II Hi"THE SABBATH SCHOOL Of • the IfMaT METHODIST t..guacu, of EastMlemluPham.. Meadow ""et. an I give a COHDERT AND FEI4 BITIoN for tbe 'benefit of the school, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Cod / SIDAY EVRO LEDs, MAY sto,fith. and 4th. In the CHUROFL.. Doors open at o'clock. Admission, AS cents. mT4:157 FOR SEMITE, .: • 080E0E WILSON Will be a candidate for State Senator, subject to the decision of the•Etpabllcaz County Conven tion. • m 74 FO ' RECORDER, ,nICISL S. EiIIIITER, LLTE'RINTR REG'T PA. R. C. 1ay4.159 tgrFOR COUNT COMMIS NONE ROBERT OIINIIiNGBARI, Of• Ski ward, Pittsburgh, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, suleot te the decision Of the Union itepabilean County Convention. myi.o.T STRAYED.—From the Alle. gheny Drove Yard. on nunday April 25 to. A DAMS. RED COW. with s white belly alla some white spots; heavy horns and of oldish ap carkaacei;.itt nig r i r: ?Tu t t ao i : t rAt e rleqlng t l e i t e s r A ?r . gbeny Drove Yards. 7 ' au my4:156 .APPLICATION to sell liquor nod ltr.oglos Clerk Courts. of. Allegheny u , untY. Pittsburgh, May 3d, 1869. Wesley Chamberlain, tavern, 14th ward,Pitts. burgh. The 'amuse Boara will boar the above ease, saturAan May et 1889. at 10 o'clock 11.. m:4:164 JOHN O. BO.OWN Clerk. k , A A 111. NATIONAL BANK. . , - .hati EVENING, at TM o'clock. will be added doo f r o omCmm e• o ci a to a k es Bo oms slO5 o m se h o e nd WO.. 40 hares M. .t N. National Bank. . _ A. MCILWAINE, Anct'r. B EAKFAST BACON. A FRESH SUPPLY OF puzukiErAis.r BACON, Of 04 Star Brand of Clnctnnatl, just reeerfed at t e flintily grocery of - JNO. A. imam*. DI 4 corner Ltbezty sad Ninth streets. ISSOILII7TION NOTICE. • partnership heretofore existing between • F. Q. NLQLIY and W. U. H, HUTLEDGH was this 'dissolved by youtuali Coa.,ent. -F. C. Neflei , is alone authorised to collect arid pay an debta due and coming to the above Ann. F. C. NHGLET, W. H. H. RII7LADGE. intruon, May 1, 1869. ' . EE NE OWE AND HO simunNnauxasToiß 51 Ohio Street, liming Hotel, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. P. IL C. ANDREWS, 1 Ravi g entered into Partnership ander the 10618. A. firm mete of ANDREWn A BRO., as dealers in in Hardware and Housefurntshing Goods, have ' , fitted oh the store No. 31. norfhweet corner of obi° wee; and the Dia =ono, (Enamel Hotel nu t iding.) Ailegneny City, and are now selecting and dalt i t i recei.ing a choice stock of 'Hardware - and Ho setttralshing Goods, wh ch. when corn. piste, wk_ be foand one of tha best . selections in the two cities. wahe their prices will be as low the lowest. One friends and the mitillo Ire In. toed is Evens a call for earthing in our line.' as we feel assured we can Malay thee:lb:o.o to quality and price. ALES. P ANDREWS, mfislii`. O. ANDREWS, Okt. 1 1( ...4:' SPRING STOCK AT )rH.:_MITICK;.:,::::,_,• ::i..-::ti-:COMiIY:S',. • We are receiving this week by 'ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de . signs in j English Tapestry tend Body Brussels by direct importations. from the man ufacturers. We invite the insPectim of house furnish ers, confident that we offer the largest assortment and great% variety 'of elegant patterns ever brought to this _ market, at the lowest prim. • • Great . inducements are offered in all grades of In grains and Three 1 ties, it being their constant aim to offer to the multitude, the fullest assortment of cheap and serviceable Caipets at lower .rates than any otkir ,hotioa., in the trade. sum alum SATURDAY, MAY Ist, JOSEPH HORNE 1 CO WILL HAVE ON BALE 100 CASES NEW HATS AND BONNETS, IBOLUDING SHAPES NHYRR BEFORE OF- Iis:BED IN THIS MARKET. FRENCH FLOWERS, Pt 3C 3B 33 Co .63 , CRAPES, MUSLIN& BONNET AND HAT - PRAXES, AND MILLINERY GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; To Which We Invite the Attention of MILLINERS AND DEALERS. 77 AND -79 MARKET STREET. m 74 In SPRING GOODS DIACRLII 4c CARLISLE'S No, 27 .PVtie Avenue, • Dress Trimmings and Buttons. Embroideries and Laces. Ribbons and Flowers. Hats and Bonnets. Glove fitting and French Corsets. Nuw Styles Bradley's Skirts. Parasols—al the new styles. Sun and Bain 'Umbrellas. Hosiery—the best English makes. -• Agents for "Harris' Seamless lads." • Spring and Summer underwear, • Sole Agents for the Bemis Patent Shape Col lass, • • "Loekwood's "Irving,'" ••West End," `•Elite," ac; "Dickens," "derby," and other Styles. • Dealers supplhml with the above at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES M&ORUM & CARLISLE, NO. 2'7 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW SPRING GOODS AT ra.A.cßicrm, GLYDE & 00 F/NE Su,s PARASOLS, Frisiired samci Also, all the beautiful styles trimmed with Satin COTTON HOSIERY TO SUIT ALL. LACE COLLARS, LACE ILANDSERCHI2I99 LACE MMuSEITES. FRENCH COESETI, DEBT awns. HOOP SKIRTS, In al the newest styles. 111 0112 GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMEN OUR =ern COMPLZPR. NEW TIES END BOWS, Jockey, INekena, Derbyand BesConara, MORRISOWB STAR SHIRTS, Summer Underclothing. MACRIIIIL GLYDE & CO, ap23 THE LIFE AND EPISTLES ST. PAUL. BY CONYBEAU AND HOWSON. Only Complete and Unabridged Edition. TWO VOLUMES IN ONE, DISCOUNT' TO THE. TRADE. FILM 011 00 JOSEPH HORNER, Bookseller and Stationer, 129 Smithfield. *Street. myl:ezint W49THAZ WATOECES 9 8.4 PLO, 16 and 20 illses. To the manufacture of these tine Watcheo the Company have devoted all the science and skill In the art at their command. and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty. no less than for the (rester excelencies of mechanical and Wentifla correctness of design and execu:lon, the.. watches are unsurpaileed anywhere. In this country the utanufactinto of thaw fhtomrado of Watcheft is snot even titter except u Wattnaca. YOB BALS BY • • • J. a arrezonnEr & - Go. . . STEM-WINDING WALTHAIkt WATCHES. These Watches are of the well•known Piste style,sind warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand for beauty. gni& end gamma. _The maaufaeteure of Watches of this Sae quality u mot even attempted la this country except at Waltham. • • NOB BALE Ji R. REED a Co., CM [gyp. - 12des Kentucky 4 444, for *mWs ay n steamer ST. MARVO , to or' IBAIAH • a 4 ', DICIIZY CO. sm las b ykuserLz%. l a il i j i r, Nuts • Aloes to, arrive "114,F i°14 tInStArdar • NMEITTIGEI M2MMI TMMAY.4' MAY 4,' 1869 WHOLESALE -AND RETAI LADS HAT RIBBONS AND' FLOWERS, - LLUSIONS, CRAPES, SILKS, &C. The A LARGE & COMPLETE, WORTHY THE ATTENTION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS WILTAAILM SEMPLE'S. JOHN K. comma ILINIIT BUM, JOHN H.__COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MAD!. PROMPTLY TO ORRIS. Maleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHU& VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN.. IRON COCKS, Brass Work 'of every description tor Steam, Water and OIL stssurecTurn \ rns or J. sr. COOPER'S ImProved Balanee 7 Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Ott ers, the best' in the Market. Mire and Works, corner ihirteenth and Pike Streets. sp2, BOOKS SETTLED, AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. MONEY To LOAN. PINE FARMS IN PENNSYLVANIA; HOUSES AND LOTS IN PITTSBURGH AND EAST LIBERTY: LOTS IN MANSFIELD: MISSOURI AND ThuHNIA LAND FOR SALE. ~Enquire of , _ THOS. STELPSON, NOTARY pilaw. eg Gasarr Iltrarxr 61310 e. bsok room. A GREAT A lir AALia FOR se.x..E, A FARM Or 120 ACRES, With a TWO STORY- FRAME HOUSE, BARN, OUT ROUBII3 and abundance 01 choicest fruits. 70 acres cleared. 80 in tamable timb •r; a little stream runway through under remises: having dark rich soil. and being high state or cul titration. This farm ballasted In Putnamcoun ty. Ohio. on Toledo & Dayton h. a.. 3 miles &tom Ottawa. City. Th. price la only S5O per acre, 41,6001 n cash, and the balance to to paid In 9 annual Installments of SSUO each. For farther putt alma, TUBTIN & ELM!, ap10:135 b 7 Orant .snot. SPRING ILAMOSI, An rimense Stock at Low Prices, at CO/111"ANT-• In pii.su....ce of an order from the Cellist of Common Pleas of Al legheuy county, Pennsylva nix,- the Directors of the rEDENAL OIL of have this day declared a dividend of TEN CENTS per share, payable forthwith to the legal holders of stock in said company, on return to the Secretary of certificates or other evidence of ownersulD. All pantes are hereby notiled that dividends, nclaimed for a period of six montbs,wilibe dig oiled of according to law. By order of the Board. A. B. MILLS, Secretary. Ogice,Dcupesne Way, 3 doors below Ninth et., Pittsburgh, April Pittsburgh. Pa. lib,MP. / EXTRA NO.I Ak. 2 LARD OIL OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. Extra S. C D. Beef and' Beef Tongues In More and for sale by F. RELLIIIILII CO., car; Penn and Tenth streets. my: KEYSTONE POTTERY. 1112 M. KIER "AI CO, I IV* , Manutustarers o tiIIIIENSWARE. BRISTOL WARE Le. once and Warehouse, 363 LIBERTY BTRZET. BO•All Wars orOstiptls attended to. A CADENT 01P SCIENCE, 101 Federal Street. Allegheny; (Savings Rana BDrMg term begins MONDAY, APRIL 6t14 1860. !or tdreatars,,Aeo applBlo. IWO B 8. BONN. A. W.. rite. PITTSBURGH. ni. T oni TAlum °B, • kAIMPAOTpIii virisDow GLAss: War.6os.r-Xo. Si WOOD OTIOLIT• • Maul MURRY MOD ra El l ow OPENED. EW SPRING STYLES SS AND CHILDREN'S HI CONNIETS, ND BONNET EiHAPES, Laces, Trimmings, &c 7.ortment of the Above Goods 18 UNUSUALLY AND WILL BE FOUND WELL OF BUYING FOR CASH. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHZNT CITT. McCORD & CO's, 181 WOOD STREIiI% 3 kiEW ADviERTisEmENTs. "rvwe,e,, o w.iwwwwweeeeer,reoke '25OMh HiIiSEMLES, OR P.K. WHITE AT 25 CENTS, ILLUSONE DOUBLE WIDTH, CHANGEABLE ALPAA..P i PLINB. AT 28 PINE DO ALPACA P 03 CHOICE C TRA GOOD BARGAINS IN HEAVY BLACK BILKS. -( CREAT VARIETY OF NEW STYLES IN l ' S RING DRESS GOODS, 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C El WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, HO and 182 Federal Street, ALLIMHZNY CITY REFINED FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY PROCTER & "'GAMBLE. CINCINNATI. sok vain Groner for our brand of Lard fa these Packages. • Packed In 3,8, and 10 pound Caddies, 80 pound Cases for shipment. Cheapest mode . for iellirs Laid. Send for Price List. SOLD BY IfSAIAII DICKEY & CO., • PITTSBURGH. And Grocers and Dealers Generally. apt:SAN A GREAT SUCCESs! 131FIXIMEn' WASHING MACHINE ! It washes the finest fabrics. without Waryy. perteruy clean in less than one. eighth the ont• nary way. It does not rub the cloth, but per forma toe cleaning provers by steam and the quick Elton of hot water; It can be operated by toeod.. Its great chaiDaell makes costaccessible every family lan saves Its own ln doing away with tubs. PRICE, $l5. Bold from the Manufactory. at • THO3LIS =KW% PENN ST.. OPPOSITE THE PAIR GROUND, igrAGENTs WANTED. aol3:htt P. • EICIILLDMILER a. SONS Base returned to their well known location, NO. 22 DIAMOND STREET, Where they are prepared to ftirufsh fresh every day a Sae, large usof &anent of CAKES AND BREAD Of every desalptlon.. Sept constantly on hand the very best Confeetiw enes in the city • N. B.—Orders for parties, Cc . will be supplied at the shortest moth* mind aellvel ed to any pert of thikewo . , Ladies' and Gentlemen'sanneh Saloon, Also. ICE MIRAN SALOON now open and will :outlane so during the season. _ 5.px7:112 JOAN H. TzWAIRT. 111.1PATTSIISON. R OUT. H. PATTERSON & CO., 6.4.1... E AND COMNISSION STABLES COL SEVENTH AVENUE & LIBERTY ST., an26:h4 PITTSBURGH, PA. TIM IRON CITY NATIONAL BANK OP , eirrenusou. May 1, 111169. •y of d oHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS t thts Bank hare thus day declared a 411'1- n SIX PER CENT.. on the Capital Stock, out of the profits of the last six months, payable to btocknolders or their le gal representatives. free of United States, tax on and after the 11th instant.my3:lSS•dT J. RAGOFFIN. IgAARDENERS TARE NOTICE. —FOR SALL—The FOURTEEN MILE ND, on the Allegheny River. and now used for gardening purposes; well Improved and in • high state of - cultivation; containing 40 or 50 actvs, now offered at • bargain. tali soon. - Also. other Rouses,n good locations.. Woolen Factory. two and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Rouses and Lots For Selo and To-let in both,tles For further par. tionlars in lira of WILLIAM WARD, yegg tlll Want street- onvollte CatheMsl. IWO TWOUIELi t s s ln epsy_psymants. ItIO purchase a TWO BY HollttlE. nearly new, well built and In sood ordef i nee rooms and cellar. LOT UP Gwynn), fifteen one hundred den fees fronton'FM avenue by PP eo 'orbs street,,sltllele li mile beyond hobo brldee. o. . 0 - . BERT ' ditIONS. ' - a S'pl . _ . _ . _ ...l.:...._._tt______io Bum Avenue. . _ ~. >~:~~~ Orrick CITY NOMA= AND stravzirou, P1r1r399011. April 30, 1869. fgr'NOTIM-' -The assessment for grading Fairview alley f rom Raslett street to Liberty street Is now ready for examine tom. and can be seen at tsls office antil Slay lee% when It will be returned to tile City Treas. uees °Mee for collection. H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. - apsodzr r"ATTENTION! - REPUBLI • . CANS SIXTEENTH WARM—A meet- Ing of the /4 PIN] Alleans of the 16th ward will be held In the DINING. HALL. at the uppo'end of /for. City Park. on SATURDAY INENI NO. May let. at half-past 7 Winona. for the purpose of ; selecting siz delegates to represent them in the approaching Conventions, By3o order of ap grTHEruAL .MEETING of the /800 holders of the Pacific and At lantic Telegraph C =party of the United States, for the election of a President and six Directors, will be held at- the . Board of Trade Booms . at Birk's building, Fourth avenue,ZdAY 4th, At /0 A. IL \ , EDWARD JAY ALLEN, iin2.i..h97 Secretaiy. IarRAILWAY NOTICE.-THE .. First A nnual Meeting o Pleasantkhold ers of the ”Tederal Street and Valhi Passenger Railway Company," will be held at Gray'a Hotel,. corner of Jackson street and Ir win avenue. becond ward, Allegheny. on TUBS. DAY BoardMa Direc t ors r• M. fbr the election of a of at which time theS , ockholders will receive their certificates of stock. By order of Board of Directors, ap22:108 • W. M. BLANEY. Secretary. WIDTH LINS vQ•INTERNAL REVENUE ASSESSOR'S OF/ ICE, 220 DISTRICT, PERNA, PITTSBURCIR, April 20th, 1060. IarNOTICE.-4 WILL HEAR LORE. and determine at this office, until the IFLB3T DAY 07 MAT NEXT, all appeals rela tive to any erroneous or excessive valuations of any assessments 'made by Assistant Assessors In their returns of the annual lats. airi:h99 PITTSBURGH, FT.WAYAZ & CHICAGO R.R. CO., I OFFICY OF VIZ tiECRETART. Pirresumni, PA., March 24 1869. Ig`THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS OP THIS COMPANY have de clared the regalarQuarterly Dividend (No. 21.) of two and one-halt percent., free of Govern ment tax. on the capital stock, for the Quarter ending March 31st, pavable on and after HON DAS, April 27, proximo. at the °ince of Wins. L low; anier & Co. Ito. 27 Pine street , to those registered at New York, and at the office of the Treasurer, to those registered at Pittsburgh. The Transfer Stooks will close on Monday, April 12. xt A P. 31., and re-open Tuesday, April At at 10 A. x. P. M. MITCHINSON, apithhl2l • tocre•ary. To coimuLeroas. • Pittsburgh & Comellsrille Railroad. rropcstals will be received up to SATURDAY, May 'kat, inclusive, for the GRADUATION, NASONRY AND BALLASTING Of the remaining 47 Sections of this Road, situ ated at intervals upon the 96 miles between Con nellsv Me and Cumberland. Specifications will be ready for distribution at tbe Pittsburgh and Cnmberland °dices, on FRI DAY, the 9th of April, and all lnibrmation necessary for the proper examination of the work:will be .olforded by the Engineer upon the Line. By order of the President and Directors. BEND. H. LATROBE. vizier Eneer. corms Pirrs , iton. & COreirgx.t.s Tuts It. ngi B. Co Pittsburgh, March 18th, 1864. I IarPUBLIC NOTICE. • Yu - mart to an •set of Assembly, approved the AUth of March, 1569, tltled "enact relat ing to interments in Trotity Church-yard, Pitts burgh," Public Notice is hereby given of the in t. ntion of the minister. wardens and vestry of Trinity (Episcopal) Church. aster the 10th of MAY; proximo, to use a part of the crave. ground belonging to or connected with said church, as sites for new erections of Church and Chapel and for grades, and that Messrs. JOHN H. SHOENBEEDER. JAMES K IN G,OP, CALVIN ADAMS and JOaIAR of the vestry, have been appointed a Committee to con fer and arrange with the friends and relatives of all persons buried in the ground required for the purposes set forth in the act of Assembly afore said. for theirretention under the new buildings or removal to other parts of the lot or to one of the rural cemeteries. One or more of the Com mittee may be found at Pearestry room of the church at 3 to 6 o'clock, on every WED NESDAY and SATURDAY until the 16th of MAY; at wh , ch time and place parties Interested will please call. By order of the Vestry. • . JOSIAH KING, Junior Warden. ta r PENNSYLVANIA RAIL , ROAD CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PIIILADILLITITA, PA., April A, 1889. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OP TRIG PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholders. as registered on the Books of this company on the 30th day ot April. 1889, will be entlUed to submit* for TWE NTY-PIVE PER CENT. of their respective Interests in New Stock.l at par. as follow.: First. Fifty per cent. At the time of subserlp ston between the 15th day of May, 1889, and tlittOth day or June, 1889. b pd. Fifty _per cent. between the 15th tity of November, 1889. and the 31st day of Decem ber. 1889; or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the ti - me of sub scription, and each Instalment so wild up shalt be entitled to a pro rata of the Dlv dead that may be declared on lull shares. Third. That every St- ckhold - er holding less than tbur shares, shall be entitled to substiribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to sub• scribe for an additional share.. .IburtA. pa i dares upon Which instalments are yet "0 beunder Resolution of May 13, 1888, ;will oe entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-dive Per cent. at par, as though they were paid In apitiltS6 THOMAS T. FUME, Treasurer. gray and faded Flair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff, COES ALL DISUSES OF THE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the grMv Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant 1100 and $1,50 per Bottle. LA ENS, is a Nest Pipet CR Nared by SEWARD, BEN & NET, Drugglstsißunlo. N.Y. TT by.all Druggists. - MERICAN BANK. A NO,. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITITI3BI3MGH. CASH CAPITAL . • • . . 11200,000. ' Stockholders Individually Liable BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT.t • JOHf/fPUOvD. Preeldent.- 1_ _ DtILLCTORISt ' Thos. M. Marshall, John lit.• Muriland. Wm. T. bhatmon r Archibald Wailifice, Jas. W. Arrott, Jas, D. Keil, Dim. B. Leech, Wm. Floyd' John Mloyd. Tbis Bank is Banking to do a general ap2o:b72 202tbk a FLOPR• - ~ , Oboide brands IILOI7ItandBEILDPOTATOYB Ln itOre opnd ler sato low • , AT THE WHITE FRONT. .. , ISII9 Liberty street., Pittsburgh. , By MEANOS 4 HARPER, IpeETTWILf-10 Boxes Fresh 4041finnwss,mivembratar. MI 02'10E8. WARD Es-COMMITTEE RUSSELL ERRETT, Assessor 22d District. Pa. WM. FLOYD, Cashier. REM;=I;I AFT 1V0270.E5—"T0 Ld," • `l l ln. date. • • ` %est, • • • • Waste." "Amid. •-• •• Boardind s " de.. not exesedinsilFooB LINBS each wilt he in serted in these &Mesons ones for .1' WENT I-F7 Yl MINTS ; each additional line PIVEI w.wirED-:EEMP INTANTED—Cook and Chain ber meld. None but can give good refer enae need apply. Good wages given. itnemire at American House, 419 Beaver avenue, Alle. gbeny City. WANTED--HELP.-AT Em. TV PLOYMICNT 01'110_ ,Zt No. 1- Si. •Olair Street. BOYe OIELb and MEN, for dinerent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be ouppltent on Ghost notice. WANI'S. WANTED.--TO- BENT--By a R . V lady, s tarnished room. with or without board in a private family. A liberal price will be given. Address. MRB. A. JACKSON, PostoMee. Ii‘TANTED.—A - Situatien in a, Retail Grocery Store. Would take an in 6. terest where a small capital was required. Ad dress, STORRKEEP NM. Tuts OFPICIL WANTE P. - BOARDERS. - A pleasant suite of rooms Ingle ge n tlemen gentleman and wife or two s with or without board n a private family, at • I 44 Rebecca street Reference required. A itegheny Oily. i "WANTED.-TO 111111 F-A " SOC. • ond4iand Soda Fountain. Address. . BOX 116, Brownsville, Penna. WANTED. Two or four young men to occupy a furnistvd front room, third door. without 13oard, within ten minutes , walk of the Postoffice. , Enquire at 116 Wylie street. • WANTED-AGENTS. ANTED - AGENTS - NEW v BOOKS-200 ENGRAVINGS—The Far mers and Mechanics Manuel. A book of grea value to every one. Send for 16 page circulart Also. LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL. • ($3.004 with Introduction by Rev. BishopSimp. eon. The only complete unabridged edition. A. L. TALCOTT & CO., Ofkli Fourth avenue. Pittabbrgh, Pa. rrae•T MTANTED - AGENTS TO make an arrangement with orgew reliable Men to • act as State Agents for the sale of Dr. Ashbaugh's "Wonder of the World." This • remedy is sola fu l lye package system, not to be paid for until tested. I pay good Agents 460 per month, and large comnassion t o distrib ute packages among families and to a few good men I wil l m a kea special arrangement for State Agencies. No capital; required b a t-mast give surety for caaltal_plated in their hands. I fur nish the capital. Forconlidential terms caliper tonally, for akw days. on J. O. TILTON. VOA Fourth avenue. 1923-ti TO LET '' i -LET.—A three-story brick dwelli”, house, just completed, situated on the corner of Fremont street lad (hlo avenue, Allegheny City, with a fine store room on the tctliihinthe floor, Inligich will gergOtesde, separately also the adjoining no p u s s r e on Fremont street, three stories, and newly built. For terms, Ac., en quire of JULTN RAMSEY, 94 Bearer street, Al legheny. inlarifa , T. 4 3-LET.---koonts,rwo tine ROOMS In GAZETTE BULLDINO. as t•ountlais Rooms. 84 and BO 71fth avenue. ►ISO-LET.—TLe desirable DWELLING HOUSE, No. 595 Penn street, fttrnished thrtnighout, con taining 10 rooms, bath room, ko. ; giiod stable, carriage house, and large yard room. Posses sion given June Ist. FOR SA LE FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale, on tog e t he rlth, o'c.ock, either pieces or his e n tire Birmingham IVERT STABLE on Carson street, Parties wishing to. go into the livery business, can either buy or lease the real estate belonsing to It. Enqui betw een he premises, Carson street, Birmingham, Seventh and Eighth streets, or on the corner of Carson streets. m3:147 JACOB VOELKER. • mo LET. —A Large and Cont i. fortable Double Otnee at st reet s t a i rsyeet. Inquire at No. lil Smithileld , up . FOB SALE. ---The remains of tte Refinery' by the late •Ilye at Clarit•oll FOB consisting of Boller% B:llla,Pampi.Con denting Tanta, &c., together with the ground upon which they are locat d. Location near • Shaosbargh bridge. between A. V. It. K. and Allegheny river. Apply to Eltl.lY, JAG/01AX & CO, at works. VOll SALE--TYPE.—About 400 pounds MINION TYPE. nearly as good as new. Enquire atrTHIS OFFICE. OR SALE. —NEW FRAME COTTAGE of rooms, ball and cellar; In 9th Ward, (late East Ltherty Lot ao by IST feet: broad board walk from Railroad sta.ion. Price low and terms easy. Enealreasyme oF FICY. BABE 111118I1rESEI CIL:INCE- Stock, bon and !Inure, or an old eatab le ed DRY GOODS HOME on Federal street. Allegheny, (near Market Bonse.) lotaae nearly Are years to run. z atiply at , FEDERAL SYRE`.T. Allegheny. ap2B:hll FOR SALE OR REAPIV7COiin . try residence, miles from the Court °use. LARUE YEAME HOIJSII4 containing 8 rooms. portico In front; good gardening lot , . 50 by 330 teat; level and welt located. Inquire of WILLIAM S. Blair & 75 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. Fan SALE.—Bare chance for the inclitable investment of 1115, 000 in an establi hed manufacturing business in Ohio.*ow paying largely. If desired by the Party ingest ttri kiagican hiv e PHIL l hen tng p f o rP e l i l r _ g " ( 1 1114 than. ticulars apply to or aadress. 0110 FT &IPS, Beat it state Agents No. 189 Fourth avenue. ' ap2il "FOB SALE.--Salt Works ,and 30 Aer it of Land on Western Ptinna.H. 8., miles east of Pittsburgh. Works are along side of railroad, and are now In successful opera non. Wlll be sold at a borgaln, as the owner is too o.d to attend to It. Land Is underlaid with coal and fire clay. From personal examination we most say this_property decidedy ch. ap. fIROFT & PHILLIPS, Heal Estate Agents, 14 o. 189 Four , It avenue. - ap29 FOR SALE.-41tiburban Red.. deu situ a teusiness Stand. and f FOB in the. borough oßr a ddoc k ., within two minutes , walk of a station On either railroad, The house Is a neat frame of seven rooms, large hall and cellar; lot contains all ne cessary outbuildings, and an abundance of all kinds of fruit, good is water in k'tchen; ten feet from the house is a store-room leibv 30,witit a ware-room attached; store-room now .rented and doing a good business. The location of the property Is all that could be desired either for a country residence or business stand, or-both, Apply to OltoirT & PHILLIPS, Veil B .leto Agents, No. 189 Ifourth avenue. • *pi!) FOB SALE. A CHEAP FARM In Jefferson county, of 100 r sexes, 70 of which are cleared and 35 in Ilse timber, all underlaid with an 8 fees vein'of coal: large orchard of choice fruit; will sell for $4O per sere 011 easy terre‘. 13 ACREf3 of level ground near Jeers Run— well adapted fora small fruit hasp and garden. lag. 3,4 ACRES of ground in Freida= 'Finad id. cation for grapes, or to lay out In building lots. 581 ILDINII LOTS on Lyndbam street. ' 10 VACANT LOTd on Locust street. For particulars, enquire at 87 Grant street. myl TUSTIN a MLLE . F' OR SALE. ' Neu Vabom Station on the PittaburOt t Bt. Wayne and Chicago Railroad. TWO LOTS, Containing Alma Two Ao* Etio;b. Imannur, om W. MACKEOWN & BRO., 195 . Liberty 'Street. Inhl3 WATER " omstinir TOPS A lame mutant, r ii MIR COLLINS, Ad Aveasemar andakfleht et. 8A141147 ID
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