II L 'ft, CITY 8171113M/417: Fair.--Ttin Huntingdon County, tlultural Society Iris - reiolfed tO 1161dii fair next fa/1. Retires.- 7 R. L. Johnston, Esq.. this week retires from the editorship of the Ebensburg Freeman. 'City Councils.—a special meeting of the City Couiacil.4 will be held at 2 o'clock P. m. to-day to consider the appropriation bill • • The Gas Cohimittee of City Councils will meet tb-day at half-past one o'clock, 'at the office of the Gas Company, for the purpose of organizing. . • Rough Scholar.—Mr. Bolen, a teacher in Redstone township, Fayette county, Pa.,while' correcting a scholar, was baly cut - ln the, arm by the precocious South. Elvdropbobla.--A. little boy named Vera was bitten on the hand by a rabid cat, in Huntingdon county, about a month ago: and on the 12th inst. died-of hydrophobia, , • Mr. G. B. Bally. agent for the Penna. and Ohio Anthracite Coal Company, of flee, No. 114 Fourth avenue, is prepared fo fill orders for all sizes of anthracite coal. See advertisement. • Violation of 'Liquor• Law.,-•,Archibald Warden made information before Alder man McMasters yesterday against Qeo. -Ewing, for selling liquor on Sunday. The accused is proprietor of a saloon in the Ninth ward. A warrant was issued. Head in Danger.—John Harris alleges that Michael Dwell threatened to:knock his head off, which if carried into execu tion would be a dire calamity—to ilarrisi; A warrant was issued for , the arrest of Michael by Alderman tyna on an in-' %if:nation for surety of the;peace. Abandonment. Theresa Weidman made information yesterday before Al derman Pepin, "Charging hEir huSband, George Weidman, with Abandonment. She alleges that the accused deserted her some time ago,' Eltla has since SteadilY-re fused to maintain her or their child. A warrant was , issued. Singular.---Urs. Catharine. ReaVer„o Allegheny - FtrnaCe,'Blair county,' has suffered for the last six years with a very severe pain in to.ot. , 9n . Friday morn ing week she awakened with a sharp, stinging pain In her thigh, and upon. ex amination a- long cambric needle,Was discovered and extracted. Obituary.—ln Latrobe, on Thumlay night last, Rev. f3illet, pastor of the Latrobe and Pleasant :Unity (West moreland county) Vresbyterlan 'church es, aged about seventy years. The de ceased had been to, mini er of the Gospel for twentf peeks: . laid' • .• as loved wfit to. . spected 6y all who kne him. • Hair Paillng.,-.llargaketar e orbAtt - and, Eliza Sawyethultilgediu and face scratching argument yesterday, which nthatedlt - in - sank and battery before Alderman Lynch, preferred/ b 7 'Margaret against Eliza. The parties hold the relationship, of aunt and nice ofhe A mai.; rant was !aimed. msdiekkos informaddiaefarathe Mnen, charging M. J. Inghfelt- with malicious mischief. lie alleges'iiihtsthb 'Scowled maliciouslybzoke l a p Tor rence's druif *ire, datientiriof Fodr;thnve l nue and Ferry itreet. The damage was estimated .at dollars,: The case was amiacably settled. On a ettigeo—The Alleghenian,..bens burg. says : The coal miners In this lid& Lion, like their .ttifetkritn- Wekgifuoreli land county and other s. eresection on a strike for highe)-i. wages.Fient fifty to , seventy-five miners are employ d here, all of whom ; Inv fit linsent "tiff work." The natural results are dullness in busi ness cirsles end 'a noticeable -searditz Awfitl, If -True.—The editor of ' the Al. toona Vindicatorlaiittibrmcid hy; wine bod y that there is the Blair county Poor House a gtfl in her stomach. The reptile has on sev eral occasions prqtruded its head sand neck from the,mrPs mouth to the extent of four,oi Edo Aziehes, ds~9tiet~l . witness., es testify. She is afflicted with choking fits, which not Mitch wonderif thefore going be true.. - • • • We call the attention of outreaders to the profitoickialhiird.of G. W. DeCactip, Dsq.. A tt orney ' at Law, who has opened an office at 43744:itirth - avenue, - formerly , occupied by Judge Lowrie; Zr.DeCamp has purchased a fine residence on Penn street, which denotes that, he has &Ade." mined to abide among us.,permanently. Reis a gentleman" - of large eicperierice, has enjoyed an 'extensive •and lucrative practice in the northwestern counties of Pennsiliania, where he has a high, repu tation both as counsellor and a advocate, as well as for integrity and promptitude. Mr. DeCanap-has for many-yeara-occu— pled a distinguished place among the leading Reptddlcan_ campaign orators of the State. and we shall count upon him for valuable ,and effective co•operatiow with our prominent speakers in future contests. -We predict that his success at our bar swillbe ,commemurate. with his well known energy and tried abilities. Another kikidge Proposed. We understand that a company has been fdrmedquid o lvillealytn heprda., ent LZ;kialititire fir a charter to build ti new suspensiun o bridge 'over the idonon-, • gahela river from the foot of Grant street to South Pittsburgh; The stockholders • mentioned in connection with :the pro posed structure are all men of means and energy; and theenterpriss if undertaken by thrim• will rmidoubtedly'succeed. It the charter is•procnred; , work t Will be commended , on the bridge sometime in the earl V part of the'next Beaton) and be pushed ?orivartnis rapidly as possible to oomph) kinv c , • • •') • V The Fair at !dawdleld. We paid a visit to the Charity Fair last evening : Widdhis tieing - heldin Mans= field, op the Panhandle - road , a l few mint sites rids froth the city: The attehdance was very large, many of tbe visitors be ing from the city. All, were pleased with the attractions, and felt specially , obligated to •,Rey, i ikt ft jElc:attloAt for auk genial and' hospitsble manner In which they 'were, received' - end ebtertained: The contc4 forl,be elegant sold-headed cane warmly contested' far by Mew& Robert Grierr, Wits= M'Candless, Jr.,. and Marisfleld Brown. As the nutter' I now lobli.s,'.Pittabtirdhwill - be apt to bear away phe trophy ,in triumph, ,but•PUr, suletiOan friends are working hard and: may secure the prize. On Saturday , evening the voting • will close with sealed ballots.- The contest for the gold *etch to the most popular conductor on the' Panbamdle toad' is warmly contested for by 3. -s - onev. J. Drewy and J. K. IlleVair will repay a visit, as it Abounds in. attractions. , ; • '''ritlffinfentzw : NEETIES; AT Mti*r mr!th?g• ofthe . new; Counitia of Allegh'eby city wits' held on Thtirsday evening, January 28th, at seven o'clock. . - Members nresent --Messrs.: Callery, English, Faulkner, Gninner, Hall, Hart man, Morrison, Patterson, J. C. Patter son, A., Reed, Riddle, Reiter, Wettaoh; President Mcßrier. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. FM1710119. Mr. Faulkner presented a petition from James Hastings, contractor for the grad ing and paving of Ridge street, setting forth that there was a balance due him on the contract, which was completed - M June last, and ask-s that Councils would authorize the Comptroller to certify a warrant for the amount. On motion of Mr. Riddle the petition was referred to the street committee. - SPRING GARDEN RAILWAY. , the Hartman presented aNetition from the Spring Garden Passenger Railway, setting forth that the Company had been chartered and was organized; and asked Councils to grant , a right of way over certain streets. Referred to tilts Com mittee on Street Railways. PETITION FOR WEIGH SCALES.' Mr. J. C. Patterson presented a petition from Montgoniery - dt Co. asking privilege to conttruct a icales'on the wharf above the railroad bridge. Referred to the Committee (*Wharfs and Landings., :EXTENSION OF FEDERAL STREET. Mr. Faulkner, from the Street • Com mittee, presented the report of the Corn. mittee, accompanied by resolutions, pro viding for the extension of Federal street by a direct cut through the hill to the plank road. Mr. English thought that the City En gineer should make. an estimate. of the cost of said cut, and moved that the re• port be received and the resolutions be laid over until the next meeting of Coun cils, and the Committee be requested to furbish the estimate of the Engineer to Councils. Adopted. SEWERAGE QUESTION. Mr. Hartman presented a netition from citizens of the rural districts of the Socond and Third wards relative to the ,isetortge tax. Referred to the Com- Inittee on Streets and Sewers. ' COMMUNICATIONS PROM THE SOLICITOR. Mr. Hall presented a communication • from the City solmitor 'relative to the election of members from the Eighth ward, who claimed to hold their seats for two years. The Solicitor decided that the election should have been, for one and two years, instead of for two years. Mr. Hall moved that the communica tioti' be received. - Mr. English moved to amend by refer ring,the matter to a Committee of Three frereSelect Council to investigate the 'matter and report to Councils. • The amendment was adopted,. and Messrs. English, Hartman - aid' Wettach , appointeff. '• • -' ; -- --Mr. Hall Presented a' communication frora. the City 'Solicitor; accompanying Which Walla draft of an act of assembly ea r to lege a contract made with certain parti fbr,' the Accompanying paving 'of Ridge treet. Aciximptuiying the seam . ,was a resolution approving the act and ,mtkcating . its'passage by the 'Legisla [ ' _ile communication e Nvlts received and ,Zha,resolution adopted: - ' T . ' " Also, a murnutdeation, eccompanying which was a - draft of an act of assembly 1 providing for a muideipid lien docket for, i,hes! city of ) Allegheny. , Adconitainyirig the-same was a resolution recommend ,ing the paasage gift the act by %the Legis-, lature, ". i. ltfib communication was received and the resolution adopted. olunwsztorgii if, iituanrtir,a, .A.ED : PA VINGt. -Mr. Pallkaarpigabiitdd.an ordinance providing for the grading of Blasom 'alliiy. The rules were. suspended and _the ordinance passed. Also, an ordinance for the grading and paying of . Walker. s t reet ,frcup , Rebecca -street tolhe•rlifior. ' iai , ..- • -: ' - On motion of Mr. Reiter, the orpinance was laid over the next meeting, .... or "\ GRADES WANTED. Mi. English offered a resolution direct if:lg thaCity Eugirteer to PreWe_it %rade , for Raspberry'ittuf Pitt -alley; Referred to Street Committee. ~ , ~,,, SPRING GARDEN SEWEE, .Ifr. Wettach' presented it resolution directing the flity:nidnear,to_prePare a Olan'for a sewer on Spring Garden avenue from Angle street to' the neweity line. Referred to the Slreet .Quuunittee with , instructions te prepare an ordinance for the construction of said sewer. ;401i 111 fit' made' ARGIS2Itr, raw. Mr. Riddle presented a draft of an act of.assembly-providing for the registry :of city lots. - • Mr. English moved to refer the matter to the Committee on Sto:veys, with in structionstorevise. and correct it. ; E fr. Mill moved to amend by referring to the ComMittee on City Property. The amendment was adopted. .TALLATTA STREET. Mr. Riddle 'called np tbeordinance for the grading of Jallappa street. Mr. Reftet objected and. Mr. Riddle called for: the yeas and nays, when the -motion na walk adOPtedibY = a vote of eight yeas to five nays. The question then recurred on the motion,to adopt the ordinance on its sec ond reading, which was decided in the affirmative. • Mr. Wettach objected to the final art pee -lof the ordinance. • ' r. -moved 'tovnapend rules' ,pass the ordinance finally. Mr. Riddle called for the yeas and .nays, which resulted in a vote Of 7 yeas` to to 7 nays. The ordinance, therefore, laid over under the rqes. ' • • . . • SEWERAGE LAW. Mr English presented two drafts of in act: f Assembly 'relating to sewerage in the city of Allegheny. Refen•ed to the Committee on Streets and Sewers. Mr. Cally called attention to the fact that River avenue was unsafe and moved that it it 'be vacated for travel. Ur. Hail moved as'an amendment that Op Street Pommlssioner be instructed to. close the street. the' President stated that the Street ComMittee bad already given the ne cessary instruction to the Street Com missioner.' • • The motion and 'amendment- were withdrawn. , , business not' otherwise noted Common Council concurred. • AdjoUrned. ' • Common ;Cog 1 .President Slack called the Council, to!, 14rder et seven. and a half 'o'clock. 'lie. Itillowing members 1 answered to their :names at the call of the roll : Messra. Oonley, Gilleland, Grenet, Harine, Hast 'lags, Kirkpatrick, Krebbs, Kopp, Long, Megraw, MoNeill;. Ober, Porter, Reine- Tian, Seidle, Tate, Thompson, Vently, Warrier and President Slack. if The . intnutesor the last meeting of the old Councils and the organization of the new were read and approved. PETITIONS &C. Mr. Hanna presented a petition from Messrs. Finan dt Howley, builders of the MEI PITTSBURGH;GAZETTE: FRIDAY elect Council. ME - reiff"imbr-affrat iinthigiomethr went of the balance -dueahpM , - on the contract. Referred to the tenuence ends= m1tte11,..7 6 - 4 ' e., Varner, a petition frOmitesidents on ChArtiers street, Sixth ward, askitup for the grading and paving of the same. Referred to the StkerVomtnittee. Mr. Voegtly, a petition from citizens of the Seventh ward, reuuesting Councils to take some action to prevent the erec tion of a buiiding by the Illinois Hair Drying Company..in place of the one re cently destroyed by fire. On motion of Mr. Hanna, referred to the City Solicitor for a legal opinion. ' Mr. Kirkpatrick, a petitioufrom resi dents of Jefferson street, Second' %ard, asking for the extension of water privil eges along that thoroughfare. Referred to Committee on Water. Mr. Reineinan, a petition asking for the laying of water pipe on Itin and High streets. Referred to Water Com mittee,. Also, petition asking asking for the grading and pavingof said. streets. Re ferred to Street Conamittee. REYOTIT OF COMMITTEE ON lIAICKETS. Mr. Hanna, from the Committee on Mark, presented a report of their tour of in pection of the market building. The 'lowing resolutions were also em brace in the report: Res lved, That the Controller be, and is he by authorized to place $7O to the; Cs credit of Geo. B. McNulty, -Weighmaster of the Diamond Scales, to reimburse him ~t e for money. stolen, from his money . ! 3 draw by a boy, who was afterwards de • tected,and confessed the theft. - • • Mr. McNeill moved to lay the resolu tion on the table, which he subsequently withdrew in order that it might be dis cussed. Mr. Hastings moved the adoption of the resolution. I Mr. Hanna in explanation stated the money was taken from the drawer while it was locked, by putting.the hand : in at the back of it. After some further discusssion ' in which the resolution was opposed by Messrs. O'Neill, Megraw and Long, and sustained by. Messrs. Hanna and Coin ley, Mr. McNeill called for the yeas and nays upon its adoption, ,which' resulted in five yeas and fifteen nays. The second resolution, authorizing the Controller to advertise for proposals -to plank the cattle yardi Connected with the Second ward seales,- was next taken up. Mr. Warner thought a better plan would be to cover the yard with cinders; which would make a much solider and cleaner foundation than planking. Mr. Tate said a number of cattle yards in the vicinity •were covered with cinders, which seemed to. answer the purpose. Mr. Megraw thought the yards should be either paved or planked. The resolution was finally adopted. Mr. Hanna offered a resolution in structing the Controller to 'advertise for proposals for repainting the market house. Adopted. S. C. non-concurred and laid over until next meeting. C. C. receded and concurred. Mr, Kirkpatrick offered a resolution instructing the Street Cemraittee, in con nection with the City Solicitor, to take the necessary steps to compel the Perrys ville Platik R d Company to either sur render that portion of their road within the city' limits or to put it in proper order, and that a bill be prepared and • presented •to th e Legislature empowering the city to put down plank' sidewalks on-• all thoroughfares within the city limits, whether said thorough fares beewned by plankroad companies or otherwise, the cost of building the same to be assessed upon the'property abutting upon one or both aidee ot•the thoroughfares upon which these walks are constructed, as Councils may direct.' Mr. McNeill moved to amend by inclu chiding in the terms of the resolution's& roads upon which tolls are collected within the city limits. Thist.sitnendment was agreed to, and the • resolution wail adopted as amended. On motion adjourned. _____—.. e ...--- A Loug Chase. On Wednesday evening Dr. Smith, of Tempsranditville, had a valuable buffalo robe stolen ircim his, buggy which had been left standing In front of a house on the - Washington Turnpike, a short dis : tanoe outside tint borough limit*, , : he was inside making a.professional visit. A barouohe'drawn by two horses, and occupled,by two young men and Hc. companied by females had passed the house a short time before the loss was discovered, and the Doctor •at once started in pursuit, suspecting the parties tcrhave beettooncernedip the disappearance of the article. He over took them a short distance from the house, but thought it best to follow after, supposing thilt, they . would halt at some livery stable in Pittsburgh , where the' • property might be secured without dif ficulty. The parties -in the barbuche soon became aware of the position of affairs and oommenced a series of stra- 'gene xuanoevers to mislead theLr pur suer. Whipping up their horsos, they down into South Pittsbargh,whence they made a long detour of Coal Hill and passed into Birmingham, and thence' over the Birmingham bridge into Pitts burgh. After traversing all the prlncl :pal streetikand,alleye InPittsbirgli f they; crossed over the suspension bridge into 'Allegheny, outilbonteiX miles over the New Brighton road and returned, and finally, after passing over nearly-all the leading thoroughfares , cf Allegheny, give, their prisoner the slip and disappeared from his , sight. The route travelled over altogether could not have been niuch Jess. than eighteen miles. Af- I ter losing sight -of them Mr. Smith called at the toll houses of the different bridges leading into Pittsburgh . from 'Allegheny, but could obtain no clue of their route again. He also called at'the livery stables = Allegheny,. but the' proprietors stated that no vehicle an swering the thisoritition glVen had been hired out of their establishments during the day.or evening: During the whole time the pursued party allowed no op-, portunity toksicur for beinWintensepted, but' kept the horses on, a trot, except when their pursuer fell, behind. After, continuing the search until nearly four O'clock yesterday morning, Mr. Smith gave it up and returned hotne, conclud ing to let the affair either deyelop Itself or the thieves go unpunished. Point StFeet,Agatn. , Point street.has again been figuring i n, police annals, by reason of a xi:asunder= standing between...the , Long .and Patch families, residing thereon. The origin, Cif 'the affair u not exactly known, but in its progrees,..according to the state ments of Mary retch, Maty Long became 'so deruonstrittive as to , attract the atten tion of the entire neighborhood, who were disgusted ,with hqr disorderly con-, duct. Lawrence Long, according to the same authority, also made himself ob noxious by threats of personal violence to her, which sbe is afraid he may yet carry into execution. In self defense, therefore, Mary called •at Alderman Lynch's office yesterday and lodged in formation against Mrs. lking for disor derly conduet, and against Mr.tlting for surety of the peace, upon which war. rants were issued. We are able this.merning ‘tot relieve the great anzieW felt for someitime con cerning the police appointments of May or Brush, who Will assume the duties of his office on Mcinday next. , ; Below will be found a •comPlete list : • CHIEF OF Poiacs—.Toseph A. Butler. Carranc—Wililam Reed. - - - RELIEF CAFTAIN-.-RObert Graham. Cnnnn--Jamey S. Patterson, Jr. OFFIOE FORCE. Andrew J. Moop, Frederick Ruch, Robert McCready, Peter Dressler, Samuel Long, Frederick Rivers . Joseph Cupplei LI. Jas. W. Woolril Myers Barker, David Campbel Seth Wilmot, REC. John Mackeralo Josiah Brown, Samuel Anders( John;Lloyd, Thos T. Mooril George Hill, Samuel Hallman t Daniel Gallaghe Id. S. Portzer, James Wilson, Wm. D. Jones, Herman A. Hirt Joseph Little, 'John , Wanderlic John Seitz, George Hannan!, ,Tames S. Laugh) . George Cochran, Wm. A. Hook, John MoGrady, John Reznor. Robert Fowler,, John W. 8011, I James• McKinn Wm. Brown,' Adam Brown, James Mooney, Thos. Chidlow, Harrison Miller, Jacob Maurer, Joseph Dickson Robt. Irwin. Wm. McClain. Jos. H.,Rubincai Josiah Cain pbelf Wm. H. Stepht N. R. Sullivan, Alonzo Early, Robt. Roy, James Patterso Harrison D. TayF Louis Walther, Robt. Elliott, Mathias Purucl J. B. Dickson, Robt. N. 'Craig, SU' James A. Morri- Jacob Stevens. 1 Geo. W. W. Ech, 1 John Little. Jr;. Charles Garber, Andrew Keelty,, William J. Kell FOXiCE. ,Walter Kirkpatrick, James hiebortald, Alex. Dairen, Patrick Conway. WATCHIMAN--4ohn Beaty. • IldzssENowit-4)aniel McMullen. The above na ed persons will call at No. 61 Penn street to Hie their, official bonds forehwitb and report for duty at Wilkins Hall oii,'ldonibty t , February lst. o at nine o'cloCk,.4. w. , • • By . order Of the Mayor, JAwEs 8. Paerrisincosr Jr.,Clerk. ; Misplaced Confidence. • . _ * A stranger in our city from Si. Louis, was made the victim of niisphiced ciinfi ., . deneCiWedrNufA4' evening, under; the following. etre tance& He . yieited Pittiburgh for t e purpose of procuring log skilled workmen in the marinfae tare 'of saws, axes, &r, and for this pur pose' called at the works of Lippincott =and I3aliewell, near Soho. While in con versation with the foreman of the estab lishment, two genteelly dressed-young men came in arid /winked ler employ ment. • The foremen 4iaying all the meal he needed, at work, referred them to his acquaintance, who, after.some conversa! Son, offered them positioris In his St. Louis establishment. They agreed to the arringemeilt, and went With,their employer to the Union Depot;:wherahe purchased for each a• through ticket le- St. .Louis. It was then too late to start the afternoon trail:tend the young men separated from ..their, employer with the understanding that they, were -to start in the ,train at three o'clOck A. U. yester day. Yesterday Morning at the appointed time the ' gentleman made his appearanee at Pie. dep ot lint lint I failed to meet he other two.- making inquiry 0 discoVensd that they , had returned to he ticket , 'Office during i the preceding evening and sndceeded by a plausible story in persuading the sgent to return thepi the money, for the tickets amounting to thirty, eight do : that in ' all. They immediately disapPeared, iied no trace of them could pubsequently, be dis covered. The Stringer has concluded to employ no more workmen from Pitts burgh, and left fprother Parts yeaterday afternoon. ' • I ' ; L . Settled Down at xast. Thomas Kenividy and John BicHugn, Were brought before Mayor Minn yes terday morning; on ireh or deny conduct. IThomas, it seems; 'had called at the house of Mr.:McHugh, in the First ward,l,AlleghenY, - some ,tlme, Wedneiday evening, and pl3rstindedtme" of the Misses MoKughl to- ncoompapy hi ona moonlight walk, much against the-ivishes of the father. The parent fol lowed the pair a short distance and finally made atikleicii'biigtitiheidy, Who "-tiroi4iir „himself an adept in the "manly art" by, knocking his assailant doWn: The police • interfered at this, Juncture and arrested ; the two men, al owing the female , to go her. way. Afte a night's lodging hi the tombs, theywere fined each dye lars and costs byTthe Mayor for disorder-. ly 'coridact. McHugh was unable to raise the funds,l and was accordingly committed to fall for ten days. Ken nedy' paid his fir and was. allowed to depart. Just as he passed out of the door •one of the Aldermen's -:police stepped up with 4 warrant ((Jr his arrest and took him intM.OttstodYiLitii arniftr a much more serious charge preferred against him before an Alderman .by 0- young woman, residing In - 4 , ltisburgh. This last difficulty was finally settled by a marriage, after Kennedy, had ex perienced 'the whblesotne dlsciptine of Oree hours in jail. He left the Alderman's office a'sadder, pOrhaps'alvlber, and cer tainly a marrled•man, in .company'.with Mrs. Kennedy: •' ; • •' ,••• MIEN Larceay, bir Patrick Ferres madeAnformat'tni be fore the Mayor yesterday charging Den nis nis Golden with larceny by bailee. 214 e parties reside on Washington street. The prosecutor alleges that the,accused became bailee dr seVeral iirticlea Of cloth ing, a gold zing and $14,00 money, tlfe property of the prosecutor, which he appropriated to his. own use.- Golden, was arrested and taken to the Mayor's office for a hearing,'but 'before the time', fora hearing arrived the prosecutor, whir - had been present since making the information, went out to 'ice a man" and forgot to return, consequently the accused was discharged. . ' • JANUARY ,293, 1869 ;lITENANTS. Ige, Joseph Thomas, • William J. Gordon; I, H. N. Hoyt, Jacob Bruner. lILAR :FORCE. Wm. W. Wilson, George Newbert, on, John Moore, ' John Aeschelman, md, Daniel Silvas, John Wisenburn, u, Thos. Conway, Geo. W. Garrison, Henry Helpers, Fred'k Richards, John Reichenbach, t, James Brisbin, Geo. F. Astadt, ph, James S. Lloyd, Thos. B. Rogers, t' MartinV. 8. - Hazen, din, Peter Kruter, i, John. B. White, John Tetley, • Adam 8011, A. J. Thomas, -Ge0..8. McKee, William 'Jones, y, Alvin .112.'DeGarmO, Alex. Denor; James Conway, 7w, G. W. Fulmer, Wm. F. Lynch, Wm. G. Harshaw, Samuel 'Uhler, Thos. J. Gillespie, John Schmidt, John Gibson, n, David McCleary, Richard Bond, ins, Elijah J. Hartman, Isaac Jones, Thomas Kerr, Daniel J. Neill, ' • James'E. Wolf, or, M. J. Murphy, James White, Geo. Shannon, .er, Henry Goldner, James Mertiner, Joseph A. Beck. STITUTES. - •n, Francis Foltz, Henry G. Beuwman, off, Geo. Robinson, Frank McGarr . , Hugh McGahen, Henry Banns, 7. .'Winter Cloaks and Satquee at Bates • dt Bells. ; 3t ,• , • • superior .13pIen Jumbles, manufae tared by MArevnt; No 91 Liberty street. For sale by Eingrocera. =-27:2w nu . of Officers; ThGannaal Meeting, of the Pittsburgh Petroleum Association was held yester. day morning"At ten o'clock, in room No: 4, Dalzell'ilmilding,.corner of Duquesne way, and Irwin street. • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Chairman, Mr. Long, stated that the object of the meeting was to elect of deers for the ensuing year. Mr:Green moved that a committee be appeinted to nominate officers. Mr. Mailing moved to amend by elect ing Mr. Frew President by acclamation. Mr. Frew objected and declined the honor, which he said should be equally distributed among the members. He •therefore hoped the motion would be withdrawn. On motion of Mr. Morgan, the amend ment was laid on the table. Mr. Morgan then moved to suspend the rules and elect Mr. Jas. A. Hutchinson President by acclamation. The motion was adopted. On motion of Mr. Morgan, Mr. A. F. Brooks was elected Secretary and Treas urer, for the ensuing year, by acclama tion. Mr. Brooks, Becretary and Treasurer of the Association, submitted a report, from which we extract the folloWing : Whole amount received in the • Treasury in 1868 $B3B 00 Whole amount paid out 576 02 Balance in hand $261 98 Pursuant to a resolution of the Associa tion the Secretary announced that he had subscribed for the Pittsburgh' GAZET'rE, Philadelphia Price Current, New _York Shipping List, and the Titusville Herald, coniplete files of which were'now in pos- Session of the Association. On motion of Mr. Frew, the Secretary was awarded one hundred dollars for his services for the past year, to be paid out of the money in the Treasury. Mr. Maning donated to 'the Association the amount of the rent for the next year. On motion of Mr. Frew, a vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring of- ficers and reporteas of thepress. On motion the following gentlemen were elected Vice Presidents for the en siling year: Julius Longston and B. W. Morgan. Messrs. D. J. Brown, J. K. Barber, and W. H. Forsyth, were elected an, Execu tive Committee for the ensuing year. ' Mr. Davis moved that a committee be appointed to report to the Association a standard barrel, to be adopted for the use of Pittsburgh dealers.' The motion was adopted. , The Association then adjourned. The Big 13 To all persons in want:of 'clothing, Mr. Tobias, No. 18 St. Clair street, Offen§ su perior inducements. -His stock-is an un usually large one, and his prices are re. duced to astonishingly low rates. You can buy a good suit of clothes for 110, a fine suit for 115, a dress suit for 120, and a siendid salt of. black broad cloth--for 125.. He is selling overcoats and boys' • clothing at half price. He is selling fine French cassinaere pants at'l6r doeskin' at 15; union cassim3re at 18,50, and working pants at from 11,50 to 12,25; veka at 11,75. Ho has a stock of the new style spring overcoats- and short frock coats . now ready. Mr. Totdas has.a very handsome piece of Casaimenafinipants, for which he is the sole agent. He proposes to 'soil goods cheaper than' the cheapest and in-, vitas those in search. oficlothing .tik ex amine his stock before pttrphasing else where. He hum on hand aline assortment of. piece- goods which "b 0 wilt 'mike to order on short notice attain the very ,beat style. I • - What They Will Do. Dr. Ross' Remedies are purely vegeta ble preparations, and are, doing more . good to gm pe4le than any other medi eines ever offered to the public. They are sold . at one dollar per, bottle, and generally one or two bottles have the de aired effect. We make a specialty of the following diseases, and warrant a care in every case: Acute or Chronic Rheuma tism, Catarrh, we have cured hundreds of cases, some of , long standing; Dyspep sia, we hi - glove we have the best remedy for this disease ever compounded. For diseases of , the Throat and Lungs our 'Mr.:Compound Is doing wonders. Dr. Ross' Remedies are manufactured and for sale wholesale and retail, at. Nos. 26 and 28 Sixth street, (late St. Clair.) Abused ate Bali • George Lamm made information yes terday before Alderman Strain. against Robert Fowler, a policetnan, for aggra vated . assault and battery. Larson states that he was at a.clance given in Miller's Hall, near - Oakland; •on Wednesday ,eveninit. Shortly before the close of the affair a row ensued among thoge in at toodiuica; ,‘ 'which ' , Fowler was 'sum. monad to.quell:, The officer upon enter ing the room accnrcling to the allega ticulti, attaCkOd Larson, who was stand ing peaceably'at one side; and beat him over the head with his, mace, inflicting several severe and painful 'gashes upon his'cranium. kwarrant. for the arrest of the accused was issued. • , • ' • Oionoeg Coronor Clawson held an inquest yes- Undo , upon the, body of . Henrietta{ Beck r !vho died suddenly at her.:residenou in Plastßlinaingham, about four o'clock Wednesday morning. It ;appears that on the night previous: to her 'death - she ate a hearty , sapper and . a ft erwards re=' !tiro) to. bed apparently good bealth. About four o 'clock in the morning she , awoke ber husband and 'requested Mtn' to'raise her up; that-she was eltoking.: He complied with her request, and as. soon as he had dono so the blood flowed iron/ her mouth until she -expired, which 'was but a fag, moments atter. The Jury re :turned 'a' verdict - of death froin benior rhage. , • " •• ' • • • • .good Prunes and Comma, at the vary lowest prices, at 112 Federal atgeet, Atha. gheny., 284 t. ;slllrt•Froatt, plahi tda4...ezal;rolderfwir ate.sf 4,4 0 / 11 8. •• -' Super Spiced. Jumbles, ._:manufaeo lured bylLutvirr, No. 911,1berty: street. For . sale . b.tallgrumms. : • . A itlififtiog PullYPrYo4es.P ok at 311 4 3 f! Bell)e, • _ Good DetaillkitiVitrortandPinrielloe, at the lowest makketialeed, arl.l2Federy . 'al , street, .k.llegbeays .11 • ..; 128:41c. -'•: • , I Very Cheap- for ~Woolen' Shiwie, at Bates et Bell's. ' 9 04 eCuOtiing'shil Desiert !Lelia .at thelovieet'martret prleettillt 112 Federel street,lA,lleglieny. ; Superior Spt d Jumbles? inentifae-' hired by MAlivi , No. 91 Liberty etree., riir sale by all' clears. 27: .w. .1 - 40ILLWaniteillatlIBRE2010txtbZ 3 VW-,.. r ,. burgh Real Estate Register. It is liven away rjratil, orsent free to any address. Croft & Ph Publishers, Real Es. tate Agents ttnd Brbkers, No. 139 Fourth: avenue. Popular Prices.—Prints, Sheeting Linens, at BAtes Liz Bell's. :it Good Canned Pesettes, at the lowest market price, at 112 Federal street; Alle. gheny. b dt. The place to get White Lime, Cal cium' Plaster, Hydraulic Cemeid. Is at Ecker dt Cankey's, 13 Smithfield street. Hosiery, Gloves, Dry Goods and No tions, at Bates & Bell's. East Liberty •Branch. 3t _Good Calmed Tomatoes, at the lowest price, at 112 Federal street, Allegheny. 28:4t. Ladies' and GeutN„ hemmed and em broidered' pocket handkerchiefs at Bates dc Bell's. Bainett's Flavoring Extracts for call nary W =- O, excel in quallty.Chicage JOur na2. t:c:h:W ' Superior Spiced Jumbles, toanuflio. Lured by MARVIpI, N 0 . 191 Liberty street; For sale by all grocers. 27:2w. ladles' Under Clothing.—Bates & •Bell nvite attention to their new stock. 3t HARRIED: copmw;—LENNOX.—On 'Tuesday, 26thl inst., at the residence of Rev. • WithersnoOni - LMr. JAMES H. COCHRAN. of Allegheny City, and Miss ANNIE E. LENNOX, of FAlFrlew t Allegheny county. Ps. DIED: CHISLETF.—At his residence, on the Cense. tr.ry Grounds on January Si Sth, at 9. o'clock, JOHN OHISLETT, aged 69 year s j Notice of the funeral will b,. given ln tartar row,s papers. • IfcCilt.LOUGH.—On Thursday morning. Jan nall'affilth. at 7 o'clock, JAhilts.uEAD, young est child of Wm. and A. E. McCullough, aid • The funeral will take place fromithe residence of Ids parents, No. 132 Fayette stye et, • Alle. gheny city. TO-DAY, at .11. o , cluelt P.: Ai. The friends of the family are respentfully Ir.ylted tp attend. UNDERTAKERS: L EX.. A I KEN_,_ °UNDER TAKER. No. 166 FOURTH STREET, it...btirgn;ra COFFINS of all kinde,CH4TER,' OLOVhs, Jam e ery descripUor Fanerar_Fur. niabing-eFoods fr ralsaed. Booms open .da3i and Welt. l'irs•arre ad Carriages furalibed. itZPZEZITCZEi—iteY.Daviu Kerr, U. b".; fd to al. . Jacobus. D. D., Thomas Ewing, Req.. Jacob Miller. Esa. ' • - CHARLES PEEBLES. UN. ' , Bt. DERTAKERS AND.LIVERY .STABLM cornet I SANDUSKY STREET-AND CHURCH.. AVENtIe, Allegheny City. where their COfl l lN ROOMS a - occmatantly supplied with real and. imitation Ito ewgod, Mahogany • and—Wilant Coffins, at prices i arying from i 4 to 4100. 80. diet prepared for anent. Hearses and,,Car.. riages furnithedt also. 11. ainda of Mourning Door's, if required. ' Mice 0) en at - all hours, day 1:1:1731'. T. RODSIEY _ ITNDEII. TAKER AND 1131BALMEll is No. 4-510H10 ET, Alleghent, seeps eons at/y on hand a large.assortment of ready-made Coffins of the f Lowing kinds: First. the eelebratedAm . Burial Cases, Sletalllo Self-sealing Air-tight. Cu. s and Caskets; and Rosew6od; Walnut and Rose wo , d Imitation; Coffins., 'Walnut Coronas from $95 t pwanle. Rosewood Imitation Coffin', from $5 upwards, and to pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction: Crepe. and elates.' furnlshed frees f charge /seat Hearses and Car—, Ames tarnished t *shok nauce. carriages fur.. lashed to funerals at a 5..... • •'" - ' , . SCOTCH PEBBLE SPECTA:CLES, wiaaerrgo, TO W2ROVE TEE MO,. • ?OE EALt PUNSEATH di.HABLETT. 68 FIFTH STREET.- - HENRY G. MILE, MERCHANT TAM)it. Coir. of Penn r and St. Clair Streetag Boa 'now In s to cktk atm of the largest and most vaned usortments of- . , FaU and W‘ix . 4er qio;.)dEi la3llietti;:gtaeiM shl nch t i cl d tk z - g filagock embraees CLOTHII I I34BM:PIES : dID OVEROOILTIIOO. $ fall llne.of Gent's li'ttinialLiast goods NEW GOODS. 'FOR A STYLISH OVERCOAT, • •• . ROB A STYLISH DRESS COAT FOR A STYLISH REISINESS COAT 808 A STYLISH WALKING COAT, FORA STYLISH PAIR OF PANTS, ___ • • lOU A STYLISH VEST OF ALL KLNDS, Forall the latest stylee' eiteeloibei, made St tbe , Deist Material, and by Orel-elms, 'workmen, and at prices Borprlelngly_ low, gO to the well Itnowne iderchant'Eallot. - HESPENILEI4: ti • • NO; 30 ST. CLAIR STREET; now Sixth: rOB. IP. DALE. D ' ' S. BUTTON. ,THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE. ASSOCllATED,themeetree together tor-the ' PRACTICE OPAILICDICIII.E. I,, -. • Ofibe. Ro: 19 t3TOCKTON A*LINtrE, Ana. gbenT City. • • THOS. F. D. 11,4,11. 1)$ nolx•an 9...5. iniTTON. n. , • 000 0 1-TIEN 1 1 ,11! . 01* -1124.0 9 • • 'Mende : ..• .•, _ CHOICE 2a,w - f.A.L* ,, z CIA. Ccook4g) 1/Eir6 pongds for j 1.60. At the iirlghial 7 I ?.• ' RED selt•iNT TEA WAREHOUSE. 314 Snitthileld street,'oppealte Cubtotritiotte.) •• • * • .0.. A. -ROIU • ER., • 000A.Fl a irE•TSUIIBAND CHOICE NEW EARTH CIiRRANTS, -• • AWE Poimas tor . • .. MC. A. HOIICHER , s • , ' • RED FRONT TEA.NARICHOCM: • 11.4 timittkflelit street. 000'V 41 NiV i t l ii. 011 • • 1111101b16: Candied Le ewfq 00 tiFfee "Ci"144" "e' vi red o. , pound, new Peel At At o4rd V , F b j7rInQl1;•::: 111 ::•-: • 1 "•-• 003-F Pee e 1 t 45 c - P °4m t e tiPW: 4 3 lEnudtknetd kveet„,3_mallOLi•lro •- , • 1 110- E IOI PECTLY I I m eitt:PSPICEB .6 L. or u), ode, igrosucag siaSee !tore., Alqnfl soul y. weight. NO' Packled Mirk labglied -Spices sold 'at kite 911gloal Red ginnilrfalwageb9use.:;...,' r, C. A; BUTICHER, • • 7 • I sweet. latED 11 HOT! RED OTII-4Eight: varieties of COFFEE , roasted (la 4. and • • ICED nivr.'at '3oc- VgRI, 33°4' aad 4ase.'ner lb.. at lbw. - RIT.D.FRONT TEA.IVI.REFIQUAS., .114 itraitisfieici eppoal'e Cubism Hanae. w . • • Aft -1.2 roIUNDS 11.1 TE SIJG , ur fur $l. 0, C.A.t BotronEß, • , ORIGINAL ItRD FRoNT TRA. WA.REROUSA, . Bmlthtiad street, - Opposite Custom Noose. OVER FIIRTY. - VARIETIES OF TEAS, all!trades and price's, ranging (roux See; to 12. 00 per lb. All tastes can be s la tted at . . 0: A. BOITCTIER'S ORIGINAL BED- FRONT TEA WAROOI3SE, d e m ll4 Smithfield street. • ' NEW . G9ORS;
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