Are gzegared, as Sole Agents In the United etateolor the Prussian Mining and Iron Coin- Pang of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or sell is quantities to snit manners (delivered to either New York or Phlladelphla,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN • This Iron fs free from Snlpur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percent age of Manganese. FnU particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded on apnlica r ation. - 1a110:d78 suzikizELD STEEL wor s e: - M E%, Imam & COl .smrtsnoninv. PAL. • . •. • • Minufectir-' ers of every description of CAST Al') °MIKAN '.ST.Lu i BATL W SPMROS, XLLL. pL ‘B' ml;maf Waretioreei SS Wateraildloo Skid Sta. Wippg,, !Lulu; & ram, azermum rAmlntes: NO4.IftALY. 0 11":1131 HAB . 7 Ini4alll ' Bracw. PAirniza—B. NOIEB. -cII3ZSaIiNT STEEL WORKS, BARB .& PARKIN, . 0 1 1100. Na. 339 Liberty St.. 11.14:40, prIT IMITEGH, PA. - yIitLA.OK DIAMOND . . STEEL WOILIES. PARK, BROTIEn & CO., Manufacturer' of all deserllalons of - ISPI V JECWOC. a. Office and Warehouse. TRIETIRTIT, rELETY.. 37E8T and RAlLsOdir STREETS. PITTSIIVRGUEL /RON NIVILIKEI 'hts. vaaNiat, Presit..... W. P. Zama. Bart. - prrrautritan ronsz Bar Irani , • Fisda Bars and Rollin Balireid ear Arles Boiled; Boatman! CM Axles Blaranlormli Linnemollve Fraikovi " ' • Locomotive Frame Shapes; - Side Bodin 1 Yokes, Straps; Steamboat s td - Steamboat •Czankni Piston Bodo, W iiita; Pitman Sawn; Collars, di. . • ' • ' ' 012104; No.' 177 PENN STREET, ‘.. iIIEISHIDSEN PROCESS. Z t frusteee are now mum_ ed te_grant lloen sea the Imo of the At. ,. mBkLA.EBllll PRO • • o The superior qualityimparted to good iron, the great Improvement In inferior Iron, and the rednceireost, commend it to all manufacturers of Iron. ap,pl Parties wishi to ng to use it can obtain licenses by ying JAMES P. -SPEER. • - Attorney for the Trustees, ROOMS 1 and A, English's Building, 905 i Yount avenue. - • parties interested are invited to vislt the WM-A BERGER, WURE,9. where the preaois is saw accretion. • - • Mardi? EVERSON, PRESTON A, co., Pennsylvania Iron Wor - 16, Warehoue, Nos. 166 is . sidl67 .11336 T STRUT. oopoi Its Monongsaels Room, arriftcUt PITTRBUJELOII. NOIME4TY WORKS. pets NOVELTY' WORKS. mmuseed A; D. ) , ,, 1 9:4 1 49,r 1111 1140/ Wir git t lelt i *NAl PAT. SIMZES. , Jazoi4 rait lau ltat •Dotos LOck a,er a s e nd . Liggebes, 00U6VOP MIST AU Seta 41111pft 821 ILISANDSTILUMMITMO: _ siummiid•iros. zairmr4:.zoirsir.Eme..' jommixvOopgilikoo., • .„.. EIMMff/M;fi BRASS POUNDOBAS; GAB AND , STRAM 'PTITNES, m.guact n tcrincre firitlialtit'a rl • F Ca: of Wolf COI MTh col ...11,1 .i" 717 f ,&.,-, ,!-, ~,,,. . {,~;; ~ a DINUERIE WORKS. COLEMAN, & CO., lian!Acturer s o f _ . MON,. NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, , , . arittnessz zx. earn aimaATA. . . . 'LAT HOOP, AND SQUA.RE IRON. SAND SHEET AND TARE IRON. BOILER PL.LTES andEADS. suARD IRONDRAO DROPPER BARB, FLANGED CUTTER BARS, CYLINDER IRON, T AND PLAT HAIL, for Coal Roads. CROWBARS_ , WEDGES & HARROW TEETH. SPRING PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, OS AND MOULDS eat to pattern. STEEL. IaSS, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. COACHLES. Emir and WAGON SPRINGS and AX. - CUT NAILS AND SPIRES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS Sixteenth Mt nd AllLegheny River, and If Water Street, Pittsburgh. GODEFIROY BBANCKER & 00. 42 &change Aloe, New York, ireed so extensivelT for the manitbeturln; of DEMMER STEEL. AND IRON CO., 3LialtrlPACTumaill or PITTSBURGH, PA , IiCKEEL 00: • ‘‘'• knS. , V.V.EAkt-r at. , ~,NAmsysz, •••• " ' - - • . Aff , , 5.24.04-4Pie.%144 1 F1t t , ',46,;iff ViAittF4FIZ-4101,,F1170f-7, OAP FORT Pm FOUNDRY COXPANY O*FICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, Pa.. nrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally, ATIONAL FOUNDIIN AND PIPE WONKII. Corner Ceireoil and nniallnian lereete, PITTSEILTAGIMES Pdfim WILLIAM SMITH, Atanuraciturer ox CAST MONBOWL PIPE Pon ems AND W,ATER WOints My Pines are all east tuanablyta Pita, In dry mid, and 1. feet Zeniths. Also, 11111111110111:11ellt of general Castings for Gas and Water Wolin. I would also eall the attention of Hu tead eats of Gas Works to my make of BM AT4fti WO MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward; Eprwsiruncill. THOMAS .11. WILLER, Presjdent. nese orts lier complete enabgakamatila Wert. sad cow prepared toter:lml \ am Exerfaes i of every dimly tioo Bennis, Oil Mullis. Meet Iron IWork. aallread BoWag BIM Castings. zoili!!! 94 1 9 11 0 6 , : mmftwoplommio. GwaseragilWirs; Roams olm:Eommilx ROREISON, REA & CO., thiceeseora to /tainnSON., llllfle 41 MUM% WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS,Pnisium, manuisicturers u of Bolt and Stationary Staim.....An ill M *Chla = descriptlorVeT.'oll-7a and B tltr il ßoller and Sheet Iron Work. Office, o. ISt, corner First and Szalthleld Streets. to/Tel:4lr B t ar r AltpliPATZ2irr =far ATONT DILANC FOUNDRY. ." T litigler Strew, Ninth Wai (OpPointe Union Iron ) - ITITEIBUBOB. Rolling Biu rind Bridge Casting% THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, YALCRINItar AM) OUTINGS GENKBALLY. Orden Promptly sad carefully executed. Charges reasonable. MEW kRAQUEL (mums THOMAS CAHLIN & co., Foarth Ward Foundry and laetrile Works SANDUSKY BT., ALLEGHENy. arr. Tk, Manulk,eturets •of Steam Bolitees, Bbafttnir. Grist aka Saw auil Work, kllll and ifseldne Casting., Grate M% Weights, Wagox Boxes, to. Buftd to order and have on Land Engines of all sbes. niritge . CFSTBAL FOIMICRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street, BOLL L 4 BOYD & BAOALEY. Chlll Bolls, Mill Outing., Roll Lathes, ac. COAL AND} ANTHRACITE CQZ THE BRADDOCK&FIELDSI Gals Coal Company Has this day been *misdated BoLBAGENTB for Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities and surrounding towns fort the sale of the Coal of the Pennsylva nia and Ohio Anthracite Coal and Transpotta lion Company. Parties In want of a, soperior qua/Hy°, Anthra cite Coal from Basternmtnet. will do well to Call 'on them. - D_General .olOce and : Pard.L . COP.NEII • or At.: DZIIBO2f JIM axd P. Ft. F., 0!,1LE,...A11e- B•afteb Otdce .anda'Ard—LIBBBT,P, opposite BIXTBRIPPIi STREET, Pittaboyeb. Postoffice Address, Box 11117 .rittsbargli. -• J. D. MAHON; in petiatendeit.lollllL'ii Ohio'Mama, Coal and Transportation, co.; N0.114,V0M11 AYMSinttlibargh% 0,0A1,17 -7------i COAL!!! DICKSON, sit V. & CO., Havin g mmumed theleofibm to NO. 067 MERIT SISENT (Lately CIO: Mous lO W 82 00 ND ira kki g . `112"1" M1(1% Clorriciirt At 0 N et She I° El 9 4Mert s Pr rtheir , mice.; eiteMeoesea to they 'tempt ' 'Math' will be attended to mossotts. ~~'~~ wErr mump s ~ v. 04.0 vi mirs.. ~ 1, . . .. i ,0,0.11 x Tett i' 4 ~..) . yr" 10!44.4c-a . .1 . . . i f- :' .. 15 , j 186 mommum k . : P . ITT , 8 . B : URG g. GAZ - f , a. "4"17, . 1 • - 1 -, , , URSD — AY . APRIL -9 (MIRTH WARD, dole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental - Stores and Furnaces for Hard Coal or - Coke.Best la the World for WillOr.OglCS, Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns ali win= ter. Do netb ay an ill you see or send for Circular. No. 20 WOOD STREET. Oar Agents for Orientals—pima:tun BROS., Smithfield at.: GEO. ROBLEY, Allegheny City. HUGUS & CO. 11 c&IIDtAOra8EEe Or XVIZT vAnurr OF ISI TC:OVMSI BOSTON COOKING .8 AEG's; "TI. FIERY FURNACE," 108 WARNING Btaurntas. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKINg STOVE, "SZOTILAToR." COLUMBIA COO STOVE, SANT (Cincinnati Patterni P ETABLN RANGE CAST IRON 1Q Pa WELLMAN'S REF LECTOR, (MAT_ _,ES free Irom dln and duk ORATE FRONTS, Jrzzi:DEB3, At. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 5e25717 00041. STOKES. BISSELL C 0.98 FOB BITUMIN 008 COAL. 7turaste4 to Cook, *Ake or Roast an 1(11 mean: other Stove in the .Thdoi. No. 285 'Liberty Street.' BIBS, & 00., s ir on lit t aggUr We, .f . . . , • RICATIArsToviI I / 4 mincis. eIiATR Into 000YiertugalGB, te. DYER AND' . 13601#1.11R, H.J. LANCE,. DYER AND SCOURER. No. a ST. cmAnt oirriszcarr And Nos, 1135 aid 117 MN Street, RABB &1110SE111,„ ajr , , AlicirrriucTs. - JP2 , BOMB ABSOCIATIONL BVILDIDIIO. ~z, i sat tau Olsie liars& (ausesiriki -141. t , , ptisaustv i i a , elo tou r . ° T! gireoitati ' au,* . 1 d . ' 'l2l ool,ll' ' ,', ' Tf: 1‘1.."1 .il.rtf i , t.3 .11 4 'r i HUGHI-BOLE & - CO co. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (Nita TEM Pozwro Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. • Manuf TIONARY E acture S TEARB NGINES, OAT I E NGINEf3 and STA -1 alsee. gpecial attention invitedofal to our neWEITATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of . 18- liorseepower. • CASTINGS, of ever/ kind. made to orderatoar. , Foundry. on THIRD STRE .ET below Market. 'RIGS for Oil Wells, SRAPTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS.ROUE_and TOBAOSO SC.ldEves and IBON TOBACCO Peckniens, on /mid and made to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, PlrTnntflU}H, PA.. in` All orders promptly Alled• TRY 111 3. OAT PITT soma, SITU A?di WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, L O i rtI 7 ACTIIII.IBBO, TUBULAR, DousLE-Prarm TunutAß, ALItIi RS -BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL OILE STILLS AND OIL TANK% ctranricys; BREECHING ' AND ma PANS, SETTLING, PANS, SALT PANS AND CON , DENBERSt STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL Barns Ocoee and Warehouse. earner Second, Third. Short and /Aber*? Streets, PITTSBURGH. Pa. . , . Ill' Orders sent to the abo're address will be promptly attended to. m17:189 V • • ' a, CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON IiVORKNILSI NOB. AO, AS, 180 LIM no rrairli Err. wttn Raving secured a lame Tan d and tivrilmstl It the most approval machinery. we are pre pared to maaufacture every description of SOIL in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made la the country. Chimneys. Breeching, lire Beds, Steam Pipes. Locosaotive Condensers, Balt PAU. Tanks, 011 Balls, agita tors, Bettllas ran., Bißler Iron.firiftes. Einar- Pan_,s and sole laanuaketarers orzarn=fs Pat ent Boilers. • . lepalrlag dose akoetest stouse. Jai IMML, Ness 55 and 66 Water Streets rinirszusen, PA.I BLANIMUninum CM IRON OIL TANKS 3 12.1:130 ELM, 093•1133 311 x Pl2/1, 311131a.Thre XML BTAcrIA 4nd !MET 1803 r WWII. TOT Steamboat'. JAHMID Y. 111171111...............ADXVND D. BE JARED N. BRIAR & 80114 K1X 071 .011711/10113 07 • - Steam 8011 , oil Stills, Tanks. • SUEET nzor: wonz,ao. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY dz co. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stares, TO BE 70IIND IN THZ STATE. CET THE BEST. TRIIMMMH, lITIVIntrBSRI PA ARommons. 1011 , PM BARINti VOIPANT. No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. BTOCKHOLDERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALS= IN I GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND , COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. • . Collections made OR all steemsaalble Debits la the Salted States and Canada'. DIREOTOBSI D. Hostetter, Jno. 0. Risher. Junes Gordon, Bobt. H. King, D. Wallace, Andrew .Kr, E. Fawcett, Jaatealt Bailey. BAWL. It D. LEET NATIONAL BANK - OF COIIIIIICI Cor. of Wood and Sixth A. PATTEg8 011 ...... --Priksideat. JUL BILL --Canner. cl4p,.rT4L, r t.s. sysoe,ooo. DEBBOTOBB: . ... • I A. Pattbrsou.' - . Game W. aAs, Wm. Lockhart ,' It. H. Palmer : Chas. liivm. Dona Dan. B. Davidson. - Wm. Bend . ; W. B. Haven.,. DzscotratTs mum 2.1)9:012 A. CAVGIEET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Strains, prx - remitracm, 0 3 170C1M0813 TO HABRA, & 1:I0 Exchange, Coin, Coupon And particular attention paid to the purchase 11.1141 sale of 60V ERNME NT BONDS; amS t igh Draft. 1,21,L0n.d0n. ass •.. N. inkasitii & son, 313.8.1V1sciam e t 57 Market Street, PrrTreXiViseEt. . , Collections *ads 021 all thetalacdpal potato of the United /States and Oanadaa. Stocks v itende end other Seetirlties BOUGHT •ND BOLD ON culoasswis. P cit ular attention Paid to the ureheatt ofte United States Securities. ].3o:u JAY COOKE & CO., .. 13 61 , XLIMera r 144 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all des.riptiona bought and sold attention given to the puielase &nasal° of Government Securities OILS WttaND AND KING; Couusdirios Yerebsata and*rekers In Petroleum • and its *Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ADDREaI3. Boom 17, Chamber of Comnierce, spin 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. z!titunnt W. C. TWIDDLE, HANVIPACTITHER Or Librieating & High Test Bunting Oils. ' , . , . Eclipse Ismlikudi Aldo OH. Stands great heat without ekange; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or het weather. L•eoillsaotlScrews. L ve. Entine. Machine shop, W cat flaw 111111 and Planing Ann Oils , Adapted ibr opeed.. , ""'i Mlikilne 'OM - wool iiteamiuglaoll, 1 011. Tanners' litusr• semilorl.= = " higartarishistoil, thisoll €O, Harness 011 z!arrasune. emion vearinti i to prestryo Brisk* Iron Work aid Ifattlitery Mom/0M , These productir are Manufsottired under Dr. T weddle , olpatent by Superheated Steam in Vao ono. , The' laibricatMg IL, are almost odorless. Parfet'', 'pure uniform. and ,il ht col ored. stand * ill perature an remain timid Ohs are inked 1 Firballearagig 6411 kt ulle ' many of tie yi p 'Bail . Samples eau be , examined and orders le ft at 124 WOOD IiREET. Works at Skarpsbitrg Bridge. , ____ 9.1,f ,8144'4E1% UNION MERMANT; nxn naitaw L is Petroleum, and its ,Prsdnots, PltUburti WIIee—DALZILL'S BUILD/Nee Corner of DRlllellie Wq and Inela streets. sau wao Phttedelliiilltosofi—lurr wAiNtrra.r. Dmmoir o*,,wpass, H. M. LONG &`CO:; osioe , ,D4TELL,B!mtmi ft , ~1 i ••••.....•••••=•••••••• 44;ifimuitiq 3•411 e pairt ; r#4 1 1 . Ew“..: cmtvint.: 1410V4110siootit'' 1 + 1 , 1 M,rde wwwxll4l F 9. - Vi 1 %el: " EI ;LtN. PreVt. elasUer ,'AT 11 A. DWASta Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz:- Gold, 182". f: .Silver, 125; Eighty one's, 1 16 X; Five Twenties, 1862, 121 x; do 1884, 115 X; do 1865, 1173,; do 1865, Consols, 114; do 1867, --, do 1868, —; Ten Forties, /05X; New York Central, 63X; Erie, —; Reading, 93X: C en t ral, 63 Wayne di Chicago Railroad, 30X; Ohio dc. • Missiasipp), 32X; Michigan ':ontheiTt, 974‘;'. Cleve land Pittsburgh, 973; ; Chicago et Rock Island, 133 x; Chicago ,g North- Western, 4 3 5%;Phicago & North Western -Preferred, Adams Express Com pany, 583"; Merchants Union Express, 15; Paciii 4 o Mail. 92x; Western tfnion Telegraph Company, 41.3.,<; Gregory, 8,20; Quartz Hill, 1,55; Corydon, Smith et Parmlee, 3,00; W. Am. Exprest; 40. in, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ciazette.3 NE* Yopa, April 14, 1869. • Money was in moderate demand du ring the morning, at coin inteiest on Government Bonds,'and 7 per cent cur rency, with commission 1.32 per cent:on stocks. In the afternon the market, as yesterday, • worked easier and before 3 o'clock capital was plenty, at 7 per cent. Some of the banks report increased receipts of currency from the interior., Some uncivilness has been caused by`re , ports that `the District Attorney is gath ering eVideince concerning the loans:made I ahoy° legal rate, with a view of enforcing . I the provisions of the usury law. Com- Ixtercial 'Paper is dull at 10@1314 pea; /cent. Sterling.strong under the easing , in mone,yi and, cash gold, prime bankers, at 7X@7X per. cent—tor 60 days, and 8X€48,1 for sight;' Gold firmer; opened at 1,3234, advanced to 1,33 X and alined, at 1,62 X,, The Java brought. 82,000 lbsil rates paid for carrying • were _7 per cent, dowitte Zper cent. to flat. • GoVeinments- strong - and I higher," , with 823 and 678 as the features.' Coupons of '81.7. / 16 34@11.6%; do, '62, 120 X®120 3 / 4 ; do. 184, 117 X®11734; do. !f15,,1 117 X©1171;. new do., -114 X®114X; do, 114 X 114 W. do. 435, 1 14®114p 4 ; 10- 40s, 105 X 105 X. • • ;- • tee bonds • dull:: _liessOurls;:: 88 34 i New nnessee% • 6 5X4@86; North :Car., •olinas, 54X®55.• • •• '- ;,, " The Stock market tibia morn- . ing was bat generally steady'. New,' York Central And Roolt rilandwere esn °options and 'showed: an nrinsual.aotivit ty, the former fluctuating ••betwynizi.l6B :ffind 164 X, while' tho :* latter, was .very strong on renewed reports -of florin divi dend. In the a ft ernoon Ike roarkit,iviio: stnnewhat irregnlar;•Witli wide _Recipe thini in stocks. The- features on e "bull". side Werti an adVanee oil:kook Is. land to 134' Sort - Wayne to 31Wabash to X 93 4, and Marines& preferred tO 1883 i. The principal' obange.on the f'beirside was a fall of New York • Central to 162,X, with an intone ' " pressure - sell,. A re: poll. was currant that the lite of the bill toi legalize the 80 per cent.' ertiflcates been 'interwoven with-the Broadway`' Railroad bill in the' Senate ;add that" both are likely to faiL ...The market gen. Orally left off dull antlibeavy.- • • • rive•Vairty .Prices—Cumbe.' •.29® 82S; Wella:ExPressi 40( )4Q34 , ;,A.dam5, , 68 59i4 gx_t, merchants Union, 16@16; United States, 58X WO; Quiloksilver, aixoatzal, nazdon,zlo9val '80; Pacifidf 83 11009240 1-Nifeetep h Union Telegraph, _4l*Newrlrlrk Ckm tral, 162),OgltiNt'HuNon`RiVer, kis s itio I .4454; 87 3 i •war*"/ Ard c• • Mid e. a2 XWP;A; AS/49NR And Alloys USA mb3o CENTRAL . AND 17NION PACIFIC RAILWAY . BONDS, The cheapest Investment non In the market for sale by PR. R. .3 1:E Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. dext JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Moe/Bora 08. JONES & CO Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., .. 13 ALNIC.M.R.Ej i BUT AND ma. ALL mania 01 GOVRIVALENT SECURITIES, MLA/ SILVER AND COUPONS, .4 ON MOST FAVORABLE TBRiES. Interest Allowed on Deposits. NIP Money lomied on Government Bonds at oweat market rates. • Orders executed for the ru.reitase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & #Slje cr airtts. FINANCE. A,NI) TRADE OFFICE OF P/TTSBUBOU titAZETTE, WEENEsivA.T, April' 14, 1869 Gold opened weak at 133 X, became 'very firm and •sidesnOed' to 133, from which it declined to 132 k, and closed quiet at 1821 X:f;: i rtte cause of thkdeclrne was the rumor that besidest the onei and half naillion dollars of gold, arrived yes . dan - another lot of Altar millions were on the way here: Large sales were made in anticipation of .a heavy decline, but the small stook note` on the nutiiiet fol• ordinary transactions made the loaning rate for gold so high. that it would , be preferable to buy'instead of submitting to the onerous charges. Government bonds were firm early in 'the day without any activity, but on the rise in gold the market became strong, and advatioed one-fourth per cent., hut at the close the market wagon' again. The Stock market is strong, but the changes are unimportant. Fort Wskyne, Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Rock Island are the strong,est stocks on the. list. Just as _soon as the money mar ket can be supplied with money at seven per cent. currency rate, a sharp upward movement is likely to begin, and stocks that may appear to be high now, may then be considered cheap. The increas ing earnings of nearly all the Railroads has enhanced the value of Railroad shares to such an extent, that all divi dend paying stocks now selling at or near par will be brought up -for perms xtent investment. Business dull Money at twelve per cent. Terre Hante, 8 7®39; do. preferred, 87@ • 69; wabash,`67@fl7 > Yo do. preferred 77® 7734; St. Fatal, 7 7 1 4®7750 do. preferred, 8.1‘@84.;i; Fort Wayne, 13034@131X; Ohio dr Mississippi, 32%®327‘; Michigan Central, 119(4)120 Michigan Southern, 437x@98; Illinois Central, 13834@140; Pittsburgb, 901i®905‘; Toledo, 97;;@98; Lake Shore, 97,34'@98; Rock Island, 1335; @i33%; Northwestern, 8 3Y® 8 3j4; do. preferred, 95@MM; Marietta,' d pre. ferred, 831; Sioux City, 116; C. C. 4 I. C., 39 31: Bt. Joseph, 114; C., C., C. and 1., 70. Mining shares dull. pper stocks •at Boston : Copper Fall C os, 834; Franklin, 163 i; Hancock, 4; Quincy, 22: Minnesota 2. Receipts of the Sub•Treasnry . were $630,345; 'payn2ents, 066,439; balance, $ 89 ,921,871. Clearances at Gold Excha n ge, Bank. $75,000,000. Exports for the week, except spode, $ 3 ,617,388. LIVE wrocx MARKETS ~._ ----.-- 1 PENN'A OEN vRAL STOCE TAW* WEDNESDAY, April 14, !ISM CATTLE—The market has been mod eratelY active thus far this week, all the good cattle on sale having been taken at about.ast week's prices. As a general thing,, however, shippers want canoes- skins, Alleging, that it is a very risky business just now to buy cattle for ship. ' !tient, as ' the eastern markets are very unreliable, and that they ought to have some little show to get out with a whole skin, even if they do not make any thing. It is generally conceded that there is but little chance for stock to make anything, as the margins men are whittled down Wench a close point that it involves too much risk; if 'everything goes right and they are so fortunate as to strike a good market, they may pomi bly make a little money, but the chances losinare just as good, and a little better, for g. • Compared with last week, prices have ;undergone no quotable change. Prime 'to extra smooth shipping steers nfay be quoted, a B@Bg, and medium do. at •7©7 , X. • • , WEDNESDAY, April 7 .—Pletcher to ; : Beach de _Bray 14 weighing 17,925.. TRunsnAr, April 8.--Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for •Read to Kelly 17 weighing 20,000; at 734; same, for Brown to Kelly 30-weighing 40,325, at 65/ 4 ; same for same to same 15 cows weighing 18,875,"' at 7g; same for Bash to Beach &Bray 15 weighing 16,325; and 2 balleo•same for Webb to Gillett 4 Co. 14 weighing 19,000; same' for same' to same 32 weighing 39, , 225. FarbAr, April 9.—Holmes, Laffeity & Co. for Road to Gillett & Co. 28 weighing 88 ,675, at 8g: earns for` same to .Martin 81 weighing 89,325,'11l 7g; Evert to Dim- • ald 32 weighing 40,250, at'7li. • ' • • tfonrimr,'Aprifl2.lL-Ileskett to•Beaoh`, dc Bray 81 weighing 40,000; at 7%;'Beck-' ett tip weighing AMA at 635. TUESDAY, April 13.—Dolan tO?Glliett, & Co. 32 weighing 88,525, at 7,70; HolmeA_ Lafferty 4 Co for Quick to Beach et Bray 30 weighing 43,125, at 8g; same, for. Blair to Ault ' & Co. 6 weighing 8,075; at • 73i; Smith &,..Blne for Hogle to Gi ll ett & Co. ,17 weighing -22,000, at 8; A.llll to . Meksdes II weighing .11,700; Bradleyi & , Gillett & Co. 67 weighing 75,335, at 7; Smith & Blue for Hosglaperter_ , Fritz 33 ,weiglibig 42,W, at 8. WEDNESDAY, April 14 .—Holmes, Lid& • erty it Co. for Holmes & Plieffer to Roth ' 18 weighing 19,500, at 8,65; Smith &Blue -• for Bogie to Roth 16 weighing 18,125, at 8,00. SHP:SP.:Jae Sheep market is fairly active, and there hra firmer feeling than prevailed' t week ago, which is in cone queries of -diminished arrivals, and, if anything, a slightly improved demand. We can report sales of clipped, at 434® Gm, and woole,d sbeep at 6®7%, accord. ing to quality and condition. Enslgn Newton sold a drove of fancy • sheep, fed by.him in Mahoning Co. Ohio, and averaging 14014 lbs, to M C Hen drickson, at 9 —considered the best drove or sheep ever brought to this market. It being feared that 'they would not .carry to New York with safety, Mr. Hendrick son re -sold them toi Hugh RiohaidtiOn,' the well-known butcher, at a profit ef ;W. • HOGS.The Hog market' , is stronger than last week, and pricea - from a quer. • ter to a half a cent higher. We now ' quote Philadelphia Hogs at -1 134@11X, and Yorkers at 104103 i. • The receipts although only moderate, keep pp pretty . well with:the demand, as bgyersgener ailYi both here and the : Asst., do not take hold very freely at the pricelt: ' • ' PETROLEUM MARKET. Fick OP Prrrestritou Gamma, i • WEDlgEspAyr April 14, 1 .869.:,- 1 The oil market continuesi exceedirt • gly quiet and a l little weak, though prices are without quotable change. There seems to be little or no demand either for pres sent or future delivery, and it is as just as true that the offerings are light, though;if anything, the pressure to- sell is stronger than that to buy. Situated as the market now is, there is not much chance for business, as `it is narrowed down to such a fine point, that there is no margin to either refiner or crude dealer, and there must of necessity be a change, one way or the other, betbre there will be an improvement. Crude is too hitch for Refined, and until the one declines or the other advances, the re finer can do nothing, as there is no mar gin in manufacturing; and those of . ottr refiners having contracts out will probe. bly buy to cover, as they can do so ,to better advantage than In manufacturing it. There Is still another obstacle in the way, oil is relatively higher at 011 City . than here. CRlTDE—The,Crude market continues I dull and deioid of anything that is pew or important, with the exception, per haps, that the feeling is weaker. Sp o t oil Is still held at, 15, buyers . above 143;, and not many at that; seller till July is still quoted at la, and no buy ers. Sale of 1,000 each Ma and June at • 15X, which indicates a decline of halt a-. cent; as the last sale, .repo rt ed forpielK, months was at /a. $ - ~.- „, .4) , REFINED—The Refine'd ' Market, market ; continues dull and weak, and while some 'deliveries are a shade lower, as a general thing there,kr,Aao, important change in Pricera, , filalCof:soo each April to Juni at 33. Quota tions—April, last half, 111 KI Bray l and September June, 133 R; April to June, 83; Apri to , o 85Decc ay emtober, S 38.eptem bea, UR; and June t HM 111 1731-700 bbls at $4,15. _,l LOBRIOAT/NG OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil .. ... . 400 EBattll t i tt ad ;4 -0 ....,.....`, .... . ... . .150' oliriso seminary.... ............ . . ......... Eclipse Spindle ............... . ............ • . 800 OIL SHIPPED BAST IMI A. V. IL R. Lockhart, Frew k Co., 762 bbls refined to Warden. Frew & ' Citizens BigC, -• Philadelphia, Bro.&Co. PhinidelpC i Optbleto Track: cksTotal Shipments Refined....... 1279 OIL- SHIPPED EAST PROSE DIIQUERHI D DEPOT'. - .' Bly, 25 bbla tat and 25 bbls reiltie&' • oil to C. B. Rubley & Co., Philadelphia. ~ John L. Moorhouse 12 /Ibis lubricating oil to Wallace, : C urtis 46;094,Phi1a.' H. W. o . • Tweddle,_ 11 bbhflubricatinie .oil t0,Mr...14. Gen Philadelphia, , -4. , ~,-' 1 D:.93Bnedt,Wil 53bble zellueln. 'z,• W. • , . , *Nat: itadaphlLl'f:eeiV‘ - II e ., ~ ~ .1 •, SI , ,•• - ' , i.',.:, -. .z4 iiilyr, 4 1,, r ...? , -o , ‘ 4 ",4 . '62v-,-..0 ......... ......“ Will II El .y 1 i 4 ...
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