E~ 3 II II Bow Pins are - Made. - ' " ' • - • The pin machine is 'one of the closest approachee that mechanics have made to the dexterity of the inimiui band. A smalirmachine, 'about the height and size of a lidylreewing machine, only much strodger, ,, stands before you. On the bulk side light belt descends from the long at the ceiling that drives all the' tnichines, ranged in rows on the floor. On the left side of our machine hangs, on a peg, a small reel of wire, - that has been straighte..by. through a compound system of small rol lers. The wire descends and the end' of it enters the machine.. This is the ;food consumed by this snappiab,, voracious little dwarf. He pulls =it in and bites it off by inches incessantly, .one hundred and forty bites to the minute. Juat'as he seizec each bite, a saucy littlehammer, with a concave face, hits the end of the wire three.taps and "upsets" it to ahead, while he,gripes it in a counter-sank hole betWebn 'his teeth. With an •Otitward thrust;of his tongue he thenlays the pin sidewise in a little groove across the rim of a small wheel that slowly revolves just under his nose.. By the external preen* , of• a stationary hoop - these pins rolls in their places, as they are _carried under two series of small files, ; three three in each. These files grew liner toward the end of the series. They litt.'at a slight inclination on the pins,, and by a series of cams, levers and springs 'ere made to play like lightning. Thar „the' pins are dropped in a little shower into a box. Twentreightpounds, area day's for one of these little antoinatona Forty machines on this floor make live hundred and sixty pounds of pins daily. These• are then polished. Two .very intelligent machines reject every crooked pin, even the slightest ir regularity of form being detected. An. other automaton assort half a dozen lengths in as many boxes, all at once, and unerringly, when a careless operator has , mixed the contents of boxes from various machines. Lastly, a perfect genius of a machine her= the pins by the head in an inclined platform thro ugh e as many slots as there are pins in a row on the papers. These slots converge into the exact - apace spanning the length of a row. Under them runs the strip of pin paper. A barb.like part of the machine catches one pin from each of the slots as it falls, and by one: movement sticks them all thr ough ' the corrugated ridges in the paper, from which they are to be picked by taper fin. gers ht iniudoirs and all sorts of huinan circuit:Mt/tames. , (tutor Fermentation Whisky— . • In computing the capacity of a distillery to produce whisky the law allows the dis ' tillers seventy-two hours for fermentation of their "mashes." ;AProlertt German invention, which the distillers are using, produces fermentation' ,in twenty-four hours. By means of this quick • fermentation a. distillery which uses the common process can turn out thrice the amount of liquor the Govent .m - ent gives it credit for. Distillers are supposed to put their."mash" through a slow .an d even fementation, of half a week, and upon the supposed yield are ' taxed eighty per cent., and as much more. as the vigilance and integrity of a rotten, bribed. Revenue Inspector or Ganger re ports. .• • But by cramming into their - vats' enormous amounts of yeast theyprodnce a fermentation in a single day, and thus make three 'times the quantity of liquor which the stupid statute supposes they pro duce. Thds, suppose a "mash" produces three hundred gall o ns race is three days, or six hundred gallons per week, the Government charges sixty-three cents on eighty per cent. of this huantity, and re ,ceives $BO2 on four hundred and eighty gallons; whereas, thq real production of the establishment is one thonsanc: eight hundred gallons, and the Government is swindled out of its tax on one thousand three hundred and twenty gallons per week. By this means the distiller keeps his books "straight," settles with the Rev enue Inspector, who doesn't "see" any thing but slow fermentation going on, and pockets the proceeds of the sale of the untaxed whisky---less what he divides with the inspector. Edge Tools. An cutting and piercing cdge tools op erate on the principle of the- wedge. A brad awl furnishes an • example which all can readily understand. The cutting edge of the awl severs the fibres of wood as the instrument enters, andthe particles are compressed into a smaller compass, in the same manner as when a piece of - wood is separated by a wedge. A chisel is a wedge in one sense; and an axe, drawing knife,. or jack-knife is also a wedge. When e• keen-edged razor Is made to clip a hair or to.remove a man'ti beard, it operates on the principle of a wedge. Every intelligent mechanic under " stands that when a wedge is dressed out smoothly, it may be driven in with much leak tom 'than if its - sufface was - left jagged anti mush. The' same idea holds good with 'respect to edge-tools. If the cuttintedge be ground and - whet toes fine gni edge as may te 'predicable with a fine-gritted whet stony -and ifAe suede back of tfie cutting edgebe . greund smooth . and trues sad polished nestlys•so that.one, '. can dhmertahe color *fide eyes by means of the polishedsurface, the tool will enter whateveeds to be cut by the, application' of • • much , t.less.' force. ' thaw , itlise -sur faces were le ft as rough - se* the Ma are when the tools leave • ths-grinditeite, All edged tools, o perat ed azesechiiiila and. planes, that are with a crushing stead or a *airing strolp, should be polished neatlycleir to thecuttingedge, to facilitate their entrance lute the substance to be cut.—.Maessfacture mid Bulkier. Hr------ IProperue, or celery. I harp klnoWn 4ut i lty; Ile felatt.!wo men too, frem various 'dailies lux! becoigne so much affected with nervous mos. that.when :they stretched' ettviheir hands they shook like aspen leaves on windy. giqn - -414 'IVA" :eaves use of the Watched loot stalks of celery leaves faa Baba, =they cbenatall •dr.o%. and stead* lit litehi throttler - people. , I have known o th ers, jt0,7 0 . nervous that Umiak Lnudo`yio State otstlii%tlenoand f they were alMott' in COUlarq pft•pt . and fear who. weft, _ also cured, " by ,. n,f.tally moderate use Of blanched Celery as a' salad M meal times. 11 06' known 1 ,others cared by using 'celegrfor-palpitaz tion of %shear:. • Every body , engaged in blber weakening to • the nerves should r use celery daily in, in m ' ason :and. onions in Inuni WbeA not seas on.;-.. Cart Prflc• r. • Sallee. Mt Co W111e116.7 1 7 The folhawing. As frOtriltittekr 4 Laibiril article in Bun Saturday:, 4 - i-. i : Soup, , bread, - vegetables; 'puddings; ham, cheese, Sc., are comPotigud'ieuf our meals;-and all these different vietf nal. limm shitetbing of ' theirc nutritive value because of the absence of the,' nu ‘tritive salts. Bread, for example, will on that account , not be thoroughly diges ted; it produces the Cr oat excrement; and thus all the above named Sorts of . food r leave's' residue, which ;burdens -the in: tontines and .produces - .11 sickly State, just , is if to the perfectly digestible *dements 6g any sort of food, a • portion of 'sem& thing indigestible or - timeless is cooked up 11.8 with it. The experienced cook • endeav to amend this defective quality by la sauces and condiments; and he em lova for the purpose, besides kitchen erbs, - an extract he has in store pre red from broken bones, odds and ends f meat, &c.; but as these latter - contain enerally but very little Muscular flesh, this stock made by the cook is always poor in the nutritive salts, but all the richer In glue, which contributes nothing to nourishment or the improvement of food. I A perfect compensation is only to be obtained by using a ceneentrated meat i broth; which of all similar prsalts. eparations abounds moat in nutritive The delicate, full flavor which ,the food ac quires by it shows the cook that in this way he most easily obtains' what was wanted; and he who tastes the dish ex periences by his digestion if the cookery were good or not. A dish well prepared is distinguished from one badly cooked by being'more easily digestible, and this depends on its mixture, the time occu pied din digestion, and on its solubilit and divisibility in the stomach. The laty ter—which is important, but is not the chief thing—is what •the inexperienced cook most cares for; he deceives our taste by unfitting spices, and so -spoils the beet materials. Simple dishes, well prepared, are what the epicure valueri most. The fungi used by the cook in his saucas--trufiles' i mushrodms dtc.—con tain, wonderful to say, the same nutri tive suits, and also in nearly the same proportion as meat; and in .taste, fun gous broth ' greatly,resembles meat broth. t closer examination of these might lead interesting results. In Siberia'. even toacistools,.in spite of their poison, are not, despised. TELE Atlantic Monthly article for April on traveling to the far West bathe Pa 7 cific Railroad, thus celebrates the now old West: "Humboldt, In one of his solemi, sea-. tences prescribes three reqnisitea for tra vel in new regions: 1. Serenity of mind; 2. Passionate love for some class of sci entificiabor; 3. A pure feeling. for the enjoyment, which nature, in her freedom, is ready to impart. These are all very :desirable—at least one is indispensable— "int my companions may swap off the other, two for a welLfilled parse and a good set of flannels. We may be as se rene and scientific and s e ntimental as the old German traveler himself; but with out these other possessions we cannot go far or be very comfortable. Them we must be liberal as to time, too; the average American can see Europe Is thirty days, I know; but this is a big ger job. True, with that limit he can be carried from Boston to San Francisco in ten days—allowing for a night or two in bed, and one or two -failures to connect it that—and back in the same time. and have a third ten days to look. about him is the mod:mains, In Utah and "Friscoe;" and this is better than nothing, of course; comparing what he really does, before and after such a trip, he will be immensely more ignorant when - he re turns than he was at starting. I cannot tolerate the idea of lesa than sixty idays; and we shall find three months devoted to the journey, the busiest and best spent in ear lives. That is as little time as any one proposing really to see our interior and .Pacific States should allow himself to take for the purpose. So make a ninety day note for your expenses—well, say $5OO a month—the average Atlantic er will hardly get off with less—and leave a good , indorser for any little contingency of delay, such as a firming invitation to visit a "friendly" Indian village, or a long call from thosepersuasive gentlemen of the interior basin, "the road agents." We may as well count railroad travel at five cents a mile, and atase at twenty cents, sad board and lodging, whether with Pullman or at the hotels, at five dollars a day. •Extras and contingencies will need all these • allowances have to spare—if they have any. A CURIOUS STORY is told of the wreck of the British- ship "Lutine," which foundered off the sand-banks oz. the coast of Holland in 1799, with, an immense amount of specie on board. She had E 1,500,000 of subsidiary money for' the English troops then serving under the Prince •of Holland. She had also on board assignments of specie for merchants and bankers at Hamburg, and the Crown inweliof Holland, which had been reset England. The "Lutine" encountered a fearful storm, and foundered, with the loss of all hands. One man was picked up, but survived only a few hours. The Dutch Government offered £B,OOO for the ; recovery of the jewels, and a company was formed in. England to search for the treasure, which had been hidden by the shifting sand. They soon recovered about 2160,900_ of which the, Dutch . Govern ment claimed £BO,OOO as royalty. Subsa quenqy the sand buried the ,wreck and stopped operation.: Since then other cow- Inianies . have been formed, but have sue rely failed, though £ 60,000 more was colored at intervals. - The , bulk . of ensure still ` remains in the keel of the. 0, Which lles embedded in sand. It is proposed 'to endeavor' to regain it, _ and oyds, it is said, Intend to apply.to Par. , . Tamest for tbknecessarr powers.. , The: ato Gotntntnent, bale resigned•, all m'to'iita wreek; - ,,and it is ;thought ' the' , plan- will-be to, , eon street large iron parssonsi: .: _, ,: -•-• • In nta citation to itre Grand Jury of. Philadelphia; the ether day, ndge Breve:, der l itillPlO.rxt Mho fit' Phil i t i t tliage.l;l said he "It hfitschnie'te,pest, go einen, flat then are, shot down sot' "Wed death upon one highwayi L aa that the law, seems as power for their vindica• tion as it was ihrtheirprotedlow , •Grand.. Juries hesitate to find tenet:ol4l;d Petit loins of late fell* to convict .except bt inferior grades,lrequentiY6snpling verdiets with recommentiatibitip mercy; : and even in an oceasfienilceSe Of great Atrocity, when tonvittionli, followed by . a sentence of death, the ExecutiTe- / I, be• Sieged for a pardon. It owing to these efforts: to thwartjustice that it has`come to pass in Philadelphia, that it is more dangerous fora man to pick a pocket than to take a life. The„ thief 'is" muckmore certain of being punished than the' Amu.. dein'. This will continue until public opinion undergoes a chsage.'! • , „„ Eng. ; • DATH:'-A,Pita - Pk- c::: -, wort-sparienT. - . 1 4 r ~ .....7 . . ._- .1 t ashoante *melt a landlda • ler otg a if. Wit , Joet to the ntays of the • pub* *OM; lila I/ rueeeallltT pledge. dllie 14 daTitantlY inelerrf to an honorable and faith-. fdl dhse red Of 'utradtlee m' the eflee. -• • - apUhdar , ~ , •:- . ,!•.' : Af . , 111,F4,14.1111111G. • Wlll be a eandtdatelorthe tithe* of Sheriff. init. feet to the deetsteh of the Union Itehubl , ean County Corvieution, • • . • Inh2S:glN-d&F Bar FOR: CLAIR IR or coiußTs, JORN G. BROWN . . • Mil'vale Reet.Peunbo n- n Vi e le . . e jauijpe to th Co d e H cid l , ow f the 'Union Republics,' County. Contention. .ap:O. larTO THE. CITIZENS OF.AL• announce • GHENY COuNTY: I respectflilly myself as a candidate for the office of ( , LERE. OF cotrivre, subject to the, decision of the Union Republican County Convention. I would state ; that I ask the once but for. ONE TERH. at the termination 'of t h ere a r e I, would Cheerfully retire, believing that there are .others equally entitled to the honor and emoluments of the once., and as competent as myself I will be under obligations to the citizens of the county for their support. — Very resoecthillv, 0d 'JOeEPH BROWNE, Late ba ( 4, 1413121 a and stb Vol. Begt. atti23:gif • ag-0 : A‘, AL MID VISE- I I siiv r is TIPPED For children. Will outwear three pairs without tips. Iar'EPTLEPSY CAN BE EllitED . , —Those havlaefriends alicted are•ear. neatly solicited to send for a Circular Letter of References end Ttetlinonials, which will con vince the most skeptical of the euraidiltKM tAt &seats. Address VAr. BUREN LOCAAOW. M. 38 Great Jones street, New Yon. male:. < d ttlr ' ErMAIIIRIAGE Ale CELTBA. CT..--An•Xsaay foryisenien textile mime of Selltnde, and the DMEenES and ABUSIIB whiek create impidiments to IfAERIAGE; with anre means of relief. Sent In sealed letter en. velope_s. free of charge.. Address, Dr. a.BXIL LINHOUGHTON, Howard Association.. Phila delphia, Ps. - - _ IarHATCHEIDWS HAIR DIE. the This splendid Hair Dile is the best In the world: only true and perfect . Dye; harmless, relia ble, instontancosus; no disappointment; no ri dictdons tints; ' remedies the 'lll effeets 'of bad dyest.inelgorates sad leaves the Nair • soft and beautiful. otaek or brooms, Sold by all Drualats *and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batche lor's Wig • Factory, No,. 16 • Bond 'street: New Fort. • • • aultiltn2B itgrItOCTOR. WHITTLER: CON: TiNITES TO TREAT P.RIVA.TE Diseases. in all Its forms; tionorrimea,- • Gleet, ektrietnrei dc4 • complete) eradicated. That numerous class of cases resulting from self abuse. producing unmanliness, her debility, irritability, eruptions. 'Bernthal amissions, • and finally impotency.. permanently cured.. - Persons oeicted will delicate. intricate *adieu stand ing constitutional complaints are politely invited to call tor.. consultatioa, which costs nothing. Zxperience, ; the best of teachers . has enabled hirato perfect remedies at once eleclent„safe, permanent, and which tamest eases cut be used without •hinOratice ie. Miasma,. Medicuies pre pared in the establiahment, which embraces °i nce, reception and-waiting rooms; also ooardhig anti sleeping 'apartments for patients requiring daily pers c o n c e n tra t ing vapor and chem.& cal bathe, t husthe famed latteral spriuga.• Nomatter who have failed, state your ease. Bead what he.says ht Ids pamphlet of &SY Pages, sent to any address for two stemmata seal ed envelope.' Thodainds of cases treated annu ally, at ogles and all over the country. Consul tation tree, personally or by lull. Oltce No. 9 Wylie street,- A . C`ourt House) Pittsburgh, Pa. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. tr. Sundays LI as. to Si P. Y. • Pampblet sent to any address for two stamps. apt . WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES, os New and. Handsome Designs, Row °POMO AT No. 107- Market Street (NEAR FLPTH AVENEL) Embracing a large and ouetally selected stock of the newest desires Lom the FINEST sTA.mr- ED HOLD to the CHEAPEST . ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at Drifts that will pay buyers to exactable. 108. R. HUGHES it BRO. whiff: SI WALL PAWED. THE OLD PAPER MEE INI NEW PLACE, W. P. BIARINALL's NEW WALL PAPER. STORE, 191 Liberty Street, OMAR MAPUTO SPIUNG GOODS 4.BRIVTS.II DAILY. atm t Pi NEvir GOODS. FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND CHINA. NEW Es'num, mutat BETS , TICA ISETS, GIFT CUM. SMOKING SETS, A large stock of Goo . It=i SILVER ELATED Ds u. of all den:notion. 1:1 Call.end enannne oar 'bel te dgoods feel uttsfed no one ;teed nat to e/ FL E. • RELEED-4 -(110: 100 'WOOD STREET. 4t-LEGvicary., enrinwroz ,01trAyr yt,Ernuiliololl.T :, - . 0 /014 N ot 717 ATIUULTaIAinr Ewan. Tataree menu ill ow et Phil imit Xlitille Jolty unrtN. - Js.:' Preirkieut. • „ -N. i t alsmitylit e Ue ta gesuleat. ' ..6ArT:-WICSrZy. veatera Agent. . Lae& itit. v : 41111151 relt ilPitta elf** . B Ersy .1.. t' in - 4 . :•- t • ..! i• • ...,.. , Arructitinas, - . Pi.**ir " i1:?!..411:544. 3•1 ' 3 “.1.1 10011 NO , 11 , 111 , 01 1 'VARIOUS' 1. . .-:, A.P. b 1, st., a, ~,.. , ...T. ‘. Qualit es anct,!-.Colbig Eargenl g ia ails Mips _Wen to tpide reed MS ate non, If, parlAnlui and prim. 1i54111111111124, pthri:gill ;,'~'? . . - " 1 / 4 „ zrk !" • ".1. ,z 9 , ; . • '4. .., c.- • • ?V, ' • "4.rar, _ ~~._ EEO FOR SHERIFF.' HI3RRON 'S ' 3 0IAI R NOTICES WALL PAPERS 100 WOOD' STBE nirsm,ww. = rmszitutels, PA, = BEM NEE BY ILI!: Ealnagel 4 00e • • • B9IMP 1 / 4 403 - A311" CARPETS FOR TIM Iff.rz.zioN. SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM,. . . ' 85 . MTh 51 era "A VE NUE. -Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON k_ CO., proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction House are ereatins an excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new goods which are being sold at re-' ntarkably low _prices. Goods ofever7 virlety; the finest sewed b , ots the most ' fasidenable bal 'Moral gaiters and ' anklet oboes, slippers, Ac., blankets, flannels, cloths. cassimeres, cutlery and vitrpets. Call and examine. No trouble to w , goods. Ladies ', misses' and ,children's flats at almost your own prices. All goods war. ranted as renresenteo. . n 024 I BY. L LEGBATE. • IJEOUSE AND LOT, CORNER OF I 4110 AY22•I7E AND BIDWELL ST., GRENT CI TY.—IMMEDIATE PO; SES SION--tiN SATURDAY, APIttL 17TEI, AT 21 O'CLOCK. • be sold on the premises, the propertv the northwest corner of Ohio avenue and Bid well street. The lot Is 24 by 130 feet The Rouse Is &Iwo story brick of b rooms. In good condlUon. The location Is very desirable. being on the corner of two main thoroughfares. traver sed by the street ears. could be easily converted Into •• good business stand. Terms at sale. Pos session given oil acceptance of the deed. For key to Inspect premises apply to A. LEsIGATE, Auctioneer, Ib9 Federal street, Allegheny. &pis PROPOSALS. WATER LOAN BONDS FOR SALE. CONTROLLER'S OFP/CIL - CITY OP ALLROHRNT, April 12, 1809. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at THIS ,OFFICE until 3 o'clock Y. x. on WED NESDAY, Rlst inst., for the sale of 40.000 Dollars of Allegheny City WATER MAIN EXTENSION. BONDS, of the denominations respectively of $5OO and 91.000, said Bonds bearing 6 per cent, interest, paying semi-annually on the first days of July and January, and maturing In twenty years from date of issue. . Bids will be received for all or any portion of the above loans. Bids will also be received for oonverting the City Bends maturing in 1870 Into.tite above. The right Is rt served . to reject any and all bids. R. R. FRANCIS, . _ Lat:hal CITY CONTROLLER. NOTICE TO FOUNDERS AND TINNERS, .• CO.fTfOLLiit'H OFFICE. CIIT OF AnLiGillmr, April 111, 1869.. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at THIS OFFICE until 3 o'clock P. 11., until. WED NESDAY, April SUL FOR FURNISHING THE CITY WITH ALL THE GAS POSTS Required Raring the rear, To be delivered at City Hall, at such tines as they nay be required. Pattern and Core Box will be tarnished by the city. Bidders are re quested to state the price per post; also the ad ditional east of famishing them with two ooats of good black pattit. Bids will be received at the same time for furnishing all the OAS LAMPS requited daring the current year, to be of the same pat tern and quality as those now in use. ' R. B. FRANCIS, spltaull CITY CONTROLLER. FLAG STORES. • Cos cnir 0 _ _ _TnOLLIE'S OTIPICZ. F j"LzGaLIIT. w orn . 2 , 1889. SEALED PROPOSALS VIII be reeeleed at TEM OEFICE nut!! 3 o'clock.P. on TUES. DAY. April fileth, for tumid ing the City with 2,000 Feet Undressed Flag Stones For cross's:ma. The Stones to be delivered at such times and Maces as the Street Coimmission era may direct, and to contbrizi to specillastiens to be fordlshed by Themes Megraw, Esq., Street Commissioner. apl3:h:3 NOTIC E TO CONTRACTORS. 'coNTßoLiams opium. CITY OT ALLEGIIIMY, April ISM, zses. SEALED PROPOSALS will be iteeired at this office until 3 o'clock r.u.. on WEDNESDAY. alst Inst., for GRADING and PAVING- the following Avenues. Streets and AUeys, via.: WESTERN AVENUE; from its Intersection with Rebecca street, outwardly. SAWMILL A.LLEY,eastwardly of Coke Ovens in Stb ward. SOUTH ALLEY, In the 6th ward. FOE. GRADING ONLY: EILBUCE STREET, from Corry street to *boot street. MANHATTAN STREET, from Ronkitui street to Rebecca street. Profiler, Estimates, go., can. be se•a in the ogle. of CHAREEd DAVIS, Esqi. City Engineer. Blanes for bidders "rill be farnisbed et this °glee. R. B. ifLANCId. spleib44 City Controller. Osinesi OF CITY It mailman AND ADAVIITOIt, Parrearrnest. April id. Ina% t t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.-- . EIRALRD PROPOSALS for remindful' TRY EMT SEWER, north of *the Connennille builroad 'treat: au& for tiradteg. Paving and Curbing the followlag_streets, viz.: pe • . • W rks str E eet.' ' BSTER. *Tax u, from Roberts to Kirk- THIRTY-NITH AND TORTIRTH Streets, from Butler st re et to, the Allegheny Valley Bali road. ' • Also,for con_trneting the following BOARD. .- .- • • ONE on Bounaso street, hens Thirty-third str et,' to 'Laurel street; suet al lig Laurel street ONE on Pearl and Cedar ereets, from Maln„,ti> Lau el street, Ifith ward. and ONE on Broad street, Mite Highball,' avenue' the Frankttelf/1 Road /9th 'war r . WM be received at . THIs, OFF ICE until 4' O'clock P. R., ol 11113BEIDAY, April lath, 1889. • All bide to be acted on by thiCo It' en tettM be lett lit . THI OP/1010 before, the time motto mentioned,— „ ;• The Committee resente the tight to reject ant or bide. • • • • • _ . apittgill poVitir HOUSE Arin.JAlClng. pkOVEMENTL — STONE., WORK. —Proita,, , be received for btone Work at Coats Holm and Jail , Impecrtemen t s mu & , ylllDATV•Antire / B TH. 6 0'01.001 P. H. . . .r aila. Ya gste Von at a and ir utaci - Nos. 1 . 1 sad ready f bizret, • latallt.,Clair.) e t• • .. • • • . • • , aplQ46lk . • ; BARN iiiiioBXS, Ataldleatil rirrl B>. tille •emeit, Itfr-pU. E. FRANCIS, CITY CONTROLLER. CITY ENGINEER. WOU'Rizica_ UM -Jo AME . III,OI .01Tx 'HUE LIFE INSIJRANCS CO, Of Pennsylvatua., °ice, 75 . Federal St., Alletitety City. DIRECTORS,. Hen: J.,IMEs L. GRAHAM, ' Rev. d. B. CLARK. D. D., Capt. B. ROBINSON, ' Rev. A. K. BELL, D.D. Rev. 13. REED.,SIT. P.D.. 'W. A. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH. May o rstate Agent, SIMON' DRUM, of AlleghenY, • C. W. BEcNs, Hatter, A. S. BELL. Atternepat-Law D. L. - PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. SWIXIBR, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROM , . ROBINSON, President. Rev. J. B. CLARE., D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNT, Treasurer. M. W. WHITE, IiguICAL ADVISEE. DANIEL SWO(ER, Geng Agent._ -This is a nome company. conducted on themuttial principle, each coney holier receiving an equal share or the prefltir of the Company. Policies will be issued on all; the different plans of Lire Insurance, and being conducted on an econotaV. cal basis- ell' afford a safe investment to each policy holder. and thereby retain the money at hone to e3courage home industry. mh29:rni CUSH ‘,..." . INSURANCE COMPANY, MEILAPPS now:arta, No. 22 -Fifth Avenue. *Second Flour, PITTSBURGH, PA. I ' Capital All I:Naid Up. - , DIRECTORS. • F N. J. Higlei, .W.oliTer,,jr, Capt.H.Balley, Dan'l Wallace, .H. Hartman, A. Chambers, Jake Hill. . - . • MtClork.n. Jae. H. Bailey. Thomas Smith Jno.S. Willock, ROBE TH. KIM), President. • JICO. P. JENNLNGS, Vice rresideit. JOB. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE, aeon egeat. insures On Liberal Terms on all Fire and Marine Mau, • - •p2:07 NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Cor. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, Office In the SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILVINEi. W. W. MARTIN I President, JOHN BROWN. Ja., Tied k•resldent, JAMES B. STAVENSON, Secretary. DIESCT0101: John A. Hyler, !Jae. LocichartjJor. Myers, Jas.L.Grahan. Robert Les, O. C. Boyle, Jno. Ilrown;Jr. George Gent, - Jacob hon., O.H Pll4 Illlans Jae. Xkompeo J. MeNangher ape ENTMPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIITSIII7ROU, PA., Office, No. 424 PENN STS, (IN NATIONAL TRUST CO. BUILDING.) DIRECTORS ' Robt. Dickson, iljtoto. Liddell, W. .J. Friday, I G. Siedle, 1 C. Van Buren, P. Kirsch, E. H. Myers, l id. oangwisch, Chris, Blebert. E . J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, P. Schildecker• B O OBTDM R,T I fel!: B RT L G ET. Ser eeal pENNSUNANIA. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMSBUREIH 0211 Cm. lie. 1673 S WOOD STREW, BASH 04 COXIMEcit strumme. rids m a Home Company, and insures against loss try Tire exclusively. lepr. ii & j. 1 111) ftss I P r i t s ere BOBAHT A Treasurer, 41/#l4 zwincrirmßorarif• Leonard Walter.' ---- i3 1 4 7 civerthi mu Jeanßovirlek. Gee. . Evans, s 14tItter, J.C. riaefit. Josiah King, ' John Voeptlsi Jas. H. Hopk, A. AMMLOIL ' Henry Sproul, FiDEZIEWIT AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE , CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, 01/71=43116 CITCHICSThrui ST . ,near • DralOTOu. N Cearla i f. 3 :4 ClKai' IrSimuleramai Dale, an W BorrireVes. C• O. BA.N Pres ant, ith aqwksgeoe Presidet. J. NEB . AGIN" North West onset rlb Thlrdlad.Wood Btreett. astiOni B EN FlumEw:x INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALUMNI', PA. OPTICE DI FRANKLIN lI.A.VENGS BANK BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio .113 t., Allegheny. • - . A-EONS COMPANY. managed try Manteca l it:en kUown_ t,cltli.e oonunitn_l!yare trust by tar ° 6. merit a of Y ° IFlZlnglf IRIVIN. . ..-....Prifildeat. aka. D. lilDDLar:—..... ....... Sieetal7. DDUOTORS: • 1 Henry Irwin, D. L. F e y a' WM, Cooper, Geo. R. ELM, Jacob Franz, . seottlelb Tam, Slum Drum, ••J. B. esslth, Jacob 404 mo w .. Stewart, Oh. P. Wtlstoo, Joseph oral& oplOosLsostosr. D. J. Zliskassa, Jere. Hottest. itS FIRE INSURANCE CO., o 1.02411:10P4 • ESTABLISIIED IVO& CASH CAPITAL PAID CT AND MISTED PUNDS ING 011,000,000 IN COLD. Insurance winn Pire limed on Ronson ono Bundings, Irarea • and Merchandise. Steamboats. to. .rollates 'issued tayable ttl sold 'or carreney United •States Branch oaoe, 40 PINE swats ,T New York.. , AU loaaes or the •united _StAtes Branca will be adjuted la New York. motil.trbirt:ax; A. Rent, . • PITTS111:1110H; PA OM* STREET. ' hattan MB. Mt:LAUGHLIN as 410 Ageit foal the Man.. Life Issuance, Catavanr. ' le6sT72 liktla r.smenztritstritiscv cOms , pAlrit op-pirrangsG E . RR IspliDK4 Prellaent. , .P . MllmmT. Secretary. 1 . . GMODeI MitZLD3ttteneral Aga& : ' °Moe, 954_ Watv_ street. IfpFkr 4, 9 op. Iva'', hot - hpoupanwrittiturp... - _ ' - w tx.-ure:a t eit ts AS , minas or - Mrs aid lts...ri ak •.A tattseptsattattong mac and by Di.. xi hd Men IPtowm to , the comnumity, atmtmrio am Motemmlheal by ProMptaess and Über. • alltr to oatntiatte character VW% they ka &mated, as W MO host protaetton to sk who dastiWad bs tin rod'" • '7s Mu, , ~ • : , otuotWalls _•';. ', r , - des iniitai &ma B. nu% - siN.Jr., Shaul. .r. Ire, , Jailed wohni r s4 i . ipa m cs . Ale riderreni Joe elllant ,1 , AnAct . Edlitp_m&m nigo ch David Y. Loa/. , Ws& Rolts D. Ihmsen. _ _ -._ _ _ mat p.oPuicirtriThwicE cow Z: DORM WOOD a PIM 8111. • /tome .o,e,;ki,iiniptipg Tin sad Maine }Usti lix• -''t ansh ' 'Macrons spar .. • -ittiteriini z h'ilier d* u hiis,,,,„ Vin:l, , " Ellget t ra,c,t4: .. ' it , win..., . 42.1,..." 0. . /tiff ...s. , . . JAM. 00 :CA& 44 4111 5: ' Fi"NEW APIA HOUSE. Lessee .... ................ Manager ....................................... Last , ulaht but two or the gifted sad iumoeo. Wished artiste, Ars. MAST GLADSTANE. ThtIRBDAY EVENING, Aprll ltith,. 113611, bg presented the celebrated five act tragedy, EL mascrii, QUEEN OT tzraialiD. Elizabeth .................................. . ltridny Evening—Benefit or MARV GLAD !WANE, for wttlch occasion ske will appear as MARY STUART. • Gladstane Matinee on Saturday. arACADEMY OF MUSIC. C. H. HESS a CO ONE WEEK ONLY. . The Entire Great Company FROM CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE, CHICAGO. Returning!. om Phl'adelphis to Chicago will step ter a Peek In Pittsburgh, and produce in all Its original maanllcence, the tirand Spent/nu! ir Extravaganza • . TIIE FIELD OF CLOTII OF GOLD, A Run of Two Months in Chicago, And the same length of time in Philadelphia, witn thle Cpany. • Fill parti o c m ulate ln the Sundt:v. Lea& and de. scliptive bills. Vt r ANTBD-2/5 YOUNG LADIES. Apply at the A eidemy of Mule, between 12 and io clock. splkh WINALSONIC. 11ALL. • e WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ASD FRIDAY. April 21st. 02d and sad. ent Fifteh .kuunal Tour of the Great Band of the Age, SAM SHARPLEY'S MINSTRELp The * People's Favorites,who have lut con^l ed the longest and most successful season ever ade in the city o' Chicago, performing to crowded houses one hundred consecutive nights. versally pronounced superior to all. Under the immediate supervilon of the great Wit and Hu morist, Mr. SAH SHARPLEY., who will appear at roach and eve performance. Admission, 50 ry cents. Reserved Seats, 75 cents: Seats can be secured at the Hall from 10 to 1 o'clock, without extra.csarge. Boors open ' at 7: performance at 8 o'clock precisely. apl4:hte GEOReit GRAY, Agent. grA GRAND EXHIBITION OF YEWSfront the NONDESCRIPT OR DISSOLVING CON, will , be given on OXYHYDRC sTERRKIP TI THURSDAY EVENING, April 15, 1869, • • AT.IK O'CLOCK, IY NORTH AVESUS M. E. 011171101 f I ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. 1 Part PIM, raying. beentifal views from the lives of BUNGS SAUL AND DAVID. Part Second. 'showinr the t- rritrle realities which follow THE IrlfteT GLASS. Singing by the Children of the Sunday School. Tickets SS cents; Children IS cents. spit th 42 • tarGRAND • CONCERT AND rismarrioN AT MASONIC' HALE,. (Fifth Avenue,) • Thursday, Friday and Saturday Even , gs, April 15th. 16th and 17th. Concert on T Club. HURSDAY EVENING, by Allegheny Quartette FWD LT EVENING: A oirt 16th, CINDEREL LA. OR THE GLASS SLIPPEU, and rawly other interesting everches. SATURDAY EVENING, April 17th; TEN NIGHTS IN ARAB, ROOM. avele BURNELL% IRIISEIM • AND PARLOR ramucianno, ealdent. • rice Pre*Kett. server. The Great Pamtly llesorta. TIM; AVENUE, between Smithfield and Wo = od stree ts, y o papos Eitve Old g Th eatre. • JnD a *S nd nts:Childr a n t l6 Beni s r ou nd ' _ _ IW-A GRAND FAIR is now being held at "MILLER'S HALL, corn er of .glith avenue and Gist street. for the benefit of ST. AGNES ( HUMOR. Soho. Refreshments served and en excellent band of innate to atteLd anee every evening. , - ape:o3 prftB PROFESSIONAL G. W. •De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT JAW, Oglce, No. 137, FOURTH AVENUE. Pitts burgh. (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter N. Lowriso will practice - in the 17. S. Circuit and District Courts. tn the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny' county. and make collec tions in moat of theadjacent counties. Ja29:d73 WJL B. BEEPER, . , ALDERMAN AND E X- OFFICIO J (MIRE OT THE PiLiOle. OFF/CE,B9 FIFTH AVHNUE: Special 'attention given andconve and ve collections Deeds. Bonds Mortgages drawn up. and all legal business attended to sromptly and accurately. SA McBUSTER% Ai.3)EroxAN., ... . _ Ex-0131clo Justice of the Pesos and Police Ha:- trate. Onice,_DßANT STREE T, Cathedral, PITTSBURGH. P.A. '4. ' 914" lite " - Deeds Bonds, Mort . ,•-• Dp.u..aiiions, and all ve.s, Ac..owledirmentt, Business executed = __ r _ r _FiCerometness and &miracle. tabu JOHN A. STRALN, AT.4.II.E.MIXA.N, • EX-07FICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AHD POLICE MAGISTRATE. 011ce,1111.-FIPTH STREET, opkosite the Ca thedral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mort gages, Acgueowlegments, .Depositions and all Legs Business executed with Drowntnege lad dispatch. A. AatutioN, . . awake of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE 44111 i !NW RANCE AG RI!. •• • CARSON STREET. EAST IiDERLSGRAM. Collection of Rents solleltedsidgeronnitlY at twitted to. - laya:y6o . , TORY We ATTOCAP - , Ogles, US bfazno4agin4l4, ' • : AUppolitit the Oman Hasse.) ARCHUIAL:D - Awroxszqrsy.;.4.2uxus.w, z... as yawl swain% ssistiokorsir ' PIT7I3I3I(MOM BUILDERS! 800 000 feet Di* Plan Soards. 150.000 het 1,9 lUob,DlextPlardt: 95000 feet 11 Inca Common Plank; SlO,ooo.oretln7 1 and 9 Inch Oak: 9.9,,000 ne t . 4 s and 3 kelt Poplar; ,10.000 - ' • 10000 feat, Dry_ Yellow Pine Boards; Illomoo het Hemlock Scnntllne. 31) 41e9°Iletl" ea. P ,1 !! 1 4 1 a ‘ i l!all 41 47 - , 900, 1111.1nek fddagles. sawed ; SO N0.1115-Inekl9tlnglea, staved: . IfgsAloo Sire .4000 rir. The. - sespyani Foe • Al . Mill Lumber. Locust, and cet i sr Posta. R andall axtleleAin tbeline on band and lbr sale by ALEXANDER, PATTZESON: Ifards— No. lei Benne& street and coraer,ofPreble and - .resolata' elreets, blztb,stard,Alle*hen,y, late bor. 'one: cf mane:warm •_. • - • " owcsErT, 804P,ISTOW&o;;; ratilUnir 1114-_ • Oitifbtold iftrooti cOole ~ -o arsollikotorer or • ' anon's Felt C4meat an d (hovel Rotolo& Ifs. • 'tonal tar we . 114:10 WHICH HAB RECENTLY HAD prrnmmum. Ply LUMBER. II Managers
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers