iIIMINMO t o 1... . 01 - 4 ,, it, .1,, ~., , ..,4, ..,,, ~ as Gay*. ;__„, , ; • , ,•_• - , t ~:fi.irMt• . . Ess:tr:ln has irveloeipedrome. ta jti ii jimo *ants s good fire engine. esv~~t bar .frogs And blue bottle tee. ti Sit. rated flogs have be b/i/lbila-catintY• A $20,00Q atciaTiCe will be BethaitylOollege this summer. Ti:leen 'who,moves his he hibbt.4l3i*is at'lltmeer last we Bum coati and brew buttons the appearance of the Vtusvi ll e A BjenicaL and Burgin el H Johnstown has been immrilorete Legbileture. _ Tim Beaver Local has cbtxnged hands and Is new owned and edh ed by Mr. Thompson Burton. • - Orr Tke,24lliult,Weill Willis. Mil• one ofthe Pioneers EWE Of Can pce n nty di ed at lb 4Pqr7B4*o. . - i o • lasijustlad two handscne • k MR" tains•pdt: up ither4two: public Kink I .* They colt tiptiardsvtathinhand &Eta tiViiiiilm*,,ite Urge Mill'iet Ben:. jadiesi.,,ivai4 .With a large guan lit..T.h.aralla. ealroired.bYlirb Oa Monday therieoadt. -r;, : • •. : r :. ... (~ Inter mountain streams in the neigh. borhood of Ebensburg, literally swarm with trout, and large numbers are be inibbobeirdellY• ' • young Man named Emerick residing in the section of country known as Have.e, iu-Allegheny township, Boiner. set County, hung himself- on last Batur daY• liTelt, a Miner imPloyed at thii, Brady ; Collier, was run over, by a drift car an the gangway on Filday. even ing last, And crushed to death.-8/unars, kin A BOY named Ed. Jamison, living in Indiarilconfity; out seethe? - 'boy`named Hartr - Meldichad i the other day on their waY' from the 'cut - Was.across ' the balk ottlil 'brad, severing the sinews and yteitis.` Tim dwelling house of Mr. Dawson Ebbert Georges township, Fayette' county; was deitroyed by Bic on the 20th tat. Very little of the furniture was saved.. Mr. Ebbert's loss is.nearly three. thousand dollars, - EIGHT bainunge were aesuoyea by dire fn Wilkesbarre, on the 24th tilt. Thus, Kelley while endeavoring to IWO earns of the contrail of one of the homes waif killed - by the falling of th e roof, and several other men were more or less in. lured. A.i ; urvatto five tonsas the ave rage c for II Delaware& lindsou oar, It would 'take 90,000 can to t -port. the 450,000 tons of coal now44led h (Honesdale); and allowing. fifteen feet to a car ltwOuld snake a train 1,850,000 feet long or a trifle over 255 miles-- "aline Citizen. Cam NOERZEI, a negr., who was or nate(' In•' Olittabersbur:,. , About a month since, charged with outraging threewhite girls, was co victed list Week and sentenced to solitary condi:lndent in the Eastern Penitent! • for thiity4lve - Two' urn were dro 'Creek * Warren county, . runtim thit Stream.. 'One jumpe and missing. his footing the other man was thrown by.an oar stem, and also On Wednesday 6f last week, a strag gler attempted to steal a -Ide to Mauch Chunk on an empty coal car. When a short distance above Bethl hem the drop -of the car fell out and he was thrown n the track, and four Mrs passed over cutting his bands and head very badly, but without breaking any bones. Tin AltoOna Triliune of last week say 4: The Allegheny Mountains, in the neighborhood. of Kittaning Point, have been burning for several days past, and on Monday night last presented a vett beautiful and imposing sight. The rain which fell later in the night, -and on Tuesday minting, effectually checked its Taitedthid %squint,. says: On Friday morning last the 23tilinst, Mrs. Catharine Mowery, , of Juniata township In this county i nn omit suicide b drowning herself the river which run y s within a few yarns of the house, Mrs. Mowery was qpwardsotseventy years of age and had been partlidly deranged for a year or two butnever. before bad shown , a die-, position tobarm either herself or 'others. - - - On Wedneiiday last, a sad and fatal ac cident happened at Speers' new coal bank, above Bellevernon. A digger, by the name of Samuel Camp, was engaged in mining; and, had not been careful to prop the-roof, and several tons of it fell lipon him .and; crushed, him to pieces. The unfortunate man leaves a wife and . Ave children in destitute circumstances. 4'ra:us of, Liberty. , . THE BedfOrd 'inquirer says: . "Near Schellsburg, oh Friday. last, Mr. Michael Wennet; residing at Marklesburg. Hunt ingilon county, while erecting a shed for a brick kiln at Mr. Frill% one mile west of Schellshurgi Was fatally 'Attired by'one of the scaffold, poles falling and striking him on the head. lie lived until Saturday evening, but was insensible from the time of the accident nntalt•kW I -exce p t about an hour immediately, after he he was' injured. dlnali .. Tint TolmlitCird l irfounet siiiiii I d.'wo. man, heilteg k fte+ Wilmot* .3yitkasmall baby in fifer arms, 91 01.4 at * house ai . a resident of Cohentan,ib fiorongh,„ one day last week, and; ilpon'pretense that she was about to mapn knee in Johnstown, left the baby in the care of the mistress of ;be household, ifri:kniediletifieturn when Ve had succeeded ,In 4er objeci. )31,0 d relorbjantlVOri Baia, other ~ mlitediaa .aglin left. She has not yet called for the thud. , ' ..-. ' - I Twit Huntingdon GlObe saYs: An en zineer on a freight train, near k eters., burg last*reek;',sa* a.: child malki l i s i . 0 ., 7 the track abOut &ilia!' -milieu ahead. .Re immediately whistled, but the boy did' . 3 ,0 wear M let4l4-i WI ItePelndliikt .on, the engineer „continually ,-,w)thdlittg, and even reversing his ' engine. - liming 'the boy would 'not heed; he got front h 5 etedt on to the coir=eatchei, and caught :the boy in his'arms,- ere the engine could „t o uch bimi. and thus saved , his life. JACOB !EMIT., Mt of Henry }itirtr., aged about twenty-four years, was struck by, llghtnlnipandinstantl t Lik a i*,at home nestr.§prtn_gt We, t own . .8h1i); &Win. the storm of last h , iil thitetrret .. . . 1 =riling. meillimilV tii 4he barn between his . and a at Q. thiadAllifeitrdd ' - Bade shiir in the bariolitia' "Ott Are :bY lide light; iti‘ but reran eitinilththed = beibr e ".. any antlage wee done.el—bentailep Alsassines. -:. Giro.. Ihr., Wilma's; :while employed in a saw pain gestere knyeehipf•Aeetre county, on the last 1 44,t was • sericoMY trziet retiatiejared. by.* alias Ilieeeld RAU, 'Wiz alali striking blm:on the head withal/eh force as to penetrate 'a . silver threelcurths of:an inch wide and nearly half ap inch thick, to the depth df two and nrcmrth inches in hia head near` the corner of has right the sliVer';Was extracted; and lhe unfortunate man is lying in a very, critical conclition, being at times entirely , deranged. tel l Tan Greensburg Democrat e Monday evening last, , a workm Pennsylvania 'Railroad, 'at Con Furnace Station went to the Co river to cat C h -a few fish for hid b Wbilst enjoying ` himself ca of the fin of he perosAvcd so glittering in ! the bed of the riv curiosity led him to the spot to. examination. and to his :astonish found twobundred and tbirty-five in 'five and 'twenty , dollar gold When the money was Placed - whom, and under what cif' a mystery n killed built to t about I improve dice. •ital' for by the Deceit. or - Boles Wkittirg, I BY Ilas"Pkr :cOratuttTou. The Man who wrote Home, " never had r • do t ol" comae noi. 'lda home ray .he didn't. Nobody wh about anyth.ing ever has IL ont ofanythins he Immediately fro I writes about Novae writes so "headinge" as tho man who is out I=l. " ' Certainly he didn't ever have home. The man who wrote the "Old Chair" never had ail atin chair in life. 'The best he hiul ' was an old bottom chair without TUTiI back to 1 , The author of "Take Mel Ihielc to zerlriiid" never Was in Switzeziand. nearest he ever came 'twit was pi the William Tell saloon eating 13 kris-4,aes why, that was the coW "M il o d. th o er, I've Come Home to hasn't spoken to the std woman for y, and wOuldn't - ges near the house. Be. ilfin shies, he is one of that Class of sPiti lets who don't believe they, ever will die. His health was never better. The er is nothing but a mother-in-law, and a is dead anyhow. There is the author of the "Old Oaken Hubket," too. Mete wasn't a - beckeit on thewhole farm, the water - being drawn with it tin:pall or a cistern pole. ~ " '.., . "If .I had buta tlecnisanda - viu" stated privately to his friends thit_he would be perfectly contented,: with, . half that stun, as he was doing chores inst.for his board and three months schooling in the winter. , -: The author of "Chainpagne Char ley" never drank anything but ten•cent whiskey. The man who wrote "Mary had a little lamb"'knew very 'well it was nothing bat, a link lamb fry. "Shells of ocean" is a humbug.. The plaintive p.xet who, represents himself as wandering, one rantuner's ere * . with sea beat thought, on a pensive , shore, was raised in the interior' of Pennsylvania,' and was never ten =lei aWisy from his home in all his lis "Gathered ,sliells," did he ? 'All the shells he ever gathered were, some egg -shells back of his mother's kitchen. - , "Bark, I hear the angels sing" spent all his evenings in a concert beer saloon. Angels, Indeed ! • • The man who wrote the "Bong of the Shirt," hadn't a shirt to his back, wear ing a wamus for the most part. "Oft in the Stilly Night" need to get on a spree and make the stilly night howl, till daybreak. • 'red .on Coon on the. lath, : rafts'imt of . , off. the Taft 1 was drowned; from - the raft met a similar . The author• of "We Met by Charm" knew. very 'well it *as • arranged before. hand. He bed-been weeks in contriving it—and she admired his contrivance. The author of "I know a bank," etc., didn't know one where he could get his note discounted. The only check he ever held was a white "check" on a faro bank. He never had a red check in all his life. "What are the wild waves saying ?" knew very well they were reproaching him for running away from Long Branch without paying his hotel bill. "Who will care for mother, now ?" Who, indeed I You took the old woman to the poor-house just before writing the song, and there is nobody but the Postmaster to care for her now. "Hear me, Norma," was deaf' and dumb. He couldn't make his pa hear, nor ma. , "My mother, dear," used to' thrash the old woman within an inch of her life. The author of "Rain on the Roof" always slept in the basement, except when he 'slept out of doors. "Let rnehles him for his mother" got mad because his mother •wouldn't have him, and whipped her little boy within as inch of his lire. "I. dr*. islet I dwelt in marble •halle" used to cheat at marbles when ahoy; and his dream was a horrid nightmare brought on by remorse at the redollection of fraud ulent marble hauls. "I'm saddest when I sing" was tickled almost to death if invited to. "Happy be thy dreams"! sold benzine whisky. You l can fancy what kind of "dreams" were produced. . •• . "Ho one to love" having Just killed off his fifth *lto, naturally felt like the devil about IL—Cincinnati Times. IT za yeus'eltice tbe cal o rie : - gineOf Ericsson was, temporary at:least, discarded for Luso : in - propellag vessels and other.thingsneedingtivast poWer, and found a very wide circle of usefolitess* in light naechanlcalrdo tf end Other such thelmittibtis trillettile attending "the production of electricity has" hitherto been the reason Whylag ,hati apt Pella used as it Motive,' toptVii: ingenun l y rths;:nt. trendi en cier, by name Cara)hsa mii4fi aMO glade ell gloek for attachment to* sewing machine, 'The 1 1111e!'llsced in a Oonirelliantonrwo, or c o nceale d.n a footstool, supplies the motive - power, touching a button applies it, and, at an expepurqg about eighteen or twenty cent& per'day; the , little Arsine saves' much edbrt, strength and really fatiguihg labor: Of course; it " may int applied to other things. And although electricity cost, about ..thirty , tim as, much as Mean', 'its neat; compac Land easily applied action,4wlll uridoribtedly . ia g Come ,illtomide use for , much work involv= aeliate; movement in domestic =or manufacturing_aihtira • • MIEMI rt . ! Alligtion7 county • lirauxit CAL Dee'd. Igo. 3, Dftember Term, 1889. AIIU Writ of Partition. To Mrs. Jane Sallee, formerly Janet; ldwell. now Interissrried with Samuel !Milani Margaret Powell; formerly widow. of WiiilaM Caldwell, deed, new, 'intermarried with Deftben Robert - Caldwell, ..1...W. Caldwell, Elizabeth Scott. formerly Elisabeth Caldwell. tea titer- married wild Daalel Scott, heirs. &a., of. William Caldwell, deceased, late of West Deer T0w 1161 4. Allegheny county, Penna. You are Hereby notified that an InqulsitiOi will be held in pininance of the above meationed writ of pattitlon or Valuation on tbs Premilefi iu West Deer Township, Allegheny county; rLion TUESDAY NAY 18th, 1869, a: "On on the 1 emangh l etnangh l oakfast k g some ething gis In• e an ent he dollars pieces. ere, by • CP.B le . to mike parittlosito and ' among the heirs of said deceased' th, Ina manner sad in such prgporuon asb7.4e ibisVoramoaireahli Is directed, whleb time sad plate you my Weald it you • t4fik Wyo. - Sweet dive. r I as at writes thlicapios Oer, Pittapargh.Appil Oth m ,1869. Ta THE OUTTIANIP COVIRTOF Allegheny county. Imam) , f hie JAM HINDMAN, D6ceased • 7, Deeember Term, 181311. Allem Writ 01 Pirtittork any Arm his split= To Margaret Ana Hindman, widow of James Hindman, deceased.; Hags . H; linulap, for merly 'Eliza H. Hindman,. intermarried with John. Duallapr James Hindman', Willie z Hindman, 'Jcisepla Hindman, Margaret Goshen, formerly Margaret H. Bind man, intermarried with William Clinfieni and Mary, Aber, formerly Mary Hin t dstan, intennar• 'doff with William Aber: heirs ao, of James Hindman, dec , d, late at Jefferson toiniablp, Al legheny enmity, You are hereby notified tiest an thwileltios will be held in pnwraanee of the atterre saratiosied Wait of partition and valuation, on ilia premises, Jefferson township, Allegheny comety, Petuas., wit, The g 111 Iser 12a ON THITINDAT, My 20% 1869, to make partUlon to and among the Loch* se laid deceased In inch manner and In slash prepertlons u by tbelaws of Ms Connuonweallb Is directed. to., at which Urns and place you may attend U you tldnk.Prolier• Etssanws orszcs, April sth. 1869. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF Auegheny county, FREDERICK WERLING Dec'd 1Q...0. 3, *arch Term, 1869. Wrkt °Monition To Charles Wehling, John Webling, William Wehling, Wilhemins Wehling. Intermarried with Heary Dneyfr.- Sophie Allebling.. Inter married with ma Widde,_Elophts rt. 33otte, Mize B. M.-N ol te; Caroline W. Nott ,e Ida W. Norte„ Frederick W. Nottei Anna W. Nolte, children of Caroline Meyer, deceased. who was married to Frederick W. Notts. oho being daughter of Caroline Webting, deceased. Sophia Meyer. intermaniedwuhFrederlik Stuakmeyer, said Eiophia having died and league child, Bernie EtuetMerer Charles lituckmeyes. Wllitelmina Meyer, intermarried with John Foell. Sophia Welding. Intermarried with Henry Vomit. WU .lism Web Ina ', Liss Welding. Wilhelrr lea Web. hug; children of David' Welding, Henry Wet). ling. Elsa Wohling. , Marts We ding, William Wehllnßß andFrede, let Notte. Guardian ad Mum 'of lipphla Nolte: Eller Nitrite, Caroline Nolte, Ida Nolte, Frederick Nolte, Bertha liturktneve ,r Charles Meyer. Wilheinthis Meyer. Louisa Wen. ling, Wilbelmina Webling, IfilissWebling, Marla Welding and Willisin buirs, an., of Frederick Welling, deceased , late of Lower St. Clair township. Allegheny county. Penns. You are herfty notified that an retplab ion will be held Lo Mimetic. of tbe above mentioned Writ of Partition and velnetion ou the Premises in Lower Et. Clair township, Allegheny county, Penna., on Taeaday,, 25th Day of May, 1869, To make partition to and and su ch heirs of said d. ceased in such manner and in proportions as by the laws or this Commonwealth's directed. WA at which time and place you may attend tr Ton think proper. 88tarrr , 8 OmCs. Pittsburgh, April 5, 1889. NNOTICE._ By. anecree of the AA 'Court, made at Beaver County. Pa., April AS, 18 . 89, the undersigned was confirmed Receiver of C. IL' HALL & CO., and In .compilance therewith I 'will' dispose of Lubricating and Refined Oils and Bain!s of said firm. and .will sell at .Puulfc Sale, oi the premises, in the Borough of Glasgow. Beaver County. Pa., on the BTH OF JPNE NEXT, at 1 o'clock r m., all the property of C. H. Hall & Co., known as the "Point Oil Works,' , consist ingot Leases, Machinery. Tanks, Buildings, £c. &c., t "gethrr with &Bolls teen remaining unsold. Terms Cash. And also give notice to allpersons. Indebted to said firm to make trumNilate payment is me. H. BENNETT, ReCelver of C. 11. HALL At CO.. _PITTSBUIZOII, 11417 1, _4809. splu-tor.s NOTICE—To Walker Herr Jolt, or in casaba be dead, to his Pur." l4 r o 9 " resentatleest • • - - Thee notice that on Iday 1609, SAMUEL ff , PPKII flied tas petition in tl , e th.a.ll or coot mo. newt, pine county of Allegheny,. P111.411ti• slug .torch that 011'April CUB. 13t. gavot* the said ICALICE.II. IiEt•RIOVI . a toortgaset to ecure a balance of mud:tam money on a tract of land to South fatrette township, describer) In Um petition, *smith mortgege Is et record In the tie. corder , * office of Allegtt4oy county, in Vol. f), I'ags UV; and-that the whole - amount of said mortgase,f principal and Int !rest has, been 'Salty paid. You are required to _appear In said Coot, un Monday o r 'Juno tile:Lip answer the said PeUtioswotnerwlsosdecreewlit bestride so-' corotog for shedAtd ostler lion • of 'kind inott gage my1:141 N" re ••' ' ' ' 00114 of Diamond Street,Pittsburgb. 'All Minims Interested aro hereby housed Mist L mitr i the mpostof YlewerklikSbei StriloPell and oldquilli 4M91114 1 bT b Mom A ;DiainMid , so Fury strict, nu a polbeed in confirmed. an peaking : Air Wm ol d to or benefits wtqe are require to PAY the same to me witnla rtyAllys, otberwuie tbey will be entered as Ile !at the roper. ty. ,Alt. property otilisiniiino,444ii dr. 4,4l ; iatial sirees, , wen of Shamuses Hen .mu be fitrbei AN: l2l,Bl *th Itilli 4 0 . , . 01•14144.441 been assessed. • • , ~ __..- J. ...T. !Wan& I Attoniey: 1G soomar so. i l ifts avenue. , V meteor ou 6 5 11 ,416ift ****ooo - ,In Th e atteforl the e f tplleition'-cir I hweeta• teal Mellott! Refitting en beim !AssOislattort ot Allegheny olty. for. for t s cherter of Ineoreoratlpm - And now. to *At, APHIL M4th; 1.609; In the Cori of CcnamOn Pleas of Allegheny count'', It it ordered that notice& the above avelleallon be "Ineetted In the pit Ibursh Gunn+ for At taut' three weeks; and that tbe same will be granted at neat' term of said flours, miles, 'ex oeptlomi be Med In prove{ time. • • •• • • B. t M1t13113014, &MIMI! •-.• • • ihilleltoe to( et!tiollem ' • F 4 lllllll7llrD j LARI4_ - 11516:' t- 1241 area, Pole madandsore.:4o arren% Fen, Cement sag thirtel. na. taial fat Gala alifo ...,4 q. c ... i i. giriWAß -i7,,, R5 , W ,,, M.Fi :, :i.... 1 _ ,W, T..' -.1.,, v ,,,,,,,. . ; 5 , Vi -- : -,- rN.LT -2 .7 1 : -.,,, ,...':'-' , W...e'.27 - -... ,- T'C'4",,',.Z• 4 :''' .``` , "''''' , 'C'.".7 , .., V...y . 61 3 "...... , ....e4 - :,:r1,;..,>,,,^...„! -, :.1Z.'„.A - ;t.t,:.,- ,. .,. -, ..;:..?;;;? , ~ R ..-„, . Z,V4V- 3 :430 47, -4- '. "..., f.Vrog.,‘ ''' A` oe-l ' pr , ` - 4 , 41,1;1 , A 7 `0 ,, Vige N .,,t ...,.....)aPitt,tivi:-...-;-.-t—e-4. 4 q ----.- 4 *. -4,0,;?4` ' • - , , i.zokva _ -0, 5......3 % 4 *. 1 4*.N.A -4- inffi., --a Ta . ..e4'. . ... , . . . reffEed. In MO 'Softie of AT 10 O'CLOVIE A. K., SAMUEL B. ciLtfikro mei= In the Estate of AT 10 O'CLOck, A. sit., lIALIMEL 8, CLIILSY, Sheriff. In the Estate of AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. SAIIITEL B. CLITLET.Sheriff. •11 , '.' , %.:ivl , )..!.'7' "..E,OSI! ", . , ~ , -'• A w , ..." -,,,, -, • • ":1 •. • _ - ' LI: . ..,„.„... - r -Aollignisit 4 .- ~ - lIBJECT TO THE OZMO/O.N Or XHILE • rIIBLICAN ooIm.TTCOMPDITIOIL R • . lespeetreuy ;_ eo zooneolt4, :self a candidate SHEBIPIP, gui3jOet to , t h e Ile -gee of the 'Be • phihisill'lrtriliel If anfieelisniel‘ l "ir e l Li f o denote slimy energy an-heifer/as '8 and '''"tti"". ' UI discharge of the duties Of the , oßirs, apl3:d&F 9. Frau, TING. rola SHERIIit, soups ROSS, Will be ketuadidate for SHERIFF , Anhject to the decision of the iiepubdcatt Cou Mr Conven tion. - rg`FOR sitzturr, Joan 8. BABE, . , Of Pittsimrgb, tinblect to the decision . of the "Union Bleblicen OontitTponventlon. • . - ttp2B-D/1 orIFOR SHERIFE: ' Iwonle t elotalullyannomme to the citizens of Alletthenteonar %bat twill be aoaodldate for the office or SlizßoPs.fflableet to the deatston of the next et tizik,tf urtlog neptibllcati County Con *murk 1).11:4F, talo Township: EMU EGY7f B annum. . Joule a. vaisoar , , aplage: o_oEll_ s a be . ...thlo:irs.!_h_ e l e r, lit . private' Dum, D, 3911 be eandldete /orthe office 71004, 34 11 7 =Matto the deolvkamottbeoUntee yeelention. -; ar2Oll7BDl orvoit simiti t Fr. wtwans & InpritoN, Will be.. eandtdate Rif the Side if, 'Sherif, sub. e= the decision of the Union Republican Convention. ..mh26icia•ditP C4)olVrt nilEitBl7lß. (LntelDceiret Major 11. Sr. Vols..ywill be a eandi oatelos .entunination, subject toile decision of tb6 tie)OUI IP PIA County Conventien. WU 14- ant?Ai COUNTY TREASUII7 • clokhz a coPautrais _ Of 7/tiabeth townshin,, wiil. be a candidate fbr the abase °dice, satdect to the decision of the Republican Count, onyention. errAhrno&P...- : wroitt Agzampapt, 11131111 T SIMPELT, • win be.ocandlelate ibr nomination to the omee 01 Recorder tor Allaatany count?. Inallect so the acelaion or the approaching &publican Clotualy Convention. • • apa0:1811 • rarFOlt 11.11C011.D1E.11, AtiGIIIITOII 131301CIBRT, Alinheay City, /ate private Fifth Excelsior Remeat. Lona leg l at h e Second , tlOll Ban Battle. ap22:lle.par, FOILHEGISTEII OF WILLS JOSSPII 8. MUT, Subject to the deeLsko of the Repubtlian County Convention. hP28:123 W.FOR CLERK OF COIIRTS, 1 1 1:4:1r9er. JOlll, O. BROWN,' MtUvula borough, late prime Co: if, 105 id Reg'', Penna. V 01.., (*object to the decision of the - Union Republican COunty Conveation. ap:s.. 10 - 'l'o THE CITIZERIS OF AL. . LICUILENT COuNTIN• I mpectfully antiotiace meet( as a canaidate for the office of OP - COURTd, sublect to the decision of the Union Republican Uounty , Convention. I. woold state thee the Once but fhe ONE TERM. U. the rterininetkra of which X . cheerfally retire; believing that there are others equalb , entitled toile honor and aniohnnents of the office. and as competent as myself I will be ' under obligations tO th e citizens of the county: for their suppOrS. Very reeneettall_ BittiWNE, Late 102 id (oltt13114) and atit Pa. Vol. Regt. liar - FOR . COUNTY COMMIS. BLOKE% ZOS;r1: IRMN, will be a candidate ibr County Conitniasioner, Subject *the decision of the Union Rebabboan County Convention. • , spnaus SPBCL&L ,NOTICES,. ORNAMENTAL AND lISE. Pl i L liv s F ß . l g ui TYp L E Y r. For children. outwers three_ irfthotir tips. illanderer:TH:e tarEPFILEIPSY CAN HE GYRED Those haviag• frtendi &filleted are etri nostly stdielted to send for a Circular Letter of , References and Testintonlals. which will con vince the most skeptical of the curability qf the daunts. Address VAN BUREN LOOKROW. M. D.. 38 Great Jones street, New YorX.. intalhaZ•ditlP arINARRII AUL AND CELIDA• CY. —An Essay Sir youßen on the crime of Solitude, and the RISES and ABUSSS which create impediments to RIAGE, with sure meows of relief. -Sent in sealed letter on !elopes. free of charge. Addles', Dr. J. Llif HOUGHTON, Howard Association. Phila delphia. Pa. ;al9:d&F •ne=ieeT IatrRATCELELOWNHAIROVE. This splendid Hair Dye la the _ NUM th e world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, :ells - ble, instahtaneoust no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes* Invigorates and leaves the Nair soft and beauhtful. btaci or brown. Bold by &U Druggista end erfumers; and properly applied at Batch°. lor's Wig Factory, No. 16 Rood street. Now York. au29:V7EI IarDOCTOR. WHITTIER CON - • TINDER T TREAT ALL PRIVATE Diseases. nyphilis In all Its forms tionorrheea, Oleet, ktrictare, .tc., completelt eradicated. Thet numerous class of cases maul ng from self abuse, producing unmanliness, nervous debility, Irritability, eruptions. seminal emissions, end linen) impotency. permanently cured. Persons afflicted wl.h oetleate. Intricate and long 'stand ing constitutional complaints are politely Invited to call tor consultation, which costs nothing. 'Experience. the, best of teachers. has enabled him to perfect, remedies at once 'fitment,. safe, permanent, and which bus oat casts esti be used without hinoranee to ness. Medkunes pre pared lathe establishment, which embraces *of lice; reception and waiting roonm; oleo, Mirding 1 1 11 U sleeping apartments for patients retteirluiL. daily vendee' concentrating vapor and chemlw cal baths, thusthe famed mineral springs. No matter.who have flitted, state your case. , Need what lie +slain his pamphlet of Ilfty Pages, sent to ant address for two stamps in sad! eO . envelope Thousands. of cases treated &nen. ally, at owe s . and Nil over the country, Omni.. ration tree, p ersonally or by mail... Offlce No. 9 Wylie farms (tear Ca Routs) Pittsbuggh, Pa. Roars A. Kt NP. N. OlXOttPil /11 X. to tt P. X. Pamphlet sent to any address for two EUBINOVALS. PEOPLES' MRS BM, THE rzorracs , sa i rnres naics . HAS . HHHOTED THVORAMT TO NO, 81 Fourth dcumue l • rmelostely oppositeto its flintier loeitlon.where It will remain until the .11a0e Denotit Gamma Building it completed. when the Bank wilt. then ba Located in that, bnlitlingy A. F. VONIZIONXIIOAIST. BECRETAET AND THEAetIRE.II. 14k. 1669, • • • arlinki4.. Rr4SVO,AL. - a. M. GAZZAM, 'Attoraey-at•Law, has removed uwollloo to 'No. 98 TIVTH AVENUE. OOWNEWS. Q11:80 BUD 3 Dimling, lan4lll*# for 1 0 , 4 4XP'13 nirbaA TI a fairest iad beat. The 'halals "IL W. , roa only loaf. Take ma else. antra EWE sp2l: J. P. DEIVIVISTON, . . ar4':b3. ~£+'F.~'~`,i aL?.:.µ.. pr„~.» • :1:.• „ . B oot % sans 4510 IRAMPETS FOR ,211ir'317LZ10.1%; SMITHSON'S• EMPORIUM' as AND bi'llitifivitha. Mesrs. H. B. atit i flt CO .. tdsttrietore at the well Imown Mammoth Auction House are a t aa excitement consenuent upon the ar• rival of new goods which ate. wing sold at re markably low Prices. Qoods oteyery,variety• t ilie finest sewed beets, the most amionable tat moral gaiters and anklet shoes, slipperi, blankets, flannels. cloths. casslmeren: antler) . and carpels. Call and examine. trouble.to guOW goods. Ladles'. mimes' and children's turd 'lt almost your own prices. All Roods war ranted as reuresented. n mixT AT AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, MAY 6 • At 10 o'clock e. x., win he sold on the premise.. The New Malt - Honsi, N 0.5 Penn St. Having a capsclq• of about tWelee tiattedd Einar earnestlels per week. The , attention or purchasers, Is • y invited to the . above valuable Property. It being one or the most substantial' bulldlugs of the kind in this country, and baying all modern Improvements. The above Malt donee is bull: on leased _property having 7 years to TIM from • April lat, xsesia, Mahe rent of $11115,00. Parties desiring to examine the premises. Air wanting 'timber infonnaldon. will call at the Of fice et:Nr. B. GABBARD& GO., earner of . Penn and Water streets. M.-FARMS AT GALE. HainO—At tame time and place. 3 Wagons. Lot ss,' Malt Shovels, Watering_ Cans, 3 Plat• form Sadia. 1 Pair Small &Wes, Safe, sll Desks. 1 Letter Press, 1 Llock. Atso—A.lot of Malt and Mops, and a large lot, of empty Backs. • H. B. 811 /T/3150Pirdc CO., Axicirs. ap2a:h7s-mis L ,*711141313, SSiONEE BSLFrBOOB. AC COUNTS.—TUBBDA.Y EVENINCF,- Mar t . at 13 toclo,k. by order of . J. - M.lCANytirmy and W. A. LEWIS., AsSignee lu Bank t will be sold on second floor of Comeignales Booms, 106 tinUthdeld street, the • Bonk ac. counts of B. B. Nu/MO, amountingto:66,ooo. A. 110.11,WA1116, Auctioneer. =I yALIIABLE BALLSTON .AND WESTERN Pior vg&VIA OlL.—Tuesday . evening.' May. 4th. at 7,tfroMlock, :will he sold • on second itoor-of Commercial Ba les 800r0a,106 Smithasid street: 55 shares &N. National Bank. ) 5 shares 'Exchange 2fational Bank. 104 suareaNestern rennsylvatila OLICe. Also, by culler of Executor. - 3000 shares Ballston t ii CO. A.' MCILWAINE, ma ' Auctioneer. 1 tv, I ( AO al Pi FrA ~ i *1 IA LEGS! LEGS!! The Artificial Limb . Alaaafactaring CO. CHARTERED BY THE STATE. OF — PENNA. All Shareholder* are Mem 317sartill the Limbs Mader by Has Comps/11y, To those requiring a limb we Would saythat our own exper/eno: Ina induced ua to establish a factory here that would make a comfortable sad durable Ilmtr for a reSSOfilable sorter. "Aft. r try ing a number of aolie socket and padded socket legs,. we have each foiszid mere coinfogkandnae fatness •in this "ADJUNTAIILX LACKING SOCKS.Di.thae In any othtrmade in the mien try. One of our number, a skilled mechanic, , has charge of the shop. We have bought the right to use two of the best patents, and by our experi ence we hope to Improve In every, tray that will add to the comfort, durability or appearance of the limbs we make. We have out the price of our new legs at *SO. Persons from a distance are only detained In the city while the measure and a east of the Injured 1 ble taken. • 1 he saving to per baser', as compared with Eastern prkes, is cite 3 , 1 n eto 719 tne prise 4 4 of legs: • t least • Ild , railroad fire, hotel bills and other traveling expenses, and then we are satisfied that oar limb Oral/ srfee brttee'satiefacrons than any ens owlets Neer Pori or PhifadstpAta, It we can get orders,We can maintain our factory at the above price, and we • therefore ask an ex amination be fore going elsewhere. We make to order end keep on hand a suptdi of stockings braces , and applbeiees.lorininred :ot defbrmed Ilnilne_. also, crutches, trusses, 'lota der braces ge: For farther information ur ch , cuter, Con taining many testimooial letters from those who nave worn our artificial Ilan ea,ad dress 'ARTIFICIAL LAMS MANUFACTURING CO:, No. 503 PENN 81 BERT, between' Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Pittsburgh: Pa. avillibli Tr= WELLABIAILLER & CO., Nos. 221 and 2 3 Liberty Street; Corner .of Irwln, now offer to the trade allow • Agin 'Wetly Prime New Creel Orleans Sugar and r_orto Rico, Cuba and lingllsh Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore lined do. Golden Drips,, Lovering.: Ening., Stuart's, 'Adams. and Long Island Syrup'. Porto Mee, Cuba and nglish Island Molasses. / Young Hyson, asps Imperial. Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Mineola ea. Java, Lagsayra and 1 Coffees. Tobacco. Lard 011, Flo ' Hills , Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, Le., cons ntly on hand. /MPORiELBY 13 OF m Fine Brandies ines and Segars. ilbenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hoek Wines of litnael I Co.. In bolt es. Sparkling Moselle, -Soli trsberg and JOhannle burg, Hookbelmer, Burgundy, de. Brandenburg . I Freres' Fine Olive OIL do do Claroi,,_ imported In bottles. do do Whit Wines. In bottles. M. Work &Sons' Sparkling Catawba. I ine old Sherry, Hewett* and Port NY Wee. Free Old Monongahela Bye Whiskies, pare. • do Very Superior Old scotch .do 00. 1 .1.31.80. • i Sole Agents for Moat Chandon'e Grand Yin. Vmenay and &nary Champagne. Bnuidies of our ows seleet.on and warranted. j 24:143 KIIN'TCY LIM 011 $2.00.-TIUS CARD entitles the bearer, ,on presentation, to TWO DOLL/Lll.B abatement on a cash purchase of 015.00 at the great clesp clothing house of • S. 0. TELATSZIRMAN, . I ORIGINAL 810 NUMBER 11, iiixth Street, late St. Mir. .-, Nobody - beat, by Me establishment. but bar dealing to 'all! Can arid be omit:iced. All elottans,plabily imbed bY brbited cards t at . zowzsr.cals.zr ..I).BlCA'f,%`;' . . . . . . ._. . , • Bo theit no one maybe deceived genies er jab. puce. (*lona tiff umber ii, SALTH . ATTLEE*. late Bt. Clair: BEWARE OPCOUNFERrEIII3 Or''/1188 - 8. B..TBAIDERBIAR.' - .. ile2s;ToAt .." 4 " • . I: have Is .atervand :Ma' imustaatif imielirtal direct item loanWflataWs..t.t hoMAIW ni meet ,of BUILDNA-, sr - moult sit.W. Nt idit ... offar . foride op Ay fale, Aeneas/Al:l,So%* tt elm. _to her vlth calla ludortment of ,LERY, UNIX ;AIM REVOLVERS_ . "AIM hi) batit 'election oft DISOBANICIP TOOLS, eat. prising all Jhe latest. anti treat itswireamath shown Id the 'trade, . - . I have, my factory. in 'hill , operation's, aerial,' and. am preparett to, do A kiwis ol'iob "volt the same 'aa before , the fire o f the Md, of Yobrearft, web aa rl* ding rutirs,_ scissors - knives, - Dm, Illns In hire Wades, and Tawdrily all kinds of lightmaehlaely.. , JAMES; eo*N, NO. 138 WOOD IffiDDET, PITTOBUD,qN.' ol l iimrea t tia. e t r iritTe l at ri rt n etti 7orid. seams , ` 0 4.; 5 1f I 4 41W1-, #.5 NA44444,tafir.-4,--44 t " A iliA IarnSFEINP, OPERA 110178.10. •ISadaser .. ..... . .... . iitrariboit• .......................... lf. W.Cyttezmp. yeThe hfarager takes tdeadnee. to announce that he hos made an en t renient with Measra. ERAnd sud ttielr celebrated !ento mb Troupe fur e production of tr. L. trey & Grand ram/ Trick Pantopttme entitled. HLUMPTY -ntrßlPTre . . . TeltrbAr EVENING', May 4.1 n. 1669. will be presented with enure new seeneyy • led genie prise., Machinery. Tricks and Transfor ations, rro_portieth - Deconition a , Ae , • • TOVY:DENIitit 314 caown; GU,. A. GLUM. as•Pantaltionf BARRY LICSLIE as Harlequin; MiLLE A UlllO I, as Columbine. Matinee on Wednesday_ and Saturday Ate.' PITTSBURGH' TIREATBE. H. W. WiLLIAIIB, Lessee tan Mana .. ger TO-NIGHT-311as Annie U. Whorls. Emma Lloyd, eam.,C011yer.,.7.,W. McAndrews % Charley Gard ner' andine 'Mammoth Company in a new bill. WEDNE c DAY—GeneIit of Mmandrisrs. Lidier Matinee every Wednesday and cater day. - COMlNR—dennie ?nee' and W. B. Cavanagh. • WANT-PID--40 young Moles. Apply at the Box Ogles. tarn uuNrairß m usE AND PARLOR 30IRNAGEiti:0, '£'he;•great Vain. ..Ziesorte w n i t t. AirrtilVE. between ' Wood street. , apposite Old Theatre. • • , • an , • . djirrgoen DilJrnd Eveltinir, MI the year round. miastote. dentetehUdren. ittoenta. - L=ao ;A II OF lAt m AT LAI‘A.:IIIaL DB. igt:hit.96:2l7, Of ininitac4ishisi. . . • .. .. ... . Will continue his . celebrate if eenrie of edmirabld poputatLestures eYen , , °Tanta' is week.aa , fol. lows: MONDAY EVENING, on - Digestion , Causes and Cure of "Griseral Deblllty,_ ,, etc: THE NDAY:EVENtOG.. on th e Haut, -How to ` •Zorleh and Purify the Blood."' eth. ,i maw- NESDAYEVEI#ING,'on the LUallis.Uallleand Cure , or PPWeak Lunge' " .etc. - .slit, Kr EVENING, on the. Erwin and •Nerves -;. uses I nc" and Care of Nervous. DehltliA ‘ater ' DAT ' EVENING, on' the Or or tne serum.: W. Ear, Nose and .Throat • 14A,TIIIIDA it- i - !bra, on the Temperament& .Anatomy of the Ho uma Face, Beauty of the situseth Co Languor:, of Expresslan, eta., splendidly illus trated Inth ay far *be (nest to of Arm. tomleal models and spemmens overseen In the. United States, costing over $115,000 lh . Paris. Beata to theillat Lemur* free Beasalnlustee- tures admission 25 cents.. • -. , , nlll' _ __ itgr'ffEue,ikxwiLm LnisAnv IILS Atr6llloTl L. DA! N, LT TILE F Ittnr o B i3 OZEZi N i 121 3. VEI READINGS & RECITATIONS, FROM THE MOST POPVLAkOOETE A.1911' DEAMATZETtii AT TEE:. ACADEMY OF . MUSIC, Thursday &ening'May 8, 1868.* PROGILLADIr.. • PART': Two Scenes from School - for Seandai....ftheridati. Charge of the Light Brigade ' Tennyson Bingen on the.......... .311ra.Norton• The hianiae Honk Lewis' The Last Heir ' F. Hood" • The Court Scene front the Iferchent of Venice, Shakspeare. Fontenot', (Poeta on the old Irish brigadjr.navis. The Raven.— E. Bee. Eineridan's Ride - • .T. Reed. Chapter from the Widow Beclott gaper..Wictier. • A DMIIMOIA, AO CENTS. No irserSed seats. ' Doors open at 7;‘. Iteadlnfiseommenee at 8 o'clock. rickets for sale at LIBRARY itotarS..- corner 'or Pun and aixtti streets, 'and at ST. CFIAN.L.E4HOTS,L. . far - ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TILE RENEGADE. POTOMAC. A NATIONAL DRAMA Ender the inspiere ,of Posts $ end 88• POR SIX NIGHTS ONLY Monday Evening May-' 5 •10 1869 • • Tinder tl e supervision and yranatement of 110. le. TANNEHILL, of the Pittsburg Theatre. and late of Pite's Opera liouse,,Cinc natl. Characters by Members of the Older.. Pargnette and fi , eas Circle... Family Circle and Gantry.. .... Reservrd seats 115 cents extra. Box office open from. 10 A. X. till 3 P. X. TO THE PUBLIC. The "Grand Army of the Itepublic" Is corn. Posed of emldiers of the Linton who served In tee. late Rebellion Ihe Brivate Fo.dier Is the peer of the hlrhest officer. 'The obit cts of 'the-organi zation are charitable.: benevolent. * inst.' welt' and.patriotic, and should command the respect of all stood citizens. • To extend a helping hand to the widotin; whose husbands and sons were our c mrades, many of orwhm Ile burled on the thousands of battle assist h l the cemeteries or the land, - and to assist in: the supp its or crippled ao..dlers, the educe. Bon of the soldiers' °amens, respecthally ask the patronage of a i6enerOnd public. • • • • • - RE COMMIPTEIL. lar'A GRAND FAIR In now being held at "MIL UR ft , S EfALL,corn er of 711th avenne and Olit street, for the billet of ST. AGNES ( Hutton, Sobb. Befreebtae.lllll nl4 served and an excellent band of 10111 attetd. I &nee eterf eventee. aoeigit SsaB I TO BOILIDEIIS I • • a oo.oeo feet Dry Pine soiirds. iso:otio rbetah. Inch Clear Plink: 35,090 feet 1l Ina Opmmon Plaq; 1111,000 feet Dili and X tacri MI: Xs#olll ft. I,4ii.ii and 8 It teft Poplars 6 10.oUU bet ry op) seantikag; ..... „ 30; 00 Tees _ry elio Pui_ ikstiftrdat R00;000 teat Hetnicadt %mg. 003.4otkANo.fll VI - tailing Edda-. 900.000 a. ha ll1•10-ilbOrtas; aawedt , 3 /100 NO.I. 10-tank =nowt aimed; c ~ not' , Ir e Brlcltt ', 1 .% • . . , , Tile.. 1 -.. . " I. ," '' 00' Tone Firelay; ' .'• -' * 2 .-- Alao, Bar Am diannbar., on AM !Cedar pasta, and all articles In the line on hand and. hit 1 1 .1 6 .1'llitaWfigfelattri,f,nvepri - r - etn . , 'a• _Juniata etreeta, ISLtth ward.ltftiZghtnY. Ode Dor. ough LI Nadellester, apdi . . • •- FLvR . paßk • MILL FAIILY• _ - ••• ritenr, MILL Three Starefeta BraitiL equal to t FRENCH ; FAMILY FLOUR‘ matt n o ir %slit olqioeielit iiit viten fine, that , ardereil. i,. , _ ~--- IeFARL num Hiram imAnts, suCtilu. an 4; ins ic a l l i n t illek o st, x.otua. • • ... 5.... . , , Warn- CORR ii&Onietriiiiiiiiiiir:, ff.. T. 1 811 1 / 1 1DI 6 Bilik, Allegheny, Sept. 9,1848. PURL iftrAzi. LECTURES. PARS 11. ON' THZ IN FIVE 4.oTs; G. I. B. COMILENCING PRICES OF ADMISSION. .50 cents. 23 cents.. LUMBER. - • '.44"74i • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers