II THE REST . STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO., KanutaCiiirers of the greatest variety of Cook, rarlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE ESTATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Ort. ental Stovesand kurnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Parlor.Oflice. ntore or Church. Tire needs no rekindling—burns all winter. Do net buy until you see or send forplrcular. ' No. 30 WOOD STREET Oar Agents for Orientals—DEW/KLEE BROS ~ Smithfield • GEO. HICIBLEY. Alle heny City. GRAFF, KUGUS & CO., afAxtriurpriplas.elp ATERM vanurz oSr EEPT I CrIiTEN3 I ,. .14r.6 TON CO 01r.DTG BdFGiE, i " ME FIERY FURNACE," loa Wmuziara Thruzarres. 1 NEW: - ANTI D - REGULATOR,, ,`,....U5T COOKING STOVE, nANT ,e) • • •-..n.11M81 a r• __ nein hat! Pattern) po —WK.' BT°" ' . . —CAST _ _ IRON :.; MANTLES.. WEL RTABLE ItaNGE, , I I; Jr , yRI p it 114 ~1 118 AT r Ei ND lkte_ from ) , dirt iallaf and. d -RE- tusto; ..A. 'SUS, &C, , • • 206 and 208 Liberty l Street, IlleZs:yr: , PIT . , lIRG °O .STOVES. \K STO ' ' i - .t ~ CET THE BEST I matssEiror. Elk CO: TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMEN OUS Warranted to Cook ) Bake or Boast as Well many other Stove in the_ Union. BISSELL it CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVE'S, . . • ,-- SKATING STOVES I; - GRATE FROATIANPREDIRML .. - COMORO GRA de. STEEL WORKS. D UQUESNE -IRON AND STEEL WRIKS, COLEMAN, Bauniz & mArantertrasas or Nails and Steel. Carriage and Wagon Springs and Axles. andquesne,' XL and Juniata ant Bar, Round quare Iron; Band, Hoop, sheetand Plate Iron,• Oval, Half Oval and Half Round Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Box trout. Dm pp and Dropper Bars; I` and Flat Bail for t..0al Bolds; Cut Nails. and fimikeS: Plow, Spring and a. B Steel* Laminated Steel; Cut ter Bars, Crow Bars; .to.. .tc. • Office. and Warehouse -77 WAITE. STREET; Pittsburgh. ' BEMIE/lELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, EMUS ck. 00., . 'PIZ TSUIIBGH . PA..' lfanighetniere of every deeerlotl of CAST AND CERNIAN STEEL, t HALLWAY SPRIN63 '- imurTic ksD I'LATFOR3I SPRINGS, f; • AXLE:B, STEEL TIRE. .to Warebouse, 88 Water and 100 First St lufle.catu, 'I Au: BARR &PARBIN. 022111 AL PABTNRBII: WM. AI F:XCALF,I REUBEN MILLER, 13X4. , . W. BARB, CHAS. PARKIN. SPILCIAL P 111214311-13. M. MEE. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, PAIUWI. Office; 1143 339 Liberty St, . PITTSBURGH, PA. tell:d4B LACK DIAMOND . STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of all destflPllOno of SierWol7l7 Office and Warehouse. no. 122. - 124 SECOND andl.l9,and jAI FIRST STREETS,- pITTSBIIIII4II STEEL WORKS. CESTAIIIIIIITEW in 1845.3 ANDERSON & WOODS, I:(COESSOMS TO ANDERSON, Oool{ & CO") Manufacturers of every description of STEEL BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. •-• mil, Malay, ClrAnlar Gang and Cross Cut SAW 12.1.4A.'1'M5. . Spring, Castand German Plow and Blister Steel. Shovel. Hoe, Fork, Rake and Toe Calk Steel. • Railroad Spring Steel and Frog Poluts,Cast Steel linger Bare, Sickle Steel, opting Stee :Tyre, Piow Wings, etc.; Oil Drill Steel. tubes and Works—tiorner . l.lllßT AND ROSSIIVB.. Pittsburgh, Pa. - 728:d9 IRON WORKS'. JAB. Y xsxra , Pre -/V-8 pITTSBURGH FOR .E . ~ A ND IRON CO., NITTACTUP.REti OF Bar • - Bar Iron; FMlroad Fish Bars and Bolts Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Loeoniotive Frames; LoComotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: ' Yokes, Straps; - Piston Heachr, Steamboat Shahs; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Bode Wrists; Flints& Janis, Collars, A.. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PPITEIBURGE P ETER4", PRESTON & COy Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, NO& 166 and 161 PH/ST STREET. opposSe Monongareln Hoagie, - ap2l:d6, • - PITTSBURGH. PEE LAME SUPERIOR OOPPBB NILI. AND BIO3LITSO WOBIS .PrE're.l3l3Thstu.. PARE, McCURDY & CO., Nsallfserturers of Sheathing, Brasiers' and "Roll ,Copper Presied Copper Bottom, Raised Still Mot. teora spatter Solder. Also, Import-es and. Dealers In Metal; Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wlrelv.xtic. Co*. study on band_Tinners , Machines sad Is: Mar_e_house, Do. 140 FIRST STREAsT and 120 - alspIND STREIIT t Pittsburgh.. , 1300tIal Orden of Coppy. ant tO an, deldredir PITTSBURGH SAMUEL AL WICKERSHAM, IRON BRO7Z, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pk. „ falfg ,f gat h elir l fZiggita u th i attp,fheam o , Mdfg; and other brand, of Arnhem: cite, oughlogheny . Coke and C. B. Charcoal P 7 413 ). IRONS T naetroilir aellnits6d. W. P. POSITZD., PITTSBURGH- PAPE*. MANU. FACTORING COMPANY , Ma facto of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, CLINTON MILL—STRUBENTILLIf. onto, BRIGHTON MILL-NSW BRIGHTON, PA. OFFICE AND WAIIIROGSR, N 0.82 Third Street; Pitta Pa. • OTNIOARA—AUGUST HARTJP, Proaldent. .4NO. B. LIVINGATONy Tres/mon " SAMUEL RIDDLE. Begfetaff• DEBBCTOAB—Augrat Hartjei ' John i Atme11;11. B Elartautn, John B. L' fington. Cash paid for PaDer Stock. • ' Janos FLOUR. '.)!Si.lit liitL.losl.t4fll4;ollß- PEARL MILL Three Star Organ 1 4:41/d. *Slug to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. or Thu Floor will ordy soil out oiled eneeLtE7 ear rill PEARL BILL TILER BRAND, "ARAI so beet SL polue. PEARL RILL RED RILAND,I - Equal to beet Oido ram rrarrit CORN PLOIIR AND' wag REAL. - LT, LEMMEDIA BiLO, AReskeny. Sept. 9, /899, r‘ , Ewa frUAL.. KNAP FORT -PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFFICE IAND WORKS,. TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, rirEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail ' Machines, Retorts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL , AND PIET ;WORKS. • C.? Cairvil aid itreetist (NUS TH WARD, ) WILLIAM SMITH, Dianuretioturer or OAST IRON BOWL PIPE, YOB OAS AND TrATBB WORKS. My Pipes are a east Invariably In Pits, in dry sand, and 12 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Ceilings far Gas and Water Worts. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to ay make of R3TORTS. ATLAS WORK • MORTON STRE :i 14 iii *l_ THOINAti N. MIL These Works are 'mom complete establlshmeats 1. prepared to Walsh Engines, of every Boilers, Oil Tank Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Ca.tin Bolling nisi Castings, Engine Castings. Xsiehtm e• Castings. General Castings. no9:ne9 ORDERB SOLICTZIFD L. 0. LIVINGBTON.W. H. BIIET.W. A. .11010380 N, JA. LnIiNGSTON Bi, alt., IRON POUNDERS, IId.eIiMPACTUBP.RB OP PLATE LIGHT CABTEPTGE4 All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitters: l A& rral a isep ements, Cottenl i and Woolen NW All ZbiOrk promptly attended to. • Odle° and Works—WASETNGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. 1 ROBINSON, REA ar CO., , Successors to ROuntsos, Muria & ifixamag, WASH.INGTOIsT WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Stearn En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings.of all descrAptions: OU Tanks and Stills Boiler and - Sheet Iron Work. OIIIC.e, No. 12, corner, Elm and SmithlieldStreets. Uents for GIFFAMPEq:ATENT INJECTOR M Boiler,._ r fmng Boile MONT BLANC FOUBIIRY. Butler Street, Nirtn N Ward, (Opposite. Union Iro PITTSBURGH. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings; THIMBLE SKEINS AND. PIPE BOXES, XACHINARY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. _ • Orders promptly and eareinGy Izeented. Charges reasonable. - EBBERT & 1/LiCKLEVD. oc15:128 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., • • - Fourt h Ward Foundry and Machine Works, ass - Imlay ay., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steen Engines, Oil Presses, Pni. le s, Shafting Grist and San Ma il Work Rolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Ban ,Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. • Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. • mv11:115 CENTRAL FOUNDRT AND ROLL WORKS I 880 Pen a Street. BOLLHAN,- BOYD & BAGTALEY. Chill Rolls, Mill Coatings, Roll Lithos, ac. IRON BROKERS. C!rtnalsrn Ul:i PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY, 'DECEIiBER IQ, NEB MMItY Et., PA.. , . Mr Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mi7:1211 WIL BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, ma, X 4 AND AS PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and_ furnished it with the meat approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture. every description of BOILERS in the best manneri_and warranted equal to any made in the country: Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes; Locomotive . Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, , Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole =mu fhesurers of Baniluirs the Boilers. • Repairing done on the shortest notice. laSall _ _ ET, Ninth Ward, ii It - e) : ER, President: JAMES M. BITEE, .Noe. - 55 and 56 -Water Street, PMBBIDBOH, xAsurAcruzaa IRON. OIL '' , I7.A.NKS, BETTLIN . G PANS, COPPER STIETAII ra.Z. ROLLING RILL STAGIER, And BERET IRON WORE. _ •: For Steamboats, /AMID IL Bi the largest and most the West, and are now description _ =TM/ • sromintp D. aItIISH. JARED M. DRUM & SON, NANurAcrtraus Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SREET IRON WORN. &O Penn Street, Pittepurym, Pa. Mme WAREIG AID KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLULDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH. PA. PMILADELPIILA. ADDRESS, 'MACH BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND.D&ALYBBIN Petroleum and its Products. pitt.b.re, UffIee—DALZELL' DUMDUM. OUN nerdf Duquesne Way and Irwin streete. Philadelphia Odlee-0117 WALhTIIT ST. apirwgd • M. LONG & ILLWUPACTOBERS OP PUCE BURNING OIL, Brat -- N “LucrFER.” Mee, No. 2 Daqi*e Way/Tittaborgh. NEW . HARDWARE H I USE. INDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, Manufacturers and Importers o UA.R,IDWA.I E, CUTLERY, &C. 137 LIBERTY STREET, COSNER 011' WAYRIC. One Square Below . Union Depot. PITTSBURGH. Arent!! for FAIRBANKS, WALTZ. - NOVELTY WORKS. ITTSBWRGII NOVELTY WORKS. A.DAMS, M'KEE & CO. Keystone Standard, Patent Platform and Counter SCALES. Janus Faced Patent Door LockS and Latches, PAINT AND U rime MILLS, U.A.LLZABLIC IBON, Aa Corner of Grant and First Streets, = AS AND STEAM IiTTTING. itunmoorza ~ JUL KAT HENRY JOHN XL COOPER & BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Wannfaatirers of PUMPS AND DRAW WO.M„O za s fir i f i llir c ip a rtat u ln GAS 71:1Vxm Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBTJRGE/ g milowa < ENGINES, BOILERS, & _ 40%r _lo c. • nirffil No BOLE & CO ., Con Poirituey and Daque.sne ' tinAtt lea POCirr,) Engine Builders, FounderS& Machinists; Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY 11.NGINICS, of all sites. Special attention Invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINZ AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horse power. CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order at our Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, ruLLEysH, ANGEtts, ROUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRA TN, on hand And nude to order, at the . INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Treattair ea the Allegheny River, near the Pettit, PITTSBURGH. PA. -li/r All orders promr'" Illled. THY 1:IB. FORT PITT BOILER STILL AND TASK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, MANOTACTIIILICRiI Or TUBULAR, notrmas.pLußra TinyLAIL, ME BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILZBS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ,ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM rums, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGE'S; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SKUTES Office and Warehouse coiner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. OILS. IiVARING; KING & CO.. 127 Walling PitreeL _HARDWARE. mAsmeACitimit Os prrrssUßGE. FORT PITT 'BANKING COMPANY N0.'169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, . . . . $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALERS IN GOVERMENT SEMJMN3, AND COLD. MEM ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSIT Collections mad* on all aecautible "stints In the United States and 04311411111. D. Hostetter DDLECTORB: James Horan, Boot. H D. Wallace, - Andrew Miler' Z. !sweets, James Mr Bank. BAWL. EfeCLI7IIIIAN, Pres't D. LEET WILSON. Cashier. NATIONAL 'BANK OF COIIIIEIIOI, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. • A. ...... ...President. JOS. U. MILL CAPITAL, : 8500,0049. , DIBICOTOBB: - -- A. Patterson. eoriceW. Cass, Wm. B. Brown, 'James cCandless, Chas. Lockhart, • Wink Donets, Allen dines:rick, Wm. Been. - W. 8. Haven, _ DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. N. 509:02i HART, CAIIGHET & CO.; A-L BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streeta, prrTiostrzton. ISOOOEI3BOIIB TO HANNA,. HART & 00..) DnALlnfl tit Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to he Dwain and sale oi GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London.' znyl:sB2 AAHOLMES & EONS, • 57-Market Street, rrrorrsnuncai, PA. Collections made on all the princlpal potato of the United States and Canada'. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities 40IIGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. • Particular attention paid to the pm:chase and sale of :United States SeouritieS. poomi WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid onTime Deposlts ANY Hum RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK. WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts Daily at LII o'clock. Prefenent—THOMPSON BRGL, Vlce'Prealdent-4. EL MARSHALL. : • DIBACTORB: TaO3IPSON BELL, I A. M. MARSHALL. 't JOB: DILWORTH. JOS. STARER. • • 3: J. quaavials„, Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Win. Caldwell, DLIIts W. C. Bidwell Y. Y. Fulton, MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK, No.-14 Smithfield Street. PITTSBURGH, PA. INTEREST PAID ON. DEPOSITS. ANY SUR RECEIVED PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. De posits received subject to check, without llitureet. JAMES BLACKMORE, President. GEO. D TINDL ,E Secretary and Trestaurer JA.117.8 H. HOPKINS, Solicitor. TRUSTEES Jame. Blaelamore, Alex. Tlndle, Witham Deane, A. G. Cubbage, John 'MEDICAL . MANHOOD: HOW LOST I HOW RESTORED! Jessl published instated entivi• s, six cents. NA LECTURE ON THE °llliTiPlErL- TREATMENT:Nand Iladlead Cure-el tlperroatorrhma, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary . iesions, Sexual Debility and Impedimenta to Mar. Maga generally, • Nervousness, Contumption, Erg. lepsy and Pita; Mental and Physical Incapacity; re. uniting from Self Abuse, Robt. Culver. well. M. D. author of the "Green Book, ."&e. •t . 4 BOON TO THOUSANDS OP SUFFERERS,",aerd tinder seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post. paid on receipt of cix cents, or two postage stamps." , NEW. J. C. KLINE & Co., BOWT.RX, YORK. POSTOPPICE BOX 458 6. Also Dr. OiLiverwell , s "Marriage Guide," trace *Scents. mys:DiwT fiA HOOD.”—Another New MEDICAL PAMPHLET, ( rom the Pen of Do. untie: The Kedica 1 Times say aof thls work: "This valuable treat!, en the caus e and cure of premature decline, ah, - a how health Is Impaired through secret abuaes of youth end manhuod, and how easily regained. It gives a clear aqui/Pala of the impediments to marrhge, the cause and effects of nervous debility, and tile remedies therefor." A DoCket edition of the above will be Co war CUR receipt of 105 cents, by addressing_ DoctorTlS, No. 58 North. Charles 'Street, Baltimore. Md. A D TT IbE g YOUNG MEN ABOUT 4 Elosaye! _for Young Mon. Youthe Errors; Manh oo d,d Diseases incident to and Early with the humane view of treatment and cure, sent by Mall' in sealed letter envelopes tree of charge. Addre. , s, HOWARD AS 8001ATIoN. No: )• ise22:x96.daT BHBETINGgANIi BATTING .HOLSIES, HELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON,MILLS, Prr i rSElVltian. Nam tarersof It!LAYT MEDIUM and LIGHT `ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA SHEETINGS AND BATTING. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. EXCELSIOR WORE& E. , ar sv. J-EINIErkSoN. ,1 saalaetarers and Dealers 7.0)1:e0, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, iko., tF: . a OWDZISAL Or.* Ala*Leggllr was, FINANCIAL. Joseph Dilwference: orth, Rev. David Herr. Henry Lambert, - A. la. Brown, Thomas Ewing. llTne demand for Valley bonds has ceased, and the few orders have been filled to the benefit of former holders. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135%; Eighty-one's, 114 k; Five Twenties, 1862, 111; do, 1864, 107%; do, 1865, 107%; do, 1865, new, 110%; do, 1867, 11034; do, 1868, 110%; Ten Forties, 105%; Railroads --Cleveland dr. Pittsburg:l, 84%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago. 110%; Chicago Jr Rock Island, 106%; Chicago tit North Western, 76%; do Preferred, 79%; Michigan Southern, 86%; Reading, 98 ; Erie, 37%; New York Central, 125%; Ohio dt Mississippi Certificates, 29%; Western Union Telegraph C0.,363‘; Merchants Union Express Co., 15%; Pacific. Mail. 115; Adams, 48; :Mining shares—Gregory, 5,20; Quartz Hill, 98; Smith & Parmele, 4,15; Corydon, 5. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dr Co.: Gold, 135%; United States Sixes, 1881's, 114%; 6-20's, 1862, 1114 5-20's, 1864, 107%; 5-20's, /865, 107 XL 10-40's, 105%; 5-20's, January and' July, 4 65, 1103 g; 5-2044. January and July, 87110^,g,; '6B, 110%; June 7-30's, par less ; July 7-30'3, doh,; August 119; Sept. 119; Oct. 118 X; Unlon-Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. James H. Hopkins, James Bown, W. W. Brailsha* Robert Wray, AIM New York Dry GOod,s Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh bv,ette., NEW Yorts, December 9 .—There is but little animation In this branch of business, yet prices are well sustained for imported Spool Cotton, which Is reduced from 51,10 to 81. per dozen for best soft finish Thread. Richmond Prints have been introduced in. to the house of H. B. Clatlin & Co. for the first time in many years. Calicoes steady at 12a1230 for popular brands such as Oriental, Lancaster , end Sprague's. Heavy Sheetings steady at lbalsgc for best East ern makes. Baltimore Market. [Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] BALTIMORE, December 9.--Flour firm and the demand light; Western superfine is held at $6,52a7,25, extra $8,25a9,75, family 810,25x10,75. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn in fair LI, mend and receipts light; sales prime white at 90a95c. Oats firm at 70a75e. Rye nominal at $1,40a2,45. 'Mess Pork quiet at MA. Bacon scarce and the demand light; rib sides 17e, clear sides 17r,c, shoulders Mc, hams 180. Lard dull at 1.6a16y;e. Chicago Cattle Market. TelegraUb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CHICAGO, Dec. 9.—Cattle in good ship ping, demand and firm at 5 4 , 2 5a5,123i for medium and fair. ateers; $6,70a7,25 for good to choice shipping, and Ifancy lots sold at $7160. Hogs firm and active; common and medium grades 10a16c lower; $7,27ga7,50 for common to medhim; 1 7 .6008,30 for good to prime, and 58,3734a8.59 for extra choice smooth. ' ' mHE BANKING HOESE OF PIS. IL MUMEtriC ) Z, Corner of Wood and FlftbStreetS: .. - I. DRAWS BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON LONDON, BERLLN, • UN LON BABE," push N. DUHLIN LIVe.RPii LEIPZIG. OL. BREMEN. GL 4.00 w. BAM BURGH, B eLF AtiT„ . FRAEFoRT (WM., PARIS. • f WEIRZEURGEI, STRA.ISBOITEG DARMaTADT, MAINZ. CASSE r., RAISERS r.ANTERN, t. 0 LOEWE. ; LAND WAN, TRIER, HET T.BROM. BASEL, STUTTGART. BE RN. aTot.Nuor.m, sAis FRANCISCO. and about 200 more smaller places. Money Is also sent to any village from central pointifillrict to the resadenee of parties free of chargy, In from nfteen to seyeateea days. Collections made by power of attorney all over Ear, pe. Goods and parcels attenued to. . . J T. BAY & CO" tame:mon to B. mkt & GO-) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 33 A. DJ' 32E. 3MIL=L SEI Buy AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECIIIIMS Solar, SILVE R AND VODPDNS, ON HOST 7AVORANOI.TERNI 3 Lt, Vir Interest Allowed onDeposits. Nap Money loaned on GOverament Bonds at low eat market fates. Orders exeented for the Parehase and Sale - of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. Fr' PARTIES DESIRIIIG TO IN.. CIVIDY •ST In UNION AND CENTRAL PA BONDS can save one per cent. by purchia leg before . JAN II Ant" Ist. Bonds on hand for delivery. • JAMES T. BRADT .t CO., Agent' Central and Union Pacific Railroad ma ntra, corner Fourth and WoOd street!, d.8:b111 EDTRidizintrilD GaAs. FINANCE AND TRADE , ;OFFICE OF TKE PITTEIBURGIeGAZETTE, 7iirriNESDAY, December 9, 1868. _ ; The tendency of the money market is to. wards greater ease, and a fuller supply of currency at the business centres, although for commercial purposes the market is rather stringent for all regular borrowers. Gold remained stationary at 13534 to 135%, with an appearance of weakness at one time and . strength at another, but the whole market tends toward lower rates. The demand for legitimate business is very much limited, and the unsettled state of European politics are not investing to any extended Operation for either long or short accounts. In government bonds the market is very dull, and the reaction in gold has caused a decline 0f . % per cent, on Five Twenties of 1862, and 34 on the later issues. On the whole there is more disposition to sell than to buy. In Railsoad,stocks a decided 1 - onrish feeling is manifest, and nearly r.II .ec nlati ye Shares have heavily (!.. • I !Aid. North Western and preferred ar 3 per cent. lower; Cleveland, 1 pal cent.; Fort Wayne, 14. Erie remains steady and New York Central unchanged. The Express shares are slightly off. Wall street is al ways ready to speculate, but to do this they must haver the outside public as pur chasers, in order to go short; if the public would stay away from that place for six months two-thirds of the houses in the vi cinity would be converted into pork houses. 'Oar local money market works close. yet there is no stringency. Business is dull. OFFICE OIKTEHS PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, December 9, 1868. The general markets, although devoid of anything that is- new or important, are showing a little more strength and espe cially is this true in regard to Flour and Grain. The demand, however as yet is mainly local, there being little or no inqui ry for shipment, but with diminished re ceipts and reduced stocks, there is a firmer .1 feeling, and prices are tending upward. APPLE BUTTER-Demand is better and market firmer but prices are unchanged, 79 t 075, in kegs, and 80 to 85, in crocks. APPLES-There is a contined good de mand, and the market is firmer but un changed; regular sales at $3,00 to $4,50 per barrel. BUTTER-Prime to choice Roll is quoted at 40 to 44, and medium do at 36 to 38. BEANS--$3,50 to $3,75 per bushel. ' BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-434 to Sc. CHEESE -Dull and unchanged, ranging all the way from 15 to 20, according to quality. CIDER-Dull; 16 to $9 per bbl. CRANBERRIES-Sales of prime to chre Eastern Cultivated at $23 to $25 per • ba el. DRIED FRUIT -Demand fair but prices are unchanged; sales Peaches at 12 for '4 q tars, and 14 to 15 fur halves. Apples 10 t GS-In lie, asto goo qu d supply ality. and fresh packed cannot be quoted above 33c. HkY-Is in rather better demand and higher; we are cognizant of prime baled having been sold on wharf at 127. • Quota- , . lions may be given at $2O to $27, as to' I quality. i HOMINY-Sales" at $6,50 to the trade, and $7 in a retail w43'.." POTATOES-Sales of Peach Blows at 75 to 80c by the ' car t :load, and 80c to 85e, in store. ...-•: . GRAIN . . Wheat is in better demand and firm'npri-and Red Winter may be quoted at $1,85,t0 11,90, the latter figure for choice. Rye is considerably firmer, undei the in fluence of an increased demand, and pricsi are tending upward; we continue _ to quote at $1,45 to 11,48. Oats steady but unchanged at 62 to 63c on track and wharf, and 65 to 66 in store. Corn is scarce and tending upward; sales of new at 75 to 80c, and old at $1 to $1,05, the latter figure for strictly prime Yellow. Barley is firmer but irregular, and cannot be quo ted correctly. °occasional. small sales of prime Spring at $2, and Fall at $2,10 to 11,15. POULTRY-Sales of dressed Turkeys at 15r, and Chickens at 12c. • LARD-Is firm and in good demand-at 16Mc, In tierces, and 173 c, in kegs, for prime kettle rendered. LARD OIL-Is firmer and in limited suPply 'hut unchanged; we continue to quote • No. 2at $1,23 to 11,25,a1id No. lat 11,48 to 11,50. ONIONS-Firmer; 11,504t0 81,75 per bush- . el, as to quality. '. ;.31ESS PORK-Is firmer, and may. be quoted at $26 to the trade, and 826,50, in a jobbing way. SALT-Allegheny River brands quoted at $l,BO to $1,85 on track, and $2 in store. .FLOUR -The market is firmer, and there ilia slightly improved - demand, but, ' as yet, there is no material advance in prices. We Continue to quoted at $7,50 to $8 for Spring Wheat, and 1.9,50 to $lO,OO for Winter. Rye ' Flour, $7,75 to 18,00. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made of the best ' Wheat, as follows: Extra Family Flour, in barrels, at $9,50, and, in sacks, $9,20 per. • barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $10,20, and, in sacks, $9,80.. per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour,in barrels, $B,OO, and, in sacks, $7,70 per barrel.. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, $9,50, and, in sacks, $9,20 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 110,00, and, In sacks , $9,70 per bar rel, and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and 17,70, in sacks, per barrel. , WHISKY-Sales of High Wines reported - at $1 to $1,02. FEATHERS-Balea to the trade at 75 to 80 for live geese, and 85 to 90 in a retail way. - PEANUTS -Quoted at $2. PH. B. MERTZ. PITTSI3URGH PETROLEUM MARKET OFFICE OP THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNEsDAY, December 9, 1868. 12 Since the Ist instant, (says the Titusville . Herald,) "there has been four or five wells „._ struck, one of which is producing 240 bar ., rots per day, but we do not bedew) that the production has been inerea.sed from what it was during the last two days of Novem ber." We notice that the Herald continues to talk very freely about the - "bulls" and "bears" and their manipulations of the market. It says "that there is an impres. Bien among dealers that a "bear" move ment has begun, and it was reported that parties connected with the late "bull" operation in New York, were sellers on • . the creek" After what transpired on Tuesday, however, the "bears" must have turned "bulls" again, as an advance of a cent and a half was established; this was- I attributed mainly to an :apprehension that 1 an attempt will be made some time this month to bring about a "corner," but from all that we can learn we do not believe that such a movement:is contemplated. It is evident, however, that some of the "shorts" wore frightened, and it was these parties buying to "cover" that caused the ' . ' advance on Tuesday. I 1 .-- - CRUDE. The. market continues strong, and was somewhat excited to-day, and especially I . I was this the case in regard to spot, and ate this months' delivery. As has been th • case for some days, the demand is fe stricted mainly to early deliveries, and as the stock is almost exhausted, and the offerings insignificant, holders experi- . - • enced no difficuitY, in establishing an ad vance of half a cent! Spot oil is held firmly at 1230, and we can report a sale of 2,000 , barrels, first six months next year, at 1235; 3,000 do do, same delivery and option, (40 to 46 gravity) at 12,4 c, and 5,000 bias, Feb. ruary to June, seller,s option, at 1210. Thus, it will be seen that 123. c is the sten- dard price for almost any delivery within. the next six months. REFINED The market for Refined was also firm and ' I somewhat excited today for spot as well as all the month; and compared , with yes- - terday, an advance of half a cent has been I made. We can rePort 500 - bblis first half - • i December at 31; 500 do do at 31).0 1,500 last i half at 34i; and 1,000 to be delivered on. , the,3lst instant at 31. For future deliver- 4 ' ies, there is next to nothing doing; but this . appears to the fault of selers more than . I buyers. All the year, 500 to 1,000 bbls nor month may be'quoted at 32 to 32M; and the ! last six months at 33. BYAVOIL SHIPPED. R. it. H. Koehler fi co.. 50. bbls refined to i. Waring, Kin Logang & C & So., toekdal l'hiladelphia. • , Fawcett, 150 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia., 1 & Nat. Ref. Co., 500 do do to F. A. Dil cv :• N th Co., Philadelphia, - . Livingston & Bros., 200 do do' to War-- - den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. NNNN Lockhart. Frew & Co., -206 do do to - War- den, Frew dtpo.. Philadelphia. . Total shipments Relined • mg - OIL SHIPPED EAST FROM. DUQUESNE DEPOT. G. W. Holdship & Co., 59 do do to War.. ing, King & CO., Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyon, 385 do do to W. P. -Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. Total shipments Relined St. Leaks Cattle Market. • (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ST. Louis, December IX—Hogs are stiff' and in demand, and prices ranged at $7,50 a 8,25. The number of hogs killed to date amounts to 11.000. Cattle are firm and higher for best grades, and sales were made at 1.5,50450 for prime to extra, • PITTSBURGH MARKETS. - ... 454•
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