ti. STEEL WOIDIS • DISQIJESNE WORKS AIiOLEMAII RAH &CO Manntactauren of a:RON,' 2 NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, . - -Ebr innititar. L Y AND atrariims, MAT BAB, : ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. . BlEtitive4sussiztu" N. DROPPERf~IIABD lILO BAG and BARB, ELANGkD CUTE= BARS, 07 LINDER %111 ILLS BAIL, for Coal Roads._,___ /• . * • *WS ARE,WEDtiEs- HARROW T EETH, ING'W AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, • _rd tINOS AND MOULDS ant to pattetn. if DOLS, STEEL EiIiAPTINO. A. B. MULL." _ _ COACR, BtfOOY and WAutaN SPRINGS and MAILS AIrP SPIKES. Alliktods First Class and Warranted. • OFFICES; AND WORKS. - alatteelatk fittest' stiff AllegMemy laver, 11'7 Waitet Street, Pitteburgla. f&DEFFROY BBANCKER & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New York, are' prepared, is Sole Agents In the 'United Until Zer the Wesel= Wising and Iron Cone Pint of Thliehorp, Westphalia, to contract or ...Vali is quantities to suit purchasers,iihnlvered In lettherßew Yetis or Phliadelphia,l thetelobrared V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Vied io eztendiely for the menelseturing of BESUIVIER STEEL. ThU Iron - L tree froa Snlpur and Phosphoris, Wad contsliscs hem per tentage of ldang►nese. partlerdars, samples, .prices or changed iihalysiaWill be promptly forwarded on applies- Action. join:On 8110017EUD STEEL WORKS. gma, NilaoK & 00., PrrISIIVROU. PAL. Ilfrinntsctorers of every description of ;CAST Ark Gi4IIILIN EVITEL, ThAmpopm inuiret. r • • WILYS, EMI& TEEM. •10., so 88 WaterandlooDust Ka, MILLER; BARR & PARKIN. murmur. rAannatp: Zrifi.V7("r. I 17211.EPARKIN'''.. ariaxas, Plisma43.11:10:111. Gs:mm=3=7mm WORKS' MILK MICR & PARXIN Office, No. 339 Liberty St, 'TITO/MESH, PA. 514:d4a . . BLACK BLIBIOND 4 ' STEEL WORKS. PARK, BIM= & CO., .11azusftertiirors of all deoextpUons of thil s aand Walahosse. THIRTIETH. THIRTY sad RAILAOAO ISTIMSTO, , . _ rzavoniogen. IRON WORKS. JAS.VR=2i, rreet. -.. W. P. POUNa. Wt. prinsuonos FORGF. 7 - AND IRON CO., ruirtrrmmoma or Mow Irma . • - asuroad Fish Bars and Bono -,Balllrsad Bair /Wei Panear Ilks*raid Car Boas Bissasperedi ispessaativii Briaseis Impassonve Bliaas Shapes; sii01000: - .1r0014.00040;.' "1411)24 rtl 11 001 . 00000000 — lqatommikahl, ftaiSiat'Bor. riots; Cellaitr, Ate. =MEE OM* No. 1 • lILLEMOIII . • . IrbsTeastaatira a proarad_ jeirsat or, t he the usoot-tb Tbs. lanpagtod - Rood I=l4 Ib irrea l = r anomen In war I t Ir on . sad tbe radattol oars. wawa= • It to W maaufacturcro of a= wishing to ft out obtabi licenses by to , • • , - • JAl4.Fis- SPEM • , . • •taeylbr the Wastees„ Buildlit4 SON , rVir4l4, A . 'E. "arms Ipterestei ire Invited to ittit 4bo' sHogiibrxeiti WOURS. wbosaprootorair Atm la asseessall otastatioa. . teaulty , Evu ll4o s , mom/ al co. , Pannsiliania Iron Works. tHvg7Meds..apPosnit itoncoilkatillat* "far 71"tribitgiu rkir Wwws PrITIPtI NOVELTY 'WORKS.' Ireamded , A. nr 113$. Amens, warm & Co. .filiffOLGll7lUoll4* augysTows BTAkwasay.mummix PLT LW) 11e.01 9 . 11, 1f 44R,wiyaga, SCALES. Onus Paced Patent Door Leeks and Latches, • Paint and Doges t souss OB4list itiartiseleiwiT ritawm!i• r- 1-2 Y- 1 1 / 4 1 :I El:Julio.44 ' - Jam at. ra;;.:monrk mu. 401121 EL COOPrAt & linAsitittfinitteits 11, GAB AND STRAItrITTIRB .7ovieseror mi zznarkago A mam i • tit s 1 13 4 1 . 1 : Var. of Pike and, Walut Ste -eta - immippowiri , v- :e.l -„ 1 -, tit J. e. Welr;'"*4.3':'-A4'4W4P-t1i,5W4741W:14, 4Z;4C*a:raV*k4r.T.W6kt:e°:t..akkV*W :364tv nitig 114M4 FOXINDEREI,TMAOBINISTS. CUP TORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. rirEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re tort% and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY Corner Carroll sag Bnialleass Illtreets, CAST mow BOWL PIPE My Plies are all cut Invartablyln Pits, In dry unit. and U feet lengths. Also, ha assortment of paella • I wonift also call the attention of superintend IMO of 4118 Works to my mate of 11.1.TuRTS. DIJQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM En t% (Successor to JOS: P. HAIGH. it. 00.2) • Has facilities eo•extensive with the leading Fors in the East, and Is prepared to pylomaptly and s mo lt istacterity tin &Herders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS. PISTON RODA,LiLVERS, PITMAN JAMB. WRISTS, ItAILBOAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIV It FRAMES t toitether with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge, Corner of . Duquesne Way and Pint Street. apiCh4o 'ROBINSON, SEA 8r:90., WASHINGTON WORKS, • FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Mannesetarers of Bost and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Bearing, ilbailim eti Karitngs of all description.: 011. Tanks and Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Office, o. 1511 00110.1* Miss and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFABD'S PATZSIT INJECTOR Orr seeding Boilers. 101:110 MONI' BLANC FOUNDRY. ntutier Street, Ninth Ward, • lOppoilte Unloa Iron MU, ) • irrraauson. Bolling Mil and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, • MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. THOMAS CARLIN & YiUI Wa.rd Fonhdry:and Mukha Works, BASDIIISKT BT.; ALLEGEIBBY CITY, Pe.. Manorial:arm of Rem Logines, OU Pram, Pales, Orist an War *lll Wort, Bollix, =lend .Csstings, Grade Bars, W•loo,Wason Boxes, ao. Bead So cedes and hese ex alma Enstoes of aadset. frolegil CEN/ 1141, E.VITIDRIF AND RDL WORKS I sso Penn BOLIAAN, 'Bon a EMMY. ClllllllOll 311 1 1Caidn it t. E.Oll rioAxA COAL!!: COAL!!! J. .DIOKSON, STEWART & ?WIN STREET ) 4. PA. Havizig removed their Mot to 56/ L . IBER I TY • siuggr, 11 4 1 TC 1 ti Zoos X111)151=ZIDILOOS. araffarA c mimcsinZßeeut mlll ete tr aiegs‘d at their or to teem 'Orley& ; the =W. will :be attenee4l to ..ti r°ll • • • ' , 711721047 . 401477t7.........»....711tL10 tnierti, igieregaleir Ac OLF" lißeCessort ph„, to.'olo:r.aciftwnvuN , Avo.; mikersail. uriminuLl 4 szim Tao onfretosur'Llthorbtfr IrgtalliTosielt IN tot of' tneXonutetns. oriness Otirds, Letter . Beads: Leber. Irottiv fi titi ow Dim% - Diptootso. Portrsits, ' haws - O oaten of De-' Irritstion• earls,' ie.. et. IS and 74 Tnit'n Miter" Pittsburgh; WESTCORDION • -•• Itiackfne,fitone; Works. NotSbitest Oonierpf West, ConisiOn. Allighear. FEJADM. ATV/Mali & 130.• _ Hare onland or prepare on shore notice RUM an 1 Step Stones, Vigo for spiewalko ? , Brews' Welts, ilko. lis*ltand•Tomb Inones, Orglms Tretnretly Priroo WEIGHTS.AND MM3URES. - II IL LYON, 4".' 'Easier We and ingsanA, No. a YOUBTLI 11CRILIT, . (Between Libertyand 'OM Jitrestle thesis arm:lvey attemdivi ' .111 x. P 1 PI M, oitriliwarr - AL. HAIR WO AND PERFUMER, No - hear Smithfield. I.ltteouegh. Alwaw noimp i lMitoortmeoit -or Ls... d ti le i s tii h r &di sc uvwtaise i h i szege .4.trood-, VIZ jives for Bilw DAM: , Oestieffeirll ' ' ltt thy ` to manner. , . mot et . , on&fiolt ' ENGMBEIX.' • , •• i v .. L. - . • • . - AND PIPE WORKS. (NINTII WARD,) prrrtsinia, PA“) WILLIAM SMITH, Mannfatnrer. or POE OAR AND, WATER WORK& Cieftts ter Gas 'fed Water Worts. Etioeximors tO 80111119011. limns it Mama, Orders promptly caul carefally executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & xmacraND. ciellf:ln .COAL,AND COEM. ,LiTHOGRAPHEMS; STONE. NAM AND RERFlnfitritY. trrTsßuroaa Tntatird MAYS ENGIPnIIIc, OEM BOLE &:10., Con Point Alley and Ihnfaesnetn i MAR Tun Porn.) Engine Builders, Founders and Afgekinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENOINICS„ of all our new attention lnyilted to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENRINZ AND PORTABLE BOILER,_of IS-horselower. • CASTUTOS. uf_aff_critlrid,__made to order &tour Foundry, on TbilirD ow as . below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING „ PULLEYS. HAREMBII,IIOIISEandTOBAO6OI3OEWS and IRON TOBACOOXERUEI3,oa harid aad Riede to order, at tllB INDUSTRIAL r WORKS, PrOntlng on the Allegheny Barer, near the Point, Air All orders promptly Ailed. Tay us. rORT PITT BOMB STILL AND TAU cARROLETiNieIER, rAwurAmmas or WOG:FLAIL DOUBLZ-YLRILD_ 4 IMBIILAR. ERS. 71101.110 X AND CYLINDER STRAY BOIL OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, OHDINEYS, BRIERCHIENG AND ASH PASIB, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; MAK GAIIONSTRIRI AND IRON PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIMS OMee and Waretkotuno. COMO! &mond, Third, abort and Liberty litreels, PITTSBURGH, Pa. air Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to: mh7:119 antrauct & co.; BOILER MAKERS AND SEIB= raw; WORKERS, HOB. SO, 11,14 AHD 15 PIINN ST. - Having secured a Mtge yard and turnlabed tt 11M4 Me lo rciost approved map tancry, we amt Dated tek amitactute am MuOit =.B in the best manner. and warranted de so any made in Um oonn i kk. Chimneys, Breecht, lire Beds. Steam s, Locomotive Bcdl, Condensers, Balt Pans. anks. Oil Stills, Ajruaiti °llLtors, Bett, Pans. Boller lrolL q Pank o tn4 SaanspieturM 44=6 I'M- Repaints done on sbartest notice. tad:Cli j 13168 3 ! , * MTMP Nos. 55 and 503 Water Bireet, rrirsieznant, . IRON. OIL TANKS, UTTLThO miry commis*** Mil Dowse MILL STACIE% And mum IRON WORK. For litaszabooro. JA*X. 71wen..........- -- .assinntis is; Emu & JARED N. 1/11118131 8011,- 11•2037AC : 1100015 07 Steam Boilers, Oil . Stills, Tanks. saisir ram worm /0. 61 Pena : . Streit. Pitisburgh, Pa. STOVES; CASTINGS, ft. THE lIIESVSTOVES. A.: BRADLEY & CO.. Mentificturers of the greatest variety Of , Cook,l'arlor and Heating Staves TO BE POUND IN TNE Sole *Bents for the celebrated -Base Burning Oriental Stoves and Pumices for Hard Coal or Coke.llest In the World for Parlor,ONce. Store Or Cbureli. ?ire needeno releinallag—lintna all 111- alle. Dot otbsy until you see err send for Oirealar. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our to for Oriental s , TD,ZOXLEII . BROS.. SW, mil ell ; GZO. impr f r, Ap,eghiuntaity. 'oMpaqs.:.s4oo Iv op IL., vp 1 . 1-1.0 I to ..,*(.,41 REPTCOIiMEI, , BOSTON cooluirG FIERY FURNACE," -4. TIE 70$ W#Rialire Binsammilt. •YaIIMEMiPLIZSM2 VANII (Cincinnati atter2) PO JUNOI.O4IEII' IRAN MANTLE& tl3 SIUMIZQLONEJi Wiktreetrom Nadu': eILLTZ izsiuSßE4 to. 20E1 and 208 Libertyltreet t sen:7ll • • PITTOBITEOH, Pk. COOK STOVES. , " CET THE BEST. 111104E1AL * CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB airriaraforls GOAL, ,Iplrrauted to Cook t ilakepr Excel Y frill luny ether Steve In the Union. BISSELL. C 0.,. No. 286. Liberty Street. Win on lona anil_for sal*. _ 6. DYER - 4MD 000Wdth, LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. No. a . ST. ISTREXECT And Non. 10 and 157 Third Strut, • prrraturtamr. 'f;•8 a. akosEit,i WORKS. Mtozhntm. 1 , '.,'..7.!:'1..51NAN FOrit PITT MOO No. 169 Wood z. CAPITAL, : : : : : STOCKHOLDIRI INDIVIDUA DEALERS IN GOVERNIII6IT'SM ; AND COL. a INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSIT& Collections made on all aosessillle points in the Ualtedplstwand Goasdas. . - • D. Hostetter. Jno. O. BMW James Elorelos, Reba. H. Hum: D. wallies; Amdzew Vier, /awceM. - quuneSH .lIRELIN, =ME D. LlCri" 1111101 AL BANK OF Collillet Von or Wood and Sixth S , ta, A. PATTElgBo3l..—..........Presidant. Jul. H. HILL —Cashier. CAPITAL, t s t 40500,000. DISECTQIUD A. Patterson, Geonie W. Hass, Wm. H. Brown, B H. Palmer W p m. Lockhart, Wm. Douglas, Dan. B. Davidson, Wm. Heed. • . I T, AT U A.M. DDICOI72IITS DAIL apio:oftg! • HART, CAIIGHEI & co., BANKERS AND BROM% owner 'mid and weed Eitremth vrrZ•o gistnon, PA.. anmeancias iv HABRA. am a och.) • D IAII3B Fineliange, Coln; Coupons, - mad puticular attention paid to the . purohasa =CI sale of COVERNIMi ALT - BMOC Sight s .130racto on 140111119X11. N HOLMES & EONS, 57 Market Street, 113/WEI, - gam. Oolleen6:rne elide on sU the mine/pal points of the Ittihad ewes an 4 Catuktee. Stocks;Bonds and other Securities NOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMIELOSION. Particular atteatias paid to the purchas e age of United States Securities. 3.30:u JAY COOKE & CO., Mani:Loris, 114 SOV'TH THIRD EMMET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all desedintlons bought and sold. Special attention even to Um purchase old sal* of Government Seenritles: . mble oxa WARING AND DUNG, ColmidNilos Kerchanta and Brokers Petroleum and its* Products, DALZELLI BLOCK, pIiQUESNE WAY, pffILADELPEIIII. ADDEXBI3I Room 27, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND lITIMpr. • ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT w. G TWEDDLZ Lumuirunau Os Lubricating & High Test RurningOils. lelipse llallreed Axle Oil. Stands great beat without • change; remelts. linlpld~iloweet tatipliniteral4 Special Oil (Or troy! eaTetimates or not weather. Locomotive, Zaino% Maehine shop, Mil out Screws. Boor 41101 sod Planing MU on., Adapted Auhigh speed. Spindle:ollh 'Wool! H,e86.11411$ OU, - WI. TarWere' Sin* Sensele; c in; ft Sinishingitil, Illaeoline. Mittowlib . Oil Entireelnew - ,_Auutoa. venni:sit to preserve Bright Iron wgirdlnaoldnery prom mot.. ' ~, protium .sre numuniatured inlet Dr.. Twe dlele_patent b t i n terneAted ate= n Vac ano..- The kalbrica 0111 are anon oarless, permtll 'pure, un li t) and ' mei Walt col ored. stand &Men timperaturec ed. and WMold Mirth e.xtteme co d. . Th e e n n' =equine . and are ln intent use on many of the principal Ransoms. &mates can raninee and .orders • left at 'll4 WOOD STREET.Works lit Blueness Bridge. Tics. 13110TILEIV4 COMELSSION =MANS, AND DRAWEES EA Petro leinn and its Products, oo r n i tro l ieug °2 " - aeaae R4 L ,L= BUILD street+. l3l4l l r it ,1 1 : „ O ad e lPhill" 108-111 T WALNUT §T• InLiBIOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG it CO., Mice, DALSSELL 111=11:11131. rep Duquesne WU, Pl ttebnrgh. Pie J. 3. SWINT «moo Jo X. 51A7T WITINT iv',SATZ , ,',.• , ' '' --- --- " 461 74 13 4Auazt0 - . , ORNAI Ai„ ~fiedirs p p. Ni . 5i0......_ # .~ ~. ~'~-; 'BOLD AND COUPONS 110IIGHT AND EOLD Al t MIL QtrOTATICOWS. LONDOti,PAIIIB,FRANKITOBT,BTIITeta RT and tItICHLLN drafts sold at Acts -York quota. tiona. Ethan sums sent to every Postotllce UN DER GUARANTEE of the North tierman Post Department. Interest allowed on time deposits. Current accountso solicited on tame conditions as any other Bank. PH, B. NEB' Z. Bankers i Corner FIFTH AVENUE i WOOD BMW:TB. Flnantial Agent' for. the North German Post De artmeni ; ; ; . nit I 011PANYe 8200,000. MI LIABLE: AMES T. BRADY 86 CO" llineeessors oP. JONES ico..) - Coiner-Fourth - and Wiod:Sta, Et We -IR. IS, BUT AND BELL ALL KINDS OP ooltirdeir stanarrrEs, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, 9N YOST FAVONABLZ TNEMB. Dittoed Allowed on Iktposlts. , . ffirlioiley loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market, rates. Orders emaciated for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and B. ZA.ItIC3 T. BRADY & rr 111. outlier: littsintito Gaitirtt. FINANCE AND TRADE. OPPICE OF Pirrsinnortt Gazerrs, Mom's*, May 3, 1889. The gold market advaneed to-day, un der great, excitement _to 186%, on ac count • of the probable difficulties arising out of the Alabama affair with England and the _general bullish feeling among • gold Operators. • • . The scarcity of exchange, and the•in-,. ability to find'a sufficient amount of old '5.20 bonds for shipment to Europe, will i n all probabuity compel large ship ments of coin, -in addition to the pay ments made for May coupons. 4 GOYerninimtbonds, altholgh lower in 'Europe,' adYanced again to-day about three-fourths-per mu 9n large order!. for shipnietit - and speculation. Theft: 'are few bonds offered at the counters of our banking houses And dealers are • poorly prei•ided for it's rise in tkonds. ;Nearly all the bonds held are In'the !hands., of inch parties-who care little *hat the market value of them they mean to hold them. Stocks are dull and lower, except Fort Wayne, which jumped from 140% to 143%. There is a large scrip dividend Co be expected from this stock, and before; the ads-Bmi% as already commented upon r in yesterday's issue. hioney is easier, biddlffieult to obtain , except on collaterals. Best. commercial paper sells from nine to ten per cent and second grade at twelve to fifteen. Busi ness shows more actiVity. Quotations as received by Ph. R.' Mertz: Gold, 136; Silver,_ 127; Eighty one's, 119; Five Twenties, 1862, 118%;, do 1864, • 114%; do 1865, 116%; do 1864' Consols, 116%; do 1867, 116%; do 160,- 116%; Ten. Forties, 108%; New York Central; 77%; Erie, -; iteading,l9s%; Pittsburgh, Fort . Wayne tit Chicago Railroad' - 43%; - Ohio & Blisistdppl, 83; Michigan Southern,. 104%; Cleve land- & Pittsburgh, 92; Chicago? & Rock Island, 37'; Chicago . North Western, 86%; Chicago & North Western • Preferred, 98%; Adams Express Com— ,papy. 81%:. Merchants ; Union rest, 18 31; i Pfultbil Telegraph Company, 43%; Gregory, 2, • Quartz Bill, 1,20; oftrydon, —; Smith & Paratle% 2,65; W. Am. Express 41. E:2 (By Telegraph tothe P7ttaburgheasetteo Money was rather more votive te-day, to close of bank hours, at 7 per cent. on call ipans,Vlthekeeptions at coin interest. Sales of prime,disconnts were made it 13@l0Per cleat.. Sterling Ann_ but gillet at 9gA9l, per cent. fur prime. gold closed firmer, after a day of considereble eieltebient and activity, opening pt 185 X, advancing: to 136. and closing at 135%. The temper of the room is quite bullish. Theiateipaid•foi carrying were B* llll4 lf per cent• 'Clearance!, 8 8 4,- 900;t100: The Sith-Treietirer diebarsed $1'403,1)00 in coin.on aeconnt of May' ln , terest. , . , Governments have been very active to t.. day, and at ,the.lastmil4 the highest prl cos of the dak were reached. The ad.' ~ vinee, i n . Gold. • anchirachange more thall. offsets the decline of bond" abroad, and- a, handsomer margin ;instill left in ship ping. After Board the market continued. s'trong. :.100 1 . 010 q. 'S ' .NYl . l2yi; do. 62, 118%@18i; do. 64, l 4 g; do. 6¢, -115%01,0,o.:newi16M€16m:do. '67, 116 116 J. do. '6B, 116y©16 y; 10-408,..M4@1ti8g; , 'Peoille . 64, , ir168xe1) Southern ,State bonds are steadyiex cept for Telitiesaeet. - which' declined . 66. for both Issues;-llorth .oarollnas, folg - - @Kix; Virginias, 62%15623 ; MissOur* . titmice opened steady at about the ws ing priciir.of Saturday. , Later rathere: dull feeling _was developed; and!' desire. on the part of certain, clique operators to; sell.. The more;active - stookstave .... :,. 'PortiValrle, -. 3ifichigatiLitititherti,; *P. &let Island; North Weitern and CleVelited it' Pittsburgh. The excitement - in Vander- t bilt's stocks has subsided, but prices were-steady etthe first board. At the, afternoon call the market was =weak. under-sales•,. by, ‘ollquea, , -. Northwestern and ClevelabdA Pittsburghteing offered very freely, aud.the later Sell -.off ligly, 'front the opening prioelg..zAtter- thefeaU the market was unsettled with frequent finetnatlons; 4 At the - close 'Vanderbil stooks- adVanced, . and the western list showed great buoyancy on I f ortNa,yee, While` l'ai l la i l: 'thorn s ' Lake 'Shore; i r 'North We 'td 'Mltiois CeiitialWare, firth': The co'cif - Western ilitirit'itbr weak. Miscellaneous shares rare.weak, and lower, v rtgte e x press stooks were foe the Most part steady. The market gen erally closed steady. _ . : :::,, t -• 446).Priece-r:WI4 Egleela;-:o336.4.mer :Man, :40042;.A.diuns, f 6 g@ttlx• ugged, , , lie: )38 E' i• • -111 . . .is Ignion — a press,' te;.. 4, 0. _-: _, 1 e , . 1 , • 4 ,1 .0 at '.•.. . . . 't. AV0 14 444 }.s!'i *- eri .." .4 , , 'ltlif. . 4.. .; : t -, .n. , w J -- • 1 - Il ai n A .'.o, :V : . ;"., . .:. .. T , :rite : , ..-,e lt 2k .... , " I. ' . ,t GM 'TN . . . . 414 ' •L r 44 .P. 411 W,1". , A54.e..„.1` . P . ,Z A 4.,;l,,,OtW4,74%tri.ltr...,,ZWA,l4t&W'Vereirtr -111 ITEw YoBK, Miy1,1869. 56 %;_ 5034@61; Reading, 95%@96; Wabash, 71576; St. Pint-77X 4 g0 77 3S ; Preferred, 8 6 348 6 K ; Alton r 366. 40 ; p or t Wayne,. 10148; Ohio and, Mississippi, 32%®83; Michigan Central,. 126®1.0 - ; Michigan Southern, 1053{ ®105%; Illinois Central offered 146%; Pittsburgh, 92,q; Lake Shore , 105 g Rock Wand. 136%®136%; North West, era 86x@86%; ,Prefdlered. 97%®28. Receipts at Sub-Treasury, 62,138,900.. Payments, $3,578,320; Balance, 04,545,- 969. PITVSBURGII MARKETS* Om= or Prrresirson flezirrrz, MONDAY. May 3. 1869. Business generally, is poderately ao tive, though there is yet -room fo: im provement, and it is not what It should: be or generally Is at this season of the , year. There is a continued fair local de mand for moat of the leading articles,. but in the absence of anything . . like a specniallye feeling, the operations are of an unimportant characters round lot sales being of rare occurrence: In regard to values, there are no changeswortby of special notice. Appy.wk--Sales at fs@B per bbl, as to quality. APPLE BUTTER-90(§51 per gallon. BUTTER—Is in steady demand, arid 'we can report regular isles at aliesie, for good to choice. !BEANS-:Dull at $3@3,25. CHEESE—SaIes of new Western Re serue at 15@20, as to Quality, and New York Goshen at 24@25. CARBON O.IL—L3 quoted in a jobbing way at 29430. CORNMEAL-41,75@1,80 per cwt. DRIED FRUlT—lsquiet and Un changed. Peaches, 13X(t14 for-quarters and 18@)19 for halves. EGGS—In goodsupply but unchanged,: at 10@l7b FEATHERS—A sh%de firmer, and we now quota live geese feathers tali° to - the: trade, and the usual advancein a retail way. • FLOUR—With the exce,ption that the market br firmer, there is no new felt tures hilbernarkerworthyofnctide. We continue to quote Spring Wheat brands, . at 116,50@1. and:Winter Wheat, at /7,800}. ye, Rye flour. 11 7 0 7 ,25. GRAIN—We can report sales of Spring at $1,43®1,44, and 3Ski,.. l Winter st "Oats in rather better arttply, but with a fair demand, prices are aft tained-at 70®71 - en :track and 74@)75 in store. Corn, under the influence .of in creased' rece ip ts , : is easier, and prises are birelY stuiteixted; We quOte at 75678 tbr mixed •to prime Yellow, on wharf add track. Rye ht quoted at ,51,4001,42, and the receipts, are ,increasing. Barley Is dull mid nominal. • nAY—Baled is in good supply and dull, bat unchanged; sales at 827©80, on. wharf, for fair to prithe. HO3iINY-45,75©8 per bbl. HEMP—I2IS©22O per ton:' LARD OlL—Sales No. 1 Extra . at:lll;s2 ©1,58. and No. 2 at $1,23©1,25. '...MAPLENIOLASSI23-4/ales hi gallon 'juin at 111,50©1,75. PROVLSIOHS—Market steady with a fair jobbing 4leman - d, while prices remain -Aulchabned, at : 14; for Shoul ders; - 17,f for - plain, 19 for auger cured Hams, and 20 for canvassed do. Ribbed Sides, 16)4; Clear do, 17X. Dried Beef. 20X®21. Lard, 19 In M:trees and 20@j205 in-kegs. Mess Pork, 02. 'POTATOES—Very dull and with' a supply largely in , excess of the dernanfl, priest, have still farther declined, sales being re rted on track at 55, ' - PH noted at 11 eta. SEEDS—Clover Seed is quoted at PO 9,c0. Timothy very scarce and there seems to be no estabi hed price, and the same is true of Flaxseed. SALT—May be quoted at $1,83@1,85 by the car iced, and 11,95®2 tor small lots in store. TALLCCSir—Is quoted at 10)‘@10%, for rendered, andlbiliatitre doing. PBTIIOLEUM BWMa. Cntrumpr PrrTssusert (Warm i Moicruar May 4;18014%. S The oit trade` - tiotitinues_Attiet and de veld-of anything that is really new or important.,The expenta4cur Ittutertidzked . . near!weel4 , that atr'improvennent was near at hand, has not thus far been real. ized, and the sittuttlon is anything , but encouraging to either dealers or manu facturers. It was hoped, and we still hope, that the business will become what it was once and aquitit Intlght th, he now, but the indicatierut areituaytldiag but flattering, and Plieratoin genersily are discouraged. It is argmdby debit, that it is nothing unusual ter the oil business to be depressed and neglected, and this is , true; but it Ii not tonal for Crudito: &Wit tirelittively tailfter than Rellnedonidithia lathe nal* eitste why so many. of .our. rani** *0 ittlw and have beeti ler` abate Menthe, standing idle. This, together with the discrimi nation in regard to freight, is what pp ,erstelt_ _so asripealy. twainst Pittsburgh t il l i r s 4 2llo Via °raker - 1x:44 of these 9 tOPles are aillvedondlsallir perms,- littnElnkovelnittkaanbeexpaeltd. `CRIT - - -Crifd6, bomiared - Niith Sat urday, has undergone no illuotable chance, and while the market is quiet, Wei the ' -••' ' • tillthAt - Ote ofiWngs are by no ni - '. I 41. we - eatt`repart 1,010 bPla oasp9# ( I e 16)-4, .14301 stet ; 1,000 . (40§46)-ate: it-Wris/ repotted that weip„oths era, 91 , 10,546 at,l4x,;and • btrileisibr tiVl4%.: .J : .• .:.r. • .:.x. 3.EP/NED--Stde •a* . ibis .last half 1i5ii4:1216,; MOO lientelfdeltvery , and price; an 4 2,090 spot at 82, which is an liavapc9 9f a Emttercomparedlwithltat ttrdky. May and-'Tune, quoted, at 83; liteir.th .1 1 0-4:Mer th September; 64_30 Junelo - -December; 85r and July"to Me ,cember 38. ,424 r,- all 49ar-•nomirial, ~} • LongtaaTirta oiza., IlkllipseipsiWinter:Liebricatiag ell . 4109 Ec Raliroa4 Azle , 650 ',DM*: DideiMiit , ..;.....j:.:...., ' 15c Eclipse Spindle ....., SW ort Bguntorjaker'!)l9*. zmiqtrkfirs DEPOT. f IDUnaan : &•'-‘Wllliama r los.bble raged tis'W. I': tOgliff &tiro: Thliiidelphik. , —Johnston odePone, r 6 1 bbls 0 lahricating oft;to E. G.'Kelly• Ne* 'York. - - - e.. - .; 4 W. IL ByriO, 40,bble tar to,,W. -4.11.- Amin.- ilpetenil -'• -' ';'',., c , f. , ....- , , s-i McKenna . & Ytedgers,..l bblmool• ea to .h. P , Phlptisp Philadelphia... L- •'. , i OIL SHIPPED Eh ST BY A. V. B. B. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 76 blihrreliiied to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. .', iF. ft.&ockdal9 'lo9Lbblal ed to W. P i :Logan & 'Pro: " l , 'Rho', Wood, -60 blas tar, to Denitaett. ik-Itio', Dowidngton,-11/4: 41 ( 1 - - i rciabollikit—Floxiiii9ll. Wiiiittmka ber-I_P lee4fir; Slat/4)1014M whitAMlo. l , 'reguiti ii44k , Ne 1 , *hte flotai:-Nelled 1,44* 0,0211 a shade bettfgal24,Mr ` 41 ears; ;NM IWO ont ipot„t.b er last,half May ; .. No. 2 64c; no g /0 t it 71kr. Whne - 04 - (911h136.-§it it hti g i Ban opening at 70p for, Mkt and. *Ol i ptrlllth I IlegfEWAY i , IMON RiOnin teq e i tt i i MA noti9"9lTedzi notations ' - n' '',, WO troobaltgethrt ar jit tz l` • • - Ms titken6" &Oki —l4OO bbag,i4, i: t i t whetre 600 Wilk oMtWat6ll4, '1 : *RIP p. 14360-xocili)iblitsrazzaLerheat, II a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers