .7l A / tt .411 • -, , rt; • ttiirpni e 111 . .paTc,e, fofi~ —mem etho Dote g i ffeeTeVarTifeifurtt Ia herf,enfiatrZet and enacted by • 4 , • tet - e0164 - " Thar the Al City 4 e iefretetei largioriagd and ., 4t• ' odatiWISOESIRAtt street toll "Ad f i l d rgirm ed..., . • v•• , 1 ....„‘ ••.• 1) 11 6 ce ea t. • 56 ordinance at' .the•• and ',hereby re-; 0 . ~g4 M a g ile; this ; • Y. NI • . L. . ; lAllikriAFAU e vinAr c l i 1.? rr Ere....FA I A I • • _ ecodeuistl. " r krozr..„ '‘ At e- • • ar olaisumfo•- - •••mrCOtstli: • ; NANIIMINAIINDIVII y' 4 Opeihg--entimr-liNen idlog Churcb, memos. 14.11SalaXtrest, divr - 0 41. hiL kb"Thill as .11i34rt. att. -.MI - :~ ~ ` ii irkl..feekggignia ark -."' r .)r., ,- ,i , . z •-, i ww WRll"tillA` ^ 4 •' t" .. - -7,7' pal " - ~it 11.1..; ~....1.11, ” 2 • ', • , L )* lgreltlea ZI ARABS TaltflrOf ilet t of small now -.t w q=„ l.l 7 n t l hn t * flunking beelr - 72 ail pPletnakl . ar ott Ptthoures, allw P maw . t e sti Poneen-, n" X Ballwin. Coig eikab...nroi3On iluest Mr of the °keno end. and Pittebpreb *leo:al PM'. skilnenre ,t 6 th e - OWe ri ...oWirbßir - te; trette4TWQ6ooD /MAXI= bILMAMIIIe. Are p of three rooms eskeh4-trittb goltki 4 0 1 ; 1 10 1 toll_ f lON, .otrt. 'tepees potehiete:: 4nle ;Tory g l iAg" - •Idahtiq tbr !emperor cote be (1, e erg. adume r en unoLibereenudght ,6oo3ll tmulliuu t i ltZ:er! -4141 qT 4 RPOA/I OI, 44FSWY:*I9R ,O6I i Awn. ibrredi orleaset,l,4cnifortsblintAlftt Emma of three roome, o l 4 l kWoo o o l ktiOU wi t h in ! rive minutes walk or or .mu brawn, r.. irr- W.'&o. - It; 11.,•ta which there trithsehed &boat bait 10 lei's .of Rewind. •Tnla broberilt Irl'l' Sow 800 low tOr a 1 4 1 1111intlittirt b itglicl *ottani. ALitkitAlDElll. PATTiIIiSCIN, LI/Mber YAM conker Preble and Juniata streets.' oc - .210.: 31 .....51 Rebecca street, oppothe the 44111. Warke: Allegheny City. . . Iyrinte7 ..--,..--- F9O SALE On RENT. . , - .'. . •A elcgant at* . Brick Dwelling. 7 ro9ms, ,Hquee of 4 seam, 2 at/410Si. was% $1,804) House of it zposaik.l.krt i lath Nord, 41,400. X ( 9°,e , or 4 70 , 01 4w* lout 274 h 1 , 111*(4'0,W., Souseice 4 t.Focasv../ 1f 0 A4:04 wAtit 103400:1 Soloe 117 71 9.744:70011 7 1 410 4 ,0 4 ) IN=ll4V,O9Oi , fit *foOftth 3,104 &ill pAti. *No. A. . rdoertaMalikaie stuourtwAyasao: Iss,44aliatettoa,goo each. ~. lOthilitb stntstt.lP4Bll72a7ll4 mAiloti,Etattlelitltteste SIM back . , • igalatiabiglitaftlAint, VAlfte t) JLID 141011% , f0111 mittotaillbaKerailli : .7 . llkbtai•ltatlicatrika‘o,oollo'. /14319A11it1 8.400401 1 61 ' -,T;ots 40 - 4111 - 19ist. Itiffitz Sew pars wpm iltothllllo - *-760-1 11•07:7MY AVM Thst-lottc_Al ;411ant01341 , tau: .wai•lo2: liftelll4l Tut awkwirlsossa ault ist' 14 ips Abu. b 9 )irmitsi 17411:chea 1 9ra =haat ? near..- ; - • .39 .aere a":14. huvr. s itlje pro! Abanottromr, sl4' 9f - • r : flOttitailitS; rtfit*t ; -'• -Near P4ttsbetilli! rt. Wino sad Chicago BaLtroid;--- • TWO ?•:LOTS; • • thnititining. About 40. 1 / 450m# :j px .., W. IVIACjitOWIV_* jlatßO:; ro4liti- g um , . E 41131 8. ,ir . Azi . itarim . ez. —VOA 4/444-11%, •INVITILIVA ;MIX 311). op tho illstguell7c _tam. • solla - now saw§ Ibt proem/ •Linirlosios; welt Innworett and iv/Lettish , Mainz ot onwrattoiti- oontatam. p.— 400/ moats. now anted at abatirada , voiraoolk Afta r other 1/srmila goodlocittoll.. WOOleu IPot . two •Bootes. 404. tWatily notesof land as the 40111./stAtstlrosdl, 41 and Los is/ Salo siSitirtrtel•V ' OS3I ei at er p at , Stools/. s_s - • WARD; • Orle• •it Ito Onus •street. • tostonsitestluittoti ' .r.A.Buintitstat. y• Aillanterrildisinadd; 'West. InotalXad county, 11.0 falantea.wißiltora tlEn. Hearts bud on, on the AllecheazYwilalbdadrgad• Cantalns.l94 acres. BO of arnlcriara slearsd - t all under Mum. balance valuable inabee; vaner• heed With Co i sl n Zal i wen: :Bond 'Lclir Homo and Barn; an o O( Hp ;new*. &IC rhos Is well and In a 'donne borWod, ___Forptice and tenni itsclr IB • 81D0.4 "Witicairth amuse. .• :; LEGAL. MEI TN THE ORPHANS' COEHT , OF -AL ALLY-Gl:Mr.!' C 1017.511; Painsii r vanta:: : In the Itrattet'etthe,-,E.teref 'L' 2 . .4 jOHlN T ifiltEk Irefieiksa' .3(tAtiint. Teln , 1 , 14 . 9 .!tA ofir*rt!tion• To. Joustluin H. -Baker, teltdint 'of ffiniett teiffitt4 I; la iid 111 A + • = Pa - ezilt , -th::=7ol2.rtled,rr _ .1.57,41ri Amanda lallersonerled: •Injetv Cietitiee-Lnelni; Edmond/Ai, list nainenihelni itst- Ldents oft Allegheny eottnty.'lsa:: John :Baker: Ainsl r dent of Tohnoklrn,ll . 7 . nr.inot.las4'oo-17. i4:ii4r****t44°i. No. 18; Lewis Held, In:nonsolint.o4:OPAß*llcit.lo Na Tr; tisldenii of XeffilifOit,Ti;.- , You- are Foq it?ilFSl:tit!T*l 44 1 E1 1 . 0r1.0* ,1 ,,741bf• held open the prendienanthe, - • Borough ,of eesport i h 0n nflatsl4Y,Aia,74o 19'; 1869, t. ;• AT" sulswaracu., AL. 111... iti . • stte 'tiireid linter •44o44.ltetsoas, appoklll4o tiy tbp_courtiiinder and bivittie ot the Aci q-Assiltpibt): liPProved'APril .`• • • . -SAMUEL M. .CLULETiShIrIIL nitsTat.r.lrlfisosil" ) . INOPIRIANV COVRT , %At There - will be thread at Public Tad& 11Y2or 4e,r .or. the - tirpbans .COtlft, on /10.TUR1/AX, AtiIAUST;I: 1109. et it o. P. w.,- on the' 'indulges t uk tn sbutg,- Malta town sertp4-py. 41ealieny uouniy.-tio one min MEd 'hair or alttnat eettain Int or place, at ground: deserib 4 aa.fol. lolls. Ida: Fronting one , Irdat ( rrit , and aletty4re feet fonr inches od:Peelleestroe 6,41133 4411 tti) extending pact* AltbitiMet lotpiner hundred and forte•nine feet four fumes.taall,4-1,71 13 ft..) to Centre alley ; Innate on Centre &brae' u.dre4l nun Olt plea feet:four :11ebegyi ti 4.1* it.,) ILO ope twadred -and Was . sea, moues. 1151 10-121‘,) On ler:entreat, ug 'be whole 01 Sou , 110 aiidlirtiat parte of lota 114 and 400 MP Rids _sand ••ctielln_rclianot.Wydatiabart.. 4velefi to. Flan soon Vol., .ralta 14 , • MB OF SALL 4 -tnier-n rash ; the Dslitioe One abd two viistai writ -interset, atoned by .3 00 14 and 1401141111 1 en tiM i lM v r i a i u 4,6, , OA Guardian of thtlninef '"TdTia7lWeiati xry whit dovitirdiP. } COMBIOPIE M/Sial,- Wit klleirlietty :GAM", "No. GS od yortember t 2es r : ta t a 0111SWY:inw."-PAOt •-• • v • 1•10114%/tuIretcis %bit.** sue IN= 4111 1.1,1 $l4 , was .3nadikto s oat to. rant Um?* Inoopepration'to sal 'elation; asuilnal elliasumxi; niacin lseibo,F to th, cosktrars,be banks will to irsik44 pest 4 erbt 61 : 14147 1 1irt iV4 /1 1 :1 4116 d, AttonleTs rat gersOcinen. 1149. t ;!` • pci3lol" MOM ; , , • grattiviiim., i -"Floost ~,,zw,wazi‘s_rtiv . d a ini A, - =out of ablaklro. , zsorl, , HMS' zed WEITZ was: X . *bleb. • 'lloori ni e, ship 05 3,OJ4RL. tiiiimeji:Dtoooool4ll as MN. :flittittlettlenagtiotPtFPßlWAßATi:i afar we ; emus Ow ibillitarsilithatot. P•OlSMlsaita I.3kiectitstrilsO to ono manta sad . 44 , o ti uor .ftlitl bYL tt 4, % ANL mo r •• . 2. , 111 s s o q. iris .:. - pi! h 0 • , B lued al s E.,..,... t it 4 , ow • ;T:,. ~,,,; , ; ‘ v sti * T oT DO LE - iIiTHA.,..iiILV/Fi -Ilnifratig i te is I,lAaabetlVbeitt. , .ItEALED.EED 41 D lo om .tellktteCiimi ,-,9 as but erodes or Ea,.. To_preveßt., Ottr.ploii . _ Usl non Inta•-u,p44 toe: 'id ; ; we_ ..,......,..,....",-,.!•,/,:• ' e.O .3 ~-::: c .., TT r-rf....r.1, ilz:ulti . .144140 Easurigo a 4 . 1014111 K•:11•':17.7. , Jul Sr iltidllp.Welft•cr . 10 beelkia44l4ilun it t?Atx • • , 9-41 a *lt:. CA J113:417 4 '24llll2olThg garatia•-•• 11 , 4 ‘ P 3 , 4 7TVt7Salieoß., XiittbutS, i*0t4..0-Poi "4: ,and iviPot desirable place of resorts. Liquors a: WWI Nre f aipkicial TO, Bin* 80mas are on the arouudlidai is tEg fear. fi e.... ..,,,.....,......„,„,..,...._...._,_„-„..._„, .1.11,1111[ I :EMT - ETON. .._...,......_ ....„.„,,_..., -nen:WAR awing -1.0 .oiibli. Cily.at Al - iikahertWe Vrepared ttr re, etre propo.als fur the fun leiretrwm. with tbdrAppurrellitre46. thletectriennoirer_elAu: , .'."' 1 t.. 1 'r: ,. --E; , . ' 00N1M407 PlO In • ' '- Comprisingg 1.0 oifeelof 4-feet artuTer Bale% eletwaft, from t. -tureLareeto Jtmettcm of 31onteomery• avenue \ cover.. tbrongb ' , Wax - ' 00NT240 4 r. 0.2' J __ nn about 050 feat -of 111:1neh etremar f•RitrtrZWEii, on- Iti4ge' trammel from a point AO* feet north.froottbelateritooon Of B.eaew,.. a street to Belmont a uoet ma Or. tie ,i. ..:-..:,2 •: , : ....,... . ~.., _ , ~ Contarbllntt 0mit:5514 a iS•ittehZilltett- War. Pleb. 81LW.1 1 4/. 00 #- tatfey.. l'rozo, 13r13f• - berry alley torMontmom , rlav ue : arlaileaar... ...- 1 ,-. oopiery t teri ,•ta llk ,* .Pl3l . 4,1. • ~ iJ.II-14 .F...)1 f. - ...... 1.:....:::/) - ..1,:i., Comerlillte Ithet I.3**ifeit. of I.o4tielii:Clll - rreE ohmr.s.4.l%o l 4.oTePfek/Ola 13oyle street to rato - AtO aVeff. r;',.. W'. 1!.`.1. t, ': * .J.: - LICONVIRAWitiat i eilji A , .• '. ..A.; E.f.lcvt.e.l.:' '..r. , , -1:-4c, I .Wginiviiii4xszw.q"%klithlittiorailitikall'llumel'atitt an me .11tre File ts : weuseeet to - • gomery avimturseeretal fko i 1 s . ' I li- , .: -"e r !"th i glisi t ulitio r thpiti.9 lll cam jai semi tie lty Bamiater 1 office, taty'Vall: - 1310* ter 'the lama dr starer emblem 40- befn ( ostmens;ri b tlielehcpet Asa. tettejlealtm• Cl_OrSe_ 4 Wes 1V2... Loam's ia . aOr 'Ng - se, as 9' elite 'taltardelive Vain ' Were 3 in, 11.1; All tbplll6ll.lt =Mot propatais. a 11altlealgrawalone bids will he re -4,e1Y05, 1 , 10. be furnished at the cut gdglll.ers viee.= 9 Ihn tommotisiOn.o2l)nottundthezalliMs laameeettliotoareet or atlyMt4l. .-, tit:. 879TAe 0 9 order the / 333 41 . /4 11 3/) 1. -, =..—.. t - - , 4:-*._> •;5.....: t. ' , =.• - 'ibisAecr DAierkv.ii et r.T...) .1;.•, ...- I -__ ~ 1 ,, i..n. v . J73 , 0=04 1 , t l:,, 1 ... 0 i :,,,1C11,7,-zhehteen Orval" Oft Itizabizas saisbytnivEro*;-1 Lrlitantrirlailrqtr4FN -WSW I YOEffICE :TO IMMIACTIOUII. '—seiioE.PiaflosiairtifittiVAiistrilooliaat a Pattitcl,tk*ei:63 I ,o344biaiiii:. itTatt,' trent lintriestreit - !or 4: 1 04n Zliefeuth Stveet;' Mitt! the ii6V or Wish thetas teitid riser...-AlsoPtor Gradieff.Tavlag . its7l tiirteeit , orreirtlcetiliad 11.6e2 'Bake itteeeliitbel.elgegbelsAral leyßOnnd/ int! tiosartate l adravais maim tireiii7'lrortpatlAL street; Jell"! Se'ieetleintet lathe toffee unta , L. •,;• C.f,Vreijift " ' TIITESDA.Ti i AIICIEVIE &TB. 3,),1 - .24Deaticatiotriana tibuglitisideidtostaabe bed et this altlee. INd tide- eofieldeithe ellen Made at on the seeperi blitikilAltel Committee se serve the Mein ton Jett suresetrataii. 7 - 1 113:11191£411.L•. 41. mocoultittra li 0 pEorafl+ B rO3.S, aulactsztniq*Ati - - .• • • • •-••• JIILY St. nee. SEALED PitIMMLASS be reuetved at the narrlsbari elm Works until Jhel,"111. DAI 007 AUtITIST. forgur deLtyery laisstiolattrbe Toted Aurtne t he lest pear up to September 2, The coal must Wraiths ve re tun, Quality-for the manufacture oil gm and dearered at th e works. All emumutriestlons isaWd rt. addressed 10 the usderatmted, admiral glee. 111 thrther barrow- Sion on Ilte subject. GEORG* BllaleiliMSOMPAgnr. rr^ ' uWXO.II4N_ • :KiesbamsgriaoivilibipiciaTeda the office Of on' wsTles womirat ark " gust - 6thaBll4 Ifor AIN* rgiWiIi.VTAIXDIR 510Abffiell.41Uotietehffi.. 8 ,001110 01 Wheopuem , Ant inffitee Affihttlfd6wkfilDeF,On3W--•=Paitzte se4.hut3i , - bei.efeffielb oltit gut Itt,elteteteget ogetettoo lekattieffiginehooteietthe Levet; Bute., Bedfoni t _ Melvfid Irs:the _lva* :GoploOkteALOT,tmoroxek.ckus .fI.I2PAPIng: en— itges,,to etinakthe.seosetty of...Atm:opt Waders 111 0 3 Al l 18 duani4l4%,ram. ;14 6 t P.Kaiot 4A 020, lta. lOW *.priiekm 11 1 R tairllo4o 4 o, l i linier7iterA6*• N I R-M 11441. . 'l O POWTRAZITORS . SFALVD-PltOPOSASiOdhSeivi co tbe !ander- IlgrieabOollt; be T4celvid Junin ATIVAIST Itth. ...new; 1 , 11 14 ss,t L, T. t 1..13 r E, , OP‘ THE BINGER BRANCH ..••• Of . the! ireatem ;Penn It: IN" Axtendins.cionkrreeintq4 l 43s464ss.ll4o, to Batton Bltger fount,. Yayr.dtganepof TINFs Protoetvidlipecuseallowi, slaa ,bet /lava ukt,tnelltsigiseer t oo4lisz. irreAport,Ara ,ottoolt 1 1 .49/th Za.r oa IWO L.goi 4l / I T, • ' r s : nonermc , - >„. 3 • ti Calla itINADIEY 6. • - ASSESSUPDPIT/3.1 l iii c lig4Wlr s qt ; 4 . f i r,Ftg eo N0110.477x14311k.1ar &JUNO , !inthl PAVIN Of •.8A1 . 1143r . ,sittirar 1115 4.0 8 inV!Ftria) Pr. gr g I P 4 ,r,r/r4 of lArantlininnietern* Elol.Tiribk etzetitAitHr ivieeiie. ;ire ;wive:read); ibifixibribbitioe aside= be 'Oita atthe 'Oka pitle,CittrEngtneerttiita 44aR44i. 3 d ,1869 r.10 1 e 11 ,1 33 ; 3 7.rwP /014/40 la the-handeof . the City Treesuregforeolleettos. .tizt - klicirDivini. • i ,2••• ut: • t' s ., .n 183 • • . - • • , ••UUY Anicusetr. 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