El 111 REM 0 tgr-THE FIRST METHODIST gif(DICH, (Railroad btreet, near Depot,) Nue( Ti t nIGUTON. Pa. P. CROWTHER„Pastor. Preaching Evuuy SABBATH. a et uky, X. and 7P. `x Public cordially Invit . • EPISCOPAL CHURCH . , ALLEtiIiENT. The Rev. BENJ. Jr: BROK Church, will officiate lit4l - aerviceinnas on TO iIfURROW at half.-ps ten o!cicck A. sf., and haif-..nst seven t . er IMEN.CRIEUSTOPH)EItRIL , LU LOE RK, - pastor'. of (1 'R. Rootlet • ' , church:. A/1-gbeny. pre_ackin DAVIS Hk L L nd.in the afternoon at:s tit log o'clock, o'cLue i resting subjects. .Tne pnbllo Is' klitTl3, v eryi 4I • • 1_ ev- 171 1 ,TIVERSALItr C HURCH, corner ; 'I bird avenue and - Grant st•eets. . .17._ , VA.N. r ;Da MALRK, Pastor. Preaching .everyliaaday at 10)i_e. M. and 73i )t. Hannan S.nool Intl A. IL • - Sesta free and a welcome to all. 1 - . - grrinsr._ ENGLISH ET.4I- . • GELICAL LUTIfERAN CHURCH; Bay reuth' street—am SAMUEL LAIRD, Pastor. Services .To-monnow (Sunday.) and regularly hereAnsr, at 10X, A. M. and. - 7)f P. M. Sunday, Schad at 9 A. M. ,: ilaritELlGlClCrii.,First. Chris- TIAN CHTIRO,9, Corner Beaver street and Montgomery il,vepue, Allegheny . fi City, BEPH , KIN. Paitor. 'Public worship Tu-BIOR ' Eow. (Lord's Day.) at 10N In'the MeRNING and the Ever. Free edits. and,a cordial Invitation glvetito 1 Sunday echooi at 9'A. FIRST CAMIIISTIAII CHURCH OFPITTSBDIIGH_,. W:. S. firay, Pastor, meets statedly in. ISVILLE AL, corner Lordiberty end Fourth streets. fiervices every. 's Day at 103 i A. St. apd 'ar. Subject for Morning discourse, 'Con nverstoti—what Is It and bow effected?" The public are cordially invited. " ,'MESSIAH ENGLISH EVAN- GELIQALIVIEFTHEHLN CHTIRCH,(GenI eral Synod .) Hand Street. below Penn., Bev."J.H. -7Wic'esSreli g aE2'n y N en liE S lt2l3.l3 A , l l ll t h r e ' re ßel afte i r g r u S a nn s d e a r y . '''. , . School wA. x". ',• Preaching at /OM A. M. Said . 7M_P. 11. • Prayer Meeting and LectureVednes r"lay evenings. Friends of the cpngregation and 'publican cordially invited. , .: • ..14y7TITE FIRST. METHODIST CHURCH. FIFTH AVIOHJE,' above Smithfield - street, Pittsburgh . . ALEX. CLARK. .• Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH. at 10.30 A. M. "Creation ("mad .tloned hitthe Divine Rea ; .son" is the general s9biect of a series of Sabbath I Itvening Lectures by tbe•pastor. Special topics of as follows: `4%. Lawless Worl__,d "July 4; ,Atmos. pheres of halm, July 11; Watpra that Blight Daye Been, July 18; Sauna( Light. Ju:y 35,; /ceaseless •Humanity. Aug. 1; Fortuitous Anf anal& Ang. 8; Reason in - Bondage. Aug-15; Ac .. mdentallseliglon. Aug. 32; Christ the True ln -Unarm?, Aug AS. ' Free seats and welcOme to all. . • PETROIMIIIII ASSOCLIk wiII be a spiels! meeting -or the Entxblenm Aisoc!atlon oa WEDNESDAY .APTERbiOON. Jaly Ttb, at 3 o'clock. A 'full ;attendance Is '?'eqnest.d. • ;:•,, • ' THE A.NATUAL PIIP - NiC FOR , , .. • • THE BENEFIT OP THE POOR will be ..: ......,1 - , lieldat IdeIPARLAND , B GROVE. ON MONDAY. JULY S. the n cfo The Grove abe reached by llowing - , .• train-010 . Bottne Station. P. B. R.: - Walls No. 1. a ,,, ' ' 5 4 0 4- II:-(3 1 / a ll. 0;/0 4.4 C.; Accommodation, ...10:20Jk: X L Wails No. 2. /1:51 A. au:Al:corn incidatton, 3:OS .F. at.: Accommodation, 3:40 P. u.; Accommodation. 4:50 F: x. . Oakland Passenger Care every E. 15 idnutes , to the ground: - . • . • .171:13 8 MEI ,!••• farGICAND CONCERT 01,t LAFAYETTE HALL. TqameizsoiiirEacia;Bi. Coinlstias or 36 in t. • strum etas. wilt give its • FIRST CR AND CONCERT, •i Assisted by Madame BTEDREMANIC_the eele. , braied Pianist from the'ConservatorY Of Leipzig; - " Also, by - IProLlcriLadAtf POPE, a: the' above `,,: • baLt Oa THIJRBDIN EVENING, 317 LY Bth. Prices einilideslon, $1.00; /Gallery, 50eentsi 'Seats Mal be !secured at the mns:c store of G. B.' Toeepie,'Nci.'Bo seventh avenue, withetit extra . • -chlrge. jy3;135 W3ICMICE. .CITYiIiALIII.: ES:, .11.469 . In accordance with ' Section 8tIt; *Age 298 1:11' - Clq Dliteat. - , 7- , , -, - B!o;loa is, icemiiir TO TEM CITIZENS : OF PITTSBURG That the V assessments„ihr 1869 ,of City. Ci ',Building,-Special, Poor, Business. city &Moo i land Ward . School Taxes and City Water Bents ,_,,lssore beentetarned to me for 'collection: ' The above taxes arehubject to a DEDUCTION CF FIVE PEE C&NTUM 11 pald on or before the ill First - Day of - August.; ands...TWO PE/10E111'1TM If paid between the v. • • FIRST DAV-OF.AUGUST AND THE' • FIFTEEN' TR- DAY OF SYPTEDBEE. SirNo dechiction'wili be AlloWed O ct obe r fi r s t. between teptember fifteenth and Ootober first. /EPA n addition of' fivE.per centum will be made to all taxes unpaid October first, and =additional Avg per eentsm will be •=deo to all taxes re xnainlnkuripald on November first. • . A. . CaCHR. AN, crry TREA,SURER, 44( AVENUE: PzivBBoatag, July 2,118119. es:k6B egr'CE.LEBRATION OF THE , • ANNIVERSARY OF 4 / ',A.IIIEBICAN INDEPENDENCE ON THE FOURTH OF. JULY. Procession in three ,Frrand divisions—Pitts , _ burgh. South hide and Ailegheny—to move at 2 wocoek P. St., from Guam street and Sixth/ave nue, on the following • ROUTE: Dow* Grant street to '9 venth avenue, Emlth geld stree_te Fifth avenue. Market and ht . Clair streets to Penn, along Penn to Mechanics street bridge. ittt)hestnut to Ohio street. down Ohio CrTegeg-th mnirpzirro. SNOB sill=be ' read and orations delivered in. triodeairs. Perse Chief Marshal—Capt. LO UIS HAGER. The celebration shall,be. kept strictly with!, the boundarteanf the law, ordet"and ygmite pro. witty. Everything cOntrary toe he ifinrarter of • a solemn and dignified demomVatton . will be rigialT irseluded. Ail • saloon -keepers ate ve. siWily end earnestly requited to tall) their p ClOSed during the entire "day.', Ail good , sitns are invited to bate theirhonses decorated Se ves in . interest Of . having : tirill:1;11.11'1; 4(4,,,ted oulth aspirit and mane; in accordance w B ° thsntettly of the Amiiversay ot Liberty. Y loolTXE OP AURAN(}pM ENTS . LE Leil'Es BUGS INOHAIN CC 'TON STOCKINGS AT PAVAN'S. LADIES' AND MOSES , „BLACK LACE MITTS AT PIiELAN'S. EBOWN MIXED OTOCILING9 AT • BALBRIGGAN -STOCKINGS - .AT TJADIEB , . kiIEBF.9 , , GENTS% YOUTH'S AND GAI/ZIC MERINO UNDISSWEA2 112 1 eTMVIES, PalifsaWii Old StpaidStookiiig Store, jyt:il .3No Jib inns AVENUE. TEAL—. 111 baits In store ;be co ld ath her/tale to close the lot. _ • /BAWL /1/OEXT A b p, I RIBBONS, HOOP , SKIRTS, FAL HAIR GOODS, PAP E R: GOODS, LINEN - HANDKERCHIEFS, Hummer Undergar;nents, PLAIN • STAR 81131RTS Fancy Shirts, -.. NECK TIES, • SHIRT - FRONTS, ,sitspenders. ZEPHYR N ° Orxclo TV SS. Etl2,ool[B. . Sec,rikary WHIOLESALT AN6RETAIL Stock Always 47amplete and WHOLESALE AGENTS ' . /FOR . INERIBMILE & Lilmrs superior Make of PAPER COLLARS Trade Supplied at Fao!ory Prim. °Merchants can save time and money by 93orting Up" > from our stock, JOSEPH HORNE CO.: j 77 AND:7O ,KIEKETI3IvREET. jTIST PUBLISHED. LEGAL PROFESSION PUBLIC driD PRIVATE CORPOLitION • Taw of Corporations, Presenting the Ante:loan &indications upon PUBLIC & PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, With a faliselectlon of English cases.. By Ben). Vaughan Abbott end Austin Abbott In one:laige size royal octavo . volLme of over One Thousand Pages. Best Law Book Style. Price $lO,OO. We would announce that the abirre work, so long in pregaration, is now ready and call the at tention of I the legal,profession and nanagers o f c'orporatons to its peculiar features, in4he con identexpectation that it will meet a wait, long , . Cur colvrito laws'oprlcs, • Cr,rx or,enbrilazlr,-July 2,' r: 'NOT/CE CONTRACTOSS. .NRALE PROPO ALA. • / \ Wild be 'received at THIS OP I PICH until_ 3 o'clock P. M. S&TIIHDAY, July 100, 18611 for grading and paving the followin rteta, avenues and alleys, viz; GRADING AND PAVING Ridge avenue ;fres. Want afesi tts. to °bu tlers. street. ; I Page street, 047 ;feet - west of iPulton street; 71fth • Murdock a/ley..from Nraller to Fulton street. (Wet rrom north line of Third street , to north line of ilautnian.s lot. ; • • Jefferson street. from Bhlelde alley to•hrOnSe.- res street. • - • man stung, frem Union avinneSo efir,line. • Evans alley. between Locust and Franklin - at: , Wavle alley, front Pintos to Eledgwick street. spec Bastions cad De seen In ite olio of, CHAS.. DAVIe,Etq Oily Engineer. 314 :METE& Olt, Controller. Boons:'. tociEns. r. JOURNAL% , DANBOOKS, • ' : DOCKETS, .INVOICE BOOKS, AO every denerlytioneT lieniorandnni CASH BookCOLIsKS, ori bands and for sale by W. S. HAV.tN-•& CO., ••, . • - Contei Wood Street and•Tidrd 'Avon* iy3:101. VOL. .00,000 Po 4a ofi. Woof` Wantet bY ,/ KEANO a HAR, • 'ALT TEE wan PER /DANZ 11.9 i LibertY lasst, PUtobwill• F. SUMER TRADE! WHITE GIDOBS, STOCKINGS AND (LOVES, HATS;BONNET S L AND SIJNDOWNS. FLOWERS, PARASOLS Buttons. fringes; , / Gimps, 4 BTaigif • : f Laws; - SkIANYL.S, And .a Full Line of Every pp:ripticin FAIR -PRICES: A VALUABLE WORE FOE THE AND A geneial ingest of the OF EVERY ;OMPANY pod Street. \YETTE BUILDING.) GRADING ONLY. PAmo ;egtr. plnsßu4prr PAZPITEi SATURSA - Y. PTV% 3. 186 p: FOR JULY 4,1869 ! PARASOLS NEW NEW SUN SHADES, NEW UMBRELLAS, Choice Styles Lawns, FIGURED GRENADINES, PLAIN GRENADIPTES, ,BIB : GLOVEg. dowlET' 31LarstlIles PIN\IC QUILTS,' BUFF QUILTS. BLUE QUILTS; ALL SIZE S AND GRADES, AT LESS THAN OLD PRICES. JANES I. CARR, 1.113 FEDERAL STREET, SUMMER HIM GOMM ABOUT hALF THEM USUAL PRICE AT IS 3 - 4r244i CENTS, SUMMER;'MOHAIR POPLINS, CHOICE COLORS. Lento GRAY MIXED POPLINS, PLAID POPLINS, &c. THE ABOVE GOODS ABE ENTIRELY NEW, • Having Been Opened 'Stithln the Lest Few Demand ARE DECIDED ;BARGAINS NEW CASSTILERES PRICER LOWER THAN BEFORE THE WAR AT 12 .Ir 2 CENTS, Fine Yard Wide Bleached Muslin, No. 180 and 182 Federal Stmt, ALLEGHENY CIT Y , I Si. A. CLARKE. & \ CO., 119 WOOD. STREET. 2d DOOR lIRLOWFIfTR, OFFER .L.E'DOE,BS tf r JOURNALS, . • - DAY BOOKS, COPYING PRESSES, t COPYING: BOOKS, WRITING PKPERS,_ENVELOPES INK STANDS; Document Envelopes, wArriNG FLUIDS, MABIE ;TODD A 'OM Celebrated. Gold'` Pens AN GENERAL • OFFICE STATIONERY A 1 1 0111 e /1°.1110E9. Jr: arw • bitesoLvoos, \ 7. _ The oo.Partnershly heretofore existing lie: tavern 317883 LL sawn; VIELIZAtt ANDEtIt• 89 4eatirsOlikB.12301780N.nnder the mutts Of /MUTT. ANDZR4ON GO.. thelJoh PrintiniMulness at ffo. arsine. was dissolved on the 30th day, of June, A:D,„ 1369, by the Wlthdrawk of David B. Feign /on: The' Mattel" tit the firm will be settled by either of the undersigned at the Mane of tbe late drit."Whi, alone aree - entitled to use the new cf the firm. \ • BAYBSELL:JEBRETT, WIGtOL4mAADZUSON. Prrtilßir laat awns 80. * 1889. i78:19# ig AIME:NEIN: TAK E NOTICE. BALL—The FOURTEEN MILE AND, on the,Allegtieny - River. • and now used for ;gardening purposes; well' improved and in a high state: or cultivation; containing 110 of 80 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon.. Also, other Farms In good 'wallow'. Woolen FactorysltwO:liouses. and twenty acres of land on the C'entral Ealirdad. 'Holmes • and LOU For Salem:id To- airs Of 11.7 To- a l ai In botivel ties. Tor - further par felt I Putilaraillf - WILLIAM 'WARD. - 0 Grant"ifit. opposite Cathedral., Duly t*cfizs. • -3asie/S-41 • . s.• /X sults t • iot. luitsikwlLl C a eol d iMmtsizl isatiou. /LISLE GLOP 5, CORSETS, LLEGHENY CITY. NEW 1051 Oa En OPEN TO-DAY ! A VERY COMPLETE STOCK FRENCH LAWNS. SCOTCH LAWNS, 33UI:r sC.aet.w.riss, AMERICAN LAWNS, PINK - 13ttrE LAWNS, DILUTING TEE BEST SELECTION IN THE .CI /. 'I / JAMES AI. CARR, 1.18 PEDIJEVIELELIA STREET, ALLEGREN Y CITY. FOR / Tile ANNIVERSARY OF 0 1711 INDUENDENCH. NEW - STOCK OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, BONEETS, • RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. NEW ASSORTMENT OF 44,4 N AND FANCY ,FANS Ladies' and Children;s Gloves. Handkerchiefs and Collars. Sun Umbreitas. Parasola s &LC., -411- OUB•STOREROOM WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, ..TULY 5. • To_ worontedste our customers and others as mach as possible, we will be opened on Sattardlay evening until 10 Weloek. - • SEMPLi, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, crry. HEADQUARTERS FOB I& BOY'S CLOTHING. RAY & LOCiAN, 179. \ 47 SIXTH STREET, Ale now offering a complete stock of &tuner Clotbtng of medium rand'llan goods at the Very lowest prices. Children's Cassimere Linen and Snits. Youths' Cassimere and Linen Suits, Boys' Cassimere and Linen Suits. Gents' Blue Flannel.Sarks, Gents Alpaca Sacks. a • Cents' yhite and Brown iget • Gents' Scotch Cheyoit BII3IIICBB and *alking Suits. - _ CLOTHINC"..., ALL KINDS GRAY & I4OAN'S, No. 47 SIXIitgirREET LfiehtitT. CLAIR. lELIMIVICCOVAU - 4. H. Hic*ij &00 Have removed their stock of Chins. Olus wadi - tinges/want from No. 112 Wood'street to the spacious warehouse. 189 LIBERTY STREET, A few doors . bore4IEXTH. (late- dt. pislt Bt., ) who. they 'girl `re please. to show their ma imam and the public the etegent . stock otirew COOd• jillt now ohsnlair. isl 7 Itna - 01mda o: cry'r ntrzek” annnunvirton. • Pittsburgh. July. LC, Mils 9. IOTICE.7--The Assessment for the .Boardwalk on Bcindlry.nini Laurel ;1 rests Is now ready for exam•nstion, and can be seen at thD cones until MONDAY July /869 e 12th. whelk ^it win 'be returned aid I.loe TressiDeris oMce car collection ' • • Af t J MOORE, \ .ohtv Karineer. QED shad in half barrelet Palomar Hanna In bar n ; Mackerel liek al aim la \vario abed Peeks/tett Man Mb; Lake Iterriny. For aate Met te the Woes by WA'rrs XaAhlttli 041, Via aaa IT* weeessrect. Or WANTED.—AGENTS.—To sell tg.A 2h e e ki k sn i s e t s .. n cs l 2a t i t, g g ,iiidVe li elli n gt ever P invented. WM knit= 20.000 sOtehes per. minute. Liberal Inducements to _agents.' Address AMERICAN .I.iTTiMait 'cgINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louts, Mo. TO-LET.A Large House Of 11 Booms, on rourth &virtue. abl for ooarding house. Water and gas. Zuq ut re of MO.littAN &ROBEKTS. -114 Fourth avenue. T0 -LET. Four ' commilious and Conveniently located ROOMS. on Fed eral a.reer, Allegheny, lost adjoining the toll gate. Rent, 111.12 par month. Apply to JOHNS. ASH WORTH, on the premises. MO.LET.--Hoom , on 34 Hoor Dispatch Building. Rent very low for bal ance of %eat s . lias , water and stationary stand. EnquireiktPbtogranh Cialleay.Disnatcl* ..ullding. VALITABLE COAL LANDS IN VIRGINIA FOR SALE OR LEA SE. —The undersigned, In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of the county of tient*lco.'in the State of 'Virginia, made on the ad' day of May, .11309, will receive PROPOSALS IN Wain's , . G, either for the PURCHASE OR LEASE, from and after the 3181, DECEMBER.' ,5(39 foe the whole, or any pot, or , the COAL taa•NDS situate do Cbesterned county. Va.. belonging to the Ches terfield Coal and iron finning Company.' • Tee lands wet Bald Company more than WOO. - 000. The mines' which them contain Naito been and are now being profitably worked by the pre-s -ent lessees, end tee property Is considered of great value for its coal and Iron ore. The different tracts are known as follows: WOOLDRIDGE'S and FALLING CHEER.," containing about IWO HUNDRED AND IIOUR ACRES; BLACK MATH, ' NINETY- NINE ACRES: , ACR"BARKERand BRANCH'S," NINETY-NINE ES; "HA RVlllt and HARRIS . ," TWO . ITUNEILED AN t, TWENTy-FoUrr. ACRES:: •CTILLI N'S," SEYEbi TX-SIX ACRES: "MARTIN'S, '• (one Dacia THIRTY ACRES; "MARI IN'S,'" (another tractoTHREZ HUN DRED AND TWENTY-SIX ACRES: ••SALLE PITS," TWO MITISDRED ACRES, ands COAL-YARD and LAND witched thereto, on James ?Doer, ;opposite kiotmoad, containing upwards of FOUR ACRES. inquiries and proposals may be addressed to the undersigned. Postoffice Box 342,Richmond. V*, until tee 20th day of October. A. D. 1809. •t is recommended that the propoSals be made as specific as poselb.e. since the decree requires them to be reported to the Court for its, approval or disappr.val at the next term, commencing on the 25th day of October, 1E039. ANDREW JOHNSToN, POWHATAN ROBERTS, Special Commissioners RENT. An elegant new Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms; at. tic and wash room. House of $ rooms, 2 lots, 16th ward, *l.BOO. House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 16th ward, $1,500. Houseof 4 moms, 2 lots, 17th ward, $2,800. House of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 17th wa , d, 42,400. House of 1 rooms, / lot, 15th ward, $2,600. House of 2 rooms, 1 tot, 15th . ward„ $BOO. 10 lots,Slebert 'Williams' gginonoo to $BOO. lots, 44th street, $1,200 each. 4 lots, 45ttrstreet, $l,OOO each. hots, Hatfield street, esoo each • 1 lot,. Sharman street, $7,50. B.lots, 40th Street, 201240, $12,000. 4 lots, Butler street. $4,000. BARGAINS IN BLOOMFIELD. Lots 201137 (set, $1300; ten "years to pay s . A. house cost $500; Interest on both, $6O a year. Many pay $lBO year rent. At Bloomfield you we aid save $ll4 a year and' your-house and lot In ltss than 10 years. Churches and schools OM 30 acres of land, a toile 'from Ebarysburg, $6.000; 95 acres of It. $3,860. . D: S. WILLIAMS, 17th ward. = L on. SALE—A beautiful coon: itry home, located bear Perrysville, eight miles from the city fr onting on the Pis sk Road. The grounds contain 53 acres In all, is well im proved, and Ina high state ofenitivattom There Is erected upon It a splendid twog tory double frame mansion of ten rooms, with all necessary halls, pantries, and all modern conveniences; also, carriage house, wood and Goal sheo, a taste, fully arranged barn, with ample stabling, and all other necessary sm outbuildings. A, beanUful grove of forest t r ees adlobta the Aotise s which stands on an eminence. commanding a de-L lightfal view .of the surrounding country foil :bitty miles. Two large orchards of del , clous fruit, also all kind of small fruits, abundance of, excellnnt water, and in fact everythat taste and COnventence could suggest to make It pleas. I ant and comfortable. It has been used as ar aunt bier home by the owner for the last seven years. There is also a tenement house on the property, now occupied try a good tenant. An th i s meth., lug to retire flora business will findone of the most desirable properties to be found. Pop' session given Immediately, or will, se'l the main built:legs with a 'teen acres to suit purchaser. Apply to CROPI' & PHILLIPSI, Real Estate Agents, 188 Po trill Avenue. .it. 22 A. NEW AND COMPLE'rE RES. IDENCE FOR SALE.—Per 9 pleasantly situate la the 17th ward: lot of gronnd 80:116 feet; the home laarrangtd with hall, doable par lor, (Huhu room, kitchen..pantry. -wank room: : large cellar...l) chambers and nnisned Atkin, Grars range, marble mantles, cornlcse, centre blecea, &a.; evert thing finished In the best manner. The mention is rttlred and pleasant. rrlce 813,000. Terms eaay.- , , , ' 8. ' CIITHDPET a BONS. jyl_____' 39 Blzth wren , el v OR SALE.—__A new 7 octave - H. BALE PIANO PORTE. - Pric e 8975., A dress 4. N., 7.1318-OrricE. • ' • - E NTI:.4::L.N J . Ws- A: 59' Market and 20 .11;k:T.Of: - TWIAT-E$TIVOV ..yoi,. - :',,:: - .: . t.400.00'.:::.7 . 0? - 4 . .ri w. 3349 A: NO Market and 20 N0T1034—•....T0 Cia '`Zot ' ." Wantei. " 1 "F01v54,.. "Boara(nc, , 4c., ow esseedtag FOCI? LISS'S each:wit/ de in serted to ;hue co/antic Mee for rw.s.yrr-Fin eßrr.s . each aldittonai Rae 08+77.7. -AT EN. No.l S. Cie! _ St— e GIRLS and:MEN, — for dliterem' kinds of employment. Persons wanttng heir of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WA NTED--AG - ENTS A T XT A NTED.---A GE l'A -- T 8.575 to y , $2OO per month Everawhere. rnttle and female, to introduce the s: ENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY • ISEWNE- MA CHINE. This machine will stitch. hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider. iu a most superior manner. Price only 008.1 Fill y warranted for five years. We will pay $l,OOO for any machine that will sew a streaker. more beautiftil, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the ' , Elastic Lock stitch." Every second stitch' can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay or from $75 to $2OO per month and expenses,"or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Afiddress SECOMB & to., Pittsburgh, PCA W. Oal-,Mo.e tbe posed M pn by other parties palming:Off worthlesseast iron machines, under the same name or, otherwise. , Ours is the only genuine and really' practital cheap machine manufactured. 1 -' TO LET, FOR SALE a~z~s TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. . , MEM OE FoA: .. . Property on Spring Atli , 7th ward, vehteh Com mands a delightful view of the surroundlngecon try 'for several miles. The %round Centel/1S 4 lots 22 feet front by 250 feet deep, on which there is about 230 grape vines in !rood bearing 'order, a few choice pear, apple and' Peach mead well' a variety of small fruits good stable, good well of water ird clatera, new frame bouae cow.; tabling 4 rooms, with hall, and- cellar tuader whole house; everything In good order. Also-- 'house and lot on Ledlle street; house two - story frame; contains &rooms arid hall; .lot runs through to Carroll street. .. Other houses and iota . In gaud totalities, In , tire of • •K. WhITKORE, teal Estate, General Brokerage and Insurance ' g ent corner Ohio arid Sandusky streets, Alla. tty. lel VALUABLE SUBURBAN LOTS IN 23d WARD .. AT AUCTION. PIPTY-ONE LOTS, desirably located at Ma rlon station, on gecond avenue, in the Twenty.: third ward, city of Pittsburgn, fronting ;on tha Pittsburgh and Conneitsviile , Satiroad and the . Monongahela river, wit' be sold at Pablio.Sale oa • SIitrEDAY, AMY 101 h, At 2 o'Clock pr af, We - confidently Invite' the attention of purchasers to the snore Pronely/el examination cannot but convine. env barn at Lthe convenience. of amok) , and the pl.asures of atinuntry are here extraordin a rily combined, g amongst:au:e ra the following advantages Faculty of access, being situated on the Con nellsviiie Railroad and second avenue, beauty of scenery, having extended views en the-Monon gahela river, convenience to schools, churches, and society, being in the immediate_neighbor hood of... Messrs. Hays, Laughlin', Renily. Ander son, Oliver add other, . tTerms of Sale—One iird cash: balance, In one, ee years, with interest, ten per cent , h ca' payment in hang, A spLciat free train will leave the ConnelLsvllle Depot at one o'clock P. M on dayof sale. For further infor mation and plan of lots apply to JOHN D. BALLET & 8R0.,e. fib Fourth avenu H. H. SMITHSON, Auctioneer. 1e23118 . . VOR S.&][,E. 12 lots on Centre avenue, on Ilse orstreet cars; 5 lots on Eirkpatrisk street, on line of street cars; • 2 iota on Linden street. on line of street cars; I large lot fronting on Wylie street; Two 3 atonic& brick houses Grooms each, lot 30 by lOU feet feet on Fulton a reet, near Centre aye nue: will sell t a e whole for 65,000 cask, or will sell the houses separate at $9,500 each,• frame house ol 3 rooms on Mahon sires `` near the ave nue: lot 24 by 100 feet; onlylLlloo cash. Two pressed brick front honsesorith 6 rroma, well flashed, gas and water throughout,fronting 44 feet on Wylie street.. Tills pro will win sold low and on easy ters, Inquire of IN . .M' t s oLUNC dk RAINBOW, Neal Estate and Insurance agents, No, 193. 107 and 199 Cent* avenue,. Dialers In Flour- Grain. 'Nay, 31111 Feed and General Produce of all kinds. jel7:kge Fos SALE. 3 lota In Ifitzusfield,'6oxLoo each. 11 ace of dog'lan grapery, peaches and mail fruit, Read 'coring water; atog. house, ket. - price low. 70 cores] Econtany-toirnship. Beaver-Co; price 070 Mir House of retard ifx3:oliesbearinficofrult nil station.. 1. /00 fir' aores.Gizoore CO..West W.; good sol4aell timbered and watered:, price 114 per acre, 4105 acres. mane county. good-home end orchard; price *l3 our acre._ 1.240 aorta, Braxton est Va; rich soil and well tim bered; price C0.,i1.00 per acre. ' Bonds and ortgages scanted by MOAN ok : B. N. HOLLAND FOR SALE.—A light andlorotit- BLZ business. -No opposition. Capital Qreqnir A ed, $5,500. Ons` or two men going into business can clear over $5.000 per year. In. quire of ti Clung & Rainbow, - Real Estate Agents, 195. 197 and 199 Centre avenue. F OR SALE.—A New Brick lied- DENOE, built by days work, having eight rooms, gas, hot android waterthroughont„ mar - ble mantles and 'wank .tande, a bath room and Mama. Lot 1110x14-0 feet, deligntfully located in the beautiful town of alliance, toblo, having 6,000 inhabitants and noted for its colleges, rapid growth, enterprise and manufactories. 94 miles from Pittsburgh and 58 tiro Clev Junction, Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne an = d Chi eland cago, dress and the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railways. Ad. Lock Box 89. Alliance O. I= FOR SAL-I.IE. • 12 acres of GOAL LAND. 3 miles frozi Tem peraneerille. on the Little Saw•kUill Ban. 137 acres near Donisvllle,lndlana eenzty,Ps., On Livermore StatiOn, W. P. BL, well im proved end cheap, GOUPLWAND LOT on 11arket street, Manche,.. te H r. OME AND LOT on Llbertd , street, Pitts' burgh,. • • fitrIIBE AND LOT on:Ponrtb Ati3llCe. • ^ ' • • ( 0 1T81113&19D LOll3 beßllsabethtowii olee and cheap farms In 'Tennessee and -Ms- TUSTIN & ALICE, tit Grant 'street. =I "HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This beautiful situation cannot be. surpassed for private residences in any slirectlon, so elose to both cities, befog only eight miles up the 'Western Pennsylvania ItiurvialL Any Ferran de 'string informationabout thisproperty can . obtain It by calling= the office of the MON CITE MU— TEAL LIFE INIMIRAIME COMPANY, - 75 Federal street, Allegheny. - Lots from one-ha acre to Ave script aMo, small lots to raltpur chasers. Tkere is a good loiation for a manias taring establisinnent, between the . 1 4litnad an Allegheny , • - jelS;k46 F O IL SALE. Near Osborn, Station. on the Plttsburb Pt: Wayne azil aticago.Naliroad,-- _ - ^ 7 TWO LOTS, Contaking Abmit Two - itom Egdi. ENQUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN & • BRO.. 195 Marti street, mlll5 7t TALVAIILKFARM FOR SALE, v In Allethisny- toirnahlyk, West moreland county, 10 nalentes walk from Me- Beans stit•on, on the Allegheny Valley liallyotta. Contains 104 acres, 00 otyrbich are cleared; alt under fence; balance valuable timber; under layed with cost. 4 foot vein. Hewed. Log Bons° and Barn; an orchard of 140 trees, grafted; the place Is well watered and In a good net hborhood... For price and terms apply to. B. X - 00.. No. 104. Fourth avenue'. - • • 35-W -STOCK ME -xOOD e NEI . , KR&--ECIO pit. Char Streets., EINES HST BREVE). LESS TiIAN FORMEII-pRICE&',...:'-':'•'-- . . ISH I ,- Wififl NEW Coops, ME.E . Mt CYC:› at. ear stre e t i• _ ,' FOR SALE omm:Rm OS= ")‘
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