CI Sittsbut Gairtte PIIBLIEHED DAILY, BY • _ PENNERAN, REED & CO., Proptietom 1. N. PENNI:KAN. JOSIAH HIND. T. P. HOUSTON. N. P. BMW. Editen Iwo Proprietors. 0/7101c BABETTE BUILDING, NOB. 84 AND 88 FIFTH ST. OFFICIAL PAPER Of .Plittabargli. Allegtheny -AU*. aim; County. rfwase.;-.l7rstly. 641111 i. Weekly. • Way. One year...lMoo One year.. 2.50 Sine copy..kLM One month 75 Sli moil.. 1.50 Stop - ,e ach 1.25 By the week 151 Three mos 75 10 , 1 .• tin Mom carrier.) and one to Agent. MONDAY, MAY 3, 1869. WE PRINT on the inside pages of this morning's GAZETTE—&cond page : The ,Registry. Law in full. Third and 'Sixth pages: liinanre and Commercial, Markets, Impole, Wier News, Seventh page Ephinneris, Clippings, Amusements. S. Boiw at Fninkfort, 87. .M01.1117/C at Antwerp, Slit GOLD aimed in New York Saturday at 1841@184. • its eight-pet-cent. rate of Interest for money Is now lawful In Ohio. GPs`publish the new Registry Law, omitting those sections which apply ex elusively to. Philadelphia. nni Pennsylvania litate Fair will be held at Ilarrisburg this year, commenc ing on the last Tuesday of September. All entries by exhibitors will be free, except Of horses entered for speed. IN TEE ' event of hostilities between ,France and PIZSBIA, European journals . • . anticipate ' another popular' movement against Roam, for which GARIBALDI and Idazzurt are supposed to be already plot , Ling. Tim Pacific Railway connection is not yet made. • The Central rails were laid to the point of junction on_Priday, but _the ljnien is delayed by heavy rock woik, which may require all of the present week to overcome. Tan Brazilian Hission has been given to Sm. H. T. BLOW, of Missouri. The intention, of the President, to renew his offer of diplomatic appointment to Mr. J.S. Cenrazue, is again rumored, but, as we trust, 'without sußlcient foundation. Tax APPOINMICHT of our Philauthro .._ pic fellow .citizen, F. R. Bnxiziox, Esq., as one ofthe unpaid Indian Commisaioners,is one heartily endorsed by this community. Mr. BIRINOT is a gentleman of ample means and leisure, a zealous Christian, and.we are sure will fill the requirements of the position with honor. RICH DEPOSITS of bituminous coal, nearly equal to tint found in the mines of this neighborhood, have been dis covered at several points on the line of the Union Pacific Railway, and in the heart of,the ROcky.Mountaina There is no telling how rich in mineral resources • Abet hitherto unknown and unexplored regiOn of our Continent will prove, when • its_development properly commences. -Tin Butler murder trial which has oc cupied much of our space during the past ten days, was brought to a close on Batur day, the jury finding the prisoner, Um. ART TAYLOR EXICIMIERRY, to be - guilty of the . highest grade of homicide. It:: is not improbiblq that a new trial will be granted the prisoner, and that he may escape a second convic- i THE Pittaburgh ; Post says, of the ex isting bridge obstructions to the naviga tion of the _Ohio, that they are built of perishable materials, which the Company proposes ultimately to replace with an iron structure. , The Post adds: "If so, it would be no more than even handed iustice, and no retrospective ex ercise of the court's power, to order them to conform to what has been for years the law of the land. The casualties of the last week on the Ohio demand it." Tan uutiority of our , Supreme Judges have been politically known as Republi cans, -not Democrats, as inadvertently stated on Saturday. We hasten to cor- rect our own error on that pcdnt. In the same connection, it is proper, to remark that the act of one Nisi Prins Judge, in overturning the rulings of another made at the preceding term, has no other public importance than as encouraging the hope ' •• that the conflict otopinicm may ensu re an ultimate decision by the full bench upon the contested , questions. THE official Treastui statement shows a demise of the public debt, during April{-of snarly six and half millions. Of -the , .524,009,000 due for Interest May ist, , . upwards of $8,000,000 has been paid in adiance, the Treasury securing a propor: tional rebate. Bads greater stringency been felt in financial circles, during the month, a much larger demand; in this way, would have been made upon the , idle cash 'in the Secretary's hands. The use already made of this ,resource, by the creditors, is a significant indication of the extent to which these funds may be utilized; In an emergency, and abund. • - Mitlyimstains the Treasury policy. 7 - r • !pot action of Assquior WigiSTElly Of . Tori—in holding baikerallable, as e,,,,;stichiio the tax of ono4vrenty4 ou rth , • one per cent. per month upon so much of the money employed by them in the bust• • „Jr 5'02AZ:041.1.404.3k4:14.--,-VgrA • nos of banking as is borrowed from day to day, or for a longer period—has baen sustained by Commissioner tin- LANO. All banking capital is held to be subject to tax, whether permanent or bor rowed for any length of time whatever. This piling has been stoutly Opposed by the private banking firms of the country. Its effects will be largely beneficial to the public revenues, and, moreover, are like ly to check certain • practices of Wall street, which have not been favorable to the financial interests of baslifess circles generally. . Ma. Homo! GREFELY prints a card, in his New York Tribune, collecting roneous report that a chaige had been made in the management of that journal. Mr, YOUNG remains at his -post. Mr. Grunnatilhrds nothing in the recent pub lications,which may justly impair the con. fidence of his associates in the gentleman who has been assailed, but insists thatthe charge involving treachery to the Ass°, elated Press ought to be fully investigated, suspending, .for that purpose, his own judgment thereon. It is stated that libel 'suits are to be instituted against all jour nals which copied the original scandal from the New York Bun. But few West ern journals reprinted the full text of the publication; but the synopsis, which was prepared and'telegraphed by the Asso ciated Press agent in New York, has ap peared in probably every newspaper in the country which regularly receives news thiough that channel. In this con nection, l a Philadelphia journal charges that the New York agent of the Associa tion is a-personal enemy of Mr. YOLnio, and that he has availed himself of his offi cial position to gratify his inimical feel ing.> This charge has enough of plausi bility .to entitle •it to a hearing in the pfoper quarters, and we commend it to the attention of the Executive Committee of the Western Press. TUE MARY LOW ELL, England makes a peremptory demand upon the Cuban authorities for the re lease of the Mary Lowell, an American Vessel seized by those authorities in Brit ish waters, and In violation of the British sovereignty, which was at the moment responsible for her protection. This de mand also includes such other reparation as justice requires. ' The vessel has been already condemned by the Spanish Ad miralty as a lawfal prize—that verdict standing upon the fact that her cargo con sisted of war material, understood to be for the insurgent use—so that the position cannot fail to embar rass the Cuban government. But the violation of her sovereignty, of which England complains; was flagrant, and could not be submitted to, even without that American demand, for the enforce ment of the English . maratime-law, which rests at the foundation of this case. It is satisfactory to perceive the promptitude and vigor with which the affair is taken up at London, and which will be fully sustained in the West In dian waters, in securing, in any event, the redress thus insisted on. TUE ALABAMA iN ENGLAND. The English press comment upon the rejection of the Alabama treaty, and upon the accompanying speech of Mr. Smarm, with a freedom of criticism which was naturally to be expected. They are quite willing to await Mr. Mcrrixy's arrival, and to listen to his pro positions courteously, but all the journals are agreed that the American ultimatum, if substantially in accord with our Sena tor's positions, will not deserve the con sideration of an hour. The cable also supplies us with what purports to be a synopsis of the Ministe rial deliberations. It is noticeable that the Premier, GLADSTONE, expressed confi dence that American diplomacy would not insist upon the extreme views pre sented by our Senator, bat would meet England upon fair and reasonable terms. Lord CLARENDON held a similar opinion, and avowed his faith in the efficacy of friendly negotiations for tae final adjust ment of the controversy. It is 'apparent that popular feeling in Great Britain inclines to look upon the American claim as aggreiiive, and to re sist it as such, and not because of its in trinsic Injustice. John Bull, when con• fessedly in the wrong, would rather fight than submit to be bullied. He will see that his newspapers ildicule our 'claims as unreasonable, and humiliating to the English pride, and it will need but a very , little time to get the, back of the . British lion into its most pugnacious curve. It will be quite as well as we need expect, if the national sentiment does not turn out strong enough to control Ministers, and force their Gov ernmsut "into an attitude much less friendly tuward America than their present judgment indicates. Public opinion is a power in this country, but it is an element of at least equal strength in Great Britain. Upon this question, the crisis of excitement has passed by in popular feeling here, but it is just setting in on the other side , of the water. It is quite probable that Mr. MOTLEIT will be instructed not to reopen negotia tions for the settlement of the Alabama claims. With an official announcement of the opinions which his own govern . menCentertains, our Minister will refrain, it is believed, from further discussions; at all events, be will take the Initiative in no 0nAgdPr0P011t.41421 0 9 1 011 1 .4 3 .. .aPy dent* arrangement We stein no naste, In this matter. Utile British public would have '- - I , M!ciM6llll - nrm' - : - time to bedorde cool, therigin Ip►ve as much allthey wish for. In due time, after the popular excitements, on either side, have passed away, the questions at issue will be again taken up, and with better sac: CUBAN AFFAIRS. Our sympathizers with the Cuban in surgents are encouraged by a transient gleam of light in the direction of Mexico, which recognizes the belligerent rights of the rebels. There Is not much in this. It is true that Mexico, although an other wise - insignificant figure in the great finally of nations, is still a nation, with all the nominal prerogatives of an inde pendent, and established sovereignty. This recognition was equally within her discretion and her authority. Bnt she has no . marine. Her flag is never Been in the Gulf, or ur•on the seas. This recog nition leaves her still neutral; she takes by it no part in the - existing hostilities, be yond the simple acknowledgment 9f each of the two flags as equally entitled to their legitimate freedom of the seas. But neither of them may establish prize courts in her ports; neither of them may make her neutrality a cover for ally new form of 'Warfare against the other. Un less Mexico goes yet farther, in her old hatred for Spain, and allies herself with the rebels, which would be war for her self also, she cannot suffer her neutral flag to be prostituted for letters of marque, or exhibit her sympathies by- any overt act whatever. All that the insurgents have really gained. is the sufferance of their own flag, flying over their own shipping in the Mexican harbors. Of course, no obstacles are likely to be put, by her officials, in the way of shipments of warlike material for rebel use, but in that sufferance she will risk the forfeiture of her own neutrality, for, if persisted in after remonstrance, it will be a good sous bells for Spain, whose navy is ample to blockadeher porta. The Juarez gov eminent has little inclination, and less ability, to support an unnecessary war, and will therefore, we think, abstain from every overt act of hostility, even against the hated Spaniards. Hence, the Cubans, who have not yet one seaport of her own, need expect but little of substantial bene fit from this recognition. Again. come rumors from Washing ton, that the Administration in clines to follow the Mexican lead, by supporting the rebels with our own more potential recognition. It is even declared that this step is already resolved upon, and is to be speedily taken. It is also announced that a recent order, front the President, for the sale of our surplus war material to any applicants therefor, is issued expressly in the insur gent interest. Neither of these reports is worthy of belief. We have a surplus of war material, at the command of any cash purchaser. Its removal from our coast, in violation of our own obligations to a friendly power, is prohibited by law, and therefore quite another affair. It world equally be prohibited by the same lawS, even if we were to recognize the rebels as belligerents. Neutrality would then\ forbid us to afford, to either party, such nuiterial aid. Tlie Administration has no official knowledge of the existing insurrection. It is thus far considered, in the diplomacY of the two nations, as a riotous resistance to a legitimate authority. It is in this way that Spain chooses to avoid the em barrassments which our own recognition of the Southern rebellion brought upon our Government, eight years since. Whether it would be wiser for the Span ish Government to recognize the Cubans as insurgents, and to pat all other powers upon their just neutral responsibilities, is a question which is likely to be determined by the events. Until then, our Adminisiration must ig nore the insurrection as politically a fact, or take along and most decisive step toward the interruptiOn of friendly relations with Spain. Such a step has been, and still is, most improbable. Any existing difficulties in the maintenance of a strictly neutral position, try the Ameri can government, 'between Spain and her colonial subjects;' would be immeasurably increased by our recognition athe rebels. The President will not multiply his barrasaments in that way, unless he pro poses to go still farther, in a direction which the National sentiment cannot justify. MEXICAN ANNEXATION. It is rumored that dispatches, recently received from our Minister in Mexico, cover a proposal from that Government to cede the two provinces of Sonora and Sinaloa to the United States for a fixed money consideration. A special meeting of the Cabinet was held on Friday after noon. the. President summoning' the at tendance of such Secretaries as were then away from the city. It was then sup posed that the subject for Cabinet consid eration would be the nature of instruc tions to be given to Minister Motley, but it is now thought that the Mexican propo sition occupied the meeting. In either event, none of the conclusions reached in the council Inive yet transpired. These Mexican priminces would con stitute, in respect of their vast mineral wealth, a desirable acquisition to the ter ritory of this Bepublic. But their gen graphical position is so peculiar as to, ex- elude the idea of the annexation ol" these provinces alone . Skirting the astern coast of the Gulf of California with a narrow strip of territory, of a <width lrgt• ,rylng from one hundred and, 114 y to Dior hundred miles, east and west, and more than fifteen hundred miles in length, ' 7 - 14. - 0.4T; -.- .ItAY-7s: -., j56.1t-T- - t-7-',-- north and south, and hemnied in on the ^stern border, :for that distance, by. the Mexican States of Chihuahua and Durango, these States are .confronted by the Gulf and, beyond that, by the Mexican peninsula of LoWer California. The States of Durango, Chi huahua and Coahuila are interposed be tween Sonora and Sinoloa, on the West, and Texas on the East. Against the an nexation of an area thus situated, there appear the strongest political and mili tary objections. Indeed, such annexa tion would necessarily involve the speedy absorption of the three other Mexican States which now cut them off from our present Texian border. Nor could Mex ico hold the peninsula west of the Gitlf for any length of time. It is probable that if Mexico propoies any cession of her present territory what ever, it includes the States of Sonora and Chihuahua alone, or perhaps the peninsula also. Such a re-arrangement of bounda ries Would conveniently round out the northern possessions of the neighboring Republic, and would give to us the con trol of nearly all of that vast area stretch ing due west from Texas to the Pacific Ocean. Annexation in that direction, and with a just regard to the geographical relations of the two nations, is much better worth our while,-than anything to be found in the Caribbean Sea. In the first case, we should render our imperial territory solid, compact, defensible, and sweeping the continent clear from the Gulf of Mexico to the Western Ocean. The construc tion of the Southern line of trans-conti nental railway would at once follow, and the mineral resources of the new .terri tories—which are very inadequately known, but of which we know enough to warrant the belief that they are practically inexhaustible, when thoroughly developed by the energy and skill of our countrymen—would, in' a very few years, repay all the outlays of the nation and of individuals. Mexico is to-day, as she has been since the expulsion of the French ir.vaders, enjoying an unusual exemption from do mestic commotion. President Joann holds the Government with a arm and steady hand, and, on the whole, as ;ft seems, over a people more contented And obedient to authority than Mexico has knoirn since Santa Anna's paimiest days. But his treasury is empty, and he looks in vain, for resources, to a people whose agriarlture is limited to the sim- ple procurement of their own subsistence, —an easy matter in that clintate—who have no mannactures adequate even for similar domestic necessities, and whose mining interests, once fruitful of the precious metals for the commerce of the world, have dwindled into an absolute insignificance. Burthened with vast public debts and altogether without means to discharge them, the government supplies its current necessi- ties by forced contributions and arbitrary impositions of every sort upon the people. It is not, then, surprising that the old pro ject of a territorial sale to this powerful and wealthy Republic of the North should be again revived, but it will be a novel experience for Mexico if this project be now connet mated, with the consent of a people which has ever iealously resisted all shallot propositions. If Juarez seriously contem plates it, and shall succeed in carrying :it through, he will not only find us willing customers, but he will exhibit to the world a most convincing proof that his power has a substantial hold upon the loyalty of his own countrymen. Washington Items. It is Understood Mr. Grinnell has no titled Secretary Boutwell of his intention to vacate the New York Collectorship, as he Ands his duties too hard. The. Mexican proposition comes in the form of a protocol for a treaty. It has been negotiated principally by Senor Romero, the Secretary of the Treasury of Mexico, and former Mexican Minister to Washington. tit is understood that the Administration decided nothing Saturday. k jk moverrient is on foot to have the Means Committee to go to Canada 'this summer and negotiate a new reciprocity treaty for the exchange of ag ricultural products, bitumino us coal be ing termed an agricultural production. The Committee will have to draw ten thousand dollars to pay their traveling expenses, etc, The statement that the President will suspend Hon. James Ashley from the Governorship of Montana Territory,is simply ridiculous. He can, of course, remove him by appointing another per son, subject to the approval of the Senate, but he does not intend to do anything of the kind. - " The Navy Department is already ma king preparations for the taking of the ob. nervation of the eclipse of the sun in Au gust, and has directed the Commander of the Asiatic Squadron to meet Prof. Cain, superintendent of the nautical shame, and two companions, at Yokohonux, pan, by the first of July, from which point they will call for Siberia. . Prof. Coffin has decided to select either Ok haltsk or Pensjinsk, in Siberia, and Nor ton Sound, Alaska, as the most favorable positions for observing the eclipse. The naval appropriation bill, which passed at the last Congress, appropriates $5,000 for: the purpose alluded to. AT SHAWANO, WISCOIIBiII, on the 12th inst., the work of breaking the 4, big landing" was commenced. The Journal says this landing is probably' the largest in the world. The bank from top to water's edge is about one hundred feet, It is about a hundred rods long and con tains' Over , eight million feet of logs. Great pane were taken' in Petting the loiis in, so that t were they no heavier than - maw could-easily handles they coed not ' tecliiekeg- any Closer. It ts one , Viat eleiely peeked loglteafh seventy, - Ste feet high, ten rods wide and one bun dual Mainz , ! • - - The Alabama Claims—Comments or the English Pressen Mr. SumnerPaspeech. The London papers open their editorial pages with comments on the speech lately delivered by Mr. Sumner on the subject of the Alabama claims, and the relations generally existing between Great Britain and America. The writers suppress the text of the speech, however. ; • The &an John Bright's organ, says: The claims of Sumner are so new and startling E ao vaguely put that they must be regarded simply as enormous, and 'withal so unexpected that if they convey merely the shadow of his instructions to Minister Motley, he will come to the Eng lish metropolis in a very different official guise from that under which Minister Johnson arrived. The Star deplores the rejection by Eng land of the early evertures made by ex- Minister Adams for the settlement of this question. President Grant, Is not, it is said, a whole-soul lover of peace, as was Lincoln. He has intense determination of character, but is a western man with ont that natural genius which. character ized Lincoln, who instead of reading had actual experience of the world. Presi dent Grant has no training either as a lawyer or politician. He is intensely American, and the entire world is ac quainted with his resolution of purpose. After defending England from the charge of general sympathy with the Confederation, the writer confesses that the escape of the Alabama from England was both deplorable and disgraceful, forming the worst precedent Great Brit ain could establish for the future in such like contingencies. The Star expresses, however, its amaze ment at the character of Mr. Sumner's demand for reparation. If Mr. Motley's instructions are couched in a similar spirit, his mission will be fruitless, as the extravagance in the propositions will strike the public at once. Every one knows how anxious the British people are to deal fairly on the subject, but justly considers that if her concessions I are to be merely used as stand points'for further, and at present, unreasonable de mands, England must carefully consider the position, lest by yielding unadvisedly, she should establish a worse precedent than that of burning ships on the high seas, by admitting a discussion of the de mands as utterly untenable, and which ought to be resisted. • The Times designates the estimates of the American damages put forth by Mr. Sumner as porteutious ' ' as it hastalrady reached £ 422,000,000 , and may in the future embrace the possible earnings of all the soldiers drawn from the fields of productive labor by the war. The speech, it adds, is worthy of Mr. Sumner, and deserves alit impartial:consideration. He *ante, however, something more than national reparation from England, asking for contrition and public humiliation. Treaties of peace, however, dictated by conquerors at the'head of armies, are found to be unencumbered by such expressions. An ackuowledginent of moral 'liability for these claims,-made . beforehand, would prejudge the , contro versy and stultify the proposed settlement. In the event of an arbitration, the court declaring England not liable to pay .damages, would her apology be taken back? The views taken by Mr. Sumner's. arguments on these points is puerile, un reasonable and unstatesmtudike. The Times argues that the concession of belligerent rights to the South was a simple act, and in fact not, dependent on the Union blockade, for ad there not been a blockade it would not have altered the case to any appreciable degree. Mr. Sumner makes, it is said, no complaint against France, although Napoleon was desirous of recognizing the independence of the Southern Confederation. It is al leged that though England is held forth as the only foreign power implacably hos tile to America, it is not too much to say, that at one moment during the war the fate of the American Union depended on the voice of England, whose sword thrown into the scale would have al tered the result. She declined the con test, and it evinces a degree of unfair ness, bordering on infatuation, to leave this consideration out of account. It is the common practice with Americanjour nalists and pollgclans to vil li fy England, and the protecdve tariff plan is popular with them, merely as likely to inflict an injury on Great Britain. Let atonement be made for the insulting language by in , dividuals, and it will be seen whether England and America, by a retrospective verdict of public opinion, will continue the cultivation of that mutual respect which is as necessary as in the private relations of life. Notions, in such, only deal in overt acts, and these constitute merely possible subjects - I'os pecuniary compensation. -,.... .. The. Standard, Tory o BRA: The English people now know what-Mr. Mot ley will have to aim at in his efforts to arrrange the Alabama .claims on a basis now wasted away. In, some respects ' good will ensue from the candor which the American Senate displays. Formerly the danger was that England *mild step beyond a due regard for national honor and dignity and allow the claims; but now, when the demand haa assumed its present proportions, they will feel assured that, even with John Bright, in the Cabinet, they are safe from the chance of dis graceful capitulation. The American claim can hardly. be described in se rious language, and its terms do not excite indignation. They might as well argue against a proposal for American troops to hold the Tower of London as a material guarantee, or that the Prince of Wales should be sent to Washington and Placed in the hands of the Federal au thorities as a hostage for England's good - behavior n the future. The policy, of England n this subject is no longer an, open qu on .: - America has formely re el corded her resolution that there shall be no settleri.ent of the Alabama claims; in short that England shall surrender at dis cretion and submit to any punishment which thUnited States Senate id its su premacy ver the affairs of the world may choose to inflict. In other words, she has decid that the Alabama claims shall e fi not be amicably settled whatever may ensue. The interval at the present day is long between national hatred and. bombardment. It ,is useless to ignore , and dangerous to f/Piget that the feeling in America is one',f intense and unmiti. gated hatred towa rd Great Britain, and that war withEnglitid would be regar. dod as a national,luttry, but expensive. England has not Only admitted that suck a war *mid be esOnsive but deplorable. Under the circumstances, it .18 _probable the Americans will elect to keep the Ala bama claims in reserVe, and swot their opportunity for revenge more. cheaply. War is not an agreeable solution though involving danger zither than dishonor,l audit may be better tpt any: maw meat;which the prese t adminlarition o‘ In Landon may have e l if the se T.: t iwe • Act,,A, of the American Senate was less ridicu lous. Mr. Sumner's speech created an intense excitement in political circles. At the Cabinet meeting yesterday the subject of the speech was informally discussed. Mr. Bright declared the embarrassment which the puldthation produced served Buglaud verrproperly, but agreed not to consent to entertain the terms of settlement fore. shadowed by Mr. Sumner. Mr. Clarendon expressed belief that the actual negotiations going on bet Ween the two countries on the subject were of a far less extreme character than ..the speech of American Senators, or ' the - articles in the publicepress. He hoped to find Mr. Motley as courteous as Mr. Jena son, and the present administration "'wee, eager fora lasting continuance of friendly .relations with the United States. Gladstone professes to have hood asatu'ance from reliable quartera tints the recent rejection of the treaty.on this sub ject by • the American Legislature was purely a political movement. The pres ent AdministrStion will endeavor to settle the Alabama question on liberal BM hon orable terms. Outside,the tone of the English people is anti -American, and more so since having read only thepartial publication of Mr. Stuxuaeris argument. It is not tools that make the workman, but the trained skill and preset eranee of the man hiniself. Indeed, it is proverbial that bad workmen never yet had good tools. A student once asked a great artist by what wonderful process he' mixed his colors. "I mix them with my brains, sir," was his reply. It is the same with every workman who would excel. Fer ris= Made a wonderful thing—his wood en clock, that ; accurately measured the hours—by a common penknife, a tool in everybody's hand, but then everybody is not a FergusonA pan of water and two-. thermometers were the tools by which . Dr. Black dis Covered latent heat. A prism, a lens and a sheet of pasteboard enabled unfold the composi tion of light, and the origin of color. An eminent foreign savant once called Upon Dr. Wollaston and requested to be shown over the laboratories in which science had been enriched by so many important, dis coveries. The Doctor took him into a little studio, and pointing to an old tea tray on the table, containing stew watch-glasses, teat-papas, a small balance and a blow pipe, said: "This is all the laboratory I have." Stothard learned the art of com bining colors by closely studying butter- ; flies' wings. He would often say that no one knew how mach he owed these tiny.' . insects. A. burnt stick and a barn door , served Wilkie in lieu of pencil and can vass. Bewick first prat drawing on the cottaae walls'of his native village, which he covered with hie sketches in chalk; and Benjamin West made his first brushes out of a'cat's tail. Ferguson laid himself down in the fields at night in a blanket and made a map of the heavenly bodies, by means of a thread with small beads on it, stretched betireen his eyes and the stars. Franklin first robbed the thunder-cloud of its lightning by means of a kite made with two cross-sticks ands silk handkerchief. Watt made his first ' imodel of the condensingsteam engine outt of an old anatomist's syringe,. used to in ject the arteries previous to 'dissection. Gifford worked his first problem in math-, ematica, when he was a cobbler's appren tice, upon small scraps of leather, which he beat smooth for the purpose; while Rittenhouse, the astronomer, first calcu lated the eclipse on his plow handles.— American Artisan. THE REASON 'wire Dr. Revser's Blood Searcher is the ,best. It isf computedthat% tuan's system undergoes three Miles a year, that is every feu months, a realest and thorough change, that la, that at the end of that time nothing remains in the syctem of the material of which It was composed before that time. The eliminating organs carry out the worn.out and used.up material, and new Matter is made to take tU place laud carry on the work ings of the human organism.' 'The cesst of four months treatment in this way would ' not at the t outside be more than ten dollars, said frequently« the functions of life have as activity and vigor , : i mparted sufficient te renew them by the nseof one bottle, costirg only one dollar. No organ of the body but will be beneetted by such a process. The liver, the stomach, the kidners, the skis. the lunge, are all, as it wire, =de over again by the impetus given to the stomach .and" diges tive systeM—old and mit:rated people whose systems had begun to languish and decay. have I been restored by DR. KETONE'S BLOOD I SEARCHER to youthful health and Tiger. Especially is this medicine suitable at this uason of the year, when the dormant powers of life, like all the rest or nature are emerging from the chilling and torpid state • usual to the cold. and wintry months. We know ion , well that all advertised medicines are apt to be regarded as useless and migratory, but with DE. RETISSIVEI BLOOD [SEARCHER we feel perfectly secure in the, promise that tt must do good. Country merchants and those who sup- ply others with needful things for their wanta , cannot center a greater service than to keep a , few bottles of tole valuable medicise on their shelves to supply their wants. Dr. Keyser will take back every half duen that remains unsold. It at the saute , time affords the merchant a' good profit. and to those who need It, it is of more value than silver and gold, for what can be of more value to man than a medicine which car ries health and life toile suffering invalid? We earnestly entreat aU wLo read this to try one bottle of Dr. Geyser's Blood Searcher ltthey need such a medicine, and we will suirantee sat !traction. In order, however, not t 6 be disay. pointed, let them bny none but that whichbas Dr• Xevier , s name over the cork and blown In the bottle. and le that way the Doctor will bold his• selfresponsible Air Its reimlts when the dliectiona are closely foliowed. SOLD AT THE-DOOTOR% aszer NEW MEDIOINIE ISTODE; NO. 160 LIBERTY- ST. DR.. HEYSILIVS. CORIULTATIONi:ItOONS. Nth 160 PENN MIST. PROM 10' 6. M. trberit. *P. M. • Rules the mass of the people , whatever the mla., named and mlumthroplc phUosophers may say to toe contrary. Eh°, them a good thing, let its merits be clearly denzonitratee, and they will not hesitate to give It their most cordial patronage. The masses hive already ratified the judgment of a physician concerning the virtues of HOSTET TER'S EITTEMS, as may be seen in the immense quantities of this medicine that are annually sold in every section of the laud. It is now recognized as greatly superior to aU other remedies yet de shied for diseases of the digestive urgarta. such as diarrhoea: dysentery, dyspepsia, and for the va. Mons fevers that arise from the derangement of ftro..e portion, of the system. Hottetter's name is rapidly becoming - a household word. from Maine to Texas, from ter scores of the Atlantic to the Pacific. These celebrateci• STOMACH BITTERS have doubtless creatro, as much sensa t.on in the community fur their remarkable cures as any other medioine est Ant. It . tsafactthatin the minds of many persona a prejudice exists *Must what are called patent:medicines: but .why should tills prevent your resetting to an ar itele that has such an array of testimony to port it as 1108TETTER'S lITOMAOHILLTTE Physicians presorlbe4t; why-should you di card it? - Judges, usnallg. considered of' talent. Let their N' should isfeject ii? nOt Your Dreiudlee ukarp yotir mum, to thrlasuag Minty of rum' hth. tharanly preparation orthe lune int isre newels au °sped. end it is therefore worthy of ' the consideration of tlevallietea "ft. iIiIITTXRB are pleasant to the taste, agreeable in their et , recta, and altoneM d. er 111311111/10 se tonic or ream. dy Ear indigeette , • "7,1- _ • - ' vrt, The Tools of Great Workmen. COM NON SENSE
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