1,1 GMEI 11 awl ,4 ' a ;‘, MIESOURL iteorreepondeeee of the the Pittiteaieb Gazette.; I lrianaff Cirri Mo., June`29 , 1869: Ik-dYlni OntWestward'affords 'Nile an ppportunity -to‘ give the 'readers \of the , Gaznypt 4 - ii_ittii idea of one Or two. of die towns•ou my route, which may he ,of , • interest: v • l•say towns; because 'traveling • • as Mud: Lab possible , by - night and lying . , , off during the day, I see the towns an d , coMparatively little o f the country. • ~. _. Enough ihis trip, however_, to L have as 'Pertained that the wheat is harvested, and the corn looking better than I -anticipated. • The 9ountry' indeed' Ito a traveler leaving ! - Bt. 'ouis by the Padific Railroad, has lit tie interest. , First, e low and , digs - ;reelable quarter, rallioade always contrive .to pass , through; : then for a few 'miles attractive villas,• and villages not so attractive, -then rocks and woods, and tunnels,-=the picturesque banks of • the winding•Merarnec, too pure: ad a nd- for • drinking , purposes for St , : Louis; then again rocks; and cuts, and hills; a :tolera , ble supper at the stupid town of Frank: -lin, where the - SopthWestern Pacific ''diverges;, then heavy grades,: first up, then then away over abroad'corn Laid; through a skirt of.timber glithmers a _Silver thread,:that's the Missouri.' hence! forth, to keep Yon company as 'long as• . Ton can see, water ()gone side and abrupt ;bluffs an the - other, only broken at oc - casionalintertala. • = ' 1 There is Washington, remarkable for nothing I know of but ita;two churches ; 1 comically alike. They stand side by side; pre five-times as large as the other, but its exacttneanterpart. There is/Hero:win , where small bo ys O and girls retail intoler. 'able Cat:mile • through the card at ten note a glasi.. There areLthe two bridges sver the Gasconade and Osage rivers, the prat the Si:lane of a terrible, catastrophe to the first train that- ever ~pilased over it,• many years ego, and then you come to ' , efferson, city where I hilted and can tell 4ou peni•oilug about it. • ' , . . The'Clir :of Jefferson is 4(e. naPital of' Missouri, It is 125. mil d& west of Bt. : 'inuis by the Pacific Railroad, arid is sit tated on•Thei' south bend:OD - the Missouri iver: , It is a straggling townxhositt poir ifitio3l is hard to estimate; perhaps 2,500, tot to iMeak_of the 800 :who inhabit the., Vitintiary. - The Capitol. stands ,on '.a .find:. of i • Ptnntontorr overlooking the . iver for many 'lt, is built of lime- Aone; with a lofty emme, , , and`.presents _tattier a striking appearanos.at &distance iljnfortimately the- stone -of-which it' it .f)uilt has suffere greatly ;from exposure 110 the weather.- d ' - • ••• -:•: • - • ' On the Capitol grounds stands also the Atertal,a substantial (if not handsome) - . tone structure, occupied .1)3 , the office of !Ile Adjutant General and by a large hall •",-- n which are collected the trophies of: .- • iliiiisouri regiments. • • , • - '.,, The .Executive Mansion is, a - plain • • • - milding," of wood, also , commanding a .• ,'iew of the. river. • Thi grounds are at _, "'active, not less so for the frequent slight .• :if the Governorand his charm* &ugh .. ers engaged;in the healthful and exciting ' .. , :•ninsement ,of croquet, in which the , ,1 :oung ladiei are said to be very 'pro " icient. , : -• • ' "', • • : The Penitentiary la 'an:extensive and ~ sell built establishment, conduct after !'•',.:fie system adopted in Massachusetts. e. . lesides the large maitufaMmies of cigars, cots and shoes, wagons, ,te.:,, that are on within its walls, the convicts: re daily employed in , work 'upon the ':i treeta, and in the stone auarries. All : peat used is butchered and prepared :by luiticts.. Wheat is groncd and baked, , •nd clothing woven and manufactiired :, i• ntirely -within the walls. I believe the •:- 'nstitution since the adoption of thewee,- : tt , . system of management is self-support - • .These are all the public buildings at efferson. The, State "University at Col= . natila is a . flourishing ' affair: The Asy - m for the Deaf and Dumb is at Fulton, dike Blind Aitylum in Bt. Loris. .• 7 To „.the traveller who is thinking. of ming to Jefferson City my most earn- . t counsel;would bed "Don't." If you 1 - rsist, however, and: ant a word of ad '• flee about hotels, let. me say that when .:. !vei. you go you will wish you had gone _ - mewlie.re else,: Experienced parties, . . e myself,'gnto "John's,". .if John can canna:iodate there. ' But while John's ~- nble is good his rooms are few. The -lest best Place (the best- total in fact) is, .. . McCarty's," and there, unless the Leg • astute leni session, ron can depend 9n 'tiding quarters. Now, when I have r( ided that "John" is John Lane; and se next thing to a full blooded negro ; . ad McCarty a I disfranchised rebel, ve, i trust, sufficiently vindicated my partiality: - • • ' :/•• Coming westward from Jefferson; you . ' '. • ass after leaving the river, a beautiful i ffii'ng prairie country, dotted with Terms, hd here and there a town of importance. • •;.e.dalia ' ten years ago unheard of, now , 'aims tett. W n thousand inhabitats. •War • • . • tuiburg, with . three thousand five bun :.; red;people; just completing the first gain; elevator west of Bt. Louis. There re Holden. and-Pleasant::Hill and:Knob . jester, all'flourishing: There isbide . "Plidprice, Which•used tnbe the jumPing ,• ff • point._ Beyond I was the "Great .: inkerican Begat." I Nowlndependence '• :* nowhere for ten( miles beyond has ,rung up a town, at whose;magic and $1 . 4 growth the: west holds its breath. fl ume City,is destined. to rank- among. ie most important towns in the country, id desersts a separate letter. - ,'' • • • Rim Mims. Ii'•:•:'. ) II P Of ,-. .. % t sir. , - :. ~.. •:,;'.! I EMI BE Wiscossru: is reported to have attract; greater attention than heretofore from ..igranter,wbo are at present settling .1w ge hut - bars in' tlOt-fitate. Over one mond thmilies have settled this spring • StorM ~ Lake, ;Buena Vista county' d from awelevated spot in that ilaM. el xtyeig,ht teams,. engaged in plow ing the prairie, Were counted at one time, das far as the eye could..reach, the bite tents 01 the settlers could be seen. he settlers are asserted to belong;to the ardyan.d indtultriaus Class, the women . many instancieu:driving the teams of 01163 while the Misband were holding . , •, Esstrimzon.—The Pittston opeistors ve positively determined not to , accede any l of the • demands Made by the n ins.- An ,extensive operator at that ace informs his that they have not ;the glitest••disposition to succumb to the bittary terdis the miners have seen tit propose. • Ck~R Roth`Tribe' of likiliOlo'-tioagnt tho . • - *fir-1.-6'olBn the steamer . IxdAssini arrived at Fort Clark with , several' cases of small-pox on -boird. There an Indian stole blaulLet belong ing to: & watchman on the boat, who was then at the point of death, and took it away to sow the seeds of death among his tribe, which caused his ',own 'death and the, death , of thousand's of his' nation. When it waslttown that he had taken it; a benevolent person on the'boat went to one of the chiefs, told him titelatal con sequences that :would follow, and offered a new blanket and a reward besides, if he I would have it .returned, but suspicion, fear or shame prevented the man from , giving it up, and the pestilence broke out and began to spread among the Mandans‘ at first, to which the thief belonged. Most of the -Indians were distant eight miles at the time, killing buffaloes and preparing their winter food; and ' the whites sent an express, begging them not to return .to their villages, and telling them 'what would be the fatal conse quences. The Indiane 'sent back word that their corn was suffering to be worked, and that they would' return and face the danger, which they thought was fabuloris. Word was again sent , them that certain , destruction -would attend their return, But it . was all it vain; come back they did,"and the plague begat in-its most mil lignant formitheir habits and improper food making them a ready prey, and afew' 'hours sometimes terminating the 'loath- some • dilease by death. The Man dane were enraged because at first it . 'supposed confined to them, and ..they supposed the ,whites had caused ' it, - l and saved therae9ltTs and the' Iticarees front the pestilence, and they tbreatext6± the lives,of alt the former, suppoaing they had a medicine to prevent it, which , they would not give them; bet by and by the. Blame and whites, died also; the disease increasing in malignity hundreds died daily,. and-.bodies throwt beneath the bluff created an intolerable stench, which added to its' fatality. Men shot each other when 'they . : found themselves at 'tacked. One ; man'_ killed his wife and children, and then loaded his gun, and placing the muzzle to,his month, touched the trigger with his toe, and blew out his own brains. One young chief made his friends dig a grave for him, and putting on his war robes, he tottered out to; it, singing his death song, and .jumping in cut his body nearly in two with his knife and he died there, and others coottitted suicide after they -were attacked, rather than die of loathsome disease. The an nals of pestilence dcf not furnish ariother such example of horrors, or wheiT mor tality was so great in proporton to the population; of the once powerful tribe of Mandans only twenty-seven petunia re mained and 150,000 persons perished and the details are too horrible to relate. Ad , ded to this the few-whites were alarmed lest the Indians shotld massacre them as the cause of the evil. One influential Thief attempted to' instigate the Indians to kill the.whites, but he was himself siezed and died before hisplans were matured; but in his last mo ments he confessed his wickedness and expressed sorrow for It,' and begged that , his ,body might be laid before the fort until it was buried, with the supeistitions belie that if this were done the. White man would always think of him and forgive his meditated crime. Quips and Crunts; 'Swrzielilldren=lavenderkids. -- Judy -b'sowsa of brass—"reigning belles." N. ii:Leader. ' • - 1 Alt unsafe building—the Irish Church. =N. Y. ,Exprese. : - CARPETS are bought by the yard and worn by the foot. A Fintirr-nATE Feller—An American backswoodman.—Judy. .• , A REDUCED gentleman—the "living skeleton" man.—Loteell Courier. DELARO thinks of taxing newspapers as manufactarers—of public opinion. ' PERENOLOGICA.L.—The Bump of Des tructiveness—A railway coll isi dn.—Judy. WITH some ladies' the difference is very slight between fainting and making a feint. Mow° for the outside of a sniiff-box— What's the odds as long as your rappe ! =Judy. . , kiHumonous AonrcumunAL IMPLE. T.--1 machine for cutting chaff.— Sphinx. ' • MAY "a voice from the grave" be said to talk in tomb (a) tones? and would it converse in amid. language? —Judy. GREATNESS is not always a necessary accompaniment of goodness. Consider how many great fools there are in every, Considerable community. "Semito, why am' dat nigger down de `holepb de boat like ' a chicken in the egg ?"—I gives um up.". "'Cause he couldn't git out lilt wasn't for de;hatch." A.NkW silk hat just sat z, upon, and a young lady just disappointed in love, or refused anew bonnet, ,are as touching spectacles of, misfortune as ' often wit nessed. . ' \ IN the last illness of the witty George Colman, theOoctor being later than the time appointed, apologized to his patient,; saying that he had called in to see a man who had . fallen down a .well. "Did he kick the bucket, doctor ?" groaned Col- , A itmumacei3ws, High Church baptism is described in the New York_ Times, The infant son of 'the rector of Christ Church was baPtiied by its father on Thursday noon in the church. A proces sion into the church Iwitb.catidles open"ed the.proceedings, . The rector.worer pux-s pie stole at first, but exchanged it for a , white one, and proceeded with the se?: vice. He paused again, Wok- the candle ,from the= acolyte and:placed it on the' font; mad still farther, and then restored_ the - candle. lie then took the child, di vested,of all its clothing, and baptised's., by.thrice immersing it in the water. The little innocent cried loudly, and the care. mony was suspended' until the , words of the reqtor cold ,be heard. The wlOtik stole was then placed on thd child; whilp, the father held near bim.the candle. "'The services were concluded in asimilarltunt , I usual manner. • • , JIMENEZ COLD:--13tilpho•cyanite "of ammonium dissolved is water, it has t'e cently peen discovered; will produce an intense degree of cold.' Many salts, more: , especially salts of ammonia, lower the temperature of water while dissolviii:g; but no compouhd prodricee ,this effect'in so marvellous a manner as sialpho-cyanite: of ammonium. In oho, experiMent,"23i grains of this salt dissolved .rapidly 741 pints of water at a temperature 01173 de, grees Fahrenheit, caused the -thertnome• ter in a few seconds to fall to fourteen ; degrees above zero.,' The moisture'of the atmoipbefe instantly condensed itself in thin plt4s of ice on the outside - of the glass vessel containing the water. . . . • - it i g u tt a . .t a rr E Cl , „t i . mrefiww,eyegrAtirgpri, ~,, lair , :attp t i' i -,..1 31 4k1Vg . MINDHAILIV - P,...L 1 1MH1 ettillet7Cgtglina, ' Liver comPleilletesaDDlPellelee en d ta elVt ; ling to directions. . The ate, s l. vpi en at the same time: Th ecleanse thentoMacb, Se lax the Montt id put °wink; theo the atTletite becomes good tthe food digests and, makes good blood; ,the patient begins , o grow in flesh: the diseased.nratter' ripens Into. the , Mtge' , nna • ttes patient outgrows the diseaae and get* Well. This is the only way tueure consuniption,„ To these three Medicines Drof. II: Szbenek, of Philadelphia„,( owes his ; maivaled soften in 4h e treatment of ; ulmonsay,ConsumPtion.. Th e Pal. mimic Syron ripens the morbid 'Matter in the tungs,witure throws It o ff by inn easy expecte”, , Hon, lot when Atte .pbleuni °smatter Ls .ffipe a; slight cough will throw it off. and the patient Um!. rest and tue itittgabegin to heal.; T .do thlik the , Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake Pillsmust to , treely.u.ed to cleanse the stomach, and. liver, so that the Pulmonit and the food will mate good blood: ' syrup, Schencrs. Mandrake Pills set iipcm the liver; remOvingall otottraetions.selax the evicts of the gall bladder,the bile starts freely. and the liver is s ; relieved; the stools will Show , what the Pills n do; n thine has ever beeikinvented ex! `cent llama ( deadly po'son wolcifis -very den gern sto Ile nibs, 'with great caul that *lll old k the bladder and atart. the secretions of e llyer lit Schmidt's Diandrake Pilla. . , ? Li r Comp aint Is one Of tce .rodit prominent can , of CP sumption4 - . - • , , .Sc entre Seaweed Tonic as a gentle stimulant and alterative., and the alkali in the. Seaweed, which thi s \ p re p s v a tioe is made ot, assists the sto'chi° wow out the gastric juice to dissolVe Z hile the God w.° raiment° Syrup, is, made, isade int good blood without l fermentation - or soaring. In e stomach. _- • ' • J''''' '' • Tle great season; :Irby' physiciays do not cure, Consumption is, they try to do "too much; they sly medicine to stopthe cough, to stop - cbills,to stop,night sweats, hectic fever and by so doing they derange the *hole\ digestire powers. lock- Ing up thgeecret ous, 9 . llliypnpuilly th e patient ! 'inks middies. • ''. • :." • Dr. Schanck, in his treatment; (toes not trrto ,atop a congb, night: meats, chills or-fever. Be: move the cause, and, th ey will all stop of their own accord. No one - can be cured' of Con' , tion, ..Liver • ComAaint.' ,DytpePaia, Vatarr Causer. Ulcerated 'guest.: unless • the liver an stomach are made healthy: • __. If a , person -hal • Consumption, , of centre the ' range In someway are Mamma, eltner tubercles, .abeesses, bronchial, irritation, pleura adhesion, ' or the lungs are a mass of infl ammation and fast decaying. In suet cases whit• must be done? , ;it isnot only the lungs teat are wasting, butlit la the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost, their power tomake blood out of fo ,d. No* toe 'only Chance is to take Dr. , &bemire threw suedi.? eines. which, 'lll bring up atone.to , the stomach, the patient *1111:legit. to.want lea, liwill get, easily and make pod blood; th e n patient be gins to gain la dean, and es soon as, the „body be. gins to grow, the lungs Commence , to beano., , and the patient gets testy and well. ' This Is trot ‘oniv wayto cure Consumption. :,. _-- ' When there is no lung disease and_ Oniti Lire, Complaint and DesPetolia,, Schenck'S Seaweed TOnic and idandrake-Puls are sufficient, without the Pulietelie SreuP. - :Take the Mandate Pills • freely triad billions cemplaints, sa, they ern per fectly harmless; • , ' Dr. Schenck, who ' h a s` enjoyed uninterrupted healthfot many years past, and now weighs E 55 mounds. was waited away to a mere skeleton, in the verylast - stage of Pulmonary Consumption, hie phy.iclans having pronouneed.htt case hope less and abandoned hunt° his late. He waactire.l by the 'Wombed met Males, add since his reCove u m a ny t thousands similary affileted have Used Dr. enck's Preparation ,- with .the same re mark& e . success. 's Sall directions,- accompany each, making it not absolutelyneceswary to per. -sonaliv aft , Dr, *to:ha; unless patients wish' their lungs examined, and for this purpose be is "prefessioo ally at his Principal. Office, Philadel lphis„ every Saturday Ile _where all letters for advice" must be addressed. • eis also profetatonaily at -No. 39 Bong street. New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover street, Boston, 'every other Wednesday. Me gives adtice free, 'but for a thorough'examination with his Ilespi 'rometer the price Isis. ()axe hours at each city from 9a.m.to 3 s. .t. - - - - • Price of the Pull:conic Syrup and 'Seaweed Toni' ic each 1111.50 per bottle, vr 52,50 a half. d0z.:44 Mandrake - Pills pa cents a box. For tale by all .., uggi st,B; ..:1 . - ,• ' • melerlid.diF . arDOCTOR , MIITTIER . CON. TINOES • TO 'TREAT AM. - PRIVATE DISEASES. • Tbat numerous class of cases resulting from self - abuse, producing manliness, nervous debility, irritability, erup tions, seminal emissions, and 1m - potency, permanently cured. Persona- &Met ed wlai oelicate. intricate and long 'tang -lug constitutional complainti are raditelliaxited 'to call dor, consultation, which costs l nothing. Experience, the best or teachers, has elterted him to perfect remedies at once efficient; safe, permanent. and which in most cases can be used without hindrsnce to business. Medicines pm', pared in the establiShment, which embraces of tee, reception and waiting monist also.. boarding and sleeping apartments for patiests requiring daily persowmtencion,. andvapor and chemi cal batbsOhuircOncentrating the famed mineral ,springs. 'No matter who have failed, state your case.. Bead what be raysin his pamphlet of lifty naites, sent to any address for two stamps In seal ed enve crpe. Thousands of cases treated Innis ally, at Office and all over the country. .Conini tuition , tree personally or by mall. Mace No. 9 Wylie street. (near Court sonde) Pittsburgh, Pa. • ROW" 9 X. to 8 11.. x. stindayt 1.51 l to A. P. st. Pamphlet sent to say address for two Wifir.ctiticin Ai A CUBA• - Tlirit.—Dr. STEVE has been siting Electrici IA • SPECIAL ESX - EDY in curing chronic. as we ll-as acute conditions; WITHOur ttirnicura for more than TILE YEARS, With SLE• bounded suceess. "PAtirMarr. Including all part.culars. wish CtltlEClteg and reliable. refer. epees, will be sent to any inquirer. A for farnith , -d rooms vacant., for bosirillng Pa tients in the Doctor's famPy. applied for soon. Mice and residence,_ ' 91,001 ARCS STREET. PkiILADE.LPHIA. , • wiy13:17.2 • arIIATCHELOWSIMAPIDIVE. This spilendidlfaLe Dye is the heath the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous:. no • disappointment; no ri diculous tiutst _remedies the effects of bad dyes; invicronstes and leaves the liair soft and beautifta. Nock or brown. BOW by all• Druggists andPerfoiners; and properly appUed at Batche lor's Wig Factory. En, 16 Bond street. Mew York.• • • • • • msZipe ' • IarEPILEPEIN CAN BE CIIIIED -mole having friends atflicted Are ear nestly solicited to se nd for a Circular Letter of References and Testimonials, which 'will -con vince the most skeptical of tha ourdtrility_of th 4 diseciag. Address 17Ats BUREN .LOORROW., 31. D., RR Great Jones street. New Tura.' r0h19:03-11AF ' VrTBIE , ..IOABRIAGEEi I G I . - .. ' sense on the ERRORS or YOUTH. and the FOLLIES OP AGE, In regard to SOCIAL EVILS. with certain hely for thaerrtug and un fortunate. Sect In sealed letter envelopesc - free Bo charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, . Box P, Philadelphia, ra. In921:16:1-Ad WINES. LIQUORS, &c. SCHMIDT*FRIDAY, railioutr.as OF. - • • WINIS -11MNDIES, /GIN :&C, , KBE • RYE. -WHISPP3 409 PEN STI REET • ,;, Rave Remover to Cor. Itivooiti (fiirmerlt,Cinal). JOSEPH S. FINCHSi CO., 5!011,103.4.07.Hp",,110, And / 9 5, IR!'" 15TWZ,r/Yl4l#cattiill ' .*AIMPA 4-111 F 114 OT, Copper DbitilledEliiti , V1 1 _164 4 0 Am...design In SORICION , liquw.srall MUM& HOV 4 , , t ,q - . .t-i.., i ;,...1 : :.,',... , ,:- . L . LEGALL;:'........i.!.. - •.i.?. - ..i . . , ::;'.:... , it. , . 2NVOl—Bale* is hereby Ormu that or . id. NISTRATO •3110TICIDE m n titration have been dolga it the tinder. signed am an estate-4)l"Juni* 80 late Eittebnv h., '4ecooted.:- paeans Indebted to 2044 04 1 ! ',lnmate fm.modlate passmult. and :thoseyawn Mahn' solute Mad estate tat pre sentees. Moly 'tithe% tested tor eettlelnent to ogotAt i rnto A tt aM oti mt ' lotori ~....;111E • IL 1 tters or • , yr•ISTRATIQN ,ott . the estate eft ulEUBOBB: p „, waue i k norinetn rhathillo stilt. farther. Itrlog eespprt,,,,Alltsht lay oilman Pa.. in per tfLOWAnie.l3olo:o • ' Matted to *alit estate or Its ittg clams tcrpresettv will please .410 ltilmtnediate / I'dS* • Adrotalstl h Elbe ettath'eteet9l. sreti.decid. jeit4t2h4 z • LIEN. DEROPiIiiiIsAROTIEIELUS, 266 Liberty einct. Deniers in Din's, and PatentideaMints. 3alo. ENZ=S arirlatlNfilrfalLl.W. -- RAIL. 1 ____-- • - - ._ ' •1. Ti1k.1861183,13 DEFABTMY,NAT • r . 1182.AD1 r..., • April 9,1869. TO TEII4 BTOOKHOLD6IIB OF THID,:tIS.N. SYLVANIA. 11811.301.1) COMPS 3. (All oMOlfluaders, es registered on the : lkudra of thin Company on the 30th dig at April. 1889, will be entitled to subscribe for.TWENTT - NIVIC PRO OMIT. of their respectitre Interests In New Stook, at par, t 11,310110W11: _ , . . "Nit. Fifty per c,ent. as tie time of subscrip ti.pn, betwega the 18th day • of Ma 7 41 86 9, and the 30th day or Jane, 1889. ~, = Sseood. Fifty per cent. beWeetl the 16th day Of NoVember, /889.111341 the alit day of Decem ber. 1869 i or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be puld up at the time of sub scription. and each instalMemt so paid up shall be entitled to a pro rata f the Dividend that may ita ~ ? be declare 'on lull shar s. , i 17;ird. hat every tockholder holding less n four shares, shal be entl4led • to subscribe or one , share; and those holding, more llama. 'multiple of four shares shall be entitled to sub. !,scribe for an additional, share. - , ~ /berth. AU shares u• • n which fturtalments are Met to be paid unde Desolation of May 10, 1 1888, will be entitle• to, their allotment at the . TWenty-flive per cen . at par, as though they were pal. in fall. • t my8:108 • THOM -T. FIRTH, Treasurer: aH,FT.WA. 'z & CHICAGO , R,R. C 0.,. ' ?IC% • THE PRZI3IITEST. PATTEIB .11.1:m 28, 18139. - FirN I TICE. All perilous latreste In the management and bael.nees of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago ILI, And the leased roads of the Company, are here by notified that the railway and property of this Company has beei Wailed to-the PENNSYLVANIA RAIISOAD .For period of nine hundred and ninety-nine \ • • years, of and from thi brit day of July proximo, and with\ the close of the day previous, (June 30,) all responsibility and Lability of this Com p:y:ly will ceasento tee management of the busi7 nein of the railwai and for labor "and supplies therefor of every db a The term of ser vice of all persons ct every class now employed by this Company will terminate on the said 30 ii "dily of thiOlionth, Excepting spch perions as may litliereafter ape notined otherwise. ' N By order of the Board of Directors. \ • G. W. CIS.S,` PIiEBIDENT. QM= DIVIDENDS. Prrrsaunoil. Jai, 1. 1889. IaSf7TI:IE MECHANICS NATION.. AL BANE will Darla dividend of BIGHT (8) rp. free of taxesonand after July 13ch inst. • JNO ' . O. ILARTIB, Cashier. TRADIMMENS NATIONAL. BANK, kITTSBOW:111, JUL, Ist, 1809.1 IarDIVIDEND.—The Directors of this Bank. have' this day derlaied a dividend of 71V3 PEN GENT., payable on de mand, free of all tax. 372:131 CYRUS CLANS, Jr., Cashier. Otarics PIENNA. LIBUTIMICS. CO.. • ' Minim:mon, Jane 80..1889. S• IarTHE DIRECTORS OF THIS Cemiany have this day declared a &sl. thud of THREE (3) PER. CENT. out of the profits of the last six inonths,_ Payable on de mand, free of U. 8. tax. )71:129 HUGH Pecretary. °Pilch ALLicatiant IMUDGE COMPANY, Prlgnituncill, July Ist, 1869. IarDVIDEND. -6 Co The- • Pied. • D I NT. Managers and mpanY, for erecting a bridge over the Allesheny river, op• 981ter/IlandrEn. In the county of Allegheny, have this day declared a dividend of ONE Dol.- lAAR AND SSITENTY.FIVE CENTS• on each there of the capital stock of the Company. paya bte to stockholders or theit legal representatives by the Treasurer forthwith. WM. ROSEBURG, j y2:133 - Treasurer. AUCTION SALES. BY A. WILWLIME. p....REAT• LIBRARY CATA. LOGUIC,_ CHOICE LITERATURE.. OLD GLISH POE/ BY AND DRAMA. THEOLOti- ICAL,HISTORICA.L AND MISCELLANEOUS. SATUBDATEVENINII, July 3d, at it o'Clock, Will be sold by, catalogue, on second floor of Commercial Sales Rooms. 106 Smithfield street, sn unusually valuable private collection, consti tuting a. rest Library of Choice Literature. em bracing some rare works which have never before , been on frilein this city, im lustre of old English Poetry and Drama, Tr:m.01010ml, Historical and Miscellaneous Work! in the catalogue are Webster's Unabridged, Craig's °Wen Time, iratiklin'S History .of Pennsylvania; 'Nies' Dic tionary Arts. t. elenceS and Manufacorres,llNols; Cerebrated Voyager, Travels arid , Discoveries, 13 yes s: Stephens' Central AmericAil vole; Ben ts Ws - Commentary, 5 vole; itcraisson's Colmet, Doddlidges lestully Axpositor„ Bucklaud's Ge ,ology. and .Ml4eraiogy, A vole; Bouvier's As- Izortomy. Coore's Chemical Physics, Stephens' and Norton's Farmers' Guide. A vole: Brittau's Mauand his liclat'ous; Swinton's Declare Bat tles of the. War; Voltaire's Phltosophical Dic tionary Sale', Korea. 9 vole: Burton's An to-. my of Meholholy; 3 vole; Ticknor'e Spanish Literature, .3 vole; De tautney's Writings,. 13 vole; Thos. I . oore"s Works - 9 vine; .Loadon, Goethe, Limo's specimen's' Ancient Dramatic Poetry; Christopher Ilarlime's.Dnirmui: Web •• titer's Dremstio Works, *rola; Sir John Haring ton's Prose and Vet se; Heliconla, tltsrs."s re print of Early Handel Pot try ;) Ben Johnson's Work!; Ehakeepeore, the British Drama; Hood's Works 3 vole; Pope . 3 rota ; Churchill 3 s ols; Life of Chatterion; Leigh It nut's Essays; Homes of American Statesmen.; I , lgourney's Poems; Bancroft's U. B.: 1 hacarray, Dickens, &c.. A. o. Al.o, a pearl inlaid Sparkish Guitar, Jointed rehing Bud, &C. Catalog .tes are now ready. end the boas will be on view all Saturday. Orders trout those unable to attend the sale will be faith ' fully executed be ~ jyt A. MCILWAINE, AuctlOneer. . . • BY S. lIMEII9Ii. • - SSIQNEE SA LE.. 7 AI! Avc- , T138641r, July 9th, will he sold at Pubtro sate, 40 eotwo stook: of itoirwav and,tinned vire, fry sauce pane, ladies. alc4ttere round and ova,' drops; wire and -wire lode. ie., tic..'...helonalna to the estate or -JOHN. D. (}RAY . The sale *lll take, place on the -Dtembies at 41K, Velotit 4: jrzanket9ifn atatLen. Pittsburgh and, ConnellaTitte 'Railroad. Tc4ks leavA deftot l corner Reek 'and: :Water. Mina, ash Welock,A..m. • Sale,loflthre. At tention ofitnnerd and"-elre iyorinif eapieta4ll, reque4tedio the saSe "- • • - • It. D. el >lisa ' "'"? j030:124 o i r owile4e!eireornAohnow.~~ , KroWeVen e.;.^...,,, /IV , SEWER' : CONTBACTORSite ~L.lhotsewer Oeseestodon Ithi Cltra t i n Al t T gaeuvreossed to -.resolve -peoposols . e coasted wor'the follctostestillystte; 171 .sppurt, lnietsOstatibeleVa ern , l f y 1,4 r, .04)NICIAJAPP1111 , 44 i om mi n irstiont, $l,OOO feet of Inch and 10 nob. istar,pipe SOY er,oll Ltnestin aveno , 4,,flosa Alleigheiy avenue** Rope tatey,eloog Bove al. ley -to esters , avenue,itlons wewilint. avenue eestossr to the tine, of West Oolotoon sewer.- CONT,IOO7 NO, Comprising abobt $9O feet of la dirt' circular pipe sewer on line of Herron alley, between !dent sontin and north of. Denney .proP- Draiwinsi and evict catiode can bie icen at. the Engineer's oglcee City Han. aids nmstsiato the _vice p oposento be.fnialsbetraoeurentbr , ultridcd clay pipe, ) and must be endorsed 'Mester- Proposals, contract No 11, >, (or No. 11,as the (sue may be.tand delivered onar Igloos aro/. .July si; 186e!: Norms or proposals', on wbinh romps alone tbe bids will received, will be numbed It tbe Engineer's ogles. ''f be Commis- Mon do not bind themselves to accept the Merest By order of theCoMinhislon. - • CHAIR. DAVIS, City Engineer. v.€'.z. 3 : - ~;:-...#:ys+~'i~iva'~c.`t;e a .^Y,o:..A`z+~+'ti " 'U'u."o,w~'~a,.a+ =MIZMIE IRON Ur I 1 IIUITIAL WI 'INSURANCE Of Penntylitaiiisi. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City:' , Dus.EcToa.s. B o. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Rev. J. H. CLARK, Dr D., Capt. R. ROBINSON , • Rev. A. E. BELL, S.D., • Rev. H. NEnBIT D.D., W. A. SEED Cashier Allegheny Trust Cp. JACOB RUSH. Real Estate Agent, ° SIMON DRUM; Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY. Hatter, A. 8. BELL, M Attorney. at-Law, D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. IiWOGER„ Insurance Agent. . Capt. BOWL ROBINNOM_. Presiden t. Itev..l. B. CLARK, D.D., Vice President, JACOB RIISIIi itecretaris C. W. BENNY. Tkreasurer. • M. W. WHITE, MEDICAL ADVISEE. ' DANIEI 5W06,1114 WWI Agent. ', This Is home comusmy,conducted on the mutual Principle, each policy holder-receiving an equal share of the profits Of the Co pang. Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted 011 economi cal basis rill afford a safe investment to each policy older, and thereby retalsi the money at home t oencourage home industry. \ mh29:03 BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY; OF ALIMENT, PA. winos,'PRiNKLIN SAVINGS BANIP " BUILDINGS, - ; No. 41 citao St., Itd~lie7ly~ HOME COMPANY, managed by Dig o eston wee =own to the communltY. who trus folf dealing to merit a share of Your Pldfollude• DENIM U.Q.11 D. RIDDLE . . - DIRICTOBS: 1 Henry Irwin D. L. Patterson, Geo. H. Biddle, Jacob Frans. Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, W. N. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston, Jos. Lindner, H. 3. Zulkana, • B. E. SENIZ apie:olei ' ' CASH INSURANCE COMPANY, PriEllifirlfS 131:11IDING, No. SS Fifth r . h .Fl Avenue. Second oor, . • prrriSstiaoa, re.: • • Capital All Paid Up. . DIRECTORS. ' • . , N. J. Bailey . H.W.OUvers Jr, I Capt.M.Billiy, Drag ..i, &Race., IS. H. Hartman, A. Chambers, Jake MR, 'S. WClnrkan„ Jas. M. Bailey. Thomas Smith Jno.S. Wlllock, • ROSE TH. RING, 'President. • JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice , President. 1 ' JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Gen , l Agent. Limoges on Liberal Terme on all Fire • and Marine Risks. --': ap2: g 67 -• • 1 pENNSYLVANILAL . • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTISBURGNi \ • - OP TICE. 16,1%1At10D STREET. BANS, OP COKSEBECH .BW,Dlile. • This is a \ Hump Company, and Wares against loss by Pire'e.cinsiVely. . LICONABSt yr g u LTICR, President. O. C. BO YLE. Vice President. • I RUBERT P OK, Treasurer. 11170 H kieBJAMPTY. Secretary. • Disscross: t Leal:lard Walter, George_Wilsols, 0. 0.• Boyle. Eleo. W. Evans, Hobert Patrick, - C. Lipp e, , • Jacob Painter, J. , 0: Fie er, Josiah ging. John Voegtley , Jas. H. Hopkins. A. A.11124:41. I Henry Sproul, 3S: INDEBlliffrlf - • AGAINST LOSS-BY FINN . . FRANXLIII INSURANCE CO.'OF PHILADNPHIA, on7lai.4Sis427tuutexii UT ST.,near 624 •. . Drescionn. Curies A. Butcher. liicirdeesi H. Louis' Tobias Wagner. -David 61. Brown, " fir ti& tranl e t Dale, Jacob B. 6 w Grail B. NC E - 14B.Ntr:,goarrAVL/Z: PrealdeltAi. fIiDLDNEB C OFFIN. Acres, North west corner Third and Wood Meats. t0b29:145 NATMAL • INSURANCE COMPANY. Dir. Federal St, and .Diamondoillegheny Office. in the , SECOND NATIONAL BANE BUILDING. • W. W. MARTIN, President, Joax BROWN, JR.,yice ?resident, JAMES H. BTENENSON. Secretary. „: • buotbrOie: John A. Myler, 'Jae. Diekbart.! Jos. Myers, Jaa.L.Orsham.roberi Les, O. Boyle, &to: Brown,Jr. HeorgitHerst: ',Jacob RoDP. O.H PWltHems Jno..ThompsonlJ. MeNaugber AM STEEN INSURANCE COBI• PANT OF PITTSBURGH. • . ER HUMOR, President. - " • WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. - ' c.srT. WOMBS NEELD, General Agent. Ofttce,'ea water street, fipang b Oo.,sare house, up stairs, PittsbUrgh. lainre against all kinds of Phu and Ma rine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are well known' to the community, sad who art determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those Who desire to be Insured. . . IPMECTOES: Alexander Mulct, . Jean B. McCune. R. Miller, Jr., • Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, - William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Josegi t iiirkparrick, Andrew Acklen, Phil Renner, David M. Long, Wm. orrisono • D. Ihmseu. ' I ; PEOPLES' prsurtmiricE COM. MICE, N. E. COMES WWI) a pima ams. A Home Cosolieolstakin g Fire iuld Hahne lUska laltlCTOlts: Wm. Phillips, (Apt. John L. Maids, John Watt. • , Samuel P. !Shrive:4'. • John is. Parks, Charles Annals, Capt. James miller, Jared M. Bnukh, . W. Van Kirk, • Wm 'V. Lang, - • Jiss 13._ - nleri pt _ Baninelldoliart, ( • Wm. Pal 'IX President, ? JO N WATTMAJ)ualeteSecretary ; President., W. Ei. ; ~ °AF F. T. JAB. It 9:s. , eenera Anent. AtLE 4 m os. E Nif PITTSBURGH. '' imsvitAficz - compANT lON.No. 111111TH STREET. BABE BLoon. •Innees sgsbst.. all kinds of lire arp.d slava JOHN TEWIii. Tse.. Prendent. •• •'' T..J. HOSKINSoN, Nice President. 9 14NEL_ .__l. Seerelnl. 1 ••• . • • . • . 8PT:: . DEAN. General Agent. • _ . ••, , •:! . • ' " . DlESOroas: ..,;_obalswin, Jr .z. - • ' B. L. Irsbnestook 'T. J. Hoskinsoni - W. H. Everson. -O. G. Aft . Bober H. DsvOl Haney I, ' Francis Sellers. Oblides In. ' • nese. J. T. EansEdsle. Ciabt. Wat. Gess. T. H. Nola. - . PIANOS i ORGANS: &O.- zutrir tranimErrszio =NAP, .11.010.14(D 01091 105 6 1, , • f r. Sehoniatker . Gelled/a Piano, AiD.ESTEYIS COTTAGE ORGAN; The ;;- iosorg niirantuO`itealblnes the Welt vadat% hnown la the am le arm earl " fi t. Are bait Imo= Im age the tow; =maim ex blwma~osiblted. Its to le fell. 119110Z0112 and sweet. The workmanentp:fof dexaMitity end rean . i n ahe m ,reigedirentenolo 42.110. to atrai.ritMarar wuetlier so. 011 1 ""-"'iterieve corritiiii mkt 2 Stands st theead of all ree4 tastroments.' pro ducingmost perreet pipeAtati of tone o f bUtilarlent raster. le is duple and camper in conetront 'end' sta. ibiptiallti A • I' PATaaT u te only_v_be found • area treat SlOO to paw. AU ganuarteed for are •,' BT. (71.11111 flintlPT; - Afirtirdera for tuning in.§ tapering be promptly attended to by Q. Is arSEMMI ANNWAL PXCIO47 MECHANICS'' LODGE, NO. 9, I. O. 0.F., At Royce's Grove, Ross' Stetion, Jlltat sth, 1869. , . Trains will leave the denote! the West - Fenna. , • R. B. Allegheny pity. at regnlar Refreshment. by Alt. Fogle; Dinner by Admix • • Berry. Tickets.......'ty„ , . tairNEW OPERA HOUSE. : For a, short season commencing MONDAY • , EVENING. June 213th, and continue every even ing during the week. . • • Grand Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 23. f, o'clock. Admission to all parts of thelhoase, 25 - cents. The great incomparable DIIPREZ dt BENEDICT MIN7BELS ' 1 L ' The largest company in -the world 26 per- • formers. complete in every departme • MON DA. 1. TUESDAY. .A.ND WE DAY 1 „ Offenbach's Grand ppers, ' • LA BELLE HELLEN. ' • - OIL Thursday, Friday and Saturday, , , • THE GEEA.T BARBER RED OPERA, With an entire change of programme. Admission—Dress Circle and Parquette. 50 " cents: Gallery 25 cents. Seats secured from 2 to 5 each day at the . box omce,•wlthout extra „charge. ' je24;kai tarBEIRNIELVS MLJSEU AND . • PAILITCat .11111NAGEME. The "Great ranallzr Resort°. \ FIFTH AVENDE. betiveen iftithdeld and Wood streets., opposite Lbl4 Theatre. sir Open Day and Evening. an the year round Admission, 25 cents; Children, 15 cents.. Wa, per, Gottlel C b oO Faii4 Jacob Bush. damp': Cildg; Jere. Kahan. : - FIFTH\AFEIUJE HALL. No. 65 Fifth:Avenue, opposite the Opera House, Pittsburgh. ,Pai‘ is the-coolest and most desirable place of-resorte. \ Liquors can be had at this place Pure and Good: ~ Tbe Billiard Rooms are on the ground floor in the rear. r i : PIC T4-14p,!. • 13ASTMS GETTING UP PIC NIOB, private or public; 4 attention'ls called the beautittil grounds :situated _on the , Pan Htndle Road'. at Mansfield. The pounds are nn- , surpassed for beauty and' shade. A large plat- ' form,laid with flooring boards and in.goodorler. on the ground.. The best of order at all times .preserved. Arrangements can - be made at an, times with the railroad for transportation. , i'or particular& address . - ELY WICOFF. CONTINENTAL -Mansfield, je.n k 93 Pi ORDINANCE A Authorizing the Opening..of Bates Street, from Atwood Street, to Braddock Street. " Buenas 1. Bea t ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh., is Hetiet and Common.poun. • ate assembled, and it is hereby ordained and en acted by the authority of the game. That the City. Engineer be and he is hereby authorized $. and directed to survey and open Bates street, from Atwood street to Braddock street, in ac cordante with the plan in the Englneerts office, and .to appraise oamages and assess benefits caused thereby Jas. Murdoc.h, Wm. Harrison and ' Hamilton Eheoperd are' hereby appointed, In. accordance with an act of Assembly approved - January_ 8, 1884. • • - - inc. Tnat any ordinance orpirt of °Mi. , lance conflicting with the passage of this ordi nance at tee present time, be snd the same Is herebyrepealed so far a. the same affects this 0r... - . dl • Ordained and enacted into a law in • Council?, this 788th day of June, A D. 1889. _ JANE* BUM:F LEY, P • resident of f3elect Connell. Attest: E. 8. HOugotr. • - - • ' Clerk of Select Connell. W. A.. OHLIISOIf. President of Common Connell. .Attest: 11. 3ichLteraft; ' . • • Clerk of Common Dimwit. - 772 N 011111 NANCE • A • . Altaioll2trig - the . Opening the Puck ety Road, from the Frankstourn . ' Roadie Spring Street. and Cnang ing the name to Lincola Avenue. i • - !ACTION I. Be it ordained and enacted bis the OW of Pittsburgh, to Select and Common coun cils-assembied, and -it is hereby ordained mut. enacted by authority .or the same, • That. the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to open Puckety Road, from the Franks toWn !toad to Spring streetoind that the name be changed to Lincoln Atreet, and to spprsise • damages and assess' benefits caused thereby Win. - Burchfield, Moses Phillips and Samna Chadwick • are • hereby appointed. in- acccrtimice with art act of Assembly approved January 6th, DMA. Sy.c. 3. Thatany ordinance or minor ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at, the present time,•be and the same ht -hereby re pealed BO far as the same affects this ordinance. • Ordained and enacted into a law in CoUnall‘. • this 918th day Of June, A: D. 1869. •• • - • " JA .11Es me&irLEY. : President of Select Councii„° Attest: E. S. MORROW_, • • • Clerk of Select Council. • • • • W. A. TOMLINSON, • • Presidente of Common Council. . Attest: H. MckLairrss, - - • Clem of Common Council. :jy3 AN ORDINANCE • Authorizing:, the Opening of Atviood Street, from Fifth Avenue to Bates Street. 1 , . • . 13.5c.1. Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pitteburph, in Select and Common, Councils assensoted, and it is hereby ordains and enact ed by the earthority• of the same. That the GitY Enalneer be and he is hereby authorised' and di• rected to survey and open - Atwood street, from:. : Binh avenue to Bates street. in' accordance with the plan in the eltr.Engineentollice; and - to an praise damages and assess benefits caused there by Alfred Harrison, Jas. Murdoch and liemilton el:leopard are ereby appointed. in accord G ance with an act et Assembly approved, January th, ' , Bac. at gni ordinance or part of oral- na nce coneting with the pardiage of this ordi— nance at the present time, beo and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same Wachs this or dinance. Ordained and enacted into`. slaw Cegineils, this 98,A day of June, A. I). 1889. • JAMES Mee:MET. - - President of Select . Council. Attest: E. S, Meditiotir, , Cierk of 9el "et Connal.' W. A- TOMLINSON • , , President Alt-tiliiSZWll,Comielf. Attest: if. McSiasiaa, • • • Clerk. of COnimoti Conneif.l .4 it 2 • -AN ORDINANCE Changing the Grade of Thirty-ninth Street. . Suasion 1; it Ordained and inaCtid by tic City er Pittsburgh, in Select and Common. Vows cilt Grumbled. and ..it• it hereby ordained and matted by the Authority or tee tame. That She ; : grade of Thirty-ninth street be low. , ed one foot. at South street, and thence a uniform grade to the •Aileikelly • Valley -EalirUed, and Sutler ' Sze. 3. That any ordlinuiceorpartof ordinaries conflicting with thefansageof this ordinance, at the present time, be and sue same is hereby re -pealed so WAS the same effects this ordinance.' .'. Ordained and enacted into - a bioppin, Councils. , • ' 9ll/ 33th day,of June, A. 0. 11169. • • - JAMES McAT,ILEY, ;President of Select Council.- Attest: H. S. IdOlulOW. t • Clerk of Select Cciancli. • • W. A. Torii - mos. _,•P'resident of. Common Council. • Attest: R. bielturrim. • • - • . Clerk of Common council. ‘,13,2 'WV ON COMMON , • • - • . , , sone Trprkk ttOcnOloa , Alietbiato • - Ifiorthwest corner * • • IMILIVIri. ATIIATBILL,46, Etsvoosi hand og vepire orisliort' ,10 0 4 04 , 3 11 **Ali rewevo ,- and Stela Stones. 124 s !tor Oldeirlakk , N - Head sna Tombstotiels _ , _ ordethr nraravtly ext**tout. -.Prinot*Tultno .. Nanem..lB.lriEuEn'ff , GIVFAC , • th at THOM z tamrbas inattwitapii- cation for a &sago of lila riaate 1,0 Tamils T. NCtilEat, at :,No. fin 'June Tuia.11.1360. of -the , *rut or Coustooti Pieta of Allegbeiy 001114. - - • , ~; ~:~~. ORDINANCES. 1110 EITOMI; 1011:14-11 I I. 113 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers