DIIVESNE COLEMAN, ITIEK. cos Winactive:es - of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, _ worcrEssz.l. AND arriezATA, PLAT BAR, ROM° END SORI7 &RE IRO3T. LAND DO° P.SHEET AND %AXE IRON. D , HO AND HEADS, GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER BARS, SLANGED OUT'/'ER RAM. CILLNDEU I P AND SLAT RAIL, for Coal Road,. WEDOES ANARItoW TEETH, SPRING PLOWAND CULTIV TOR STEEL, NatArtsCS ANDNOULDS tto pattern. STEEL. T/raf,S. STEEL SH LNG, A. B. _ _ COACH, 'BUGGY and WA GON PRINGS and AXLES, CAT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and arranted. OFFICES AND woßp.s.• Sixteenth Street and ais Alleghenyitiver, d T 7 Water Street, Pittsburgh. CODERROY BRAMER & CO,, 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United Manes 'for the Prussian Xining and Iron Corn• Patti of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or Sell in quantities to suit parchasers,tdelivered In either New York or Pitiladeluttiad thecelebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN reed as exteasivelylbr the mennfeetaring of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from Sulpur and Phosphorus, tand contains a beery percentage onffingiriese; Pull particulars, samples, prices or chemical eludysls will be d a Promptly fsrwred on, apPIICI‘!. entlen. . ~ 39.30:a71 BffEmwimamwtoutfi, • • 1 . B:I3KIER, NIMICIK& Oa PrITS/11111G11. Pa— • , xamacturersof wrefy deicripiloa of CAST :AND MAHAN *AIL t- EIPAINGS, alCiaicßirtTPOßY EIPZEIT .ag n e _. W -4. 88 Water and 100 lint Stn. larNt 'Wm as PARKIN. rmemmi : WETCALP. REIMER TaLLNII, usu. W. BARB, I CHAS. PARKIN. Beician Pairraza—s." LI3E4 CRESCENT STEEL liITORBS, MUER, BARR & PARKIN, Offiee, - No.-339 Liberty St, mom. PITTSPUBSE, PA. BLACK DIA11101U) STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER 4 CO., 3ffaskofaeturen of au ei,!seriptions of iiSiihJVJUILIMILJLa. (Mee and Warehouse, THIRTIETH, THIRTY 7.11t8T and ILLILACIAL IBTRZETB, tLW 11710 JAS. VAAAAA, P;es;i..... P. rozna,Barot. pITTEIRIIRGR FORGE AND IRON CO., XA4MAO7IIIIiitS OP Sur imam; itallread Fisk 'tan and Bolts; Baitroad Car Axles Rolled; *Mir/ma car Jut's' Haninterod; Leetunotive Frames; Loeonaotive Frame Shapes; Tokry Straps Sista& Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitmuns Jaws, Conan , ' de. .r Moe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTBIWEGR. PA: ';IILLERSIIIESEN I PROCIISS. The Trnstees are noir ore_p_ared tri_grant Men ges tor the use of the EL FRO MM ..IThe superior quality imparted to good iron, she great improvement in inferior iron. 'and the reduced cost.commend it to al; manufacturers of Iron. 1119 tr Pariut ties w to ishing to use It can obtain licenses by JAMES P. SPEER. Attorney for the Trustees, - Beall& avenue. 1100118 1 and 2; Znglish's. Building, 9O) • ,agrties interested' are invited. to visit the BROE h BERGER. WORKS. where the Prow li te now in samurai operation. tell:dl7 WfrisßBo NS PREsTosr a co., Pennsylvania Iron Works, Warehouse, Nos. 162 awing gum iT/1112T, o ppos Konrmiliela flonrse.. AmTTIIBBIgrin NOVELTY WOlUrs. pprirsum . imi - NOVELTY WOJ{KB. Founded A.. D. 1883. ADAMS, snEzz & Co. or , MITSTOASSTANDARD,IPAIZEIAATS S PAT. MIT) PLATFORM-AND CO - pia/a , SCALES, Jana. laced Patent Door Locks and Latches, Paint and Cone MU, MUER OP MIST AVENUE & GRUT 1371 Pittabargb, PennUis. GUS AND 7. v _ 4 Yit kr MOM x. coons .... Jos. xioni....ammtr =IL jowl in. aiopEß 14 co, BRAIBB •GAB AND STRAI FFIVERB, 83A ANWS yila mil = e l on nrdsriVGAM Mrbericwill , of all /Mud& 4011., of Rue and Want Streets r SEEMS MEM NATIONAL tOIINDIfir ' • AND PIPE WORKS. Verner Carroll and Smalls:mu Streets, afflint wanDct i i rrTi3iirmion, WILLIAM SMITH, atarlitrixotnier or CAST IRON BOWL P11 3 .1E POE GAS AND WATER 'WORM% Ny Pines are all eat invariably ln' Pits, in 4 , 27 sand, and Di feet lengths. Also, tall assortment of general -Cathie; fir en - sod Water Worts. ants of 6a au rvr ae m a r ation ate elea r atri" ATLAs wens% • • )IORTON STREET, Ninth Ward; TllOllLtB N. xnaLn,a, President. These Works are among the largest sad most GOMM° estabitshateatell the Wut, sad are Dint prepared to Daunt zoo:nisi ORDERS BOLICIITZD. ROBINSON, REA & CO., Stiocesson to ROBINSON. /Inas 1< liflizian. WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND iIIACHINISTS,PITUBURBH, Mannesererers or Bost and Stationary Steam En thral li ttrast l iV:Pall deie lli riptloraPO G l T a li% and 8 a, Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Offfee, No. 12, canter First asui Satititseld Streets. Agents for GIFT/AB/PS PAT2NT 12 , TECTOR ibr feeding Boilers. falitr2 PIT'TSBIIROH. MONT BLANC FOIMIBBY. — Mutter Street, Nitsth Ward, Rolling mu aid. Ilrldge •Cae> THIMBLE. SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MAMMARY AND CASTINGS OZNYEALLT. Ortlers promptly altd carettlly ettecutod. Ganes reammable. =BM & ILlANtium 0015:128 hare Ward Foundry and Nadine Wady BANDITBKY qr., ALLEGE:CITY CITY, Manaieenrers of Steam Znglifes; OU Preens, Boiling Yam, Shafttng. Grist and flaw BIM and Machine Castings. Grate , Wedgats,Wwn Boxes. 40. Bad to order zed bare on mid japans at al l 16114:(15 01017 MAL FOVXDRY AND , ROLL.INORKS: . • 880 .Pazi Street. BOLIALLN, BOYD ii.BAGAIET. Chill Bolls, Mill Castlns% 801 l Lathes, ta. ANTHRACITE COAL ! THE BRADDOCKS FIELDS • Gas . Coal Comptuw Plthis day been appointed SOLE AGE NTS for almrgli and Allegheny Cities and surroundinit s for, the sale of the Coarot the_Pennsylva sg li4to Anthracite Coal and wransporsa wo COW. wa nt of Parties n want of a superior qualltyof Antbra. cSo Coal Irons Eastern Mines , will do well to call o them. ,Oeneral Mee and Yard—CORMS OP AN. DERtiON BT. and P. Pt. W. i V. B. R., Rile. (bony. - Ittanc4l2lce and Yard — LIBERTY, opp o site STREET, Pittsburgh - . Postoelc Address, Box 5b7 Pittsburgh. J. D. IviAIIQN Superintendent Penna, & Ohio Anthracite . Coal and Tranoportation Co No 0.14 rupoll Amip"Pittsbnrgli. COAL! COAL!! COAX!!! DICKSON, .START & CO, Having rookored tkwor °See to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET ( L,,, tel y city l'lonr KIII)B800ND /MOOR. eirenal z r aritrtt r2 L b dis7l.:Bl l , 6 492; h ew PAZi ke alltthei, °at or addressed to thew ° hrones Qs mails W/11 be , atteadeo to orcrmDtiN ----- EST COMMON Machine StOne Walks, SortliwasemarofWest Comm - 111/341P8 ATVATIIa # ow Fos 14424 °sw i rl on sh araviNeu t0r1324 1te4414n ToactbB — ailiFirogsMax4ol344 6 Atlas reassulMo rot,TDEns, MACECINIS' BAP PORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORK% TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. : rrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma.. chinery, Nail Macliines, Re torts, and Castings general/. PITTONNEM3II3; Engines, of eveig-dsisielptien. Zellers, on Task& Sheet Iron Work. saaraild Boning Min casuals& ItyriluD cirathine Cistiags. Gliolieral Castings. (Opposite Onto' boa 1(1112,1 karrestnias OMU CARLIN & CO., COAL AND .COKE. STONE. FA7 N :,-..y..., ~,,,* ~.. ~,,-....p1, 5 .., -. , ,, ,,,,,.- , -,,,, , .. , ..."V-4*" ' 5 - , WV.'-'''' - , e , , 0 .-, . ..: '",",' .'zt-t• ' 7 '1'^P. ,,,,,, ,,- t ler .--:,-N: ....,... - ' ig,W.,, W S. _' . ' I ti' , l -ti . ''''.' 4 • ' . 4. ^ - ..' 3 7' '''.?-..' ,& 1. ......,,,„, , ~` .fry,.'l,-'4:l*V.,gsif-Ar.r~.-Vf..s`,gr.!:-5-$?,;,,'1.:Wi1.:'-'t::-..,''''4,r, '.....'.--C",,,, 1 - - "' 'E.k ',.. ' •+•. ,'*'' ./" P' .-. . , 4M AV4,:.11.4":1' ''S - 5“,;. -- , - .1 f. a z., , ,... , ; • ; ,,. ! ..f,- „.,,,,,..,,-,,,:—_,;,,,,,....—....,,,-, .‘,..._ . _ ~ ' . " 4 ' 4 '. 1 % - ''' , l . - "s, 'kg - 4.4 *A d- •":%! , f***'4 : "-- -- --;K : - 5;•' , :•••' - ':. , ''' . . , :•:-. , 1 - ' , : 0 : - .': . ,.' : :•.':;r:,4 - ..., - •:477 , ‘.., :4-..,t.rzt i lw' - • . , - 'f, 7 ' -'k 4: ' -14''' ' l i k '• t .. 4 ' V 4- V •- ,4 5 , :.''•-c ie,•'-4-.''.X-..,- S P.-=•'•q2 '.-• I•,',: $i• P4 -L ,i r Zs' ' . ', V'- ` ,•:-•1.;-a4i.-,.st•4'Qv.q q.•,...iiti e4:q'-:-:.i&-.--,'•' - ):0 : ' F : •* ?• . - - -1 . -g' - "Zti.'t.'S: "4'-„ ; k - 7',-. ' ' z s: ' •n• .‹ ' '- -,-1,k4/52*:k 1,.11-,`' ;:.-,,1•-:\'W,74..p,.-1-40,, =,: ^ . ; A > 4 :, •? 4, , , . C 7 -. v : i t,•- N;•,, : g, : i • • :,O:td':--.,44,;,':'6a1•c;4.,”• - N:b:• -••.4 •V•" i, - •- P : 5 I,:Qr,i.= V I 1 i.,, T : i 1 it-. 4 • ,F.4.1.A.4-v5,i,`'v,..-A.-.,... § _ •A.-; _ • c,• . •o , :;4 ,•.,‘•- ; '% 4, 4: .=4i. 5- ,St i t W a_t*z‘".ol 11?A-,iz.lM •- - : /.'-IrqA.t„E;-"1i1,4-0:4, .4Vq44WW I . ~;,140,.1,,A4,a,t _ • PITTSBIMGIi GAMTM :11014 7 1),At li r ,mtm, JO, 1569. , " HUE N. BOLE it CO Cori, Point Alley and Duqueene VizAs T fl Pont%) Engine Builders, Pounders and Mackintsts. Bfannfactute STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES', of all slzea. AlimelighttMtglatioc oIowATATISVE, BOLLER. of 15-boreespower. 4"":"L`r. CASTINGS, of every kind. made tower &tour roundry, on THIRD STREET. below Market. RIGS for Oirefelle, SHARTING,PULLZY% HANGERS, HOUSE and T08A0430 so Bnd IRON TOBACCO PRISM, on hand anad a eto order, at the . • .. INDUSTRIAL WOR S, 'renting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, PITTSBUILEiIf, PA. Al! orders promptly llried, TNT US. FORT PITT EDILEII, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, aulturemulugas or MA.% DOUBLE -PLATED TURCLAB, TIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAK BOIL EBB. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENBERB; • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND /BON BRIDGES; • PRISON DOORS AND COAL MT= twee and Warehouse. eeraer Seeond, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. 111 P Orden sent to the above satires, will be Dram my attended to; mh7dB9 BOBBL & CO., ILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORNSCRS, SOL,IIIO. SW, SIIAXD Se PENN = . Having secured a large yard and for d shed It with the meet approved saschmery. we are pre =to ainutsocure every desc.ription of BOlL the bestsnsinner, and warranted costalSo au, saade 1.11 the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Piro Beds, Iftema ipets; Locomotive Boilers, Coadeneers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil StOls, Agita tors,' Settals Pans, Boller IrootiMti Omar ?Ina, and sole zaanntaoftrers s :pat en= done= shortest notice. . IaLCO ergs BL Nos. 58 and 56 Water areas, vir.l4 IRON OIL TANKS, 'smarm was, COMM STRAIIL'LL% ROLLING MILL STAONN, And 138X1CT IBON WORN, For Btearaboats. JAUD U.' mum.- " —in3nnora D. awn JARED . JARED N. .11111711 H & SON, ItAXIMACTIIIMIS OT Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. =NET IRON irons. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, ato. THE BEST STOVES. • A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE 101:126 IN TEE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Bate Eurnbir Oriental Stores and Purnaoets for Hard Coal or Coke. B est in the World ler Parlor,olllce. Store or Church. /Ire needs no rekindling—bum all win.. tat. , Do slather until rot see or send for Circular., • 1 4 1 o MX WOOD STREET.' Oar Agents for Orientals—DEMMLZE Baps., iteiltheeld St.; OILO. HITBLEY, Allegheny CRT. GAFF, GUS & CO., MAPOPACTIMIESOP IMO! YAM= OP ler r i li CrtrMa r BOSTON COOKING B.ANGIC I THE FIERY FURNACE," 701 WAILIOPG EtfiLDMIS. -In I na% n'tl: 1 Z tel BTU* ma tering i arelrTESlro a At wl dot ; argp vga 206 suja . d Liberti Street, ses:7l7 PITTM3I7BGH, PL. Coos wrovEs. • CET THE BEST. BISSEUG dr. CO.'S TRItTBIPH, • , ,OE Aurimitious ltarranted to Cooly Bake or Roast al well 1 1 8 an, other Morelli the Unto& BISSELL & GO., No. 235 Liberty Street. Alio on band and for sale. PA BLOB STOVES, I "4211" Mtl i alTit t irENIMCII, - " %OOHING KANOYM. ao. DYER Anil SCOURER, J. LANCIA DYER AND SCOURER. tfo. 8 BT. C.M.lllzi twrimour And NOS. 186 and 181 Thin' Street/ PTIVSEURRIL, PA. ARCEUTEOTS gins & MOSER, AltOlUTEcTe e ram EOM AssocuT/ON BUILDING% Nos. saa at. Char ettset, Pittsburg% A. line. attention aim to the destalog Jr benaise ot OIDDLT BOUBBA mil PUB FORT PIIT BANKING COINASt No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, :•: : : $200,000. ,lITOCKHOLDERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE DEALEBB /N GOVERNMENT INTEREST ALLOWED ON Oollectloas made on all the Wilted States and Clanad D. Hostetter, 'James Gordon. D. Wallace, . Fawcett, ' lATIONAL BANE 0 r:.001111101 1 Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTERSON .. JOS. H. HILL OAPITAIL i s $4500,000. 11/ILZOTOS: • F. air l e tecrig tm ePlars' has. ockhart, Wm..uougiss, Dan. B. Davidson . Beea. W. 11. Haven, MACOSUNTS 7Ani arCal HART, CA 'GREY & CO., BiNkgßiS AND BROKERS,! corner third and Wood - BMWs, i b iTTEcurizen. i 34.., ~ anrancasoss TOOiali.NA, mum a 00..) iL / O Coupons, Eichange, in, Lad putlealaz Men on Paid to tad parabaai • au sae of . . . . COVERNMENT BONDS. Bight 33railip1on r t . gondon. ' soimat N o HOLMES & SONS, Etie&rgiMliEFUE4 57 Market Street, iorrrivnlGEE, Pak Collections made on all the principal points of the Vatted states and Canadal.. • Stocks,Bonds and other Seenritipe BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CONNIMION. Particular attention paid to the pErchase and sale of United States Securities; JUO:ai MEM JAY COOKE & CO.; 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET; STOCKS and BONDB of all descriptions Speelal attention given to the purchase - and ale bongtit and sold of Government Securities WARIIIII6I AND zume, Ca=Lilo& Merchant' and Broken in Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PRILADELPEak ADDRZBB, Blom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND 13THElc,T. spin iCLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, HEBREW W. C. MEDDLE,' MANUFACTURER OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. /Setae. Itatezona Asia 011. • Stands great beat without change; !Mahe limpid at lowest temperatures. Special 011 for tropical climates or hot weather. Bare.Liseomows Engines iloolelawkolloPe win lbw AIM and Planing MU 011 a, adeotedlor high speed. Spindle • oil. Wool illead•Llghl 011. Out, Tasneora 9 Stuff. Hensole. ina&Pine bing o l/,leutelbeeh t 4 t Marneab. OIL Parrallan ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve B ht Iron Work and Machinery from itst. These products are Manuflunnted under Dr. Tweddle , s_patent by Superheated Ste in Vac cue. The Lubricating ells are almost dorless, perfectif pare, uniform, and meetly g ht col ored. ss nd a high temperature nneban ed. and remainimpid dnringlextreme cold. The Watoad Oils are I nneqUalled, and are inconstant'Use on many of the principal Railroads. plamplem can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. Works at liberpotourg.andde. TACK HHOTKEUB, COMMISSION -MERCHANTS, Am) Mira= IN Petroleum and its Products, JAllV.Etall a i c atil4 l .l.9"'"'" Irwin W"' pbtudelphi. omoo- JIT WALNUT 111% _apl:w7lo LiSIOND OIL. WORKS, D H. M. LONG & Office.VALZELL BITELDING.' feu Duquesne War. rlttiburgti, Py J. S. SWINT J. 114 MIXATT WINT & BIRATT, AUFELITICCIIIIIBAL 13rE1 ORNAMENTAL' CARVERS 81•19MRy _WNW% n h. raitzrsT'aertaccutientinieViL Jauar ldescriP don • MY* EGURITIES ,LD. AND C TINE BEPOBIT DIELICOTO Jn. Bo An, . O Risher, ' t. H. Xing, ew es M. Bailey.' BAWL. If RAN, Pres's. D. LEFT N. Cashier. T, AT 11 A. N.l 33 a , rds.:ers, DKLPHIA OILS CENT IKAIL AND VIVIAN' PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The eheaPeat baTestanent nOm the market for sale by VII* ItoNEEIELFEZ, Corner rums .s.vzicuz £ WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. dem 'TAXES T. BEADY & CO., (aucces...,- OH. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., 3EB 311 R 61, BUY AND SELL ALL ENDS OP • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 191 OLD, SILVER ARD COLTON% ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. WI" Interest Allowed on Deposits.' sir moue, loaned on Govenunent Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Putvhase and Sale of STOt)Bl9, BONDS and GOLD. JAMBS T. BRADT & CO. We points la CO liftAturgt etapits. FINANCE 4 AND TRADE, OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, April 17, 1: The very favorable statement of the New York city banks, showing an in crease of seven million dollars in their reserve, by - temittances from the interior and the south, made money quite , easy, and where seven per cent. gold interest and a commission were exacted on Fri. day, six per cent. currency interest was accepted on Saturday. This sudden change, in the money , rates gave an un precedented impetus to speculation in bonds and stocks. Government bonds of the July issues have now reached 115 X, being about one and a half per cent above the high eat quotation ever attained, even with six months interest accrued, and the de mand for bonds is still on the increase, Any farther rise here will also stimulate the demand from Europe for the bonds of the recent issues, and the difference between old 1882's and newlB67's will be merely the difference in the interest in London, and be equal in Frankfort, where the interest is added to the quota tions. HOwever, the rise - since the first of the month being now about two per cent, we may look for a considerable re action at any moment, even if the ten dency were still for higher quotations. Any advance of magnitude always checks the investment demand, and purchases at the higher figures are gen erally of a speculative nature, and soon finds its level. In stocks the demand has so increased by all classes that have any money to venture and by those who have not lost their all, that quotations have advanced about two per cent, in 'the average. Business being dull and the chances oc materially favorable to a temporary in vestment in stocks, it is too tempting for men not to try their we d s o ut al though their fate in nine cases out of ten is that they lose money. Prices are so , inflated at the stock exchange and the operators for want of orders literally eat ' up one another, and those who have the means to operate under any market finally swallow up all the smaller capi- Isis. mhBo Gold is remarkably strong, although exchange is still far below the shipping point of specie and not much in demand , - besides few remittances have to be made for the May interest. The money in most cases will be reinvested in bonds, which is probably the true cause'of the rise. Few holders have so far availed them selves of the privilege of having their coupons discounted, but the coming week will most likely bring out larger lots, since gold loans command a pre- MiUM. Money has not eased up here, but bet ter terms are expected by borrowers for the next week. - Business is still dull and one of our principal branches is completely idle.. Quotations as received by'Pb. R. merts: Gold, 133 X; Silver, 126; Eighty 'one's, 128 g; Five Twenties, 18622,120 y; 'do 1864, 117 X; do • /865, • 115; do /865, Consols, ---; do 1867, —; do 1868, 156 X; Ten Forties, 183,g; New York Central, ,65%; Erie, —; Reading, 95; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad;.-132X; Ohio it lifisisslPPl• 53X; ' Michigan Southern, 99k1 Cleve land it Pittsburgh, 92%; Chia Rook Island, 138; Chicago & North Western, 833‘; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 95%; Adams Express Com pany, 50X; Merchants Union Express, 15; PaelAo Mail, 64,5; Western triton Telegrapdi Company, 41X; Gegory, 3,55; Quartz gill, 1,55; Corydon, ---;Smith Parmlee, 2,90; W. Am. Express 38%. City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]' NEW Yens, April 17, 1869. The Money market was very easy at 7;per cent. currency, and in some cases balances were left at 6 per cent. The dig count market was also easier; banks show Iv more accommodating spirit; prime paper is quoted at 9910 per cent. The pioduce exchange was thrown into a fit of excitement this forenoon by a report that Messrs. Parker dc Peck, elevator and warehouse men, had defrauded a number of products 'firms out of 200,000 bushels of oats corn and wheat, the total value of i which s estiMated at ;250,000. Mr. Peck has disappeared. • The Bank statement was favorable. A decretuse in loans was naturally ex 4 pained, but the large increase in legal tenders took every body by surprise. The figures show plainly that the banks must have received tar more currency • thari they shipped during the week, and they also explain, fully the great change in money from stringency to ease. The legal reserve e r iliZ 4B3 airt 1 5 , 1113- l e 3, z oref • ol the preceding week • loans 1295494,992, decrease $2,295,845; - specie $7,711,779, de: mese 1982,674; legal tendert $ 5 ,001,288, • inoresee WOO" deposits ii 172,203,404 Increase $709414, circulation ;34;436,769, decrease 1172,591. Sterling dull at 774®8 per cent. Gold is firmer, opened at 133%, fell to 133 and closed at 1333f@1333,. The rates paid for borrowing were from 1.16 to g to flat. Governments buoyant and higher Coupons of 'l, 117 %©11734; do. '62, 1 20%®121; do. '64, 116%®1163/ 4 ; do. '65, 117%®118; do. new, 115ya1.163(,: do. '67, 6X 115 g®115%; d 114g@1.15%; 10-40 s, State Bonds rm. Missouris 87; "Old Tennessee 68y, 69; new 66%(466%; Vir ginias 60g@61; North Carolinas 54® Mg; Louisiana Levee Sixes 70.%©70%. Stock market opened firm, though dull, business being checked by a meet ing of open Board to consider the sub ject of consolidation with Stock Ex change. No action was, taken. Late in the afternoon, under the influence of the bank statement, the market became buoyant and active, with great exCite ment and a 'perfect rush to buy. New York Central, Wabash, Peafiing' i St. Paul, Ft. Wayne, Rock Island, North western preferred, Mariposa, preferred and .Mariposa were the chief features. At the close the market was still strong and active. Five-thirty Prices—CuMberland, 29® 31; Wells Express, , 31%432: Amyl can. 39 @ 39 31 Adams, 5934(3493;; Mer- j . chants Union, 15®16; United ;States, 60@3 603 x; Quicksilver, 22@22g; Canton, 61% 1062%; Pacific Mail, 94% (4)95; Webtern Union Telegraph, 41%® - 42; New York Central, 11 • 343%©1663 8 ! Erie, 33%®34 pre ferred, 52@55; Hudson, 147®147%; Mari pose, 22g®22g; preferreci, 49g©49%; Harlem, 13930101139%; Terre Haute, 38® 39; do. preferred, 67 ( 4 / 6 8.4; Wabash, mg 73x; do. preferred, 79%®8034; St. Paul, 94®79%; do. 'preferred, 863f(187; Fort Wayne, 1132%@134; Oldo 456 Mississippi, . 1 333®33%; Michigan • Central, :122 j® 122 g; Michigan Southern, 99g©99‘,• Pittsburgh, 9134@93%; Lake Shore, uuYs ® 99 ,4; Rock Island, 188%®138%; Northwestern, 84%@84g; do. preferred, 96 '4® 8 6%. Mining shares dull. • I Copper stocks at Boston : Copper Falls, 8; Franklin , 17L; Ueda, 70; usn - cock, 4; Quincy, 22. Receipts of the Sub•Treasnry were $1,264,608; payments, $1,244,545; balance, $89,972,276. Clearances at the Gold Extthange Bank weresllo,ooo,ooo. Exports of gold to-day, 822,175; for the week, $86,575. The im ports for the week show ad increase of 12,890,000 over the same time last year. Dry goods, $2,263,406; general merchan dise, 60,294,761. PETROLEUM suRKET. , OFFICE or PITTSBURGH GAETTE, SATURDAY, April 17, 1869. GENERAL REVIEW—The operations in oil have again been light this week, . the volume of business in .the aggre gate saving been light, and while the market has been very sensitive and at 'times somewhat excited, prices ruled remarkably steady, . thoraghthe -week • closes firmer than it opened. - There are several obstacles in the way of business, all of which we haNie noticed - time and again; and until these obstacles are re moved we cannot _reasonably look for any permanent or material ingirove meat. The derhand ditring the week emanated mainly from short sellers and the great - bulk of-the oil sold was taken by those having maturing contracts, which had to be filled. Had it not have been for the 'shorts there would have been next to nothing done, as there ap pears to be but little inquiry from any other source. Still, as already noted, the market is firm, with but little offering, and there is no disposition manifested to make concessions in order to effect IgOes. The receipts of Crude have fallen off considerably, the river having got too low to rim it in Wats. and nearly all of that which arrived on the last rise has already been delivered and as a conse quence, there is not much on the mar ket. CRUDE—The market although quiet is steady, with but little offering and but little wanted. Spot is still held firm ty at 15; without buyers; and May and June is offering at 16, with the same re- Sun, AB already noted, hsiwever, there is no disposition to force sales, and the market is almoist bare. REFINED —The ' Refined rdarket Is stronger and compared with 3restarday, prices are better. Sales 1,000 April to June at 333 i; 1,000 April, at 3234; and 500 May at 8835; showing an advance of a full half cent, and we presume that what is true of these is equally applica ble to other months, as there seemed to be a firmer feeling all around. As a general thing our refiners are not dis posed to sell very • largely, in cones queries of the fact that Crude is too higi. to admit of any margin. RECAPITULATION -- Receipts of Crude durinkthe 'week, 13,826 bbis; last week, 47,691; from January Ist to date, 217;195; same time last year, 294,578; Exports Relined this week, 7,909; last week 91,750; from January Ist to date 91,750;'same time last year, 79,518; sales this week, 42,700; last week 49,500. • LIIBRICA.TING Eclipse Winter at op 0i1.... Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. Y. R. B. McKelvy Bro. 101 bbls refined to W. P Logan' & Bro., Philadelphisi. J. C.Kirkpatriek & Co., 222 bbls refined Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhard, Frew & Co. 474 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Braun it Wagner, 52 bbla to. W. Blain & Son, Harrisburg. J. P. Wood 50 bba tar, to Slemmett Bro.,.Downington Pa. Total shipments Refined 841 Total shipments tar ' 102 OLD SHIPPED EAST PEPX DIIQUASBaII • DEPOT. Union Refining Co., 216 W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyons, 334,bb1s refined to W. P. Logan & Bro. Hutchinson Oil Ref. C0.,'517 bbls ref to Warden. Frew & Co.. Pislladephis. Hi M. Long & Co., 174 bbls refmed to W. F. & Co., Philadelphia. Duncan & Williams, 45 bbls refined to W. P. Logan dc Bro., Philadelphia. P. Logan Montzheßro.r, ime, Philadelp ct Co., hia222, bbla to W. . • Total Shipments Refined. .. . . ... . ...... 1292 Dry Goons Market. NEW YORE,April 17 .—Trade among jobbing house as usual on Saturdays, Is. very quiet to.tlxv, And market through out is inert and depressed. The Lawrence F. brown mtu4linu are reduced by job bers to 183 i. American; 4y., brown 1114. Red Crosswegans ,are jobbing at 14%,' and Green Star at 14, and White Star 12. Laconia Canton flannels bring - 180 great falls, do. at 2 3y,(424, do. bleached 25, laiark No. 2 check 12x. Park mills No * 80 24c. Pepperel brown drills are down to 16.4 e, laconla do. 15yo. Atnaskeag, are jobbing both at 16 and 17e ; and Massachussetts G at 14M. Woolen goods market awfully demolish ed, and it is now an open question whether mills can be . run on IWI time any longer; excellent fancy CaBBllneree and I.coatings from- some of the best AlneriCan_ndlls in good weight : ante lino tluleh. are selling at front 11,10.0Urrency way down below 1 dollar, or abbot 600 not on tont plea. 400 350 750 ... . 800
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