~:~>. tti:Vttgiatti' d gkaitOts NEW PUBLICATIONS. JESUS OF .2gAZAJNETEC. HIS LIFE AND TEACHINGS: founded on the Four Gos pels, and illustrated by reference to the Manners,, Customs, Religious Be. liefs, and Political institutions of His - Times. By Lyman Abbott. Published' by Harper & Brothers, New York.. For, sale by Henry Miner, Pittsburgh. The assurance given that this work would be worthy oiktlie great theme "Je sus of Nazareth," appears to be fully verified. Difficult as the work has been to give a correct portraiture of Jesus, the author has succeeded in producing a his tory iValufible and Niorthy'to• be widely circtilated. The historical parts are re lieved with comments of a very instruc tive charadter. Every phaie of the life . Jesuit is presented; and throughout there is blended the characteristics of the ; people of his day, and the social. and political histoy of the country. The need of such NVO has long been a felt to group salient i ic point of the wonderful course of the Son of God during His sojourn in' the 'flesh. The biography has been collected from the Four Gospels and -"from other sources. The style is'simple,and yet flowing, free from- doginatic notions and theories of Certain events. -It is simply the story of the Evangelists, the threads of which are grouped together withartistie skill.l The work is well bound, well illustrated with cuts and• !naps, and will be a valuable ad dition to any person's library. Cluuerka,.BnarAnc. A Record of Travel - in English-Speaking Countries during 1866 and 1867. By Charles Wentworth Dilke. -With Maps and Illustrations. Published by Harper At Brothers, New York. 'For sale by Henry Mlner,Pitts burgh. The prtage gerferdly - jiven Villas pub- Hi .. lication indicate popularity. The rep resentation of men 'and thiriga has been marked with generous views, as are es pecially "his liberal_ critiesms in „ re: glad to ..American institutions. . Few bleMished and historical blunders oc cur,' compared with the ;generality of , fworks• of this kind. The ntir-t rative is icompact and premits in few words a large amount of valaable irifor mstion. _Mr., Dill& has been a close ob sefver, as the work amply demonstrates. Itts written, too, in a captivating style, and cannot fall to interest tie %Veil as in struct The book is 'well' printed and marvellonsly cheap. ' .' CILOVERSON AND His SiLurrr Perasruns. . By Ralph Keeler. % Published by Leath . Shepard, Boston. For sale' ,by W. A. Gildenfenny, Pittsburgh. Multitudes will enjoy the creations of one whose personal history is so full of romance, as the author of this work 41111. c ply demonstrates. The characters are well drawn, though lacking i that ' finish' an d .4elicacy of touch, which is so commend able in books of this character. There'is an abandon style, and flippancy of ex pression here and there mitnifeited that mar' the beauty of the story‘c."Thannthor -,de servei great coutmendation,andtbe book will likely have a wide circulation. NOTES OF CUBIST/WE IA selec tion or Sermons preached by Henry Robert Reynolds, B. A., President of Chestnut College, and' Fellovi of Erni- ' versity College, London. With a pre face by Rey. Elbert S. Porter, D. D. Published by P. S. Wyncoop it Son, New York. For sale by Robert S. Da- - vie, Pi t ttahurgh. The excellencies of this series o f sermonsare set forth .in ,a comprehensive introduction by Dr. E. S. Porter, form erly "editor of the Christian Intsiligenper. It was thifiaglie, in view of tfierich store of thought embodied in these sermons on the "Christian Life," that they were worthy of re-production, in this countrY., There is a wealth of language and thought, which inakes the 'cii,sc4m7ies readahle and instructlire. The series '- consists of eigh ., teen sermons, presenting vailous phrases of "Christian Life" and conduct. The author's style of defining and applying evangelical truth Is clear, simple, Intelli gible and comprehensive. Tuicornizr—The Story of a Wait and Stray. By °nide, authdress,of 'Khan dos," "Vuder Two Flip," et :Pub lished by J.:M. Lippincott & c.. Co., Phil adelphia. For sale by R. S. Davis, Pittsburgh. • •-• • ' This work of "Outdo" will doubtless increase her fame as a writer of fiction. The story is full of vivacity, and of thril linginterest. The chief'.character "Tric otrin," Is a Gipsy, who is the means of saving the life of a deserted infant 'girl, who grews up to be a beautiful Woman. The finale of the story ends with the tragic death of Tricotrin on a barricadO, while Viva, the young woman whom he had re.siitied in infiincy, hung over hies in bitterness of heart. Lovers or tali" class of reading will find this volume ex , citing and interesting.' , • . - Louis Monism>: or The tittle trench Protossfuir. - i Pdbliihed by Mtn,' Hoyt?: .Bostori. FOr sale`; by Buokiielleile genefitlly. • • • • , . This•charming narrative will be:riUhly enjoyed by young ..people. Tittle the central. characief,. Is' portrayed in words of ,patholleandlirlikiniereltletlfelh as 111 401 Y9 llO O ll 004 4 .0.. ,Thti , "*: ll ; unto forms .one- , ;Brindity School series of.,choicereligionntorlis leaned by this;exCelleuVpUblishing helm Raoork,Ecrrions OP. rsasoNa AND 'PLACES IN TEE WEaT Byrf.. M. -Breckin ridge;.A. Native of the West; Traveler. - Anthor t .inrist.; Second Edition. 'en ' largest. Published ,by J. B. Pippin - cott, =For Sillof by It: S.* Davis, Pittsburgh. , Quite a number of the old residents of ,this community, associatea of the author, will 'Welcome the publication,of this 'book, and by the numerous families where Mr. Breckinridge's name is a "household' word." These "Recollections," extend ing back a centurnarc full of local interest, aswell as valuable and interesting to the = . • , general reader. Historical facts are blendl' ed with honorable flanks that will be high= ly esteemaihy thbusands. But the work will have more, than a local fame, and forms a part of the history of the mighty West. The sketches of distinguished persons, especially those known in this community, will be relished with peculiar zest. The glowing style, and diffuseness of the volume. Will be overlooked because , of its intrinsic merits. It ought to have a wide sale. THE 'OLD WORLD AND ITS NEW•FACE. Impressions of Europe in 1867-.41:364- -By Henry W. Bellows. Vol. 11. Pub, lished by Harper Lt Brothers, New. York. For sale by Henry Miner, Pitts- burgW A book giving an account of traiels overjEurope should not be condemned becanse so many of the same character have been published. A shrewd, keen obserVer, will always find something new to write about, and the same things may be seen and expressed in words of fresh- , ness and vivacity. Dr. Bellows is of this class, and possesses admirable qualities for a tourist, being shrewd, a close obser- . ver, indefatigable, and of rare Culture of mind. His observations and criticisms are frank, independent and in excellent taste. His views of the social and politi cal character dike countries are well ex pressed, and while the discrhnination tween the advantages of Christianity over other forms, are well ' : taken, his liberal views of Christianity will be questioned Iby many. The independent vein of his criticisms is in his favor. This volume treats principally of the. East, which in creases the interest of most readers of travels. SERMONS ON THE FAILURE OF PROTES.,' TANTISM i AND ON CATHOLICITY. By the Rev. F. C. Ewer. S. T. D., Rector of Christ. Church, New York. Pub , lished by D. Appleton dr. Co., New York. FOr Sale by Henry Miner, Pitts burgh. :Immediately after this series of ser mons Was commenced,' quite a - stir; was raised in religious circles at the bold ut: terauces of this divine. The secular press gave considerable portlons of the sermons. Quite a number -of the minis ters of other denominations have assailed his views publicly. Those interested will find all the •sermons in this little. volume. REsson AND FAITH, or The Two Lights. By the author of "Struggle for Life." Published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. For sale by It. S. Davis, Pittsburgh. • It is a difficult, role: to blend the essay and novel. , This little volume's designed to show the efforts now 'being put forth to undermine the principles of . Christianity, by substituting a godless Rationalism, by presenting argumentsthat are sound,'cou vincing, and cannot be suCCesitally oda troverted., The book is written in an at-, tractive form, with the arguments of Truth woven throughout the narrative, LESSONS PAW& DAILY LIFE.' -By Emily E. Hildreth. Published by J. B. Lip pincott & Co., Philadelphia. For sale by R. S. Davis, Pittsburgh. - -A vast amount of wholesome Seriptural Truth is Comprised in this little volume of i pe hundred ,andtwenty . pages:' ;The iediate Cobject is to Present certain great principles of Truth that will be of, servioe to those 's'eeldng to know gin "Wig.d GodT; concerning them." The doubting and fearful will find passages of ten., der inteiest, .and those seeking light , the light of the 'Gospel, will find it in these• pages. It is elegantly printed on tinted paper. • , . TRIFLES FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. By H. E. Armstrong. • Published by J. B. Lippincott t Cog-Philadelphia. For sale by R. S. Davis, Pittsburgh. 'this little brochure contains "Trifles" that are entertaining. An hour or so might be pleasantly spent in perusing the dainty pamphlet. THE Nozart,Azannicale REvuw, for Jan nary, 1869. Published by Fields, Os , good & Co., Boston. This sterling quarteily always contains valuable papers,' and sometimes of rare excellence,, Thee articles "The Mental Faculties of Brutes,!' "The Tariff of the United States," "Railroad 'lnflation." and "The Revolution in England", will richly repay reading. Indeed the entire contents of the number are - feadable. MEMORY'S TRIBUTR to The Life, Chirac- , ter and Work of the Rev. Thomas H.. Stdekton. For sale by J. L. Read & Son, Pittsburgh. This Tribute:was spoken in the Firlit Methodist Church, Pittsburgh, Sabbath, October 25, 1868, by Rev. Alexander Clark, pastor,' formerly Associate pastor with the deceased, in . Philadelphia. .The discourse of Mr. Clark is a beautiful spec imen of word-painting, and a . worthy Tribute to one Wbo commanded the hom- age of the good and loving everywhere. 'Tile:papers following the discourse are worthy of the association. THE AMERICAN LAW ItßviisV7 for Jana- ary, 1869, Published by Little, Brown' dc to:, Boston. • • Papers' of great merit appear in every Minibes 'of this 'quarterly: 'lt is conducted! with a view to reach persons outside of the, profession, as well •as to merit Alin sharpest demaruLv or those learned in the law. The articles "Confinement of fhe Insane," "Government — toans," etc., / are„vf s clisi that all Chinking "Merl Might -read with profit. Su¢scrWtons received for , this , work,by Kay po t .* oikoly, * THE VlSialt. , OH Dassz.),ALionizar. Tranalstect. by Rev. H. F.. Casevai..lll. , zigublished by D. Applstms- Ec Co,. New For sale by Henry Miner, Pitts.. , This wonderful poetic -- eriation, ,is fa miliar to, most readers of poetry, so that . need' be said, except to commend the 'elegant ,style and; cheapness, of the work--only 'fifty cents. 1 . , , ' D. APPLET9N & / CO. have also Sent us through Miner. the "Paella of Miny Tales,":of the series of Marryatt's works, also, "Cho Betrothed and Highland Widow," and "The Talisman," of the Waverly Iroyels. The former it .fifty cents, and. the latter twenty-five cents each. It is surprising how cheaply such works are issued. • P P r Crtl ir " -* - 1 . I ; V t ij , ;;lFTTri L. • sill • - 6.11 OS !-* ^ , • 5 try - • E=l Georgia in ttielienate. The Judiciary Committee of the 'Sent to submitted a resolution recommending t the Hon. Joshua Hill be not admitted a Senator from Georgia. Accompanyi g the resolution is a lengthy - written repo reviewing the events in Georgia, politi and otherwise, from the date or Gene I Meade's proclamation declining the adop tion of the constitution up to the present • time. In considering the matter, e Committee says: The • case of Mr. Hill depends up n three considerations: Rret. Did the Legislature of Georgi , regularly organized in accordance Wi the constitution of the United States an the constitution of Georgia, duly rati the fourteenth amendment, and compl• with the various conditions imposed b the act of June 25, 1868? Second. Have the Legislature and pe ple/of Georgia, subsequent to such com pliance, committed such acts of usurpa tion and outrage as to place the State in a condition unfit to be- represented in Congress? • Third. Whether, in the whole case, taking the action of Georgia, both before and' since the pretended ratification of the fourteenth. amendment,, 'a civil govern ment has been established In that State whiclrCongress ought to recognize? These questioni must be answered by theilaw and the facts: • The committee then • proceed to quote the proclamation of Gen. Meade calling the Legislature together and his corres pondence relative to the eligibility of cer tain of its membeis, and also reviews, at some length, the action of the Legisla ture itself on the subject, and expresses the opinion that doubt exists, that the number of disqualified members was large, but that all of these members were allowed toretain their seats in direct vio lation of the fourteenth amendment. In the election for Senator, Mr: Hill receiv ed 110 votes, G. 8r0wn,94, and Alexan ner H. Stevens, 3, an it is extremely probable that this majority, received by Mr. Hill, was made up of members who were disqualified by the fourteenth amend ment. The committee next refer to the exclusion of the colored members and state that it is not possible to hold that no remedy for this wrong is in' the power of Congress, a wrong which more than the one-half of the, people of• Georgia are de- Prived of the tights and 'privileges to which they are entitled. In regard to the condition of affairs in Georgia it is believed to be one of anarchy., The committee learn from the agents of the Freedmen's Bureau that in that State there have been 336 cases of murder, from January 15th, 1868, to November Ist, 1868, and for all those outrages 'there had;been no legal redress, wad the civil, govertarient has, evinced its total Made-, quacy or its total unwillingness to protect impartially the rights of all the citizens, and under all the circumstances the com mittee have come to the conclusion that . Georgia isnot , entitled , to representation Fin Congress.. • Mr. Hendricks, the' Demotratie mem ber 'of the Committee, stated that he liotild give his vieWs in opposition when the anbject come before the Senate, hav ing been prevented by i ll ness from-pre paring a minority report. The chairman of the CoMmittee, Mr. Trumbult;Stibriiitted a minority report,, which 15 • -also very voluminous. • lie quotes from-the 'official • proceedings ,m • Georgia the letters of General Meade:and, the orders of -General Grant on the ques tion of the eligibility,of members of the Legislature, maintaing that Georgia; was reconstructed sccording . to the prescribed , forms. -He also quotes the act of Janus! ry•2s, 1868, declaring• Georgia to be Ten titled to-representatiOn in Congress, and asserts that 'it is not competent for the Senate now 'to exclude the representatives • Of Georgia. The unfortrinate difficulty . between the President and Congress *as mainly concerted on this very point. The President, holding that each House must decide for itself as to the admittance of its oirn Members, and Congress holding that the tivo Houses conjointly must• pass up on the quition of ;representation, and 'Congress had , reiterated this -position,. Congress having deClared that Georgia is entitled to idthissibri; it is not competent" for either 'Howie' to , refuse admission to the regidarry; accredited representatives of that State.. The *mate has no right •to revise the action of Congress. As to the charge that• the fourteenth , •amendment was not ratified= in good faith, it is not sustained by a particle of evidence. The , following are appended to the majority re port: port: I concur in the conclusion of the report that Mr. Hill ought not to be admitted, and agree that the report ought to be made. ROSCOE CONELING. I concur in the conclusion of the report that Mr. Hill ought not ter -be. admitted, and agree that the report ought to be made. F. T.:FREYLINGHOYBEN. APNION SALES.' •BY 'B. 13iLITHBON & • Boollsi SHOES AND . CAIIPETS FOE 'THE MILLION: • AT • • • 81111ITHEION'S EMPORIUM, as ',SD nixii Messrs' H'. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors Of the well knortn Mammoth Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new goods which are being - sold at re markably low prices. {foods ofevery variety; the Attest sewed trots, the limit fashionable bal. moral gaiters and anklet shoes. slippers; .to., blankets, - flaanels, cloths. eassimeres, eutlery and' earltets. Call and examine. - • ..No trouble to show flooded Ladies'. misses' and, children's fuss at alintiat your own prices: All goods war ratted as ketreMnted. • noM BY L LI3O43ATE, 10tAKERY FOR SALE. .• 4 -LP BalierY - Pakery For Sale: . ), . 1 t• fl t ' { The property, No: 40 PALO ALTO fyrasET, Second :ward; Allegheny, ill ,offszed at private • Wu. It consists of ground 40 feet by iLlO.feet, silhich are erected shtick hailing, comprising stoke and dwelling bonie sit sec's:Met:loms, , ind In the retool Biking Rosso capable of Peking ttiy, barrels per meek. There first rate I:luau:mus "eirtliblieheiV which can be- fill:tiler inckeised by umn of energy end bulkiness tea,. FOr fuli'per;' : ticulars•vieit the premises or enquire of A. LEGIGAVIC, Auctioneer, 3u28 • • 159 IPSDERAI, STREET. AfrONEY! MONEY!!—SI,OOO to /IL Invest Ina Mortgage on City or County' property, fors term of threeyears. 414.001) to lotin ott Bond and illortgago for a years. WANTED—Business or Accommodation Paper to the amount of 420,000; time from 60 days to 4 months: WANTED — To exchange a Farm of 160 Aeres of Land in _Missouri for a Family Home and Spring Wagon. Apply to B. MeL AIN & CO.. de4 Corner Fourth at, and Emithdeld at. _'u. r `~ f iNstyrUtrOE:'"' THE NATIONAL MINCE CORBY, OF THE lINITEP STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, , D. C. Chartered by Special Act of Congreic Approved July 85, 1888. Vaal& Capital - - $1,000,000. Branch 026: FIRST NATIONAL BANK lIBILDIBE, Where the l general basiness of the Company Is transacted: and' to which all general corns pondenc,e s ould be addressed. DIRECTO S. Jay Cooke. Maus. .. E. A. Rollins. Wash'n. • C, H. Clark, Philada.' Henry D. Cooke, Wash. John W Ellis. Clueing. W. E. Chandler,Wash. W.O. Moorhead. Phila. Joe. D. Detrees. Wash. Oeo. F. Tyler, Phila. Ed. Dodge, N. York. J. Hinckley Clark, Phila. H. C. Fannestotk,N.Y I . OFFICERS. C. H. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. HENRY COOKE,. Washington,, Vice Presid , t. JAY COOKE, Chair m an Flianc,e and Executive Committee. EMELLtON W. PEET, nu., Seel , and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington. /knot Secretary. FRANCIS, . SMITH. M. D., Medical Director, J. EWING:MEARS. !M.D. d Aasn Med. Director. MEDICAL...ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. BARNES. Surg-Getteral LT. S. A., Wasti'n. I'. J. HORWITZ, , CIiter Medical Dep't U. S. N., Wa.tangton. Washington. , SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. WM. E. CHANDLER. Washington, D. C. GEORGE SANDING. Philadelphia, Tills Company, National In Its characte r, _offers, by reason , of the Larif , Capital, Low Sates o' Premium and .New lables, the most desirable means . of insuring life) et presented to the pub lic, The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favorable to the insurers as those of the best; Mutual - Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes, Divt• dends and the misunderstandings which the lat ter are so apt, to cause the PcoicY-Holders. Several new and attractive tables are now presented which need ypubl ic ,o be understood to prove acceptable to the , such as INCGME r•RoDucrNia POLICY and RETURN PREMI UM POLICY. In the former,. the policy-holder not - only secures life insurance, payable at death, but will reive, it living, after a period of a few years, an ec annual income equal in ten per cent. - tit/ ymr cent.) of the par of Ms police Theist. ter the Company agrees to returna the assured the ea:a/Amount of money Ae has paid in, in ad 7dttion tope amount of Afe poftey. The attention of •peraone contemplating insuring their lives or increasing the amount of Insurance they al-- ready have, Is exile.'" to the special advantages' offered by the Natibnal Life Insurance Com pany i. Circulars, Pamphlets' and thU particulars given on appllcatiot , l to ti the Bra nch Once of the Com.: riltri.y in Phil elp o r s_ lA)CAL I' AtiIf.NTSARE W n et N TELT:every City and Town; and applicat ons front 'mope, • tent parties Ibr such agencies with Miltable en dorsement., thenld be addressed Ts, TILE COM. PANT'S GENERAL AGENTS ONLY,. in. their respective' district's district 's ' Otitt;tai. AGIVITe: " E.W. oidA.RK et CO.. Philadelphia; For Pennsylvania and Southern New 4ersey. ' JAi , ICOOICE'E CO.. Washlngton,in c., For Delawarti • • Virginia, District ,ot Columb a andWitilt .• . B. MCVAY itEO.. Agents for' Allegheni, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and , Washtngtott • " • For ,further, particulars address B. S. BUS. , SILL. Manager, for GeneraLigent, B anleburg. Pa. • au23:MWEY BEN riIANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, l op mantr', PA, QFFIOE FRAYLVAIIAVINGS No. 41., Ohio St., .4.1104150ny. . _ A 771 1 COMPANY: rOanulteillh7 Diteutois wet. I[llollll to Mit .ecannunittyorkio trusttry yak dealing Id merit a share of your patronage; IFIENUT 111. WIN Pyesiitoust. GIGO. IN RIDDLE :...... . . : Dlibtaroll3: - - • licroxi_livini.: ip.i...Patterroni Wm ( . y e ri ler,' Oeo. A. &Mate s !Jacob Freer., cue sae, !Moon Drees. 1J.:11. Smith.; L ..' Jusoh lash, W. 0. Stewart, Oh, p.WDlstori, Josepb Qreig, Jos. Learner, H.l: MWrand. Jere. Soben •1010:oSS I • ` ;., ~ . :mat • ' • E INSURANCE. CO., OF -LONDON. iiiITABLIBIiED 11'30i; 0.418tt ' CAlttAL' PAID UP AND INVESTED' F NDS _ XCZED• 13!1. FIR°II 1 LNG 1118,000,09011 N GOLD: , Insurance against Fire ideeted on B r owses and Buildings Goods, Wares and Merchandise,. Steamboats, An. Pollees issued - payablein gold or currency. Alir United Mates Branch Onion, PiNICItiTBEET. New York. All lone* of the United btates Branch will be adjusted in New York.- - J. Y. 31e14ACTOIELMEN, Agent, PrPTSBITSI3III,. PA. Since. 67 : 1FOURTII• STREET.. Ath3IILIN .tt also Agent for the Nett • Insurance (Ampetty. , t eeeten EMI ENTIJIPHISEINSCHAINCE CO, OF PITTSBURGH, Plll, Ofltoe 4 No. 424, r36.rrm: . ( 3.N ikrioNA.t, TlwS? Co. BUILDING:) DIRECTORS rtobt. Diciteop, . Etobt.L i d d el l ,e W..J. /MO, 1 G. bfredie,l, O. Vail Bomb, P. Hirsch, E. H. Myers, J. nentrwlech, Chris. 'Siebert. L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, E. Bobildeeker. E. B . tHMTEEI4,f • • ' ' A g BII I IT . J D II C Ei I et ;CI: '\ elihieWi J . J. ALBIETZ, erei VATIONAL INSFRARCE COy orITHB oriz or ALLEGHENY Office, No. SO PEDEE.A.T4 0 ET, eu iante oa atookt,Ori Avenue. ••• • • • • FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. _ MT. W. MARTl27;,PrialtdenS., i JAB. F. OTZVFNBOII. Beerewg. , i y 'l • Dingerronas —' - ' • 1 4. 11, F,n tell . o.H.P.Wllliama J... `..ngtonsor anoe.t. ler, au. Loebqt. , J oayen, JUL L. Grahams, Hoist, L e a. - C. C. Belie; Jun.. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gerd, . • Janob Hopp. .. ,_ AL LIE 61 PI EN Y INSURANCE COMPANY oIi'PITTSBVIIGHinio`i ICE. No. aT rw Ts STESE.T, Bang BLoCy. "• - ttisuriki'ligginst ell kind; of Tire lia Idling . . JOHN V. • dn., President. '" ' JOHN D. eCOR,D,, Vice President: se. ti. , D_ONNZLL. necretary. CAPT. WY:MEAN. General Agent. , . DULTACTOBS: • .. . , ' John !twin, Jr.. Crp_t: Win. Dean . John Lk lieCOrd. B. j,_ PhinestOeit, .: ', ( C. 0.-MluilleY. , - )Wi H.:Everson . •, .. Harvey_tilillas,' , . ' Hobert H. Marti. T. J. idoskinson, - Traneis inners ' . .Chsrles' Heys; .. , , cAnt. J. T. StoCirdale., , EOPLESI'INMIUBAN.CE LPANTY ovinos,.N.z. CORN= WOOD d. VIPVI SW. • ♦ Home Cempapy ! tidaing Fire and Marine Risk* I • Eintseroße; - • Wm. PhllUps, . . Capt. John L. Rhoads John Watt, Samuel P. Shriner, John E. Park_ s s ' Charles Arbuckle, Capt...lamqtMiller, Japed M. Brush, Wm. an lurk, Wm F. Lang, Mimes DJ Venter, Samuel MoCilckart W3l. PHiturs, eresittent. . • 301ili WATT, Vice Presidetit. • W. P. GARDNER. Secrets y. CAPT. JAS. GORDON, General Agent. INSURANOEJ :! p ST INSURANCE COM PANT - OF .. PITTSBITSGH: • EXANDER-NIMICK, President. WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Odle% 911 Water street, Span: & Co.'s W are. house, up stairs, Plttsbursh. • - Will Insure against MI kinds of Fire and Ma rio' Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di rector' who are well known to the community, and who art determined by promptness and liber alitY to maintain the charaster which they have assumed. as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. pinacteug: • Alexander Nitpick, Juan B. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas.. J. Clarke, • James McAuley, Wiliam S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick. Andrew Ackleu Philleymer. David M. Long, , Wm. M o rrison, • D. Ihmsen. • - norD. INDEDEITITY AGAINST LOSS BY PIRA. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA . OPF/CE,436 & 437 CHESTYCIT BT., flea!' Tzt. DIRZCTOREI. L . Charles .V. Banker , Mordecai H. Lola Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, - Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, s'eorge W. alebarcill, George Pales. CHARLES G. BANC% Ft, President: EDW. C. DALE, Vite President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tens. J. GARDNER COFFIN, A . GIZIM North West corner Third and Wood Streets. intt29:wls lE.NIISYLVANA - NSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, No. 1675 E WOOD STREET, BARK COMMERCE This'is a Rome Compiny, and insures against lord by Fire exclusively.) LEONARD WALTER, Piesident. C. C. BOYLE A VicelPresident. RGIMRT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH McILLHZNII, Secretary. DlAlterOne: Leonard Walter, GeorgaWllson„ C. C. Boyle, Geo. W F.rana. Robert Patrick, J. C. Lippe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Plainer, Josiah Ring, John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, , A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, Jr': FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. il V 1 OR SALE. I Acre at Woods Ran. 4 Acres anu House inas:. Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy MR. Si Acres on Oreensbur Pike. 5 Acres on Four Mlle . un Boa 19i miles from P. 70 C. R. Acres near P. F. W. I C. R. R. 118,Acres near Pa, R. R., Westmoreland coun ty. 90 Acres at Hill Side Station. Pa. - R. IL ' 4 Farms in Preston county, West Virginia. 185 Acres i n Armstrong county, underlaid with 108 Acres and good improvements, In Trumbull onnty, Ohio.' 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Mil and wettings. • House and Lot on Center Ayenue, near Kirk atrick. House and Lot on Vicroy street. House and Lot in Hut Liberty. House and Lot in Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver avenue. Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap, on Tine, street. 2 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Rouses , and Lot on Franklin street. 1 House of 9 Halms and 2. Lots on Roberts St. Farms In Minols. 'Missouri and West Virginia. Goal Lands in Allegheny, Westmoreland, , Foy e ite and Beater counties In Penna. • 2 }lotuses of ti Rooms In the 17th ward; rent 5300 3 do. of 3 do. do. 17th do. do, 145: 2 do. of 3' `do. 12th do. dO. - 156 2 do. of 6 do. • do. 9th do. do. 350 1 do. of 0 do. do. 9th do. do. 300 1 do. of 9 do.' ' do: 24 • do. do. 600 .1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th do. - ' do. 192 1 do. of 5 do. do. oth. do.. do.. 240 1 do. of 4 do. 'do. 17th dO. do'.- 168 1 do. of V 'do.' ' 50. 24 do. 1 do. of 6 - do. Eitant street. • The Rouses that I have for rent will be rented very' low to good tenants Or the balance Of the rental year APPLY Al , s . . D. ,P, rfatelez.. Real : Estate: , o oifice. 9* Gimit Pittabzizili. • normul, a ocsowo ACRES , . . 031010 E LISDS FOR RAU. . • ST THE • , . • _ . Union T i aeifle Railroad Company, • Was along the dee of their road, at PER ACRE, .• • ;tad On a CREDIT or irvzrsauti. " Tot ftruislrPartiO* l ..nais.ai , .' l, 44e4 'JOHN P. DEVERStr4--' • Lazio! eornmlastoaer, Topeka, Banal, Oe MGM B. LAIIIBO '11N; Seen. • sun: $t Loeb. Ntelorat. Fl'i t Ali f tteFlETZ A —. Tittt A aoit E nen O fthe l. Monongahela - Planing Mill „Is OFFERED FOR BALE, WITH A LEASE OF THE MILL AHD LOT. Phe machinery is of the most , oppro,ved kind, and In good order. The mill Is well located, has all the' fitellities foropolng a large and profitable business, and has a good trade. I his Is a favorable ,opportunity to engage ill an old established business with a small Investment. Apply to & Bldwell. corner of - Car son and 'First Street.. South Pittsburgh. ' • .ja= :• •• , • •JAILLS 3111.4.L1NTGA8. , . .fitOß• SALE /A TO LETe•-illoustsi 4: and Lots for wile In allparts of the city 'and suburbs, Also, several PARM•in geodlocationsi Also; a small WOOLEN FACTORY.with AO acres of land.'and good improvements, which I hillsell cheap and oa reasonable terms; Business Mouses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses for rent in both cities. war further particulars inquire of_ , - WILLIAM WARD, ' 110 Brant street. oprewite Cathedra. esident. Rue President. Moyer. , • start., 1= RPIIAIIiPP • COURT. SALE.-lii n virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Orphans , Court of Allegheny County, the under. signed, executor of the-.last will of Dr. JESSIE P/INNEY. dee'd, wUIexpoaeatPUBLIC,BAIA on the prezigses,.rpti THURSDAY, the I,lth. day ef FEBIII7A/q. A. D. 4 2869, it o'clock Pi M..• stAthat certain piece orpareal tit butd_slivated In, , the,borough of McKeesport, County of Allegheyri. and :State bounded. ; and de.; • scribed as &natio, viz Doglnning on the eolith s, • . ern side, of Penn street, pi James repliers! plan I of, lots n said. boreugh, at the corner of tot No. 1,1. thence south along the line of l itsid 101:70 feet to' an. alley ;„ pestle- east whirl; • slid OAT IRO,' feet to the-line, of Henderson's:lot; thence by said line 70 feet. to Penh street; and zeace by said street S 0 feet to the place of beginning: he. lug a part lot Net. 12 In *aid plan, • 'For further ni.rticulirs Inquire of• 11.0/INta ettAIOLIZAD, Executor.' .... • - —Elisabeth. tler JOHN P. PEN t•IF,T, „ • .1 Attorney, Pttiiburgn. ' J 9 ,WESTEFIN DISTRICT,. OF PENNSYLVA"Ki*Vis: A ittnbargb,llottlith 01Y Jinni , 3269, The andstsigned hereby give% notice of his ap podittatirt' as- Atudgnee of ARTIIOIVEVER". BURtiarof:YeKtesportr In the county , of Al-. legheny, and blabs of retail:rants, within said. District, who ' has been actin ed bakrupt upon his own , petition, by the;District Calm Of salt District— - • JOITED. Ii AILEY, 'Assiquee, • • WS:CV-at' • Attorney-at-1 aw,-80 SI rant St: N • . . . OTICE:--Lettel s of Adatinis tuition upon the eitato of Augustus tioevler.. .late of Allegheny county. de rd,have been granted by lee Resister of. said :county to the under-. signed. whole residence -in the city A ll Mts. burgh, late borough t f Law:enceville. per sona having claims or demands Nodose the eat a [8 •of said decedant, are herettv requested to make kooworthe came without (WHO: . POI bob .havill • tonal nese , with-the said estate are referred te lL BURGWIN. attorney at•law. Fourth avenue. ELIZABETH HOEVLER, ACIM' X. Ja2l-d35-TII =I LEGAL. -TS orNEW OPERA HOWIE. Lessee... Manager. 'FRIDAY zvEluvfl, January 2911, 1869, Farewell 'Benefit of the great. Lar_eaturlat and Genius of Burlesque, _ • THE LEFFINGWELL., Who will appear la hie great pertormauce of In Fra Dla►olo, and as WIDOW TWAIMAt IN ALADDIN I. !3: i tin e e i e r ta on. Saturday—Lengwell Widow Mo!iday--Tn9 WORRELL RS TERS. - wriTtsuu tiGn THEATRE. H. W. WILLTAMS....SoIn Lessee.and Manager. OEORGE R. ED hztly ttage Manager. New Faces - and Oki Favorites: The European artistes, M•LLII. COUTELLIoR and BRA/VIER upon the Flying Trapeze. namuel S. Sal/lord, M. . Eagan, Viola Clifton. Ada Richmond, Miss Julia Sanford. Sam be Vere, (home R. Edeaon. Emma Marsh, Clara Bunon, Jennie Eagan. Lucy Clifton, Joste. Forward. &c. The great drama, entitled TIIIC MARCH OF TIME. Matinee on Saturday afternoon. E, SMYTHE"S AMERICAN THEATRE. • I i ( Late TRIMBLE'S VARIETLES.) Plld you see Au OUSTA dance? Dld you hear the JAPANESE PIDDLE? •you,s • e that TA MBORINE Or, do you want to "SLIT A DOD I" Then be sure'lcr go to the , AMERICAN TO-NIGHT: _ Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at S. rigr BUN NELL'S -MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Gx'•eat Fam47 Resorte. FIFTH AVENUE. between , Smithfield and 'Wood streets, opposlte Old Theatre: Sir Open Day and Evening, all the year round. Admission, 25 centsvCkildreii,ls cents. Mr'THE_GRAND FUR_ , For the Bendlt of the Sick and Poor, WILL OPEN IN THE ' BASEMENT OF THE CATHEDRAL, On Monday Evening; Jan. 25th, 1869. A tine band of music will "be in attendance each evening, and rare attractions wllt be intro duced.' Admission. 25 cents. • • gar" F IN MAN SFIELJIX-A. Fair lor the benefit of the Nevv , Catholic Church' in the villpge of Mansfield. wilt open on thellith of JANUARY. and will continue for two weeks. Train/ on the Panhandle road leave' the Union Depot for Minefield daily at 3:25 and 4:55 P. returning st 11P. it J 612 'PRLIGG7ISTO:::, , W. NAUREOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE. DRUGGISTS, AST) NAtiIIFAC rEr113413 or Ciestalbco.la MOPED. TO R 0.185 Liman' iirtrxxv, rENNA. . White Window Leadvelasa and Glaasware at Wanaketniere " ' " de9 • j)tNDERSON .I.&IOI.OTHERS, ROD. Liberty , street, Dealers. le ,t.Druits, a tits and' Patt.at Medicines*. . 31.5:29 FLOUR. PEARL:' , IILL...FANE.r.IJIO.II4 PEARL MITI Three Btar Green Brand; keel to FRENCH FANHLY.-FLOUR.- onlyoe sent out , whey Wipe . &env ordered. . • PEABI:IINILL BLVE • , `• • • Eqpt! to best St. Louis. PEARL NUM • • Emil to beat Oblo TI wirrrz 6010 PLOVIZ AND court ,MEAL.. R. T. lENIXDI 1110 q COAL AND 00111. COALLCOALti COAL!!! ,‘ • DICKSON, STEWART , Havlnir removed their Wilco to . NO. 667, LIBERTY - STREET, • - •• ttitiooor ,ota law =coin) Er,oos. Lee'now prated to thruish x_ood YOUSBiO. 411:UsNY Ltroir NUT COAL ONSLACN, at the lowest market price. • • . • Ail' owlets leA as their otleei or addreesed to them t.brot4ll' the' natal, wlll' be attended 'l ,, 'ARCHITECTS. RAM & MOSER, .111MT:HOITSE 'ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS,. Nos, II tad 48t Glatt Str o ut, Plttabtmgli, Ps. tt Bimetal seitiort liven to the designing and billdbur f' COURT HOUSES and PUBLIC lATEOGIULPHErRS. B22IIAICIN BINEMEELLZ ta..1:216 QDJCIERLY &CLEIS 1 811CCE388011 i 4. 7 to exc. P. Soutronuar A co, ; ; • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS: The onto Bimini , Lithographic ' Establlslunent eat of the Mountains. Business Vsdi, Letter; Beads. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas. Portraits, Yuma; Certilicates of De posits, Invitation- OW+, Aso,: Not. Viand Ilk Third street. Pittsburgh. LANDS TO EXCHANGE. • NEARLY ONE . THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND inCliude Pelting, Kansas, will be. exchanged to an Improved farm in Bearer. Washington. AUe `gbeny. Lawrence., or,Westrsioreland county, Ps.. on Orin= rsdiread..: These lands In a body, 'area 'pear the tbSeirisbLug lawn: ot Emporia, fand ate repsesente4 to ' watered, suitable for - either stoolcor train ralsini. and zumr the Atohi Doti BantsFeeß►Uroadk ,stildrese. • ;'.. ' r, • 7azeul37•F ' Boi 641 Pittsburgli v Pa. I ANTED- 7 -ON::SerLW!PN, P0,. - Ht,W4 ) 4 3 4 11 -' -X62.1# , The IClgli,est market' pricell - Sid quick saleiti, ittarantd. 'Mark pickaxes distinctly sad sent' invoicestty ,•• , WOK HALILARP & ' tr.iblnietion gizmo*. ....Ne York.- • ' • molts*, CopRATA & c 0.% 'G4' 1 '- m7'4%61E4112 , 0 — •'• ;; e • rfl TOILuT SOAPS () ,ALU • ikiiik Are pre,pared by workmen, " from the best Otaterlals..andare known's. < (* ise , Y c)"'s the STANDARD , by dealers, and enstomers 1;4oul every - where. ' - dettl:wir, _ _ ett69l' OILCLOTH FOR WIN.• DOW , . HADES—We are-.now' mannfautn .o7 thli article of A.Oliallty sunegor In AMIN 'an at,orlees lower than can be .had of any East ern manufacturers. Dealem irad it to their interest to examine our goods before onrebasind elsewhere. • J. & H. PHILLIPS, *6 and RS Sixth St.. formerly St. °Lair. _ El EZI a .Wkr. raunitllON. M • . • . W. CANN/Z6l.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers