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' .' _:•;'. s: : '''' ' ---; 'f'l ,;fr...' .7 t it e .j- , ...;/. -..---''' ~:"' . • I tc ,---. . 1 04 - ._ ~,,v - ,_- ,*_. .r s _ .„Nii , - ~ ..__ _,_...._ - . ,, .1) , ..2.„.. - . ~ . . . . • - '4-:)?-1 ',_ - - 1 - • ~ ,:-',...,-,.- .-•,---Lr • ----- 14 , _ - -L,;.:7- 1 . .".7 ., -F - - - --,, , -......, ,:.-.,-,,,-,÷-_;, ;;;-„.! 1 .-....---7 , --/---, ~!- 1. .. . ~ , . • • . 7 - e:4 _,,, ..........„., ....„ , .. . ... . .. . ... . . ......- .., . ... . ... . . . . ~ . FIRST £OlllOl TWELVE O'CLOCK* M• IWIRISBITRG. Proc edings of the Ligislatnre —F Adihninment Hese lut on Finally Adopted— _ Ge: oral Bill Allowing Inter est .4 Parties toltestify Passed by oth Houses—The Registry Bill Goes tO a' Conference Committee. ;By Telegraph to the Ilttebur4easette.l SENATE. Tf.4. o 44uintrint, April 12,1869. - . BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. GRAHAM introduced bills incor porating the Sharpsburg, New Castle and Butler Railroad Company; author's -1m Councils of Allegheny City to our. chase the right of any, or ' all chartered road companies, whose'rnads are wholly -cm partly in the corixivate limits of said city. BILtS - PASSED Both of Mr. Graham's bllls , just intro duced, passed 1112a117. 't`oliturtrlza nuw.t.uo. The bill from the House. authorhiing the Griernor to offer two thousand dor lara.`reirard for the recapture of the Broad head murderers, passed. rwrzarsinn PASTIES . TO TESTIFY. The Conference Committee on the bill allowing interested parties totestify . in certain counties reported in favor of a general bill, and the report was adoptedl. ':'THE BECHEITEY,BILL. The Senate mon-isonourred in the House .amendments to the Registry bill and Apfoidritea. Messrs. Errett,LCorinell arid ,Davis as a Conference Committee„ I IttOOMMITTED. Mr•ad the e h ' Westmor laud Agricultural. bill re-committed to the Judiciary Committee -for elaridna- Lion as to the power of Courts over the subject. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. meso - sto BANK sobrsvr. Mr. MORGAN. called up the. Senate hill incorporating the Masonic' Deposit and Savings Bank of. Pittsburgh, Which: was opposed by Mr. Brown, of Clarion, and favored by Messrs. Wilson and Mor gan, and passed finally. REMONSTRANCES Mr. WILSON presented;a remonstrance trout Pittsburgh against the bill for the removal of the dead from the First Pres byterian Church paid . . Mr" MILLEB , a i r emonitriticeliroin Braddocks borough against . a prohibi. tory liquor law for said borough. FINAL ADJOURNMENT. Mr. WILSON reported from the Ways and Means Committee, affirmatively, the joint resolution from the Senate for final adjournment next Fnday. ' - Several ineffectutd attempts were made, to call up this bill. BILLS INTRODUCED Mr. WEBB introduced a bill requiring a majority 'of the directors of corpora tions fora quorum. Passed. Mr. FOY introduced a bill authorizing mechanics, joitrpeymen and, laboreri io lona societies for their ibutuill: aid, benefit and protection. Mr. CLARK, of Warren, introduced a bill extending the three hundred dollar exemption law to life estates. Passed. The Philadelphia Police bill passed. SPECIAL ORDER.' In the ; evening the special .order was the blll from the Senate allowing inter ested parties to testify. Messrp. Niles, Brown, of Huntingdon, Rogers and Hunter favored its passage. It was opposed by Messrs. McCullough, Pla.yford, Beans and McMiller. Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny, support ed it in a lengthy speech. The bill passed a second reading—yeas 54, nays 35. WILL NOT PASS. The bill regulating licenses in Alleghe ny county, granting the District Attor ney llve dollars fee for each case in which he appears before the board, will doubt leas not pass, the feeling of the Alleghe ny delegation being against it. It was introduced only tbrongh courtesy to.the District Attorney. _ TO DEVELOP& COAL, IRON, &C. • _Evening session.—Mr. STRANG called up the Senate bill' authorizing railroad mid "canal "companies to aid in the devel opment of coal, iron, lumber and other , material- interests- by - the . purchase of otecivand bonds and guitrantee of prin cipal and interest. Mr. DUNCAN moved. an amendment ozempting oil operations, from the pro visions of the bill. Disagreed to. ' The bill then passed second reading. • ' latirsr. ADJOURNMENT. _ . Mr. 7 PLAYFORDeaIIed up fi le Satiate joint resolution for S eal adjournment nest Friday. ' Ponca finally. coxrEnswez REPORT. 'rho 4::konfiran eetomniitteir reported in favor of a general bill allowing lhterest .ed psulles to testify. Adopted. Thus liming Weir :adopted 'by both Houses, the bill goes to the Governor for approval. • inir 4 14019 . ; : • __The bill granting pensions to James "Thompeonand Daniel - Bolivar, - soldiers of 1812, residing in - Fayette, Passed the Home. Thi l yEfonse - passed the general tax bill. Elevating Business at Buffalo. /Jg Telegiaph to'the Pittsburgh ilsestle. - BMPPIio, April a meeting of the Western Elevating Company this af iPirnOon. which was fully attended. two Propolitions were :discussed, the first to dissove the present Association, se and to reduce the rates of elevating to one half oentper.bnshel. Both points were fully direuased, and the prevailing Gantt. tient was that elevating can be done more cheaply by an Association than by individuals, and the feeling was general, that the proper course to pursue is to re duce the rates to;one•balf cent per bust:L td. The meeting adjourned to meet on Thursday for a decision of the pointed's- Altaaed. I • CONGRESS.= EBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazatte.y SENATE Wahrurreprox, Aprlll2; 1869 The Senate met at neon, Mr. Anthony presiding. Messrs-Hamlin and Ctiaseriy 'were appointed a *committee to inform the President that the Senate was ready for business. An order was adopted to meet at twelve o'clock. • „ . The standing committees continue as at the last session. 1 _ • ' • E . The Senate then" went into xedative session. After about two hours .spent in Execu tive session, the door were reopened and Mr.,HAMLIN, from the' Committee pointed to wait on the Preiident re ported they had,. performed' their _duty and the President replied he Would nand in a communication immediately I and others as occasion might require. A number of nominations were received - and the doors again closed. *late adjourned at .ftjf O'clock. ; • NEW, YORK CITY. -.. Propeller for Cuban Insurgent--Ger. mans and the Excise. Law—The Cuban Junta=--Sult Against the Erie Railroad Company., (By Telegraphto the Plttaburgit 6autte.l NEw Yom r, April 12, 1869. The Post says it is reported that a fast sailing proPeller, of about seven hun dred tons, left this port, a few days ago to aid the Cuban: insurienta. It is said that after she left port a number of guns were put on board. She took out one hundred and twenty men, nearly all of them Americans. A mass meeting of Germans was held at the Stadt Theatre, yesterday, for the purpoefeof giving expression to the Ger man sentiment in regard to the proposed amendments to the excise law. About two thousand five hundred persons were present._ Also *representatives of the various clubs or ikocieties, numbering at least forty-Sve thousand voters. The meeting was addressed by Mr. Allen bottrg, formerly Charge D'Affairs :to Mexico, and Mr. Goss. Fourteen cases of Martel brandy, said to have been landed by one of the Liver pool steamers that sailed - Saturday, was salvia from a store on South street on Saturday evening by the Revenue officers. - Henry Arcularions, formerly a promi nent Democratic politician of this city, • led suddenly at the Park Hotel. Deputy Sheriff Moran pieadedi guilty of permitting the escape of King, the bond robber, and will be sentenced to morrow. The Cuban Junta held a meeting at St. Julien Hotel to-day, to hear the re port of Senor Pirest, who has lust re turned from Washington. The report and proceedings of the Junta were kept secret, but it la intimated - a strong ex• pedition id aid of •the Cuban r•eyolution ists has set sail from a Sotitheiwport, under the commltnd :of a distinguished American officer. In the United States Circuit Court.suit was brougb.t to.day by •Jno. and Anna• Sperry, of Connecticut, asrainst the Erie Railroad to recover the amount of and dividends on sixty-form shares preferred stock purchased by them, and to compel the saidOomnany to make a statement of its financial , affairs.. Both branches of the City Council to day adopted resolutions expressing sym pathy with the Cuban pirriots. Suit has been brought in the Supreme Court for the purpose of confirming the American Merchants Union Express Company In. the Ilse of property_ trans ferred to It by the Merchants Union Ex press - Company. . •The Imperialist, a sreekly_jOurnal, re cently started here, is about to collapse. CHICAGO. Singular Suicide—lllinois Legislature— . Snow Storm. 'LBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Cameo°, Aprill2.—A somewhat noted character, named E. L. Oatman, com mitted suicide last night or this morning, in a basement saloon on' the Corner of Indiana and Clark streets, in a peculiar mannerr~. He was discovered at about nine o'clock this morning lying on his back on a table in the saloon, directly under 'a common gas'chandelidr, from one of the burners of which a. rubber tube extended into his mouth. Under his head was a cigar, and over his face was spread a coat, probably to prevent the escape of gas from his month. When discovered he was apparently dead, al though it is asserted that during the sit- Him of the coroner's jury, which was called immediately after the body was discovered, there were/ signs of life, but no attempt was made to resuscitate him. There seems to be no doubt that the man committed suicide in the manner named. The Legislature of this State will re assemble at Springfield, on Wednesday nest, the 14th instant, after a recess of _nearly five weeks. It is not anticipated that any new business will be inaugura ted, but simply on bills which Governor -Palmer has.vetoed. SnoW fell at Ottoiva, Il inois , nine miles southwest of this city, to the depth of four' inches, this morning. It also snowed at Springfield,. Illinois, yester, day, and this morning quite a large quantity was falling, but melting as it felL It hai been very win here during, the dtky , and now looks as if there might be a all of 'snow, and perhaps a heavy Indiana AAO da' e—The Democratic Bolteract Down. .r tBY Telegraph to the lttaturgt Gazette.] DiDIA.WAVOLIg. April 12.—The bolting Members of the House appeared this at ternoon , and were sworn in, and the Rouse completed their organization, by a resolution continuing 'the oflicers - and' employes of the regular session. After' the passage of the resolution, Speaker Stanton tendered his resignation as Speaker of the Rouse, and Hon. Geo. A. Buskirk, Republican, of MOnree,'county, was elected Speaker. On motion of Mr. Pierce, Republicanipf ` Porter; eopoth fr resolution was adopted:postponing action on the Fifteenth Amendment until Tues-,_ day. 12th of. May. • - - the Senate there was no i quornm" until after the hasestge of the resolution in the Rouse, postponing action on:the amendment question, w en , the -Demo cratic members appeared and were ghat teed, and the regular besii of the yes sion*as comnienced. tur n n , . , " d ~,, " -. 1 , ' ,,,, --' ~..- . ' -1,.,.., '44, 7 ,... ,,, . .,..4. , :...441 .IV 4P g. ; ' ' ‘l f l i ft-1 I.!".'el:"A3.;!:•C'F'sl,7;',Vii "f.‘":46'-tri,.4- '4lt.y.l'-'4WW-A,F.C.ue."''' '.°'''aVilg"A•Wtf:ro. CIS ~_#,.. ..,.., nn 0 ,„ . ..... " t -"re . .. 5,, ......n r , x 1ntatc... , ;:0 f ,,. ~ ~,, ..: , •,.4-, -., , A ll- .? .. - ' l' - . n / '', ....."' 40P . =, •, , ~....'-'..t 4WAf'''' .' ' . ' .. ^ - 7c • PITTSRURGH TUESDAY, APRIL 13 , 1869, taie(CileCtroeethmeureslitfe AmsoßauDgLehE SECOND.EDITIIx. 111•, - The Supreme Court of the United States to-day disposed of the case of - Wm. A. McArdle, the Mississippi editor, who was arrested, tried and sentenced to imprisonment by military authority several years ago, on a charge of writing and publishing seditious- articles in his • newspaper. He had appealed from the Circtilt Court of the United States for the Southern District of Mississippi, which had denied the writ of habeas corpus. . Chief Justice Chase delivered the opin ion of the Court, dismissing the appeal for want of jurisdiction. OTHER surtinstE COURT DECISION'S. The eases of the United States, appel lants, vs. Albert L. Mowry, Samuel J. Morgan, Jonathan P. Burton, Oliver H. Gleffroy, and Benjamin Higdon, appeals ;,from the Court of Claims, were also dis posed of. The facts are briefly these: In 1881 the - parties above named severally "supplied tne Departnient of the Missouri with mortar and tug boats, railroad cars, itorses, &e., Geneial Fremont was at 'that time in command of the Depart , mesit, an& Mcßinetry was acting as Quartermaster. The charge of `fraud having been, raised,: the Secretary of War suspended the Contracts, and a Board, underi a resolution of Congress, was appointed to- investigate the claims. The . parties submitted their claims tb the Board, which awarded certain arnontits,_for which they receipted, under protest, . They afterwards severally brought suit in the Court of Clain* which allowed them the remainder of the monmelainied under the contracts. Tho Supreme Court holds these parties, hav ing voluntarily come before the Board and reeelpted for the sums allowed, were. estopped from further claims. It was not designed ny the Government that pro ceedings should be commenced in one tribunal and ended in another. For these and other reasons the Court, Justice-Nel -1 son delivering the opinion, reversed, the decision of the Court of Claims, and re manded the. causes, with directions to enter a decree of the petitions. In the case of the steamboat Belfast,• B. C. Nelson, et. of. claimants in error, vs. Boon & Co., et. al l , in error to Su preme Court of Alabama, Justice Clif ford delivered the opinion of the Court, reversing the decree of the Court be low, with oasts, and 'remanding _ the cause, with directions t o dismiss the libel. The ease involved-claims for cotton lost in transportation, and which had been insured try the owners. The Court held, as against the Court be,ow, that the Fed eral jurisdiction in marine and admiral ty cams extends from the sea as far no rivers as they are navigable, irrespective of tide-water. In the case of Jesse Riddles Barger, plaintiff in error, vs. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company. in error to the Cir cuit Court of the United States in .the District of • Missouri, Justice Eield de livered the opinion of the Court, affirm ing the judgment of said Circuit Court. with costa. - - In the case of B. F. Hall et al, plain tiff in error, VP. Geo. Coppel, in- error -to the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Louisiana, JuStice Swayne delivered the opinion of the Court, reversing the judgment of that o gdurt, with costs, and remanding the further proceedings in -conformity to Opinion of this Court. Certain cott transactions were - involved in this c et in which the - British Consul at New 0 - BI T leans bought a part. The occurrences were in 1863. The cotton _was' within the rebel lines. It is held that the . Consul could not protect it by his official char acter, and that a Consul engaged in trade has, no more rights itLbusiness during war than a citizen of thrt. United States. The President issued his prochkmation making exceptions as tO the ports of Lou isiana, Congress passed a law relative to rebel property, and the Secretary of the Treasury issued instructions pursuant to the statute. The military authorities could make no regulations, nor grant any permits contrary to them. The con tracts in the case before the Court were therefore void. The T.lnited States, plaintiff, vs.-Benja min Rofainberg; certificate of a division of opinion between the Judges of the - Circuit 'Court of the United Staten for the Southern District of New "York. Chief Justice Cheat, delivered the opinion of the Court dismissing the case for want of jurisdiction, . • The Court then adjourned until Thurs day. . 36'017E1 O'CLOCIE. A. M. THE CAPITAL. Diplomatic and Consular Ap pointments Effect of the Last Reconstruction Law l in Virginia—The Eight, Hour Law—Decisions Of the liu- preme Court—Texas Indem. ui y : Bonds-The lllcArdle Case—New Work Naturaliza ti n Frauds. (BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l , cl 3 , WASHINGTON, April 12, 1869. • AgOMINATIONS BY -TEEB PRESIDENT. The following nomi nations were sent in to-day: Lothrop Motley , Minister to England;' - Leopold Markbrest,'of Ohio, 2iiinisterresident in Bolivia; J. R. Par Midge, of IMaryland, Minister to Nicara -411% Win t A. Pile, of Missonri, Minister toVeiiezii la; J. ausseleJones, OhiO, Minister to Belgium; John S. Carlisle, of West Virginia, Minister to Stockholm;- J. R. Clay, of Louisiana, Minister •resi dgnt and Consul General to Li beria; R. C. Kink, of Obio, Minister resi dent to Argentine Republic; S. A. Hurl but, Minister resident to Bogota; Silas A. Hudson, colored, of lowa,Minister resident to Guatemala; E. D. assett, col ored, of Pennsylvania, Minister resident and Consul General to Hayti; Andrew G. Curtin, of Pennsylvania. Minister to Rus sia.' John G. Jay, of New York, Minister to Austria; L. P. Evans, U. S. Marshal, Eastern District, Tenn.; Peter R. Casell, U. S. Marshal, Eastern District, Conn.; Orange Jacobs and • James K. Kennedy, Associate Justices Supreme Court, Wash ington Territory; James G. Adams U. S. Attorney, Southern District, Miss.; Wm. G. Whipple, Attorney, Eastern District, Ark. • Assessors of Internal Revenue : E. T. Chase, Fifth District, Pa.; E. Bute, Sixth District, Pa. Collector of Internal Revenue: Jniio R. Britenback, Sixth District, Pa. . - Surveyors of Customs: W. T. Miner, Alton, Ill.; Wm. M. Evans, Parkersburg, W. Va. Postmasters : • Stewart Pierce, Wilkes barre, Pa.; P. S. lesion, Carbondale, Pa.; Robert Tredell. Norristown, Pa.; W, M. Mentzer, Pottstown, Pa.; A. W. Mer rick, Shambarg, Pa.; Jno. R. Slocum, Scranton, Ps.; David D. Diefenderfer, Allentown, Pa.; A. X. Rhein, Carlisle, Pa.; Geo. Liston , Montrose, Pa.; Geo. W. Richards, Pittston. Pa„ H. P. Moody, Susquehanna Depot, Pa.; David Tidball, Newcastle, Pa.; H. N. Bingham, Phila delphia, Pa.; J. H. Curran, Delaware. 0.; Honicy.Stevenson, Greftville, 9. • ARMY AND NAVY. Rear Admiral Joseph Lanman has re ceived preparatory orders to command the South Atlantic squadron. Lt. Col. Thos. Duncan, sth Cavalry, is ordered to join his regiment In the Department of the Platte. Assistant Quartermaster General Rufus Ingalls Is relieved from duty as Chief Quartermaster of the Mil itary Division of the Atlantic, and will remain in charge of the general depot at New York, performing the duties of Chief Quartermaster. Deputy Quarter- Master General Stewart Van Vliet, on completing the closing up of the Depart ment at Baltimore, will take charge of the depots at. Philadelphia and Schuyl kill. • The President has ordered Capt. Jas. Thompson,_2d Artillery, before the re tiring board, at St. Louis, and Col. John C. Robinson, 48d Infantry, before the re tiring board, at New York, for examina tion. Col. John Dimmick Is retired. THE LAST RECONSTRUCTION LAW. The effect of the recent action of the President and Congress on tecon struotion, especially in Virginia, is of the most cheering character. Letters from Richmond say that it seems as if a load of depression has been lifted from the spirits of the people, and that the satis faction With the action of Congress's well nigh unanimous, the only exceptions be ing some few sullen reactionists who still harbor the ghost of the rebellion and spit upon the fl4g. Business is already re viving as a consequence, and the doubt and uncertainty which has been cense qu-ent upon their chaotic condition is be ing removed. The people are already beginning to format plans for the future and to prepare for a largely increased busi nese activity, fit is believe& that the material interests of the State will be advanced many millions by this action of Congress. • THE EIGHT KOLB LA.* The President is to be waited on to day by a delegation from several trades' associations in Charleston, South Caroli na; Rock Island, - Illinois; Springfield, Massachwetts; -Franklin, Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, New York, and Ports• mouth, yirginia, in reference to the con struction of the eight hour law. At a meeting of these delegateS, on Satuiday evening, a series of resolutions were adopted and the hope expressed that the unanimous adoptiOn of the eight hour resolution by the Souse and favorable consideiatibn given lt in the Senate, will be accepted by - the Preeldent t and the Sem etudes of 'War' and the 'Navy as an explanation, that the„ act doer not mean a coiresPondingredUction of wages. xAli Chief Justlid Chase to-day rendered: the decision of .the. United states Stt.- preme Court In the case of the State of Texas against George M. White, John` Childs, John A. *Hardenbuigh and oth ers. The original snit _was .hrought by the State ef WMIB restrain 'defend, ants from receiving payment from the National GoYerntnetd 4fr • certain five per cant. Texas hidemnity bonds of the' United States, which plaintiff-cialms.b,e• long to the State. These bonds, it is alleged, were sold in 1865 ands 1866, •by authority ,of • the 1 , incur. gent- Legislature of Texas,— and the. reconstructed goyernment of the State , now seeks '• to prevent •payment of, the value' of the bonds to the .holders;' deriving title thrtmghlsiddinthirgent Le. eget - tire. - Varlotis interesting' and'imi -- portazit . collateral ;questions; -Were • also: raised relating to,the Jurisdiction of the. court, the ability of,thi pplaidtiBto sue,.. iku. The opinion of the Court. which is very lOng and able, conoludeesaftillows: ego e the whole -case, therefore, our coh ! , elusion is that the State of Texas is entr• The decision of the Supretne Court in the Texas case, after relating the facts as to the alleged secession of that State in 1561, says: In all respects, so far as the object could be accomplished , by the ordi nances of the Convention, by acts of the Legislature and by the votes of the citi zens, the relations of Texas to the Union were broken up, and new relations to a new Government were substituted for them. The position thus assumed could only be miintaltied , by arms, and Texas 'accordingly took part with the other Confederate States in the war of the re; bellion, which these events made inevit able. During the whole of the war, there was no Governor, or Judgeeor any other State officer in Texas who recognized the National authority, nor was any officer of the United States permitted to exer cise any authority whatever under the National Goiernment within the limits of the State, except under the immediate protection of the National military forces. Did Texas, in consequence of these acts, tease to be a State? Or. if , not, did- the State tease to be a member of the Union ? It Is .Leedless to diseuas at length the question whether the right of a Spate to withdrtitY from the Union, for any'cause regarded by herself 'sufficient, is consist ent with the Constitution of the Milted States. - The'union of States , never. 'was a purely artificial and arbitrary relation. -It began among the Col- Quint and : grew out of. ; common origin,- mutual sympathies, kindred principles,., similar interests - and geo graphial relationti. - It was confirmed and strengthened _by the.neceasities of war, and .mceived definite fotrt and charaCter atitsandtion from the articles of -confederation . By , these the Union, Was solemnly declared to .be perpetual, . an d•tabeirthese articietwere found to be' .inaciequilfajtoLtne exigencies of the titian- - try, the . constitution was ordained' to forina mere .perfect .Union. It iti,difll cult, to codver the Idea of indbisolnble • unity - more clearly - than by these words. What can be Indissoluble, it a perpetual Union made more perfeat is not? • But the•porpetuirtand iudissolubilitypf the, i i i e the ,Union -‘, by - n ;,means ~ Implies the loss or 01silzt ~:kgid, individual' existence,' or iif ', t ..-,,,, a 'of - Self:. government• 'by S ' ki — Tudor Abe ertialet or soniedeiatiori each ; petite • • , . ElEi y r ~yre t * ,~ THE TEXAS CASE tP• t er t h t . W- . . .i tzt 2'l .a.'74i;e4kiftg t--,..;-,- retained its sovereignty, freedom and in dependence, and every power, juriedic tiou and right not expressly delegated to the United States under the Constitu tion. ,; Though the powers of States were much restricted, still all 'power not ( if dele gated] to the United Stattl , nor prohibi ted to . the States, arereserved to the States respectively, or o the people. And we bave already ha occasion to re marlW at this term, that tithe people of each State compose a State, having its own government and endowed with' all the functiona essential to separate and .;independent existence," and that , "without the States in the Union there could be no such pout cal body as the United States." Not only, therfore, can there be no low of separate and independent autonomy to the States through their union under the Constitution. but it may not be unrea sonably said, the preservation of the States and the maintainance of their governments are as much within the de sign and care of the Constitution as the preservation of the Union and maintain ance of the National Government. The Constitution, in all its prOvitsions, looks to affundestructible Union, composed of undestructeble States. When, therefore, Texas become one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation. All the obligations of perpetual union, and all the guarantees of republican goy em in the union, attached at once to the state. The act which con summated her admission into the Union. was something more than 1 a compact. It was the incorporation of a I new member into the political body, and it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual and as indissoluble , as. the union between the original States. There was no:place for reconsideration or revo cation. except through revolution or, through the consent of the .States.&m oldered, therefore, as transactions under the Constitution, the ordinance of seces sion, adopted by the convention and rati fied by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature inten ded to give effect to that ordinance, were. absolutely null. They were utterly with out operation in law. The obligations of the State,' as a member of the Udlon, and of every citizen' rof the ,State as a citizen of the United States,, remained perfect,and unimpaired. It necessarily follows that the State did not cease to be a State; nor her eft - lutes to be citizens of the Union. If this were otherwise; the State must have become foreign, and her citizensforeignere. The war must have ceased to be a war for the supprevaion of the rebellion, and must have become a war for conquest and subjugation. Our conclusion, therefore, is, that Tex as continued to be a State of the Union, notwithstanding the transactions to which we have referred, and this con clusion, in our judgment, is not in con flict with any act or declaration of any department of the Nation 4 Government, but entirely in accordance with the whole series of such acts and declara tions mince the first outbreak of the re bellion: The Court discussed at some length the measures adop,ed by the United ,States for the reconstruction of Texas, declining to pass judgment on the constitutionality. of any of -them, and concludes: The bonds in question were dated January 1, 1851, and were redeemable after'the 31st of December, 11364. In strictness, it is true, they were not payable on the day. on which they became redeemable, but the known wage of the United States is to pay all bonds as soon as the right of pay ment occurs, except where a distinction between redeemability and payability, made by law and shown on the face of the bonds, requires the application of the rule respecting overdue obligations to bonds of the United States which have become redeemable. • Befote the date of the con tract with White ,t Childs, all bonds of the same issue,which had the endorse ment of a Governor of Texas, made before the date of the secession ordinance, and there were no others endorsed by any Governor, had been paid in coin on pre sentation at the Treasury Department; while on the contrary all applications for the payment of bonds, without the required endorsement, and of coupons de tached from such bonds, made to that departnient,had beendenied. Asa neces sary consequence the negotiation of these bonds become difficult. Theysold much below the rate they would have com manded had the title to them been un questioned. They were bought in fact, and under the circumstances could only have been bought, upon speculation. The purchasers took the risk of a bad title, hoping doubtless through the action of the National Government, or the Govern ment of Texas, it might be converted into a good one. And it is true the first Provisional Governor of Texas encour aged the expectation that these bonds would be ultirriately paid to the holders; but he was not authorized to make any engagernent in behalf of the State, and In ,fact made none. It is true, also, that the Treasury Department, influenced perhaps by . these rep resentations, departed to some ex tent from its original rule and paid bonds held by, some of the defendants, without:the requisite endorsement. But it is clear this change in the action of the defendants could not affect the rights of Texas as, a State of the Union, having• a government acknowledging her obliga tions to the National Conatitution. It is impassible, upon this evidence, to hold the defendants protected by the absence;of notice of the want. of title in White and Childs, as those persons ac quired no right to the payment of these bends as against the State purchasers, and could acquire none , throligh them. On the whole case, therefore, our conclu sion is that the State of Texas is entitled to the relief sought by•her bill; and a de cree mot be made accordingly. .' Assoclite , Justice Grier dissented as to the jurisdiction and 'merits of the cause, holding'that Texas is not aEltatkin point of fact, and therefore could not , bring *- suit in- this Court an xmore than could the • District ,, of ' Columbia. AV:mime. Justices itn , d Miller dissented'as, to tbe qnsstion - of juriSdiction only. , THRExEcirr,tva sicssiorri The Senate confirmed- no- nominations to•day. ;:The, session wad spent in the. oonalderation . of the naturalization' in; Wrests between the United States and Bel emit, - Wen; Wurterriburk and• several; othpr %mien States. The-Darien Canal was Olsettssed, but no action , had 'upon ic I ; .; ~: ... . - . ...- . , . • . . ilictextrß ounng. C , CII i ssu ed MIXIIBBIOIIOr,-Delano ha s: the following order, vizi That all Vorands .tioners of Internal Revimne,. - §fid Deu"- !Vies; appointed prior to March 10,; 1869, whloh cio not by their terms expire pre "Vloult to the'Both day of Aprll, 1869, shall terminate on said 80tH of April. • NEWS BY CAB.L.4. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] GREAT .BlEil I'AIN. LoNnox, April 12.—A meeting of the Conservative members of Parliament was held to-night. Over two hundred members were in attendance. D'lsraell was present and made a speech, in which he indicated the future policy of the. party on the Irish Church question, and announced the amendments which Would be proposed by the opposition to the bill now pending in the House of Commons. These amendments ate, in ef fact, that grants to the Irish ChurCh since the reformation are to remain ' intact; that Globle lands be retained by the present holders without purchase; and that the union of the Irish Churph and Church of England cease in 1872. Im portant modifications of the financial sec tions of the bill are also proposed, inclu ding the establishment of a capitalized sum for the support of the clergy, in stead of the granting of annuities,,and the application of a large portion of church revenues to the support of public worship and to defray the expenses of the management of the Church. Finally an effort is to be made to have all the clauses in the bill refer ,ring to the Maynooth grant and Begiunt Dontaivstricken out. 31r. D'lsittell's plan. was favorably received 'and the proceed ings of the meeting marked by mush'. enthusiasm. LONDON, April 12.—The Pope, on tf • occasion of the jubilee in celebration :clr; the thirtieth anniversary of his accession to the Priesthood,•granted pardon to a , large number ' of _persons, • including " many political Offenders. • HUNGARY PEATH, April .12.—The elections in Hungary and Croatia have resulted 1 . largely in favor of the Desk party, which will have a majority , of one hun dred members in the new Diet. _ SOUTH AMERICA. LONDON, April 12.—The latest adviees from Rib Janeiro, state the allies were preparing to sendan expedition of 12,000 men from Ainmnsion into the interior of Paraguay in search of President Lopes. MARINE NEWS. Qumorsroww, April 12.—r The steamer Helvetia, from New York, arrived. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Lortnozr, April 12 .—Evening—Consols for money, 93%; for'account, 934: Five- Twenties at 83%. Stocks steady; Erie, 24k; Illinois, 96%. Tallow 465. Sugar quiet; on spot, 395. Bd.; afloat, 295. ANTWERP, April 12.—Petroleum 52,,q" ®534 francs. HAVRE, April 12.—Cotton at 147 francs., on spot. . FRAMLFORT, April 12.—Bonds at 87%'. LrvEmpoor., April 12.—Cotton is firmer but not higher; middling iiplaads, 12y_ _ 4 ; Grleansi-12,0-salse of 12 , 000 ba l es . Cha fer white wheat, 9s. 4d.: red western, Bs..‘ 8d.®9.4.10d. Western Flour 225. 7d. Corn 295. 3d. for new. Oats 3a. .sd. Barley . ss. Peas 39e. Pork 105 s; Beef 90s, Lard 724. Cheese 77. Bacon 02s. ftd- Common Rosin ss. 3d. Spirits PetroleuM 9d. refined ls. 9d. CUBA. rßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) KEY Ws-Tr, Fr..A., April private letter has been received here from . are liable source in Havana, which says the' Government intends to confiscate the' property of all suspected parties. The writer urges Cubans now ,in"the United States to lose no ,time in placing their property in the hands of foreigners. HAVANA, April Diario reports that the insurgents at Signane ilecapibv ted li•young girl and shot two others. Brigadier General Telonia of the Spanish army, has arrived at leavens. Captain General Dulce, at a recent meeting of officers, made .a speech, in which he highly complitnented the vol. unteers Tor their courage and zeal. The Diarici says; the vimilfsurround ing Puerto "Principe haVe been set on fire, and adds that the troops will soon .-- clear the vicinity of rebels. • . Small bands of insurgents are operating near Cincio Villas. Their numbers are increasing in the vicinity of Santiago de Cuba, and It is sup Posed they are going to Mick) Villas; where tney will mum their forces. The movementit is thought, explains the - recent disappearance of Rebels from the jurisdiction of Jiguaro. • A report wax in cliculation • yeaterdasr that Ceapedes had been captured, but it proves to be unfounded: Markets by Telegraph. NEW ORLEANS, April 12.—COROII Ia more active at,,an advance of 3@lV,c, with sales of middlings at 28w,@2816c. The sales today amounted to 4,500 bales; the receipts were 2,883 balesfand theex ports were 4,713 bales, - Gold, 132%. Sterling," 143 k; Commerst4-_142y 4 ; New York fght, 3t per cent. premium. Flour is active and has , advanced *, and sales were made of superfine at 33,. 'double extra at $0,50, and treble extra' at. 36,75. Corn is easier at 77@78c. • Oats; the market is scarce at 72e. Bran •is held at $1,28. Kay .4s steady at 12S. Pork is dulrat $3l 82. Amon is re tailing at 1/ 3 / 4 .3 for„ - shoulders, 173;0 for clear rib, and 17340 for clear sides, -Lqd its dull,, with sales of tierce at 18A100, and keg at • 200210. Sugarin. inMar' del mand,with sales of comnitmateliNeu e ;- And prime at 140. Molasstmle mareek and 'sales were made of , palms at dee. Whiskery; the market iaquierand prices are firm; witheales of western- rectified at 87344492340. Coffee; salmi Imre inao of fair at 143;®153(0, and prime at,l73fc. BUFFALO, April 12.—Flourie dull , and unchanged. Wheat is Ter/ ',I - Viet:44es of 800_bush white Canada cnoiceat ;400,, • Corn is dull at 73070 tr newton' trace. Oats is quiet; 1,800 bash sold at 68elor 'bagged and delivered.' :ItyB-'nOminat.at, 11, 80; Birley dull;-sales-of 1 car °hake Canada at 31,90 for bagged and deliVered. Peas 11,22 in store. Pork, 1334,31,00. lard 185,1@10a Seeds- thlineri W etof' Clover at M 25 4 4 9 4 0; Titixltny• at It tift Ilighwit)es nominal tit tl&f: in store; Wheat 33,000 biuthi Coto.MVO bush; Osts ,93,ooo• bu s hl - R3'0'60;000 bash; Barley , ls,ooo b ash; Peas 2,300 bush. CHICAGO APrll 10.—There Was' but lit tlel done this afternoon; 'and idea , grainer were nominal at the closing tiriCes. 'Oa change NO. 2 spring wheat closed.. at 11,06 q - Provisions were dull. In the evenWg there was no movementin the. grain market. , , _ ME ~;~. • MI EOM OE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers