I -- - - 'OLD FOLKS' CONCERT. glveThe original "014 "Folks," of this city, vii TWO GRAND CONCERTS, ID In fall costume. at LAFAIE 'TE HALL, 'Food . street, THCRIDIT AND FRIDAY EVENINEg, APRIL Mid and 113 d. • Tickets 50 cents, to be procured at the Music and Boot stores. or at the door. Concert Com mences at 8 o'clock. ' apt :t603 • to I R A got E D C w ‘ fl oEns f anged li S i r a welt built and conveniently arrange. bri ck hou s e of hail, nine reams and cellar. gas and water ixtures in cellar and on each Moor, well painted and pap•rea and in good order. Terms tray; Immediate possession. In desirable location on Second avenue. spi)ly to B. CUTHBERT & SOPS, 39 Sixth Avenue. WIBIPOLI SOAP.—A new turn. CLIC for cleaning and polishing Plate Glass ndows. Looking taus, bilyer Plated and Tln Ware, Paints, &e. The best article Oat; received and for sale by the dozen or single Cake by JOHN A. RENSHAW, Corner Liberty and Ninth iitr.eta. spl9 PPROCTER AND GAMBLE'S FAMILY SO cares S lb. =OH' - SO do. 5 lb. taw 10 do. 10 lb. . COILS. liow In store end f.r • This Dar 3 is bound to go into universal use whe s i z e, ean be bad. The cans being of liability nies easy tO handle, and free from liability to damage by dirt or otherwise, and withal so ■ear the price *1 tierce lard to the wholesale dealer, that he will surety patronize us with his orders. apt* - ISAIAH DICKEY i CO. SSIGISEE SALE OF MATE RIAL 4 AND MANUFACTURED WOkE, fto THE FALLISTON WOODEN WARE WORK& —THURoDAY MORN' NO,April SOthi at 10 o'clock, by order of W. A; Lew is, Zan.. as signee of Bailey A McCandless, will be sold on the premises, at the Ballston Wooden Ware 1 Works of Bailey &, McCandless. all the material • and manufactured ware, comprising Paints, Oils, Zinc. Whttlnr, Umber, o,hre, to.. Tub Iron, Bucket Irtm, Chains, Ropes, natr, and all &mi t cies used In the manufacture of Tubs and Buckets. I Also. large lot of Staves and Lumber,_and a line lot of finished Heelers and Tubs. * Train leases Pittsburgh at 7:1111 apl9 A. McILWAINE, Auctioneer. RAILROAD LETTING. St. Louis,Vazdalia & Terre Hauteß.R Proposals will be rebelyed untlll2 o'clock M., MAY Stn, addressed Ps, MeKEEN. SMITE & Co., Chiel Contractors, Terre Haute, Indians, for the last fifty-seven (57) Mlles of this road. The work Is of the most desirable character,com. prising both very heavy and aLio light work. Panamint, MONTHLY. lit CASH. Profiles can be seta at the °Mae In Terre Elate, after April 26th. J. MERLE HILLER, Consulting Engineer. Timm Hurra.A 16, 1869. aple:h6o I. L. ..... errivissoi. DILLINGER & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye :Whiskies. IMPOBTRILS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, apl9 PITTSBURGH, PA. 1".: 1- rr AT AUCTION, /ON ,SAVVIWAY,. LT ilatzr. O'CLOCK, a highly attractive sac sale of Building Lots will take place on the ▪ • roperty of Mr.'Dllun, on and near the P -ans. e road and Observatory grounds. and fronUng residences of Mr; McClintock and Mayor • •m. There are seventeen lots ranging In size • • A4k by Oil to A 5 by POO feet. The situation . really delightful, being on gently rising • • end, from which very fine views of the adjs. nt country are obtainable. It Is within easy akin, distance of the city and T et free • 'ram til-tunote and dirt. It is within nve minutes" of the Pleasant Valley Street Railway. • To men who with to secure a •homestead In a locality bound ifs progress in advantages and val ue, the present, is an exceedingly favorable op portunity. Now Is the time to strike fir a home. owed lots near the city at low prices are getting rare. Terms of sale..-Halt cub; balance in one and two years. Calf and sey_plat at office of _split - LORI:MATE, Alact.Pr. BAT & 11197,111110M1D Taa ATEST NOVELTIES Shawls, Snit in LINA Baits in Bilks, Dram Goods, Underclothing, , Linen Goode, O WHICH rimy . ,zwv-ITE son6ir woYOUR AMMON; EMU' SHINS PEOPLES , SAVINGS BANE MOVED TEMPORARILY TO I No. 81 Fourth daenue t . kun edibtelY ebbodtetititsnn taer loestion,wbers will remain tidin until the Bsie Denosit Company re best e d Is In oonthat oleted noggins. . when the Both. will then . a. W . VON lIONNHOESIN • Übe../4 ITARY AND TREASUItZa• aprirtu4 osErmi Totes, mu. OF *WINDOW .GLIABS• . warawase—ii. AT WOOD OTIODET. /WM • Plitsparirk IMM== NOW READY. LIPPDICOTT'S MAGAZINE, With, a Full Page Ulustration I. BEYOND THE BREAKERS: A Norm, PAnv V. By Hon. Robert Dale Owen. 11. MAY APPLEs: A Posit. 111. SALMON IV. HANS BILEITMANN IN POLITICS— PAR i n tell ec tu al he author asserts the vast superiority of Germans to Americas,. I. Showing how Mr. Twine • played (if" on Smith. By Charles G. Leland. Illustrated. V. 11011011.00 S SGE po . A TALI. By Harriet relo ttfford. VI. LI F E IN MAL MINES. • VII. : A YEW CURIOUS DERIVATIVES. By Prof. ry oppee. VIII. DICK LYL It' S IrztE. A &rosy OP vng SPECTRUM. Clarke Dayis. IX. ANALYSI. X. FARL DOOGL , S.OF PHILADELPHIA. I. RECOLLECTIONS OF WASHINGTON IRVING. By L. Gaylord Clarke XII. THE ARGOSY: A PoEw. XIII. A REAL GHOST STONY, XIV. OUR MONTHLY GOSSIP. XV. LITISRATIInE a n dE DAY. For sale at all the Bookews Stores. Single number, 30 cents. Yearly subscriptions, S 4. Liberal terms to Clubs and Agent.. . • I. B. LIPPIWCOTT k CO., Publishers, apl7:h67 WA GREAT REMEDY Vox THE CUBE OF THROAT AND LIM DISEASES. ]Jr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree. ob tained b. , a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by which its highest medical propert es ate reta'ned. D. is rate only safeguard and reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree. It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. It strengthens m en debßitated system. It purifies and riches he bleod, and expels from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds on the lungs. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air passages of the lungs. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated surface of the lungs and throat penetrating to, each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing bralamation. - It Is the result of years of st”dy and expert- EMIL and It is offered to the afflicted, with the polltive Laurance of In power to cure the fol lowing diseases, if the patient has not too long' delayed a resort to the means of cure. Coasumption of the Ln.fts, ne ugh, Bore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Liver - Complaint, Blind and Bleeding P 1 es. Asthma. Whooping Cough, Diptberfa, e., Re we are often asked why are not other remedies in the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds. and other Pulmonary affections equal to )r. L. Q. Mahal , ' nine Tree Tar Cordial. We &a la. It cures, not by stooping cough, but by loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy batter collected shout the throat and bronchial tubes. CMS' ikg irritation and cough. 2d: Most Throat and Lung Remedies are coin posed of anodynes, width, allay the cough for awhile, bat by their centring*, effect. the Wares become hardened, and the unhealthy gilds ~date and are retained In the system, causing disease beyond the control of oar most eminent physic's's. 3d. The rtne Tree Tar Cordial, with its assist tants, are preferable, because they remove the , Cause of irEtation of the mucous membrane and bronchial tube& unlit the lungs to act and throw off ant unhealthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus scientifically making the care perfect. • Dr. Withal has ism Mat hit ejftee hundreds and thoutramds ef' ss. from Bea and Wo lfram of longues sonabie character who, were owes hopelessly even isge to die but through th. Provi dence tr. tro d were eostPledalf restored to health by the rent , Tree Tar CordiM , .. A Physician in at- ' tendance who can be conimted in person or by mall. free •/ charge. Tries of Pine Tree Tar Cor dial 111.50 per Bottle. or itu per doz. Sent bkßx mess on re( elpt of pri dress, "L. .C. Wishart, N. D., No. N o rthr.2d Street, lla delphia. Pa," THE CO-OP.ERATpiE lag-pawn COMPANY Of Western Pennsylvania. OAPI AL i t ,..__ STOCK.... OFFIC : No. 1?3 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, 1 and 1,111 Canon St, Birmingham. \ .I)II32CTORS: Gen. F. H. Cor.iiiia. Joins D. ectrinT, Hon.Buele H. Stows, W. W. PATRICK, COl. Z. A. AtLRN, JOB. WALTON. H. W. Oraymr. - .1n.. W. BANZWRLL , Ar.A.TArrore. TINDLZ, O. WHARTON. A. B. Ilimugg6ON, 13. P. limagrA. B. ISROVH. Dr. O. J. le =or. C. Soancrtm,_ D. C. BrrtsT. W. C. A.IIGHTNBAIIGH, President. A. AMMON,Vice President. ' E. O. NEZHAN, Secretary. A. PATTNIMON. Actuary. JOHN P. BEACH, 2 reasurer. TEUBTINS: Hon J.N.Hirkpatalck. !Hon. B. H. Stowe, Hon. Agic a riff, !James P. Barr, John g, W. Bskeweu, W Hoy. W. E. Stevenson, of W ert Virginia. Ili BOMB INSTITUTION is now fully orrare• Ise and cmima that Its peculiar Co .operative enables it to *ger to patrons aid d : Simplicity. Eecalltri Vorretideixe mid Liberality, than can be had wh aqua! Mority in any Mbar. and only asks a n inteulgent emir. pariaon with Oa moorpopelos Companies doing business on she ordinary plan. 1 • spinsinir BELL , -- Bonn! , CLOTHEIree-The tar. gest and most maniacs slack of Boys', Youths and Children's Clothing, for the presenttseosoo, fa to be *and %s GRAY & LCIGAWS, , .18 67 SIXTH ATIZZIET. Oat. tit. Matra 6 VAILVIELS Or CIMPMEBIIO , - --- - V N IMAKENPRAIIE. Complete. Posits* • K Z pejo,. 37 AR e. o ' Do. ao. do c do. cloth $ 1 TIMM JITEON. complete. post Own., , ages, 4,lllrrationt" 5.... Driios t rANlll7l7." - a"mplete,'poet Sivl i ci , 'TX . 11 . clt.h ....D g W:' SCOTT ' S P OETICAL do R ' Ke. C om a D ts, p0 d 5t 0 899;35 page,. c asr ated... s se. - DICK'S BUONO. Complete, post STOf /SO pages, Illustrated 50. Do, do: . cloth . 50e. DICK'SC ARABIAN NIGHTS , ENTERTAIN . fah 111. Post Ivo, 370 pages, sims:ova Il lustrations sae. 00. do.cloth 110 o: DICK'S BRITISH DRA.kIA. Illustrated, com paging the Werke of the most celebrated Dram atists. Complete In 4 vols., each vol. contai na_9l plays. Per vol DIUW/S BOGART/S. ]loyal MIMI* , cloth e This Work is got up in the handsomest style,no expense being spared to produce engravlns a Worthy of the originals. A fine ptper - is used, and altogether:the volume laamincle of beatify and cheapness. POET/OAL WOREB OP 'ROBERT BURNS. Complete. Glasgow Edition. with Memoir. Preparatory Notes.' and MArginial- Mossiry, • bc m t e rtlfin/ portrait, and other lligstrations, fans; in the cheapest large type edition of the poet's orbs ever Issued 500. Do. eo. Oath 11.00 Scottish Chiefs. R 5 6.. pages iiito. Children of _me -- not «aiAlitrei 250. aadoeaa of Warsaw . Bt. Clair of the Islet 5150. =I AgCADENT OF SCIENCE. 101 - _7/edam Street, Allegheny, (Saying/ EsalE cin .) Spring term begins IMIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1869.' Per drenian, to., apply to RR S. ROBB. A. N. Prin. WTITa-1.0 Dag,tenek tier e . tD sTr . r lWixe lv ; di ! I;YirrexP"reghl. I ittjlift ^ "1 , .Cl`46a,...4r4.4*,Vtriticxetirear''VV;,Arir.{P..OA:C,.:A.4ks:o.iV,F44§47':P* •kt,* , 4 ir.104,04444+.4 The Itai Number of CONTENTS s 715 and 717 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. saoo t ooo. & A. CLARKE & CO., 119 WOOD STBZET I Fl-2040 bareels um% ter Now i • B. SAXPIUD. Imo.g_.. .q -A::. 4 . . , ..7* 4 ?NpAy. , ..i... , .. x:T,.......-...1 .9...4§01,;.t -...,i-1 LUaii5&11:41116:c4.%1 FOR SATURDAY'S SALES IMI LOWEST PRICES ! Parasols, Sun rmbrellds, 'Bonnets,Ribbons and Flowers. Ladies' Hats, Children's Hats, Ladies' Emb. Underwear, Ladies' limb. Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Gloves, Stockings, • Lace Handkerchiefs, 'Lace Collars, Linen Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Hamburg Edgings, Hamburg Insertings, Linen Lawn, Linen Cambric, (ainsook 4aeonent Muslin, Cambric Muslin, Swiss Muslin, Ipeamoral Skirts, - Spring Skirts, lirttillings, Trimmings, i*er Collars, Paper Cuffs, Mil WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r 3 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. 1130 AND UM FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGZENT, EMI TAGGART 14.131.1 EN, RETAIL BOOTS, SHOES HD GAITERS. AT Wholesale PrieeS. No. 129 FEDERAL STREET, avl4Allegheny CatV. A GREAT SUCCESS! 33 - FrKrIIE3:I, WASEUNd\MEAMEUNE! It washes the finest fabrics, without Injury, perfectly clemi in leu than one. iiibth the ordi nary way. It does not rub the cloth. but per ibrms the cleaning process by steam and the quick action Of bet water; it can be operated by a child. Its great ch sauces. makes it accessible to every family and 'saves Its own cost in doing away with tube. • - PRICE, 3 15. Bold hum the ManuActory, it. ' THOR,IS RERKEVS, PENH IT.. OPPOSITE THE rent HEEDED. IgrAGE NTS WANTED. anls:bsl IRON CITY SPICE AND' IICSTARD RILL, Fifth Avenue, near High St., STRICKLER is MIORLEDCE, • 'Wholesale Dealers in lioasrzi) COFFEE. Spices and Mustard. rtttiri; sees sue weseerssur to e Ter, nest in elfi li kr it etc i ff i b r it i oMe il liellt 4Atil e ar d t6 Itvere. is the city free of charge. quality " airxualuis t imORLED6III, mh.lie Fifth avenue, Pittstmr a, Pa. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM BILLER, (guecessor to 308. P. HAIOH & C 0.,) _ Has facilities E ast, with the loading orje4 In the East, and is prepared to pr_ omptly and satlshotonly All all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, (MARKS, PISTON ROD", LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS,wiasTs, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, _together with every deserlptlorinT 411APN 0121Ceand Foam. Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. aptub4o 14.00 HS SETTLED, • at.. AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED, MONEY TO LOAN. PINE' YARNS IN PZITIISYLV4IINIA; HOUSES AND LOTS IN PITTSBURGH AND EAST LIBERTY: , LOTS IN MANSTIELD• MISSOURI AND VIREFLISIA LAND rigida , . Of -THOS. SIMPI3OI‘, IfOTAIIT 11791/10, 89 Guw BTaiJrZi (1111ce, back roots rwirasm'u o l7t ~.fah NENV =Z=== EXTRI ;GOOD DMthillg DRY GOODS. At 034 c., FAST COLORED CALICOES, At Sc., FAST COLCRED CALICOES, At 10c., FAST COLORED CALICOES, At 1030,, EXTRA QUALITY BLEACHED MUSLINS; At 12'c., HEAVY SHEETING MUSLINS; At 103ic. $ LIGHT ASD DARK DELAINES; At 25c., DOUBLE -WIDTH BLACK AL PACAS; At A 3:., DOUBLY -WIDTH AOACAS. Ii choice colors: . At 6210., nem DOUBLE-WDTH (all= wool) POPLINS, extra bargains: At 60c., BLACK AND WHITE BALMORAL SKIRTS, full elm; At- 75c., DOUBLE-WIDTH SILK-MIXED POPLINS; At 50c., CHOICE DOUBLE-WIDTH SPRING 'DRESS GOODS; At *Mc., PINE DOUBLE-WIDTH SPRING DRESS GOODS: NEW HEAVY BLACK SILKS; NEW PINE BLACK MOHAIR LUSTERS; NEW-POPLINS, &e„ &c. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Table Linens and Napkins, Meetings and Pillow Arabtins, White Quilts, • • . Cassimeres, Towels, cte,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EMI IVI:GMIL SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 183 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGUENT. I 713 MILLINERS AND BEMS Will Find at . JOSEPH HORNE 4 CO'S LATE NOVELTIES IN HATS AND BONNETS Received this day from the manufacturers, and full lines surrpowss RIBBONS, TINE riambH pLuwbals. ROSES ,WREATHS„ BUDS, rGRASSE% NAlay.T. RIL L IMEIO LAIAI ILES AND TRIM NG SATINS, UNAMTINTS D . SITAlat Eihmios, GIMPS, Ac., Ac,, Received durine the Week, making the most complete line of MILLINERY GOODS Ever Offered in this City, And to which we invite THE ATTENTION • OF THE TRADE. 77 dad 79 Market Street. a. ff STEM-WINDING 'WA:I42IIAM WATCHES. These:Watettes are of the well.ktiows 1( plate style, and warranted to minty the most exacting demote for beauty. Sahel 'and accuracy. The manufacture of Watches of this Mee quall4 lit not even attempted In fhb country except at Waltham. .TOR LUX BY J. a REED a CO, Wit PITTSBURGH. WALT/1131AM WATCHES, $4 Plate, 16 and ,20 Size& To the manufacture Or these One Watches the Clompany have devoted. all the science and skill in the art at their command, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, no lees than for the greater excelenoles of mechanical and scientific correctness of design and execution, these watches are unsurpassed anywhere. In this country the manufacture of these grade of Watches is not even attempted, except sit Waltham. 708 BALE BY S i S. ITIViDDEN & CO. OM: , RQ,CK THE BABY . EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. 4 . SOLD ORLI wr LEMON & WEISE. IPracUealltriaiture itanunkturers, ke., 118 ottivrn Ate. 107harit !al I T" l . nent °SFr irientay. PRINTING 1261 WOITIEF4. C. E. ROBINSON, auannpurrinan os Black end Colored Printing & Lithographic balm veztreneszak Grai's Ferry &lid and 88d Street, reimeso PHILADIELPHIL. THE CO - PARTNERSHIP here— totore extitlng between the undersigned der disseishil by' the withdrawal from the firm or John Hartmus. The business will be conducted as heretorore under the name and &Vie of A. butlers eons, A. STELLER JOHN itcremus, JsTm.Luset, J. G. BTELLZH. aelesbad March 11th. 11M. TTATER PIPES,. 01IISIIIIIT Top& largo Olmertaiett. ( HaNEY 11. OOLLINB, apii ; jl . 7 1 X 4 AT•sige, mbar 1a13114111 af • - ~w~-~.~~ uy~-.y ~i f g~'~~. r~h"~. i~~ .".~J - 4~ r ` s.Fr. :~y~` ' far - THE''.FEDERAL OIL COM• PANY.—A stockholders' meetin g will b , held on the 1 6 th DAT ole APRIL, 1869. at 10 o'clock A; at the office of A. A. MILLS. Duquesne pose near Ninth ttreet, Pittabargh, for the poet taking action for the disso:u. Uon of the company. A full attendance is re quested. By order of the Board. 1 O. L• ODEELRIM64 Prea't. IarNOTICE.--At a Meeting of the Dlrettors of the EWALT STREET BRIDGE CO., On April 3d, an;assesrment of 15,00 per share on the Capital S:ock was made. Payment Is re quested on or before the 23d of April, at the of fice of CHRIS. SIEBERT, apead • I 400 Penn street. PITTSBURGH, IPT.WAY‘Z & CHICAGO H.R. CO., OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. _ PITTSBURGH, PA, March 24, 1869. THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS OF THIS . COMPANY have de clared the regular Quarterly Dividend (No. 21.) of two and one4talf percent., free or Govern ment tax, on tile capital stock, for the Quarter ending March 31st, payable on and after MON DAY, April 27, proximo. at the office of Wins low, Lanier & Co., Ito. 27 Pine street, to those registered at New Yon, and at the office of the Treasurer, to those registered al. Pittsburgh. The Trinsfer - Books will close on Monday. Awl' 12. at 2 p. 12., and re-open Tuesday, April 27, at 10 A. x. F. M. HUTCHINSON, etary. Imo" TO CARPENTERS AND BUILD/W.—Sealed proposals for" the erection of TWO STATION HOUSES,. For City of Pittsburgh, one to be erected In Twelfth and one in Seventeenth Ward of said cliy will be received at the Hardware Store of J. £O, PEARSON, No. 41 Diamond stree t be. tween Wood and Smithfield streets, where Plans and Specifications can be seen. Al l proposals to be in by Aprill7.th. 1689. By order of Com mittee. t • JOHN H, L HABE ape , J 913, ~MAKSHAA.. *MO. R. PorARSON. F/46°15;_ u rgiu D L l Ti t tn i s l a r i I ErNdEler. • %Is hereby given that THE INTEREST COUPONS, - Payable on the First Day of July Next,. Will be paid onpiesentat:on at the proner °feces upon i rebate of interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum In gold. GEORGIC 8. BOUT WELL, . SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. aphl;bs7 IarPIIBLIC ,NOTICE. Punuant to,an act of Assembly, approved the Huth of Marub, 1g69. entitled "enact relat ing to Intermentsjin Trinity Church-yard, Pitts burgh,'" Public Notice Is hereby given of the it tcntlon of the minister. wardens and vestry of Trinity (Episcopal) Church. after the 10th of MAY, proximo, to use a part of the grave .ground belonging to or connected with said cherub, as sites for new erections of Church an d Chapel and for grades, and that Messrs. JOHN H. SHOENBERDER, JAMES M. COOPER, CALVIN ADAMS and JOsIAH KING, of the vestry, have been appointed a Committee to con fer and arrange with the friends and relatives of all persons burled In the ground required for the purposes set forth in the act of Assembly afore said, for their retention under the new beildings. or removal to Other Parts of the lot or to one of the rural cemeteries. One or more of the Corn • mittee mar be found at the vestry room of the church at 3 to 5 o'clock P. sr., on every WED NICSDAY and SATURDAY until the 15th of MAY, at which time and place parties Interested will pleasecall— Byorder of thieyestry. JOSIAH KING, Junior Warden. apl6:hs9 PENNSYLVAPILt RAIL ROAD CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, PRILADRLessta. PA., - April THE 16169. TO TH E STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. • An Stockholder!, as registered on the Books of this Company on , the 30th day April. 1869. will be entitled to rabscrioe for TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, of their respective interests in New Stook, at_par, as fmlows; Fll'ty per cent. at the time of subserlp , lion between the 15th day. of May, 1869, and the 30th day or June, 1869. . 6ecolut. Fifty per cent. between the 15th day of November, 1 169. and the 31st day of Decem ber. 1869; or, If Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription. and each 1118thent so paid up shall be entitled to a pre rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full shares. 2'hird. That every Stockholder holding less than four shares,. shall be entitled to stibscribe for one share: and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to sub scribe for an additional share. /bora. All shares upon which Instalments a yet to be paid under Resolution of IfaY 1 3. 1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-tire per cent. at par, as though they were paid in fall.. spas' 48 THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. r;) : n )11 to all OWNERS Or DRAYB, CARTB, CAERIAO3B. B MGM, Itc., (whether resident or non lisident,) in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at this Waco ZORTIIWITE, in accordance with an Act of Assembly approved March 30, 1860, And an ordinance of thb Coun cils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April lO, 1880. All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 15, 11959, will be placed in the hands of a police of. Seer for collection, subject to a collection tee of 50 cents, and • all I persons who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will be subject to a penalty double the amount Of the license, to be recovered before the Mayor. The old metal ilates of last year must be re. turned at the tLmel.lcienses are taken out, or A 5 cents additional will be charged on each License. . • BATES OF LICENSE: Each one horse vehicle $ T. 50 Each two horse Yeidole L9I. 00 Each four horse vehicle 15.00 Each two horse hack 15.00 Omnibas and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses, $lB.OO each. One dollar extra will be charged for each additional horse used in any of the above vehiclek: A. J. 000118 AN, , fel2:eol:isw, • City Treasurer: WAI O ITEIN-BOARDERS—Two gentlemeu 111111% obtain a neatly tarnished room and board reanonable, - at No. 9 ANN STREET. Allegheny City. 110p0ARDING--An elegant front Me Orb' 2guitrfeafOrioieldautrtandalgeu4 two gentimmen. ITRADE MARK. DRUDGE'S Fut.- PRAPOZI Lamp - CHIMNEYS. 41510:621 - DISSOLUTION.—The nerskipliieretefore existing between tie ' undersigned is tlitsday dissolved by 'entail lion. mutt, ainionsti wilt be settled by W. C. AnXISTRONG. wbe oontianes tbe bsalless at Market Street. aT'ng - w. U. Awarimore. NOTICES. Ir'KEIFSTONE SKATING AbbOCIATION.—The Stockholders of the above are urgently requested to meet at the Rink, MONDAY EIMsiNG, 19th inst.. at 8 P. w. • As its Indebtedness must be met, the ex pediency of selling the institution will be Bcted upon. Stockholders will consult' their interest by att.nding. , By order of tbe.President. apl7 WM, M. THOMPSON, SeCretarY. Prrrssunali, A 01114tb, 1869. arTIEB BOARD OF DIREC TORS of the COLUMBIA OIL COM PANY nave this day declared a DIVIDEND No. 33 Of TWO t 2) PER CENT. on the Capital Stock. payable MONDAY. April 10th. apis:ho A. P. McGREW, Secretary. WINER CANTILE LIBRARY HALL COMPANY.—The Fourth Lista , ment, ES per 'bare. on the Capital Etock is now due, _payable at the Banking House of N. HOLMES I SONS. Certificates of Stock are now ready to be issued to all subscribers paying no in flu. JAMES H. WRIGHT. Treunrer.' PITTSBIIIIPH.'ApriI 9, 1 8 69. apt! \ . BOARDIMIC FT F 1 . . , 4tir 1.4." "AP r WO , Ult." "Wants," " "Boarettlef," &e., not exese4ingjio Grit MAIM each Wit 6e is. edited tw tAere vo lwmne owe for Twitsr.r-Firs (arra : each, • • ttionat Use F 1721 WANTED---HELP iIiprANTED—A Nurse Woman v to take care of children. One accustomed to children, kind and careful,. preferred. 'Refer ences required. Apply at if o. 65 Beare, street, one door from Ohio, Allegheny City. WANTED -HELP.-AT PLOYMENT OPPICA_Mo. 1 St. Clair Street, /30Ye GIRLS and iMhl, for Morena kinds of employment. Persona wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WA NTED--To negotiate Mort- GAGES from $2,000 to $ lO .OOO. Ad dress Box El, ttAxirrrs SSOIIIETIIING NEW.--The PAT. TINT LAUNDRY LI Sold by Merchants and Agents, male and female. Circulars Ire% or send 50 esnts for Samples. Also. best Hey Tag and Stencil Tools. Address, BALTIMORE STENCIL WORKS, Md. WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED. - INTELLIGENT WOMEN. to engage in a responsible sad very.nsetal evocation. Compensatton A' Slimily no hindrance. Address in handwriting of applicant, with real name • and referent*. "P," OA ZED= OFFICE. 'VATTED.—The Co-operative v v LIFE INEURANOE CO. wilt employ W ent competent and responsible CANVAS S3aR S. A pb ptly at the °Mee, 120 SMITHFIELD ST. a:h6.2 IVANTED.—AGENTS for the sale of the DEXTER WASHING MA- C INE. From ten to twenty dollars per day can THUMBby any active canvasser. Apply at S MERKELS, opposite the Pair Hround, Penn street. . TO-LET.—The desirable DWELLING HOUSE, No. 595 Penn street, tarnished throughout, con. %aiming 10 rooms, bath room, &C.; good stable, carriage house, ind large yard room. Posses sion given Jane Ist.. Also, a • At Glenwood, with about SO acres of land, well Improved; tine ordhard, grapery, Ae. Enquire at 5P5 Perm Street, or at Boom No. S English's Building, 96X Fourth avenue. TO.LET. "VINE CLIFF," Hemestead of late Dr. B. A. Wilson,' Haunt Washington, within ten minutes walk of the city; an elegant Cottage House, with tower,con. talning 10 rooms and cellar, with spring and rfs tern water; entrance for carriage. etc.; now <le: copied by Xt. G. T. Robinson, of the Arra or Robinson, Beak Co. Inquire of HALL PATTABSON, Attorney-at. Law, 71 Grant street. irLET,Double two-story House on the corner or Stockton avenue and Beaver street, Allegheny City. Handsome gar. den, stable and carriage house. Apply at No. 6 Stockton avenue, or Wayne Iron Works, Tenth street, Pittsbnreh. • LET.--ROOll, 40 by .104 rthe t et, with power, on corner or Penn and reeti; Inquire or ROBERT HILL. 10-LE ROOMS.— Two fine ROOMS la aszETTE, IWIII MING. Apply a umlag Rooms, 114 and 66 Filth avenue. FOR SALE.—OLD TYPE MET 4a: &L.Abont Two Thousand Pounds for sale by L. & W. N&EB, °Mee of FREI/IEIIS EMEIIND, No. 143 Smithfield street. WWI SALE—TYPE.—About , too pounds MINION TYPE. nearly as good as new. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. OR SALE. -NEW FRAME COTTAGE of 5 rooms, ball and cellar, in th Ward, (late East Liberty.) Lot GO by 187 feet: broad board walk from Railroad station. Price low and terms easy. Enquire at nits or. ?ICI. lISALE Suburban Red- VirNor, OR BUSINESS STAND, AND 0 ACRE OF GROUND, situate In the borough of.Draddocks,. within two minutes walk of a station on either ndlroad. The house Is a neit. frame of seven rooms, large hall and cellar• lot contains all necessary out buildings, .and an abundance of ail kindsof fruit, good armlet wa. ter in kitchen; ten feet from the house la store room 18 by 80, with ware-room attached, store. room now rented and doing a good business. The location of the property is all that could be desired tither for a country residenne or a busi ness stand, or both. Apply to CROFT 4 PHIL LIPS, Real Estate Agents, No. 139 7fousalt avenue. FOR SALE, IiDIE FORTY-ACRE LOTS Of land in. Central - Wisconsin, good s o il. good timber, and near good market. A few Rood farm implements will be taken in exchange. During a recent visit to Northwes lowa ar rangements were made by which I c a n es aupnly • limited number of persons with I SO an d in that nor. tion of lowa at ftorn tO per acre, neer , lines of railroad. Addreas, (with stamps au:kited.) JOHN I). BILL. Bakerstown, Allegheny sionnty Pennsylvania. sp6-T F Oll. SALE. • ' Near Osborn Station, on the Fit/Wrath it. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Eaeb. W. MACKEOWN & . • 195 Liberty Street. Elms FOR SALE CHEAP. A two-story Brick Helm on Gibbon, neat Chestnut, street; 3 rooms and cellar; 0031x100. Price 01,600. TWo tiro-story Brick Houses on Wick !treeti 0 rooms each; lots *4xloo. !'rice $3,000; tars!, XBOO cash, and balance in yearly installments oc 6500 each. One small Frame House on Aiken lane. Pride $9OO. Ten line Building Lots. 'Wag*, on Locust it. Five do do 90:70,_0n cooper at. it 'Four do do ROM onLynd on sc. Illne anal Brick Houses or 4. "roma each, on Hari* street. Price 61,650; easy terms. = TUSTIN SLE3. 81 Grant street. first door. mhZ:B2.l FOB SALLE. • FLOUR. Q_UAKEB. ClTY._best he the city; WHITE ROSE CHOICE remmir, CHIEN gAL miLks, hWERPSTAICES, STONE MILLS, Aber a obolee lot tr Seed Potatoea: " EARLY GOORRICIL BUCHEM PRINCE ALBERT, and PEACHBLOW. By AtEANOR & HABpißs r. AT TUX warn FRONT, 2IM:I7MT! WANTS. TO LET. COTTAGE FOR SALE ENQUIRE OE meet, t ~~ ,~ ~: y~~ ,::+n~d;'sv~£ r zx:"'~`g3;'GsT`~S(' ~rTM~;'-rte' '~e},4. *Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers