trpoiv oitzErm , lim, 4 • NEW ADVFIRTISEMOrni, s P:-V2 'All. -ta FOR REGISTER OF WILLS . JOUN gam Ja, SUBJECT rO TPE DECISION OP THE t&- - PUBLICAN COUNTY COI MENTION. , MIERCANT4RIV lISS. AUGUSTA DARGON, AT THE REIM "ET OF H nr iIiHMEOLTS FELZNO B * W oV READINGS &RtaOFrATIONS, • kitoic tar NoST POPULAR POTTS AND • k DRAM A TisTe, AT THE ACMDEIvir OF, MUSIC, . , Titursdayl.renlig r iay 6, 1869. . PAIOGRAIIIIIII% ; ‘. PART-T. 'Two Beenri from School for Sean d .charge elf the Light Brigade Ten n y s on MhBIZIOn On the Rhine lirsN o .. ............ . ....... Honk Lewis The Lest Heir. F. Hood • . 11 , PART 'The Court !leene from the Merchant of Venice. Pcmtenoy4Poent on toe old Utah thr:dv.trz The Raven `). E. A. Hoe - Sheridan's hide T. B. Read - Quote, from the widow Bedott Papers—Wlcher. ADMISSION. 50 CENTS. • Ito rPatrved seat t. Doors open at 7 Q Iteadlasscommence at IS -O'clock. Tlcat ts Cor sale it LIBRARY 11.00.M13. recliner of P.nn sod sixth streets, and at BT. CHABLZS ROTEL. ACADEMY OF BMW 114:15i POTOMAC. .A NkrIONALD RAMA 1 1 TVIC ACTS,- Mader the-: Auspices-of Pods u • --; R. iroz 41'4aq:um azrzr! CVMKEWING Evening, Ksy, .10 1869 • • 'Grader the impervlelon and aseagement of Yr. P. A. TAN E HILL. of the Pitteenrst Theatre, sad late of Pike's Opera House, Olnetanatl. Chaser, - by Members of the Order. PRIORS or eimaszoN. P • areuette and D. ens Circle 50 cents Farally Circle and . . .25 cents Reserved seats 95 cents extra.' Box once open from 10 A. M. 11113 P. 1/.. •TO.TIIE 'PUBLIC. The "Grand Army of the Republic" Is coin. Palled of SOldiers of the Union who served hi the tate Rebeliion Ihe Private ticudier Is the peer •of the hlwhest officer. The objects of the °maul sattoa ate charitable.- benevolent. Just. *Gelid and patriotic, and should eommand the respect of lit wood onset's. To extend a belpinir hand to the WillowS whose - . husbands awl eons were oar is mrades.'many of wllnia He buried orthe thousands or battle -netts or in the cemeteries of the land, sad to assist In - the supp rt of crippled soldiers. and the educe •tion of tke soldiers' orptians. we resimettelly ask tke patronage of a se aelrous public 'IRE oanarrEs. .•-:.0)“.:4 :.:041m SPRING STOCK OLIVER cLifroci( COMPAITS. We . are receiving this week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and molt beautifd de signs in English Tapestry and Body Brussels by direct importations from the man ufactaren3.... We invite the insueetin of house furnish ,ers, confident that we der the largest ,funiontment and greatest variety of elegant "vattenu ever broUght to this market, at the lowest ,vrices. Great inducements are Area 1111 all grades of In Three - Plies ' grains , being their constant aim to oar to_ ~the multitude, the fullest assortment of cheap and serviceable Carpets at loiver rites than any other *nse, in the trade. Na 23 !iris AiiNinr..! LECTURES. - RENEGADE OF THi MI BA.TES BELL'S. Reston. gray and fadd Hair to iu . ORIGINAL . COLOI., removes Dandruff, CIMES ALL DISEASES ; OF THE SCALP, Prevents Batnsiess, and makes the hail grow Soft, Glossy Ind ,Lurtiriant. 1 1 .00,_ el $lO pot Souk Yu! Mk is i Saki* liss. Prekard .I?ry SEVARD, BENTLEY': It rugglBl4. Btlinl/6 ` 1"! Br WPrr imairr ilavl th •2103Eini B. c a r - h im rirtid_by express. &MUM _ 'T / 2 1 1 - ALLE&HERY HviLDING: .LIPAS • ASSOCIATION OP ALLIC.. .1111 E CITY. —Notce la hereby above— n a m ed r applfc:tlon has hien made, by the- 'association, for a . . hailer of incorposailon. at No 684 June term inv. and the same will be. Irritated at next term of Court, unless exceptions thereto are tied in proper time. m8:1511 Tgai 'now Orr NaTloleaL BANE or rxrranuaan, May 1, 1869. " BOARD OF DIRECTORS - end, ta Bank have this day declared atm. • 811" PElt CENT-, on the Casittl Stook:out °fine nrolte o theirast lax months, payable to istooltnordera or le. Rat teprnientatlvea hee of United States tax on and atter Ike llth /natant. 3:153 EXTRA NO.I & 2 LARD OIL OF OtirkOWN MAIIUFACTURE Extra 8.43 D. Beet and Beet Tongues la store P. 5161GLICR8 & CC. mr3 Cor. Penn and Tenth streets. VALVABLE BANK STOCKS. , RALLhTON AND WESTERN PENN SELVATIA OIL. — Tuesday evening, Mar 4th. at 7,4 f o'clock, will he sold on 'manna door of Commerclainales Rooms. 106 smitheeld street: b 5 shares M. & Nattonel Nations B a nk. shares Exchange National Bank. /00 snares Western f ennsylvanta Oil Co. Mao. by. order of Executor. 3000 shares Ballston Lil Co. TN THE COURT OF COININON PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY C,OI7NTT.—In the matter of the application' of the "PITT BUILDING AND LOAN A I34 OCIATIDN" for a Charter of Incorporation. Notice la hereby gives to all whom It may con-, cern: that the &lave application has been made to the Court for a grant ot a charter of Incorpo ration, and that the came will be granted at the ne±t term of the Conrt of. Common Pleat, mauls exception be fled In the meantime- • ' ROST. ARTIIIIRS, Solcitor for the &asociatiea. M73:148 NOTICE= -Fr o Walkee Herriotr, or in case he be dead, to hLs perienal rep. resentatlyes: Take notice that on May 1. 1809, SAMUEL H JPPR. ft fled his petition In the Coo, t of Com mon Pleas, of the coat, of Allegheny. Pa., set ting forth that on April Bth, 1838, he gave to the said WALKER ME taIIOTT a mortgage to aernre a balance.of porehate .intiney on a tract of Lad In Bontk Fayette township, described In the Petition, which 'natie Is of record In the Be . corder once ofAlle eny county,- In Vol. 8, Page 219; and that the whole somata of said martian, prinripal and Interest has been fill 1 7; paid. Yon are required co appear in said Cart, on the ist Mooday of June next, to answer the' said petition, otherwise* decree Ind be nada ac cording to law, for ad satisfaction of Said mart ian*. . . , a/mum. B. OLIILMIY. anyttlii - •- 1 Sherif. THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS BI=FILT LYE BMW CORBY OJE' AM IN' Y'OHH. t. Mumma H. Ramona President Busacirroan Swan General Agent. 400 Wilm4 This Companv under the direction of a Board of Trurtrep, comprising the most experienced sucaesaftill life insurance directors in the United btates, offers its roans ofinsurance and financial management to the public as presenting the most secure and economical way of saving money, or inv T esting for the security of the famtly. • heasseta dollars, exceed one and a quarter millions of Dividend/1 will hereafter be made at the end of the first year. and annually thereafter. - No charges are made for policy tee or for .medi. cal examation.- The Com in p any le mutual. Policies are non-forfeit'ng. For partiCulars enquire of HENRY W. STRICKLER, (As( nt lbr P.lttsburgit YleUlit7,) o.thee, 119 Wgod Street. zan:ltwats EXTENSIVE DISPLAY OF DEPORTED & DOMESTIC Cloaks, Snits, Shawls, Dresses, Gmadines, Parasols, Lace Curtains, Lace Skirts, Ladi I Wear, Silks; Linens, Oassimeres, BalmoralSkirts, AT J. B. uppfiCOTT & CO. Itz: the genitor or "The Old Mant , sellee Secret • , , OVER YONDER. J. C: M'Collißrl. • • - Attorney. A Ziovzt.vrrrn. 1 B ` y E. Kaararr, *tabor of Void xiete." "The ' , IQ Diam,eello'g Secret." ac. hvo With fultetitife Engraving. raper clover. 30 canto. AGNESVENTWORTH. A NOVEL. By F. FOX.ToN. Author of "Her mait:'"ltr reran and ot. Favon^ do. Elmo. Tinted paper. Extra cloth. SI,DO. CURIOUS MYTHS, COMPLETE. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. By S. BAN /NG-tiOnDD- New Rdltt.n. Compl•te In one Yak. Eilmo. Tinted p.per. :Ralf Roxburgh. J. MAGOFFIN PREPARATIONfOR DEATH. Tranelatltd fieth the Itailin of lifsboto Aicraint So. Nairn /91ao. Tlzted papal. &it!" cloth 11/148. . COLEMAN'S MANUAL,. Coleman's Manual en_ Prelacy l and Ritualism. The - Apostulical and Churnli t popular • in its G . .vernment, Informal - in its M °reship. • BY 1:I man Coleman, D.D. 'Rano. Tintoupa plr... !Extra cloßk. SA. -.. • - A. MCILWAINE, Amettoneer I• By the author of "The Albert 14PYanza." , - THE RIFLE AFC) THE HOUND IN - ' - CEYLON Ev Slr BastuiLt. WHITZ Beams, author of 'Tut Eli by *tho "Mlle Tributaries of Abys-. duly ,` &a. Second Edition. illustrated. 16 mo. Extra cloth. SI, 60. Is "Ce . rtsln y no sporting boat we have Over read more alLie with and dashinrachleve ments.—Ths Bound Table.. airror sale by all booksellers, or will be sent by mail, postsite free, on recelp: of twice by J. B. PPP/NCOTT & CO., Publishers, my3:1.0 '715 and 717 market 111.; Plata, NOW SPRING GOODS ILICRUN &t CARLISLE'S I • Dress 'Trimmings and Buttons. • - Embroideries and Laces. Ribbons IMO Flower& Hats andand Bonnets. Glove Sitting and French Corsets. • ' - :RediStnei Brattier s Skirts. : new styles. • Sun and Bain Umbrellas. Rostery—the best Znglish makes. - • Agents for "Harrii , Seamless Kids." Spring and Summer underwear, Sole Agents ibr the Bemis Patent Shape Cot. tars, "Lockwood's "Irving," "West lend," "Elite," Act "Dickens," "Derby," and other styles. . - Dealers supplied with the above at IhaULNITFACTURZRS' PRICES MACRUM & CARLISLE, FIFTH AVENUE • OOHS SABBATH ECH9OL LIBRARIES, BUSHLY SELECTED VOLUMES, Prim the most reliable private publishers and re. Unions Jadeites of the land. All the new publications received as ' soon as Issued. . BERAL =VISCOUNTS ALLOWED NEW BOOK STORE NO. 319 WOOD STREET, RECORD DOOR BELOW FIFTH inpUtiraw S. A. CLARX & to., AGREAT lit p o A • HAN Willi A SMALL vAPITAL. FOR BATA% A FARM OF 120 ACRES With a TWo sToRT PRAMS HOUSE, BANN, OTIT 1101:18184ind abundance of choicest fruits. 10 acres cleared, 80 In valuable timber; a 'title stream runnicg through the premises:, having dark rich soil. and being nude, high state of cut" tivatlon. Thus farm Is situated In Putnam coun t,. Ohio; on Toledo & Dayton 11.R..3 mlies trom ottawat City. Th. reprice Is only 450 .per acre, 113.8001 n cash, and the balance to be paid In 9 annual Installments of $5OO each. For-farther putt TI7BTIN NLNE, eT Grant street. Cheide: brands PLOIt AndBEED POTATOES In inopikatut foreate low AT THE 'WHITE FIWNT, 139' Liberty street, Pittsburgh. By BEANOB & stern, -Ursula Sian Manx TZLZGlitAPUtpirr • MILL. ALLICOURINT 011 T, - AITII ahh. MOM 'OCHE ON THE FIRE ALARM TELZGRAPH BOXES hare been changed. keys distributed prior to tide d..t• pleaari re turn to this °Mee. ~... - , - L. D. DICOANDLI3I9. tUadent.. apn:l42 TXTATER, P/IPES, v v OBININET TOPS A large assortment, ap11:147 KEYSTONE POTTERY. S M. KIER At, CO., • r.„, Maashaunt ' - qtrziNswesx. BRISTOL WARR le. ofilocand Wanhouse. 383 I.II333TYBTIMIT, APAiI omen oromotls aitendkl to. josient Tong Eris, .t 7[ sAasAQlagig 07 WaNDORT GLASS. Wirehogss—NO. ErWOOD STREET - - 4, ll ? 3 ADE L ifir OF . SCIENCE, zoi 4 41 . 1 ,, Bo r t hetigr e n , any. ahmuuraßauk 4 ,-)IEWIDATrau, • /law 184119.'' .11- 4., f 4 ''/lor Oman, AlkeiVarpir 00 s a. 1018. 4. HAVE Jun ISSUED No. .2,7 ..rifUs . , dvenue, NO. 27 FOR 20,000 ♦T OUR HENRY 11. COLLINS, Ad Avealicnear Bin Weald et. NaMit GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NOW OPENED. NEW SPRING STYLES DIE'S AND CIIIIDREN'S iIiTS , -134:311Mr5., HAT AID BONNET Min' RIBBONS_AND FLOWERS, I.USIONS, CRAPES, SILKS, &C. Laces, Trimmings, &c The Assortment of the Above Goods IS•UNUSUALLY LARGE da COMPLETE, AND WILL ED MEND WELL WORTHY THE ATTENTION HICENTS AND MILERS BUYING FOR Wit. WILLI&M :SEMPLE'S 180 and 182 Feder a l Strpet, 4 tLLluir=ir CITY. JOHN Y. COOP,BIit ' 1111NE7 apt% JOHN. M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Usable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. MON COCKS, Bras - WOrk of every description for NUM, Water and OIL MAN I:TM:TUBERS COOPZET Improved Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil ers. the beat in the Market. °Mee and Works. corner 2 ll.rteentll and Plke Streets. 502., ROOKS SETTLED, so AND • ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. • MONEY TO LOAN. PINE WARMS IN PENNSYLVANIA: ROUSES AND LOTS IN PITTSRLMGH AND LAST LIBERTY; LOTS IN MANSFIELD; MISSOURI AND VIROINIA LAND • - FOR BALE. ) Enquire of THOS. IHISIPSON, NuTAlty PUBLIC, 89 Gnaarr 87krarr (Ake. back room WATCHES, _ Plat& 16 and 20 Mae& • To the tnannfacture of these tine Watches the Company have devoted all the science and skill , In the art at their eestunand, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, no less than for the greater excelencles of mechanical and eplentific correctness of design and execution, these watches are unsurpassed anywhere. la Ode essuastry the miumfac tate of these One grade of Mratches sot even attempted, except at Waltham. fOR BALE ST Z. B. DITADDEN & mb4: STEM, WlNDlMTC we.ramuud WATCHES. These Watches are of the well•known Plate style, and warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand for beauty, finish and worse/. The manufacture of Watches of this nue quail'? is not even attemmod .In this country eaceptlit Waltham. 'OR 84E BY ' 11. REED CM, PITTEIBURGH. ib4 FOB SALE. A CHEAP VAUX la Jeffers** county. of 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared and 30 la One timber, all underlaid with an 8 feet vein of coal: large orchard of choice' fruit; will sell for $4O per sera on aaay terms. r 3 ACHIM °floret ground nazi Jack , . Ban well adapted for a mall hdlg./around garden lag• 3X ACRES of ground In freedom; aplendid cation tor..grapes, or to lay out In Imildinflott. 3 BUILDINO LOTS on L7ndham street. 10 VACANT LOTd on Locust street. Iforliarticulars, enquire at 87 Grant street. myl • TIISTIN & lEL&E. SPE= G A l i' !Mums Stock at low Prices, at IcCORD & CO's, \ 181 WOOD EeI'REET. BM Fkithells4ll4...- OIL I.Pair..A.IV 1i....-. In purausnoe oflin order from the Court of Common Pleas of lllleshel7 county, Penns_ylva nla,the Directors or the VILDZIOIL, OIL VOX. PAN Y have this day declared_ ikd_lybpcuid of TBN VENTS per shire , payable loflowlto tothe legal 'holders of stook in tug *company, on return to the Secretary of velem:stet or *lna aildeltC4 Or oWngrabllk , ,' Alps's. ate ben) notlllell that , dividends, mai d forr of elm loonthstrlU be-dlie 0110 0 lioeo /0 (0 SW. _ —NrOWWWOt, t ' , -; - -_, 'A -A4 iit 414:11.411111"le lleseetar. usee„Duquern Wair, a ow.lilnth tik . ' slenratt 4 Pa. '-• rittiba" APrn Mly UAL soma 14 13a OF AT `WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 1S and isd Federal Street, TAGGAIIT RETAIL BOOTS, ; SHOES AND GAITERS AT Wholesale Prices. NO. 1.2.1 i: 'FEDERAL STREET, aru Ailegherri City. REFINED, FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE. QNQNNA . = Ask year Greeer for eau, brand of Lard hi these Packages.. Packed la 3, s,,sed 10 pound Caddies. CO wound Cases for shipment. Cheapest tecwie; for selllrg La i d. Send for hie', Idat. - 80/4X) By • • ISAI ; DICKEY & CO. 9 rivslitivEGH. and Dealers- Genera 4 And Gr ap2:l:L93 . A G AT SUCCESS ! 1 ' i JEXanadat 1 ,I; , , 4 . WAllinzirG BL&ClialrE ! , It . washes the tines . t fabriCs. without injam perfectly clean in less than one.eighth the orM nary way. It does not rub the cloth. but per-. Anise the eleaninn proceis by steam and the quick aktlon lof bol water; it can be operated by a child . is great .Chaauaess makes it accessible to every amity eon saves its own cost in doing away with tuba. FtRICE, $l5. • Bold from the Rintifactory, at THOUS JIIIRKEM ... PENN BT.. OPOBITZ THZ FAIR GROUND, . . MIPAGIOSTIi WANTED, 13 scattpEcizza & SONS Have returned to their well kuoini location. NO. . 22. DIAMOND STREET, Wbere they are prepared to famish fresh every day a use, lartge•assoltinent of • • • CAKES AND BREAD Of every description. Sept constantly on band the.very best Confectioneries In the city. N. B. — Orders for parties. ac . will ry e supplied% at the shortest notice and -dative. ed to any part the two „ . , Ladies'. and , : 'Gintlemen's Lunch Saloon, Also. lON fiItEAK w - BALOON noopen and will 1.1)/7:112 foatinueso during the season. . A • Jr- fit H. B TaRAET r itOBT. U. PATI2IIBO2i. OWL 1 /..PAT'rERBOIr dr, Co.. SAILM .&Nro CODIXESSEON STA B LES tog ! 11111113 . 17111118 & LIBBJtTY at, is - woad 14111111Rmicol i PAL r- ADVERT/13, EallENTs. AT 25 OM% -WHITE MARSEILLES, OR P.H. IE AT 25 CENTS, DOUBLE WIDTH, CHANGEABLE ALPACA POPLINS. AT 28 CENTS, PINE DOI7BLE WIDTH I ,, ALPACA POPLINS Mil CHOICE COLORS 8008 BARGAINS IN HEAVY BLACK SILKS GREAT VARIETY OF NEW STYLES IN SPRING; DRESS 'GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ALLizaintzry car map Borross--.4r0 Let, . • Vfltpp HesivfP , 6S Wawa. If . • SSA6lloardinin sID dre;, not ex seteteeigWOOß LZIISS each toll in.- a stied in these retuning once kr WitirZ-Fl' Bin each additional tine PIPII mutts. WANT ED -HELP.. ANTED., -.4.- aße car. W bu pent er. capable of taxing charge ot cwell seta shell chop ha the which an Interest be glyen 'to a suitable person. This Ls a drat-rate chance for an enterprising man to get • into business . . - Address. W. 0., Box is, Gazarrx OFIrICE. • IVANTEIL.O and Chain."' VV- ber maid. None but can give good refer ence need apply... Good wages given. Enopdre, at American House, 419 Beaver avenue, Awe-. gheur CUT. I IMAIITTEXIELP.--AIT EBt. y T PLOYMENT OFFICE. No. 1 et. Clair Street, BOYe 141BLIt and MEN, for dlnerent kinds of employment. Persons wanting , hel Od 1/1 kinds ow be lIIIPPIied on short notice. O WANTED. - BOA RDERS..-- A. , pleasant suite. , f reams or single room for gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen, with or without board in a private flemily, at - 4 fiebeeria btreet 'Refereae required. illegbenv City. • TANTED.—TO BITT—A Sec ond-b2snatoda Fountain. ,address. BrownsvillePenns. NVAIITEIO. Two or four young Men to occupy a ftirnishnd front. room, third door. without board. within ten minutes' walk of the Postodice. /Inquire at /11. Wylie street. : - W.ANTEUD---AGENTEI 7 WANTED • 1311111EDUTELY, TWO ENERGETIC LAM' AGENTS, to solicit orders In- this alt• or our new beak. EVA. TAR LOST-WIFE, by SW. Spencer, an_ thor or "Tried and True." Tole Is the beet st.U lug' took now offered agents. One Lady reported SS, and another IS orders In -one day. - Every-- body wants It. Appl y to or address, WM. O, DWYKR & CO.. 158 mirth avenue. my 3 VirANTED --A few good men to sell the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Ma chine on a salary' or commission. No CAP/TAY. IVANTED -. AGENTS --. NEW 804./Kii-200 ENGRAVINBI3--The Far mers and ilechaulcs Menne!. A book of greit valae to every, one. Send for 16 page circulart Also. LIFE, AND EPISTLES OF BT. PAUL. ill 6.00.) with introduction Rev; Bishop:Amp , son. The only complete an ridged rdlttun. • ' A. L. T LOOTT & 00., 2TUs-T e. '9l:Di FPlit s ourth avenu bhfgh, Pa. ° WANTED -- AGENTS. -.- TO m y : to ° l e e t o state iseaTe-0vir..4.: Ai1b.„,i,,.. "Wonder of the r World.” This remedy sole on the package apnea, not to be psid for until hilly tested. I pay goal Agents $59 per month, and large comet p ion to distrib ute packages among families and to . a few goad Agencies.will make a special at t for etate No capital regn bac must give MUM fbr.eanital_placed hi their hands. I tar nish the capital. 7 orconddential terms caliper: konally. fora few days, on J. V. TILTON. VW. Fourth avenue. ap it-tf - . ___ CNLIET.--A. three-story brick dwelling house, Just completed, satiated on t e corner of Fremont street and Ohio avenue, Allegheny City, with a fine store room on the ground ROOr, which will be tented separately from the remilning part of the house , if destred; also the adJoinins on Fremont street, three stories, and newly. built. For • terms, de., en• quire of JuliN itemsEr, 91 Beaver street, Al legheny. _ _ _ my 3:133 10-LET. ROOMS,- Two tine ROOMS in GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply Counting Rooms. $4 and $ G Fifth avenue. rO-LiEL—Th e dediame D WELLING , HO USE, N0. , 595 Penn street. !tarnished throughout, con talubig 10 rooms, bath room, &c.; goodAdable, carriage house, and large yard room. Posses sion given June Ist. L O ST. --I VCILETBOOK. On WEIL EtiDAY MOBBING, small POCKETBoOß,_contalnlnw some *enclose, a two dollar bill and a Round Gold Breastpin. liberal t eward will be paid to the finder by leav— ing It at ap.30:136 FOR SAL• undersigned offers for sale, on Tuesday, 11th, at 10 ire ock, either In pieces or altogether, his entire stook or the LIVERY STABLE on Carson street, Birmingham. Parties wishing to go into the livery business, can either buy or lease the real estate belonging to It. Enquire on the premises, Carson street. Birmingham, between Seventh and Eighth streets, or on the corner of Carson streets. mine # JACOB VOELICER. lio LET.—A. Large and Comes fo rtable Double MeCIO at 389 1 iberty street. re at No. 19 Stnitligeld street, uP stairs. rtig gALIIO remains of be Refiner, b 7 the late Are at Clara 011 orbs, Ta n ks , &o togethert,mdenting Tanks. &e.,with th e ground upon which they are /omit d. Location near Sharpeburgh bridge, between A. V. R. It. and Allegheny river. Apply to ERNY, JAGEBIAN & CO., at work'. I SALE—Typn—Albout4E4 pounds MINION TYPE, nearly as good as new. Enquire at THE OFFICE. rjAIEL4II- ,NEW FRAME carrTAGE"of 6 rooms, hall and cellar, in th Ward, (late East Liberty," Lot 80 by 187 feet: broad board walk from Railroad station. Price low and terms easy. Enquire at Tilie Or. PICZ. A BABE BUSEYESS I..)BLILIICE-- Stock, Lease and Fixtures or an old 'web limed DRy GOODS HOUSE on Federal street, Allegheny, (near Market House.) Lease nearly dee years to run. iii A _ply at nal:h %il 5 rzwratAL STREST, . Allegheny. rift SALE OR RENT,Coun try residence. I . )i miles from the Court onse. LARGEIBAME 110IISZ. contalning_ll TOMS. portico In front; good gardening lots. 8 0 by 3.51 CS seat; level and well located. Inquire of WILLIAM S. sum anq CO.. 75 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. Vog are chance for .a: die profitable investment of 016,000 in an estabil died manufmnnring nuances In Ohio, now ppaying largely. It deldred by the early Invest asha can have the triza i gn s g s olahe t est i s • shown. iorirticulars' apply to P i"; affaressl fIMPT Real Estate agents. Ne. _fourth avenue., • aPlo rft SALrw—lialt Works and Ell En it of Land on Western ?cumuli. IL. miles east of Pittsburgh. Works are along side of railroad. and are newly - successful opera tion. Will be sold at a bargain, as the owner Is too o'd to attend tolx Land Is underlaid with Coal and Are clay. : Iron personal examination we must say thls_Droperty Is deckled) , chcap. nEOFT di PHILLIPS. Ent Estate Agents, No. 119 Fourth avenue. • arni aD15:101 FOR BALlEr—tinburbaa Resiw dance or Business Stand, and One Acre of round, situate in the borough of Braddocks, within two miuutes , walk of a station on either railroad. The house is a neat frame of seven roomy, large hall and cellar; lot contains all ne cessat7 outbuildils and so abundance ' of WI kinds of fruit. g 0 tiering water in kitchen; ten that from the house s a store-room Di by 30, a ware-room attached; store-room now rented Cud doing a good business. The location of the property is all that could be desired either Air a country residence or business stand, or both. Auply to 01101rT & PHILLIPS, Heal Ettate Agents; HO. 139 Fourth avenue. a p t) FOR SALE. Near cam= Station, on the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne and Chicago Bsliroad , , • TWO LOTS, containing About Two Amos Rad. antros W. MAOKROIWN •` & BRO. - , 196 Liberty ,Sfroet. grair 2 .a 1 VP2 12 .1716=1:10110111 la Dm". ban WANTS. MS. SUMNER. it CO, Pittaborsh. Pa TO LET LOST. THIS OFFICE FOR SA LE 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers