'..f.t5 1 4 4 7 1/ R4P EII- M- - -- --,- r . Oman Pr PATTODIM.OR (Warm SATURDAY. May 1, 1869. S EMI BILV.Urylr, YOB, TILE sitspr...,-, The oil market has again been dull - during the week, the volume of buainess having been light, while compared with the preceding week. prices are lower and the general feeling is a little.bearish. With an access of some 8.000.000 gallons in exports from January to date, com pared with the correspondiug time last year, an expected increased production ' and docks accommulatiog, cause a , gen eral belief that prices will' rale lower, though bat few, if any, expect to see oil down to whore it was at hits -time last year. The great majority of our re finers remain idip, and are likely to con tinue so until such, time as the market gets into a position that wilt justify or offer some inducement to oar =inutile turera to start them:up again. At pm. 'tut prices there Is no Margin whatever. and nearly all of the sales - that have been made for several weeks . . have been settlements; as our refiners generally, will not sell with the' fact'staring 'them ; in the face, that there is no margin whatever. , . , CRUDE—The market is • dull and a; little weak, and compared with the early part of the week, prices are about a half a cent lOwer. Spot, or seller to July may be fairly quoted at I4N, though as yet there appears to be no sellers at that 4g ure. REFlNEDuaesie . of 500 bbls spot at 82, a little , above market; and 500 last half May, at 32. Quotations—Spot, 313 f; first half May, 82, last half, 3231; May tojuly, 3334' May to December, 343 i ®35; July to Decebaber. 35©35 1 4; May to September ' 154;;; buyer, all year, nominal at 87. Market closed dull and rather weak. Receipts of Crude this week, 6,209 bbls; last week. 11,076; froM Januarylst to date, 228,480; same time Wit year, 868,763. Exports Refined this . week; 9,768; last week, 10,045; from January Ist to date. 111,578; same time last year, /01,- 838. Sales this week, 58,500; last week, 80,000. LIIBRIcsTING OILS. 'Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle on. SHIPP= BAST . BY A. V. B. B. • Citizens 011 Co. 500 -bblii • refined to . Bostwick (lc Telford. • I. C. Kirkpatrick & Co. 203 bbls refined Waring, Kiang Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 180 bbls tar to N. Y. at B. Paratine 011 Co., N. Y. B. W. C. Tweddle, 100 bbls lubricating to J. B. Bartlett ; • Total shipments Refined .... 703 OIL- 1111112 P ED - BAIR intox Duuriamt tIETCPT. Dtu2caut Williagas, 48 bbls reflited to W. P. Lomat $_ w. Flief. Cp.„1.00 Ibbb ref. td Warden,. Prosir '4lt Co. 1 11:481 EibipMetila'Ree t tied. '146 „ , Stank., b 9 , NEW Your, May I.=-Cottohrather more • .3 • of _ I . steady with sales,l,6oo bales at 3841 c for midd li ng , - uplands. The receipts of. Manx mere 7,1/4. bble; Flour is a shade, firmer arid_ low grades without any deo], ded change for medium and 'good decrip.' lions; sales of 7,500 bblif at 15,45®5,80 tir superfine stlte and western; 55,90@0,25 for extra state; 55,85®6,35 for extra west ern; 56,80 fas for white wheat extra; s6® 7,35 for R. H. 0.; $708,50' for extra St. Lazar,- s9®l2 for good to choice do; clos ing quiet. Rye leiour is quiet with sales of 150 bbls at.14.60@6,75. Corn Meal is quiet and dull. Whiskey is firmer with sales of 501 bbla western at 94®95c for free. - The receipts of Wheat Nit ere 17,442 bbla; the market is quiet sad. 'slightly fa vors bwers; sales 10800 burghs ati11,43 for No. 2' spring, deliVered; 11,68®1,70: for white California; 51,65 for amber fdlehi gan. Bye is quiet and steady. \Barley lower with, sales of_ 2,500 ba th s, at $1.85 for Giirman; _ usnada, West on private terms. Barley malt dull. \ Re eeilme: of Wu 7 3 i11; new.corn I@2o better, closes &shade firmer. 49,000 bash 8 1 1®0, new mixed Western (giddy 86®88, Id, do. Etifi): o in store, 90 do. afioat: ' ceipta oats B,394;eats decidedly firm, • 5,- 1 4. bush 8334 ®B4%c Western, in store, 84 ® 35 do afloat. Rice . dull . ; 83;®9 Caro. line.. Coffee firm;' 800 bags Rio privateternis: Sugar heavy 4 -125 hds Cum it 11%c. Molaasos dell. Petroleum quiet; 17% crude, 32% refined., Hopsqqui t; s 43®120 American.. Linseed Oft firm at $1,13 par cask. Wool favors:` bnye ; 150;000, pounds at 45,3456 c, domestic' fleece ' step to said the inteingho of friendly 31®36c, unwashed 48c. Leather- Hemlock sole shade' ei at 80 1 80 ,tie.i . Baena; Ayres and Rio Grande light nu' middle weights. Spirita‘Turpertthe 40 48c. - • Metals--Shesthing Copper ; is steady at 83, Ingot . Co firm .wi tht a betterdemand et 23,‘ for Baltimere, 'Lake ; Superior and , troit. PI g Iy i a n al ; and in , request at , 141%45 or Scotch, and $364®4.2 for American; r Iron quiet .at 135q490 for refined Enh. and American; Sheet Iron in mode to demand at 11®1843 for Mumtaz . Nails at 4 3"@ 80 for out, ' 6'1.®83% for cline ik . and. for, horseshoe. Pork heavy and lower, with sales of 650 bbls at $30,90 431,25 for new -mesa, 530,75 for old do., 526,75®26.00 for prime, 528,25@28,6 5 terj prime moss; total stock of old an new 62,417 bbla, lan month 54,575 bble, last' year 4685 bbla. Beef heavy, with sales of 170 bbla at $BOl6O for new plain mess, $12016 for new extra mesa; stock of -old and new ,on hand. 47,853 packages, last month, 55,111 pkgs, and last year, 30,453 pima. Tieice .Beef is dull, with side. of 800 Ms at $23®26 for prime mesa, and $25030 for India Mei& Beef Hams are steady, with of 200 bbls at - 26@ 82 Opt meats are ,qiiiet, - with Sales of 175 lkipo at 12%®1110 for shoulders, and 1534 10160 for ham': middles quiet. Lard is beavy,miiit sales of 600 tea at rtyorgashe for steam. and./81;,®15.4.0 for kettle ren dered. , Butter Is steady. at 251®880 for ' 0 ..h 10 1 , en_ d 2801384, ; for State. Vheeseis =XS 1 8621/0.. Alcohol eld St 8490 for city and western. rrelahtsta Liver!. pool AN ; dant . with engagements; per :: ergs . 5,000 :bushel IThPak At:000, ,Xasiter.-41otiicioled iteadjkor coin mon, and dull and declining for medium grades. 1 1 7110 U -quiet; without decided cha°2 o . - J l 43re aidet,.51,30®1,82 for west- 1 ern... .Oats very, firm at 840 for western in , : store* . Corn. OW 87@88,;4 f0r ; n e* mile&Siesternr . B949oc , for old mixed • western in *tarp and alleat... Pork dant 130,97 for new in as, cash, and regular. Beef quiet and unchanged. 'Cut meats and lateen dulland nominal: Lard ahead dt4l at, viliousia for good to prime steam:" Esp_ .his* o Y, a$ 12 @4 0 -.: , . thiataaao r May 1.- , Eastern Exchange irregular • end at, par for. buying, 1-10 premium for selling. Flour dal Spring extras .lit,7sQ/6,25.• Wheat quiet; No. 2 advanced 1 @lgo. Sales MN°. lat 51,14,4: 0)145; No. 2 at sl,o9,q@maji; cio s i nant 41040 .. unchanged this afternoon. Corn. firmer at 14 lyiti higher, Sales of No. I. aat folg@slt; No. 2St _5534®55,0 rejected t_ 4 9 !4®5034; now at. 50 00 5 / 3 ‘;'elOsing at 6®5lX for new. Oats. easy and active; 'rm at , . %Obi higher; !Sales of No. 2at 6814 WO, and closing at 53%®59. Rye -NAM andsteady;• closing at $1,16®1,1634. Barley dull at 51,67%; closing nominal. Hig,hwines firmer; 89 asked and 88 offer ed. New Orleans Molasses 1 1 2 00 9 2 / 0 4 , ~' Sugar ' 14015 for ' common tO choice. Mess ttik • 'll 00. ve Mt ' lard' ill i wu '/ j 4 173$ 1114- gam ma 16 nber 'lands 1441 &Neat ribs; J. Hogs t dull at :felOo dower, 5a1er5t413,50®9,25 for lair to choice. Beef cattle quiet and steady at 85,25@8,00 for fair to good steers: $ 0 ; 2 5@8.55 for fair to medium; 88,75@7,00 for good to choice second class beeves. ; Receipts for the past 24 hours: 8,289 barrels of flour, 80,- 250 bushels wheat, 39,267 bushels corn, 27,951 bushels oats, 400 bushels , rye, 400 bushels barley, 8,937 hogs. Shipments: 13,849 battels of flour, 109,748 bushels of wheat, 74,222 bushels corn, 15 095 , bushels oats, - 1,445 bushels of rye, 200 buithels barley, '8,219 hogs. Freights dull and heavy; 5o for corn to 8uf5116. ST. Loud, May I.—Tobabco is steady 2 7 3 / cu,,ioe Middling. , ged emp is dull, dast few of choice undressed were sold at 11,55.- Flour la. dull and unchanged. Wheat nguid and easier,.and business was s ll; - prime and choice red sold at 51,50@; fancy . white, 12; spring,'ln sacks ld ii.073.01,11N for-fair to 'vitae) , 1 1 -415@ 1 41.6 for - cho ic e. Corn is dull and unsettled at 60%63Rc. ' -Oats heavy a 61%64e. Barley is unchanged. at 51,75 or prune lowa.' Rye is 'steady at 31,24%1,26.- -Whisky slow, at 86%87e. Groceries are firm and unch anged Pork is dull and unchanged, at 00%30,50. Bulk meats; loose shoulders, at Keokuk, 1135 e. Bacon is lower, at. 130 for shoul ders. and 16X%17c for clear sides.. Lard Is dull ' and lower, with sales of choice country kettle rendered "at 17 c , and choice city, on order, at 18c. The re ceipts for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 3,700 barrels flour, 8E,600 bushels wheat, 5,000' bushels corn, 5,8047 bushels oats, 2,200 busheli barley,' and 400 head Of nogs.. . • Orricursam, May I.—Flour dull: and unchanged; ,family $6,00%6,25. Wheat is held at $1,35%1,43 for No. 2 and No. 1 winter. Corn dull; auni c tt A large and prices decidedly ' lower, el at 59%60e for ear, but-it was a lot offe freely at those rates. Oats unchanged, 88%72e, and supply light. Rye and barleytmahanged. ()cotton unchanged and quiet; Middling at 27}1c, but" no sales. Whisky firm at 90%91e. asking the latter rate. Provis ions' ull'and nominal, =and no demand. Pork is held at. 1,31. Balk meats are held , at 12%14M0. Bacon is held at 180,1634% 17e, but commissions of ,(c to 34e would' , have to be made in order to effect sales. Lard is held at 180 for prime kettle ren-' dered, but'not much demand. Mater in better supply; fresh 38%8413w, winter-made , unsaleable:" Eggs , dull at 150. Seeds nominally unchanged, the season being. about ,over. is There- no change in oil, with but little demand. "Gromles . quiet and unchanged. Gold 131% buybig.' Money market easy. NEw Ortraars, May ..-.Cotton active and 4“gqic bigher;• middlings. 26 c; sales of 8,900 bales; -receipt', , 668 bales; +=Porta, 4,276 bales.. `Gold 13534. Ex ohange storing,.l4q. New ` York ' 'eight exchange: y* pread - um: Flour' tending 4 upward at 432 X for superfine 53,8734 0 ' 6,00 fbr 'den le . extra,. and 16,373 i dm treble 'extra: • Corn firmer at 75407ee for white. Oattllrtn at - 70%72e.. Bran ;LK Ray scarce; prime 1itt1,00%83,00.: • Pork dull ati i1t2.006 • Lard dull at .18X%190 fbr tieree, and 1934®210 for keg. -, Sugar dull, at 10%lle for common, and 13%183ic 'for prime. Molasses nominal; ferment ing 500. Whisky; .western rectified 87,3 i %95c. Coffee; faii115%1534c; prime 17% 1730., Tommo, May I.—Floni dull. Wheat Steady; amber 11,4234%1,43. No. 1 red 51,43, white Michigan regular 11,44, No. 1 white Miehig. an 51,80, No. 1 white Wa bash 11,55. Corn a shade better and moderately active at 6635 e for No. 2, and 63c for No-1 buyer last half of May. Oats firm at Weft No. 1 and Michigan. Rye quiet and =steady as .1,27 for No. 1. Barley dull. Receipts - 2400 bbls flour,. 3;600 bus wheat, 11.800, hue corn, 3,700 bus, oats, 180 bus rye, 100' bus barley. Shipments-600 bbla flour, 2,800 bus wheat, 5,600 bus corn; 1,400 bus oats, 400 bus rye, 250 bus barley. 40c 35c 75c 80c BAN FRANCISCO, May I.—Flour steady at 14,3734®5,25. Wheat leavy• Bales of choice 81,50. Legal Tenders 74f. Min ing stocks during the week active. A corner was developed_ in Sierra Nevada, sending the stook as high as .310. The market, closed with a frenaral advance; Alpha, 44; Belcher, 25; Bullion, 82; Chol la'', 235; Confidence. 39; Crown FOlnt, 68; Empire 700; - Gould - Curry, 127; 'Hale "Norcross,' 175; 83-• Kentuck, 260; Accidental, 26: Ohpir, 3,i; Overman, 110; Savage, 94; Sierra Nevada, 150; Yel low Jacket, 66. • • ' MILWAUKEE • May I.—Flour dulL— Choice Minnesota 15,50®5,75; Wisconsin 'and lowa 5,25®5,62; medium 6,00®5,25. Wheat unsettled, 51,1336 for No. 1, 51,08 for No. 2. Oats active, 5734®58 for No. 2. Corn nominally unchanged. Itye.nom inally $1,11,14. - Barley quiet and steady 51,8 0 1, 85 "for prime. Receipts, -2000 bbla; flour. 2400 ba. wheat, 3000 bu. oats; shipMent 3000 bbls. flour, 24000 bu. wheat. • • MEMPHIS, May 1.--Cotton firmer; low - Middling 26%c; receipts, 226 bales; ex ports, 243 bales. Flour very dull; super fine 15.25i5,75. Corn 75c. • Hay ;V, Oats 70c. Pork $B2. Lard 1841934. Baoon arm; shoulders 13%,c; sides 17%© 17%c. Bulk Meats dull; shoulders 12%ci sides 1 0feli -Cituni.oo, May I.—The grain market in the aftembon , was quiet; No. 2 spring wheat..,polid. ;409409N, seller for the month and #l ,l I,lo 4casii. Corn 'and oats neglected. ovisione inactive. In the - evening No. 2 wheat sold at #1,09%, seller for the month, and none could be had at ads figure. , BALTIMORE r May I.—Flour didl and irregular. ' Wheat dull and weak; sales of choicered at $2,16. Corn dull and; prime white sold at 82@840; yellow, glc, Oats dultatl l o@72o for light and 75@780 for heavy. Bye -nominal at $1,45. Pr& visions unchanged. Whisky dull at 92c. Cratvnuirm,: May _l.—Flour, dull an d lower.. Buckwheat flour dull and noin- Wheats-No. 1 red winter Is held at 11,48; No. .2 do at 11,31, , Corn is held at .89 1 300. Pats ( 70c. Petrolethn dull and' unchanged; holdem are asking 22®800 Ibt refined in car lots. ~ DETaQIT, May I.—Wheat fairlY active and drint,eitra white ,161,77®1,78; No. 1 do •111,60;` No. 2 1111,28@i,F. Corn 690. Oats 645 e: Potatoes 45%1713. ' ST.' Lou's, - May I. —Crank Marketo— Cattle; there wasa fair business doing at 057,60. , Hogi'ningeott froglo. _ The river,was about at a stand yester day afternoon, with eight feet and a half in the. channel; we.should not:be stir prised to are. , more water, as, the rain is not yet over .. Weather Cloudy end cold; mercuryat . nocinfieing down to. 40. • The Argosy from St. Lbuis is the only, transient arrival we have to report. She has been' absent for several months, bat looks none the worse for that. • • • The 431suatow departed for. the:tippet MississinpkiOn.. Saturday, with 400 tutioi and sufficient engaged below i to put( Pilots—Marsh Ways, and Joni Javillia- Vie Kst4 ratana /Oft , for Louis , early on Sunday' morning, : with a folt trip. Pilots --4anieti 'HendeneM and &knell Fawcett. • There was considerable 'stir among the towboats yesterday, getting toting ready, and some, of them . doubtless de.. Parted towards evening, ; ~" . The : Robt. Iturnals laid up st,cluidtk• lIIMIEBE RE BIM FICE RIVER NEWEL PITTEMEGIT pAZETTgi MONDAY, MAY 3, 1881 Gkay inft . , briainb at orLou- Tseireini - zitilidtfleitt with 17ff this, where she, will reload fr ; Pittabttrgh. • 'The 'Messenger , left , Cincinnati for Pittslitirgh 'Ertl Friday - with about 300 1.10213. Pilots--Capt. • Jesse Dean and Ce pt. Samuel Dean. I , The Glendale arrived at St. Louis on Friday, and the Australia passed Met - Phis the same day for New Orleans. The Importer,,lda •Rees. Ackley, ninah and Nile left Sioux City for Fort Beeteer on the -25tb, and.- the• Mountain Ore and filllyer Bow, were taatart on the 27th, immense quantitiee of goods are going to the mines • this season. A St. Louis telegrath under date of Friday says: The Supreme Court having refused to grant Capt. Dotaldson's peti ticin for awrit of liabene , corpus, it is very likely he .wil/ soon be brought to trial, and if the boy Ray, one of the principal witnesses against him, testifies to the same effect he did last summer, his conviction is almost certain. The Camelia; from Nashville, was ad vertised to leave Cincinnati on Saturday for Pittsburgh., • The Wild Duck and barges. St. Louis to Pittsburgh; passed by Cincinnati. Passengers and shippers will bear in mind that- the St: Marys, Capt. T. C. Sweeny, is, the , regular packet for Cin cinnati to-morrow, leaving at noon. —Our 'dispatches announced •the ar rival at. Minneapolis, Bann., en Sunday morning, of the new steamer Minneapo lis, and the town was stirred to its in nermost,:sense Of excitement by the' event. St. Paul don't like the idea of a boat being able to navigate - to a point higher np the river than- its own wharf, but Minneapolis is pleased,.and as an evidence of it, presented the steamer, with a full stand of colbrs. —Mr. - john ' Greenough, formerly clerk and Captain on Missouri and Mis- sissippi steamers, is now river editor of the St. Louis Ttepublican. N. Richards, formerly of the W. F. Curtis, - is acting as receiving and discharging' _clerk of the Cincinnati packet St. Marys. - z--We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Gazette of Friday. The Belle Vernon, from Pittsburgh, received a few passengers here yester day. and passed down with 625 tuns of of freight, nearly all of which goes to points on the. Upper Mississippi. She was drawing seven feet when she left. We hereby give notice to the excited citizens of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, that the Belle Vernon will extend her trip to the latterplace, and there reload for return trip. They may look for har shoat Sunday week. She will:be found to be the largest sternwheel boat that has ever visited those dittos. Rehert. Bnrne - in lending 'at Louisville on Thursday, forced the stern ofthe Mary Davage on; into the street°, throwing her stagink and 'three of her 'crew into the river, • The Men reached Um, shore safely. • -The: creditor!!, of the Atlantic and Mississippi Steamship Company had a meeting in St. Louis on Thurday, 'at which •.-it was decided- to wind up the oompany and ati ll Its remaining , steam 'ors. '!:his :company started about five years ago, with a capital - of #2,000,000, and twentptbree.of the, finest steamers on the Western rivers, all of which have been destroyed either by fire. ex plosion or sinking. 'except five. The boats to be sold are the Lidy Gay, Pau line Carroll, W. It. Arthur, Continental and Olive Branch, also a very large and valuable wartboat. The. sale will be at auction, after 20 days' notice, and for cash. —Captain Reader of New Orieans, ar rived at Louisville by the Richmond, for the purpose. of contracting for a new boat for the Red River trade. —Colonel J. McMillin, of Memphis, and Captain Murry, of Paducah, are negotiating for the Evansville dry docks. which they propose to put into drat rate condition. —Red River eteamboatmen must ati ticipate a big business next season, no less than throe new boats for that river having been contracted at Louisville the past week. —The Bart Able made her last trip from New Orleans to Shreveport and back in the unprecedented time of five days. This included sixtpeightlandings. The Times says: "This is the fastest time we have ever been called upon to record of Red River." —The St. Marys left Cincinnati for this port on Friday, and the Messenger was also advertised to follow the same day. IMPORTS BY_ RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH. Foam Warna & OAOO RAILROAD. April 31. —lO cars metal; Niimick & Co; 7 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 3 do do, J W Porter; 1 do do. Robinson,R & C0;.2 do do, Coleman, R it Co; I do rye. Keil & Ritchart; 1 do do, W M'Kint; 1 ' do potatoes, Woodworth iSt D; 15 bbls apples, Morrison -.t Devol; 15 Wog soup, Sellers Co; bbis apples, Van Steller Qt S; 6 do de, J A Graff; 12 bdis paper, Godfr•it Clark; 100 bdle handies. , Postley, Nelson & Co; 1 car oats bcott & Gaud; 1 car hay J.H.hutle; 20 dor. brooms, Sidptoti it Wallace; 1 car corn, Robb it Berton; 1 do bran. J Dorring ton; 100 . bbis Sour, Shomaker Langan helm ; ; 509 do do, owners; 82 bales broom corn, H R M'Clellanu; 600 pigs lard, BL Fahnestock &Co: Craniatiawn AND Prrmauseit EAU ROAD May 1.-2 ears blooms, Carson & Ce; 5 do do, J Moorhead; Ido lumber, A J Grigg; 10 ,brs tobacco, C C Baer; 29 aks notatoes, W Dann; 61 pipes, H H Collins 6 rolla lead, Bailey, Fit Co; 49 sks oats, 2 kgs apple batter, Duff & Son; 00 bbls apples, S Hickman; 24 do knobs, Adams, d: Co ; 100 oil bbls, B D Moore; 7 bbls - - Mead M; 2 tee hams, J Sneathen & ,Co; 9 bat. *castings, ',4 drills, WoOdwell it Co;. 8 'bids, 16 elm fizz seed,l. J W Thursby;• tea' , hams, Ido dried beefy Leiria it M; 10' brit crackers, Kramer& Bohn; /Maks oats, Graham it IQ 800 dof. dO, liViiienu .01 Hood; 1 car stone,.) „ , • • ArznameNT dlf.a.zzarr ItAILBOAD, May L-2 care metal, Lyon, Sato& 001, 2 rolls , leather, ,Cimatnnt,- & ,co; sEr t a railroad iron. AVER. Goi,l3 L Him ta- Wes, Manor &Rarpelll ear grairi tin. &token Co , 12 bble 'potatoes. Vole; & Co, oar grain, 3 - Meek: 4 do'llthietonel Shanbeiker & Ido atone; Mu'Voelketp ledol pOtlelay, Dith: ridge Allow Ldo limo;D L: Reynolds; 1 no , metab: El:Woodside% 240 bbis oil, Fishery& Bro; 640 do do, J Wilkimn 1 oar W,modeaden 1 do. do. Reese, Graff • rr rnTIiBITSOIS ..CINOPMATI AND ST; Loma Ratutoap, May 1.-40 bbls apples- A Grath 18 eke potatoes , Cunningham doMoore; 6 bblaoll, Harris- & E; 46 bdls anathea; lt do hoes, Tidy , S &E; 1 lot' old metal,. 4 'she' rye, 3 - Casey; 10 bbls potatoes, Meanor &-H; 1 car shelled corn O g o t Cartons-1 do staves, C. Alright; 2 do - ear corn, Scott & kilissl; Ido do, Bizsg• ham 6d Laing ; 1 'do dcc. Kell & Ritchart.. • 4zwstuimary STATION, May 1 ear bay; 8 OlifcMissters;.7l bast, oata, 1 cat corn,,3ll3teel & 50M..20 bbls whisky, R etiA. C arson , ' 50' bbls, 100 figs flour, , gippley Beektirt; 2 bbliv vlsi,Agar, Awed °Minh:kw:2W bbls apple; Fred Organist licaribill fila4,4 oar eat% Gad. stewar,rB bins ApAes, Horbertri.9 Attila leather, AI& qillery; 100 bbls lour IL;WMl4,lB4;'Lw.tweat, B * Bovegit*Ogilli rAW.g.r9e- • ' ' fur r,„? , • 5tP-44-P • ,t4P- AMP: PA:Tit URANCE WM VOA CAIRO AND. BT. v. i a=pi LOUIS—The fine steamer sismoof. ARGOSY:. VA2trizgo - Borr. Brastir. - Will leave as above on TIIE 4 DAY. at 5 P X. • For [Mob c or passage soptv on board my 3 irLAQR Jt, COLLINGWOUD. Agents. adge - 18Q9. agirmo NORThERN LINE PACKETS , pßom St. louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL ISTERKEDLATi PORTS. On the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line wil l leave St. Louis ds ly_ for Keokuk, Diven pert. Dubunue, Winona, Stillwater sun St. Paul. Through rectlpts for Preisht and Passengers wilt be given to all points oh the UpperXissis. sissippl on steamers rennin; frota this port and connee.ing with the Northern Line''.Packets at St, Loubs, thus enabling vonsigneett to set their Freight\ through without delay and at lowest rates. Apply to • JOHN FLACK. _ J. D COLLINGWOOO, B. AgEnte, or to ' mh26:48 C. DRAT, _ • 93 After etzeet. Pp 3 T T .G. IEI N ' magi , • - wRISELING, • AD' • PAR %EMBUS% ,LLNE.—ueave, Ootanrnr , s Wharf twat. tour. or VC tum, \ Strop, dally at War.; 'WED NESDAYS and'I3STIIEDAYti - extitY ttAGLX.:...; - ....q. L. iszintAtt. Mastei: freight will be rerelved at ali moats by .IAIT COLLINS. - FLA IC..a ouLLINGWOOD, Agekta. apl3 r -. OK WHEELING. AiIdWa 3LARTICT VA,PARECEaSSITRG AND CINCINNATi. . - , • Leaves Pittsburg EVERY 21TESD JIY- ILA la.: LeaVes Cinclnna ;VENT' FRIDAY--4 P. N. ~,. The swift and en erb Sidewbeel Steamer ST. MARYS, T. c. S ESNEY, Commander. will leave as announced above. . For F 1 eight or Passage apply on board, or to \ FLACK .t COLLINOWOOD. or _ COLLfNo & BARNES; Agents. B • 8....Z. 4 0,rreis . t received on Tuesday after 11A. 3f. \ - mb29 T 0 LIVES: POOL' AND QUEiNSTOWN. Tan XIMULIq STIMAISUIPt Numbering eels grit-eleas vase% among inlathe cele brated CITY OF PARin, CITY OF ANTWEPP, CITY OF. BOSTO N _. CITY OF BALTLIIONZ, CITY , OF LONDON. • Sailing EVERY BATUDAY, from nor 45, north Elver, New York. For mune or limner inl'orrounon armlet° WILLIABI 8 . 1n6HA31, Jr. TO FIFTH WPRNET,_(Chronicie jlundlug w.erlir (modelle Past swim,. littettri.o. TIOLLAII LIVINGS ACM: , . 11. NO. os. r roultrit snusim. CHLETVULD IR 1835. AIISSTIS . ... :.. . Open daily, ham 9 o'clock A. w. to .3 e'clock r. at,. and SATURDAY EVENINGS„ from May-ist to November lit, from 7to 9 (Vetoes, and from November Ist to May lit, from 6 ter 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than ONE DOLEAR and a dividead of the pions. declared twice aear, in June and December. Interest has been d e cla red semi-annually In June and December since the Bank was organised, at the rate of sir per cent. 'a year. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depesitor as principal, and bears the same tnt crest fromthe Ist days of June and December, compounding twice a year, without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pass book. At this rate money wilt double In less than twelve years. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and itegulations, furnished gratis, on applies tioa at the °Mee. . --..... John G. Backlitlen. A. M. Pollock, M. D., Benj. F. Patimtock, Robert Robb, James Herdman, John H. Shoenberger, Jasnes McAuley. James Shidie, James B. D. Heeds, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. . . E lIST Robert Wm. J. Anderso T n, C. Loomis, i Calvin Adams, ' Henry J. Lynch. John 0. Studley, I. Peter A. Madeira, , George Black, I John Marshal, Hill Purgwin. ' Walter P. Marshall. Alonso A. Carrier, John B. McFadden. opartesA„ cotton. Ormsby Phillips, • John Evans, HenryL Eingwalt, John J. Gillespie, Wm.. P....Schaseris, A l , William S. Haven, Alexander .Tludie, Peter H. Bunker. William Vas RUE, Richard Ha3s Isaac Whittler, Junta D. Ke t h ! ' ___,- • Wm. P. Weymin. TnEssurinn — CHCOLTON. EaccarrABT—JAKILB IL D. MEEDB; it -CRES 2,000,000 ,A OF 0110IOE LAIrDS FOR SALE' BY TEE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTEEN DIVISION. Lying along the line of their road, at $/100 TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OP FIVE YEARS; ' I* For further partienlars', maps, So., address • JOHN P. DEVERNVI, Land Commissioner, Topeka. , . Or CHAN. B. LAMBORN. See'', .Bt. Louis. Missouri OFFICE OF THE TREASURER OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pittsburgh, April lst, 18139. TN PURSUANCE OF THE .21st section of an dot relating to Allegheny Conn ty, approved the lat dsi , of May, 1881, and of the amendment to said tection, approved the 30th day . of March,,ll36B, I do hereby , xlve notice that the Euplleates for the, several Wards, Eoroughs and Towriships WILL EE (WEN, and'l' will be pre. ; pared to receive the • County, State, Poor, Workhouse and . Improvement Taxes for. 1869. - - On intlifter , the •lat day. 'of May. 18'9.5 Said : taxes can he paid at this OEM* until the lit day of August with a DEDUCTIOIf OF FIVE PEE CENT. fbiprompt payment to'aU persona paying the whole 115011249 t cpele tares . • There wig -be ho deduction allowed dating the mouth.of Augast.,..There.wUt be- , • Ted Pei "tent:. Added To all taxes remaining unpaid on theist day of ,• Seotamber,'lBB9. .P. d DENIEE3TON, • ap2:dgT • Treasurer of Allegheny County.. NOTICE. - • - • PpAning,of Diamond Street, Pittsburgh. - perilous Interested are 'heretifnottiledthat the report of Viewers in the matter of opening , and widening 'DIAMOND tnistatt, from the Diamond to Ferry street,jhas been approved and confirmed. AU persons sigainit wnom awes'. meats or, tieuetita Were made. ate required to :pay the same to me within thirty days, otherwise .they will he entered se, liens agrainstshe proper. ty. AU property on the Dtamond and Diamond street, west of the Market Honse.smd on LibertY street from Sixth street to Fourth .avenue, has been Assessed.. ' • • • 1101011127‘ _ Otratea olr Pl‘r,„ExPtafh.3 ALLiatIENfuITY. PA,.} April depth. 1 5 9 9 • 01rICE.--me Assessniellits fOr - • Qrsailng out ParlegKir Tl (714T0.1.1 rom Ohio toNastangtoo Meshes: Meet for the Grading ; sad; &smiths. , ofiAgmeord - titreett, *XO ()bottom. streetto Madison avenue: and also, ft r the GreOltifrof , alossonsalleware notetready fOrs examingitl o 4l luta can en at the °Bide of the Ottl Zeittneer •tmtil IVA Y etht 180% when UM will. r .ho,"_"'eeett, lo the hands of the 01t7 treasurer cottootog,. - n I +Ai% t ~Y = 7"C • A. 4 ,6. • _ . ) 17PPER 11111SIMIIIPM P RHERSBUII43 s~EAMsrps. MISCELLANEOI7S. 62.316,804 61. Pam/own—GEORGE ALBREE. VICZPRE.BIDiNTB • J. ,F. StAGLE,City Attorney. •B •-• No.' 108 litiftn'Avenne..: eitritiar4r. MS . . THE IRON. CITY MUTUAL • LIFE INSURANCE CO, • • Of Pennsylvania:, Office - 7 :Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS . • . Hon. J. 612.9. Rev. J. B. CLABS,SO. D.. . Capt. B. ROBIN SUN. Rev. A. K. BICLL. D.D,. , Bey. S. H. 142 EaBIT IJ.D.. W. A. [MED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB lIIISH. Real Estate Apent, BLHON DAUM. Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. SENN lc: Hatter. - A. S. BELL,Attorney.at-Law. D. L. PAI TERSON,,Lumber .11ferOlant, D. BWOGIIII, Hisurance Agent. • Capt. Row% Itimmuilori,Pritadtml• Blow. Jr. B. CLAUSE ' S:P.D., Vice ezeoldorat, JACOB RB811; Secretary, C. W. BEBNY.,Treasurer. . M. W.. WHITE, Mitatc&z. ADVISER. • DANIEL SW OGEE, Dean Aged. This is a name cm:litany. conducted on the mutual Prinelpte. each poHey holder receiving ao equal share of the profits of the Company. Policies Will be loaned on! all the dirlbrent plans Of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an econemi eal. hails will. aford safe Investment to each policy holder. midi thereby retain the-money at Dolan to enteuragatienie laduerro. 50h27:1133 8121 INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALiirsamy, PA. OFFICE DCYJIANNIIN BANTNeS BANK . ITILDOW„ No. 41 0140 St.. Allegheny. A HOME OOMPANT, .etuaged by Directors Wet known to the 'community, who trust by Dar &Altos OP.otesit &store of Your. Patrol/Me. 11,4111 V G.O.A D. ItIDDLIG.....- .... ... . - DIRECTORS: Renry_lrwin„ D. L. PaMerson, Wm, Cooper, Geo. B. Riddle, Jacob trans, Gottlelb Yam, 'Blazon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Hash, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whisiob, Joseph Craig. 7.3 e. Lautuor, IL J. Einkano, Jere. Kobiso, apill:o85 , . Ciseit INSURANCE COMPANY,_ PIIELAN'S WILDING, No. NA - , ) 111"tit :Aireollem 'Second 'Floor. • . .'; PITTSERINON. PA.. Capital A.13.2 . &141:17p,..• imaiorin/s. N J. Bliley -, -- Ilitr.oliver, Jr; apt.N.Balley, Datil Wa4e.e. .:, B. HattpuLa. . Cambers, Jake Nlll. • ~ 1 41.0kartatt.. as. It. Salle/. Thomas Smith ne.S. Willeek, ~. • ,-11011 E TM. EINO4 Preaklent. ) • JNO. P . JENNINettI, Vice Preslnent. : JOS. - .T. JAJIINNTON. Secretary. Caps. B. J. gifILACS. atoll Agent. Insures on taint) - Terms 'en all Fire and . 1 Dianne Was. ' sp2:o7 NNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Cer. Fideral it t and Ditunomi, • once: In U, SECOND :NATIONAL BANN. DILDING. • . r W. W. MARTIN, President, JOHN SROWN,___ ENS JR.,„_ Vice President. rES R. riTZVON. Secretary. , . .Dran•Crens: • John A. Myler, :Jae. Lockhart. iJoe. lityere, Jas. L.Oraham. 'Robert Les, C. C. Boyle, Jno.l3rown,Jr. jqeerge Gent, , Jacob kopp. t O.H r.ltliamedno. lhonipson,l. Many:tiler: 10 1 1111 1 101 PRISE • • MA I INSURANCE - COMPANY ` 6r rirroninoon. Office, No. 424 PENN Err.. flit NATIONAL TRUST 00. BUILDING.) DEREOTORB : BOIL Dickson, Robe,. Liddell, W. 7. Pride?, G. Bledle, C. Van Buren, T. Kirsch, is. H. Myers, ? J. fianorsriseh, Chris. 'Siebert. L. J. , Blanebard, J. Weisser, . Sehlideekers • it. H. XERES' President. ' RABT. , DIOXSONoViee President.' BOB?. J. GRIER, Treasurer. 1.19: J. J. Al./LINTZ. Sftretarr. pENNEITLVANIA INOORANCE COMPANY. OF PITTTSBUItaIi OFire, Z. No. 16.134 WOOD STREET, -pAns, O) opoloczßar;BUVaßie• Rome.Courpan,y, and Wares 'Mist losn bv•Fire e.telnalvely. 2.. • . . LEONARDIA B L I TER, President. 0. O.BOYL .VlCePrealSent. • ROBERT PA DE ,, Ireasurer. HUGE NaLLKID•W' Secretary. • IBIC I T0An: Lesnardisratiee , • • Georrson, O. O. Bovle. Geo. Evans, Robert Patriot .' • " 'J. C.' . we, Jacob Painter, z ,- J. ic.lPLemer, _ Josbib Ring,' • John Voegtlay, Jas. iftfrioptias, A. Ammo!, . Henry apron!, ppEartriTy AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. , OF PHILADELPHIA, oihozokas # 4a7ORECBII7 - 07 BT.,neir Dna%mome. Rtr u lls v r a gttaker. I s or id ersiff. Lotair ' S. Brown, Samnelllanuat, • beanlim6 Dale, • tJacob IL boa Idwards ia t( EMI' EL BAN "i loraTenti• Ap . t p, a L a gr„, e. y e i g , Presider. W • J..GAM,DNEETHINI w e* Nort : hjestert!ir Third andyrrdl34eeta. rEpEnitAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF x..orrxxsrfr.. , ESTABLISHED 1841Y3..CA511 DAPTI".AL PAID UP. AND INVESTED 'PUEDE EXCEED ING .41.000.Q00,0 GOLD.. 1A ••• • • A. • • . Insurance mama Warected on Houses and Building's; Bowls, and , Merchandise, Eteazahoais,Nolieles• leaned imableln gold or carrency. United States Breach OEM AO PINKS T A Slew York, • AU losses ()flits United Btatet Branch will be adlesteil laihraw Xilah‘ • : • • - J , KIGIMajAIM43:I6II4I. . • PITTSBURGH, PA. Witte; Si toOleirirstasii: - • ILL MaLAMBLIN tralw t far tLe Man. haulm Lila Insurance ••• , ant. • WESTERN INSURANCE C9lti: PANT OP PITTSBURGH. • . .ILLSMANOIti= Prealdent.' WM. r,ILICHBIC T. Seprelary. , I DAP'HEORSFIC- o Atienerarilient. ,onine, 910 , Wate i r li stree t $ ituy ?k Clo.!o, IN are • house, up stairs, tab . ( . • • , Will Mama against ell Linde of Tire. and Kr" rine Risks. "'A home Institution, managed by Di-. rector§ whom ei well known to the oonuniudty, mad who erg determined by prinaganess and libet- Allot „to, maintain thecharaoter whieh they have ruliuM., as Warring the beet mamma' to ads, who desire tope' : insrea44 l !!:.; ! , _, _ D ini:' " -' ' Alexander Niralekil- -,"- Joan R. McCune, It. Killer, Jr., ~ , " Chas. .1".". Clarice. ' . I, James HeAttiel.. .: 1 i. , ' .Wil Calm. !._ Alexanderlipeer. Joi e kp..... . Andrew Aeouni.; : • ,-,, f , . Darldli. Long, ' • As. . o It. f 4 11101EOPLES 2 IBRIVRANCE CO •,, 1 , .". -•, INY . .:..1 ._ . • , I ;-• • - "T/94 X l .? l •',99W O qP i itirP frn• *gage 9,lll,6intaidnellts mst , , t Km•M• 31,/ ,. , wa ' : rbnu 1 DasciVA . zigutive . mds . JO" W as h r4" ' ' tr uli Mmlcir:, . ° l 9o l . Z i tilistv , : ja:0 1 11. Brush. Wm_ .1. 1 1 1 a.---t. • nu V t izi # ll. l . . , ' sam Jiau .. • : ! 4 . ) -:. ; @nonfatal' : ITM 1 2 PROPOSALS. T O THE ' NA.NUFACtUREES, NEC CS, And Business • Men Generally.: • PEALED PROPOSALS will- be recebleil until the 15th day of June next, by the undersigned. to employ, by hire, all the conitct labor of the Tennessee State Penitentiary, , The Lessee is to take all the able bodied con • clots now an hand, or who may hereafter come into the prison during his term of lease,!, except those needed by the State to keep up the estab lishment. He shall also be authorised to occupy and take charge of all the shops and workbous.s„ in said prison, to put Up such machinery as be , may desire, and shill bite the privilege of buy ing, at, such pryees as maybeiturreed upon, all t h e Machinery, - Tools, Fixtures and Materials on. hand, both finished and unfinished. Paid Lessee eball treat those hired with human.. tty and kindness, conforming to such rules, by laws and regulations as may be established by the- Directors, and work these not exceeding ten hours eatb der. ,-Fer each Ostia :so employed. She Lessee- shall pay into the:State •Trearrity the price per day bid, said payment to be made quar terly. He shall also glee bond.'wtth - Anne:over:l securi ty in the sum of 11`ty thousand ; dollars, payable }to the State of Tennessee . ; 'for 'the faithfiri per- Iformance of:the 'tintlertking;htteby imposed. 'bald lease to continue for font years, at the end of which term anew proposal. fraMtaddtheatee shall have preference for the next four years tptdvided be shall. have faith:ally . 41sCharLo hisAbllga thole to the settsfactirm of the Dh*ec tort: said prefereace not tk# !;clads: propostsbEfroM-ptbers manifestly mgrs cp.:incite to the lntereste of the Mate. • - - The workshops , are builf.in orrery substantial: manner, *lth tiadicteht opacity for working dye or six hundred hands; well lighted and ventila ted; alp, conveniently, arranged. There Is one sixtv , dve isorseVOwer , engine, caniable of run ning all the machipery, .Tne.macninery has all of the most modern improvements for the manu facturing of - Cedar Ware, Military, Agricultural Implements; Wagons, ac. There Is also a ma chine shop, containing nine' hithet , and; twQ bolt =chines, a blacksmith shop with' - nine forges, cttvls machine, three - trip hammers and tools complete; a foundry one hundred and, forty feet long and forty-five feet 'Wide, • wits Basks for making all kinds of bo.low ware, plow, corn shelters; etc: also patterns for stove' and - otner ea Bogs. Also, one winding used' for manufae- Lorin' bagging, containing fifteen .locans. with all the necessary machinery for spinning, etc. There Is also a stone shop, - paint shop as drP Toe prison buildings' are beauilitillY I Yeateir Just outsize of the corporation 01-bfashville. add within one quarter of a mile of two railroad de pots and one mil, of the steamboat landing. There are now about soar hundred and Why con victs in tae prison, moat of whom , have served some years and are skilled mechanics In their re spective branches of businEs. the prisonas un der a Board of Directors, and a Warden, Whose euty it Is to provide for the Wants of thei yiktivicts and to see that strict discipline is maintained. Proposals may be addressed to tomundersigned or Elecretary of state, within case they shouldbe Indorsed "Proposals for 'learning the Treasee t - 4(m Peniten." „ ,; 7 Any further information desired rail he flu mailed by addressing tam DirectorsiriPenl tentlary,Nashville. WM. BHA • • 7 Ait..8:31.17 ram: - C. BunjhltON - Ihrectoria.. spB6•d&T RAILIIIOAD LETTIENGV:°• I ": ..,tt.: St. Lmtb;'hmdalitta.Terrp Hattteß.ll Proposals will boxeCeiretEfintillli•rs'efifitik MAY Bth, addressed. ° to, hicEZEN t SMITH & Co., Chief Contractors; . Terre' lilatt*lndlana , for the last ilityseverV(B7) :trilletfof thli road. The work is of the most desirabischaracter,eom prising both very heavy and ~also light work. PAYMENTS, MOISTEILY;"IN OABH='" Profiles CS& be seen at the" office In'Tere Hante, after April vainur"-Inmir,s, Biting Engineer. Tzaas H►vxs.AprlllB, 1889. an2.1:h89 OPOSALS will lie received until MAY the '4ith for Painting slid 11`ftt co me City Ha 1. Alpo-for. exteoding,theA'allerT• For plans and Specifications; eallon'the l tiwp g rin= ten dent of Markets. The Committee reserve the right to. relebt any or all bids.---.. SAMUEL KILGORE, Pittsburgh, April Z,1909. - Supt. Maria3ts ap28;121 • • . COMMISSION 1 . L. Duzulliz?/.7- -,•••••••:—. 4 P 7l . l = sB cor. DILLINGER & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye WhiAies, IMPOBTERf3 OP BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, ap2o ...a. a Jla fir BELT, 181 g. , W. qoui!t:LT, 17110LEsiLLE,mt(m3IL,' .N0. : 271 Liberty,Streetii (Dneicmy oil.. Rums iicorii;) 415 prx•rstsi:mwim[ 4 , A. se K. EITZTALk • J. A., WINILLN. MM STEELE & 4N.L. eii4ants* Canimission , AND DRUMS ix .18TX.01713. 41311A.Mi NIEE=Di No. 93 OHIO 13T8E81 4 . near East Comm, ' ALM/GHENT • PA* PITICB EEL ZAB. 31118A1// e KEEL & HITCHAHT, 1, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -'AND muses re; . • • , molm, szEms, •ZELL' IFECD, Le.. 849 "Albert/ 111‘,IPIttsbningh; nyikb37 La. IBLA.NCILUIDi ''" Wholesale , Rad Moll eFeetaik MiliailiEVM •LITTLE, BAIRD it' PATTON, MinimaleLemeem. Ca Dealers trrodnee, ourr illia Ditxice FUN Alarbon Ligeta, h rjr Cotton Yarns and gr ut e l l aal ,a4nl ;1417W0ZD: 6 :1 3 “Ins. a. ..ta 4: • §B.IISW2‘ Whole. l ows .t Mi si t u angr o g it a i f tantrlVl JOHN L HOII81.:HOW...;• H. OHM BOB.,dijP: Suo. u :;getsiing so JOHN i 3 MOM= MiCKL. Whole ,saia Grocers. and Complulon Merchants, Cor. aer,bir ealtldleldandiraterSteestil:Plttibureh. ABBlSTKONGAizerriessor to parser & ariptlropSwP3PPNON lON 111)1BUILIeNtI,' No: •No '*arket WOVIITELOTIP I . bOTTIDdAmt- A choice assortment ot Game Patekot the above Celebrated brand; Jnig*etied` aid %it the dosen or etreian. bY , . , • ". - • .2 . 121 9. 'Ae;BZWEiHAW, - Corner Liberty and Ninthitreeta. • I P 4 -- • it.cosAlDA.tats "ittitOns' Tit 1%604' *Olt SALE Br •PgreetrikiggafTWEDrail. $, , • •- t. D3111N1) LS4L thatthield Bois Nan " i s Mils Qeasas sad erarfl. - OKI i i ! F , 4 1; .0,201 ,4 M - 07.• tAkKi3k . ' , 4 2 . s 4Vc ie ,Aiittrt,PitoAt RI El E. ;sm prrrsistraes, PA. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers