& WORKS: DUQUESNE WORKS. TAM( & co., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, -AXLES AND .SPRINGS DU9,I2IESNM, I X AND JUNIATA,' • PLAT .B ROUND AND s9,TrikEtF,.IROH. SAN_ HOOP, SHEET AND 'I•ANK. IRON, • • 'HOMER PL a.TXB Asp HEADS, • strARD moN DRAG andDROPPEE BARS 'MANUA'S (ANTES sdas . oxid.N.usg, T AND FLAT BAIL, for Cent 'Roads._„,_• EOM BARS,WIT.DGES HARROW TEETH, BIND _PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, agaloa 'WINGS AND MOULDS ern to pattern. TIRES; STEEL SMARTING, A. B. STEEL. • COACH', BUGGY and WAGS* SPRINGS and CUTAND . B.PUIES CUT S . • • ° AB Goods First Class and Warrants& . 0147.0211 ; AND WORES. Sixteenth Stanei•nad. Allegheny River, • a:WM Ilkeker Street, PO4/burgh. - SHEFFIELD STEEL, woass. SINGER; NIMIOK & GO., i l lvsnurtim. P 46. gan'escsarers of every description CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, 1 • N.A TLW • BPANGI3, • AED P1.10170E21 SPEINGI3, • • , AXLES; 43'1:EEL TIRE, 3C., ad arelio \ W use, SS Water and 100 First Sta. PAR IN. HARK r I earnixas. _ 411ilaj" REUBEN BOILMN IEICTOALP,_ _ 63°. 17. BA3lll' (3 4n. V 1143 112 4. 4." CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, AILLERy. BAHR & PARKIN, ) _ _ f °Mile s r No. 3 3 9 Liberty St, ITrTEIBI7Batt. PA. MIME BLAPB:PWION:D STEEL WORKS. PAAK, BROTIMI. & of all descriptions of SEPT33]rEEL4 . . DEN andWarehocuse,.TlMMUCTErit''HULTY IFIRBT and : RAILROAD tlifild1111114:', • • \• " ' \. nioN, woRKs. .Pratt.—. W. P. roma. Meet: U 114,111 FORGE ANDIRON CO: , nilarribitonuis or. • • Bar Iron; , Railroad Pistil Bared Bolin I I fldircaid Vivid:lei 'Willed; Fnilread CarlAxlo. ItaMmeredi Leeantotire Frimei; • • • • Locomotive Frame OnaPain , • Side Radii; • , Yokes.-Straps; - • /- Viiiton - Fleadi; - • Steamboat Shona; Steamlboat Cranes, ,/ ; 5 Piston Rod* Wrists;f Pilau= .9111.0 es 17771,*NN STREET, r -4.7,178/8V8.411- 'PA. • BLIAIISBEISEVITOCESS. The Ihniatisei fie noir prepared to Arka_t_licen tea tor the WO of the SlT , tentiß A PllO- gb% ri t i r ; i4 ", 1•2 '" • , the gr e at h Ostler parted to 'good ns, provernant liro a inferior Iron, and in the reduced oost.oommend it to sit nianafacttirera of Parties wishing to use it can obtain licesuies by / •,11)PF7ztli to• • • JAMES P. SPEER At.tgrher ter the trustees,: • BANldia, . and-,11; Illogliabia 96% ronnoenne. r • -rartiea rav intereiste& nre ". ieyiett the Eft Ver()RlM'ithere the • roceaa is now ha • lion.. teB:dia VIVERSONi 'PRESTON* COof WinkBi • Warelicrgse; Non. . 166 • an/1111 1 1 IhEtBT JTREZT. pposlte MonangaAela House_ - - PITTRIBUILGH BRASS FOUNDERS. ion* tr.. comma EM MY JIM, JOILti COOPER & Co.; Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MAD, 211.0XPTLY TO ORDITIL • Makable 'ail .Gpf ,Iron , Fittings, ,GAs' pilot AND 'ruin N MiOTTLE, SiptiiAND Mgt VALVES , ALL PATTERN. 11(),Th r COCitS, Brass Work of every deseripßoa for Steam, Water and , 01L, XANII/AOTIIItiMioa s.m, 000ezwis imprOvid Balanee-Wheel Steam Pump. 40entlifor Thviiititizel.tete* , ll“- era f ithe best . 0265 and Works, coiner 'Thirteenth and PCIFA coat- AND 001 CD. s: Aq4) •it DICKSON, STEWART & ko. -.567 LIBERTY STRE ET; ,Ay City iicrar 31.111)1110:12143544":1" e Irrz , ....1,4,.;4110051iti170)11Cgl ••4zsnl cg, at the ./ iniardA . Unrest morkec rrtoe. All order lessll6 oliet.ar _ Vativialledea nen threligk _ wilt 5 - 5 •••5 ' 4 IUTHOGR&PEERS, . mutamixor Enteauf.r. f .---.l,P,Bnar Ferps t atfve iT AL iar he *C ______ °" •rzwymmi, nrigrousiv2min. t o BondiSteam ile PiftstAlsben_ i _ e :, , g 4 Muntain& Badness uaras, ue 41?.14trifiRSVant L tithograpt -sbe • - #. O&M*. PI bidi. x: . , '; f f r, , ' , ~..... t o : A —,,,, , •,. , , fro, -`,' • , . FOUNDERS NAOEaNISTS .-. SNAP. FORT PITT • FOODRY COMPANY. OFFICE' AND WORKS, 1 TWELFTH STREET,' PITTSEMLGH, PA. IllrEngtnes„ noising_ mku ma.- chineryi pram. Machi.nits, Re torts, and Castings geneodly. NATIONAL ' FOUNDRY if , -A. , ' { ' • AND, PIPE .WORK . 1 1 8 Corner Varroll and ErnallimanntreeEst - WIRTH WARD,) .1 2 r/"11333131141EI, 1 1 . C. . , . ~ ......., .. , , , WILLIAM SMITH, •• , Ma , nufactilreE of , CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR ' OA'S AND WATER WORE& _ My Floes are elii cast Invariablyln Plts, In dry sand. and 1X feet lengths. Also, frill assortment of general ~,, _ CaStlnfilfor as arid Water Works. • ei f t 7m i ti..it , rl .ka te, attiatosoffillingtilkend..l DUQUESNE 'FORGE. WILLIAIR MILLER, (Sacoesoor to AOS. P. HAIGH & CO:,) , . Hu Winne& eo-extenElve . with the . leading Forges In the East, and Is prepared to promptly and sattafactorlty allorders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS_ CRANILS,PISTON 110.DA,__LEVEHS. PITMAN - JAMS, WRISTS, 'ItA.ILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAME/4.4. together - with every description of SHAPE WORK. Once and Forge, Denier of Duquesne. Way and Pipit Street, apI4:h;I0 ' / ROBINSON, REA & Cdy , SacCemors to Boantionr, "ma a Ittrtztam WASHINGTON WORXS, FOUNDERS AND NADHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Mmattactir(Ms Of Bciatand Stationary Steam Meg, Blast Engines, -Mill Machinery, MAIM& Castings of all descriptions: 011 14 1= gad StiNg, Boiler and Sheet iron Work. Wage,. 50. IS, corner -First and Smitidield Streets. - Agentiffor OTIPPARD'S PATENT INJZOTOB par feeding Boilers. - Janata . MARLIN & Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, BAB:DUSKY BT.. ALLSGEDIKYDITY; PA., Msaufsettirers of Steam Engines, 011 Presses, C ll lll7ll'gri t =iachin .°ll l:= l34 _,: r . , orate Bara k ' Weights, Wagon Boxes, , &c. B rand to order =a have cra bawl Enables of all slam rnelinds 7ARBALVOUNDRY- O ROLL WORKS , • 880 Penn street. 80.,..,.80YD & BAGAWL IMlOBoll s e s 344 Cistbia4,.Boll Lathes. 44: • bILS. WALB , ING AND Connlesion Madman d Broken In Potiolenm and its products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PBILADELPBIA ADDRIcas. 1 , 17 „,;, 5 . Boom, 7, of C o mm erce, fpm.l33 3OUTEt SECOItiD BTAILKT. ECLIPSE - PETROLEUM REFINERY. BEERBEBT.W.,C. TWUIDLE, stt,urtrl.i.oTtritzu or Lttlyicating & High Test Burning Oils. • „ • • Eenpse Railroad Axle Oil. Stands great. heat without change; remains limpid al loweit.temperatures. Special Oil for tropical cumatea or hot weatner. LoeomOtive, Engine, Raohine Shop,•' • :Will cab / saw.stan - and Adsisted for high jipeed. _ Spale•"011, wool i R Read•Light Oil, 011,.Tannera , Elton: Rensole, ing pirdshlng 011, aeollne, .01li Earraillne. • _ARMOR VAIIRM3If„" to 'preserve Bright Iron work and Machinery from Rust. Then, products are nutnufactnred under Dr. TwesfUle's...patent by Superheated Steam in Vac, ono. The Lubricating OM are almost odorless. Pelr PureiPsdform.` and most fight, acip ores and a high temperature lan ed., and remain limpid duringeatreme cold., , Th e Oils are /unequalled, and Are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can, ed sad orders left at 174 WOOD" STKIDST. Works at Sharpaburg Bridge. TACIL, BROTHERS, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' /LID DRAINEN IN _ Petroleum and its Products, 2lit lati n liN a uF z ir g i ß=lls lo . oars PbUidelphis Office-AST WALNIFT IyAIMON4k 411 i. WORK• H. M. LONG lc . (ace, DALZELL BUILDING, .DnqtteineWay. Pittebarsit, Pa. • 41't'.1 1 . 1 qw4LTY - woraiL IIre 4 SUBOH 5 P- FOUTATC XIORKSO ` l leciridild 'A. Wis. &DAMS, MILEE ar. • si N .?•_ A l_, _) PLAT O fe UUTZ B , SCALES. 7aoe4 Patent Door Leeks aid • , ronsi44.o,lis. Litektos -01'_ :filtatATil , '4II4ILIT WEIN; " gia 7: • - . ~ ~ PITTMTF_GH GAZETTE': SATURDAY, ALT 3, 1869, MGM* 3.3.014a1t0r40. UffM9 RUB BOLE & CO. Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., - tNass THE Pourr,) Engine Builders, Faunders Aitul Machinists. • Maxinfacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all slues. i&ecild attention Invited to our new STATION ii OIL WELL ENGINE AND' PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-boreespower. CASTINGS, of every k in d__ _, made to order atonr Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON-TOBACCO BILRefiRE., on head and made to order. at the . • • . - INDUSTRIAL WORKS, lrontinjg oathe Allegltay River. I:4eal'tbe roAnt, PITTBBITAGE. PA. 4 . ,3Ercm:lmri mptlyfilled. Tax tre. FORT PITT DOItIatirSTILL AND TANK ,- - W031,3E 4 3 CARROLL & SNYDER, NA.NmpAcionsita 070 TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR, YIRIL-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOU. OIL RS. STILLS ANN OIL TAMIL CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND LBW BRIDGES. PRISON DOOllB AND COAL amass 01See and Warehouse. earner Second, Third, Short and Liperty Streets, PITTSBURGH; Pi. • . . Orders Boat to - the above address will be promptly attendettto.' mb7:lS • WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MASERS . • . AItD , SHERTITRON V.TORKEItS, NOS. 110, Slk AND 116 PENN ST. • . • flaying gam * ed large yard and furnished it With the most approved machinery, we &repro payed to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any Nude Llat e *Cry. OhleTh WC: Plro- LMome m _rue Owidensers, Sal l'ardis.- 011 uvulas tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Irori,=l, tar Pane, and sole manufacturers of 's *t ent Bonen.. Bepairing done on sfOrtest notice. tae: JAMES M. RITEB, Noi and 116 *aft" Street, KA15T77 . 41:171=11 . ' 07 IRON -- OIL TANKS, .11111 RUNG OOPPlCRlTZijil'ilah. BOLLING MILL STACK% And MEET IRON WORK. For Steamboats. JAZ= Y. 11-111758.........&......111:011119ND DrllBl7Bll JARED M. BRUIN 84 SON, *ArirrAormunfo 0T _ Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, SZBET IRONWORK. &IX 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES,' OASTIiiGS, &o. A.BBADIAEYdr, CO:, NO. 30 WOOD STDEET, manufscturers of the =reateit varlet? of Cook, raillor and Heating ; Staves, TO SE FOUND. In our assortment will be found all theLATEST PATTSENS AND IMPROVEMENTd, and the reputation of our Stoves fa, t hat 'any duo lA, Want fit amd artield.slunad purehu none but' those Manuhustured by ton as they will' be - found the most durable as well as economical. Would call narticular attention to our new VoLOANo. STOVE. for church: r;halls and stores. Over 500 sold In three months.- In , coded for with or with ' out casing. All who have used them pronounce them littperlor to any other and far cheaper: - `-flend.for Catalogue andTriee List. je3o .1111A17 1 11 .116118,8c.00 ' 7- ‘ , r= 't brhi - TiRT V AEI;T= QS , M g r i CretnagEll: ' BOSTOX cooluare RANGE, • `'THE FIERY YPRNACE," - rOlt Wmukumi BuiLDlNois. - rag \ NEW /ANTI-DIKIT COOKING BTOVZ , "GzeItLATOIL ,1 COLUMBIA COOK BTOVT. VAN% IClnclunst.l .;.Patter i : .POBTABL . m BANGS CAST IRON MANTL 3, WIILLMAN 8 BICPLECTOWORAVES, fr ee manna dust; °RANK -FRONTS, FENDERS. La. • 206 and 28 iibertiStreet, ie2ls:yt• - \ • TTSBUNGEL PA. coos. Errovss: \ CET THE BEST. BISSELL 61:11. 2 8 rTRIIINIPH, FOB zu:.Tuipxoqs.,COAL.., Warranted to Conk; Bake or Boast as veil as any other lita : re tit the Union; ; . ; ,I . I . I SWILL ` & .00.1 No. 286 Liberty Street: VAno b l i tar,"Vt ; es& 112 • : ins, . : : . , 600.000 fee s Dry P,lneiioards. 160,000 feet ilff' hien 10 eaerlank;. .• • A 6,000 feet 1% ituali °amnion Punt; ' ' ' - 25, 1 1 I feet lult,l andAlineh,f/ak: , ri ' kt• AK 11 , ..1661111.160 Poplar: ° 0, i i feet .i,ry ropiar ficantung: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine . Boards; • 10 3: 0 060600 f N ff o e rtdloisS Leawtit l e in al a lna lRu n - soomoo v.: 116-inch Shingles. sawed: 11 0,0011NotI10.1non liihingles, allavedt • ' 110, 1 , I Fire Brick; ~ . , ,•• . . 1 1, 1 1 I Fire TUe. ' • , , 400,Tona Fir, Olay; t_., ~,,, i Also, at „KM J.,ornberi I.4ettat and:wait Anita; an all , articles in tile line on hand and for 4 4 . salo.b Ltirt oa CANDER :PATTE4I6ON, Yards-. lit '4! street and corner of Prebla and' J !kr taaixth watd,6llegkepay a late tsor7' o g laanebaater„ ~. .. , • ..t., . -.: , t avdp.- 4 .......0..... -----,-, Witr fiIiND,MEABURIAS, tcy lifityoit.'t • • i• , sediereiweichtp geaniew: - ', 21401iStatiirEZET. ; 1 0 ,:::a7,100 . fireei:Tenient and irarestneti Ordaiii*OUY *twas.red go , \ go: , ' NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE FITTSBURGEL 4 . JASIVCAPITAL • ••a z . 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANS OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT JOHN FLOYD - WM:FLOYD. President. Cashier.. DIRECTORS. • Thos. M. Marshall, I Wm. T. dhannan. James W. AMU"' Chaa. B. Leech,. John Floyd, This Bank la now fully to do a general Banking 1 jelok43 FORT PM MENG COIIIPAIY. No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : :e : $200,000. GOVERNMENT BEMIRIFij _ AND COLD. INTIM! ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITi. Collections made on all accessible points In the United states and Canada., M/G=OBM: D. Hostetter, DI Jno. O. Risher, James Eiordon,l Robt. H. Mug, D. Walince, 1 Andrew Miller, Z. Fawcett, James M. Bailey. HART, CAIIWIET k CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, .1!17131:11tia/I, • laC6l2ol43traTfilLUlN,t, serer a C 0..) Didiaute fadiani r :!), COW! COUP9!/09 e • And' parttet at:e n :ir e r d to the purchase COVERNMENT BONDS. swat Drafts on London. 110LXR1 & SONS, 1:2E3110 Collections made on all the prinolpal point' of the United States and Cum Stocks,Bondsand9thexSeenritles soveirr AND BOLD OIMMa3ION. Pazticolar attentlon paid to die purchase and ale ot • , iirj?,lted States Securities. JAY COOKE & CO., 33,15e,21.15..eri5t, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, • ' PHILADELPBtA ;' STOCtS, sad BONDS of all deacriPtiona boughtand sold. Special attantioligiven to,thepuichase, and sale Ot OovErnmEne,SeCtiritlet:. W63(1 CITY JIA.NK. 12, Fifth Street, Pittalaugh l Pa. , CAPITAL, 3100, 000` STOCEHOIDERS . INTEREST PAM - ON DEPOSITS. ON XCI A run z s GE Bought and sold; and when' deStred remitted to Europe. Collections made on alt the principal points of the United States and Canada.: • DOluNicrirlvistsEN, President. - - JAiaze MCCABE, Vice President. • . JOHN tioulthEr. Cashier. ' DIIIECTOeS. D. Ihmseri, James liicCatze, • Thomas Bourke, John Savage,: • J. Dunlevy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, • James Phelan Chas. B. Barr, Tl.A.Preyvogle, Jn . o.Jos t lierman.n. Thomas-Barnes, •rrs ' Hugh Kestittg, • jel:ks • 'PEOPLES' lIVINGS . Of • Allegheny, CORNER EEDERAy AND LACOCK STREETS CAPITAL . • • • • • • $lOO l OOO zTOCKHOLDERB - INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. \ Hint. of Discoint andrEepoelt. PRPIDENT—S. H. HARTMAN. mi gtaya s t7E, P. YOUNG.. B. H. Hartman.. H. H. Burt, P. Henipprn, -, `J. J. Koben B. P. Brown, Banked D yer B. B. Megrim, W. G.,- aeon. - 3 ml2/:in 41 ' Noe. 221 an 2 3 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offersto the trade at IoW Prime New exotijarigu! Nagar and port* moo, Cuba and Itaglishlsland Bag II el. New York, Philadelphia an& Dalian:o7r e . ned do. • - •• flolliewDriss.: Lovering*. • Brindle.' attnirti, . 4.damiu and LoPifilsiand LIMN- T I - 4 POrtfr Rita, Cups luta Ragusa Island Molasses., osing 4 inivertd: Gunpowder\ and Coieng Teas. ••••, • ( fie; . Carolina and.Bangoln Rine, `Java; Lagnarra Ind(io'Corees. Tobacco. iLard Naas. Glass, Soaps, Cotton con tantlyon hand. - IMPORTERS CP' Fine Brandies t Wines and Segars. .y„! , • - Moselle. and Sparkling Monk Wipes of Hinkel la • Sparkling Moselle,.„l3eharemerg :and •Jobanalsi . burg, llookbelmer..flargandy, , Rusadeahnelf ) rea , ;Elne;Olive 011./ do do hunts,: imported in bottles. white Wines, la bottle, yl'ork I nonsitta t rkilag Catawba. • - EliMoid Sherri. airs and Port Ram. wres.s4 Rye Mrtilekles. prim - noVerySuparlorOld,Scotch do do. • Sole r r i tients for Meetl Cliandonis druid Win. ills_Pe- • ' • ' yenning and Bellery.Chinipagne. Braadlea of oar own selection and M I K BIIIII4U4 I 2 :Oa .• ' ICE ;IA ;.•!t; 4 I 4 lpLitL - i•,-, ,, -.F, AMERICAN BANK. John M. Mnrtland, Archibald Wallace. Jae. D. Kelly, Wmafloyd. ° orgsrdzed and prepared buidneae. SIOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DILALRES IN asai+L: aie , LURE. 51. Pres,t. D. LEET W ILSON. Cashier. 67 Market Street; PIMM€I23UIIGiII, ERE= BM C34. - .3M612), SILTER AND COITAS Bought atlEghest Price - PIE. R. MERTZ, Banker Wood and. Fifth Streets. JAMES T. BRADY' tic CO (Successors 08. JONES a 00—) Cornet Fourth and Wood Sts., --;'• AL.N3Er.....1M El, BUT AND SELL ALL KINDS OP • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, slow, SILTER AND • COUPONS, ON ROST revoitAßLE TEEMS. • torkterest Allowed on Deposit% l ' o fi r r s loioney jo_atgal onlioverament Bonds at market r4les. Orders eneented for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS; and • JAMES T. BRADT &fCC). GOURNMENT BONDS ! We : kill register all kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. This gives the holder abl solute security against theft,losi, or destruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Goverzunent Bonds, ; 'COD. FOURTH & WOOD STS.. my13:)25,- littzlnatO Say*, FINANCE. 4thD TI:I4U)E. °num or Pmematoir GezETTE, I FRIDAY, July 2, 1869. • Contrary to all expectations, gold opened strong again this morning at 13rx, sitter hiving. touched . 136% last evening. The market wasaustained by the stock cliques until after 3P. as., when cable dispatches reported the ad- Vance of American bonds, and gold sud denly broke to 136%, atAwhiCh it closed weak. !The decline is likely to lead to further - shipments of bonds, and a de cline for the present'may be the result, but for the immddiate future there is but.obe opinion, that should gold touch anything nearer 139, or even 133, the upward bound be ask rapid and so enormous that in all probability' higher quotations will be madei than last Au gust.when the niarkpt stood once .150.. Government bonds were welt' sustain ed to-day, and an advance of one per cent was established for new bonds. The demand forinvestments, however, is very limited. !, Eh, Siocks were weak on some shares, and strong on others, but the Eitringences of the Money market prevents any ma terial advance, one-quarter per cent. per day being charged for commission on advances, besides legal interest: This cannot last long, and a break in the stockmarket may be looked for ,at any moment. Currency is scarce here, and nearly all our banki have to bring out <funds from their cash. Quotations as received by 'Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 136%; Silver, 127; Eighty one's, 11%7; Five Twenties, 3862, -121 y; do 1864, 117%; do 1865, 118 A; do 186 4 5, Console, 116%; do 1867, 116%; do 1868, 116%; Ten Forties, 108%; NewrYork 95 31; ;Erie, Reading; 98%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne tic Chicago Railroad, - 156; Ohio tic . triaißaippi, 32%;,biticban Southern. 109%; Cleve iPittaburgll,l, 104%; -Chicago' & Rock Island, 18%; .Chicago & North Western, 82%; Chicago it North Western Preferred, 96%; Adams Express Coin mv, „ 60%; Merchants Union ;Express; -14-Pacific Mall, 903 ; Western Union Telegraph Company, 38%; Am. W. Ex .reaa, 42. .. f.:}33 o 7,atei \ rraptt to the Pittsburgh . Gazette.] NEW YORK, '..ittly 2, 1869. , • Money active and 'very firm . at 7 per \ cent,- with per cent, commission addegi for l oan s on call; there was, \_ how ever, m ore offering of time •on loans" to day, in anticipation,. of ease in money next week. There iebonsiderable specu lation in regard to the course Of the mar ket \ . to-morrow , when borrowers will have 7 • to make their.engagtiments o ver Tuesday. The purchase of $3,000,000 ,in bends by the Treasury will put afloat about $3,500,- 000 la etgreney, the material tendeticy;of which- will be to relievethe market. SterliOg "firm at 9%®9%; 'Cioldlheavy; • opening at 13? . .%; closed at 136%; carry ing rate, g@o-16 per cent. Clearances, 1 8 4 5 , 000 1690- • There's a rumor afloat that the Government 4 : wouldr not recognize the Cubans as belligerents, bit would buy the island. Disbursements, of coin interest te-day, $3,978,021. iloirernments active = and decidedly fir ~ er; foreign houses were large buyers; Market 'closed " strong: " Coupons 'Bl, 1171 Q 11736; - do. , '62, '122©122g; do. 64, 117%41173;; do: '65, 1 1 83551195 it. do. new,ll63j@llB%; do. '67, 116%@116%; do. 'BB, 1.1. 0 64®17; 104000f3g®108%; Pacif i ca 1 106 4 „ atilt° -' bon s - illl Ind' ' IfeitYY: , Ills souris:B7; old Teruyeaseea,sew do., 57%; North Carelhuoi, 52;„YirefliftS, 61g. • .Proceedings" have 'been commenced to foreclose the third. imortgage , bands ,pf the IsCroese and MilWankcie.Railroad CbuiliallYgl -, The " iteek:::muirket:at the close was lgeneially 43E040, although 'not , z , ip to the figures of.. the efternoon. The sudden rise to 106*for Pithibtirgh to-day was on a report of 20 per cent, scrip and 23i cash dividends. • • Bidding ,prices at 5:30: Cetinbeirlikid,33; Wells' Express, 29%; 'American 40; Adams, 60g: United States, 71%; ' Mer-* chants ,Uthon, :1830" Quicksilver, 15; Canton,-611 'Feeble Mail, 90%; Western UniOn Telegraph,' .3034; Mariposa, B; do. preferred, 15g; New York • eh-. tral, 195 g ; Erle,\ 29 ; ditto prg,i4 ferretij tioy:,quiitatiorOV Heidsori, -163%; Harlem, 1433;; Reading , 98 ; Terre Haute, 35;olgqprefettell;:5931; iVabash;ll; Eit.: It Paul, 75V. do. preferred, 86t Fort Wayne, 155%; "0 ez • zahualrApPlit2W • 1 4ichi Central, 8; Michigan isoutnertt,' Aft Illinois ntyal, 143 ; I `ittebtullq Xi allekliJeiclitialMi *AI 4nttfilte. faireol;vd- O. C. & L C.. as; Chice&n - dc • ~ t ~, .N . , --m-c„ Alton,•:160g: 4% ' ' - - • \ Copper Stooks at Boston-Copper Falls, \ • 7gi; Franklin,. 14: HCcla,.Bo;jrancoCk, 3; Minnesota t 134; Quincy, 29. Recetptsat,.the Sub-Treasury-41.696,- 441; Payments, 84,346,843 i balance, 02, 500,824. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE of PIVIRRIIRGII GAZETTE, t ' FRIDAY, July 2, 1869. • Business generally is very quiet though'this is usually the case about the Ist or .Tulybusiness men are busily • engaged in tu 4ing settlements, adjust.t: ing aceopnts an taking. stock, and -fora the present this absbs their time i tindl, attention, more than \; anything else.•ll, Then again, conntry, people are busily engaged at home in maiiingTreparations for harvesting, and as the a k mand for f almost everything is restructemainly to supplying immediate'wants, the is a l• Yerrlight volume of business in tlinag gregate, and pries generally are With , out importint change. BUTTER-Is-quiet and- ilittle dull, i ; though as yet without quotable change. 1 . - = May be quoted at 28@)24, for good.to choice. BEANS—DuII at152®2,25 Per btiihel: CHEESE—Is dullhnd iu good supply but unchanged; sales of common West erU Reserve'l6@)l7, Factor,y at 18' and 1 Goshen at 19@20. CARBON OlL—Quiet though steady; may- be quoted in a jobbing - way at 28@29. I DRIED FRUIT—The . season is about over, and; besides, the low prices for both . °meant) and foreign fruits, have ~ almost driven it out of market. • ! EGGS—Fresh packed 20; old stock. 18. FEATHERS Supply . in bands' of, I commission men almost exhausted. Live 'zj geese may be, quoted at , 85@90, to ihe trade, and $1 in a retail way. FLOUR—The market is quiet but steady; prices, althohgh unclisnged, be ing firm and fully sustained. Receipts. i continue comparatively light but as yet the supply is fully up to the demand. i Westerm Flours are still quoted at 26@ 6,50 for Springs, and $7,00157,50 for Win tersr - GRAlN—There is a continued steady milling demand for Wheat with sales of good to prime Winter at 51,30@1,35, and choice at 51,37@1,38. i Oats quiet but firm, and: while the demand is light, the supply iri this market is pretty 'well re ducal; may be quoted at•6s®B6 on track, and 68®70 for smaillots in attire. Rye , ,firm with but little offering, dealers are I payli4P,ls for small lots—car load lots t'; may be, quoted at $1,20@1,25. 'Corn is 1, scarce, sand mixed is quoted at' •76©77 and prime Yellow at 80@e2. Nothing i doing in Barley. HAY—Sales at Allegheny Diamond Scales of 20 loads, at #28©34.- per ton. Bales Straw at per ton. • HEMP—Very dull, and prices tending downwa rd—nominal atl2lo Or' ten. 'HUSKS—SaIes at 25.1@3 eta ker pound. i LlME—Cleveland Lime IS - quoted ht $2,50, per bbl, and Common Wliite at 51,75. - LARD 01L—Salea of No. 1 Extra at $4,50, and No. 2at $1,18@1,20.• • PROVISIONS.— bbouldem fl4yiels; Ribbed and Clear Sides, 174@)18%; Plain Hama, 1814@l88; Plain Sugar Cured, 20; '2 Canvassed, 21. Dried Beef, 21@2134. Lard In tierces 20, in kegs and pails 21. Mess Pork E33,50®33,75. ' POTATOES—New crop scarce and in 1 demaad, and - quoted at 54@4,25 per bbl. Old crop selling at 40@45 per bushel. PEANUTS- 7 -Small sales at 12. SALT- , Doll; maybe quoted at 51,05© 1,70 for car load lots. . SEEDS-The demand for Clover and 1, Timothy Seeds seems to have almost en tirely subsided. • Flaxseed would sell but there is none , in market. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE osPrrrantrnow GAzETTs, FRIDAY July 1868. S Later advices from Philadelphia would indicate that there" is considers- ble dissatisfaction, as to the way matters were s:onduoted there on WadlleadaY delivery day—and 11 411eged that some of the parties intexested,did not do what was altogether fah. Or just." Owing to a hitch somewhere, _we uuderstan that several high-priced contracts failed g to go through, but the why and where- , fore that they did not go through, is a point as yet in Aispute. It is ,said that there Nmre;from 10,000@15,000' Atria left out in this way; part of this was said at auction in PialLadeiphia , to-day, and'as it Waesold'conalderably, below the contract. price; - the presumption - is that somebody of will, be called uponto make .up the dif ference, and, as is usual in Such cases, litigation will probably be . tbo 'result. chtnit. The market continues very quiet, and a little week, though. prices are with out char.- ',BaleBl,4oo'on'SPot 14S; g 1,000 seer July, at 1435; 1,000 last four months, seller,-ta 1534; 2,800 this water, 0 at 14)ifand 1,000 August, -at- 15. - 4Tele-- grams from the Oil' City report but • little done, and pricea nominal• at $8,70@ 8,75. REPINED But a single sale reported, • market quiet, and with the exception of spot oil, for whish therewas some considera ble inquiry, there appeared to ise no de mand of consequence. Spot oil is high= • 1 er, being quoted at ' 81X; July May be • quoted "at32®32k; Jttly,to.December, at 33;,; and October to December at 33;(@ 33x. • - LUBRICATING OILS. RolipseVinter Lubricating oil'" 4043 Eclipse Railroad Axle ' • 350 Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse 5pind1e.........'80c • - •liECEiPTS OF cntrnit OIL. Owston Sowers. • 1040 bbls & Bin . 4820 is • Pool dr. - llrcr ' H. S. ... . .... 51 . John Speer '`• ' 'lOO 1, R. T. Leech...... ... . . .. .. . 1,800 is:,: Jackson Bro J 'MOO • ' 4l ' Dinwhinney Bro ~ T o t a l ":: : ; .I!_ita4)l2 orr. Alert Irr B. Braun :ft IVtigner.soo bblv refine:4l te Waring, Ithig'iSc:CO,Phllidelphia„ , citizens, 01r - Co. -258 bbla -Termed to 'Tank& tiro. i Phibitlelphla. • * `" LibertYvaworwloo . ,ooli , ioanid to P. Logan. & Bro., Philadelpidei• Keystone - 011 Worka, 100 libla,.Telleed to Warden; Prow a Co., Philadelphia. Totid shipments Reined ... 05E1. 01L SHIPPED BART 11110 M D11417=111 a DEPOT. HutchlaclVOil'a ReOneing Co., 229 hble retitled to Warden; Frew 6a Co, Phila. • Oswzno, July 2 - ..-Flour unchanged; sales of 1.700. bbls s 1 118,50 for bro. 1 spring, t r S°r -; adlbeF L wititer; t • 18 for white and 88,75 for , double extra. Wheat better; Bales of •Milwatt. ken club at 81,45f-4;000 'bush Chicago spring by sample, at' 51,85; litstedening 7,Boll'busti No. "1 Milivattkee;• to arrive, sold 142. Corn firm, at 820 for No. If sales sm a llir 'Cora= Mea1 4 .81.76 per owt. Mill Feed steady ; Shorts 817®18; shin StuffkuStOr..madiingi -- 128628. Okial Freights-Wheat 81i0, corn Me, rye Bc, to New York; lumber ' 53,50 to the son Railroad. ; .1 . 2 ^ - _ i \\ ..s.u.,:.ftiAS~' yyaaitrr " ^:i.~4.aa..yy}.^ ' s < ' w '~v~}~S~.ewn. ~et}:'~,-, ~_._ II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers