-Th a : . -PWPT,,,WWW,.,,,,..,....„ DUQUESNE WORKS, COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., kanufactrirers of IRON,= NAILS, STEEL, . ..-.'.AXLES:AND SPRINCS, Duquesne Iron,Sheet and ..Tank Iron. Juniata ' Iron. Wagon Brx•lron. Charcoal Iron. Cylinder Ironi Xb Iron. Flanged Cutter Bars, Guard Iron ' Drag' and Dropper : Bars, T Bel for . Coal Roads: -. ret; i gif t rin a s t . ' antint°llVtli Roads,r iltigsr tee. andiron Barrow. Teeth. C a rriage,' Wagon . r A e x te l e e l, a, s ll ieet a w ts in le x a s l Tilin T l Lre Steel Crow.Dnrs - ALI. GOODS FIRST CLAM ~pID WASEAS . .I t r..2 ,, ,t t- - . . TED: ,• . ~ . . ~. . , 1111•011lces and Works 18th, street , and Alle ben7jaAle22 ab l S an : d e . l ß C"dr fo . r ateel Plowls. ri d C u rs u g teci l a it Adoalthanest*.to - pattera. - revrta f t heel . :all 1. Beeelliba ft big. Ac... .-t. y , .; ' • river and TT WAVLE' STREET. Pitts- - - 7As. V swum Prealt..... W. P. -Porn, - 4 ; tirriskr • , truGit 'FORGE • OE zu:.i , , ~, . ..,, .. ,.!:f .-.i_ 7.0 SOI'ACTIIILEILB OP . it; Eii.~r.'it'€ Hai isoi Railroad Flab Bars and Bons; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; ----Railroad Car Aslarilammeredl I.6eoaintivil Frames;. • LOronlotlreTriillio phap r es; lo t a4 *a l i t . i ? 'IrOkOS, Piston Heads; , • Stesookestt Cranks; Platen Rods, -wrists; - Collario; sm. - OftiOes . - 177:. PENN STREET, m ^- prl'r BuRBL Ar rEOSON, PRESTON_ b. CO., Pennsylvania I ron forks. `O. 4 i -. 4 ' . __Warehouse, 1.66 andl67 11413 T STKEIVI. S , ve tt," IforkongsaishsJtou de. " - lIDP:Ife • - • - PITTSBUROJA:, W94IP. TNVQ,WESNE ~ , , IRON AND STEED. W ORKS. COLEMAN, .likrtrretTlTJZZllB or • /ron' Rails and Steel, Carded. and' Wagon elpringo and A.xlea. - • Daquesaa SLa -and ;dm:data , Merchant Bar, 4 .4 Bonna Iron; Band, hoop, Sheet and' Plate Iron; oral, Half Oval and Haound Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Box Iron; Drag and Drop npeer T p andi'lat Ball for Coal Roads; Cut thee Plow, Spring and a B Wel; ' Laminated Steel; Curt n• Bare, Crow Bare, &c. Oglce and warehouse -71WATISII STREET, sgErrwirx err An.. IWORKS. SINGER, NiMIOX-ik PITTSBURGH: PA. Manufseturer!of every description of CAST - AND" GERMAN t STEEL, Rs *JAVAN 'SPRINGS, , • ELLIPTIC Al l / 4 %) PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE,- Vic., lc- Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First ISta; MILLEtki l BABR & •R'AUKIN. GERZELL PARTNERS: W. METCALF, REUBEN MILLER, GE). W. BABE, CRAB. PARKIN. arskrAL 'PAarrisn-8. M. KIER. CRESCENT STMELnWPRKS, ,Pniser.Po, 339 /AbertY zei4:6lB PITTSBURGH, PA. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PA,' BROTHE& & CO., lianni'aturtiiis.of All deocrfptlons of , r EitriErmiPTlr ' Office and Nrafehofise,_l.2o„ll.22. 1114 SECOND and 119 and .121,FLSZT "STREET/4, • NOVELTY WORKS. NOVELTY WORKS. ',winded .D. 1833. ADAMS, IWILE.E & CO. iCAMITTACMIIHX2 or •KEYEITONE STANDARD, )1' AIRBANK , S EAT . ENT) PLATI:9Itk A l ND COUNTER , . • h'S CALES.H Janne Faced Patent Door Locks and Latches, • Pains and Coffee Innis, &c. OORNEB OF FIRST AVENUE 41; GRANT ST$., Plitiburgh, Penn''a. . , COPPER. LAKE SUPERIOR r t4PrasifiGL MD 811131471Pcf, - WORXB rlrr'll§l3llll,43-1-1. PARK, Mc - CURDY & CO.,''•' . itinulactareis of Sheathing. Brasiers , mid Bell Copper, Frei sed Copper Bottoms, Babied Still Soto. toms, Speller Solder. Also, Imparters and Deal ; g i ll, .o:tneteli Tin "Plate,,, , Sheet Ph% WI:0,, dc. , tahtly on band..ripnerst Machineaaad Tools. `.' &rehouse,' hr0..1.4u-slusr VtallfigT and 11,6 OND ISTRN,ETainsburth,. . epeaftorderf ocoppgrno ta idreitred to . - amwat ism 111E.913,11K,NICAlan ENQMBER. EACEVAIL. 13ECIELETT, . And :6ouotttor Entairrg . _ cori Parttiratai (Loaf 4fycir.,_L...it perflmr..) Once, No, Y 9 FND BIWA STAXNA toom No 51 „. . 7 v stsirs.; U. Box be, ;ADI4NOIIIUff HA oNMBBY of dolortpikiii4 derived. ' BLAST raiNADN. - a nd NOL1•0 1 1 MILD : MON. Taraistled; rikrticular . attention fold to derletpa.MßY z;oc.amoTrvEs. atlntkon den plAc.ited. AW WIEN , DRAWING ' cLAM for mikwr.r.rirrry WiDNISDAY ?Timm. isTONE. WEST COMMON ;Machine Mane WClPkth Northwest Corner *Meet Oommon.4.lletheny. ATY,47 1 1r4 41 7 P. .% Hate On nand' 'Pr 'triter(' on efidtt potion Heirlb Vaite.p reWer.• Orders promptly OFealute4,l. Prtras rossossbis LRIENT-50 barrelB Hy drant' Celstent kull for sale br • • =i ~Fou_Nlagp.-11u, c =msm lINLIFFORT PITTm FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORSI,' TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, - PA. tirlengines, Rolling Mill, Ma chinery, Nail- Machine's, Re- theta; and Caldino ganerally. NAnONA.I: ANIKIM!gy, AND, PIPE WORKS. oprart'iikwp?p,4ll /113allassan iltreetia WERTH WARD,) P=8131T11.431.13. PA. • WILLIAM SMITH, Dianufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAS AND wilts WORKS My Pines are all east invariably - In Pita,. sand. and lAleetlenatlit Alec, fall assortment of general Castings for (las and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Supeilitend. eats of Grid Works to my make of RETORTS. ATIM WORKS, . • iiioNVON . S7Ttira f , Ninth liVwri, THOM3B.N. IWlLLER,Vresident. These Works ire among the lesion and most complete , . establishmeats 11% the west, afid.:Asre sLow.presiett to turnips• 4 - r linglnes; of ever deseripiton. Boilers, 011 Sheet Iron Work. Ilrea 4 ltinits• Balling Mill Castings. enfce Callt*lM* : VEdierai s ' ORDERS soucTrzn n09:n89 L. 0. LIVINGSTON W. H. BIAT. W. 1. noarasoa. Jai Let ENGSTON & CM, IRON POUNDERS, MANirrltOTOpts OP FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitter Agricultural implements, cotton nndwoolezjam lkisebine &e. , • • • • , 1.11 Jo b Work protoptty attenaedta. Office and IitrosaI—WAREEMTON- AVENUZ, near Omer Depot, A/4dnedY C 107., Pa. ROBINSON, REA b. CO" - Successors to ROBlifSog, MINIS a MILLMitS. , . WASECINGPTON WORKS, iFOUNDERS AM) MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, mar Machinery, Gearing, Shaf , pastlngs uf all ,dess.iiptipms: 011 Tanks and tolls, Boller sand t3heetiron Work. Office, No. lA, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIYFABD'B PATENT .INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. Jall:r62 MONT IMANt,'"FOII:INDRY. By _Street, Nitith Ward, pppoislie t tlnioft Una Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES,I .PITTRIIVBGIII. • t MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERILLT. Orders promptly and careittlly executed. Clusrges reasonable. EBBERT & BUCKLED. 0C115t128 ' THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Void ionndry and Martine Works, SANDUSKY ST, ALLEOHENY 0/TY, PA. , Kanntsetnrers of Stearn ..EnglneS, 011 Presses, Pn.leys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Work, Bolling IKIII and Machine Castings• (irate Bars; Weights. 'Wagon Boxes, &e: Build to order and have on hand - Engines of all sizes. =14:0 CENltuct. Vatisiconv ANDROLL4IORKS 61 89A' 031 n BOLLMIN, I Bop 'B4 -i4411 , EL . iniauggp, Atop es. &e. ffigi ' . z . • iiIINSELt 11 UMBER! LUDIBERI 8 • . • .. AIeIITANDER PATTN - .N. Dealer in all hinds eI•L • • • btav ~..ISoo ntatie n eigf ^ kriglis: 1 , /00.000 feet 1% and A lush Cie Plank; l i "., lei : ' l e illt i ggii)hdlth e iC l at ' n ; ViAuk; 50.0 , 0 f ee t D ry ~ ,.A,l and 31 • ett Alhi t 'o ' at ong it t .ll:ir: a liar. chl3Fart 10,000 feet ry Poplar beautlloi ABO 000 feet Hendoeg Sollts and' sating: is .d opoo 1 ijo p. _ 1 Al....lstrAi Intlngles,,s wed; , 9150; ow brcha lobannaShlnaloso. sawed; ~,. 40.000 NO. 11840 sh hhhagitiv saaved; - ake.ooo sue Brick; - - 1 3 '01% Tons Ilse Cilnil , , L... _YAirm—lio. SO PREBur, sTRE .. formerly lianchestersdllAT REBECCA STA,TXT.oppo. site the Gas Works, Allegheny Olt,. I , poll SMdIVEli' M. Ift - OWtii . /N4 : ,-'.:L' .j• "...: , .:.-.:' :_, . 1 .! 37: -,',,' :.: :r , . • IRON )3ROICER, 124 First Street, Pitistkprih, 2 , , thdifile: of- tortitrilii;Deng tumors Josephine, Issbells,Dtincannon,Stanhope, filen; don and other brands of Anthracite, rosette .itheny Cohn and°. B. Ciliereos/. MONS. poitinzapts airupost revolcilly x.rrTtlßl:nmexL Engine Castings. ITSTSBURGH. IROff PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : RRIDA ;_ragikttEktolizaii i KIJEI3OI . ;I:Sak: Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., M,azt Tup. Pozie7,) Engine Builders, Founders and 7, Machinists. ' , s Mtirtirlethte STEAMBOAT ENGINES 111110. TIONABY 'ENGINES, of all bur new attention Invited to bur new STATION- Agy OIL •WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILEALof IS-boree power. CASTINGS of every kind, made to order &tour Foundry, on THIRD STREET. below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING. PITLLEYS, HANGERS HOUSE and TOBA C 0 SCRE WS and orderTOBACCO PBESBES, on hand and made to INDUSTRIAL WORKS? Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Pont, _yITTSBIIEGH, PA. Er All orders promptly tilled. THY us. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK CARROLL St . SNIt'DERi ''auortriicurnins OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-YI.DRD TUBULAR, P ERS I/S-SOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL OIL. STILLS AND OIL YANKS, OKIMNRYS, BREECHING "AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PAM AND CON DENSERS;,smut PIPES; 'eAioiimis AND Laos BRIDGES; - • PRISON DOORS AND. COAL BRUTES • . . Oates And•WArehanti*, edrner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, "/ PATTS lIRGU I , Pa. sar Ordtrs sent to the above address will M promptly attended to. mb71189 WIII. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AN& WOR KERS, - Nos. so, SS, S 4 AND MI6 PENN BT. 7. Having secured a large yard and tarnished- It with the meat approved machinery, we are pre nared to,milm e n4acture.aviary. description of BOlL and ? hi e a 1 I t tr At : 11W I St il r litrs i 1 ' Breeching, egt Fire Bede , Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pane, Tanks, Oil Binh, Agita 01411sig.. PEP, Palter Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pane ana Sold inalisiDictnrers of Barnhill , ' Pat ent Boners. Repairing done on shortest notice. . 1a5:c21 IMILI plaza urnalt,: Arco. 46 Ana 46 Water Street, rnirssvßeit, - ; • , IRON 1 .. .0841.Adt.11* COPPER STEAM PIPS, souttienlatz tITACK.B., • And MBB= LEON WOBSr • - . • For Steamboats. .T.ADD.D M. BRUSH - 11DIEVND D. BUM Jr RED M. BRUSH &. SON, XA.NO7.I.CTUDIDIB OT , 4:6143ti11ii, Tanks. IMBEIT.IRON WORE; &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, lip THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stares,. TO HE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents fOr the celebrated Base Burning OM star Stores • and 'Furnaces for Bard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,Odlce, store or Church. nee needs no rekindling—burns all 'da tes. De sloth , ty until yon see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Oriels taIs—I)EMMLER Sadtbdeld St.'. GEO. HUBLISIr i Allegheny CHI., GRAFF,IIITOUS &CO., maiti - rAcroitzni OF atsair *slurry OF ErrCONTEIIS, t goolowa RA *O4 "THE FIERY FURNACE," FOE WARmNO Btruxtxas , TFilte MEWL ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, OR. COLUM.RIA COOK STOVE. ;I " NV. tanclonatt Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE - 0 41ST IRON MANTLES. WELLMA23I3 REF i.ECTOIL. GRATES, free Rom anal& Mat; G SATZ FRONTS , FEN DERS, &c. .• 206 and 20S Liberty Street,i -_ tp2S:yl7 PITTSBITEGFI. ktA. fIOOK. STOVES. %a', : , ..:- If'. , " :".!-•:-. ~. ".;:: '. SEE lEMOMEMUI BISSELL-* CO.' . . - i,t'.!! , ' :'''.!IIRITIMPIT,', FOR .BIWUNINO CIS COAL ' . • r Warranted to Cook, Bake or, Boast u Nell many othor Btore In the Unlot. . . r ‘ BISSELL & CO No2lls%lbbity Street. i . HZ/VEING f;ruirlo,.. " 419&firlAIIINIENOW. tiati prkrgiltritem PAPERuf6- ;•-"Al uf f, l4 2. anDmt g er A. um ..FIAMTINP AVAPPANITi 'APER S oLrbrroNSTILITBENTEgA.__OBICW 41319851XN. . B trx4r4. PA. • '' orrzoll AND weo.Nriouaz o _ iiithilzirg u" OPPICIBB_-VOUBT HART.TE,PPd_ JNO. B. L'IWKIOA T Irou ingurript lM A u tlitWATdohiMlWZ. B. Eillar i fit% 7l°44 /3. tle gtml. BiB:088 P.., r T,spet 13, „ • WINE& LIQUO4 B, gro. r i ptilEPJEli f NEWT* & • 1 84 6 187.1 89 9 191 * 193 p - - JUST' 8•111 LET; ITTISEItBette ;OPP* Willed' /NW Bkellrhbkel, Also, deafen 7011.1111G71- WARID3. ana 14% smote, acre. eic. • JANUARY 29, 11869. M!=MEMM FOB! !PITT:DIVERT= COMPANY. No. 169 Wood Stieet. CAPITAL, : : : : i $2OOOOO. • STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE,' • DRAIMIS` GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIER DEPOSITS. ~Collectloas made an- a/l_acaessible points In 4DAI Czdtld States and Cartidas. DIBECTORB: D. Hostetter, Jno. C Risher, James Oordod, Bobt. H. King, ~ D. Walee, Andrew Miler, Z. Fawcett, James M. Bailey. ' ssnriii.. im lIBRAN, Pres't. D. LEFT W lISON. Cashier. NATIONAL 'BANK OF COMMERCE, • • Cor.lof Wood Sixth Ste. A. PATTERSON.. JOS. OA-I"ITA.L, r r s $500,000. Drezarciiis:• • teeorge Palmer, W. Cue Wm. Bead. le H. A. Pattereon4 Wm. Di Brown, Chas. Lodkhart, • Dan. B. Ds!Moon, W. 8. 1111,1312. T, AT U A. N. DISCOITNTS DAIL avtgo# A W , CAUGHEY'Is; CO., BAI,IERS AND BROKERS, conger Third-and ;Wood Strada, prx-rsTricrritari, giuqcsgsogs TO HANNA, HART a C 0.,) I= Ex , e,h4lngP9,"' l, oPQA €l ), And, particular attention paid to the purehaae , 1 ' I and sale of ~ • . CIDVERNMENT BOND'S. • . i Sight Drafts on Zoindon. roi;ss I .. HOLMES & SONS, RI - -MaOa: s:cileet, 13 r/IMMS33ICrRGI.II, Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada,. agd other Securities BOLIGNT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and tale of d States Securities. Unite FIITT!BURGH BANK FOR SAY NGS, • Formerly t i l lie DIME SAVINGS I STITIITION. NO I , 67 Fourth S oat, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE BANK 0? PITTSBURGH. '. ' ''' y bllAßliElit DIN 18 2. OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVESIN9t3.` from May I Ist to November latl from 7 to 9 o'clock. an t : , from November lot to May 15t...1t0. 8 o'clock. ,..., • Books of y-Laws, &c., furnished at 4lfflibill. This Institution especially offer to thoao - Nhose egsraino are Ihnittff, the ostuar to accamvt 'Mei tiy 6;011 deposits. east}}We h sum which wilt ioo oi resource when pKI, a Et bearing to' terest lust ad of remaininprodpetive. BOARD OF MANAGERS: PRESIDENT. GEORGE A. BERRY. I VICE PRESIDENTS, S.'ll. HARTMAN, i JAMES PARK, JR. StCRETART AND TREASURER. I D. E. McKINLEY. A. BRADLEY, WM. K. NIMICK, A. S. BE L, • F. BAHR . , JOHN 4 . i ILNkyrii 4 l JOSHUA RHODES. 01 oa, • : , 7.• 41MIT' 4 L.' G Ord,' , t , fivic....Lerz, ell,„ Y : "1..!.. wrt;t9RE .. jr0..: 1 BGLI'CITORS—II. W. - .Sc A. 8. 152.1. L. intll:y2.3r OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. , .....1- , ...., . RERT Nl'./ C: ITWEDDLE'; ,- 1 •t ,_ MXNUFACTIDIEIi.. 0/t, i Labrica ing 4 High Test Btalitra . Oils: RIM .: ; , . j,) .. . .; :., ) : - ,•:,. : ..) Eclipse 1ta11r0a5i1...4.x1e.101.1.. - ; .17,i , '. ,•'. Stands great belt NriihonVchttnie; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special oil for tropical ;climates or hot weather. Locomoilve, Engine, Eleiehine Shop, Will cu q Bcrews. .! .. Nam Eturfseed Plonliig2lllllolla . , Adnpted for high speed. _ _ Spindle I 011, Wool 1fead.1.11ght911,...,- 011, Tanners , Stuff. Sensed , ' ' • _ls . a . g_dc f 141ahluf011., tiltiolll e, Tilnatiiimati 011k_... , , t ',... ,rgsist.ra H e. , ARMOR 'VARNISH,' to ' preserve Bright Iron Wcrk and Machinery from nun. 1 Talse , ptioductirtrre malignance :ender Dr. vweddievaliatent tiV.Stiperneated 6 ni 1a.17.ac• coo. The !Lubricating oils are al oat; °doesn' t , perfectly pure. uniform, and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. Ping reMilth Ulgrlid4lollllMXtreMe cold. TheF.ailtmot Olio are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads Samples can be examined and orders le ft at Tit WOOD 4 REET, ! (. 7 iyOF,aa tai..nnerpotourplittidge.cy .i, ;i ALMS* Comn,xls l Eton Merchants and Brokers in etrolgnm 041 i 13 , 3ro i ttets; pelizA . l,l.l,RlLpitichompfolE; WAY, rthWhilant pariAiLszym• Anima!, ,00 & 7 . v I, • . .P7 7414,1140441:' TAC BIIO4IIEIIB, • .. ~•, •••••—.4t.1 / 4 .. ka I . 2 4 lagralAS"'"' lrUoir AND.RiAiwuza Ur, T-e trpApFik. hand • tigui, orgh Offloo—D .LUB ittilAtte;, corner of puotouino Way and Irwin strains; Philadely)oollce-IWI WALNUT lir. apl:wl . 03 I LONG & CO., H.' irBNINct OIL, UCIPERIP t! 41 r Thit i lk a l fii W t r lftit ' 1 111 - • • -. ir c(B view - i MEM ~,GAVX44I 44 3 , IIMTNOL,, PACIFIC RAILWAY EONDS, The cheapest Investment now In the market for sale by ' • - PH. .15L - Extrrz, Corner FIFTH AirtFE. & WOOD BTBZETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Bold and COUDOWI and EliroplAn .. .Exchange at market rattlt. • te;ti 1 . —. AMES ' • RAM 416 - o . c,. (Sneassors to S. JONES , & C 0..) Corner ,Fourth nand Wood Sts., JekiaNT 33G. M gip BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP • GOVERN - TENT . GOLD, SILVER' AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Ur InteastAiloir t eiiiibeposits• • Air Money loaned on Government Bonde at lowest market rates. Orders- - executed for the Purchase and Bale of _STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. dAM S l . 1.131 1 (44),Y & CO. Cfy litt,sln*Cta* 'FINANCE AND TRADE, Oiwon. .Thn og Przcs .o.A.e Gessurrs, Fipbupi t eri 1889. Guid "tb:cl4; aite r inately'weak, and, strong, closing very, firm at 5 P. A. ,is, however, 'fel. lOWer rated as' 'as enough -1 & can be shipped which is now coining up fro .80 . iffpoitte.i ' ' .° • dull t ilid bilker, and prob ably will decline a 'fraction more *be fore any umvard movement of impor tance may pet , . Stocks are 'feverish and tending np ward. ' • • EZZI Cloatug quotationi •as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold 136 8 /* Eighty-one's, 1123(; Five Tvienties, 1862, 113%; dO, 1864, 109%; d 0,1865, 110%; do, 1865, new.. 108%; do, 1857, 108 X; do, 1868, 109; Ten ,Fortiea, 108%; Railroads Cleve land & Pittabtirgi. 95%; Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne .t Chicago. 123 X; Chicago , .t Rock Island, 133'; Chicago* & North Western, 83%; do Preferred, 9035; "Erie 138%; New York Central, 163 X; Michl= gan Southern, 95; Reading, 97%; Ohio -ele Mississippi Certificates,- .38%; West, ern 'Union Telegraph Company, 37%; Merchants Union Express Company; 1635; Pacific Mail, 121%; Adams, 6035; Wining ihares=Gregory, 2,40; Quartz Hill, 69; Smith & Parmele, 2,45; - Coryi d?P, 7. —Closing quotatiOne received by James T. Brady t Co.: Gold, 13634; United States Sixes,' 1881/s, 112%; 6-20's, 1862, 113%; 5-20's, 1884, .10934; 5-20's, 1E65, 1 110.4144: Fiv44 ,Twepties, new, 4865, 1084;' Fite Tweaties, new; - • '1867, "I08%;' Five Twenties, 1868, 109; Ten Forties, 'lOBW' Seven Thirties, par less tirLDue C6m ponnds,,4ll9t Union Paeltitt . :Railroad, l par; Cetttrat'lo3; Cy., Pacitlos;lol%. PITTSBUItGIi ,MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY,. January 28, 1869. The general mar.ktis:con p rile dull and , devoid or.atiyi'litrik triEttis r eilly new or; important. There is no improvement 000:41ncli and no material change to make in \ quotations. APPLES—Quiet; sales at ?3,50 to $5,50 4 • po bbl, for inferior to choice. APPLE BUTTER-75 zo 85c. BUTTER—Prime to choice Roll' lain; fair demand, with sales ftt 38 to 40 cts. IBM i3EANS—IM,2 S t 013,60 per bushel. 131MICWHgATZL017/V—Dull. at 40. CRANBERRIES—S2O to $23. COR'NMNA.L—;I to ;1,10 per bushel. CMPSL—SaIes, of Online 'Western Re lietv'e :and ilatlibtirg at fie 'to 18e, and Goshen at 19 to 21c. ; atiCi BON OIL--Contitmes arm and ad :t - I d and we now quote lh a jobbing way 3134 to 32, for standard white. DR ED FRUlT—Peaches may be quoted at 13 to ; 14c for cleaners, and 17% to I& for halvei. Apples, 10 to 11c. DRESSED HOGS—DuII at 12% to 133,. 'EGGIS:-Sal6s freshpacked at 28; limed don't seem to be watti k edat : ttex price. HAY—Continues'dull but unchanged; we continue to quote on wharf at $2O to $25, for common tostnqtly pripie Tim°. tyky Hay. , , DEOliftWird-16,25 to $6,50 per barrel. HEMP--Sales at 6210 per ton. , POTATOES --- Small sales in stoniVat 'BO • t,b 85e.. .1,... ,',,..';-., :i . ' I • .0" 1 • PROVISIONS—Bacon is irmvc;Wlth fobbing sales at 15 td15;40 for Shoulders; Ciear,Sides at 18c,and,litama at 19 to 19x. cooritry Lard , d . 1814 c t `10; and 20%c for -primatkettla rendered in tierces, and-220 • in Mika kid - pails. Mess Pork, sBl=,tp , • LARD OIL-:7lrm. id 111140.10 r NO".!, - aild" 51,70 - for N0.'.1, , *. - - ' GRAIN—The•-elaittP4olititit ;iii-'4Bill and neglected, with the sitepkipqN Paeoitittodkervirfeellur "lilt" the west.' , Tatt imH ittallitl ) 14 4 f i r ti n. 8 1. 14 Oats $lll qttoted,at 63 to 640 on trq it in elevafor, and - 68 to 68 in star e. rn it dUllz lbangbit be :Supply la igomewhat diminished and the arrivals light; •prime PrellovrallOibe trquotedrab , .7B to 800 -oti'• track. Bye is firmer, and vilillifthero • `diiiiiiotilikicimio-bei muchlnquiry ' wef ' , doubt:whether round • •lot.w.eould be pur chased below $1,50. Bar l ey , la,quiet and' unchanged. - - -- .. . .„' '''' • ' . • SEEDS—Saler&btelifverseet 19;50 te tio,rAnri/144. P i bpl4% .a#k 12. ''Tinii' hy`Seepla unonanged, Ulf to /3,50. k, 1 . , i zseici /chi 34 2 47,40madd at saisplo' .. SALT-Steady Oat pooltarigad ' at etty' the car load.l. • T , , , ..., , • , ii'l I - -- BORGHUM - -60 to 65 Cte. '• FEATHERS—Live Atise r id3 . Peatheo- Anqted at 76t,p,81? •tp• thel,, l t de, and die' usual advance IriAretattc7saY• ' ;1 , -; FLOUR,,, ic.,44i ? Wet arid Vri ,rittopge!it, 2 irii) . no to quote at:57,00 C,5'090,, L ur pring, and , Winter eat, '18,50 to 19,25. - Bye: .Flour, M 4) frx7 . -:,US - .1"041 41111 quote -,t N 41 4P:PrY0Whest, as follows: Extra ,F,'smil y dal; ..,„Ylourjn barrels, at s9,lo;ltnd;ln 'Na T 9,760 - per barrel; Double Matra - Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and," in iticki, l s9,7o per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels. 1480, and, in sacks, $7,50 per tairel. The ,:City Mills I quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, $9,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 59,80, and. in sacks, 89,50 per barrel, and Spring, 143,00, in barrels, and $7.70. in sacks, per barrel. - • WHISIU—SaIes EfigOwines, in a job. bing. war. at $1 to $1,05. PEANUTS—SaIes B%cs per lb. ONION'S-15 to $6 per bbl. , - TALLOW—Rendered, 11 to 1134 c. PETROLEUM DfiLIFICET. fOrinon aviPartmtrittllt L ,friz ' THUBSDATalittlyirr* 1869. The oil market is so extremely sensi tive that the least abing creates con siderable commotion; a #nior that or* dinarily would attract but 'little, if any, attention, now sets the whole trade ajar, and causes no little annoyance and con :Alston: "The factls; tfiele iaiso little do. lug that operators general& hay.° little else to do than discuiii the (bture pros- pests of the trade, ands r u mor ; of almost any kind, connected with the business, wen goes the rounds. For instance, there were those this afteinoon whe ~thong4t,there was a screw loose some where, but what itwas or where it ex isted, they were — unable "to explain. Generally, the market was reported evertistronger,tlasikit has been at any tinitErvat,"thottglr, as has been the case all week, there was but comparatively little done; this Is attributed to the fact that sellers Pare hard to find: - Some of our refiners seem inclined to hold off in anticipation of a still further advance; while others allege that at the present price of the:rawt and , manufactured ar-1 able, there IS no margin for the menu facturerrand this latter class, according, to present indications, will - not be in the' niart " ket until there is a change in this Arespee - ' ; , !. • - entrPE., The• • erne market ; continues Erni butt unsettled and irregular, -with ac continued light volume of business in the aggre.! gate;_ in•• prices, there is no materials change. We can report a put of 10,000 , bbls all the year, at 15 and s2,ooo—this, we believe, is the biggest single "put" reported this season. Next.six months, sellers option, quoted at 17 to 173, and all tile year, buyers option, at 20. For! ,spot oil, there seems to be little or no in-' quiqond it is just as, true,: that the: 'offerarge ' ' , • mErn.rED The Refined Market is firm`,but quiet, and prices are fully sustained - We caw report two lines of 600 each friim March to June at 37; 1,000 bbls last half Febru ary at 36q; 600 each April to December' at 38; and 600 each February to June at 363 x. January was quoted noininally at 35m, and a little offish compared with yesterday, while future, months, as will have been noted, are firm and fully sus tained. ' -Since the above was put In type, we" have the following additional' sales re: portedv Refined-500 each ' March and April . at 37c; 500,!buyer, ne*t six months, at 30c, and 500, buyer, all -year. at 41c. Crude-I,ooo_ bbls. till April Ist, seller, (40 t 0 ,45) at Zji~e LUBRICATING G/LS. Eclipse Winter Lubricatig oil, Eclipse Railroad Axle . . ... Eclipse Machinery, Eclipse Spindle . Eclipse Tanner's Stuffing' Eclipse Tanner's Finishing oil. OIL SHIPPED RA DT BY A. V. R. R H. Koehler & Co., 94 bbls, refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. McKelvy Bros. & Co., 203 do to W. P. Logan tit Bro., Philadelphia. Citizens Co., :500 'do_ Ale to Tack Bro., Philadelphia. McKee Hackett & Co., NO bbls aNvu Tea_ to - Warden, Frew di Co., Philadelphia. -W. B. LLupton; 100 .do tar to, J. K. Treaux' it Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Reflneo. 1 . 1097 " Tar . .... . ' 7 100 OIL SHIPPED EAST, FRAN OUQUESNE • DEPOT.. - Chas. Eeky, 50.bbla tar to Jai. Truxal. Philadelphia. Clan/A . 00; 28:—EisternExchange quiet and firrp( atl4o , per cent • off buying and 140 per cent. premium selling. Flom quiet at $5a0,25 for spring extras. Wheal dull; , sales No. 1 pt $1,10a1,21; No. 2 opened at $1,15X, and, closed' quiet al 8/44%,, Corp;activopeninglirmer and with 'sates' of new at 57a57xc; ,but subsequently became weaker and receded tii.56;0563;c; no grades a( shade , firmertat 52a55c; sales. of new at 1 .57a58ci sellers for February, and at 58a5814c ; sellers for March; sales since change at 56Mc for new. Oats firm and active, anC .e,a3iia higher; sales of No. •2 at 4814 e. 49c, and rejected at 46a4634,c, closing at 49c for No. 2. ".Rye quiet and _steady at; $l,lB. Barley, sales No. 2 at $1,76a1,80; ,rejected" at $1,43a1,50 clo4ing at sl,7f - : for N0..2. Highwines dull at 92c. Pro: visions dull. Mess Pork .50a75c lower 4, sales at $30,50 cash, and at . $3l buyer fon February; ,closing at $30a30,25. Lard av, 1 4 a 1 434; closing at 193.;a20. Sweep Pickled Hams at 16y,, Cumberland 16e,i, dry salted shoulders 130, green 13y,c; Tallow 123(,c. Dressed Hogs quiet ant -- !- unsettled; closing at $13813,50 dividini,=. on 200,poundsi Therecelpts air the pae twenty-four hours amounted:. to 10,14! barrels of _flour, 26,326 bushels of wheat:: .102,135 tiushels of cora, 12,135 bushels o oats, 2,409 bushels of rye, 6,790 bushel,i , : of barley, 9,044 head of hogs. The meats for the smite time. were 10,774 bar 3; rels of flour, 13,527 bushels of wheatel .19,55$ bulls otcorn, 19,965 bushels c oats, 3,156 bushels of rye, 4760 bushels c: , barley, 4 , 8 3 0 bead Pflogg• Ckle.4.o4a;JBnVilit&—Cattle Market-; s Beef gattle t cluil and heldfirtzt at $4,50?-1 6,15 lot\ kinerat *ink arid -1 46,82%a5,7: for light shipping steers. Hogs firm lesartelfve atslo/25illfoishipping, al2 for for good to extra packing. esti itt-vt 1 ‘`e•clig.FlPMAT44B , l44l+l7l46l. our fin( .i and' quiet; rauilly_beick at ,75a118,0(--.: Wheat dulli'l'iti:2 - 11eld atltil- and Nc;'-(; lat 11,70. Corn- la unsettlbd; ear no:.:. sable at better tfraullic.dOxts held a.., , :: 83a640 for No. 2 to choice Mite. iiii' Jinn 4tillBiYfol'ihrd. 1. Cotton firm aw, :',' _quiet; middling at 28c. Whiskey dul`,.7-1 'gala at 51,98: 1 •Peatritdon fired and quie-: ,3 IdessliorkheltilitF a iOtt; and'Ebld at th',... ittb`lbr buyers for ebtuary, Out on tli: ,, ;, Spot the tletriiiid'W ' light and it coul - :. iibt halre•been *Old' to any extent tha? '‘, 530,50: Beak Meats 'ar'isge, 16 , 443 ant 'ITC foX'''shOblders, ' aides, andicloar ril , ; but`eoncessiOnii'Cif W,O would have had 1.::-' 1 -t 'bell:nide at 'the Close hi cordet to effe,.. alai. '. Biliori:ln moderate cider dottuu( l '_ . RUT 048(4' bat it 'iticatlY• held at kl :. higher. ' Lard quiet at .200' and offer( "'-' morefreelV 'flugaicuro4 - hanis 190 wit- - ' - ',:: a fair' Anmaud. 'Butter ' very dull aij! , '7`: milAA,O'uji, obajwageable; the whole rani "_---; 'ls MX35t llit'llttlt Cheese firm at 193:_: 220 1‘J Rom declined to 12a200 and du‘:;' Lard Ed if;64a1,69. Linseed 51,07. P.,2:: - troll/um 3501 ler Tetlaed,...Grocer firm and i fi d , iCakaid. ISauar 1C. , 1' '1414e: Cake' tat& Itiois `scarce al._-:-. butchers pay $10511,50 gross. ' Gold 1Z 'r'': : .. Exchange Itrutat`parintYlug• • , - f • -' ~ . , . . 35c 75c 80c 400 65c •efmed -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers